Sawabul-Aamaal - Shaykh Sadooq
Sawabul-Aamaal - Shaykh Sadooq
Sawabul-Aamaal - Shaykh Sadooq
(Divine Rewards for Various Deeds)
Iqaabul Aa
(Divine Punishments for Various Sins)
English Translation:
Syed Athar Husain Rizvi & Syed Maqsood Athar
Al-Qalam Translators & Writers Bureau
Published by:
As-Serat Publications
Hazrat Abbas Street, Palagali,
Dongri, Mumbai - 9.
Tel: 022 56048461, 23452171
Email: [email protected]
Title : Sawaabul Aa
Aamaal & Iqaabul Aa
Publisher: As-
As-Serat Publications
Hazrat Abbas Street, Palagali,
Dongri, Mumbai - 9.
Tel: 022 56048461, 23452171
Email: [email protected]
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most
Translators Foreword
Praise to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and benedictions
upon His Chosen One, His Servant and His Messenger,
Muhammad al-Mustafa (s.a.w.s.) and his Progeny and Ahle
Bayt (a.s.), the inheritors of the Prophet and prophetic
By the Grace of the Almighty and the blessings of the
Imam of the Age (a.s.) we received the Taufeeq (Divine
opportunity) to translate into English, an important book like
Sawaabul Aamaal & Iqaabul Aamaal complied by the
revered scholar, Shaykh Sadooq (r.a.).
It is a collection of sayings (ahadith) of the Prophet and
his successors. The book has two sections, the first dealing
with Divine rewards of various good deeds and the second
concerned with the Divine punishment of various sinful
We have tried our best to render the original meanings
of Arabic and Islamic terms and wherever this was not
possible we have used the original Arabic terms like Salaat,
Hajj and Umrah etc.
Though we have avoided using words that are common
only in a particular part of the Muslim world, e.g. the word
Namaaz, which is mostly used only in Urdu and Persian
speaking areas.
In transliterating the Arabic texts, we have followed a
very simple method and any lay reader could master it with
the help of Transliteration Guide. This would enable the
readers to read the Roman transliteration of Arabic text with
correct pronunciation.
We have also provided a Glossary of Islamic Terms at
the end of the book for readers not familiar with Islamic
In the name of Allah, the Most
Most Beneficent, the Most
Authors Preface
Praise be to Allah the One, the Eternal and the Ever
living. One Whose limits and ends could not be imagined.
Neither slumber overtakes Him nor sleep, the One Whose
existence has no beginning and no end. He proves His
existence for His creatures and for the birth of His creatures
upon His eternal nature and He is needful of comparison
with something in order that the creatures may be guided to
Him. His signs are witnesses for His power. His being
cannot be described and visions cannot perceive Him and
thoughts cannot reach upto His being. He is such that
nothing is like him and He is the hearer and seer.
And I testify that there is no God except Allah the One
without any partner. He has promised His rewards for His
obedience and His punishment for His disobedience. And I
testify that Muhammad (s.a.w.s) is His servant and His
Messenger. He sent him with the illuminated and clear book
and assured that falsehood will not approach it from front or
back. It is the revelation of the Wise and the Praised Lord.
And I testify that Amirul Momineen Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)
and the Purified Imams from his progeny are the Proofs of
Allah upon His creatures after the conclusion of revelations.
And I testify that their partisans (Shias) and their devotees
who follow their practice and manners are on the straight
path and they are the true believers and one who opposes
them and leaves their path and abandons their commands
and does not follow their practice has deviated from the
straight path and gone astray from the way.
I beseech Allah that He makes us firm on their religion,
their devotion and their love and not make our hearts
deviated after being guided. And that He bestows us with
His bestowals, indeed He is the best of the Givers.
Says Ash-Shaykh Abu Jafar Muhammad bin Ali bin al-
Husain bin Musa bin Babawahy al-Qummi (r.a): That which
led me to write this book was the saying of the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s): One who reminds (people) to do good deeds is
like one who performs them himself. I have titled this book
as Sawaabul Aamaal and I implore the Almighty not to
keep me deprived of its rewards. I have not desired anything
by writing it except rewards of Almighty and to achieve His
pleasure, glorified be He. And I do not intend by it anything
else. And there is no power and strength except for Allah.
And He is sufficient for us and the best of the trustees.
Transliteration Guide
Table of Contents
Translators Foreword ................................................................... 3
Authors Preface ........................................................................... 5
Transliteration Guide.................................................................... 7
Table of Contents ......................................................................... 9
Reward for saying: There is no God except Allah (Laa ilaaha
illallaah) ..................................................................................... 29
Reward of reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah a hundred times ............. 31
Reward of reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah Wahdahu Wahdahu
Wahdahu .................................................................................. 31
Reward of reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah with sincerity .................. 32
Reward of reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah loudly ............................. 32
Reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah along with its conditions ................ 33
Reward of bearing witness that there is no God except Allah ..... 34
Reward of reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah al-malika hundred times
................................................................................................... 34
Reward of reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah without surprise .............. 35
Reward of reciting Ash-hadu al Laa ilaaha illallaah .................... 35
Reward of reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah thirty times a day ............ 35
Reward of reciting Tasbeehaat-e-Arba often ............................... 36
Reward of reciting Laa ilaaha illallaahu haqqan haqqan .......... 36
Reward of ending a supplication with Maashaa allaah ........... 36
Reward of reciting Alhamdulillaahi alaa seven times a day .. 36
Reward of bearing witness to the Oneness of Almighty God and
prophethood of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) ................................ 37
Reward of reciting Takbeer, Tasbeeh, Tahmeed and Tahleel a
hundred times ............................................................................ 37
Reward of Tasbeehaat-e-Arbaa ................................................... 38
Reward of saying Sub-haanallah ............................................... 40
Reward of reciting Tasbeeh without surprise .............................. 40
Reward of reciting Sub-haanallaah a hundred times .................. 40
Reward of saying Al-hamdulillaahi kamaa huwa ahluh ............. 40
Reward of saying Alhamdulillaahi rabbil aalameen four times .. 41
Reward of glorifying Allah .......................................................... 41
Reward of glorifying Divinity ..................................................... 41
Reward of a wise person ............................................................ 42
Reward of ten virtues.................................................................. 42
Reward of acknowledging the Lordship of Allah, Prophethood of
Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), Imamate of Ali (a.s.) and fulfilling religious
obligations ................................................................................. 43
Reward of reciting Bismillaah before entering toilet ................... 43
Reward of uttering a Name of Allah while performing ablution.. 43
Reward of performing ablution like Amirul Momineen (a.s.) ...... 44
Reward when the parts of body concerned with ablution are
wiped and when they are not ..................................................... 45
Reward of ablution of Maghrib and Morning Prayers ................. 45
Reward of keeping eyes open during ablution ............................ 46
Reward of repeating ablution ..................................................... 46
Reward of doing Miswak ............................................................ 46
Swallowing ones spit for the respect of mosque ......................... 47
Reward of performing ablution before going to bed ................... 47
Reward of rinsing ones mouth and nose often ........................... 47
Reward of wrapping a cloth while going to bathroom ................ 47
Reward of avoiding the sight of private parts of a believer.......... 48
Reward of washing ones head with Marshmallow (Khatmi)....... 48
Reward of washing head with Jujube (Beri) leaves ..................... 48
Reward of dyeing ones hair ....................................................... 49
Reward of applying Noorah ....................................................... 50
Reward of combing ones hair .................................................... 50
Reward of combing ones beard seventy times ........................... 51
Reward of applying Antimony (Surma) ....................................... 51
Reward of cutting ones hair ....................................................... 51
Reward of trimming ones nails and moustache ......................... 51
Reward of wearing white shoes .................................................. 52
Reward of wearing yellow shoes ................................................ 53
Reward of wearing shoes ........................................................... 53
Reward of reciting Surah Qadr while cutting a cloth for new dress
................................................................................................... 54
Reward of praising Allah much while looking in the mirror ....... 54
Reward of reciting the following supplication upon seeing a Jew,
Christian or a Magian ................................................................. 54
Reward of complete ablution, Umrah, payment of Zakat........ 55
Reward of reciting Razeetubillaahi rabbanw ......................... 55
Reward of supplicating day and night ........................................ 55
Reward of going to a mosque ..................................................... 55
Reward of visiting mosque often ................................................ 56
Reward of going to a mosque on foot ......................................... 56
Reward of Quranic conversation and making mosque ones home
................................................................................................... 56
Reward of going to mosque after performing ablution ................ 57
Reward of offering five times prayers on prime time .................. 57
Reward of Nafila prayers ............................................................ 58
Reward of lighting a lamp in the mosque ................................... 58
Reward of retaining spit in the mouth during Salaat ................... 58
Reward of offering prayer in Masjidul Haraam ........................... 59
Reward of offering Prayer in Masjidun Nabawi .......................... 59
Reward of offering Prayer between Masjidul Haraam and
Masjidun Nabawi ....................................................................... 59
Reward of offering Prayer in Masjid-e-Kufa ................................ 59
Reward of offering Salaat in Baitul Muqaddas, Masjid-e-Azam,
Masjid-e-Qabeelah and Masjid-e-Sooq ...................................... 60
Reward of sweeping the mosque floor........................................ 60
Reward of Calling out the Azaan ................................................ 61
Reward of saying Azaan for seven years ..................................... 61
Reward of reciting Azaan in a Muslim city for a year ................. 61
Reward of repeating Azaan ........................................................ 61
Reward of reciting Azaan for ten years seeking reward from Allah
................................................................................................... 62
Reward of Muezzin between Azaan and Iqamah ....................... 62
Reward of offering Salaat along with Azaan and Iqamah............ 62
Reward of reciting Surah Ikhlaas, Surah Qadr and Ayatal Kursi in
every rakat of a recommended Salaat ......................................... 63
Excellence and reward of Qunoot .............................................. 63
Reward of a complete Ruku ....................................................... 63
Reward of a Sajdah .................................................................... 64
Reward of keeping the palms on the ground during Sajdah ........ 64
Reward of prolonging a Sajdah .................................................. 64
Reward of reciting Durood in the state of Ruku, Sajdah and Qiyam
................................................................................................... 64
Reward of Sajdah-e-Shukr .......................................................... 65
Reward of Salaat ........................................................................ 65
Reward of offering Morning Salaat in its prime time ................... 65
Excellence of prime time over the last moments ......................... 66
Reward of offering obligatory prayers during prime time ............ 66
Reward of Qasr prayers while travel........................................... 66
Reward of offering Friday prayers during travel .......................... 67
Reward of offering Salaat in congregation .................................. 67
Reward of rising up for Salaat ..................................................... 67
Reward of reciting Durood on Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) and his
progeny on Friday after Asr prayers ............................................ 68
Reward of reciting Surah Hamd, Surah Tauheed and
Muawwazatain seven times, Ayatal Kursi, Ayat-e-Sakhr and the
last verse of Surah Baraat ........................................................... 68
One more reward of above recitations ....................................... 68
Reward of walking towards Salaat and learning Quran .............. 69
Reward of a patient person, blind and lover of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) .. 69
Reward of offering a two rakat recommended prayer, giving a
dirham as Sadaqah and fasting for a day .................................... 70
Excellence of the Fridays of the month of Ramadan over ordinary
Fridays ....................................................................................... 70
Reward of Praying with perfume ................................................ 70
Reward of Prayers of a married man........................................... 70
Reward of a four rakat prayer reciting Surah Tauheed fifty times in
each rakat .................................................................................. 71
Reward of Salaat-e-Jafar bin Abi Talib (a.s.) ............................... 71
Reward of Salaat-e-Shab ............................................................ 71
Reward of remaining awake at night reciting the Holy Quran .... 73
Reward of a two rakat Salaat focusing attention on what is being
recited ........................................................................................ 75
Reward of a two rakat Salaat with complete attention ................ 75
Reward of a two rakat Salaat-e-Nafila at the time of unawareness
(Ghufaila) ................................................................................... 75
Reward of five hundred rakats of Salaat between two Fridays .... 76
Reward of reciting Surah Tauheed eleven times after Morning
Prayer ......................................................................................... 76
Reward of Taaqibaat-e-Salaat ..................................................... 76
Reward of paying Zakat ............................................................. 77
Reward of Hajj and Umrah ........................................................ 78
Reward of meeting a Hajj pilgrim and shaking hands with him .. 82
One more tradition related to Hajj ............................................. 82
Reward of observing fast ............................................................ 82
Reward of a fasting person who is abused but responds: I am
fasting; peace be on you ............................................................ 83
Reward of a fast in the way of Allah ........................................... 83
Reward of a fast during hot days ................................................ 83
Reward of a fast during the last days of ones life ....................... 84
Reward of applying perfume at the start of day while fasting ...... 84
Reward of the presence of a person observing fast among those
who eat ...................................................................................... 84
Reward of fast of the month of Rajab.......................................... 84
Reward of a fast in the month of Shaban .................................... 92
Excellence of Ramadan Month and reward of fasting ................. 97
Reward of supplication of the first ten days of Zilhajj ............... 108
Reward of observing fast in the first nine days of Zilhajj ........... 109
Reward of Fasting on Eid-e-Ghadeer ........................................ 110
Reward of recommended worship on the eve of Eid ................ 112
Staying awake during the night of Eid....................................... 114
Reward of ending fasts of the month of Ramadan with charity and
going to prayer-mat after taking ritual bath ............................... 114
Reward of offering a four rakat Salaat after offering congregational
prayer on Eid ............................................................................ 114
Reward of fasting on Twenty-fifth of Zilqad .............................. 116
Reward of ending the fast with water ....................................... 116
Reward of fasting on first Thursday, middle Wednesday and last
Thursday of the month ............................................................. 116
Reward of giving one dirham in charity instead of observing a fast
................................................................................................. 119
Reward of doing Iftar at the house of a brother in faith ............. 119
Reward of Ziyarat of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), Ali, Imam Hasan,
Imam Husain and other Imams (a.s.) ........................................ 120
Reward of mourning over the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.)
and the calamities of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) ........................................ 120
Reward of reciting a couplet regarding Imam Husain (a.s.), crying,
making others cry or making a crying face ............................... 121
Reward of Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.)................................... 122
Reward of the Ziyarat of the graves of Imams (a.s.) ................... 138
Reward of Ziyarat of Masuma Qum ......................................... 139
Reward of Ziyarat of Abdul Azim Hasani (r.a.) in Rayy ............ 139
Reward of one who cannot do good to Ahle Bayt (a.s.) and he
does so to a righteous devotee of theirs and Reward of one who
cannot do Ziyarat of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) but does the Ziyarat of a
righteous devotee of Ahle Bayt (a.s.)......................................... 139
Reward of doing good to an Imam ........................................... 140
Reward of the people of Quran ................................................ 140
Reward of reciting a complete Quran in Mecca ....................... 140
Reward of memorizing the Quran with difficulty or with ease.. 141
Reward of reciting the Holy Quran for youth ........................... 141
Reward of reciting the Holy Quran in Salaat, apart from it, sitting
and standing............................................................................. 142
Reward of reciting one hundred to five hundred verses of the Holy
Quran in Salaat ........................................................................ 142
Reward of one who memorizes the Holy Quran and one who
obeys its commandments ......................................................... 142
Difficulty in memorizing the Holy Quran and reciting a Surah
before going to bed .................................................................. 143
Reward of a one who comes and goes ..................................... 143
Reward of reciter of the Holy Quran ........................................ 143
Reward of reciting the Holy Quran by looking at it .................. 143
Reward of keeping the Holy Quran at ones home ................... 144
Reward of reciting ten to one thousand verses during a night ... 144
Reward of the best season of the Holy Quran .......................... 145
Reward of reciting a hundred verses of the Holy Quran and saying
Yaa Allaah seven times ............................................................ 145
Reward of reciting Surah Hamd ............................................... 145
Reward of reciting Surah Baqarah and Surah Aale Imran ......... 145
Reward of reciting the first four verses of Surah Baqarah, Ayatal
Kursi and two verses which follow it and the last three verses of
this Surah ................................................................................. 145
Reward of reciting Ayatal Kursi after every Salaat and before going
to bed ....................................................................................... 146
Reward of reciting Surah Nisa every Friday .............................. 146
Reward of reciting Surah Maidah ............................................. 146
Reward of reciting Surah Anaam .............................................. 146
Reward of reciting Surah Araaf ................................................. 147
Reward of reciting Surah Anfaal and Surah Taubah .................. 147
Reward of reciting Surah Yunus ............................................... 147
Reward of reciting Surah Hud .................................................. 147
Reward of reciting Surah Yusuf ................................................ 148
Reward of reciting Surah Raad ................................................. 148
Reward of reciting Surah Ibrahim and Surah Hijr ..................... 148
Reward of reciting Surah Nahl ................................................. 148
Reward of reciting Surah Bani Israel ......................................... 149
Reward of reciting Surah Kahf .................................................. 149
Reward of reciting Surah Maryam ............................................ 149
Reward of reciting Surah Taha ................................................. 149
Reward of reciting Surah Anbiya .............................................. 150
Reward of reciting Surah Mominoon ........................................ 150
Reward of reciting Surah Nur ................................................... 150
Reward of reciting Surah Furqan .............................................. 150
Reward of reciting Surah Naml, Shuara and Qasas .................. 151
Reward of reciting Surah Ankaboot and Room ......................... 151
Reward of reciting Surah Luqman ............................................ 151
Reward of reciting Surah Sajdah............................................... 151
Reward of reciting Surah Ahzaab ............................................. 152
Reward of reciting Surah Saba and Fatir ................................... 152
Reward of reciting Surah Yasin ................................................. 152
Reward of reciting Surah Saffat ................................................. 154
Reward of reciting Surah Saad .................................................. 155
Reward of reciting Surah Zumar ............................................... 155
Reward of reciting Surah Ha Mim Momin ................................ 155
Reward of reciting Surah Ha Mim Sajdah ................................. 156
Surah Ha Mim Ain Seen Qaaf .................................................. 156
Reward of reciting Surah Zukhruf ............................................. 156
Reward of reciting Surah Dukhan ............................................. 157
Reward of reciting Surah Jaathiya ............................................. 157
Reward of reciting Surah Ahqaaf .............................................. 157
Reward of reciting Surahs starting with Ha Mim ....................... 157
Reward of reciting Surah Muhammad ...................................... 158
Reward of reciting Surah Fath .................................................. 158
Reward of reciting Surah Hujurat ............................................. 158
Reward of reciting Surah Qaaf ................................................. 158
Reward of reciting Surah Zariyat .............................................. 159
Reward of reciting Surah Tur .................................................... 159
Reward of reciting Surah Najm ................................................ 159
Reward of reciting Surah Rahman ............................................ 159
Reward of reciting Surah Waqiya ............................................. 160
Reward of reciting Surah Hadid and Mujadila .......................... 160
Reward of reciting Surah Hashr ................................................ 161
Reward of reciting Surah Mumtahena ...................................... 161
Reward of reciting Surah Saff ................................................... 161
Reward of reciting Surah Juma, Munafiqun and Aala ............... 161
Reward of reciting Surah Taghabun.......................................... 162
Reward of reciting Surah Talaq and Tahrim.............................. 162
Reward of reciting Surah Mulk ................................................. 162
Reward of reciting Surah Qalam .............................................. 163
Reward of reciting Surah Haqqah............................................. 163
Reward of reciting Surah Maarij .............................................. 163
Reward of reciting Surah Nuh .................................................. 163
Reward of reciting Surah Jinn ................................................... 164
Reward of reciting Surah Muzzammil ...................................... 164
Reward of reciting Surah Muddassir ......................................... 164
Reward of reciting Surah Qiyamat ............................................ 164
Reward of reciting Surah Insan ................................................. 165
Reward of reciting Surah Mursalaat, Naba and Naziaat .......... 165
Reward of reciting Surah Abas and Takrim ............................... 165
Reward of reciting Surah Infitar and Surah Inshiqaq ................. 166
Reward of reciting Surah Mutaffifeen ....................................... 166
Reward of reciting Surah Buruj ................................................. 166
Reward of reciting Surah Tariq ................................................. 166
Reward of reciting Surah Alaa ................................................. 167
Reward of reciting Surah Ghashiya .......................................... 167
Reward of reciting Surah Fajr ................................................... 167
Reward of reciting Surah Balad ................................................ 167
Reward of reciting Surah Shams, Lail, Zuha and Alam Nashrah 168
Reward of reciting Surah Teen ................................................. 168
Reward of reciting Surah Alaq .................................................. 168
Reward of reciting Surah Qadr ................................................. 168
Reward of reciting Surah Bayyinah........................................... 169
Reward of reciting Surah Zilzal ................................................ 169
Reward of reciting Surah Adiyat ............................................... 170
Reward of reciting Surah Qariya .............................................. 170
Reward of reciting Surah Takathur ........................................... 170
Reward of reciting Surah Asr .................................................... 170
Reward of reciting Surah Humazah .......................................... 171
Reward of reciting Surah Feel and Surah Quraish .................... 171
Reward of reciting Surah Maoon .............................................. 172
Reward of reciting Surah Kauthar ............................................. 172
Reward of reciting Surah Kafirun and Surah Tauheed............... 172
Reward of reciting Surah Nasr .................................................. 172
Reward of reciting Surah Lahab ................................................ 173
Reward of reciting Surah Tauheed............................................ 173
Reward of reciting Surah Naas and Surah Falaq ....................... 175
Reward of abstinence from greater sins .................................... 175
Reward of repenting for sins ..................................................... 176
Reward of condoning a loanee for the sake of Allahs Respect . 176
Reward of being a good teacher ............................................... 176
Reward of seeking knowledge .................................................. 177
Reward of sitting with religious people..................................... 177
Reward of performing a deed after knowing its reward ............ 177
Reward of saying a true thing which people follow .................. 178
Reward of keeping a good Sunnah alive .................................. 178
Reward of safeguarding orphans, showering mercy on weak,
doing good to parents and behaving well with slaves............... 178
Reward of safeguarding the honor of people and controlling ones
anger ........................................................................................ 178
Reward of a just ruler, truthful trader and an obedient elderly
person ...................................................................................... 179
Reward of new good deeds for old sins .................................... 179
Reward of memorizing forty traditions ..................................... 179
Reward of avoiding a sin .......................................................... 180
Reward of making a believer happy ......................................... 180
Reward of piety, abstinence and paying attention towards Allah in
prayers ..................................................................................... 180
Reward of solving problems, being delicate in calamities and
hiding the faults of a believer ................................................... 181
Reward of offering food, water and clothes to a believer .......... 181
Reward of offering food to a believer in the way of Allah ......... 182
Reward of feeding three believers ............................................ 182
Reward of feeding a believer to satiation .................................. 182
Reward of feeding four Muslims to satiation ............................. 182
Reward of feeding a hungry Muslim ......................................... 183
Reward of freeing a Muslim slave ............................................. 183
Reward of freeing a virtuous slave for the sake of Allah ............ 183
Reward of freeing a believing slave .......................................... 183
Reward of giving a loan to a believer ....................................... 184
Reward of giving Sadaqah ........................................................ 184
Reward of giving Sadaqah secretly ........................................... 189
Reward of giving Sadaqah openly ............................................ 189
Reward of giving Sadaqah at night ........................................... 189
Reward of giving Sadaqah during day ...................................... 189
Reward of supplication by a destitute for one who gives Sadaqah
................................................................................................. 191
Reward of delaying the repayment of loan for an indebted person
................................................................................................. 191
Reward of condoning a loanee ................................................. 191
Reward of protecting the honor of a Muslim brother ................ 192
Reward of fulfilling the desires of a believing brother, solving his
problems, protecting him against injustice, helping in his work,
providing water during his thirst, food while he is hungry, clothing
him when he is bare, providing him mount, providing him burial
shroud, marrying him off and visiting him during his illness ..... 192
Reward of meeting, shaking hands and embracing a brother.... 193
Reward of helping a believer.................................................... 194
Reward of bringing peace among the people ........................... 195
Reward of answering the call of a needy Muslim ..................... 195
Reward of honoring a Muslim in a conversation ...................... 195
Reward of helping a Muslim brother in his difficulties and in
fulfilling his desires................................................................... 196
Reward of solving a problem of a believer ............................... 196
Reward of making a believer happy ......................................... 196
Reward of making a believing family happy ............................. 196
Reward of making a believing brother happy ........................... 197
Reward of giving Sadaqah so much that a person is satisfied.... 197
Reward of offering sweets to a believer .................................... 198
Reward of drinking from the glass of another believer .............. 198
Reward of loving a believer ...................................................... 198
Reward of benefiting from a believer for the sake of Allah ....... 198
Reward of meeting a believer to make him happy .................... 199
Reward of applying perfume to a Muslim ................................. 199
Reward of loving each other for the sake of Allah .................... 199
Reward of remembering Allah while entering a valley ............. 199
Reward of reciting Innallaaha yumassikus samaawaatibefore
going to bed ............................................................................. 200
Reward of reciting the following supplication after Azaan of
Morning and Maghrib Prayers .................................................. 200
Reward of supplicating after knowing that Allah is capable of
benefiting as well as harming ................................................... 200
Reward of reciting the following supplications before going to bed
................................................................................................. 201
Reward of supplicating for a Muslim brother in his absence..... 201
Reward of love of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and reciting
salutations (Salawaat) on him ................................................... 201
Reward of reciting salutation (Salawaat) on the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) once .......................................................................... 201
Reward of asking from Allah in the name of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.)
and his progeny........................................................................ 202
Reward of reciting salutation (Salawaat) on the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) ................................................................................... 203
Reward of reciting salutations (Salawaat) a hundred times after
Morning Prayer ........................................................................ 203
Reward of reciting salutation (Salawaat) on Muhammad (s.a.w.s.)
and his progeny........................................................................ 204
Reward of reciting salutation (Salawaat) on Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) a
hundred times on Friday .......................................................... 204
Reward of reciting Innallaaha wa Malaaikatahuafter Morning
and Maghrib Prayers ................................................................ 204
Reward of dedicating one-third or half or whole supplication to
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) ....................................................... 206
Reward of reciting salutation (Salawaat) on the progeny of the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) after reciting salutation on him ............. 206
Reward of reciting salutations (Salawaat) on the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) and his successors after Prayer on Friday ................... 207
Reward of reciting Rabbi salli alaa muhammadinw wa ahli
baitih a hundred times in a day ................................................ 208
Reward of reciting salutation (Salawaat) on the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) loudly ........................................................................ 208
Reward of reciting Sub-haanallaah a hundred times after Morning
Prayer and Allaahumma ihdinee after every Prayer .................. 209
Reward of controlling oneself at the time of fear and anger ...... 210
Reward of helping in Amr bil Maroof and Nahi Anil Munkar ... 210
Reward of weeping or making a weeping face after hearing the
last verse of Surah Zumar ......................................................... 210
Reward of supplicating in congregation ................................... 211
Reward of supplicating secretly ................................................ 211
Reward of supplication before dawn ........................................ 211
Reward of supplicating for Believing men and women and Muslim
men and women ...................................................................... 211
Reward of reciting Laa haula wa laa Quwwata illa billaah ...... 212
Reward of reciting Laa haula wa laa Quwwata illa billaah daily
................................................................................................. 212
Reward of saying Bismillaahi wa laa haula wa laa Quwwata illa
billaah coming out of house ..................................................... 213
Reward of reciting Takbir a hundred times at night .................. 213
Reward of reciting Tasbih of Fatima Zahra (s.a.) ....................... 213
Reward of silence ..................................................................... 214
Reward of repenting ................................................................. 214
Reward of repenting seventy times every day in the month of
Shaban ..................................................................................... 215
Reward of repenting seventy times after Morning Prayer .......... 215
Reward of testifying the Oneness of Allah and prophethood of
Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), saying Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji-
oon at the time of difficulty, saying Alhamdulillaah on hearing a
good news and saying Astaghfirullaah on committing a sin...... 216
Deeds which are rewarded soon .............................................. 216
Reward of reciting Sub-haanallaah thrice in the morning and
evening .................................................................................... 217
Reward of abstinence and piety ............................................... 217
Reward of performing a good deed at the start and end of the day
................................................................................................. 217
Reward of weeping in the fear of Allah .................................... 218
Reward of giving preference to the pleasure of Allah over ones
desires ...................................................................................... 218
Reward of a person whose aim is Hereafter every morning and
evening .................................................................................... 219
Reward of doing good .............................................................. 219
Reward of loving, hating, granting and depriving for the sake of
Allah ........................................................................................ 219
Reward of being ashamed and repenting for ones sins ............ 220
Reward of death of a believer who is away from his home....... 220
Reward of a disbeliever who does good to a believer............... 220
Reward of doing good to a believing brother ........................... 221
Reward of rearing goat/sheep for milk ...................................... 221
Reward of Salaat, Zakat, doing good and Patience ................... 221
Reward of loving the progeny of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) and hating
their enemies for the sake of Allah ........................................... 222
Reward of reciting Astaghfirullaah seventy times in Salaat-e-Witr
for one year .............................................................................. 222
Reward of saluting a believing brother for the sake of Allah ..... 222
Reward of doing Taubah Nasooh ............................................. 223
Reward of not having expectations, good character, soft behavior
and simple nature..................................................................... 223
Reward of near ones who cry out of fear of Allah, worship Him
keeping away from what He has prohibited and having beauty of
abstinence in this world ........................................................... 224
Reward of doing good to a believer.......................................... 224
Reward of expecting good from Allah ...................................... 225
Reward of cultivating the advices of Allah in ones self ............ 226
Reward of wearing cornelian (Aqiq) ring .................................. 226
Reward of wearing a turquoise ring .......................................... 228
Reward of wearing Jiz-e-Yamani .............................................. 228
Reward of wearing an Emerald ring .......................................... 228
Reward of wearing a Ruby ring ................................................ 228
Reward of wearing a ring of Billaur (Crystal) ............................ 228
Reward of humility ................................................................... 229
Reward of crying out of fear of Allah, keeping away from what He
has prohibited and remaining awake at night in the way of Allah
................................................................................................. 229
Reward of avoiding lust today for the sake of those promised
things which are unseen ........................................................... 229
Reward of loving, building mosques and repenting at dawn for the
sake of Allah ............................................................................ 230
Reward of that person whose seeing is a lesson, silence is thought,
conversation is remembrance of Allah, who weeps over his sins
and from whom people remain safe ......................................... 230
Reward of silence and going to the house of Allah on foot ....... 231
Reward of patching clothes and shoes and carrying ones own
luggage .................................................................................... 231
Reward of speaking truth .......................................................... 231
Reward of doing good and bad deeds secretly ......................... 231
Reward of a person who commits a sin thinking that Allah may
punish or forgive ...................................................................... 232
Reward of repentance .............................................................. 232
Reward of inscribing Maashaa Allaah on ones ring ............. 233
Reward of seeing fruits and desiring to buy them but not being
able to do so ............................................................................ 233
Reward of good character ........................................................ 233
Reward of a person whose aim is hereafter, who wants to improve
his inner self and wants good between him and Allah.............. 234
Reward of resisting ones self ................................................... 234
Reward of praising Allah for bounties....................................... 234
Reward of thanking Allah for food and for that thing which is not
granted ..................................................................................... 234
Reward of doing good .............................................................. 235
Reward of liking Divine things ................................................. 235
Reward of safeguarding ones tongue ....................................... 235
Reward of concealment of ones poverty.................................. 235
Reward of the poor and those who do good to them ................ 236
Reward of not begging inspite of difficulties ............................. 236
Reward of shaking hands ......................................................... 237
Reward of saying Bismillaah before meals................................ 237
Reward of feeding a hungry person .......................................... 237
Reward of enjoying water ........................................................ 237
Reward of giving Sadaqah on Friday ........................................ 237
Reward of helping sad people .................................................. 238
Reward of loving ones brothers ............................................... 238
Reward of fulfilling a desire of a person with whom Allah is
pleased ..................................................................................... 238
Reward of meeting a Muslim .................................................... 238
Reward of slaughtering an animal and distributing its meat among
the poor after having built a house ........................................... 239
Reward of helping in doing good ............................................. 239
Reward of spending moderately ............................................... 239
Reward of going on a journey carrying a staff........................... 239
Reward of starting from home wearing a turban ....................... 240
Reward of shedding tears on hearing about Ahle Bayt (a.s.) ..... 240
Reward of loving Ahle Bayt (a.s.) .............................................. 241
Reward of fulfilling a desire of a Muslim .................................. 241
Reward of shaking hands with a believing brother ................... 241
Reward of praising and glorifying Allah after receiving bounties
................................................................................................. 241
Reward of living a life of forty to ninety years........................... 242
Reward of respecting an elderly person after knowing his
excellence ................................................................................ 243
Reward of Jihad in the way of Allah along with a just Imam..... 243
Reward of looking after a horse ................................................ 244
Reward of saying Bismillaah while mounting ........................... 245
Traditions regarding quadrupeds .............................................. 245
Reward of having fever ............................................................ 246
Reward of having fever the whole night ................................... 246
Reward of bearing illness for a night and thanking Allah .......... 246
Reward of illness ...................................................................... 247
Reward of having headache for a night .................................... 247
Reward of a sick ....................................................................... 247
Reward of illness of a child ...................................................... 247
Reward of visiting a sick, giving ritual bath to dead, attending a
funeral, consoling a mother at the death of her young son ....... 248
Reward of facing the corpse towards Qiblah ............................ 248
Reward of Talqeen for a dead .................................................. 248
Reward of giving Ghusl to a corpse .......................................... 249
Reward of keeping up the hopes of giving birth to a healthy child
even after suffering miscarriages ............................................... 249
Reward of shouldering the coffin of a person ........................... 250
Reward of selecting a good burial shroud and shrouding it
appropriately ............................................................................ 250
Reward of squeeze of grave for a believer ................................ 250
Reward of meeting Allah with the hope of reward for the lovers of
Ahle Bayt (a.s.) ......................................................................... 250
Reward of saying Laa ilaaha illallaah at the time of calamity .... 251
Reward of being patient ........................................................... 251
Reward of condolence ............................................................. 252
Reward of visiting the grave of a believer ................................. 252
Reward of stroking the head of an orphan ................................ 253
Reward of consoling a crying orphan ....................................... 253
Reward of a believer after his death and reward of making a
believer happy ......................................................................... 253
Reward of loving ones children ............................................... 254
Reward of buying gifts for ones near and dear ones and making
ones daughter and son happy.................................................. 255
Reward of having daughters ..................................................... 255
Iqaabul Aamaal ....................................................................... 257
(Divine Punishment for various sins) ........................................ 257
Punishment of not worshipping Allah according to divine orders
................................................................................................. 258
Punishment of underestimating the order of Allah .................... 258
Punishment of hatred of Ahle Bayt of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)
................................................................................................. 258
Punishment of not knowing the rights of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) .......... 259
Punishment of dying without the recognition of Imam ............. 261
Punishment of obeying an unjust leader who is not appointed by
Allah ........................................................................................ 261
Punishment of Assuming the responsibility of the community in
spite of the presence of learned scholars and jurists ................. 262
Punishment of not reciting durood in Salaat and on mention of the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) ............................................................. 262
Punishment of enmity with Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and denying
or doubting his Wilayat ............................................................ 262
Punishment of Qadiris .............................................................. 268
Punishment of claiming Imamate while the true Imam is present
................................................................................................. 270
Punishment of Adams son who slew his brother, Nimrod who
fought with Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) regarding the Lord, the two
persons of Bani Israel who made their communities Jew and
Christian, Firon who claimed to be a God and two persons of this
Ummah .................................................................................... 271
Punishment of those who martyred Imam Husain (a.s.) ............ 273
Punishment of oppression, breaking relations, false testimony and
fornication ................................................................................ 278
Punishment of wickedness and fraud ....................................... 279
Punishment of manslaughter, drinking wine and slandering ..... 279
World is house of punishment.................................................. 279
Punishment of Bigotry .............................................................. 280
Punishment of the proud .......................................................... 280
Punishment of not punishing a criminal ................................... 282
Punishment of drawing a picture, narrating false dreams and
listening to detestable people ................................................... 282
Punishment of a person who laughs while committing a sin .... 283
Punishment of performing a good deed for others than Allah ... 283
Punishment of obeying wives ................................................... 284
Punishment of offering Salaat without Wuzu and passing by a
poor man without helping him ................................................. 284
Punishment of offering sacrifices to idols.................................. 284
Punishment of false testimony .................................................. 285
Punishment of taking Allahs oath falsely ................................. 286
Punishment of carelessness about the impurity of urine ........... 288
Punishment of not giving importance to Salaat ......................... 289
Punishment of not performing Ghusl-e-Janaabat ...................... 289
Punishment of performing short prostrations ............................ 289
Punishment of turning attention towards something else thrice in
Salaat ....................................................................................... 289
Punishment of not offering Salaat during its prime time ............ 290
Punishment of reciting Surahs while attending Congregation
Prayer ....................................................................................... 291
Punishment of not standing in proper row behind Imam .......... 291
Punishment of leaving an obligatory Salaat or considering Salaat
unimportant ............................................................................. 291
Punishment of delay in offering Salaat-e-Asr ............................ 292
Punishment of not offering Isha Prayer till midnight ................. 293
Punishment of leaving Congregation Prayer and Friday Prayer . 293
Punishment of committing a greater sin.................................... 294
Punishment of usurping the wealth of an orphan ..................... 295
Punishment of not paying Zakat ............................................... 296
Punishment of refusing Zakat ................................................... 299
Punishment of breaking a single fast of the month of Ramadan 299
Punishment of not performing an obligatory Hajj ..................... 299
Role of tongue in reward and punishment ................................ 299
Punishment of not reciting Surah Tauheed for three days ......... 300
Punishment of not reciting Surah Tauheed on Friday ............... 300
Punishment of not reciting Surah Ikhlaas during illness and
calamity ................................................................................... 300
Punishment of not reciting Surah Ikhlaas in any of the five Prayers
of a day .................................................................................... 300
Punishment of memorizing and again forgetting a chapter of the
Holy Quran .............................................................................. 301
Punishment of insulting a believer............................................ 301
Punishment of forsaking a believer ........................................... 301
Punishment of taunting a believer and turning a deaf ear to his
words ....................................................................................... 301
Punishment of taunting and insulting a believer ....................... 302
Punishment of staying away from a believer............................. 302
Punishment of taking profit from a believer .............................. 302
Punishment of giving more importance to a mortgaged thing than
a believer ................................................................................. 302
Punishment of depriving a believer of a thing .......................... 302
Punishment of depriving a believer of his right ......................... 303
Punishment of blaming a believing man or woman falsely ....... 303
Punishment of repeating the words of a believer in order to expose
him .......................................................................................... 304
Punishment of not giving shelter to a helpless believer............. 304
Punishment of exposing the defects of a believer ..................... 304
Punishment of being haughty against Allah .............................. 305
Punishment of intention of a sin ............................................... 305
Punishment of committing sins ................................................. 305
Punishment of including the pleasure of people with the pleasure
of Allah while performing a good deed .................................... 305
Punishment of breaking relations and creating differences ....... 306
Punishment of betrayal of trust, theft, drinking wine and
fornication ................................................................................ 306
Punishment of eating mud ........................................................ 309
Punishment of humiliating oneself before a ruler or an enemy of
religion ..................................................................................... 310
Punishment of leaving obligations and committing prohibited acts
................................................................................................. 310
Punishment of having an intention to commit a sin openly among
believers ................................................................................... 311
Punishment of one who is indebted at the time of death, who is
careless of urine present on body and clothes, spreads scandals,
backbites and slanders ............................................................. 312
Punishment of clashing with an oppressive ruler without any
cause ........................................................................................ 313
Punishment of not fulfilling the desire of a person seeking it .... 313
Punishment of not fulfilling the desire of a believer in spite of
being capable of it.................................................................... 314
Punishment of not helping even after the help is sought ........... 314
Punishment of wearing nice clothes when there are believers
having no clothes ..................................................................... 315
Punishment of eating to ones fill when there is a believer who is
hungry ...................................................................................... 315
Punishment of Insulting a believer............................................ 315
Punishment of not helping one who is being backbited ........... 316
Punishment of boasting ............................................................ 316
Punishment of avoiding beggars and walking proudly.............. 316
Punishment of having enmity with each other and betrayal of trust
................................................................................................. 317
Punishment of sins ................................................................... 317
Punishment of sinful scholars, hypocrite reciter of Quran, a
corrupt minister, false scholars and promise-breakers .............. 319
Punishment of obeying the Devil and love of this world .......... 320
Punishment of showoff ............................................................. 321
Punishment of making something with an intention to boast about
it............................................................................................... 322
Punishment of forgoing Amr bil Maroof and Nahy Anil Munkar
................................................................................................. 322
Punishment of Allahs Anger .................................................... 322
Punishment of killing a person after providing him shelter ....... 322
Punishment of back-biting a warrior, hurting him and torturing his
children .................................................................................... 323
Punishment of threatening a believer with a king ..................... 323
Punishment of hurting a believer or having enmity with him.... 323
Punishment of Innovation ........................................................ 324
Punishment of disobeying Allah ............................................... 325
Punishment of doubt and sin .................................................... 326
Punishment of a woman who applies perfume for anyone except
her husband and goes out without his permission .................... 326
Punishment of not helping Ahle Bayt (a.s.) in spite of seeing and
hearing them calling for help ................................................... 326
Punishment of taking up the leadership of ten persons and not
being able to do justice to them ............................................... 327
Punishment of taking the command of Muslims and wasting it 327
Punishment of oppressors and their helpers ............................. 328
Punishment of getting proximity to unjust rulers ....................... 328
Punishment of having ones name written in the Register of the
unjust ....................................................................................... 328
Punishment of a ruler who does not fulfill the needs of the people
................................................................................................. 328
Punishment of Silence against Evil ........................................... 329
Punishment of adulterer and adulteress .................................... 330
Punishment of looking at women ............................................. 332
Punishment of homosexual relations ........................................ 332
Punishment of falsifying Allah, His Messenger and Imams (a.s.) 338
Punishment of a person who double-talks ................................ 338
Punishment of cursing a person who does not deserve it.......... 339
Punishment of falsely testifying to the disbelief of a believer .... 339
Punishment of wickedness and treachery ................................. 340
Punishment of injustice and oppression ................................... 340
Punishment of tyrants ............................................................... 342
Punishment of walking proudly on earth .................................. 343
Punishment of injustice ............................................................ 343
Punishment of a person who begs in spite of having rations for
three days ................................................................................. 344
Punishment of asking for a thing which is not needed .............. 344
Punishment of committing suicide ........................................... 344
Punishment of supporting the murder of a believer with a few
words ....................................................................................... 344
Punishment of murdering someone .......................................... 345
Punishment of participating in the murder of a Muslim or being
pleased with it .......................................................................... 347
Punishment of a killer and one who supports him .................... 347
Punishment of making the Holy Quran a way to earn money .. 348
Punishment of mixing one part of Quran with another ............. 348
Punishment of offering full prayers (4 rakats) while traveling .... 348
Punishment of other evil deeds ................................................ 348
Glossary of Islamic Terms ........................................................ 372
Reward for saying: There is no God except
Allah (Laa ilaaha illallaah)
1. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: Allah, the Mighty
and Sublime told Musa Ibne Imran: O Musa If the seven
heavens and the seven earths and whatever is between them
are placed on one side of the balance and on the other side
Laa ilaaha illallaah, the latter shall be found heavier.
2. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: Two things are
causes of two others. One who dies testifying that there is
no God except Allah shall enter Paradise and one who dies
associating someone or something with Allah shall enter
Fire (of Hell).
3. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: Prompt your
departed ones to say: There is no god except Allah for it
erases the sins. So they asked: O Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.s.), what if one recites this when one is healthy
(alive)? The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied, This (utterance)
destroys the sins and finishes them off in any condition.
Indeed There is no God except Allah is a friend and
helper of man in life in death and in raising after death. The
Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) also said: Jibraeel said: O
Muhammad! You shall see them when they are raised with
shining countenances those who used to chant: There is no
God except Allah and Allah is the greatest. And those shall
be black faced who used to say: Woe be to you, you are
4. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: The price of
Paradise is Laa ilaaha illallaah (there is no God except
5. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: One who says
There is no god except Allah, for him a tree of rubies is
planted in Paradise which is sweeter than honey, whiter
than snow and more fragrant than Musk. And its fruits are
like breasts of virgins which are prominent even from
beneath seventy veils.
6. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says that the Messenger of
Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: There is nothing which is not equal in
weight to something else. Except for Allah, as nothing is
equal to Him and nothing is equal to There is no god
except Allah also. And there is no measure for tears that
flow in fear of Allah. Even if a single tear flows on the face
of a person, he or she would never be helpless and
7. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) says: There is no Muslim that
says: There is no God except Allah and his or her grades
are not elevated. He or she will continue to scale all heights.
None of his (or her) sins shall be questioned. And for each
of his sins equal number of good deeds would be given and
he would be satisfied.
8. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says: There is nothing more
rewarding than the testimony of There is no God except
Allah because Allah has not appointed anything equal to it
and there is no partner of Allah in this matter.
9. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) says: Till date, I and
those who preceded me never said anything equal to There
is no God except Allah.
10. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his forefathers that
the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: (Saying) There is no
God except Allah is the best worship act.
11. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) says: Sins are erased
from the scroll of deeds of every believer who says: There is
no God except Allah and good deeds equal to the number
of sins are bestowed on him.
12. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The statement: Laa ilaaha
illallaah is equal to the cost of Paradise.
13. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Recite Tahleel (Laa ilaaha
illallaah) and takbeer (Allaahu Akbar) often because Allah
likes nothing more than Takbeer and Tahleel.
your Ummah recites Laa ilaaha illallaah Wahdahu
Wahdahu Wahdahu he will have Tooba (good fortune).
Reward of bearing witness that there is no God
except Allah
1. Once the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) was sitting with his
companions including Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.). The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who recites Laa ilaaha illallaah
shall enter Paradise. Two of the companions sitting there
said, We also recite Laa ilaaha illallaah.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, Only the statement of Laa
ilaaha illallaah said by him [Ali (a.s.)] and his Shias will be
accepted. With whom the Almighty Allah has made a
They both again said, We also recite Laa ilaaha illallaah.
This time, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) kept his hand on the
head of Ali (a.s.) said, The sign (of acceptance of the
statement of Laa ilaaha illallaah) is that one should not
break oaths given to him, nor sit in his place or reject his
Reward of reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah without
1. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says, If one recites Laa ilaaha
illallaah without surprise, the Almighty Allah will create a
bird from it, which will hover over that person till the Day of
Judgment and continue to remember the one who recited it
(Laa ilaaha illallaah).
reciting Ash-
Reward of reciting Ash-hadu al Laa ilaaha
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, One who recites Ash-hadu
al Laa ilaaha illallaahu Wahdahu laa shareekalahu
ilaahanw waahidan ahadas samadal lam yattakhidh
saahibatanw wa laa waladaa, the Almighty Allah writes
forty-five hundred thousand rewards for him and wipes out
forty-five hundred thousand sins and increases forty-five
hundred thousand positions for him. That person is as if he
has completed reciting the Holy Quran twelve times in a
day and Allah will build a house for him in Paradise.
Reward of reciting Tasbeehaat-
Tasbeehaat-e-Arba often
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says that the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.s.) said, Recite Sub-haanallaahi wal hamdu lillaahi
wa laa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu akbar often because this
statement will come to you surrounded by angels and will
be included among your good deeds.
Reward of bearing witness to the Oneness of
Almighty God and prophethood of the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.)
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, One who bears witness
saying, Laa ilaaha illallaah and does not say Muhammadur
rasoolullaah gets ten rewards. However, if he says Laa
ilaaha illallaah as well as Muhammadur rasoolullaah he
would get a million rewards.
2. Sohail bin Saad Ansari says, I asked the meaning of this
verse Wa maa kunta bijaanibit toori idh naadainaa from
the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.). The Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) replied, Two thousand years before the creation
of man, the Almighty Allah wrote this verse on a dry leaf
and hung it in the heaven and then gave a call, O Ummah
of Muhammad! My mercy precedes My anger. I grant you
before you ask. I forgive you before you repent. If one of
you meets Me and bears witness that there is no Lord except
Me and that Muhammad is My servant and messenger I will
make him enter Paradise through My mercy.
Reward of reciting Takbeer, Tasbeeh, Tahmeed
and Tahleel a hundred times
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors that
Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, Some people gathered
around the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) and asked, O
Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.)! Rich people have wealth
through which they can free slaves but what about the poor
ones like us? They have money to go for Hajj but we cant
go. They have enough money for giving Sadaqah but we do
not have any. They have enough wealth to buy weapons
and participate in Jihad but we do not have anything. the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, The reward of reciting takbeer
(Allaahu Akbar) a hundred times is better than the reward of
freeing a slave. The reward of reciting Tasbeeh (Sub-
haanallaah) a hundred times is better than taking a hundred
camels for Hajj. The reward of reciting Tahmeed (Al-
hamdulillaah) is better than taking more than a hundred
horses with saddles and straps laden with weapons of war
for Jihad. And the reward of a person who recites Laa ilaaha
illallaah a hundred times is better than everyone except one
who recites it more than a hundred times. Amirul
Momineen (a.s.) says, When rich people came to know
about this tradition, they too started performing these deeds.
The poor people again came to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)
and said that even rich people have come to know about
this and they too are offering them. The Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) replied, That is Allah's grace; He grants it to whom
He pleases, and Allah is the Lord of mighty grace.
Reward of Tasbeehaat-
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says that the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.s.) turned towards his companions and said, Pick up
the shield of Allah. The companions asked, There is no
enemy, why should we pick up the shield? The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, Pick it up for combating the Hell
and recite Sub-haanallaahi wal hamdu lillaahi wa laa
ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu akbar.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says that the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.s.) said, Recite Sub-haanallaahi wal hamdu lillaahi
wa laa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu akbar often because this
statement will come to you surrounded by angels and will
be included among your good deeds.
3. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, One who says Sub-
haanallah Allah will plant a tree for him in Paradise. One
who says Al-hamdulillaah then too a tree will be planted
for him in Paradise. Similarly, One who says Laa ilaaha
illallaah then also Allah will plant a tree for him in Paradise.
Allah will also plant a tree for one who recites Allaahu
Akbar. A man of Quraish said: O the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.s.), then there would be many trees in Paradise for us?
Yes, but be careful that you do not send fire or they all
would get burnt up. That is why the Almighty Allah said: O
you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle, and do
not make your deeds of no effect.1
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says that one day the Messenger
of Allah (s.a.w.s.) asked his companions, Do you know that
if your clothes and utensils are gathered in one place and
kept one above another they reach the sky? They replied,
No! The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, Should I tell you
about a thing whose roots are in the earth and branches
above the sky? Everyone replied, Indeed we want to know
it. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who recites Sub-
haanallaahi wal hamdu lillaahi wa laa ilaaha illallaahu
wallaahu akbar (the roots of this statement are in the earth
and its branches are above the sky) thirty times after each
obligatory prayers the above statement will safeguard him
from being crushed under a wall, drowning, falling in well,
falling prey to wild animals, death due to accidents and
Surah Muhammad 47:33
from dangerous things falling from skies. This statement will
remain as permanent good deeds for him.
Reward of acknowledging the Lordship of
Allah, Prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.),
Imamate of Ali (a.s.) and fulfilling religious
1. It is narrated from Mufaddal bin Umar that Imam Jafar
Sadiq (a.s.) said, The Almighty Allah has guaranteed a thing
for a believer. Mufaddal asked, O master! What is that?
Imam (a.s.) replied, One who has belief in the Lordship of
Allah, prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), imamate of Ali
(a.s.), fulfills the obligatory deeds Allah would keep him
near Himself forever and He wont remain hidden from that
person. Mufaddal said, By God, this grace is not like that
of humans. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, You can earn
many rewards even if you perform a few good deeds.
performing ablution only the parts of body concerned with
ablution will become pure and not his whole body.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, A person who utters the
name of Allah while performing ablution is like one who
has performed a Ghusl.
Reward of keeping eyes open during ablution
1. Imam Reza (a.s.) says, Keep your eyes open while
performing ablution. Perhaps you will save yourself from
seeing the fire of Hell by doing so.
Swallowing ones spit for the respect of mosque
1. It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that the
Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said, One who swallows his
spit out of respect of mosque Allah makes his mouth the
cause of safety of his body and no harm would be caused to
his body.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, One who does not spit in
mosque and swallows it, would soon be cured of the
disease from which he is suffering.
Reward of performing ablution before going to
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, One who goes to bed after
performing ablution, his bed is like the place of worship in a
mosque the whole night.
Reward of avoiding the sight of private parts of
a believer
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The Almighty Allah will
save him from the boiling water of Hell one who goes to the
bathroom and avoids seeing private parts of a brother in
2. It is narrated from Isa bin Abdullah Alawi who has
narrated from his father and he in turn from his father that
when the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) used to be sad,
Jibraeel (a.s.) used to come to him and say, Do wash your
head with jujube leaves.
Reward of dye
dyeing ones hair
1. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) got the news that some
people of his community have applied saffron dye to their
beards. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, This is Islamic
way of dyeing and I want to meet them. Ali (a.s.) went to
them and conveyed the message of the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.). They came to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.). When
the latter saw them, he said, This is an Islamic way of
dyeing. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) says that when they heard
this, they developed a liking for dye and applied a red dye
to their beard. When the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) got this
news, he said, This is the dye of faith, I would like to meet
them. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) conveyed this message to
those people and they gathered near the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.). On seeing them, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said,
This is the dye of faith. After hearing this saying, those
people continued this deed till they lived.
2. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) says, The color of dye,
which Allah likes the most is dark black.
3. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says, Spending a dirham for
dye is equal to spending a hundred dirhams in the way of
Allah. There are fourteen benefits of applying dye it stops
air from ears, improves eyesight, softens the root of nose,
mouth smells good, jaws become strong, removes the odor
of armpits, evil thoughts lessen, angels become happy, it is a
cause of glad-tidings for a believer and suffering for a
disbeliever, it is the cause of beauty, fragrance and
avoidance of the hardships of grave and Munkir and Nakir
would shy due to dye.
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Henna keeps away odor
from man, increases ones honor and prestige, fragrances
ones mouth and makes the children virtuous. He further
said, One who applies henna from head to toe after using
Noorah (depilatory made of lime) his poverty would end.
5. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) says, Black dye is the cause of
beauty for women and a cause of defeat of enemies.
6. It is narrated from Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who applies Noorah and dyes
his body with henna Allah would keep him away from three
things till he applies them again. Those three things are
diseases like leprosy, leucoderma and scabies.
Reward of combing ones beard seventy times
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Shaitaan will remain aloof
for next forty days from one who combs his beard seventy
Reward of reciting Surah Qadr while cutting a
cloth for new dress
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, A person should recite
Surah Qadr thirty-six times while cutting a new cloth. When
he reaches Tanazzalul malaa-ikatu, he should sprinkle a
little water on the cloth. He should then offer a two rakat
Salaat and recite this supplication Alhamdulillaahilladhee
razaqanee maa atajammalu bihi finnaasi wa uwaaree bihi
auratee wa usallee feehi lirabbee wa ahmadullaah. Before
this cloth gets old, there would be abundance in
Reward of complete ablution, Umrah, payment
of Zakat
1. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) narrates from his father, Imam
Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One
who performs complete ablution, offers Salaat regularly,
pays Zakat of his wealth regularly, controls his anger and
tongue, repents for his sins and seeks goodness of the Ahle
Bayt (a.s.) of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) then all the duties of
his faith are fulfilled and the doors of Paradise would be
opened for him.
house for meeting Me shall have (Tooba) a good fortune.
Know that it is necessary for the host to honor his guest.
In another tradition, it is said, Know that those who visit
mosque in darkness will get bright eyesight and glad-tidings
on the Day of Judgment.
Reward of going to mosque after performing
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, It is written in the Old
Testament: My houses on earth are mosques. A slave of
Mine who performs ablution in his house and come to My
house for meeting Me shall have Tooba (a good fortune).
Know that it is necessary for the host to honor his guest.
2. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says, Know that Allah says,
My houses on the earth are mosques. As stars provide light
to the people on earth mosques do to the people on heaven.
Know that those people have Tooba (good fortune) whose
houses are mosques. Also know that a slave of Mine who
performs ablution in his house and come to My house for
meeting Me shall have Tooba (good fortune). Know that it is
necessary for the host to honor his guest. Know that there
are glad tidings of bright light on the Day of Judgment for
one who visits the mosque in darkness.
3. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) says, Whenever people of the
earth commit sins or get involved in wrong deeds, the
Almighty Allah intends to send down His chastisement on
the people of the world. However when He sees elderly
people praying and young children learning Quran, He feels
pity on them and does not send down His chastisement.
and Allah would make him enter Paradise. And for a person
who did not offer prayers on time, Allah has choice whether
to punish him or forgive him.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) went to the mosque one day. Some of his
companions were present there. He said, Do you know
what your Lord has conveyed to you? Your Lord has said,
One who offers obligatory prayers five times and that too
on prime time, he will come to Me with an assurance on the
Day of Judgment and I would make him enter Paradise. And
for a person who did not offer prayers on time, I have
choice whether to punish him or forgive him.
Reward of offering prayer in Masjidul Haraam
1. Imam Reza (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors that the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, The reward of a Salaat offered
in Masjidul Haraam is more than the reward of a hundred
thousand prayers offered in some other mosque.
garden of Paradise and its left has Makr. He asked, What
do you mean by Makr? Imam (a.s.) replied, It implies the
buildings of Shaitaan.
2. Muhammad bin Sinaan says that he heard Imam Reza
(a.s.) say, The reward of offering a prayer in Masjid-e-Kufa
alone is better than the reward of offering seventy prayers in
congregation in other mosques.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, A single prayer of Masjid-e-
Kufa is equal to one thousand prayers of other mosques.
Reward of Calling out the Azaan
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The most elevated people
on the Day of Judgment will be those who used to call out
the Azaan.
Reward of repeating
repeating Azaan
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, One who hears the
Muezzin say: Ash-hadu allaa ilaaha illallaahu wa ash-hadu
anna muhammadar rasoolullaah and testifies it for the sake
of seeking reward from Allah by saying Wa anaa ash-hadu
allaa ilaaha illallaahu wa anna muhammadar rasoolullaahi
aktafee bihimaa an kulli man abaa wa jahada wa ueenu
bihimaa man aqarra wa shahid Almighty Allah forgives him
with the forgiveness equal to those who testify in this way
and those who dont.
Reward of reciting Azaan
Azaan for ten years seeking
reward from Allah
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, One who recites
Azaan for ten years seeking reward from Allah, Allah would
forgive him with the forgiveness equal to the number of
times he looks at the sky and number of times his voice
comes out. Everything, be it dry or wet will testify it. All
those who hear this person and pray inside the mosque will
also get a part of this reward.
offers Salaat after saying Iqamah; an angel would pray
behind him.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, One who offers Salaat after
saying Azaan and Iqamah two rows of angels pray behind
him. If a person offers Salaat after saying Iqamah only, one
row of angels prays behind him. The narrator asked, How
wide is that row? Imam (a.s.) replied, The shortest is from
east to west and the longest from earth to heaven.
Reward of a Sajdah
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who prostrates once,
one of his sins is forgiven and a position would be raised for
Reward of reciting
reciting Durood in the state of Ruku,
Sajdah and Qiyam
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, One who recites:
Allaahumma salli alaa muhammadinw wa aali
muhammad in his Ruku, his Sajdah and his Qiyam, Allah
writes for him a reward like that of Ruku, Sajdah or Qiyam.
Reward of Sajdah-
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, One who prostrates for
thanking for the bounties apart from Salaat, Allah writes for
him ten rewards, erases ten of his sins and increase his
position by ten levels in Paradise.
Reward of Salaat
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, Whenever the time of Salaat starts, an angel
calls out to the people, O people, stand up! Extinguish the
fire, which you have lighted on your backs with the help of
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, O Abdullah, when you
offer an obligatory prayer, offer it on time. Else it is possible
that you might lose the opportunity to do so. Focus your
eyes on the place of your prostrations while offering Salaat.
You pray carefully as if there is someone around you. Know
that He is seeing you and you are not able to see Him.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, There are three benefits of
Salaat whenever a person stands for Salaat, good deeds
descend on him from all the corners of the heaven, angels
surround that person from the place under his feet till the
heaven and an angel calls out, O worshipper! If you had
known to Whom you are supplicating you would have
never missed it.
Reward of offering Friday prayers during travel
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that his father said, If a
traveler among you offers Friday Prayer for the sake of
devotion and love of Almighty, Allah grants him reward
equal to one hundred non-travelers Friday Salaat.
Reward of rising up for Salaat
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, None of our Shias gets up
for prayer except that he is surrounded by angels equal to
the number of enemies around him and they pray behind
him and supplicate to Allah, the Mighty and the Sublime for
him till he finishes his prayer.
Reward of reciting Durood on Muhammad
(s.a.w.s.) and his progeny on Friday after Asr
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, After you pray the
Asr prayers on Friday recite as follows: Allaahumma salli
alaa muhammadinw wa aali muhammadin alaa ausiyaa-il
mursaleena bi-afzali salawaatika wa baarik wa baarika
alaihim bi-afzali barakaatika was salaamu alaihim wa
alaa arwaahihim wa ajsaamidihim wa rahmatullaahi wa
barakaatuh. For one who recites this after Asr, Allah writes
for him a hundred thousand rewards, wipes out a hundred
thousand sins. Fulfills a hundred thousand wishes of him
and increases his position by a hundred thousand levels.
a-oodhubirabbil falaq seven times, then Surah Hamd once
and Surah Qul huwallaahu ahad seven times, then Surah
Hamd once and Surah Qul a-oodhubirabbin Naas, no
calamity would befall him and he wont be involved in any
mischief. Further if he says: Allaahummaj alnee min ahlil
jannatillatee hashwuhaa barakatunw wa ummaaruhal
malaa-ikatu ma-a nabiyyeenaa muhammadinw wa
abeenaa ibraaheem Allah would keep him in Daarus
Salaam (Paradise) along with Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) and
Ibrahim (a.s.).
Reward of offering a two rakat recommended
prayer, giving a dirham as Sadaqah and fasting
for a day
1. The narrator says that he heard Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.)
say, Leave laziness aside for your Lord is Merciful. He
considers even a small deed of yours. A person who offers
even a two rakat Salaat for the pleasure of Allah, He will
make him enter Paradise for that. One who gives one
dirham as Sadaqah seeking the pleasure of Allah, He would
make him enter Paradise for that. One who fasts for a single
day seeking the pleasure of Allah, He would make him enter
Paradise for that.
Reward of Praying with perfume
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Two rakat prayer prayed
with perfume is equal to seventy rakat prayer offered
without perfume.
Reward of Salaat-
Salaat-e-Jafar bin Abi Talib (a.s.)
1. The narrator asked Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.), What is the
reward of offering Salaat-e-Jafar-e-Tayyar? Imam (a.s.)
replied, Allah would forgive that person even if his sins are
equal to the number of grains of sand or number of waves in
the oceans. The narrator asked, Is this reward applicable
for us? Imam (a.s.) replied, Of course, then for whom else?
It is for you only. The narrator asked, Which Surah should
be recited in this Salaat? Imam (a.s.) replied, Recite Idhaa
zulzilat, idhaa jaa-a nasrullaah, innaa anzalnaahu fee
lailatil qadr and qul huwallaahu ahad.
Reward of Salaat-
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The honor of a believer is in
offering Salaat-e-Shab and his prestige is in not asking from
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Offer Salaat-e-Shab for it is
the Sunnah of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) and the virtuous that
came before you. It removes all the ailments from your
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Salaat-e-Shab brightens the
face. It imparts a sweet smell and increase in earnings.
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, As Almighty Allah said,
Wealth and children are the adornment of life, surely the
eight rakat prayer offered in the last part of night is the
adornment of the Hereafter.
5. It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that a person
came to him and expressed his wish. He was about to
complain of his starvation when Imam asked him, Do you
offer Salaat-e-Shab? He said, Yes. Imam turned to him
and said, He is a liar that claims to offer Salaat-e-Shab and
says that he has to starve during the day, because the
Almighty Allah has guaranteed the sustenance of the day in
the Salaat-e-Shab.
6. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors that
Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, Salaat-e-Shab is related to the
safety of body, pleasure of Lord, character of the prophets
and it attracts the Mercy of Allah.
7. The narrator says, I heard him say that if one gets up at
night after turning to his left and right in such a state that his
chin is touching his chest (out of tiredness), Allah orders the
doors of heavens to be opened and says to His angels: Look
at this servant of Mine. He is going to perform what is not
even obligatory for him. He can expect three things from Me
that I forgive all his sins, I give him a chance to repent
once again and increase his earnings. I hold you all angels
as witness that I would grant all these things to him.
8. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Salaat-e-Shab beautifies
ones face, improves ones character, fragrances the body
and increases earnings. It helps in repayment of debts,
removal of sorrows and improves eyesight.
9. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, It is possible that a person
lies and is deprived of his sustenance. The narrator asked,
How can he be deprived of his sustenance? Imam (a.s.)
replied, By getting deprived from Salaat-e-Shab. One who
is deprived of Salaat-e-Shab is (also) deprived of his
10. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The houses, in which the
Holy Quran is recited along with Salaat-e-Shab appear
bright to the people of heaven in the same way as stars
appear to the people of the world.
11. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) explains the statement of Allah
that Good deeds destroy sins by saying, The Salaat offered
by a believer at night destroys the sins committed by him
during the day.
Reward of remaining awake at night reciting
the Holy Quran
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates from his father that
a person asked the reward of remaining awake at night and
reciting the Holy Quran to Amirul Momineen (a.s.). Amirul
Momineen (a.s.) replied, There are glad tidings for him.
One who offers Salaat in one-tenth part of night seeking
reward from Allah, the Almighty Allah says to His angels,
Note down the good deeds for this servant of Mine equal to
the number of all the grains, leaves, trees and meadows.
One who offers Salaat for one-ninth part of night Allah
grants him ten recommended supplications and hands over
his scroll of deeds on the Day of Judgment in his right hand.
One who offers Salaat for one-eighth part of night Almighty
Allah grants him the reward of a martyr who was patient
and had pure intention and Almighty Allah would also
accept his intercession. One who offers Salaat for one-
seventh part of night he would come out of his grave in such
a state that his face would be shinning like a full moon and
he would pass on the Sirat Bridge along with the protected
ones of Allah. One who offers Salaat for one-sixth part of
night would be counted among those who repent and his
sins committed in past and future would be forgiven. One
who spends one-fifth part of night offering Salaat would get
a place in Maqbara-e-Ibrahim (a.s.). One who offers Salaat
for one-fourth part of night would be considered first among
the successful people for he would pass through the Sirat
Bridge like a strong wind and enter Paradise without
accounting of his deeds. One who offers Salaat for one-third
part of night every angel whom he will meet will say to him,
I wish even my position would have been so near to Allah
like yours. That person would be given the choice of
entering Paradise through any of the eight doors. One who
offers Salaat for half part of night giving him whole earth
filled with gold seventy thousand times would not be
sufficient as his reward. The reward of this deed is more
than that of freeing seventy slaves from the progeny of Ismail
(a.s.). One who prays for two-third part of a night would be
given rewards equal to the number of grains of sand on
earth and the weight of smallest deed would be equal to that
of Mt. Ohad. One who involves himself in Salaat, Ruku and
recitation of the Holy Quran he would be given a great
reward. The smallest reward given to him is that he would
be cleansed of his sins as he was on the day he was born.
He would be given rewards and positions equal to the
number of all creatures of Allah. His grave would remain
illuminated forever. Sins and jealousy would be removed
from his heart. He would be given salvation from the
chastisement of grave. He would be given freedom from
Hell. All those who were in his protection would be
resurrected along with him. The Almighty Allah will say to
the angels, O My angels! See this servant of Mine. He used
to remain awake at night for the sake of My pleasure. Give
him peace in Paradise. There are a hundred thousand cities
in Paradise for him and all of them have all the things
required to satisfy the desires of the eyes and the hunger of
ones heart. You wont believe that I am going to give him
more honor and proximity to Myself.
Nafila Salaat even if it is simple at the time of unawareness it
would make him reach the door of Mercy (Paradise).
Someone asked, O Messenger of Allah! What is this time of
unawareness? He replied, It is between Maghrib and Isha
Reward of Taa
1. Imam Husain (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, One who remembers Allah sitting at the
place he offered Morning Prayer till sunrise is given reward
equal to the number of pilgrims of the house of Allah and he
would get salvation. If he sits there till the time of next Salaat
and offers at least four rakat prayer all his past sins would be
forgiven and he would get reward equal to performing Hajj
of the House of Allah.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, One who recites Taaqibaat
after Maghrib prayer and offers two rakat prayer without
having spoken to anyone it would be written in Illiyeen and
if he offers a four rakat prayer it would be counted as a pure
3. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said that Allah, the Might and Sublime
said, O children of Adam! Remember Me after Morning
Prayer for an hour and after Asr prayers for an hour so that I
fulfill your important wishes.
Reward of Hajj and Umrah
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Allah, the Mighty and
Sublime, forgives the sins committed during the month of
Zilhajj, Muharram, Safar, Rabiul Awwal and first ten days of
Rabius Sani by a pilgrim, his family, his relatives and by
those for whom he seeks forgiveness.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Allah forgives one who
performs Hajj for Allahs pleasure without the intention of
showing it off to the people.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that Imam Zainul
Abideen (a.s.) said, Perform Hajj and Umrah so that your
bodies remain healthy, earnings increase, your faith
strengthens and the expenses of people and your family
members are met through it.
4. The narrator says that he asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), I
have made an intention to go for Hajj every year or send
someone from my family. Imam enquired, Are you saying
this for sure? Yes, he replied. Imam (a.s.) said, If that is
so, you should remain assured that you will get excessive
wealth. Glad tiding to you for excessive wealth.
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, Whenever a pilgrim
intends to go for a Hajj, Allah writes ten rewards for him,
wipes his ten sins and increases his position by ten levels
even before he has bought a single thing for his journey.
When he intends to board the vehicle, Allah gives him the
above mentioned reward even before he has set his foot on
it. When he performs the circumambulation of the House of
Allah his sins are wiped off. When he performs Saee
between Safa and Marwa, he becomes pure of his sins.
When he halts at Arafah, his sins vanish. When he camps in
Mashar he comes out of his sins. When he performs stoning
at Jimaraat, all his sins are wiped off. Similarly, the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) narrated all the acts of Hajj and said that
all these acts wipe the sins of a person. Then he said, How
can you reach the position of a Hajj pilgrim?
6. The narrator says that he heard Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.)
say, When a Hajj pilgrim enters Mecca, Allah allots two
angels for protecting him during circumambulation, Salaat
and Saee. When he halts in Arafah, he is patted on his right
shoulder and told, Your past sins are forgiven. See how you
spend your future life.
7. A person told Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.), You did not
perform Jihad as it was difficult and performed Hajj as it is
easy. Imam was resting his back against the wall. He sat up
straight and said, Woe be on you. The saying of the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) at the time of the Last Hajj did not reach
you. Surely, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) conveyed to people
through Bilal at sunset to keep quiet. When people fell
silent, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, The Almighty Allah
has made this day blessed for you. He has forgiven righteous
among you and accepted their intercession for those who
sinned. Go away for you are forgiven and you have gained
the pleasure of Allah for those among you who were
8. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that when the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) started moving towards Arafah, a Bedouin saw him
in the desert and said, O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.)! I
have come to perform Hajj but I am not able to do so
because of some problem. I have wealth; tell me something,
which I can do and gain the reward of performing Hajj.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) pointed at Mount Abu Qubais
and replied, If you have a quantity of red gold equal to
Mount Abu Qubais and you spend it in the way of Allah
then too you wont get the reward of Hajj.
9. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The people who return from
Hajj are of three types some are freed from the fire of Hell,
some become pure of their sins like they were on the day
their mothers gave them birth and some protect their family
and wealth. These are minimum benefits for a Hajj pilgrim.
10. The narrator says that he heard Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.)
say, The reward of performing Hajj is more than freeing ten
slaves. Imam (a.s.) kept on counting till he said that the
reward of the acts of Hajj is more than freeing seventy slaves
and said that the reward of circumambulation and a two
rakat prayer are equal to freeing a slave.
11. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Allah, the Blessed and the
High, has positioned one hundred twenty bounties around
Mecca. Out of that sixty are for those who perform
circumambulation, forty for those who offer Salaat and
twenty for the spectators.
12. A person came to Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.). Imam (a.s.)
asked him, Are you returning from Hajj? Yes, he replied.
Imam (a.s.) asked, Do you know the reward of a Hajj
pilgrim? He replied, May I be sacrificed for you, I dont
know. Imam (a.s.) said, Every pilgrim should enter Mecca
for Hajj with extreme humility. When he enters Masjidul
Haraam, he should take small steps out of the fear of Allah.
He should perform circumambulation of the Holy Kaaba
and offer two rakat Salaat. Allah, the Mighty and Sublime
would note seventy thousand rewards for him, wipe his
seventy thousand sins, increase his position seventy
thousand levels, fulfill his seventy thousand wishes and
grant him the reward of freeing seventy thousand slaves
each costing ten thousand dirhams.
13. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, O Ishaq! For one who
performs one circumambulation of the Holy Kaaba, Allah
writes a thousand rewards, wipes out a thousand sins,
increases his position a thousand levels, plants a thousand
trees for him in Paradise and grants him reward of freeing a
thousand slaves. If he touches his chest to the wall of the
Holy Kaaba Allah opens all eight doors of Paradise for him
and he would be given choice of entering through any one
of them. The narrator asked, May I be sacrificed for you, is
all this reward for one who performs circumambulation?
Imam (a.s.) replied, Yes, should I tell you about a greater
reward? Yes, replied the narrator. Imam (a.s.) said, To
one who fulfils a wish of a believer, Allah gives reward of
Tawaaf, Tawaaf, Tawaaf(he repeated it ten times).
14. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) says, Hajj is a Jihad for our
weak Shias.
15. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), What will
Allah do to pilgrims like us? He will forgive all without
any exception.
16. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Hajj is of two types for
Allah and for people. One who performs Hajj for Allah
would be rewarded by Him and He would give him
Paradise on the Day of Judgment. One who performs Hajj
for people should seek reward from them.
17. The narrator says that he heard Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.)
say, One who performs Hajj only for Allah without any
show off in his deed surely, Allah, the Mighty and Sublime
would forgive him.
person is like worship and his breath is like glorification of
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The sleep of a fasting
person is worship, his silence like the glorification of Allah,
his deeds are accepted and his wishes, fulfilled.
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The smell of the mouth
(breath) of a fasting person is dearer to Allah than the
fragrance of musk.
5. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) says, Take a nap in forenoon;
for Allah provides food and water to the fasting person in his
seven days all the seven doors of Hell would be closed for
him. One who fasts for eight days all eight doors of Paradise
would be opened for him. One who fasts for fifteen days
would have his problems solved. One who fasts for more
than this Allah, the Mighty and Sublime would grant him a
greater reward.
2. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) says, Rajab is a river of Paradise
whiter than milk and sweeter than honey. One who
observes one fast in the month of Rajab, Allah, the Mighty
and Sublime would satisfy him with this river.
3. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) says, Rajab is a glorious month.
Allah doubles good deeds and wipes the sins in this month.
One who observes one fast in Rajab, Hell would go away
from him to a distance of a year and Paradise would be
made obligatory on one who fasts for three days.
4. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says, Know that Rajab is a
great month of Allah. It is called Asam because there is no
month so dear and excellent for Allah except this. It was
respected even during the time of ignorance. When Islam
arrived, it too increased the greatness and excellence of this
month. Know that Rajab is the month of Allah, Shaban is my
month and Ramadan is the month of my Ummah. Know that
if a faithful person fasts seeking reward from Allah he has
gained lots of pleasure of Allah. The fast of that person
would end the anger of Allah upon him; a door of Hell
would be closed for him. The reward of this fast with pure
intention is better than giving an earth filled with gold as
charity. No object in this world can make his reward
complete except good deeds. As soon as night falls, Allah
would fulfill his ten wishes. If he prays for worldly life his
prayers would be accepted. One who prays for His friends,
lovers and chosen people, Allah would accept his prayers.
One who observes two fasts in the month of Rajab nothing
in the earth and heavens can imagine the greatness of that
person. He would get the reward of a truthful person who
has never lied in his whole life-time. He would appear on
the Day of Judgment in the similar state. That person would
do intercession of others along with other truthful people till
they all enter Paradise and settle down with those truthful
persons. One who fasts for three days in Rajab, Allah would
erect a barrier between him and Hell whose distance would
be equal to travel of seventy years. Allah would say at the
time of Iftar, You have right upon Me and My love for you
has become obligatory. O angels! I hold you witness that I
have forgiven his sins from start till the end. One who fasts
for four days in the month of Rajab, he will remain safe from
calamities like the evils of Jinns, leprosy, leucoderma,
mischief of Dajjal and the punishment of grave. He would
get the reward of wise persons who repent. He would be
handed over the scroll of deeds in his right hand and made
to stand in the first row of worshippers. One who fasts for
five days in the month of Rajab it is the duty of Allah to
please him on the Day of Judgment. His face would be
shinning like the full moon when he is resurrected on the
Day of Judgment. Rewards equal to the number of grains of
sand would be written for him and he would be made to
enter Paradise without any accounting. He would be given
choice to ask whatever he wants from Allah. One who fasts
for six days in the month of Rajab, his face would be
brighter than sun when he is resurrected on the Day of
Judgment. Apart from this, he would be given extra light,
which would light up all those gathered on that day. He
would be gathered along with protected people and would
pass through the Sirat Bridge without any accounting. His
sins as great as disobeying parents and breaking relations
will be forgiven. One who fasts for seven days in the month
of Rajab, Allah would close all seven doors of Hell for him
and prohibit the fire of Hell for his body. One who fasts for
eight days in the month of Rajab, Allah would open all eight
doors of Paradise for him one by one and he would be given
choice to enter Paradise from whichever door he wishes.
One who fasts for nine days in Rajab would come out of his
grave saying Laa ilaaha illallaah and would not see anything
except Paradise. The light of his face would brighten the
people gathered on that day and people would think of him
as a prophet. The minimum reward given to him at that time
is entrance to Paradise without any accounts. One who fasts
for ten days in Rajab would be given two emerald wings
decorated by illuminating pearls and rubies. He would enter
Paradise flying over the Sirat Bridge with the help of these
wings. He would be counted among the just and dear ones
of Allah. He is like one who prayed for a hundred years with
the pure intention of seeking reward from Allah. One who
fasts for eleven days in Rajab, there would be no one greater
in front of Allah than him except one who has fasted more
than him. One who fasts for twelve days in Rajab would be
made to wear two dresses of brocade and silk. If one of
those dresses is brought to this world it would illuminate the
world from east to west and scent the world with fragrance
better than musk. One who observes thirteen fasts in Rajab,
a table would be spread under the shade of the Divine
throne and a number of eatables would be laid on it for him.
The span of this table would be seventy times the area of
this earth. Trays made of brocade and rubies will be laid on
it. Every tray would have seventy thousand types of eatables
each having distinct aroma and color. That person would
have food from this table while others would be involved in
a great difficulty. One who fasts for fourteen days in Rajab,
Allah would grant him huge palaces made of pearls and
rubies of such kind that eyes have neither seen nor ears
heard about nor can a human mind imagine them. One who
fasts for fifteen days in Rajab would stand at the place of
faithful people. Every angel, messenger and apostle passing
by him would say, Congratulations, for you are in peace,
near to Allah, honest, fortunate and happy and would rest in
gardens. One who fasts for sixteen days in Rajab would be
among those who are first to ride upon the vehicles of bright
light. He would fly from Paradise to the door of Mercy in
these vehicles. One who observes seventeen fasts in Rajab,
seventy thousand lamps would be illuminated for him at the
Sirat Bridge so that he enters Paradise passing the bridge in
the light of these lamps. Angels would welcome him saying,
Well done and Peace be upon you. One who fasts for
eighteen days in Rajab would be given a place on the
thrones made of pearls and rubies in the Minaret of Ibrahim
in Paradise. One who fasts for nineteen days in the month of
Rajab, Almighty Allah would construct a palace of pearls for
him facing the palaces of Adam (a.s.) and Ibrahim (a.s.). He
would salute them and they too would salute him and
respect his position. He would be given the reward of a
thousand fasts for each fast. One who observes fast for
twenty days in Rajab it is as if he has worshipped Allah for a
thousand years. One who fasts for twenty-one days in Rajab,
on the Day of Judgment he would get to intercede for
people numbering the sinners of Rabi and Mudhir tribes.
One who fasts for twenty-two days in Rajab a caller would
give call from heaven, O friend of Allah! There are glad-
tidings for you. There is great honor for you in Allahs eyes.
You are friend of prophets, truthful ones, martyrs and the
virtuous upon whom Allah has revealed His bounties and
mercy. They are your best friends. One who fasts for
twenty-three days in Rajab a call would be given from
heaven, O slave of Allah! You are fortunate. You have
taken less pain and you are getting much more benefit. The
veil is taken off from you. You are rewarded greatly by your
Lord. You will be a neighbor of Khaleel (Prophet Ibrahim) in
Darus Salaam. One who observes fast for twenty-four days
in Rajab the Angel of death would come to him in the form
of a handsome youth wearing a green brocade dress
mounted on a green horse of Paradise. He would be holding
a golden cup decorated with a green silk more fragrant than
musk filled with the pure wine of Paradise. He would make
that person drink that wine while taking his soul away. The
difficulties at death-bed would be eased for him and his soul
would be wrapped in green silk. Such a sweet fragrance
would come out if it that all the inhabitants of seven
heavens would be scented with it. He would remain
satisfied in his grave as well as when he would be
resurrected until he reaches the cistern of the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.). One who fasts for twenty-five days in Rajab would
be surrounded by seventy thousand angels, each holding an
umbrella made of pearls and rubies when he is resurrected
from the grave. They would have ornaments and excellent
dresses. They would say, O dear one of Allah! Let us go to
Him soon. Then he would go to Paradise first along with
the dear ones of Allah. Indeed it is a great success. One who
fasts for twenty-six days in Rajab the Almighty Allah would
build a hundred palaces of pearls and rubies under the
shade of His throne. There would be a tent made of red silk
of Paradise in front of each palace. While people would be
busy in accounting of their deeds, this person would rest
over here peacefully. One who observes fast for twenty-
seven days in Rajab, the Almighty Allah will expand his
grave to the distance covered in four hundred years and the
whole area would be fragranced with Amber and Musk.
One who fasts for twenty-eight days in Rajab Allah would
create a distance of nine barriers between him and the fire
of Hell. The width of each barrier is equal to the distance
covered in five hundred years between the earth and
heaven. For a person who fasts for twenty-nine days in
Rajab Allah would forgive him even if he would have
robbed every man on the order of an unjust or even if she is
a woman who has been unchaste seventy times. One who
fasts for thirty days in the month of Rajab a caller would call
out, O slave of Allah! Your past sins are forgiven. Your
deeds can have a new beginning. Allah would grant him all
the gardens and every garden would have forty thousand
cities. Every city would have forty palaces and every palace
would have forty thousand houses and every house will
have forty thousand dining tables and every dining table
would have forty thousand dishes and every dish would
have forty thousand types of cuisines each having a distinct
color and aroma. Every house will have forty thousand
golden thrones and the span of those thrones would be
equal to two thousand hands. A virgin Hoorul Ein would be
seated on each throne having three hundred thousand
dazzling hair on their heads and each lock of hair would be
held by one thousand slave-girls who will be scenting it
with musk and amber so that the person who fasted during
Rajab comes near her. All this is for the person who fasted
for the whole month of Rajab. Someone asked, O
Messenger of Allah! What should a person do who is not
able to observe fast for the whole month due to weakness,
menstruation or some other reason? The Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, They should give food to poor as charity. I
swear by Him in Whose control is my life that they would
get much more than what I have said if they give charity
daily. All the creatures of this earth and the heavens cannot
even estimate one-tenth of the reward, which that person
would get in Paradise. Someone asked, O Messenger of
Allah! What should a person do who is not able to pay
charity also? The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, He should
recite the following Tasbeeh of Allah a hundred times daily
for thirty days in the month of Rajab: Sub-haanal ilaahil
jaleeli sub-haana mallaa yambaghit tasbeehu illaa lahu
sub-haanal a-azzil akrami sub-haana mallabisal izza
wahuwa lahu ahl.
5. Imam Reza (a.s.) says, The Almighty Allah appointed
Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) as His Apostle after three nights of the
month of Rajab had passed. Hence observing fast on this
day has reward equal to fasting seventy years. Saad bin
Abdullah says that according to our elders, there is a
mistake and the real saying is that Allah appointed him as
apostle when three nights were left in the month of Rajab.
Reward of a fast in the month of Shaban
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, One who observes
fast in Shaban it would keep him away from every defect
and anger. Abu Hamza says, I asked the Imam as to what
he meant by that defect. Imam (a.s.) replied, It is the oath
of Allahs disobedience. I asked, What is the meaning of
that anger? He replied, Taking an oath out of anger and
then repenting it.
2. The narrator says that a discussion of the fast of the month
of Shaban was held with Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.). Imam (a.s.)
went on narrating the excellence of this fast until he said,
The fast of Shaban would benefit him a lot; even if he has
murdered a respected person he would be forgiven.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, One who fasts continuously
from Shaban to the month of Ramadan then by Allah, these
fasts would be counted among repentance of Allah, the
Mighty and Sublime.
4. The narrator says that he heard Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.)
say, One who fasts on first of Shaban then surely, Paradise
would be made obligatory for him. If he observes two fasts,
the Almighty Allah would look at him with mercy in this
world every day and night. He would also shower His
mercy on him in Paradise. One who fasts for three days
would get to visit Allah daily on the Divine throne in
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, Shaban is my month and Ramadan is the
month of Allah. It is spring for the poor. The Almighty Allah
has made Eid-ul-Azha so that poor get to eat meat and
hence you should perform Qurbani and offer meat to them.
6. It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that he said,
By Allah, the fasts of Shaban and Ramadan are like
repenting before Allah.
7. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, My father used to take a
days gap between the fasts of the months of Shaban and
Ramadan. However Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) used to fast
for two months continuously and used to say, Fasting for
these two months continuously is like repenting before
Allah. These are the months of Allah and they compensate
for the sins of the two months of past and present each.
8. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, The Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) used to fast in the months of Shaban and Ramadan
continuously. However he used to stop people from doing
so. These are the months of Allah and they compensate for
the sins of previous and next months.
9. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The wives of the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) used to put off their obligatory fasts, if any
till the month of Shaban so that they do not act as barrier for
his desires. As soon as Shaban arrived, they used to start
observing fast and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) also used to
observe fast. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) used to say,
Shaban is my month.
10. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), Did any of
your ancestors fast during the month of Shaban? Imam (a.s.)
replied, Yes, my greatest ancestor the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) fasted in Shaban.
11. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) about the
month of Shaban, Did any of your ancestors observe fast in
these days? Imam (a.s.) replied, My greatest ancestor the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) used to observe many fasts during
12. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was asked regarding the fast
of Rajab. He replied, Why dont you care for the fasts of
13. Usama bin Zaid says that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)
used to fast so much that people used to say that you are
always fasting and when he did not fast, people used to say
that he wont fast now. The narrator asked, Is there any
month in which the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) used to fast a
lot? He replied, In the month of Shaban. Shaban is a
month falling between Rajab and Ramadan. People are
unaware of its excellence. The record of deeds of people is
sent to Almighty Allah in this month. I wish I am fasting
when my record of deeds is being sent.
14. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was asked, Which fast is
supreme? He said, The fasts of Shaban for the welcoming
of Ramadan.
15. The narrator says that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) did not
use to fast for a whole month except in Shaban, which he
used to link with Ramadan.
16. It is narrated from Ibne Abbas that the companions of
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) were discussing the brilliance of
the month of Shaban. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, This
is a blessed month and my month. The people of heavens
consider it holy and honor it. The earnings of believers are
increased during this month for the month of Ramadan and
Gardens of Paradise are decorated for them. It is called
Shaban because the earnings of believers are increased in it.
The deeds performed in this month are counted in multiples
of seventy. Calamities end, sins are wiped off, good deeds
are accepted and Allah becomes proud of His slaves in this
month. He sees those who fast and worship Him from
Divine throne and expresses His Pride in front of the people
of heaven. Ali (a.s.) stood up and asked, O Messenger of
Allah! May my parents be sacrificed for you, please narrate
some excellences of fasting in the month of Shaban so that
we are motivated to fast and perform Allahs worship and
stay awake during nights. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said,
One who fasts for one day in Shaban, Allah writes from
him seventy rewards and each reward will be equal to that
of worshipping Allah for a year. One who fasts for two days,
He would save him from those sins, which destroy a person.
One who fasts for three days, his position in Paradise would
increased by seventy levels with pearls and rubies. One who
fasts for four days in Paradise his earnings would increase
greatly. One who fasts for five days would be loved by the
people. One who fasts for six days, Allah would keep away
seventy types of calamities from him. One who fasts for
seven days he would remain safe from the mischief and evil
thoughts of Satan and his gangs. One who fasts for eight
days wont go thirsty from this world and would be satisfied
by a pure cistern. One who fasts for nine days, Munkir and
Nakir would be lenient with him while questioning in the
grave. One who fasts for ten days his grave would expand
by seventy spans. One who fasts for eleven days his grave
would be lit up by eleven minarets of light. One who fasts
for twelve days seventy thousand angels would visit his
grave every day till the Day of Judgment. One who fasts for
thirteen days angels of all seven heavens would repent for
him. One who fasts for fourteen days all the terrestrial and
aquatic animals will be ordered to seek forgiveness for him.
One who fasts for fifteen days, the Almighty Allah calls out,
I assure you by My Honor that I wont burn you in the fire
of Hell. One who fasts for sixteen days, seventy rivers of fire
will be extinguished for him. One who fasts for seventeen
days all the doors of Hell would be closed for him. One
who fasts for eighteen days in Shaban all the doors of
Paradise would be opened for him. One who fasts for
nineteen days would be given seventy thousand palaces
made of pearls and rubies in Paradise. One who fasts for
twenty days would be married to seventy thousand Hoorul
Ein. One who fasts for twenty-one, days angels would
congratulate him and keep moving their wings on his body.
One who fasts for twenty-two days would be made to wear
seventy thousand dresses made of satin and brocade. One
who fasts for twenty-three days would be made to sit on a
bright mount and roam throughout Paradise. One who fasts
for twenty-four days would intercede for seventy thousand
people who believed in the Oneness of Allah. One who
fasts for twenty-five days hypocrisy would be kept away
from him. One who fasts for twenty-six days Allah would
give him permit to pass through the Sirat Bridge. One who
fasts for twenty-seven days Allah orders to give him freedom
from Hell. One who fasts for twenty-eight days his face
would be illuminated and light would emanate from his
face. One who fasts for twenty-nine days Almighty Allah
would please him. One who fasts for thirty days in Shaban
Jibraeel (a.s.) would stand in front of Divine throne and call
out, O person! Your deeds have a new beginning for your
pasts sins have been forgiven. The Almighty Allah would
say, I would forgive you even if the number of your sins is
equal to the number of stars in the skies, or drops of rain, or
leaves of trees, or grains of sand, or drops of dew or number
of days of the world. This reward and forgiveness for fasting
in the month of Shaban is not much for Allah. Ibne Abbas
says that this reward is for the month of Shaban only.
Excellence of Ramad
Ramadan Month and reward of
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, O Jabir! One who
happens to have the month of Ramadan and he fasts in that
month and worships Allah for a part of night, guards his
tongue and private parts, saves his eyes from what is
prohibited and does not hurt anyone, his sins would be
wiped off like the day when he was born from the womb of
his mother. Jabir said, May I be sacrificed, what an
excellent tradition it is! Imam (a.s.) replied, (Also) see its
conditions, which are difficult.
2. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, When the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) used to see the moon of the month of
Ramadan he used to face Qibla and recite: Allaahumma
ahillu alainaa bil amni wal eemaani was salaamati wal
islaami wal aafiyatil mujallalati war rizqil waasi-i wad daf-
il asqaami wa tilaawatil qur-aani wal auni alas salaati
was siyaam. Allaahumma sallimnaa lishahri ramazaana
wa sallamhu lanaa wa tasallamhu minnaa hattaa
yanqaziya shahru ramazaana waqad ghafarta lanaa.
Imam (a.s.) at towards the people and said, O Muslims! As
soon as the moon of Ramadan appears, the cursed Satan is
shackled in chains. The doors of heavens, Paradise and
mercy are opened. The doors of Hell are closed.
Supplications are accepted. A large number of people are
freed by Allah at the time of Iftar daily. A caller calls out
every night, Is there anyone who has a wish or wants
salvation? O Lord! Reward everyone who spends in Your
way and ruin the wealth of every miser till the moon of the
month of Shawwal appears. Then a call is give to the
believers, O early risers! Come out and take your rewards.
Today is the day of rewarding. Then Imam Muhammad
Baqir (a.s.) said, I swear by Him in Whose protection is my
life, surely these rewards are not dirham and dinar.
3. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, The Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) was returning from Arafah to Mina. He went to a
mosque. People gathered around him and began to inquire
about Shab-e-Qadr. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) stood up
and gave a sermon praising and glorifying Allah and said, I
would reply to whoever asks me about Shab-e-Qadr and
wont hide anything. O people! Know that, a person who
gets the month of Ramadan while he is hale and hearty, he
should fast during the day and spend a part of night in
Allahs worship. He should guard his prayers, offer Friday
and Eid prayers then he has surely encountered the night of
Qadr and has become a receiver of the bounties of his
Lord. The narrator says that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said,
That person has received such bounties, which are not at
all comparable to the bounties of human beings.
4. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says that the month of
Ramadan was nearing and three days of Shaban were left
when the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) told Bilal (r.a.) to call
people to him. When people came, the Holy Prophet
mounted the pulpit and praised and glorified the Lord. Then
he said, The month, which you are going to have now is
supreme among all other months. There is a night in this
month, which is better than a thousand months. The doors
of Hell are closed in this month and the doors of Paradise
are opened. One who is not forgiven in this month also
Allah distances him. Similarly, a person has parents and is
not able to get himself forgiven Allah distances him. One
who does not recite Salawat when my name is mentioned in
front of him, his salvation is not possible and Allah distances
5. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) says that when the month of
Ramadan arrived, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) stood to
deliver a sermon. After praising and glorifying Allah, he
said, O people! The Almighty Allah has protected you from
your enemies and He says, Call upon Me, I will answer
you 2 You have been given the assurance of acceptance of
supplications. Seven angels are appointed for arresting each
Satan so that none can overpower you till the end of this
month. Know that, the doors of heaven are opened from the
first night of Ramadan and that the supplications in this
month are always accepted.
6. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Surely, the
Almighty Allah frees a large number of people on every
night of the month of Ramadan. However one who
concludes his fast with an intoxicant wont be freed. The
number of people freed in one night of the month of
Surah Momin 40:60
Ramadan is equal to the number of people freed in all the
past nights.
7. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) gave a sermon to people on the last Friday of
Shaban. After praising and glorifying the Almighty, he said,
O people! Soon you will encounter a month whose one
night is better than a thousand months. It is the month of
Ramadan and Allah has made fasts obligatory for you in this
month. A night of this month, in which one worships Allah
offering recommended prayers, has a better reward than
doing so for seventy nights in other months. Doing
recommended acts in this month is equivalent to the reward
of obligatory deeds of other months. Performing an
obligatory deed in this month has reward equal to
performing seventy such acts in other months. It is the
month of patience and reward of patience is Paradise. This
is the month of helping others. One who helps a believer in
his Iftar, the Almighty Allah would grant him the reward of
freeing a slave and his past sins would be forgiven. People
said, O Messenger of Allah! We all are not capable of
offering Iftar to others. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said,
Allah is Merciful and He grant this reward to that person
also who gives a little milk or a glass of drink or a few dates
to others for Iftar. A person who is kind to slaves in this
month, the Almighty Allah would be kind to him in
accounting of his deeds. This is a month whose beginning is
with mercy, middle is forgiveness and the end is with
acceptance of supplications and freedom from Hell. There
are four characteristics, which you cannot avoid. With two
of them, you can please Allah and you cannot neglect the
other two also. They are bearing witness that there is no lord
except Allah and that I am His Messenger. And the two
things, which you cannot avoid, are that you seek Paradise
and protection against the fire of Hell from Allah.
8. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that the month of
Ramadan was nearing and three days of Shaban were left
when the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) told Bilal (r.a.) to call
people to him. When people came, the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) mounted the pulpit and praised and glorified the
Lord. Then he said, The month, which you are going to
have now is supreme among all other months. There is a
night in this month, which is better than a thousand months.
The doors of Hell are closed in this month and the doors of
Paradise are opened. One who is not forgiven in this month
also then Allah distances him. Similarly if a person has
parents and is not able to get himself forgiven then Allah
distances him. One who does not recite Salawat when I am
mentioned in front of him, his salvation is not possible and
Allah distances him.
9. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says at the end of a lengthy
tradition, In the month of Ramadan, the doors of heavens
are opened, satans are shackled in chains and the deeds of
believers are accepted. Ramadan is an excellent month. It
was also called the al-Marzooq (a month in which bounties
are given) during the time of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.).
10. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The freedom from the fire
of Hell is assured by Allah during the nights of Ramadan
except for a person who concludes his fast with an
intoxicant or one who is malicious and one who possesses
Shaheen. The narrator asked, What is this Shaheen?
Imam (a.s.) replied, Chess.
11. The narrator asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.), Allah
night,3 so
says, Surely We revealed it (Quran) on a blessed night,
which is that blessed night? Imam (a.s.) replied, It is the
night of Qadr (power), which is one of the last ten nights of
the month of Ramadan. The Holy Quran was revealed in the
night of Qadr only. Allah, the Mighty and Sublime says,
The fate of everything would be decided by the Divine
order in this night. All the good and bad, obedience and
disobedience, birth and death, earnings etc. are decided by
the Will of Allah for the whole year in this night only. The
narrator asked, What is the meaning of verse: The grand
months?4 Imam (a.s.)
night is better than a thousand months?
replied, The reward of good deeds performed in this night
is better than that of doing the same for a thousand months
without the night of Qadr. If the Almighty Allah wouldnt
have multiplied the reward for a believer they wouldnt
have got it but He multiplies the reward for them.
12. Saeed bin Jubair says that he asked Ibne Abbas, What is
the reward of a person who fasts in the month of Ramadan
knowing its importance? He replied, O Ibne Jubair! Get
ready for I am going to narrate such a tradition that you
would never have heard with your ears nor it has passed
your heart. Get your mind ready for the answer for it is the
matter of beginning and the end. Saeed bin Jubair went
away and came back next day at dawn after preparing
himself for the answer. After offering Salaat, he reminded
Ibne Abbas of the tradition. He looked towards Saeed and
Surah Dukhan 44:3
Surah Qadr 97:3
said, Listen carefully to what I say. I have heard the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) say, If you had known the reward in the
month of Ramadan you would have thanked Allah much
more. The Almighty Allah wipes out all the apparent and
hidden sins of the people of my Ummah on the first night of
Ramadan and increases the position of people by two
hundred thousand levels and builds fifty cities in Paradise
for them. He grants the reward of worship of one year, the
reward of a prophet and the reward of fasting of one year for
each step taken on the next day.
On the third day, domes decorated with pearls and rubies
are made in Paradise for you equaling the number of hair on
your body. There will be twelve thousand illuminated
houses in it below and above. There will be twelve
thousand beds in each house and a Hoor would be seated
on each bed. One thousand Angels would come to you with
gifts daily. The Almighty Allah would grant you seventy
thousand palaces in Paradise on the fourth day. Every house
will have fifty thousand beds and a Hoor would be sitting on
each bed and thousand maid-servants of Hoor would stand
in front of her and their dresses will be better than this world
and anything in it. Allah would grant you seventy palaces in
Paradise on the fifth day. Every city will have seventy
thousand houses and every house will have seventy
thousand tables and every table will have seventy thousand
dishes and every dish will have sixty thousand distinct types
of cuisines. On the sixth day, Allah would grant you a
hundred thousand cities in Darus Salaam. Every house will
have a hundred thousand golden beds seventy thousand
spans wide and a Hoorul Ein would be seated on every bed,
who would already be married to you. She would have
thirty thousand locks of hair on their heads decorated with
pearls and rubies and every lock would be held by a
hundred maids. The Almighty Allah would grant you the
reward of forty thousand martyrs and truthful ones in
Paradise on the seventh day. The Almighty Allah would give
you the reward of sixty thousand worshippers and sixty
thousand repenters on the eighth day. On the ninth day,
Allah would grant you the reward of one thousand scholars,
those who go for Etekaf and for battle. Allah would fulfill
your seventy thousand wishes on the tenth day. Every thing
including the sun, moon, stars, animals, birds, pebbles,
flowers, every dry and wet object, fishes, sea and trees will
repent for you. He would note down the reward of four
Hajjs performed along with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and
reward of four Umrahs performed by a martyr or a truthful
person. The twelfth day would convert your sins to good
deeds, double your good deeds and further multiply them a
hundred thousand times. Allah would offer reward equal to
the worship of all the people of Mecca and Medina on the
thirteenth day and you will get intercession equal to the
number of pebbles and grains of sand between Mecca and
Medina. On the fourteenth day, you would be offered the
reward of meeting Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Dawood,
Sulaiman and worshipping Allah for two thousand years
with each prophet. Allah would fulfill all your wishes
worldly and that of hereafter. He would grant you all those
things, which he had given to Ayyub. He would accept your
supplications, the people of heavens would repent for you
and you would be given forty lights (Nur) on the Day of
Judgment, which would surround you from all four sides,
each side having ten of them. For sixteenth day, Allah
would grant you sixty dresses when you are resurrected.
You would be made to mount a camel and a cloud of Mercy
would protect you from the hot sun of that day. On the
seventeenth day, Allah would say that surely He has
forgiven you and your parents. He would take away the
difficulties of the Day of Judgment from you. On the
eighteenth day, the Almighty Allah would order Jibraeel,
Mikaeel, Israfeel and the people of heaven to repent for the
Ummah of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) till the next year. And
Allah would give you the reward of the people of Badr on
the Day of Judgment. The reward of the nineteenth day is
that all the angels of earth and heaven would come to your
grave taking permission from Allah and every angel would
be carrying gifts and drinks for you. On the twentieth day,
Allah would appoint seventy thousand angels for you who
would save you from the mischief of Satan and they would
write the reward of the fasts of a hundred years for each fast.
Allah would make a barrier between you and Hell, note
down the reward of those who recited the Old Testament,
New Testament and the Holy Quran. He would note down
the reward of worship of one year for each feather of
Jibraeel. He would grant you the reward of Tasbeeh of Arsh
and Kursi; grant you Hoorul Ein equal to the number of
verses in the Holy Quran. The reward of the twenty-first day
is that Allah would expand your grave by a thousand
parasangs and keep darkness and fear away from it. He
would include your grave among those of the martyrs and
your face would resemble Yusuf bin Yaqoob (a.s.). The
reward of the twenty-second day is that Allah would send
the Angel of death to you in the same way as He sends him
to the prophets. He would take away the fear of Munkir and
Nakir from you and keep away the sorrow of this world and
the chastisement of the grave. The reward of the twenty-
third day is that you will pass through the Sirat Bridge along
with prophets, truthful ones, martyrs and the virtuous. You
will be rewarded as if you have fed every orphan and
dressed every naked of my Ummah. The reward of the
twenty-fourth day is that no person among you would go
from this world until he sees his place in Paradise. You
would be given the reward of a thousand sick persons and
that of a traveler who started from his home in the way of
Allah. You would be granted the reward of freeing one
thousand slaves from the progeny of Ismail (a.s.). On the
twenty-fifth day, Allah would make a thousand domes under
the Divine throne and there would be a tent of a Hoor at the
end of each dome. The Almighty Allah will say, O Ummah
of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.)! I am your Lord and you are My
slaves. Sit in the domes constructed under the shade of My
throne. Eat and drink for there is no fear or sorrow for you.
O Ummah of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.)! I swear by My Honor
that I would surely send you to Paradise. The first and last
communities would be surprised on seeing you and you
would be given an illuminated crown and you would be
made to ride a camel created from light, whose bridles will
be of light. There will be a thousand circles on it and an
angel would be standing on each circle holding a pillar of
light in his hand and you will be made to enter Paradise
without any accounting of deeds. Allah would look upon
you with mercy on the twenty-sixth day; He would forgive
all your sins except that of murdering or usurping property
and purify your house seventy times a day from backbiting
and imputation. On the twenty-seventh day, you will be
granted the reward of helping all the believers, men as well
as women, and the reward of dressing seventy thousand
naked persons, helping one thousand soldiers and reciting
the Holy Scriptures revealed on all prophets. On the twenty-
eighth day, the Almighty Allah would build a hundred
thousand houses of light in Behisht-e-Javed for you. He
would reward you a hundred thousand houses made of
silver in Jannat-e-Maawa and a hundred thousand houses
made of pure amber in Jannat-e-Naeem. He would reward
you a hundred thousand cities in Jannat-e-Firdaus, each city
having a thousand rooms. He would reward you a hundred
thousand pulpits of musk in Jannat-e-Khuld and there would
be a thousand houses made of saffron in the boundaries of
each pulpit and each house will have a thousand beds made
of pearls and rubies and a Hoorul Ein would be sitting on
each bed who would be your wife. On the twenty-ninth
day, He would reward you a hundred thousand localities
and each locality will have an illuminated dome and every
dome will have a bed made of white camphor, every bed
will have one thousand carpets of green brocade and a
Hoorul Ein would be sitting on each carpet having seventy
thousand high quality dresses and they would have eighty
thousand hairs on their heads decorated with pearls and
rubies. When thirty days are over, the Almighty Allah would
grant you the reward of a thousand martyrs, a thousand
truthful ones and the worship of fifty years for each day
passed. He would note down the reward of two thousand
fasts for every single fast. He would increase your position
by levels equal to the number of things grown by the water
of river Nile. You would be given freedom from Hell, permit
to pass through the Sirat Bridge and protection from
chastisement. The door of Paradise named Rayyaan, which
will not open till Qiyamat would be opened for the men and
women of the Ummah of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) who
observe fast and Rizwan, the treasurer of Paradise would
give a call, O Ummah of Muhammad! Move towards
Rayyan. Then my people will enter this door into Paradise.
Thus one who could not be forgiven in this month will not
be forgiven in any other month. There is no power or
strength except with the Greatest Lord!
13. It is narrated from Ibne Abbas that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) used to free every prisoner and give (material help)
to every beggar as soon as the month of Ramadan
news reached the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), he called that
person and asked, Why did you observe fast on that day?
He replied, May my parents be sacrificed on you, these are
the days of Mash-ar and Hajj. I hope Allah includes me also
in their prayers. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, You will
get the reward of freeing a slave, sacrificing a hundred
camels and carrying the load on a hundred horses in the
way of Allah for each fast. When Yaum-e-Tarweeya (8th
Zilhajj) arrives you will get the reward of freeing a thousand
slaves, sacrificing a thousand camels and carrying load in
the way of Allah on a thousand horses. You will get the
reward of freeing two thousand slaves, sacrificing two
thousand camels and carrying load in the way of Allah on
two thousand horses for the fast of the day of Arafah. All
these are compensation for the sins of sixty years before and
after it, in your life.
2. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) says, One who fasts on the first
day of Zilhajj Almighty Allah would note down the reward
of the fasts of eighty months for him. If he observes fast for
nine days Allah would note the reward of fasts of an age for
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The fast on the day of
Tarweeya is a compensation for sins committed in a year
and the fast on the day of Arafah is a compensation for sins
committed in two years.
Reward of recommended worship on the eve
of Eid
1. It is narrated that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) narrates from
Jibraeel and Israfeel, One who offers a ten rakat Salaat on
the eve of Eid in units of two reciting Surah Tauheed ten
times in each rakat after Surah Fatiha and recites Sub-
haanallaahi wal-hamdu lillaahi wa laa ilaaha illallaahu
wallaahu akbar in Ruku and Sajdah. And recites Salaam
after every two rakats and recites Astaghfirullaaha wa
atoobu ilaih a thousand times after Salaat and then
prostrates reciting Yaa hayyu yaa qayyoomu yaa
dhaljalaali wal ikraami yaa rahmaanad dunyaa wal
aakhirati wa raheemahumaa yaa akramal akrameena yaa
arhamar raahimeena yaa ilaahal awwaleena wal
aakhireenaghfir lee dhunoobee wa taqabbal saumee wa
salaatee wa qiyaami I swear by Him Who has made me a
true prophet, that before he lifts his head up from
prostration, he would be forgiven. All the deeds performed
in the month of Ramadan would be accepted and all his sins
would be wiped off even if he has committed seventy such
sins, which are greater than the sins of all people. I asked,
O Jibraeel! Will the deeds performed in the month of
Ramadan be accepted for this person only or for everyone?
Jibraeel (a.s.) said, O Muhammad! I swear by Him Who has
appointed you as a true prophet, the status of that person
near Allah is such that the deeds performed by him and
others in the month of Ramadan would be accepted. Also
Salaat and fasts of the people living between east and west
that have faith in Oneness of Allah would be accepted. If
this person repents his Salaat, fasts and Qiyam would be
accepted. He would be forgiven and his supplications will
be accepted because the Almighty Allah says in His book,
And you that ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn to
Him.5 He further says, And those who when they commit
an indecency or do injustice to their souls remember Allah
and ask forgiveness for their faults-
faults- and who forgives the
faults but Allah.
Allah He also says, And ask forgiveness of
Merciful.7 In another place,
Allah; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
He says, and ask His forgiveness; surely He is oft-oft-returning
(to mercy). This gift is special to me and my Ummah. The
prophets and their people before me did not get this gift.
2. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says, One who offers a six
rakat Salaat on the eve of Eid would be able to intercede for
all members of his family even if they be condemned to
Hell. The narrator asked, O Messenger of Allah! Why will
the intercession of sinners be accepted? He replied,
Virtuous do not need intercession. They are sinners who
need it much.
Muhammad bin Husain (Shaykh Sadooq) says that one
should recite Surah Tauheed five times in each rakat of the
above-mentioned prayer.
Surah Hud 11:3
Surah Aale Imran 3:135
Surah Nisa 4:106
Surah Nasr 110:3
Staying awake during the night of Eid
1. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says, One who remains
awake during the night of Eid his heart would remain alive
on the day the hearts are destined to die.
2. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says, One who stays awake
during the night of Eid and of 15th Shaban his heart would
remain alive on the day the hearts are destined to die.
Abu Jafar Muhammad bin Ali, the writer of the book says
that this reward is for the person who remained in Taqayyah
and offered Salaat behind the Imam of other sect; then he
should offer the above-mentioned Salaat with the intention
of Eid prayer. One who prays behind an Imam appointed by
Allah whose obedience is compulsory cannot offer any
Salaat till noon. If one offers Salaat behind an Imam of ones
own sect (whose obedience is not compulsory) then too
there is no need to offer any Salaat till noon.
One should know that the Salaat of Eid can be offered in
congregation only. One can offer Eid Salaat without
congregation also for the following traditions support it:
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, For one who does
not offer Salaat-e-Eid in congregation there is no Salaat or its
Qaza obligatory for him.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Salaat of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-
e-Qurbaan can be offered only in congregation. However if
one wishes to offer it alone there is no harm in it.
3. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, Salaat of Eid-ul-Fitr
and Eid-e-Qurbaan can be offered only in congregation.
4. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), Is there any
Salaat before or after the Salaat of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-e-
Qurban? Imam (a.s.) replied, No, neither before nor after.
5. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) regarding
Salaat of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-e-Qurban. Imam (a.s.) replied,
There is no Azaan or Iqamah for them and there is no
Salaat before and after these two rakats.
6. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Salaat of Eid-ul-fitr and Eid-
e-Qurban consists of two rakats and there is no Salaat before
and after it.
7. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, There is no Azaan or
Iqamah for Salaat of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-e-Qurban. Sunrise is
their Azaan. As soon as sun rises, people should come out
of their houses for Salaat. There is no Salaat before these
two prayers. For one who does not pray these prayers in
congregation no prayer is obligatory on him nor he has to
offer their Qaza.
Surah Anaam 6:160
Wednesday is characterized by the creation of Hell on this
day. Hence a fast on Wednesday is shield against Hell.
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) was asked regarding fasting on
Wednesday. He replied that Ali (a.s.) used to say, The
Almighty Allah created Hell on Wednesday. He likes the
person fasting on this day seeking protection against the fire
of Hell.
6. It is narrated by Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) used to fast so much that people used to
say that he does not miss any fast. Then he used to
discontinue observing fast for so many days that people
used to say that he does not observe fast. Then he started
observing fast for alternate days like Dawood (a.s.). When
he passed away from this world, he was fasting (one of the
three fasts of a month). He said that these fasts are equal to
the fasts of an age and it kills the evil thoughts arising in
ones heart. The narrator asked, May I be sacrificed on
you, what are those days? Imam (a.s.) replied, First
Thursday of every month, the Wednesday coming after first
ten days of a month and last Thursday of the month? The
narrator asked, Why are these days selected? Imam (a.s.)
replied, The communities before us had to bear the
chastisement on these days. Hence the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) used to fast during these days and they are the days
of fearing Allah.
7. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) the reason
behind recommendation of the fast on Wednesday. Imam
(a.s.) replied, This is so because Hell was created on
8. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), What is
recommended in a fast? Imam (a.s.) replied, Fasting on
three days every month. The narrator asked, Are you
talking about recommended fasts? Imam (a.s.) replied,
9. The narrator asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) or Imam
Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), Can I postpone fasting for three days of a
month till winter for I would find it easier to fast then?
Imam (a.s.) replied, Yes, but do not reduce their number.
10. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), O master! It
is difficult for me to fast during summer and my head starts
aching. Imam (a.s.) replied, Do what I do. When I go on a
journey, for each day I give in Sadaqah one Mudd (750
grams) of food as I give to my family members.
Imam (a.s.) cried. He went on reciting and Imam (a.s.) cried
continuously till the wails started coming out of his house.
Then Imam (a.s.) said, O Abu Umara! One who recites a
poem regarding Imam Husain (a.s.) and makes fifty persons
cry Paradise belongs to him. One who recites a poem and
forty persons cry Paradise is for them. If thirty persons cry
Paradise is for them also. One who recites a poem and
twenty persons cry they too will get Paradise. One who
makes ten people cry after reciting a poem of Imam Husain
(a.s.) they too will get Paradise. One who makes a person
cry after reciting a poem of Imam Husain (a.s.) they too will
get Paradise. One who recites the poem of Imam Husain
(a.s.) and cries alone he too will get Paradise. One who
makes just a crying face after reciting the poem regarding
Imam Husain (a.s.) he too will get Paradise.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who recites a couplet
regarding Imam Husain (a.s.), cries and makes ten persons
cry they will get Paradise. One who recites a couplet
regarding Imam Husain (a.s.), cries and makes nine persons
cry they will get Paradise. He went on saying until he said,
One who recites a couplet regarding Imam Husain (a.s.)
and cries or makes a crying face he would get Paradise.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, One who visits the tomb of
Imam Husain (a.s.) knowing his right, it is written down in
4. Imam Reza (a.s.) says, One who goes for Ziyarat of Imam
Husain (a.s.) knowing his right, the Almighty Allah forgives
all his sins from beginning till the end.
5. The narrator told Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), O master!
People say that one who goes for Ziyarat of the grave of
Imam Husain (a.s.) is like one who performs Hajj and
Umrah. Imam said, One who does Ziyarat of Imam
Husain (a.s.) knowing his right, the Almighty Allah forgives
all his past and future sins.
6. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) says, One who does the Ziyarat
of Imam Husain (a.s.) near River Euphrates knowing his
right, honor and love its minimum reward is that all the sins,
past and future, will be forgiven.
7. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, One who does Ziyarat of
the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) knowing his right; the
Almighty Allah forgives all his past and future sins.
8. A Shia man asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), What is the
reward of Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.)? Imam (a.s.)
replied, It is equal to that of one Umrah.
9. Abu Saeed Madaini visited Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) and
asked him, May I be sacrificed for you, should I go for the
Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.)? He replied, Yes, O Abu
Saeed! Go for Ziyarat of the son of Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.s.) for he was the most virtuous among virtuous men,
purest among pure and best among the doers of good deeds.
If you do his Ziyarat Allah would grant you the reward of
twenty-two Umrahs.
10. It is narrated from Imam Reza (a.s.) that the reward of
the Ziyarat of the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) is equal to that
of an accepted Umrah.
11. The narrator asked Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.), What do
you say regarding the Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.)? Imam
asked him, What is your opinion regarding it? He replied,
Some people say that its reward is equal to that of a Hajj
and some say that it is equal to that of an Umrah. Imam
said, Its reward is equal to that of an accepted Umrah.
12. A person asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), What is the
reward of the Ziyarat of the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.)?
Imam (a.s.) replied, The Almighty Allah has appointed four
thousand angels at the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.). They
will mourn over Imam (a.s.) covered in dust and in a
distressed state till the Day of Judgment. The person asked,
May my parents be sacrificed on you, it is narrated from
your father that the reward of the Ziyarat of Imam Husain
(a.s.) is equal to that of a Hajj. Imam said, Yes, its reward
is that of a Hajj and Umrah and it can be even equal to ten
Hajjs and ten Umrahs.
13. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, One who does the Ziyarat
of Imam Husain (a.s.) knowing his right the Almighty Allah
would grant him the reward of freeing one thousand slaves
and providing help in the way of Allah by a thousand horses
laden with weapons.
14. Abu Saeed Madaini asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), May
I be sacrificed for you, should I go for Ziyarat of Imam
Husain (a.s.)? He replied, Yes, O Abu Saeed! Go for
Ziyarat of the son of the daughter of the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.s.) for he was most virtuous among virtuous men,
purest among pure and best among the doers of good deeds.
If you do his Ziyarat Allah would grant you the reward of
freeing twenty-five slaves.
15. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Surely four thousand
angels having their hair covered in mud and in distressed
state will mourn at the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) till the
Day of Judgment. The name of their leader is Mansur. He
welcomes the person who comes for Ziyarat. These angels
wont separate from that person. If he falls ill they will treat
him, if he dies they attend his funeral prayer and repent for
him after his death.
16. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The Almighty Allah has
appointed seventy thousand angels, distressed and having
their hair covered in mud to send salutations on the grave of
Imam Husain (a.s.) everyday. They pray for the person who
comes for Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) saying, O Lord!
These are the visitors of Imam Husain (a.s.) do this and that
for them.
17. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The Almighty Allah has
appointed four thousand angels at the grave of Imam Husain
(a.s.). They will mourn over Imam (a.s.) with their hair
covered in dust and in a distressed state till the Day of
Judgment. One who goes for the Ziyarat of Imam Husain
(a.s.) knowing his right, angels will go with him till he
returns to his homeland. If he falls ill they would treat him
day and night. If he dies they would attend his funeral
prayer and repent for him till the Day of Judgment.
18. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, Four thousand
angels are appointed at the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) with
their hair covered in mud and in a distressed state. They will
mourn Imam Husain (a.s.) till the Day of Judgment. They
welcome whoever comes for the Ziyarat and that person
does not return until they accompany him. He does not fall
ill but that they come to treat him. He does not die but that
they attend his funeral prayer.
19. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) asked Abul Jarud, How
far is the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) from your house? He
replied, If I go on a mount it takes a day to reach and if I
walk, it takes a little more than that. Imam asked, Do you
go for Ziyarat every Friday? He replied, No, but I go
whenever I get time. Imam said, You are unjust. If this
place would have been near my home I would have
migrated over there.
20. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, Our Wilayat was
presented to the people of various cities but no one
accepted us like the people of Kufa. This is so because the
holy grave of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) is over there and there
is one more grave near him i.e. the grave of Imam Husain
(a.s.). One who comes for the Ziyarat, offers a two-four rakat
Salaat near the grave and seeks desires from Allah his
desires would be fulfilled immediately. Surely one thousand
angels surround the grave daily.
21. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, When you go for the
Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.), visit him in a state of grief,
face covered with dust, hair uncombed, hungry and thirsty
because when Imam Husain (a.s.) was martyred, he was
aggrieved and gloomy. His hair was covered in mud; he was
troubled, hungry and thirsty. Seek your desires over there
and return. Do not make that place your home.
22. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) asked a narrator, Do you go for
the Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.)? He replied, Yes. Imam
enquired, Do you carry necessary belongings on the
journey? He replied, Yes. Imam said, You wont do this
when you visit the grave of your parents! He asked, Then
what should we eat? Imam (a.s.) replied, Milk and bread.
23. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, I have been informed that
when some people come for the Ziyarat of Imam Husain
(a.s.) they carry sweet eatables with them but they dont do
so when they visit the graves of their loved ones!
24. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, If a believer does the
Ziyarat of the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) knowing his right
on any day except Eid he would get the reward of twenty
accepted Hajjs, twenty Umrahs and twenty battles fought
along with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) or a just Imam.
25. Bashir Dahhan asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), I cannot
go for Hajj on a few occasions. What if I go to the grave of
Imam Husain (a.s.) on the day of Arafah? Imam (a.s.)
replied, O Bashir! It is excellent; for one who does the
Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) knowing his right on any day
except Eid, would get the reward of twenty accepted Hajjs,
twenty accepted Umrahs and fighting twenty battles along
with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) or a just Imam. One who
does Ziyarat on the day of Eid would get the reward of one
hundred Hajjs, a hundred Umrahs and fighting a hundred
battles alongside the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) or a just Imam.
One who goes for Ziyarat knowing his right would get the
reward of one thousand accepted Hajjs, one thousand
accepted Umrahs and fighting one thousand battles
alongside the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) or a just Imam. Bashir
asked, How can I get the reward of halting in Arafah?
Imam (a.s.) looked at him angrily and replied, When a
believer goes for the Ziyarat of the grave of Imam Husain
(a.s.), he should first go to river Euphrates and perform ritual
bath and then go for Ziyarat. If he does so the reward of a
Hajj is noted down for each step he takes. The narrator
says that he is not sure whether Imam (a.s.) included the
reward of a battle and Umrah also.
26. It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), Imam Musa
Kazim (a.s.) and Imam Reza (a.s.) that if a person does the
Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) on the day of Arafah, the
Almighty Allah would send that person back with tranquility
of heart.
27. Ali bin Asbat narrates that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said,
The Almighty Allah looks at the visitors of the grave of
Imam Husain (a.s.) on the day of Arafah before Asr. He
asked, Does He look at them before He even looks at the
people gathered in Arafah? Yes, replied Imam (a.s.). He
asked, Why? Imam (a.s.) explained, Among the latter
(Arafah) may be some born out of wedlock but in the former
(Kerbala) there wont be any illegitimate born.
28. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The Almighty Allah
showers mercy on the people gathered at the grave of Imam
Husain (a.s.) before the people gathered in Arafat on the day
of Arafah. He fulfils their wishes, forgives their sins, grant
them solutions to their problems then looks at the people of
Arafah and grants all these bounties to them also.
29. Abdullah bin Hilal asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), May I
be sacrificed on you, what is the minimum reward of the
person who visits Imam Husain (a.s.)? Imam (a.s.) replied,
O Abdullah! The minimum reward is that Allah will
safeguard him and his belongings till he reaches home. And
when it is the Day of Judgment, Allah protects him more.
30. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The sins of a person who
visits the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) is like a bridge passing
by. When you pass by a bridge you leave the road behind.
Similarly, when a person goes for Ziyarat he leaves his sins
31. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) told Husain bin Suwair, O
Husain! One who starts from his home with an intention of
doing the Ziyarat of the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) Allah
would note a reward and wipe a sin for every step taken. If
he is on a mount Allah would note down a reward and wipe
a sin for every step of the mount till he reaches Kerbala. The
Almighty Allah would include him among those who get
salvation. And when he performs the deeds of Ziyarat Allah
includes him among the successful. When he makes an
intention to return, an angel would come and say, The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has sent his salutations to you and has
conveyed that your past sins are forgiven. Now you can
have a new start in your deeds.
32. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, When a person starts from
his house for the Ziyarat of the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.)
and takes his first step after bidding farewell to his family,
his sins are forgiven and he would go on becoming pure as
he steps towards the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.). When he
reaches the holy grave, Allah would tell him, O My servant!
Seek from Me and I will grant you. Call Me and I will
answer you. Express your desires and I will fulfill them. It is
incumbent on Allah to repay him whatever he spends.
33. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Surely the Almighty Allah
has appointed angels at the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.).
When a person intends to go for Ziyarat, Allah hands over
his sins to those angels. When he takes his first step, they
wipe his sins off. When he takes the second step, his good
deeds are doubled. This process goes on till Paradise is
made obligatory for him. Then angels surround him and
make him holy and the angels at heaven give a call, O
angels! Purify this loved one of Allah. When a visitor
perform ritual bath, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says, O
guest of Allah! There are glad-tidings of my friendship in
Paradise for you. Then Ali (a.s.) calls out, I guarantee the
fulfillment of your desires in this world and the hereafter and
keeping calamities away from you. Then all the angels
would surround him in a circle and accompany him home.
34. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, The reward of Ziyarat of
Imam Husain (a.s.) is equal to that of twenty Hajjs and even
better than that.
35. Abu Saeed Madaini visited Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) and
asked him, May I be sacrificed for you, should I go for
Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.)? He replied, Yes, O Abu
Saeed! Go for Ziyarat of the son of the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.s.) for he was most virtuous among virtuous men,
purest among pure and best among the doers of good deeds.
If you do his Ziyarat, Allah would grant you the reward of
twenty-five Hajjs.
36. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) asked Shahab, How many times
have you performed the Hajj? Nineteen times, he replied.
Imam (a.s.) said, Perform it twenty times and you would be
like one who does the Ziyarat of Imam Husain Ibne Ali (a.s.)
37. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) asked Huzaifa bin Mansur,
How many times have you performed the Hajj? Nineteen
times, he replied. Imam said, If you perform it twenty-one
times you would be like one who does the Ziyarat of Imam
Husain Ibne Ali (a.s.) once.
38. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says that a person who does the
Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) once knowing his right is like
one who has performed Hajj a hundred times along with the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.).
39. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says that if a person does the
Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) once knowing his right the
Almighty Allah would note down a reward of an accepted
40. Musa bin Qasim Hazrami says that Imam Jafar Sadiq
(a.s.) came to Najaf during the beginning of the caliphate of
Mansur Dawaniqi and told him, O Musa! Go to Shahrah
and wait there. You will see a person coming to you from
Qadsiya. When that person comes, tell him that a person
from the progeny of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) wants to
meet him. He will come to me along with you. The
narrator says that he went there and had to wait for such a
long time in hot weather that he was about to go away from
that place disobeying the order of Imam (a.s.). Suddenly he
saw a person mounted on a camel coming towards him. He
started looking at that person continuously till the camel
reached near him. He told that person, O man! A person
from the progeny of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has called
you. He sent me to bring you along. The man replied,
Take me to him. When they reached the tent, he made the
camel sit and Imam (a.s.) gave him permission to enter. The
narrator stood near the door of the tent and started listening
to their conversation from outside but he was not able to see
them. Imam asked, From where do you come? He replied,
From a distant place in Yemen. Imam enquired, Do you
live at such and such place in Yemen? He replied, Yes I
stay at such and such place. Imam asked, Why did you
come here? He answered, For the Ziyarat of Imam Husain
(a.s.) Imam (a.s.) further questioned, Do you have any
other work except Ziyarat? He said, I dont have any other
work. I have come to do his Ziyarat, offer Salaat at that
place, send salutations on him and return home. Imam
(a.s.) queried, What is the benefit of Ziyarat for you? He
explained, It is my belief that his Ziyarat is a means to
receive blessings for myself and my family and have
abundance in wealth and life. Our wishes are fulfilled
through it. Imam (a.s.) said, O brother from Yemen! Do
you want to know some more benefits? He responded,
Yes, O son of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.). Imam (a.s.) said,
The reward of Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) is equal to that
of an accepted and holy Hajj, which was performed
alongside the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.). The man gave a
surprised look to the Imam and the Imam said, It is equal to
two such accepted and holy Hajjs performed alongside the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.). The man again gave the Imam a
surprised look. The Imam went on narrating the reward
more and more till he said, The reward is equal to that of
thirty accepted and holy Hajjs performed alongside the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.).
41. The narrator was seated with Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.)
when they saw some people mounted on mules passing by.
Imam (a.s.) asked, Where are they going? He replied, To
the grave of martyrs. Imam asked, Why dont they go to
for the Ziyarat of the Martyr and the one separated from his
homeland? A person from Iraq asked, Is his Ziyarat
compulsory? Imam (a.s.) replied, The reward of this
Ziyarat is equal to that of a Hajj, Umrah, Umrah, Hajj
Imam went on to say that it is equal to twenty Hajjs and
twenty Umrahs. Imam (a.s.) further said, All these Hajjs and
Umrahs are accepted and blessed. The narrator says that
before they stood up to leave, a person came and told Imam
(a.s.), I have performed nineteen Hajjs. Pray to Allah that I
complete twenty. Imam (a.s.) asked, Have you performed
the Ziyarat of the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.)? He replied,
No Imam (a.s.) told him, This Ziyarat is better than
twenty Hajjs.
42. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that the
place of grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) is honored and well-
known. One who seeks protection knowing its right, would
be safeguarded. The narrator asked, May I be sacrificed on
you, tell me about the area of that place. Imam (a.s.)
replied, The radius of 25 hands is included in the area of
his grave.
43. It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that the place
of grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) was included among the
gardens of Paradise and then Imam (a.s.) further said that the
grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) is one among the rose-gardens
of Paradise.
44. Once Muawiyah bin Wahab came to Imam Jafar Sadiq
(a.s.) and saw him busy in worship on the prayer-mat. He
waited till the Imam (a.s.) concluded his prayers. Then he
started supplicating to Lord, O Lord! You have granted us
special ranks and gave us permission to intercede. You gave
us the knowledge of prophets and made their inheritors. You
ended the time of past communities when we arrived. You
made us successors of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and gave
us the knowledge of past and future and directed the hearts
of people towards us. Forgive my brothers and the visitors of
Imam Husain (a.s.) and forgive those who spend their
wealth and leave their homeland and come for the Ziyarat
of Imam Husain (a.s.). They have come to seek goodness
from us, reward from You, to meet us, to make Your
Messenger (s.a.w.s.) glad. They have come to obey our
orders while they wanted to make Your Messenger (s.a.w.s.)
happy by doing this. O Allah! Grant them our pleasure for
this deed. Protect them day and night; safeguard their family
and children whom they have left behind in their homeland.
Keep them safe of every oppressor, enemy weak or strong,
mischief of Jinn or men. Grant them much more than they
expect from You. When they were coming towards us
leaving their homeland, family and children behind, our
enemies were teasing them. O Allah! Shower Your mercy
on those faces whose color changed during the journey due
to the hot sun. Shower mercy on those cheeks, which
rubbed against the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.). Shower
mercy on those eyes, which are crying on us. Shower mercy
on those hearts, which are sad due to our calamities.
Shower mercy on those loud wails, which came out upon
hearing our troubles. O Allah! I hand over their bodies and
souls to You so that You satisfy them at the cistern of
Kauthar when people would be thirsty. Imam (a.s.) prayed
this again and again while prostrating. When he concluded
his supplications and stood up from the prayer-mat, the
narrator said, If the supplication, which you were saying
now is said for a person who does not even recognize Allah
then too I doubt if the fire of Hell would touch him. The
narrator swears by Allah that he should also have done the
Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) and he shouldnt have gone
for Hajj. Imam (a.s.) said, You stay near the pure grave of
Imam (a.s.). What stops you from doing his Ziyarat? O
Muawiyah Ibne Wahab! Do not miss the Ziyarat of Imam
(a.s.). Muawiyah said, May I be sacrificed on you, I never
knew the excellence of the Ziyarat of Imam (a.s.) was such.
Imam said, O Muawiyah! The number of creatures in the
heaven praying for the visitors of Imam Husain (a.s.) is much
more than that of those praying on this earth. O Muawiyah!
Do not miss the Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) out of any fear
for one who leaves Ziyarat out of any fear would face such a
surprise and shame that he would wish that he should have
performed Ziyarat all the time and would wish to have been
buried over there. Dont you like that the Almighty Allah
includes you among those for whom the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) prays? Dont you like to be among those with
whom angels will shake hands on the Day of Judgment?
Dont you like to be among those who come on the Day of
Judgment with no sins to their names? Dont you like to be
among those with whom the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) will
shake hands on the Day of Judgment?
45. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, There is no angel in the
heavens and the earth who comes for the Ziyarat of Imam
Husain (a.s.) taking permission from Allah. One group of
angels or other keeps on coming down to Imam Husain
(a.s.) or going up.
46. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The number of any
creature of Allah is not more than that of angels. Seventy
thousand angels come down to earth every night and
circumambulate the Holy Kaaba all night. They come to the
holy grave of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) before sunrise and
salute him, then salute Amirul Momineen (a.s.) at his grave,
then salute Imam Hasan (a.s.) at his grave and come to
salute Imam Husain (a.s.) at his grave and go back to the
heaven before the sun rises. Then seventy thousand angels
come to earth during the day. They circumambulate the
Holy Kaaba all day and salute the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) at
his grave before sunset. Then they come to salute Amirul
Momineen (a.s.) at his grave, then salute Imam Hasan (a.s.)
at his grave and finally they come to salute Imam Husain
(a.s.) at his grave and return to heaven before the sun sets.
47. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says that angels continuously
move to and fro the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) and all the
seven heavens.
48. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, Perform the Ziyarat of the
grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) and dont do injustice to him
because he is the chief of martyrs and chief of the youths of
49. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) in Medina,
Where is the grave of the martyrs? Imam (a.s.) asked, Isnt
Imam Husain (a.s.) excellent among the martyrs according
to you? I swear by Him in Whose hands is my life, four
thousand angels surround the grave of Imam (a.s.) having
their hair soiled and crying till the Day of Judgment.
50. Umme Saeed Hamsiya says that she was present near
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.). She had sent someone to rent a
mule so that she can perform Ziyarat of the martyrs. Imam
(a.s.) asked her, Why dont you go for the Ziyarat of the
chief of the martyrs? She asked, May I be sacrificed for
you, who is the chief of the martyrs? Imam (a.s.) replied,
Imam Husain (a.s.) is the chief of martyrs. She asked,
What is the reward of one who does his Ziyarat? Imam
(a.s.) replied, It is equal to a Hajj and Umrah. Then
showing his three fingers he conveyed that the reward is
three times that of performing that deed.
51. Umme Saeed Hamsiya says that she was present near
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) when her maid came to her and
said, I have brought the mount.
Imam (a.s.) asked, What is that mount for? Where are you
going? She replied, I am going for Ziyarat of the graves of
the martyrs. Imam (a.s.) said, I am surprised that you
people of Iraq travel long distances and perform Ziyarat of
the martyrs but dont go for the Ziyarat of the chief of
martyrs. Why dont you go for his Ziyarat? She asked,
Who is the chief of martyrs? Imam (a.s.) replied, Imam
Husain (a.s.). She said, But I am a woman. Imam (a.s.)
said, Other women like you should also go for Ziyarat.
She asked, What is the reward of his Ziyarat? Imam (a.s.)
replied, The reward of this Ziyarat is equal to that of a Hajj,
Umrah, performing Etekaf in Masjid-e-Haraam and fasting
for two months.
52. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that Imam Husain (a.s.)
said, I am Qateelul Abrah. I was martyred in the state of
grief and sorrow. One who comes for my Ziyarat in a state
of grief and sorrow, Allah would send him back to his
relatives happy.
Reward of Ziyarat of Masuma Qum
1. The narrator asked Imam Reza (a.s.), What is the reward
of the Ziyarat of Fatima binte Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.)?
Imam (a.s.) replied, The person performing his Ziyarat will
get Paradise.
Reward of doing good to an Imam
1. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), What is the
meaning of this verse: Who is it that will offer of Allah a
goodly gift, so He will multiply it to him manifold?
Imam (a.s.) replied, It implies doing good to an Imam. The
narrator says that his father too heard such a tradition from
Imam (a.s.).
Surah Baqarah 2:245
Reward of memorizing the Quran with
difficulty or with ease
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, One who memorizes Quran
with difficulty will get two rewards and one who memorizes
it with ease would be included among the virtuous.
Reward of reciting the Holy Quran in Salaat,
apart from it, sitting
sitting and standing
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, One who recites the
Holy Quran while standing in Salaat, Allah would grant him
one hundred rewards for each alphabet and if a person
recites the Holy Quran while sitting in Salaat, Allah would
grant him fifty rewards for each alphabet. One who recites
the Holy Quran apart from Salaat, Allah would grant him
ten rewards for each letter.
Difficulty in memorizing the Holy Quran and
reciting a Surah before going to bed
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who tries to memorize
the Holy Quran with extreme difficulty due to a weak
memory will get two rewards. He further said, Why dont
the people who trade in markets whole day not recite a
Surah when they return to their homes at night before going
to bed? If they do so they would get ten rewards for each
verse and ten sins will be wiped off.
the chastisement of his parents would be reduced even if
they had been disbelievers.
2. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says, There is nothing more
severe for Satan except a person reciting the Holy Quran by
looking at it.
biggest Qirat is equal to the distance between the earth and
the heaven.
should be regarded as an honored Surah and must be
respected. If people had known what is there in it they
would have never ignored it.
along with the group of prophets on the Day of Judgment
and he would be considered sinless on that day.
which he had done after accepting Islam and he would get
so many rewards in the hereafter that he would be pleased.
chastise him and not take his account and his abode will be
in the high garden of Paradise.
Reward of reciting
reciting Surah Yasin
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Indeed everything has a
heart and the heart of Quran is Surah Yasin. One who
recites it before going to bed or any part of the day would
remain safe during that day and get earnings from Allah.
One who recites it before going to bed at night; the
Almighty Allah would appoint seventy angels to protect him
from the mischief of Satan and all sorts of calamities. If he
dies the next day Allah would make him enter Paradise and
thirty thousand angels would be present at the time of ritual
bath of his dead body. They would repent for him and pray
for his forgiveness and they would accompany him till his
burial in the grave. Angels would enter the grave before he
is laid down in it and worship over there and the reward of
this worship would be given to him. His grave would be
expanded for a distance as further as an eye can see. He
would remain safe from squeeze of the grave and an
illuminated light would emerge from his grave till the
heaven. This light would remain till the time Allah takes him
out of his grave. When he would be resurrected from his
grave, he would be speaking to angels, his face would be
happy and they would give him good news at every stage
till they pass through the Sirat Bridge and Mizan. The angels
would take him so near to Allah that none except the
nearest angels and prophets have been there. He would
stand in front of Allah with the prophets. While others will
be sorrowful and troubled, he would have no sorrow,
trouble or a difficulty. Allah would tell him, Do intercession
of whomsoever you want. I will accept your intercession
and ask for whatever you want. I will grant you. He will get
whatever he desires and if he does intercession for a person
it would be accepted while others would have to give
account of their deeds. They would have been stopped and
being disgraced but there would be no accounting for this
person. No one will stop him and there would be no
disgrace for him. He wont face bad fortune for any of his
deeds. His scroll of deeds would be opened and given to
him. When he would come down after meeting Allah,
people would utter Sub-haanallaah on seeing him. They
would say, There is no sin to the name of this servant and
he will get the company of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.).
2. Imam al-Baqir (a.s.) said: For one who recites Yasin once
in his lifetime Allah writes for him virtues million times more
than the number of Allahs creatures that are in this world
and would be in the heavens on the Day of Judgment, and
the same number of his sins would be forgiven and that man
would not be afflicted with poverty and sorrow: he would
be safe from death by being buried under debris, misfortune,
insanity and doubts and from every such illness that might
give him pain, and Allah would make the pangs of death
and its fear easy and light; and at the time of departure of
the soul, Allah would be his Helper while for one whose
helper is Allah there is generous livelihood in this world
while in the next there would be happiness and pleasure
before Allah and also a great reward. When he meets his
Lord in the Hereafter, Allah would say to all the angels that
exist in skies and the earth that I am happy and satisfied
with such and such a man, so O angels, all of you seek
forgiveness for this man.
Reward of reciting Surah Saad
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says, One who recites
Surah Saad every Friday eve would get goodness in this
world and hereafter so much, which is not received by
anyone except the prophets, messengers and nearest angels.
Allah would make him and his family enter Paradise even if
they are not among the ones whose intercession can be
done by him.
Reward of reciting Surah Ha Mim Sajdah
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who recites Surah Ha
Mim Sajdah this Surah would be a cause of happiness for
him on the Day of Judgment and it would provide him such
a light, which will be present as long as an eye can see. He
would have a good life in this world and would be loved by
Reward of
of reciting Surah Dukhan
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, Whoever recites
Surah Dukhan in his obligatory and recommended prayers,
Allah would raise him on the Day of Judgment among those
who would be in safety and peace and under the Throne of
Allah, his accounting would be easy and his scroll of deeds
would be given in his right hand.
his family will not face any difficulty and his body will
remain proper and flawless.
Reward of reciting Surah Qalam
1. Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) says: Whoever recites Surah Noon
wal Qalam in his obligatory or recommended prayers,
Allah would always keep him safe and protected from
destitution and poverty, and when that man dies, Allah
would grant him exemption from the squeeze of the grave.
Reward of reciting Surah Insan
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, One who recites
Surah Insan in the morning of every Thursday Allah would
marry him to eight hundred virgin women and four
thousand women who had been married previously and
give him one more Hoorul Ein and company of Muhammad
Reward of reciting Surah Infitar and Surah
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), One who recites Surah Infitar
and Surah Inshiqaq in his obligatory and recommended
prayer, Allah will eliminate all the barriers to the fulfillment
of his desires. There would be nothing to stop him. Allah
will look at him with mercy till accounting of deeds of all
the people is done.
Reward of reciting Surah Alaa
1. Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: Whoever recites it in his
obligatory and recommended prayers, it would be said to
him on the Day of Judgment: Enter Paradise from whichever
door you like.
Reward of reciting Surah Shams, Lail, Zuha and
Alam Nashrah
1. Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: Whoever recites Surah Shams,
Surah Lail, Surah Zuha and Surah Alam Nashrah in one day
or night, nothing would remain that would not stand witness
for his recitation on the Day of Judgment, so much so that
the reciters hair, face, blood, muscles and even bones
would stand witness for him, and everything that grows from
the earth would stand witness along with them and Allah
would say: I have accepted the evidence of all of you for My
servant, now admit him into Paradise and give him all that
he likes on My behalf. Along with this also give him more
by virtue of My mercy and favor.
is like a person who is smeared in blood fighting in the way
of Allah. One who recites it ten times, Allah will forgive one
thousand sins committed by him.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Whoever recites it in his
obligatory prayers Allah makes an announcer to announce:
O servant of Allah all your past sins have been forgiven;
now you pay attention to your deeds.
Reward of reciting Surah Adiyat
1. Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: One who recites it, would be
with Ali (a.s.) on the Day of Judgment and would be among
his special companions.
Reward of reciting Surah Humazah
1. Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: Whoever recites Wailul Lekulle
Humazah (Surah Humazah) in his obligatory prayers, Allah
would remove poverty and destitution from him and make
livelihood easy for him and also keep him safe from
accidental or bad death.
Reward of reciting Surah Maoon
1. Imam al-Baqir (a.s.) said: Whoever recites Surah Maoon
in his obligatory and optional prayers would be among
those whose prayers and fasts are accepted by Allah, the
Mighty and the Sublime, and that man would not be
subjected to reckoning for whatever he has done in the
Reward of
of reciting Surah Kauthar
1. Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: Whoever recites Surah Kauthar
in his obligatory and recommended prayers, Allah would
give him to drink from Kauthar on the Day of Judgment and
he would be of those who had been with the Messenger of
Allah (s.a.w.s.) under the shade of the tree (of Paradise)
him conquest over all enemies and he will have a talking
book with him on the Day of Judgment. He will have
protection against the bridge, fire and fiery voices of Hell
when Allah resurrects him from grave. Every person meeting
him will congratulate and give him glad tidings till he enters
Paradise. A number of doors of goodness will be opened for
him in this world so much that he would never have
imagined or desired.
5. It is narrated from Amirul Momineen (a.s.) that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who recites Surah Tauheed a
hundred times before going to bed, Allah will forgive sins
committed by him in the past fifty years.
6. It is narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) through
his predecessors that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) offered
funeral prayer of Saad bin Maaz and said, His funeral
prayer was attended by ninety thousand angels
accompanied by Jibraeel (a.s.). I asked Jibraeel (a.s.), Why
did you people attend this funeral prayer? Jibraeel (a.s.)
replied, He used to recite Surah Tauheed while standing or
sitting, riding or walking and while coming and going.
7. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who recites Surah
Tauheed eleven times before going to bed Allah will protect
his house along with all the neighboring houses.
8. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, One who recites Surah Qul
huwallaahu ahad eleven times after Morning Prayer wont
commit any sin during that day even if the Satan tries hard.
In this way, the Satan will be disgraced.
9. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) said, One who recites Surah
Tauheed before meeting an unjust person, Allah will protect
him from all sides and he will remain safe from the mischief
of that unjust person. He will benefit from meeting that
unjust person. Whenever you develop fear of something,
recite a hundred verses of the Holy Quran and say, O
Allah! Take this calamity away from me thrice.
10. It is narrated from Hafs bin Ghiyas that Imam Jafar
Sadiq (a.s.) asked someone, Do you like to remain alive in
this world? The person replied, Yes Imam (a.s.) asked,
Why? He responded, Because I recite Surah Tauheed.
After some time Imam (a.s.) said, O Hafs! One from our
Shias who dies without having a good knowledge of
recitation of the Holy Quran, is taught the Holy Quran in
grave so that Allah grants him great ranks. Know that the
levels of Paradise are equal to the number of verses in the
Holy Quran. A reciter of the Holy Quran is told over there,
Recite a verse of the Holy Quran and go to the next level.
Surah Nisa 4:31
small 12 One who abstains from those sins for which
your small,
Allah has promised Hell, Allah will forgive his (lesser) sins.
Reward of repenting
repenting for sins
1. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Allah
revealed onto Prophet Dawood, O Dawood! If a believer
commits sins and repents for it and feels ashamed in front of
Me while repenting I forgive him. I will make the angel
forget this sin and convert this sin into a good deed. I do not
care (it is not difficult for me) for I am the Most Merciful.
Surah Nisa 4:31
who repent. If people benefit from the knowledge of a
scholar he is better than seventy thousand worshippers.
chastisement on the Day of Judgment and one who does not
gets angry with others, the Almighty Allah will ignore his
sins on the Day of Judgment.
2. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Allah will
hide the faults of one who controls his anger.
Reward of avoiding a sin
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Isa bin Maryam (a.s.) passed
by a community. He asked them, Why are you people
crying? They replied, We are crying over our sins. He
remarked, If they give up these sins they would be
Reward of solving problems, being delicate in
calamities and hiding the faults of a believer
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says, If a believer solves the
problems of another believer the Almighty Allah will solve
seventy problems of the world and hereafter for him. Allah
will resurrect him on the Day of Judgment as a jurist and a
scholar. If he handles a poor believer delicately the
Almighty Allah will handle that person delicately as regards
his wishes in the world and the hereafter. One who hides a
fault of a believer the Almighty Allah will hide seventy faults
of that person. One who helps a believing brother the
Almighty Allah helps that person. Benefit from these advices
and move towards goodness.
Reward of offering food to a believer in the
way of Allah
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who feeds a believer
for the sake of Allah will get the reward of feeding Fiyaam
people. The narrator asked, What is meant by Fiyaam?
Imam (a.s.) replied, A hundred thousand people.
Reward of feeding four Muslims to
to satiation
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, One who satisfies the
hunger of four Muslims, Allah will grant him the reward of
freeing a slave from the progeny of Ismail (a.s.).
Surah Balad 90:14-16
Reward of feeding a hungry Muslim
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who feeds a believer to
satiation, Allah will lay such a table in Paradise that all the
Jinn and men could have their fill from it.
Reward of giving a loan to a believer
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, One who grants a loan to a believer and
remains silent till it is repaid, his wealth will remain pure
and angels will send salutations on him till that time.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who grants a loan to a
believer it is considered as Sadaqah by Allah and he will get
the reward of giving Sadaqah.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The reward of a loan is
eighteen times and if he dies it will be counted as Zakat.
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, I like to give loan. One who
loans and the money is not returned on the fixed day the
creditor gets the reward of giving a dinar in charity for the
delay of each day.
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, I like to give one thousand dirhams as loan
twice instead of giving them once as Sadaqah. It is not
permissible for an indebted person to delay repayment if he
is capable of doing so. Similarly it is not permissible to be
strict when a person is not capable of repaying it.
committed by him but He forgave him for offering that piece
of bread.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, My father used to say that
the first deed to be rewarded on the Day of Judgment is
offering water as Sadaqah.
3. The narrator was present near Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.)
when there was a discussion about illness. Imam said,
Treat your illness with Sadaqah. Why dont you offer a
days food as Sadaqah? If the angel of death is ordered to
take out the soul of a person and he pays Sadaqah, the angel
of death is told to return.
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his father that the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) asked a person, Did you fast
today? No, he replied. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) asked,
Did you visit a sick person? No, he replied. The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) asked, Did you attend a funeral? He
said, No. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) asked, Did you feed
a poor? He replied, No. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) told
him, Go to your family and kiss them. It will be Sadaqah
for them.
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Making a deaf understand
something without getting irritated is also a good charity.
6. Imam Reza (a.s.) narrates that there was drought in Bani
Israel for many years at a stretch. A woman kept a morsel in
her mouth. A beggar passed by and called out, O woman! I
am hungry. The woman thought that she should offer
Sadaqah and took out the morsel from her mouth and gave
it to the beggar. The woman had a young child who had
gone to collect some firewood in the forest. A wolf picked
the child up and started running away. The woman started
chasing that wolf. Allah sent Jibraeel at that time and he
took the child from wolf and returned him to his mother and
told her, O woman! Are you happy to get the return of that
morsel through this one?
7. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Allah keeps away from
sorrow, wild animals and unpleasant death one who gives
charity during the day or night.
8. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, Sadaqah keeps one away
from unpleasant death.
9. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, The ground of Qiyamat is
fire except the shade of a believer. Indeed his Sadaqah
shades him.
10. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) was asked, Is it better for a rich
person to give Sadaqah or to buy a slave and free him?
Imam (a.s.) replied, I prefer Sadaqah.
11. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, Good deeds and
Sadaqah keep poverty away, increases life. A person who
does good deeds and gives Sadaqah is safe from seventy
types of unpleasant deaths.
12. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that Amirul
Momineen (a.s.) said that once he gave a dinar as Sadaqah.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) told him, O Ali! Dont you
know, that before a believer gives Sadaqah seventy Satans
are released and they plead him not to do so. This Sadaqah
passes through the hands of Allah before reaching the hands
of the beggar. Then he recited the verse: Dont you know
that only Allah accepts the repentance of the servants and
takes Sadaqah. Surely Allah is the Greatest Forgiver and
Most Merciful.
13. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, Instead of going for
Hajj I would prefer freeing a slave. Then he went on
increasing the number of slaves to be freed one by one
comparing them with a single Hajj till he reached ten.
Further he increased the number of slaves to be freed in
multiples of ten comparing them with a single Hajj till he
reached seventy. Then he said, I like to feed a Muslim
family, clothe them and safeguard their honor instead of
going for a Hajj. Then he went on increasing the number of
Hajj by one comparing them with care of a family till he
reached ten. Further he increased the number of Hajj in
multiples of ten comparing them with care of a family till he
reached seventy.
14. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, If eighty people do a good
deed together each person will get the reward equal to that
of all the people without decrease in the reward of any one
of them.
15. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, The Sadaqah given at the time of prosperity
is the best Sadaqah.
16. The narrator asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) or
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), Which Sadaqah is the best? Imam
(a.s.) replied, Sadaqah given from a little wealth. Didnt you
hear Allahs saying: and prefer (them) before themselves
though poverty may afflict
afflict them ?14 Do you realize its
excellence now?
17. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Giving
Sadaqah with hand keeps away unpleasant death. It keeps
away seventy types of calamities and opens Satanic mouths
all stopping the person from giving Sadaqah.
18. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors
that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was asked, Which Sadaqah
is better? The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied, Giving
Sadaqah to an inimical relative.
19. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The Almighty Allah keeps
seventy calamities away from one who gives Sadaqah in the
month of Ramadan.
20. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) was asked, Should we give
Sadaqah to beggars or to our near relatives? Imam (a.s.)
replied, Give it to your near relatives for it carries greater
21. It is narrated that Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) never
used to return any beggar away empty-handed on the day of
22. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, The reward and
punishment of good deeds and sins respectively has equal
weight on Friday.
23. It is narrated that a beggar came to Imam Jafar Sadiq
(a.s.) on Thursday night. Imam returned him empty-handed
and told the people present there, I had enough money to
Surah Hashr 59:9
give him as Sadaqah but Sadaqah given on Friday carries
multiple rewards.
He replied, Yes, may I be sacrificed for you. The Imam
said, Move your hand on the ground and see if you find
something. He started searching and came to know that it
was a bag containing bread when he found it out. He told
the Imam, May I be sacrificed for you, I will carry it. Imam
(a.s.) replied, I have right to carry it more than you but you
come along with me. They both went to the hutments of
Bani Saidah. Some people were sleeping over there. Imam
kept a few loaves near each person and they returned.
Mualla asked Imam, Are they on the right religion? Imam
(a.s.) replied, If they had been on the right religion I would
have brought salt along with the bread. There is no creation
of Allah which is deprived of necessities. Sadaqah is in the
hands of Allah only. Imam (a.s.) further said, Whenever
my father used to give Sadaqah, he used to take it back from
the hands of the beggar, kiss that Sadaqah and smell it and
then return it to him. He used to do it so because Sadaqah
goes into the hands of Allah before going into the hands of
beggar. He used to say that I like to have in my hands too
what Allahs hands had held. Giving Sadaqah in darkness
reduces the anger of Allah and wipes greater sins. It makes
accounting of deeds easier. Sadaqah given during day
causes abundance in wealth and life. Once Isa Ibne Maryam
passed by a sea. He dropped his food in the sea. One of his
companions asked, O Ruhullah! Why did you do so? It was
your food, why did you drop it? He replied, I dropped it
so that the marine creatures consume it. It carries a great
reward in front of Allah.
Reward of supplication by a destitute for one
who gives Sadaqah
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that Imam Zainul
Abideen (a.s.) said, One who gives Sadaqah to a destitute
and the latter supplicates for the former his supplications are
accepted immediately.
Reward of protecting the honor of a Muslim
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, Paradise would certainly be made obligatory
for one who protects the honor of a Muslim brother.
Day of Judgment. If a believer shakes hands with another
believer the Almighty Allah reveals one hundred blessings
between their fingers, out of which ninety-nine are for one
who loves his friends more. The Almighty Allah pays
attention to him because of his love. When believers
embrace each other, they are immersed in the Mercy of
Allah and when they stand near each other for the sake of
Allah, they are told, Allah has forgiven you. Your deeds will
have a new beginning. When they inquire about each
other, angels tell each other, Keep away from them for they
have their own secrets, which even Allah has kept hidden.
Ishaq asked, Why dont they note down our conversation
while Allah says, A man does not utter a word except that
he is being watched out? He says: The son of the
Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) sighed and he cried so much
that his beard got wet with tears. He said, O Ishaq! The
Almighty Allah orders the angels to stay away from believers
while they are conversing so that they do not note down the
conversation nor do they know about it. Their conversation
is known to only Allah, the Guardian of secrets. O Ishaq!
Fear Allah as if you are seeing Him because even if you
cannot see Him, He is definitely looking at you. If you think
that He is not seeing you, you will become an infidel. If you
have a belief that He is looking you and you hide your sins
from other creatures and reveal them in front of Allah you
have really underestimated His Sight.
who is capable of helping a Muslim and helps him, the
Almighty Allah will help him in the world and the hereafter.
If a believer is being backbited and a person capable of
helping him remains silent and does not defend him, the
Almighty Allah will make him deprived in the world and the
Reward of helping a Muslim brother in his
difficulties and in fulfilling his desires
1. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who
goes to a brother at the time of his difficulty and solves his
problem and helps him in fulfilling his wishes, seventy-two
blessings of Allah will be sent down on him for this deed.
Out of which, one will be to improve his worldly life and
the remaining seventy-one will be a reserved against fear of
creature out of those pleasures on the Day of Judgment. It
will come to that person whenever he is in some problem. It
will help him and say, O lover of Allah! Do not fear. He
will ask, May Allahs mercy be upon you, who are you? If I
would have owned the whole world then too it had no
comparison with you. It will reply, I am the happiness you
gave to such and such family.
meant by one Afaq? Imam (a.s.) replied, A hundred
thousand or more than that.
Reward of meeting a believer to make him
1. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who meets a
believer to please him, Allah will make the former happy on
the Day of Judgment. One who meets a believer to make
him sad, Allah will make the former sad on the Day of
Reward of reciting the following supplications
before going
going to bed
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who recites
Alhamdulillaahilladhee alaa faqahara walhamdu
lillaahilladhee batana fakhabara wal hamdulillaahilladhee
malaka faqadara wal hamdulillaahilladhee yuhyil mautaa
wa yumeetul ahyaa-u wa huwa alaa kulli shai-in Qadeer
thrice before going to bed will become as pure as a
newborn baby.
One who sends salutation on the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)
once, the Almighty Allah will order one thousand rows
having a thousand angels each to send salutation on that
person. Everything in this universe will send salutations on
him because of the salutations of Allah and the angels. Allah
and His Messenger (s.a.w.s.) are wary of ignorant and proud
people. Hence no one hesitates reciting salutation on the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) except an ignorant and a proud
Reward of reciting salutation (Salawaat) on the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates from his
predecessors that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, I will
stand near Mizan on the Day of Judgment. If I see a person
whose sins are more than his good deeds I will keep the
salutations recited on me by him in the pan of good deeds
and make it tilt in his favor.
2. The narrator told Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), When I entered
the house of Allah, I didnt remember any supplication
except salutations on the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.). Imam
(a.s.) replied, No one present there did a better deed than
3. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, No supplication reaches
the heaven unless one recites salutation on Muhammad
(s.a.w.s.) and his progeny.
Reward of reciting salutation (Salawaat) on
Muhammad (s.a.w.s.)
(s.a.w.s.) and his progeny
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says that he has read in a
heavenly scripture, Allah will write a thousand rewards for
one who sends salutations on Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) and his
progeny. For one who recites Allaahumma salli alaa
muhammadinw wa ahli baitih Allah will write a thousand
Imam (a.s.) replied, The salutation of Allah is sending down
of His mercy. The salutation of angels is his glorification and
the salutation of the believers is a supplication for him. One
of the secrets of Aale Muhammad is in the salutation on the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and his progeny: Allaahumma salli
alaa muhammadinw wa aali muhammadin fil malaa-il a-
alaa wa salli alaa muhammadinw wa aali muhammadin
fil mursaleen. Allaahummati muhammadal waseelata
washsharafa wal fazeelata waddarajatal kabeeah.
Allaahumma innee aamantu bimuhammadinw wa lam
arahu falaa tahrimnee yaumal qiyaamati ru-yatahu
warzuqnee suhbatahu wa tawaffanee alaa millatihi
wasqinee min hauzihi mashrabar rawiyyan saa-ighan
hanee-al laa azma-u badahu abadaa. Innaka alaa kulli
shai-in Qadeer. Allaahumma kamaa aamantu
bimuhammadinw wa lam arahu fa-arrifnee filjinaani waj-
hah. Allaahumma balligh rooha muhammadin annee
tahiyyatan katheeratanw wa salaamaa.
One who recites this salutation thrice everyday in morning
and in the evening, his sins are wiped off and forgiven. He
will remain happy forever. His supplications will be
accepted. His wishes will be fulfilled. His earnings will
improve. He will get assistance against his enemy. Causes of
good deeds will come to him and he will get the company
of prophets in high gardens.
Reward of dedicating
dedicating one-
one-third or half or
whole supplication to the Holy Prophet
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that a person came to the
Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) and said, I have dedicated my
one-third prayer for you. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said,
Goodness be for you. The man said, I have dedicated
half of my prayer for you. He replied, You did a really
good thing. The man told him, I have dedicated my whole
prayer for you. He replied, Allah will fulfill all your desires
of this world and the hereafter. At that time, a person asked
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), May Allah do good to you, how
can a person dedicate his supplication to the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.)? Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Send salutation of
Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) and his progeny before asking for
anything from Allah.
Reward of reciting Sub-
Sub-haanallaah a hundred
times after Morning Prayer and Allaahumma
ihdinee after every Prayer
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that Shabih Hazali
came to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and said, O Messenger
of Allah (s.a.w.s.)! I have become old and there is not much
strength left in my body to offer Salaat, fast, go for Hajj,
perform Jihad or do such deeds. O Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.s.)! Tell me a deed through which Allah grants me
goodness. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) asked him to repeat
his words twice. He repeated it thrice. The Prophet said: All
the trees and earth surrounding you have cried on your
state. Recite the following supplication ten times after
Morning Prayer: Sub-haanallaahil azeemi wabihamdihi
wa laa haula wa laa quwwata illaa billaahil aliyyil azeem
and the Almighty Allah will keep you safe from blindness,
insanity, leprosy, poverty and death by being buried under
debris. He asked, O Messenger of Allah! All these were for
this world. What about the hereafter? The Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) replied, Recite the following supplication after
prayers: Allaahummah dinee min Indika wa afiz alayya
min fazlika wanshur alayya minr rahmatika wa anzil
alayya mim barakaatik. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) further
narrates, He held on to those deeds tightly. The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, If he appears on the Day of
Judgment without leaving these actions purposely after
every prayer Allah will open all eight doors of Paradise for
him and he will be free to enter Paradise from whichever
door he wishes.
Reward of controlling oneself at the time of
fear and anger
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who controls himself
at the time of fear and anger, Allah will prohibit fire for his
Reward of supplicating in congregation
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, If four people gather and
supplicate together their supplication is accepted before
they disperse.
Reward of supplicating
supplicating for Believing men and
women and Muslim men and women
1. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) said, One who supplicates for
believers, the Almighty Allah appoints an angel for each
believer to supplicate for that person.
2. Imam Reza (a.s.) said, No believer supplicates for a
living or dead believing men and women and Muslim men
and women but that the Almighty Allah writes for him the
reward of the good deeds of all believers from Adam (a.s.)
till Qiyamat.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who recites twenty five
times everyday: Allaahummagh fir lil mu-mineena wal mu-
minaati wal muslimeena wal muslimaat the Almighty Allah
will write for him the reward of all the believers who passed
away till those are yet to be born and wipe his sins out and
increase his rank.
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, No one supplicates for
believing men or women except that the Almighty Allah will
accept the same supplication for him corresponding to the
number of believers who passed away until those who will
be born till the Day of Judgment. If an order is given to take
that person to Paradise those believers will call out, O Lord!
He is the same person who supplicated for us. We stand to
save him. The Almighty Allah will accept their intercession
and save him from the fire (of Hell).
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, When one of you supplicates it should be for
everyone in general, because it a factor for acceptance of
3. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, I like
reciting this Tasbih every day after Salaat more than offering
a thousand rakats of prayer daily.
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Allah forgives one who
recites Tasbih of Zahra (s.a.) before getting up after Salaat.
One should begin it by reciting Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar).
Reward of silence
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, A believer is counted
among virtuous till he is silent. As soon as he speaks, he is
included either among good people or bad ones.
Reward of repenting
1. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, There is a cure for
every malady and the cure of sins is repentance.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who seeks the
forgiveness of Allah a hundred times at bedtime all his sins
are destroyed like dry leaves of a tree fall off and none of his
sins remains in the morning.
3. It is narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) that the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, My presence among you and
your repentance is a strong fortress to remain safe from
chastisement. Imam said, Now our great protection is no
longer with the world and the only thing remaining is
repentance. So repent a lot for it wipes sins as Almighty
Allah says: But Allah was not going
going to chastise them while
you were among them, nor is Allah going to chastise them
while yet they ask for forgiveness.
4. The narrator wrote to Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) to let
him know those deeds, which will keep him along with
Imam (a.s.) in this world and the hereafter. Imam (a.s.)
replied, Recite Innaa anzalnaa (Surah Qadr) extensively
and your tongue should not stop from repenting.
5. Imam Muhammad (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, One who has Astaghfirullaah written under
each of his sin on the Day of Judgment is indeed fortunate.
Surah Anfaal 8:33
thousand sins in the previous day and one who has
committed more than seventy thousand sins there is no
good for him.
Reward of reciting Sub-
Sub-haanallaah thrice in
the morning and evening
1. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, One who recites Fa sub-
haanallaahi heena tumsoona wa heena tusbihoona wa
lahul hamdu fis samaawaati wal arzi wa ashiyyanw wa
heena tuzhiroon thrice at night has received all the
rewards of that night and distanced all the mischief. One
who recites it in the morning will receive all the good and
kept away from all the mischief of that day.
you.16 And He says: and certainly the
remember you.
remembrance of Allah is the greatest.
Surah Baqarah 2:152
Surah Ankaboot 29:45
Reward of a person whose aim is Hereafter
every morning and evening
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, One who has hereafter as his ultimate aim
every morning and evening, Allah makes his heart self-
sufficient and he will be granted worldly things. He will not
pass away from this world without earning his sustenance
completely. One who has this world as his aim, Allah will
put hunger before his eyes and scatter his worldly affairs and
he will not get anything from the world except what was
ordained for him.
Surah Baqarah 2:261
Reward of being ashamed and repenting for
ones sins
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, There is no believer who
commits forty greater sins during day and night and says:
Astaghfirullaahalladhee laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul
qayyoomu badeeus samaawaati wal arzi dhaljalaali wal
ikraami wa as-aluhu any-yatooba alay and Allah does not
forgive his sins; and there is no good in one who commits
more than forty greater sins.
your so and so believing neighbor and doing good in the
Reward of Salaat,
Salaat, Zakat, doing good and
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, When a believer enters his
grave, the Salaat is to his right and Zakat to his left. Good
deeds shade him and patience stands at one end. When the
two angels enter to question him, Patience tells Salaat, Zakat
and good deeds: Protect your friend. If you fail to do so, I
will protect him.
Reward of loving the progeny of Muhammad
(s.a.w.s.) and hating their enemies for the sake
of Allah
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, If one loves us and hates
our enemies for the sake of Allah and dies even after having
committed sins equal to the drops of water of the sea then
too Allah will forgive him.
convey His salutations and has said: Your only aim was to
please Me and you met Me. I have made Paradise obligatory
for you, given you salvation from My anger so that you are
granted freedom from the fire of Hell.
Reward of near ones who cry out of fear of
Allah, worship Him keeping away from what
He has prohibited and having beauty of
abstinence in this world
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that Almighty Lord
gave salvation to Musa (a.s.) on Mount Tur. It was among
those things for whom Allah said, O Musa! There is no one
to receive nearness like those among the near ones who cry
out of My fear. There is no worshipper like one who
worships Me keeping away from what I have prohibited.
There is no one who beautifies Me more than those who
abstain because they do not beautify themselves with those
things they are independent of. Musa (a.s.) asked the Lord,
O the Most Merciful of the merciful ones! What is the
reward of those people? Allah replied, O Musa! Those
who seek nearness fearing Me will be with My best friends
where no ordinary person can come. I feel ashamed to
inquire about the deeds of those who worship Me keeping
away from what I have prohibited. One who seeks nearness
to Me through abstinence in this world I will grant him
every kind of paradise so that he may live wherever he
Surah Fussilat 41:23
Reward of cultivating the advices of Allah in
ones self
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, No Muslim man cultivates
the advices of Allah in himself then gives the rights and
recovers the rights; but that he gets two benefits he will get
satisfying sustenance and salvation-giving pleasure of
hand so that Allah gives you abundance and you remain
safe from calamities.
6. A man complained to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) about
highway robbers. He said, Why didnt you wear a
cornelian ring? It protects one from all evils?
7. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, One who wears a
cornelian ring in his hand will continue to see goodness till
the ring is present in his hands and will always remain in the
protection of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime.
8. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors
that: One who wears a ring inscribed Muhammadun
nabiyyullaahi wa aliyyunw waliyyullaah Allah will save
him from unpleasant death and he will die a natural death
9. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, No hand raised in front of
Allah is loved by Him more than one which has a cornelian
in it.
10. Imam Reza (a.s.) said, One who seeks sustenance
through cornelian will get a huge share.
11. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors
that Imam Husain (a.s.) said, Allah created Musa bin Imran
and talked to him on Mt. Sina and looked at the earth with
mercy and created cornelian with the light of his face and
said, I swear by Myself, I have made it obligatory on Myself
that I will never punish with fire (of Hell) one who wears
cornelian in his hand and is the lover of Ali (a.s.).
Reward of wearing a turquoise ring
1. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The hand
having a turquoise ring will never be needy.
2. The narrator went to visit Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) and
saw a turquoise ring in his hand inscribed with: Allaahul
Malik. He went on seeing that ring continuously. Imam (a.s.)
asked, Why are you looking at this stone like this? Jibraeel
had brought this stone for the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) from
Paradise as a gift. It was given to Ali (a.s.) by him. Do you
know what its name is? He replied, It is turquoise. Imam
said, That is the Persian name. Do you know its name in
Arabic? No, he replied. Imam said, It is Zafar.
Reward of wearing an
an Emerald ring
1. It is narrated from Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) who read out
from a book: There are lots of comforts for a person
wearing the Emerald ring and there is no hardship for him.
The narrator wrote down these words of Imam (a.s.).
Reward of humility
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors that
Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, The forehead of every person
from the progeny of Adam is in the hands of an angel. When
he says Takbir, the angel bends his forehead down and tells
him: Do so with humility otherwise Allah will disgrace you.
If he remains humble he holds his head straight up and says:
Keep your head up. There is a lot of honor for you near
Allah and you wont be disgraced due to your humility.
for one who avoids lust today for the sake of those promised
things he has not seen.
Reward of that person whose seeing is a lesson,
silence is thought, conversation is
remembrance of Allah, who weeps over his
sins and from whom people remain safe
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that Amirul
Momineen (a.s.) said, All the good deeds are hidden in
three qualities seeing, silence and speech. One whos
seeing is not a lesson is useless. One who is not a fountain
of silence and deep thought is ignorant. One whose speech
is not the remembrance of Allah is worthless. A person
whose seeing is a lesson, silence is thought, conversation is
remembrance of Allah, who cries over his sins and from
whom people remain safe, is indeed fortunate (there is
Tooba for him).
Reward of silence and going to the house of
Allah on foot
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, There is nothing among the
worship of Allah better than silence and going to the house
of Allah walking.
2. Ali bin Mahziyar narrates that Imam (a.s.) said, Soon a
time will come when good things will rest on only ten
things. Nine of them are keeping away from people and one
is keeping silent.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Good deeds are written for
a Muslim till he is silent. As soon as he speaks, either a good
deed or a sin is written down for him.
who sins openly will not be helped. One who sins secretly,
may be forgiven.
Reward of repentance
1. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, Allah will forgive one who
repents to Him. The parts of his body and the earth will be
ordered to hide his sins. The angels who note down the
deeds of a person will be made to forget the sins.
2. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who repents a year before his
death, Allah will forgive him. Then he said, A year is too
much; Allah will forgive even one who repents a month
before his death. Then he said, A month is also too much,
Allah will forgive even one who repents a day before his
death. Then he said, A day is also too much, Allah will
forgive even one who repents just a moment before death.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, Allah gives abundant
sustenance to whomsoever He desires. Similarly the mercy
of Allah is spread far and wide for the sinners day and night
waiting for the person to repent and be forgiven. The mercy
of Allah waits at sunset for the people who committed sins
during the day to repent and get themselves forgiven.
Reward of inscribing Maashaa Allaah on
ones ring
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who inscribes:
Maashaa Allaahu laa quwwata illaa billaahi astaghfirullaah
on his ring, will remain safe from devastating poverty.
Reward of a person whose aim is hereafter,
who wants to improve his inner self and wants
good between him and Allah
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors that
Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, It is the habit of jurists and
wise people to advise about three things in their every letter
written to each other. Nothing else was present among
them; that is one who is only worried about the hereafter,
Allah will fulfill his worldly wishes and needs. Allah
improves the exterior of one who improves his interior and
one who develops good between himself and Allah, Allah
develops good between him and the people.
Reward of shaking hands
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The reward of shaking
hands with each other is equal to the reward of a soldier in
the way of Allah.
Reward of helping sad people
1. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who
helps his brother who is thirsty and sorrowful, solves his
problem and helps in fulfilling his desires the former will be
granted seventy-two bounties, which will keep him safe
from fear on the Day of Judgment.
Reward of slaughtering an animal
animal and
distributing its meat among the poor after
having built a house
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who builds a new
house, slaughters a healthy animal, distributes its meat
among the poor and recites the following supplication:
Allaahummad har annee maradatal jinni wash shayaateeni
wa baarik lee fee binaaee will get whatever he wishes.
Surah Qasas 28:22-28
shed a tear equal to the size of the wing of a fly Allah will
forgive his sins even if those sins are more than an ocean.
Reward of loving
loving Ahle Bayt (a.s.)
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The sins of the lovers of
Ahle Bayt (a.s.) are destroyed in the same way as dry leaves
of a tree fall off due to wind.
grant him a better bounty as soon as this bounty gets
Reward of respecting an elderly
elderly person after
knowing his excellence
1. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who knows the
excellence of an elderly person and honors him, Allah, the
Mighty and Sublime will grant him salvation from fear on
the Day of Judgment. And he said, Respecting an elderly
believer is a way of showing respect to Allah, the Mighty
and Sublime.
3. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who takes a letter
of a warrior to its destination, will be like one who has freed
a slave and will get the reward of participating in that Jihad.
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his father that the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, The horses of warriors are from
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his predecessors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, All the good lies in the
sword and its shade. Nothing except sword can improve
people. Sword is the key of Paradise and Hell.
as the horse is present in it. He will not face any difficulty as
long as this horse is with him. It is also narrated that Imam
Musa Kazim (a.s.) said, One who keeps a horse to scare or
destroy an enemy, gets help as long as the horse is with him
and his house will not have poverty.
5. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, One who sees a
horse having a part of its body white while coming out of
his or someones house, he will have lots of happiness on
that day. If he is going for some work and sees such a horse
on his way, Allah will accomplish that task and fulfill his
Reward of having fever the whole night
1. It is narrated that Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) said,
Having fever for a night compensates for sins of a year
because its pain remains in the body for a year.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Having fever for a night
compensates for past and future sins.
of bearing. Imam (a.s.) replied, Remaining patient during
Reward of illness
1. Imam Reza (a.s.) said, Illness purifies a believer. It is a
mercy for him and a chain and curse for an infidel. A
believer remains ill till the time his sins are forgiven.
Reward of a sick
1. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, There are four rewards for a sick - the pen of
difficulty is taken off from him, Allah orders angels to write
those deeds of a sick again, which he used to perform in
good health, illness goes into the parts of his body and takes
out all the sins, if he passes away from this world, he will be
forgiven and if he remains alive, then too he will be
2. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who visits a sick
for the sake of Allah, the prayer of sick for the visitor is
Reward of visiting a sick, giving ritual bath to
dead, attending a funeral, consoling a mother
at the death of her young son
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that Musa (a.s.)
asked Allah, Let me know the reward of visiting a sick.
Allah replied, I order an angel to worship in the grave of
the visitor till the Day of Reckoning. Musa (a.s.) asked, O
Lord! What is the reward of giving ritual bath to a dead
body? Allah replied, I will wash his sins like that of the
day when he was born. Musa (a.s.) asked, O Allah! What
is the reward of those who attend a funeral? I will appoint
flag-bearing angels to attend him from his grave till the Day
of Reckoning. Musa (a.s.) asked, What is the reward of
condoling a woman whose son has passed away? Allah
answered, He will get the shade on the day when there will
be no shade.
god except Allah, for a person whose last words are, there
is no god except Allah, will enter Paradise.
Reward of keeping
keeping up the hopes of giving birth
to a healthy child even after suffering
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, If a few children of a
person die and if he/she hopes for reward in turn those
children will act as a shield in front of the fire of Hell for that
2. It is narrated that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, If three
children of a person die before reaching puberty or if three
children of a woman pass away from this world, these
children will act as a shield in front of the fire of Hell for that
3. Abu Zar Ghiffari (r.a.) said, If three children pass away
from the world, Allah will make the parents enter Paradise
with His grace and mercy.
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, If a child of a person passes
away from this world, he/she is better than seventy children
who are alive and that child will see Imam-e-Zamana.
Reward of squeeze
squeeze of grave for a believer
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
Amirul Momineen narrated that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)
said, The squeeze of grave for a believer is the atonement
for the bounties wasted by him.
of Ahle Bayt (a.s.), none of his sins will remain when he
meets Allah.
2. It is also narrated that if a believer is deprived of one or
two eyes, he/she wont be questioned about his/her sins.
Reward of stroking the head of an orphan
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, If a believing man or woman
strokes the head of an orphan with mercy, Allah will grant
him/her a light for each hair of the head of that orphan.
2. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who is wary of his hard-
heartedness and if he strokes the head of an orphan gently,
he will become soft-hearted by the order of Allah and it is
the right of an orphan. It is narrated in another tradition
that one should make orphans sit in ones gatherings and
stroke their heads gently so that one can become soft-
hearted. One becomes soft-hearted by the order of Allah as
soon as he/she performs this deed.
Reward of buying gifts for ones near and dear
ones and making ones daughter and son
1. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who goes to the
market and buys gifts for his near and dear ones, its reward
is equal to that of paying sadaqah to a community of needy
people. Present gifts to your daughters before sons. A person
who makes his daughter happy will get the reward of freeing
a slave from the progeny of Ismail (a.s.). A person who
makes his sons happy will get the reward of weeping in the
fear of Allah. A person who weeps in the fear of Allah, will
be rewarded a Paradise full of bounties.
his wife was having labor pains when he left the house and
now she has given birth to a girl. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)
said, The burden of that girl is borne by the earth and sky
will provide her shelter. Her sustenance is guaranteed by
Allah and it is a fragrance you will smell. Then he turned
towards the companions and said, One who has one
daughter is burdened. One who has two daughters, you
should help him in his problems. One who has three
daughters is exempted from jihad and all other difficulties.
One who has four daughters, O servants of Allah, help him,
give him loans and shower mercy on him.
4. It is narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) or Imam
Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that he said, Whenever a girl is born,
Allah appoints an angel near that child, who touches his
wings over her head and chest saying: It is created with
weakness. One who bears her expenses will be helped on
the Day of Judgment.
(Divine Punishment for
various sins)
In the name of Allah,
Allah, the Most Beneficent,
eneficent, the Most
resurrect as a Jew one who hates our Ahle Bayt. He was
asked, O Messenger of Allah! What if that person recites
shahadatain? The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied, He is
like a Jew who has recited shahadatain to save his life or
honor or to exempt himself from payment of Jizyah. Further
it is also narrated that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, A
person who hates our Ahle Bayt will be resurrected as a
Jew. He was asked as to why it is so. He replied, Because
if they live in the age of Dajjal, they will start following his
2. It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, People who hate us, Ahle Bayt will
be raised on the Day of Judgment as lepers (having no
if he goes to Allah without our love, he will not get benefit
of any of his deeds.
3. The narrator was in the company of Imam Muhammad
Baqir (a.s.) and there were about fifty people sitting there.
After a long pause, Imam (a.s.) prompted, What has
happened to you? Probably you are thinking that I am a
prophet of Allah. I swear by Allah that it is not so and I am
in relation with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and I am from his
progeny. Whoever does good to us will receive goodness
from God. Allah will love one who loves us. Allah will
deprive one who deprives us. Do you know which part of
land is best in position near Allah? Everyone remained
silent. Imam (a.s.) continued, This holy Mecca is the land
most liked by Allah. He made it His Sanctuary and
considered it as His house. Do you know which part of
Mecca is most honored? Everyone remained silent and
Imam (a.s.) replied himself, Masjidul Haraam is the most
honored part of Mecca. Do you know which place of
Masjidul Haraam is most honored by Allah? Everyone kept
quiet and Imam (a.s.) replied himself once again, That
place is between rukn-e-Aswad, maqaam-e-Ibrahim and the
door of Kaaba. This is the place of Hateem of Ismail. He had
given his sacrifice over here and offered Salaat. I swear by
Allah that one who offers prayers at this place standing all
night and fasts during day but if he is unaware of our rights
and greatness of we, Ahle Bayt, Allah will never accept any
of his deeds.
Punishment of dying without the recognition of
1. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) the meaning of
the saying of the Holy Prophet that one who dies without
the recognition of Imam, dies the death of ignorance. Imam
Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) pointed to his chest and said, When the
state reaches here you will need it (recognition of Imam)
much. Your thinking is good regarding this.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, We are the Imams whose
obedience is obligatory. One who denies us, will die as a
Jew or a Christian. I swear by Allah, this earth is not
deprived of a guiding Imam since the passing away of
Prophet Adam (a.s.). They are proofs of Allah on His
servants. Whoever kept away from them were destroyed and
Allah guarantees salvation for those who obey them.
Punishment of Assuming the responsibility of
the community in spite of the presence of
learned scholars and jurists
1. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who assumes the
responsibility of the community in spite of the presence of
learned scholars and jurists, shall be in the base level (of
Surah Ghashiya 88:3-4
Surah Kahf 18:3
7. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, The Murjiah people and
their leader would be gathered blind and on seeing them the
infidels would say that the whole Ummah of Muhammad is
gathered blind. They will be told: These are not the
followers of Muhammad. They had changed certain things
and hence they themselves are changed now.
8. It is narrated that Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) said, Just as
Allah, the Mighty and Sublime showers mercy on His
believing servants at the time of Prayers, He also curses
some people. He was asked, Why are some people
cursed? He replied, Because they deny our rights and
falsify us.
9. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, On the Day of Judgment the
cursed Iblees and the misguided people of the Ummah will
be brought pulled by their nose. Their group will equal the
size of Mt. Ohad. They will be thrown into Hell face down.
By this, a door of Hell will be closed.
10. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) the meaning
of this verse: Has not there come to you the news of the
overwhelming calamity?23 Imam (a.s.) replied, The Qaim of
the progeny of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) will destroy them with
his sword. The narrator asked, What is the meaning of the
verse: (Some) downcast?24 Imam
(Some) faces on that day shall be downcast?
(a.s.) replied, It means that they will be humble and will not
be able to fight. The narrator asked, What is the meaning
Laboring?25 Imam (a.s.) replied, Their deeds will not
of Laboring?
Surah Ghashiya 88:1
Surah Ghashiya 88:2
Surah Ghashiya 88:3
be according to divine command. The narrator asked,
toiling?26 Imam (a.s.) replied, Those
What is meant by toiling?
appointed without the permission of the Imam and those
who are not capable but were appointed as imams. The
narrator asked, What is the meaning of Entering into
fire?27 Imam (a.s.) replied, They will face the battle
burning fire?
of fire during the rule of the Qaim of the progeny of
Muhammad and will become the fuel of the fire of Hell in
the hereafter.
11. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that Imam Muhammad
Baqir (a.s.) said, The Almighty Allah has made Ali (a.s.) a
sign in His creation. There is no sign between Allah and His
creatures except Ali (a.s.). Whoever obeys him will be
considered a believer, his deniers are infidels and those who
doubt in him are polytheists.
12. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Ali is the door of
guidance. Those who oppose him are infidels and his
deniers are destined to Hell.
13. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Even if
all the creatures of this earth deny the love of Amirul
Momineen (a.s.), Allah will send chastisement on all of them
and throw everyone in Hell.
14. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) told the narrator, Your cousin
came to me like a mad Bedouin wearing torn clothes. He
had worn a sheet over that and was carrying shoes in his
hands. He told me that some people talk about you. I asked
Surah Ghashiya 88:4
him whether he was not an Arab? He replied that he was
indeed an Arab. I told him: Arabs do not hate Ali (a.s.) and
perhaps you are among those who deny the cistern of
Kauthar. Beware! If you reach Kauthar with this hatred, you
will indeed die thirsty.
15. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that Jibraeel came to the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and said, O Muhammad! Peace be
upon you, Allah has sent salutations to you. There is no
place more superior in all seven heavens and everything
present in them and all seven lands and everything present
in them than rukn and maqaam. One who supplicates at this
place from the time of creation of heavens and the earth but
denies the love of Ali and later on meets Allah, He will
surely throw that person in Hell.
16. The narrator visited Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) and told
him, May I be sacrificed for you! I have a neighbor. I get up
from sleep on hearing his voice. He continuously recites the
Holy Quran. He recites verses incessantly, he mourns and
supplicates humbly. I have asked about him from various
people. They told me that this person keeps away from all
the deeds prohibited by Allah. Imam (a.s.) said, O Maisar!
Does he have belief like you? The narrator replied, Allah
knows better. When he went for Hajj next year, he
inquired about the belief of that person. He was told that the
person did not have belief like the narrator. The narrator
went to Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) and told about that person
once again. Imam asked the same question, which he had
asked the previous year. The narrator said that the person
did not have belief like him. Imam (a.s.) asked, O Maisar!
Tell me, which is the most honored place in this world?
The narrator replied, Allah, His Messenger and the son of
His Messenger know best. Imam (a.s.) said, O Maisar!
There is one of the gardens of Paradise between the Rukn
and Maqaam. Similarly there is one of the gardens of
Paradise between the grave of the Holy Prophet and his
pulpit. If the Almighty Allah prolongs the life of a person so
that he prays between Rukn and Maqaam and between the
grave of the Holy Prophet and the pulpit for one thousand
years and if he is slaughtered like an animal by oppressors
while he laid silently on his bed and if such a person meets
Allah without our love, he deserves only that Allah throws
him headlong into Hell.
17. It is narrated that Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, As
soon as the enemy of Ali (a.s.) passes away from this world,
he is made to drink a gulp of the boiling water of Hell. For
one who is inimical to Ali (a.s.) there is no difference
whether he is a worshipper or a fornicator.
18. It is narrated that Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said,
For the enemies of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) there is no difference
whether they observe fast and offer prayers or they commit
fornication and theft. In any case they are destined to Hell
and they shall go to Hell.
19. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) about one
who imprecates Ali (a.s.). Imam (a.s.) replied, I swear by
Allah that it is permissible to kill him however doing so
should not become a cause of death of an innocent human.
The narrator asked, How can it become a cause of the
death of an innocent? Imam (a.s.) replied, The death of
that infidel should not be retaliated by the death of a
20. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that Amirul Momineen
(a.s.) said, Our enemy is standing at the edge of the pit of
Hell and will surely enter Hell and the hellish will be
destroyed. It is a bad place for them as Almighty Allah has
said: so certainly evil is the dwelling place of the proud.28
There is no such person who is granted goodness by Allah
and does not love us.
21. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says that a believer can surely
intercede for his friend except a nasibi because even if all
the prophets, messengers and honored angels intercede for a
nasibi, their intercession will not be accepted.
22. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that Nuh (a.s.) took even
dogs and pigs with him on the Ark but he did not take the
illegitimate born; and the enemies of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) are
even worse than illegitimate-borns.
23. The narrator informed Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.),
One of my neighbors commits acts prohibited by Allah to
an extent that he even misses his Salaat. There are a few
more sins committed by him. Imam (a.s.) replied, Glory be
to Allah! Do you want me to tell you about a person worse
than him? Yes, said the narrator. Imam (a.s.) said, One
who is inimical to us is worse than that.
Punishment of Qadi
1. Imam Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, The souls of Qadiris
will be troubled every morning and evening till the Day of
Judgment. Different types of chastisements will be sent to
them along with those condemned to Hell on the Day of
Surah Nahl 16:29
Judgment. They will call out: O God! You gave us specific
punishment and now you are punishing us along with
hellish people also. They will be told: taste the touch of
Hell. Surely We have created everything according to a
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Following verses are
revealed only for the Qadiris: Surely the guilty are in error
and distress. On the day when they shall be dragged upon
their faces into the fire; taste the touch of Hell.
Hell. Surely We
have created everything according to a measure.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, Two types of people from
my Ummah have no part in Islam and they are Murjiah and
4. It is narrated that Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, The
people who deny divine predestination will be raised from
their graves transmogrified as monkeys and pigs.
5. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, This verse is revealed
regarding Qadiris: taste the touch of Hell.
Hell. Surely We have
created everything according to a measure.
6. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
Amirul Momineen Ali (a.s.) said, The people who do
innovation (Bid-at) will be brought on the Day of Judgment
in the same way as black and white bullocks are prominent.
Surah Qamar 54:48-49
Surah Qamar 54:47-49
Those who believe in predestination or Free will
Surah Qamar 54:48-49
Qadiris will in the same way appear prominent among them
and Allah, the Mighty and Sublime will ask: What was your
intention? They will reply: Our intention was to seek Your
pleasure. Allah will say: Your sins are forgiven but of the
Qadiris are not. This is so because they committed
polytheism in ignorance.
7. Once a group of people were present before Amirul
Momineen (a.s.) when the narrator asked, What is your
opinion about Qadiriya? Imam asked, Is there any Qadiri
with you or in this house? The narrator asked, What will
you tell them? Imam (a.s.) replied, I will ask them to
repent and if they do not repent, I will behead them.
8. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, A Qadiri who does
exaggeration has lost his faith.
9. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, There is no night or
day but that the Murjiah are becoming like Jews and
Qadiriya like Christians.
10. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, Magians were present in
every Ummah and the Magians of this Ummah are the
Alawi and Fatimi? Imam (a.s.) replied, Yes, even if he is
Alawi and Fatimi.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, A person who claims to be
an Imam while he is not, is an infidel.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who claims to be an
Imam while he is not, has associated lie with Allah, His
Messenger and me.
4. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Allah will
shorten the life of those who claim to be an Imam except for
the true one.
Punishment of Adams
Adams son who slew his
brother, Nimrod who fought with Prophet
Ibrahim (a.s.) regarding the Lord, the two
persons of Bani Israel who made their
communities Jew and Christian, Firon whowho
claimed to be a God and two persons of this
1. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The
severest punishment will befall seven persons (in all). The
son of Prophet Adam who murdered his brother, Nimrod
who fought with Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) regarding the Lord,
the two persons of Bani Israel who made their communities
Jew and Christian, Firon who claimed divinity and two
persons of this Ummah, out of which one is worse than the
other. These people will be kept inside a casket of glass in
the river of fire below Hell.
2. The narrator asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) who
would be the first to enter Hell. He replied: Shaitaan, and to
the left and the right of him will be one person each.
3. Ishaq bin Ammar Sairfi asked Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.),
Please tell me about those two persons. I have heard a lot
of traditions about them from your father. Imam (a.s.)
replied, O Ishaq! The first one is like the calf and second
like Samiri. Ishaq requested to tell some more things. Imam
said, I swear by Allah! Some men made people Jews,
Christians and Magians and Allah will not forgive them.
Ishaq requested the Imam to continue telling about them.
Imam continued, They are three in number. Allah will not
have mercy on them. They will not be purified and will face
a painful chastisement. Ishaq asked, May I be sacrificed
for you, who are they? Imam (a.s.) replied, First is one who
claims to be an Imam appointed by someone other than
Allah. Second is one who taunts an Imam appointed by
Allah. Third is the person who thinks that they are related to
Islam. Ishaq said, May I be sacrificed for you, please
narrate about them in detail. Imam (a.s.) replied, Such a
person will not hesitate to delete a clear verse of Quran or
deny the prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) or testify that
there is no lord in the heavens or elevate the status of a
person more than Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.). Ishaq said, May
I be sacrificed for you, please tell me something more.
Imam (a.s.) said, O Ishaq! There is a valley of Hell called
Saqar. It hasnt taken a breath since the time Allah created it.
If Allah had permitted it to take in the breath equal to the tip
of a needle, it would have sucked all the people of earth
with it and burnt them to ashes. The people of Hell seek
refuge from its extreme heat, stink, filth and chastisement,
which Allah has prepared for those who deserve Hell. There
is a mountain inside it. All the residents of this mountain
seek refuge from the extreme heat, stink, filth and
chastisement of it, which Allah has prepared for them.
Surely there is a ravine in this mountain. All the residents of
this mountain seek refuge from the extreme heat, stink, filth
and chastisement of this, which Allah has prepared for its
residents. There is a well in that ravine and all the residents
of this ravine seek refuge from the extreme heat, stink, filth
and chastisement of this well, which is prepared by Allah for
its residents. There is a serpent in that well. The residents of
this well seek refuge from the filth, stink and poison of this
serpent, which is made for the residents by Allah. There are
seven boxes inside this serpent, out of which five are
concerned with past Ummahs and two are related to this
Ummah. Ishaq asked, May I be sacrificed for you, who are
those five among the past and two in the present? Imam
(a.s.) replied, As far as the past five are concerned, they are
Qabeel; for he murdered his brother Habeel, Nimrod for he
fought with Ibrahim (a.s.) regarding the Lord and said that he
gives life and death, Firon; for he said that he was the
supreme lord to his subjects, Yahuda; for he made a group
of people Jew and Paul, who made some people Christians
and from this Ummah are the two desert Arabs (infidels).
this way, you are reducing the punishment of Allah while it
is very severe and painful.
2. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said that there is a place in Hell, for which
no one is deserving except the killers of Prophet Yahya bin
Zakariya and Imam Husain (a.s.).
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, A dome of light will be made for Fatima on
the Day of Judgment. Imam Husain (a.s.) will enter that
dome carrying his head in his hands. Fatima (s.a.) will start
crying upon seeing him so much so that entire assembly,
angels, prophets and messengers and believers will wail
loudly. At that time the Almighty Allah will create a
handsome youth out of that head to fight with the killers of
Imam Husain (a.s.). The Almighty Allah will gather all the
killers and their supporters. That youth will kill all of them
and they will be brought back to life. Amirul Momineen
(a.s.) will come and kill all of them and they will again be
brought back to life. Imam Hasan (a.s.) will kill all of them
and they will be brought back to life once again. Imam
Husain (a.s.) will kill them all and they will be given life
again. There will be no person in our progeny who will not
give them death. Then the curtain will be moved aside with
anger and everyone will forget the sorrow. May Allah
shower mercy on our Shias. By Allah, our Shias are true
believers for they have grieved with us for a long time in this
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, By Allah, Qaim of the
progeny of Muhammad will kill the progeny of the killers of
Imam Husain (a.s.) for the crime of their ancestors.
5. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) narrated that Fatima Zahra
(s.a.) will come surrounded by the women of her family on
the Day of Judgment. When asked to enter Paradise, she will
say, I will not enter Paradise until I have seen how my
daughters were treated after me. She will be asked to look
at the center of Qiyamat where Imam Husain (a.s.) will be
standing headless. He will utter a loud cry and the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) himself will start mourning loudly. Angels
will start weeping on seeing him and Almighty Allah will be
enraged at that time. He will order the fire named Hab-hab
(which has burned for a thousand years and had become
black due to burning. No happiness would have ever
entered this fire nor any sorrow would have come out of it)
to bring the killers of Imam Husain (a.s.) even if they were
Muslims. They will be put into Hell shackled in chains. If
they cry, the fire will also cry. If they groan, the fire will also
groan. They will cry out, O Allah! Why were we put into
Hell before the infidels? They will be told, Those who
know are not like those who dont know.
6. Abdullah bin Bakr Arjaani says that he accompanied
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) on the journey from Mecca to
Medina. They reached a place called Ghasfaat. When they
moved ahead, they saw a path resembling the Black
Mountain. Abdullah asked Imam, O son of messenger of
Allah, how frightful this path is! I saw such a dangerous
mountain first time during travels. Imam said, Do you
know what mountain it is? It is called Jabalul Kamad. It is
one of the canyons of Hell, which is reserved as the abode
of the killers of Imam Husain (a.s.). The water of Hell flows
beneath it. Rivers like Sadeed and Hameem flow beneath it.
They will never be able to come out of Hell. They wont be
able to come out of the filth coming out of the genitals of an
adulteress, Hutama, Saqar etc. Whenever I pass by this
mountain, I halt and see these people cry and seek help.
However they did not think of anything while martyring my
father. I tell them that this is the result of their deeds. When
they had power, they did not care about us. When they got
the kingdom, they martyred us, denied us our rights and
trespassed them. They did injustice as per their wish without
caring for us. May Allah never forgive one who has a soft
corner in his heart for you. Taste the fruits of your deeds.
Allah does not do injustice to any servant.
7. Yaqoob bin Sulaiman narrates that the discussion of the
martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.) was going on one night. A
person said that all who took part in the martyrdom of Imam
Husain (a.s.) had to face some loss either of life or of wealth.
An old man interrupted, I took part in the martyrdom of
Imam Husain (a.s.) but I didnt have to face any calamity.
People felt really bad upon hearing this. Suddenly an oil
lamp tumbled and he went to put it up properly. His hands
caught fire and were burnt. Then the fire reached his beard
and he ran towards water and jumped into the river but fire
had already engulfed his head. When he was taken out of
the river, this cursed one was completely burnt to death.
8. Qasim bin Asbagh bin Nubatah narrates that he had seen
a handsome and fair man from Bani Darim. He had been
involved in the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.) and after
that become extremely ugly and black. Qasim asked him, It
was very difficult for me to recognize you. What is wrong
with your skin? He replied, I had martyred a handsome
youth of Imam Husain (a.s.), his forehead had the marks of
prostrations. Then I took his head with me (and I became
black from that time). Qasim says that he had seen that
person extremely glad while killing. He was riding a horse
and had hung the head on his horse. The head was hitting
the legs of the horse again and again and moving around.
Qasim had told his father, He should have tied the head a
little higher. Dont you see how badly it is hitting the legs?
His father replied, O piece of my heart! These people have
done much more oppression than this one, which has
moved you so much. The killer says, From the time I have
murdered, this martyr comes in my dreams continuously,
holds my shoulder and asks me to come and takes me
towards Hell and throws me inside it. Qasim narrates that
he heard the wife of the killer say, We have to hear his
rubbish till morning and cannot sleep till daybreak. Qasim
says that a few persons from her tribe came to her and asked
about him. She told them that he himself had done so and
what he told was right.
9. Ammar bin Umair Tamimi narrates that when the heads
of the cursed Ubaidullah bin Ziyad and his companions
were brought, people were saying that a snake was wrapped
around his head and it went inside the head of Ubaidullah
through a nostril. Then it came out and, entered the second
10. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said that the head of Imam Husain (a.s.) smeared
with blood will be brought to Fatima Zahra (s.a.). She will
cry out, O peace of my heart! O Fruit of my heart. Angels
will lose consciousness on hearing the cries of Fatima and
the gathered people will call out, O Fatima! May Allah kill
those who martyred your son. Allah will say, I will take
revenge from those who martyred Husain (a.s.) in front of
your lovers, Shias and followers. Fatima will be mounted
on a mount of Paradise, having a beautiful forehead, white
face, black eyes, head made of pure gold and neck made of
amber. Its rein will be of green satins. It will be decorated
with jewels and its saddle wrapped with divine light. There
will be divine mercy in it. Its one step will be equal to a
farsakh of this world. Seventy thousand angels will surround
this mount and glorify the Lord of both this world and the
hereafter saying Laa ilaaha illallaahu Allaahu akbar. A caller
will call out from Divine throne: O people! Lower your
gaze; for this is Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad
(s.a.w.s.). She wants to pass by the Sirat Bridge. Fatima and
her followers will pass by the Bridge with great speed. The
enemies of Fatima and her progeny will be thrown into Hell.
11. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that indeed when the
progeny of Abu Sufyan martyred Imam Husain (a.s.), the
Almighty Allah snatched their power from them. When
Hisham martyred Zaid bin Ali, Allah took away power from
him also. Similarly when Walid martyred Yahya bin Zaid,
the Almighty Allah took away his power as punishment.
2. The Almighty Allah says: My mercy will not reach one
who testifies falsely and a fornicator will not come near Me
on the Day of Judgment.
Punishment of manslaughter,
manslaughter, drinking wine
and slandering
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, A murderer, a drunkard and
a slanderer will not be able to enter Paradise.
2. Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) narrates from Imam Husain
(a.s.) that Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, Paradise is
prohibited for three types of people a slanderer, a
murderer and a drunkard.
3. Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) said, Paradise is prohibited for
three kinds of people a slanderer, a drunkard and a
Me, chase this world. The eyes of none of My creatures who
consider this world great could get peace, while those who
considered this world unworthy could get heaps of
Punishment of Bigotry
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, Those who are biased have removed the
necklace of Islam from their necks and thrown it away.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Those who are biased have
removed the necklace of Islam from their necks and thrown
it away.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The head of a bigot will be
covered with fire by Allah.
4. Imam (a.s.) says, The Almighty Allah will assemble the
bigots along with the ignorant polytheists.
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, Even if one has bigotry in
his heart equal to a small grain, the Almighty Allah will
assemble him on the Day of Judgment along with ignorant
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Pride is a divine dress
(suitable only for Allah) and those who compete in this
matter will be hung in Hell by Allah.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The Almighty Allah will not
have mercy on three types of people the proud, one
whose dress of pride sweeps the ground and one who
swears in order to sell things. Surely pride is only for the
Lord of the Worlds.
4. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) and Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.)
said, A person who has even an iota of pride in his heart
will not enter Paradise.
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, A person who has pride in
his heart equal to even a small grain will not enter Paradise
and a person who has faith in his heart equal to even a
small grain will not enter Hell. The narrator asked, When
a person wears good clothes and rides a mount, he feels
proud. Imam (a.s.) replied, This is not pride. Pride means
to reject the truth and faith means to accept it.
6. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, Pride is a vehicle of
7. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, A valley of Hell called
Saqar, is reserved for the proud. This valley was burnt
excessively by Allah and it requested Allah to let it inhale.
As soon as it was allowed to do so, the entire Hell flared
8. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, The proud will be
gathered on the Day of Judgment with their bodies as
diminutive as that of ants. People will tease them till Allah
concludes accounting of all the people. Then Allah will put
them into Hell where they will be made to drink the dirt
coming out of the private parts of a fornicateress and dirty
blood and puss of the people of Hell.
9. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, The majority of the
people of Hell will be those who are proud.
10. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Surely
proud people will be reduced to the size of small ants on
the Day of Judgment and people will ridicule them till Allah
concludes accounting of all the people.
11. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Proud people will be
farthest from Allah on the Day of Judgment.
12. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, Allah will not talk to three types of
people on the Day of Judgment and neither will He send
mercy upon them. They will not be consoled and shall get
severe punishment. Those three are an aged fornicator, a
despotic ruler and person who is proud.
punishment from the time soul enters his body and he
cannot blow spirit into it on his own. A person who narrates
false dreams will be punished as long as two grains of maize
continue to meet and he himself cannot make the two grains
meet. Molten lead will be poured into the ears of the one
who listens to that which is detested by the people.
Punishment of obeying wives
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, A person who obeys his wife
will be thrown headlong into Hell. Imam (a.s.) was asked
what he meant by obedience of wife. He replied, Here
obedience means that the wife asks her husband to
accompany her to bath, weddings, sermons etc. while she
hasnt covered her body properly, and he agrees.
Punishment of offering sacrifices to idols
1. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), O Master!
How is it possible that a person goes to Paradise because of
a house fly and another into Hell because of it? Imam (a.s.)
replied, These two persons went to a tribe, which was
celebrating a feast on that day. That tribe had an idol and
none was allowed to go near it without offering a sacrifice.
However there was no restriction on the size of sacrifice.
The tribe refused to permit them passage unless they offered
a sacrifice. One of those two persons said that he didnt
have anything to sacrifice. Then he caught a fly, killed it and
offered it as a sacrifice while other companion refused to
sacrifice even a fly for the sake of anyone except Allah. The
tribal people killed him and he entered Paradise. On the
other hand, the person who was left alive got punished in
Mighty and Sublime: and give upright testimony for
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The punishment of false
testimony is lashing and its number will be as per the will of
Imam. In addition to this the person should be made to go
round the city so that people recognize him and that the
person does not commit this sin once again. Imam (a.s.)
was asked whether his testimony can be accepted if he
repents and decides not to commit the sin once again. Imam
(a.s.) replied, If he repents and Allah accepts his
repentance, the persons testimony is acceptable.
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) was asked how a false testifier
should repent. He replied, The person should recompense
the loss of wealth because of his false testimony. If the
victim has lost one third of his wealth, it should be repaid. If
he has lost half of his wealth, the same should be repaid and
if the loss is due to testimony of two persons, they both
should repay it together.
Surah Talaq 65:2
3. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, Keep away from taking false oaths
because it causes the cities to become vacant of its
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, Taking false oaths in case
of helplessness causes entire cities to become vacant of its
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, False oaths bring along
poverty and hunger with them.
6. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The punishment of taking
false oath is given to the person within forty days in this
world itself.
7. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, False oaths are the reason
behind transfer of mercy. Upon being asked the meaning,
Imam (a.s.) replied, Transfer of mercy means spread of
diseases. Muhammad bin Yahya has narrated it as being
heavy instead of being transferred.
8. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, Taking false oaths
and breaking relations are the causes of emptying cities of
their residents and transfer of mercy. Transfer of mercy
causes the cutting off of the progeny.
9. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, If a man swears falsely due
to which there is a loss of wealth or right of a Muslim, he
has made Hell obligatory on himself.
10. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, The Almighty Allah
has created a giant white cock whose head is near the
Divine throne and legs extending to the depth of seven
layers of earth. One of its wings covers the entire east and
another, the entire west, when open. No cock crows unless
this cock does. When this cock wants to crow, it moves its
wings and murmurs: Sub-haanallaahi Sub-haanallahil
Azeemilladhee laisa kamithlihi shai. The Almighty Allah
replies: A person who swears falsely by Me has no faith on
Me in accordance with your saying.
11. Salman was passing by a graveyard. He said, O
believers and Muslims residing inside the graves, my
salutations be upon you. O those who are lying here! Do
you know that today is Friday? He returned home and
slept. He saw a man in his dream who said, O servant of
Allah! Salutations be upon you too. We heard whatever you
said. You saluted us and we are giving you the reply. You
had asked us whether we knew that today is Friday. We
even know what birds say on Friday. Salman asked, What
do birds say on Friday? The man replied, They say: Pure is
our Glorious Allah Who is Great and there is none like Him.
A person who swears falsely for the Lord is not aware of His
12. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who swears by Allah,
should prove his words true. One who cannot prove it, there
is no value for him in Allahs view. Hence one who swears
by Allah, should please Allah. If he is not able to please
Allah, there will be no value for him in Allahs view.
Punishment of carelessness
carelessness about the impurity
of urine
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The punishment of grave is
mostly due to careless attitude towards the impurity of
Punishment of not giving
giving importance to Salaat
1. Abu Baseer said that he presented his condolences of
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) to Umme Hameeda. She started
weeping and he too did. Then she said, Were you with the
Imam at the time of his death, you would have heard a
strange thing indeed. During his last moments, Imam (a.s.)
opened his eyes and said: Call my near relatives. When they
were summoned, Imam (a.s.) said: One who considers
Salaat unimportant will not receive our intercession.
Punishment of reciting Surahs while attending
Congregation Prayer
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that Amirul
Momineen (a.s.) said, One who recites Surahs while
attending Congregation Prayer behind an Imam, will not be
considered a follower of Islam after his death.
Punishment of delay in offering Salaat-
1. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who
delays Asr Prayer so much that he is not able to offer it, the
Almighty Allah will bring him without relatives and wealth
on the Day of Judgment.
2. The narrator went to Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) and asked,
Tell me about one who delays offering Asr Prayer
purposely? Imam (a.s.) replied, He will be brought without
relatives and wealth on the Day of Judgment. The narrator
asked, May I be sacrificed for you! Is it so even if he is
worthy of Paradise? Imam said, Yes, even if he is worthy
of Paradise, he will be brought without relatives and wealth
on the Day of Judgment. The narrator asked, What
position will he get in Paradise? Imam answered, He will
be deprived of relatives and wealth over there also. Such a
person will have no house and he will have to stay as a
guest in others houses in Paradise.
3. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, Get deceived in
anything but not in Asr Prayer. Offer it in the brightness of
the sun for the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has said: a person
who wastes Asr Prayer will be without relatives and wealth.
The narrator asked, Who is one without relatives and
wealth? Imam (a.s.) replied, He is one who has neither any
relatives nor any wealth in Paradise. The narrator asked,
What is meant by wasting Salaat? Imam (a.s.) replied, It
means not offering it during the time between noon and
Punishment of not offering Isha Prayer till
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, The appointed angel
calls out: May Allah not give sleep to the eyes of those who
go to bed without offering Isha Prayer by midnight.
Surah Nisa 4:48
Surah Nisa 4:10
Surah Anfaal 8:15
Punishment of usurping the wealth of an
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that it is written in the book
of Imam Amirul Momineen (a.s.) that one who usurps the
wealth of an orphan forcefully, this wealth will be a cause of
calamity for him soon on the Day of Judgment. And
regarding the punishment of this world, Allah says, And let
those fear who, should they leave behind them weakly
offspring, would fear on their account, so let them them be
careful of (their duty to) Allah, and let them speak right
words.37 Allah says regarding the punishment of the
hereafter: (As for) those who swallow the property of the
orphans unjustly, surely they only swallow fire into their
bellies and they shall enter fire.38
enter burning fire.
2. It is narrated that Imam (a.s.) said, The Almighty Allah
has promised two punishments for those who usurp the
wealth of orphans forcefully. One of these is the punishment
of hereafter and that is the fire of Hell. Another is the
punishment of this world and Allah says regarding this: And
let those fear who, should they leave behind them weakly
offspring, would fear on their account, so let them be
careful of (their duty to) Allah, and let them speak right
words.39 Because your children can be dealt in the similar
way as you deal with other orphans.
Surah Nisa 4:9
Surah Nisa 4:10
Surah Nisa 4:9
3. The narrator went to visit Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.). During
the discussion, Imam (a.s.) said, One who usurps the
property of an orphan, the Almighty Allah will appoint an
oppressor over him or his children. Surely the Almighty
Allah has said: And let those fear who, should they leave
behind them weakly offspring, would fear on their account,
so let them be careful of (their duty to) Allah, and let them
speak right words.
Surah Aale Imran 3:180
abundance. Allah had given a lot to these people but they
did not pay Allahs share from their wealth.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who owns gold and
silver and does not pay Zakat; the Almighty Allah will do
the accounting of his deeds in a barren desert on the Day of
Judgment. He will appoint a serpent whose venom would
have reached its hair from its head. The serpent will follow
the person who will try to run away. However when he
comes to know that it is difficult to save himself from the
serpent, the person will try to defend himself using his
hands. The serpent will pounce upon him within the
twinkling of an eye and shackle him by his neck. This is in
accordance with the saying of Allah: they shall have that
whereof they were niggardly made to cleave to their necks
day.42 Similarly one who owns camels,
on the resurrection day.
cows, sheep and goats and does not pay Zakat, the Almighty
Allah will capture him in a barren desert. Every poisonous
creature present over there will sting him. Similarly one who
owns dates, grapes and farms and does not pay Zakat, the
Almighty Allah will shackle him in the ring made as large as
the seven layers of the earth.
4. Once a person sent the narrator to Imam Jafar Sadiq
(a.s.). This person used to murmur in his sleep out of fear of
a woman. His voice used to increase so much that it
reached the neighbors. Imam (a.s.) told the narrator to go
and ask that person whether he had avoided paying Zakat.
The person replied, By Allah! I pay Zakat regularly. Imam
Surah Aale Imran 3:180
(a.s.) told the narrator to convey that he pays Zakat regularly
but does not give it to those who are eligible.
5. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that one
who does not pay Zakat, will desire to return to this world
once again after his death. This verse of the Holy Quran
points out the same fact: Until when death overtakes one of
them, he says:
says: Send me back, my Lord, send me back;
Haply I may do good in that which I have left.
6. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, There are two sins in Islam
whose punishment will not be given in this world before the
reappearance of Imam-e-Zamana. One of them is stoning a
fornicator who is married and another is breaking the neck
of the person who does not pay Zakat.
7. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who does not pay
Zakat throughout his life, will desire to return to this world
at the time of his death. One who avoids payment of a
penny of Zakat and he dies, he has an option i.e. to die as a
Jew or as a Christian.
8. It is narrated from an infallible that one who avoids
payment of a single penny of Zakat and he dies, he will not
be considered a Muslim or a believer. Imam Jafar Sadiq
(a.s.) said, One who pays Zakat, his wealth will never be
wasted neither on land nor in the sea. When the Qaim of
the progeny of Muhammad reappears, he will cut off the
heads of those who do not pay Zakat.
Surah Mominoon 23:99-100
Punishment of refus
fusing Zakat
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who is needy and does
not accept Zakat, is like one on whom Zakat has become
obligatory and he is not paying it.
Ikhlaas in any of them, will be told: O servant of Allah! You
are not of those who pray.
Punishment of
of insulting a believer
1. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that the
Almighty Allah has said, He has waged a war against Me
that insults My believing servant. And he is safe from My
anger that respects My believing servant.
Punishment of repeating the words of a
believer in order to expose him
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who repeats the words
of a believer with an intention to expose him, insult his
personality or reduce his respect among the people, Allah
will take away His guardianship and make Shaitaan as his
Punishment of being haughty against Allah
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that a community had
committed a number of sins. However they stopped
committing them after a period and began to fear those sins
a lot. Some people came forward and said, Your sins are
around our necks. The Almighty Allah sent chastisement on
them and said: Those people used to fear Me and you tried
to be haughty.
11. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) cursed ten persons in connection with
wine viz. one who cultivates the fruit, one who nurtures it,
one who prepares wine, one who drinks it, one who serves
it, one who sends it, one who orders it, one who sells it, one
who buys it and one who makes profit from it.
12. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Music is the abode of
hypocrisy and wine is the key to sin. A drunkard is one who
has rejected the book of Allah because if he had accepted
the book of Allah, he would surely have avoided this
prohibited act.
13. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, One who puts intoxicant in one of his veins,
the Almighty Allah will involve that single vein in three
hundred and sixty kinds of punishments.
14. Imam Jafar Sadiq was asked about the ruling against the
person who uses an intoxicant. Imam (a.s.) replied, His
prayers will not be accepted for next forty days and he
cannot repent during these forty days. If he dies during these
days, he will go to Hell.
15. It is narrated that one of the groups of Quraish saw
Imam Muhammad bin Ali (a.s.) in Masjidul Haraam and
began to say: The people of Iraq worship him. One of them
advised that they send a person to him to ask a few
questions. A person came to Imam and asked, O uncle!
What is the greatest sin? Imam (a.s.) replied, Drinking
wine. He went to his people and told him about the
Imams reply. They told him to go and ask the same
question again. The person came to the Imam and repeated
the question. Imam (a.s.) answered, O nephew! Didnt I
reply you last time? Drinking wine forces a person to
commit adultery, theft, murder and polytheism. The effects
of wine are more than any other sin just like its tree is taller
than other trees.
16. The narrator told Imam Reza (a.s.), Ibne Dadhuya says
that you told him: A drunkard is a polytheist? Imam (a.s.)
replied, He is right and I had told him that.
17. The narrator asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) regarding
alcohol (Khunsa). Imam (a.s.) replied, Khunsa is prohibited
and one who drinks it, is like one who drinks wine.
Punishment of humiliating oneself before a
ruler or an enemy of religion
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Safeguard your religion
through piety and seeking help from Allah instead of seeking
help from the worldly ruler. Know that if a believer bows in
front of a ruler for worldly benefits, Allah will weaken his
voice, make that ruler his bitter enemy and hand him over
to the ruler whom he had relied upon. Even if that person is
successful in getting wealth Allah will take away abundance
(Barakat) from it. If he spends that wealth for Hajj, Umrah or
for freeing slaves, Allah will not give any reward for it.
One who leaves the order of Allah and obeys the order of
Shaitaan, will go to Hell along with Shaitaan.
Surah Nur 24:19
Punishment of one who is indebted at the time
of death, who is careless
careless of urine present on
body and clothes, spreads
spreads scandals,
scandals, backbites
and slanders
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said that there are four kinds of
people who will involve other inmates of Hell in their
punishment. They will wail loudly after drinking boiling
water. The people of Hell will ask: What is the sin of these
four types of people for they are given extra punishment in
addition to that given to us? Their punishment is increasing
our suffering also. One of them would be hanging in a
casket of fire, second will be drinking vomit and smoke, dirt
and blood will be coming out of the mouth of the third and
fourth will eat his own flesh continuously. The first one will
be asked: O one away from the mercy of Allah! What sin
did you commit for which we have to suffer in addition to
our own punishment? He will reply, I was having rights of
others and I died without fulfilling them. Then the person
drinking smoke will be asked, O one away from the mercy
of Allah! What sin did you commit for which we have to
suffer in addition to our own punishment? He will reply,
The reason I am away from the mercy of Allah is that my
body used to become impure with urine and I never cared
about it. Then the person whose mouth will have dirt and
blood coming out will be asked, O one away from the
mercy of Allah! What sin did you commit for which we
have to suffer in addition to our own punishment? The
person will reply, I am away from the mercy of Allah
because I used to spread scandals and publicize obscenity.
Then the person who is eating his own flesh will be asked,
O one away from the mercy of Allah! What sin did you
commit for which we have to suffer in addition to our own
punishment? He will reply, I used to eat the flesh of
people by backbiting and used to slander.
Punishment of wearing nice clothes when there
are believers having no clothes
1. Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) said, One who has extra
clothes and he comes to know that there is a needy person
in his neighborhood and if he does not give his clothes to
the needy, the Almighty Allah will throw him headlong into
Punishment of boasting
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, The Almighty Allah
delegated the power to an angel of His to build all of the
seven earths and heavens. When he created them and found
that everyone has started obeying him, he called out: Is
there anyone like me? The Almighty Allah sent a little fire in
order to burn down everything so that he gets to know the
consequence of boasting. The narrator asked about the
amount of fire sent. Imam (a.s.) replied, It was just a
Punishment of having enmity with each other
and betrayal of trust
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, My Ummah will remain
safe till they do not betray trust and return the things to their
owners and pay Zakat. When they cease to do so, they will
face famine and drought.
Punishment of sins
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, It is not that the
amount of rain is increasing year by year. The Almighty
Allah sends rain wherever He feels. If the people of an area
commit sins, Allah sends the rain destined to fall in that area
elsewhere in a forest, ocean or a mountain. The Almighty
Allah deprives the earth of rain because of the sins
committed by the people. He diverts the rain to a place
where sins are not committed. Imam Muhammad Baqir
(a.s.) said, O those who see! Gain lesson from this. We
have seen in the book of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) that the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: When extra-marital sex
becomes common, the number of deaths increase suddenly.
When cheating increases much, Allah involves people in
drought and loss. When people stop paying Zakat, the
Almighty Allah stops abundance of crops and yield from
earth. When injustice spreads, people start helping each
other in unjust causes and when promises are broken, Allah
leaves them at the mercy of their enemies. When relations
are broken, wealth is handed over to evil people. When
people are not called towards good and are not stopped
from doing evil and when the virtuous among our Ahle Bait
(a.s.) are not obeyed, the Almighty Allah will give their
control to evil people. At that time, virtuous people will pray
but their prayers will not be accepted.
2. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, There are five things from which
you should seek Allahs refuge. When people of a
community start sinning openly, epidemic plagues, which
were not destined for them earlier, become common. When
people start cheating in weight, they have to face drought
and oppression of an unjust ruler. When Zakat is not paid,
rainfall is reduced and they would not have received rain
had there been no animal among them. When the oaths of
Allah and promises to His Messenger are broken, the
Almighty Allah gives their control to their enemies. He takes
away whatever is present with them. When people act
without obeying Allahs commands, He sends His
chastisement on them.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, A time will come when my Ummah will
become impure from inside and attractive from outside in
order to acquire wealth. They will do showoff instead of
gaining divine rewards. They will not fear Allah. Allah will
punish all of them. At that time, people will supplicate like a
drowning man but their supplications will not be accepted.
4. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, A time will come on my
Ummah when only the name of the Holy Quran will
remain. They will have only the title of Islam while they will
be far away from it. Their mosques will be filled apparently
but will be completely deprived of guidance. Their jurists
will be worst under this sky and mischief will start from
them and return to them.
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, When some people of a
community start disobeying Allah, they will be the army of
Iblees whether they ride or walk.
6. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Surely,
Allah, the Mighty and Sublime sent a prophet to his
community and sent revelation unto him: Tell your
community that there is no city or tribe which obeys Me and
is still faced with calamity. The people kept away from what
I liked and chose to love what I had prohibited. At last, I
have disliked what they like and loved what they disliked.
Punishment of obeying the Devil
Devil and love of
this world
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that Prophet Isa (a.s.) was
passing by a village during his prophethood. He saw the
people of village lying dead in the streets and houses. He
said that they must have died due to sins committed by
them. They would have buried each other had the case
been different. One of the companions expressed his desire
to know the details. Prophet Isa (a.s.) was told to call out.
He called out, O people of this village! One of the
persons replied, At your service, O Ruhullah! Isa (a.s.)
said, What have you done to yourselves? What happened
to you? The person replied, We were fine in the morning
and reached Hawiya at night. He was asked what Hawiya
was. The person answered, It is an ocean of fire having
mountains of fire. He was asked the reason for being sent
to that place. He replied, Because of the love of this world
and worship of idols. He was asked, How much love did
you have for this world? The person replied, We loved it
as much as a child loves its mother. The child becomes
happy when she comes and becomes sad when she goes
away. He was asked, How much did you worship the
devil? He answered, We used to obey whenever a
command was given to us. He was asked, Why is it so
that only you are replying and others are quiet? He replied,
Because their mouths are filled with fire and angels
appointed over them are torturing them severely. I used to
live with them but did not act like them. The chastisement
took me along with these people. Till now, I am hanging
from a wire as thin as a hair. I fear that I will also fall in the
fire of Hell. Isa (a.s.) told his companions, Sleeping on dry
grass and eating barley bread is a way to save ourselves.
Punishment of showoff
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was asked, What will have
salvation on the Day of Judgment? The Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) replied, Salvation is only and only in not cheating
Allah so that He also doesnt cheat you. Surely Allah cheats
a person who cheats Him and takes faith away from him. A
person should know that he has cheated himself. The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was asked, How does a person cheat
Allah? He answered, By obeying the order of Allah but for
the sake of someone else. Keep away from showoff because
it is polytheism. Surely, a person who does showoff will be
called with four names on the Day of Judgment viz. O
disbeliever, O mischief-monger, O cunning, O loser! Your
deeds are wasted. Your reward was reduced continuously
and there is nothing left for you today. Go and ask for the
reward from one for whom you performed good deeds.
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
Allah has said in one of the books revealed on prophets,
One of My creatures has made religion a way to acquire
this world. They have the heart of a wolf and are wearing
the skin of a sheep. They do not have even an iota of
patience but their words are sweeter than honey. All of their
hidden actions are having stench more than that of a corpse.
Will they cheat Me for mercy? Or they are stepping ahead of
Me? I swear by My honor that I will involve them in such a
calamity that they will roll in it from one corner of earth to
another. It will be wise to split them in different groups so
that they take revenge from other such people over there.
My enemies will take revenge from My other enemies and I
will not have to worry about it at all.
Punishment of making
making something
something with an
intention to boast about it
1. His Eminence, Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, One who
makes something to boast about it will be raised on
Qiyamat black-faced.
Punishment of Allahs
Allahs Anger
1. Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) said, If Allah gets angry over a
city but does not reveal His chastisement upon it, it faces
inflation, lifespan of people is reduced, trade becomes
profitless, there is shortage of fruits, rivers become dry,
rainfall becomes scanty and mischief-mongers are made to
overpower them.
Punishment of back-
back-biting a warrior, hurting
him and torturing his children
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who backbites a
believing warrior or hurts him or his family members, this
deed will be stored at a place which will destroy all of his
good deeds and he will be thrown headlong into Hell if the
warrior was obedient to Allah.
2. An infallible Imam says that every innovation is
misguidance and every misguidance leads to Hell.
3. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, The lowest form of
polytheism is to invent a new religion and hate and love
according to it.
4. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) was asked, What is the
lowest form of idol-worship? Imam (a.s.) replied, Creating
a new religion and loving and hating people on the basis of
5. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, The Almighty Allah will
not accept the repentance of a person who starts an
innovation. He was asked, Why is it so? He replied, It is
because the person has kept the love of innovation in his
6. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, A person who takes a single
step towards a person who does innovation and respects
him is certainly like a person who has taken a step to
destroy Islam.
Surah Mominoon 23:10-11
hair. Are your hairs turning white? Imam (a.s.) replied, Yes
it is the dye which I have applied. We, the Hashemites turn
old soon. Then Imam glanced at the narrator and asked,
Have you come for my help? The narrator replied, I have
become aged and turned old. I have huge loans on my head
and I have a large family. I am also having the things of
other people with me kept as trust. I dont know what will
happen to me if I go with you? I dont want to deprive so
many people of their trust. The cousin also gave similar
excuses for not accompanying the Imam (a.s.). Upon this,
Imam (a.s.) told them, Go away from this place as if you
have not heard me asking for help because one who hears
an Imam asking for help and turns a deaf ear, will be thrown
headlong into Hell.
Punishment of oppressors and their helpers
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said that a caller will call out on
the Day of Judgment, Where are oppressors and their
helpers? Those who bring ink for them, who prepare bags
for them and those who hold the pen for them; all are
included among their helpers.
Surah Maidah 5:78-79
3. The narrator was with Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) when Imam
(a.s.) was asked, Is an adulterer a believer at the time of
committing that sin? Imam (a.s.) replied, When he is
committing the sin, faith is taken away from him and
returned to him after the act. Imam was asked, What
about one who wants to commit the sin once again? Imam
(a.s.) replied, In most cases, even if people try to do so they
are not able to.
4. It is narrated that Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said,
When a person commits fornication, he is not alone and
the Shaitaan accompanies him. Both of them commit this
sin together. The semen is of one person only but the child
belongs to both of them. Hence he is a partner of Shaitaan.
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The Almighty Allah will not
even talk to three kinds of persons, they will not be purified
and will be given severe chastisement. One of them is that
adulterer woman who used to commit fornication on the
bed of her husband.
6. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Should I tell you about the
greatest form of fornication? It is when a woman commits
adultery on the bed of her husband and becomes pregnant
with the child of other man. Later on, this child is associated
with her husband. The Almighty Allah will not speak to this
woman on the Day of Judgment nor look at her with mercy.
She will not be purified and get a severe chastisement.
7. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The punishment of that
person will be the severest who released his semen in a
womb, which was prohibited for him.
8. The narrator asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.), What
is meant by the saying of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.): When
a person commits fornication, the soul of faith is taken away
from him? Imam (a.s.) replied, The soul separated from
him is the same that is discussed in this verse: We granted
them piety through this soul.
9. It is narrated that Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said,
There is no good in illegitimate children. Neither there is
good in their skin nor in their hair, flesh, blood or any other
10. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, If illegitimate children are
forgiven, the person who went around Bani Israel will be
forgiven. Imam was asked, Who is the person who went
around Bani Israel? Imam (a.s.) replied, He was a
worshipper. He was told that illegitimate children will not
be purified and none of their deeds will be accepted. The
worshipper emerged in the mountains and asked: What is
my fault in it?
much that their tears reached the Divine Throne. Then Allah
ordered the sky to rain stones on those people and He
ordered the earth to swallow them.
2. Imam Muhammad Baqir relates that the community of
Prophet Lut (a.s.) was one of the best creations. The
accursed Shaitaan misguided them greatly. People used to
go out for work leaving their women behind. Shaitaan used
to damage their houses and belongings in their absence.
They used to return home to find it messed up. All of them
decided to catch the culprit red-handed. One day they hid
in one place and kept a close watch on their houses. They
saw a young and handsome boy come and damage their
belongings. People caught hold of him and asked, Was it
you who damaged our things earlier? Yes, replied the
boy wickedly. People decided to execute that boy and gave
the responsibility of holding him captive at night to a man.
At night, the boy began to wail. The man asked, Why are
you crying? The boy said, My father used to make me
sleep on his chest. The man said, You sleep on my chest.
The boy laid on his chest and began to rub himself with that
man. The man also began doing the same to Shaitaan. Then
Shaitaan disappeared suddenly. The man narrated the whole
incident to his fellowmen in the morning.
They were surprised and never knew about this act earlier.
Then the people also started doing this act. They committed
this act with each other at first and, began to do it with
whoever passed by their city to an extent that people
stopped passing through their town. They avoided their
women and began to keep handsome boys to satisfy their
sexual desires. When Shaitaan saw that all men have been
misguided, he went to the women in the form of a lady. He
told them that their men have sexual relations with other
men. The women replied that he was right and they knew it
and Prophet Lut (a.s.) had also advised them to keep away
from this act. Now Shaitaan taught this act to women also
and they began involve themselves with each other. When
the argument of Allah was exhausted, He sent Jibraeel,
Mikaeel and Israfeel in the form of boys wearing cloaks to
that community. When they reached the city, they saw
Prophet Lut (a.s.) working on his farm. The Prophet asked
them, I have never seen anyone more handsome than you.
Where are you going? They replied, Our Master has sent
us to meet the elderly of this city.
Lut (a.s.) said, Doesnt your Master know what the people
here do? By Allah, they catch hold of men and sodomize
them till they bleed. They said, Our Master has ordered us
to pass through this city. Prophet said, I have a request for
you. They asked what it was. Lut (a.s.) said, You wait here
till nightfall. Those boys sat there. Lut (a.s.) sent his
daughter to bring some water and bread for them and
blankets to save them from the cold weather. When the girl
started walking towards her house, it began to rain heavily
and the whole city was flooded. Lut (a.s.) said, The people
of the city must have gone home. We can go now. Prophet
Lut (a.s.) was walking at the side while Jibraeel, Mikaeel and
Israfeel were walking in the middle of the road. Lut (a.s.)
asked them, O boys! Why are you walking in the middle of
the road? They replied, Our Master has told us to walk on
the middle of the road. Prophet Lut (a.s.) comforted himself
by thinking that it was night and there was minimum
danger. The accursed Shaitaan threw a womans child in the
well and began to scream in the whole city. All the people
gathered near the house of Prophet Lut (a.s.). They saw three
handsome boys in his house and said to him, O Lut! You
have also started doing this act. Lut (a.s.) told them, These
are my guests. Now do not embarrass me. The people told
him, You keep one of those handsome boys and hand over
the other two to us. Lut (a.s.) took them to a room in his
house and closed the door saying, I wish I had a strong
power to fight these people and defend you. The people
banged at his door and broke it open. They entered his
house and attacked him. Prophet Lut (a.s.) fell on the
ground. Jibraeel told Prophet Lut (a.s.), We are angels of
your Lord. These people will not be able to hurt you a bit.
He picked up a handful of mud and threw on the crowd and
said, Distort their faces. All the people became blind as a
result. Lut (a.s.) asked, O angels! What has the Lord
ordered about these people? They said, The Lord has said
that they will be chastised at dawn. Lut (a.s.) said, I have a
request. He was asked what the request was. Prophet said,
They should be punished just now. They replied, The
time of chastisement is at dawn. Isnt dawn near? You
migrate from this city before dawn and take your daughter
along leaving your wife behind.
Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said that may Allah have
mercy on Prophet Lut (a.s.) for his words, I wish I had a
strong power to fight these people off. He was not aware
about the persons present in his house at that time. Can
there be a support better than Jibraeel? The Almighty Allah
told Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w.s.), This
chastisement is not away from the unjust in your Ummah
i.e. if the people of your Ummah commit the sin similar to
that of the people of Lut, they too will face similar
3. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who sodomises a
man will not die until he has invited others to sodomise
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq has said, If a man commits sodomy
with a boy, he can never ever marry that boys sister.
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, If there is a person who
deserves stoning twice, it is one who commits sodomy.
6. It is also narrated that Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, If it is
done outside anus, it is called sodomy and if it is inside it, it
is disbelief.
7. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that a person came to his
father and said, O son of Allahs Messenger! I am involved
in a grave calamity. Please pray for me so that I come out of
it. People told Imam (a.s.) that others have illicit relations
with this person. Imam (a.s.) said, It is not possible to have
relations until the person himself is ready for it. Allah says: I
swear by My honor! A person who allows others to have
illicit relations with him will also be unable to sit on the
sheets of Paradise.
8. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, There are some men about
whom Allah will not care at all. They have wombs like
women. Imam was asked, Dont these men get pregnant?
Imam (a.s.) replied, Their wombs are like balloons.
9. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, The Almighty Allah does
not involve our Shias in four kinds of calamities viz.
begging, homosexual relations, involving in bad friendship
and giving birth to children like a green crow.
10. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) has cursed those men who dress up as women and
those women who dress up as men. These are same people
who are involved in homosexual relations. Surely the
women of the community of Prophet Lut (a.s.) was also
involved in homosexual relations when chastisement befell
the community.
11. Imam Ja'far Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that Amirul Momineen
(a.s.) said, There is no man that hands over himself to
another man to play with him as he wishes but that Allah
develops female sexuality in him.
12. Once a woman came to the narrator to seek permission
to meet Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.). The permission was granted
and she came to meet the Imam (a.s.). She asked Imam
(a.s.), What is the punishment of a lesbian? Imam (a.s.)
replied, The punishment is equal to that of a fornicator. The
adulterers will be brought on the Day of Judgment wearing a
dress of fire. Their shawl will be of fire. They will be pierced
with the rods of fire from the stomach to their heads and
they will be thrown into Hell. She will be told: O woman!
This act was done by the community of Prophet Lut (a.s.)
first when the males started involving themselves with other
males and women being left alone became lesbians.
13. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Two women cannot sleep
together under a single blanket without a partition or a gap
between them. If they do so, they should be stopped. If they
do not listen, they should be lashed as per Islamic law. If
they do it again, they should be lashed again and if they do
it the third time, they should be executed.
14. A group of women came to Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.). One
of them asked, What is the punishment of a lesbian? Imam
(a.s.) replied, Its punishment is equal to that of an
adulterer. She said, The Almighty Allah has not mentioned
anything about it in the Holy Quran. Imam (a.s.) said,
Allah has discussed about it the Holy Quran. They asked
where He has discussed it. Imam (a.s.) replied, It is
discussed in the incident of the people of Rass.
3. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, A person who
double-talks and is double-faced is doing very badly indeed.
He does not get tired of praising his brother on his face but
always backbites him. He becomes jealous when his brother
gets some bounty and does not help him when he is in
4. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, A person who talks
bad about each and every small thing is a sinner. He faces
people with a face and has another on their back.
5. The Almighty Allah told Prophet Isa (a.s.), O Isa! Your
heart and tongue should be united. I would like to make you
aware that there can be no two tongues in one mouth much
in the same way as two swords cannot be kept in a single
sheath. Similarly two hearts cannot be present in one chest.
Same is the case with mind and memory.
14. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who keeps quiet
when an oppressor is doing injustice, the Almighty Allah
makes that oppressor overpower him. He does not accept
the prayer of the oppressed and does not reward him for
injustice done to him.
15. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who oppresses
someone and cannot meet the oppressed once again, he
should do Istighfar (seek Allahs forgiveness). It is atonement
for the injustice done by him.
16. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, Allah takes the
revenge of an unjust from another unjust person. It is in
accordance with the verse: And thus do We make some of
the iniquitous to rule upon others on account of what they
17. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, One who
helps an unjust against his victim, the Almighty Allah will be
enraged upon him till the time he stops helping him.
Punishment of tyrants
1. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, Surely there is a
mountain in Hell called Sada, which has a valley called
Saqar, which has a well called Hab-hab. As soon as the lid
of this well was lifted, the entire Hell was engulfed in
flames. This is the abode of tyrants.
Surah Anaam 6:129
Punishment of walking proudly on earth
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, One who walks on earth proudly, the earth
and all the creatures above and below it curse him.
2. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, Curse be on one who walks on the
earth proudly for he is clashing against the Omnipotent One
of the earth and heavens.
Punishment of injustice
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, The reward of good done
to someone is rewarded earlier than other good deeds and
an injustice done to someone is punished earlier than other
bad deeds. It is enough for one to have the bad quality of
peeping into confidential matters of other people, to
continue criticizing others for defects he himself has and to
trouble people with senseless talks.
2. It is narrated that Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, The
evil deed punished first is injustice done to others.
3. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, If a mountain does
injustice to another mountain the Almighty Allah will raze it
to the ground.
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestors that
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, The evil deed to be
punished first is injustice.
5. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that a person challenged
a man from Bani Hashim to fight with him. The person
refused to fight. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said, Why didnt
you fight? The Hashimite replied, That person is a very
brave Arab and I think he can beat me easily. Imam (a.s.)
said, If he has done injustice to you, you should have
fought with him and overpowered him, because if a
mountain does injustice to another, Allah destroys the unjust
2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that while accounting of
deeds will be going on, a person will come forward and
soak another person in blood. He will be asked the reason
for doing so. He will reply, On so and so day he had
spoken a few words due to which I was murdered.
Punishment of murdering someone
1. Imam Jafar Sadiq was asked, What is the punishment of
murder? Imam (a.s.) replied, Hell.
2. The narrator asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) that
Allah, the Mighty and Sublime has said: For this reason did
We prescribe to the children of Israel that whoever slays a
soul, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the
land, it is as though he slew all men.48 He has killed but
one? Imam (a.s.) replied, He will be kept in a place in Hell
where there will be severe chastisement and if he kills
everyone, too he will be kept in this place. The narrator
asked, What is the punishment if he murders again? He
replied, His punishment is doubled.
3. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, The Almighty Allah
will account for the deeds of the murderers first on the Day
of Judgment. He will gather all murderers and the victims.
Every victim will stand near his/her murderer with a
bleeding face. He will tell Allah: This person had murdered
me. Allah will ask the murderer: Did you murder him? And
the person will not be able to hide anything from Him.
Surah Maidah 5:32
4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that the murderer of a
believer will have the option to die as a Jew, Christian or as
a Magian (he will not die a Muslim).
5. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, A murder victim is
not good or bad. He will be brought on the Judgment Day
holding his killer by his collar with the right hand and
holding his severed head in the left with blood dripping
from it. He will say: O Lord! Ask him why he had murdered
me? Thus if he had killed on the order of Allah, the Mighty
and Sublime, Allah will take the murderer to Paradise and
the person to Hell but if he had killed him on the order of
someone else, he would be told, Kill him like he killed
you. Then Allah will deal with them as He likes.
6. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, Even that woman will be
punished severely who had left a goat tied in sun and it died
of thirst.
7. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said, A person most unjust in
Allahs eyes is one who kills a person who hasnt murdered
him or hurt one who did not hurt him.
8. It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that the
Almighty Allah revealed onto Prophet Musa (a.s.), Keep
away from murdering a human being unlawfully. If one of
you murders someone, he will be murdered a hundred
thousand times in Hell in the same way as he had murdered
his victim.
9. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said, One who murders
someone, the Almighty Allah will write all the sins of the
victim in the name of his murderer and cleanse the victim.
This is described the verse: Surely I wish that you should
bear the sin committed against me and your own sin, and so
you would be of the inmates of the fire.
Surah Maidah 5:29
something and one who hides him. I asked: Who is that?
He replied: One who kills.
forward and sat near one another. Then the Holy Prophet
asked them to come forward again. A man asked, For
whom are we leaving the space? The Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, Leave space for angels. When angels come,
they do not sit in front or back of you. They sit by your left
and right side. The man asked, Why do they sit by our left
and right side? Are they more exalted or are we? The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, You are more exalted. Then the
Holy Prophet asked that person to sit down and started his
sermon. All praise be to Allah for we praise Him and seek
help from Him only. We have faith only on Him. I swear
that there is no Lord except Allah and there is no partner for
him. Surely Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. We
seek refuge in Allah from our inner evils and bad deeds. I
seek refuge in Allah that if Allah guides someone, no one
can deviate him and one who is misguided, none can be his
O people! There are thirty liars in this Ummah. First of
them is from Sanaa and the other from Yamama.
O people! One who swears that there is no god except
Allah, with pure intention and without mixing any belief in
it and meets Allah, he will certainly enter Paradise. Ali (a.s.)
stood up and asked him to explain the meaning of pure
intention and not mixing anything. The Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) explained, It means that one should not be greedy
about the world. He should not have gathered wealth from
unlawful means and should not have his heart attached to
the wealth. Some people talk about good deeds but their
actions are like bad people. Hence one who does not have
this characteristic in him and he says that there is no god
except Allah, there is Paradise for him. Hell is for one who
tries to accumulate wealth and does not care about the
One who befriends an unjust enemy or helps him, the
Angel of Death descends with bad tidings that Allahs curse
be upon him and he will abide in Hell forever and surely
this a very bad destination.
One, who supports an unjust ruler for the sake of a favor,
will accompany that ruler in Hell. One, who advises a ruler
to do injustice, will accompany the ruler in Hamaan. He
and his ruler will get the severest chastisement in Hell.
If someone increases the greed and love of a worldly thing
in any person, Allah will be severe with him and put him in
the lowest level of Hell along with Qaroon.
One who builds a large house for showoff, the Almighty
Allah will put him below the seven layers of earth. Rings of
fire will be put around his neck and he will be thrown into
Hell. The people asked, O Messenger of Allah! How is the
house of showoff made? The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said,
It is by building a house more than ones need or building
a house for showing pride.
One who oppresses the workers, Allah destroys his good
deeds. He will make the fragrance of the breeze of Paradise
prohibited for him while the fragrance of the breeze of
Paradise is perceived from the distance traveled in five
hundred years.
One who usurps a single yard of his neighbors land, the
Almighty Allah will turn that yard into a fire equal to that of
seven layers of earth and put it around his neck and he will
be thrown into Hell.
One who purposely forgets the Holy Quran after
memorizing it, will meet Allah thirsty and deprived on the
Day of Judgment and Allah will make a snake overpower
him for each forgotten verse.
One who does not act on the Quran after learning it and
the love of this world has more effect on him, is deserving of
severe chastisement of Allah. He is like a Jew or a Christian
who have forgotten Allah.
One who commits a prohibited deed with a woman or
with a child or a man, will smell worse than a corpse on the
Day of Judgment. People will be troubled by his odor. Then
the person will be thrown into Hell. None of his words will
be heeded. None of his cries will be sympathized. None of
his atonements will be accepted and all his good deeds will
be destroyed. Then he will be thrown in the coffin having
nails. He will be hit with thick iron rods which will cause all
the nails to pierce his body. If a single drop of his sweat is
kept on four hundred communities, all of them will die. He
will face the severest punishment.
One who commits fornication with a slave-girl or a woman
other than a Jew, Christian, Zoroastrian, Muslim, Allah will
open thirty thousand doors of Hell in his grave. Snakes,
scorpions and flames will come out of them, which will
burn him till the Day of Judgment. The foul odor coming out
of his genitals will trouble people. People will relate him
with this characteristic only till the Day of Judgment. Then
he will be ordered to go to Hell. He will face severe
chastisement there and people will be troubled by him. This
is because the Almighty Allah has prohibited wrong and no
one can be more honored than Him. He has prohibited
wrong with His honor and has set the limits.
One who peeps into the houses of neighbors and looks at
the genitals of man or hair or any part of womans body, it is
rightful for the Almighty Allah to keep him in Hell along
with those hypocrites who used to be on lookout of bad
things in people. The Almighty Allah will not take him away
from this world till He has disgraced him and will display
his genitals in public on the Day of Judgment.
One who shows displeasure to Allah because of
insufficient earnings, complains about it to someone else
and does not remain patient, none of his good deeds will
reach Allah. When he meets Allah, He will be angry with
that person.
One who becomes proud after wearing a dress, Allah will
take his grave near Hell. His grave will remain near Hell till
the time the earth and sky exist. Qaroon had also become
proud after wearing a dress. The earth swallowed it and it
remained inside the earth till the Day of Judgment.
One who has married in a lawful manner with lawful
wealth but intends to be proud, Allah will make that
marriage a disgrace and nothing else. Allah will keep his
grave near Hell as much as he had benefited from that
woman and throw him at the distance of seventy years
inside Hell.
One who does injustice in giving Mahr (dower) to a
woman, is like a fornicator for Allah. On the Day of
Judgment, Allah will tell him: I had married this woman to
you according to My promise but you broke it. Allah will
Himself ask for her right. He will take away all the good
deeds of that person. Then too the right of that woman will
not be paid. The man will be ordered to be thrown into
Hell. If a witness turns hostile, Allah will make him eat his
own flesh on the Day of Judgment. He will enter Hell
chewing his own tongue.
One who has two wives and he does not do justice to
anyone with regards to his wealth, will be gathered on the
Day of Judgment thirsty and will be put in Hell. One who
troubles his neighbor without any reason, the Almighty
Allah will make even the fragrance of Paradise prohibited
for him and his destination will be Hell. Beware, Allah will
ask that person about the rights of his neighbor. A person
who trespasses the rights of a neighbor is not from us.
One who insults a Muslim because of his poverty, has
dishonored the rights of Allah. He will remain under severe
chastisement of Allah till he pleases that person and Allah
will be his strong enemy.
One who honors a poor Muslim, Allah will be pleased with
him on the Day of Judgment. One who is presented with
world and hereafter and he chooses the world and leaves
the hereafter, when he meets Allah, he will have no good
deed which can save him from Hell. One who accepts the
hereafter and leaves this world, Allah will be pleased with
him on the Day of Judgment.
One who can commit a prohibited act with a woman but
does not do so out of the fear of Allah, Allah makes the fire
of Hell prohibited for him and grants him peace from a great
terror. He will make that person enter Paradise. However if
he commits that act, Allah will make Paradise prohibited for
him and put him in Hell.
One who earns unlawfully, Allah will not reward his deeds
like charity, freeing slaves, Hajj and Umrah. He will punish
him as much as the reward for those deeds. And if
something is left after his death, it will be his luggage on the
way to Hell.
One who can earn unlawfully but does not do so out of the
fear of Allah, is deserving of Allahs love and mercy and will
be ordered to enter Paradise. One who shakes hands with a
non-Mahram woman, Allah will bring him on the Day of
Judgment with his hands tied to the back of his neck and he
will be put into Hell.
One who jokes with a non-Mahram woman, will receive
punishment for a thousand years for each sentence he
spoke. One who takes a woman in his arms or kisses her or
hugs her or tells her something that she gets ready for the
prohibited act, both of them will be punished. However if
all these things are done to a woman forcefully, the double
punishment will be given to that man. A person who cheats
a Muslim in trade and one who adulterates goods is not
from us. He will be gathered along with Jews on the Day of
Judgment because a Muslim cannot cheat people.
One who does not help his neighbor at the time of need,
will be deprived of Divine Mercy and Allah will leave him
on his own. If Allah leaves someone on his own he gets
destroyed and Allah does not accept any of his excuses. If a
woman hurts her husband, her Salaat and other good deeds
will not be accepted till she pleases him even if she has
fasted for an age, offered Prayer in nights, freed slaves and
spent in the way of Allah. She will be the first one to be
thrown into Hell. If a man hurts his wife, the Almighty Allah
will break his bones on the Day of Judgment and he will be
overpowered by fire. He will be gathered with his hands
tied to the back of his neck and put into Hell.
One who thinks about cheating his Muslim brother, is
involved in the displeasure of Allah during that time. Allah
will remain displeased with him till he repents. If he dies in
this condition, he does not die a Muslim. Beware, one who
cheats Muslims is not from us [the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)
repeated this sentence twice].
One who holds a lash in his hand on the order of an unjust
ruler, Allah will make that lash a snake whose length will be
equal to seven thousand spans and will make that snake
overpower him in Hell. He will live in Hell forever.
One who backbites a Muslim, his fast and ablutions are
void. If he dies in this condition, he will die considering
lawful what Allah has prohibited.
One who slanders, the Almighty Allah will make fire
overpower him in his grave, which will burn him till the
Day of Judgment. When he comes out of the grave, he will
have a serpent overpowering him, which will bite unto his
flesh till he enters Hell.
One who controls his anger, forgives his brother and
remains patient, Allah will reward him equal to that of a
One who does injustice to a poor or considers him lowly
with his pride, Allah will make him come on the Day of
Judgment having size equal to that of an ant. Then he will
be thrown into Hell.
One who refuses to listen to the backbiting of a Muslim
brother, the Almighty Allah will close one thousand doors of
evil for him in this world and the hereafter. However, if he
doesnt stop and remains pleased, he will get punishment
equal to that of backbiting.
One who blames an innocent man or woman, Allah will
destroy the deeds of that person. Seventy thousand angels
will lash him from all sides. His flesh will be bitten by
snakes and scorpions and, he will be ordered to be taken to
One who drinks wine in the world, Allah will make him
drink the poison of scorpions. The flesh of his face will fall
in a utensil before he drinks that poison. His skin and flesh
will be reduced to pieces when he starts drinking it. All the
people will be troubled because of this. Then he will be
thrown into Hell. Similarly a person who drinks, prepares,
sells, buys, delivers, orders or earns from wine will get the
same punishment.
Beware, one who makes a Jew, Christian or a person of
some other religion drink wine, his sin is equal to that of the
person who drinks it. Beware, one who buys wine for
someone else, Allah will not accept his Prayer, fasts, Hajj
and Umrah till he repents and if he dies before repenting, it
is rightful for Allah to make him drink Sadid of Hell for each
gulp of wine. Beware, Allah has prohibited wine and
especially one which is intoxicating.
One who takes usury the Almighty Allah will fill his
stomach with fire equal to the amount of usury. One who
does business with that money, Allah will not accept any of
his good deeds. He will face the curse of Allah and His
angels till he has even a single penny of it left with him.
One who is dishonest in others trust, does not return
others belongings and dies in this condition, will die on any
other religion except Islam. Allah will be angry when he
meets Him and will order him to be put into Hell. He will
live at the end of Hell forever.
One, who gives false testimony for a Muslim a Zimmi or
anyone else, will be hung by his tongue on the Day of
Judgment and will remain at the lowest level along with the
One who does not help his slave or servant at the time of
his difficulty, Allah will also not reply to him on the Day of
Judgment and will tell him to go to Hell.
One who hurts his wife so much that she seeks to free
herself after returning Mahr, Allah will also not be pleased
with any other punishment except Hell for him. As Allah
gets angry in the case of orphans, He gets angry in the case
of a woman.
One who talks bad about his brother or slanders about him
in front of a ruler and the ruler does not take any action, all
of his good deeds will be destroyed. However, if ruler hurts
his brother, Allah will keep that person at the level in Hell
where Haman is kept.
One who recites the Holy Quran for showoff or to earn
something, his face will have no flesh on the Day of
Judgment. The Holy Quran will hit him with a pointed iron
spear on his back. It will take him to Hell and those who are
thrown into Hell are destroyed.
One who learns the Holy Quran but does not follow it, he
will be blind on the Day of Judgment. He will say: O Allah!
I could see. Why did you make me blind? Allah will say:
When Our signs reached you, you forgot them. Today they
have forgotten you; and he will be ordered to be thrown
into Hell. One who knows that a thing is usurped and then
too buys it, his sin is equal to that of the usurper.
One who becomes a pimp, Allah will make Paradise
prohibited for him and make Hell his destination. Hell is a
large place. He will be punished by Allah till he dies.
One who cheats his Muslim brother, Allah will take away
abundance (Barakat) from his sustenance. His earnings will
be destroyed and he will be left on his own.
One who buys a thing knowing that it is stolen from
somewhere, his sin is equal to that of the thief.
A person who cheats a Muslim is not from us nor are we
from him in this world and in the hereafter.
Beware, do not relate the evils of a person after hearing
bad about him for such a person will be punished for those
evils which he has narrated. If someone relates the good
deeds of a person to all, he will be rewarded for those good
One who praises a woman and narrates her beauty in front
of a man and if that man is misguided and commits a
prohibited act with her, that person will not go away from
this world till Allah has wreaked His anger on him. If Allah
sends anger on a person, seven layers of earth and all of the
seven heavens get angry with him. The sin of that person is
same as that of the man who committed the prohibited act.
Someone asked, O Messenger of Allah! What if they
repent? The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied, The Almighty
Allah will accept the repentance of that man and woman
but will not forgive the person who described the beauty of
that woman.
One who looks at a woman with lust, Allah will put rods of
fire in his eyes. He will remain in this state till the time Allah
does the accounting of deeds of other people. Then Allah
will order to put him into Hell.
One who gives food to someone to showoff, the Almighty
Allah will feed him Sadid of Hell. When it enters the
stomach, it will turn into fire. He will remain in this state till
Allah has done accounting of deeds of the people.
One who commits adultery with a married woman, thick
blood will come out of his genitals having quantity equal to
the distance traveled in five hundred years. The people of
Hell will suffer from the foul odor of both of them. Their
punishment will be severest. Allah will also give severe
chastisement to that married woman who looks into the
eyes of a man other than her husband or a Mahram. All her
deeds will be wasted when she does this. If she commits
adultery on the bed of someone else, it is rightful for Allah
to put her in Hell after punishing her in the grave.
If a woman seeks divorce from her husband, Allah, angels,
messengers and all people curse her. The angel of death
comes down to give her news of Hell. On the Day of
Judgment, she will be told to go to Hell along with other
hellish people. Beware, Allah and His Messenger hate the
person seeking divorce without genuine cause. They also
hate the man who troubles his wife so much that she is
forced to seek divorce.
One who is made the Imam of congregation by a few
people and if he performs Qirat, Ruku, prostration,
Tashahud and Qiyam properly, he will get the reward of the
entire congregation. However if such a person does not
perform these acts properly, his Prayer will be rejected and
he will not be able to bear the load of this rejected Salaat.
He will be accounted as an unjust leader.
One who does not want to correct his followers, will not
become their leader by the order of Allah. Amirul
Momineen (a.s.) stood up and asked, May my parents be
sacrificed for you, O Messenger of Allah! What will be the
condition of a leader who could not guide his followers nor
had become leader by the order of Allah? The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, He will follow those four persons
whose punishment will be severest on the Day of Judgment
i.e. his number will come after Shaitaan, Firon, a killer and
an unjust ruler.
One who does not give loan to a Muslim brother who is in
need, Allah will make Paradise prohibited for him on the
day when helpers will be rewarded. One who remains
patient in spite of the bad nature of his wife, Allah will
reward him with the patience of Prophet Ayyub (a.s.)
according to patience he has shown during each day and
night. That woman will be punished equal to the number of
grains of sand in each day and night. If she dies before
pleasing her husband, she will be put in the lowest level of
Hell along with the hypocrites.
If a woman does not agree with her husband, does not
remain patient on what sustenance Allah has given, remains
harsh to him and demands those things from him, which he
cannot afford, till the time she does this Allah will not
accept those deeds from her, which can save her from the
fire of Hell and Allah will remain angry with her.
A person who honors his brother is like one who honors
Allah. What will Allah reward him? One who takes the
responsibility of a community on his shoulders but does not
fulfill it, will have to live in a pit of Hell for a thousand years
for each day he had ruled over them. However if he had
ruled according to Allahs wish, Allah will make him free. If
he had been unjust, Allah will throw him into Hell and it
will take him seventy years to reach the bottom.
One, who does not rule according to Allahs orders, is like
one who testifies falsely. He will be put in Hell and will be
given the same punishment as that of a person who testifies
falsely. One who double-talks and is double-faced in this
world, will have two tongues and faces in the hereafter.
One who comes forward to make peace among people, the
angels will send salutations on him till he returns and he
will get reward of the night of Qadr. One who creates a rift
between two persons, will get same amount of punishment
for it. Allahs curse will fall on him till he enters Hell and his
chastisement will be doubled.
One who tries to make public the defects of his brother and
exposes his secrets, Allah will expose his secrets as soon as
he steps inside Hell.
One who visits his relatives, Allah will grant him reward
equal to a hundred martyrs. If he gifts something or helps
them the Almighty Allah will grant him forty million rewards
for each step taken and increase his position by forty levels
and he will be as if he has worshipped Allah for a hundred
One who creates a rift between two persons or breaks
relations, Allah will be angry with him and curse him in this
world and the hereafter. He will be punished for breaking
relations. One who tries to get two believers married and
they both get married, Allah will marry one thousand
Hoorul Ein to him. Every Hoorul Ein will be inside a palace
of pearls and rubies. He will be given the reward of
worshipping at night for one year and fasting during day for
each step he takes and for each sentence he speaks in
arranging the marriage.
One who plays a role in separating a husband and wife,
Allah will be angry with him. He will be cursed in this world
and the hereafter. It is rightful for Allah to put him in Hell for
a thousand years. One who tries to create a rift between two
people, will be cursed in the hereafter and he will hate to
see his face.
One who takes a visually handicapped man to the mosque,
house or for some other work, Allah will grant him reward
of freeing a slave for each step he has taken and angels will
send salutations on him.
One who does something for a visually handicapped
person; Allah will save him from two calamities. He will
save him from fire and hypocrisy. He will be immersed in
Divine Mercy till he returns. One who takes care of a sick
person for a day and night, Allah will resurrect him along
with Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) and he will pass over the Sirat
Bridge like wind.
One who tries to fulfill a wish of a sick person and fulfills it,
will be purified of sins as if he has just come out of his
mothers womb. One of the persons from Ansar asked,
What if the sick person is one of his relatives? The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, He who fulfills the needs of his
relatives will deserve a great reward. One who avoids his
relatives and breaks relations, Allah will make reward
prohibited for him on the day when helpers will be
rewarded. He will not be able to come out of there. One
who gives loan to a poor and takes back justly, the account
of his bad deeds will be started once again. Allah will grant
him a thousand Qintars for each dirham he had paid.
One who solves the problem of a person in this world,
Allah will look at him with mercy. He will enter Paradise
because of this good deed. Allah will solve all his problems
of this world and the hereafter.
One who goes out to solve the differences between a
husband and wife, Allah will grant him reward of one
thousand martyrs in the way of Allah. He will get reward of
worshipping at night and fasting during day for one year for
each step he takes and each sentence he speaks. One who
gives loan to his Muslim brother, will be given rewards
equal to the weight of Mount Ohad, Sina and Razva for
each dirham. If he does not force the person to repay his
loan on time, he will pass from the Sirat Bridge before a
twinkling of an eye. There will be no accounting of deeds or
chastisement for him.
If a Muslim brother relates his needs to a person and the
latter does not give him a loan, Paradise will be made
prohibited for him on the day when helpers will be
rewarded. One who does not fulfill the wish of someone in
spite of being capable of doing so, will be punished like
Ashar. Auf bin Malik stood up and asked, O messenger of
Allah! How much is the sin of Ashar? The Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) said, The sinners of Ashar are cursed by Allah and
His angels every day and night. A person who is cursed by
Allah cannot be helped by anyone. One who does good to
someone and talks about it proudly in front of him, his good
deed will be void. His efforts will go waste. Beware, the
Almighty Allah has prohibited Paradise for someone who
talks about ones good deeds, is proud, slanders, drinks
wine, talks much, eats much, has bad character and is
One who acts as a medium to provide charity to the poor,
will get the reward of paying Sadaqah. If forty thousand
people act as a means to provide charity to the poor, all of
them will get separate and full reward for it. Beware there is
no one nearer to Allah than one who has piety and one who
does good to others.
One who builds a mosque in this world, for each span of
earth, Allah will reward him with a city made of gold, silver,
pearls, rubies and emeralds. It will be as large as the
distance covered in forty years. Each will have forty million
palaces and every palace will have forty million houses and
every house will have forty million rooms and every room
will have forty thousand young boys and girls to serve him.
It will have forty thousand dining tables, each table having
forty thousand large trays, each tray having forty million
types of cuisines. Allah will grant that person such a power
that he is able to enjoy all the cuisines and women in one
One who becomes a muezzin of a mosque and gives
Azaan for Allahs pleasure only, will get the reward of forty
million prophets, forty million truthful ones and forty million
martyrs. He will be able to give salvation to forty million
communities, each having forty million people. He will
have forty million cities in each Paradise and every palace
will have forty million houses and every house will have
forty million rooms and every room will have forty million
beds each occupied by a Hoorul Ein married to him. Every
room will be forty million times that of a room in this world.
Every wife will have forty million young boys and girls at
her service. Every room will have forty thousand dining
tables each having forty thousand trays. Each tray will have
forty million types of different cuisines. If all the Jinn and
men become his guest, they will be accommodated easily in
one small room. They will get food, wine, perfumes,
clothes, fruits, gifts, jewelry and rare things in that room
itself. The things present in that room will be enough for
them. There will be no need to go to other rooms. When a
muezzin says: Ash-hadu allaa ilaaha illallaah in Azaan, forty
million angels surround him, send salutations on him and
repent for him. He comes under the shade of Allah as he
ends Azaan. His reward is noted down by forty million
angels. After that it goes above to Allah.
One who goes to a mosque, will get ten rewards for each
step while going or returning home. His ten sins will be
forgiven and his position will be increased by ten levels.
One who tries to offer Salaat in congregation wherever he
is, will pass by the Sirat Bridge swiftly.
One who tries to offer Salaat in the first row of
congregation and starts his Salaat along with the
congregation and does not trouble any believer in Prayer the
Almighty Allah will reward him like a muezzin. One who
builds a shelter on a way for travelers, Allah will make him
ride a huge mount made of pearls when he is resurrected.
His face will be bright in front of the people of Paradise. He
will accompany Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) in the dome of
Ibrahim. People will say: This is an angel whom no one had
seen before. He will be able to make forty million people
enter Paradise due to his intercession. One who puts
forward his wish before his brother and he fulfills it, Allah
will look at him with mercy and it is rightful for Allah not to
punish him. However if someone helps his brother without
being requested, Allah will grant him the reward of seventy
martyrs who have fasted in the month of Ramadan for the
nearness to Allah and who have kept their ears, eyes,
genitals and other parts of their body away from what He
prohibited. Allah keeps him so near that he can touch the
knee of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.).
One who digs a well and endows to Muslims as water
starts coming in it, will get the reward of those who offer
Prayer after performing ablutions from its water. Also he will
get the reward of freeing slaves equal in number to the hairs
of every human, animal and bird. People equal to the
number of stars will reach the Holy Cistern in the hereafter
because of his intercession. Someone asked what the Holy
Cistern was. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said thrice: It is my
cistern. One who digs a grave for a Muslim seeking reward
from Allah, Allah will make Hell prohibited for him. He will
grant him a house in Paradise. He will make him reach the
cistern which has goblets equal to the number of stars. The
length and breadth of that cistern is equal to the distance
between Ila and Sanaa.
One who gives Ghusl to a Muslim body being trustworthy,
will get the reward of freeing a slave for each hair and his
position will be elevated by a hundred levels. Umar bin
Khattab asked, O Messenger of Allah! What is meant by
being trustworthy? The Holy Prophet answered, He should
cover the genitals of the dead body. If he does not do so, he
will not get any reward and his defects will be exposed in
this world and in the hereafter. If someone offers Prayer for a
dead, Jibraeel and other seventy million angels send
salutations on him. All his sins from beginning to end will
be forgiven. One who is present when a dead is being
buried, will get the reward of one Qirat for each step he
takes from burial to his way back home. One Qiraat has
weight of Mt. Ohad in Mizan (Balance). One who weeps
due to the fear of Allah, each of his tear will be as heavy as
Mt. Ohad in Mizan. He will get rivers in Paradise for each
tear. These rivers will have heavenly cities and palaces on
their banks, which no eye would have ever seen, no ear
would have ever heard of and which no mind would have
One who visits a sick, will get seventy million rewards for
each step he takes till he returns home. Seventy million of
his sins will be wiped out and his position will be raised
seventy million levels for each step. Seventy million angels
will be appointed to look after him in his grave and repent
for him till the Day of Judgment.
One who goes for the burial of a dead, will get a hundred
million rewards for each step. A hundred million of his sins
will be wiped off and his position will be elevated a
hundred million levels for each step. If he offers Prayer of
dead, a million angels will come at the time of his burial.
They will repent for him till he is raised from the grave.
One who goes for Hajj or Umrah, till the time he returns,
will get a hundred million rewards for each step, a hundred
million sins will be wiped off and his position will be raised
a hundred million levels. Allah returns him a hundred times
of each dirham and dinar he takes along on the journey. He
gives him hundred times the reward of good deeds done on
his journey. He will remain in the protection of Allah. If he
dies, he will enter Paradise and if he returns alive, he will be
successful, forgiven and come with his prayers accepted.
Value his prayers for Allah does not reject his supplication.
He will certainly intercede for a hundred thousand people
on the Day of Judgment.
If someone does good to the relatives of a person who has
gone for Hajj or Umrah, his reward will not be less than the
reward of that person. One who goes out for Jihad in the
way of Allah, will be given seven hundred million rewards,
seven hundred million of his sins will be forgiven and his
position will be raised seven hundred million ranks for each
step he takes till he returns home. He will be in Allahs
protection. If he dies, he will be considered a martyr. If he
returns alive, all his sins will be forgiven and his
supplications will be accepted. One who visits his brother
will get the reward of freeing a million slaves for each step
he takes till he returns home. His position will increase a
million levels and a million sins will be wiped off. He will
be given a million rewards.
Abu Huraira was asked, Didnt the Holy Prophet say: One
who frees slaves, will be freed from Hell? Abu Huraira said
that I had asked about this to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.). He
replied, Yes, and his ranks reach Allah at Divine throne.
One who learns the Holy Quran for Allahs pleasure and for
understanding the religion, will get the reward of meeting
the angels and all the messengers. One who learns the Holy
Quran to showoff, to debate with fools, to compete with
scholars and to earn this world from it, Allah will disperse
his bones and his punishment will be severest in Hell. Allah
will be so angry with him that He will give all types of
punishments of Hell to him. One who learns the Holy
Quran seeking reward from Allah, is humble and teaches it
to other people, none of the people of Paradise will be
rewarded like him. No one will have a position better than
him in Paradise.
Beware, knowledge is better than action, the standard of
faith is piety. A scholar is one who practices what he has
learnt even if it is very less. Do not underestimate any sin
because a sin does not remain small if repeated again and
again. Also no greater sin is greater than Istighfar
(repentance). Allah will enquire about your each and every
sin even if it is pointing out a defect in the dress of your
O servants of Allah! You will be resurrected on the same
beliefs which you had while dying. Allah has created both
Paradise and Hell. One who opts for Hell instead of
Paradise, his wishes will never be fulfilled and a person who
opts for Paradise is successful forever. He will be successful
according to the following words of Allah: Then whoever is
removed far away from the fire and is made to enter the
garden, he indeed has attained the object.
Beware, my Lord has ordered me that I fight with people till
they say that there is no god except Allah. If they say so, I
will guarantee the protection of their souls and wealth.
However their rights and accounting is with Allah. Know
that Allah Whose name is greatest has described each and
everything which is loved. Similarly He has also described
all those things, which are abominable. He has stopped
people from this. So that those who are destroyed, know it
before they do so and those who remain alive do so after
knowing it. Know that the Almighty Allah does not do
injustice and oppression. He does not forgive one who does
injustice. He is sitting in His ambush to punish those who
sin and reward those who do good deeds. One who does
good will benefit from Him and one who does evil will face
punishment from Him. Allah does not do injustice to His
servants. O people! I have grown old and my bones have
become weak. I have heard the news of the arrival of my
death. My end is near. The desire to meet my Lord is
Surah Aale Imran 3:185
increasing. I think that this is the last meeting with you. By
the way, keep watching me till I am alive. And when I pass
away, Allah is the only helper of each and every male and
female believer. Was salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi
wa barakaatuh.
Before the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) descended from the
pulpit, Ansar (Helpers) ran to him and asked, May Allah
sacrifice us for you, O Messenger of Allah! May our parents
be sacrificed for you! Who can bear this suffering? How will
we live after today? The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, May
my parents be sacrificed for you! I have asked forgiveness
from my Lord for you. He has said that the doors of
repentance are open till the trumpet is blown. Then the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) turned towards the people and said,
If someone repents a year before his death, his repentance
will be accepted. If a year is more, one who repents a
month before his death, his repentance will be accepted. If a
month is more, one who repents one Friday before his
death, his repentance will be accepted. If one Friday is
more, one who repents a day before his death, his
repentance will be accepted. If a day is more, one who
repents an hour before his death, his repentance will be
accepted. If that is more, one who repents till his last breath
(he pointed towards his neck), his repentance will be
accepted. Then the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) descended from
the pulpit. This was the last time he addressed the people
before passing away.
The book Iqaabul Aamal is completed by the assistance of
Malik Wahhaab. May Allah bless Muhammad and his
purified progeny.
Glossary of Islamic Terms
a.s. : Abbreviation of alaihis
salaam, (Peace be on him).
a.t.f.s. : Abbreviation of ajjil allaahu
taala farajahu shareef, (May
Allah hasten his reappearance).
Aale Muhammad : Progeny of Muhammad
Aamal : Rituals
Ahle Bayt : People of the house. They are
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.),
Janabe Fatima Zahra (s.a.), Ali
(a.s.) and his eleven successors.
Amirul Momineen : Leader of the believers. Title of
Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.)
Arsh : Throne or heavens
Ashura : 10th of Mohurrum
Asr : Afternoon (prayer)
Ayat : Verse of the Holy Quran
Azaan : Call for prayer
Bismillah : In the Name of Allah
Dirham : Unit of currency
Dua : Invocation
Durood : See Salawaat
Etekaaf : Ritual of a continuous stay of
at least three days in the
mosque during the last ten days
of the month of Ramadan.
Fajr : Morning
Faqih : Jurisprudent
Firon : Pharaoh
Ghusl : Ritual bath
Ghufaila : A two rakat Prayer between
Maghrib and Isha
Hajar-e-Aswad : The black stone in the Kaaba
Hajj : Pilgrimage to Makkah during
the month of Zilqad
Halaal : Permissible, legal
Haraam : Prohibited, illegal
Hoorul Ein : Black eyed Houries of
Hujjat : Proof
ees : Satan
Iftar : Breaking of the fast
een : Heights of Paradise, a divine
matter from which all good is
Insha-Allah : If Allah wills
Iqamah : Shorter call for Prayer
Isha : Late evening
Janabat : State of ritual impurity that can
be removed by Ghusl (Bath)
Jannatul Maawa : Paradise, Lit. Garden of
Kaaba : The Holy House of Allah, the
directions that Muslims face
during prayers.
Kaffarah : Fine, penalty
Maghrib : Evening prayer, time of sunset
Mahram(pl. Mahrams)
Mahrams) : Relatives between whom
marriage is prohibited
Makrooh : Detestable, in Islamic
terminology it is an action
performing which does not
incur sin but refraining from
which earns divine rewards
qaam : Lit. place, usually the Place of
Ibrahim, a spot in the Kaaba
Masjidul Haram : The sacred mosque in Mecca
Masoomeen : (Singular- Masoom): Infallible
Mahr : Dower
Miswak : Brushing teeth (with twig)
Momin : Believer
Mubah : Permitted. It denotes an action
performing of which earns no
rewards and refraining from it is
not punishable
Mushaf : Scroll
Mustahab : Recommended. It is an action
performing which earns
rewards and refraining from it is
not punishable
Najis : Unclean
Nasibi : One who harbors malice to
Ahle Bayt (a.s.)
Nafila : Recommended prayers
Nawafil : Plural of Nafila
Qaim : One would rise. Imam Mahdi
Qibla : Prayer direction
Qiyam : Standing position in Prayer
oot : Supplication recited in ritual
prayers, usually in 2nd rakat
Quraish : the tribe of the Prophet (s.a.)
Rakat : A unit of ritual prayer
Rizq : Sustenance
Rukn : Lit. pillar usually a place in the
Kaaba complex
Ruku : Bowing down in ritual prayers
s.a. : An abbreviation of sallallaahu
alaihi wa sallam, (Blessings be
on him and peace).
s.a.w.s. : An abbreviation of sallallaahu
alaihi wa aalihi wa sallam,
(Blessings be on him and and
his Progeny and peace).
Sadaqah : Voluntary charity, alm
Sajdah : Prostration
Salaam : Salute, Islamic greeting
Salaat : Ritual prayers
awaat : Allaahumma Salle alaa
Muhaammadinw wa aali
Muhammad (O Allah, bless
Muhammad and the Progeny of
Sayyidush Shohada : Chief of the Martyrs, a title of
Imam Husain (a.s.)
Shabaan : The eighth month of the
Muslim (Lunar) calendar
Shab-e-Qadr : The Night of Power or 19th,
21st and 23rd nights of the
month of Ramadan
Shahadatain : Islamic Creed
Shaitaan : Satan
Shukr : Thankfulness
Siraat : Path
Sunnah : Practice of the Prophet
Surahs : Chapter of Quran
Taqeebaat : Supplications and devotions
recited after ritual prayers
Tahlilaat : Saying: Laa Ilaaha illallaah
Takbir : Allaaho Akbar/God is the
Talqeen : Prayer recited to the dying
person or the dead at the time
of burial
Taqwa : Piety
Tashahud : Recitation in the sitting
position in the second and the
last unit of the ritual prayer
Taufeeq (pl. Tau
feeqaat) : Divine inspiration
Tauheed : Belief in the absolute Oneness
of Allah
Tayammum : Substitute of ablution/ritual
bath when use of water is not
possible or advisable
Tooba : It is a tree of Paradise which
can give whatever one wishes
Umrah : Optional pilgrimage to Mecca
Wajib : Obligatory
Wilayat : Guardianship, belief in the
guardianship of Ahle Bayt (a.s.)
and love towards them
Wudhu/Wuzu : Ritual ablution
Zakat : Obligatory Islamic wealth tax
Ziyarat : Visitation/ or recitation of
salutation while facing the
tomb of religious personalities
Zuhoor : Reappearance (of Imam
Mahdi [a.t.f.s.]).
Zuhr : Noon prayers