Bba Syllabus
Bba Syllabus
Bba Syllabus
Academic progress, course registration at higher students will be held on same question
semester and probation paper. If however it is required to be
Students must maintain a GPA of 2.00 or more conducted on the modified and original
in each semester with at least D grade in all syllabi to cater to both groups of
compulsory and elective courses. A student students (regular and repeater),
having GPA of 2.00 or more in a semester necessary options may be provided for
final result and no F grade in any course will in the questions by the question paper
be eligible for registration in the next higher setter/EC.
semester as regular student.
A student who has obtained F grade in If a student fails in a repeat exam he/she shall
a course or courses of any semester be required to enroll for course repetition
may be allowed to register for courses without retaining any in-course marks;
in the next semester. He/she will be however, he/she may be allowed additional
treated as repeat-student until he/she repeat exam by the Dean, if satisfied, subject to
clears the F grade(s) through repeat clauses of probation (18.3) and maximum
examination or course repetition time-limit for the study (7.3)
Academic probation: If a student is
found to have accumulated, or at A student shall not be permitted to take a
his/her disposal, 50% or more of repeat exam for the purpose of improving a
(theory/practical) with F grade at the grade other than F.
end of Level 2 or Level 3, he/she shall The record of repeat exam or course repetition
be placed under academic probation. will be indicated on the students transcript
During probation the student is against the course title followed by the word
debarred from enrolment for course Repeat in parenthesis.
registration at higher semester so as to
enable him/her to devote full time to A student having F grade in an elective or
clear (pass) backlog courses with optional course may register for a substitute
course repetition and repeat exam as course if available or if situation permits
applicable. However, when academic instead of resorting to repeat exam or course
probation holder students will be able repetition.
to lessen his/her repeat courses below
50% of upcoming semester courses, If a student is found to have F grade in any
then he/she will be eligible for course(s) after the final exam of 8th semester
enrolment for course registration at he/she will be permitted to take a repeat exam
higher semester. for the F course(s) within two months after the
A student under probation may be publication of the result.
allowed to take repeat exam by the
Dean in specific course(s) in which Withdrawal from a semester and re-
he/she has not taken any repeat exam admission
earlier. If a student owing to serious illness or an
Repeat examination and course repetition acceptable ground fails to sit for final exam in
A student may be allowed to take all courses of a semester, he/she may apply to
repeat exam (final) to clear F grade in a the Dean of the Faculty through the Controller
course/courses in the next available of Examination with supporting evidence
semester when the concerned course(s) within one week after the end of the semester
will be offered on regular basis (with final exam for total withdrawal from the
retention of earlier in-course marks for semester with provision of re-admission/re-
class tests and class attendance). enrollment in it in the next semester.
A student who has been granted withdrawal
The final exam for regular and repeat- from a semester, as spelled in clause 19.1, shall
not be eligible for course registration in the published separately. The overall final
next upper semester (of the same or different results covering all semester results of
level); however, he/she can take repeat exam or regular successful students will be
enroll for course repetition to clear F grade(s), declared in order of merit based on
if any, of earlier semester(s). CGPA, the transcript shall show the
If a student gets F grade in all courses of the course number, course title, credits,
first semester of level-1, he/she may apply to contact hours, grade and grade point of
the Dean within one week of the publication individual courses, and GPA of each
of the results, for re-admission (in the level- semester.
1, semester-I) in the next academic year. The final results of the repeater or
The student re-admitted on any ground will irregular students after level-4
not get extra time beyond the maximum limit semester-2 will be published on
of 7 years, counted from the date of his/her first clearance of the courses with F
admission, to complete the study. grade(s) and fulfillment of necessary
course-credit requirement, without
Boycotting of exam and adoption of unfair assigning any merit order.
means in the exam The course number, course title,
Students who, in any pretext, either credits, contact hours, and letter grade
individually or jointly, boycott the obtained by the student in optional
exam or leave the exam hall unlawfully course(s), if any, will be shown on the
will be marked absent and put to transcript. However, the results of
disciplinary action under the optional course(s) shall not be
University ordinance for that purpose. considered in calculation of the GPA
If a student is found to be adopting and CGPA.
unfair means in the exam (class
test/final exam), he/she shall be liable Successful Completion of the Semester
to disciplinary actions leading to (1) Successful Completion of a Semester will be
cancellation of the said exam; or (2)
considered if a student earns a GPA of 2.0 and
cancellation of the results of the
concerned semester he/she has been CGPAA 2.5 without any F grade in any course.
studying plus expulsion from his/her
study programme for the next
A student securing F grade in maximum two courses
semester; or (3) expulsion from the
University as a whole, as maintaining GPA 2.0 and CGPA 2.5 will be
recommended by the PSTU considered as partial completion of the semester.
Examination Disciplinary Committee
depending on the nature of the offence.
A student, expelled for adopting unfair Consequence of F Grade
means, shall not get extra time beyond a. F grade will be mentioned in the semester
the limit of 7 years to complete his/her Transcript.
study, if allowed re-admission.
A student twice expelled, shall be b. In case of completion of F removal examination
permanently debarred from ,the students will get a supplementary transcript.
readmission to this University. C. The first F removal examination must be
completed with in 30 days after publication of result
Final results, degree and certificate
At the end of level-4 (Semester 8), the results and the second F removal examination will be
of successful regular students of that completed with the final examination of the
semester and that of overall final
immediate available next batch.
results for graduation shall be
Fail or Unsuccessful
a. A student obtaining F grades in more than two
curses or GPA and CGPA less than 2.0 and 2.5
respectively will be considered failed in the semester.
In that case the student must repeat the courses of
that semester.
b. If the students earns F grade in any course after
appearing at the F removal examination in the same
courses for the second time.S/he will be considered
failed in that semester.
c. If a student fails to attend in the semester final
examination for any reason although s/he attended
the classes and mid semester examination will be
considered failed in that particular course unit.
Drop out
a. A student will be dropped out of the programme if
s/he cannot pass within 7 (Seven) consecutive
academic years.
b. If a student fail in the same semester for the first
time and second time will get change to enroll for the
third time. But if he fails in the third time is the same
semester, his/her studentship will be dismissed.
c. If a student fails to attend the class within thirty
(30) days of the commencement of the first semester
class, his/her admission shall stand cancelled.
A student failing to get the requisite GPA and CGPA
or acceding the approved number of F grades for
promotion from one semester to next semester may
seek re-enrollment, a student should apply with in
one month after the publication of result of the
concerned semester. In case of re-enrollment, grades
earned earlier in the respective semester by a student
will be cancelled automatically.
CURRICULUM FOR BBA PROGRAM Number of courses Total
(Effective from session 2008-2009) First Second Credit
Level Course
Semeste Semeste Hours per
1. Name of the Degree: Bachelor of Business Unit
r r Level
Administration abbreviated as BBA. It is a Course Works
terminal degree. Level 1 5 5 10 30
Level 2 5 5 10 30
2. Tenure of Degree: Four academic years
Level 3 5 5 10 30
(consisting of 48 months)
Level 4 5 5 10 30
3. Program Duration and Course Distribution
Oral Comprehensive and Internship
(i) The duration of BBA program is four levels
0.75 credit hours per
(one level equals to one year) consisting of eight Oral Comprehensive
semester (0.75X 8)
semesters. There will be two semesters in each At the end of 8th semester
academic year, each of which will continue for
TOTAL Cr. Hours: 129
six months.
(ii) For each course unit, there will be 3 (three) Course Layout and Credit Hours Per Semester
lectures of 55minutes duration per lecture in Level-1, Semester-I
every week (total 48 lectures in a course) and Course
Course Title Cr. Hr.
each course unit will be weighted 3 (three) LCM111 English Language 3
credit hours. MST 111 Introduction to Business 3
(iii) The BBA program shall be of 129 credit hours MAT 111 Basic business Mathematics 3
and shall be evaluated on the basis of 4300 total AES 111 Micro Economics 3
marks out of which 4000 marks shall be for 40 Introduction to Economic
AES 112 3
teaching course units. 200 marks shall be geography
Level-2, Semester-I Level-3, Semester-II
OCP 213 Oral comprehensive and presentation 0.75 MST 327 Management Information System 3
Total Cr. Hr. = 15.75 FBK 324 Insurance and Risk Management 3
OCP 326 Oral comprehensive and presentation 0.75
OCP 224 Oral comprehensive and presentation 0.75 MST 419 International Business 3
Course Code Course Title
Theory and practices of Banking in
FBK 312 3
AES 315 Research Methodology 3
Company law and Secretarial
MST 315 3
practices in Bangladesh
AIS 314 Cost Accounting 3
FBK 313 Financial Management 3
OCP 315 Oral comprehensive and presentation 0.75
Total Cr. Hr. = 15.75
Major Concentration Marketing
Eighth Semester Cr.
Course Code Course Title
Level-4, Semester-II
MKT 421 Basic Marketing Research 3
MKT 422 International Marketing 3
Accounting and Information Systems
MKT 423 Brand Management 3
Course Code Course Title Integrated Marketing
Hr. MKT 424 3
AIS 421 Advanced Accounting 3
MKT 425 Consumer behavior 3
AIS 422 Advanced Cost Accounting 3
OCP 428 Oral comprehensive and presentation 0.75
AIS 423 Advanced Taxation 3
Total Cr. Hr. = 15.75
AIS 424 Advanced Auditing 3
AIS 425 Accounting Information System 3
OCP 428 Oral comprehensive and presentation 0.75
Total Cr. Hr. = 15.75 Finance and Banking
Course Code Course Title
FIN 421 Financial Markets and Institution 3
Management Studies
FIN 422 International Finance 3
Cr. FIN 423 Real State Finance 3
Course Code Course Title
Management of Banking and non
MGT 421 History of Management Thought 3 FIN 424 3
Banking Financial Institutions
MGT 422 Industrial Relation 3 FIN 425 Advanced Financial Management 3
MGT 423 Project Appraisal and Management 3 OCP 428 Oral comprehensive and presentation 0.75
MGT 424 Logistic and Material Management 3 Total Cr. Hr. = 15.75
MGT 425 Comparative Management 3
OCP 428 Oral comprehensive and presentation 0.75
Title Details Cr. Hr.
Total Cr. Hr. = 15.75
Internship 3
Total 15.75 X 8 +3 129
Syllabuses for BBA Program Intonation and Stress Scanning,
(Effective from session 2008-09) Predicting,
Money Markets-Capital Markets-Short-Term
MST 111: INTRODUCTIONS TO BUSINESS Financial instruments- Institutions and methods
Course Objective: of capital Market operations: Long term Capital
This course is designed to give ideas about Instruments-Intuitions-Stock Market-Securities
different forms of businesses, industries and & Exchange Commission-Capital Market
services, business environment, capital markets, Indices and Agencies.
government policies regulating and various 4. Competition
institutions for furtherance of trade and Co-Operator and Expansion of Business:
commerce. Business Liquidation Merger and
1. Introduction combinations- Business House Conglomerates.
Business and its evolution- Business and its International Business: Basic Economy of
ramifications-Industry- Commerce and Direct international Trade-Scope, Concepts & Barriers
Services. Industries: Types-Extractive- of International Trade-Multination
Manufacturing-Animal husbandry-Service Corporations.
industry. Commerce and its ramifications: Terms used in international Trade: - Invoice-
Trade-Banking- Insurance-Transpiration- L/C, Back to back L/C, FoB, CoD etc. Clearing
Warehousing. Trade-Meaning and importance- & Forwarding. Regional Trade Groups:
Wholesale Trade-Retail Trade-Hankering-Store- SAFTA, ASEAN, EEC, Asia& Pacific Rim
Departmental Store-Chain Store-Super Market- NAFTA.
Commodity Market-Future-Barter System. 5. Institutions for Furtherance of Business, Trade
Banking-Types-History-Importance-Central and commerce
Banking-Commercial Banking-Branch banking- Chambers of Commerce & Industry
Unit Banking-Specialized Banking-Investment Federation of Commerce and Industry-Trade
Banking-Merchant Banking-Off Shore Banking- Associations-Trade fairs Exhibition Export
Grumman Bank-BRAC. Insurance-Important & Promotion Bureau (EPB), Trading corporation
Management-Risk Financing houses-Life of Bangladesh (TCB)-Board of investment
Insurance - General Insurance-Re-Insurance- (BOL)-Privatization Board (EPB)-Secretaries &
Actuarial Valuation. Transportation-types- Exchange Commission (SEC)-Dhaka Stock
principles of rate fixation. Warehousing: Field Exchange (DSE)-Chittagong Stock Exchange
Warehousing Public Warehousing-Silo. (CSE) Industrial promotion and Development
2. Business Ownerships Company of Bangladesh (PDCB)- Industrial
Ownership forms-Sole Proprietorships- Development & Leasing Company (DLC)-
Partnerships-Corporations-Trust, Cartel-Co- United Leasing Company (ULC) Bangladesh
Operatives-Joint Venture-Multinational Small & Cottage Industries Corporation
Corporations Holding Companies- State (BSCIC)-Shilpa Bank-Ship Rin Sangstha-
Enterprises Factors influencing the forms of Ecport Processing Zone.
ownership. 6.Case study
3. Financial Market 7.Report on field work
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge, Indices, Laws of indices, positive and fractional
related industry / Company / Factory / Entity indices, operator with power function, laws of
will be visited practically and reports are to be operations, use of logarithm tables, Anti-
prepared group-wise on respective field logarithm, Exponential series, logarithm series.
assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
reports are to be presented in sessional 4. Theory of sets
examinations that weigh 20% of the total marks Different types of sets, union, different
of the course. intersection, Cartesian products, Venn diagram,
Books recommended Application in business problems.
1. Koontz & Fulmer: A Practical Introduction 5. Mathematics of finance
to Business. Introduction, Mathematics of finance: Interest
2. F.T. Haner, Stephen K. Keiger : A Practical and its computation simple interest, compound
Introduction to Business Concepts & interest. Power of compound growth; single
Careers payment computations- compound payment,
Reference books present value; Annuities, sinking fund, discount,
1. Strraub & Attner : Introduction to Business. compound interest, simple interest amortization.
2. F.T Haner etal: An Introduction to Business. Calculation of present value and future value of
3. Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan: Introduction to annuities and deposited and deposited funds
Business. earning compound interest, mortgages.
6. Linear Equations and inequalities
MAT 111: BASIC BUSINESS MATHEMATICS Solution of linear equations, Solution of
Course Objective simultaneous linear equations. Identities and
This course is designed to develop understanding of inequalities and their solutions. Graphical
basic concepts of mathematics used in the area of representation of solution sets. Determination of
business and economies and to develop an break even point having linear relationship
understanding of theories of mathematical approach among the variables.
to decision making as well as to stimulate interest of 7. Quadratic Equations
student in accounting and business regarding Relationship between roots and coefficients of a
implications of mathematics. quadratic equation, Nature of roots. Solution of
1. Number System Introduction, Prime, Rational Quadratic equations, formation of quadratic
and Irrational numbers, even and numbers and equations with given roots. Curve Sketching of
their properties. Imaginary and complex different linear and non linear equations.
numbers. 8. Binomial Theorem
2. Mathematical Induction Expansion of binomial terms with positive
Introduction, Sequence, Series, Divergence of a integral index-Determination of general term
sequence, sigma notation. Sum of natural and middle terms of a Binomial expansion &
numbers. Exponential expansion.
3. Indices and Logarithms 9. Permutations and Combinations
Fundamental Principles of permutations, 6. Sanchetti, D.C and V.K Kapok: Business
Permissions of things, all different and thing Mathematics.
term and things not all different, repeated and 7. Barnett & Ziglar: Applied Business
circular permutations. Combinations Mathematics (6th edition).
relationship between permutation and 8. Edward T. Dowling: Theory and Problems of
combinations. Mathematical Methods for Business and
10. Progression Economics.
Introduction, Sum of series in AP and GP, Use Book reference:
of concept of Progression to find the present 1. Ann. J. Hughes, Applied Mathematics: For
value and future value, Business problem Business, Economics and the Social
solution. Sciences.
11. Function, Limit and Continuity of a Function 2. R. L. Childers, Mathematics for
Introduction, types of functions, operation on Managerial Decision.
functions. Determination and Derivation of 3. E. W. Martin Jr., Mathematics for
different business function. Definition of Limit. Decision Making, Vol. I & Vol. II.
Determination of limit of different types of
functions. Determination of Continuity of AES 111: MICRO ECONOMICS
different functions. Course Objectives:
12. Case study / Field work The Objective of this Course is to impart students
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge, with an understanding of the basic concepts of
related industry / Company / Factory / Entity Micro-economics specifically those related to
will be visited practically and reports are to be consumer's behavior and firm's choice.
prepared group-wise on respective field Followings are the main focus of this course:
assigned by the course teacher. The prepared 1. Definition, Nature and Scope of Economics
reports are to be presented in sessional Definition of Adam Smith, Marshal and L.
examinations that weigh 20% of the total marks Robbins, Keyns, Benhams.Viner, Hibbard, Dr.
of the course. Taylor, K.K. Dewett and others, Relationship of
Books Recommended: Economics with other subjects. Economics as
1. Bowen Eafl K: Mathematics with application Social science, Micro Economics and Macro
in management & Economics. Economics, Positive and Normative Economics,
2. Ann. J. Hughes, Applied Mathematics: For Deductive and Inductive method of Economic
Business, Economics, and the Social Analysis, Importance of Economics in Business,
Sciences. Basic Problems of an Economic Organization.
3. Young and Bush: Business Mathematics. 2. Some Basic Concepts
4. Arya, Jagdish C. & Larder: Mathematics Production, Consumption, Distribution, Income,
Analysis for Business and Economics. Savings, Investment, Capital, Utility and types,
5. Arora, P. N. & P.C Bogga : Business Wealth: characteristics and classification;
Mathematics for Commerce and Economics. Product, Goods and their classification,
Complementary and competitive goods, Wants:
characteristics and classification; Value and demand curve, Method of demand forecasting
price, Firm and Industry, Equilibrium and its with mathematical examples. Elasticity of
types, Assumption, Hypothesis, Theory and demand: Definition and types, Inferior goods,
Law. superior and normal goods, Giften goods.
3. Theory of Consumers Behaviour Measurement of price elasticity of demand:
Marshallian Utility Analysis: Utility, Total Numerical measurement, Total outlay and
utility and marginal utility, Relationship Geometrical measurement of elasticity,
between total utility and marginal utility. Basic Mathematical relationship between total outlay
assumptions of Marshallian utility analysis, Law and price elasticity.
of diminishing marginal utility: Statement of the 5. Theory of Supply
law, Tabular and graphical representations. Supply and Stock, law of supply, Supply
Exceptions/ limitation of the law. Marginal schedule and supply curve, Causes of changes
utility and price: Consumers equilibrium or shifting supply curve, Elasticity of supply.
through utility analysis considering single Market equilibrium through demand and supply
commodity purchase. Law of Equimarginal equations and its graphical explanations.
utility and its applications, Consumers 6. Theory of Production
equilibrium considering double commodity Factors of production, Production function,
purchase. Consumers surplus and producers three regions/ stages of production, Rational
surplus, estimation and application zone of action, Factor- product relationship,
Indifferent curve technique: Definition of Law diminishing returns- three aspects of this
Indifference curve, Indifference map, Marginal law, special applicability to agriculture, Factor-
rate of substitution (MRS), Properties of factor relationship, principles of substitutions,
Indifference curve. Budget line, Shifting of Isoquant and its characteristics, Isocost line,
budget line, Consumers equilibrium through isocline, Expantion path, ridge line and isocost
Indifference curve, Condition of equilibrium. combination. Product product relationship,
Changes in consumers equilibrium: Income production possibility curve, isorevenue line and
effect, Substitution effect and price effect, Price Producers equilibrium through out
consumption curve (PCC) and Income maximization and cost minimization, Returns to
consumption curve (ICC). Hicks and Slutskys scale and their types.
analysis regarding Price Effect= Income effect + 7. Cost and Revenue Concepts
Substitution effect. Similarities and superiority Cost of production, Money cost, Real cost,
of Indifference curve technique with utility Explicit cost, implicit cost, Economic cost,
analysis. Criticism of Indifference curve Opportunity cost, Seven cost concepts with
technique graphical representations, Mathematical
4. Theory of Demand and Elasticity relationship between Marginal cost and (MC)
Demand and Law of demand, Demand schedule and Average Cost (AC) curves, Short run and
and demand curve and market demand curve. long run cost concepts and Economies of scale,
Causes of changes or shifting demand curve, Revenue curves and Condition for Firms
Causes of downward slopping to the right of a Equilibrium.
8. Markets and Determination of Equilibrium Price 6. E. K. Browning and J. M. Browning:
and Output Levels Microeconomics Theory and
Definitions of market and marketing, Applications.
Importance of marketing, Extent of market, Book Reference
Classification of market based on area, mode of 1. R. G. Lipsey, An Introduction to Positive
competition etc., Equilibrium of a firm ways Economics.
to attain equilibrium, Total Cost and Total 2. R. A. Bilas, Microeconomics Theory
Revenue; marginal cost and marginal revenue. 3. Philip Hardwick, Bahadur Khan and Joan
Market structure- Perfect, monopoly, oligopoly Langmead, An Introduction to Modern
and monopolistic competition. Equilibrium of a Economics
firm under perfect market considering short run 4. J. P. Gould and Cam: Ferguson,
and long run situation. Shut down condition of a Microeconomics Theory.
firm. Equilibrium of a firm under monopoly. 5. P.A. Samuelson: Economis
9. Theory of Distribution
Rent: Recardian theory of rent, assumptions and GEOGRAPHY
limitations; Wage: Determination of real wage, Course Objectives:
Differences of wages in different occupation; This course is designed to develop an
Theories of wage- Subsistence theory, Standard understanding of the phylosophy of geograpgy.
of living theory, Residual claimant theory, The students will be made to understand how
Marginal productivity theory of wage. geography is unique in bridging the social
10. Report on Field Work sciences with the earth sciences. This course
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge, provides knowledge regarding the geographical
related industry/ firm/ factory/ company/ entity importance on the basis of location, scenario of
will be visited practically and reports are to be primitive economic activity as well as the
prepared group-wise on respective field modern commercial activity, historical evolution
assigned by the course teacher. The prepared of the world system, manufacturing theory and
reports are to be presented in sessional its trend, geography of international business and
examinations that weigh 20% of the total marks so on.
of the course. Followings are the main focus of this course:
Books Recommended 1. Introduction to Economic Geography
1. K.K. Dewett: Modern Economic Theory Meaning of geography and economic
2. Mansfield, Edcoin : Micro-Economies geography, subject matter of economic
Theory and Application geography, approach to the study of economic
3. Baumol and Blinder : Economics: Principles geography, classification of economic activity,
and Policy population and development issue of the
4. Kutsoyanmis : Micro Economics developing world.
5. H.L Ahuja: Modern Economics Theory. 2. Historical Evolution of the World System
Medieval feudal economics, Mercantilism and business district, shopping centre hierarchy,
its economic benefit, slave trade, the industrial trade area analysis.
revolution, colonialism and its economic 9. Geography of International Business
benefit, mechanism of the modern world International trade dynamics, changing form of
system-multinational corporation.. international business, international business
3. Primitive Economic Activity strategies, financial reform, free trade
Meaning of primitive economic activity, incentives.
primitive gathering, primitive hunting, primitive 10. Cities as a Service Center
herding and primitive agriculture. World city pattern, magapolis, rank-size rule,
4. Subsistence Agriculture vs. Commercial central place theory, dispersed cities, urban
Agriculture retail hierarchy, metropolitan hierarchy, trade
Green revolution, Agricultural pattern in India, areas, breaking-point theory, law of retail
China and Japan; Mixed farming, commercial gravitation.
grain farming, tropical and subtropical 11. Report on Field Work
commercial crops-banana, tea, rubber, oil palm, To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
tropical agriculture and economic development. related industry/ firm/ factory/ company/ entity
5. Fishing and Forestry will be visited practically and reports are to be
Fish production-locational consideration and prepared group-wise on respective field
leading fishing areas, international trade of assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
fisheries, consumption economics, forestry- reports are to be presented group-wise in
global belt, industrial timbering, fuel wood sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the
scarcity. total marks allotted for the course.
6. Energy and Natural Resources Book recommended and Referred:
Energy transitions and energy interdependence, 1. Truman A. hartshorn and John W.
energy production and consumption level, coal Alexander, Economic Geography
trade, water resources, oil production regions 2. Gordon L. Clark, Meric S. Gertler, and
and its trade, price shock and recession, natural Maryann P. Feldman: The Oxford Handbook
gas and its international trade. of Economic Geography. Oxford University
7. Manufacturing Theories and Trend Press.
Definition of manufacturing, manufacturing 3. Steven Brakman, Harry Garretsen, Charles
process and location, classical locational van Marrewijk. An Introduction to
principles, contemporary, behavioral and Geographical Economics.
structural approach. 4. Lloyd, P. E. - Dicken, P. (1977): Location in
8. Commercial Activity in the City space - A Theoretical Approach to Economic
Historical traditions, changing physical Geography, Second Edition. Harper & Row
structures, mechanized transportation, Ltd, London.
emergency of polycentric city, stages of 5. Lee, R. - Wills, J. (1997): Geographies of
suburban development, location of suburban Economies, Arnold, London.
business centre, changing role of central
6. Dicken, P. (2003): Global Shift: Reshaping 4. Oral Communication: Importance, Use,
the Global Economic Map in the 21st Preparation, Delivery, Style of Delivery.
Century, Fourth Edition. The Guilford Press. 5. Major Media of Oral Communication: Speech,
7. Allen J Scott (2006) "Geography and Face-to-face conversation, interviews, Meeting,
Economy". Oxford University Press. Telephonic conversation- advantages and
Disadvantages of different Media.
OCP 111: ORAL COMPREHENSIVE AND 6. Non-Verbal Communication: Symbols, Gesture,
PRESNTATION Posture Nods, and Body Language etc.
This course will enable students how they will 7. Internal Communication: Upward
present themselves in the viva voce examination. It Communication, Downward Communication
will be evaluated on the basis of a viva voce and Lateral Communication, Media Used in
examination at end of that semester final internal Communication.
examination. 8. Effective Meeting: Preparation, conducting,
strategies and Follow-up-Agenda and minutes.
LEVEL 1, SEMESTER II Effective versus ineffective group small Group
LCM 122: BUSINESS COMMUNICATION 9. Information age and the use of computers in
AND REPORT WRITING Business Communication: Advantage and
Course Objectives: This course is aimed at Limitations.
helping to develop the skill of students in 10. Audio-visual Aids in Communication: Types
exchanging information, ideas and opinions with of Aids-Guideline Preparation.
the clients for development of mutual 11. Office Memo: Memorandum meaning,
understanding to enter into business dealings. Function, format.
The course also focuses on the techniques of 12. Business reports :characteristics importance
preparation of reports on business matters and the and types of reports; structure of reports-front
art of presenting it. matters, main body and back matters;
1. Introduction of communication: Definition preparatory steps to writing reports-purpose
Importance Uses, Barriars of communication, and scope, determining the audience
cultural orientation in Communication. Types of collecting data-organizing materials elements
Communication: Written, Oral and Non-verbal of style writing the report oral presentation.
Communication. 13. Straight essay writing on topics relating to
2. Written Communication: Purpose, content and business world.
structure. 14. Common business abbreviations and acronyms:
3. Major Media of written Communication : 15. Meaning and use of commercial terms.
Letter, Memos, Report How to write Good 16. Comprehension and precise writing: Passage of
Business letters, Memos, Report, Style and paragraph related to business management,
Structure Advantages and Disadvantages of decision making, development business
different media. relation, entering into business deals, import
potations, bids etc.
17. Art of addressing meeting and Converses: administration and Business Management-
Preparing and presenting Seminar papers. Management as a Resource Management as a
18. Receiving, Dispatching filling industrial & profession.
Business documents and Office paper. 2. Management in Business Enterprise and Non-
19. Visual means of communication: Form, Business Entities: Management of public sector
Leaflets, Quistionnaire and various types of enterprise-Role of management in harnessing
methods used in visual presentation. and using resources for high productivity-
20. Cover Letter and Preparing C.V. Management as a process Management and Cost
21. To enrich the students theoretical knowledge effective operator.
related industry, firm, factory, company, entity 3. Planning: Meaning, importance, steps setting of
will be visited practically and reports are to be strategic plans-factors to be considered in
prepared group-wise on respective field formulation of a sound plan types of plans-Need
assigned by the course teacher. The prepared for long-range plans-Steps in planning by
reports are to be presented in sessional business and Non-Business firms in
examination that weighs 20% of total marks of Bangladesh-planning Environment-
the course. Management Decision Planning.
Books Recommended: 4. Organizing: Meaning, importance-Organization
1. Betty and Kay: Business Communication structure-Organization charts and Manuals-
System and Application. Departmentation and its basis Delegation-
2. Raymond V. Lesiker: Basic Business Centralization and Decentralization-Need for
Communication. Decentralization-Conditions of Decentralization
3. Rajendra Pal and J.S.Korlahalli: Essentials of committee system of Management Objective
Business Communication. and Benefits of Committees-Committee types
4. Shirley Taylor: Communication for Business organizing practices in Bangladesh.
5. L.V.G. Alves: English in Everyday Use 5. Directing and Leading: Nature of Directing and
6. Clive Taylor: Advancing Language Skills Leading-Features of good Directing Elements of
7. Rahman and Ahmad: Keep Speaking and consultation Directing and its benefits-
Writing Leadership Patterns observed in business firms
Leadership styles of Bangladesh managers-
MST 122: PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Managing small groups.
Course objectives: 6. Motivation: Meaning and significance-tools of
This Course aims at exposing students of motivation-what managers, employees and
accounting to the theory and practices of workers want to get out of their jobs-Result
management which has already attained the based Reward Management of Human
status of a profession and has been recognized as Motivation-Applicability of Maslow Model in
the fifth factor of production. Bangladesh Context.
1. Meaning and significance of Management: 7. Communicating: Meaning & Significance-
Scope, nature, Principle and technique of Types-Essentials of a sound Communication
management Difference between business system.
8. Co-ordination: Meaning-Utility-Tools of Co- examination that carries 20% of The total
ordination. marks of the course.
9. Controlling: Meaning and significance-features Basic Texts:
of good control system setting Control 1. Koontz, O Donnel and Weilrich :
standards-Reporting and feedback Budgetary Management
control system budget as Motivation tool- 2. Griffin W. Ricky: Management, Houghton
Management by objective Management by Mifflin Company.
Exceptions-Behavioral Aspects of Control- Reference Books:
Management information system-production 1. Newman: Administrative Action.
and operation control. 2. Ernest Dale : Management Princhiple &
10. Tools of Developing Managerial Skills: Practices
Benefits of Management Development- 3. Gary Dessler : Organisation & Management
Institution of Management Development in A Contigency Approch
Bangladesh. 4. Habibullah, M: Karbarer Baybasthapana.
11. Managers and Changing Environment: 5. Kreitner, Robert: Management, Houghton
Managers and their Social Setting-Social Mifflin Company.
Responsibility of Managers-Managers of future AIS 121: PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING
, Future Challenges for Management and Course objectives:
Managers. This introductory course will provide the students
12. Management of public Sector Enterprise: with basic understanding of the principles and
Nationalized banks, insurance corporations, concepts of accounting as well as their
Scoter corporations and Nationalized applicability and relevance in the national context and
enterprise. with the ability to apply these principles and concepts in
13. Managing Multi-nation Companies Venture. the preparation of financial statements and related
14. Managing Work-Related Stress: Sources of information to meet internal and external
Work-Related Stress-personal Sources of obligations. On completion of this course, the
Stress. students will be able to:
15. Managing Changes: Force for Change- Outline the role and principles of financial
identifying alternative change-Techniques in accounting and reporting. Record, handle
Overcoming Resistance to change. and summarize accounting data.
16. Case Study Prepare financial statements for
17. Report on field work: To enrich the students merchandising operations.
theoretical knowledge related industry/ firm / Discuss the accounting treatment of long-
company / corporation/ manufacturing lived assets.
organization/ service organization/ factory will 1. Accounting
be visited practically and report is to be The language of business - Purpose and nature
prepared in group-wise on respective field of accounting information Uses and users of
assigned by the course teacher. The prepared accounting information.
report is to be presented in sessional
2. Conceptual Framework for Financial Reversing entries - uses a worksheet to prepare
Accounting Financial Statements.
First Level: Basic objective; Second Level:
7. Accounting for Merchandising Operation
Qualitative characteristic of accounting
Measuring net Income: Sales Revenue; Sales
information Relevance (Predictive Value and
Returns and Allowances; Sales Discounts;
feedback value) Reliability (Verifiability,
Statement Presentation.
representational faithfulness, and neutrally),
Cost of Goods Sold-Recording Purchases of
Comparability and consistency, Basic elements
Merchandise, Determining Cost of Goods
of financial statements: Third level: Operation
Purchased, Determining Cost of Goods on Hand,
guidelines GAAP, Basic principles, and
Computing Cost of Goods Sold, Gross Profit,
Operating Expenses, Income Statement. Prepare a
3. The Accounting Process Work Sheet using inventory related items. Forms of
Double entry accounting - Recording process - income statements-multiple step income statement,
Accounting equation Effects of transactions single step income statement, perpetual inventory
on the Accounting Equation. systems, merchandise transactions under a
perpetual inventory system. Adjusting entry
4. The Accounting Cycle
method for merchandise inventory.
Steps of the Accounting Cycle- Identification
8. Acquisition and Disposition of Plant Assets and
and recording of transactions and other events
Intangible Assets
journalisation posting to the ledger - preparation
Acquisition and valuation of plant assets The
of trial Balance - finalization of Accounts.
nature of deprecation in Accounting versus
5. Accounting System and Special Journals
valuation - Depreciation and cash flows -
Control accounts and subsidiary ledgers: control
Extension of plant assets and its effects on
accounts -subsidiary ledger accounts -subsidiary
depreciation- Depreciation methods-Recording
ledger - Special journals: Advantages of Special
of depreciation - Disposition of plant assets.
Journals - Cash receipts journal -Purchases
Natural Resources - Acquisition Cost-Depletion.
journal- Cash payments journal, and general
Intangible Assets - Accounting for
intangible assets-Patents Copyrights -
6. Preparation of Worksheet Trademarks and Trade Names - Franchises and
Timing issues -Selecting an accounting time Licenses - Goodwill.
period - Fiscal and calendar Years- Recognizing
9. Bank Reconciliation Statement
revenues and expenses. The Basics of adjusting
Meaning Need - Differences between cash
entries -Types of adjusting entries Prepaid
account balance and bank statement balance,
expenses - Unearned revenue- Accrued
Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement for
liabilities or expenses - Accrued assets or
Correct Balance. Adjusting Entries for
revenues - Estimated items (uncorrectable) -
reconciliation and errors rectification
Closing entries -Post closing Trial Balance -
10. Case Study/ Field work
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge, (iv) To stimulate interest of students of
related to industry / company / factory / entity, accounting and business regarding
fieldwork will be assigned. After practical visit, implications of mathematics.
reports are to be prepared group-wise on (v) To gave elementary ideas of calculus.
respective field assigned by the course teacher. (vi) To train how to use calculus to solve
The prepared reports are to be presented in business problems.
sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the 1. Geometry of two Dimension
total marks of the course. Cartesian Co-ordinate system-Distance between
Books Recommended two given points-identification of figures using
distance formula-Locus of given opines-
1. Needles & Anderson: Principles of
Business application.
2. The Straight Lines
2. Pyle & Larson: Fundaments of Accounting
Different forms of Equations parallel and
perpendicular from of Equations point of
3. Weygandt & Kieso: Principles of Accounting
intersection of lines interpretation of slope of
4. R. H. Hermanson, J.D. Edwards and M.W.
different business problems and marginal
Maher: Accounting Principles (10th
Concept analysis.
3. Mensuration
5. K.D. Larson and Chiappetta: Fundamental
Concepts, Determination of perimeter and area
Accounting Principles (13th Edition)
of plane two dimensional figures. Properties of
Reference books
different figures. Determination of different
1. Accounting Principles- P.E. Fees and C.S.
parts of different parts of a circle & circular
Warren. (19th edition)
disc. Surface area and volume of solids. Use of
2. Accounting Concepts and Applications (7th
menstruation concept in business problems.
Edition) -Skousen, Albrecht, Stice & Stice.
4. Determinants and Vectors
Introduction, properties of determinants,
operations on determinants. Expansions of
Course objectives:
determinants sarrus diagram and crammers rule
(i) To develop understanding of basic concepts
and use in business. Introduction to Vectors,
and principles of mathematics used in the
Types of Vectors, properties, scalar and vector
area of business and economics.
product of vectors.
(ii) To equip the student of accounting with
5. Matrices
mathematical tools used in the analysis of
Introduction, types of matrices, operation on
business and accounting problems.
matrices. Vector, Square matrices, Transpose
(iii) To develop an understanding of theory and
of Matrix. Matrix Operations - Addition,
practices of mathematical approach to
Subtraction, Scalar Multiplication, Matrix
decision making.
Multiplication, Representation of an
equation and systems of equations.
Determinant - 2 x 2 determinant, 3 x 3
determinant, methods of cofactors, Introduction, First partial differentiation, higher
properties of determinants. Inverse of a Matrix - order partial derivatives. Concept of
Determining the inverse, Finding the Inverse Homogeneous function, Total differentiation
using cofactor, inverse of systems of Application to business problem.
equations. Applications of Matrix Algebra - 10. Integration and Use in Business Problems
Production planning, Equilibrium conditions, Introduction, Different rules of integration,
Input-output analysis, Network analysis. indefinite and Definite integral, calculation of
Solution of simultaneous linear equations. area of irregular curves and figures-Analysis of
Leontiff input-output model analysis. total concept by integration.
Application to business problem. 11. Differential Equations
6. Differentiation and Use in Business Problems Introduction, Order and degree of differential
Differential Calculus: Rules of differentiation, equations-Solution of differential equations of
Successive differentiation, partial first order and first degree. Verification of the
differentiation. Identification of Maxima and solutions of differential equations- differential
Minima - relative extrema, critical points, first- equations of the second order with constant
dcrivativc test, secondderivative test, (when coefficients-Application of differential
first-derivative test fails). Application of equations in the problems of Business and
differential calculus - Revenue application, Cost Economics.
application, Profit application, Marginal 12. Linear Programming
approach to Profit maximization. Definition - General Linear Programming-Basic
7. Integral Calculus Feasible Solution-Convex CombinationOptimal
Anti-derivative concept, rules of integration, Solution-Slack and Surplus Variable-Net
Integration by parts, Integration by partial Evaluation-Artificial Variable etc.-Solution of
fractions, Definite integrals - evaluating definite Linear Programming Problem (LPP)- Graphical
integrals, properties, areas between a function Method, Simplex Method, Big-M Simplex
and the X axis, finding areas between curves. Method, Two-Phase Method- Duality Theory-
Application of integral calculus-Revenue Concept of Duality, Standard Form of Primal and
Application Cost application, Profit Dual, Dual Formulation, Solution of Dual
maximization application. Problems by Solving the Primal and Vice Versa-
Differentiation of Algebraic functions, Economic Interpretation of Dual Problems.
transcendental function-Geometric 13. Multivariate Calculus
interpretation of dy /dx and marginal analysis. Functions of Several Variables, Partial
8. Maxima and Minima Derivatives, and Second-Order Partial Derivatives,
Determination of maxima and minima of Higher Order Partial Derivatives, Implicit Partial
different functions using differentiation rules. Derivatives-Extreme for Multivariate Functions-
Business problem solution. Conditions of Constraint Optimization and Lagrange
maxima and minima, Test for maxima and Multipliers- Production and Inventory Models-
minima. Point of inflexion. Business Application.
9. Partial differential 14. Report on field work
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge, know proper knowledge about macro economy
related industry / Company / Factory / Entity so that they can play a successful role in the line
will be visited practically and reports are to be of business. This course will also help to
prepared group-wise on respective field understand the macroeconomic scenario of
assigned by the course teacher. The prepared Bangladesh. Followings are the main focus of
reports are to be presented in sessional this course:
examinations that weigh 20% of the total marks 1. Introduction:
of the course. Meaning of macroeconomics, Macro variables
Books Recommended: and related basic concepts, Macroeconomic
1. Bowen Rarl K: Mathematics with tools for management, economy under different
Applications in management and Economics. economic systems, Importance and relevance of
2. Ann. J. Hughes, Applied Mathematics: For macroeconomics for business students
Business, Economics, and the Social 2. National Income:
Sciences. Definition of National income (NI) and
3. Robed L Childers, Mathematics for Concepts of NI -GNP, GDP, NNP, NI, PI, Real
Managerial Decisions, NI & Nominal NI, Actual and potential GDP,
4. Zima Brown: Mathematics for finance. GDP-GNP difference, GDP Deflator, 15 sectors
5. Sanchetti D.C and V.K Kapoor : Business of GDP, Circular flow of NI, Methods of NI
Mathematics Measurement: Income Approach, Expenditure
6. Richard Anderson & Cecil L. Smith : Approach, Production Approach, NI-Estimation
Calculus for Business in Bangladesh, Salient feature, Problems of
7. John Hegarty : Calculus for the Management computing National Income in Bangladesh.
and Social Science 3. Classical Theory of Output and Employment:
Book Reference: Aggregate production function, Equilibrium
1. Martin Jr. Mathematics for Decision Making level of aggregate output & employment;,
Vol. I and II Classical model without saving and investment;
2. Qazi Zameeruddin & Others Business Change in money supply, change in labour
Mathematics. supply, change labour demand in the classical
3. P. M. karak, Linear Programming and model; Supply of and demand for money.
Theory of Games. 4. Keynesian Model of Income Determination:
4. E. Boirch Mathematics within Management Consumption function, APC & MPC and their
Applications and Economics. relation, Factor affecting consumption,
5. Business Mathematics An Introduction Dr. Determination of equilibrium level of income
M. A. Tahcr. (3rd edition) and output, Shift of aggregate spending
AES 123: MACRO ECONOMICS function, the multiplier-equation. Investment-
Course Objectives: Autonomous and Induced, Marginal Efficiency
This course is an attempt to provide an idea about of Capital- Interest Rate and Equilibrium Level
basic macroeconomic indicators, theories and of Investment.
policies. As students of business, they have to 5. Theory of Money:
Barter system, Money, its types and Function, 11. International Trade:
Qualities of good money, Greshams law, Meaning of trade, Domestic trade versus
Monetary standards, Value of Money, Quantity International trade, Classical theory of
Theories of Money- Cash Transaction- Cash International trade or Comparative Advantage
Balance Approach; Keynesian Approach to theory, Gains occur due to difference in cost
Demand for Money -Transition, precautionary (empirical analysis considering absolute cost,
and Speculative Demand for money. relative cost and constant cost difference),
6. Theory Of Public Finance: Modern trade Theories, Free-Trade versus
Definition, importance and objectives of public Protection, Instruments of protection, Tariff and
finance, public goods and private goods non tariff Barriers- GATT and UNCTAD, Free
externalities (positive and negative) and market Trade Areas NAFTA, EEC, SAFTA, AFTA,
failures, definition and principles of public etc.
expenditure, causes of increasing public 12. Report on Field Work:
expenditure, sources of public revenue and To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
principles of taxation-classification of taxes. related industry/ firm/ factory/ company/ entity
7. Monetary Policy: will be visited practically and reports are to be
Meaning, Tools and objectives of monetary prepared group-wise on respective field
policy, Importance of monetary policy as a assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
instrument of economic management, Monetary reports are to be presented in sessional
policy during inflation, deflation and stagflation examinations that weigh 20% of the total marks
in the economy. of the course.
8. Fiscal Policy: Books Recommended:
Meaning, Objectives and Instrument of Fiscal 1. Shapiro, E. (2003): Macroeconomic Analysis
Policy, Fiscal Policy as a Instrument of 2. Hall and Taylor: Macro Economics
Economic Growth, Fiscal policy during inflation 3. M.C Vaish: Macro Economic Theory.
and deflation, monetary policy and fiscal policy 4. Thomas F. Dernburg and Mcdougall, D.M.
are complementary. (1997): Macroeconomics
9. Inflation: Reference Books
Definition and types of inflation, Demand push 1. William H. Branson, Macroeconomic
and cost push inflation, Measures of inflation, Theory and Policy.
Causes of inflation, Effects of inflation, How 2. P. A. Samuel son, Economics.
inflation can be controlled in an economy. 3. H. L. Ahuja, Modern Economics
10. Unemployment: 4. M. Chacholiades, International Trade Theory
Meaning, types and measurement of and Policy
unemployment, Cost and causes of 5. Bo Soders Jefi, International Economics.
unemployment, Alternative policy measure,
Unemployment scenario in Bangladesh. OCP 121: ORAL COMPREHENSIVE AND
This course will enable students how they will Buyer-Seller-Goods-Sale & Agreement to sell-
present themselves in the viva voce examination. It Essential Elements-Transfer of ownership-
will be evaluated on the basis of a viva voce performance of the contract of sale.
examination at end of that semester final 3. Negotiable instruments act, 1815
examination. Definition and nature of negotiable instrument;
Different types of negotiable instruments;
Rights and liabilities of different parties of
LEVEL 2, SEMESTER I negotiable instruments; Dishonour of negotiable
Course Objectives: To provide the students with 4. Carriage of goods act 1815
knowledge of provisions of various commercial Carriage of goods by road, sea and air; Laws
and Industrial Laws to perform their normal relating to goods carried by road, sea and air.
duties deal with two main groups of people- 5. Brief introduction to the Laws relating to :
Outsiders and (ii) insiders. This course enables Negotiable Instrument-Carriage-Arbitration,
them to trade mark, patent and copyright.
use the knowledge of laws in formulating Industrial Law:
various plans leading to operational and long- 1. Factories Act 1965 :
term decisions Health-Hygiene-Welfare-safety-working hours-
apply legal knowledge to business problems Employment of young persons-Level and
and communicate the explanations in an holidays.
appropriate form 2. Industrial Relations Ordinance 1969 :
advice the management about the financial Trade unions-Unfair labor practices-collective
and other implications of these laws Bargaining Agent-Strikes-Lock out-Labor Court
Business Law: & Labor Appellate Tribunal.
1. Law of Contract : 3. Employment of Labor (Standing Orders) Act
Definition of a Contract-Essential of a contract- 1965 :
offer- Acceptance - Consideration-Void and Conditions of employment-classification of
voidable agreements-Capacity of parties-Free workers-Lease-Holidays-Stoppage of work-
consent-Contingent Contract-Discharge of Calculation of period of continuous service-
Contract-Quasi Contract-Indemnity & Layoff etc. Reternchment-Dismissal-
Guarantee Bailment & Pledge. punishment-Tremination-penanlties-provident
Low of Agency: Test of Agency-Classes of Fund.
agents-Creation Agency-Misrepresentation and 4. Payment of Wages :
frauds by agent-Sub-Agent-Co-Agents right- Responsibility of payment-Deductions-Fines-
personal responsibility of agent. procedure of Calculation.
2. Law Relating of sale of Goods : 5. Workmens Compensation Act: 1923.
6. Shops & Establishment Act of 1965.
7. Case Study
8. Report on field work: To enrich the students Historical evaluation: History of the computer,
theoretical knowledge related industry/ firm / computer generation-Classification of
company / corporation/ manufacturing Computer.
organization/ service organization/ factory will Computer Architecture : Components of a
be visited practically and report is to be computer system, the central processing units
prepared in group-wise on respective field (CPU), Input- Device, Output Device, Memory
assigned by the course teacher. The prepared organization- Keyboard summary.
report is to be presented in sessional Computer codes & Arithmetic: Binary-Octal-
examinations that carries 20% of The total Hexadecimal-number system-conversion of
marks of the course. number systems-binary fractions-Octal
Basic Text s: fractions-fixed and floating point number-BCD-
1. A.A. Khan : Labour and Industrial Law. EBCDIC-ASCII codes. Packed and Zoned
2. Sen & Mitra : Commercial Law & Industrial decimal.
Law Software Components: Types of software-
Reference Books: System Software- High level languages-
1. Emplyment of labour (Standing orders) Act Assemblers-Compilers-interpreters-System
1965. utilities-Application packages.
2. Factorial Relations Ordinance 1969. 2. Introduction to Operating System
3. Industrial Relations Ordinance 1969 Types of Operating System, windows operating
4. Shops & Establishment Act of 1965. system.
5. Payment of Wages Act 1936. 3. Word Processing, spread sheet, power point,
6. Obaidul H. Chowdhury: The Contract Act, database and HTML.
1872. Books Recommended:
7. Charlesworth: Mercantile Law. 1. Mahesh K. Goel :
8. Bangladesh Banks (Nationalization) Order, Introduction to computer Science
1972. 2. Alan Simpson :
9. Trade Marks Act, 1940. Patent Design Act, Understanding dBase III+
1911. 3. Nelson T Dinerstein :
CSE 211: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER dBase III+ for the Programmer
Course Objective: 4. E. Balayurusamy :
The dual objectives of this course are: Programming in BASIC
i. To enable students to understand computer and 5. Byron S. Cottfried :
data processing. Programming with BASIC
ii. To train students in acquiring knowledge about 6. Official Manual of MS Word ver.97
programming in dBASE OR BASIC 7. Understanding Word Perfect 5.1 or 6.0,
or Word Processing using Word Perfect 5.1 or Osburn Publication
6.0 or MS Word ver. 1997. AIS 212: INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING
1. Introduction to Computers and Applications: In this course students undertake an in-depth
analysis of understanding financial statements
and various items of asscts, liabilities and capital Internal Control over Cash Receipts, Internal
of the Balance Sheet. On completion of this Control over Cash Disbursements.
course students will be able to: 3. Accounting for Receivables
Prepare reports and financial statements for Classification of Receivables, Accounts
individual companies and public companies. Receivables: Recognition and Valuation of
Earn knowledge on additional issues like Accounts Receivables, Accounts Receivables as
accounting treatment of short and long term a source of cash - Notes Receivables:
assets, long-term liabilities, intangible assets, Recognition and Valuation of Notes
current and contingent liabilities and events Receivables, Notes Receivables as a source of
after balance sheet date. Cash, Disposition and Analysis; presentation of
1. Partnership Accounts Accounts and Notes Receivable on the Balance
(a) Allocation of Earning among Partners- Sheet.
Treatment of Salaries-Interest on Capital- 4. Investments
Drawings & Loans of Partners-preparation Investments in Debt Securities, investments in
of Financial Statements. equity securities, Other Reporting Issues,
(b) Admission of a Partner-Sale of Partnership Accounting Entries for transfer of Securities,
interest-Investments of an existing Changing from cost to the Equity Method and
partnership-Treatment of Goodwill - vice versa, Special Issues Related to
Revaluation of assets-preparation of Investments, Accounting for Financial
Balance Sheet after admission. Instruments in Associated Companies,
(c) Retirement and Death of a partner - Recording Investment in Equity Security at Cost
determining and payment of the amount and Under Equity Method.
due to a retiring partner-Treatment of 5. Intangible Assets
Goodwill-Admission-cum-Retirement- Intangible Asset Issues, Specially Identified
Accounting treatment for death of a Intangible Assets, Patents, Copyrights,
partner. Trademarks, Leaseholds, Organization Costs,
(d) Dissolution of a partnership firm- Franchises and Licenses, Goodwill and
Accounting treatment of gain on Negative Goodwill, Valuation of Goodwill,
Realization, Loss on realization (No Excess Earnings Approach, Other Methods of
Capital deficiencies) Loss on realization Valuation, Research and Development Costs,
(Capital deficiencies). Presentation of Intangibles and Related Items
2. Internal Control and Cash 6. Inventories
Internal Control-Principles of Internal Control- Inventory Basics - Classifying inventory -
Limitations of Internal Control. Definition and Determining inventory quantities - Inventory
Composition of Cash and Cash Equivalents, costing -Inventoriable costs - Using actual
Management and Control of Cash, Petty Cash physical flow costing specific identification -
Fund, three column cash book. Cash Controls - Using assumed cost flow methods- FIFO,
LIFO, and average cost - Financial statement -
Effects of cost flow methods - Using inventory
cost flows methods Consistency. Other methods Preparation, Usefulness of Statcmcnt of Cash
of valuing inventory Valuing inventory at the Flows.
lower of cost or market (LCM) - Estimating 11. Balance sheet
inventories - Inventory errors-Income Balance Sheet: Usefulness and Limitations of
statement Effects - Balance sheet effects and Balance Sheet, Classification in the Balance
preparation of financial statements for Sheet; Balance Sheet Format, Additional
merchandise operations. Information Reporting,, Techniques of
7. Current and Contingent Liabilities
11. Case Study/ Field work
Current Liabilities: Definition, Classification
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
and Measurement, Liabilities that are definite in
related to industry / company / factory / entity,
amount, Estimated Liabilities, Contingent
fieldwork will be assigned. After practical visit,
Liabilities: Balance Sheet Presentation and
reports are to be prepared group-wise on
respective field assigned by the course teacher.
8. Long Term Liabilities
The prepared reports are to be presented in
Bonds Payable, Issuing Bonds, Valuation of
sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the
Bonds Payable, Long Tcrm Notes Payable,
total marks of the course.
Reporting Long Term Debt, Accounting for
Book Recommended:
Impairments and Troubled Debts Restructuring.
1. Needles & Anderson: Principles of
9. Stock Holders Equity, contributed Capital and
Retainds Earnings
2. Pyle & Larson: Fundaments of Accounting
The Corporate Form, Corporate Capital,
Issuance and Reacquisition of Shares, Ordinary
3. Weygandt & Kieso and Warfield: Financial
and Preference Shares, Presentation of Share
Capital in Financial Statements, Retained
4. Kicso & Wcygandt: Intermediate Accounting
Earnings, Accounting ' for Dividend, Stock
(10th cd.)
Rights, Warrants and Options, Appropriation of
5. Smith & Skousen: Intermediate Accounting
Retained Earnings, Presentation of Shareholders
(15th ed.)
Equity in Financial Statements.
Reference Books
10. Statement of Cash Flows
1. Intermediate Accounting (6th ed.) -
Statement of Cash Flows: Purpose, Contents
Dyckman, Dukes & Davis.
and Format of Statcmcnt of Cash Flows,
2. Intermediate Accounting (6th cd.) - Chastccn
Classification of Cash Flows, Steps in
& Others.
Preparation of Statcmcnt of Cash Flows,
3. Intermediate Accounting-J. Devid Spiceland
Sources of Information, Net Cash Flows from
& J.F. Sepe. (I st edition)
Operating Activities, Investing Activities and
4. Interpretation and application of International
Financing Activities, Direct Versus Indirect
Accounting Standards Epstein &
Method, Special Problems in Statement
Mirza.(2003 edition.
STT 211: BASIC BUSINESS STATISTICS Curve Simple Multiple Component and Pried
Course objective: Bar Diagram Pie-Diagram, Lornez Cure
(i) To develop understanding of the basic Histogram , Frequency polygon Frequency
concepts of statistics. Cures and Ogives.
(ii) To equip the students with statistical tools 5. Measures of Central Tendency: Concept of
for analyzing business information. Central tendency common measures : Mean
(iii) To give an ideal relating Survey design and Median Mode Their computation both in
analysis of Survey data in the area of Algebraic and graphic methods their uses and
business and commerce. comparison of the common measures specific
(iv) To orient students in probability and measures-Geometric mean, Harmonic mean,
baysion approach to study business. Quadratic mean Relationship among the
1. Introduction To Statistics: Definition Concepts common measures Desirable properties of a
Characteristics uses and importance. Theory good measure.
Methods Descriptive inductive statistics 6. Measures of Central Tendency: Absolute
Relation of statistics with other branches of Measures: Mean Deviation Range, Standard
knowledge such as accounting management Deviation, Quartile Deviation, Percentile,
marketing and Finance-identification of problem Deciles Relative Measure-Co-efficient of mean
area in business Limitations of statistics. Deviation Co-efficient of variation properties of
2. Collection of Business Data : Primary data a good measure Chebyshevs theorem and its
secondary data experimental observational and uses.
empirical data panel data panel data and their 7. Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis: Skewness-
orientation Census surveys and conventional Kurtosis: Coefficients of Skenwness and Co-
types of other inquiries, units population efficient of Kurtosis- Positive Skenwness -
identification Methods of collecting primary negative Skenwness moments,measure of
data framing of questionnaire, Pre-testing and Skewness and Kurtosis.
Collection of secondary data. 8. Correlation : Simple Correlation- Positive
3. Processing of Business Data : Classification Correlation -Negative Correlation -Karl
types of classification, array formation types of Pearsons Co-efficient of Correlation -Co-
variables and attributes construction of efficient of Determination- use of probable error
Frequency Distribution frequency Distribution in interpretation of Correlation Co-efficient -
of Variables and frequency Distribution of Rank Correlation Co-efficient-Simple
Attributes Absolute frequency Distribution Correlation Co-efficient from Bivariate
Cumulative frequency Distribution, and Frequency Distribution -Multiple Correlation,
Relative and Cumulative Relative frequency Partial Correlation.
Distribution Tabulation parts of table, types of 9. Regression: Linear Bivariate Regression Model-
table construction of a table from data Co-efficient of Regression-Fitting of Regression
Statement. lines-equations by use of Correlation Co-
4. Presentation of Statistical Data : Graphical efficient and standard Deviations- Accuracy and
Presentation, Histogram Range Curve, Band reliability of regression estimates-Fitting of
multivariate regression model, its uses and Books reference:
interpretations. 1. Donanld L. Hatnlt : Statistics Methods (3rd
10. Interpolation and Extrapolation: Concepts, Edition)
Assumptions, Graphic Methods Algebraic 2. Edwin Manstied : Statistics for Business &
Method Newtons Forward and Backward Economics(3rd Edition).
formulae laganges formula of interpolation 3. Levin Rubin: Statistics for Management.
and its uses. 4. Masson and Lind: Statistics for Management
11. Probability : Concept-, Meaning -Classical and and Economics.
Frequency Definitions -Use of Sets and MKT 211: PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING
Combination in Probability Calculations -Total 1. Understanding Marketing and the Marketing
and Multiplication theorems- Marginal and Process Marketing in a Changing World:
Joint Probability -independent, dependent - Creating Customer Value and Satisfaction,
Mutually Exclusive events -Conditional Strategic Planning and the Marketing Process,
Probability -Bays Theorem and its uses. The Marketing Environment.
12. Sampling and Socio-Economic Surveys: 2. Developing Marketing Opportunities and
Concepts of Census and sample survey- Strategies Marketing Research and Information
Advantage of sampling over Census- Methods Systems, Consumer Markets and Consumer
of random selection: Purposive Sampling - Buyer Behavior, Market Segmentation,
simple random sampling Cluster sampling Targeting, and Positioning for Competitive
Discovery sampling- monetary Unit sampling- Advantage.
steps of conducting socio-economic surveys - 3. Developing the Marketing Mix Product and
sampling and Non sampling errors. Services Strategy, New-Product
13. Case Study/ Field work Development and Product Life-Cycle
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge, Strategies.
related to industry / company / factory / entity, 4. Developing the Marketing Mix Pricing
fieldwork will be assigned. After practical visit, Products: Pricing Considerations and
reports are to be prepared group-wise on Approaches, Pricing Strategies, Distribution
respective field assigned by the course teacher. Channels and Logistics Management,
The prepared reports are to be presented in Retailing and Wholesaling, Integrated
sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the Marketing Communications Strategy,
total marks of the course. Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public
Books Recommended: Relations, Personal Selling and Sales
1. Gupta S.P & Gupta P. : Business Statistics Management, Direct and Online Marketing: The
(Latest Editor) New Marketing Model.
2. Gupta S. P : Statistics Methods (2nd Edition) 5. Managing Marketing Competitive Strategies:
3. Main Muhammad Ali & Alimullah Miyan : Attracting, Retaining, and Growing
An Introduction to Statistics. Customers, The Global Marketplace,
4. Ahmed , A.R. Bhuiya, AA and Md. Zakir Marketing and Society: Social Responsibility
Hossain: Methods of statistic. and Marketing Ethics.
6. Report on field work: To enrich the students
theoretical knowledge related industry/ firm /
company / corporation/ manufacturing
organization/ service organization/ factory will
be visited practically and report is to be
prepared in group-wise on respective field
assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
report is to be presented in sessional
examinations that carries 20% of The total
marks of the course.
Text Book:
Principles of Marketing, Philip Kotler & Gary
Armstrong, Prentice-Hall.
Books reference:
1. Fundamentals of Marketing, W.J. Stanton,
McGraw- Hill.
2. Essentials of Marketing, E. J. McCarthy &
WD Perreault, Irwin.
This course will enable students how they will
present themselves in the viva voce examination.
It will be evaluated on the basis of a viva voce
examination at end of that semester final
LEVEL 2, SEMESTER -II loads; secured loans; Secured loans and other
FBK 221: MANAGERIAL FINANCE sources; pledging accounts Receivables and
The Objective this Course is to provide students Factoring.
with a sound Theoretical Knowledge on 7. Intermediate-Term Financing
principles and Practices of finance. Term Loans; Costs and benefits Revolving
1. Introduction Credit agreements; insurance company term
The Function of Financial Manager; The Goal loans; provisions of loan agreements.
of firms, Value Maximization as a goal. The 8. Long term financing
Agency Problem Financial Decisions Types of long-term debt instruments; how much
Functions of the Financial executives. should a firm brow? Debt financing: valuing
2. Financial Environment risky Debt Kind of Debts Hedging Financial
Financial Markets; primary vs. Secondary Risk, Bonds and their Features Retirement of
Markers; Financial Intermediaries; Financial bonds; Preferred Stocks (Preference Share)
Intermediaries; Financial Instruments; Fiscal and its Features; Common Stock (Ordinary
Policy of Bangladesh. Shares) and its feature; Rights of common
3. The time value of Money shareholders; issuing Securities to the public.
Future Value; present value; Future value vs. 9. Case study / Field work
Future Value of an annuity; present value of an To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
annuity; installment Payment for related industry / Company / Factory / Entity
Accumulation of a future sum. will be visited practically and reports are to be
4. Risk and Return prepared group-wise on respective field
Risk, Uncertainty and return, probability assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
distribution and Expected return Total Risk reports are to be presented in sessional
analysis for assets in isolation: Variance examinations that weigh 20% of the total marks
Standard Deviations and coefficient of variation, of the course.
Introduction to portfolio theory and Capital Books Recommended:
Asset pricing Model (CAPM) to analyze risk. 1. Van Horne, James C and Wachowicz Jr:
5. Working Capital Policy Fundamentals of Financial Management.
Working Capital Terminology, The 2. E.F.Brigham and Joel E. Houston:
Requirements for External Working Capital Fundamentals of Financial Management.
Finance The Cash Conversion Cycle-Working 3. Bringhan, Eugene F. and Louis C. Gapenski:
Capital Investment and Financing Policy- Intermediate Financial Management.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Short-term 4. Ghosh, S.N; Sukladas J.C & Ahmed, M.:
Financing'-Cash, Credit and Inventory Manage- Choice of Banks, Customer Service & Credit
ment. Policy.
6. Short term Financing Reference Books
Spontaneous Financing Trade Credit and 1. S. B. Bloke & G. A. Hirt: Foundation of
overdraft advantage & Disadvantages; various Financial Management.
terms of sales; Accrued Expenses; unsecured 2. R. B. Howard and M. Upton : Introduction to
Business Finance. Use of Poison Distribution Fitting of Discrete
3. R. L. Johnson : Financial Decision Making. Distributions.
4. GOB. Ministry of Finance, Resume of 3. Continuous probability Distributions: Normal
Financial Institutions. Distribution its properties, tests of normally of a
5. M. Jahirul Hoque : Financial Planning and distribution-Computation of probability of
Control (Ph. D. Thesis). Random Variable by use of area under Normal
STT 222: APPLIED STATISTICS FOR Curve Solution of problems by use of normal
BUSINESS DECISION MAKING Distribution function.
Course Objective: 4. Sampling Distributions: Concepts of Universe
(i) To develop a general understanding of Distribution Sample distribution- thereof large
theories and practices of statistical numbers concepts of standard Error Sampling
approaches to estimation and business Distribution of mean proportion Central limit
decisions. Theorem and its uses.
(ii) To develop an understanding of the 5. Estimation of parameters: Concepts of point and
formulation of hypothesis and business and interval estimation properties of good estimator
to interpret their result. Unbiased ness Consistency efficiency and
(iii) To apply quantitative models of curse fitting sufficiency-Confidence limits of mean and
for time series analysis and business properties Determination of sample size for
forecasting. estimation of mean, proportions Determination
(iv) To develop idles of process control and of sample size for estimation of mean
acceptance sampling plans for business proportion and percentages.
decisions. 6. Tests Hypothesis : Concepts of Hypothesis
(v) To acquaint student of Accounting with procedures of testing hypothesis one tailed two
techniques of deflating income and making tailed tests type II Error a- Risk, b- Risk, tests
measures for inflation by use of index for mean proportion Test of equality of two
numbers and their proper application. population means and two population
1. Random variables and probability Distribution: proporting in case of large samples (Z-Test).
Concept of a Random Variable- Probability 7. Small Sampling Theory : Tests of hypothesis
Distribution of a Random Variable in business about population mean in case of small samples
situations. Discrete probability functions- (t-test) Test- of equation of two means in cases
Continuous probability - density function- of independent samples test of zero Correlation
Cumulative density function-Mathematical Test of specific value of correlation Coefficient
expectation of a Random variable and its Test of equality of two correlation co-efficient
properties-Variance & its standard Deviation. by use of fishers z-transformation Test of
2. Discrete probability Distribution: Binomial Equality of two variances (f-test).
Distribution-Mean and variance of Binomial 8. Chi-square test: Test of independent test of
Distribution Business problems related to goodness of Fit-test of homogeneity and test of
Binomial Distribution poison probability specific value of variance.
Distribution; its characteristics mean Variance
9. Analysis of Variance: Assumptions for respective field assigned by the course teacher.
Analysis-Computation for Analysis for Variance The prepared reports are to be presented in
one-way, Classification, and preparation of sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the
ANOVA table-to way Classification test of total marks of the course.
hypothesis for more than two populations means Books Recommended:
by use of Analysis of Variance. 1. Levin Rubin: Statistics for Management.
10. Non-Parametric Test: Advantage of Non 2. Gupta S.P & Gupta P. : Business Statistics
Parametric tests paired sample sign test. (Latest Editor)
11. Index Number: Definition problems for 3. Gupta S. P : Statistics Methods (2nd Edition)
components Types of indices price value 4. Main Muhammad Ali & Alimullah Miyan :
Quaintly index Methods of Compton shifting An Introduction to Statistics.
of base time Reversal and Factor Reversal 5. Anderson D.R.: Essential of Statistics of
Tests Cost of living index numbers and their Business and Economics- (lst edition)
computation deflating income computation of Books Reference:
Real income. 1. Donanld L. Hatnlt : Statistics Methods (3rd
12. Business Forecasting and time series Analysis : Edition)
Forecasting Techniques components of time 2. Edwin Manstied: Statistics for Business &
series Additive and Multiplicative Models for Economics (3rd Edition).
time series analysis Methods nfor measurement 3. Masson and Lind: Statistics for Management
of tends seasonal variation cyclical and Economics.
Fluctuations irregular variation fitting of Log 4. Statistics - S.P. Gupta. (12th edition)
linear function and Curvilinear parabolic AIS 223: LAW AND PRACTICE OF TAXATION
functions to time series accuracy and IN BANGLADESH
Reliability of estimates. This course primarily designed to provide the
13. Statical Quality Control: Introduction, concepts students with fundamental understanding of
of quality characteristics Causes of variation economic effects of taxation on business entities
process control-control charts X-Chart, R- and individuals prevailing in Bangladesh. At the
Chart, S-Chart, C- Chart, Setting up of control end of this course, students are expected to be
procedure single sampling-Acceptance Plan- able to i) understand the role of taxation in
Double Sampling plan and their interpretations. overall economic development of an economy, ii)
14. Official Statistics in Bangladesh: Sources understand the place of taxation in overall fiscal
Characteristics- Limitations-publishing policy of a government, iii) understand relevant
agencies statistical publications, their contents provisions of taxation rules in Bangladesh and iv)
and their reliablity Accuracy and Uses. independently assess the tax liabilities of
15. Case Study/ Field work personal and corporate entities.
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge, Part A
related to industry / company / factory / entity, 1. Introduction
fieldwork will be assigned. After practical visit, public Finance-Definition-Difference Between
reports are to be prepared group-wise on public Finance and Private Finance-public
Finance and the Economics system-The Turnover Tax (TT) & Supplementary Duty
Principles of Maximum Advantage and its (SD), Books of Accounts to be maintained
limitations. under the VAT Laws, Filing of VAT Return,
2. Public Revenue and expenditure Tax Authorities under the VAT Laws,
Revenue Receipts - Capital Receipts - Tax Payments, Refund and Recovery of Taxes under
Revenue and Non-tax Revenue -tax Base of a the VAT Laws.
tax Principles of taxation Characteristics of a 3. Customs Duty
good tax system. Public expenditure - revenue Custom Authorities, Customs-Port, Customs-
and capital expenditure (development and non- Airports, Land Customs-Stations & Customs-
development), effects of public expenditure on Houses, Warehousing Stations & Public/Private
production, distribution, income and Warehouses, Prohibited Goods or Piece-Goods,
employment. Goods Dutiable, Exemptions from Customs
3. Tax Burden Duty, PSI, Value of Imported and Exported
The Expediency Approach -The Social Political Goods for Imposing Customs Duty, General
Approach the benefit-Received Theory- Customs Duty, Countervailing Duty, Anti-
Limitations of the Benefit. Received Approach- dumping Duty and Safeguard Duty, Duty
Cost of Service Approach. The Ability to pay Drawback, Infrastructure Development
Approach-Usefulness the Concept. Surcharge, Offences and Penalties, Prevention
4. Taxation of Smuggling-Powers of Search, Seizure and
Incidence of taxes: The impact the incidence An-est-Adjudication of Offences, Appeals and
and the effects of a tax-Theories of tax shifting- Revisions.
imposition of a specific tax, Deficit Financing as 4. Excise duty
a hidden tax classification and Choice of taxes: Goods and Services subject to Excise Duty,
Single and Multiple tax system: Proportional Level of Excise Duties, Regulatory Duty under
Progressive taxes-Deferred Taxes, direct and the Excise and Salt Act, Determination of Value
indirect tax, VAT etc. Effects of Taxation: for Imposing Excise duty, License Necessary
Effects on production and growth-Effects on for Certain Operations, Offences and Penalties,
supply of resources Economic Stabilization. Recovery of Sums Due to Government;
Part B Exemptions from Excise Duty.
1. Income tax Goods subject to Infrastructure Development
Components of Total Income: salary income, Surcharge, Tax Rate & Collection Point of the
income from house property, income from Tax.
agriculture, income from business or profession, 5. Case Study/ Field work
income from interest on securities, income from To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
capital gain and income from other sources. related to industry / company / factory / entity,
2. Value-Added-Tax (VAT) fieldwork will be assigned. After practical visit,
Scope, Registration and De-registration; reports are to be prepared group-wise on
Exemption and Zero Rating; Tax Point of VAT; respective field assigned by the course teacher.
Taxable Value for VAT, VAT Computation, The prepared reports are to be presented in
sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the 8. Case Study
total marks of the course. 9. Report on field work: To enrich the students
Books Recommended: theoretical knowledge related industry/ firm /
1. Nikhil C.S., Faridul A., : Taxation in company / corporation/ manufacturing
Bangladesh organization/ service organization/ factory will
2. Fazlul Haque, M.A. Akkas : Three taxes of be visited practically and report is to be
Bangladesh prepared in group-wise on respective field
3. MM Mahmud, KK purohit and MK assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
Bhattacharjee: Income tax. report is to be presented in sessional
4. H.L Bhatia: Public Finance; Vikas examinations that carry 20% of the total marks
Publishing House PVT. Ltd. of the course.
5. Dalton: Public finance. Basic Text s:
6. NBR VAT Bullectin. 1. William B, Werther Jr. and Keith Davis,
7. Customs Act 1969 Personnel management and human resources.
8. Finance Ordinances 2. M. Ataur Rahaman , Human Resource
9. M.A.Baree:law and Practice VAT in Management. Zakir Publication
MST 224 : HUMAN RESOURCE Reference Books:
MANAGEMENT 1. Heneman et. al, Personnel-Human Resource
1. Organizational philosophy and Human Resource Management.
Management-Rational System Model-Social 2. H. T. Graham, Human Resources
Model-Implications for Human Resource Management.
Management. 3. Kendrith M. Rowland and Gerland R. Ferris,
2. Nature of Human Resource Management- Current issues in Personnel Management.
Principles- Function-scope-Organization 4. Charles J. Coleman, personnel-An Open
Strategic Human Resource Management. System Approach.
3. Human Resource Planning-Job Design and 5. Elmer H. Burack and Robart D. Smith,
Analysis-Job Evaluation-Selection and Personnel Management-A Human Resource
Recruitment-Training and development- System Approach.
Performance Appraisal and Merit Rating. 6. Michael H. Bottomley, Personnel
4. Promotion-Transfer-Absenteeism-Labor Management.
Turnover-Lay - off-job Satisfaction- Morale 7. Edwin B. Flippo, Personnel Management.
and Productivity-Discipline Management- 8. M. J. Jucius, Personnel Management.
5. Remuneration Policies and Methods-Job PSYCHOLOGY
Evaluation Employee Benefits Services. Course Objectives:
6. Human Resource Management Research, Audit, This course develops the perspectives, concepts
Change and the future. and methodologies needed for objectives,
7. Industrial Democracy. analytical thinking about human interaction. It
also provides an overview of the origin, growth, Definition and classification of Family and
content and application of psychology in marriage, Theories regarding the origin and
industry. Followings are the main focus of this development of family, merits and demerits of
course: nuclear and joint family, Causes of breakdown
1. Sociology- An introduction: of joint family.
Definition, Scope and Importance of Sociology, 7. Demography and fertility:
Background of Sociology, Relationship of Meaning and concept of social demography and
Sociology with other Social Science, Role of fertility, Factors affecting fertility in
Rural Sociology in the Community Bangladesh, Malthusian and optimum
Development population theory.
2. Perspective of Sociology: 8. Psychology and Industrial Psychology:
Macro-Sociology and Micro-Sociology, Definition, Objectives, scope and background
Elements of Sociology, Sociology is a science of Industrial Psychology, Problems of
or not, Concepts and variables, Questionnaire Industrial Psychology.
and Interview Schedule as tool used in 9. Personnel Selection and Placement:
Sociology, Theories of Sociology and their Definition, Justification of Selection and
areas of Application, Methods of Sociological Placement, Problems of selection, steps in
research, Steps of Scientific methods, Sociology selection or basic selection model, Cost of
as a Science. wrong selection, Selection methods.
3. Society: 10. Training and Learning:
Definition of society, Characteristics and Meaning and objectives, needs and types of
function of society, Theories regarding origin training, Evaluation of training effectiveness;
and development of society, Herbert Spencer Definition and principles of learning.
Super Organismic Theory or theory of Social 11. Job Analysis and Satisfaction:
Darwinism. Definition, scope, objectives and usefulness of
4. Social Group and Culture: job analysis, job analysis methods, job
Definition, Characteristics and Classification; evaluation, Determinants and theories of job
Institution and Organization; Culture and satisfaction.
Civilization, Element and Organizational 12. Social Perception and Motivation
Structure of Culture- value, norm, folkways and Social and cultural determinants of perception,
mores. Motivation and its classification, Motivation
5. Social Process and Social Stratification: cycle, Maslows and Vrooms theory of human
Socialization, concepts and kind of social motivation, motivation and frustration,
interaction, cooperation, competition, conflict, relationship of motivation and work, incentives
accommodation and assimilation. Origin and as a motivating force of work.
functions of social stratification, horizontal and 13. Industrial Morale:
vertical social mobility. Meaning and determinants of morale,
6. Social Institution: measurement of morale, methods of increasing
industrial morale, group and group dynamics.
14. Report on Field Work: OCP 224: ORAL COMPREHENSIVE AND
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge, PRESNTATION
related industry/ firm/ factory/ company/ entity This course will enable students how they
will be visited practically and reports are to be will present themselves in the viva voce
prepared group-wise on respective field assigned examination. It will be evaluated on the basis
by the course teacher. The prepared reports are to of a viva voce examination at end of that
be presented in sessional examinations that semester final examination.
weigh 20% of the total marks of the course.
References Books:
1. Introduction to Rural Sociology, J.B.
2. Industrial Psychology, M.L. Blum and J.C.
3. Sociology, C.N. Sankar Rao
4. Shilpa Monobiggan, Dr. Abdul Khaleque.
5. Sociology: An Introduction. J.Ross Eshleman
and Barbarag. Cashion
6. Social Stratification and Mobility, K.N.
Current deposits-saving Deposits -Fixed
deposits-Agency Service - General Ability
Service-Overseas Trading Services-information
and other services Bank and Economic
5. General structure and Methods of commercial
Certain Sound Commercial banking principles,
Employment of fund by commercial bankers,
carrying assets of a bank self liquidates paper
theory versus anticipated theory.
6. Credit Management Polices
Demand deposits as money-Primary and
derivative deposits-the process of multiple
credit expansion: Monopoly bank, The banking
system as a whole practical limits of deposit
expansion do banks really cerate credit, Recent
Theoretical development.
Credit policy-Credit analysis Distressed loans-
pricing of bank loan-Deposit and other services.
LEVEL 3, SEMESTER -I 7. Banking Structure
FBK 312: THEORY AND PRACTICES OF Introduction-Group Banking and chain banking;
BANKING IN BANGLADESH Unit Banking and Branch Banking; Investment
Course Objectives: Banking and Mixed banking, Merchant
(i) To explain the evolution of banking Banking- Banking Structure in Bangladesh-
principles and practices. Development, Commercial and Specialized
(ii) To explain the laws governing commercial banks.
banking business in Bangladesh
8. Nature and Functions of central bank
1. Evaluation of banking institutions.
Characteristics of a Central Bank. Nature of
2. Classification of Banks
central Banking, Comparison between central
Commercial banks-investment or industrial
banking and commercial banking. Growth of
banks-exchange banks-Co-operative banks-land
central banking. Functions of a central bank.
mortgagee banks saving banks-central Banks
The Universal Necessary of Central Bank, The
Deposit Banking versus Mixed banking.
Clearing House system.
3. Theories of commercial Banking
9. Instrument of credit control
Doctrine of Real bills The shift ability theory
Task of credit control. Methods of General
the anticipated income theory.
credit control bank rate: The operation of Bank
4. Functions of commercial Banks and the service
rate policy; Modes operandi of bank rate policy;
Rendered by them
Decline and revivial of bank rate policy; 7. Khan Md. Muinuddin : Advanced
limitations of bank rate policy. Open Market Accounting Vol ii
operations. Mechanism of open market 8. Bank Co. Act. 1991.
operations. Limitation of open Market AES 315: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
operations, Usefulness of open Market Course Objectives:
operations, Variable Reserve Rations: Variable To provide knowledge related to research
reserve rations in comparison to open market methods and techniques, research design,
operations, imitations. secondary Reserve collection of data, analysis and statistical
Requirements. Co-ordination of general credit techniques etc. This course will help to conduct
control measures. Selective credit control; types social and business research scientifically.
of selective credit control; significant of Followings are the main focus of this course:
selective controls; limitations of selective 1. Introduction
control. Definition and Characteristics of research, Role
and Scope of Busuness research Ethical issues
10. Bank Fund Management
in Business Research, Qualities of a Researcher-
Sources of Investible Fund-Portfolio
Types of Research, social research and its
Management: Primary Reserve, Secondary
importance, motivating factors of research,
Reserve, Loans & Investment.
Utility of Researches Managerial Value of
11. Products and services of modern banking
12. Field work / Case study
2. Science and Knowledge:
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
Meaning and Nature of science, Characteristics
related industry / Company / Factory / Entity
of Science-Value Judgement and Science-
will be visited practically and reports are to be
Classification of Science. Human Knowledge :
prepared group-wise on respective field
Meaning and Nature of Knowledge,
assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
Knowledge and Science. Methods in Science,
reports are to be presented in sessional
Analytic and Synthetic Methods in Social
examinations that weigh 20% of the total marks
Science-Scientific Methods.
of the course.
3. Hypothesis :
Books Recommended:
Meaning, Functions, Types and Sources of
1. Peter Ross: Commercial Bank Management.
Hypothesis, Characteristic/ conditions for a
2. Shekhar : Banking Theory and practice
Valid Hypothesis, Analogy and formulation of
3. Rabhaswami : A Text Books of Banking
Hypothesis, Forms of hypothesis Verification
(Law, Practice and theory of Banking)
and Proof of Hypothesis- Theory-Law and Fact
4. Sethi: Money Banking and international
Uses of Hypothesis.
4. Related Concepts in Research:
5. Cross, H.D. & G.H Hempt: Management
Deduction and Induction: Meaning and
Policies for Commercial Banks.
Distinction; Observation and Experiment,
6. Robison, Ronald I: The management of bank
Conditions of Observation- Fallacies of
Observation, Distinction between Experiment
and Observation, Relative Advantages and Research Topic: Sources of Research
Disadvantages of Observation and Experiment, Problems-Characteristics of Research Problems-
Steps in Experimental techniques, Limitations Review of related Literature-Importance of
of Experiment, Implication and Inference, Proper Problem Definition-The Research
assumption, theory and law, Analogy, cause and Proposal, Anticipated Result, Stages in the
law of causation, view of cause, truth and Research Process
validity. 11. Sampling Technique Meaning of sample and
5. Research Methods and Techniques sampling, Types of sampling - Probability and
Classification of research methods-historical non-probability sampling; simple random
research, case study method, experimental sampling, systematic sampling, cluster
method, evaluation research, action research, sampling, convenient sampling, multistage
ex-post facto research, field investigation sampling, stratified random sampling, value
research and business game. judgment sampling and quota sampling.
6. Research and Theory Building 12. Data Collection, Processing and Analysis:
Meaning of theory-Goals of theory-Nature of Survey-Sources of Data: primary and secondary
propositions-Scientific method - verifying data, Types of data- time series data, cross
theory-Formulation of theories-Value of sectional data and panel data, Basic method of
theories (Zikmund)-Relationship between communication with respondent, Method of data
"Theory" and "Research" (Wilkinson). collection-Observation, Interview Method,
9. Problem Definition and the Research Proposal : Questionnaire Method-The Interview Schedule-
The Nature of the Business Problem, The The Case Study; editing, Data Processing-
Process of Problem Definition, Selection of a coding, classification of data, tabulation of data,
Research Topic: Sources of Research Analysis and Interpretation of Data.
Problems-Characteristics of Research Problems- 13. Report on Field Work:
Review of related Literature-Importance of To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
Proper Problem Definition-The Research related industry/ firm/ factory/ company/ entity
Proposal, Anticipated Result. will be visited practically and reports are to be
10. Research Design : prepared group-wise on respective field
Meaning of Research Design-Need for Research assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
Design-Features of a Good Design-Concepts reports are to be presented in sessional
relating to research Design-Different Research examinations that weigh 20% of the total marks
Designs Exploratory or Formative Study- of the course.
Descriptive or Diagnostic Study-Experimental Book Reference:
DesignPrinciples of Experimental Design-Pilot 1. B.N. Ghosh, Scientific Methods and Social
Study-Sampling Design-Observational Design, - Research, Sterling Publishers Ltd.
Statistical Design-Operational Design. 2. C.R. Kothary, Research Methodology
10. Research Process: 3. Fred N. Kerlinger, Foundations of Behavioural
The Nature of the Business Problem, The Research, Holt Rinehart Winston.
Process of Problem Definition, Selection of a
4. William G. Zikrnund, Business Research shares and debentures, redemption of preference
Methods. The Dryden Press. shares and debentures.
5. T.S. Wilkinson and P.L. Bhandarkar, 2. Directors
Methodology and Techniques of Social Appointment: Qualification; Removal; Power;
Research. Duties; Liabilities; Remuneration, Managing
6. Business Research Methods. William G. Director, Whole-time Director and Manager.
Zikmund. 3. Meetings and Proceedings
MST 315: COMPANY LAWS AND Statutory, Annual and Extraordinary Meetings;
SECRETARIAL PRACTICES IN Ordinary, Extraordinary and Special
BANGLADESH Resolutions.
Course Objective: 4. Borrowing Power Methods of Borrowing-, Ultra
This course objectives includes Virus Borrowing Debentures, Fixed and
(i) explain the way in which companies are Floating Charges.
administered, financed and managed 5. Dividend
(ii) apply legal knowledge to business problems Procedures of declaring dividend; Dividend paid
and communicate the explanations in an out of Capital and of Profit.
appropriate form 6. Winding up
(iii) carry out secretarial work more effectively Winding up by Court, Official Liquidators and
and to advise the management Voluntary Winding Up, Member's Voluntary
(iv) assist the management in taking decision for Winding Up; Creditors' Voluntary Winding Up
complying with various statutory and Voluntary Winding Up subject to
requirements of company administration. supervision of the Court.
Company Law: 7. Capital Markets Regulatory Laws and Rules
1. Introduction Control Over Issues of Capital; Control over
Meaning and characteristics, history of Prospectus and Other Advertisement; Purchase
Company Law in Bangladesh, types of and Sales of Securities; Listing of Security on a
Companies under the Companies Act 1994; Stock Exchange; Submission of Annual Reports
Memorandum of Association, Articles of by Listed Company; Requirements as to
Association and other documents required to be preparation of Financial Statements under
submitted to Registrar of Joint Stock Company: Securities and Exchange Rules as amended upto
Restrictions about Company Name: Constitution date.
of the Company, Prospectus and Promoters. Secretarial Practices
1. Share Capital Appointment of a Company Secretary; Functions;
Share Classification : Transfer of Shares; Share Qualities of a Good Secretary and Legal Position of
Transmission, Share Warrant; Alteration of Secretary as regards the following:
Share Capital; Reduction and Reconstruction of i. Incorporation and flotation of a company.
Share Capital, Allotment of shares, types of ii. Issuance of shares; Application and allotment
Debentures, distinction between preference of shares. Transfer transmission and
forfeiture of shares; re-issue of forfeited 1. Company law and partnership Act Nirmalendu
shares. Dhar
iii. Issue and redemption ofdebentures. 2. Handbook on Company Meetings &
iv. Company and Directors' Meetings: Notices, Resolutions for Directors & Secretaries - by
quorum, voting, proxies, resolution and M. Ismail.
minutes ofthe meetings. 3. The Bank Companies Act 1991 as
v. Books of accounts and financial reports, audit 4.mamended up to date. The Insurance Act 1938
and investigation, dividend and dividend and rules 1958
warrant, issue of bonus and right shares. 5. Charles and Moorse: Company Law.
vi. Filing of Returns. 6. Corporate Laws & Practices by the
Prescribed Act, Ordinances, Rules & Regulations 7. Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
1. The Companies Act 1994. Company Law & Practices in Pakistan - by
2. The Securities & Exchange Ordinance 1969 as Dr. Khawja
amended up to date. Amjad Saeed.
3. The Securities & Exchange Rules 1987 as 8. Companies act 1994
amended up to date. 9. Charles worth & Cain : Company Law
4. The Securities & Exchange Act 1993 as 10.Toham Evammy : Company Law
amended up to date with publications made by
SEC on Public Issue Rules/Right Issue Rules AIS 314: COST ACCOUNTING
1998 and others governing securities market. The objectives of this course is to (i) introduce "Cost
5. DSE/CSE Rules. Accounting" as a separate branch of accounting; (ii)
6. Case Study give an idea about measurement, analysis,
7. Report on field work: To enrich the students accumulation and control of various elements of
theoretical knowledge related industry/ firm / cost and (iii) give an elementary knowledge about
company / corporation/ manufacturing preparation of cost sheet.
organization/ service organization/ factory will 1. Introduction
be visited practically and report is to be Definition and Objectives of Cost Accounting-
prepared in group-wise on respective field Limitations of Financial Accounting-
assigned by the course teacher. The prepared Importance of Cost Accounting-Cost
report is to be presented in sessional Accounting and Financial Accounting-Cost
examinations that carries 20% of The total Accounting and Management Accounting
marks of the course. Relationship of Cost Accounting with
Basic Texts: Mathematics, Economics and Statistics.
1. Muqtadir's Handbooks for Company 2. Cost Concepts and Classification
Secretary based on Bangladesh Laws & Concepts of Cost - Cost, Expense & Loss -
Practices. Classification of Costs: Basis, Nature and
2. Kuchhal M.C. : Secretarial Practices, Vikas Elements - Relationship to the object cost -
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd Behavior - Function - Controllability - Time
Reference Books: when computed-Decision making costs - Costs
- Cost centre - Cost objective - Cost Standard Price-Market Price-Inflated price-Re-
Accounting Cycle - Factory Cost Flow - Cost use Price Methods - IAS #2: Valuation and
Sheet - Cost Statement - Basic Cost Accounting Presentation of Inventories in the context of
Principles and Cost Concepts. Historical Cost System. Pricing of materials
3. Materials returned to Vendors-Pricing of Materials
a) Purchase: Purchase Control-Purchase Return to store. Treatment of discrepancies in
Department Organization-Purchase Routine- material receiving and surplus and deficiencies
Purchase requisition-Inquiry and Quotation- in stocktaking.
Purchase order-Follow-up-Receiving and 4. Labor
Inspection-Purchases Department records- a) Labor Control and Remuneration Methods:
Import Procedures and Documents-Centralized Appointment of Workers; Discharge of
and Decentralized purchasing. Workers; Casual (Badli) workers; Hired Labor;
b) Store-keeping and Control: Introduction to Outworkers; Direct Labor; Indirect labor;
Storekeeping-Storekeeper and his functions Problem of Labor Cost Control: Organization
and duties-Types of Store materials - Types of for Labor cost control. Time-keeping Objects
Stores depot-location and Lay-out of a Store- of time-keeping -Methods of time-keeping -
Storage equipment-Safety arrangement- Attendance Sheet-Check or Disc method-Card
Material handling equipment-Classification time recorder-Dial time recorder-Time-
and codification of stores-Specific Inventory booking.
Control Methods-Fixation of Stock level- Ascertainment and Allocation of labor cost-
Maximum Level-Minimum Level-Reorder Proper utilization of the Attendance time-
Quantity-Re-order Level-Stock out Ascertainment of idle time and its control-
Losses/Over-ages Control of Spoilage-Waste- Apportionment of Overheads-Comparison of
Selective Method or ABC Analysis-Minimax labor cost. Methods of time-booking-Time
method. Two-bin System-the Perpetual recording for piece workers-Idle time-
Inventory system-Periodical Inventory system- Overtime-Treatment of overtime cost-
Control ratios-Materials-Return of materials- Outworkers-Casual workers-Labor Turnover.
Transfer of materials Dead Inventory. b) Labor Cost Accounting : Factors governing
c) Material Costing: Store records-Bin Card satisfactory system of wage payment-job
versus Store Ledger-Store Ledger-Material Evaluation/Merit Rating Principles of
Costs-Valuation of Purchases Specific Costs- Remuneration-System of Wage Payment-Time
Non-specific Costs-Dual apportionment- wage system-Payment by results-Premium Bonus
Blanket apportionment-Treatment as plan Individual Incentive plans for Direct
Overhead-Receiving and Handling charges Workers-Group Incentive Plans-Types of
rates-Blanket rate vs. Separate rates. Group incentive Plans-Incentive Schemes for
d) Valuation of Material Issues: Actual Cost Indirect Workers-Fringe benefits-Holiday Pay-
method: Specific Price-FIFO -Simple Average- leave-PE, D.A., H.R.A, Bonus etc. - Profit
Weighted Average Price -Periodic Simple sharing - Co-partnership-Labor Costing and
Average Price-Moving Simple Average Price -
Cost Accounting Department-Prevention of Direct Method, Step Method, Reciprocal
Frauds-Payroll Accounting. Method and Linear Llgebra Method, Single and
5. Chargeable Expenses Dual Rate Methods, Determination of costs
Chargeable Expenses-Overhead Expenses- should be allocated-budgeted or actual.
Treatment of Items of expenses. 9. Job Order & Batch Costing
6. Overheads a) Job order costing-Introduction-Main
a. Definition-Accounting and Control of features-Advantage and disadvantage-Job
Overhead: Classification of overheads: costing Procedure-Cost Accumulation-Cost
Functional - Incidental; & Behavioral-Need for Control in Job Order System - Tools control-
Classification-Items excluded from Cost treatment of tools cost-Report in a job costing
accounts-Grouping and Codification. system.
b. Manufacturing Overhead: General plan for b) Batch Costing: Economic Batch Quantity-
accounting of Manufacturing Overhead- Batch costing or Assembly cost system-Class
Collection of manufacturing overhead- cost system-Multiple job order cost system.
Invoice-Store Requisitions-Wage Analysis 10. Case Study/ Field work
Sheet-Cash book-Subsidiary records To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
Departmentalization of Manufacturing related to industry / company / factory / entity,
overhead-Apportionment & Reapportionment- fieldwork will be assigned. After practical visit,
Overhead Absorption Overhead rates Bases- reports are to be prepared group-wise on
Under/Over-absorption of Overheads-Treatment respective field assigned by the course teacher.
of Under/Over-absorption of overheads. The prepared reports are to be presented in
c. Non-manufacturing Overheads: sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the
Administrative, Selling and Distribution total marks of the course.
overheads: Definition and Nature of Non- Books recommended:
manufacturing overheads - Accounting and 1. Cost Accounting - C. T. Horngren & Others.
Control of Non-Manufacturing overheads- (10th edition)
Treatment of items in costing-Various Concepts 2. Polimeni, Ralph S., Frank J. Fabozzi, &
of Capacity and their use in overhead control. Arthur H. Adelberg : Cost Accounting
7. Cost Sheet/Statement of Cost of Production 3. Prasad, N.K.: Principles & Practice of Cost
Definition-Cost of Production-Unit cost-Cost of Accounting.
Goods Sold and Cost of Sales: Periodic & 4. Matz, Usry & Hammer: Cost accounting:
Perpetual-Prime Cost Works cost-Cost of planning & control
Production - Determination of Selling Price, 5. Cost Accounting: Srikant M. Datar and
Tender Price or Quotation or Bid. Grorge Foster
8. Service Department cost Allocation Book Reference:
Service Department Costs, Volume based 1. Jawaharlal: Cost Accounting, Tata-McGraw
Costing, Need for Cost Allocation, Guidelines Hill
for Cost Allocation, Plant-wise Rate vs. 2. Ashish K. Bhattacharya: Principles and
Departmental Rates, Cost Allocation Methods, Practice of Cost Accounting,
3. S.P Iyengar: Cost Accounting, Sultan Chand Capital Structure vs. Financial Structure,
& Sons. Theories of Capital Structure: Net Operating
4. D.R. Gupta & R.K. Gupta: Purchasing & Income (NOI) Approach. Net Income (NI)
Store-keeping, Tata McGraw Hill Approach, Traditional Approach, Modigliani
and Miller (MM) Approach: with or without
FBK 313: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Tax, The Effect of Bankruptcy Cost on MM
The purpose of this course is to provide an Approach, Factors Influencing the Capital
overview of modern finance theory. Topics Structure in Practice.
covered include portfolio theory, capital 5. Dividend Policy
budgeting and optimal financial structure, option Factors influencing Dividend Policy, Dividend
pricing theory, dividend policy. In addition to Stability; Rationale for Low and High pay out
above, the course covers various aspects of Ratio, Dividend vs. Capital Gains: What do
international business finance and risk investors prefer? Residual Theory of Dividends,
management. and Dividend Irrelevance
1. Financial Statements Analysis 6. Lease Financing
Financial Statements and Reports-Ratio Types of leases; Factors affecting the Leasing
Analysis-Comparative Ratios-Use and Limi- Decision, Evaluation by the lessee, Evaluation
tations of Ratio Analysis-Statement of Cash by the lessor, Lease vs. Hire purchase,
Flows. Arguments for and against Leasing.
2. Cost of Capital 7. Financing Small and medium Firms
Capital Components and their Costs; cost of Problems and Sources of financing small firms
debit, cost of preferred stock, cost of common and micro industries, Role of BSCIC and other
Equity: Cost of Retained Earnings-The Divided similar institutions in Bangladesh.
discount Model Approach and the CAPM 8. Field work / Case study
Approach; Cost of Newly Issued Common To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
Equity; Weighted Average Cost of Capital related industry / Company / Factory / Entity
(WACC) Rationale for WACC, Marginal will be visited practically and reports are to be
Cost of Capital. prepared group-wise on respective field
3. Capital Budgeting assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
Estimating cash flows; project evaluation and reports are to be presented in sessional
Selection: Payback Method, Accounting Rate of examinations that weigh 20% of the total marks
Return Method. Net Present value Method of the course.
(NPV) , Internal Rate of Return (IRR; Books Recommended:
comparison between IRR and NPV Profitability 1. Eugene F. Brigham, Fundamentals of
index; Evaluating projects with unequal lives; Financial Management.
Capital rationing Effects of Taxation and 2. Brearley, R.A. & S.C. Myers : Principles
inflation. of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill Book
4. Capital Structure Company.
3. J.F. Weston & E.F. Brigham: Essentials of Meaning, Environment and Development of
Managerial Finance. Business.
4. Madura, Jeff : International Financial 2. Elements of Business Environment:
Management. (a) Natural Factors: Natural Environmental
5. Brigham, Eugene F. and Louis C. Gapenski.: Factors Affecting Sectors; Form and Scale
Intermediate Financial of business and Economy.
Management. (b) Economic Factors: Different Economic
6. Davenport: Problems of Financing Policies and their Influences on Sectoral
Small Factory Development Development, Forms of Business
Reference Books Organization and Scale of Business.
1. J. C. Vanhorne, Financial Management & (c) Technological Factors: Technological
Policy. Advancement and Growth of Business.
2. L M. Pandy, Financial Management. Capital Oriental Technology vs. Labor
examination. It will be evaluated on the basis (e) Legal and Political Factors : Legal
The objectives of this course are to provide the Meaning of Entrepreneurs and Entrepre-
performances of National Economy. This course tions and required qua ides of Entrepreneurs-
also intends to focus attention on the role of Entrepreneurial Process-Personal & social
v. Ethical, Behavioral and Implementation Issues policy measures by which socio-economic
in Budgeting. improvement of Bangladesh can be done. This
7. Pricing course will help to know the present structure of
Basic Economic Pricing Concepts: Customer Bangladesh economy as well as the planning and
Demand, Price Elasticity of Demand, Market development strategies. Followings are the main
Structure and Price, Establishing Optional Price focus of this course:
and Output, Cost-Plus Pricing Methods: 1. Development and Underdevelopment:
Variable Cost Pricing, Differential Cost Pricing, Meaning of development, underdevelopment
Full Cost Pricing, Conversion Cost Pricing and and economic development, Growth vs
Direct Cost Pricing, ABC and Pricing. development, Core objectives of development,
8. Case Study/ Field work Common characteristics of under development,
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge, Underdevelopment- a multidimensional
related to industry / company / factory / entity, framework.
fieldwork will be assigned. After practical visit, 2. Theories of Development:
reports are to be prepared group-wise on Two Major Approaches to the Study of
respective field assigned by the course teacher. Economic Development: The Linear Stages
The prepared reports are to be presented in Model, Rostows Stage theory of economic
sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the development, Harrod-Domer model, Lewis Two
total marks of the course. Sector Model, The Big Push Theory, Elements
Books Recommended: of economic growth and development.
1. Garrison and Noreen: Managerial 3. Socio-economic Profile of Bangladesh:
Accounting Socio-economic indicators of Bangladesh and
2. Charles T. Horngren and Gary L. Sundem: its current situation, changing pattern of
Introduction to Management Accounting different socio-economic indicators in
4. Hrishikesh Chakroborty: Principles of Bangladesh, major socio-economic problems of
Management Accounting Bangladesh and how to improve socio-
5. Srinivasan: Management Accounting. economic condition of Bangladesh.
Reference Books 4. Poverty Scenario of Bangladesh:
1. Cost Management: Hansen and Mowcn. (4th Meaning and types of poverty, Poverty line,
cd.) Measurement of poverty, Causes and
2. Cost Management - Blocher, Chen & consequences of poverty, PRSP- its vision,
Lin.(lstcd.) principles and functions, Roadmap for
3. Cost Accounting, - L. Gayle Rayburn. (6th accelerating poverty reduction in Bangladesh,
ed.) MDGs, Poverty situation in Bangladesh, Human
AES 326: DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS Resource Development.
Objectives: 5. Structure of Bangladesh Economy:
To provide knowledge about different types of Characteristics and salient features of
development indicators with their present status, Bangladesh economy, Sectoral development of
problems of socio-economic development and Bangladesh-RMG, Shrimp, Tea, lather etc.,
Change in the Economic Structure over time, Developed country-Japan, South Korea and its
Denationalization and privatization- Mixed development process, Developing country-
economy. China and its strategy for development,
6. Agriculture and Rural Development: Development of Japan and lessons for
The imperative of Agricultural Progress and Bangladesh.
Rural Development, The Structure of 11. Report on Field Work:
Bangladesh Agrarian System, Subsistence To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
Agriculture and Extensive Cultivation in related industry/ firm/ factory/ company/ entity
Bangladesh, HYV and its implication, Rural will be visited practically and reports are to be
development Institutions & Strategy of GOB prepared group-wise on respective field
and NGO. Toward a Strategy of Agricultural assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
and Rural Development. reports are to be presented in sessional
7. Present Condition of Bangladesh Industrial examinations that weigh 20% of the total marks
Sector: of the course.
Role of industrial sector for economic Book References:
development of Bangladesh, Relative 1. Bangladesh Economic Review-2007
Importance of Small, Medium and Large Scale 2. Development Issues of Bangladesh - M.
Industry, Role of Infrastructure for the Faizul Islam & Syed Saad Andaleeb
development of Bangladesh Economy, 3. Development Strategy for Bangladesh-
Structure of Imports and Exports situation of Khan, A.R. and M. Hossain
Bangladesh, Changes in Business Environment 4. Development Planning in Bangladesh-
in the light of Recent Policy Changes. Nurul Islam
8. Planning Experience in Bangladesh: 5. Pattern of Economic Development - M.P.
Objectives of Planning - Types of Planning - Todaro
Five Year Development Plans and Annual 6. Economy of Bangladesh- Md. Samsul Kabir
Development Plans Allocation of Resources - Khan
Perspective Plan - Problems of Implementation 7. DFID (1999) Sustainable Livelihood
of Plans in Bangladesh - Sustainable Guidance Sheet
Development - Conservation of Energy -
Environmental Protection. MST 327: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION
9. Sustainable Livelihood Approach: SYSTEM
Meaning of livelihood and sustainable Course objective:
livelihood, Sustainable livelihood objectives, This is a foundation course for management
Sustainable livelihood framework, Vulnerable information system. It introduces basic theories
factors of livelihood or vulnerability of of information system. The course will highlight
livelihood, Livelihood assets or capital, the components of information system including
transforming structure and process, Livelihood front-end and back-end tools, and networking.
outcomes and Livelihood strategy. Topics include different hardware, software and
10. Countrys Experience of Development: network configurations relevant in designing
information system. Students will work on 8. Report on field work: To enrich the students
concepts of different information system modules theoretical knowledge related industry/ firm /
such as database, expert system, artificial company / corporation/ manufacturing
intelligence, interactive languages, and software organization/ service organization/ factory will
and evaluate how these modules help solve be visited practically and report is to be
different managerial problems prepared in group-wise on respective field
1. Introduction to Management Information assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
Systems: report is to be presented in sessional
An Overview of MIS- Structure of an MIS examinations that carries 20% of The total
Systems Approach to Organization. marks of the course.
2. Survey of Information Systems Basic Texts:
Technology: 1. Gordon B. Davis and Man-cr H. Alson,
Hardware Software and Retrieval of data Management Information System
tradition Processing, Office Automation, and Conceptual Foundations: Structure and
Information Processing control functions. Development, McGraw-Hill Book
3. Conceptual Foundations: Company, 1985.
The Decision Making Process Concepts of 2. Gary W. Dickson and James C, Wether he,
Information-Human as Information Process Management of Information Systems
System Concepts-Concepts of Planning and Casebook, McGraw Hill Book Comp-
Control organizational Structure and 1985.
Management Concepts. Reference Books
4. Information Based Support Systems: 1. Wilson T. Price, Introduction to Data
Support Systems for Planning, Control and Processing, Rinehart Press, 1972.
Decision Making Support Systems for 2. Renneth E. Kendall and Julie, D. Tendall,
Management of Knowledge Work. Systems Analysis and Design, Prentice,
5. Information System Requirements: Developing Hall, 1988.
a Long Range Information System- Plan 3. William A. Bocehino, Management
Strategies for the Determination of Information Information Systems-Tools &- Techniques,
Requirements-Database Requirements User Prentice-Hall, 1972.
Interface Requirements. FBK 324: INSURANCE AND RISK
6. Development, Implementation, and Management MANAGEMENT
of Information System Resources Developing The objective of this course is to provide an
and Implementing Application Systems- initial perspective on insurance businesses, its
Organization and Management of the principal activities, and the interrelationships
Information Resources Function-Future Devel- among the activities. The complex decision
opments and their Organizational and Social making process of an insurance business in a
Implications. competitive environment is also included in this
7. Case Study course. Students will be exposed to legal and
regulatory framework in which the insurance Group Insurance-Self-Insurances etc. Fidelity
industries operate. Insurance-Bank Deposit Insurance.
1. Insurance Contracts 6. Development of Insurance Manpower
Essentials-Principles-Insurance and Wagering- Role of Insurance Academy-Insurance
Insurance Contingencies-Reinsurance-Types of Salesmanship-Art of Selling Insurance Policy-
reinsurance-Application of reinsurance to Insurance Companies Act, 1938.
various branches of insurance- Re-insurance 7. Insurance Act of 1938
Business in Bangladesh, Double insurance-Brief (i) Provisions applicable to Insurances
history of Insurance Business-Development of (ii) Investment, Loans & Management
Insurance in Bangladesh-Contribution of (iii) Investigations
Insurance to National development-Causes of (iv) Commission & Rebates and licensing
Nationalization, Privatization of Insurance agents
Companies-Formation of Contracts-Agent- (v)Winding up
Agency-Law of Contract. (vi) Mutual Insurance Companies and Co-
2. Life Assurance operative Life Insurance Societies.
Life assurance contract-Types of policies- 8. Risk Management
Certain Aspects of Life Assurance-Life table Concepts and types of risk, significance of risk
and Actuarial Calculation-Premium-Valuation management, methods of measuring insurable
and Surplus Calculation-Surrender Value- risk, risk evaluation.
Settlement of claims-Creation and Management 9. Case study / Field work
of Life Fund-Management Problems of Life To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
Insurance business in Bangladesh-Methods of related industry / Company / Factory / Entity
spreading insurance in rural areas-Policy will be visited practically and reports are to be
Assignments-Loan against Life policy-Policy prepared group-wise on respective field
Lapsation. assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
3. Fire Insurance Contract reports are to be presented in sessional
Material Loss Insurance-Consequential Loss examinations that weigh 20% of the total marks
insurance-Settlement of claims-Extent of loss by of the course.
fire in Bangladesh-Moral Hazard-Management Books Recommended:
Problems of Fire Insurance. 1. Mishra, M.N. :
4. Marine Insurance Insurance: Principles and Practices
Marine Insurance Contract-Types of Policies- 2. Choudhury, A.H. :
Maritime Perils-Marine Losses-Settlement of Elements of Insurance
Claims-Act of God. 3. Bhuiyan, Abu Taher :
5. Other Insurances Gyuide to Insurance
Postal Life Insurance in Bangladesh, 4. Habibullah & Ghosh :
Engineering Insurance, Health Insurance, Crop Risk Management, BBR
Insurance-Cattle Insurance-Civil Aviation 5. Khan, Md. Muinuddin :
Insurance-Export Credit Guarantee Insurance- Advanced Accounting Vol. II
6. Kukherjee, Amitabh & Hanif, Mohammed:
Modern Accountancy Vol. II.
LEVEL 4, SEMESTER -I for use quality assurance program-Process of
MST 418: PRODUCTION AND OPERATION Equality planning and control-Costs of quality-
MANAGEMENT Organization for quality and Total quality
This course is designed to introduce the students concept-Quality circles-Inspection-Statistical
of the program to the fundamentals of Production aspects of quality control-Acceptance sam-
Management. With the increases in the global pling-Quality control in industry and service
market competition, increased the need for sectors.
competitive modern production and 5. Productivity:
manufacturing system that can provide quality Meaning-Measurement of productivity-factors
products to their target markets. This course effecting productivity-Techniques to
addresses various functional areas of Production improve productivity-Production cycle and
and Operations, and would facilitate students work study-Meaning and objectives of
with the tools/techniques used in the operations production order-Various types of charts used in
management decisions. production order-Steps in constructing
1. Introduction production order chart-work study-method study
Meaning and definition-Scope-History of production-flow analysis work measurement.
production and operations management- 6. Case study
Responsibilities Models-Decision making in 7. Report on field work: To enrich the students
operations. theoretical knowledge related industry/ firm /
2. Facilities Location: company / corporation/ manufacturing
Facility Location- Problems influencing factors- organization/ service organization/ factory will
Site selection-Measures for the selection of loca- be visited practically and report is to be
tion-Layout objectives, Types and intermittent prepared in group-wise on respective field
co-process Criteria-Computerized layout assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
planning- Re-layout -Estimating equipment report is to be presented in sessional
requirements-Material handling-Plant buildings- examination that carries 20% of the total marks
Capacity planning-Factors influencing effective of the course.
capacity, capacities measurements Basic texts:
3. Production Planning and Control: 1. Adam and Evert, Production Management.
Meaning- Objectives -Importance-Scope- 2. Donal Dal Mar, Operation & Industrial
Production planning-Procedure of production Management.
planning-Production control -Meaning- Reference Books
Functions -Scope- Technique of production 1. F. S. Buffa, Modern Production
control-different types of manufacturing- Management.
Routing -Scheduling-Dispatching- Controlling 2. James Delworth, Production Management.
techniques-Application of L. P. in Production
control Sequencing-JIT Production control.
This course is to (i) introduce "Auditing" as an
4. Quality Control:
independent discipline, (ii) give exposure about
Definition - Meaning - Objective-Scope Fitness
various auditing concepts and theories and (iii) 4. Internal Control Concepts
provide the basic knowledge of theory and Introduction: Definition of Internal Control -
practice of auditing for all concerns in Classification of Internal Controls - Extent and
accordance with the legal and professional Limitations of Internal control - Essential
requirements and to indtroduce the methods and features of Internal Control - Organizational
techniques of conducting audit arrangements- Principles of Internal Control
1. Introduction System Design - Internal Accounting controls -
Nature of Auditing -Distinction between Objectives and types: Basic Controls and
Auditing and Accounting -Types of Disciplines over basic controls - Internal check -
Auditing-Operational Audit Financial Internal audit as a Control Factor - Internal
Statements Audit-Compliance Audit-Interim control and the Auditor.
Audit-Final Audit-Complete Audit-Internal 5. Internal Control: Study & Evaluation
Audit-External Audit-Government Audit-Types Introduction - Internal Control Questionnaires
of Auditors: Internal and External - Chartered - Ascertaining and evaluating the system - Flow
Accountants -Government Auditor. Economics Charting or Flow Diagram - Flow Charting
of Auditing -Reduction of Information Risk. Techniques - Principles of Flow Charting - One
Objectives of an Audit: Primary Dimensional Flow Charting Two
objectives-Secondary objectives - Errors Dimensional Flow Charting - Rules for Flow
and Defalcations-Reporting on Internal Control Charting - Benefits of Flow Charting - Overview
- Constructive advice - How to achieve Flowcharts - Specimen documents - Notes on
objectives? accounting procedures -Transaction reviews.
2. Auditing Theory Principles of evaluation of internal control -
Auditing Theory-Conceptual Framework - Internal Control Questionnaire - Form of ICQ
Axioms of a Theory of Auditing -Auditing - Completion of Internal Control
Concepts : Evidence, Due care, Fair Questionnaire-Methods of answering question
presentation, Independence- Ethical conduct; in ICQ - Assessment of Answers -Relationship
Auditing Standards General Standards-Field of ICQ to compliance tests - Record of Control
work standards- Reporting Standards - weakness - Modification procedure -Reporting
Judgment in Auditing -Quality Control- to clients on internal control weaknesses.
Auditing procedures: Substantive test and 6. Audit Approach
Compliance procedure. Introduction - Overall concept of the audit
3. Professional Ethics approach - Determination of the audit
Definition - Need for Ethics - Independence - strategy - Auditors responsibility in
Integrity and Objectivity - Competence - accordance with the terms of the engagement
Responsibility to Clients: Confidentiality - - Familiarization with the client's business -
Contingent fee - Responsibility to colleagues - Documentation of Audit Strategy - Detailed
Other responsibilities and practices - Acts understanding of the recording system - Audit
discreditable - Advertising and solicitation - evidence - Audit evidence decisions -
Commissions - Incompatible occupations.
Persuasiveness of evidence -Types of evidence - (c) Auditing the Purchases and Payment
Audit tests -Reliance on internal control. cycle: Review of Internal control-Compliance
7. Administration and Conduct of an Audit tests-Substantive audit procedures.
Introduction - Planning for new audits - (d) Auditing Inventory: Review of Internal
Acceptance of nomination as an auditor - Control-Compliance tests-Substantive tests
Reliance on the Accounts for preceding period - of inventory account balances.
Letter of Engagement - Documentation of (e) Auditing the Payroll System: Review of
Audit strategy - Computer matters - Audit Internal control-Compliance tests of Control
budget - Staff selection - Briefing Audit staff - in the Payroll system Substantive tests of
Timing of Audit work-arrangements for Final payroll balances.
audit - Planning for Continuing audits- (f) Auditing other Assets, Equities and
Controlling audits-Audit files-Audit Liabilities: Fixed assets-Other asset balances-
Programmes -Design of the audit programme - Tests of owner's equity and liabilities-
Audit Planning and Analytical procedures - Accounting estimates.
Vouching & Verification. (g) Profit and Loss Account balances and
8. Materiality and Risk completing the audit-Substantive tests of
Materiality- Set Preliminary Judgment about Profit and Loss Account balances-
Materiality - Estimate Error - Audit Risk- Completing audit.
Desired audit risk - Inherent Risk-Control Risk- 11. The Audit Report
Detection Risk. Introduction - General considerations:
9. Testing Internal Control Procedures Terminology-Basic Legal requirements-
Principles of compliance tests-Testing Internal Reference to Accounting Conventions -
Control Procedures of Purchases, wages and Signing & Dating Audit report - Distinction
salaries, Cheque payments, Petty cash, Postage between Reports and Certificate - Profit, losses
and similar funds-Fixed Assets - Stocks & Work- and results - Information discovered after the
in-progress, Sales, Receipts-Bank Audit Report is issued-Report Review.
Reconciliation's-Nominal Ledgers. Short form report - Long form report - Report
10. Auditing of Transactions and Accounting drafting - Report comments - Audit Report on
Balances Group Accounts - Report on special types of
(a) Introduction Compliance Testing- accounts - Reliance on other Auditor.
Substantive testing- Relationship between Types of Audit Reports - Standard Unqualified
Compliance & Substantive testing-Analytical Audit Report-Unqualified Audit Report with
review procedures-Tests of Balance Sheet explanatory paragraph or modifying paragraph.
account balances-Tests of Profit and Loss Qualifications in Audit Report: Introduction -
Account balances. Definition of a Qualified Audit report -
(b) Auditing the Revenue and Receipts Cycle: Structure of a Qualified Audit Report -
Review of Internal control-Compliance tests- Conditions requiring a Departure - Types of
Final evaluation of internal control- Opinion - Qualifications on Uncertainty
Substantive audit procedure. Qualifications on disagreement - Guidance on
Qualified Report - Reference on Notes to the (ii) To acquaint students with capital Assets
Accounts. Pricing Model and Arbitrage Pricing
12. Case Study/ Field work Model.
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge, (iii) To explain different mechanics of security
related to industry / company / factory / entity, analysis.
fieldwork will be assigned. After practical visit, (iv) To explain the model of efficient portfolio.
reports are to be prepared group-wise on 1. Introduction
respective field assigned by the course teacher. Investment Defined, types of asset, market
The prepared reports are to be presented in participation and participators, types of
sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the investment, meaning of investment analysis,
total marks of the course. approaches of analysis (Fundamental analysis,
Books Recommended: economic analysis, technical analysis, industry
1. Arens & Loebbecke: Auditing - An and firm analysis), Investment Risks, Functions
Integrated Approach, Prentice-Hall. of Portfolio Manager and functions of
2. Holmes & Burns: Auditing Standards and investment banker.
Procedures, Irwin, 2. Statistical Concepts regarding construction of
3. Khawja Amjad Sayeed: Practical auditing Portfolio
4. Emile Woolf: Auditing Today, Prentice- The simple or marginal probability Distribution,
Hall, the population expected value and variance, the
5. Coopers & Lybrand: Student's Manual of sample means and variance, the joint probability
Auditing distillation, the sample covariance, the
6. Gul, Teoh and Andrew: Theory and Practice population covariance, the correlation
of Australian Auditing, Nelson coefficient, the coefficient determination, the
7. Bangladesh standard on auditing and BAPS, relationship between a stock and the market
Published by ICAB. portfolio: characteristics line, the Bets factor,
Reference Books: Residual variance.
1. Kamal Gupta-Contemporary Auditing. 3. Efficient Capital Market
2. Silvoso-Auditing. Alternative Efficient Market Hypothesis Weak
3. Spicer and Peglar: Practical Auditing. Form; Semi-strong form and strong form
4. Chakraborty and Bhattacharjaya-Practical efficient market Hypothesis, Efficient capital
Approach to Auditing. market vs. perfect capital market.
4. Valuation of Securities
FBK 415: INVESTMENT ANALYSIS AND Theories of Share Valuation Fundamental
PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Theory; Technical Theory and Random walk
Course Objectives: theory, Bon Valuation and preferred stock
(i) To introduce different forms of markets valuation.
including stock market, options and future 5. The capital Asset pricing Model
markets. Concept, the assumptions of the CAPM. The
CAPM with unlimited Borrowing and Lending
at a risk free rate-the capital market line- 10. Portfolio Management and Investment
measuring the risk of as individual asset, the Companies (Mutual fund)
relationship between the risk of a stock and its The Portfolio management problem Individual
expedite rate of return, the positioning of limitations, investment companies an
characteristics line under the CAPM. The alternative solution: Open-End vs. Closed End
positions of Individual assets in expected return. Funds; Types of investment companies based on
Standard deviation space. The arbitrage pricing Portfolio Makeup, Performance of investment
theory: Concept, Deriving the APT, the APT, companies, role and functions of ICB.
with an infinite number of securities, the APT 11. Bond portfolio Management: Estimating the
with a finite number of securities, Empirical expected Return of a Bond for portfolio
tests of APT. Analysis, durationbases approach to estimating
7. Valuation of modern Securities the risk of a bond portfolio, Management
Options, Factors Determining the option value, Dividing the portfolio between Bonds and stock.
valuing options using the black Schools 12. Case study / Field work
Framework, Valuation of Warrant, Valuation of To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
Compulsory Convertible (Partly or Fully) related industry / Company / Factory / Entity
Debentures, Valuation of Optionally will be visited practically and reports are to be
Convertible Debentures, warrants and swaps. prepared group-wise on respective field
8. Portfolio Management assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
Utility Theory : Attitude toward risk ; Portfolio ; reports are to be presented in sessional
Efficient Set and Efficient Portfolio, Markowitz examinations that weigh 20% of the total marks
Diversification, Portfolio, Return Risk-2 assets of the course.
case and n-assets case, The efficient frontier and Books Recommended:
investors Utility, Single Index and Multi-Index 1. Robert A. Haugen: Modern Investment
Models for variance measurement of portfolio, Theory
Portfolio Management and its objectives, 2. Edwin J. Gruler:Modern Portfolio theory and
Wealth Maximization Model. Investment Analysis
9. Analysis of Portfolio Risk and Evaluation of 3. S. Kevin: Portfolio Management
Portfolio Performance 4. Jones: Investment
Risk Total, Systematic and Unsystematic 5. Jack C. Francis: Investment Analysis and
Risk, Capital Market Line, Capital Asset Pricing Management
Model, Arbitrage Pricing Model.9. Measuring 6. Frank K.Really and Brown: Investment
the Rate of return to a portfolio, Need for Risk analysis and portfolio management.
Adjusted performance measures, Risk-adjusted 7. Frederick Amling: Investments an
performance Measures based on The CAPM- introduction to analysis and management.
The Jensen Index, the trey nor Index, the Sharpe 8. Brigham, Eugene F. and Louis C. Gapenski
Index, pitfalls in measuring performance with : Intermediate Financial
the Jensen, treynor, and Sharpe Indices. Management
9. Williams, Ronald: Corporate Finance
10. Latane & Tuttle: Security Analysis & Restrictions, International Business and
Portfolio Management. Economic Development, International
Investment Theories, Factors Influencing
Foreign Direct Investment.
MST 419 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSES 5. Global Business Planning: Philosophy for
Course Objectives : To provide the students with international planning, requirements for a
an in-depth knowledge of the nature, financial successful global business plan.Dimensions and
environment, sources of mechanism and Nature of International Strategies: Strategic
instruments of international business along with analysis and choice, Determinants of strategies,
new international economic order, international Implementation of international strategies.
financial markets, agencies, monetary system and 6. Organizing for International Business: Operation
other related determinants so as to enabling them basic Organizational designs of international
to play an effective role in the international enterprises, patterns of international
horizon of the business. organizational design, Evaluation of structures,
1. Introduction: Global structures.
Meaning and nature, scope, importance and 7. International Staffing Selecting managers for
evolution of international business, motives for foreign assignment, Multinational staffing
operating internationally; concepts of policies and philosophies. Repatriating the
international business, international marketin_Q, international managers, Expatriate policies,
multinational marketing, global business, and Industrial relations and collective bargaining in
international business management; world multinational companies, International
business today; international business options. management development, international
2. International Business Environment and Analysis: executive compensation, compensating the host
Components and Characteristics, dimensions of country national.
the international business environment, 8. Coordinating and Controlling World Business
environmental influences of international Operations : Designing an effective international
business, levels of environmental influence, controlling system, Characteristics of control
analyzing the environment and using system in international company, Unique factors
environmental information in country analysis. in international control, Performance
3. International Business Opportunities: Business evaluation and areas of control in
opportunities in developed and developing international business.
countries, evaluation of business opportunities in 9. Multinational Corporation: Concept, nature and
Bangladesh. features, historical evaluation, role of
4. Economic Theories of International Business multinational corporations in world business,
The Advantage of Knowing Economic theory, types of subsidiary strategies and multinational
International trade theory: Theory of Absolute strategies, subsidiary strategies and operating
Advantage, Theory of Comparative Advantage, characteristics, subsidiary strategy and host
FactorProportion Theory, Modern Firm-Based country dimensions, (critical evaluation of
Trade Theories, Product Life Cycle, Trade activities of multinationals.
10. International Technology Management: Operations Control, Establishing International
Technology and the Multinational Enterprises, Control Systems, Essential Control
Technology and strategy, Technology and Techniques, Behavioral Aspects of
multinational enterprise operations, Technology International Control Controlling Productivity,
in firms, Selective case. Quality and Information in International
11. Production, Location and Supply System: Plant Business.
location decision, Acquisition or Construction, 16. International Business Case.
Plant design and manufacturing system, MNE 17. Report on field work: To enrich the students
procurement, Research and development. theoretical knowledge related industry/ firm /
12. Financing International Business Operations: company / corporation/ manufacturing
Sources of funds for international business organization/ service organization/ factory will
operations, foreign exchange, the international be visited practically and report is to be
payment system, financial markets for prepared in group-wise on respective field
international operations, Risks faced by a assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
MNE, Management of foreign exchange, report is to be presented in sessional
Capital budgeting in the MNE, Designing a examination that carries 20% of The total
financial strategy, Managing foreign exchange marks of the course.
exposure. Basic Text s:
13. The Dynamics of International Organizations 1. Robbock and Simmons, International
Establishment of the International Finance Business and Multinational Enterprise-
Corporation-The United Nations, Multilateral Richard D. Irwin
Development Banks, The World Bank, 2. Robinson R. D. Internationalisation of
International Monetary Fund, 1DB, Business - (New York: The Dryden Press,
ASDB(ADB), AFDB, Bank for International 1984)
Settlements, GATT, WTO, OPEC, EU, OECD, Reference Books:
and other sister organizations, Regional 1. Daniel Ogram Radebough Addison-
Groupings of Nations: EFTA, EEA, AFA, International Business: Environment and
ASEAN, NAFTA, FTAA, SAPTA. Operations, Wesley PublishingCompany,
14. Export and Import of goods in bangladesh: Reading, Massachusetts.
CCI&E, EPB, BOI and their Roles in Export 2. Farmer R. N. and Richman BM International
and Import. Formalities of Export and Import: Business (Bloomington, Ind : Cedarwood
IRC, ERC, Trade License, Banking, Insurance, Press, 1976)
Import-Export Policy, Fiscal Incentives, VAT, 3. Arvind V. Phatak, International Dimensions
Custom Duties. Taxation, Guidelines for of Management PWS-kent Publishing
Foreign Exchange Transactions, Export/Import Comany, Boston, Massachusetts.
Financing. Barriers in Export-Import. 4. Michael J. Brooke, International
15. Controling the international business Management- Hutchinson, London.
Levels of Control in International Business
Strategic Control, Organizational Control.
5. Philip R. Cateora and John M. Hess, complexity of today's managerial decisions (iii)
International Marketing-Richard D. Irwin. Inc. To apply techniques of Operations Research in
Homewood, Illimirs. diverse business and economic fields (iv) To use
6. Eiteman/Stonehill, Multinational Business methods and knowledge from several disciplines
FinanceWesley Publishing Co. 1986. in problem solving (v) To develop systematic
7. Macharzima, Degruyter, European and logical approach to decision making (vi) To
Approaches to International Management. analyze a large number of alternative options
8. Michael E. Porter, Competition in Global (vii) To evaluate situations involving uncertainty
Industries, Harvard Business School Press. and (viii) To increase effectiveness of decision
9. Rugman et al. International Business- making process.
McGraw-Hill Books Company. 1. Introduction
10. Czinkota, International Business- Dryden Nature of Operations Research (OR) -
Press. Historical Overview - Environment System &
11. Globeman Fundamentals of International Phases - OR Problems Formulation, Model
Business Management, Prentice-Hall Construction - Types of Models - Derivative of
Publishing Co. Models - Areas of Application of OR in
12. International Business A Managerial Business.
Perspective R. W. Griffin & M. W. Pustay 2. Linear Programming
(2nd ed.) Nature of LP-Formulation of the Problems -
13. International Business - Don Ball and Graphical method of solution - Feasible
Wendell McCulloch (Irwin McGrawHill solution - Optimal solution - Algebraic solution
Book Corp., Boston, USA,(9th cd.) - Simplex method - Maximization and
14. International Business - Edgar P. Hibbert Minimization Problems.
(McMillan Press Ltd., London, U.K., (1 st 3. Duality
ed.). Duality in LP - Dual form of the problem -
15. International Business, Environment and Primal-Dual relationship - Dual Simplex
operation- John D. Daniels & Lee H. method - Sensitivity Analysis - Changes in
Rcdcbaugh. (1 Oth ed.) objective function and constraints.
16. Import/Export Policy of the Government of 4. Transportation Problem
Bangladesh. Introduction - Characteristics & Assumptions -
17. Industrial Policy in force of the Government Transportation method - Assignment problem -
of Bangladesh. Modified Distribution Problems (MODI) -
18. Customs Act-1969 as amended in force of Least Cost Entry Method (LCEM) - North
the Government of Bangladesh. West Corners Rule (NWCR) Vogels
FBK 416: QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR Approximation (VAM) method, stepping stone
Course objectives: 5. Decision Theory
(i) To relate management to decision making Decision Analysis - Classification of Decision
and productivity (ii) To simplify the situation - Decision under certainty - Decision
under risk - Decision under uncertainty - Value 3. Efrain Turban & Jack R. Meredith:
of Perfect Information - Decision Tree Analysis. Fundamentals of Management
6. Network Analysis Science
Introduction - Problems in Network Analysis - 4. Gupta P.K & Hira DS: Problems in
Drawing a Network - Dummy activities - Operations Research
Procedures for drawing Networks - Network in 5. Levin & Kirkpatrick: Quantitative
terms of time - Floats - Network analysis by Approaches to Management.
Cost loading. 6. Bierman et al.:Quantitative Analysis for
7. Project Scheduling by PERT and CPM Business Decisions.
Introduction - Construction of Program 7. Anderson, Sweeney & William: Quantitative
Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Analysis for Business
and Critical Path Method (CPM) - Network -
PERT and CPM control tools - Estimate for OCP 417 :ORAL COMPREHENSIVE AND
Activity time in PERT - PERT and PRESNTATION
Probabilities. This course will enable students how they will
8. Inventory Management present themselves in the viva voce examination. It
Introduction - Concepts of Inventory Control - will be evaluated on the basis of a viva voce
Deterministic Inventory Models - Selective examination at end of that semester final
Control Technique - ABC Analysis. examination.
9. Simulation
Introduction - Planning - Deterministic and
Probabilistic Simulation - Simulation
10. Waiting line theory
11. Goal Programming
12. Game theory
13. Report on field work
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
related industry / Company / Factory / Entity
will be visited practically and reports are to be
prepared group-wise on respective field
assigned by the course teacher. The prepared
reports are to be presented in sessional
examinations that weigh 20% of the total marks
of the course.
Books Recommended:
1. Render, Stair Junior, & Hanna: Quantitative
Analysis for Management
2. Taha, Handy: Operations Research
LEVEL 4, SEMESTER -II Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
of a Vcnturcr, Operators of Joint Ventures,
ACCOUNTING & INFORMATION SYSTEMS Disclosure in Financial Statements, lAS31,
MAJOR Installment Sales: Accounting for Installment
AIS 421: ADVANCED ACCOUNTING Sales, Profit in period of Sales, Profit in relation
A study of accounting principles, concepts, to Cash Realized, Tradeins, Defaults and
techniques to explore more complex accounting Repossessions, Consignments: Accounting for
problems along with preparing financial reports of the Consignments, Consignee's Books,
organizations for the users explaining the Consignor's Books, Uncompleted
international dimensions of financial accounting and Consignments.
compare different practices. On completion of this 4. Accounting for income taxesFundamentals of
course the students will be able to: appraise Accounting for Income Taxes, Accounting for
theoretical and regulatory national accounting Net Operating Losses, Financial Statement
frameworks of different concerns and international Presentation; Special Issues, Asset-Liability
accounting standards. Methods, Inter-period Tax Allocation, Deferred
prepare financial statements for branches,, joint Income Taxes, IAS-12.
ventures, financial institutions, govt. and non- 5. Accounting for banks and financial institutions
govt. organizations. Bank Companies Act, 1991, Non-Bank
prepare financiall reports for other Financial Institutions Act, 1993, Designing a
organizational entities. System of Accounting for a Bank, Full.
1. Financial statements from incomplete Particulars of Book Debts, Prescribed Forms of
information Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet,
Single-Entry Systems, Records in SingleEntry Statutory Requirements and Limitations,
Systems, Preparation of Financial Statements Preparation of Financial Statements of Banks
from Single-Entry Records, Change from and Non-Bank Financial Institutions and
Single- Entry to DoubleEntry, Use of Single- Compliance of Disclosure Requirements, IAS-
Entry System. 30.
2. Accounting for leases 6. Accounting for insurance companies
Basics of Leasing; Accounting by Lessee; Insurance Companies: Insurance Act, 1938;
Accounting by Lessor, Special Accounting Financial Statements of General Insurance
Problems, Lease Accounting, Sale and Companies and Life Assurance Companies,
Leascback Accounting, ]AS- 17. Statutory Requirements and Limitations,
3. Accounting for joint ventures, instalment sales Preparation of Financial Statements of
and consignment Insurance Companies, Disclosure Requirements.
Joint Ventures: Forms of Joint Ventures, Jointly 7. Accounting for utility services
Controlled Operations, Jointly Controlled Double Account System, Capital Account and
Assets, Jointly Controlled Entities, Transactions General Balance Sheet, Construction of Capital
between a Venturer and Joint Venture, Accounts, Accounts of Railway Companies,
Accounts of Electric Companies, Cccounts of Restructuring, the Statement Affairs, Trustee
Gas and Water Supply Companies. Accounting and Reporting, Realization and
8. Branch accounting Liquidation Accounts as per Insolvency Act,
Accounting Systems for Branches, Preparation 1997
of Branch and Home Office Statements, 13. Government Accounting
Preparation of Combined Statements, Nature and Scope of Govt. Accounting-
Adjustments for Reciprocal Accounts, Special Characteristics-Differences with Commercial
Branch and Home Office Relationships, Inter accounting-Government accounting in
Branch Transfer of Merchandise and Cash, developing countries-General observation-
Branch Billing at Arbitrary Rate above Cost or Outline of the systems of govt. Accounts in
at Retail Sales Price, Combined Financial Bangladesh-Powers and duties of the Comptroller
Statements. and Auditor General of Bangladesh-Public
9. Accounting for non profit organizations accounts of the central and local governments-
Fund Accounting, Accrual Basis of Accounting, Finance and Revenue accounts.
Classification of Revenue and Expense, 14. Case Study/ Field work
Accounting for Current Funds, Contributions, To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
Accounting for Plant Funds, Accounting for related to industry / company / factory / entity,
Endowment Funds, Accounting for Investments, fieldwork will be assigned. After practical visit,
Accounting for Loan Funds, Accounting for reports are to be prepared group-wise on
Custodial Funds, Accounting for Annuity and respective field assigned by the course teacher.
Life Income Fund, Financial Statements. The prepared reports are to be presented in
11. Accounting changes and error analysis sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the
Accounting Changes, Types of Accounting total marks of the course.
Changes, Changes in Accounting Principles, Books Recommended
Changes in Accounting Estimates, Reporting a 1. Intermediate Accounting (15th ed.) -Smith &
Change in Entity, Reporting a Correction of an Skousen
Error, Motivation for Changes, Error Analysis, 2. Advanced Accounting Karrcnbrockand
Balance Sheet Error, Income Statement Error, Sinions (South Western) (3rd ed.)
Balance Sheet and Income Statement Effects, 3. Advanced AccountingHarried, Imdiekc and
Preparation of Financial Statements with Error Smith (Witty) (6th ed.)
Correction, IAS-8. 4. International Accounting Standards,
12. Accounting for insolvency 5. IASC, U. K. (2003 edition)
Contractual Agreement, Extension of Payment Reference Books
Period, Composition Agreements, formation of 1. Intermediate Accounting (10th ed.) -Kicso &
a Creditors Committee, Voluntary Assignment Weygandt
of Assets, Bankruptcy, Voluntary Petition; 2. Advanced Accounting R.E. Baker, V.C.
Involuntary Petition, Secured and Unsecured Lcmbkc & T.E. King. (5th ed.)
Creditors, Liquidation, Duties of the Trustees, 3. Advanced Accounting- Pahlcr & Mori (6th
Accounting for Reorganizations, Troubled Debt edition)
4. Advanccd AccountingM.M. Khan (7th Operation Costing-Uniform Costing-Cost
edition) Accounting System-Types of industries and
5. IASC Publications, U. K. suitable cost system Features of a good cost
AIS 422: ADVANCED COST ACCOUNTING accounting system-factors to be considered at
Course Objectives of this course: the time of introducing Cost Accounting
(i) To get students oriented with various systems system.
of maintaining cost accounting record. 5. Accounting for construction contracts
(ii) To acquaint them with techniques of Objectives, Scope, Definitions, Combining and
preparation of cost of production statements Segmenting Construction Contracts, Contract
under different costing system. Revenue, Contract Costs, Recognition of
(iii) To impart know-how of Cost Control and Contract Revenue and Expenses, Recognition of
Cost Reduction tools. expected Losses, changes in estimates,
1. Cost Accounting Records Disclosure of Accounting Policies, Accounting
Non-integral System: Introduction-Non-Integral for Contract, IAS-ll, Retention money-tender
Accounting System-Journal Entries-Cost preparation -Contract's Account-Profit/Loss on
Accounting Ledger and Control Accounts- Incomplete contracts-Escalation clause-Cost plus
Subsidiary records-Advantages of having control contracts-IAS 11: Accounting for Construction
accounts-Journal entries-Completing the Contracts.
recording cycle-Preparation of Trial Balance- 6.Process Costing
Statement of Cost of production -Income Nature of Process costing - Job order costing and
Statement-Balance Sheet. Process costing compared-Elements of process
2. Reconciliation for Cost Accounting Profit and costs - Accounting for Normal loss, Abnormal
Financial Accounting Profit loss, Abnormal gains and Scrap-Inter-process
Reasons for Variations-Different treatment of Profit-Calculation of the Provisions for
items-Items appearing only in Financial Unrealized Profit. Preparation of Process
Accounts-Items appearing only in Cost Accounts.
Accounts-Account and Statement-Need for 7. Service Costing (Operating Costing)
Reconciliation. Basic Principles - Conditions necessary for its
3. Integral Accounting System success-Accounting records - Motor Transport
Definition - Features-Advantages of Integration- Costing - Staff Canteen Costing-Hotel Costing-
Journal Entries-Preparation of Cost Sheet - WIT Power House Costing - Hospital or Clinic
Account, Finished Goods Account, Cost of Costing - Preparation of Cost Sheet.
Goods Sold Account, Cost of Sale Account. 8. Introduction to Standard Costing System
4. Cost Accounting Methods and Techniques Meaning, Fixation of Standard, Types of
Introduction: Job vs. Process; Historical vs. Standard, Difference with Historical Costing,
Standard; Direct Costing vs. Absorption Costing; Difference with Budget, Calculation of
Full Costing vs. Partial Costing; Single or variances: Material Price and Usage, Labor Time
Output Costing - Batch Costing - Marginal and Efficiency.
Costing-Contract Costing-Service Costing - 9. Uniform Costing
Definition - Need & Objects of Uniform Administrative and judicial - appointment,
costing - Extent of application - Basic steps for organization structure, power and functions -
developing the system, Inter-firm Comparison. Taxes Appellate Tribunal - Registered Income
10. Costing for Agricultural farms Tax practitioner.
Costing for Agricultural, Horticultural & 3. Charge of Income Tax
Poultry farms - Dairy farm, Pisciculture farm, Basic Principles, Systems (Conventional
etc. Exemption Limit versus Filing Threshold) -
11. Case Study/ Field work Sources of Income Tax Law.
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge, 4.Computation of Total Income
related to industry / company / factory / entity, Scope of Total Income on the basis of assessee's
fieldwork will be assigned. After practical visit, residential status - Income deemed to accrue or
reports are to be prepared group-wise on arise in Bangladesh - Deemed Income
respective field assigned by the course teacher. (unexplained investment, etc.) - Non-assessable
The prepared reports are to be presented in Income - Income under Specific Heads.
sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the Salaries: definition, coverage, benefits and
total marks of the course. perquisites, provident fund. Interest on
Books Recommended: Securities: Coverage, grossing tip,
1. Cost Accounting L. Gayle Rayburn (6th deductions, exclusion limit. Income from
edition) House Property: annual value, coverage,
2. Cost Management Hansen & Mowen deductions, Tax holiday and exemption
Reference Books limit for newly constructed residential houses.
1. Cost Accounting Shane Moriarity and Carl Agricultural Income: definition, coverage,
P. Allen (3rd edition) partial agricultural income (tea, rubber etc.),
2. Cost Management Blocher, Chen and Lin (1 depreciation on agricultural assets,
st edition) deductions, set-off and carry forward of
3. Cost Accounting C.T. Horngren (10th agricultural losses.
edition) Income from Business or Profession:
4. Cost Accounting Barfield, Raiborn and definitions, capital and revenue expenditures,
Kimmy (3rd edition) coverage, partially business income,
AIS 423: ADVANCED TAXATION admissible and inadmissible expenses,
Objective of this course is to acquaint students with depreciation on business property (normal,
higher level income tax problems and other taxes. extra, initial, accelerated and special), set-off
1. Introduction and carry forward of business losses and
Income Tax - Meaning, Nature, Importance in losses in speculation business.
respect of contribution to internal resource Capital Gains: definitions, computation,
mobilization - Historical perspective of Income exempted capital gains, set-off and carry
Tax ordinance 1984, Statutory Definitions of forward of losses under "Capital Gains".
Important Terms. Income from interest on securities
2. Income Tax Authority
Income from house property Registration of firms, Benefits of
Incomes from other Sources: Coverage registration, Total income vis-a-vis
(dividend, interest other than interest on registration, cancellation of registration,
securities, royalty, fees for technical set-off and carry forward of losses by firm's
services, etc.) deductions. and partners -Assessment procedure for
Clubbing of Income: in the case of registered and unregistered firms, Allocation of
individual, income to minor child from a firm's income among partners - Assessment of
firm, income to spouse from a firm in partners' income including income other than
which both are partners, in the case of other firm's income - Assessment in case of change in
persons. firm's constitution and in case of constitution of
Foreign Income: new successor firm.
5. Procedure of Assessment 10. Corporate Taxation
Filing of return of income and supporting Definition - Determination of total Income -
statements. Rates and Rebates of tax - Taxation of non-
Assessment of Tax : Provisional Assessment and resident companies - General rules.
Final Assessment (Correct return basis, after- 11. Provident and Super Annuation Funds
hearing basis, and ex-pane) - Other issues in Kinds of P .F - General - Contributory -
assessment, self-assessment, presumptive Recognized - Privilege of RPF - Approved
assessment, assessment for outgoing persons and Super Annuation Fund.
deceased persons, assessment of escaped 12. Liabilities in Special Cases
income, limitations for assessment. Liabilities of representatives, agents, firms,
Rates of Taxes : Tax Rate on Capital gains and association of persons, partners, directors,
income form winnings - Tax rate on other liquidators, etc.
income of individuals, firm and companies - 13. Appeal and References
Tax Rate on non - residents income, imposition Appeal against DCT, TRO - Decision in appeal
of Surcharge. by AJC, AT and High Court.
6. Investment Tax Credit and Tax Rebate. 14. Miscellaneous Issues
7. Payment, Refund and Recovery Offence and Prosecution - Methods of
Four ways of Tax payment: Tax deducted at Accounting - Double Taxation Relief - Tax
source (TDS) or pay-as-you-earn (PAYE), Evasion - Tax avoidance Bond Washing
Advance payment, Payment on the basis of Transactions. Tax-holiday Scheme: Industrial
return and payment on notice of demand, Tax undertakings - Tourist Industries - Objectives
Refund - Tax Recovery. and Importanthe Scheme - Tax Audit and
8. Individual Assessment Investigation.
Assessment covering all heads of income 15. Case Study/ Field work
excluding share of firm's income. To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
9. Taxation of partnership Firms related to industry / company / factory / entity,
fieldwork will be assigned. After practical visit,
reports are to be prepared group-wise on
respective field assigned by the course teacher. Work - Audit Evidence - Documentation
The prepared reports are to be presented in Materiality & Audit Risk - Frauds & Errors -
sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the Using the work of an Internal Auditor - Using
total marks of the course. the work of an Expert - Analytical Procedures.
Books Recommended: e) Special Situation Audit: Auditing in an EDP
1. M.A.Baree :Law and Practice of Environment - Computer Assisted Audit
Bangladesh Income Tax Techniques - Audit Sampling - Other
2. M.A.Baree :Law and Practice of information in Documents - Auditing
Bangladesh Income Tax Accounting Estimates - Prospective Financial
3. GOB (Govt. of Bangladesh): Income Tax Information.
Manual, Part I- Income tax Ordinance, 1984. f) Audit Reports: The Auditor's Report on
4. GOB: Income Tax Manual, Part-II Income Financial Statements Events after the
Tax Rules, 1984. Balance Sheet date Representation by
5. GOB: Finance Acts/ Ordinances. Management - Special Purpose Audit Report.
6. ICAB:Study Manual in Taxation. 2. Management Audit and Internal Audit
7. Fazlul Haque: Hand book on three Direct a) Definitions of Management Auditing and
Tax Laws of Bangladesh. Management Audit: Development of
8. Priyatosh Dewanjee: Income Tax Law and Operational/Management Auditing - Structure
Application (in Bangla). of a Management Audit-Scope of Management
AIS 424: ADVANCED AUDITING Audit-Steps in Management Audit-Need of
This course is designed to (i) give exposures to Management Audit - Qualities of Management
students regarding International Standards on Auditor - Functions of Management Auditor-
Auditing issued by the International Federation Determining the Standards of performance -
of Accountants, (ii} give elementary ideas about Mechanism of Management Audit.
"Statistical Audit" and "EDP Audit", (iii) b) Definition of Internal Audit : Objectives of
introduce non-statutory special types of audit Internal Auditing - Basic Principles of Internal
and (iv) give exposure regarding audits of certain Auditing - Functions of Internal Auditor -
special institutions. Advantages of Internal Auditing -
1. International Standards on Auditing Qualifications of Internal Auditors - Contrast
a) Introduction to the International Federation of Internal Auditing and External Auditing.
of Accountants - ICAB and the IFAC. 3. Cost Audit
b) Objectives and Basic Principles Governing History of Cost Audit - Reasons for introducing
an Audit and Going Concern. Cost Audit - Definition of Cost Audit -
c) Approach to an Audit: Auditing Objectives of Cost Audit: General objectives -
Engagement Letter. Planning. First year Audit Social Objectives - Cost records - Advantages
Engagement, Risk Assessment and Internal and disadvantages of Cost Audit - Contrast of
Control, Knowledge of Business. Cost Audit and Financial Audit - Cost Audit
d) Auditing Procedures and Related report-stages of Cost Audit - Efficiency Audit
Concepts: Control of the Quality of Audit and Priority Audit - Areas of Efficiency Audit -
Organization for Efficiency Audit - Audit of Private Limited Companies - Audit of
Commencement of Cost Audit - Programming Holding Companies and their Subsidiaries -
of Cost Audit - Cost Accounting Standards. Audit of Group of Companies.
4. Government Audit 7. Audit of Insurance Companies
Institutional Framework of Government Audit - Legal provisions relevant to audit of insurance
Nature and Objectives of Government Audit - business-Form and contents of Balance Sheet -
Audit Code of Government of Bangladesh - Content of Profit and Loss Account - Form and
Duties and Powers of Comptroller & Auditor contents of Revenue Account - Special aspects
General - Functions of Audit - Conditions for of audit of insurance business - Audit at
incurring capital and revenue expenditure - divisional level - Audit at head office level -
Communication of sanction to Audit - Audit Provisions of Companies Act 1994 relating to
against Regularity - Audit against propriety - liabilities and penalties of auditors.
Objects of audit of expenditure - Audit of 8. Audit of Banks
Grants and Aids - Local Audit - Appropriation Legislation relevant to audit of banks - Special
Audit - Audit Manual. provisions governing nationalized banks -
5. Joint Audits, Multiplication Audits and Special provisions governing "Grameen Banks" -
Dormant Company Audit Special Provisions Governing co-operative
Joint Audits - Responsibilities of Joint Auditors banks - Approach to bank audit - Review of
- Audit arrangements - Multi-location audit - Internal Control in a bank - Audit of Balance
General Approach - Risk Factor - Strategy sheet and Profit & Loss Account items - Long -
options - Full Audit - Restricted Audit - Local term audit report in case of a bank - Provisions
audit work - other auditors - Audit report - & Reserves - Secret Reserves, IFRS (IAS) #30.
Dormant companies - Audit approach. 9. Audit of Public Sector Undertakings and NGO
6. Audit of Limited Companies Special Features of audit of public sector
Qualifications, Appointment, & Remuneration undertakings - Audit of departmental
of Auditors - Auditors appointed on behalf of commercial undertakings - Audit of Statutory
different classes of Shareholders-Auditor's corporations.
powers, duties and rights-Status of an Auditor - 10. Audit of Partnership Accounts
Preliminaries to be gone through before the Procedure to be followed by a newly
actual work begins - Inspection of books, appointed auditor of a partnership - Audit on
documents, etc Auditor's Reports - List of behalf of different classes of partners.
officers - Audit of Share Capital - Auditors 11. Divisible Profits
duties relating to shares issued at a premium What are Profits - Difficulties in the
and at a discount - Shares issued for Determination of Profits-Who are affected if
consideration other than cash - Bonus shares- profits are not correctly determined -
share forfeiture - Share transfer - Issue and Consequences of incorrect valuation of Profits -
Redemption of Debenture - Interest paid out of Provisions relating to dividends - Whether
capital - Loans to and from Directors - Capital Profits are available for Dividends -
Dividend payments - Reorganization of capital. Whether all the surplus made by a company
engaged in working a wasting asset is available 5. Howlader, M.A.:Audit & Accounts Rules
for Dividends - Whether the loss of fixed assets and Procedures, Ideal Library.
must be made good before the distribution of the 6. Tandon, B.N.: A Handbook of Practical
surplus - Whether profits made prior to Auditing, S.Chand & Co.
incorporation are available for dividend - Loss 7. Companies Act 1994 8. Insurance Act
prior to incorporation. 1938. 9. Bank Companeis Act 1991.
12. Liabilities of Professional Accountants 10. Bangladesh Bank (Natinalization) Order
Nature of liabilities of professional accountants 1972.
- Liability of an auditor appointed by a private
concern-liability of an auditor under the AIS 425: ACCOUNTING INFORMATION
Companies Act-Liabilities under Income Tax SYSTEMS
Ordinance - Civil Liability of an auditor - Advanced technology requires that all its sub-
Criminal Liability of an auditor - Liability of system should move at a same pace so that there
an auditor to third parties - Liabilities of an arises no systems bottleneck. Accounting in big
Honorary auditor - Oral appointments - Local enterprises now-a-days are dependent on the use
auditors - Liability of an auditor for libel. of new generation computers. Accounting
13. Case Study/ Field work information are generated for decision making at
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge, a faster pace than before. This course has been
related to industry / company / factory / entity, presented to show comprehensively and
fieldwork will be assigned. After practical visit, effectively the relationship between today's
reports are to be prepared group-wise on accounting information systems and basic
respective field assigned by the course teacher. accounting concepts. The course would provide
The prepared reports are to be presented in the students a background in Systems Analysis
sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the and Design, emphasizing on the use of computer
total marks of the course. as a tool for accountants.
Books Recommended: 1. Accounting System
1. IFAC Handbook :Technical Concepts- The Changing Role of the
Pronouncements, International Federation of Accountant - Accounting Information Systems -
Accountants AIS and MIS - Accounting as a System - Users
2. BSA and BAPS of Accounting Information System -
2. John A. Edds: Management Auditing: Management Structure - Models of Decision
Concepts and Practice, Kendall/Hunt Making - Human Aspect of the AIS -
Publishing Company. Transaction processing - Computer Hardware
3. Lawrence B. Sawyer: Elements of and Software in AIS - Computerized
Management Oriented Auditing; Institute of Accounting Systems - Tools to implement
Internal Auditors. Accounting System.
4. Basu, B.K.: An Insight into Auditing, B.S. 2. AIS in Operation Controls
(P) Ltd. Operation and Control of Purchases - Operation
and Control of Sales - Operation and Control of
Cash Transactions - Payroll Accounting - OCP 428: ORAL COMPREHENSIVE AND
Inventory Control - Budgeting and Budgetary PRESNTATION
Control - Computer Assisted Operating Control This course will enable students how they will
Systems. present themselves in the viva voce examination. It
3. AIS in Management Control will be evaluated on the basis of a viva voce
AIS Characteristics and Criteria for examination at end of that semester final
Management Control - AIS Data Support for examination.
Management Control - AIS-MIS use Mix in
Management Control - Accountants and
Management Control Interface - Management
Control Decision using AIS.
4. Strategic Decisions
DSS, AIS and AI/ES : AIS in Corporate
Planning - Decision Support System ( DSS) -
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Expert Systems
Operation and Evaluation.
5. Case Study/ Field work
To enrich the students theoretical knowledge,
related to industry / company / factory / entity,
fieldwork will be assigned. After practical visit,
reports are to be prepared group-wise on
respective field assigned by the course teacher.
The prepared reports are to be presented in
sessional examinations that weigh 20% of the
total marks of the course.
Books Recommended:
1. I . Edward Lee Summers : Accounting
Information Systems, Houghton Miffin
Company, USA.
2. Wu. Freaderick H., Accounting Information
Systems; Theory and Practice, McGraw Hill
Book Co. USA
3. Rahman, Mowdudur and Maurice Halladay;
Accounting Information Systems: Principles,
Applications and Future Directions, Prentice
Hall Inc. USA
4. Joseph W. Wilkinson : Accounting and
Information System, John Wiley and Sons.
FINANCE AND BANKING MAJOR 3. Role of financial markets and institutions
FIN 421: FINANCIAL MARKETS AND Overviews of financial markets, money versus
INSTITUTION capital markets, primary versus secondary
This course prepares the students to make decision to markets, organized versus over-the-counter
obtain funds and invest them within the regulatory markets. Securities trades in financial
confines of financial institution. This course is markets, derivative securities, financial
divided into two parts- first part includes economic market efficiency, financial market regulation,
and financial system and their contemporary financial market globalization. Role of
functions perform in an economy. It also comers the depository institution, role of non-depository
certain process of different financial assets, the financial institution, relative size of financial
analytics of money market, capital market and their institutions, illustration of financial
instruments. The second part includes function institution roles comparison of financial
activities and managing process of different financial institutions. Globalization of financial markets,
institutions. Special emphasis given on banking and classification of global financial market
financial institution. This course is application 4. Determination of interest rates
oriented, exposing students to the financial decision Relevance of interest rate movements, loan able
making processes for international firms. Learning funds theory, economic forces that affect
outcomes expected are: interest rates
Understanding of how financial markets Section 02: Organization and structure of markets
work 5. The primary market
Understanding of asset/liability management Regulation of the issuance of securities,
Ability of manage portfolio risk position variations in the underwriting of securities,
Understanding of effective derivative usage world capital markets integration and fund
Ability to measure and manage interest rate funds outside of the domestic markets.
The economy and financial system, flows within secondary market, trading mechanism, role of
the economic system, types of markets, the brokers and dealers in real markets, market
2.Strategic implications of Branding: What does 11.Adapting to the market: Identity and changes.
branding really mean? Permanently nurturing the Bigger or better brand. Specialist brands and
difference. Brands act as a genetic programme. generalist brands. Building the brand through
Respect the brand contract. The product and the coherence. The three layers of brand. Managing two
brand. Each brand needs a flagship product. level of branding.
Advertising products through the brand prism. Brand
and other signs of quality. Obstacles to the 12.Growth through brand extensions: What is new
implications of branding. about brand extensions. The limits of the classical
conception of a brand. Why are brand extensions
3.Brand and business building: Are brand for all necessary. Balancing identity and adaptation to the
companies. Building a market leader without extension market segments. Preparing brand for
advertising. Brand building from product to values remote extensions. Key to success brand extensions.
and vice versa. Comparing brand and business
models. 13.Brand architecture: The key questions of brand
architecture. Type and role of brands. Choosing the
4.From private label to store brands: Evolution of appropriate branding strategy. New trends in
the distributors brand. Distributors brand and branding strategies. Group, corporate and product
financial equation.The real brand issue for brands.
distributors. Competing against distributors brands.
5.Brand diversity: The types of brands. Luxury 14.Multi brand portfolios: Inherited complex
brand, Service brands. Brand and nature fresh portfolios. From single to multiple brands. The
produce. Internet brand, country brand. Universities, benefits of multiple entries. Linking the brand
school college, celebrities ,television programmes as portfolio to the corporate strategy. Key rules to
brands. manage a multi brand portfolio. Does the corporate
organization match the brand portfolio.
6.The new rules of brand Management: The limits Text Book:
of a certain type of marketing. The power of 1. The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating
passions, beginning with the strong 360degree and Sustaining Brand Equity (4th edition)-
experience. Licensing a strategic lever. How co- Jean-Noel Kapferer
branding grows the business. 2. Brand Mangement- Kavin Keller
Reference Book:
7.Brand identity and positioning: Brand identity a
1. Brand Meaning Mark Batey
necessary concept. Identity and positioning. Why
brand needs identity and positioning. The six facts of 2. Positioning - Subroto sungupta
brand identity. Brand DNA, brand essence.
8.Launching the brand: Launching a brand and MKT 424: INTEGRATED MARKETING
launching a product are not the same. Defining the
brands platform. The process of brand positioning. COMMUNICATIONS
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). Text Book: Integrated Advertising, Promotion
Communication and IMC Programs- The and Marketing Communications (3 rd
Edition)-Kenneth E. Clow, Donald
Communication Process-Barriers to Baack
Communication-Integrated Marketing Reference Book: Advertising & Promotion - George
E. Belch and A. Belch, Irwin McGraw Hill,
Communication-Corporate Image and Brand 1998.
Management. Components of Corporate Image- MKT - 425 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR
Role of Corporate Image-Branding-Brand Equity-
Course Objective:
Brand Extensions-Co-Branding-Private Branding We can not think of a business firm without
consumers. So business today must be consumer
- Branding Management Process-Business to
oriented. Consumer behavior is ever changing and
Business Buyer Behavior. Business Customer- business today is highly competitive. In such a
situation marketers are spending more money than
Business Buying Centers & Factors-Business
ever to study consumer behavior, trying to learn:
Sales-Business to Business Buying Process- Who buys? How do they buy? When do they buy?
Where do they buy? Why do the buy? The course
Promotion Opportunity Analysis. IMC Plan- consumer behavior has been designed to get answers
Communication Market Analysis- IMC Objectives- to the above questions.
IMC Budget- Prepare Promotional Strategies-
Market Segmentation- Business-GIMC Programs-
Advertising Management. Role of Advertisement in
the IMC Process-Company Activities in Advertising Course contents:
MGT-Communication and Advertising Objectives- 1. Introduction to Consumer Behavior: Defining
consumer behavior, Why study consumer
Advertising Design. Message Strategies- Cognitive behavior, Scope of consumer behavior field,
Strategies- Affective Strategies- Brand Strategies- Personal Consumer, Organizational Consumer.
Exceptional Frameworks- Model of Creating and
Advertisement- Advertisement Effectiveness- 2. Theory and Models of Consumer Behavior:
Role of theory, Criteria of sound theory in
Advertisement Media. Selection. Media Strategy- consumer behavior, Understand the basic concepts
Media Planning- Media Selection-Media Mix- relating to model, Howard - Sheth Model of Buyer
Media Selection in Business- to- Business Markets- Behavior, Nicosia and Blackwell model.
Trade Promotion. Nature of Trade Promotion-Types 3. The Influence of Culture on Consumer
Behavior: Concept of culture, issues in culture,
of Trade Promotions-Objectives of Trade
The measurement of culture, Cross cultural
Promotions- perspective, Sub culture.
Consumer Promotions. Coupons-Premiums-Bonus
Packs-Price Off-Personal Selling, Database 4. Social Class-Reference Group- Family
Influence on Consumer Behavior: Concept of
Marketing and Customer Relationship Management. social class, Types of social class, What is
Personal Reference group, Major Consumer Reference
Groups, Norms and conformity, Socialization,
Selling Services-Telemarke ting-Re tail Sales Model of the Socialization Process, family
Presentations-Database Marketing Steps- Methods decision making process.
of Direct Marketing-Permissions Marketing-
Customer Relationship Management Steps- 5. Consumer Learning: Concepts of Learning,
Theories of Learning, Reinforcement, Behavior
Public Relations Events. Cause Related Marketing- modification in psychology and Marketing
Green Marketing-Public Relations Tools- retention.
Sponsorship Marketing-Event Marketing-
6. Consumer Perception: Define and describe
Internet Marketing. Marketing Functions on the consumer perception, Explain both Gestalt and
Internet-E-Commerce-E- Commerce Incentives- cognitive theories of perception, Identify the basic
Business-to-Business E-Commerce- modes of perception and understand their
marketing significance.
7. Consumer Motivation: Definition of motivation,
Model of the Motivation Process, The Dynamic
Nature of Motivation, Types of Needs, Maslows
Hierarchy of Needs, Goals , Motivations, A Trio
of Needs.
Text Book:
1. Consumer Behavior:Leon G.Schiffman and
Leslie Lazar Kanuk [LL]
Reference Books:
1. Consumer Behavior: Concepts and
Strategies:Harold W.Berkman and Christopher
C.Gilson. Kent Publishing Co.,USA.
2. Consumer Behavior:William L. Wilkie, Wiley
Publication, USA