This document is a resume for Janai Sinclair-Bell summarizing her work experience and education. It shows that she has experience developing and implementing marketing strategies for businesses' social media sites as an intern at Universal Pictures and PetMio. It also outlines her role assisting with event planning and managing social media as a student assistant at Nova Southeastern University. Her resume demonstrates skills in areas such as Microsoft Office, photography, and video editing software.
This document is a resume for Janai Sinclair-Bell summarizing her work experience and education. It shows that she has experience developing and implementing marketing strategies for businesses' social media sites as an intern at Universal Pictures and PetMio. It also outlines her role assisting with event planning and managing social media as a student assistant at Nova Southeastern University. Her resume demonstrates skills in areas such as Microsoft Office, photography, and video editing software.
This document is a resume for Janai Sinclair-Bell summarizing her work experience and education. It shows that she has experience developing and implementing marketing strategies for businesses' social media sites as an intern at Universal Pictures and PetMio. It also outlines her role assisting with event planning and managing social media as a student assistant at Nova Southeastern University. Her resume demonstrates skills in areas such as Microsoft Office, photography, and video editing software.
This document is a resume for Janai Sinclair-Bell summarizing her work experience and education. It shows that she has experience developing and implementing marketing strategies for businesses' social media sites as an intern at Universal Pictures and PetMio. It also outlines her role assisting with event planning and managing social media as a student assistant at Nova Southeastern University. Her resume demonstrates skills in areas such as Microsoft Office, photography, and video editing software.
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J ANAI SI NCL AI R- BELL \\\ Responsible for developing
and implementing marketing strategies for a business's social media sites.
Responsible for regularly evaluating the success of N o vmarketing their a S o u t efforts h e a sand t e rtweaking n U n i their v e r marketing sity strategy as needed. Pitching movie details and tickets to numerous businesses such as Radio Station. Responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies for a business's social media sites. Responsible for regularly evaluating the success of their marketing efforts and tweaking their marketing strategy as needed. Pitching movie details and tickets to numerous businesses such as Radio Station. SKILLS
Universal Pictures | J UN E 20 17 - AUG UST 2 01 7
Movie Mar keti ng Inte r n Promoted upcoming films on social media sites. EXPERIENCE Evaluated marketi ng efforts and correcti ng strategy as needed. Sent movie tickets to businesses and radio stati ons. Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Research, Planning, & Programming
Final Cut Pro 10
PetMio | JAN UARY 20 17 - MAY 20 17 S oc ial Me dia Inte r n Photography Poste d conte nt on soc ial m e dia site s. Made sure that m ar keti ng m atc he d the com pany s st rate g y. E Basic D UAdobe C APremier TION C ollaborate d wit h colle ag ue s insur ing prog ram s we re com m unicate d c le ar ly.
Nova Southeastern University | O C TO B ER 2 01 5- PRES EN T
Nova Southeastern University, 2015-2019 St ude nt Assista nt Major: Strategic Communicati on Assists Offi ce of Student Medias Director with event planning. Minor: Studio Art Maintain financial records, employee files and timesheets. B.A OF ARTS & HUMANTIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Manage social media pages oversee quality control
CONTACT Miami Gardens Xpress | O C TO B ER 2 01 5 - N OVEMB ER 20 16
Public Re lati ons /S oc ial Me dia Re pre se ntati ve Janai Sinclair-Bell Maintain communicati on with parents. Handle media relati ons strategy seeking high-level placements in print, broadcast and Email: [email protected] online media. Phone: + (954) 774-3200 Build relati onships with thought leaders to grow organizati on awareness.
LinkedIn: Janai Sinclair-Bell
Twitter: @JanaiSBell AWARDS & ACHIVEMENTS President Obama's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) (2016) Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Academic Scholarship (2016) Nova Southeastern University Deans List (2015-2017) Miami Dolphins Special Teams Active Volunteer Miramar PAL Senior Mentor