The host planets to these beings are within the constellation of Orion. This system is
not their original home but it is one of the many systems which these beings have taken
over and made into their host worlds. These Archontic parasites inhabit hollowed out cave
systems within planets, which they then inhabit to produce their offspring. In the centre of
the planet there is one large Hydra like being whose tendrils pass through all the labyrinth
cave systems feeding upon the negative fear energies, created by humanoid beings
imprisoned there. These beings feed upon lower fear frequencies which they stimulate into
being through mental torture. Humanoid beings from other systems in our galaxy have
been captured by possessed Reptilian and Grey forces and are now held prisoner within the
caves of these host worlds. Humanoid beings have the ability to create an emotional
energetic food which these Archons feed upon. The Archons prefer the negative, dark,
polarised energetic food which humans create when they are in intense fear and a constant
state of anxiety.
Once these Archontic parasites have developed to a certain level they have the ability
to project themselves into other dimensions , like a writhing mass of slithering black snake
like slugs they move into and through the lower levels . They search for beings with minds
which can be directly affected to stimulate and create low frequencies emotional
nourishment for them to feed off. These parasitic beings influence humanoid beings to live
in the illusion of separation, fear, darkness, isolation, pain, suffering, and torture. Beings in
these states create certain brain waves which then cause a reaction within the emotional
bodies, which the Archons then feed upon. The Archons are totally cut off from the
nourishing light and love of the Creator, the Universal Dreamer. They are so cut off from the
light and love they need to feed off the energies created by other beings in order to survive.
They infect the mind matrix of the possessed being, learning extremely quickly how the
hosts mind works and very intelligently infiltrate it and begin to influence it from within the
Some beings are more prone to being possessed than others; fallen reptilian forces
especially from Alpha Draconis known as the Draco have been totally possessed by these
parasitic entities. The Draco Reptilians are aggressive in nature and produce massive
amounts of hormonal, chemical, energetic substances within the brains and bodies which
the Archons can then feed upon. It is a symbiotic relationship, the Archonic entity possesses
the mind matrix of the Draco Reptilian and stimulates its thinking into demonic , negative ,
dark thought processes which directly influences the creation of hormonal , chemical ,and
energetic food within the Reptilian body. The Archon lives within the mind matrix of the
host being, stimulating it into creating a reality which the Archon can then live within and
The Archons cannot create reality for themselves; they have long since severed their
connection with the love and light of the Universal Dreamer and therefore no longer have
the ability to create. The ability to create comes directly from the creator of this universe;
the Archons no longer have this ability and therefore can only copy the inspired thought of
other lower dimensional beings. They inhabit beings existing on the lower levels and cause
them to use their divine inherited creative ability, to create realities which run along the
designs of the Archontic agenda. These realities are especially dark and controlling as it is
within these kinds of realities beings are so easily led. The further into dark realities a being
falls, the easier it is controlled and possessed by one of these parasitic archontic entities.
They are especially tricky beings as they have the ability to slip in between dimensions
within the lower levels, they can mimic and shape shift into other forms, therefore deceiving
beings into accepting their influence. Healers working on various dimensions have reported
that these beings can operate on several levels at once and are intelligent enough to pass
from one to another, often undetected. Often when we are battling demonic often reptilian
forces we are not only battling actual reptilian beings existing on the 4th dimension, but we
are also battling against an archontic parasite which has possessed the Reptilian being and is
influencing its mind and behaviour. The Archons have created a distortion within the mind
matrix of our galaxy and all beings operating in the lower levels within are under their
influence to one degree or another, however some are more genetically predisposed to
being possessed by an archontic parasite than others. The Reptilian genetic makeup which
creates a reptilian mind matrix is easily infiltrated by these archontic parasites. Many of the
wars fought in our galaxy in past and present eons were first triggered and then nurtured
into being by the Archontic mind predators. The galactic wars created immense pain for the
galaxy and all beings which lived within it, the victims of these wars created massive
amounts of emotional, energetic food for the swarming snakelike parasites. These negative
energies not only nourished the Archons, it also caused them to increase in numbers .Our
whole galaxy is now infected. There are of course beings in the galaxy that operate on the
higher levels who are not under the influence of these archontic entities, however many of
the races of negatively orientated beings within our galaxy, now affecting earth and
humanity, are directly possessed by these Archons.
Through the Reptilian forces the Archons have imprisoned the human mind,
encouraging humanitys victimisation by other galactic beings. The energy of victimisation
which humanity is creating only sends a message out into the galaxy, that they are open to
be oppressed and thus they attract negatively orientated beings, such as the Reptilians, who
wish to negatively influence mankind. The planet earth and its human family are in a high
state of archontic infection of epidemic proportions. As we look out at our world and see
massive amounts of negative realities being enacted on the world stage, we have to ask
ourselves from where this negativity comes. The average person on the earth is of a loving
heart yet daily they act as if they have no heart, no mind, and no will of their own. They are
infected by an archontic parasitic mind entity.
The archontic infection is very difficult to diagnose as these entities are incredibly
tricky and have the ability to directly affect our mind and can talk with a voice and words
that you think are your own. These beings have the ability to look into the subconscious
mind and use the language it finds there to communicate with the conscious mind, putting it
directly under its influence. It is possible to be completely possessed by these Archontic
parasites without having an idea of the infection. Someone who is possessed by these
Archons has chakra infections, the infestation orientates in one or more of the chakras. The
solar plexus which seems especially prone to infection, is often completely infested and
controlled by these archontic parasites. From within the chakra the Archon feds off the
energy of the chakra, causing it to distort and go off balance thus sending the entire system
into imbalance, which only opens it up to more parasitic infection. Most people are only
infected in one chakra, though there are also people who are fully possessed, often they are
in positions of power upon the earth. Many of the atrocities acted out upon the world stage
are archontic agendas in play.
Have you ever wondered where those negative thoughts come from , you know that
voice in your head which always puts you down, or puts others down, causes you to judge
yourself and others. Have you ever wondered why your negative thoughts are so much
easier to think than those of a positive nature? Have you wondered why those negative
thoughts trigger fear and worry especially in your solar plexus, and how these feelings
create heaviness in the body which is so debilitating? This is a sign of archontic infection.
Light workers are reporting being under archontic attack. It seems that the Archons
have moved on in their agenda and are now actively attacking Light Workers on the planet.
They cause Light Workers to fall in consciousness; the Archons can stir up old unresolved
issues. If for some reason the Archons cannot infect the Light Worker they will manipulate
another to act out this archontic agenda. Many Light Workers are reporting people blaming
them for things they have not done, and other people are projecting their issues on to
them. This can cause major confusion and distress for the Light Worker as they have to
defend themselves from the accusations which come from the projection of the other
person. The Archons will choose people who are the closest to you to steer you off your
path. Often those people who you feel the closest to, the person you feel is part of your soul
family, and the person you would never imagine would want to hurt you, suddenly turns on
you for no real rational reason. Often when the damage is done the archontic parasite will
pass into another dimension and the person who has fallen under its possession has no
memory of the blame game they had been influenced to play. It is important to remember
that the person blaming and judging you is under the influence of the archontic parasite. It
is possible that the Archons will also possess many people around you, making you think the
problem must lie with you, as so many more people are turning against you. If the Archon
parasite can isolate the Light Worker from its fellow friends and family then their work is
The higher up the ladder you climb, the more work you do on yourself, the lighter you
become, the more open to this archontic attack you are prone. It is like moths to the flame;
the Archons can pick you out from the sea of the collective consciousness and can send their
tendrils to attack you either directly through your own thoughts, or through the negative
thoughts of another. They can directly influence another person to attack you, many Light
Workers are under heavy attack from others right now, from people they once considered
to be their close friends or even other fellow Light Workers. Division causes blame, anger
and fear which is delicious food to the archontic parasites. It is as if mankind are infected by
an evil disease, people are acting out of character, and even your loved ones can become
infected and act out an archontic agenda.
My personal experience of these beings began many years ago whilst doing healing
practices with my clients. I began to have people come to me with black slimy like tendrils
inserted into their auric fields. I saw bundles of these tendrils gathered in the centre of the
chakra, especially the solar plexus, the place of the ego. I worked on my clients with truth
and light frequencies which worked very well for all other issues and problems. I was
surprised to see that instead of healing the person, the light energy seemed to feed the
Archons, giving them more power. One client in particular stayed in my mind, my client had
come to me with depression and a constant fatigue. As I looked at her energy body I saw
several long slimy tendrils, many gathered in her solar plexus, I tried to simply pull them out
however I was unable. I called down the energy of her soul and aided her in breathing in the
healing power of her soul, holding her in truth frequency I was shocked to see these tendrils
take on more power and form. I watched as they developed from being simple tendril forms
to embryos . She was becoming even more infected. I did not know what to do, it seemed
the higher the energy I called upon the worse the situation became. I asked my soul which
energy, which aspect could help in such a tricky situation. The answer was Satan. As you can
imagine I was surprised to hear this.
Before I go on with this story I must tell you that I do not have the same judgements
or fears around the being Satan as many in the new age circles. For me the satanic
frequency is also part of creation and part of my overall multidimensional consciousness.
With the permission of the client together we held the satanic frequency, encased her
whole energy body in a black energy which the satanic frequency enabled. The satanic black
energy seemed to suffocate the archontic parasites and after over an hour of holding this
frequency my client was free of these archontic entities.
Over the next few years many more people came to me with these Archon entities. I
gained almost no information about them and thus remained in ignorance. My next
encounter with them was during a past life process which I was taken through by a teacher
within a seminar. I found myself inside a planet, which was hollowed out. I was merged with
the walls; it was as if the walls had grown around me. I was a human (not necessarily from
earth); there were many more of us also trapped inside the walls. Inserted into our chakric
systems were dark black slimy tendrils which passed a black liquid into our bodies. It was as
if we were being used as a recycling apparatus, for this black liquid. I was in horror and had
long since given up the idea of any rescue or freedom from this nightmare reality. I remote
viewed the entity which resided in the centre of the planet, who was the owner of the black
tendrils. It looked like a huge black slimy hydra slug like being. Like a huge black octopus
feeding and excreting its waste directly into our bodies. As I left this past life memory I
asked where am I? I was told in a planet in Orion orbiting the star of Rigel.
From this time I had more and more encounters with these archontic parasites, many
people shifted their energy in front of me, becoming cold, angry, hostile and positively evil.
Many of these people would act out of character being mean, and horrible to both
themselves and others. I saw a grey cloudy light pass over the eyes and sometimes I would
even see the eyes change colour. The person would suddenly act out of character, blaming,
judging and accusing all people around them. Many of them were in positions of power in
one form or another; they had the ability to hold other people to ransom and through the
archontic infection were able to affect other people too. I saw the archontic infestation
spreading from peoples auric fields to attach to other people bringing those people to
anger and fear. This fed the archontic parasite and thus more and more people were
becoming infected. Fear is their most preferred food , when we are afraid we leak our
power and thus we become easy food for these vampiric archontic entities. At first I thought
they were not as intelligent as I was mistaken to think of them as simple astral parasites.
However the more encounters I had with them I began to realise that they were intelligent
and the more they infested humankind the more intelligent they became. They were
feeding off mankinds ability to have imagination and creative abilities. They did not seem to
have imagination themselves but had the ability to trigger and steer the creative imaginative
powers of the human, for their agenda which was complete domination.
I began to see them turn up inside other peoples bodies; I began to have encounters
with those who were fully possessed. There seemed to be a big difference between
someone who was simply infected to one who had a full blown possession of an archontic
entity. The archontic entity is not really fully formed when it first infects its host; it can even
stay dormant for years before some rising of frequency awakens it. Once certain energy
triggers its awakening it can feed off the energy which is broadcast from our DNA and begin
a gestation process which results in an embryo parasite developing in the solar plexus. The
parasite can go on to inhabit all the chakras but it seems to start its takeover process from
within the ego centre in the solar plexus. From within the solar plexus the archontic entity
begins to control the lower mind, the rational mind. It does not dwell in the conscious mind
but burrows itself into the subconscious . From the place of the subconscious it can trigger
issues, unresolved trauma and negative mind patterns which are damaging to both the host
and all those around them. The archontic parasite can influence all the thoughts of the host
and the host has no awareness that these thoughts are not their own and they are under
the influence of an entity and will instead blame all around them. I often see those who are
hosts to these parasites accuse other people for things they are doing themselves. They will
blame other people for negative emotions, thoughts and opinions they actually hold
themselves. They are caught in a mirroring game which they cannot get out of. When you
interact with a person who is under an intense archontic episode you will notice that they
think everyone around them are operating in their egos, and have negative intentions. They
will throw out accusations which surprise those they accuse, they cannot see past their own
projections and thus think everyone but themselves are at fault.
It can become very tricky as this archontic episode can affect others around them, it
can become infectious. Those people around them who have issues which are similar going
on within their egos will also become triggered and they then are open in those moments of
judgment to becoming infected by the Archon parasite themselves. Once the archontic
parasite had gained enough food from the negative emotions, it will pass back into the
subconscious and remain hidden. The hosted person will go from acting mean one minute
to having no awareness of what has just occurred. It is not clean cut, it is hard to stay
objective whilst in an archontic drama, it is easy to be pulled into the drama yourself, once
in the disempowering influence of your ego you are food for their game.
It was not until my recent Ayahuasca ceremony did I realise that I too was infected.
During an Ayahuasca trip I began to have intense negative thoughts and an incredible
feeling of depression and fatigue. I realised that I had been feeling this on and off for several
months , I had tried to process out these negative thoughts and feelings but it seemed
allusive , like I could not hold it long enough to be able to heal it out. During the ceremony
this became so highlighted it was unbearable, as the trip went on I looked over my shoulder
to see a black slug upon my back. With the help of the shaman I was able to remove the
slug, with this a rush of energy rocketed up my spine, my negative thoughts were gone and
joy entered my heart once more. This experience gave me more of an understanding of
these archontic entities. I think I needed to go through this experience so that I could more
fully understand what these entities were and how to deal with them. I later meet a
powerful psychic who reported seeing vast underground nests of these archontic parasites
underneath many major cities, especially under hospitals and prisons. It seemed that they
were congregating around places where humans were living under stressful and negative
Researchers of the Archons have stated that the Archons are the Reptilians and the
Greys, this is incorrect. The Reptilians and the Grey clones have become fully possessed and
no longer have any freewill and are completely living out an archontic agenda and placing us
all in an energetic prison to become food for their Archon overlords. It seems that the fall of
many of the races in our galaxy were caused by this archontic parasitic energy. Where did
these Archons come from originally? The story goes that a race of humanoid beings created
an artificial wormhole in the outer skin of our universe, creating a tear in the fabric of our
universe allowing the infection of these archontic entities to enter the universe. The
Archons seemed to be living in the void space in between universes and on the creation of
the wormhole they swarmed into our reality. I saw this process in my minds eye I could see
the universe as an egg of light in a sea of the darkness of the void. A hole appeared in the
outer skin of the egg and the light from our universe triggered something to occur in the
void, it created a swarm of these negative archontic entities to then enter our reality. This
parasitic entity at first was not really that intelligent but it had the urge to survive and it felt
threatened, as it was out of place and was concerned about its food supply, so it went
looking for a food which would nourish it. It found mind!
The Archons began to hang out around those beings which were also programmed to
survive and thus they found the ancient races of the Reptilians, because of their genetics the
Reptilians came very easily under the archontic influence. After time they possessed the
Reptilian races and thus they fell in consciousness. The Reptilian races have been under the
influence and possession of these Archontic entities for thousands of years. It seems that
the falling of many races within our galaxy have all been caused to one degree or another by
this archontic infection.
An archontic infection begins by the parasite lowering your vibration to lock you in an
astral plane; there you are much more easily influenced and controlled. They can achieve
this through many methods, drugs, alcohol and pharmaceuticals can be used by the Archons
to infiltrate the freewill of people. In this state the possessing entity can then drain the
energy directly from the solar plexus. Anyone trying to rid themselves of an archontic
infection will be brought very quickly to paranoia and anger towards other people. It is
reported that Meth addicts and heroin users often see these archontic parasites as demons
around them.
The Archons can merge their distorted vibration with ours and increase the negativity
of our emotional and mental attitudes. This is a process of deconstructive interference. They
set up a distortion in our mental body, which directly affects our thoughts, causing us to
spiral down in energy to lower and lower thought processes. From this state we are easily
led and programmed by the mind parasite, we begin to believe these thoughts are our own
and then empower them and thus create the reality the archontic entity wishes us to
manifest. They are responsible for the thoughts of the artificial matrix in which we live. We
are living in an archontic nightmare brought about through our own creative powers.