The Blood Supply of Esophagus

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Lecture 1 Thoracic Surgery

Dr.Muthanna Alassal

The esophagus is a muscular tube that starts as a continuation of the pharynx and end
as a cardia of the stomach.
Its about 25cm length in adult, anatomically it can be divided into 3 parts
Cervical part: its about 5 cm in length.
Thoracic part: This is approximately 20 cm in length.
Abdominal esophagus: its approximately 2 cm in length.

The blood supply of esophagus:

Mainly from inferior thyroid artery, while the thoracic portion receive blood supply
from the bronchial and esophageal arteries which arise directly from the aorta.
The blood supply of the abdominal portion from the ascending of the left gastric
artery and from the left and right inferior phrenic arteries.

The esophagus consists of two layers: mucosa and muscularis layers but no serosa.
The mucosa in upper two thirds is sequamous epithelium and lower one third is
columnar epithelium. The muscle coat is of two layers the outer longitudinal layer,
and inner circular layer. And its striated type in the upper one third and smooth
muscle type in the lower one third supplied by sympathetic and
parasympathetic(Vagal trunks). And the muscle coat in the middle third is a
combination of striated and smooth muscle cells.

The esophageal body functions as a pump to push the food bolus were as the lower
esophageal sphincter supply as one way valve to allow transport into the stomach and
to prevent the return of gastric contents back into the esophagus. The swallowing
mechanism is voluntary in the Oropharangyal pouch of the esophagus and involuntary
in the remaining part of the esophagus.

Clinical presentation of esophageal disorders:

1. Dysphagia: difficulty in swallowing which could be to sold or to soluble
materials, or for both which is called absolute Dysphagia. It could be painful
or painless, continuous or intermittent Dysphagia.
2. Pain: as in trauma or in esophagitis.
3. Regurgitation: which means the return of gastric content through the mouth
without any forceful action or pain in the stomach?
4. Loss of weight and catchaxia and dehydration:
5. Anemia: usually it is hypochromic microcytic anemia due to continuous
bleeding or haematamesis.

Dr.Muthanna Alassal 1 2007-

Lecture 1 Thoracic Surgery
Dr.Muthanna Alassal

1. Radiological: This includes plain x-ray which useful in detecting radio
opaque foreign bodies or any fluid level in the chest or esophagus.

2. Barium study: which include barium swallow in oblique views which is

helpful in demonstrating different lesions.(e.g. stricture)

3. CT scan and MRI: especially useful in assessment of carcinoma of

4. Intra-esophageal ultrasonography: especially used in staging and diagnosis
of CA esophagus.
5. Esophagoscopy: could be either rigid or flexible which can be helpful as a
diagnostic and therapeutic option.(removal of foreign bodies, dilatation of
benign stricture, .etc).

6. Manometric study: esophageal manometry which is useful in the assessment

of esophageal motility disorders with or without ambulatory 24hour PH

Esophageal anomalies:

Congenital abnormalities:
This includes:
1. Tracheo-esophageal fistula.
2. Duplications of the esophagus.
3. Congenital esophageal stenosis.
4. Laryngo-Tracheo esophageal cleft.
5. Congenital short esophagus.
6. Congenital achalasia.
7. Dysphagia lusoria.

Tracheo esophageal fistula:

Incidence: 2.4/10000 births, no significant sex predilection.
Type A (85%): proximal atresia and distal Tracheo-esophageal fistula.
Type B (7%) both proximal and distal atresia.
Type C (3%): the H-type fistula.
Type D (1.5%): esophageal atresia with double fistula
Type E (0.4%): esophageal atresia with proximal fistula.
Type F (0.1%): esophageal stenosis.

Dr.Muthanna Alassal 2 2007-

Lecture 1 Thoracic Surgery
Dr.Muthanna Alassal

Clinical presentation of the common type:
The baby could be fully mature or premature by weight or date, usually with
history of maternal polyhydramnios. Soon after labor there is frothy discharge
from the mouth, coughing, chocking and cyanosis with feeding

Radiological: Passing the radio opaque tube in the upper pouch (coiling). Or using
contrast study (gastrographine)

Preoperative preparation:
1. Nil by mouth, and continues suction of saliva to avoid aspiration.
2. Correction of fluid and electrolytes disturbance.
3. Antibiotics.
4. Avoid hypothermia(incubator)

Surgical treatment:
Usually through right thoracotomy and includes closure of the fistula and primary
anastomosis of the upper and lower pouches of the esophagus.

Perforation of the esophagus:

1. Blast, and gunshot injuries(common in Iraq)
2. Iatrogenic during esophagoscopy (instrumentation, biopsy, dilatation).
3. Foreign body ingestion (sharp types like dentures, button battery).
4. Corrosive injury.
5. spontaneous rupture of the esophagus(Boerhaaves syndrome).

Clinical manifestation:
1. Sever chest pain.
2. surgical emphysema
3. Fever.
4. Respiratory distress.
5. Pneumothorax and pneumo-mediastinum.
6. Painful swallowing.

1. Nil by mouth.
2. Correction of fluid and electrolytes disturbances.
3. Broad spectrum antibiotics.
4. Tube thoracostomy.
5. Surgical closure of perforation as early as possible.

Functional disorders of esophagus (motility disorders):

Dr.Muthanna Alassal 3 2007-
Lecture 1 Thoracic Surgery
Dr.Muthanna Alassal

Are due to in coordination between the nerve supply and muscle response which
result in different types of motility disorders like:
1. Achalasia.
2. Hypermotility disorders (diffuse esophageal spasm, nutcracker esophagus, and
lower esophageal sphincter hypermotility).
3. Motility disorders secondary to systemic diseases like (scleroderma, stroke,
muscle dystrophies and different neuropathies).

Is a degenerative esophageal disease in which there is loss of peristalsis of the
esophageal body and abnormal relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter, due to
idiopathic destruction of the esophageal myentric neural plexus.

Clinical presentation:
1. Progressive Dysphagia.
2. Regurgitation.
3. Weight loss.
4. Recurrent chest infection due to aspiration pneumonia.
5. Anemia.
6. Chest pain.

1. Chest X-ray.
2. Barium swallow which shows esophageal dilatation and delay in emptying and
tapering of esophago-gastric junction (birdsbeak).
3. Manometry.
4. esophagoscopy

Always palliative and includes medical and surgical treatment:

1. Ca channel blockers and long acting nitrates: relax smooth muscles of
2. Endoscopic injections of botulinum toxin.
3. Pneumatic dilatation through esophagoscope.

1. Modified Hellers myotomy which could be through thoracotomy or
laprotomy by making longitudinal incision in the muscular coat of the lower
esophagus to the esophago cardiac junction down to the mucosa. This
operation can be done also by thoracoscopy or laparoscopy.

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