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CVS in Pregnancy

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In pregnancy

Assoc.Prof.Pawin Puapornpong.
Faculty of Medicine
Srinakharinwirot University

In the past , rheumatic heart disease accounted

for the majority of cases.

Now ,congenital heart diseases constitute at

least half of all cases.

Hypertensive heart disease has becomes

relatively common cause of peripartum heart
Increase cardiac output 30%-50%,
of total at 8 wk and then maximize at

Decrease vascular resistance

Increase PR,stroke volume,diastolic filling


Normal left ventricular filling pressure by

dilated ventricle.
Hemodynamic change in normal
Parameter change (%)

Cardiac output +43

HR +17
Left ventricular stroke work index +17
Vuscular resistance
Systemic -21
Pulmonary -34
Mean arterial pressure +4
Colloid osmotic pressure -14

Difficult to diagnose,because murmur

,edema ,dyspnea are common in
Progressve dyspnea or orthopnea
Nocturnal cough
Chest pain
Clinical Findings
Clubbing of fingers
Persistent neck vein dilatation
Systolic murmur grade 3/6
Diastolic murmur
Persistent arrhythmia
Persistent split-second sound
Criteria for pulmonary hypertention
Diagnostic study
EKG diaphragm is elevate,15-degree left
axis deviation,mild ST change
Atrial and ventricular premature contraction
are common in normal pregnancy.

Chest X-rayslight heart enlargement

cannot be detected.

normal pregnancy inducdes TR and increase
left atrial size.
Clinical classification
Class 1 no limitation of physical
Class 2 slight limitation of physical
Class 3 marked limitation of physical
Class 4 inability to perform any
physical activity without discomfort.
Risks for maternal mortaliity
Group 1 minimal risk 0-1%

Pulmonic or tricuspid disease
Bioprosthetic valve
MS,NYHA classes 1 and 2
Group 2 Moderate Risk 5-15%
2A:MS,NYHA class 3 and 4
TOF ,uncorrected
Marfan syndrome , normal aorta
Previous MI
Aortic coarctation without valve involvement
2B:MS with AF
Artificial valve
Group 3 Major risk 25-50%

Pulmonary hypertension

Aortic coarctation with valvar involvement

Marfan syndrome with aortic involvement

Management of classes 1 and 2
Mortalities rate is low.

infection - heart failure

No smoking respiratory tract infection

illegal drug bacterial endocarditis

CHF persistence basilar rales ,

nocturnal dyspnea,Tachytcardia , hemoptysis
, progressive edema
Labor and delivery
Normal labor , C/S indication
Pulmonary artery catheterization
Continuous epidural block
Semirecumbent position
Record vital sign keep PR <100,RR<24
F/E , V/E
Intrapartum heart failure
heart failure

Heart failure, Hemorrhage ,
anemia , infection

Tubal sterilization stable

Management of class 3 and 4
High mortalities rate

Admit and bed rest is necessary

Epidural analgesia is recommended

Surgically corrected heart disease
Sx in childhood , 15-20% not Sx because
complication : thromboembolism or
hemorrhage from anticoagulant
Warfarin prevent embolism but
teratogenic ,heparin 6-12wk and then
continuous warfarin
stop anticoagulant before delivery
start 6 hr if NL and 24 hr if C/S
Valvar heart disease

Type Cause Pathophysiology Pregnancy

Mitral stonosis Rheumatic LA dilate, PH , AF HF from fluid

Mitral insufficiency Rheumatic LV dilate improve

LV dilate

Aortic stenosis congenital LV hypertrophy, life-threatening

bicuspid valve decrease CO wlth preload

Aortic insufficiency Rheumatic LV hypertrophy improve

congenital and dilate
connective tissue
Mitral stenosis
Rheumatic endocarditis causes in MS.
LV dilate and PH from increase preload
Clinical dyspnea , fatique , palpitation ,
cough , hemoptysis , tachycardia
diastolic filling time b- block
AF aortic embolization , CVA
Limit activities ,Sodium restrict , diuretic
New onset AF verapamil or electrical
Chronic AF b- block , digoxin , heparin
Vaginal delivery and epidural analgesia
Prophylaxis endocarditis
Mitral insufficiency
No symptom
Improve in pregnancy because decrease
peripheral resistance is reduced
HF develop from tachyarrthmia Rx by
b- block
Prophylaxis endocarditis
Aortic stenosis
Disease of aging.
LV hypertrophy , decrease preload
decrease CO
Chest pain , syncope , heart failure ,
suddend death from arrythmia
Severe AS extremely dangerous
Asymptomatic no Rx but observation
Limitation activities and Rx infection
Balloon valvulotomy is high complication
hypotension , maintain CO
Epidural analgesia
V/E and F/E
Prophylaxis endocarditis
Aortic insufficiency
LV hypertrophy and dilatation
Fatigue , dyspnea , edema
Improve in pregnancy
If HF Rx sodium restrict , rest , diuretic
Epidural analgesia
Prophylaxis endocarditis
Congenital heart disease
Risk of ASD in fetus 5-10 %
Congenital asymptomatic until third or
forth decade
PH is rare
If CHF develop Rx
Prophylaxis endocarditis
Spontaneously close in 90% during
Adult with unrepaired large defect develop
HF and PH
If turn to Eisenmenger syndrome ,
mortalities rate is 30-50%.
Prophylaxis endocarditis
Some woman with an unrepaired
persistent ductus develop PH.
hypotension reverse blood flow
from pulmonary a. to aorta cyanosis
Prophylaxis endocarditis
Cyanotic heart
Large VSD , RV hypertrophy ,overiding
Peripheral resistance decrease shunt
and cyanosis worsens
Hypoxia , polycythemiapreterm , fetal
death , LBW
Eisenmenger syndrome
Secondary pulmonary hypertension
Rt to Lt shunt
Most common : ASD , VSD
Prognosis depend on severity
Pulmonary hypertension
Primary and secondary
Limited activities , avoid of supine position
, diuretic , oxygen supplement and
vasodilate therapy
venous return and Rt ventricular filling
maternal death
Epidural analgesia
Mitral valve prolapse
Connective tissue disease
15% in normal young women
asymptomatic , rare symptom : palpitation
, dyspnea
clinical improve in pregnancy
antibiotic prophylaxis
Peripartum cardiomyopathy
Dx by exclude
peripartum heart failure but no underlying
heart disease
Bx : myocarditis
precipitate:anemia , infection ,
Idiopathic cardiomyopathy in preg
Prolong b -mimetic tocolytic provoking
symptom : CHF , dyspnea , orthopnea ,
palpitation , chest pain
Echocardiogram : EF < 45% , increase
end- diastolic dimension
Rx : heart failure
idiopathic prognosis better than identifies
Infective endocarditis
Subacute endocarditis viridan gr.
Streptococci. And Enterococcus species

Acute endocarditis coaglase positive

staphylococci , S. aureus in native valve or
iv drug abuse , S. epidermis in prosthetic
valve , Strep pneumoniae and N.
gonorrheae in acute and fulminant
Sign and symptom
Flu like , anorexia , fatique , embolic
lesion ,+blood colture
Negative echocardiographic not exclude
Rx most viridan :penicillin G iv and
gentamicin 2 wk
Allergy for penicillin :cef 3 or
vancomycin 4 wk
Other organism C/S 4-6 wk
Prosthetic valve 6-8 wk
Antimicrobial prophylaxis
Moderate-high risk
Normal labor not indication for antibiotic
Preterm , PROM , manual placenta
removal , 4 degree tear and high
moderat risk must take antibiotic
High risk
Prosthetic heart valve
previous endocarditis
complex congenital cyanotic heart disease
surgically constructed systemic pulmonary
Moderate risk
Most other congenital malformation not in
high or low risk categories
acquire valve dysfunction
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
mitral valve prolapse with valve
Not recommended
surgically corrected without prosthetic valve
coronary a. with previous bypass Sx
mitral valve prolapse without valve regurgitation
physiologic murmur
previous rheumatic without valve dysfunction
High risk : ampicillin +gentamicin
Penicillin-allergic patients : vancomycin
Moderat risk : amoxycillin or ampicillin
Bradyarrhythmia : permanent artificial
SVT: Rx like non pregnancy , digoxin ,
adenosine , calcium channel blocker
VT : cause ? , b- block
AF : underlying? , digitalis to control rate
Coarctation of aorta
Hypertension in upper extremities and
normal or reduced in lower extremities
Hypertension aortic rupture
B- block to prevent hypertension
C/S is recommended
Prophylaxis endocarditis
Marfan syndrome
Autosomal dominant
Systemic connective tissue disease AR ,
MR , aortic dissection
C/S if valve dissection
50% offspring
Aortic dissection
Severe chest pain , loss in peripheral pulse
, murmur
Abnormal CXR and angiogram is definite
Noninvasive iv CT or MRI
Rx reduce BP

Rx like non pregnancy

Nitroglycerine , morphine , lidocain
calcium channel blocker , b- block
C/S if indication
Epidural analgesia
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