Mind Map Example

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delivery frequency
able to
Mindmap for inventory management = cost of goods sold
order size = inventory days (inventory-days-on-hand)
conditions deliver Working capital / average annual stock
service / 365 days
make-to-stock + accounts receivable days (order-to-cash cycle)
payment terms product type
make-to-order - accounts payable days (purchase-to-pay cycle)
ordering costs batch size stock inventory + work in process
changeover costs = turnover
inventory costs safety stock = turnover rate = current assets accounts receivable
/ total assets
out-of-stock costs + fixed assets cash
transit inventory Inventory fInancIaL
seasonal products
anticipation inventory functIon IMpact return on assets = turnover
public holidays materials
holidays in general inventory = profit
demand fluctuation x gross margin - costs employees
capacity inventory
set up time types
/ turnover depreciation

production capacity
capacity utilization rate
supply chain risk
Work In Process(WIP)

strategic stock
1 administration

ordering costs handling

no demand dead stock shipping adminstration
spare parts warranty stock set up costs down time
logistic costs
regulatory requirements insurance inventory changeover
supplier owned consignment stock (floor) space set up
effective inventory cost interest
ordered inventory economic inventory inventory risk fire
+ physical inventory + reserved inventory first in first out (fifo) insurance cost theft
cycle counting costs
last in first out (lifo)
introduction determine product range
assortment Inventory weighted average net price
growth product life cycle
management Management inventory valuation standard net price
planning promotions current net price
relapse & phase out make-to-stock
maintain supplier relation strategic products deliver-from-stock
strategic inventory vendor asssemble-to-order
bottleneck products basic structure
Dual Sourcing management make-to-order
Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) routine products buy & make-to-order
managing delivery conditions lever products Push demand forecast
s,Q-model fixed order quantity Pull replenishment
variable order time inventory items

4 3
s,S-model variable order quantity order ABC- of Pareto-analysis
inventory value product
R,Q-model fixed order quantity fixed order time
inventory items
R,S-model variable order quantity
inventory value product = turnover (against net price)
inventory turnover rate analyses XYZ-analysis
inventory value turnover rate
/ average inventory
inventory days executIon LogIstIcaL information Inventory weeks
delivery reliability logistics customers
performance concept
% on time in full contribution suppliers
Inventory reliability products
# out-of-stocks Creators Mindmap: Inventory Management Software/System
% SKUs in stock systems Warehouse Management System (WMS)

# backorders Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
dead stock Electronic Point Of Sale system (EPOS)
holding costs
organization inventory management centralized
Plan - Do - Check - Act improve SUPPLY CHAIN decentralized competencies
data movemeNt inventory managers
responsibility management recruitment
update master files products education
cycle counting

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