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Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow - Manual - GBA
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Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow - Manual - GBA
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Manual for GBA game Castlevania Aria of Sorrow
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Manual for GBA game Castlevania Aria of Sorrow
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Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow - Manual - GBA
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Manual for GBA game Castlevania Aria of Sorrow
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KONAMI PRINTED INUSAPLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE SEPARATE HEALTH AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: BOOKLET INCLUDED WITH THIS PRODUCT BEFORE USING YOUR NINTENDO” HARDWARE SYSTEM, GAME PAK OR ACCESSORY. THIS BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: READ THE FOLLOWING WARNINGS BEFORE YOU OR YOUR CHILD PLAY VIDEO GAMES “ 4% AWARNING - Seizures * Some people (about 1 in 4000) may have seizures or blackouts triggered by light flashes or pattems, such as watching TV or piaying video games, even if they have never had a seizure before. * Anyone who has hada seizure, joss of awarent ‘or other symptom linked to an epileptic condition should: a doctor before playing a video game. * Parents should watch when their children play video games. Stop playing and consult a doctor i you or yout child) have any of the following symptoms: Convulsions Eye or musele twitching Loss of awareness Altered vision Involuntary movements: Disorientation To reduce the likelihood of a seizure when playing video games) 1. Sit or stand as far from the screen as possible. 2. Play video games on the smallest available television screen. 3. Do not play if you are tired or need sleep. 4, Piay ina wellit room. 5. Take a 1010 15 minute break every hour. AsWARNING - Repetitive Motion Injuries and Eyestrain Piaying video games can make your muscles, joints, skin or eyes hurt after a few hours, Follow these instructions to avoid problems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, skin irritation or eyestrain: * Avoid excessive play. It is recommended that parents manitor their children for appropriate play. * Take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour, even if you don't think you need it. * If your hands, wrists or arms or eyes become tired or sore while playing, stop and ‘est them for several hours before playing again. * Ifyou continue to have sore hands, wrists or arms or eyes during or atter play, stop playing and see a doctor. AAWARNING - Battery Leakage Leakage of battery acid can cause personal injury as well as damage to your Game Boy. if battery leakage occurs, thoroughly wash the affected skin and clothes. Keep battery acid away from your eyes and mouth, Leaking batteries may make popping sounds. ; To avoid battery leakage: * Donnot mix used and new batteries (replace all batteries at the same time). Do not mix alkaline and carbon zinc batteries. Do not mix different brands of batteries. Do not use nickel cadmium batteries. Do not leave used batteries in the Game Boy. When the batteries are losing their charge, the power light may become dim, the game sounds may.become weak, or the display screen may be blank. When this hanpens, promptly replace all used batteries with new batteries. * Do not leave batteries in the Game Boy or accessory for long periods of non-use. * Do not leave the power switch on after the batteries have lost thair charge, When you finish using the Game Boy, always slide the pawer switch OFF. + Do not recharge the batteries. + Do not put the batteries in backwards. Make sure that the positive (+) and negative (-) ends are facing inthe correct directions. insert the negative end first. When removing batteries, remove the positive end first. + Do not dispose of batteries in a fire. :THIS GAME PAK WILL WORK ONLY WITH THE The official seal is your assurance [ie Mebane et nlf that this product is licensed or SERED GAME SESTEMS. manufactured by Nintendo. Alwoays ‘THIS GAME PAK INCLUDES & MULTIPLAYER MOD} look for this seal when buying WHICH REQUIRES A GAME BOY® ADVANGE video game systems, accessories, games ames ee tee and related Cer wrt Oho 00, meeeereernen products. Savinc & LOADING eee AV NYO) 4 3 See eeoeerene eee a BuTTON CONTROLS Boi 0 Sas 10) 10 2. ee eeneeereE a Important Legal Information CHARACTER ATTRIBUTES on ped ing ota . y 00 Starus Sc MENUS .. SoU RN ener ie © auc rfets 0) 5) Ensen eprees Postertsty Sree EeEeTE? es = Sass 5 bat Violence ee We Ge i 5 nbiorea y a CF Geog at Ur (ood © aug (07 BRCTo] 11 2 eae eee ee 4 Animated Blood ed access Sour. TRADE 3 f rere va warranty, Nint sis CLrW sla ecrone re tribution) isnot responsible for any Sour Trapinc & Cormp fortes mee damage or loss caused by tho use of any such d ET BERET carve o ston operating. clacornec ha gover casa ad oorionee : (erree Cape tes Co) 3 ac eee = 20 ‘normal game iy, If your gama cease and you have no refers ea er eee 7 : on S + Birra eee eTocs ‘The contents of this notice do nat interfere with you x eee “Thi boil dd obi ped roierle scrim : yeiest Ole fre eee eee and erator! NINTENDO, GAME 80Y, GAME BOY ADVANCE ANDTHE OFFICIAL SEAL ARE TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO, N NINTENDO, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.BU ee ES aa Earn nee me eT ee eee acrea Cerne Mm PME SMe eee AO aa CR sae etm ere a Mey osc Mc) Shae ear Ce RUMI u re eM Ce ua eee et cee ele ee PT ps aps eta ai eR eee eRe Leo Pee ce ce nL ara RTM acs a Td DMC CM aM ece Mer eel ca ei a eee eee me eet acme a RS ie But, for some strange reason, the stairway leading up to the get through the shrine gate, my senses began to dim, Ce ee ee ee DT OL CCU mn Coe Lc OMe cr MRR act aca ge ee aa er eet ulate srs Wen eee emer Lae e Tak er nL id rh La ara Tay carne orn eco aa ee cere ace Ce eM piecemeal a (GaME START: Begin a new game or load a previously saved game. SOUL TRADE: Exchange Tactical Souls with other players via the ceo en Game Link® Cable (sold ence) Roane Neri AeI SI er ae eZ OLR eae Us R i aid Co Ea i i eens rarer kee Le A ae eer eer eee aD Sey Rn Crna eet ca i, GAME Over iro ert Ney ae ome era Rc Pressing the A Button will return you to the Title Screen,SAVING & LOADING Sie EN) reed le A GAME B "2 A a renee prereset ime gains experience while advancing Roane koa = save a game (character level, experience points, tems and game progress) onto the Game Bake Whes the game is next played, previously saved data may be loaded and played from the point where the user ria ais re Save game file from the Select Data screen, A maximum of three save files may Ce RC ra a Reem Roe Un ante Ree oie eee Tn Teter Pa aye mi. Loap Dra oem Re eC niece Med Bricd Mia eset aa cg enero mel a eo Rr a a mY See ee era a permanently saved game. When sleep game data is loaded, the start location will be the last room visited by the player Der racer aon ite ag ace Me iced Cnet MD Reo comm areca at eae aT asta Ps cere a ea eae eee ee or ean ocr Me a ae Pea Persie dreier eed Deca ete Lee eet me eae cal ed NOTE: Once sleeping games have been reloaded, Ler are tui a CM es ae juga I eta A can ea Dr emeeee am Crm e UNM any eo ee ae if the game is reset or turned off. piepaaty PU ee cae te ee ee ae ee a ee ed CUT ein ieee Spender hed ool Coen a Lene eT RC Te Cu meee TVA ary ass er Ea arcane ar earner ey ace aes PI BSCE amore roe reer Reese te ete Meta en Tere ee ett Story events. Your game will be saved as “temporary saved game data,” which Ce rm er ene ate cae) ora re RT Se caee ie Re a = eee een seca tes Tee eePe urd erent ance a De aL DD ea eerie s L Burton / Use Ability Hit Point (Health) Gauge Cau (Mental Strength) Gauge Cereal A cad SELECT / Map Sereen Lag ren era Frenne te hie tm aa Ae acl a) ee Oe reeirer a mL Dns aed Peace ean Cg CAPTURED SOUL SCREEN (DISPLAYED ONLY WHEN A NEW SOUL IS CAPTURED) ard eo SELECT eee ee ee Ben roe ge ee) or eet a Deets eRe Sle ar tare fey eect gor perreg ee eee rea Re Loti PB area noon Parents fa Yellow Plate - Enchanted Soul Resco Player oes ers Pee eo ee ee us Pee Cte eee as Protea ar core Cai) NOTE: You CAN RESET THE GAME SOFTWARE BY PRESSING AND HOLDING DOWN A BUTTON + B BUTTON + START + SELECT siMULTANEOUSLY._ STATUS SCREEN eam ee gees by pressing START on the Sis ag pole Peers a Lieto (em ean asc) hepa Any fice ones, in Roe avi Roane OR eee aera ones CHARACTER ATTRIBUTES De rca tg ericae nar MT rd tear nag Pa Rag MP: “Magic Points” are a measure of your OM creree we mc Cea aa gt ene a Cee a ema rae CRM Meise gaae rccLae e Be rene Meee rie ae Tae Me) acer Pee men emer Wyk ay Ren mare Maes eer eat Rena Rae rag emer mia areata PHYSICAL STRENGTH. This. attribute Pree ae rae elect CON: A numerical rating of your character's COS IUNOP TO MMM aun aes pertains y UNG eer er an eee meee ere ae INTELLIGENCE. This attribute influences Brea ree etre arth Deh PB ri sen Cre eg erate LUCK, Pee oe ne ena Pyrat raat SUN MO Ure eM Cn gree tea Chae URC UR ec iceea cei ain gene aca GOOD: Your character's body is Paredes rae reT bd POISON: Your character's body is POISONED, resulting in decreased era effects of POISON will Ailes Tee hea oe Sh ee oes hel is CURSED, ceo a ono isa ae aG ferns but even Te tae errs ofa leant i ce et eter elcid STONE: Your iieclors Lr ae oma omy oN aT Ae unable to move. Escape this condition y pressing buttons rapidly,
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