Braking Systems in Railway Vehicles
Braking Systems in Railway Vehicles
Braking Systems in Railway Vehicles
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Abstract Brake is an essential feature in order to retard and Researchers in the past have investigated different
stop the railway vehicle within minimum possible time. This aspects of braking of railway vehicle. Bureika & Mikaliunas
paper presents a discussion about the different braking [1] provided the calculations for Vehicle Braking Force
systems used in railway vehicles. This paper also considers Fitted with UIC Air Brake for Passenger Trains, Wagon
electrodynamic and electromagnetic braking of trains, which is Braking Force Fitted with a UIC Air Brake for Freight
of particular importance in high-speed trains. The calculation Trains Wagon, Braking Distance. Liudvinavicius & Lingaitis
for stopping distance for railway vehicle is provided in this [2] studied different features and related mathematics of
study. electrodynamic braking in highspeed trains. Vernersson [3]
Keywords Air brake; Straight air brake system; Automatic air brake
developed a dimensional finite element model of block and
system; Braking distance; Brake cylinder; Brake pipe; Vacuum brake; wheel, which was coupled through a contact interface for the
Brake delay time purpose of control of heat generation and also the heat
partitioning at block-wheel surface through thermal contact
I. INTRODUCTION resistances. Influence of temperature in wheels and brake
The brakes are used on the coaches of railway trains to block at rail tread braking was analyzed under brake rig
enable deceleration, control acceleration (downhill) or to conditions in the later part of study by Vernersson [4].
keep them standing when parked. While the basic principle Teimourimanesh et al. [5, 6] also investigated the influence
is similar from road vehicle, the usage and operational of temperature on railway tread braking in their study.
features are more complex because of the need to control Author in the past evaluated the different performance
multiple linked carriages and to be effective on vehicles left indices of railway vehicles [7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12], Author
without a prime mover. In the control of any braking system also carried out a broad study of magnetically levitated [13]
the important factors that govern braking action in any and air cushion [14] vehicles in the recent past, presenting a
vehicle are pressure, surface area in contact, amount of heat summary of different types of brakes used in railway
generation and braking material used. Keeping in view the vehicles in this paper.
safety of human life and physical resources the basic
requirements of brake are:
The brake must be strong enough to stop the vehicle The vacuum brake system derives its brake force from the
during an emergency with in shortest possible distance. atmospheric pressure acting on the lower side of the piston
There should be no skidding during brake application in the vacuum brake cylinder while a vacuum is maintained
and driver must have proper control over the vehicle above the piston. The train pipe runs throughout the length
during emergency. of the coach and connected with consecutive coaches by
Effectiveness of brakes should remain constant even on hose coupling. The vacuum is created in the train pipe and
prolonged application or during descending on a down the vacuum cylinder by the ejector or exhauster mounted on
gradient the locomotive.
Brake must keep the vehicle in a stationary position Vacuum brake system has following limitations:
even when the driver is not present. Brake cylinder piston takes longer time to release after
The brake used in railway vehicles can be classified each application of brakes because of single train pipe. On
according to the method of their activation into following a very long train, a considerable volume of air has to be
categories. admitted to the train pipe to make a full brake application,
Pneumatic Brake and a considerable volume has to be exhausted to release
the brake.
Electrodynamic Brake
Vacuum brakes are not suitable for high speed trains the
Mechanical Brake
maximum pressure available for brake application is only
Electromagnetic Brake
atmospheric. The brake power is inadequate for higher
Pneumatic Brake may be further classified into two types
loads and speed.
Vacuum Brake
The practical limit on the degree of vacuum attainable
Compressed air brake means that a very large brake piston and cylinder are
required to generate the force necessary on the brake
either in steps for a graduated application or in one stroke to IV. ELECTRODYNAMIC BRAKING SYSTEM
the extreme position for emergency application. By this Braking system used is electric trains is electrodynamic
movement the brake pipe pressure is reduced and the braking that converts the motor into a braking generator
pressure differenced is sensed by the D.V. against the dissipating the kinetic energy in the form of heat.
reference pressure locked in the control reservoir. Air from Regenerative braking uses the generated electricity instead
the auxiliary reservoir enters the brake cylinder and the of dissipating it as heat, and is becoming more common due
brakes are applied. At the time of release the air in the brake to its ability to save energy. Principle of the electrodynamic
cylinder is vented progressively depending upon the traction, dynamic braking and regenerative braking systems
increase in the brake pipe pressure. When the brake pipe is shown in Fig. 5, 6 and 7 respectively.
pressure reaches 4.8 kg/cm2 the brake cylinder is completely
exhausted and brakes are fully released.
Emergency braking
1. 632 m 1097 m
(level track, 65
km/hr speed)
2. Brake power fading No fading At least by 20%
Fig. 12. Principle of wheel-mounted disc brakes Fig. 14. Principle of electromagnetic brake
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