Revenue Memorandum Order No. 6-2015 issued policy directives for evaluating revenue region and district office performance in 2014, amending some provisions related to key performance indicators. Collection performance and growth made up 50% of an office's rating, with the remaining indicators comprising the other 50%. The 2014 performance evaluation was based solely on actual data from the Integrated Tax System, not verbal reports or narratives.
Revenue Memorandum Order No. 6-2015 issued policy directives for evaluating revenue region and district office performance in 2014, amending some provisions related to key performance indicators. Collection performance and growth made up 50% of an office's rating, with the remaining indicators comprising the other 50%. The 2014 performance evaluation was based solely on actual data from the Integrated Tax System, not verbal reports or narratives.
Revenue Memorandum Order No. 6-2015 issued policy directives for evaluating revenue region and district office performance in 2014, amending some provisions related to key performance indicators. Collection performance and growth made up 50% of an office's rating, with the remaining indicators comprising the other 50%. The 2014 performance evaluation was based solely on actual data from the Integrated Tax System, not verbal reports or narratives.
Revenue Memorandum Order No. 6-2015 issued policy directives for evaluating revenue region and district office performance in 2014, amending some provisions related to key performance indicators. Collection performance and growth made up 50% of an office's rating, with the remaining indicators comprising the other 50%. The 2014 performance evaluation was based solely on actual data from the Integrated Tax System, not verbal reports or narratives.
directive for the CY 2014 Performance Evaluation of Revenue Regions and Revenue District Offices and amends certain provisions of Annex A of Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 36-2014, particularly in relation to Key Performance Indicator (KPI) No. 12 (Audit Effort) and KPI No. 22 (Returns Encoding). The KPIs on Collection Performance and Collection Growth shall comprise the 50% overall rating of an office. The remaining KPIs included in Annex A of RMO No. 36-2014 shall comprise the other 50%. All performance evaluation on the 2014 KPIs shall be premised on actual performance data from the Integrated Tax System (ITS). Verbal feedback, reports and similar narratives shall not be considered as a factor in any performance evaluation. Due care and conscientiousness should therefore be exercised in the encoding and/or uploading of data in the ITS.