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Section My goals for this Actions to develop my Indicators of

2: BRiTE Resilience aspect: capability: success:

Short Term Goals (end of semester)
Module B: Building View practicum as an Take on board any Taking note of mentor
Resilience opportunity to take on constructive criticism or advice and
board new ideas and advice from my mentor implementing in future
Elements: suggestions. teacher as an opportunity lessons and
Resilient schools to grow and develop. instruction.
Resilient teachers Become improvement
Encourage students Acknowledge childrens Increased self-
resilience by support strengths and supporting efficacy, and positive
and encourage them them towards attitude towards
to reach high but achievement. learning, assessment
achievable Help children identify, and achievement in
expectations, including plan and work towards students.
in assessment tasks. personal learning goals. Decreased
related anxiety.
Module i: Wellbeing Take time out to rest Allocate sufficient time in A healthy work-life
and regulate stress the week for rest, balance.
Elements: levels. recovery, and leisure and Better managed
Personal wellbeing social activities away from prac/study/work-
Work-life balance studies and work. related stresses.
Make lists of priorities Decide the importance Actions are organised
to manage time and and urgency of tasks and based on priorities.
stress jobs, prioritising the most Time is better
important and urgent first, managed and used
and decide which jobs are more productively.
irrelevant, unnecessary or Reduced work and
unimportant. time-related stresses.
List and complete in order
of importance.
Long Term Goals (internship/early career)
Module B: Building Further develop self- Maintain affirmative self- Modelled resilience
Resilience efficacy in regards to thoughts such as self-belief in the form of a
work and life matters. and confidence in own positive mind-set and
Elements: abilities. ability to bounce-
Resilient schools back.
Resilient teachers Build support networks Discuss issues problems Professional school
with other teachers concerns and stresses. relationships and
and colleagues Ask for help and advice. support networks.

Module i: Wellbeing Think ahead and plan Identify specific stressful Applied problem-
to avoid the situations situations in the classroom solving strategies
Elements: that cause myself and develop go-to resulting in well
Personal wellbeing stress. strategies or courses of managed, organised
Work-life balance action to avoid the and productive
undesired outcomes in classroom.

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