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FB Ketjutekniikka is the largest manufacturer of conveyor

chains in Scandinavia. With over 50 years of experience and
specialisation in conveyor chains FB Ketjutekniikka has
developed into one of the leading companies in the industry.
The conveyor chains manufactured by FB Ketjutekniikka
are sold to companies throughout the world with a particularly
strong presence in Scandinavia and Europe.


The very wide product range offered by FB Ketjutekniikka
includes conveyor chains according to various standards as
well as special chains, chain wheels and different kind of
attachments. For even for the most demanding application
the best possible solution can be found from a combination
of these products. Special solutions can also be developed FB Ketjutekniikka has always invested heavily in quality
together with the customer for particularly individual needs. and reliability. As a result of this determination FB
Ketjutekniikka in 1993 became the first chain manufac-
turer in Scandinavia to be fully accrediated to SFS-EN
ISO 9001 certification. The consistent high quality is an
advantage for the customer a durable, reliable conveyor
is a profitable investment.

FB Ketjutekniikka Oy has made high levels of investment
in the most up-to-date technology of welding, machining
and robotic technology in assembly. This guarantees
effective and flexible production and combined with the
on-line production management system enables precise and
uniform products delivered on time.

FB Ketjutekniikka Oy uses high quality raw ma-
terials which can be recycled. Production ma-
chining chips and other waste steel is collected
SPECIAL KNOWHOW AND OWN and recycled. The chains are lubricated
PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT with an environmental friendly, rape
Many conveyor designers and users are familiar with seed oil based, special conveyor
the light and strong FB Profile Chain, which is a result chain lubricant. All packaging is
of our own product development. Continuous work in totally made of recyclable materials.
product development has enabled FB Ketjutekniikka to
meet customer demands for new and replacement con-
veying applications.


FB conveyor chains are constructed to withstand the Furthermore, welded pins increases the life of the chain.
most arduous applications. The chains characteristics The chain is very stable and wear resistant to the excep-
are attained by surface hardened, homogenous and tional forces seen in some arduous applications. The
accurate pins and bushes with locating shoulders. The special steels used in FB chains are all fully weldable.
holes in the sideplates are made by special precision
punching resulting in a perfect cylinderical hole forma- CHAINS WITH WELDED PINS
tion. These characteristics together with a press fit AND BUSHES
between pins, bushes and sideplates makes the strongest
joint possible. Both the pins and bushes are welded to the side plates.
The welding is made by CNC-automatic welding machi-
nes to guarantee high and consistent quality. This alter-
ROUND RIVETED CHAINS native is considered the best in the most demanding app-
The bushes are connected to the inner plates by a cold lications. With welded pins and bushes the chain achieves
riveting method. The pins are spun riveted, which is also about 30% higher breaking load compared to the same
a cold riveting method, in which an automatic machine dimensioned standard chain with riveted construction.
eccentrically works the ends of the pins with a high com-
pression force to the outerplates. A very strong and side- PROFILE CHAIN
ways impact resistant joint is achieved by this procedure.
This is acknowledged to be the best method of riveting The internationally patended profile chain is the result
and is superior for small chains. of our ongoing research and development by FB Ket-
jutekniikka. Profile chain has been designed and deve-
loped for the most demanding and difficult applications
CHAINS WITH WELDED PINS commonly found in the timber log handling and paper
The bushes are connected to the inner plates by a cold industries, but can also be used in other kind of deman-
riveting method in the same way as in round riveted ding applications. Profile chain is lighter than comparable
chains. The pins are welded by CNC-automatic welding standard chain and offers greater resistance to wear and
machines with high and consistent quality. shock loadings together with increased fatigue life.


A Without rollers B With small rollers

Ordering code: Note!

Profile chain - type - pitch Chains are supplied with welded connecting links.
Example: Profile chain P50 - A - 200
If a plastic sliding track is used, side plates edges must
be rounded off. (Please mention when ordering.)

Chain Breaking Pitch Pin Bush Small Inner Outer Sideplates Bearing surface* Weight kg/m
load roller width width
No. kN p d1 d2 d3 b1 b2 h1 h2 s1 s2 e R cm2 A B

P35 350 160 22 34 45 55 99 60 35 10 6,5 28 50 16,4 12,4 14,2

200 11,3 12,7

P50 500 160 26 40 55 65 117 70 40 12 8,0 33 50 23,0 18,9 22,4

200 17,3 20,1

P75 750 200 32 48 65 80 143 85 50 15 10,0 40 55 35,0 27,4 32,3

250 24,8 28,8

*Bearing surface = d1 x (b1 + 2s1)



A Without rollers B With small rollers C With plain rollers

Order designation:
Conveyor chain, chain number - type - pitch
Example: Conveyor chain M80 - C - 100

Chain Pitch Inner Pin Bush Small Plain Flanged Sideplates

width roller roller roller
No. p b1 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 e b2 b3 b4 s h1 h2 h3

M 40 63 80 100 125 20 8,5 12,5 18 36 42 13,5 21 24 37 *4 25 35 22,5

M 56 63 80 100 125 24 10 15 21 42 50 17 24 27 41 4 30 45 25

M 80 80 100 125 160 28 12 18 25 50 60 20 29 33 49 5 35 50 32,5

M 112 80 100 125 160 32 15 21 30 60 70 22 33 37 57 6 40 60 40

M 160 100 125 160 200 37 18 25 36 70 85 25,5 38 43 67 7 50 70 45

M 224 125 160 200 250 43 21 30 42 85 100 30 44 49 77 8 60 90 60

M 315 160 200 250 315 48 25 36 50 100 120 33 51 58 90 10 70 100 65

M 450 200 250 315 400 56 30 42 60 120 140 37 60 66 107 12 80 120 80

M 630 250 315 400 500 66 36 50 70 140 170 45 69 78 126 14 100

M 900 250 315 400 500 78 44 60 85 170 210 52 79 89 146 16 120

*deviation to DIN 8167 and ISO/R 1977 -standards

Please note!
The chains are supplied with welded or riveted If a plastic sliding track is
connecting pins, unless otherwise specified when used, side plates edges
ordering. must be rounded off.
To be specified with order: (Please mention
-Length of the chain in meters (or in number of when ordering.)
-Order designation of chain (chain no. - type - pitch)
-Connecting pins fastening (with rivet, split pin or
-Plain roller: special material requirements (if for
example plastic)
-Lubrication: special requirements
DIN 8167, ISO/R 1977, SFS 2380,
SMS 2083




D With flanged rollers E With deep link sideplates

Chain Breaking Maximum Measuring Bearing Plain roller

load allowed load load surface Bearing surface f c
No. kN N N ak (cm2) ar (cm2)

M 40 40 5700 800 2,30 2,38 3,5 1

M 56 56 8000 1120 3,20 3,45 4,5 1,5

M 80 80 11400 1600 4,58 4,86 5 2

M 112 112 16000 2240 6,63 6,51 5 2,5

M 160 160 22800 3200 9,22 9,00 5,5 3

M 224 224 32000 4500 12,47 12,60 7 3

M 315 315 45000 6300 17,10 16,92 7,5 3

M 450 450 64000 9000 24,18 23,10 8 3,5

M 630 630 90000 12500 34,06 32,50 11 3,5

M 900 900 128000 18000 48,66 45,69 13,5 3,5


A Without rollers B With small rollers C With plain rollers

Order designation:
Conveyor chain, chain number - type - pitch
Example: Conveyor chain FV90 - C - 100

Chain Breaking Maximum Pitch Inner Pin Bush Small

load allowed width roller
No. kN N p b1 d1 d2 d3

FV 40 40 6700 40 63 80 100 18 10 15 20

FV 63 63 10500 63 100 125 160 22 12 18 26

FV 90 90 15000 63 100 125 160 25 14 20 30

FV 112 112 18700 100 125 160 200 30 16 22 32

FV 140 140 23400 100 125 160 200 35 18 26 36

FV 180 180 30000 125 160 200 250 45 20 30 42

FV 250 250 41700 125 160 200 250 55 26 36 50

FV 315 315 52500 160 200 250 315 65 30 42 60

FV 400 400 66700 160 200 250 315 70 32 44 60

FV 500 500 83400 160 200 250 315 80 36 50 70

FV 630 630 105000 200 250 315 400 90 42 56 80

DIN 8165

D With flanged rollers E With deep link sideplates

Chain Plain Flanged Sideplates

roller roller
No. d4 d5 d6 b2 b3 s h1 h2 h3

FV 40 32 40 48 18,5 22 *4 25 35 22

FV 63 40 50 60 23 27,5 4 30 40 25

FV 90 48 63 73 26,5 31 5 35 45 27,5

FV 112 55 72 87 31,5 36 6 40 50 30

FV 140 60 80 95 34 40 6 45 60 37,5

FV 180 70 100 120 43 50 8 50 70 45

FV 250 80 125 145 49 57 8 60 80 50

FV 315 90 140 170 58,5 66,5 10 70 90 55

FV 400 100 150 185 65,5 75,5 12 70 90 55

FV 500 110 160 195 70,5 80,5 12 80 100 60

FV 630 120 170 210 76,5 86,5 12 100 120 70

*deviation to DIN 8165


h1 h2

max. b2 b1
s s1

d3 d3
d1 d2

A Without B With plain E With deep link

rollers rollers sideplates

Chain Breaking Pitch Inner width Pin Bush Roller Sideplates Outer sideplates Length of bin
load p b1 d1 d2 d3 h1 h2 h3 s s mm b2
No. kN mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm normal heavy mm

3,5 35 50 63 80 100 18 10 15 32 25 35 22,5 4 4 6 49

5,5 55 50 63 80 100 22 12 18 40 30 40 25 5 4 6 54

8,5 85 63 80 100 150 25 14 20 50 35 50 32,5 6 5 8 65

12,5 125 100 150 200 35 18 26 60 40 60 40 8 6 8 81

18 180 100 150 200 250 45 20 30 70 50 78 45 8 6 10 96

24 240 100 150 200 250 55 26 36 80 60 80 50 10 8 12 116

30 300 150 200 250 65 30 42 90 70 90 55 10 8 12 128

40 400 150 200 250 80 36 50 110 80 110 70 10 12 12 148

65 650 150 200 250 80 36 50 110 90 120 75 12 15 15 158


Conveyor chain can be combined, in most cases, with When chain and chain wheels are dimensioned correctly
different kind of attachments or brackets. the attachments can in most cases be attached directly
The special steels used in side plates in all FB conveyor on to the upper surface of the side plates of the conveyor
chains are well weldable and because of this the at- chains.
tachments can be welded directly to the chains or by FB Ketjutekniikka Oy has standardised various types
screw mounting to welded brackets. of mounting holes, brackets as well as bracket pins.
It is preferable for chain to be supplied complete with Some of the most common types of attachments have
the attachments, as the welding and handling of greasy been standardised by their structure. They are manu-
chain can often be problematical. factured according to customers dimensions.
In the factory the attachments are connected to the chain Naturally FB also delivers any special attachments
before applying the lubrication resulting in a stronger exactly according to the customers wishes and
weld. drawings.
Regard has to be made for the space the attachments
need on the chain wheel when welding them to the chain.



Material: Fe 52 C or corresponding special steel Material: Fe 52 C or corresponding special steel
Keyway: SFS 2636 J9 Keyway: SFS 2636 J9

Construction Construction

Solid wheel Split wheel

N NN Solid wheel Split wheel





N1 N2 N4 YN 1 YN 2 YN 4
NN 1 Selflubricating Ball bearing XN 1 Selflubricating Ball bearing
Keyway bush design Keyway bush design

Note! Hubtypes N2 and N4 can only be used in solid Note! Hubtypes N2 and N4 can only be used in solid
wheel. wheel.

Ordering designation: Ordering designation:

Chain wheel, hubtype, - number of teeth, - d / conveyor Chain wheel, hubtype, - number of teeth, - d / conveyor
chain chain
Example: Chain wheel NN1-8-80/M112-C-125 Example: Chain wheel XN1-8-80/M112-C-125

If wanted some other length of hub or some other If wanted some other length of hub or some other
material of rim, it must be mentioned in order. material of rim, it must be mentioned in order.

Length of hub Length of hub

Chain L Chain L Chain L Chain L

M 40 60 M 315 140 M 160 110

M 56 70 M 450 140 M 224 120 P 35 140
M 80 80 M 315 140 P 50 140
M 112 100 P 35 140 M 450 140 P 75 160
M 160 110 P 50 140
M 224 120 P 75 160


p 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500

6 80,00 100,00 126,00 160,00 200,00 250,00 320,00 400,00 500,00 630,00 800,00 1000,00
7 92,19 115,24 145,20 184,38 230,48 288,10 368,76 460,96 576,20 726,01 921,92 1152,40
8 104,52 130,65 164,62 209,04 261,31 326,63 418,09 522,62 653,27 823,12 1045,24 1306,55

9 116,95 146,19 184,19 233,90 292,38 365,47 467,80 584,76 730,95 920,99 1169,52 1461,90
10 129,44 161,80 203,87 258,88 323,61 404,51 517,77 647,22 809,02 1019,37 1294,44 1618,05
11 141,98 177,47 223,61 283,96 354,95 443,68 567,92 709,90 887,37 1118,09 1419,80
12 154,54 193,18 243,41 309,09 386,37 482,96 618,19 772,74 965,92 1217,06 1545,48
13 167,14 208,93 263,25 334,28 417,86 522,32 668,57 835,72 1044,65 1316,25 1671,44
14 179,76 224,70 283,12 359,52 449,40 561,75 719,04 898,80 1123,50 1415,61
15 192,38 240,48 303,01 384,77 480,97 601,21 769,55 961,94 1202,42 1515,05
16 205,03 256,29 322,92 410,06 512,58 640,72 820,12 1025,16 1281,45 1614,62
17 217,68 272,11 342,85 435,37 544,22 680,27 870,75 1088,44 1360,55 1714,29
18 230,35 287,94 362,80 460,70 575,88 719,85 921,40 1151,76 1439,70
19 243,02 303,77 382,75 486,04 607,55 759,43 972,08 1215,10 1518,87
20 255,70 319,62 402,72 511,40 639,25 799,06 1022,80 1278,50 1598,12
21 268,38 335,47 422,69 536,76 670,95 838,68 1073,52 1341,90 1677,37
22 281,06 351,33 442,68 562,13 702,67 878,33 1124,27 1405,34
23 293,75 367,19 462,66 587,51 734,39 917,98 1175,02 1468,78
24 306,45 383,06 482,66 612,90 766,13 957,66 1225,80 1532,26
25 319,14 398,93 502,65 638,29 797,87 997,33 1276,59 1595,74
26 331,84 414,81 522,66 663,69 829,62 1037,02 1327,39 1659,24

27 344,55 430,69 542,66 689,10 861,38 1076,72 1378,20 1722,76

28 357,25 446,57 562,67 714,51 893,14 1116,42 1492,02
29 369,96 462,45 582,69 739,92 924,91 1156,13 1479,85
30 382,67 478,34 602,70 765,34 956,68 1195,85 1530,68

DIN 8167, ISO/R 1977

Type of chain
Chain Pitch A B C D E
Steel Plastic Steel Plastic
No. roller roller roller roller
63 2,2 2,5 4,2 2,4 4,3 4,8 3,0
M 40 80 2,0 2,2 3,6 2,2 3,7 4,2 2,8
100 1,9 2,1 3,1 2,0 3,2 3,7 2,6
125 1,8 1,9 2,8 1,9 2,9 3,4 2,5

63 3,2 3,6 6,5 3,6 6,8 7,2 4,3

M 56 80 2,9 3,3 5,5 3,3 5,8 6,2 3,9
100 2,7 3,0 4,8 3,0 5,0 5,5 3,6
125 2,6 2,8 4,2 2,8 4,4 4,9 3,4

80 4,5 5,2 9,0 5,1 9,5 10,3 6,4

M 80 100 4,2 4,7 7,8 4,7 8,1 9,1 6,0
125 3,9 4,3 6,8 4,3 7,1 8,0 5,5
160 3,7 4,0 5,9 3,9 6,1 7,1 5,2

80 6,7 7,7 14,0 7,6 14,6 16,0 9,7

M 112 100 6,1 6,9 11,9 6,8 12,4 14,0 8,9
125 5,6 6,3 10,3 6,2 10,7 12,3 8,2
160 5,2 5,8 8,9 5,7 9,2 10,9 7,7

100 9,5 10,9 18,7 10,4 19,4 19,7 13,1

M 160 125 8,7 9,9 16,1 9,4 16,6 17,3 12,0
160 8,0 8,9 13,8 8,6 14,2 16,1 11,1
200 7,5 8,2 12,1 8,0 12,5 14,4 10,4

125 12,8 14,5 25,6 26,8

M 224 160 11,6 13,0 21,6 22,6
200 10,8 11,9 18,8 19,6
250 10,2 11,0 16,6 17,2

160 17,8 19,9 33,2 35,1

M 315 200 16,4 18,1 28,8 30,3
250 15,4 16,7 25,2 26,4
315 14,5 15,5 22,3 23,2

200 23,8 26,8 44,9 46,9

M 450 250 22,1 24,5 38,9 40,6
315 20,6 22,6 34,0 35,3
400 19,5 21,0 30,0 31,0

250 34,2 38,0 57,4 60,8

M 630 315 31,7 34,7 50,1 52,8
400 29,6 32,0 44,1 46,3
500 28,1 30,0 39,7 41,4

250 50,7 57,4 97,5 103,9

M 900 315 46,5 51,7 83,6 88,7
400 43,0 47,2 72,2 76,2
500 41,5 44,9 64,9 68,1

FB Group is an international concern concentrated
into manufacturing and marketing especially of con-
veyor chains and special chains for lumber industry.
FB Group is a part of Swedish exchange-listed com-
pany, Bergman & Beving. We have been operating on
chain business since 1912.

FB Group has subsidiary companies in Finland, Swe-

den, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Austria and Great
Britain. The manufacturing of conveyor chains in FB
Group takes place in Kyli, south-western part of
Finland by FB Ketjutekniikka Oy. The special, roller
chain based, chains for lumber industry are produced
in Sweden. The other subsidiaries are mainly concent-
rated to sell these chain products as well as f.ex. roller
and fleyer chains.

The most important customers of FB Group are paper

and pulp industry, wood processing industry, energy
plants, steel mills, building material industry and
conveyor manufacturers.

FBs strategy is to increase the market share of self-

produced conveyor chains in European market as well
as approve the position of the company itself and its
other products in each market area. FB Ketjutekniikka
Oy in Finland answers to this challenge by modern
production methods and constant product development.

Production and sales:

FIN-27710 Kyli, FINLAND

phone + 358-2-540111 fax +358-2-540 1100
E-mail: [email protected]

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