05 01 Bytubework V01 en
05 01 Bytubework V01 en
05 01 Bytubework V01 en
Bystronic Laser AG
Table of contents
GENERAL FEATURES ............................................................................. 5
INSERT PARTS ..................................................................................... 6
INSERT RAW MATERIAL ....................................................................... 7
JOB PARAMETERS ................................................................................ 8
Parameter 1 ........................................................................................................... 8
Nesting ............................................................................................................... 8
Common Cut ....................................................................................................... 8
Length of clamping zone........................................................................................ 8
Parameter 2 ........................................................................................................... 9
General............................................................................................................... 9
Lance 9
Time format ........................................................................................................ 9
Cutting plan export................................................................................................. 9
Zero point offset .................................................................................................. 9
Lift-off height....................................................................................................... 9
Engraved centre-punch marks................................................................................ 9
Common - Cut pulsed in-feed................................................................................. 9
Pulse contour in radius region ................................................................................ 9
Invert processing sequence for turned parts........................................................... 10
Export zero point offset ....................................................................................... 10
NESTING ............................................................................................ 11
POSTPROCESSOR ............................................................................... 12
CALCULATION .................................................................................... 13
APPENDIX .......................................................................................... 14
Situation of the zero point on Bystar/Bytube - Flex mode .................................... 14
Situation of the zero point on Bytube - Hybrid mode ............................................ 14
After having programmed tube parts in Bytubepart, this program enables you to combine
individual parts to a job, which can then be cut on either a Bystar machine with rotary axis or
on a Bytube machine.
Tube production:
Press this button in order to create a new job or to modify an existing job.
Seite 4 05_01_Bytubework_V01_en
Customer Center
Bystronic Laser AG
General features
Open the program module Bytubework and select New in the pull down menu File, click on
the button New or press the shortcut Ctrl + N.
Icon New
In the appearing dialog window you need to determine important preliminary information
about the job.
Define the dimensions of the selected profile type in the next window.
A job is created in five steps, four of which are compulsory.
3. Nest job
4. Postprocessor (Strg+3)
During the creation of a tube job you always work in the area Nesting. The other areas are
visible as icons in the tool bar or as commands in the pull-down menu Working range. The
first two steps are opened automatically during the creation of a new job.
Edition: 07. 2005 Seite 5
Customer Center
Bystronic Laser AG
Insert parts
Select the necessary parts from the database and insert the required quantity. Determine a
rotation angle for radial nesting in the column Rotation. If you are creating a job, which will
be cut on a Bytube machine, the column Trash gives you the possibility to have the cut parts
ejected on one of four possible positions. In the column Turn it is possible to allow axial
turning during nesting. This is only recommended for jobs, which will be cut on a Bystar
machine (also see the paragraph Invert processing sequence for turned parts). In the last
column it is possible to allow the parts for Common Cut mode, i.e. they will be cut with a
common cutting edge.
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Customer Center
Bystronic Laser AG
Job parameters
Before you perform either an automatic or manual nesting you should customize the Job
parameters in the menu Working range:
Parameter 1
In this register you define the angle of rotation stepwise, around which the part is turned
during the nesting. With a little angle of rotation the nesting takes more time, but the result is
better. This applies only if in the part selection rotating angle increment has been selected.
Common Cut
Bytubework is able to fit the end cuts of two parts on each other, in order to execute a
common cut. Define here the maximum permissible deviation of the programmed cutting
curve. The width of the cutting gap depends on the material thickness.
These differences are a result of the different material constructions and the CNC mode of
operation. See appendix.
Seite 8 05_01_Bytubework_V01_en
Customer Center
Bystronic Laser AG
Parameter 2
Define here the minimum length, which an end-cut needs to have in order not to be considered
as waste but as spare tube, which goes back to the store. Bytubework will set a flat end-cut.
The function Remove waste is only available on the Bytube. In this case the trash is collected
and ejected in a pre-defined position.
When cutting round tubes on the Bytube it is possible to use a lance as a protection of the
opposed side of the tube. Its length restricts the use of the lance.
Define here the length and the diameter of the lance you want to use. After the nesting you
can check in the menu Extras -> Test lance length, if all the parts can be cut with the help
of the lance.
Time format
Select here the required time format for the display of the calculated cutting time.
Lift-off height
The lift-off height is arisen by this value, which is a safety function. Its use is reasonable when
cutting irregular rectangular profiles and in case the section does not fall out directly and runs
the risk of colliding with the cutting head when the tube is turning.
Seite 10 05_01_Bytubework_V01_en
Customer Center
Bystronic Laser AG
After having selected the parts and defined the raw material, you can see the parts and the
indication of the number you want to nest, in the upper part of the screen. The lower part of
the screen is still empty.
Insert First open a new plan. Now you can see the tube in the lower part
of the screen. Activate the function Insert and select the part,
which you want to insert. If you click inside the tube now, the part
will be moved to the right edge. It is as well possible to put a part
in-between two parts, which are already set.
Turn With this function you can turn a part, which has already been set.
Click into the part, which you want to turn.
With this function you can create the cutting programs for the machine. You can give each
program a different file name or create it automatically with the function plan filename.
Indicate the required location in the field CNC data path. Export selected (Export selected
plans) or all plans (Export all plans) to the selected register. You can simulate exported
plans with the function BYVIEW.
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Customer Center
Bystronic Laser AG
With this function you calculate the cutting time. Click Select to select the appropriate
parameter from the database.
The zero point of the machine (as well as of the cutting plan) has a distance of about 150mm
to the chuck. The distance can vary, please take the exact value from the acceptance report of
the machine. The length L, which is defined in the raw material selection of bytubework, does
not correspond to the actual tube. The actual tube is longer (value L plus value X).
On the Bytube in hybrid mode the tube length defined in Bytubework corresponds to the actual
raw material length. Please take the recommended length of clamping zone right and left from
the chapter Job Parameter
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