Movement Disorders Rehabilitation
Movement Disorders Rehabilitation
Movement Disorders Rehabilitation
Movement Disorders Rehabilitation
Hsin Fen Chien
Orlando Graziani Povoas Barsottini
Movement Disorders
Hsin Fen Chien Orlando Graziani Povoas Barsottini
Department of Neurology Department of Neurology
Hospital das Clnicas da Faculdade de Universidade Federal de So Paulo
Medicina da Universidade de So Paulo So Paulo, Brazil
So Paulo, Brazil
Department of Orthopedics and
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de
So Paulo
So Paulo, Brazil
Up until 30years ago neurologists were typecast as brilliant, austere men who
talked with ease about areas of the brain that most other doctors had forgotten
existed. They adored diagnosis, many suffered from spanophilia and most had little
interest in time-consuming treatments.
Then neurorehabilitation arrived making the more go ahead neurologist realise
that there was now a lot to offer patients. Even its more Luddite exponents realised
that if they did not start to become more involved in the care of patients with chronic
neurological disability, then they faced extinction in both the public and private
health care systems.
The notion that external intervention could facilitate the brains plasticity and
potentially reduce the consequences of brain injury was a new exciting concept.
Specialist neurorehabilitation services now play a vital role in the management of
patients after their immediate medical and surgical needs have been met, in optimis-
ing their recovery and supporting their safe transition back to the community. Modern
technology is now increasingly being used to supplement physical and cognitive
therapies in restoring function in patients with traumatic brain injury and stroke.
With a few notable exceptions, neurologists with a special interest in the treat-
ment of movement disorders have been slow to embrace neurorehabilitation. Many
are sceptical of the neurobling of plasticity and functional imaging and look upon
the use of complementary approaches to therapy such as tango dancing and Tai Chi
with grave suspicion. This resistance to a more holistic treatment approach may in
part reflect the fact that abnormal movement disorders rarely present with devastat-
ing acute or subacute disability, and that a number of efficacious medical and surgi-
cal treatments are available for the commoner disorders. This has led to less
engagement with physical and speech therapists in comparison with, say, the field
of multiple sclerosis, so that despite the increasing evidence base and intriguing
preclinical and clinical science in the neurorehabilitation of movement disorders,
sophisticated state-of-the-art facilities are thin on the ground.
viii Foreword
This excellent book edited by Chien Hsin Fen and Orlando Barsottini hopefully
draws movement disorder and neurorehabilitation specialists into a fascinating and
largely untapped fruitful field of research that has the potential to vastly improve the
lives of the thousands of people living with the disabilities caused by basal ganglia
1 Introduction.............................................................................................. 1
Hsin Fen Chien
2 Parkinsons Disease ................................................................................. 5
Hsin Fen Chien, Egberto Reis Barbosa, Carolina de Oliveira Souza,
Alice Estevo Dias, and Juliana Conti
3 Atypical Parkinsonism............................................................................ 45
Orlando Graziani Povoas Barsottini, Carolina deOliveiraSouza,
Giovana Diaferia, and Alberto J. Espay
4 Rehabilitation ofDystonia....................................................................... 67
Dirk Dressler and Fereshte AdibSaberi
5 Rehabilitation ofAtaxia........................................................................... 83
Marise Bueno Zonta, Giovana Diaferia, Jos Luiz Pedroso,
and Hlio A.G. Teive
6 Rehabilitation in Essential Tremor........................................................ 97
Maria Eliza Freitas and Renato P. Munhoz
7 Rehabilitation inChorea......................................................................... 105
Dbora Maia and Francisco Cardoso
8 Huntingtons Disease............................................................................... 115
Monica Santoro Haddad, Tamine Teixeira da Costa Capato,
and Mariana Jardim Azambuja
9 Movement Disorders inPediatrics......................................................... 129
Marcelo Masruha Rodrigues and Mariana Callil Voos
10 Future Perspectives: Assessment Tools andRehabilitation
intheNew Age.......................................................................................... 155
Greydon Gilmore and Mandar Jog
Index.................................................................................................................. 183
xii Contributors
etal. [10] analyzed the evolution of disability in PD and concluded that the period
of disability in PD occurs between total Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale
(UPDRS) 30 and 60, between Hoehn and Yahr (HY) stages II to III, and 37 years
after diagnosis. The stage of preclinical disability can potentially be targeted by
pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions to delay disability. They
also identified that gait impairment was the leading cause of disability in PD.
A quick search in the literature will guide the reader to many research studies
showing improvement in PD patients motor symptoms, including gait, with diverse
rehabilitation programs and improvement of their QoL [11]. This is also true for the
second most common condition seen in an MD clinic, dystonia. Queiroz etal. [12],
carried out a physical therapy program in cervical dystonia patients and observed
not only symptomatic improvement of dystonia, but also of their QoL.
According to the World Health Organization, rehabilitation is defined as a set of
measures that assist individuals who experience or are likely to experience disabil-
ity to achieve and maintain optimal functioning in interaction with their environ-
ments, is instrumental in enabling people with functional limitations to remain in or
return to their home or community, to live independently, and to participate in edu-
cation, the labor market, and civic life.
Moreover, the rehabilitation measures are aimed at achieving: prevention and
slowing the rate of loss of function; improvement or restoration of function; com-
pensation for loss of function; and maintenance of current function.
In other words, rehabilitation of people with disabilities is a process aimed at
enabling them to reach and maintain their optimal physical, sensory, intellectual,
psychological, and socialfunctional levels. Rehabilitation provides disabled peo-
ple with the tools they need to attain independence and self-determination [13].
For the rehabilitation process to be effective and help chronically disabled
patients to regain or maintain their functions, the participation of an effective and
qualified team is essential [14]. It is not within the scope of this chapter to discuss
the advantages or disadvantages of different models of professional teams (multi-
disciplinary, interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary) and which is advocated for the
care of MD patients.
Although the recent literature has provided evidence of the benefits of rehabilita-
tion in MD many points remain unanswered and future studies should address these
questions. Most of the clinical trials indicate good results with rehabilitation inter-
vention, but they are of short duration and cannot be translated to measure long-
term benefits. The definition of a rehabilitation team is vast and the composition of
health-allied professionals varies from study to study. A definition of what consti-
tutes the minimal requirements for a multidisciplinary team for MD trials is needed.
There is no consensus in assessment tools to rate rehabilitation interventions in
many MD diseases. The dose and frequency of the intervention is also problematic:
how much is enough? The environment in which studies are conducted varies from
community to outpatient and inpatient settings. Furthermore, different stages of the
disease require different rehabilitation strategies and management approaches.
Good robust studies should answer these questions.
4 H.F. Chien
1. Fahn S.Classification of movement disorders. Mov Disord. 2011;26:94757.
2. Farbman ES.The case for subspecialization in neurology: movement disorders. Front Neurol.
3. Shih LC, Tarsy D, Okun MS.The current state and needs of North American movement
disorders fellowship programs. Parkinsons Dis. 2013;2013:701426. doi:10.1155/2013/701426.
4. Kowal SL, Dall TM, Chakrabarti R, Storm MV, Jain A.The current and projected economic
burden of Parkinsons disease in the United States. Mov Disord. 2013;28:31118.
5. Johnson SJ, Diener MD, Kaltenboeck A, Birnbaum HG, Siderowf AD.An economic model of
Parkinsons disease: implications for slowing progression in the United States. Mov Disord.
6. The World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL): development and
general psychometric properties. Soc Sci Med. 1998; 46:156985.
7. Sexton E, King-Kallimanis BL, Layte R, Hickey A.CASP-19 special section: how does
chronic disease status affect CASP quality of life at older ages? Examining the WHO ICF dis-
ability domains as mediators of this relationship. Aging Ment Health. 2015;19:62233.
8. Rochester L, Espay AJ.Multidisciplinary rehabilitation in Parkinsons disease: a milestone
with future challenges. Mov Disord. 2015;30:101113.
9. Soh SE, Morris ME, McGinley JL.Determinants of health-related quality of life in Parkinsons
disease: a systematic review. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2011;17:19.
10. Shulman LM, Gruber-Baldini AL, Anderson KE, Vaughan CG, Reich SG, Fishman PS, Weiner
WJ.The evolution of disability in Parkinson disease. Mov Disord. 2008;23:7906.
11. Monticone M, Ambrosini E, Laurini A, Rocca B, Foti C.In-patient multidisciplinary rehabili-
tation for Parkinsons disease: a randomized controlled trial. Mov Disord. 2015;30:10508.
12. Queiroz MA, Chien HF, Sekeff-Sallem FA, Barbosa ER.Physical therapy program for cervical
dystonia: a study of 20 cases. Funct Neurol. 2012;27:18792.
13. WHO Guidelines on Health-Related Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Guidelines). 2016. http:// Accessed 27 Mar 2016.
14. Shortell SM, Marsteller JA, Lin M, Pearson ML, Wu SY, Mendel P, etal. The role of perceived
team effectiveness in improving chronic illness care. Med Care. 2004;42:10408.
Parkinsons Disease
HsinFenChien, EgbertoReisBarbosa,
CarolinadeOliveiraSouza, AliceEstevoDias,
Pathological Features
The etiology of PD is not fully understood, it is likely that there is a complex inter-
action of environmental, genetic, and physiological factors, such as the aging pro-
cess. The evidence for the environmental influences is derived from case reports of
parkinsonism due to exposure to toxic agents, neurotoxin-induced parkinsonism in
animal models, and epidemiological studies on risk factors for PD.
Van Maele-Fabry etal. [5], systematically reviewed cohort studies and verified
that occupational exposure to pesticides increases the risk of PD.The main toxic
compounds related to PD are heavy metals (e.g., manganese), pesticides (e.g., rote-
none), and herbicides (e.g., paraquat).
On the other hand, regular coffee intake and smoking reduce the risk of
PD.More than 50 studies have consistently demonstrated that smokers are less
likely to develop the disease than people who never smoked and some studies sug-
gest that nicotine may be neuroprotective. However, in patients in whom PD has
already been diagnosed, disease progression is not affected by cigarette smoking
[6, 7]. Caffeine blocks adenosine A2A receptors that are highly expressed in the
basal ganglia circuitry, especially in the striatum. Istradefylline, an adenosine
A2A receptor blocker, has a symptomatic effect on PD patients and is possibly a
neuroprotector [8].
Recently, a theory has been proposed linking the protective effect of smoking
and coffee consumption and the hypothesis of the gut as the origin of PD.According
to the researchers, both cigarettes and coffee may induce changes in the composi-
tion of microbiota, with a shift toward a more anti-inflammatory state, which less-
ens the formation of misfolded alpha-synuclein in enteric nerves [9].
Our knowledge regarding the genetic basis of PD has increased remarkably since
the identification of the first gene causing PD (SNCA, formerly PARK1) by
2 Parkinsons Disease 7
Polymeropoulos etal. [10]. The causative genes have not yet been established for
the 20 loci hitherto related to PD.These loci have been identified by genetic linkage
analysis in large families or genome-wide association studies on a population. Some
mutations confer higher susceptibility to the development of the disease, but the
study of monogenic forms led to the identification of genes causing either autoso-
mal dominant (SNCA, LRRK2, VPS35), or autosomal recessive (PARK2, DJ1,
PINK1, ATP13A2) familial PD.
Ageing is an important risk factor for developing PD and it can be observed in
epidemiological data. The disease occurs infrequently under the age of 40, but
affects over 1% of population after 60 years of age and rises to 5% of the population
over 85 [11].
The degeneration of SN pars compacta neurons is irreversible and results in the
reduction of dopamine production, leading to functional abnormalities in the basal
nucleus pathways. Neuropathological studies indicate that the rate of neuronal loss
in the SN ranges between 5 and 10% for each decade [12, 13]. The proportion of
neuronal fallout is much higher than what is observed in neocortical neurons, which
is approximately 10% over the entire life span [14].
After the discovery of alpha-synuclein as the primary structural component of
Lewy bodies, researchers have focused on understanding its role in mechanisms
underlying neuronal death. It is assumed that an imbalance between the aggregation
of AS and its clearance, via the ubiquitin proteasome pathway or autophagy, can
result in accumulation of oligomers, protofibrils, and fibrils [15]. These aggregates,
which may be toxic, interfere in critical cellular functions, particularly mitochon-
drial activity and axonal transport.
Moreover, it is important to mention the identification of toxic AS being elimi-
nated from the neurons via unusual secretory mechanisms. These extracellular AS
can disseminate to others neurons or glial cells and trigger intracellular aggrega-
tions that promote the neurodegenerative process. This conjecture derived from the
postmortem analysis of brain from PD patients who had undergone brain tissue
transplantation. Accumulation of AS and Lewy bodies were found in previous unre-
markable fetal grafted neurons [16]. These findings have raised the hypothesis that
AS propagation might behave as a prion-like disease.
There is a large body of evidence suggesting that mitochondrial dysfunction
plays a central role in the etiopathogenesis of PD.The neurotoxins rotenone and
1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) induce parkinsonism by
inhibiting the mitochondrial complex I electron transport chain. Several
PD-associated genes interface with pathways regulating mitochondrial function
[17] or in mitophagy, which is the specific and selective targeted removal of excess
or damaged mitochondria from the cell via autophagy.
Recently, inflammation has become implicated as a major pathogenic factor in
the onset and progression of Parkinsons disease [18]. Reactive microgliosis, T cell
infiltration, and increased expression of inflammatory cytokines are prominent fea-
tures of the inflammatory process [19]. Recent reports indicate that accumulated
aggregated AS can be actively secreted or released by dying neurons to the extracel-
lular space; extracellular AS in turn activates surrounding astrocytes and microglia,
eliciting glial pro-inflammatory activity.
8 H.F. Chien et al.
Clinical Manifestation
Four motor symptoms are considered cardinal in PD: resting tremor, rigidity, brady-
kinesia, and postural instability. For the diagnosis of parkinsonian syndrome, the
presence of bradykinesia is necessary in association with one of the other three
symptoms to ascertain nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway degeneration.
Bradykinesia is a motor abnormality characterized by a lack of movement and a
slowness in the initiation and execution of voluntary and automatic movements
associated with difficulty in changing motor patterns, in the absence of motor weak-
ness. This motor dysfunction may also encompass the decrement of repetitive
movements, fatigue, and problems in performing more than one task at the same
time. Patients also suffer a decline in their fine motor skills, which can lead to dif-
ficulties with buttoning clothes, brushing teeth, cutting food, writing or typing on
the computer keyboard.
Other motor abnormalities related to bradykinesia are reduced facial expres-
sion (hypomimia), body gestures, and automatic swallowing reflex; this last
results in excessive saliva in the mouth and drooling (sialorrhea). The gait is char-
acterized by small quick steps and a reduced arm swing. Patients may also have
trouble initiating or continuing movement (freezing), and quickening their normal
stride (festination). The typical configuration of speech changes associated with
bradykinesia (phonation, resonance, articulation, and prosody) is known as hypo-
kinetic dysarthria.
Rigidity is one of the major signs of PD and is characterized by increased stiff-
ness experienced during passive mobilization of a limb, which remains in the posi-
tion that has been imposed after stretching and for this reason is termed plastic
hypertonia. The hypertonia can be constant or intermittent (cogwheel phenome-
non). It affects preferentially the flexor muscles leading to a classical abnormal
posture (simian) with flexion of the hips and knees.
Parkinsons tremor is clinically characterized by a resting tremor, which enhances
when walking and during mental stress, diminishes by voluntary Parkinsons dis-
ease (PD) clinical manifestation movement of the affected body part, and disap-
pears during sleep. It occurs at frequency between 4 and 6Hz and predominantly
affects the hands, progressing to forearm pronation/supination.
Postural instability is associated with increased falls and loss of independence.
Many factors contribute to balance impairment, including disturbed postural reflexes
and poor voluntary movement control. It can be present at diagnosis, but becomes
more prevalent and worsens with disease progression [20].
Nonmotor symptoms in PD are common and affect cognition, behavior, sleep,
autonomic function, and sensory function. Mild cognitive changes may be present
at the time of diagnosis or even early in the course of the disease. Approximately
1520% of patients develop dementia in the advanced phase of PD.The patients
may experience depression at any stage of the disease and its prevalence in PD is
about 40%. Autonomic symptoms in PD can include constipation, pain, genitouri-
nary problems, and orthostatic hypotension.
2 Parkinsons Disease 9
The diagnosis of PD relies mainly upon medical history and neurological examina-
tion and tests are ordered to rule out other conditions. The hallmarks for improving
diagnostic accuracy in PD are: (a) absence of atypical parkinsonism (early severe
autonomic involvement, early severe dementia, Babinski sign, supranuclear gaze
palsy, neuroleptic treatment at onset of symptoms, history of repeated strokes, and
history recent encephalitis) and (b) unilateral onset [21, 22].
Differential Diagnosis
Symptomatic Management
Levodopa is the most effective drug for the treatment of symptoms of PD.In the
1970s, the advantages of adding a dopa decarboxylase inhibitor to treatment, to
reduce the peripheral metabolism of levodopa, were discovered to reduce side
2 Parkinsons Disease 11
effects and gain better symptom control. Treatment with levodopa contributes to
greater activity levels, independence, employability, and consequently improve-
ment in the patients quality of life (QoL) [32, 33].
Dopamine Agonists
Dopamine agonists (DAs) work by directly stimulating dopamine receptors in the
brain. There are two subclasses of DA: ergoline and non-ergoline agonists. Ergoline
dopamine agonists include bromocriptine, pergolide, lisuride, and cabergoline,
whereas ropinirole, rotigotine, and pramipexole are non-ergoline agonists.
Apomorphine was the first DA shown to improved PD symptoms, but has to be
administered subcutaneously.
Dopamine agonists have been used as a monotherapy in de novo patients with the
intention of delaying treatment with levodopa. They are also used as an adjunct to
levodopa treatment in patients exhibiting motor fluctuation. The use of DA rather
than levodopa appears to postpone the onset of motor complications and dyskinesia.
Motor complications may be related to the pulsatile use of levodopa, which leads to
an imbalance of basal ganglia opioid concentrations and the resetting of voltage
gated channels in N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Meanwhile, DAs have
a longer half-life and differences in receptor selectivity.
12 H.F. Chien et al.
The oldest class of medicines for treating PD is the anticholinergic (ACH) drugs.
Biperiden and trihexyphenidyl reduces cholinergic activity contributing to reestab-
lishing the balance between cholinergic and dopaminergic activity in the striatum. The
most recognized use of ACHs is for treating tremors in early or young onset PD, but
they do not significantly affect bradykinesia or rigidity. The most common side effects
of ACHs include dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, and difficulty emptying the
bladder. Geriatric patients may react with confusional states or develop delirium.
Amantadine, originally used as an antiviral drug, was coincidentally realized to be
a treatment for PD, despite being a weak therapy. The drug increases dopamine
release and blocks dopamine reuptake. Recent studies have demonstrated it to be a
weak antagonist of the NMDA glutamate receptor. Thus, amantadine can influence
glutamatergic neurotransmission at corticostriatal synapse or at the subthalamic
internal pallidal synaptic level. Moreover, recent randomized clinical trials have
also shown that amantadine reduces dyskinesia and motor fluctuations in patients
receiving levodopa [32].
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is the neurosurgical procedure for the treatment of
levodopa-related motor complications. The overall motor effect of subthalamic
nucleus stimulation is quantitatively comparable with that obtained with levodopa,
but without fluctuations and allows the reduction of dopaminergic medication,
secondarily relieving the dyskinesia.
Traditionally, patients with PD are usually referred for DBS 1015 years after
the onset of the disease. However, Schepbach etal. [38] conducted a trial with PD
patients and early motor complications (mean duration of disease, 7.5years) in
which they underwent either neurostimulation plus medical therapy or medical ther-
apy alone. Neurostimulation was superior to medical therapy with regard to motor
disability, activities of daily living (ADLs), levodopa-induced motor complications,
and time with good mobility and no dyskinesia.
Most clinical studies have excluded older patients (>75years) from surgery.
Nevertheless, DeLong etal. [39] performed a large retrospective cohort study and
examined 1,757 individuals who underwent DBS for PD.Patients older than 75
years of age who had DBS surgery showed a similar 90-day complication risk to
their younger counterparts. The authors concluded that age alone should not be a
primary exclusion criterion for determining candidacy for DBS.
Fig. 2.1 Treatment model for Parkinsons disease (PD; adapted from Keus etal. [42])
The correlation between the cognitive decline and gait disorders become more
obvious with the progression of PD, leading to a significant impact on the long-term
prognosis [63].
It is worth noting that the gait and cognitive relationship is not exclusive to PD
patients, also being found in healthy elderly people (even in the early stages of
aging) who show subtle cognitive deficiencies that are not detectable by global
scales of cognitive tracking. Deficiencies of declarative memory, for example, are
associated with the loss of dopamine in the healthy elderly [64].
From this context, challenged training is proposed with the purpose of verifying
whether specific motor and cognitive skills could be concomitantly trained. Some
authors advocate the need for dual-task training [50, 65] because of the loss of
motor performance that requires shared attention with other motor [66, 67] or cog-
nitive tasks [68]. Cognitive tasks are frequently performed during gait in many daily
contexts, which justifies the facts that (1) training programs should be designed with
the purpose of improving motor and cognitive aspects of dual-task training [69], (2)
people with subtle cognitive alterations could benefit from cognitive rehabilitation
strategies that involve processes such as planning, initiation, and self-monitoring
2 Parkinsons Disease 17
[70], (3) patients with better cognitive skills could be highly motivated to engage in
a training program [71], yet the kind and severity of cognitive alterations could limit
the cognitive skills to compensate for gait abnormalities [72].
Therefore, it could be suggested that a complex training program with motor and
cognitive components could be more effective at improving the performance of the
dual tasks in a functional gait than a program focused exclusively on the motor
function [73]. Motor-cognitive approaches would act as a way to facilitate mecha-
nisms involved in the cognitive reserve. The model of the cognitive reserve postu-
lates the existence of specific experiences and behaviors, which confer protection
against the loss related to aging [74].
Manual Activities
Manual activities may become difficult to perform because of the complex motor
sequences required. The coordination, efficiency, and speed of reach and dexterity
of movements are often diminished; therefore, therapies may be directed at
addressing loss of mobility, difficulties in reaching, grasping, and manipulating
objects. and self-care activities such as eating and dressing. Nonstandardized
techniques, commonly observational analysis or nonstandardized timed tasks,
were most often used to assess impairments and activity limitations. There are
limited formal clinical guidelines for treating and evaluating impairment of man-
ual activities in PD patients.
Studies on physical exercises with PD animal models have shown many plastic
processes involved with neuroprotection mechanisms, such as angiogenesis
improvement [97], increased anti-inflammatory responses [98], decreased inflam-
matory responses [99], and improvement of mitochondrial functions [100]. The
neuroprotective effect of exercises in PD was also reported in rats trained on a tread-
mill [99101].
It is possible that the main factors related to the neuroprotective effect of the
physical exercise are neurotrophic factors such as the brain-derived neurotrophic
factor (BDNF). These factors are essential to cellular differentiation, neuronal sur-
vival, migration, dendritic arborization, synaptogenesis, and synaptic plasticity
[102]. BDNF expression is decreased in PD animal models [99101] and in PD
postmortem brains [103]. On the other hand, physical exercise is able to recover
BDNF levels both in animal models [99101, 104] and in patients with PD [105].
According to Petzinger etal. [106], exercise is beneficial for PD rehabilitation
because it incorporates many aspects of practice important for goal-directed motor
skill learning. These elements include repetition, intensity, and challenge, which
together with skill training lead to improvement in motor performance.
2 Parkinsons Disease 21
Other Interventions
Similarly, dance is receiving attention as an interesting exercise strategy for PD
because it naturally combines cueing, spatial awareness, balance, strength and
flexibility, and physical activity (or even aerobic exercise if sufficiently intense).
22 H.F. Chien et al.
Dance can serve as an adjunct to traditional treatments to improve gait, balance, and
QoL in people with PD [111]. Tango dance, specifically, has been shown in several
studies to improve a multitude of motor and nonmotor features in people with PD
[112114], but other types of dance have been evaluated as well. A Cochrane review
[115] included two dance studies in a large review of the effectiveness of PT inter-
ventions compared with no intervention in patients with PD.Their results suggested
that dance might improve UPDRS motor scores (8.48, CI 12.76 to 4.19), FOG
(2.21, CI 4.63 to 0.22), and the 6-min walk test (6MWT; 38.94, 3.18 to 81.06)
compared with no intervention. Through meta-analysis they indirectly compared
dance randomized clinical trials (RCTs) with other PT intervention RCTs and con-
cluded that there were no differences in the effectiveness of the PT interventions.
Future Directions
Physical therapy has been indicated as adjuvant to pharmacological and surgical
treatments in PD.It should be recommended as early as possible to maximize func-
tional abilities, to improve QoL, and to minimize secondary complications.
However, past meta-analysis studies showed insufficient evidence to support or
refute the efficacy of PT.In the last decade, both the number and quality of RCTs
have increased substantially and different interventions, such as exercise, are now
accepted and regarded as basic elements of any rehabilitation program. Many ques-
tions remain unanswered, but large and well-designed ongoing trials are promising
to increase the current levels of evidence that support the use of PT strategies, e.g.,
to prevent falls or to improve physical capacity in PD patients.
2 Parkinsons Disease 23
Motor and nonmotor deficits affect the abilities of communication and swallowing
and can have a devastating impact on the QoL of patients with PD.
These impairments pose management challenges to physicians and speech thera-
pists. Rehabilitation plans should take an interdisciplinary approach and combine
dopaminergic and nondopaminergic drug therapies with nonpharmacological inter-
ventions to manage patients.
Languagespeech therapy, including targeted training with systematic, repeated,
and controlled actions, can help to overcome the neurochemical loss and reduce
specific symptoms of the disease.
The voice is affected earlier than other subsystems of verbal communication and
impairments can be identified before the diagnosis of PD.Around 7080% of indi-
viduals with PD have dysphonia [119]. Changes in voice characteristics vary as they
may have variable degrees of magnitude.
24 H.F. Chien et al.
Hypokinetic Dysarthria
Studies have shown that the LSVT produces functional benefits in various sub-
systems of verbal communication, such as voice quality, prosody, articulation, and
speech intelligibility, and it is thus a useful therapeutic option [130]. The levels of
evidence of treatment for PD with LSVT are as follows: European Federation of
Neurological Societies and Movement Disorder Society (EFNS/MDS): class B
level II [131]; National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE): class
Blevel II [132]; Guidelines for SpeechLanguage Therapy in Parkinsons Disease
(Concept Translation Parkinsonnet): class Alevel I [133].
Language Dysfunction
Oropharyngeal Dysphagia
Some studies have demonstrated that DBS did not show clinically significant
improvement or decline in swallowing. Evidence shows that subthalamic nucleus
(STN) stimulation appears to cause more impairment than globus pallidus internus
(GPi) stimulation [142].
As for drug treatment, although few studies have shown improved swallowing
after ingestion of levodopa, several studies have reported improved dysphagia with
dopaminergic treatment in only a small proportion of patients. In these cases, behav-
ioral therapy should be considered [143].
Speechlanguage therapy rehabilitation is key for improving dysphagia and
includes both compensatory strategies and rehabilitation techniques [144]. The com-
pensatory intervention is produced by chin-tuck, bolus consistency, effortful swallow
frequency, and bolus effects. Rehabilitation consists of tongue-strengthening, tongue
control, tongue holder, Shaker technique, and vocal exercises.
Learned compensatory maneuvers as part of the behavioral intervention for dys-
phagia including changing the diet, the way food is eaten, head posture, and adjust-
ing the swallowing mechanism.
Changes in diet aim to create different sensory stimulation, for example, by
changing volume, texture, and consistency of the food. Changes in head posture such
as rotating or tilting it backward or forward can help move and increase the flow of
the bolus. As for the swallowing mechanism, it can be improved with several maneu-
vers, including the Shaker maneuver, supraglottic swallow, super supraglottic swal-
low, the Masako maneuver, and the Mendelsohn maneuver to adjust muscle strength,
range of motion, and coordination between swallowing and breathing
Future Directions
Communication and swallowing disorders affect most patients with PD and have an
adverse impact on their functioning. Because evidence shows that patients with
these presentations respond inconsistently and weakly to pharmacological or neuro-
surgical treatment alone, languagespeech rehabilitation should be recommended,
as studies suggest significant improvement of these functions after therapy.
So far, there is /little evidence supporting the effectiveness of currently used
interventions and they need further validation. Future studies involving other treat-
ment research areas may help to clarify the neural basis of communication and
swallowing disorders in PD and drive the development and improvement of treat-
ment approaches. Furthermore, progress in rehabilitation is achieved with national
and international collaborative work and sharing of research data.
The progress of PD leads to loss of the abilities to perform ADLs and subsequently
poor functional status and worse QoL.The impairments become gradually evident,
making it essential for the patient and the caregiver to be oriented and trained to avoid
any secondary damage [149]. During the course of the disease, the patient with PD
requires the help of allied health professionals, such as the occupational therapist.
30 H.F. Chien et al.
Motor Aspects
The majority of patients with PD are sedentary and during the course of the disease,
they will experience loss of motor function and balance and may have trouble initi-
ating a motor action, such as walking and transfers (e.g., bed to chair). Exercises
and activities to promote stretching, strengthening, and balance are important to
retard the decaying of these functions [154]. Physical activities are also important
2 Parkinsons Disease 31
for the patients QoL and improvement of functional status [160], which in turn
prevents comorbidities and avoids hospitalization [161, 162].
At the initial assessment, upper limb function should be evaluated. Proud etal.
[163] investigated the frequency of physiotherapy and OT assessment of the upper
limb in people with PD.The results showed that only 54% of respondents regularly
assessed upper limb function. Therefore, effort should be made to increase clini-
cians knowledge of appropriate outcome measures for quantifying upper limb
impairments and activity limitations that may be addressed in this population [164].
Practice and training different postures to perform the daily routine tasks are
recommended, such as a sitting position for showering/bathing or putting clothes in
the on/off period. Assistive technology and utensils such as: eating and drinking
tools, dressing tools, computer aids, cooking tools, and bathroom aids, among oth-
ers, may help the patient with PD to be more independent [165].
There are few studies addressing splinting for patients with PD; however, its
benefits for other neurological diseases are well known [166]. The splints can be
used to prevent the stress of ligament, muscle, joint or correct deformity [166]. PD
patients may experience stiffness of the hand, pain and loss of range of movement
with the progression of the disease, but there is no specific splinting for each patient.
The occupational therapist should evaluate the motor aspects and discuss the goals
with the patient and family/caregiver, before recommending a splint.
During the progress of the PD, patients lose the walking ability for a short or long
distance due to imbalance, rigidity, and freezing. These impairments can provoke
falls and fatigue. For this reason, the occupational therapist should evaluate the
patients needs and discuss the prescription of a wheelchair and shower chair [167].
Patient and family may have concerns about using a wheelchair, but it is important
to explain all the reasons for its indication, especially to prevent secondary prob-
lems caused by falls.
Cognitive Aspects
Mild cognitive impairment and dementia can develop during the progression of PD
in approximately 30% of the patients [168170]. The most common cognitive
impairments are memory, attention, visuospatial, and executive function [156, 168].
The Movement Disorders Society Parkinson Study Group Cognitive/Psychiatric
Working Group recommends Montreal Cognitive Assessment [171] as a minimum
cognitive screening measure in clinical trials of PD where cognitive performance is
not the primary outcome [172]. Mini Mental State Examination [173] is another
useful screening instrument for assessment of cognitive impairment in PD [174].
Patients may require some tips/cues or supervision to perform ADLs, such as
remembering the timing of medications, appointments or even more complex tasks
(paying the bills and simple meal preparation). People with PD may experience dif-
ficulties in performing dual tasks (e.g., walking and carrying a cup or walking and
looking for a product on the supermarket shelf), owing to the motor aspects, but also
because of divided attention [154, 175, 176].
32 H.F. Chien et al.
Activities of daily living are difficult for people with PD; there are many causes,
including fatigue, slowness, fear/risk of falling, depression, and effects of medica-
tion [154, 177]. It is important to stimulate the patients to perform daily tasks and to
maintain their own autonomy and independence.
Encouragement to have some leisure activities (social and cultural activities) is
essential, not only for meeting friends and family, but also for having some time off
from the weekly routine. Although there are few studies about the benefits of leisure
and social activities for patients with PD, studies indicate that older people who
participate in these activities present reduced cognitive decline [156, 178].
Patients should participate not only in their familys events, but also in religious
groups, friends groups, clubs, and volunteer work [178]. The therapist should also
recommend that the patients participate in support groups for PD, outdoor activities
(cinema, theater, and park), and practice arm/hand motor skills. Group activities are
beneficial for patients to discuss experiences, difficulties, and abilities, and to cope
with the disease [70, 179].
The suggested questionnaires for evaluating the ADLs and IADL in patients with
Parkinsons are: the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure [180] and the
Parkinson Self-Assessment Tool [181].
Home Environment
During the rehabilitation process it is important to evaluate the patients home and
work place to make it accessible, comfortable, safe, and functional. It is essential to
discuss with the patient and family their needs for an adequate housing and environ-
mental adaptation [151, 182].
Family/Caregiver Support
Cognitive activities Virtual games, attention games, outdoor activities, group Clinic As soon as the patient
activities, board games, tablet games presents cognitive
Practice and Different posture to dress and bath The best place for this As soon as the patient
orientation for the Practice of transferences (bedchair; chairwheelchair) intervention is in the patients presents first symptoms
ADL and IADL Practice of housekeeping and cooking environment; however, it can with an impact on their
Outdoor activities, such as grocery, bank and cultural activities be done at the clinic functional status
Adaptation and devices to facilitate the daily activities
Assessment of When patient presents the initial symptom of PD, the OT should Home and Workstation At the initial assessment
home environment investigate the patients environment and according to the
Recommendations for avoiding falls should be addressed progression of the disease
Equipment (e.g., raised toilet seat and bars) and refurbishment
(e.g., ramp, lift or even more spacious bedroom and bathroom)
Simple adaptations, such as: removal of mats; moving the
patients bedroom to the living room; removal of the door frame,
installation of bars, and use of a chair to have a shower (or even a
strip wash)
Family and Posture to assist the patient and avoid pain Clinic or at home During the progression of
caregiver support Organize the patients and caregivers routine the disease
Family support groups
Time to relax and run errands
Caregiver support group to share experiences
All the activities and exercises should be practiced (at least for the first time) with the OT, but the caregiver should also practice with the patient at home to
improve the functional status
34 H.F. Chien et al.
Future Directions
People with PD require professional health care during the whole course of the
disease; however, there is a lack of evidence for the effectiveness of OT interven-
tion. A few of the reasons: there are not enough randomized clinical trials, not
enough financial support to conduct large trials, and insufficient health profession-
als specialized in PD to conduct research. More multicenter clinical trials to evalu-
ate all the aspects that involve OT interventions in patients with PD should be
encouraged in the future.
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Atypical Parkinsonism
CarolinadeOliveiraSouza, GiovanaDiaferia,
for PSP (NINDS/SPSP) criteria detect disease in only 5070% of patients in the first
3 years after disease onset [18]. These diagnostic shortcomings may at least in part be
due to the phenotypic diversity, grouped into six well-documented clinical PSP
phenotypes, recognized through neuropathological studies [15, 16]
The most important MRI abnormalities in PSP patients are midbrain atrophy and
superior peduncle atrophy (Fig.3.2) [20]. The humming bird and morning
glory signs have high specificity but rather low sensitivity [16, 17].
[18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) studies in
PSP patients show characteristic brain glucose hypometabolism in the mesial frontal
and insular regions and in the midbrain [2].
There are no effective symptomatic or curative treatments for PSP. Poor or absent
response to levodopa is one of the diagnostic criteria for PSP with marked or
prolonged levodopa benefit being an exclusion criterion [2, 15, 16]. Serotoninergic
drugs such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, 5-hydroxytryptophan, and
methysergide have no confirmed benefit in PSP, in addition to cholinergic drugs, such
as acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors, and muscarinic agonists. Botulinum toxin
may be helpful in PSP for treating dystonia such as retrocollis and apraxia of eyelid
opening, reducing disability provoked by these symptoms [15]. A dextromethorphan/
quinidine combination may be helpful among those who develop troublesome
pseudobulbar affect. Recent clinical trials with tideglusib (an inhibitor of glycogen
50 O.G.P. Barsottini et al.
Fig. 3.2 Brain MRI (midsagittal T1-weighted image) showing atrophy of the midbrain in a patient
with progressive supranuclear palsy
Corticobasal Degeneration
a survival span of about 7 years. The most common clinical signs and symptoms are
asymmetrical levodopa-resistant parkinsonism with dystonia, myoclonus, and cortical
signs, including cortical sensory loss, apraxia, and alien limb phenomenon in the most
severely affected limb. Cognitive impairment tends to be less overt than in PSP but
greater than in MSA. Other less common symptoms are abnormal eye movements
(increased latency of saccades), postural instability, falls, abnormal gait, axial rigidity,
and a high-amplitude tremor that is greater posturally when resting [2, 22, 23].
Corticobasal degeneration is characterized by the widespread deposition of
hyperphosphorylated 4-repeat tau in neurons and glia, and neuronal degeneration in
the frontotemporal cortex and substantia nigra. The hallmark feature is the astro-
cytic plaques that differentiate CBD from other 4R tauopathies, particularly PSP.
Similar to PSP, CBD is associated with the H1 haplotype of the MAPT gene [24].
Neuropathological studies have shown that CBS may be due to Alzheimers
disease, PSP, and forms of frontotemporal dementia. Conversely, pathologically
confirmed CBD cases may exhibit a range of phenotypes including CBS but also
frontotemporal dementia, primary progressive aphasia (PNFA, in particular), and
posterior cortical atrophy [2, 25].
Neuroimaging studies of CBS patients, including brain MRI and FDG-PET or
SPECT, show asymmetrical frontoparietal atrophy and hypometabolism respec-
tively [26]. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers have not yet been adequately studied in
patients with CBS/CBD [2224].
As with other forms of APD, there is a low yield in the symptomatic treatment
available for CBS. There is generally no response to dopaminergic drugs, including
levodopa at doses as high as 2g/day. Myoclonus can be alleviated with clonazepam
and/or valproate or levetiracetam. Focal arm dystonia may be alleviated with anti-
cholinergic drugs or botulinum toxin [2]. Dementia can be treated with cholinester-
ase inhibitors, but the effectiveness of this approach remains unproven.
APDs, but not in patients with PD [27]. This is reflected by the distance between the
feet during gait, which is typically normal (or even narrow) in PD, but widened in
PSP and MSA. Estimating this stance width is difficult in clinical practice, without
objective measures. Nevertheless, this mediolateral balance impairment can be
revealed using two simple tests: (1) inability to perform tandem gait (one or more
side steps being abnormal) [28]; and (2) self-report by patients who have lost the
ability to ride a bicycle [29]. Both tests are useful for distinguishing PD from atypi-
cal parkinsonism, even in the early course of the disease [27].
Suteerawattananon etal. [30] described the rehabilitation of one patient (a
62-year-old man) diagnosed with PSP. His major problems were impaired balance
and frequent, abrupt falls. His PT program included walking training, balance
perturbation, and step training using body weight support with a treadmill.
Training sessions lasted 1.5h and took place 3 days a week for 8 weeks. Fall
incidence, balance, and gait were assessed before, during, and after the program.
The patient reported fewer falls during and after training. Balance and gait
improved after training [30].
Steffen etal. [31] evaluated a 72-year-old man diagnosed with mixed PSP
and CBS features after 6years of disease. He had asymmetric limb apraxia,
markedly impaired balance, and frequent falls during transitional movements.
PT intervention included routine participation in a PD group exercise program
(mat exercises and treadmill training) and intermittent participation in individual
locomotor training on a treadmill. The exercise group met for 1h, twice weekly.
The individual treadmill sessions lasted 1h, once weekly, for two 14-week
periods during the follow-up period. Over a 2.5-year follow-up period, fall
frequency decreased, and tests of functional balance showed improved stability
(functional reach tests) and maintained balance function (Berg Balance Scale).
Tests of walking performance showed only a slight decline. A four-wheeled
walker was introduced and accepted by the patient early in the intervention
period. With supervision, he remained ambulatory in the community with this
wheeled walker. The authors concluded that PT, relying on locomotor training
using a treadmill and a long-term exercise program of stretching and strength-
ening, may improve some dimensions of balance, slow the rate of gait decline,
prevent progression to wheelchair dependence, and decrease the number of
falls. Contrary to the expected decline in function, this patient maintained
independent mobility beyond 2 years [31].
Steffen etal. [32] subsequently published a longer-term (10years) follow-up in
the same PSP/CBS patient. The falls (reported weekly over the study period by the
patient and his wife) decreased from 1.9 falls per month in year 1 to 0.3 falls per
month in year 10. Taken together, the functional data described in these reports with
regard to mobility, balance, walking speed, falls, and endurance strongly suggest the
importance of a regular and aggressive exercise program to prolong longevity,
decrease the number of falls, and promote stability of function (including balance
and ambulation) for a patient with suspected CBS/PSP syndrome [32].
It is known that people with PSP have difficulty suppressing the vestibulo-ocular
reflex (VOR) [18]. The inability to generate saccades can compromise safe ambulation.
3 Atypical Parkinsonism 53
Anticipatory saccades normally occur in situations that involve changing the direction
of walking [33] or before obstacle avoidance [34]. When saccades are not generated
quickly, there is an increased risk for falling [35].
Rehabilitation strategies for PSP are likely to differ from those for PD because
vertical gaze palsy is unique to PSP and has the potential to create additional
balance and mobility problems. Therefore, the rehabilitation for PSP should involve
eye-movement training in addition to balance and gait training.
Lindemann etal. [36], using dual-tasking paradigms to assess differences
between patients with PSP who fell frequently and those who fell less often, found
more ocular movement difficulties, decreased postural stability, and decreased
cognition in the former than in the latter group. The frequent fallers demonstrated
a significant increase in cadence and a decrease in step length compared with the
infrequent fallers, but the groups did not differ significantly under dual tasking for
maximal gait speed. These findings may reflect a first adaptation with dual tasking
to produce safer walking by decreasing step length. A decrease in cadence was
found to be the next adaptation, when needed. These findings also suggest that
falls might result from cognitive and ocular dysfunction in addition to the
parkinsonian features [36].
Zampieri etal. [37] investigated 19 adults with possible or probable PSP and
postural instability. Balance training accompanied by eye movement and visual
awareness exercises was compared with balance training alone. The gaze control
was assessed using a vertical gaze fixation score and a gaze error index. Gaze
control after the balance plus eye exercise significantly improved, whereas no
significant improvement was observed for the group that received balance
training alone [37].
Recently, Seamon etal. [38] described an intervention using a virtual gaming
system to improve gait, postural control, and cognitive awareness to reduce falls
and improve the quality of life for a patient with PSP. A 65-year-old woman
with a 5-year disease duration and frequent falls, poor ability to visually track
objects, axial rigidity, retropulsion, poor postural control, with reaching and
cognitive decline was assessed. She was provided with the Xbox Kinect for 12
one-hour sessions over 6 weeks in an outpatient setting. The games were
selected to challenge functional motor and cognitive tasks based on patient
enjoyment. After the intervention with virtual reality the patient showed
decreased falls and maintenance of scores on the Berg Balance Scale, Timed Up
and Go (TUG), and 10-Meter Walk Tests above fall risk values. A decline in
quality of life measures, PDQ-39 and Fear of Falling Avoidance Behavior
Questionnaire, may be attributed to an increase in cognitive awareness of
deficits promoted by the intervention structure. According to the authors, the
implementation of a gaming intervention using a virtual gaming system is
feasible for reducing fall risk and maintaining function and mobility when used
in an outpatient setting [38].
In conclusion, these studies have suggested that a combination of balance/walk
interventions [3032, 37, 38] and eye movement training [37] may improve the
functional performance of patients with PSP.
54 O.G.P. Barsottini et al.
machines for each individual exercise. Progression with the unstable device was
included in the training program from less unstable to more unstable. After the
6-month training, the patients left and right quadriceps muscle cross-sectional areas
and leg press one-repetition maximum increased by 6.4%, 6.8%, and 40% respec-
tively; the TUG, sitting to standing transfer, dynamic balance, and activities of daily
living improved by 33.3%, 28.6%, 42.3%, and 40.1% respectively; and the severity
of motor symptoms and risk of falls decreased by 32% and 128.1% respectively.
Most of the subscales of quality of life demonstrated improvements as well, varying
from 13.0 to 100.0%. This study showed that resistance training may decrease the
severity of motor symptoms and risk of falls, and improve functional ability, neuro-
muscular parameters, and quality of the life in patients with MSA [46].
Current treatment strategies for MSA focus on the control of neurogenic ortho-
static hypotension (nOH) [47]. Patients with severe nOH suffer from debilitating
symptoms that substantially impair their ability to complete activities of daily living
and reduce their quality of life. A high incidence of fall-related fractures and trauma
occurs in patients with severe nOH [48]. Classic nOH symptoms, such as orthostatic
dizziness and syncope, and less appreciated symptoms, such as coat-hanger pain
and cognitive impairment, can force patients to curtail activities that involve stand-
ing or walking [49]. In addition to pharmacological strategies (see above) [50]
patients may be treated with physiotherapy[51]. Exercises, especially activities that
are performed recumbent or in water, are encouraged to prevent deconditioning,
which can exacerbate nOH [52]. However, patients should avoid exercising in the
morning, when orthostatic symptoms are typically worse. Is also recommended that
when changing position they should do so slowly to allow time for autonomic adap-
tion. For instance, when going from a supine position to walking, patients should sit
before standing and stand for several minutes before walking [53].
Dysarthria and dysphagia are known to occur in MSA, PSP, and CBD [56]. Some
studies report that the appearance of dysarthria during the first year of disease in
patients with degenerative parkinsonism strongly suggests one of these disorders,
most commonly MSA or PSP [57].
The response to levodopa is negligible. As a result, the multidisciplinary patient
support through speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and
nurses plays an important role in the treatment [58]. Speech and voice alterations
are due to impairments in muscle control caused by central and, to a lesser extent,
peripheral nervous system involvement [59]. The speech abnormalities of these dis-
orders can be classified as hypokinetic, ataxic, hyperkinetic, spastic, and mixed
[60]. To develop effective methods of speech therapy to improve the communication
of patients, it is necessary, first, to classify the speechlanguage disorders into these
dysarthrophonia categories.
A study conducted by Knopp etal. [61] characterized the disorders of speech and
voice of five patients with MSA, with a mean age of 51.2years. The symptoms of
speech and voice appeared 1.1years after the onset of motor symptoms. In all
patients, dysarthrophonia was the mixed type, combining the hypokinetic compo-
nents, ataxic and spastic, the former being predominant.
In the 1990s, Countryman etal. [62] examined the Lee Silverman Voice
Treatment (LSVT), originally designed for PD patients, in two patients with MSA,
3 Atypical Parkinsonism 57
Silva etal. [71] evaluated three patients with MSA who showed impairment in
the oral phase to solid food, with increased oral transit time and inefficient prepara-
tion of the bolus. In the pharyngeal phase, there was reduced laryngeal elevation and
clinical signs of penetration and/or tracheal aspiration for solid and liquid
consistencies. Postural maneuver (neck flexion) and cleaning of the pharyngeal
recesses (swallowing effort and multiple swallows) were effective. The three
patients had complaints in the oral phase of swallowing owing to motor changes
already described in MSA; thus, the presence of dysarthria is an important signal in
the differential diagnosis. The change in the pharyngeal phase of swallowing was
mainly due to incoordination or reduced laryngeal elevation during the swallowing
process. The subjects of this study benefited from postural maneuvers and cleaning
the pharyngeal recesses, as the former increases airway protection and the latter
helps to remove residues in pharyngeal recesses. Patients with MSA of this study
showed oropharyngeal dysphagia with the same level of gravity. The speech therapy
should be considered important in this disorder because patients described in this
study showed improvement in swallowing.
The dysphagia that occurs as an early sign of PSP, and which may predispose
patients to aspiration pneumonia, has never been fully characterized. The study by
Litvan etal. [72] evaluated 27 patients aged 64.9years (mean age) with a symptom
duration of 52 months who met the clinical National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke and Society for PSP (NINDS-SPSP) criteria for possible or
probable PSP, with a swallowing questionnaire, an oral motor and speech examina-
tion, and either a modified barium swallow or ultrasound study. Twenty-eight age-
and sex-matched healthy controls aged 65.6years (mean age) were also evaluated
using the questionnaire, oral examination, and ultrasound study. Although PSP
patients had at least one complaint on the swallowing questionnaire (mean, 6.6),
healthy controls had fewer and less relevant complaints (0.3). Patients with
moderate-to-severe cognitive disabilities had significantly more complaints of dys-
phagia than those with mild or no impairment. The oral motor skills and speech of
the PSP patients were mildly impaired, but significantly different from those of
controls. In the ultrasound studies, PSP patients had significantly fewer continuous
swallows and required longer to complete their swallows than did healthy controls.
They also had mild-to-moderate abnormalities in the modified barium swallow
study. The swallowing questionnaire, oral motor examination, and speech produc-
tion examination accurately predicted the abnormalities detected with the swallow-
ing studies. Although 75% of patients had abnormal speech, all but one had
abnormal swallowing studies. Thus, although dysphagia is associated with dysar-
thria, the two conditions are not always paired in the same patient. The authors
suggest that the swallowing questionnaire and oral motor examination are an easy
and cost-effective method for predicting the swallowing disturbances in PSP [72].
3 Atypical Parkinsonism 59
Corticobasal Syndrome
Ozsancak etal. [73] evaluated dysarthria and orofacial apraxia (OFA) in patients
with a clinical diagnosis of CBS. Voluntary movements of the tongue and the lips
were impaired in all patients. OFA, evaluated by simple and sequential gestures,
was present in the patients. Sequential gestures were more frequently impaired.
The OFA score did not correlate with the severity of dysarthria, suggesting inde-
pendent underlying mechanisms. Thus, when specifically assessed, dysarthria and
OFA are more frequent in CBS than usually reported. This study proposes that the
underlying pathophysiology is the result of a deficit in programming and execution
of repetitive movements.
Dysarthria is frequent in CBS even though it remains mild for a long period of
time. The findings support the view that even though perceptual analysis is manda-
tory in the management of dysarthric patients, it does not help with the clinical dif-
ferential diagnosis of CBS.
The study by Ozsancak etal. [74] suggests that the deficit in multiple sequential
gestures in CBD might be related to simultaneous lesions of the parietal lobule and
the supplementary motor area.
In a postmortem study, Mller etal. [56] confirmed that early dysarthria and
perceived swallowing dysfunction are not features of PD.However, when one or
both features were present, the sensitivity and specificity of their early occurrence
within the first year failed to further distinguish among the various APDs.
According to the findings of previous studies, dysarthria was frequently observed
in all patients (MSD, PSP, CBS) [63, 75, 76], with significantly longer latencies
in PD than in MSA and PSP. Similarly, dysarthria as a presenting symptom has
been described in clinical series of CBS, MSA, and PSP [75]. In PD and DLB,
hypophonic/monotonous speech represented the most frequent type of dysarthria,
whereas imprecise or slurred articulation predominated in CBS, MSA, and PSP,
in accordance with the literature [64, 75].
In a clinical study on CBS, Rinne etal. [75] described dysarthria as one of the
initial symptoms in 11% of the patients. At follow-up, on average 5.2years, dysarthria
was diagnosed in 70% of the patients. In a study of 147 CBS cases, including 7
autopsy-confirmed CBD cases, dysarthria was noted only in 29% of patients, but
there was no information on disease duration [77]. According to the findings of Mller
etal. [56], dysarthria occurred in almost every patient with CBS/CBD.
Median latencies to dysarthria and subjective dysphagia were at least twice as long
in PD than in APDs. Total survival time, in addition to survival time after onset of
dysarthria, was significantly longer in PD; however, the onset of dysphagia predicted
a similarly short remaining median survival time in MSA, PSP, and PD.Furthermore,
latencies to dysphagia correlated highly with overall survival time in all parkinsonian
disorders. These important findings suggest that the perceived swallowing dysfunction
in PD and APDs might indicate functionally relevant dysphagia. Indeed, in PD [77],
DLB [78], CBS [79], MSA [80], and PSP [72], bronchopneumonia has been reported
to be a leading cause of death, which may be subsequent to silent aspiration resulting
60 O.G.P. Barsottini et al.
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Rehabilitation ofDystonia
DirkDressler andFereshteAdibSaberi
motor activity of the central nervous system may also be a modifying factor of
dystonia. General physical activity and forced postures usually increase dystonia
(overflow effect), whereas resting and relaxation improve it. When negative
physical activity is combined with psychological tension, as is the case when
working on a production line without being able to interrupt the mechanics, the
effect may be disastrous. On the other hand, working at a self-paced speed with
self-set pauses and a change of position is often a relief for the patient. Rhythmic
activities such as dancing and horse-riding may improve all forms of dystonia.
When using print characters, changing the position of the pen and the arm may
improve writers cramp, changing the position of the musical instrument may be
beneficial for musicians cramps, and singing and increasing the pitch may
improve spasmodic dysphonia. Changing dystonically impaired motor pro-
grammes can be effective. This approach is frequently used in occupational ther-
apy re-training programmes, especially in task-specific dystonia. Amending both
the motor output from the central nervous system and the sensory input to the
central nervous system may produce very specific effects. The geste antagoniste,
the combination of a self-intended movement or posture and the elucidation of
sensory effects in the patient, reduces cervical dystonia and dystonic neck tremor.
It is specific to dystonia and is not seen in other conditions. Effects on the
wrong side of the chin indicate that the geste antagoniste is not a mechanical
manoeuvre. Imitation of the sensory effect via an external source is not effective.
Touching the lateral periocular skin, a sensory manoeuvre similar to the geste
antagoniste, may reduce blepharospasm; biting matches and using chewing gum
may lessen oromandibular dystonia.
70 D. Dressler and F. AdibSaberi
Treatment ofDystonia
Antidystonic Treatment
Botulinum toxin (BT) therapy is the most effective way of relaxing dystonic muscle
hyperactivity. BT produces a strictly local, well controllable and fully reversible
blockade of the cholinergic neuromuscular synapse for approximately 3 months. Its
application is based upon an injection scheme including the target muscles and their BT
doses. The development of appropriate injection schemes greatly depends on the experi-
ence of the injector. Most cases of therapy failure are actually caused by inappropriate
injection schemes and are therefore therapist failure. Best results are obtained in focal
dystonia. However, recent publications indicate that total BT doses are higher than
previously thought; thus, more widespread dystonia can also be targeted [3]. Dystonic
muscle activity can also be suppressed by surgical interventions. Deep brain stimulation
(DBS) blocks certain basal ganglia pathways by continuous high frequency stimulation
through stereotactically implanted electrodes. Target of the stimulation is the globus pal-
lidus internus. For tremor-type dystonia thalamic targets may also be used. DBS works
best in idiopathic dystonia. It has a far-reaching effect and is therefore recommended for
non-focal dystonia. A combination of posterior ramisectomy, peripheral denervation
and myectomy of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is called the Bertrand procedure [3].
Before BT therapy it was commonly used with some success to treat cervical dystonia.
Other selective denervations and myectomies may be used in special forms of very
localised dystonia. Spinal cord stimulation turned out not to be effective.
Antidystonic Drugs
A large number of drugs were tried to treat dystonia. In general, drug treatment of
dystonia is disappointing as it is usually ineffective and often accompanied by
severe adverse effects. Best antidystonic effects are produced by anticholinergic
drugs, especially in children tolerating high doses. Antidopaminergic drugs may
also be helpful. Dopamine receptor blocking agents, however, bear the risk of
inducing tardive dystonia; dopamine-depleting agents do not, but often produce
parkinsonism and depression. GABA-ergic compounds have also documented
antidystonic efficacy. Continuous intrathecal baclofen administered through an
implanted pump was tried with mixed results in non-focal dystonia [5].
4 Rehabilitation ofDystonia 71
Adjuvant Drugs
Analgesics may be used if there are painful secondary complications and when the
painful dystonic muscle activity cannot be sufficiently suppressed otherwise.
Anxiolytics can reduce stress as a dystonia facilitating factor. Knowing that there is
the option to use them sometimes helps.
Rehabilitation ofDystonia
Structural Aspects
Cervical Dystonia
Figure4.1 shows some typical patients with cervical dystonia. BT therapy is the
treatment of choice for cervical dystonia. In patients with special forms of dystonia,
such as antecollis, antecaput, tremor forms or alternating forms, and in patients with
antibody-induced therapy failure, DBS is an alternative. Antidystonic drugs and
adjuvant drugs may be used at the end of the BT treatment cycle. When BT therapy
is used, physiotherapy is necessary in most patients to activate antidystonic muscles
and to re-learn the normal head position. It also helps to mobilise existing
contractures or to prevent them. Based on these principles and on several decades of
Figure4.2 shows some typical patients with blepharospasm and Meige syndrome.
The treatment of choice for blepharospasm is BT therapy. It produces robust improve-
ment in most patients treated. In some patients, results are less favourable, usually
because of additional eyelid opening apraxia (levator inhibition) preventing appro-
priate activation of the levator palpebrae muscle. Levator suspension operation [27]
connecting the upper eyelid to the frontalis muscle via a Goretex string is helpful.
Alternatively, a spring attached to a spectacles frame may help (Fig.4.3). Patients
starting to use plasters usually report skin irritations after a short period of time. DBS
Fig. 4.3 Springs attached to a spectacles frame to cope with eyelid opening apraxia as part of
Task-Specific Dystonia
Figure4.4 shows some typical patients with task-specific dystonia. For writers cramp
and musicians cramps, the most common forms of task-specific dystonia, BT is the
treatment of choice. However, for writers cramp one third to half of the patients are
not satisfied with BT therapy. For musicians cramps, with their excessive functional
demands, this percentage is higher. Oral antidystonic drugs are problematic owing to
weak and unpredictable effects and potentially severe adverse effects. In musicians
cramps, however, trihexyphenidyl is frequently used [36]. Adjuvant drugs, especially
anxiolytics, may be additionally helpful. DBS was tried in single cases with mixed
results. In this situation, rehabilitation is in high demand, especially in patients with
musicians dystonia when their ability to perform professionally is at stake.
Originally, it was thought that task-specific dystonia was a functional disorder, a
software problem triggered by overuse. Although overuse, especially under stressful
circumstances, seems to play a major role in the pathophysiology of task-specific
dystonia, it has become increasingly apparent that the pathological basis of task-
specific dystonia is not principally different from that of other forms of dystonia.
Still, the strong correlation with special motor programmes is intriguing and has
stimulated treatment with movement-modifying programmes.
Over many years of practical work with writers cramp patients, Bleton developed
a physiotherapy programme based on the concept of re-learning normal movements
by improving independence and the precision of individual finger and wrist
movements and training of antidystonic muscles by drawing loops, curves and ara-
besques [37]. Occupational therapy is even more widely used and employs a large
number of different strategies, including simple ones such as switching writing
hands, writing in print, using keyboards andwhere possiblespeech recognition
devices, changing to thick pens and pens with a non-slippery surface, altering the
pen-holding position [3841], attaching the pen to the hand through special devices
[4245], orthoses, using the wrist more than the fingers and optimising the sitting
position, general relaxation techniques [46, 47] and general avoidance of stress and
anxiety. Writing in private rather than in public may also avoid aggravating stress.
Switching the writing hand can be learned within 69 months. However, about half
of the patients will also develop writers cramp in the switched hand. Occupational
therapy seems to have an adjuvant effect on BT therapy [48]. Figure4.5 shows a
collection of modified pens to enable the patient to cope with writers cramp.
76 D. Dressler and F. AdibSaberi
Fig. 4.5 Collection of modified pens to cope with writers cramp. Photo kindly provided by Mr
Arne Knutzen, Kiel, Germany
Musicians dystonia, especially in the forearm and the hand, is treated in a similar
manner to writers cramp. In musicians dystonia the demand for therapy is
enormous: most patients use rehabilitation including retraining (87%), hand therapy
(42%), relaxation techniques (38%), physiotherapy (30%), psychotherapy (23%),
acupuncture (21%) and various body techniques (21%) [36]. Of the patients, 81.5%
of them report subjective improvement, and around 50% are estimated to have
objective improvement [36].
Simple interventions include ergonomic changes at the instrument [60], changing
the grip or the position of the instrument. More complex occupational programmes
include behavioural programmes referred to as sensory motor retuning [55, 6163],
sensory training therapy [6467]), slow-down exercises [68], sensory re-education
[69], mixed treatment strategies [70, 71] and immobilisation programmes [72, 73].
Strategies for the prevention of musicians dystonia have been discussed. They
include more relaxed positions and stress avoidance. Interestingly, playing jazz
music rather than classical music bears a substantially lower risk of dystonia.
Non-focal Dystonia
Figure4.6 shows a patient with generalised dystonia after central nervous system
trauma. Primary treatment for non-focal dystonia depends on the severity and local-
isation of dystonia [3]. Recently, it was demonstrated that total BT doses can be
substantially higher than previously thought [74]. BT therapy can therefore be an
alternative in patients previously considered candidates for DBS.It should be
directed towards those symptoms generating the highest burden of disease for the
78 D. Dressler and F. AdibSaberi
Fig. 4.6 Patient with generalised dystonia after central nervous system trauma
patients. In more severely affected patients and in patients with severe non-focal
dystonia DBS becomes the treatment of choice.
Rehabilitation of non-focal dystonia is focussed on those functions most relevant
to the patient. It may include use of the hands, walking, swallowing and positioning.
Devices to support these functions are frequently used.
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Rehabilitation ofAtaxia
MariseBuenoZonta, GiovanaDiaferia, JosLuizPedroso,
Motor Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation is essential for all patients with ataxia. Any approach that includes
physical therapy can help to improve quality of life. Physical therapy should start
early at the diagnosis of ataxia, even in people with mild symptoms, such as spo-
radic imbalance. Therapy on the ground should consist of balance training and
therapists may suggest other practices that are complementary to the treatment pro-
gram. When people present with the early signs and symptoms of ataxia, they are
likely to engage in unsupervised activities in an attempt to minimize their symp-
toms. Guidance of a skilled professional is key at the beginning of any program to
incorporate activities that are suitable for these patients. In general, patients with
ataxia should be encouraged to exercise as part of health promotion, and as long as
risk factors and safety considerations have been assessed. Exercise should be tai-
lored individually and may involve exploring several different options for building
motivation, but patients with ataxia should be fully aware of the importance of
motor coordination and balance training.
Physical therapy should not be discontinued in advanced stages of disease in
dependent, bedridden people because passive/assisted mobilization and correct
positioning are essential at these stages to maintain the same level of residual activ-
ity, prevent pain and bedsores, and improve well-being. Over the course of the dis-
ease, management targets should be adjusted based on the patients health status and
needs taking into account individual characteristics, including age, interests, and
financial resources, among others.
Rehabilitation of patients with ataxia involves a thorough assessment to establish
the patients current level of functioning and to set up treatment goals and strategies.
Regular reassessments are also necessary to assess the effectiveness of the current
management and to identify any changes to the treatment plan that may be required [1].
Patients with ataxia have specific needs depending on their symptoms.
Individually tailored physical therapy strategies should be planned and incorporate
specific objectives and goals toward the highest possible level of functioning, with
continuous adjustments over time to minimize loss of function. Besides motor
coordination and balance training, other goals can be set, including increased
transfer and locomotion independence; muscle strengthening; increased physical
resilience; safe fall strategy; learning to use mobility aids (e.g., a walker); learn-
ing how to reduce the bodys energy expenditure; developing specific breathing
patterns; monitoring posture while sitting and standing; preventing and minimiz-
ing deformities and pain in people confined to a bed and/or wheelchair; and learn-
ing muscle relaxation exercises, among others [2]. Patient assessment can provide
objective information to guide the use of these therapy modalities or a combination
of different modalities.
In their review, Cassidy etal. [3] make recommendations on physical therapy
interventions, including dynamic task practices that challenge stability and explore
stability limits; combined strength and flexibility training; a compensatory approach
including orthotics and devices; teaching practical, everyday strategies for those with
severe upper extremity tremor; and careful documentation of patient outcomes.
A physical therapy plan should be prepared from the interpretation of the assess-
ment results and can vary depending on the type and characteristics of ataxia [1].
Recovery of motor function depends on the cause and the site of the cerebellar
injury [4]. Although approaches that improve proprioception and incorporate visual
aids are used more commonly in people with sensory ataxia, stabilization training is
more important to reduce truncal and extremity ataxia in people with cerebellar
ataxia. People with vestibular ataxia should be given habituation exercises to reduce
vertigo, and vestibulo-ocular and vestibulospinal reflexes should be stimulated to
improve balance. In some challenging cases, such as mixed ataxia, a number of
physical therapy interventions are required. When preparing a treatment plan, it
5 Rehabilitation ofAtaxia 85
should be kept in mind that the proprioceptive, vestibular, and visual systems and
the cerebellum are closely related, and that balance and coordination result from
this relationship [1]. These authors argue that the methods applied for the rehabilita-
tion of ataxia cannot be classified as approaches directed merely toward propriocep-
tion or balance, as all of these interact with each other.
Physical therapy techniques may vary depending on the approach used. An indi-
vidual treatment may consist of modalities on the ground (with or without equip-
ment), and/or in the water (hydrotherapy), and/or on a horse (equine therapy), and/
or virtual reality training. In a single exercise practice or therapy session they can
work stability, balance, strength, elongation, and motor coordination at the same
time as all these skills are interconnected.
Regarding motor recovery, two major issues have deserved attention in the reha-
bilitation of degenerative cerebellar diseases [5]. The first issue is whether motor
sequence learning or relearning of everyday tasks occurs, as the cerebellum plays a
crucial role in motor learning. The second one is whether gains in motor function
can be maintained over time given the progressive nature of these conditions. Ilg
etal. [4] contend that motor rehabilitation in people with cerebellar damage is chal-
lenging because the cerebellum plays an important role in motor learning and they
may have difficulty recovering function with physical therapy owing to damage to
structures critically involved in the relearning of motor skills.
In another review, Ilg etal. [4] looked at studies that assessed physical therapy
interventions for patients with cerebellar ataxia. These interventions included pro-
gressive stimulation on gait and balance for improved postural stability and less
dependence in daily life activities. The authors note that most studies comprised
heterogeneous, small samples, making it difficult to compare the methods of inter-
vention. They also cite the clinical studies by Ilg etal. [6] and Miyail etal. [5], both
large cohorts that systematically showed the benefits of motor rehabilitation in
patients with cerebellar degenerative diseases. Ilg etal. [7] found significant bene-
fits of intensive coordination and balance training that persisted over 12 months,
despite a gradual decline in motor performance due to progressive neurodegenera-
tive symptoms.
The finding that patients with ataxia can improve movement performance [6]
corroborated that seen in physical therapy practice. Therapists current challenge is
to find new ways to encourage patients to keep up with continuous training to pre-
serve their gains. Continuous coordination and balance training should be the stan-
dard of care; however, raising patient awareness and adjusting their daily routine are
required. An exercise program should take into account patient age, clinical fea-
tures, and prognosis. There are countless exercises available and a good therapist
should find new creative ways to keep patients interested and engaged.
The physical therapy approaches listed in a review study by Armutlu [1] are
designed for proprioception improvement, balance and stabilization training, and
vertigo and dizziness reduction. The author reviewed several studies on approaches
to improving proprioception that included techniques to increase proprioception
input through mechanical stimulation of articular surfaces, muscles, and tendons,
decreasing postural instability by improving body awareness. The techniques
86 M.B. Zonta et al.
1. Keep the best posture for as long as the patient can. For example, people who are
able to walk or stand should maintain it for long enough. They should also be
encouraged to maintain a standing position as home practice (e.g., standing
while watching TV for a period every day, even if they need support). The focus
is to preserve their level of functioning: if a person is able to walk, she/he should
do it as much as possible. The order of exercises does not matter; it is important
to exercise as many positions as possible by using different mechanisms and
muscles, giving emphasis to the best posture.
2. Promote stability by using different positions and while progressing from one
position to another. Train both static postural stability and dynamic postural sta-
bility for every position. Mechanical stimulation of joint surfaces, muscles, and
tendons increases sensory and proprioceptive information on these body areas
and helps reduce instability.
3. In addition to balance and coordination exercises, muscle strength and stretching
exercises should be performed in every position. Some people may require
stretching exercises at the beginning of the therapy session, whereas others may
gradually change positions and progressively perform stretching exercises.
4. Balance training should be functional, i.e., people should practice functions in
the performance of daily tasks that require balance and proper posture. Improving
posture control will promote a maximum level of functional capacity; training
may help to reduce postural sway during movement.
5. As patients have to maintain an unbalanced position to train balance reactions,
these exercises should be performed safely and progress depending on their
symptoms. The degree of difficulty of an exercise should gradually be increased
using obstacles or provoking balance reactions to challenge them in a safe exer-
cise routine.
6. Strength training should use body weight exercises. Building muscle strength is
crucial, but care should be taken not to fatigue the muscles. It is important to
5 Rehabilitation ofAtaxia 87
strengthen proximal shoulder and hip muscles to maintain the function of the
upper and lower extremities.
7. Exercises should be practiced consciously at first, and in later stages should be
followed by automatic exercise activities. Exercises should progress from simple
to complex within peoples functional level bearing in mind symptom progres-
sion. Some exercises should be practiced first with the eyes open and later with
the eyes closed.
8. A home practice program should incorporate other physical activities such as
sport activities to train components of basic skills in patients with ataxia. They
should be provided with support materials with pictures/drawings to guide their
home exercise routine [9].
Intensive balance and motor coordination training can make people weary and be a
complex practice for children with ataxia especially those lacking motivation. A
major advantage of virtual reality is to motivate patients. The literature also reports
additional benefits including improved balance and posture, locomotion and gait,
and upper and lower extremity function [10, 11].
Many researchers point out the potential of virtual reality games as an effective
approach to improve motor skills and as a tool for assessing treatment effectiveness.
They have investigated a broad variety of therapeutic applications, especially for
motor and locomotor function rehabilitation in patients with neurological condi-
tions, and in patients with cognitive impairment. Ilg etal. [10] assessed the effec-
tiveness of using three X-Box videogame sets in children with ataxia. The children
underwent an 8-week training program (2weeks at the study site and 6 weeks in
their homes) specifically designed to improve motor coordination and balance. The
authors found that videogames reduced symptoms of ataxia, improved the chil-
drens ability to maintain good balance, and made the step-to-step transition while
walking safer and more effective.
People with secondary, nongenetic, and hereditary degenerative ataxia have vestibu-
lar complaints in daily clinical practice that require treatment. Different vestibular
rehabilitation protocols are available and each has distinctive characteristics. The
CawthorneCooksey exercise protocol (1946) was designed to treat vestibular ataxia.
This exercise program is aimed at reducing vestibular disturbances, including vertigo,
vision changes during head motions, and balance and motor problems. It consists of a
series of head movements, body movements, and headeye coordination and balance
exercises performed in various positions where patients are instructed to perform the
exercises slowly at first, and then increasing speed. These exercises are intended to
improve the patients well-being while performing daily activities. In his review [1],
88 M.B. Zonta et al.
Armutlu cites some studies that show the use of many components of this exercise
program by physical therapists and occupational therapists.
Many protocols [12] are available to treat people with vestibular ataxia, in par-
ticular those using virtual reality applications. Virtual reality-based vestibular reha-
bilitation consists of interactive graphics creating a virtual reality experience [13].
The benefits of this treatment are reported in the literature and include balance and
posture alignment, improved mobility and upper and lower extremity function, and
increased motivation to exercise.
Vestibular rehabilitation exercises, either conventional or virtual reality-based
protocols, have the same goal of seeking to restore body balance, stimulating and
accelerating the natural mechanisms of vestibular compensation, and thus enhanc-
ing neuroplasticity in people with peripheral and/or central vestibular disorders.
The sole difference is the equipment used to achieve vestibular compensation.
Weighted anklets attached to lower extremities, vests to be worn on the trunk, belts
around the waist, cuffs, and adapted insoles to be placed in shoes can be used to add
extra weight to exercises. Better movement control is expected. A study by Dias
etal. [14] showed the effectiveness of adding extra weight to exercise to improve
static postural balance and dynamic postural balance, gait coordination, and func-
tional independence. This finding is corroborated by that reported by providers and
patients training with extra weights and suggests that this practice should be consid-
ered on an individual basis.
A few studies have investigated the effect of adding extra weight to exercise in
patients with ataxia. These investigations mostly involved small samples of low
quality and thus did not provide any strong evidence [15, 16]. In the review by
Cassidy etal. 3], the authors question adding extra weight when performing lower
extremity exercises. However, they recommend extra weight to control ataxia in the
wrist and hand, and build wrist strength to reduce tremors [17].
Adding extra weight can increase tremors and cause discomfort in patients with
ataxia. The need and indication for adding extra weight should be assessed on an
individual basis and require skilled supervision.
Sports Activities
In their review studies, Armutlu [1], Cassidy etal. [3], and Synofzik and Ilg [18] under-
line the importance of sports activities for balance and coordination training. In clinical
practice, patients with ataxia should be encouraged to be active, taking their prefer-
ences into consideration. While a daily 1-h exercise routine is realistic in research set-
tings because a timeframe is set for this activity, better adherence is likely with a weekly
program including different activities in clinical settings. Such a training program may
include sports/recreational activities based on peoples abilities and interests.
5 Rehabilitation ofAtaxia 89
For many people with disabilities, adaptive sports are a way of reestablishing
contact with the outside world, and may prove motivating to patients with ataxia. A
number of sports activities (hiking, basketball, tennis, ping-pong, volleyball, bowl-
ing, swimming, darts, and golf, among others) can be adapted for patients with
ataxia. Other activities including Tai Chi, yoga, Qigong, dancing, and Pilates train-
ing offer challenging coordination and balance exercises and may motivate people
with playful and pleasurable movements. People at the early stage of the disease
who are able to go jogging or engage in their favorite sports without difficulty
should be encouraged to keep practicing for as long as possible.
specific balance training and safety techniques, and games (Kinect games) should
be progressively adjusted in addition to any treatment [18].
In conclusion, physical therapy remains challenging for physicians and their
rehabilitation teams. They should bear in mind that published research findings are
based on means and medians and that it is important to note individual variations
among patients. Although the disease undoubtedly has an enormous impact on
patient outcomes, they are also dependent on peoples will to live, adherence to
treatment, the resources available, determination, willingness, and other nonrepro-
ducible individual characteristics.
Early symptoms of disease include muscle problems, walking and balance difficul-
ties, involuntary eye movements, and double vision. Different areas and/or func-
tions of the central and/or peripheral nervous system are marked by progressive
degeneration, including pathways involved with the motor control of speech and
swallowing. As disease progresses, communication skills and deglutition become
impaired, requiring the use of alternative resources. Speech therapy interventions
are aimed at treating changes in deglutition, as swallowing difficulty can cause aspi-
ration pneumonia in most cases [19].
Interventions targeting mechanical and functional components of deglutition and
speech articulation are most effective when these impairments are detected and
understood. Studies on changes in speech/voice and deglutition in MachadoJoseph
disease (MJD) are scarce, but Wolf etal. [20] investigated changes in speech and
voice in ten patients and found imprecise articulation with a slow rate of speech, a
hoarsebreathy voice quality, and decreased volume. The authors emphasize that
complaints involving communication may not be consistent with objective findings
in the clinical evaluation, and thus speech therapists must pay special attention to
patients expectations and communication skills. Difficulty in articulation due to
impairment of the neuromuscular control of speech is conventionally called dysar-
thria. The word derives from the Greek words dys+arthroun, meaning the inability
to utter distinctly [21]. However, owing to an association with phonation impair-
ment, dysarthrophonia is a more appropriate term.
Dysarthrophonia affects all aspects of speech, including resonance, articulation,
phonation, and respiration at different levels of severity and produces different
signs. It may be characterized by changes in speech production, emission, articula-
tion, voice, and prosody resulting from cerebellar injury. Gestures are slow, less
intense, and imprecise. MJD is characterized by different motor manifestations pro-
ducing different, poorly described speech and voice patterns.
Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, is present in neurodegenerative diseases and
is responsible for clinical complications including aspiration pneumonia, which is
the most common cause of death in these patients. Dysphagia affects quality of life
as it can cause nutritional disturbances, dehydration, lung conditions, and patients
may even suffer from a loss of pleasure from eating and social interactions.
5 Rehabilitation ofAtaxia 91
Jardim etal. [22] evaluated 62 patients with MJD presenting with dysarthria, mus-
cle fasciculation, pyramidal syndrome, and ophthalmoplegia. They found that the ear-
lier the age of onset, the more severe the progression of MJD, and vice versa [23, 24].
Ataxia patients may have a normal or a hoarse, harsh voice with a strained,
strangled quality [25]. Vocal tremor is uncommon in ataxia, but may occur owing to
changes in laryngeal and respiratory muscles, and is characteristically irregular and
slow [26]. In a study on patients with MJD, Wolf [19] found the presence of a
hoarse, breathy, strained vocal quality, hypernasality, and little intraoral air pressure
in consonant production. Although the main feature of MJD is ataxia, changes in the
pyramidal, extrapyramidal, and peripheral nervous system may determine various
voice qualities. When extrapyramidal symptoms are predominant, voice character-
istics may be close to those of Parkinsons disease and include reduced volume,
monopitch, hoarseness, and a breathy voice quality. Monopitch is a typical feature
and is more frequent than highlow pitch variation [27]. Pitch fluctuation in ataxic
dysarthria is produced by impaired cerebellar control of the proprioceptive circuit
mediated by extracerebellar structures in both laryngeal and respiratory muscles
[28]. According to the literature, resonance changes in ataxic dysarthria are uncom-
mon and hyponasality may occur because of impaired temporal control of the soft
palate contraction [29]. However, according to Theodoro etal. [30], the rate of
hypernasality is high in dysarthria (95%). The study by Wolf [19] showed that dys-
arthria in patients with MJD is closer to mixed than to ataxic dysarthria.
Theodoro etal. [30] evaluated 20 subjects with ataxic dysarthria using perceptual
and acoustic analysis methods and reported a high rate of hypernasality (95%).
Another study by Kent etal. [31] evaluated 14 subjects with ataxic dysarthria to
determine which features of the disorder were most consistent, which speaking
tasks were most sensitive to the disorder, and whether the different speech produc-
tion subsystems were uniformly affected. Perceptual and acoustic data were
obtained for several speaking tasks, including sustained vowel phonation, syllable
repetition, sentence recitation, and conversation. The most frequent abnormality for
both male and female subjects was the variability of the fundamental frequency,
followed by shimmer and jitter (short-term frequency and amplitude perturbation).
Jitter was more pronounced among females. The syllable alternating motion rate
(AMR) was typically slow and irregular. The energy maxima and minima were
highly variable across repeated syllables, which reflects poorly coordinated respira-
tory function and inadequate articulatory and voicing control. Syllable rates tended
to be slower for sentence recitation and conversation than for AMR.Conversational
samples varied considerably in intelligibility and number of words/morphemes in a
breath group among subjects. Qualitative analyses of unintelligible episodes in con-
versation showed that these samples generally had a well-defined syllable pattern.
Schalling etal. [32] evaluated 21 subjects who had spinocerebellar ataxia with mild
to moderate dysarthria and 21 controls. Those with ataxic dysarthria demonstrated
strained phonation, imprecise consonants, vocal instability, monotony, and a
reduced speech rate of syllables per second in repeated syllables. The acoustic anal-
ysis showed reduced a reading rate of syllables per second, repetition of syllables,
long syllables, and variation in breaks. The authors recommend both acoustic and
perceptual analyses for evaluating ataxic individuals.
92 M.B. Zonta et al.
The study by Wolf [19] reported changes in five prosodic items and rhythm,
reduced stress, prolonged intervals, and inadequate breaks. Hence, it is important to
assess sound duration. Casper etal. [33] studied subjects with cerebellar ataxia and
found significant changes in prosodic items compared with the control group, in
addition to changes in sound duration. Spencer and Slocomb [34] reported that
patients with cerebellar damage present with abnormal speech articulation and pros-
ody. Regarding speech articulation, patients with MJD show imprecise articulation,
prolongation, repetition, interruptions between sounds, distortion of vowels, and an
irregular and slow rate of repetition of syllables [19]. Portnoy and Aronson [35]
investigated three groups of 30 subjects each: a normal group; a group with ataxic
dysarthria; and a group with spastic dysarthria. Using a computer, they measured by
a diadochokinetic syllable rate for /p/, /t/, and /k/. The normal group showed syllable
rates per second of 6.4 for /p/, 6.1 for /t/, and 5.7 for /k/. Subjects with ataxic dysar-
thria showed rates of 3.8, 3.9, and 3.4, and those with spastic dysarthria showed rates
of 4.6, 4.2, and 3.5 respectively. The slow rate of repetition in the ataxic subjects and
the significantly more variable rhythm of repetition in the spastic subjects were unex-
pected findings and are in contrast to results from perceptual analysis. The study
demonstrates that slowness of syllable repetition is not restricted to spastic dysarthria
and that dysrhythmia of syllable repetition is not restricted to ataxic dysarthria. They
point to the importance of operationalizing measurements. Padovani etal. [36] com-
pared normal subjects with individuals with neurological disorders and reported sta-
tistically significant differences in the production of all syllables. Diadochokinesia
was increasingly different in the two groups as sound production moved from the
outermost articulatory point, i.e., the bilabial phoneme, to the innermost point, i.e.,
the larynx. The articulatory and laryngeal diadochokinesia test proved to be sensitive
to differentiating the normal group from the subjects with dysarthria. It underscores
the importance of incorporating this test into speechlanguage evaluation protocols
to look for neuromotor integrity abnormalities and help differential diagnosis and
monitoring of progressive diseases, especially in patients with laryngeal dystonia,
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, bulbar symptoms, and ataxia.
Several studies have investigated diadochokinesia, as it involves consecutive
articulatory movements, and the ability to perform rapid repetitions of simple
speech segments is an indicator of sound speed of articulatory movements and
points of articulation. It is thus a neurological skill test that shows the adequacy of
neuromotor maturation and integration [37].
Dysphagia is common in individuals with MJD; however, few studies have inves-
tigated its occurrence. An epidemiological, clinical, and pathological study reported
that dysphagia occurs from year 8 of disease onset in 70% of patients and that from
year 15 it becomes moderate or severe and may cause death from tracheobronchial
aspiration, bronchopneumonia, or malnutrition because of the difficulty swallowing
[38]. Younger age is associated with earlier and more severe symptoms of voice,
speech, and swallowing problems [20]. Patients with degenerative ataxia have
greater difficulty swallowing liquids than solid foods, and penetration is significantly
higher for liquids than solid foods. Greater difficulty swallowing liquids may be due
to a delayed swallowing response and liquids may either reach the epiglottis before
it closes or inundate the epiglottis before the movement is complete [39].
5 Rehabilitation ofAtaxia 93
Studies have suggested that a delayed swallow reflex [40] might result in
decreased pharyngeal contraction movements and reduced glottal efficiency, i.e.,
stasis of food in the valleculae and piriform sinuses, in addition to the risk of pene-
tration and aspiration. In a study of 33 patients with MJD, Wolf [19] found that
increased food viscosity and volume was related to greater stasis of food, especially
in the valleculae and piriform sinuses. Posterior intraoral escape of food was only
significantly higher when examined by increasing liquid viscosity from 3mL of
liquid to 3mL of honey. Wolf also observed stasis of food in the valleculae with
3mL of honey and a posterior escape of 5mL of honey, with values close to 1.0 (not
significant). In addition, laryngeal penetration was statistically significant with
increased viscosity from honey to pudding, which suggests difficulties with the
motor control of the laryngeal musculature with poor airway protection. Abnormal
oral motor control in subjects with MJD explains the increased swallowing diffi-
culty of larger bolus volumes and increased bolus viscosity, which increases the
stasis of food and episodes of penetration, as the swallowing process depends on a
pump mechanism, according to Costa [41].
Despite the scarcity of investigations into swallowing in patients with MJD, the
studies available have reported greater difficulty experienced swallowing liquids
than solids [39]. Contrasting with findings by Rb etal. [23] of gradual improve-
ment in swallowing with increased bolus viscosity, Wolf [19] showed worsening of
symptoms as the bolus volume and viscosity increased. Abnormal oral motor con-
trol of greater bolus volume and viscosity probably causes premature escape of food
[41, 42]. Another study by Diafria etal. [43] reported the main findings of fiber
optic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) in patients with MJD, including
stasis in the piriform sinuses and posterior pharyngeal wall, stasis in the valleculae
after ingestion of paste-like food with a thick consistency, residue on the tongue
base, and stasis in the posterior pharyngeal wall after ingestion of thickened liquids.
They did not find penetration and tracheolaryngeal aspiration before or after swal-
lowing across all consistencies. Patients with MJD show abnormalities of the oral
and pharyngeal stages of swallowing owing to oral motor control impairment, mak-
ing it difficult to swallow high bolus volumes and viscosities in the oral cavity, and
thus increasing food stasis. Endoscopy swallow images have been shown to be an
effective tool in the diagnosis of oropharyngeal dysphagia in patients with MJD.
Drawing on these findings, it can be assumed that increased bolus viscosity and
volume have a less significant effect on oral motor control in patients with
MJD.Further studies on speech articulation and swallowing may improve our
knowledge on this chronic progressive disease so that patients can maintain com-
munication as far as possible at every stage of their disease, in addition to preserving
social interaction and increasing swallowing safety to prevent complications such
as aspiration and malnutrition.
Quality of life and longevity of patients with ataxia depends on the appropriate
treatment of motor symptoms and continuous multidisciplinary monitoring by a
team composed of a physical therapist, a speech therapist, a psychologist, and an
occupational therapist. In particular, long-term speechlanguage therapy may result
in language improvement.
94 M.B. Zonta et al.
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29. Duffy JR.Motor speech disorders. Substrates, differential diagnosis, and management. St
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30. Theodoro D, Murdoch BE, Stokes PD, Chenery HJ.Hypernasality in dysarthric speakers fol-
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31. Kent RD, Kent JF, Duffy JR, Thomas JE, Weismer G, Stuntebeck S.Ataxic dysarthria.
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32. Schalling E, Hammarberg B, Hartelius L.Perceptual and acoustic analysis of speech in indi-
viduals with spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA). Logoped Phoniatr Vocol. 2007;32(1):3146.
33. Casper MA, Raphael LJ, Harris KS, Geibel JM.Speech prosody in cerebellar ataxia. Int
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34. Spencer KA, Slocomb DL.The neural basis of ataxic dysarthria. Cerebellum. 2007;6(1):5865.
35. Portnoy RA, Aronson AE.Diadochokinetic syllable rate and regularity in normal and in spas-
tic and ataxic dysarthric subjects. JSpeech Hear Disord. 1982;47(3):3248.
36. Padovani M, Behlau M, Gielow I.Anlise da diadococinesia articulatria e larngea em indi-
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37. Baken RJ.Clinical measurement of speech and voice. Boston: College-Hill; 1987. p.44552.
38. Coutinho P.Doena de Machado Joseph: Estudo Clnico. Porto: Patolgico e Epidemiolgico
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39. Rami-Torrent L, Gomez E, Genis D.Swallowing in degenerative ataxias. JNeurol.
40. Logemann JA.Evaluation and treatment of swallowing disorders. San Diego: College Hill;
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dinmica da deglutio normal e patolgica. Material Institucional. ICB.Universidade
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42. Aviv JE.The normal swallow. In: Carrau RL, Murry T, editors. Comprehensive management
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43. Diafria G, Pedroso J, Park SW, Haddad L, Haddad F, Barsottini O.Fiberoptic endoscopic
evaluation of swallowing findings in patients with Machado-Joseph disease. Paper presented
in the 20th International Congress of Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorders MDS,
Berlin, 2016.
Rehabilitation inEssential Tremor
MariaElizaFreitas andRenatoP.Munhoz
Essential tremor (ET) is one of the most prevalent disorders in neurology, affecting
0.40.9% in the general population of all ages, reaching even higher prevalence
with advancing age, ranging from 4.6 to 6.3% for individuals above 65 years old
[1]. Although the term benign ET was historically used to describe it as a mono-
symptomatic disorder with no pathological changes on brain tissue examination, it
is not unusual to observe cases in which the progressive and potentially disabling
nature of ET is evident, leading to significant disability and affecting quality of life
with prominent interference with activities of daily living. In addition, there is
heated debate about the validity and caveats of a series of recent studies highlighting
the possible pathological changes in addition to a high prevalence of nonmotor
symptoms and imaging abnormalities. Another recent development in the under-
standing of this field is the general concept that the entity as a single disease may
not exist and what we refer to as ET is in fact the phenomenological expression of a
series of different disorders [2, 3].
In spite of controversies and significant developments, treatment remains limited
and includes pharmacotherapy, surgery and nonpharmacological therapy. The focus
of this review is to discuss non-pharmacological therapies, mostly related to
Pharmacological Approach
250750mg/day. The most frequent side effects are somnolence and dizziness.
Second-line therapies include benzodiazepines (i.e., alprazolam), gabapentin, pre-
gabalin, and topiramate.
Botulinum toxin type A (BTXA) has been proven to be effective in ET patients
with tremors of the upper extremities [4]. Furthermore, BTXA is also effective in
ET patients with head and voice tremors.
Essential tremor is classically marked by alcohol responsiveness. Ethanol
improves tremor at relatively low levels, usually within 20min for 35h, sometimes
followed by a rebound tremor augmentation [11]. Alcohol provides reduction in
tremor amplitude, but not frequency. Given the significant improvement in tremors,
alcohol addiction needs to be monitored in ET patients.
Surgical Approach
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is the surgical treatment recommended for patients
with disabling ETs. In 1997, the FDA approved DBS as a treatment for ET [12].
The ventrolateral thalamus and the posterior subthalamic area (PSA) are the typi-
cal targets for DBS in ET.Compared with unilateral implants, bilateral implants
significantly reduce tremors; however, with a higher risk of side effects from
stimulation (balance and posture). The effect is safe, with effects that are quite
significant and long-lasting in most cases [13]. Thalamotomy is a surgical option
that is equally as effective for refractory tremors in ET patients, but is limited
because of an increased relative risk of adverse effects, especially with bilateral
Resistance Training
The resistance training (RT) program is an exercise intervention consisting of
sessions of biceps curl, wrist flexion, and wrist extension movements performed
with both limbs with sets of repetitions. Exercises may be performed with loads.
100 M.E. Freitas and R.P. Munhoz
A preliminary study reported that fine manual dexterity and upper limb strength
were improved in ET patients after an RT program [14]. The findings of this
preliminary study provided initial evidence that RT is worthy of further investi-
gation as a therapy for improving functionality in ET patients.
A recent study investigated whether a generalized upper limb RT program
improves manual dexterity and reduces force tremor in older individuals with ET
[15]. Ten ET patients and 9 controls were recruited to participate in a 6-week pro-
gram of upper-limb RT.A battery of manual dexterity and isometric force tremor
assessments were performed before and after the RT to determine the benefits of the
program. The 6-week, high-load, RT program produced strength increases in each
limb for the ET and healthy older group. These changes in strength were associated
with improvements in manual dexterity and tremor, particularly in the ET group.
The least affected limb and the most affected limb exhibited similar improvements
in functional assessments of manual dexterity, whereas reductions in force tremor
amplitude following the RT program were restricted to the most affected limb of the
ET group. These findings suggest that a generalized upper limb RT program has the
potential to improve aspects of manual dexterity and reduce force tremor in older
ET patients.
Inertial Loading
Inertial loading has been postulated to have an effect on the strength of motor unit
training and the synergistic/competitive interaction between central and mechanical
reflex tremor components in individuals with ET.A research study recruited 23
patients with ET and 22 controls and first defined the one-repetition maximum
(1-RM) load, which is the maximal load that can be successfully lifted (wrist exten-
sors) through the full range of motion [16]. Subsequently, the participants were
asked to hold their hand in an outstretched position while supporting sub-maximal
loads (no-load, 5, 15, and 25% of 1-RM). Hand postural tremor and wrist extensor
neuromuscular activity (electromyography [EMG]) were recorded. Results showed
that inertial loading resulted in a reduction in postural tremor in all ET patients. The
largest reduction in tremor amplitude occurred at between 5 and 15% loads, which
were associated with spectral separation of the mechanical reflex and central tremor
components in a large number of ET subjects. Despite an increase in overall neuro-
muscular activity with inertial loading, EMG tremor spectral power did not increase
with loading. The authors concluded that the effect of inertial loading on postural
tremor amplitude appears to be mediated in large part by its effect on the interaction
between the mechanical reflex and central tremor components.
Dexterity Training
Another technique that has been evaluated is exercise involving fine dexterity. A
recent study evaluated the effect of a short-term dexterity training (DT) program on
muscle tremor and the performance of hand precision tasks in patients with ET [17].
The study consisted of three testing sessions: baseline, after 4 weeks without any
interventions (control), and after 4 weeks of a DT program carried out 3 times per
week. Eight patients with ET were recruited and the training program consisted of
6 Rehabilitation inEssential Tremor 101
12 dexterity training sessions, each session comprising four tasks, involving both
goal-directed manual movements and hand postural exercises. ET-specific quality
of life questionnaires and postural and kinetic tremor assessments were performed.
Results showed improvements in the performance of the two goal-directed tasks
(P<0.01); however, postural and kinetic tremors did not change. The authors con-
cluded that DT could be effective in increasing fine manual control during goal-
directed movements, but no changes in tremor severity were seen. The authors also
claimed that one limitation might be the short training program (4weeks) and train-
ing programs taking place over a longer period of time may be of greater benefit.
A recent study examined the influence of massage therapy on the severity of ET
using an activity-based rating scale pre- and post-treatment [20]. The study con-
sisted of five consecutive weekly sessions. The subject, a 63-year-old woman, indi-
cated her hands and head to be the primary areas affected by ET.The treatment aim
was to reduce sympathetic nervous system firing; therefore, the massage techniques
implemented were based on relaxation. Methods included Swedish massage, hydro-
therapy, myofascial release, diaphragmatic breathing, remedial exercise education
and affirmative symptom management recommendations. Drawings of an
Archimedes spiral for comparison pre- and post-treatment provided an objective,
visual representation of tremor intensity affecting fine motor control. Goniometric
measurements were taken to mark changes in cervical range of motion. Results
revealed that tremor intensity decreased after each session, demonstrated by
improved fine motor skills. The client also reported increased functionality in the
cervical range of motion, which was documented during the first and last visits. The
authors suggested that tremors in ET might be related to symptomatic activity and
can be reduced by initiatives that encourage a parasympathetic response. Therefore,
massage therapy would be a valuable method of treatment for ET.However, the
study only examined 1 patient and tremor severity can present in an irregular pattern
owing to subjective individual triggers. Further controlled research studies are
required to lessen the variability between subjects and to validate these findings.
102 M.E. Freitas and R.P. Munhoz
gait disorders. Unmet needs in this field include randomized studies comparing ET
patients and matched controls to assess the impact of physiotherapy and rehabilita-
tion on gait and balance disorders in patients with ET.
1. Louis ED, Ferreira JJ.How common is the most common adult movement disorder? Update
on the worldwide prevalence of essential tremor. Mov Disord. 2010;25(5):53441.
2. Gvert F, Deuschl G.Tremor entities and their classification: an update. Curr Opin Neurol.
3. Louis ED.Essential tremor: from bedside to bench and back to bedside. Curr Opin Neurol.
4. Chunling W, Zheng X.Review on clinical update of essential tremor. Neurol Sci.
5. Tio M, Tan E-K.Genetics of essential tremor. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2016;22 Suppl
6. Agndez JA, Jimnez-Jimenez FJ, Alonso-Navarro H, Garca-Martn E.The potential of
LINGO-1 as a therapeutic target for essential tremor. Expert Opin Ther Targets.
7. Musacchio T, Purrer V, Papagianni A, Fleischer A, Mackenrodt D, Malsch C, etal. Non-motor
symptoms of essential tremor are independent of tremor severity and have an impact on quality
of life. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y). 2016;6:361.
8. Shill HA, Adler CH, Beach TG.Pathology in essential tremor. Parkinsonism Relat Disord.
9. Contarino MF, Groot PFC, van der Meer JN, Bour LJ, Speelman JD, Nederveen AJ, etal. Is
there a role for combined EMG-fMRI in exploring the pathophysiology of essential tremor and
improving functional neurosurgery? PLoS One. 2012;7(10), e46234.
10. Broccard FD, Mullen T, Chi YM, Peterson D, Iversen JR, Arnold M, etal. Closed-loop brain-
machine-body interfaces for noninvasive rehabilitation of movement disorders. Ann Biomed
Eng. 2014;42(8):157393.
11. Ondo W.Essential tremor: what we can learn from current pharmacotherapy. Tremor Other
Hyperkinet Mov (N Y). 2016;6:356.
12. Munhoz RP, Picillo M, Fox SH, Bruno V, Panisset M, Honey CR, Fasano A.Eligibility criteria
for deep brain stimulation in Parkinsons disease, tremor, and dystonia. Can JNeurol Sci.
13. Baizabal-Carvallo JF, Kagnoff MN.The safety and efficacy of thalamic deep brain stimulation
in essential tremor: 10 years and beyond. JNeurol. 2014;85(5):56772.
14. Sequeira G, Keogh JW, Kavanagh JJ.Resistance training can improve fine manual dexterity in
essential tremor patients: a preliminary study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2012;93(8):14668.
15. Kavanagh JJ, Wedderburn-Bisshop J, Keogh JWL.Resistance training reduces force tremor
and improves manual dexterity in older individuals with essential tremor. JMot Behav.
16. Hroux ME, Pari G, Norman KE.The effect of inertial loading on wrist postural tremor in
essential tremor. Clin Neurophysiol. 2009;120(5):10209.
17. Budini F, Lowery MM, Hutchinson M, Bradley D, Conroy L, De Vito G.Dexterity training
improves manual precision in patients affected by essential tremor. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.
18. Carroll D, Moore RA, McQuay HJ, Fairman F, Leijon G.Transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation for chronic pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;3, CD003222.
19. Munhoz RP, Hanajima R, Ashby P, Lang AE.Acute effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation on tremor. Mov Disord. 2003;18(2):1914.
104 M.E. Freitas and R.P. Munhoz
20. Riou N.Massage therapy for essential tremor: quieting the mind. JBodyw Mov Ther.
21. Rao AK, Gillman A, Louis ED.Quantitative gait analysis in essential tremor reveals impair-
ments that are maintained into advanced age. Gait Posture. 2011;34(1):6570.
22. Louis ED, Rao AK.Functional aspects of gait in essential tremor: a comparison with age-
matched Parkinsons disease cases dystonia cases and controls. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov
(N Y). 2015;5:5308. Center for Research and Digital Scholarship, Columbia University.
23. Rao AK, Louis ED.Timing control of gait: a study of essential tremor patients vs. age-matched
controls. Cerebellum Ataxias. 2016;3(1):5.
24. Arkadir D, Louis ED.The balance and gait disorder of essential tremor: what does this mean
for patients? Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 2013;6(4):22936.
Rehabilitation inChorea
DboraMaia andFranciscoCardoso
The term chorea derives from the Greek word choreia, which means dance, and
is used to define a syndrome characterized by involuntary movements that are brief,
abrupt, unpredictable and nonrhythmic, resulting from a continuous flow of random
muscle contractions.
Causes of chorea may be categorized by etiology into genetic and acquired, with
significant implications for management and prognosis. Regardless of its cause
(Table7.1) [1], the two types has similar common features and many patients pres-
ent with functional disability in addition to dysphagia, dysarthria, and impairment
of gait and balance. The purpose of rehabilitation is to tackle these functional
impairments .
The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of rehabilitation in the most
frequent forms of non-Huntingtons chorea. It is important to emphasize that most
of the information provided herein is based on the personal experience of the authors
as there is a paucity of data in the field. The strategy we have followed in the chapter
is to start with a succinct description of general aspects of each specific cause of
chorea, followed by discussion of rehabilitation.
Table 7.1 Causes of chorea (adapted with permission from Cardoso [1])
Inherited Autosomal dominant HD
HDL-1, HDL-2, HDL-4/SCA17
Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA7, SCA8,
SCA14, SCA17, SCA27 (van Gaalen 2011)
ADCY5-related dyskinesia
GLUT1 deficiency
POLG (may be autosomal dominant or recessive)
PRRT2 mutations
Autosomal recessive Chorea-acanthocytosis
Friedreichs ataxia
Wilsons disease
AOA 1 and 2
Inborn errors of metabolism (e.g., phenylketonuria, glutaric
acidemia type I, methylglutaconic aciduria type III)
X-linked recessive McLeod neuro-acanthocytosis
LeschNyhan syndrome
Rett syndrome
Mitochondrial Leigh syndrome
Lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS)
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (Morimoto 2004)
Acquired Vascular/hypoxic-ischemic Stroke
injury Post-pump chorea
Perinatal hypoxic injury
Polycythemia vera
Immune-mediated Sydenhams chorea
Systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjgrens syndrome
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Chorea gravidarum
Oral contraceptives
Immune encephalopathies (anti-LGI1, CASPR2 and NMDA
receptor antibodies)
Celiac disease
Metabolic disorders Nonketotic hyperglycemia
Paraneoplastic Renal, small cell, lung, breast, Hodgkins lymphoma,
non-Hodgkins lymphoma
Infective HIV
Herpes simplex
Drugs/toxins Mercury
7 Rehabilitation inChorea 107
Genetic Chorea
Wilsons Disease
C9orf72 Disease
[14] and a family of Irish descent [15] with familial frontotemporal lobar degenera-
tion (FTLD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This is considered the most
common genetic cause of FTLD-ALS.
In a large Huntingtons disease (HD) phenocopy cohort [16], the mean age of
onset was 42.7 years. Affected individuals manifested chorea, dystonia, myoclonus,
tremor, and parkinsonism. Upper motor neuron signs were also present in some
affected individuals. Executive dysfunction was common, and psychiatric and
behavioral problems tended to occur early. No clear differences in the size of the
expanded hexanucleotide repeat have been identified to account for the varied phe-
notypic presentations of C9orf72 disease. Incomplete penetrance has been described
and generalized atrophy may be observed on MRI.
Nongenetic Chorea
A task-specific dystonia with protrusion of the tongue pushing food out of the
mouth is a cause of quite specific chewing and swallowing problems in up to 50% of
patients with chorea-acanthocytosis. In these cases, the use of a mechanical device
such a stick to reduce biting and tooth-grinding can be helpful and avoid teeth having
to be removed [3]. Botulinum toxin injections into the genioglossus may reduce
tongue protrusion and improve feeding and speech as well [3]. In patients with brux-
ism, botulinum toxin in the masseter and temporal muscles can also be helpful.
In 2005, Danek and Walker described the importance of physical therapy in improv-
ing gait and balance in patients with neuro-acanthocytosis. However, not only in this
condition but also in chorea in general, there are no specific protocols. As in other
progressive disorders, physiotherapy is frequently directed toward maintaining or
retraining personal independence: reach to grasp movement, bed mobility, transfers,
and walking. When mobility becomes further compromised, assistive devices for
walking may become necessary. Unfortunately, in degenerative conditions associ-
ated with chorea, there is a steady and relentless progression, with patients becom-
ing wheelchair bound and, later in the course of the disease, confined to bed.
There are no specific data in the literature about the role of physical therapy in
immunological chorea. As a matter of fact, in the experience of the authors, with the
exception of bilateral vascular hemiballismhemichorea and chorea paralytica, a
rare form of SC, physical therapy is not necessary in acquired chorea. Of note, phys-
iotherapy is required to avoid spasticity and improve gait and balance in patients
with hemiparesis in vascular chorea.
Because of the rarity of these conditions, all reports of therapies are anecdotal, and
no controlled clinical trials have been performed. Treatment for most of the symp-
toms of nongenetic chorea syndromes is based upon empirical evidence from
patients with other conditions such as Huntingtons disease. There are, however,
some reports that suggest that a multi-disciplinary approach might improve func-
tional disturbances.
112 D. Maia and F. Cardoso
1. Cardoso F.Huntington disease and other choreas. Neurol Clin. 2009;27:71936.
2. Danek A, Walker RH.Neuroacanthocytosis. Curr Opin Neurol. 2005;18(4):38692.
3. Walker R.Management of neuroacanthocytosis syndromes. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov.
4. Peppard RF, Lu CS, Chu NS, Teal P, Martin WR, Calne DB.Parkinsonism with neuroacantho-
cytosis. Can JNeurol Sci. 1990;17(3):298301.
5. Bader B, Walker RH, Vogel M, Prosiegel M, McIntosh J, Danek A.Tongue protrusion and
feeding dystonia: a hallmark of chorea-acanthocytosis. Mov Disord. 2010;25(1):1279.
6. Schneider SA, Lang AE, Moro E, Bader B, Danek A, Bhatia KP.Characteristic head drops and
axial extension in advanced chorea-acanthocytosis. Mov Disord. 2010;25(10):148791.
7. Walker RH, Jung HH, Dobson-Stone C, Rampoldi L, Sano A, Tison F, Danek A.Neurologic
phenotypes associated with acanthocytosis. Neurology. 2007;68(2):928.
8. Lorincz MT.Neurologic Wilsons disease. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2010;1184:17387.
9. Breedveld GJ, van Dongen JW, Danesino C, etal. Mutations in TITF-1 are associated with
benign hereditary chorea. Hum Mol Genet. 2002;11:9719.
10. Gras D, Jonard L, Roze E, Chantot-Bastaraud S, Koht J, Motte J, Rodriguez D, Louha M,
Caubel I, Kemlin I, Lion-Franois L, Goizet C, Guillot L, Moutard ML, Epaud R, Hron B,
Charles P, Tallot M, Camuzat A, Durr A, Polak M, Devos D, Sanlaville D, Vuillaume I, Billette
de Villemeur T, Vidailhet M, Doummar D.Benign hereditary chorea: phenotype, prognosis,
therapeutic outcome and long term follow-up in a large series with new mutations in the
TITF1/NKX2-1 gene. JNeurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2012;83(10):95662.
11. Kleiner-Fisman G, Lang AE.Benign hereditary chorea revisited: a journey to understanding.
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novel TITF-1 mutation causes benign hereditary chorea with response to levodopa. Neurology.
13. Mencacci NE, Erro R, Wiethoff S, etal. ADCY5 mutations are another cause of benign heredi-
tary chorea. Neurology. 2015;85:808.
14. Renton AE, Majounie E, Waite A, etal. A hexanucleotide repeat expansion in C9ORF72 is the
cause of chromosome 9p21-linked ALS-FTD.Neuron. 2011;72(2):25768.
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ing and neuropathological features of a new chromosome 9p-linked FTD-ALS family. JNeurol
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SJ.C9orf72 expansions are the most common genetic cause of Huntington disease phenocop-
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17. Koide R, Ikeuchi T, Onodera O, Tanaka H, Igarashi S, Endo K, Takahashi H, Kondo R,
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pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA). Nat Genet. 1994;6(1):913.
18. Gvert F, Schneider SA.Huntingtons disease and Huntingtons disease-like syndromes: an
overview. Curr Opin Neurol. 2013;26(4):4207.
19. Le Ber I, Camuzat A, Castelnovo G, Azulay JP, Genton P, Gastaut JL, Broglin D, Labauge P,
Brice A, Durr A.Prevalence of dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy in a large series of white
patients with cerebellar ataxia. Arch Neurol. 2003;60(8):10979.
20. Piccolo I, Defanti CA, Soliveri P, etal. Cause and course in a series of patients with sporadic
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22. Maia DP, Teixeira Jr AL, Cunningham MCQ, Cardoso F.Obsessive compulsive behavior, hyper-
activity and attention deficit disorder in Sydenham chorea. Neurology. 2005;64:1799801.
7 Rehabilitation inChorea 113
23. Harsnyi E, Moreira J, Kummer A, etal. Language impairment in adolescents with sydenham
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Sydenhams chorea. Mov Disord. 2010;27(7):8537.
25. Oliveira PM, Cardoso F, Maia DP, etal. Acoustic analysis of prosody in Sydenhams chorea.
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Huntingtons Disease
MonicaSantoroHaddad, TamineTeixeiradaCostaCapato,
Physical Therapy
Even with the ideal medical and surgical treatment, HD patients still present prob-
lems with functional activities, gait and balance. Nevertheless, there are some sug-
gestions that physiotherapy treatment might improve functional disturbances of the
basal ganglia motor circuit. However, the mechanisms by which improvement
occurs remain unexplained.
The main goals of physical therapy targeting HD can be divided into four different
stages: pre-manifest, early stage, mid stage, and late stage.
Pre-manifest Stage
A person who has an unfavorable genetic test for the HD, but has not yet devel-
oped any clinical signs of HD is considered to be pre-manifest. Mild gait changes
can be observed in pre-manifest individuals, including decreased gait velocity
and stride length; increased double support time; and increased variability in
stride length and step time compared with controls [12]. In a multicenter, pro-
spective, observational study involving a total of eight sites, test measures of
functional abilities and physical impairments were proposed in 81 people with
pre-manifest and manifest HD.The preliminary results showed that specific
measures may be appropriate for HD, and the tools may be useful to assessing
individuals in the pre-manifest stage [13].
Even in the absence of any specific motor impairment limitation, the patients
should be encouraged to undergo a specific evaluation with a physiotherapist spe-
cializing in movement disorders, and test the influence of cognitive issues on func-
tional activities. All these physical interventions may include support the
maintenance of an independent exercise program; however, the evidence is not
strong and little is known about the dosage, frequency, and intensity at that stage.
8 Huntingtons Disease 117
Early Stage
At the early stage, there may be progression of cognitive deficits such as memory,
planning, problem-solving, organizing, new learning, and attention. A mild postural
instability and falls may occur in early and mid-stages of HD, and the mean inci-
dence is approximately 5860%. The patients cannot report the numbers of falls
exactly and the circumstances under which these falls occurred were due to the
progression of cognitive impairments [4]. The balance impairments may be multi-
factorial such as the correct sequencing of postural responses, delays in initiation,
and prolonged anticipatory postural adjustments [14], deficits in adapting the pos-
tural response to change task demands and environment and response to chorea,
increased postural sway, impaired cognitive function and behavior, and reduced
ability to maintain postural stability during dual tasks [4].
Altered musculoskeletal alignment, which may be associated with chorea and
dystonia, disorders of the integration of sensory information, including dependence
on proprioceptive cues rather than on visual cues. Lower-limb muscle weakness and
reduced activity [15] are other factors. The side effects of some medications and
environmental hazards may also contribute to the high incidence of falls [16].
Individuals with HD have been found to have a reduction in the quality of func-
tional manual activities caused by chorea, bradykinesia, and difficulties in move-
ment sequencing [17].
Gait impairments could be marked by a gait bradykinesia, the disorder of loco-
motor timing demonstrated by increased difficulty in the ability to regulate cadence
and an increased variability of stepping rates. The timing disorder in HD may be the
result of a dysfunction of the basal ganglia cueing mechanism that signals the sup-
plementary motor areas to prepare the next movement in the sequence [18].
The slower stepping response time (STR) in HD may become slower gait, pro-
longed reaction time, and slower movement time of the upper extremity, and a lon-
ger reaction time and reduction in speed of the first step of ambulation in people
with HD are consistent with bradykinesia being a feature of HD.In an investigation,
the authors showed that deficits in SRT were associated with impairments on clini-
cal measures of balance, mobility, and motor performance, including a subjective
measure related to balance and confidence. The correlation suggested that in people
with HD, slower response times might be associated with lower balance confidence
during performance of common daily activities. Good correlations were found
between SRT and clinical measures, such as timed up & go (TUG) and tandem walk
tests, highlighting associations between SRT and gait-related performance mea-
sures. The slower SRT was associated with poorer performance on the TUG and the
tandem walk tests. The results showed that SRT may be a valid and objective marker
of disease progression [19].
The assessment of motor functions may be required; thus, in some studies evalu-
ation is performed using a specific test proposed by the Guideline for Huntingtons
Disease [20] and others showed the importance of determining the efficacy of minimal
detectable changes on measures before and after physical therapy interventions [21].
118 M.S. Haddad et al.
Mid Stage
During the mid-stage of HD, involuntary movements such as chorea increase, dys-
tonic postures (e.g., torticollis, opisthotonus, and arching of the feet) may be present
and voluntary motor tasks may become increasingly difficult. People have balance
and gait deficits, including increased variability in gait parameters (e.g., stride time
and length, double support time) [12], that result in frequent falls [15]. Contributing
factors may include bradykinesia of gait, stride variability, and chorea in addition to
cognitive and behavioral issues [4]. People may also frequently drop objects that
they are holding in their hands because of motor impersistence. Motor skill learning
is also often impaired at this stage, resulting in difficulties learning new tasks or
sequences [29].
The chorea or hypokinesia rigidity are characteristics that are independent pre-
dictors of both cognitive and general functioning, with choreatic patients func-
tioning significantly better. The hypokinetic HD subtypes are associated with
poorer functioning than the hyperkinetic. It is possible that choreatic subjects are
falsely assigned to the hypokinetic rigid group because of medication-induced
hypokinesia [30].
8 Huntingtons Disease 119
assist with airway clearance techniques such as deep breathing, postural position-
ing, and supported coughing, which can be taught to the family and other staff who
may be caring for the person with HD [16].
In the late stages of the disease, caregivers may find that they cannot provide the
required care at home and residential care may be required. Predictors for requiring
institutional care include reduced capacity to complete activities of daily living and
poor motor function [33].
In conclusion, there is very little evidence evaluating the efficacy of physiother-
apy, randomized control studies in the published literature for reducing impairment
or increasing activity and participation in people with HD.There is evidence, how-
ever, that exercise may be useful in addressing specific impairments in people who
are not severely affected by HD.A specialized multidisciplinary team is useful for
identifying a program of treatment at all stages of HD.
Disorders of speech, language, and swallowing, are found in different degrees of man-
ifestation in the course of Huntingtons disease (HD). They are caused by motor, cog-
nitive and behavioral changes, which in different combinations, can have an impact on
communication and the feeding of patients. Basal ganglia degeneration, especially of
the striatum, is the characteristic neuropathological finding in HD. These structures
have long been known for their role in normal voluntary movement and also for caus-
ing movement disorders when damaged. However, dysfunctions in this area have also
been related to different cognitive and behavioral functions, including learning, lan-
guage, and social behavior [34, 35], because of its numerous connections with several
cortical areas, especially the frontal lobe. Thus, in HD, extensive symptomatology is
present, including motor, cognitive, and behavioral findings.
Among the motor manifestations of HD, dysarthria is a very characteristic symp-
tom, which appears early in the course of the disease. It refers to changes in speech,
caused by a disturbance in muscle control, which affects the motor bases of speech:
respiration, phonation, articulation, prosody (melody and accentuation of speech),
and resonance.
In HD, the changes in speech are the result of excessive involuntary movements
that disturb the rate and quality of motor activities involved in speech production,
featuring a hyperkinetic dysarthria pattern. According to Darley etal. [36], its main
manifestation is the prosodic disorder, which may be characterized either by pro-
sodic excess, with prolonged intervals, inappropriate pauses, and excessive accen-
tuation of words, or prosodic insufficiency, with monopitch and monoloudness,
reduced word stress, and use of short sentences. Patients with HD also have other
speech characteristics, namely:
In HD, swallowing disruptions usually occur in the later stages of the disease, in
which several aspects may be impaired (oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal phases),
caused by the presence of involuntary movements that affect the muscles involved
in the feeding function [59].
Dysphagia may be defined as any disruption in the eating process, from the oral
cavity to the stomach [60].
In HD, swallowing disruptions usually occur in the later stages of the disease, in
which several aspects may be impaired (oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal phases),
caused by the presence of involuntary movements which affect the muscles involved
in the feeding function [61].
In the oral phase, irregular, uncoordinated tongue movements may make it dif-
ficult to chew and control the food in the oral cavity, leading to premature spilling
on the base of the tongue before a swallow reflex is triggered, increasing the risk of
food aspiration. The lip seal is often ineffective and there are oral residues after
In the pharyngeal phase, irregular movements and poor coordination of the vocal
folds and the respiratory muscles, in addition to postural changes (hyperextension
of the neck), may impair the airway defense mechanisms. Patients also manifest
changes in pharyngeal peristalsis and esophageal motility. Multiple swallows, pha-
ryngeal residue, coughing, choking, changes in vocal pattern, and reduced satura-
tion during or after swallowing are also found.
Other frequent symptoms of HD are eating too fast, sudden lingual movement,
respiratory chorea (involuntary respiratory movements while swallowing), eructa-
tion, aerophagia, and airway penetration of food.
Therapy for speech and language disorders is aimed at improving functional
communication, in addition to intelligibility and naturalness of speech, which are
aspects related to vocal intensity and/or articulation precision and to the rate of
speech and/or prosodic patterns respectively [62]. Dysphagia treatment enables effi-
cient, safe oral intake.
Current literature shows that even degenerative diseases can benefit from appro-
priate guidance and selections of behavioral techniques and physiological
approaches in the management of patients, including relieving symptoms, espe-
cially if the intervention is multidisciplinary. Regarding HD, there are literature
reviews that make broad recommendations on the best approach to speech therapy
for these patients. However, we can make use of established methods, techniques,
and strategies to control symptoms and maintain communication and oral intake for
as long as possible.
It is important to note that to establish the best therapeutic direction, it is neces-
sary to carry out an assessment, which will allow understanding of the symptoms,
both from a motor and a functional perspective. The examination must focus on
the oral sensorymotor system and neurovegetative functionsbreathing chew-
ing, and swallowingin addition to phonation, articulation, and resonance. A
detailed analysis of swallowing is of fundamental importance and for that, in
addition to the evaluation of the oral sensorymotor system, patients must go
through a functional assessment with food. When necessary, the clinical
8 Huntingtons Disease 123
During exercises, it is interesting that the patient can monitor his/her production
through auditory and visual training, with recordings of his speech and mirror use,
if he/she feels comfortable.
Speech and language therapy is also aimed at stimulating cognitive skills, espe-
cially language, through activities involving attention, concentration, reasoning,
reading and writing, and interpretation. This can be accomplished through board
games, computer games, paper-and-pencil activities, and reading and discussing
books, in addition to constantly encouraging discursive production. Activities that
require recognition, judgment, comparison, categorization, association, analysis
and decision-making, logic, and problem-solving also improve thinking skills and
stimulate language production. Therapists may also encourage verbal fluency and
lexical access skills, which are usually impaired by executive loss. In more severe
cases, the use of supplementary and alternative communication, such as printed
alphabet and boards with pictures, should be encouraged.
The therapeutic approach to oropharyngeal dysphagia has the goal of stabilizing
swallowing, maintaining the patients nutritional status and pleasure of eating, in
addition to preserving their lungs. To accomplish this, therapists carry out direct and
indirect work.
Indirect therapy is conducted through exercises aiming to stimulate the oropha-
ryngeal structures that take part in swallowing dynamics, improving motility, mus-
cle tone, and sensitivity, and improving oral motor control. Direct therapy involves
training with food, performing adjustments regarding consistency (such as adding
thickeners to liquids), volume, speed, and other methods, including the use of
adapted utensils and environmental control during feeding. Therapy also includes
postural maneuvers, such as tilting the head down, and facilitating maneuvers, such
as the Mendelsohn maneuver, voluntary coughing, swallowing with effort, and mul-
tiple swallows, which improve airway protection during swallowing and help to
clean the pharyngeal recess.
It is important to highlight that patients with preserved cognition respond better
to therapy, and therefore the treatment should start in the early stages of the disease,
so that they can learn and automate appropriate behaviors and compensatory strate-
gies for feeding and swallowing.
The choice of treatment depends on the stage and the difficulties the patient is
presenting. Montagut etal. [67] suggest a rehabilitation program that includes oro-
lingualmandibular praxias, in addition to the training of strategies and postural
Oral feeding should be maintained for as long as compensations and adaptations
are possible. Once the therapist detects risks in offering food via oral intake, alterna-
tive feeding methods should be considered. In these cases, enteral nutrition is usu-
ally the preferred method. A nasogastric tube may be used in the short term, whereas
for long-term treatment percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is the more fre-
quently recommended method [59]. It is important to highlight that feeding care is
not restricted to preventing bronchoaspiration, it is also intended to ensure that
patients receive appropriate nutrition and hydration. In the case of reduced food
8 Huntingtons Disease 125
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Movement Disorders inPediatrics
MarceloMasruhaRodrigues andMarianaCallilVoos
Pediatric movement disorders (MDs) is a relatively new and growing field of child
neurology. Although hypokinetic disorders such as Parkinsons disease predominate
in adults, children more commonly demonstrate hyperkinetic disorders, such as tics,
tremor, chorea, and dystonia [1]. Furthermore, MDs in children differ from those in
adults in many other aspects. Perhaps the most important is that MDs in childhood
are primarily symptoms of other diseases, rather than diseases in themselves [2].
The terminology of MDs has been well defined for adults, but less so for chil-
dren. Therefore, it is likely that MDs are under-reported in children, and that there
is inconsistent terminology. Recently, there have been attempts to provide specific
definitions of childhood motor disorders (Table9.1) [35].
According to these definitions, childhood disorders can be divided into three
major categories: hypertonic disorders, hyperkinetic disorders, and negative signs.
Hypertonic disorders include spasticity, dystonia, and rigidity. Hyperkinetic disor-
ders encompass chorea, dystonia, athetosis, myoclonus, tremor, stereotypies, and
tics. Negative signs consist of weakness, reduced selective motor control, ataxia,
apraxia, and developmental dyspraxia, although these are not discussed here [2].
In adult MDs, it is frequently helpful to divide disorders into primary and sec-
ondary disorders, although there is no consistent definition of these terms. Many
authors refer to disorders as primary if there is only a single dominant symptom, and
the underlying cause is presumably genetic or an identified gene. However, the
Cerebral Palsy
The term cerebral palsy constitutes a useful socio-medical framework for certain
motor disabled children with special needs. However, it does not describe a single
disease entity but rather a collection of disorders with different etiologies [6].
Cerebral palsy (CP) is defined as a group of disorders of the development of
movement and posture, causing activity limitation, that are attributed to non-
progressive disturbances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain [7].
Virtually all such disturbances occur during or before early infancy. Although tone
and postural abnormalities may become more pronounced during early childhood,
9 Movement Disorders inPediatrics 131
qualitative evolution is uncommon. The full extent of motor disability may not be
evident until the age of 3 or 4 years [8]. Intellectual, sensory, and behavioral diffi-
culties may accompany CP, and are especially common in patients with spastic
quadriplegia and severe motor disability [9].
Children with CP often exhibit mental retardation (52%), hearing impairment
(12%), and speech and language disorders (38%) [10], in addition to congenital
anomalies [11]. Epilepsy occurs in 3494% of children with CP, depending on the
study population. Although neurological impairment beyond the motor
involvement frequently occurs, the diagnosis of CP rests upon the presence of
motor disability alone [8].
Cerebral palsy occurs in 1.23.6 children per 1,000 live births [8]. Numerous CP
registries exist throughout the world, and population prevalence rates from four conti-
nents have remained consistent over several decades [12]. Prematurity is the single
most important risk factor for CP.The risk of CP in very low birth weight infants is as
high as 410%, whereas the risk in term infants is only 10,1% live births [13].
Attempts at classification of CP have been multiple and no system has been com-
pletely satisfactory. An etiological classification is not useful because similar etio-
logical factors can produce different topology and extent of lesions and thus different
clinical features. The use of neuroimaging, and its role in the understanding of CP
pathogenesis, has dramatically increased over the last 20 years. It plays an increas-
ing role in the diagnosis of CP, and a classification according to imaging results
could be considered. However, neuroimaging, and especially magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), is not consistently available in all countries; thus, comparison
among countries and across time periods would be difficult, especially as normal
MRI does not rule out the diagnosis of CP [6].
A clinical, phenomenological classification, therefore, is more useful than etio-
logical or pathological ones. From a clinical viewpoint, CP is usually classified into
neurologically defined subtypes: spastic, dyskinetic, and ataxic. The spastic types
can in turn be subdivided according to the topography of involvement into spastic
hemiplegia, spastic diplegia, and spastic quadriplegia [6].
Spastic forms of CP account for the majority (8590%) of cases, around one
third being unilateral and two thirds bilateral; dyskinetic forms occur in around 7%
and ataxic forms in around 4% of cases [14].
Fig. 9.1 Periventricular leukomalacia in a child with spastic diplegia. Axial fluid attenuation
inversion recovery (FLAIR) images showing ventriculomegaly with irregular margins of bodies
and trigones of the lateral ventricles, loss of periventricular white matter with increased signal, and
thinning of the corpus callosum
Spastic Diplegia
The most common type of bilateral spastic CP is spastic diplegia, defined as a type in
which the lower limbs are much more severely affected than the arms. Involvement of
the upper limbs is constant, however, even though it may be very mild and detectable
only by careful examination. Preterm infants are particularly prone to spastic diplegia.
Approximately 80% of preterm infants who manifest motor abnormalities have spas-
tic diplegia [15]. In recent years, the survival of very small preterm infants has resulted
in a larger group of more severely neurologically impaired survivors [16].
The pathology of diplegia is related to periventricular lesions, which are the
predominant type of brain damage in preterm babies. Intraventricular hemor-
rhage, especially when followed by ventricular dilatation, is a possible cause of
diplegia. Periventricular leukomalacia is the most common lesion responsible
for spastic diplegia [6]. This is easily understandable, as the involved areas are
located along the external angle of the lateral ventricles, thus damaging the
fibers from the internal aspect of the hemisphere, which includes the motor
fibers to the lower limbs (Fig.9.1). The location of leukomalacia along the pos-
terior part of the lateral ventricles, interrupting the optic radiations, is respon-
sible for visual impairment [17].
Some infants with spastic diplegia manifest ataxia after further maturation.
These infants have a great increase in tone of the leg muscles and accompanying
difficulties in coordination and strength. Impairment may be asymmetric. When a
small child is held in the vertical position by the examiner and the plantar surfaces
of the feet are bounced lightly on the examining table, adduction of the legs (scis-
soring) and obligatory extension (extensor thrust) are seen. The feet are also kept in
an equinovarus posture. Further examination reveals weakness of dorsiflexion of the
feet. In older children, this same spasticity causes them to toe-walk. As expected,
signs of upper motor unit involvement are easily demonstrable in the legs (e.g.,
hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, bilateral ankle clonus, extensor toe signs). Striking
spasticity of the hip muscles may lead to subluxation of the femur and associated
9 Movement Disorders inPediatrics 133
Fig. 9.2 Multicystic encephalomalacia in a child with spastic quadriplegia. Axial T1-weighted
images showing numerous loculated, lacy pseudocysts within the white matter and cortex
acetabular pathological conditions and further restriction of motion [8]. After a vari-
able period, usually 18 months to 2 years in children with moderate involvement,
spasticity is increasingly accompanied by contractures that maintain the hips and
knees in flexion, and the feet in an equinovarus position.
Spastic Quadriplegia
Spastic quadriplegia is the most severe type of CP.The condition is characterized by
bilateral spasticity predominating in the upper limbs with involvement of the bulbar
muscles, almost always in association with severe mental retardation and micro-
cephaly. Quadriplegia, also termed tetraplegia, bilateral hemiplegia or four-limbed
dominated CP, is less common than diplegia. Although it accounts for only 5% of
all cases of CP, it represents a significant problem, as affected children are totally
dependent and pose the most difficult problems with regard to care, feeding, and
prevention of deformities [6].
There is a high incidence of brain malformations in this group, and destructive
processes of pre- or perinatal origin such as multicystic encephalomalacia or CNS
infections are common (Fig.9.2). The predominance of term children is confirmed
in many series [14, 18, 19].
Opisthotonic posturing may be evident in early infancy and may persist through-
out the first year of life. Movement of the head often initiates forced extension of the
arms and legs, resulting in a position similar to that in decerebrate rigidity.
Accompanying supranuclear bulbar palsy, the result of bilateral corticobulbar tract
impairment, may produce difficulties with swallowing and articulation. The incoor-
dination of the oropharyngeal muscles may predispose the patient to recurrent pneu-
monia during the first years of life [8].
Neurological examination demonstrates marked spasticity and accompanying
signs of corticospinal tract involvement, including hyperactive deep tendon reflexes,
ankle clonus, and extensor toe signs. Weakness of dorsiflexion of the feet,
134 M.M. Rodrigues and M.C. Voos
Fig. 9.3 Selective gray matter lesions in a child with mixed cerebral palsy (CP). Axial FLAIR
images showing (a) basal ganglia and (b) perirolandic lesions. This child suffered a severe perina-
tal hypoxicischemic injury
Spastic Hemiplegia
Although children may manifest obvious hemiplegia in the second year of life, spe-
cific difficulties may not be observed during the first 35 months of life. After a
perinatal stroke, an infant may be neurologically normal until the development of
pathological handedness at approximately 46 months of age. For unexplained rea-
sons, the left hemisphere (right side of the body) is affected in two-thirds of patients,
and perinatal stroke is more common on the left than on the right [20].
Spastic hemiplegia is the most common form of CP found in term-born children;
around one quarter to one third of patients are born preterm [21]. The prevalence of
unilateral spastic CP, or hemiplegia/hemiparesis, is reported in the European survey
to be about 0.6 per 1,000 live births [14].
Neonatal stroke, which encompasses ischemic perinatal infarction and sinove-
nous thrombosis occurring in the perinatal period (before the age of 7 days) or the
neonatal period (before 28 days of age), is a particularly important cause of CP [20].
Ischemic perinatal stroke may be responsible for 2850% of all cases of hemiplegic
CP in term infants [22]. Obvious prenatal factors (e.g., brain malformations) were
9 Movement Disorders inPediatrics 135
Fig. 9.4 Perinatal ischemic stroke in a child with hemiplegic CP. (a) Diffusion-weighted image
and (b) axial T1-weighted image showing hyperintensity in the middle cerebral artery territory
present in 7.6% of a cohort in one series [23], but the proportion is higher in others
[24]. Obvious perinatal factors, mainly intracerebral hemorrhage, were found in
4.5% of term and 8.1% of preterm infants, and postnatal factors in 10.7% of cases
(Fig.9.4). Etiology remained unspecified in one third to one quarter of cases, even
though abnormal prenatal events were much more frequent in patients than in con-
trol infants [6].
During the examination, the child exhibits impaired gross and fine motor coordi-
nation, has difficulty moving the hand quickly, and is frequently unable to grasp
small items with a pincer grasp. The obligate (palmar) grasp reflex, which is usually
absent by the age of 6 months and frequently rudimentary after the age of 4 months,
may remain obligate. Weakness of the wrist and forearm is often associated with a
limited range of motion of supination. The range of elbow extension may be
restricted. Attempts at reaching for objects may be accompanied by athetotic pos-
turing with flexion of the wrist and hyperextension of the fingers (avoidance reac-
tion). Facial involvement is unusual [8].
Only 10% of affected patients, including those with extensive hemiplegia, have
homonymous hemianopia [25]. Children with hemiparesis may have a circumduc-
tion gait with a variable degree of abnormality. Most commonly, the child walks on
the toes and swings the affected leg over a nearly semicircular arc during the course
of each step. In contrast with the leg, the affected arm usually moves less than nor-
mal and does not participate in normal reciprocal motion during ambulation. An
equinovarus positioning of the foot is seen; weakness and a lack of full range of
motion of dorsiflexion are often present. Further evidence of upper motor neuron
involvement on the hemiplegic side includes hyperreflexia of the deep tendon
reflexes, ankle clonus, and extensor toe signs [8].
Although frequently overlooked, corticosensory impairment and hemineglect of
the affected side are common. Examination for the integrity of stereognosis and
graphesthesia usually reveals varying degrees of compromise [26].
136 M.M. Rodrigues and M.C. Voos
Fig. 9.5 Kernicterus in a child with dyskinetic CP. (a) Axial T2-weighted image shows bilateral
pallidal hyperintensity (arrows) and (b) coronal T2-weighted image shows bilateral pallidal and
subthalamic hyperintensity (arrowheads)
Most cases of nonprogressive cerebellar ataxia are congenital, even though the
clinical manifestations often do not become suggestive before 1 or 2 years of age, at
the time when children normally begin to walk [6]. Prenatal factors play a dominant
role in the etiology of nonprogressive cerebellar ataxia and genetic abnormalities
are probably the main cause of this type of CP.Ataxia is discussed in Chap.5.
Children with a combination of spastic and dyskinetic types are labeled as having a
mixed type.
of motion [4144], muscle spasticity [43, 44, 48], pain in muscles and joints, joint
inflammation, and/or contractures (muscle rigidity) [43, 44].
Occupational therapists teach techniques for easier dressing and other forms of
self-care. They instruct on how to use splints for the hand and/or wrist to aid in eat-
ing, or other devices to help the child to reach and/or grasp objects. The goal of
therapy is to ensure that a child achieves the highest level of functional performance
within their home, school, public, and work environments [30, 32].
Occupational therapy employs adaptive processes to teach a child to perform
tasks required in the normal course of a day. This is accomplished by focusing on
identifying adaptive methods a child can learn to complete tasks, breaking down
essential tasks into smaller steps, often modified, capitalizing on the need for
accomplishment, pride, enjoyment, and independence, developing in a child a sense
of place in their environment, at school, and in the community [30, 32, 49, 50].
Speech therapy can be helpful in improving oral motor control and swallowing.
Some children with cerebral palsy have difficulty controlling the muscles in their
face, throat, neck, and head. This can lead to troubles with speech, chewing, and
swallowing [51]. It can also cause drooling and affect the overall ability to interact
and learn. Those who also have difficulty hearing may have a hard time understand-
ing spoken language.
Speech and language therapy seek to improve a childs speech and communica-
tion by strengthening the muscles used for speech, increasing oral motor skills, and
by improving their understanding of speech and language [51, 52]. It can also can
help with swallowing disorders, such as dysphagia. Speech therapy is also helpful
in addressing verbal fluency, which may be affected by both motor (oral motor con-
trol) and cognitive (memory and perception) losses [52].
Movement disorders cause not only pain and discomfort, but also depression,
social isolation and low quality of life, owing to the embarrassment caused by the
involuntary movements. Motor rehabilitation can minimize pain and isolation; thus,
adherence to motor rehabilitation is important for achieving positive results [30, 53].
To ensure repetition and, therefore, motor learning, patients and caregivers must be
instructed to practice at home the exercises performed at therapy sessions [30, 53].
Treatment should begin as early as possible, with the goal of therapy formulated to
improve care, optimize motor function, prevent orthopedic deformities, and address
associated impairments. Rehabilitative programs have a direct benefit for parent
child relationships, social and emotional status, confidence, and self-esteem [54].
Clinical Scales
The GMFM measures gross motor function when carrying out lying and roll-
ing, crawling and kneeling, sitting, standing, and walkrunjump activities. It
focuses on the extent of the achievement of a variety of gross motor activities
(mainly mobility skills and activities requiring postural control such as sitting,
kneeling, and standing on one foot) that a typically developing 5-year-old can
accomplish [55].
Spasticity causes muscle stiffness and weakness, and decreases daily functional
activities, including standing and walking [48]. A variety of antispasticity interven-
tions are available for the treatment of children with CP, including physical therapy,
oral medications, neurolytic blocking agents, intrathecal baclofen pumps,
tendon-lengthening procedures, and selective dorsal rhizotomy.
Physical Therapy
In general, physical therapy programs are tailored to the needs of children. Physical
therapy assessment of children with CP includes history, functional level, neuromo-
tor characteristics (spasticity, muscular synergies, voluntary movement description,
140 M.M. Rodrigues and M.C. Voos
One study showed that trunkhip strengthening exercises are effective for
improvement in trunk and hip muscle activation. The exercises also improved the
position of the pelvis, with a decrease in anterior pelvic tilt motion during standing
in children with spastic diplegia [37]. The association of neurodevelopmental treat-
ment and progressive functional training can increase the muscle thickness of the
quadriceps femoris and rectus femoris and improve the mobility of children with
spastic CP [36].
Children with moderate to severe cerebral palsy also benefit from muscle
strengthening. Children classified as IV or V in the GMFCS are at risk for low bone
mass for chronological age, which compounds the risk in adulthood for progressive
deformity and chronic pain. A regular program of seated speed, resistance, and
power training exercises improve bone mineral density and prevent spinal deformity
and back pain in adulthood [35, 56]. Some patients also report improved bowel and
bladder control, and increased energy levels [35].
A daily physiotherapy program, based on motor learning principles, was feasible
and improved overall development, even in children with cerebral palsy at GMFCS
level V, which is the lowest motor function level [53]. After 4 consecutive weeks of
2h of PT intervention based on motor learning principles 5 days a week, children
showed improvements in motor function, language, and cognitive skills [53].
Electrical Stimulation
Electrical stimulation has been applied in children with CP to increase strength and
range of motion, reduce spasticity, and improve the performance of activities [33].
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation activates muscles in isolation when aimed at
reducing impairments such as weakness or spasticity, whereas threshold electrical
stimulation affects muscles at subcontraction levels (often during sleep) when
aimed at increasing circulation [34].
In contrast, functional electrical stimulation causes muscles to contract during
the performance of an activity such as sitting, standing up from a chair, walking,
or reaching for and manipulating objects [33]. Therefore, electrical stimulation has
been recommended as an additional tool during functional practice of children
with CP [34].
allow direct practice of functionally meaningful goals, and such practice may trans-
fer to unpracticed goals and improve bimanual coordination. Increased dosing fre-
quency may be needed for older children and combined approaches may be useful,
but require sufficient intensity.
The constraint-induced movement therapy has been recently proposed in the
context of a day camp model for children aged 59 years with spastic hemiplegic
cerebral palsy. The intervention resulted in significant improvement in distal control
of the affected limb. It is interesting to mention that increased social function was
also observed after the intervention. All improvements were maintained at the
3-month follow-up assessment [32].
Another recent study showed the positive effects of a home-based, intensive
bimanual intervention with children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy.
Trained caregivers provided 90h of intensive, bimanual handarm therapy in the
home after which children demonstrated significant improvements in hand func-
tion [30].
Horseback riding has been considered one of the best interventions for promoting
the sitting ability of children with spastic cerebral palsy [47, 60, 61]. Park etal.
[61] demonstrated the beneficial effects of hippotherapy on gross motor function
and functional performance in children with CP.Previous studies have indicated
the therapeutic effects of horseback riding, including improvement in postural sta-
bility, increase in sensory inputs, decrease in muscle tone, increase in range of
motion, facilitation of muscle synergy, and improvement in postural muscle activi-
ties [40, 47, 60].
Aquatic Therapy
Lai etal. [62] investigated the effects of aquatic therapy on motor function, enjoy-
ment, activities of daily living, and health-related quality of life for children with
spastic CP of various motor severities. Aquatic therapy improved the scores on a
66-item GMFM, even for children with GMFCS level IV.Children treated with
aquatic therapy had higher Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale scores.
9 Movement Disorders inPediatrics 143
Sensory Integration
Sensory integration is the main approach for children with learning difficulties,
attention deficits, and autism. It focuses on the sensory aspects and has a positive
impact on motivation, attention, quality of movement, and social and emotional
well-being. Sensory integration principles include giving the opportunity to experi-
ence sensory stimuli, encouraging adaptive responses with sensorymotorcogni-
tive interaction, motivating the child to explore the environment [58].
Anklefoot orthoses control equinus feet and knee hyperextension, caused by tri-
ceps spasticity. They can improve gait quality and reduce energetic demands during
walking [58]. Children with spastic diplegic CP, who ambulate with excessive
ankle plantar flexion during stance show improvement with bilateral anklefoot
orthoses [63].
Prescription of anklefoot orthoses is common for patients with CP.Typical
treatment objectives are to improve anklefoot function and enhance general gait
quality. Ries etal.[64] investigated the effectiveness of anklefoot orthosis for
improving the gait of children with diplegic CP. They concluded that step length
exhibited clinically meaningful improvement. Orthosis design was shown to effect
changes in speed and ankle function and should be investigated in future studies.
Oral Therapy
Oral therapy is usually of greater relevance for individuals with diplegic or
quadriplegic CP.Several agents have been used with some benefit, including benzo-
diazepines, dantrolene, baclofen, and alpha-2-adrenergic-agonists (tizanidine). In
general, these approaches help to reduce spasticity, but have little beneficial effect
on signs of weakness and incoordination [65].
with moderate to severe spastic quadriplegia in whom oral therapy has failed, those
who respond to a screening bolus of medication, and those who have adequate body
size for placement of the subcutaneous pump [66].
Orthopedic Surgery
The role of the orthopedic surgeon is to maintain or enhance motor abilities and to
prevent deformities through procedures such as tendonotomies, muscle transfers,
osteotomies, and arthrodesis. Aggressive use of botulinum A toxin, physical ther-
apy, casting, and orthotics has effectively delayed the timing of surgical intervention
to later in childhood. There is also an increasing trend toward single-event, multi-
level surgery rather than sequential, more piecemeal, approaches [70].
Clinical Evaluation
Treatments forDystonia
Oral Medication
Because dopa-responsive dystonia can mimic CP, it has been recommended that all
children with unexplained dystonia or CP be given a trial of l-DOPA [39]. l-DOPA
may be helpful in some children, even those with secondary dystonia [40].
Anticholinergic medication is very effective in acute dystonic reactions. It is
partly effective in a subset of children with chronic dystonia [37]. Its mechanism of
action for dystonia is not known, although it is presumed to have an effect on the
large cholinergic interneurons of the striatum.
Diazepam and other benzodiazepines or sedative medications can occasionally be
helpful. Baclofen has been used and may be effective in some cases, although its mech-
anism of effectiveness in dystonia is not known. Intrathecal baclofen can reduce tone in
generalized dystonia if the catheter is placed at a cervical level [35]. Orthopedic proce-
dures may not have expected outcomes in children with dystonia, as there is a tendency
for dystonia to transfer to other muscles following an orthopedic procedure [2].
When dystonia is associated with increased tone, botulinum toxin has been shown
to be very effective in directly reducing the tone in the hypertonic muscles, but it
may also be effective in changing the overall pattern of dystonia. In particular, it is
sometimes observed that botulinum toxin injection into one muscle will relax other
muscles of the same limb [41]. Botulinum toxin causes reversible denervation of the
neuromuscular junction, due to the inhibition of the release of acetylcholine into the
neuromuscular junction [77].
Neurosurgical intervention is reserved for the most severe cases, but the possibility
that earlier surgical intervention may slow progression of the disease or lead to a
longer disease-free interval has been raised. Pallidotomy and thalamotomy have
been in use for many years, with some success.
More recently, deep brain stimulation has become available, and multiple targets
have been attempted, including the ventrolateral thalamus. The advantage of deep
brain stimulation is the ability to control the current delivery and the ability to select
one or a combination of up to four electrodes through an external programmer. The
stimulation wire is implanted using a combination of stereotactic neurosurgical
techniques and usually microelectrode recording for precise localization. The lead
is connected to a pacemaker implanted in the chest. For generalized dystonia, both
sides usually need to be implanted [2].
148 M.M. Rodrigues and M.C. Voos
Physical Therapy
Postural Reeducation
Constraint-induced movement therapy has been successfully used for the treatment
of focal hand dystonia. Casting can decrease hand dystonia in patients with early
onset, mild dystonia [91, 92]. However, the constraint must be used with caution as
dystonia can worsen in a casted limb, and high forces incurred against the cast or
brace may lead to skin breakdown.
9 Movement Disorders inPediatrics 149
Sensory Tricks
To deal with the dystonic movements, patients commonly adopt specific gestures,
called sensory tricks [77]. Almost 90% of patients report that sensory tricks (e.g.,
touching the chin, touching the posterior or superior part of the head) temporarily
reduce involuntary movements [97, 98].
The increase in dystonic movements during motor activities (e.g., walking or
writing) can be explained by a limitation of the central processing, which prevents
the inhibition of dystonic movements during dual or multiple tasks. The decrease in
these involuntary movements and improved control with sensory tricks may occur
because of extra feedback provided by performing these strategies [87, 97]. The fact
that some patients present a reduction in involuntary movements just by imagining
that they were performing the sensory trick [99] suggests the occurrence of an
important central modulation of the dystonic movements.
Sensory tricks are an important therapeutic strategy and can be used by physical
therapists to gain functional independence and reduce discomfort. Crowner [87] pro-
posed the use of sensory tricks during physical therapy to optimize functional gains, but
mentioned that very few studies had tried this approach so far. Ramdharry [85] used a
sensory cue (a light touch on the face) to help the patient to control dystonic muscles.
to Jankovic [86], external resources for providing better alignment may increase the
proprioceptive feedback, helping the patient to develop sensory tricks and recruit
antagonists of the dystonic pattern.
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Future Perspectives: Assessment Tools
andRehabilitation intheNew Age 10
GreydonGilmore andMandarJog
BG Basal ganglia
FOG Freezing of gait
IRED Infrared-emitting diode
LED Light-emitting diode
MD Movement disorder
PD Parkinsons disease
UPDRS Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale
VR Virtual reality
The clinical study of movement disorders (MDs) remains a challenge, despite the
advancement of technology, stemming partially from the difficulty of objectively
studying the effect of the disease and its impact on the physical and mental state of
the patient. Currently, validated methods for such assessments are entirely scale-
based and hence face the issues of intra- and inter-rater reliability, correlation with
the aspects of quality of life that actually affect the patient, and additionally, are not
particularly sensitive to the therapeutic interventions that exist for these diseases.
The use of objective measurements for titration and adjustment of therapy is well
accepted in disorders such as hypertension and diabetes. Medical management of
these conditions is critically dependent on the measurement of the individual vari-
ables, namely blood pressure and blood sugar. At present, no such technique is being
used in the clinical treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. Researchers have
improved the reliability of disease assessment ratings through the increased use of
objective and quantitative data collection tools over the past few years [1]. A recent
review discussed current technology and the potential for these technologies to
replace outdated clinical rating scales [1]. The advancement of successful and estab-
lished (e.g., levodopa for Parkinsons disease) in addition to more complex interven-
tions (e.g., deep brain stimulation, Duodopa pump treatment) has accentuated the
need for improved assessment measures for many disorders. The question of man
versus machine, increasing the use of technology to counter subjectivity, has
become more prevalent in the current literature looking to assess and quantify patient
symptom profiles [1]. The primary goal of these attempts is to provide the clinician
with a useful and noncumbersome yet reliable tool kit, especially for issues regarding
mobility, to adjust therapy and thereby improve the patients quality of life.
Parkinsons disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative MD presenting with several
common hallmark motor symptoms such as: tremor, bradykinesia, dyskinesia, bal-
ance difficulty, falls, and gait impairment [5]. The primary pathophysiological cause
of the PD motor symptomatology is the neurodegeneration of dopaminergic neu-
rons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) within the basal ganglia (BG) [5].
One of the key features of the PD motor symptoms is that they manifest when there
is a 6080% loss of dopaminergic neurons within the SNc [5]. PD is complicated
further by frequently observed comorbid nonmotor symptoms, such as depression,
cognitive deficits and sleep disturbances [5]. The nonmotor symptoms arise, in part,
from neurodegeneration within other areas, including the cortex and locus ceruleus
[5]. The important point here is that this spectrum of motor and nonmotor symp-
toms varies from person to person, and tends to become increasingly fluctuant as the
disease progresses, requiring highly individualized therapy. In this chapter, PD is
used as the signature disease to address the concepts of technology-based mobility
assessment and individualized treatment optimization/rehabilitation.
To provide such individualized therapy, patients are currently required to meet
with the physician in clinic every 6 months to a year, for a short period of time. The
clinic visit provides a snapshot of the patients condition, which often does not
reflect the daily challenges that the patient may face and the assessment tools are not
adequate to provide an insight into this issue. Given the lack of such measures
(except for subjective quality of life scales), the clinician finds it virtually impossi-
ble to titrate management, medical, surgical or rehabilitative, to actually improve
such function. Indeed, the adjustment of therapy is largely directed at the subjective
reporting of the motor state and the observed motor state, but not during the perfor-
mance of functional tasks. Furthermore, in clinical practice severity evaluation and
adjustments in treatment rely too heavily on the clinicians expertise, which lacks
inter-rater reliability [1, 10]. The use of more objective and quantitative motor
assessment methods, carried out while the patient is performing some standardized
10 Future Perspectives: Assessment Tools andRehabilitation intheNew Age 157
activity of daily living tasks, which can then be used to optimize medical and
rehabilitative management, is imperative in improving the quality of life for indi-
viduals diagnosed with PD.Although this approach is not likely to change the
course of the disease, it may allow the patient with PD to continue to experience
some control of their autonomy while dealing with increasing disease disability.
Clark [11] first proposed the concept of physical therapy as a treatment option
for PD, even before the implementation of levodopa in the 1960s by Birkmayer
[11]. Clark [11] described implementing specific exercises to help to improve the
speed of extremities and to maintain these exercises to prevent the deleterious
effects of inactivity. Currently, rehabilitation is considered an effective adjunctive
therapy to pharmaceutical and surgical treatments. Physical therapy rehabilitation
allows for the maximization of functional abilities and improved quality of life.
However, until recently, the underlying mechanism was unknown. The physical
therapy rehabilitation techniques currently used are not suitable for individuals with
PD owing to the symptomatic constraints of the disease. A recent meta-analysis
examined current physical therapy techniques in individuals with PD and found that
it provides only a transient improvement of motor symptoms [11]. Another random-
ized clinical trial explored the clinical effectiveness of individualized physiotherapy
in a population of 762 individuals with PD [11]. It was found that physiotherapy
was not associated with immediate clinically meaningful improvements in mild and
moderate PD [11]. A successful rehabilitation technique for individuals with PD
requires ecologically valid tasks that these individuals would normally perform
every day. Furthermore, the area where the training occurs should be suitable for
each patient as individuals may perform better in their own home or environments
closer to home than in a clinic. Most importantly, rehabilitative techniques are often
not available except at specialized centers requiring travel which is a difficult and
unmanageable venture for most patients and caregivers. Hence, another way of
bringing practical yet specialized rehabilitation techniques, i.e., those that are smart
and portable, close to the patient, is a significant unmet need.
The assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of PD are all interrelated and
require integration in a potentially seamless manner to provide treatment optimiza-
tion and thereby improve the quality of life for these individuals. This chapter
explores the up and coming assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation techniques
that are currently being explored for application in individuals with PD as one such
scenario of a new frontier. Laboratory-based technologies in addition to portable
and wearable systems for mobility assessment are discussed. Finally, a new meth-
odology based on virtual reality (VR) for generating real-world scenarios within
which patients can be assessed for medical management optimization and poten-
tially for providing portable and targeted rehabilitation is explored.
In summary, the current needs of rehabilitation for PD are:
2. Rehabilitative interventions are nonspecific and do not take into account the type
of deficits that these patients face, namely strategy in performing activities of
daily living. This needs to change.
3. An intelligent rehabilitation program would therefore be individualized to the
disease, the stage of disease, and the patients own perceived disability.
4. Assessment of the disability would be carried out within such an environment
and based upon the detected performance difficulty, a rehabilitative strategy
would be implemented.
to titrate medical or surgical treatment. It certainly does not help to design a reha-
bilitation program that would target the deficits that the patient has identified in part
II of the UPDRS.The clinician then targets part III while the expectation is that
somehow, directly or indirectly, an improvement in this rating would automatically
translate to an improvement in some aspects of part II.
Patient self-report and writing diary cards take place outside of clinic, usually in
the patients own home. The benefits of these techniques are that they can be com-
pleted in an environment in which the patient is comfortable and provide a more
detailed perspective of how they are functioning. However, these methods are sub-
jective and rely on the patients understanding of their own symptoms. Self-report
relies heavily on the patient recalling all symptoms experienced from memory.
Introducing diary cards greatly enhances self-report. The many limitations of using
diary cards, especially in patients that have motor and possibly some degree of cog-
nitive deficit are obvious. Patient compliance, recall bias, and fatigue from diary
writing are just some of the issues facing this method of recording the impact of
PD-related motor disability on daily function. However, the most important issue in
home-based assessments by the patients themselves regarding their function is the
lack of an objective motor state of the patient. Therefore, although these methods
may be somewhat more realistic in their ability to generate data that indicate real-
world deficits, it is not paired with the much-needed objective clinical assessment.
The gap and disconnect therefore continues to exist.
In summary, the scale-based assessment techniques currently used:
1. Are short and often not reflective of the patients real-world experience of func-
tional impairment
2. Often differ from what patients may be like in their own home compared with in
clinic assessments
3. Hold an inherent disconnect between the disability perceived by patients during
the performance of the activities of daily living (including those such as crossing
the street, putting clothes in the washing machine, etc.) and the motor rating
made by the clinician in the clinic
4. Are poor in their accuracy and the ones that may be more accurate are not carried
out with a simultaneous motor assessment such as PD diaries and self-report
5. Lead to a state where management decisions are being made based largely on
inaccurate and often nonrepresentative data, which reduces functional therapeu-
tic optimization.
Laboratory-Based Methods
Vicon System
The Vicon system is an optical motion capture system that uses multiple cameras
and body segment markers to capture body movements in 3D (Fig.10.1a). Each
Vicon camera is surrounded by a ring of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that emit
infra-red light (Fig.10.1b). Infra-red reflective markers are attached to the individ-
ual on various body segments, the suggested number of markers to be used is 3538
(Fig.10.1c). As the participant walks in the capture zone the camera LEDs emit
infra-red light that bounces off the body markers and is picked up by the Vicon
Fig. 10.1(a) The measurement set up for the Vicon camera system. (b) The standard Vicon
F40 camera, reproduced with permission from MocapHouse [20]. (c) The standard infra-red
reflective body marker positions required for accurate measurement [20]
10 Future Perspectives: Assessment Tools andRehabilitation intheNew Age 161
cameras. Each Vicon camera sends a 2D image to the MX Ultranet HD box every
fraction of a second. The Ultranet box uses trigonometry to estimate the position of
each marker in 3D; thus, each marker needs to be visible by at least two cameras at
one time. The system is highly accurate and is able to detect movements within
1mm at 250 frames per second [16, 17].
Das etal. [18] used the Vicon motion capture system in a population of individuals
with PD and found a high correlation with the UPDRS.Many cardinal features of PD
can be captured and analyzed using the proprietary software that is provided with this
system. Such as tremor, bradykinesia, gait and postural stability [18]. Mirek etal. [18]
explored the difference in gait parameter measures between PD and healthy control
participants. It was found that the Vicon system was able to accurately detect a reduc-
tion in several gait measures in PD and control participants.
The main drawback to this system is the lack of portability. The system requires
a large area for set-up and confines the individual to a round area where the cameras
are able to record. If the individual moves outside the boundaries, the system will be
unable to track their movements. The required number of body markers makes
assessments with patients difficult because placing all the required markers is very
time-consuming. The Vicon system is one of the more expensive motion capture
technologies on the market, which limits the number of research laboratories that
may be able to use it.
GaitRite and PKMAS. The validity and reliability of both software analysis
systems has been shown in many studies to date [10, 23, 24]. Van Uden and Besser
[24] examined the testretest reliability of the Zeno walkway over a 1-week period.
An intra-class correlation coefficient of over 0.90 was obtained for all spatial and
temporal gait measures [24].
The Zeno walkway system allows the participants gait performance to be quan-
tified in an efficient manner, allowing post-hoc analysis to be conducted [4]. The
ability to extract gait parameters during a patients walk in real time has advanced
the way in which treatment regimens are assessed. Obtaining these gait parameters
can elucidate the characterization of disease [25, 26], the prediction of falls [27],
and contribute to defining gait patterns in the progression of PD [28].
The main drawback to the Zeno walkway system is that it only provides 7m of
walking distance for analysis, which may not be a good representation of the gen-
eral walking of the patient. Furthermore, a recent study examined the potential
Hawthorne effect that arises while using the gait carpet [29]. It was found that
patients walked significantly better when they knew they were being examined on
the gait carpet [29]. The gait carpet system also needs to be used in a laboratory set-
ting and is not a viable option for at-home monitoring.
In summary, laboratory based assessment techniques:
1 . Are highly accurate and are able to record very reliably at a high resolution
2. Require the presence of a gait laboratory
3. Are not portable and need specialist expertise to be able to use
4. Are expensive and because of their very nature are primarily confined to aca-
demic institutions for gait and biomechanical research
Tele-monitoring is the remote monitoring of patients who are not at the same loca-
tion as the health care provider. The ability of technology to provide a detailed
objective and quantitative review of PD symptoms is making at-home monitoring a
possibility. At-home assessment tools provide a method of observing patient symp-
toms on a continuous long-term basis. In this way, health care standards would
improve and the cost would decrease. Patel etal. [30] developed a system that
allowed tracking of PD motor fluctuations in the persons own home. The PD par-
ticipants wore eight sensors that were connected to a web-based platform that sent
data directly to the health care center. This system provided only details about motor
fluctuations, but this method could be applied to other technologies to advance at-
home monitoring of PD.Several of the systems currently available for home moni-
toring are reviewed briefly.
The Kinect is a motion-sensing input device that provides full-body 3D motion
capture (Fig.10.3a). This system is used to directly control computer games through
10 Future Perspectives: Assessment Tools andRehabilitation intheNew Age 163
Fig. 10.3(a) The standard Kinect system for Xbox One developed by Microsoft, image
from Wikimedia commons [32]. (b) The 20 key points that the Kinect sensor uses to generate a
general skeleton for tracking users
164 G. Gilmore and M. Jog
body movement. One main strength of this system is that it is affordable and can be
easily purchased. This system can be quickly set up anywhere and does not require
markers to be placed on the body. Cancela etal. [31] developed a method for track-
ing gait performance in healthy subjects. They were able to track several features of
the gait cycle with minimal error. Galna etal. [17] tested the Kinect system in 15
individuals diagnosed with PD.This group found that Kinect was able to track gross
body segment movements very well, but fell short when attempting to track finer
movements (such as toe tapping and tremor) [17]. Kinetic can currently be used to
track bradykinesia quite well [17].
Currently, the system estimates the position of 20 anatomical landmarks
(Fig.10.3b). This estimation needs to be much more accurate and should have the
capability to optimally adjust these landmarks for personalized use. The Kinect sys-
tem is not portable, once it is set up the individual can only move a certain distance
away and to the side of the sensor. However, this system is a viable option for at-
home UPDRS assessment of patients. The patient can perform various motor
assessment tasks in their own home while in front of the Kinect system.
Optotrak is a three-dimensional camera system used to track the motion of
infrared emitting diode (IRED) markers (Fig.10.4a). The IRED markers are
placed on body segments of participants and the Optotrak camera tracks the
movement of the markers in real time. The camera unit has a limited range within
which participants have to stay for proper tracking (Fig.10.4b). Optotrak has
addressed this limitation and allows up to eight camera units to be used, which
greatly expands the area of assessment. The Optotrak software provides kine-
matic data that are clinically relevant to individuals with PD, such as gait mea-
sures, tremor detection, and bradykinesia.
A recent study compared the gait measures extracted from the Optotrak system
and the Kinect system. The agreement between the body measurements of the two
systems was assessed using an intra-class correlation coefficient. It was found that
gait parameters obtained from Kinect match well with the Optotrak system [31].
The Optotrak system is expensive, especially when acquiring more than one camera
unit. The area of tracking for one camera unit is not sufficient for accurate body
assessments and several units would need to be used for proper assessment.
Although the Optotrak system has the advantage of being able to track finer move-
ments, technology is quickly advancing and less expensive options may become
Fig. 10.4 The Optotrak system from Northern Digital allows real-time tracking of participants
wearing infrared emitting diode markers. (a) The camera system used to track the markers, up to
eight camera units can be used simultaneously, image provided courtesy of Northern Digital Inc.
(b) The area of tracking for each camera unit, image provided courtesy of Northern Digital Inc.
There are three classes of inertial sensors. The combined signals of all three
sensors have been used to accurately determine the temporal and spatial measures
of body movement. The sensors are:
Wearable inertial sensors have been useful for application in assessing MDs [1,
3638]. Chang etal. [39] developed a fall detection system by using three sensors
(containing an accelerometer and gyroscope) placed on both feet and the waist. This
study was able to accurately predict fall risk in various terrains including: motion-
less, walking, running, walking up an incline and climbing stairs [39].
Several studies have compared the UPDRS with the inertial sensors [40, 41].
Salarian etal. [41] found a high correlation between the total UPDRS and the data
collected from three sensors in ten PD participants. This group was interested in
monitoring ambulatory activity in a population of individuals with PD.PD often
presents as an asymmetric disorder, one side of the body being more severely
affected than the other. SantAnna etal. [40] assessed asymmetry of both lower and
upper limbs during ambulation. The study used four sensors (both legs and wrists)
to track asymmetry in 15 PD participants. They found a strong correlation (0.949)
between the asymmetry scores of the UPDRS and the asymmetry values from the
body sensors [40].
The inertial sensors are able to detect very fine movements, which patients and
clinicians do not notice. It is often argued that if patients do not notice the small
changes in the parkinsonian state then employing these sensors is overkill.
However, this attribute could be beneficial for early diagnosis of PD by providing
data that the clinical scales cannot detect [42]. Furthermore, the ability to detect
such fine changes in the parkinsonian state may be beneficial in evaluating the effi-
cacy of new treatments. These claims have to be validated in terms of making a
difference in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. As such they remain predomi-
nantly in the research domain.
The Kinesia system (Cleveland Medical Devices Inc., Cleveland, OH, USA) is
marketed as a clinical deployable technology that tracks tremor and bradykinesia in
individuals with PD.This device is worn on a single finger, making the device very
compact (Fig.10.5). It has three accelerometers to track linear acceleration and
three gyroscopes to measure angular velocity [43]. The device has shown testretest
reliability over clinic-based assessment techniques [44].
Motor symptoms of PD affect the entire body, which is a major concern with the
Kinesia device. While it may be useful for detecting tremor and bradykinesia in the
hand, it can provide limited detail about the symptom severity in the contralateral
lower limb. Furthermore, PD motor symptoms are commonly asymmetric and affect
one side more than the other [45, 46]. The motor symptoms may present bilaterally,
but the severity of the symptoms may not be symmetrical [45]. The asymmetry of
the disease represents another drawback for the Kinesia system.
10 Future Perspectives: Assessment Tools andRehabilitation intheNew Age 167
1. Can be divided into those that are cheap and easy to implement but have lower
resolution and those that provide very accurate information but large data sets.
2. Can be divided into sensor systems that utilize single or a small number of sen-
sors for monitoring global body movements versus those that can monitor
whole-body responses. To monitor single body parts (such as one limb) or to
generate a global mobility score, single sensor systems may have some value.
However, if a more detailed and whole-body measurement is required, then a
multi-sensor system including body suit-type systems is more useful.
3. Are now becoming very affordable to buy, but lack the analysis software support
to directly help clinicians to make management decisions.
4. Generally remain in the research domain, although vigorous efforts are on-going
to make them clinically useful.
168 G. Gilmore and M. Jog
Fig. 10.6 The Synertial motion capture suit employs 17 sensors each containing a magnetometer,
accelerometer, and gyroscope. The set-up time is minimal as the sensors are pre-placed onto the pants
and top. (a) The Lycra motion capture, which houses 17 inertial sensors, reproduced with permission
from LHSC [49]. (b) Diagram depicting the placement of the 17 inertial sensors on the body
Currently, physical therapy is the most widely used rehabilitation technique for the
management of PD, focusing on improvements in gait, physical capacity (i.e.,
strength and endurance), posture, and balance [52]. Morris [53] was to our knowl-
edge the first to describe a model of physical therapy management for individuals
with PD.He proposed that the ability to move is not lost in PD; rather, it is an activa-
tion problem [53]. Morris suggested that the deficit in activation forces individuals
10 Future Perspectives: Assessment Tools andRehabilitation intheNew Age 169
cognitive processing. Traditional rehabilitation techniques are not suitable for indi-
viduals with PD.King and Horak [60] developed an exercise program that was more
suited to individuals with PD.However, the program was not adaptable to the vari-
ous stages of the disease. A rehabilitation program, with functionally relevant tasks,
that has direct applicability to the activities of daily living is a necessity. Providing
a single space for rehabilitation for every patient is not ideal, as some patients may
perform better in the contrived space [29]. Currently, PD patients are enrolled in
standardized rehabilitation programs, in a contrived space, to carry out tasks that
may not be applicable to their everyday life.
In summary, currently used rehabilitation techniques used for neurological dis-
eases, especially PD:
There are very few practical and useful devices available on the market for the spe-
cific treatment of PD symptoms. The two reviewed below are the only ones that
have been adopted to some degree by patients and physicians. In the first instance,
sensor technology is employed to measure a specific symptom, namely tremor, and
a made-to-measure treatment is provided. In the second, a specific external cuing
device is used to improve gait.
Fig. 10.7 Examples of assistive tremor cancelling devices. (a) The GyroGlove is worn to
reduce hand tremor when the patient requires accurate hand movements, image provided courtesy
of GyroGear. (b) LiftLabs tremor cancelling spoon, which improves accuracy by opposing
tremor caused by disease, reproduced with permission from Kozovski [64]
Laser Cane
1. Are able to provide patients with temporary relief of the specific motor symp-
toms that they may be experiencing.
2. Require continual battery replacements and may leave the patient without treat-
ment if replacements are not kept ready.
3. Are adjunctive therapies to medical intervention and may not provide benefit to
every patient.
4. Are affordable assistive devices, which makes the use of them possible in
patients needing adjunctive symptom relief.
Technology will play an increasingly important role in the assessment and in the
treatment of MDs. As discussed above, inertial sensors are currently providing real-
time feedback on various PD symptoms, allowing treatment regimens to be indi-
vidualized more efficiently. Physical therapy is also an important factor for the
management of PD progression. Physical therapy techniques help to maintain
mobility in addition to the treatment provided. As previously discussed, current
10 Future Perspectives: Assessment Tools andRehabilitation intheNew Age 173
physical therapy techniques are suitable for individuals not diagnosed with PD, use
irrelevant tasks, and are performed in contrived spaces. These factors may contrib-
ute to the ineffectiveness of these programs in managing motor dysfunction in the
PD population. Construction of ecologically valid situations is a necessity when
attempting physical therapy for individuals with PD.
As discussed through the chapter, we have now reached a point where the ability
to objectively assess the physical disability in the patient can now be supported
using a variety of technologies. However, the questions that remain are:
Virtual Reality
Virtual reality (VR) may be an optimal tool for a more individualized rehabilitation
strategy for individuals with PD.VR is the interaction of an individual in the real
world with a virtual environment, which has been generated by a computer. VR can
be non-immersive or immersive depending on the technology used (Fig.10.9). VR
makes use of visual, auditory, and haptic inputs, and the virtual environment pro-
vides feedback about performance. VR allows an individual to safely explore their
environment independently. This technology would provide a flexible and scalable
means of implementing realistic and functionally relevant tasks. VR is able to simu-
late realistic environments that would be too expensive and time-consuming to rec-
reate in the real world for assessment and rehabilitation purposes. VR would address
174 G. Gilmore and M. Jog
the concern of current research studies that lack contextually relevant stimuli, mak-
ing generalizability difficult.
A recent study examined the use of the Nintendo Wii for non-immersive VR
rehabilitation in a PD population. The Nintendo Wii is a force platform that pro-
vides information on force distribution and center of gravity (Fig.10.10) [72]. Dos
Santos Mendes etal. [72] recruited 16 individuals with PD and 11 controls for the
7-week study. Each participant completed ten training games at each visit. They
found that the ability of PD participants to learn, retain, and transfer performance
improvements depends on the demands, specifically cognitive demands [72]. It was
noted that PD participants were able to transfer motor ability to similar untrained
tasks [72].
Gonalves etal. [73] tested the effectiveness of the Nintendo Wii for VR
rehabilitation in 15 individuals with PD.Each training session lasted 40min, occur-
ring twice a week for 14 sessions. They found a significant improvement on the
UPDRS, an increase in walking velocity, and a reduced number of steps during
walking [73]. There was no follow-up with patients in the study; the assessments
were conducted before training and immediately following training. Moreover, this
study failed to demonstrate the appropriate retention of motor training, which is an
important factor in physical rehabilitation techniques.
The use of the Nintendo Wii has demonstrated potential therapeutic advantage
with rehabilitation in individuals diagnosed with PD.The Nintendo Wii is
10 Future Perspectives: Assessment Tools andRehabilitation intheNew Age 175
cost-effective, easy to use, and extremely portable. The potential for at-home use is
of great advantage with this non-immersive VR device. The drawback is that it is
stationary and does not allow patients to be ambulatory during training. Gait train-
ing is an important aspect to physical therapy from which individuals with PD
would benefit.
Fig. 10.11 Examples of virtual reality devices and a scenario. (a) The Google cardboard gog-
gles provide an affordable alternative to virtual reality glasses using a smart phone, image from
Wikimedia commons [78]. (b) Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, image from flickr creative
commons [79]. (c) An augmented virtual reality scenario for freezing of gait in PD, reproduced
with permission from Holmes [80]
When discussing the future perspective of complete care for individuals with PD it
is important to consider assessment methods, treatment techniques, and rehabilita-
tion strategies. It is clear that technology will play an important role in the future of
PD and other MDs in general. The ability to assess and monitor motor symptoms
objectively and quantitatively with technology is reaching a state of maturity where
portable, cost-effective methodologies are now becoming available. This will allow
current treatments to be better targeted for each individual and more accurately test
the efficacy of new treatments. Rehabilitation is a feasible adjunctive therapy for
PD that maximizes the functional ability of each patient according to their disease
state. Developing a program that employs ecologically valid scenarios in a comfort-
able environment for assessment will greatly enhance the effectiveness of the tech-
nique. When combined with objective measurement tools, the assessment of patient
deficits in active scenario-based settings can provide a true picture of the real-world
disabilities faced by patients in daily life. The same techniques can then be employed
to generate a rehabilitative program that is individualized and targeted. The future
of PD care relies on such individualized and optimized treatment and rehabilitation
techniques that make use of advancing technology.
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Parkinsons Gait Dramatically Improves with High Tech Visual Feedback Device.
A PSP, 4850, 58
Accelerometers, 167 serotoninergic drugs, 49
Acetylcholine, 144, 148 speech therapy, 5658
Activities of Balance Confidence (ABC-6) Auditory and visual cueing device, 16
Scale, 102 Auerbachs and Meissners myenteric
ADCY5 mutation, 108 plexuses, 6
Adenosine A2A receptor, 6 Augmented immersive VR, 178, 179
Aerobic exercises, 118 Autoimmune chorea, 110
Alternating motion rate (AMR), 91 Automatic movements, 1
Alzheimers disease, 2
Amantadine, 12
American College of Sports Medicine B
(ACSM), 21 Balance
Anticholinergic (ACH) drugs, 12 dystonia, bradykinesia and rigidity, 115
Antiparkinsonian drugs, 9 multifactorial, 117
Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), 10 BarryAlbright Dystonia Scale, 146
Apomorphine, 11 Benign hereditary chorea (BHC), 108
Aquatic therapy, 143 Benzodiazepines, 98
Ataxia, rehabilitation Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus, 110
adding extra weight to exercises, 88 Bilateral vascular hemiballismhemichorea,
motor rehabilitation, 8387 111
prospects for, 8990 Bimanual intense therapy, 142
speech and voice therapy, 9093 Biperiden, 12
sports activities, 8889 Blepharospasm, 67, 7374
vestibular rehabilitation exercises, 8788 Botulinum toxin (BT) therapy, 70
virtual reality, 87 Botulinum toxin type A (BTXA), 99
Ataxic cerebral palsy, 136137 Bradykinesia, 1, 8, 168
ATP7B gene, 107 dystonia and rigidity, 115
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder people with HD, 117
(ADHD), 108 Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), 20
Atypical parkinsonism (APD), 45, 5156 BurkeFahnMarsden Movement Scale, 145
CBD, 50, 51
corticobasal syndrome, 5961
MRI abnormalities, 49 C
multiple system atrophy, 4647, 5658 Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), 11
Parkinson-plus syndrome, 45 Cerebellar ataxia, 85
physical therapy, 5156 Cerebellar Purkinje cells, 98
Fiber optic endoscopic evaluation of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
swallowing (FEES), 93 (IADL), 30
Freezing of gait (FOG), 173 Intrathecal baclofen, 147
Frontostriatal system, 121 Istradefylline, 6
Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD),
FTLD-ALSC9orf72 disease, 108 K
Fully-immersive VR, 176 Kernicterus, 137
Kinect system, 164, 166
Kinesia system, 168
G Kinesiotape, 150
Gait analysis carpet system, 163164 Kx erythrocyte antigen, 107
Gait disorders, 119
disturbance, 111
GaitRite software, 164 L
Global Dystonia Rating Scale, 147 Language therapy, HD, 120125
Globus pallidus internus (GPi), 116 Laryngeal dystonia, 7475
Glottal hyperadduction, 123 Laser cane, 173174
Google VR goggles device, 179 Levodopa drug, 10
Gross Motor Function Classification System Lewy bodies, 7
(GMFCS), 139, 143 Lexico-semantic deficits, 121
Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM), Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), 15, 162
138, 139 Lingual dystonia, 67
Guidelines for SpeechLanguage Therapy, 26
GyroGlove, 173
Gyroscopes, 168 M
MachadoJoseph disease (MJD), 90
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 10
H Magnetometers, 168
Hemiballism, 109 Malnutrition, 111
Hemiplegia, 131, 133, 134 Mandibular dystonia, 67
Hippotherapy, 143 McLeod neuro-acanthocytosis syndrome, 107
Hoehn and Yahr (HY) stages, 3 Meige syndrome, 67
Huntingtons disease (HD) 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine
cognitive deficits, 115 (MPTP), 7
death, 116 Microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT), 45
186 Index
Telerehabilitation, 24 Y
Tetrabenazine, 116 Yawnsigh technique, 123