Neptune Revise Pricelist April 17

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Product Profile with Price List
APRIL 2017


,... Connecting- Plug & Sockets

-. -


Saving- APFC Solutions


Distribution- Switch Boards

Managing- EMS

Power Quality Solutions

NEPTUNE-Bals Ins ulated Plug & Sockets

Plug & Sockets
LP. ~

P3rt No.
L.P. ~
23014 1SV

P:u-t No.
LP. ~

<( Pan No.

Surface mounting 16/20 Ill 680 11645 760 100 760

socket-outlet 32
".. 11651
3, 270

Surface mounting 16/20 1133 1, 130 1137 1,440 1143 1.,440
... 32

1145 1, 410
1157 4, 410
1149 1, 725
1161 4, 170
1155 1, 725
1112 4, 170
$ 125
11427 15, 400 11441 15,290 11447 1 51290

Panel m ounting 16/20 A. 1217 410 1221 665 12078 665

socketovdet 32 123 10 690 1233 825 1215 82S
63 12135 2,950 2,940 12380 2, 940

Panel mounting
16/20 .. 131 410 132q 66S 132001 665
63 ..
,l,. 13007
2, 950

Panel m ounting
,. 16/20

angl~ watertight () 63 12001 3, 510 1200 3, 235 129 3, 235
12100 11, 320 12104 11, 570 12108 11, 570


Panel m ounting 16/20 1372 865 1376 950 1382 950
straight watertight
r 32

1302q 1,070
1396 3, 5 10
13028 1, 220
13100 3,2.3 5
1, 220
3, 235
13452 11, 320 13447 11, 570 13451 11, 570
Panel mounting
socket-outlet schuko

Plug schuko
t 16/20




Angled Plug
with s:hon cable
16/20 .. 231 530

16/20 .. 21001 350 215 480 203 480
32 ,j, 21013 580 2118 680 204 680
63 .. 2104 3,03 0 2151 2, 700 21590 2,700

16/20 210576 790 21349 1, 0.3 021239 1, 030

wate< tight

21059q 1, 180
2181 3,480
1, 250 210607
3, 120 2189
1, 250
3, 120
2191 10,03 0 2195
Splash Proof IP-+1
9,910 2199 9,910
wa1er tight 1P67
NEPTUNE-Bc:d s Insula t e d Plug & Socke t s

Plug & Sockets 1b
0 JP+,I.
0LP. f
L.P. f
""'No> L.P. f """No. """No>
GT Conne<t<>< 16/20 31001 475 315 625 303 625
with alllt . -
32 31013 625 3118 860 304 860
63 3104 3,190 3151 3, 560 3112 3, 560

GTCon- 16/20

1, 050
10, 390

3195 12,070

1, 740
3199 12,070

Surface Mounting 16/20 15019 3,915 4,796 15059 4,796

sod<et-oudet 32 15030 4, 460 5, 698 1585 5, 698
with MCB pr<Mion 11, 660 15036 11,660

15024 4,110 15098 5,020 15028 5,020

Surface Mounting 32
15352 4,620 15111 5,990 15112 5,990
sod!:t..oudtt 63
15000 1 1,900 15001 11,900
with MCB provision
15158 36,100 15160 36,100

Surface mounting
~witched soc.ket
lnt<!rlocked - 16/20

16603 17,800

Surface mounting ~ 16/20 1600 5,280 1602 8,250 1604 8,250

switched socket
16 104 7,440 160178 10,080 1601n 10,080

woter tight
16604 18,900 16602 18,900
1662 1 60,7 20 16622 60,720

OomesticAO 1201 51'/0P 1270/1H<I 1, 770 1,770

16/20 3201

lndustrbl Outlet
f'k41Socl<e< Ccoillud 32 1202 51'/0P 1,740 2,240 3202 2,240
In mtQI endoan
(wChout MCB) 63 1203 6,870 7, 120 3203 7,120

Oomtiti< AC/
lndustrbl Outlet

... Nd l :m 16/20

1,.0 60
Appliance Inlet 16/20 261 1, 020 1, 060 2612
32 2662 1, 520 2,040 2600 2,040
.... Sptaslll'rtld!P-44
@Y.~~.IABOX The new generation of distributors
Tho rcN VAfiW!I:IX fi-om llaJs """';II~ b- a modem <lslrl>ulo- ~and""' be ncMc!J<I~ ~ n Sdf!m:rt s=
\\dh '<Eri::ns $. M. L )(l & XXL as Sl.riace ~ cr m:td:! corrt:r.abon We 1"1.1\e the ntl dstrbJtcr b- e..ery user. ~
.1CXXlCCi1g "' speclicanons "' 1he - a pee-del <d. encoded 1\lnges. \..nell ofir a """""" ..... or safety ~ 1he -
-llocn & I a~ W<lh 1t'er robust~ n a~ IJade & dr.ille. CjU!lty past<. 1her good,..., 1he <r<Xl.lir e>q>r00n
optXn & ~ ~<e extr.1 fectJres. the reN VAPJABOX pro.oes ilsSf e.en U"'Cier the rT'CISl ad.e!.e coodtions.

i1 -S


Ready v11red (Of' nst.lllaliof'\
Housing made of hrgh.grade. imp~t-l'f!S~S.tant plastic
Top and bottom can be sealed together
Permanently attached cover screws
All CEE SO<k.el outlet~ w,t.h screw I screwiess.
ma-ntenat<e-ffee QUICK-CONNECT connection
..J Cob..n bottom--black. to~ grey
(HouSing top optionally avatlable n the coiOln

yellow, red. blue Of' silver)

With high quafity handle
Codeo flange system for mal(lmum safety o\.nng
!ni!Jal nstallabon and ma!f"'tcnar<c
Fv$e elements arranged below
transparent lockable operatng window wrth user
fiiendy OTC mechan.G (one touch close)

Oi!'ntnslon or hou:5ing : 650 x 130 mm Prices on requesl

IP-65 Modular Distribution Boards
NEPTUNE-Bals Modbox
Mod box

fr'll:lact re51starrt modllar polycarbonate diStnbubon

.. OlemiCaJ re51stant
.. Sol;d andSt.lble
CofTOSlon f'ree screws

~aa resistant modular polycar'bonate enclo$ul'e$

. . Chetnicall'eSi$lanl
Solid and Stable
CoiTOSIOn free screws
Selfr~tcmal !hong cent"'! I fi>O~centre outside
Cable entry to client's specifications

Junction Boxes - -- --

- M odbox Range IP 65

ISO X 300 X 2 15 91SO 1,940/- Modul:.r Discribudon Boards

300 X 300 X 2 15 9300 2,5)0/- Modular D lscribudon Boards
<SO X 300 X 2 15 91SO 3,820/- M odular D lscributlon Boards
600 X 300 X 2 15 9600 4,770/- Modular D lscrlbutlon Boards
180 X 180 X IJS 6180 1,120/- M odular Enclosures
180 X 240 X IJS 6260 1,320/- M odular Enclosures
21() X 320 X 13S 6320 2,-420/ M odular Enclosures
320 )( 420 X. 13$ 6120 3,3101 M odular Enclosures
420 )( 610 X 160 6520 7.2401- Modular E,nclosures
90 X 90 X so 1001 2301 Junction Boxes
100 X 100 X 60 1002 2801- Junction Boxes
110 )( IM! X 70 1003 4901- Junction Boxes
130 )( 130 X 100 1001 SSO/- Junction Boxes
130 X 170 X 80 IOOS 610/- Junedon Boxes
170 X 210 X 100 1006 I , 2201- Juncdon Boxes
. =


-~- -'-- -----=,..

..... .. .
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MCB Distribution Boards

> . . . . .- - - - - -


No. of ways Pan No. Prioe l

~ 2 5882 320/

8 5891
580 10
~ 12 580 19

Lx B x H L. P. f

I. Fully Bolted Structure. CPRI Type Tested

confiiTl\lng to IS 8623/IEC 614 39
Available up to SOOOA current rating
3. Easity extensible on either side.
makes the encloS\Jt'e fut\lre proof
4. S1ngle Front and space saving double
front can be coostructed
5. Type of construct100 up to Form 4b
6. Appropriate level for degroo of
protection (special design available for
higher level of protection)
7. Doors can be hinged on erther side
greater fte>ubilrty to configure as per the site coOOitions
8. Standard sizes available off the shelf. thus cutting down lead
time & inventory carrytng cost
9. Spacious arrangement for cable terrrunation & appropnate supports for
cable routJng
I0. Pnovisioo for BM5 compatibility
NEPTUNE Power D Switchboards are intelligent every incoming I outgoing feeder
can be monitored & controlled remotely with Energy M anagement System

NEPTUNE ElsteeiTTe;.c~h;;;n';;o'M.~~:E~E5~~
Constructional Features
I. Etl.dosuros are modulat in constr'uC'tiOO and expa!X'Iable in all three dimensiOC'\S in easily measurable
multiples of 200 MM
2. Enclosures provide upto form 4b type separation to ensure absolute operational safety
3. Ingress protoction level or the enclosures proVIded upto IP 54 I 55
4. Enclosures to provide drill less system for all connections of busba~ to maintain high efficiency and
mmimallosses (Low heat d~sipatioo)
5. All load bearing stnx:t\Jres of the modular enclosures made of electro galvanized steel and powder
coated ensunng durability and resistance to corrosion.
6. Modular structure. Draw out I Semi draw out construcbOn.

Test Certifications
I. Endosu-es are constructed as fully type tested assemblies (TTA). confirming
to IEC 61439-112 standards. '(i ,
2. Type tested for specoal tests like Se;s""' Test as per ,. '1
IEC 68-3-3. Vibration test as per IEC 68-2-6 & 1 J . .P
IEC 68-2-36. Arc cootaonment as per ,
IEC61641 standardsetc. r ' I
I I ..
.. . :
Ji .,
I .J
... .... . ,g
'' 11 ' ' '


fi li
... .
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\ , ~

3. ASB Type approval certificate for

shipboard and associated marine and
offshor"e installations.
Power Analyzers, M8, M9 M20 & MJO

Measuren"'ef'lt uptO 31Harmonic for current & voltage sep.3rately

Total Hatmonic OistOI'tiort b'"klltage & Cvl"'"ent (THO.V /I")
R.S-485 Commun1cabon & Alarm contact output
Energy f\Jise Outpvl or Oigtlal input (optiona.l)
..- 42()nA. .41\alog 0/P for PLC5 I other auxilliary tracking methods (optional)
Display demand value. max/ll'lln values & Neutral cuiT'ent
.,_ Parameters and demand values are stores even if supply voltage is cut off
..- Data loggr'l& (I Mb ntemal memory) with Real t:l'ne clock
Password protection for setup

MJO 36,000/-

Unive rsal Metering, M I, M3, 1 <jl, 3 <jl, VIF & ELR

I Phase Uni-versal
LED type, 7 .-segment. 4 Otg,t diSPlay
._, CT I PT rato Site selectable
True RMS measu:-ement/ PasswOf"d protectoo
.._ Auto l"ilflglng
Auxihcuy suppty 40-270 V
._ Auto I manual page scrolling
Paramet. V, I, Hz. P.F'., KY-1, KVa & Rlsl tn.

... LED type. 7-segment. 4 Dgit disp~y

CT I PT ral!o ,;te selectable
.., Tl\le RMS mea$1$'ement I PasswOtd protecooo
.., Auxihary S'Uppfy. sdf power!
.., Auto I manual page scrolltng
... Paramet.,.. V. I. Hz. P. F. & Am 1'.
..._ Auto rang~ng

Advance VIF Meter

LED type. 7<egment. 3 Dogjt 6play
.., CT I PT rallo ste selectable
.._ True RM$ mea51..1"ement I Password protection
.._ Auto ranging
.., Awuhary supply 40--270 V
.._ Auto I manual page scrolling
.._ Parameter-. V, I, Hz. P.f., rMI, KVa. RPM for DG & Run hr's.

Earth Leakage
...... Latest mcro controller technology wrth true RMS sensng
. . .. Q

...... S.nglc model

COVO"S from 30 mA 30 A COI'flllctcly progratTV1"1<1biC n 10 steps
Morntors <able connection between ELR CBCT
... ~
...... Alarm ~t .-. thes~em
6t"'l'gtaph toirx:licate%oneak.age
available at SO% set of value tnpping at 80-90% of value
& set

...... Av.!Aable
Core balance CT (CBCT) av(lilable 11"'1 4 sizes: 35170 11201210 mm (da)
Delay adjustable from 010 sees in 10 steps
Ra~ I
n 01n f lush mounting

SpeCJial sixes of CBCT also available on request.

Oi:splay optional available only for Flu$h Mounting

Item Cod e L P. t

Ml 1, 295/
S~hAmp. Meter I Single Ph Volt Mete!' 9901
Ml 1,850/
)..Phase~ Meter I 3-PhaseAmp. Meter 1,5751
VIF Meter 2,00/
E~l'ch leakage I'CI:w with lS .nm CBCT 4,500/
Each leakage relay with 70 mm C8CT 4 ,9SO/ -
Earth leakage relay with 120 mm CBCT 5,4001-
Earth Jeakage relay with 21 0 mm CBCT 7,500/
Energy Management System: W hen efficiency is your Target
Energy ManagementS ' =

.. lkllh most of your ovemeacts. energy s a controllable

cost Energy Management thus becomes an ntegral part
of deciSIOn making '" yo.r quest for cost control
Energy Management is a process requmg long term
management commrtment decbcatton and ng,t tools.
It uwo~s all stake holders from users, techrwcal staff
and management
NEPTUNE EMS brings a wide ran;ge o( expenence 10
Energy Management to projeCtS for )'01 benerrt. Our
speciCI!ists 10 software and advance 1ntemet applications
make sure that NEPTUNE EMS \'IO!ks for you. Our
hardware supports a smooth and accurate data transfer.
We prefer to \\I'OI'k in partne~ to create v.vrwin
f"\ situations. NEPTUNE EMS helps to improve energy and

thereby <Werall company performance with less etron and
greater precislon. The energy savings wit! help reduce not
only costs. but they add Significantly to reduci'lg your
carbon footpnnt
Salient features of NEPTUNE EMS are: Bene fi ts
Hstonc trend chw ~ MiOOrming <Werall O"'t'f'g)' productJ\Irty
Qn.line treod chal'ts ~ Increased reverues
Pcrfonnance reports
Energy reports
Cost reports
&.dgot R.ports
Alan'n Reports - -
Spcofic energy consunpllon rt!pOrts .~~
Run hour reports
1 :~
MEASURE to M anage Ene..-gy Ben efi ts ! I! l! Pll! ! ! IIi
NEPTUNE EMS uses advance range of fault, energy ~ Aco.rate pictu'e of Energy usage
and po>-\<er monitori~ devJces which can be used 10 ~ Transparency and track record on all conditions that affect pcM<er
network for POV\oer Quality and Energy Management. Quality and Energy consumption
~ The abllrty to pay oriy for what you consune
~ The ab*ty to forecast energy consumption
ANALYSE tO Understand ~ Ba!ilS to optimize resource usage
NEPTUNE EMS is your gateway to ~ei"Standing
by Analyzing spe<:ific energy consumption for diffel'et"'t Be nefi ts
enetgy soul'(es Ofl<ll'lized accordil'l.g to cost centres. ~ COf1l)rehenslve nSigt'lts 1nto energy related performance & cost
products. sei'Vices Ot' e(luil)l'l'lents. Set tal'gets to ~ Relevant 1nformatron for successful energy efficlei'IC)' project deSign
C()(l'l)ate them with the results .Aroalyze the effect of ~ Calculatron for an excellent rate of ret...-n
extemal factoo on how enetgy is vsed ~ Monrtonng & Targetlng

SAVE to Get more ... and REPORT it

NEPTUNE EMS empooA'Cn you to act wrth targets on lmp!"O\Iements dcnved from analys~s. Cont~nJ~J~A monttonng helps to
keep control and to follow success 1mmed1ately at any tine. whether It 6 ~result of lf'M!Stment 1n new equtpment, repa1r,
adjustment or mantcnance.
The acccss to archw:: and real bme data on ener&Y purchased lost or sold~ management ana~1s at the same bme, 1t offers
complete connectMty wrth production and quality manago-nent systems 10 any factory & buildng.

Major Components of Enerp Management Prices on request

M30 Ouat KWH Me1er M9 Plus 3 Pilose Ou~ """"' 2Air GPRS I GSM/Elllemet
Power Atlalyzer Power Analyzer P FController Modbus Gatftay
Dual Energy Metering Pre-paid & Post-paid with
EMS Software & Networking Solution

~ Micro controller based desigr\ 4 Window display

.- CTIPT site selectable
., Password protectJon.
.- True RMS mcasun:mo"~t
.- Auxiliary supply 4Q.270 V
.- Auto ral'lging. Auto I Manual page scrolling
.- Parameters measured are V.I. Hz. P.F~ KYV. Kv.h. KVA.
THD-V. THO.I. RPM for DG & load trs.
., Accuracy Oass If 0.5
., Available Wtth RS 4SS

Networking with Power Analyze r and Dual Metering for

Pre-Paid and Post-paid Solutions

~ ~:;;;;:f ::;:
. .. .......~
...... .

Dual Energy Metenng with Automatic meter reading (Pre-pad. Post paid and Hybrid) has become the need of the day.
Neptu"'e AMP. prow:le energy usage trends. v.t'lich helps to control energy consumption and pre-paid and Post-paid
billing system ensunng better recovery on energy usage by cakulating the purchased I produced energy. common energy.
losses n the energy and total consumpbon concessionaire wise. It has option for load management. enerw management
and option to auto discOI"'ll"'eCt the system dJe to non payment of dues or o..-er usage of the sectioned load
Comprehensive set of r~fonnation and reportlr'tg system mak~ rt an nev~table tool fo- sub single J dual wu1-ce metemg.
Power N et = Energy Management System
Power Scan = Energy billing and automated meter readi'lg software

Item Code LP. l

KWH Meter M 30:2 3, 1101

Dual Sourre KWH Meter M-306/ 5 CTR 6,8401
Dual Source KWH Mecet Direct M-3060 7,8001
Dual Source KWH Meter LCD M-308 11,000/
Power Scan Softwllre- Scanning energy and bill,ng On request
Power Net Software Power monitoring and control application On request

Automatic Meter Reading System

Automatic Meter

.,_ NEPTUNE pt'OVides host or solvtions in Oval/Multi $C)..I"'(.e, Pre/Post paid

automatic metenng systems. Our sol.rtlons art: desl.gOOd to automatically
collect consumption. Status. O.agnose and transfer the data li-om the meter
to the central server for bllng. an<~lysis. trouble shooting and hrstoncal P"J'lX)Ses

.. - T Solution Features:
, Automabc collewon of data on speofic ntervals
, Integration with v-.-eb based self-services as users can view consumption. billing etc
, load control, tamper and outage detectJOn
, Monitoring of voltage. harmonics and other pmver quality characteristcs
., On-demand electric meter reading and time of use based meter reading
Dual/ Multi Sou~e Energy
" Remote services for connection & disconnection on non-payment or over demand
Meter (Prepaid & Postpaid)
" Messag'l'lg to customers on realtnle any changes in prices
" Automate detection and repol1lng of power outages and restoration of services
" Automatic messaging alert
" Third party integration wrth SA.P and other CRM. PM$ software
" Integration with windows. iOS and Androtd mobiles
Software Features=
~" ~ystetn. which makes it\ble. roM\ and rt'SPMive enough to <:ater lafge customer' ba~.
.. Suitably af'l'r< sofl:ware. wf'lct'l has options for Pre-Paid. Post-Paid and both Wtth opt!OM of cvstomer r~fol'l'l'\tllion tools lil<.e.
E-mail SM~ IVR {lnt~ctwe Voice R,e,ponse) a.nd Access to customer on mobile/PON~uter-
Softwate IS supported by vltll expenenced team for support and <:ustOf'I"Vl.ation to <:ustomet- speolic r~uirtt'l"lee"''ts
., Cer'ltra.ty controlled system wrth independent local pef'l"'"''ssiOf"' & el'lgiMMng data make the system idea.! for multi'Site I
multi-location ~enano. Its re.1dy to pk.Jg ERP ntegr3tion module worl<s ~amlessly with existing ERP systems.
., User prograt'M'\abfe op-tton to add new heads if any missed at the ttne of ll"nplementation W<.e - OG Rates. E8 Rat~ COtnmon
Area Conwmption Rates. Facility rat~ lik.e gym. pool health CUJ. energy tax etc. you think of and head deflnibon is possible,
.. Easy to~ s~tem aiTf one can master wth minimum training as it hu no hassle of pMlln.g coupon and then feeding them in
the meters. the movttnet~t customer pay1 at'r"llunt { Gash. Chec:p...e. Card. Net barl<.in&) meter fS rharged mmediatety.
.. Transaction based system. ~ ev<;ry pt"'(ess is recorded .... a vert systematic: way to enable auOtll"'g system.
System has l'lbullt basic: a.<:counting system to a level that is requred at site.
System give$ option custOI"nef to dil'edly view his consumption. load behaVIOr & balance vsang his Vl'lique etedent.-als
Sold reporting system bu11t to keep n rnnd drfferent users Ike : End Customer, Site Enginee-rs, Site Accounting person.
Central Admil'lit tradon te:un

Ac;cess Computer
Communlcacion Options:
NEPTUNE meter-s <an ((lf'Mlunicate
Mobile over various options like:
Network I. Wred (R$485). Ethemet
2. Wi'elessty with POV\<er2At system,
GPRS I GSM bridge
l. Hybrid model of combination of
Meter Board

Ac<ess over Phone A<cess over PDA Prices on requesl


NSL I 0 I NSL I 0 HD I Ultima

.._ Unique MocUar Plastic enclosure
., Safety, Rebablbty, Long Lsfe Expectancy. Easy handing and Mounting
., A lo-wer delectric losses means an extended Lfe expectancy of the
.._ The ~13,. <leS!gll permits a most simp$e mech~al assembty.
.._ 0Vft' pr-e$$Ur-e p((l{ection dev;ce on each capacitive eSement
.._ Discharge resistors (SOV after 1')
., Self xtinguistwlg plastc contaner.
.._ OperatiOnal kfe ~ 70,C(X) hOU"S

NSL-10 HD5C~~i:
..._ The dielectric consist of heavy fkn of poJypropylene
., The capaotOfS are designed With a very low lo~ ddectric & high qua6ty
fi!m isvsed.
.,_ Operatton life > 1,00,000 tv's
.._ The safety and reliability of the traditional tectnology of impregnated
used for medun voltage capacrtors.
.._ Double Protection Safety OeYCe

.._ Withstands hifl harmonics overload

.._ life expectancy o(more than 200.000 hours
.... low losses~ 0.2 WI KVAR
., Each element s made by Metallized Potypro,te .e.
.._ The metallization has been made '"a speoal~to aiiO'N
an higher YOitage stress on the film.
.._ Temp. range -2SC + 7<1'C

Item Code Ratmg L.P. ~ (Per KVAR)

HOV 41 SV soov

Nst-1 0 Cap11cltot 7.5. 10, 12.5 KVAR & above ) I51 On request On request
NSl-1 0 Capacitot" 5 KVAR 450/- On request On request
NSL-10 HD Capadtor 7.5. 10. 12.5 KVAR & abO'Ve 3951- On request On request
NSL- 10 HD Capacitor 5 KVAR 470/- On request On request
Ultima Capacitors 10. 12.5 KVAR &ab""' 5851- On request On request
Ultima Capacitors 5 KVAR 6601- On request On request
Power 9 I Ducapower XD
. ---

... New compact Hea")' Duty Series

... C)!inOical 3 Phase capacitors
-::"' ... Lrfe expectancy > 1.00.000 hrs.
I~; ... Low ~ 03 w/INAR
... Rating avatlable 10 I, 2. 3 & "' kVAR.

New compact Heavy Duty Series

Cylindical 3 Phase Capacitors
Lrfe expectancy> 1.00.000 hrs.
Low kisses S: 0.) w/kVAR
RatingavailableinS.I0, 12.S.IS&25kVAR

Duc.a Power X\~i~~i:

Withstand Harmonic Overioads
Upto 4 in Max Current
Lrfe expectancy > 1.70,(X)() hrs.
Low kses s 0.1 w/INAR
Temperature Range 25 + 7('f C

Power 9 Capacitors 1, 2,3 & 4KVAR 28S/-

Po~r 9 c,,~rtors S KVAR l l0/-
Power 9 C1p3c:il.ors 10, 12.5 KVAR & :above 2751-
Oucapower Capacitor XO (Super Heavy Duty) 10, 125, I S.lS KVAR& abo"" 42S/- O n req uest
Oucapower Cap3citor XD (Super Heavy Duty) SKVAR 4851- O n req uest
ll-M Capacitors 10, 12.5 KVAR & above 660/- O n req uest
ll-M Capacitors S KVAR 720/- O n req uest
APP Capacitors 0 n req uest
Automatic Powe r Factor Controller Single CT
Power Factor Management PM senes
~ LED Type 7 segment 4 d1grt dcsplay
~ Available in 8 & 12 steps
_.. Intelligent SWitd'wlg between vanous capacrtors bat*s
... Target P.f. 0.8 lag. O.Biead
... Olntrol """'""ity
55 I001<; & Alann ond<at>On by LED
-.. UKY can conf~ alarm settings ac:cordingty
._ Dual passNOI'd protoctJon
.- Wrth facility of ntelllgent algonthem
Intelligent P. F. Controller - RM Senes

... LED Type 7 segment 4 Dogrt Display

8 & 12 <apacrtors steps available nON/Off modes
... Me-.ment or A V. Pf. Ol< pi>. W. VAr. VA
AvtornatJc: calculatiQn of 0\c valves
... Progr>m en!ly for targeted Ol< ph value
Number of capacitOrS steps are user definable
.._. Automatic I Manual mode selection With nchcator lll't
Automatic calculabon of power values for each capaotor step
O.'O'VOhage. 1nsuffioent compensabon. ~ompensabon state alarm
indicator lityls with ootput contact
Advance P. F. Controller .- "'
Re_ __ __ __; --

._. lhe senes Rego controller relay5 are fully static units controlled by an eiht bit mcro
processor With HC mouse technology.
_.. Selfprogrammng function for power stages and operating logic i.e. no need to set C/K
Can check hea!th and eff10encyoreach and indvidual capacitor bank conoeaed
MeMur-ement of netwOtk harmonics. wrth 'Steps dsconnected swttchoff when limrt
values are exceeded
.,. Compo-e~>enso"' 6spl.lys woth ~o-ge.lhtee- 6g!t LED display.
.._ 31og~~(1:1:1). (1:2:2}. (1:2:'1} tocoonectldlsconncct banks. wrth automatK recog.rutlon
Ot with standal'ds pt'Og1'31Yl$.
._. RS-485 CorrmunlcatJon

lt"m Cod" L.P. ~

Intelligent Re;;ac:tive Power Management

RM Series
RHB 14,500/-
RH 12 18,000/-
PM Seri~s
PH 108 12,600/-
PM 112 14,400/-
REGO Series
REGO-S 12,500/-
REG0-12 20,000/-

Automatic Power Factor Co ntroller J~C~T~----~==::::':::

' --
Reactive Energy Management 3P - REM
.,_ 7 ~l LCD display Wfl.h 2 coiOtS bad<ilite
Available 10 8 & 12 steps with Rs485 com~tion 1)011

Ta-gct P.E O.Siog- O.Sioad. Control
Oosplay THO - 1% & THO-ll% along- powoo-
... Independent <ompensat>OO lor all 3 pll.lses
.. 55-100%

MeaSU"e & Display Voltage & Current

....fntetbgent smtching between vanoos capacita- banks
... Alarm ;ndC.toon by LED & Dual password po'Ote<t<>n
..- User can conligu-e alarm serongs accoroingty
Fan control <al"' be prograrrmable
lntelhgent P. F. Controller NMC 3P Serioo
.. LED Type 7 segment 4 o;gn Oosplay
8 &12 capacitors steps available in QNIOfT modes
.,_ Meast.rement of A V, Pf, Cos ph. W, VAr, VA
..- AutOI'I'\atic calaAation of CJk values
... Program entry for ~od Co< ph value
Nurrbet' or c.apacitOI"S steps are uset' definable
Aui.Of'l\ltic I Manual mode sek!ction v.M inclicatcr littl
.,_ Automatic caiWaticn of JlO'VCr values for each capaotor sttp
..,_ Overvoltagc. .nsuffic:cnt compensatJon overcompensabon state alann

indicatOr" tights ~th output contact
.,. lndependMt <ompensat<>n for 3 pha~eS
Advan<e P. F. Controller GB I GB Plus

... 7 s - t LCD Dosplay

.,_ Sutable for Pa.ver Facta Correction USI'l& Th)11stor Modules fer Real Time
Compensation & Contractor Swrtch1ng for normal compensaoon
Master slave functiOn
.. GSM I GPRS Model (optional)
Independent compensation for al 3 phases
G..m!nt & Voltage HarmoniC analysis
capacitor O'Vef'lo~t pi'Otection on all

l.P. t

Intelligent Reactive Power Management

REM Series
REM 3P-8 16,200/-
REM JP- 12 18,000/-
N A AC JP Series
NAAC lP Il 23,500/-
- -'::'1"':''-"el"::lia:ent P.F. Series
G8 & G8 Plus Pr ice on request

POWERNAC Se ries P.F. C o mpe nsator

Intelligent P.F.

.. Ava>lobl.f.-am 25 KIIAF\to 125 KVARnScnos-1 ON!Scnos-11

.. 1--o....yCutyl -Cy""""'aJCtpxr.a
~ ~c-IJ'\1~ Pf Cmrol forsm.~~llomt<~lum loadn~\.,1)r'tu
... Ultimate solubOn ror-cOI"'"f)ensatC:In o(unbal.Yitedloads
,_. Measu-e ltlereact1~ pa..vero(thesy..temthroogh J cr~ fromal+ 3 pNses
~ HigJIyi~aerttMiuoprtle~SOr'bistd 3 ~p F Controlfcr,...,l)1 Clp\lcr'.ill
.. Du>l P F 5"""&
LCDConttolk:orw.!!'lri:Ju It l..a.ldM~r.,..,'lhfi'OI'ltoptiUI pan
Op:1onll f'Jupbfe O.Ua b.,- Ethemet. USB. RS-18$. GSM modem and
ap.tetc.rprotecnon modules
.. Powdef'Co.1~e<1 SIIVC1uce firn~' With ;ttll"l(tlvt De-ep'l&f! -1nd ON1l Blv~
._, lncomctTPMCCB
., HRC/ MCS's .are used for b.ldwpproaecttorl

P.F. Compens:ators mmubcwrc.d with sondMd bmldnsand nuke

P.f_componenu. Any dung(! m $pecrflc:.uon wtU anra.ct different quote

Radng_ik>arL Banking Configuruion (kvar) Wall Mounted Price t
25 2 J 5 5 10 1,04,000.00
JO 2 J 5 10 10 l,0$,300.00
'10 2 J 5 10 20 1,08,900.00
50 2 3 5 10 10 20 1, 17,400.00
60 2 J 5 10 20 20 I 10,700.00
Type-1Floor" Mounted
75 s 5 IS 25 25 I <47,600.00
100 5 5 IS 25 25 25 1,62.1 00.00
125 5 s IS 25 25 25 25 I 79 000.00
l)'pe'"ll Floor Hounte d
ISO s s IS 25 2S 25 so 1,96,)00.00
200 5 5 15 25 25 2S 50 ~0 3,38,700.00
2SO 12.5 125 lS so 50 so so 3,77,400.00
300 ll.S 12.5 25 so 50 so 50 so 4 17300.00
315 ll.S 12.S 25 50 50 so so 75 4,53,600.00
350 ll.S ll.S 2S so so 50 75 75 4,81,200.00
'100 ll.S ll,S 2S 50 75 75 7S 75 s,
450 25 50 75 75 75 75 75 6,07,000.00
500 2S 25 50 50 7S 7S 7S 7S 6,60,000.00
600 25 so so 75 75 75 75 zs 75 75 7.80,000.00
Ha.r monic Block Reactors for Detuned Systems
& Capacitor Bank/Thyristor Switching Module

_. Three-phase all.rninium wound reactors wrth an iron core and air gap.
Highest quality I'1\Citenal at\d vel)' Slringent quaSty<ontrol .
._ It has been designed with propertieS like low temperature nse and
lower flux density so that tt can operate '" worst conditions of ani::>JCnt
and haiTT'IOmc oYCrloads.
.. Filtering actor of 5.6%. 7% and 14% (any other filtering factor on
.. Hi&f'~ne<lnty(L>0.95xln):200%
V~cvum lmptegr.ated

"' Electronic switches: Enclosure: IP 40
~ Rated Voltage 41 5V t iO% Maximum ambient temp: 45C
Cooling : Alarms
~ Temperature controlled. fon:ed ~ Built-in Alarms for protection of
air cooling for all models SWitching module & capac~or banks

Harmonic Bloc.k Reactor

7% with Ultima Capacitor
(Sepantt! Unih)

L.P. ~ L.P. ~ LP. ~

S KVAR 7,6901 9,7SOI 11.700/.

IOKVAR 9,170/ 13,300/- 14,8SO/-
25 KVAR 11,9001 11,9001 15,900/.
SOKVAR 11,850/- 41,500/- 53,1 00/-
100 KVAR O,S50/ 81 ,SOOI I ,02,600/

Copp<:f' wound r e.u:tor abo :lv.lll:~blc on request Any ocher Dctuned Frequency & ntina: an be provided en request
NOTE:Pr~s b- I 4% & 5.6X Harmonic Blodt RC!;actor witto ;1nd without C~aoitor Bulk 01re :avabble on request.

LP. ~

PS IS KVAR 14,800/-
Thyi'IStOt Swltthing ModuSe PS 2S KVAR 26,700/
for 4 1SV / 4SOV appltca.tion PS SO KVAR 33,600/
PS 100 KVAR 59,400/
Thyristor Switching Modu~ PS SOH KVAR -45,4001
tor 690V /?SOV application PS 100 H KVAR 79,500/-
fast dlsc:hal'ge Reactor fot 41 SV I <V 1,250/
Fast dischar-ge Reactor for 690V / 750V 2,100/-
ACTIVCOMPThyristor Switched & Contactor Switched
P.F. & Harmonic Filtration Syst e ms- Detuned / Tuned

Activcomp System - - - -- - --
Real Time Thyristor Switched Dynamic Power Factor Correction & Harmonic FiltratJon System

.' . F"ast Real Time TranSiel"'tt F'ree switctung or Capacitor Banks


., Prevents damage to sensitive electronic eq.11pment in network

Hi6flly intelligent micro processor based 3 phase P.F. Controller with Dual P.F.
Setting and Maste- Sla\e modes
LCD Controller has inbuih with load Manager with front optical pOr't
_.. Optional plugable Data Logget. Ethernet. USB. Rs48S, GSM modem and
<.apaGitOt' p.-otection modules
_., Saves Ener-gy with P.F Control and H.vmonic Filtration
Extn::rrdy lorg lift! expectancy
Integral ) phase Power Quality Analyre shaw~ng upto 3 I st Harmot11cs
Voltage & Current Wave(olm$
Unique $el{ Tesmg and Comprehensl\'e reporting and event logging
The compensabon is based on avera8"'& the FFT analygs of each cycle,
resulting in more accurate compensation, a-en in the presence of hanT!onics.
Ava.Jable Wfth Tuned, 7%, 5.6%. 14% or any other Tuning frequency as per
customer request

Contactor S~~!;l:;'tl~~il.
Conac,or Switched P.F. & Dewned / Tuned Harmonic Rluation System
., System is available with Contil<tOt' switching for O()(Wjyna.mic and nonnal
loads Rall'g.S and Dimension$ ar-e same as AaivcC>n'l'> System

Actlvcomp Thyristor Switched I Coouc.tor Switched Systems are

manufactured wtth 5tandard make of compooen,,Any change in
specification witl attract different quote.

Activcomp Systems
Thyr"istor Contactor
Switched Switc hed

Rating (kvar) list Price t

100 2x 12.S.lx2S I :2:2 800x850x212S On r~que5t
200 1x12.5, lxlS.lxSO I :2 :~ 800x850x2125 On n!quest
300 1x12.S.Ix2S.Ix50.2xl00 I :2 :~ eoox 1150x2125 On r-equest
<100 lx2S.IJC50.3x100 I :2 :~ 1600 )( 1150 )( 2115 On request
500 2x2S, I xSO. 4lCIOO I : 2:4 '2400 )( 1150 )( '21'25 On r-eques-t
600 2x2S. I xSO, Sx 100 I :2 :~ 2400 )( 1150 )( 2115 On requesc On request
700 '2x2S, I xSO, 6lCIOO I : '2: 4 2400 x I ISO lC 21'25 On requesc On request
800 2x2S. IxS0,7xl00 I : 2:4 3200 xI ISO x 21'25 On requesc On request
900 2x25. 1x50.8x l00 I :2 :~ 3200 )(I ISO)( 2125 On requesc On request
1000 2x25. I xSO. 9x 100 I : 2:4 3200 xI ISO x 2125 On requesc On request
Any other r'ating on request

Active Harmonic Filter, 3 Phase, 41 SV, SO Hz

... To redxe harmonics of netwons with Non-inear loads l ke UP$., Rectrfiers.
AC & OC Drives I VfDs etc. in IOC!ustnal and commercial insulations.
...... Performance meets lEEE and compliance to other internatiOnal standards.
Can be used as Hybrid filter combination of Activcomp wrth Active Filter

... resulbng in reduC'bOn of cost and rating of acwe filter.

AppliGations Industries vlith Harmonic generating loads. ~Utls. Dat.l
Center'S an<:f IT fa<ilities. Office Building$. Ail'ports. Shopping Plazas etc
... lmpt'O'Vemer'lt .,. reliability or electrical system leading to THDI & V.
reduCbOn in ope.-ational probletns /cable and trans:forr'l"'let' losses
...... Beller vtlkzation or Ostnbution Transfo~ & GeneratOf'
Increases effioency. capacitor life. PF, uptme
Easy to convnrssion and use wrth advance control interface

: - -=

Hybrid Power conditioning system 6 a combinatol of O:rnamic Activcomp

Th~stor based Power FactOf" Con-ection System and IGBT fred Active
HaJYnOI'Iic Filtration 5)'1:tem. It offers most viable and ec~ so'-Aion
f both POW"el" Factor Compensation and Hatmonic Mitigation.

Al'ly ome.. racing on request

Unit Pr'ice f Unit Pr ice f
Power Conditioning System
30 A On request On r~quest 300 KVAP. + 60 A On request On request
60 A On request On request 400 KVAA + I OOA On request On request
IOOA On request On request 500 KVAA + I SO A On request On request
ISO A On request On r equest 600 KVAA + lOOA On request On request
200A On re uest On request 800 KVA.R. + 300 A On reguest On r~quest
300A On request On request 1000 KVAP. + 4f()()A On reguest On request
400A On request On request
SOOA On request On request
600A On re__guest O n request

Energy Audits and Power Quality Studies {]ECPL

Our Group compat~y NECPl is worl<.ing in the a~a of Energy Conservat.ton wrth a VISiOn or be((1"11ng a leader 11'1
pf'OVtdin.g services & sclJI.ioM in ener-gy saving lechnologjes 11"'1 on:ler to secur-e energy f futu-e genetations.

NECPL is certified ESCO CClf'l1)af'?' by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) & ha'o'C been rated & <el1rfled by CARE.
Services offered by NECPL
Cof'll)l"ehen>ive energy audit of netWCrl.s Health ched<up of exiSting P0\'-'0' factor system for design &
Power Factor, Harmonics & Power Quality studies !.f) gradation to il'l'p'OYe power factor.
TranSlent Study- Voltage Dp I Sag/ Spike/ Auctuation & other OeSignng & installation of advanced EMS & feasibility of edstrng
TranS<ent Events for 24 hours or upto I month. EMS integra1ion 'M1h new software & anatyzers I &lergy meters.
Root cause analysiS of operational I)"'blems c:lJe to PQ-.,'<f" lndo<lr' air quality checlwps fOf" PPM. COl &
Quality issues tn oetviOrit. ~efficiency of existng lightin&
Thcrmograp-ry I Thermal tmag'li I Earthng chOOa..p o( instafabon No!SC lc\ld chcdo..p. Elcctncal safety audt & Water audit
Generator efficiency test I Energy Meter accuracy check I
Calb'ation used !or sub metering
Terms & Conditions

Price Basis:
The prices mentioned are Unit Price and Ex-Works basis.
Prices shall be applicable as per our Price list ruling at the time of despatch.

Place of despatch:
The mate<ials shall be despatched from Noida I Delhi works.

Packaging shall be inclusive for all Plug & Sockets, Relays, Metering, IP Enclosures & Capacitors.
Packag~ng shall be charged extra for Harmomc Block Reactors. life line Sones, APFC System,
Oetuned System &Activcomp System@ 2.5%.

Taxes & Duties:

Sales Tax/VaVCST: Shalf be charged extra as applicable at the time of despatch for all items.
Concessional CST shall be charged against furnished FORM C. EXCISE OUTY/CVO:
I. This is inclusive for Standard Products like Plug & Sockets, Metering, Relays, IP Enclosures,
Capacitors, Reactors & Thyristors.
ii. Excise Duty shall be charged extra for APFC Panel, Reacto< Panels &Thyristor Control Panels,
as applicable at the rate, at the time of despatch.
Any other local or Safes Taxes, if applicable shall be charged extra.
Octroi: Octroi shall be dealt and paid by the customer direcdy. wllereve< applicable.

Insurance shall be organized, paid, deah by the customer d~rectly. Damages or any shortages, d
found shall be dealt by the customer directly.
Forwarding & Freight Charges:
For all standard rtems, freight shall be charged extra @2%.
For all other items, e.g. Block Reactors & Panels, freight shall be charged extra at actual.

Tem1s of Payments:
For all authorized Business Partners, payment terms shall be applicable as per the Trade Policy
except APFC Panels & other Panels.
In case of Panels. advance payment &balance along wrth 100% taxes & dutes levies etc. shall
be released against PI before despatch.
Regional OHices
AhmedlobH H.alyano.
lddi ....,Y"'" ......,II com ~.1n; ~t- r'lo!'MI.COtn

Bangalort Hyderabacl Mt dtltJi

llang. Jiout~IIIJlt11111'tf!<lt,, c;om hytietlbftd( ~lu.'leir'dia ocm 1111 :l<ttll ~lf"

Barod11 Indore Hagpur

t)t~Od,,,.,,nct Munr-uu l!.l con1 indOrefiiloepcu'ein<litt.con' "''~' ~~~ 1 JCJ!l ~a.oom

Bhopill Jaipur Punt

bhop.11 ~IJIU Ul(llll (Om jlipur@neptunln,1ia.COM l~lll\(li'nciJI QCm

CMnNii Kanpur Ra1pur

d I~~ ~netnclii-CDm ~ ..lj~JI'CiincMCOtn

Clw'Ctipm t<ofkoiU UUartnel*

~ ~eom uaar~ r; IWodaoom
Cotltlbli'Oo. Luc:hanil
eeu tGw ; 4a.ccm ~com


Corporale & Mktg Office:
Neptune House, A11, lind Floor, Sector 59.
NOida-201301 (INOlA)
Tel.: 0120-4205900, 4297900, +91 8010806000
For product enquiry: +91 9555500300
E-ma~ l eoq~1ry@neptune

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