Effect of Phototherapy On Serum Calcium Level in Neonatal Jaundice
Effect of Phototherapy On Serum Calcium Level in Neonatal Jaundice
Effect of Phototherapy On Serum Calcium Level in Neonatal Jaundice
hyperbilirubinemia, hypocalcemia, phototherapy
Figure 1 Figure 2
TSB among the study group and the control group before phototherapy. TSB and serum calcium level of neonates in the study group before
TSB, total serum bilirubin. and after phototherapy. TSB, total serum bilirubin.
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50 neonates, 25 boys (50%) and 25 girls (50%) with melatonin level and corticosterone secretion [7]. In
mean gestational age 38.28 weeks. The second group addition, urinary calcium excretion is increased after
(physiological jaundiced neonates treated without exposure to phototherapy [11].
phototherapy as the control group with bilirubin
level 6.6 0.79 mg/dl) included 25 neonates, 13 boys This decrease in calcium can be explained by
(52%) and 12 girls (48%) with mean gestational age melatonin secretion [12]. Melatonin stimulates
38.7 weeks. secretion of corticosterone, which decreases
calcium absorption by bones. Phototherapy leads
In our study, hypocalcemia was assessed as a to inhibition of pineal gland by transcranial
complication of phototherapy in newborns managed illumination, resulting in a decline in melatonin level
for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. and as a result, hypocalcemia develops [7]. Cortisol
exerts a direct hypocalcemic effect by decreasing the
Before phototherapy, there was no statistically absorption of Ca and PO4 ions from the intestine
significant difference between serum calcium level by antivitamin D action and by increasing the renal
in cases (9.3 mg/dl) and in controls (9.18 mg/dl). excretion of these ions and also accelerates the bone
However, after 48 h of treatment of cases with uptake of calcium [13].
phototherapy, serum calcium level decreased
to 8.5 mg/dl, and we found highly statistically In addition, urinary calcium excretion is increased after
significant difference between serum calcium level exposure to phototherapy as shown by Hooman and
before and after exposure to phototherapy where Honarpisheh [11].
P value was less than 0.01.
The reason for a higher incidence of hypocalcemia in
This was in agreement with several previous studies. preterm infants is still unknown.
In studies by Karamifar et al. [7] and Ehsanipour Prevention of hypocalcemia in infants undergoing
et al. [6] the incidence of hypocalcemia after 48 h of phototherapy has been trialed by this research group
phototherapy was 15 and 14.4%, respectively. and others. The researchers studied 100 preterm
newborns to verify whether calcifediol (25(OH)
In addition, Jain et al. [8] noticed that 55% of preterm D3) could be useful to prevent the phototherapy-
neonates and 30% of full-term neonates developed induced hypocalcemia. Results obtained show that
hypocalcemia after being subjected to phototherapy. calcifediol is not able, anyway, to lower the increase of
the phototherapy-induced hypocalcemia in preterm
In addition, Sethi et.al. [9] noticed hypocalcemia infants. Vitamin D is therefore unlikely to play any
after 48 h of phototherapy. Sixty neonates with important role in the pathogenesis of phototherapy-
hyperbilirubinemia were included in their study. induced hypocalcemia [12]. Zecca et al. [12] also
There were 20 preterm (group A) and 20 full- found that vitamin (25(OH)D3) is ineffective in the
term (group B) neonates. Ten neonates from each prevention of hypocalcemia induced by phototherapy
group formed the control group. The study group in newborns.
neonates were managed with phototherapy, whereas
the control group neonates were not subjected to Suggestions to possibly prevent development of
phototherapy. Serum calcium levels of the two groups hypocalcemia in phototherapy-treated newborn
were studied. In all, 90% preterm neonates and 75% include either giving them oral calcium as prophylaxis
full-term neonates developed hypocalcemia after or covering their heads and occipital area using a
being subjected to phototherapy. There was a highly special hat during phototherapy, so that light effect
significant decrease in total as well as ionized calcium from phototherapy on newborns pineal gland and
levels in the study group in contrast to the control consequently melatonin decreases and hypocalcemia
group. They recommended that neonates under can be prevented [7].
phototherapy should be given supplemental calcium
to prevent hypocalcemia. No researchers demonstrated symptomatic
hypocalcemia in infants treated with phototherapy.
Mostafa et al. [10] also found hypocalcemia after
exposure to phototherapy, with a higher percentage
among the preterm neonates, as compared with full-
term neonates. Conclusion
Hypocalcemia is a complication of phototherapy.
The etiology of hypocalcemia in infants treated with However, the clinical relevance of this finding needs
phototherapy is believed to be caused by a decrease in further study.
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