Final Report of SIP
Final Report of SIP
Final Report of SIP
MBA (Agri-Business) Programme
Faculty of Basic Science & Humanities
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University
Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar-848125
Signature of student
Ranjeet Thakur
The satisfaction Euphoria that accompanies the successful completion of any work
would be incomplete unless we mention the name of the person, who made it possible, who
constant guidance and encouragement served as a beckon of light and crowned our efforts
with success. I consider it a privilege to express through the pages of this report, a few words
of gratitude and respect to those who guided and inspired in the completion of this project.
My sincere gratitude to Mr. Alok Marodia, CEO, Mr. Aayush Marodia, Director Sales
and Marketing of the company who gave me the opportunity to do summer internship in Pan
Seeds Pvt. Ltd. , Kolkata.
I express my deepest thanks and gratitude to my project guide Mr. Anmol Kumar,
Regional Manager (Bihar State) and Mr. Shambhu Kumar Sales Officer Pan Seeds Pvt. Ltd.,
for providing me a wonderful opportunity and learning environment during the course of my
internship. This project is a result of his teaching, encouragement and inputs in the numerous
meetings he had with me, despite his busy schedule.
I would like to express a token of appreciation to Dr. S.P. Singh, Co-ordinator (MBA
Agri-business) DRPCAU, Pusa, for providing me the opportunity to work with such a prestigious
organization and his guidance, which has always been there with all the student of MBA (Agri-
business) programme.
Its my pleasure to thanks other faculty members Dr. D.K Sinha, Dr. Pankaj Singh, Dr.
A.K Chouudhary, Prof. S.K Jha, Ms. Supriya Singh and all faculty members of MBA
(Agribusiness) for rendering the all help in all academic matters.
I express mine immense thanks to all farmers, Dealers and Consultants of different blocks
of Darbhanga (Bihar) who co-operated me during the project and given me number of
informations which proved fruitful in my report completion.
At last, I am very much thankful to my friends who co-operated me during the whole
period of project and loving seniors for their kind cooperation and suggestion during the whole
Ranjeet Thakur
Ranjeet Thakur, a student of MBA (Agri-business) with Registration No. MBA (AGB)
/164/2016-17 from Dr.Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University. I had completed my
Two month summer internship in the partial fulfilment of my MBA (Agri-business) degree at
Pan Seeds Private Limited in Nalanda district of Bihar, started from june 2017 and it came to an
end on July 2017. My project title is COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS & STOCK
Ranjeet Thakur
Registration No. MBA (AGB) /164/2016-17
Mr Anmol Kumar, Regional Business Manager of Pan Seeds Private Limited was
assigned me this project as mentor. Under his esteem guidance, I have completed my four
internship project titled COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS & STOCK
DISTRICT OF BIHAR. successfully.
I will be always grateful for his inspiring co-operation during completion of this project
Pan Seeds is one of the leading rice seeds company in Eastern India. The company started
its operation with marketing of Jute Seeds and later made a foray into the rice seed business. The
company promotes its seeds under the brand name "PAN". The singular focus of the brand is to
deliver "Quality Seed to the Farmer" and the commitment to Quality has resulted in Pan Seeds
being recognized by the farmers as a premium brand. The brand today commands the highest
premium in most segments.
Over the years the company has emerged as a multi-product seed company including
wheat and vegetable seeds, with rice breeding and production as its major strength and guiding
Pan Seeds was set up in the year 1975 as a single product company engaged in the
production and marketing of Jute Seeds. About a decade later, the focus shifted to Rice Seeds as
Eastern India was having the largest cultivated area under Rice in the country. The foray into
Rice met with huge success simply because of the company's commitment to providing quality
seeds to the farmers. The goodwill earned by the company over the years accelerated its growth
in Rice seeds beyond expectations. This led the company to expand its market from West Bengal
to other parts of Eastern India like Bihar , Jharkhand , Chattisgarh and Easten Uttar Pradesh. A
large number of distributors are now engaged with the company in these areas.
The balance 35 % of the business comprises of other crops like vegetable seeds, oilseeds,
fiber crop seeds, wheat seeds, Potato seeds, and Agriculture Hand Sprayers. Most of our products
are well established in the market and our showing signs of a good increase the sales, we at Pan
Seeds are committed towards a very vibrant future for all our stakeholders.
Heres how
To produce good quality seed so as to provide for a good life for all stakeholder
(Farmers, Channel Partners, Employees and Society).
Core Values:
Area Manager
Sales Officer
Field Assistant
Pan Seeds Pvt. Ltd. is a leading producer of hybrid and inbred rice seeds in Eastern India.
We have developed several varieties of rice which cater to the different weather conditions, land
conditions, crop duration and grain size that is demanded in different locations.
As per the altitude of the land the water holding capacity is depended. By this parameter
the lands are differentiated into three types, higher land, medium land, and lower land.
In case of higher land the water holding capacity is very weak, and it is totally depended
upon the rainfall. So in this type of land an artificial mud dam is made to hold the water in the
harvested land, in local language this type of land is called TADIHAN. The paddy crops of short
duration are very suitable for this type of land. The medium lands are having medium altitude,
here the water holding capacity is not so weak and not so strong. In this type of land the rain and
well water are main sources, and in heavy rainfall to maintain the water limit the drainage system
is employed to the harvesting area. So the medium duration paddy crops (120-125 days) are very
appropriate to use in this type of land. So in local language this type of land called MADHAYM.
The lower altitude lands are basically the dried up ponds. The water holding capacity is very
high to this type of land. The water remains stagnant throughout 4 to 5 months. The long
duration crops are very necessary to harvest in these types of lands (140-150 days). These types
of lands are called JADIHAN in local language.
The different types of paddy seeds are available in markets can divided into three divisions.
Open pollinated (OP) variety, improved (research) variety, and hybrid variety. In PAN
Seeds the available varieties of paddy seeds (in Gaya District) with different types of lands are
shown as follows-
Variety of lands OP paddy seeds Research paddy Hybrid paddy seeds
Higher altitude lands MTU 1010 PAN 5010, PAN (R)
GANGA (P) 815 PAN2423
100-110 days
PAN 807
Middle altitude lands IR-64 Lalat GANGA (W) 105 PAN 2112
PAN 805 PAN 1566
120-130 days
Lower altitude lands MTU 1001 PAN 804 (Yamuna) PAN 2007 (Plus)
MTU 7029 PAN 819 (Ranjana)
140-145 days
Badashah Bhog
Rajendra Mansuri
Marketing strategies
To understand any business for example production and marketing of paddy seeds, it is
important to have knowledge of the overall demand and supply situation price trend and
Profit maximization
It is not profitable to sell your products far away from the market if you have very small
quantity of the product. You incur high transport cost which reduces your profit. It is
better to sell at slightly lower prices locally than paying high transport cost to sell in
faraway markets.
Paddy Farmers may think of sharing transport cost to the market. This will results in
higher volumes being offered for sale.
Extension officers can assist by:
Organizing farmers into groups
Promoting collection centers
Use various marketing and social media to get your product to the masses without
spending an enormous amount on advertising/publicity.
Focus on Nutritional Value: Use scientific based guides and reports to convince paddy
farmers to buy your seeds. This will convince them to buy.
Give the market the right product (consumer/customer preference).
The market wants paddy seeds that will produce a good harvest, of appropriate quality.
Farmers should therefore know how to produce good quality paddy seeds to meet the
needs of farmers.
Add value to your paddy seeds make more money
Proper processing and packaging will attract more farmers to buy your seeds.
Keeping detailed daily records is very important to know if you are gaining or loosing.
1. Free Sample distribution: Firstly in this type of practice the field officer must identify
which areas are dominated by which types of paddy seeds. Means if any area is accustomed
by Hybrid variety harvesting, then this area should be selected for Hybrid varieties. Few free
samples of Hybrid varieties are distributed to the farmers, in presence of local farmers. Thus
this process is repeated for research and hybrid variety. After sample distribution regular
field monitoring and follow up should be taken.
2. Field demonstration: After free sample distribution, field demonstration very necessary.
Here after the crops are matured and time come for harvesting. The field officer should
gathered some amount of local farmers and demonstrate the result in following steps-
Some unit area in the field, where that distributed free samples are ploughed, should
be selected (say 1 square meter of the field).
Then the field officer should demonstrate to the farmers about the expenses for
harvesting that unit areas crop, so that he can show the total field expense.
After that this result should compared by field officer to other competitors products
to farmers.
Most necessarily the field officer should show the counting of fruits of every stalk of
paddy plants to the farmers.
3. Farmers Meeting: Sales officer meet his local village level dealer and put the proposal to
conduct one farmers meeting in village. With the co-operation of some leader farmers and
dealers make possible to conduct farmers meeting in center of village. Try to get maximum
farmers in meeting and build up strong reputation for company and product. The meeting
starts with understanding the requirements and needs of the farmers in that respective area.
Then their wants and desire should be evaluated by sales officer. According to their needs,
wants and desires the sales officer should propose them suitable products of this company.
And also with that the method of harvesting to maximize their yield. With that explain about
company back ground, their product range and superiority over other company products.
Invites some farmers those got result from field demonstrations and give time to share their
experience of using such product.
4. Printed Literatures: Distributes various literatures which covers information regarding
products range, product photos, time durations, yields per acre land, methods for harvesting,
5. Van Campaigns: Van campaigns consists of the product model that along with audio and
poster display, and handbill distribution conduct a strong campaigns that helps to promote the
product on a wider basis. With the audio it is possible to convey the information regarding
the product to many farmers in limited time in any given area. It is considered to be a very
effective marketing tool as it attracts the farmers and grab their attention and tries to
positions the product image and name very effectively in farmers mind and that too for long
6. In store Displays: In store displays include posters, hoardings and flex displaying inside the
stores that provide the necessary information regarding the product along with any schemes
or offers on that products. The posters and hoardings are designed in such a way to make the
data clearly visible and understandable so that it attracts the farmers attention. It should have
clear tagline or caption in it which provides Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to the farmers.
7. Newspaper and TVs: Newspaper and TVs are considered to be an effective and impact
creating media as they are the best source to convey the messages to the target customers.
8. Short film Display: Farmers are attract very easily this type of promotion activity. In this
type of film may include company profile, about the product and realize the necessity of
quality seeds.
9. Canopy: Canopy is also the very effective promotion tool in rural marketing. At the time of
promotion activity list out the local villages Hatdays and canopy advertisement at that day.
10. Select Most Potential Famer (MPF): Selection of MPF in potential villages is very
effective promotion tool because farmers are influence towards the product if local farmer
advertise the product.
This project title Comparative Market Analysis & Stock Management of Pan Seeds with
rival Companies in Nalanda District of Bihar. started under the Pan Seeds Private Limited. This
project report is the outcome of the two months project training of MBA (Agri-Business). This
project will helps in Comparative analysis of the marketing practices of PAN Seeds and its
This project also helps assess the promotion strategy of the company with reference to both
retailers and farmers and determine and analyze the market potential of Hybrid paddy in the
given market.
Thus, the nature of the project is purely survey based which compiled qualitative and
1. To determine and analyze the market potential of Hybrid paddy in the given market.
3. To assess the promotion strategy of the company with reference to both retailers and
5. Comparative analysis of the marketing practices of PAN Seeds and its competitors.
Indian agriculture has come a long way since the Green Revolution of the late 1960s.
India presents an interesting scenario: both GDP and food grain production in the country have
risen faster than the growth in population over the last 50 years. But now the situation is
becoming alarming as the agricultural growth has been static in recent years. The enormity of the
problem is indicated by the fact that the during the 10 year period 1997-98 to 2006-07, our food
grain production has grown at an average annual rate of only 1%. Interestingly, while the nation
rejoices at the recovery in food grain production at 241.6 million tons in 2010-11 with 6.6%
growth, the fact remains that it is only marginal increase over the production of 233.88 million
tons in 2008-09. The total demand estimate for food grains will touch 280 million tons by 2020.
To achieve the forgoing amount of production a growth rate of 4% in agricultural sector has to
be maintained over next 15 years. It is very important that the economic growth fosters social
equity. For this the agricultural growth should be in the forefront of our national GDP growth.
Therefore the focus of the Second Green Revolution or the so called Evergreen
Revolution is on ensuring food and nutritional security to the Indian populace especially below
poverty line population which constitutes around 28% of the Indian population. With practically
no more land to farm and some depletion of the agricultural land, this miracle is not easy to
achieve. Science and technology have to play a big role. High productive seeds, private sector
involvement and expenditure on long stalled irrigation schemes are the keys to achieving higher
production. Hence a Second Green Revolution that maximizes productivity and generates
income and employment opportunities for the rural population is need of hour. As the most
critical of all farm inputs in agricultural production, SEED holds the key for increased
productivity. Coupled with biotechnology and other crop improvement technologies, seeds offer
tremendous opportunity for improving the productivity of Indian Agriculture.
Indian seed Industry is one of the most mature and vibrant one in the world currently
occupying the 6th position with nearly 9000 Crore turnover. During the past 5 years the Indian
Seed Industry has been growing at a CAGR of 12% compared to global growth of 6-7%. In value
terms the major growth has come from the increased adoption of Bt cotton hybrids, single cross
corn hybrids and hybrid vegetables. The volume growth has mainly come through increased
Seed Replacement Rate in crops like Paddy and Wheat. Indian seed industry is undergoing wide
ranging transformation including increased role of private seed companies, entry of MNCs, joint
ventures of Indian companies with multinational seed companies and consolidations.
Indian Seed Industry is poised to grow at a CAGR of 17% for next 4 years. By 2014,
India will rank at No 3 or 4 in the Global Seed Business.
Though there may not be significant increase in the market size of Hybrid Cotton, the
value additions like Herbicide tolerance will significantly improve the market value.
Adoption of high value single cross maize hybrid seed is growing fast.
With the IPR in place through PPV&FR Act more private bred open pollinated varieties
in rice, wheat and soybean will be available to the farmers.
The Seed Replacement Rates will improve with the raising farming income and
New Biotech traits will further boost the Seed Market Value.
This growth is expected as a result of many drivers, some of which have been addressed
below. All the drivers should work in tandem to achieve the goal. They are interlinked and not
exclusive. For example, the improvement in SRR will happen through technology up gradation
and extension work and the government policies will be crucial in achieving this growth.
India is blessed with 2nd largest arable land, 15 major agro-climatic zones in the world
and 46 soil types out of total 60 types of soil in the world. This diversity gives us opportunity to
conduct breeding and evaluation research for most parts of the world. More importantly, the
Indian farmer is innovative and quick adopter of new technologies. The example of adoption of
Bt cotton is quoted worldwide. The inherent strength of the country is a combination of values,
culture and traditions apart from physical properties. This has been demonstrated to the whole
world by attaining self-sufficiency in food grain production through the Green Revolution.
While the seed replacement among hybrids in crops like Cotton, Sunflower, Bajra, and
Jowar is 100%, the SRR in OPVs is suboptimal in Indian Agriculture. The growth in SRR for
some crops. To achieve the future growth, the industry along with public extension system needs
to improve the SRR from current status by 2 to 17% depending on the crop.
The immediate need is to improve SRR in food crops like Paddy, Wheat and Pulses. The private
Industry has entered into this area with significant R&D investments after PPV & FR Act
enactment, and we can see the growing market for proprietary varieties in these crops. Maize is
another crop where the SRR is very low in certain agro-climatic zones like Rajasthan the state
with largest maize area. Suitable hybrids for this region shall see steep growth in SRR.
New Technologies:
Seed is the basic carrier of technologies to improve productivity. The whole world was
amazed to see at the rate of adoption of Bt cotton. Here the new technology means any
innovation in seed which the farmer finds good value for money. It can be a biotech trait and/or
new hybrid/ variety and/or value addition to seed. Apart from Public investments in R&D, there
has been spurt of major investments by private sector in Biotech/Breeding Research. The private
industry is also sponsoring research in the National and International research institutions either
individually or through consortium platform. We can expect hybrids in rice with wider
adaptability with fine grain quality. This will push the growth of seed industry in a very
significant way. Biotech traits on several important crops are ready for launch at various stages
of regulatory process.
Extension Services
Taking the new agronomic practices to the farmers is a challenge. One cannot expect
every useful information to have Bt cotton effect. Therefore it is essential to reach the farmers
and train them to practice the cultivation in more effective and profitable way. The existing
extension network of the public system is handicapped with lack of knowledge upgradation.
Perhaps the best way forward is to have a PPP extension model with private sector participation
either individually or thru the input associations like NSAI, FAI etc. Some companies have
already signed agreements with the state governments to partner in their extension work. This
needs to be expanded across the country.
With the increase in the Income there is change in the lifestyle and habits of Indian
population to consume more fruits and vegetables. Area and production is increasing due to
demand generated by higher incomes. This would create more demand for hybrid vegetable seed.
GM traits will add further value e.g. Bt Brinjal. The current vegetable seed market size of about `
900 Crores is likely to double in next 3-4 years
Geographical expansion
Companies are exploring opportunities in the export markets in Asian countries such as
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Srilanka, Myanmar, Indonesia, and Malaysia and African countries like
Tanzania, Ghana, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan and Kenya. The limited availability of hybrid seeds in
these countries and the potential adaptability of Indian crop germplasm offer a huge opportunity
to the Indian seed players. With minimum incremental R&D cost, business expansion can be
done in these countries. More than 80 Indian companies have invested Rs. 11300 Crores in East
Africa for food grain production & plantation crops. These companies are looking for better seed
from India. But before going to foreign lands, we should take the seed to the regions within the
country where the Seed Industry is almost non-existent like North Eastern States.
Green Revolution in late 60s became possible because of unflinching public and political
support and policy backing for new technology. The country again needs similar support from all
quarters, particularly in policy backing in the following areas
Recently Seed Industry has become very attractive for the investors. Indian investors are
eagerly looking for many IPOs from Seed Industry. As the Govt. allows FDI in selected agri-
sectors including seed production, private equity Firms such as Blackstone and Summit partners
have taken stakes in Nuziveedu and Krishidhan Seeds respectively. The capital infusion will
facilitate infrastructure development that is required for faster growth of Indian Seed Industry.
These above drivers will have to be simultaneously activated to achieve the set goal. The
prospects of growth are in the safe hands of young entrepreneurs / professional who are now
managing the Indian Seed Industry. Their enthusiasm is evident by the numbers of their active
participation in the National and International events like APSA Congress, ISF, and ISC etc.
The seed industry in India going through rapid changes, unlike in past now there are
varieties of good products in the market. The study will help in knowing the consumer behavior
towards the use of hybrid seed of vegetable crops. The work will be of great importance for
Scientists, Extension officers and companys sales promotions. NSC Possesses the unique selling
proposition it becomes more important for the company to study the satisfaction and awareness
certified seed and know the market position of the NSC Company
1. Bayer 90MT
2. VNR 80MT
3. Pioneer 70MT
4. Syngenta 20MT
6. Mahyco 10MT
7. U.S 10MT
8. PAN 20MT
9. Advanta 5MT
Total 300MT
Research is a common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Here the research
methodology followed is descriptive research. It includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries. The
descriptive research design must make enough provision for protection against bias and must
maximize reliability.
Descriptive research
The research is to describe the data and characteristics about what is being studied. The
idea behind this type of research is to study frequencies, averages, and other statistical
calculations. Although this research is highly accurate, it does not gather the causes behind a
situation. Descriptive research is mainly done when a researcher wants to gain a better
understanding of a specific topic. Descriptive research is the exploration of the existing certain
phenomena. The details of the facts won't be known. The existing phenomena's facts are not
known to the person.
SAMPLING UNITS: Farmer who grow the Paddy and Seed seller.
Primary Data:
It is source from which the researcher collects the data. It is a firsthand data, which is
used directly for the analysis purposes. Primary data always gives the researcher a fairer picture.
In this study, primary data plays a vital role for analysis, interpretation, conclusion and
It is source from which the researcher collects the data. It is a firsthand data, which is
used directly for the analysis purposes. Primary data always gives the researcher a fairer picture.
In the present study primary data has been collected using questionnaires. For the purpose of
collecting the same, 50 farmers have been selected and 30 retailers & 1 distributor have been
concerned. In this study, primary data plays a vital role for analysis, interpretation, conclusion
and suggestions. The questionnaires were structured non-disguised questionnaire because the
questions, which the questionnaire contained, were arranged in a specific order besides every
question asked was logical for the study; no question can be termed as irrelevant. The
questionnaire, were non-disguised because the questionnaire were constructed so that the
objective is clear to the respondent. The respondents were aware of the objective.
The district of Nawada, which acquired the status of an independent district on the 26th
January, 1973 has a rich heritage and close linkage with its parent district of Gaya. The district
has got 2 subdivisions viz., Nawada and Rajauli and 14 Community Development Blocks, viz.,
Nawada, Hisua, Narhat, Sirdala, Kashichak, Nardiganj, Roh, Rajauli, Akbarpur, Meskaur,
Gobindpur, Pakri Barawan, Kawakole and Warisaliganj. The district is bounded, on the
north by Nalanda and Sheikhpura districts, on the south by the State of Jharkhand, on the east by
the district of Jamui and on west by the district of Gaya. The history of Nawada is part of the
history of the ancient empire of Magadh which included the undivided districts of Patna and
Gaya. This empire gained prominence during the reign of king Bimbisar of Haranyakakul
dynasty. During this period both Buddha and Mahabir preached their doctrines. This entire
region in those days was full of forests, wild animals and aboriginal tribes. Even today a
considerable part of the district say nearly 20 percent, is spread over the hills and forests situated
towards south and west and mainly contained in the belt of Rajauli, Gobindpur, Kawakole, Hisua
and Sirdala Blocks. The influence of Buddhism and Jainism at that time could extend only to the
northern parts of the district of Nawada. Lord Buddha stayed in the undivided district of Gaya
for a long time and he preached in many parts of the district of Nawada including Kurkihar,
Parwati and Tapowan. Lord Mahabir also visited the northern parts of Nawada district.
There are 129 uninhabited villages (out of 1,084 total villages) in the district of Nawada.
Pakri Barwan (under Pakribarawan C.D. Block) is the most populated village (34,715)
and Pipra (under Roh C.D. Block) is the least populated village in the district.
C.D. Block Rajauli has the highest number of villages (163) in the district and C.D.
Block Kashi Chak has the lowest number of villages (33).
Ranigadar (under Kawakol C.D. Block) has the largest area (3,852 hectare) and
Sorahipur (under Warisaliganj C.D. Block) and Arghu Chak (under Meskaur C.D. Block)
have the smallest area (9 hectare each) among the villages in the district.
1. Administrative Unit
Block- 14
Nagar Nigam- 1
Villages- 1084
2. Population
Male- 1144668
Female- 1074478
3. Total Area
Yes No
Which company have highest liquidation rate for their Hybrid products?
Bayer Syngenta Pioneer VNR Pan Seeds Dhaanya
Which company have highest liquidation rate for their Research products?
Pan seeds Ankur Mali Krishi DNA Mahyco Dhaanya Ceres
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied
Which company satisfies you with the margin selling profit?
Better Margin Fixed rate from Contact to Dealer Meeting Good Quality
Company Company
Which companys promotional activities attract farmers most?
Bayer Syngenta Pan Seeds VNR Pioneer
Yes No
Are you satisfying with PAN Seeds promotional strategies?
Yes No
Yes No
Which companys packaging is best?
Yes No
Variety used by Respondent Farmers.
10% 3%
PAN 2007
Yes No
Are PAN Seeds Products, easily available to you?
Yes No
Yes No
Is the packaging of these products attracting you?
Yes No
When the first time you started to use the products of PAN Seeds
One Year Age Two Years Ago Three Years Ago Four or more Years
From where you heard about the company PAN Seeds Pvt. Ltd
From Retailer Poster/Banner From Staff From Farmer
What do you want from the company?
Farm Adviser Time to time farmer Help line Contact
1. Strong R & D wing.
2. Quality of the product.
3. Brand Image.
4. Strong market shares in OP-variety as well as some Research varieties.
5. Proprietorship-type structure of the company.
1. Lack of field-staff.
2. Unable to fulfil the demands.
3. Less effort on promotion.
4. Poor packaging of some varieties.
5. High Price of varieties.
1. Good brand image in Research varieties can be exploited for Hybrid varieties.
2. Due to decreasing rate of rainfall the farmers are moving towards Hybrid seeds which can be
The brand has very high demand condition to its Research variety (especially Jamuna), in
Nawada district.
The retailers were not taking interest to sale the product because less margin provided by
this company.
The farmers willing to have free sampling, field assistance, gift hampers, meeting and toll
free numbers. Retailers are demanding high in store display by posters and banners. That
This Year Fine Paddy were more demand in market but not promotion of Fine variety.
Packaging: On the rear side of the packets some directions regarding the sowing of the
crop should be there. Hanging facility should also be there in 1kg. Packing no other company is
having hanging facility in 1kg. Packets, which will distinguish our product from others. The
company should focus now more on 1kg. Packets rather than 3kg. packets since here we are in a
growing phase and it becomes tough for the retailers to push 3kg.
Packaging should in small bags because farmers purchase small bags frequently and
literature must be in the bags.
Promotional activities: The Company needs to increase the number of field-staff since
the area is large. During the weekly haats, a field-staff may be made to have a counter at the
haat-place only where he will make the farmers understand about the products and provide them
with location of the nearest retailer where the product is available. The toll free help line and
regular meeting can create brand image much stronger. The poster or banners must contain
happy faces to give the farmers more confident onto the products. A perfect Tag line also can be
useful for creating a unique selling proposition.
Effective Farmer Meeting, Bike Campaign, Wall painting, Coupon system, Farmer
Representative at potential village, Paper Advertisement, TV advertisement at local channel and
Demonstration are also better promotion activity.
Within 8 weeks study of market for a 40 years old company is not easy though some
important points have been identified. Nawada district is one of the great market for PAN Seeds
products, the demographic condition in these market suites the products of the company. But
there are numerous companies, also existed with their respective market shares. And they have
adopted various effective marketing strategies. To make sustainable of their existent this
company should be more focused about marketing strategies and other factors discussed as
To reduce sales return the company should be more aware of the capacity of the retailers
to sell products and thus the company should distribute their products.
The company should concentrate on one kilogram packaging and the packaging material
and graphics should be more attractive in order to get more attention.
The companys consistent quality to their products has already made good brand image,
though company should be more focused on promotional activities especially for Hybrid
and research seeds.
The banners, posters, handbills should be supplied well and on time to the retailers as to
motivate them properly.
The supply is not adequate for Research varieties so the production process with the
distribution should be checked properly in order to satisfy the demand.
The farmers meeting and field demonstration must be performed more frequently by the
To increase interest for the dealers and business partners the company should provide
some extra benefit like gift packages, foreign tour, to its business partners.
Overall the company has much potentiality to sustain and gain more market share in west
Bengal, UP, Bihar, Jharkhand and Assam, also to the other neighbor states.
2) Rate the attribute that compels you to select a particular seed company?
a) Yes b) No
5) Which company have highest liquidation rate for their hybrid products?
6) Which company have highest liquidation rate for their research products?
a) Kirtiman b) New-Geans c) Nuziveedu
d) Tata Dhanya e) PAN f) Other
a) Yes b)No
14) Please indicate the quantity of each seed company of Hybrid Paddy crops sold last year?
Suggestions: __________________________________________________________________