Bender A-Isometer IRDH575 User Manual

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Operating Manual

Insulation monitoring for ungrounded AC and DC systems
with integrated test generator and controller for
EDS46..., EDS47... and EDS49... systems
Software version: D185 V1.6

Power in electrical safety

TGH1364A / 4-2007
700 Fox Chase
Coatesville, PA 19320

Tel.: 610-383-9200 or Toll-free: 1-800-356-4266

Fax: 610-383-7100 Bender Group
E-mail: [email protected]
All rights reserved.
Web server:
Reprinting only with permission
of the publisher.
Subject to change!
Table of Contents

1. How to use this documentation effectively ....................................... 7

1.1 Use for the intended purpose ............................................................................. 7
1.2 Safety information .................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Warranty and liability ............................................................................................. 8
1.4 Explanations of symbols and warnings ........................................................... 8

2. Function .................................................................................................... 9
2.1 General characteristics .......................................................................................... 9
2.2 Essential functions of the A-ISOMETER ......................................................... 9
2.3 Essential functions of the Insulation fault location system (EDS) .......... 9
2.4 Product description .............................................................................................. 10
2.5 Function .................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.1 Current output for external measuring instrument .................................. 11
2.5.2 Real-time clock ....................................................................................................... 11
2.5.3 Insulation fault location ...................................................................................... 12
2.5.4 Interconnected systems ...................................................................................... 12
2.5.5 Function input F1/F2 for connection or disconnection
of IT systems being monitored ......................................................................... 12
2.5.6 ISOnet function for central control of the insulation monitoring
process when several IRDH575 are interconnected in IT systems. ...... 14
2.5.7 Self test ...................................................................................................................... 15
2.5.8 Relay K3: device fault alarm and EDS common message ....................... 17
2.5.9 Factory setting ........................................................................................................ 17

3. Commissioning flow chart .................................................................. 19

3.1 Commissioning of the A-ISOMETER function range (1) ........................ 19
3.2 Commissioning of the insulation fault location function (EDS) (1) ..... 21

TGH1364en/04.2007 3
Table of Contents

4. Connection ............................................................................................. 25

5. Operation and setting .......................................................................... 29

5.1 Operating features and displays IRDH575 .................................................... 29
5.1.1 Display in case of active EDS and detected fault ....................................... 30
5.1.2 Display in the menu mode ................................................................................. 31
5.1.3 Function keys .......................................................................................................... 31
5.2 Menu structure and menu mode ..................................................................... 33
5.2.1 Diagram menu structure ..................................................................................... 34
5.3 HISTORY INFO menu ............................................................................................ 36
5.3.1 Diagram HISTORY INFO ....................................................................................... 37
5.4 ISO SETUP menu:
Setting of the basic A-ISOMETER functions ............................................... 38
5.4.1 Response values Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 ........................................................... 38
5.4.2 Starting the EDS system via the response values
ALARM 1and ALARM 2 ......................................................................................... 38
5.4.3 Operating principle of the alarm relays ......................................................... 38
5.4.4 Memory setting (on/off) ...................................................................................... 40
5.4.5 Current output for external measuring instruments ................................ 41
5.5 ISO ADVANCED menu:
Setting of the extended functions .................................................................. 42
5.5.1 External coupling device (AGH: no = factory setting) ............................. 42
5.5.2 Selecting the system leakage capacitance range ...................................... 42
5.5.3 Changing the measuring principle from AMP to DC
(Measure: AMP) ....................................................................................................... 42
5.5.4 Setting the repetition time for automatic self tests
(Autotest: 24h) ........................................................................................................ 42
5.5.5 Setting the real-time clock (Clock) .................................................................. 42
5.5.6 Setting the date (Date) ........................................................................................ 42
5.5.7 Specifying the starting time of the automatic self test (Test) ............... 42
5.5.8 Diagram ISO ADVANCED .................................................................................... 43
5.6 EDS-SETUP menu:
Settings for fault location ................................................................................... 44
5.6.1 EDS auto / on / off / pos / 1cycle ..................................................................... 44
5.6.2 Diagram EDS-SETUP ............................................................................................. 45

4 TGH1364en/04.2007
Table of Contents

5.6.3 System DC / 1 AC / 3 AC ...................................................................................... 46

5.6.4 maxPuls 1 / 2.5 / 10 / 25 / 50 mA: ..................................................................... 46
5.6.5 K3 alarm: ON ............................................................................................................ 47
5.7 EDS460/490 menu ................................................................................................ 48
5.7.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 48
5.7.2 Channel ..................................................................................................................... 48
5.7.3 Relay ........................................................................................................................... 50
5.7.4 EDS Test .................................................................................................................... 51
5.7.5 EDS Reset .................................................................................................................. 52
5.8 EDS 470 menu ......................................................................................................... 53
5.8.1 EDS Monitor ............................................................................................................. 53
5.8.2 EDS Test .................................................................................................................... 53
5.8.3 EDS Reset .................................................................................................................. 53
5.8.4 Details about the menu points Relay, Memory and n-peak .................. 53
5.8.5 Diagram EDS 470 ................................................................................................... 54
5.8.6 Relay ........................................................................................................................... 55
5.8.7 Memory .................................................................................................................... 55
5.8.8 CT Setup: ................................................................................................................... 55
5.8.9 n-peak: ....................................................................................................................... 56
5.9 COM SETUP menu: Setting the BMS interface ............................................ 57
5.9.1 Bus address (Addr: ) ........................................................................................... 57
5.9.2 ISO Monitor .............................................................................................................. 57
5.9.3 ISOnet ........................................................................................................................ 58
5.9.4 Diagram COM SETUP ............................................................................................ 58
5.10 PASSWORD menu ................................................................................................. 59
5.10.1 Activating and setting the password ............................................................ 59
5.10.2 Diagram PASSWORT ............................................................................................ 59
5.11 Menu LANGUAGE ................................................................................................. 60
5.11.1 Setting the national language ......................................................................... 60
5.11.2 Diagram Language ............................................................................................... 60
5.12 Menu SERVICE ......................................................................................................... 61
5.13 Parameterization via Internet ........................................................................... 61

TGH1364en/04.2007 5
Table of Contents

6. Serial interfaces ..................................................................................... 63

6.1 RS485 interface with BMS protocol ................................................................. 63
6.2 Topology RS485 network ................................................................................... 64
6.2.1 Correct arrangement ............................................................................................ 64
6.2.2 Wrong arrangement ............................................................................................. 64
6.2.3 Wiring ......................................................................................................................... 64
6.3 BMS protocol (BMS) .............................................................................................. 65
6.3.1 BMS Master .............................................................................................................. 65
6.3.2 BMS-Slave ................................................................................................................. 66
6.3.3 BMS operation in the Standby mode ............................................................. 67
6.3.4 Combination with EDS46... devices ................................................................ 68
6.3.5 Commissioning of an RS485 network with BMS protocol ...................... 69

7. Technical data IRDH575 ....................................................................... 71

7.1 Data in tabular form .............................................................................................. 71
7.2 Standards, approvals and certifications ........................................................ 74
7.3 Characteristic curves ............................................................................................ 75
7.3.1 Characteristic curves of the A-ISOMETER ................................................... 75
7.3.2 Characteristic curves of the insulation fault evaluators
EDS46... /EDS49... ................................................................................................... 78
7.3.3 Characteristic curves for the insulation fault location system
EDS470 ...................................................................................................................... 80
7.4 Ordering details ..................................................................................................... 88
7.4.1 Standard version .................................................................................................... 88
7.4.2 Protection against dust and moisture ........................................................... 88
7.4.3 Measuring instruments ....................................................................................... 88
7.4.4 Label for modified versions ............................................................................... 89

6 TGH1364en/04.2007
1. How to use this documentation effectively

This operating manual is intended to address qualified experts in electrical en-


1.1 Use for the intended purpose

The A-ISOMETER is exclusively intended for:
monitoring the insulation resistance of IT (ungrounded) systems and
localization of insulation faults in combination with insulation fault evaluators
Any other use, or any use which goes beyond the foregoing, is deemed to
be use other than for the intended purpose.

1.2 Safety information

General safety information
In addition to this operating manual, the documentation includes the supple-
mentary sheet Important safety instructions for BENDER Products.

Device-specific safety information

Only one insulation monitoring device may be used in each intercon-

nected IT system.
When insulation or voltage test are to be carried out, the device shall be
isolated from the system for the test period.

If the terminals L1, L2, L3 of the device are connected to a system under
operation, the terminals and KE must not be disconnected from the
protective conductor (PE).

TGH1364en/04.2007 7
How to use this documentation effectively

1.3 Warranty and liability

As a basic principle, the general conditions for the supply of products and
services of the electrical and electronics (recommended by ZVEI (German
Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Association)) shall apply. As the lat-
est, these shall be available to the operator when the contract is concluded.

1.4 Explanations of symbols and warnings

The following symbols are used in BENDER documentation to draw atten-
tion to important information and to make it easier to find certain text pas-
The following examples explain the meaning of the symbols:

The "Attention" symbol is used to draw attention to information warn-

ing employees of hazardous situations.

Information you should know for correct handling of the product is

marked with the "Info" symbol.

8 TGH1364en/04.2007
2. Function

2.1 General characteristics

Four-line LC display
Automatic device self-test
Memory with real-time clock to store all alarm messages with date and time
RS485 interface (BMS protocol) for data exchange with other Bender devices
(RS485 electrically isolated)
Remote setting of certain parameters via the Internet (option; FTC470XET addi-
tionally required)
Option "W":
Improved shock and vibration resistance for use in ships, on rolling stock and in
seismic environment.

2.2 Essential functions of the A-ISOMETER

A-ISOMETER for IT AC systems with galvanically connected rectifiers and for IT
DC systems ("IT System" is the international IEC term for "Ungrounded System")
Automatic adaptation to the existing system leakage capacitances
measuring principle (European Patent: EP 0 654 673 B1)
Two adjustable response values in the range 1 k ... 10 M (Alarm 1/Alarm 2)
Connection monitoring
Internal disconnection of the A-ISOMETER from the IT system to be monitored
(using a control signal; terminals F1/F2) , e.g. if several A-ISOMETERs are inter-
Current output 0(4)...20mA (galvanically separated) in relation to the measured
insulation value.

2.3 Essential functions of the Insulation fault location system (EDS)

Generation of the test current necessary for selective insulation fault location
Indication of the insulation faults selectively localized by the EDS4... systems
Parameterization of EDS4... systems
Test function for EDS4... systems, incl. the connected measuring current transfor.

TGH1364en/04.2007 9

2.4 Product description

The IRDH575 A-ISOMETER monitors the insulation resistance of IT sys-
tems. It is suitable for universal use in 3(N)AC, AC/DC and DC systems. AC
systems may include extensive DC supplied loads, such as converters or thy-
ristor-controlled DC drives. The device automatically adapts itself to the ex-
isting system leakage capacitance. (IT system = Ungrounded System) .
The IRDH575 A-ISOMETER is fitted into an enclosure for panel mounting,
144 x 96 mm (WxH). For protection against dust and moisture, a panel seal
(IP42) or a front-face transparent cover (IP65) are available as accessories,
see page 88.
The IRDH575 can be used in combination with a control and indicating de-
vice, PRC1470 version 2 or higher, for example, on the BMS (BMS = Bender
Measuring Device Interface) bus.

2.5 Function
The IRDH575 A-ISOMETER is connected between the unearthed system
and the protective conductor (PE).
The response values and other function parameters are set via the function
keys. The parameters are indicated on the LC display and are stored in a non-
volatile memory (EEPROM) after the setting is completed.
A microprocessor-controlled pulsating AC measuring voltage is superim-
posed on the system ( measuring principle*). The measuring cycle
consists of positive and negative pulses of the same amplitude. The period
depends on the respective system leakage capacitances and the insulation re-
sistance of the system to be monitored. An insulation fault between system
and earth closes the measuring circuit. From the measured current value, the
microprocessor calculates the insulation resistance which is indicated on the
LC display or the external k measuring instrument.

When an AC system includes galvanically connected DC circuits, the fol-

lowing shall be considered:
Insulation faults in DC circuits can only be monitored correctly when the
rectifiers carry a continuous load of at least 5...10 mA.

The measuring time is determined by the system leakage capacitances, the

insulation resistance, and the system-related interference disturbances. Sys-
tem leakage capacitances do not influence the measuring accuracy.
If the reading is below the selected response values ALARM1/ALARM2, the

10 TGH1364en/04.2007

associated alarm relays respond and the alarm LEDs "ALARM1/2" light up
and the measuring value is indicated on the LC display (in the event of DC
insulation faults, the faulty supply line is indicated). The fault indication can
be stored by bridging the terminals R1/R2 (external RESET button [NC con-
tact]) or by setting the fault memory to "Memory:on" in the "ISO SETUP"
Pressing the external or internal RESET button, resets the fault message, pro-
vided that the insulation resistance is at least 25 % above the preset value.

R1/R2 bridged + Memory:on fault memory activated

R1/R2 bridged + Memory:off fault memory activated
R1/R2 not connected + Memory:on fault memory activated
R1/R2 not connected + Memory:off fault memory deactivated

*) measuring principle "adaptive measuring pulse", a measuring

principle developed by BENDER.

2.5.1 Current output for external measuring instrument

The current output of IRDH575 provides 0(4)...20 mA. The current output is
electrically isolated from the device electronics and the RS485 interface. The
ISO SETUP menu, on page 41, allows to switch over between 0...20 mA and
4...20 mA.

2.5.2 Real-time clock

The real-time clock serves as a time base for the historical memory and self
test function. At first the correct time and date must be set in the menu "ISO
ADVANCED". If time and date are not set, a "C" (clock) is flashing in the
standard display. In the event of a supply voltage failure, time and date will
be stored for thirty days. If the 24 h self test is activated in the ISO AD-
VANCED menu, a special time of day can be selected for the execution of the
self test in the menu "TEST: 12:00". Then a self test will be started automati-
cally once a day exactly at the preset time. If the 1 h test has been selected,
the self test is automatically carried out every full hour.

TGH1364en/04.2007 11

2.5.3 Insulation fault location

Another function of the IRDH575 is selective insulation fault location. If the
value of the insulation resistance falls below the set response values ALARM
1 and ALARM 2, a certain test current is generated by the IRDH575. The max-
imum value of the test current is determined by the maxPuls parameter, see
page 46. In combination with an insulation fault evaluator EDS47...-12 and
the associated measuring current transformers connected to it, the insulation
fault is selectively detected. The detected insulation fault is signalled to the
IRDH575 via the RS485 interface (BMS protocol) and is then indicated by an
alarm LED and indicated on the display. In the Master mode (Addr. 1), this
alarm message is indicated by the alarm relay K3 as common alarm.

In sensitive parts of the electrical installation malfunction can occur due to

the test current flowing between system and earth. Please note that the val-
ue of the test current is compatible with the electrical installation being

2.5.4 Interconnected systems

When using A-ISOMETERs in IT systems care shall be taken that only one
active A-ISOMETER is connected in each interconnected system. If IT sys-
tems are interconnected via coupling switches, make sure that ISOMETERs
not currently used are disconnected and deactivated via a control system. IT
systems coupled via diodes or capacitances may also influence the insulation
monitoring process. Hence, also in this case a central control of the different
ISOMETERs is required.

2.5.5 Function input F1/F2 for connection or disconnection of IT systems being

The A-ISOMETER can be disconnected from the IT system and set to
STANDBY mode with the function input F1/F2. When the input F1/F2 is
bridged, the terminals L1/L2 are isolated from the measuring circuit via in-
ternal coupling relays and terminal L3 remains connected to the measuring
circuit via a resistor of 10 M. The measuring function is stopped and the
message STANDBY appears on the display. When using software version
1.4 or higher, the latest measured insulation resistance is blanked and the
value > 10 M appears on the display. Furthermore, the alarm relays and
alarm LEDs no longer provide alarm messages. Insulation faults already de-
tected will be indicated by all EDS4... devices.
After opening the function input F1/F2, first of all the connection to the IT

12 TGH1364en/04.2007

system will be restored and a completely new measuring cycle for insulation
monitoring will be started. Using this function, selective disconnection of an
IRDH575 in interconnected IT systems can be carried out via auxiliary con-
tacts of the respective coupling switch. One coupling switch each in a line-
type or ring-type arrangement can deactivate a subsequent IRDH575. This ar-
rangement guarantees that only one A-ISOMETER is active in each galvan-
ically connected IT system.
Theoretically speaking, in a ring-type arrangement with all coupling switches
closed, all A-ISOMETER R s would be deactivated. In order to prevent this,
a BMS Master (IRDH575 Adr1) monitors the condition of the function input
F1/F2 of all Slave ISOMETERs. When all Slave ISOMETERs are in the
STANDBY mode, the insulation monitoring function of the Master ISOME-
TER remains active, that means, the input F1/F2 of the Master is without
function in this mode.

BMS-Bus (A/B, RS485)

Adr. 1 Adr. 2
F1/F2 IRDH575 F1/F2 IRDH575


IT-System 1 IT-System 2

IT-System 4 IT-System 3

Adr. 4 Adr. 3
F1/F2 F1/F2


Let as assume, in the before-mentioned ring-type arrangement, the associat-
ed coupling switch of the Slave ISOMETER 2 were open. The coupling
switches of the BMS Master (Addr. 1) and of the Slaves 3 and 4 were closed.
In this case the ISOMETER and EDS functions of the Master and the Slaves
3 and 4 would be deactivated. In spite of changing to the STANDBY mode,

TGH1364en/04.2007 13

the Master status of the device with address 1 would remain. That means, if
a parameterization is necessary, it has to be carried out via the IRDH575 with
BMS address 1.

2.5.6 ISOnet function for central control of the insulation monitoring process
when several IRDH575 are interconnected in IT systems.
Up to 30 A-ISOMETER can communicate with each other in an ISOnet net-
work. The ISOnet network can only be activated when a BMS bus is used for
interconnection. A typical method with four devices is shown as an example.
The ISOnet function of all A-ISOMETER in the ISOnet network must be
activated in the COM SETUP ISOnet=ON menu, refer to page 58.

The BMS master (BMS address 1) with activated ISOnet function con-
trols the ISOnet slave devices via the BMS bus. Address 1 must not be
assigned to another BMS device on the respective BMS bus.
When the master ISOMETER has finished one measuring cycle, the authori-
zation for insulation monitoring is passed on to the next higher BMS address.
This authorization is returned by the slave with the highest BMS address to
the BMS master after a cycle has been completed.
During the insulation monitoring process, all other A-ISOMETER, are in the
STANDBY mode. In this way it is prevented that A-ISOMETERs influence
each other in interconnected IT systems.
At f = 50Hz and Ce = 1 F, an ISOnet device stays in the measuring mode for
12s and then changes to the STANDBY mode. The maximum response time
of the ISOnet device that made the last measurement, will be extended by
the number of devices x 12s, in our example 48s.
When an insulation fault is detected by an A-ISOMETER, the insulation
fault location process is started. The device stays in the measuring mode dur-
ing this time. Only after completion of insulation fault location, the ISOnet
device stops the monitoring mode and passes the authorization for insulation
monitoring on to the next device.
In the STANDBY mode, the ISOnet device displays the last measured insula-
tion resistance.
Each ISOnet slave checks the network for an ISOnet master. If there is no
master available, the display will show the fault message ISOnet Master?.
With the ISOnet function activated, the function input F1/F2 is automatically

14 TGH1364en/04.2007

All EDS devices in the IT systems being monitored must be operated

with activated fault memory.

In comparison to a solution with coupling switches and function input F1/

F2, the response time will be extended because the measurement is not per-
manently carried out.
BMS-Bus (A/B, RS485)

Addr. 1 Addr. 2


IT-Netz 1 IT-Netz 2

IT-Netz 4 IT-Netz 3

Addr. 4 Addr. 3


This has the advantage that no auxiliary contacts of a coupling switch are
required. Furthermore, this solution is recommended for IT systems coupled
via capacitances or diodes.

2.5.7 Self test

In order to guarantee high functional reliability, the A-ISOMETER provides
comprehensive self test functions. After switching the supply voltage on, all
internal measuring functions, the components of the process control such as
data and parameter memory as well as system and earth connections are
checked using the self test functions. The progress of the self test is indicated

TGH1364en/04.2007 15

on the display by a bar graph. Depending on the system conditions, the du-
ration of the self test is 15... 20 seconds, then the device indicates "Test ok"
for approximately 2 seconds. Then the device returns to normal measuring
mode and the current measuring value is displayed after the expiry of the
reading time.
When a fault is found the message "!Error!" appears on the display, the device
fault relay K3 (31-32-34) drops, the device fault LED lights up and the respec-
tive error message (see table) is indicated. If such a device fault occurs, a self
test will be started every 60 seconds. If no more malfunction is detected, the
fault message will automatically be deleted, the device fault LED extinguish-
es and the device fault relay K3 energizes again.

During operation, the self test function can be started by pressing the TEST
button (internal or external) or automatically every hour or every 24 hours
by selecting "ISO ADVANCED": Autotest:" in the menu. The alarm relays
ALARM 1/2 can only switch after starting the self test function by pressing
the TEST button, that means if an automatic self test has been selected, the
alarm relays do not switch.
Error message Meaning Steps to taken
System connec- No low-resistance con- 1. Check the wiring of terminal L1, L2, L3
tion? nection of terminals L1, to the system
L2, L3 to the system 2. Press the TEST button
3. Switch the supply voltage on and off
4. Check the fuses
Connection PE? No low-resistance con- 1. Check wiring of terminal and KE
nection of the terminals to earth (PE)
and KE to earth 2. Press the TEST button
(PE) 3. Switch the supply voltage on and off
Device error x Internal device error 1. Press the TEST button
2. Switch the supply voltage on and off
3. Please contact Bender

If the on/off switching of the supply voltage is not possible for technical
reasons, a RESET of the device can be carried out by pressing the "ESC",
"RESET" and "MENU" key simultaneously

16 TGH1364en/04.2007

2.5.8 Relay K3: device fault alarm and EDS common message
Relay K3 is intended to signal device and connection errors of the
A-ISOMETER. In the Master mode with bus address 1, EDS alarm messages
can be collectively indicated by the K3 relay as well as system fault messages.
Collective indication of the EDS alarms by K3 can be disabled by selecting
K3 Alarm: off from the "EDS Setup" menu. Refer to page 47.

K3 is permanently set to N/C operation, with the contacts 31-34 normally

closed, that means when a fault occurs, the relay deenergizes (K3: 31-32 con-
Further details are described in "chapter 2.5.7 Self test". Even when a proto-
col converter of the FTC470... series is installed in a BMS system which is
temporarily taking over the Master function is, the function collective EDS
message will remain. This function is directly dependent on BMS address 1,
the Master status is a secondary factor.

2.5.9 Factory setting

The devices are delivered with the following factory setting:

ISO SETUP: Alarm 1 / Alarm 2 = 40 k / 10 k
(response values)
ISO SETUP: Operating principle K1/K2 = N/O operation
-------------- K3 = N/C operation (fixed setting)
ISO SETUP: Memory = off
ISO ADVANCED: System leakage capacitance = 150 F
EDS SETUP: System = 3 AC
EDS SETUP: max. pulse = 25 mA (for EDS460/490, EDS470)
COM SETUP: Bus address = 1 ( Master)

Please check if the basic setting of the A-ISOMETER complies with the re-
quirements of the system to be monitored.

TGH1364en/04.2007 17

18 TGH1364en/04.2007
3. Commissioning flow chart

3.1 Commissioning of the A-ISOMETER function range (1)

TGH1364en/04.2007 19
Commissioning flow chart

Commissioning of the A-ISOMETER function range (2)

Internal function test is

carried out by the IRDH

Time setting
Refer to the chapter
"Operation and Setting"
Shall the basic setting Enter the new values in the
be maintained ? no ISO-SETUP menu


Are all alarm LEDs disabled ? The insulation resistance has

no fallen below the set level; a
new level should be set.

Function test with a suitable

resistance between system and
earth. Resistance value: 50% of
the response value ALARM2

Alarm LEDs activated ?

Alarm relays switching ? no Check connections


Remove resistance
Alarm LEDs extinguished ?
Did the alarm relays respond ?

The IRDH575 is correctly

connected and functions reliably

20 TGH1364en/04.2007
Commissioning flow chart

3.2 Commissioning of the insulation fault location function (EDS) (1)

Disconnect the electrical installation before connecting the device !

Install the respective devices of

the insulation fault location system
EDS47x and the associated BENDER Manuals
measuring transformers TGH1282 and 1243 respectively 1321

Connect the RS485 interface of

the EDS system to the IRDH575

Assign the adress to the

respective RS485 device

Turn the supply voltage on

Turn the system voltage on

An internal self test is running

Operation and setting or
Use the EDS-SETUP menu to
Which EDS system is connected set the maximum test current
to the IRDH575? EDS473
(max. pulse) to 2.5 mA (1 mA)


Use the EDS-SETUP menu to set

the max. test current (max. pulse) TGH1243
to 25 mA (10 mA), for example

TGH1364en/04.2007 21
Commissioning flow chart

Commissioning of the insulation fault location function (EDS) (2)

Shall the basic setting be Change the settings in the
maintained? no

Carry out the test in the


Are all bus nodes available after Check the wiring and bus nodes
the completion of the test ? no
(RS485 LED)

Do the EDS47x-12 recognize all Check the CT wiring

measuring transformers correctly? no


Function test using a suitable

resistance between system and
earth. Resistance value: 50% of
the lowest response value
downstream a CT. no

Alarm LEDs light up

Alarm relays switch

Does the LED "EDS on" light up?

Do the RS485 LEDs light at the
bus nodes ? Are the CTs being Check whether the sub menu EDS-auto
no is activated in the EDS-SETUP menu
scanned by the EDS47X-12 ?


When the faulty subcircuit is

recognized correctly, the
display indicates :
ADR:xx k:xx xxmA
Remove the resistance and select
Are there other CTs installed another location downstream a
yes measuring transformer where the
that are to be checked ?
insulation fault is to be simulated.

22 TGH1364en/04.2007
Commissioning flow chart

Commissioning of the insulation fault location function (EDS) (3)

Remove the resistance

Alarm LEDs extinguished?
Did the alarm relays respond ?

Delete the alarm messages by

pressing the RESET button
of the EDS4...-12 or selecting
EDS RESET from the
of the IRDH575

The EDS4...-12 is ready for

operation and correctly

TGH1364en/04.2007 23
Commissioning flow chart

24 TGH1364en/04.2007
4. Connection

IRDH575 has plug-in terminals.

Connect the terminals A1/+ and A2/- to the supply voltage US in accordance
with IEC 60364-4-43. The connections to the supply voltage shall be provid-
ed with protective devices to afford protection in the event of a short-circuit
(a 6 A fuse is recommended).

Devices for protection against short-circuit in conformity with

IEC 60364-4-43 for the IT system coupling L1/L2/L3 can be omitted if the wir-
ing is carried out in such a manner as to reduce the risk of a short-circuited
to a minimum (a short-circuit-proof and earth-fault-proof wiring is recom-

Use the accompanying terminal covers for terminal protection

Only one A-ISOMETER may be connected to an external TEST or RESET

button. The TEST and RESET inputs of different insulation monitoring devic-
es must not be connected in parallel for collective testing.

Only one insulation monitoring device may be used in each intercon-

nected IT system.
When insulation or voltage test are to be carried out, the device shall be
isolated from the system for the test period.

TGH1364en/04.2007 25

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9

ON RS485

M+ M- T1 T2 R1 R2 F1 F2 A B 31 32 34 21 22 24 11 12 14
S2 S1

IRDH575 K3 K2 K1

A1/+ A2/- L1 L2 L3 KE

L1 L2 L3
6A 3(N) AC-System Un PE
L3 14
10 11
L1 L2 L3
L1 L2 L3
L- 13

26 TGH1364en/04.2007

Legend to wiring diagram :

1 For external indicating instrument:

current output 0...20 mA oder 4...20 mA
2 External TEST button (NO contact)
3 External RESET button (NC contact or wire jumper),
(with the terminals open and the ISO-SETUP menu set to Memory:off, insula-
tion fault alarms will not be stored).
When the contact is closed, insulation measurement does not take place;
system disconnection
5 S1 = ON : RS485 interface (A/B) is terminated with 120 resistor
S2 = unassigned)
6 Serial interface RS485 (A/B)
7 System fault relay K3 (device fault and EDS Alarm) (Addr.: 1);
N/C operation (fixed setting)
8 Alarm relay K2 (insulation fault 2); changeover contacts provided
9 Alarm relay K1 (insulation fault 1); changeover contacts provided
10 Supply voltage US (see nameplate) via 6 A
11 Connection to the 3 AC system to be monitored:
connect terminals L1, L2, L3 to conductor L1, L2, L3
12 Connection to the AC system to be monitored:
terminal L1 to conductor L1and
terminal L2, L3 to conductor L2
13 Connection to the DC system to be monitored:
terminal L1 to conductor L+ and
terminals L2, L3 to conductor L-
14 Separate connection of and KE to PE

TGH1364en/04.2007 27

28 TGH1364en/04.2007
5. Operation and setting

5.1 Operating features and displays IRDH575


Isolation Fehler
R= 011 kW
---EDS: on---auto---
ADR: 02 k: 03 12 mA k

1 2 9


1 2 3 4 5 6

1 INFO button: to query standard information /

ESC key: back (menu function), confirmation parameter change
2 TEST button: to call up the self test (A-ISOMETER only) /
Up key: parameter change, moving up in the menu
3 RESET button: to delete insulation fault alarms (A-ISOMETER only)
Down key: parameter change, moving down in the menu
4 MENU button: to activate the menu system/
ENTER key: confirmation parameter change
5 EDS LED lights: insulation fault location has been started
6 EDS alarm LED lights: insulation fault is detected
7 Alarm LED 1 lights: insulation fault, first warning level reached
8 Alarm LED 2 lights: insulation fault, second warning level reached
9 Device fault LED lights: IRDH575 defective

TGH1364en/04.2007 29
Operation and setting

5.1.1 Display in case of active EDS and detected fault

Insulation Fa u l t 8
Rs=011kW . H 7
2 --EDS:on---auto--- 6
ADR:02 k03 12mA

3 4 5

1 Insulation resistance is indicated in k

2 Additional information about the insulation resistance:
+: insulation fault at L+
: insulation fault at L
s: new measurement has started
3 Bus address of the active EDS4... (indication in case of fault detection)
4 Channel being monitored by the EDS4... (indication in case of fault detection)
5 Test current in mA or A (indication in case of fault detection)
short = measuring input short-circuited
noCT = no CT connected
6 -on---auto: EDS is in the AUTO mode and just running. Further modes are:
- on: EDS is activated
- off: EDS is deactivated
- pos470 : Addr. and channel of the EDS have to be selected
(in the Master mode only), EDS47... only
- 1cycle : after testing all the channels, once the EDS is deactivated
7 = Polarity of the test current pulse
. = valid RS485 traffic
H = a new entry is made in the memory data base
C = flashing, if the clock has to be set
8 Messages:
- Insulation fault
- Connection system?
- Connection PE?
- Device error x
- *****STANDBY*****

30 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

5.1.2 Display in the menu mode

Parameter change is permitted
3. ISO SETUP Parameter change is blocked,
4. ISO ADVANCED enabling by a password

5.1.3 Function keys

Two functions are assigned to each function key. In addition to the basic
function marked with a circle, the keys allow navigation within the menu.
Pressing the INFO key provides the following information
ESC without opening the menu:
INFO Device name, firmware version
Response values Alarm1 and Alarm2
Leakage capacitance Ce (value is indicated only if insulation
values are > 20 k)
EDS Setup (operating mode, type of power supply system,
max. test current)
Setup status (for details refer to the table of status numbers
on page 86 )
COM Setup (IRDH575 bus address)
Please have the details above on hand if you have a problem
and if you contact Bender for technical questions.

Activating the TEST button starts the self test of the

Pressing the RESET key resets insulation and fault
messages of the A-ISOMETER.This function is only
active after activating the fault memory in the ISO-SETUP menu or after
bridging R1/R2. Furthermore, the A-ISOMETER can only be reset when the
present insulation value is 25% higher than the preset response value.
The menu system is called up by pressing the MENU key.


TGH1364en/04.2007 31
Operation and setting

For controlling the menu system, the Up/Down keys, the ENTER key and the
ESC key are used:
Up key:
Moving up in the menu, increasing a parameter

Down key:
Moving down in the menu, decreasing a parameter

ENTER key:
Selecting a menu item or sub menu item, confirming or storing a
parameter change and going back to the associated sub menu
item or going to the next input area.

ESC ESC key:

to return to the previous menu.
If the menu has not been closed, the device returns to the display
mode again after approximately 5 minutes.

For the sake of clarity, the following symbols are used for the functions EN-
TER, UP/DOWN and ESCAPE in the menu diagrams of this operating manu-


32 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

5.2 Menu structure and menu mode

The presentation of the menu structure consists of two parts. One part con-
sists of the menu options 1 to 8, the other one of the menu options 9 to 12.
All EDS-related menu options are grouped together and are represented on
one display. The EDS Setup menu option is designed for the test current gen-
erator parameter setting of the IRDH575 for all insulation evaluators. One ex-
ception in the EDS Setup menu is the parameter "Position mode", it is only
designated for EDS47... devices.

Switchover to the menu mode

Pressing the MENU key, will change the display from the standard mode to
the menu mode. From the main menu you can link to the different sub men-

Navigation within the menu

Select the desired menu item using the UP/DOWN keys. The selected menu
item is indicated by a flashing cursor. Press the ENTER key to open the as-
sociated sub menu.
Use the UP/DOWN keys again to select the desired parameters. Move the
cursor to the edit field by pressing the ENTER key.
If you have reached the end of the main menu list, it will be indicated by the
"Arrow UP" symbol.

Changing the parameters

When password protection is activated, indicated by the symbol "padlock
closed" , the first thing to enter is the correct password before the pa-
rameters can be changed using the UP/DOWN keys. Entering the correct
password once allows all parameters to be changed as long as you do not
leave the menu.
Changing the parameter usually has an immediate effect on the measuring
and alarm functions. The changed parameter is stored in a volatile memory
by pressing the ENTER or ESC key after returning to the sub menu (flashing
cursor in column 1). During menu operations, all measuring and alarm func-
tions carry on working as usual in the background.

Changing from the menu mode to the standard mode

Pressing the ESC key allows fast changing from the menu mode to the stand-
ard mode. Thus, the menu item "EXIT" need not to be activated. Automatic
switchover from the menu mode to the standard mode takes place when no

TGH1364en/04.2007 33
Operation and setting

key is pressed for approximately 5 minutes in a main or sub menu.

5.2.1 Diagram menu structure

R >010 MW
- EDS: off -- auto --

ESC 6. EDS 460/490
7. EDS 470

ESC item
1 ... 7

1. EXIT Insert Service

2. Password: XXX Password: 000
3. Status: off

2. Addr: 001 2. Text: Deutsch
3. ISO Monitor

34 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

R >010 MW
- EDS: off -- auto --

ESC 6. EDS 460/490
7. EDS 470

8 ... 11 ESC



Nr.: 01 #Nr.: 02 1. EXIT 1. EXIT 1. EXIT

Power on 2. AGH : no 2. General 2. EDS-Monitor
12.09.02 09:21 3. Ce max: 150 F 3. Channel 3. EDS Test: off
Clear all: off 4. Measure: AMP 4. Relay: N.O 4. EDS Reset: off
5. Autotest: 24h 5. Test/Reset 5. Relay: N.O
6. Clock: 19:08 6. Memory: on
7. Date: 01.01.01 7. CT Setup
8. Test: 12:00 8. n-peak: 001
9. K3 Alarm: on
2. Alarm1 040 kW
3. Alarm2 010 kW
4. K1 : NO 1. EXIT
5. K2 : NO 2. EDS: auto
6. Memory: off 3. System: 3AC
7. M+/M-: 0-20 mA 4. MaxPuls:025mA

TGH1364en/04.2007 35
Operation and setting


99 events with date and time stamp can be stored in the memory database.
The database is designed as a ring memory, i.e. the eldest entry is overwrit-
ten. Data is written into a non-volatile memory and therefore provides pro-
tection against voltage failure.
For each record the display indicates the actual record number, the total
number of records, the event message (see table below, right column), the
date and time. The first two records have a special meaning:
1. Last power on time.
2. Lowest measured insulation value RF since memory reset.

Data record Event Display indication

1 Supply voltage switched on Power On
2 Lowest measured insulation value Rmin
3...99 Response value Alarm 1 triggered Alarm1
3...99 Response value Alarm 1 cleared Alarm1
3...99 Response value Alarm 2 triggered Alarm2
3...99 Response value Alarm 2 cleared Alarm2
3...99 Error system connection triggered System connection?
3...99 Error system connection cleared System connection?
3...99 Error PE connection triggered PE connection?
3...99 Error PE connection cleared PE connection?
3...99 Device error triggered Device error
3...99 Device error cleared Device error
3...99 System reset (watchdog) System reset

Before storing the events with the actual date and time stamp, set the
real-time clock in the ISO ADVANCED menu (refer page 42).
The following function keys are provided to query data from the "HISTORY
INFO" menu: the UP/DOWN keys to change the data record number, the EN-
TER key to change from the data record number to the menu item "Clear
all:on" to delete the memory storage, and the ESC key to leave the menu.
A new entry into the memory is signalled with an "H" on the display in the
standard mode. The "H" will be deleted as soon as the "HISTORY INFO"
menu is called up.

36 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

5.3.1 Diagram HISTORY INFO

R >010 MW
- EDS: off -- auto --

6. EDS 460/490
7. EDS 470

Nr.: 01 #Nr: 08
Power on
01.01.06 16:12
Clear all: off

Nr.: 02 #Nr: 08
Rmin: 010kW Clear all: off Clear all: on
01.01.02 17:26
Clear all: off

Nr.: 03 #Nr: 08
Alarm1: 004kW Clear all: off Clear all: on
03.01.06 10:33
Clear all: off

TGH1364en/04.2007 37
Operation and setting

5.4 ISO SETUP menu: Setting of the basic A-ISOMETER functions

The response values (Alarm 1/2, prewarning and main alarm), the operating
principle of the alarm relays K1 and K2 (N.O = N/O operation, N.C = N/C
operation), the fault storage behaviour and the selection of the current out-
put between two different ranges are set in this menu.

5.4.1 Response values Alarm 1 and Alarm 2

The response values Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 are selected with the UP/DOWN
keys and stored with the ENTER key.

5.4.2 Starting the EDS system via the response values ALARM 1and ALARM 2
The EDS system is started when the value of the insulation resistance falls
below the lowest preset response value, i.e. below both alarm values.
When setting the A-ISOMETER response values, make sure that the lower
value of them is within a range which the EDS system is able to find. There-
fore it is recommended to set the A-ISOMETER response value according
to the response characteristic curves of the EDS system (Refer to page 80).

5.4.3 Operating principle of the alarm relays

K1/K2 are factory set to N.O Test, that means N/O operation. When the
supplement "Test" has been selected, the alarm relays switch over during a
manual self test.
If, for any reason, the alarm relays may not switch over during a manual self
test, the settings N.C or N.O are to be selected.

K1: N.C Test = N/C operation contacts 11-12-14, with relay test
(the alarm relay is energized during normal operation)
K1: N.O Test = N/O operation contacts 11-12-14, with relay test
(the alarm relay is deenergized during normal operation)
K1: N.C = N/C operation contacts 11-12-14, without relay test
(the alarm relay is energized during normal operation)
K1: N.O = N/O operation contacts 11-12-14, without relay test
(the alarm relay is deenergized during normal operation)
K1: Flash = Flashing function contacts 11-12-14
(the alarm relay and the LED flash in the event of an alarm
message, approximately 0.5 Hz

38 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting


R >010 MW
- EDS: off -- auto --

6. EDS 460/490
7. EDS 470

1. Exit
2. AL1: 40 KW Alarm1 : 40 KW
3. AL2: 10 KW
4. K1 : N.O 001 KW
5. K2 : N.O .
6. Memory: off 10 MW
7. M+/M-: 0-20 mA Alarm2 : 10 KW

K1: N.O Test

N.O Test
N.C Test
K2: N.O Test

Memory: off
Memory: on
Memory: off

M+/M-: 0-20 mA
M+/M-: 0-20 mA
M+/M-: 4-20 mA

TGH1364en/04.2007 39
Operation and setting

K2: N.C Test = N/C operation contacts 21-22-24, with relay test
(the alarm relay is energized during normal operation)
K2: N.O Test = N/O operation contacts 21-22-24, with relay test
(the alarm relay is deenergized during normal operation)
K2 : N.C = N/C operation contacts 21-22-24, without relay test
(the alarm relay is energized during normal operation)
K2 : N.O = N/O operation contacts 21-22-24, without relay test
(the alarm relay is deenergized during normal operation)
K2 : Flash = Flashing function contacts 21-22-24
(the alarm relay and the LED flash in the event of an alarm
message, approximately 0.5 Hz)

K3 has to be parameterized in the Menu EDS Setup, refer to page 47.

5.4.4 Memory setting (on/off)

Memory: on = Fault memory is activated
The device must be reset with the RESET button after
clearing the fault.
Memory: off = Fault memory deactivated (factory setting)

In the ISO SETUP menu the memory behaviour of the IRDH575 can be
set. This setting does not have an effect on the memory behaviour of
the connected EDS devices, these settings must be carried out in the
EDS460/490 and EDS470 menu.

40 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

5.4.5 Current output for external measuring instruments

Factory setting: 0...20 mA
The current output of the IRDH575 can be set to "0...20 mA" oder "4...20 mA"
via the menu point "M+/M-:". The maximum load is 500 .

Function 0...20 mA: 20 mA x 120 kW

RF = insulation fault, I = current in mA RF = - 120 kW

Function 4...20 mA: 16 mA x 120 kW

RF = insulation fault, I = current in mA RF = - 120 kW
I - 4 mA

The associated characteristic curves are illustrated on page 76.

TGH1364en/04.2007 41
Operation and setting

5.5 ISO ADVANCED menu: Setting of the extended functions

5.5.1 External coupling device (AGH: no = factory setting)
Coupling devices cannot be connected to the IRDH575.

5.5.2 Selecting the system leakage capacitance range

This menu allows to select the maximum system leakage capacitance Cemax.
You can select between two different ranges: 150 F or 500 F. Adaptation
within the selected range is carried out automatically. Please note that the
basic measuring time will be increased to approximately 10 seconds when
the setting is Ce = 500 F. Please also consider Cemax for the EDS-System,
refer to curves at page 81. Factory setting = 150 F.

5.5.3 Changing the measuring principle from AMP to DC (Measure: AMP)

The DC measuring principle (reduced measuring time) is only suitable for
pure AC systems. Factory setting = AMP.

5.5.4 Setting the repetition time for automatic self tests (Autotest: 24h)
The time for the repetition of automatic self tests can either be set to 1 hour
or to 24 hours or can be deactivated. Factory setting = 24 h

5.5.5 Setting the real-time clock (Clock)

The setting of the real-time clock is the time base for the memory and for the
automatic self test. In case of failure of the supply voltage, the real-time clock
keeps running for approximately 30 days. When the device will be switched on
after this period, a flashing "C" appears on the display and the clock has to be
set again.

5.5.6 Setting the date (Date)

As well as the time, the date is required for the memory, too. In the event of
power supply failure, the date function is not influenced for at least 30 days.
If the device is switched on again after this period, a new setting of date and
time of the real-time clock is required.

5.5.7 Specifying the starting time of the automatic self test (Test)
If the 24h self test is activated in the ISO ADVANCED menu, it is possible to
set the time (hour) when the self test is to be carried out by means of the
"TEST: 12:00" sub menu. Then the self test is automatically carried out once
a day at a given time. If the 1 hour auto test has been selected, the self test
will be carried out at every full hour.

42 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

5.5.8 Diagram ISO ADVANCED

R > 010 MW
- EDS: off -- auto --

6. EDS 460/490
7. EDS 470
1. Exit
2. AGH: no
3. Ce max : 150F Ce max : 150F
4. Measure: AMP
Ce max : 150F
5. Autotest: 24h
Ce max : 500F
6. Clock: 21:09
7. Date: 01.01.01
Measure: AMP
8. Test: 12:00 DC
Autotest: 24h

Clock: 21:09

Date: 01.01.01

Test: 12:00
Test: 00:00
Test: 23:00

TGH1364en/04.2007 43
Operation and setting

5.6 EDS-SETUP menu: Settings for fault location

This menu allows to carry out the necessary settings for the insulation fault
location system (EDS).

5.6.1 EDS auto / on / off / pos / 1cycle

A selection of the start and stop conditions for EDS systems and their mean-
ing are listed below:
The EDS is running continuously, regardless of the insulation value and the alarm
messages from the A-ISOMETER. This setting is essential, for example, for mobile
insulation fault location systems such as EDS3060/3360.
The EDS system is constantly switched off.
pos470 (EDS47... only)
For continuous measurement at a desired address (EDS4...-12) and a certain chan-
nel. The selected parameters are kept until a new operating mode is set.
This function is only possible in the Master mode (bus address 1).
The following messages are possible in the POSITION mode.
Note: the messages noCT and short are only generated when the CT monitoring
for the respective channel has been switched on (= factory setting, menu CT
no EDS: no EDS47... of this address available
no Alarm: no insulation fault detected
... mA: indication of the fault current in case of an insulation fault
>1A/>10 A: AC residual current > 1 A (EDS473) or >10 A (EDS470)
peak fault: measurement disturbed
short: CT input short-circuited
noCT: no CT connected

44 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

5.6.2 Diagram EDS-SETUP

R > 010 MW
- EDS: off -- auto --

6. EDS 460/490
7. EDS 470

1. Exit
2. EDS: auto EDS : auto
3. System: 3AC auto
4. MaxPuls: 025mA on
System: 3AC

MaxPuls: 025mA ADR: 002 k: 001
1 mA no EDS/ 15mA/
2,5 mA >1A/ >10A
10 mA
25 mA
50 mA

TGH1364en/04.2007 45
Operation and setting

EDS47... :
As soon as the insulation resistance has fallen below the A-ISOMETER response
values ALARM 1 and 2, the EDS system is automatically activated. It remains
active until every EDS4...-12 has measured all channels once and when the test
current during the measurements is above 5 mA (EDS470) or 0.5 mA (EDS473).
EDS46... / 49... :
As soon as the insulation resistance has fallen below the A-ISOMETER response
values ALARM 1 and 2, the EDS system is automatically activated. It remains
active for approximately 5 minutes when the test current during the measure-
ment is above 2 mA (EDS470) or 0.2 mA (EDS473).
As soon as the insulation resistance has fallen below the A-ISOMETER response
values ALARM 1 and 2, the EDS system is automatically activated and remains
activated as long as the test current is above 5 mA (0.5 mA). The EDS insulation
fault location process is cyclically interrupted for approximately 5 minutes (fac-
tory setting), i.e. for the time the A-ISOMETER is carrying out insulation fault

5.6.3 System DC / 1 AC / 3 AC
The type of the system to be monitored are to be selected from this sub
DC = DC system
1 AC = single phase AC system
3 AC = three-phase AC system
Factory setting is 3AC!

5.6.4 maxPuls 1 / 2.5 / 10 / 25 / 50 mA:

This setting determines the maximum test current.
1 and 2.5 mA for EDS473 / 461 / 491 systems, preferably 2.5 mA.
1mA is recommended when sensitive electrical equipment is supplied by the sys-
tem, such as PLC controllers.
10, 25 and 50 mA for EDS470 / 460 / 490 systems, preferably 25 mA.
10 mA is recommended when sensitive equipment such as control relays is sup-
plied by the system. 50 mA should only be used in case of systems involving a lot
of parallel faults (factory setting 25 mA).
The test current of the IRDH575 is factory set to 25 mA.

46 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

Please note that the test current is to be set according to the type of
supply system.

Resulting from the type of supply system, the real test current in AC systems
is lower than the setting. The reduction factor is 0.5 in AC-Systems and 0.67
in 3AC systems. Therefore, the test current setting 1 mA for EDS473 and
10 mA for EDS470 devices is not admissible in AC systems.

A list of possible test current settings for IRDH575 in relation to the type of
supply system and insulation fault evaluators is given in the table below:

Type of
EDS460/490 EDS461/491 EDS470 EDS473
min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max.
DC 10 mA 50 mA 1 mA 2,5 mA 10 mA 25 mA 1 mA 2,5 mA
AC 10 mA* 50 mA 1 mA** 2,5 mA 25 mA 25 mA 2,5 mA 2,5 mA
3AC 10 mA* 50 mA 1 mA** 2,5 mA 25 mA 25 mA 2,5 mA 2,5 mA
* = Set the response value of EDS460/490 to < 5 mA
(TGH1394, Chap.
** = Set the response value of EDS461/491 to < 0.5 mA
(TGH1394, Chap.

5.6.5 K3 alarm: ON
The K3 relay can be used either for one or for two functions. It is always
used for signalling IRDH575 device errors.
K3 alarm: on
= K3 signals additionally occurring EDS alarms as common alarm.
Please note that this function is only active in the master mode
(BMS address 1 = factory setting).

K3 alarm: off
= K3 only signals IRDH575 device
Detailed information about the function is given on page 17 and page 15

TGH1364en/04.2007 47
Operation and setting

5.7 EDS460/490 menu

This menu can only be opened in the master mode (bus address 1), all the
settings via the BMS bus can only be carried out in the master mode, even
when several IRDH575 are interconnected. After starting the menu, the
IRDH575 queries the essential parameters of EDS46... / EDS49... and the cur-
rent parameters appear on the display.

5.7.1 General
The following parameters have an effect on that device the BMS address of
which is being displayed. Set the address in order to select the appropriate

Use this menu option to switch the fault memory of the selected EDS46... /
EDS49... on or off. Factory setting = off.

Use this parameter to specify whether the fault location of EDS46... /
EDS49... is to be started by an IRDH575 (Com) or if automatically and con-
tinuously all measuring channels are measured in parallel (Auto). Factory set-
ting = Com.

N. freq
Use this menu option to select the nominal frequency of the system to be
monitored. You may select 50, 60 or 400 Hz. Factory setting = 50 Hz.

Use this menu option to select the type of the distribution system to be mon-
itored. You may select:
DC = DC system
AC = single-phase AC system
3 AC = three-phase AC system
Factory setting = AC.

5.7.2 Channel
The following parameters have an effect on the device the BMS address and
measuring channel of which is being displayed. Set the respective address
and channel in order to select the appropriate device.

48 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

Diagram EDS460 /490 with General and Channel

6. EDS 460/490
7. EDS 470

1. Exit
2. General
3. Channel
4. Relay: N/O
5. Test/Reset
ADR: 2...90 Sw: V1.02
1. Exit
2. Memory: off on Memory: on
3. Trigger: Com
4. N.freq.: 50 Hz Com Trigger: Auto
see 5. System: AC Auto
DC N.freq.: 60 Hz
50 Hz
60 Hz
400 Hz
AC Systeme: 3AC

ResVal: 0005 mA

WS CT: off
ADR: 2...90 CH: 1...12 P52
1. Exit P165
2. ResVal: 0004 mA P20
3. CT: W/WR off 00 s
4. T(on) :00 s 06 s T(on) : 12 s
12 s
5. T(off) :06 s 18 s T(off) : 18 s
6. CTmonitor: on 24 s
7. Inverter: off on
8. Op. mode: N/O CTmonitor: off

on Inverter: on

N/C Op. mode: N/C


TGH1364en/04.2007 49
Operation and setting

Use this menu option to set the response values of the EDS device to be pa-
rameterized. This applies to:
EDS460 / EDS490: 2...10 mA in 1 mA steps, factory setting = 5 mA
EDS461 / EDS491: 200...1000 A in 1 A steps, factory setting. = 500 A

Select the measuring current transformer type to be used from the list below:
W/WR = circular or rectangular measuring current transformer = factory setting
WS = split-core current transformer
off = channel switched off

Use this menu option to set a response delay of 0...24 s for the selected
EDS4... Factory setting = 0 s.

Use this menu option to set a delay on release of 0...24 s for the EDS4...; Fac-
tory setting = 6 s.

CT monitor
To enable or disable the CT monitoring. That enables the EDS... to check the
proper connection of the respective measuring current transformer. After the
test, this will be indicated on the display as described in "chapter 5.7.4 EDS
Test". Faults are indicated by the "Alarm 1 LED. In position "off, this func-
tion is deactivated.
Factory setting = on.

Use this menu option to adapt a selected channel of the EDS46... /49... to a
circuit comprising a frequency converter; Factory setting. = off.

Use this menu option to determine the operating mode of the 12 channel-
related alarm relays of an EDS490 / EDS491; Factory setting = N/O.

5.7.3 Relay
Use this menu to set the parameters for common alarm and system fault
alarm at the relays of EDS46... and EDS49. The following parameters have an
effect on that device the BMS address and the associated alarm relay of
which are being displayed. Set the address and the respective relay /1,2) in

50 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

order to select the appropriate device.

Use this menu option to set the operating mode of the common relays for
alarm 1 and alarm 2. Factory setting: Relay 1 = N/O, Relay 2 = N/C.

Use this menu option to assign an occurring EDS alarm to one or both EDS
alarm relays. Factory setting for Relay 1/2 = on.

Dev. Error
Use this menu option to assign an occurring EDS device fault alarm to one
or both EDS alarm relays. Factory setting. Relay 1 = off, Relay 2 = on.
In case of fault the following fault messages appear on the display of the
no CT (measuring current transformer not connected)
short (measuring current transformer short-circuited)
AC residual> 1 A (EDS461 /EDS491)
AC residual> 10 A (EDS460 /EDS490)

5.7.4 EDS Test

After activating this menu option, the IRDH575 checks all BMS bus nodes
displaying the following details:
Device address
Device type
Software version
CT connection
at EDS47... means:
ok = channel switched on
off = channel switched off
noCT = no measuring current transformer connected
short = measuring current transformer short-circuited
Memory behaviour of the EDS47... (Memory on/off)
Operating principle of the alarm relays of EDS47... (N.O/N.C)
If one of the tested BMS devices does not provide the required properties,
no answer is shown in the list of properties.
Factory setting = off.

TGH1364en/04.2007 51
Operation and setting

5.7.5 EDS Reset

Use this menu option to reset stored fault messages of the connected EDS
devices. Factory setting = off.

Diagram EDS46... /49... with Relay, EDS-Test and EDS-Reset

6. EDS 460/490
7. EDS 470

1. Exit
2. General see previous page
3. Channel
4. Relay: N/O
5. Test/Reset

ADR: 2...90 Relay: 1...2 N/O Op. mode: N/C
1. Exit
2. Op. mode: N/O
3. Alarm: off on Alarm: on
4. Sys. fault: on

on Sys. fault: off


1. Exit
2. EDS Test: off on EDS Test: on busy .... 16 s
3. EDS Reset: off


EDS460 V2.10
CT: open Mem: off

on EDS-Reset: on

52 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

5.8 EDS 470 menu

This menu can only be opened in the Master mode (bus address 1). When
several IRDH575 are interconnected via the BMS bus, all these settings can
only be carried out with a Master device.

5.8.1 EDS Monitor

Indication of all detected insulation faults signalled to the IRDH575 via the BMS
bus by the connected EDS devices. The second line of the display shows the
respective number of an alarm as well as the total number of alarms. The third line
shows the address and the channel of the insulation fault evaluator EDS4... as well
as the measured test current.

5.8.2 EDS Test

IRDH575 checks all BMS bus nodes and indicates the following details:
Device address
Device type
Software version
CT connection
in case of EDS47... means:
off = channel switched off
noCT = no measuring current transformer connected
short = measuring current transformer short-circuited
Memory behaviour of the EDS47... (Memory on/off)
Elongation of the measuring time EDS47... (peak 1...255) in case of measurement
Operating principle of the alarm relay EDS47... (N.O/N.C)

5.8.3 EDS Reset

This menu point can be used to reset stored fault messages of the connected
EDS devices.

5.8.4 Details about the menu points Relay, Memory and n-peak
The parameters indicated on the IRDH575 display do not necessarily corre-
spond to the EDS47... settings. Only when a control command is sent to EDS
by pressing Return, the EDS settings of EDS47... correspond to the IRDH575

TGH1364en/04.2007 53
Operation and setting

5.8.5 Diagram EDS 470

6. EDS 460/490
7. EDS 470

Nr.: 01 #Nr.: 02
1. Exit ADR: 03 k12 20mA
2. EDS Monitor *********************
3. EDS Test: off
4. EDS Reset: off Nr: 01
5. Relay: N/O
6. Memory: on 01...50
7. CT Setup
8. n-peak: 1...255
9. K3 Alarm: on

EDS-Test: off
ADR: 2....90 k: 1....12
EDS-Test: on
Typ: standard/split /off on
conn.-CT: on/off off

busy .... 16 s

K3 Alarm: on
off EDS470-12 V2.10
CT:noCT Mem: off
peak: 255 Rel: N/O

EDS-Reset: off EDS-Reset: off


4. EDS Reset: off

5. Relay: N.O Relay: N.O Relay: N.C
6. Memory: on N.O

Memory: on EDS-Reset: off


54 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

5.8.6 Relay
Operating principle of the alarm relays of EDS47...:
N.C = N/C operation
N.O = N/O operation = factory setting

5.8.7 Memory
Setting of the memory behaviour of EDS47...
The factory setting is on.
When the memory is in "on" position, the alarms of an EDS47... are maintained
until a RESET is carried out via the menu (IRDH575) or the RESET key is pressed on
the EDS47....
When the memory if in "off" position, the alarm stored in the EDS47... will be
deleted when the next scanning is carried out, provided that no insulation fault
exists and no insulation fault location process is running.

5.8.8 CT Setup:
Setting of the CT type and connection monitoring for EDS47...:
Setting the BMS address of an EDS47... that is to be configured.
Setting the BMS channel that is to be configured.

When ADR:2-90 and k:1-12 are selected, the same CT type will be set for every
channel of every device address.
standard = measuring current transformers of circular and rectangular
type = factory setting
split = split-core measuring current transformers
off = channel switched off
On or off switching of the CT monitoring
Factory setting is on.
The CT connection monitoring of the EDS4...-12 recognizes whether a meas-
uring current transformer is correctly connected. This will be indicated on
the display after a test has been carried out as described in "chapter 5.8.2
EDS Test". In "off position" this function is deactivated.

TGH1364en/04.2007 55
Operation and setting

5.8.9 n-peak:
n-peak: 1-255
Setting of the maximum automatic elongation of the measuring time of the con-
nected EDS47... if disturbances are likely to occur in the system being monitored.
By default, four measurements are carried out per channel before the EDS47...
proceeds to the next channel.
If disturbances occur during the measurement due to system interferences
( signalled by the "Fault"-LED at EDS47...), the number of measurements per chan-
nel will automatically be increased by the preset number n, that means
4 + n measurements per channel are carried out in this case. The n-times elonga-
tion of the measuring time per channel will automatically be stopped, when the
fault is eliminated.
Factory setting is n = 5.

The functions of the EDS470 menu and the position mode in the EDS
SETUP menu is not available in the Slave mode!
Both functions are only available in the Master mode (address 1).

56 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

5.9 COM SETUP menu: Setting the BMS interface

5.9.1 Bus address (Addr: )
This menu item is used to set the BMS bus address of the IRDH575. Take
care that the bus address is not assigned twice.
The device is factory set to address 1 and hence acts as a Master.

If several IRDH575 are operated on one BMS bus, the addresses of other
A-ISOMETERs must be assigned one after the other, since only one de-
vice may represent the Master.

5.9.2 ISO Monitor

This function allows to query the current measured value as well as the mes-
sages of all bus-capable A-ISOMETERs existing in the BMS network. After
selecting the bus address, the entire information stored by the selected de-
vice is indicated on the display

The display indication is structured similar to the standard indication, but in-
stead of the indication of the measuring pulse, the selected bus address is
indicated. Without pressing a key, the indication changes to the standard in-
dication of the IRDH575 after about five minutes.
If there is no information available from the selected A-ISOMETER, the
message "!!!!NO DATA!!!!" will be displayed.

< < BU S S C A N N I N G > >

Information is being searched: R= A D R: 02

! ! ! ! N O D ATA ! ! ! !
No data found: R= A D R: 02

I n s u l at i o n Fa u l t
Current data address 03: R= 010K W A D R: 03

TGH1364en/04.2007 57
Operation and setting

5.9.3 ISOnet
Use this menu item to activate the ISOnet function of an IRDH575. Refer to
page 14 for an ISOnet description.

5.9.4 Diagram COM SETUP

R > 010 MW
- EDS: off -- auto --

6. EDS 460/490
7. EDS 470

1. Exit
2. Addr: XXX Addr: XXX
3. ISO Monitor ADR: 001
ADR: 030
R >123 kW ADR: 01

58 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

5.10 PASSWORD menu

5.10.1 Activating and setting the password
This menu can be used to activate a "Password" query. This protects the A-
ISOMETER against unauthorized settings and modifications.

The desired password (menu item 2. Password: xxx) can be set with the UP/
DOWN keys and confirmed with the ENTER key.
The password can be activated in the menu item "3. Status: on" by clicking
the ENTER key. The factory setting is "3. Status: off", that means that the pass-
word is deactivated.

5.10.2 Diagram PASSWORT

R >010 MW
- EDS: off -- auto --

6. EDS 460/490
7. EDS 470

1. Exit
2. Password: XXX Password: XXX
3. Status: off 000
Status : off

TGH1364en/04.2007 59
Operation and setting

5.11 Menu LANGUAGE

5.11.1 Setting the national language
The menu item "Language" allows fault messages of the A-ISOMETER to be
set to different languages. There is the choice of German and English.
The device menu is not influenced by the language selection.

5.11.2 Diagram Language

R > 010 MW
- EDS: off -- auto --

6. EDS 460/490
7. EDS 470

1. Exit
2. Text: Deutsch Text: Deutsch

60 TGH1364en/04.2007
Operation and setting

5.12 Menu SERVICE

This menu item is provided for the BENDER service personnel and is pro-
tected by a password against erroneous settings. It is intended to provide fast
fault clearance by qualified experts in the event of a device error.

5.13 Parameterization via Internet

The parameters of an IRDH575 indicated below can be checked and set from
a remote place of use by using a personal computer. In addition, a browser
(viewing program for Internet application) and our protocol converter
FTC470XET (BMS <==> Ethernet/TCP/IP) are required.

Remote setting is, for example, possible for:

Response value Alarm 1 (1...10,000 k)
Response value Alarm 2 (1...10,000 k)
Operating principle alarm relay K1 (e.g. N/O operation)
Operating principle alarm relay K2 (e.g. N/O operation)
Measuring principle (AMP or DC)
Current output ranges for external measuring instruments (0/4...20 mA)
Maximum system leakage capacitance (150 F or 500 F)
Time for repetition of the automatic self test (off/ 1 h/ 24 h)
Starting time of the automatic self test (0.00...23.00 h)
Language of the alarm messages to be displayed (D, GB)
Setting the fault memory to ON or OFF
EDS mode (on, off, auto, 1 cycle), start and stop conditions for the EDS systems
EDS type of system (DC, AC, 3 AC)
EDS max. test current (1 / 2,5 / 10 / 25 / 50 mA)
EDS Position Mode address (BMS address of the EDS47... to be requested)
EDS Position Mode channel (BMS channel of the EDS47... to be requested)

TGH1364en/04.2007 61
Operation and setting

62 TGH1364en/04.2007
6. Serial interfaces

6.1 RS485 interface with BMS protocol

The RS485 interface is galvanically isolated from the device electronics and
current output serves as a physical transmission medium for the BMS proto-
col. If several IRDH575 or other bus-capable devices are interconnected in a
network via the BMS bus, the BMS bus must be terminated at both ends with
a 120 resistor. (Switch S1 = ON).
An RS485 network that is not terminated, is likely to get instable and may
result in malfunctions. Only the first and the last device in one line may be
terminated. Devices in between must not be terminated with 120 (switch
S1 = OFF). Hence, stub feeders in the network must not be terminated. The
length of the stub feeders is restricted to 1 meter.

1st device ... device last device


120 W Stub feeder 120 W

0.6W maximum 1 m 0.6 W

Maximum length of the RS-485 bus: 1200 m

TGH1364en/04.2007 63
Serial interfaces

6.2 Topology RS485 network

The optimum topology for the RS485 network is a daisy-chain connection.
In this connection, device 1 is connected to device 2, device 2 to device 3,
device 3 to device n etc. The RS485 network represents a continuous path
without branches.

6.2.1 Correct arrangement

Three examples for correct arrangement:

6.2.2 Wrong arrangement

Three examples for wrong arrangement:

6.2.3 Wiring
A suitable type of cable for the wiring of the RS485 network is:
screened cable, core diameter 0.6 mm
(e.g. J-Y(ST)Y 2x0.6), screen on one side connected to earth (PE).
Connection to the terminals A and B.
The number of bus nodes is restricted to 32 devices. When more devices are
to be connected, Bender recommends to use an RS485 repeater DI1.

33 64

1 32


64 TGH1364en/04.2007
Serial interfaces

6.3 BMS protocol (BMS)

This protocol is an essential part of the Bender Measuring Device Interface.
Data transmission generally makes use of ASCII characters.
Interface data are:
Baud rate: 9600 baud
transmission: 1 start bit, 7 data bits, 1 parity bit, 1 stop bit (1, 7, E, 1)
Parity: even
Checksum: sum of all transmitted bytes = 0 (without CR and LF)

The BMS bus protocol works according to the MASTER-SLAVE principle.

That means that one device represents the MASTER while all other bus nodes
are SLAVES. It is important that only one MASTER is present in each net-
work. All bus nodes are identified by a unique address. The MASTER scans
all other devices on the bus cyclically, listens to their signals and then carries
out specific commands. Bus address 1 must be assigned to the Master, which
can be one IRDH575 device.

6.3.1 BMS Master

A Master can query all warning and operating messages from a slave.
If the bus address 1 has been selected for the IRDH575, this device automat-
ically represents the Master, that means that all addresses between 1 and 150
are cyclically scanned via the BMS bus for alarm and operating messages. If
the Master receives no answer from five subsequent addresses, the scanning
cycle is started again. If the Master recognizes incorrect answers from a slave,
the fault message "Fault RS485" is issued by the Master.

Fa u l t R S 4 8 5
Rs=011kW . H

TGH1364en/04.2007 65
Serial interfaces

Faults may be caused when:

addresses are assigned twice
a second master exists on the BMS bus
interference signals occur on the bus lines
a defective device is connected to the bus
terminating resistors are not activated

6.3.2 BMS-Slave
In a BMS network for each slave an individual address between 2 and 30
slave has to be selected. There may be no gaps of more than five subse-
quent addresses, so that all slaves can be scanned by the Master. For
IRDH575 a BMS address can be selected from the address range 1 ... 30.
When assigning the addresses, also other devices such as the EDS4... must
be considered.
The correct reception of BMS data is indicated by a flashing point on the dis-
play on the right of the measuring pulse indication.

Fa u l t R S 4 8 5
Rs=011kW . H Flashing point:
--EDS:on---auto--- BMS data received
If no flashing point appears, it may be attributed to the following:
no Master available in the network
more than one Master available in the network
RS485 interface (terminal A/B) not connected or reversed

In the Slave mode, the functions of the EDS470 menu and the posi-
tion mode in the EDS SETUP menu are not available! Both functions
are only available in the Master mode.

66 TGH1364en/04.2007
Serial interfaces

6.3.3 BMS operation in the Standby mode

The BMS function of the Master A-ISOMETER is completely available in the
standby mode (Stand-by: F1/F2 bridged).
The function ISO Monitor in the COM menu can be used to request data from
other bus nodes, for example:
actual insulation values of other SLAVE ISOMETERs connected to the BMS bus
fault messages of all SLAVE devices connected to the BMS bus

The following table gives an overview about essential alarm messages and
the assignment of the messages indicated on the display or operator panels,
e.g. PRC1470.

Message Channel Meaning

Insulation Fault 1 Insulation resistance < setting Alarm 1

Insulation Fault 2 Insulation resistance < setting Alarm 2

Connection system 3 Connection error L1/L2 against system

Connection PE 4 Connection error /KE against PE conductor

Device error 5 Internal device error

Standby 6 Isolated from the system to be monitored, no

insulation measurement

TGH1364en/04.2007 67
Serial interfaces

6.3.4 Combination with EDS46... devices

The following illustration shows an IRDH575 device in combination with
EDS46... and the measuring current transformers W ... for insulation fault lo-
cation.The factory setting of the devices can usually be maintained. If several
EDS46... are used, the addresses within the range 2 to 30 in subsequent order
must be used. For details about the EDS settings refer to EDS SETUP and
EDS460/490 on page 44 respectively page 53.

Un: 3(N)AC, AC

Us transformer
see name plate
to the

6A 6A

A1 A2 L1 L2 L3 A1 A2 k1 l k2

IRDH575 EDS460



68 TGH1364en/04.2007
Serial interfaces

The following operating manuals are available when using the IRDH575 in
combination with EDS systems for other applications:
TGH 1243 for EDS470 application:
power supply systems, extended systems, systems with frequency converters,
response sensitivity of at least 5 mA
TGH 1321 for EDS473 application:
control systems, small systems, systems with PLC, response sensitivity
at least 0.5 mA
TGH 1282 about project planning for EDS470 and EDS473 systems
TGH 1394 for EDS460 /EDS490, Application:
power supply systems, extended systems, systems with frequency converters,
response sensitivity of at least 2 mA
for EDS461 /EDS491, Application:
control systems, small systems, systems with PLC, response sensitivity
at least 0.2 mA

6.3.5 Commissioning of an RS485 network with BMS protocol

Connect the terminals A and B of all bus nodes in one line
Switch the terminating resistors on at the beginning and end of the RS485 net-
work or in case of devices without a terminating switch, at the end of the bus,
connect a 120 resistor to the terminals A and B.
Switch the supply voltage US on.
Determine one IRDH575 as the Master and assign address 1.
Assign the addresses (2...150) successively without gaps to all other IRDH575
devices and other bus nodes (see table below).
Check whether a flashing point appears on all devices with a display
(BMS commands are being received). Other devices use an RS485 LED to signal
the bus traffic.
The sub menu "ISO-Monitor" in the COM SETUP menu allows insulation values of
the A-ISOMETERs to be queried. Before starting the query, the address of the A-
ISOMETER has to be entered.
In the "EDS Test menu all preset Slave addresses can be checked

TGH1364en/04.2007 69
Serial interfaces

BMS bus address ranges

Addresses* Device Meaning
0 There is no device with address 0 !
Information sent to BMS address 0 applies to all
devices connected to the BMS bus (broadcast)
1 PRC1470 Control and indicating device
1...30 IRDH275B/ Insulation monitoring device
1...30 FTC470... Protocol converter
2...30 EDS47... Insulation fault evaluators (localisation)
31...60 SMO480 Signal converter relay
EDS4...E2 Insulation fault evaluator (localisation
1...90 EDS46... / 49... Insulation fault evaluators (localisation)
61...90 EDS4...E Insulation fault evaluators (localisation)
111...119 PGH47x Insulation fault test device
121...150 PGH47xE Insulation fault test device

* When assigning addresses, take care that there are no gaps greater
than five in the respective ranges (1...30, 31...60, 61...90, 111...119
and 121...151

70 TGH1364en/04.2007
7. Technical data IRDH575

7.1 Data in tabular form

The values marked with * are absolute values
Insulation coordination acc. to IEC 60664-1
Rated voltage ................................................................................................................................AC 800 V
Rated impulse voltage/pollution degree ....................................................................................... 8 kV / 3
Voltage ranges
Nominal voltage range Un ................................................................................... AC, 3(N)AC 20...150 V*
Nominal frequency fn ............................................................................................................. 50...460 Hz
Nominal voltage range Un .................................................................................................. DC 20...150 V*
Nominal voltage range Un ................................................................................... AC, 3(N)AC 20...575 V*
Nominal frequency fn (for f < 50 Hz see characteristic curve on page 75) .......................... 50...460 Hz
Nominal voltage range Un .................................................................................................. DC 20...575 V*
Nominal voltage range Un ................................................................................ AC, 3(N)AC 340...760 V*
Nominal frequency fn (for f < 50 Hz see characteristic curve on page 75) .......................... 50...460 Hz
Nominal voltage range Un ................................................................................................ DC 340...575 V*
Supply voltage Us (see name plate)........................................................................................ 88...264 V*
Frequency range Us ................................................................................................................. 42...460 Hz
Supply voltage Us (see name plate .................................................................................... DC 77...286 V*
Supply voltage Us (see name plate).................................................................................. DC 19,2...72 V*
Power consumption ...................................................................................................................... 14 VA
Response values
Response value Ran1 (Alarm1) ........................................................................................... 1 k...10 M
Response value Ran2 (Alarm2) ........................................................................................... 1 k...10 M
Absolute error (1 k...10 k) ...................................................................................................... +2 k
Relative percentage error (10 k...10 M)........................................................................ 0 %...+20 %
Measuring time.................................................................................................... see characteristic curves
Hysteresis (1 k...10 k) ............................................................................................................. +2 k
Hysteresis (10 k...10 M)............................................................................................................. 25 %

TGH1364en/04.2007 71
Technical data IRDH575

Measuring circuit for insulation measurement

Measuring voltage Um .................................................................................................................... 40 V
Measuring voltage Um (IRDH575B1-4227).................................................................................... 10 V
Measuring current Im (at RF = 0)........................................................................................... 220 A
Internal DC resistance DC Ri ....................................................................................................... 180 k
Internal impedance Zi, at 50 Hz ................................................................................................ 180 k
Permissible extraneous DC voltageUfg (version B1)............................................................... DC 810 V
Permissible extraneous DC voltageUfg (version B2)............................................................. DC 1060 V
System leakage capacitance Ce ................................................................................................. 500 F
Factory setting Ce............................................................................................................................ 150 F
Measuring circuit for insulation fault location (EDS)
Test current Ip DC....................................................................................................... 1/2,5/10/25/50 mA
Test pulse/break ............................................................................................................................. 2 s / 4 s
Display, illuminated.......................................................................................................... four-line display
Characters (number of characters) .................................................................................................. 4 x 16
Display range, measuring value......................................................................................... 1 k....10 M
Absolute error (1 k...10 k)....................................................................................................... 1 k
Relative percentage error (10 k...10 M).................................................................................. 10 %
Inputs / Outputs
Test / Reset button .......................................................................................................... internal/external
Current output for measuring instrument SKMP (scale centre point = 120 k):....................................
Current output IRDH575 (max. load)................................................................... 0/4...20 mA ( 500 )
Accuracy current output (1 k...1 M) ........................................................................ 10 %, 1 k
Serial interface
Interface / protocol................................................................................................................ RS485 / BMS
Cable length .............................................................................................................................. 1200 m
Recommended cable (screened, screen on one side connected to PE) ........................... J-Y(ST)Y 2x0,6
Terminating resistor ........................................................................................................... 120 (0,5 W)
Switching elements
Switching components .......................................... 3 changeover contacts: K1 (Alarm 1), K2 (Alarm2),
................................................................................. K3 (device fault, additionally selectable EDS Alarm)
Operating principle K1, K2 ...................................................................................... N/O or N/C operation
Factory setting (Alarm1/Alarm2) ....................................................................................... N/O operation
Operating principle K3......................................................................................................... N/C operation
Electrical endurance ............................................................................................................. 12 000 cycles

72 TGH1364en/04.2007
Technical data IRDH575

Contact class.......................................................................................................... IIB (DIN IEC 60255-23)

Rated contact voltage............................................................................................... AC 250 V / DC 300 V
Making capacity....................................................................................................................... AC / DC 5 A
Breaking capacity ......................................................................................... 2 A, AC 230 V, cos phi = 0.4
...................................................................................................................... 0.2 A, DC 220 V, L/R = 0.04s
Contact current at DC 24 V ............................................................................................. 2 mA (50 mW)
General data
EMC immunity ................................................................................................................. acc. to EN 61326
EMC emission................................................................................................................... acc. to EN 61326
Shock resistance acc. to IEC 60068-2-27.............................................................................. 15 g / 11 ms
Bumping acc. to IEC 60068-2-29............................................................................................ 40 g / 6 ms
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC 60068-2-6 (device in operation) ................................. 1 g / 10...150 Hz
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC 60068-2-6 (during transport)...................................... 2 g / 10...150 Hz
Ambient temperature, during operation ......................................................................... -10 C...+55 C
Storage temperature range .............................................................................................. -40 C...+70 C
Climatic class according to IEC 60721-3-3 .......................................................................................... 3K5
Operating mode....................................................................................................... continuous operation
Mounting ........................................................................................................ as indicated on the display
Connection ..................................................................................................................... plug-in terminals
Connection, rigid/flexible ............................................................................ 0.2...4 mm2 / 0.2...2.5 mm2
Connection, flexible with connector sleeve, without/with plastic sleeve....................... 0.25...2.5 mm2
Conductor sizes (AWG).................................................................................................................... 24...12
Degree of Protection, internal components (DIN EN 60529) ............................................................. IP30
Degree of Protection, terminals (DIN EN 60529)................................................................................ IP20
Degree of Protection, in case of door mounting (DIN EN 60529) ...................................................... IP40
Degree of Protection, in case of mounting into a door with panel sealing (DIN EN 60529)............. IP42
Type of enclosure: suitable for panel mounting .......................................................... free from halogen
Flammability class ...................................................................................................................... UL94 V-0
Software version ....................................................................................................................... D185 V1.6
Weight ........................................................................................................................................... 900 g
Option "W"
Shock resistance acc. to IEC 60068-2-27 (device in operation)........................................... 30 g / 11 ms
Bumping acc. to IEC 60068-2-29 (transport)......................................................................... 40 g / 6 ms
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC 60068-2-6............................................................... 1.6 mm / 10...25 Hz
.......................................................................................................................................... 4 g / 25...150 Hz
Ambient temperature, during operation ......................................................................... -25 C...+70 C
Ambient temperature, during operation .. > 55 C no continuous insulation fault location with 50 mA

TGH1364en/04.2007 73
Technical data IRDH575

Storage temperature range.............................................................................................. -40 C...+85 C

7.2 Standards, approvals and certifications

The A-ISOMETER was designed under consideration of the following

- DIN EN 61557-8 (VDE 0413-8):1998-05

- IEC 61557-8:1997-02
- EN 61557-8:1997-03
- IEC 61557-9:1999-09
- EN 61557-9:1999-11
- EN 61326
- DIN EN 60664-1 (VDE 0110-1):2003-11
- DIN EN 60664-3 (VDE 0110-3):2003-09
- ASTM F1669M-96(2002)

74 TGH1364en/04.2007
Technical data IRDH575

7.3 Characteristic curves

7.3.1 Characteristic curves of the A-ISOMETER

A-ISOMETER response times in relation to system leakage capacitances of:

Ce = 1...500 F
Un = 20...575 V (Version B1) / 50 Hz
Un = 340...760 V (Version B2) / 50 Hz
10 M
tan [s]



0 k


1 10 100 1000
Ce [F]

Max. AC voltage between system and earth in the frequency range < 50 Hz

Un [V]
1000 IRDH575B2
760 V

575 V

0,1 0,3 1 10 100
fn [Hz]

TGH1364en/04.2007 75
Technical data IRDH575

Current output 0...20 mA

RF [kW]
10 000




0 5 10 15 20 25
I [mA]

20 mA x 120 kW
RF = - 120 kW

RF = Insulation fault in k
I = Current output in mA

76 TGH1364en/04.2007
Technical data IRDH575

Current output 4...20 mA

RF [kW]
10 000




0 5 10 15 20 25
I [mA]

16 mA x 120 kW
RF = - 120 kW
I - 4 mA

RF = Insulation fault in k
I = Current output in mA

TGH1364en/04.2007 77
Technical data IRDH575

7.3.2 Characteristic curves of the insulation fault evaluators EDS46... /EDS49...

Allowable response values for AC systems

RF [k]




2 mA
60 5 mA
10 mA





24 48 110 230 400
Un [V]

Allowable response values for 3 AC systems

RF [k]



2 mA
150 5 mA
10 mA



24 48 110 230 400 500 690
Un [V]

78 TGH1364en/04.2007
Technical data IRDH575

Allowable response values for DC systems

RF [k]



2 mA
5 mA
20 10 mA


24 48 110 230
Un [V]

TGH1364en/04.2007 79
Technical data IRDH575

7.3.3 Characteristic curves for the insulation fault location system EDS470

Allowable response values


RF 25
(kW) 20


24 48 110 230 U n (V)
Curve 1a:
Allowable response values in relation to the system voltage to be monitored
for a maximum system leakage capacitance Ce as shown by curve 2a
In order to start automatic insulation fault location, the resistance values to
be selected for ALARM 1 and ALARM 2 must be sufficiently low at a given
nominal voltage. Otherwise, the EDS test current is not sufficient to localise
the insulation fault. Determine the suitable values by means of the character-
istic curves.


RF 50
(kW) 40


U n (V)
230 400 500 690 1000
Curve 1b:
Allowable response values in relation to the system voltage to be monitored
for a maximum system leakage capacitance Ce as shown in curve 2b.

80 TGH1364en/04.2007
Technical data IRDH575

Maximum system leakage capacitances for the insulation fault location system
60 AC
50 3AC
(F) 40 DC
24 48 110 230 U n (V)
Curve 2a:
Maximum allowable system leakage capacitance in relation to the system
voltage to be monitored. Up to this limiting value of the system leakage ca-
pacitance, the EDS system has the sensitivity illustrated in curve 1a.

3 AC
C e 2,5 3AC
(F) 2 DC
230 400 500 690 1000 U n (V)

Curve 2b:
Maximum allowable system leakage capacitance in relation to the system
voltage to be monitored. Up to this limiting value of the system leakage ca-
pacitance, the EDS470 system has the sensitivity shown in curve 1b.

TGH1364en/04.2007 81
Technical data IRDH575



R F max



0,1 0,3 0,5 0,7 1,1 1,5 2,2 2,5 4 6 8 10 x Ce max

Curve 3:
A reduction of the response sensitivity at system leakage capacitances great-
er than the maximum permissible value of Ce taken from the curves 2a and
2b. The indication of the test current on the IRDH575 display in case of high
system leakage capacitance also changes.
When considering the curves, a point to be taken into account is that the sum
of the pre-capacitances upstream the measuring current transformer must
amount to at least 50 % of the total capacitance. Otherwise it may result in
wrong alarm messages.
A value of 20 000 FV/400 V = 50 F is taken for the system leakage capac-
itance. Exceeding the limiting value may result in false trippings.

82 TGH1364en/04.2007
Technical data IRDH575

Limiting values for the insulation fault location system EDS473

In order to start automatic insulation fault location, the resistance values set
for ALARM 1 and ALARM 2 at a given nominal voltage must not be too high.
Otherwise, the EDS test current will not be sufficient for the detection of the
insulation fault. Determine the suitable values for your installation by means
of the characteristic curves




RF (k)




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Un (V)

Curve 4:
Allowable response values in relation to the system voltage to be monitored
at a maximum system leakage capacitance Ce as shown by curve 5.
DC: set a test current of 1 or 2.5 mA.
AC: set a test current of 2.5 mA.

The EDS473 system is suitable for nominal voltages of AC 265 V and

DC 308 V.

TGH1364en/04.2007 83
Technical data IRDH575

Maximum system leakage capacitances for the insulation fault location system

Ce (F)


0 100 200 300 400
Un (V)

Curve 5:
Maximum allowable system leakage capacitance in relation to the system
voltage to be monitored.
DC: the test current is to be set to 1 or 2.5.
AC: the test current is to be set to 2.5 mA.

84 TGH1364en/04.2007
Technical data IRDH575



RF max




0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5
x Ce max

Curve 6:
When the system leakage capacitances are greater than the maximum per-
missible value for Ce, as shown in curve 5, the response sensitivity decreases.
The indication of the test current on the IRDH575 display in case of high sys-
tem leakage capacitance also changes.

When considering the curves, a point to be taken into account is that the sum
of the pre-capacitances upstream of the individual measuring current trans-
former must amount to at least 50 % of the maximum total capacitance. Oth-
erwise, it may result in wrong alarm messages.
A value of 300FV/230V = 1.3 F is taken to be the maximum system leakage
capacitance value. When the limiting value is exceeded, false tripping may

TGH1364en/04.2007 85
Value of the respective number
Position of
0= 1= 2= 3= 4=
from the

Status number
1 K1: N/O operation Test K1: N/C operation Test K1: flashing function K1: N/O operation K1: N/C operation

2 K2: N/O operation Test K2: N/C operation Test K2: flashing function K2: N/O operation K2: N/C operation

3 no external coupling
4 Cemax 1 F ** Cemax 10 F ** Cemax 150 F Cemax 500 F
6 Self test every 24 hours Self test every hour no periodic self test

7 Language German Language English

Password protection not Password protection
8 activated activated
AMP measuring
9 DC measuring principle
max. filter frequency max. filter frequency 1Hz max. filter frequency max. filter frequency
10 0.1Hz ** ** 10Hz ** 50Hz **
min. filter frequency min. filter frequency 1Hz min. filter frequency min. filter frequency
11 0,1Hz ** ** 10Hz ** 50Hz **
12 BMS mode ** Isodata ** test data **
Bus address in the tens
13 place IRDH575 Value: 5 ... 9
Bus address in the units
14 place IRDH575 Value: 5 ... 9

15 Number of pulses 2-9 ** Value: 5 ... 9

** The parameters marked with two asterisks are settable via the Service menu item! A password is required for that
purpose !
Technical data IRDH575

Technical data IRDH575

Dimension diagram enclosure IRDH575

2...10 mm


144 mm 21 133 mm 9

Panel cut out 138 x 90 mm

TGH1364en/04.2007 87
Technical data IRDH575

7.4 Ordering details

7.4.1 Standard version

Type Nominal volt. Un Supply voltage Us Art. No.

IRDH575B1-427 AC 20...575 V DC 19,2...72 V B 9106 5502

DC 20...575 V
IRDH575B1-435 AC 20...575 V AC 88...264 V B 9106 5500
DC 20...575 V DC 77...286 V
IRDH575B1-4227 AC 20...150 V DC 19,2...72 V B 9106 5505
DC 20...150 V
IRDH575B1-4235 AC 20...150 V AC 88...264 V B 9106 5504
DC 20...150 V DC 77...286 V
IRDH575B2-435 AC 340...760 V AC 88...264 V B 9106 5503
DC 340...575 V DC 77...286 V

Device with ending "W" provide improved shock and vibration resistance. A
special varnish of the electronics provides higher resistance against mechan-
ical stress and moisture. This makes the devices suitable for use in ships, on
rolling stock and in seismic environment.

7.4.2 Protection against dust and moisture

Type Dimensions Art. No.

Panel sealing, degree of protection IP42 144 x 96 mm B 9806 0006
Transparent cover, degree of protection IP65 144 x 96 mm B 9806 0007

7.4.3 Measuring instruments

Type Measuring range Dimensions Art. No.

9620-1421 0...20 mA 96 x 96 mm B 986 841
9620S-1421 0...20 mA 96 x 96 mm B 986 842

88 TGH1364en/04.2007
Technical data IRDH575

7.4.4 Label for modified versions

There will only be a label in this field if the A-ISOMETER is different from
the standard version.

TGH1364en/04.2007 89
Technical data IRDH575

90 TGH1364en/04.2007
A Characteristic curves, EDS473
Alarm LED 1 29 - Allowable response values insula-
Alarm LED 2 29 tion fault in relation to nominal
Alarm messages 67 voltage 83
Alarm relays, operating principle setting - Allowable system leakage capaci-
38 tance in relation to the system
Automatic self test, repetition time 42 voltage 84
Automatic self test, starting time 42 - Reduction of the response sensitiv-
ity in relation to Cemax 85
B Characteristic curves, IRDH575
- Current output 0...20 mA 76
BMS bus, address ranges 70
- Current output 4...20 mA 77
BMS Master 65
- Max. AC voltage between system
BMS protocol 65
and earth 75
BMS Slave 66
- Response time in relation to system
leakage capacitances 75
C Checking all BMS bus nodes 53
Changing the measuring principle 42 Combination with EDS46... devices 68
Characteristic curves, EDS46... /EDS49... Commissioning flow chart IRDH575 19
- Allowable response values for 3 AC Commissioning of a BMS network 69
systems 78 Current output 0/4...20 mA 77
- Allowable response values for AC
systems 78 D
- Allowable response values for DC
Dimension diagram enclosure 87
systems 79 Display in the menu mode 31
Characteristic curves, EDS470
- Allowable response values insula-
tion fault in relation to nominal
voltage 80 EDS4...
- Allowable system leakage capaci- - Common message 17
tance in relation to the system - Max. test current, setting 46
voltage 81 - Start and stop conditions, setting -
- Reduction of the response sensitiv- auto, on, off, pos, 1cycle 44
ity in relation to Cemax 82 - Type of the system, setting (DC/
1AC/3AC) 46

TGH1364en/04.2007 91

EDS46.../49... 56
- Adapting frequency converters to - Memory behaviour of EDS4...-12,
the system being monitored (in- setting 55
verter) 50 - On or off switching of the CT mon-
- Assigning an EDS Alarm to one or itoring 55
both common relays (Alarm - Operating principle of the alarm
on/off) 51 relays of EDS47..., setting 55
- EDS test (test of all BMS bus nodes) - Reset 53
51 - Test of all BMS bus nodes 53
- Setting delay on response, T(off) Essential functions, A-ISOMETER 9
50 Explanations of symbols and warnings 8
- Setting response values (ResVal) External coupling devices 42
50 External RESET button 27
- Setting the CT type (CT-W/WR) 50 External TEST button 27
- Setting the memory behaviour of
an EDS. 48 F
- Setting the nominal frequency 48
Factory setting 17
- Setting the operating mode of the
Fault messages, language setting 60
12 channel-related alarm relays Flashing point 66
(Channel/Op.mode, only EDS490/ Function 10
491) 50 Function input F1/F2 12
- Setting the operating mode of the
common alarm relays alarm1 and
alarm 2 (Relay/op.mode) 51
- Setting the response delay, T(on) INFO button 29
50 Insulation fault evaluator (EDS) 9
- Setting the system coupling (DC/1 Insulation fault location 9
AC/3 AC) 48 Interconnected systems 12
- Starting the EDS with IRDH575 or ISO Monitor 57
continuous EDS mode (Trigger) ISOnet function
48 - activate, deactivate 58
- To enable or disable the CT moni- - description 14
toring (CT monitor) 50
EDS470/473 M
- CT Setup 55 Measuring instruments 88
- EDS monitor - indication of all de- Memory database 36
tected insulation faults 53 Menu
- Elongation of the measuring time - COM SETUP 57

92 TGH1364en/04.2007

- EDS 460/490 48 IRDH575 57

- EDS 470 53 Setting the date 42
- EDS SETUP 44 Setting the maximum test current 46
- HISTORY INFO 37 Setting the real-time clock 42
- ISO ADVANCED 42 Specify allowable response values
- ISO SETUP 38 - of the insulation fault evaluator
- LANGUAGE 60 EDS46.../EDS49... 78
- PASSWORD 59 - of the insulation fault evaluator
- SERVICE 61 EDS470 80
- structur 34 - of the insulation fault evaluator
Monitor EDS473 83
- EDS Function 53 - see characteristic curves 75
Standards 74
O Status number 86
Operating features and displays IRDH575 System leakage capacity, adaptation 42
Option "W" 9 T
Technical data 71
P Terminating resistor 63
Parameter setting via Internet 61 TEST button 29
Product description 10 Test current 46
Test of all bus nodes, EDS test 51
Topology RS485 64
Real-time clock 11
Relay K3 17
RESET button 11, 29 Wiring 64
Response values Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 set- Wiring diagram 27
ting 38
RS-485 interface 63
RS-485 network
- correct arrangement 64
- wrong arrangement 64
RS-485, termination 27

Self test, A-ISOMETER 29
Setting the BMS bus address of the

93 TGH1364en/04.2007
94 TGH1364en/04.2007
700 Fox Chase
Coatesville, PA 19320

Tel.: 610-383-9200
Fax: 610-383-7100

E-Mail: [email protected]

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