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Books of The Bibl1

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1. How many books are in the Bible? 66

2. How many books are in the Old Testament? 39

3. How many books are in the New Testament? 27

4. About how many men wrote the Bible? 40

5. What are the Books of law? (5)






6. What are the Old Testament Books of History?

Joshua - Esther

7. What are the Books of Poetry? (5)



Song of Solomon



8. What are the Books of Major Prophets? (5)






9. What are the Books of Minor Prophets?

Hosea - Malachi

10. What are the Gospels? (4)





11. What is the New Testament Book of History? Acts

12. Which of the following is the New Testament book of prophecy? Revelation

13. What are the Pauline Epistles? Romans Philemon possibly Hebrews

14. What are the General Epistles? James Jude Possibly Hebrews

15. What is the last book of the Bible. Revelation

16. Testament means "agreement"? True

17. How many Psalms are there? 150

18. What is the longest of all the Psalms?

19. In how many days did God create the world? (Genesis 1) 6

20. What did God create the first day? (Genesis 1) Light

21. What did God create on the second day? (Genesis 1) clouds and sky

22. What did God create on the third day? (Genesis 1) land, plants and trees

23. What did God create on the fourth day? (Genesis 1) sun, moon and stars

24. What did God create on the fifth day? (Genesis 1) birds and fish

25. What did God create on the sixth day? (Genesis 1) animals and man

26. What did God do on the seventh day?

(Genesis 1) rested

27. What was the seventh day called?

(Genesis 1) Sabbath

28. Did it rain when God first created the world? (Genesis 2) No

29. How was the earth watered when God first created the world? (Genesis 2) a mist went

up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground

30. From what did God create man? (Genesis 2) Dust of the ground

31. Who was the first man? (Genesis 2) Adam

32. Who was the first woman? (Genesis 2) Eve

33. Where did the first man and woman live? (Genesis 2) Garden of Eden

34. Of what tree was Adam and Eve NOT to eat? (Genesis 2) The tree of the knowledge

of good and evil

35. What would happen if the fruit of the forbidden tree was eaten? (Genesis 2) They

would die

36. Who named the animals? (Genesis 2) Adam

37. From what did God create the first woman? (Genesis 2) Adam's rib

38. How did Satan appear to Eve? (Genesis 3) a snake, or serpent

39. What did Satan tell Eve would happen if they ate the forbidden fruit? (Genesis 3)

They would become like God, knowing good and evil

40. After eating the forbidden fruit, what did Adam and Eve do when God came to the

garden? (Genesis 3) hid

41. What did Adam and Eve sew together to make clothing? (Genesis 3) fig leaves

42. What did God make clothes from for Adam and Eve? (Genesis 3) skins

43. What guarded the garden after Adam and Eve were driven out? (Genesis 3) a

cherubim and flaming sword

44. Name the first baby. (Genesis 4) Cain

45. Who were three of the sons of Adam and

Eve? (Genesis 4)




46. What did Abel do for a living? (Genesis 4) he was a shepherd

47. What did Cain do for a living? (Genesis 4) he was a farmer

48. Who was the first murderer? (Genesis 4) Cain

49. Who said, "Am I my brother's keeper?" (Genesis 4) Cain

50. After killing his brother, in what land did the first murderer live? (Genesis 4) Nod

51. Who was the father of those who live in tents and have livestock? (Genesis 4) Jabal

52. Who was the father of those who play the harp and flute? (Genesis 4) Jubal

53. What man walked with God and did not die because he was taken by God? (Genesis

5) Enoch

54. Who was the oldest man living for 969 years? (Genesis 5) Methuselah

55. Who was Noah's father? (Genesis 5) Lamech

56. How old was Noah when he had children? (Genesis 6) 500 years old

57. Who were Noah's three sons? (Genesis 5, 6)




58. Who built the ark? (Genesis 6) Noah

59. Of what kind of wood was the ark made? (Genesis 6) gopherwood

60. What was the length of the ark? (Genesis 6:15) 300 cubits (450 feet)

61. What was the WIDTH of the ark? (Genesis 6:15) 50 cubits (75 feet)

62. What was the HEIGHT of the ark? (Genesis 6:15) 30 cubits (45 feet)

63. How many pairs of clean animals were aboard the ark? (Genesis 7) seven

64. How many of each type of unclean animals were aboard the ark? (Genesis 7) two

65. How long did it rain on the earth while Noah and his family were in the ark? (Genesis

7) 40 days and 40 nights

66. The ark rested on what mountain?

(Genesis 8) Ararat

67. How many people were saved aboard the ark? (Genesis 7) 8

68. What was the first bird that Noah sent out? (Genesis 8) raven

69. What was the second bird that Noah sent out? (Genesis 8) dove

2011 Bible Bowl 9 Facts of the Bible

70. What did the dove bring back to Noah the second time it was sent out? (Genesis 8) a

fresh olive branch

71. What did Noah build after exiting the ark? (Genesis 8) an altar to the Lord

72. What was the sign of the promise that God made not to destroy the earth with water

again? (Genesis 98) rainbow

73. What did Noah plant after exiting the ark? (Genesis 9) a vineyard

74. Who was the mighty hunter mentioned in Genesis 10? Nimrod

75. What tower did men try to build to heaven? (Genesis 11) tower of Babel

76. What did God do when He saw the tower of Babel? (Genesis 11) confused their


77. Who is called the "father of many nations?" (Genesis 17) Abraham

78. Who was Abraham's nephew? (Genesis11) Lot

79. Who was Sarah's husband? (Genesis 12) Abraham

80. Who was Abram's wife? (Genesis 12) Sarai

81. At the time Lot was carried off, Abram lived near the __________ _________ of

Mamre the Amorite. (Genesis 14) Terebinth trees

82. Who was Sarah's Egyptian maidservant? (Genesis 16) Hagar

83. Where did the angel of the Lord find Hagar after she had run away from Sarah?

(Genesis 16) near a spring in the desert

84. Who was Abram and Hagar's son?

(Genesis 16) Ishmael

85. What was Abram's name God gave to him? (Genesis 16) Abraham

86. What was Sarah's name before God changed it? (Genesis 17) Sarai

87. When Abraham was sitting by his tent, how many men did he see standing nearby?

(Genesis 18) 3

88. What did Sarah bake for the three visitors? (Genesis 18) bread

89. What did Sarah do when the men said she would have a son? (Genesis 18) laughed

90. How many righteous men would it have taken to save the cities of Sodom and

Gomorrah? (Genesis 18) ten righteous men

91. When the two angels arrived at Sodom, who was sitting in the gateway of the city?

(Genesis 19) Lot

92. Where did the angels want to spend the night? (Genesis 19) in the city square

93. What did the angels do to the men who were after them? (Genesis 19) struck them


94. Where was Lot told to run with his family? (Genesis 19) to the mountains

2011 Bible Bowl 10 Facts of the Bible

95. What was Lot and his family not to do as they fled the city of Sodom? (Genesis 19)

don't look back, and don't stop

96. What was Lot's wife turned into? (Genesis 19) a pillar of salt

97. What two cities were destroyed by fire?

(Genesis 19) Sodom and Gomorrah

98. To what town did Lot and his family run? (Genesis 19) Zoar

99. After leaving Zoar, where did Lot live?

(Genesis 19) in a cave

100. Who were Lot's daughter's two sons? (Genesis 19) Moab and Ben-Ammi

101. Who was Abraham and Sarah's son? (Genesis 21:3) Isaac

102. Who were Isaac's two sons? (Genesis 25) Esau and Jacob

103. Describe Esau at birth. (Genesis 25) he was hairy

104. Describe Jacob at birth. (Genesis 25) he was holding onto Esau's heel

105. Where was Abraham buried? (Genesis 25) the Cave of Macpelah

106. Who worked 14 years for a wife? (Genesis 29) Jacob

107. Who did Jacob want to marry? (Genesis 29) Rachel

108. Who fought with an angel? (Genesis 32) Jacob

109. What name did God give Jacob? (Genesis 32) Israel

110. Who was Jacob's first son? (Genesis 35) Reuben

111. Who was given the coat of many colors? (Genesis 37) Joseph

112. Who was sold into Egypt by his brothers? (Genesis 37) Joseph

113. Who were the rulers of Egypt? (Genesis 37) Pharoahs

114. How did Joseph eventually kill his brothers? (Genesis 50) He did not kill them, he

forgave them

115. Who found the baby in the reeds by the river? (Exodus 2) Pharoah's daughter

116. What baby was hidden in an ark made of bulrushes and placed in the reeds by the

river's bank? (Exodus 2) Moses

117. Who ended up nursing the baby? (Exodus 2) Moses' own mother

118. Why did Moses leave Egypt for the land of Midian? (Exodus 3) He killed an


119. Who was Moses' wife? (Exodus 2:21)

Zipporah 120. What was the name of Moses' first son? (Exodus 2) Gershom

121. Who was Moses' father-in-law? (Exodus 3) Jethro

122. Where was the burning bush? (Exodus 3:1,2) Mount Horeb

2011 Bible Bowl 11 Facts of the Bible

123. Who would be the speaker for Moses? (Exodus 4) Aaron

124. What did Aaron's rod become when he threw it down? (Exodus 7) snake

125. Who were Moses' parents? (Exodus 6:20) Amram and Jocobed

126. Who was Moses' brother? (Exodus 6:20) Aaron

127. Who was Moses' sister? (Exodus 6:20) Miriam

128. What led the children of Israel in the wilderness? (Exodus 13) Pillar of fire by night

and pillar of cloud by day

129. How long did the children of Israel wander in the wilderness? (Exodus 16) 40 years

130. What was manna? (Exodus 16) bread

131. When the children of Israel were thirsty, what did God have Moses do to get water?

(Exodus 17) Moses struck the rock and water came out

132. In what did the children of Israel worship God while in the wilderness? (Exodus 25)

the tabernacle

133. The Promised land flowed with _____ and _____? (Exodus 33) Milk, honey

134. Where did Moses get the commandments from God? (Exodus 31, 34) Mount Sinai

135. What did the children of Israel make while Moses was receiving the commandments

from God? (Exodus 32) A golden calf

136. How many commandments were given to the children of Israel? (Exodus 20) ten

137. What two priests died as a result of improper fire offered to the Lord? (Leviticus 10)

Nadab and Abihu

138. How many men went to spy out the

Promised Land? (Numbers 13) twelve

139. How many spies brought back a favorable report? (Numbers 14) two

140. Who were the two spies brought back a favorable report? (Numbers 14) Joshua and


141. What did the people have to look at after being bitten by snakes in the wilderness?

(Numbers 21) a bronze snake

142. Who heard the donkey talk? (Numbers 22) Balaam

143. After Moses' death, who led the children of Israel? (Joshua 1:1-9) Joshua

144. What woman saved the life of the two spies in Jericho? (Joshua 2) Rahab

145. How many times did the Israelites march around the walls fo Jericho before they

fell? (Joshua 6:3,4) thirteen

146. Who was the only woman judge? (Judges 4) Deborah

147. What judge killed a "fat" king? (Judges 3) Ehud

148. What judge defeated thousands with just 300 men? (Judges 7 & 8) Gideon

149. Which judge is known as the strongest man? (Judges 15) Samson

150. Who was able to find out that Samson's hair was important for his great strength?

(Judges 16:16-19) Delilah

151. Who was the first judge? (Judges 1) Othniel

152. Who was the last judge of Israel? Samuel

153. What girl married Boaz after gathering grain in his field? Ruth

154. Who was Ruth's mother-in-law? (Ruth) Naomi

155. Who was Samuel's mother? (1 Samuel 1) Hannah

156. Name the priest that brought up Samuel. (1Samuel 1) Eli

157. What item of clothing did Samuel's mother bring each year? (1 Samuel 1) a robe

158. What little boy heard God call four times in one night? (1 Samuel 3) Samuel

159. How did Eli die? (1 Samuel 4:18) He fell off his seat backward and broke his neck

160. Who was the first king of Israel? (1 Samuel 9) Saul

161. Who was king of Israel after Saul was rejected by God? (1 Samuel 169) David

162. Who killed the giant? (1 Samuel 17) David

163. Who was the giant that David killed? (1 Samuel 17) Goliath

164. How many stones did David pick up? (1 Samuel 17) five

165. Who was David's father? (1 Samuel 16) Jesse

166. Who was Saul's son whom David loved? (1 Samuel 18) Jonathon

167. How many times did David save Saul's life? (1 Samuel 24 & 26) twice

168. What woman did David see bathing? (1 Samuel 11) Bathsheba

169. Who did David have killed? (1 Samuel 11) Uriah

170. What prophet told David about the rich man who took away the poor man's little pet

lamb? (1 Samuel 12) Nathan

171. Who was Solomon's mother? (1 Samuel 12:24) Bathsheba

172. Whose hair caught in the tree while he was riding a mule? (1 Samuel 18) Absalom

173. Who killed the man whose hair was caught in the tree (1 Samuel 18) Joab and ten

young men

174. Who was king following David? (1 Kings 2) Solomon

175. Who is know as the wisest man in the Old Testament? (1 Kings) Solomon

176. Who gave instructions to cut a baby in half? (1 Kings 3:16-27) Solomon

177. What great building did Solomon have built? (1 Kings) The Temple

178. Who reigned as king after the death of Solomon? (1 Kings 12) Rehoboam

179. After the division of the Kingdom, what was the northern Kingdom known? (1

Kings) Israel

180. After the division of the Kingdom, what was the southern Kingdom known? (1

Kings) Judah

181. Who first ruled the southern Kingdom? (1 Kings 12:17) Rehoboam

182. Who first ruled the northern Kingdom? (1Kings 12:20) Jeroboam

183. Who ate food brought by ravens? (1 Kings 17) Elijah

184. What prophet challenged the prophets of Baal to call down fire from heaven to

consume a sacrifice? (1 Kings 18:20-) Elijah

185. What woman threatened the life of the prophet who challenged the prophets of

Baal? (1 Kings 19) Jezebel

186. Who joined Elijah after Elijah threw his mantle on him? (1 Kings 19) Elisha

187. What separated Elijah from Elisha while they walked? (2 Kings 2:11) Chariot of fire

with horses of fire

188. What took Elijah up into heaven? (2 Kings 2:11) Whirlwind

189. What about Elisha were the youths making fun of? (2 Kings 2) His bald head

190. What happened to the youths who were making fun of Elisha? (2 Kings 2) Two

bears came out and mauled them

191. How many youths were cursed for making fun of Elijah? (2 Kings 2) 42

192. What Syrian commander with leprosy came to Elisha to be healed? (2 Kings)


193. How many times did Elisha tell the Syrian commander to wash in the river? (2

Kings 5) Seven

194. In what river did Elisha tell the Syrian commander to wash seven times? (2 Kings 5)


195. What did Elisha cause to float upon the water? (2 Kings 6:1-7) An iron axehead

196. If you divide the book of Ezra into two parts, then what is the first half? Chapters 1 -

6 deal with the restoration of the temple

197. If you divide the book of Ezra into two parts, then what is the second half? Chapters

7 - 10 deal with the restoration of the people of God

198. What was Nehemiah's occupation? Cupbearer to the king

199. How many times does God's name appear in the book of Esther? None

200. What queen refused to show her beauty to the king and his people? (Esther 1) Vashti

201. Of what nationality was Esther? (Esther) She was Jewish

202. How was Mordecai related to Esther? (Esther 2:7) They were cousins

203. Who built a gallows for Mordecai? (Esther 5:14) Haman, the captain of the princes

204. Who was eventually hanged on the

gallows? (Esther 7) Haman

205. What man is known for his patience? Job

206. Finish the sentence: "The Lord is my _________ I shall not __________ ."

(Psalm 23) Shepherd; want

207. Who is known as the author of the book of Proverbs? Solomon

208. Who probably wrote Ecclesiastes? Solomon

209. Who is often described as the "weeping

prophet?" Jeremiah

210. What Daniel's other name? (Daniel 1:7)


211. What three men were thrown into the fiery furnace? (Daniel 3)




212. How much hotter was the furnace prepared before the three men were throw in?

(Daniel 3) Seven times hotter than usual

213. How many men did the king see in the furnace? (Daniel 3) Four

214. Who ate grass like an ox? (Daniel 4:33)


215. What king saw the handwriting on the wall? (Daniel 5) Belshazzar

216. How many times did Daniel pray after the decree was given that no man should pray

bfor thirty days to any god or man other than the king? (Daniel 6) Three times a day

217. What king had Daniel thrown into the lion's den? (Daniel 6) Darius

218. What does Hosea's name mean? Salvation

219. What preacher was swallowed by a whale (big fish)? Jonah

220. To what city did God tell Jonah to go and preach? Nineveh

221. Who were John the Baptist's parents?

(Luke 1:5-17) Zechariah and Elizabeth

222. What was John the Baptist's father's occupation? (Luke 1:5-17) Priest

223. What angel appeared to Zechariah and foretold the birth of John the Baptist? (Luke

1:5-25) Gabriel

224. What angel appeared to Mary and foretold the birth of Jesus? (Luke 1:26-38)


225. Who was Jesus' mother? (Matthew 1:18- 25) Mary

226. Who was Jesus' father on earth? (Matthew 1:18-25) Joseph

227. What does the name "Immanuel" mean? (Matthew 1:18-25) "God with us"

228. Who was the Caesar when Jesus was born? (Luke 2:1-7) Augustus

229. In what city was Jesus born? (Luke 2:1-7) Bethlehem

230. In what did the shepherds find Jesus lying? (Luke 2:15-20) A manger

231. What righteous man was told by God that he would not die until he saw Christ?

(Luke 2:25-35) Simeon

232. What did the wise men see that caused them to seek out the Christ? (Matthew 2:1- 8)

A star in the East

233. What king tried to kill Jesus as a baby?

(Matthew 2:1-8;16-18) Herod

234. What three gifts did the wise men bring to the child? (Matt. 2:9-12) myrrh gold


235. In what city did Jesus' family live after being warned in a dream to stay away from

Archelaus? (Matthew 2:19-23) Nazareth

236. How old was Jesus when his parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover

and then accidentally left him there? (Luke 2:41-50) 12 years old

237. Where did Jesus' parents find him in Jerusalem? (Luke 2:41-50) In the temple

238. What food did John the Baptist eat? (Matthew 3:4) Locusts and wild honey

239. Who baptized Jesus? (Matthew 3:13-17) John the Baptist

240. What descended upon Jesus after he was baptized? (Matthew 3:13-17) The Spirit of

God, which was like a dove

241. How long did Jesus fast in the wilderness?

(Matthew 4:1-11) 40 days/40 nights

242. Who tempted Jesus? (Matthew 4:1-11) The devil

243. What does "Rabbi" mean? (John 1:38) Teacher

244. What new name did Jesus give to Simon son of John? (John 1:35-42) Cephas (which

can be translated as "Peter")

245. What was Jesus' first miracle? (John 2:1- 12) Turning water into wine

246. In what city did Jesus perform his first miracle? (John 2:1-12) Cana of Galilee

247. On what occasion did Jesus perform his first miracle? (John 2:1-12) At a wedding

248. What did Peter and Andrew do for a living? (Matthew 4:18-22) They were


249. What was Matthew's other name? (Mark 2:13,14) Levi

250. Which apostle would become a traitor (Luke 6:12-16) Judas Iscariot

251. Which of the apostles was a Zealot? Simon (not Peter)

252. Which of the apostles was the son of Alphaeus? James

253. In every place where the twelve disciples of Jesus are listed, (in Matthew, Mark, and

Luke), which disciple is listed first? Simon, also called Peter

254. What did Jesus do to the money changers in the temple? (John 2:13-25) Drove them


255. When Jesus met the woman at the well, what country was he traveling through?

(John 4) Samaria

256. What was the name of the well at which Jesus met the woman who came to draw

water? (John 4) Jacob's

257. What disciple's mother-in-law was healed by Jesus? (Mark 1) Peter's

258. What was wrong with the man who was lowered from a hole in the roof to be healed

by Jesus? (Mark 2:1-5) He was paralyzed

259. Complete the Beatitude: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, _______" for theirs is the

kingdom of heaven

260. Complete the Beatitude: "Blessed are those who mourn,_____________" "for they

shall be comforted"

261. Complete the Beatitude: "Blessed are the poor in spirit,______" "for theirs is the

kingdom of heaven."

262. Complete the Beatitude: "Blessed are the meek, _______" "for they shall inherit the


263. Complete the beatitude: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

_____" "for they shall be filled."

264. Complete the beatitude: "Blessed are the merciful, ______" "for they shall obtain


265. Complete the beatitude: "Blessed are the pure in heart, ______" "for they shall see


266. Complete the beatitude: "Blessed are the peacemakers, ______" "for they shall be

called sons of God."

267. Complete the beatitude: "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness'

sake, ______" "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

268. Complete the beatitude: "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and

say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad,

______________" "for great is your reward in heaven,"

269. Who preached the Sermon on the Mount? (Matthew 5-7) Jesus

270. In what books of the Bible is the Sermon on the Mount found? Matthew and Luke

271. While teaching, Jesus used stories called ______. Parables

272. When Jesus was in the region of the Gadarenes, where did the man with the evil

spirit come from to meet him? (Mark 5:1- 20) The tombs

273. What was the name of the evil spirit in the man in the region of the Gadarenes?

(Mark 5:1-20) Legion

274. Into what animals did Jesus drive the evil spirits? (Mark 5:1-20) Swine (pigs)

275. How many apostles were sent out together to preach, heal and drive out demons?

(Matthew 1:1-4; Luke 9:6) Two by two

276. Who's daughter asked for John the Baptist's head on a platter and got it? (Matthew

14:3-12; Mark 6:17-29) Herodias' daughter

277. Who had John beheaded? (Matthew 14:3- 12; Mark 6:17-29) Herod

278. The first time Jesus fed a large group of followers, how many men were there?

(Mark 6:35-44; John 6:5-14) 5,000

279. How many loaves of bread and fish did the boy have to feed the people the first time

Jesus fed the multitude? (Mark 6:35-44; John 6:5-14) Five small barley loaves and two


280. How many basketfuls of food did the disciples pick up after Jesus fed the 5,000?

(Mark 6:35-44; John 6:5-14) Twelve

281. On what body of water did Jesus walk? (Mark 6:47-50; John 6:17-21) Sea of Galilee

282. When the disciples first saw Jesus walking on the water, what did they think he was?

(Mark 6:47-50; John 6:17-21) A ghost

283. What disciple tried to walk to Jesus on the water and almost did so? (Matthew

14:28- 33; Mark 6:51,52) Peter

284. How many people did Jesus feed the second time he fed a large crowd? (Mark

8:1-10) 4,000

285. The second time Jesus fed the great crowd, how many loaves of bread did they have

to begin with? (Mark 8:1-10) Seven

286. How many basketfuls of bread did the disciples pick up after Jesus fed the large

crowd the second time? (Mark 8:1-10) Seven

287. In what did Peter find tax money? (Matthew 17:24-27) In the mouth of a fish

288. How many times did Jesus say we should forgive our brothers? (Matthew 18:21,22;

Luke 17:3,4) Seventy times seven

289. Did Jesus' own brothers believe him at first? (John 7:2-9) No

290. After Jesus healed the ten lepers, how many of them came back to thank him? (Luke

17:11-19) One (the Samaritan)

291. In a parable Jesus told, a man was beaten by robbers and left half dead. From where

to where was the man traveling? (Luke 10:25-37) Jerusalem to Jericho

292. Who first passed by the beaten man on the road to Jericho and left him lying there?

(Luke 10:25-37) A priest

293. Who was the second to pass by the beaten man on the road to Jericho and leave him

lying there? (Luke 10:25-37) A Levite

294. Who finally helped the beaten man on the road to Jericho? (Luke 10:25-37) A


295. Where did Mary, Martha and Lazarus live? (John 11:1-4) Bethany

296. How many days had Mary and Martha's brother been in the tomb when Jesus finally

raised him? (John 11:17-27) Four days

297. What is the shortest verse in the Bible and what does it say? "Jesus wept." John


298. Who did Jesus raise from the dead? (John 11:38-44) Lazarus

299. Who climbed the sycamore tree to see Jesus? (Luke 19:1-10) Zacchaeus

300. What was Zacchaeus' occupation? (Luke 19:1-10) Chief tax collector

301. Who poured very expensive perfume on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair?

(John 12:1-8) Mary

302. On what kind of animal did Jesus sit as he entered Jerusalem for the triumphal

entry? (Mark 11:7) A colt

303. What did the people place on the road as Jesus made his triumphal entry in

Jerusalem? (Mark 11:8-10) Garments and leafy branches

304. What did Jesus refer to as a "den of thieves?" (Mark 11:15-17) The temple with the


305. How much did the poor widow put in the temple treasury? (Mark 12:41-44) Two

mites (all she had to live on)

306. Who knows the exact day Christ will come again? (Matthew 24:36-44) Only the


307. In the parable of the talents, how many talents did the master give to the first

servant? (Matthew 25:14-30) five

308. In the parable of the talents, how many Talents did the master give to the second

servant? (Matthew 25:14-30) two

309. In the parable of the talents, how many talents did the master give to the last

servant? (Matthew 25:14-30) one

310. What did the third servant do with the talent(s) he received from his master?

(Matthew 25:14-30) He hid the talent in the ground

311. For how many pieces of silver was Jesus betrayed by one of his own disciples?

(Matthew 26:14-16; Luke 22:3-6) Thirty

312. What does the bread in the Lord's Supper represent? (Luke 22:17-20) The body of


313. What does the cup in the Lord's Supper represent? (Luke 22:17-20) The blood of


314. What did Jesus wash at his final meal, with the disciples, before his death? (John

13:1- 5) The disciples' feet

315. What had Judas Iscariot been in charge of? (John 13:27-30) The money

316. Who denied Jesus three times? (John 13:36-38; John 18: 15-27) Peter

317. Who is the "Helper" that Jesus spoke of? (John 14) The Holy Spirit

318. What three disciples did Jesus take with him as he fervently prayed at Gethsemane?

(Mark 14:32-34) Peter, James and John

319. What was the sweat of Jesus likened to as he prayed? (Luke 22:41-45) Drops of


320. What did the betrayer do to signify who Jesus was? (Mark 14:43-45) He kissed him

321. Who cut off the ear of the high priest's servant? (John 18:10,11) Peter

322. What was the servant's name who had his ear cut off? (John 18:10,11) Malchus

323. What happened after Peter denied Jesus for the third time? (Luke 22:60-62) The

rooster crowed

324. Who committed suicide by hanging himself? (Matthew 27:3-10) Judas Iscariot

325. What was the name of the place where the betrayer hung himself? (Matthew 27:3-

10) Field of Blood

326. Who was the Roman procurator and governor that tried Jesus? (Matthew 27:2)

Pontius Pilate

327. Who had a dream about Jesus during the time He was being tried and told Pilate

about the dream? (Matthew 27:19) Pilate's wife

328. What criminal was released from prison instead of Jesus? (Mark 15:6-10; Luke

23:24,25) Barabbas

329. Who washed his hands of Jesus' blood? (Matthew 27:24) Pilate

330. What was placed on Jesus' head after he was flogged? (Matthew 27:27-30) Crown of


331. Who carried Jesus' cross for him? (Mark 15:21,22) Simon of Cyrene

332. What was the name of the place where

Jesus was crucified? (Luke 23:27-31) Golgotha

333. What does "Golgotha" mean? (Luke 23:27- 31) Place of the skull

334. What did the sign say that was fastened above the cross? (John 19:19-22) Jesus of

Nazareth, The King of the Jews

335. How did the soldiers divide up Jesus' clothing? (John 19:23,24) They cast lots

336. What did Jesus drink while on the cross? (John 19:30) Wine vinegar

337. What happened at the moment of Jesus' death? (Matthew 27:51-53) Tombs broke

open and bodies of holy people were raised to life The earth shook and rocks split Curtain

of the temple was torn in two

338. What did the soldier do to Jesus after discovering Him already dead on the cross?

(John 19:31-37) Pierced his side with a sword

339. Who asked for the body of Jesus after his death? (Mark 15:42-45) Joseph of


340. What was placed in front of Jesus' tomb? (Matthew 27:59,60) A large stone

341. Who is known as the doubting apostle?

(John 20:24,25) Thomas

342. Who replaced Judas as an apostle? (Acts 1:23-26) Matthias

343. In what city was the church established? (Acts 1-2) Jerusalem

344. On what day was the church begun? (Acts 2) Pentecost

345. Who was called the "Son of Encouragement?" (Acts 4:36) Barnabas

346. What husband and wife lied to the Holy Spirit about money and were struck dead?

(Acts 5) Ananias and Sapphira

347. Who was the first Christian martyr? (Acts 7) Stephen

348. What sorcerer was rebuked by Peter? (Acts 8:9-24) Simon

349. Who did Philip teach and baptize on the road to Gaza? (Acts 8:26ff) Ethiopian


350. Who did Jesus appear to on the road to Damascus? (Acts 9) Saul

351. Who baptized Saul? (Acts 9) Ananias

352. What woman became sick, died and was raised from the dead by Peter and how is

her name translated? (Acts 9:36-43) Tabitha (translated - Dorcas)

353. Who was the first recorded Gentile convert? (Acts 10) Cornelius

354. What was the occupation of Cornelius? (Acts 10) Centurion

355. Who taught Cornelius about the Gospel? (Acts 10) Peter

356. What were the disciples first called in Antioch? (Acts 11:26) Christians

357. What prophet predicted a famine in the Roman world? (Acts 11:27,28) Agabus

358. How did Herod have James, the brother of John, killed? (Acts 12:1-5) By the sword

359. Who was eaten by worms? (Acts 12:23) Herod

360. By what other name was Saul called? (Acts 13:9) Paul

361. What apostle was stoned, left for dead, but lived through it and continued to preach?

(Acts 14:19,20) Paul

362. What "seller of purple" was converted in Macedonia? (Acts 16:11-15) Lydia

363. What happened when Paul and Silas were praying and singing in prison in Philippi?

(Acts 16) An earthquake shook the prison and their chains were loosened

364. What was the inscription on the altar in Athens, which Paul noticed and preached

about? (Acts 17) To the unknown god

365. What was Paul's occupation? (Acts 18:1-4) Tentmaker

366. Who fell out of a window, died and was raised from the dead? (Acts 20) Eutychus

367. In what city did Paul live as a prisoner for two years in his own hired house? Rome

368. Who was shipwrecked in Acts? (Acts 28) Paul

369. What is known as the "love" chapter? 1 Corinthians 13

370. What young preacher did Paul call his "son?" (1 Timothy 1) Timothy

371. What are deacons? Servants

372. Who are overseers in the church? Elder


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