Oasis: "The Voice of Conservation in Central Florida"

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“The voice of Conservation in Central Florida”

OASis Orange Audubon Society

A Chapter of National Audubon Society and Audubon of Florida


In this Issue...
This Month's Pr ogram: December 18, 2003 - 7:00pm
This Month’s Program ...............................p1 Brazil's Pantanal by Bill Partington
Field Trips ........................................... p1, p3
The Pantanal region of Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay is the world's largest freshwater
President’s Message ...................................p2
wetland, 15 times bigger than our Everglades. Last year local naturalist Bill Partington
Conservation News ...................................p2 visited the Pantanal as an Earthwatch volunteer. He and other volunteers researched
Thanks to Volunteers .................................p2 prey items taken by jaguars, among these giant river otters, peccaries, capybaras, rheas,
and caimans. Hyacinth macaws (the world's largest parrot) and jabiru storks were
Christmas Bird Count ...............................p3
among the other animals Bill was able to see in the same area. With excellent slides
Board of Directors Changes .......................p3 and his usual entertaining presentation style, Bill will describe the research project,
Silent Auction Returns ...............................p3 the animals, and measures proposed to protect this unique area. Join us December 18
Tax Tip for Charitable Giving ...................p3 for a fascinating program.
Volunteers Needed ....................................p3 Deborah Green, Vice President
Calendar of Events ....................................p4

December Field Trip - Join a Christmas Bir

Trip d Count
HOLIDAYS! Because of the two Christmas Bird Counts Fred Hardin 407-323-5678 (Home) or Kathy
in the immediate area, and several more Hale 407-854-3550 (Work)
May you and yours have a safe and
within just a few hours driving time, we will Econlockhatchee River Basin-Count will
joyous holiday season.
not have a field trip in December. You are be held on Sunday, December 28, 2003.
urged to participate in one of these worth- Contact Lorne Malo 407-349-2536 (Home)
while experiences. or 407-659-4853 (Work) or Randy Kiefner
Wekiva River Basin- Count will be held 407-880-2424 (Home).
on Sunday, December 14, 2003. Contact

November Field Trip Repor

The weather was fantastic and the birds abun- appoint on this day. Although we could not
dant! Thirty-five bird enthusiasts spent their possibly cover all of this birding hot spot in
Saturday morning enjoying the hospitality of one morning, we saw some wonderful birds.
the St. Johns River Water Management Dis- One of the purposes of these field trips
Orange Audubon Society meetings are held
the 3rd Thursday of every month (Sept - trict at the Lake Apopka North Shore Resto- is to attract people to bird watching or to get
June) at 7:00pm in the Camellia Room at ration Area. We saw a total of 56 species rang- new people to join us. We had twelve people
ing from the tiny Blue-gray Gnatcatcher all who had not been on a field trip with us pre-
Harry P. Leu Gardens the way up to, and including, about a dozen viously. We thank you for coming and hope
1920 North Forest Avenue
Orlando, FL 32803-1537 Bald Eagles. Our thanks to Jim Peterson of you will join us in the future. All in all, it
SJRWMD, for giving up his Saturday morn- was a good day to be in the great outdoors
For directions, call 407-246-2620 ing, and acting as our host. Zellwood is usu- with good birding friends.
ally a great place to bird, and it did not dis-
esident’ss Message
President’ LORETTA SATTERTHWAITE, PRESIDENT Thanks to Volunteers
I hope you are all having a wonderful holi- tion to some of our regional problems – wa- Sincere thanks are extended to those who
day season. Doesn’t it seem to come faster ter quality, water quantity, rural quality of life, helped with OAS’ two-day Fiesta in the Park
every year? Some of these cooler days may and transportation, to name a few. fundraising event on November 1st & 2nd.
be the most comfortable for taking nature The term of the Southeast Regional rep- They were: Joanna and Charles Campanelli,
hikes with your binoculars and field guides. resentative on the National Audubon Board Chris Gandy, Claire Hilliker, L. D. Lambright,
Don’t forget to also carry your camera so you of Directors expires in 2004 and nomina- Ayme Smith, Laura Streeter and Leesa Sward.
can take photographs to enter in the annual tions for that position are now being ac- Although this was not our best Lake Eola
Chertok Nature Photography Contest. cepted. Deadline for nominations is Janu- event, it was worth while, and would not
Whatever you do, get out and enjoy natural ary 31st. If you would like more informa- have been possible without your help.
Florida. tion about the requirements, expected du- Jennifer Potocki and daughter, Amanda,
We spotted a goldfinch at our feeder the ties, etc. regarding this position, please con- also participated at Lake Eola by donating a
weekend before Thanksgiving. Chipping tact me (407/886-2925 or [email protected]). percentage of Discovery Toys sales to OAS.
Sparrows have been here for a while now. My sincere wishes to each of you for a We appreciate the support and thoroughly
Keep us informed of your special sightings. safe and peaceful holiday season. enjoyed getting to better know Jennifer and
The Governor’s Wekiva Coordinating the other volunteers.
Committee will be meeting Dec. 17 & 18. OAS’ next volunteer opportunity, Green
This committee is scheduled to make its rec- Gifts Day, takes place December 7th at
ommendations the first of next year; be sure Audubon Center for Birds of Prey. Call Teresa
to attend the meetings if you can. It’s a good for information: 407-644-0796. We hope
chance to see many elected officials trying to see you there. Loretta Satterthwaite and
to work together to come up with a solu- Teresa Williams

Conser vation News

Conservation PEGGY COX, CHAIR
The Orange Audubon sponsored Outstand- Chain of Lakes. The St. Johns River Water ing more of our valuable Class 1 wetlands.
ing Florida Waters workshop held on No- Management District have rules that require Good News - The restoration plans at
vember 6th was well attended, with 27 that discharging into an OFW requires 150% Lake Apopka are moving forward again with
people from several city and county govern- of the regular rules for retention and the signing of the Memorandum of Under-
ments, as well as DEP and OAS, learning stormwater treatment. Stormwater treatment standing with the Dept. of Justice over the
about the details of the OFW designation. must include provisions that protect the pesticide poisonings of 1998-1999. The first
The Environmental Regulatory Commission upland riparian habitat of an OFW desig- phase of the marsh flow-way has begun that
must make 2 findings to designate a water nated water body. Eric Shaw of DEP and Bill will help remove more phosphorus from the
body an OFW: The water body must have Carlie of St. Johns Water Management Dis- lake water. The 700 acres that has been shal-
either exceptional recreational or ecological trict did an excellent presentation for our low flooded on the Duda Farms east tract is
significance, and the environmental, social group. now being increased by up to 1,000 more
and economic benefits must outweigh the Directly related to an OFW, is a pro- acres. The revegetation of these acres has
costs. In OAS's membership area the OFWs posed Orange County Comp Plan amend- helped provide more bird habitat in that
are: The Econ Rive system, the Wekiva River, ment to change the land use on property area. Rare birds continue to be sighted on
the Butler Chain of Lakes, and the Clermont directly connected to the Econ River in the the North Shore, including 3 Grove-billed
Waterford Lakes area. Orange County's Land Ani, sighted on November 13th.
The Orange Audubon Society (OAS) promotes the under-
Planning Agency voted to recommend de- The Audubon of Florida Assembly, held
standing of and an interest in wildlife and the environment, nial of this proposal that would require fill- in October, passed several new conservation
recognition of the intangible values in the remaining natu- ing 17 acres of Class 1 wetlands hydrologi- resolutions that we support. These include
ral beauty of Florida and the World, and the responsibility cally connected to the Big Econ River. The resolutions on Land Acquisition, The Green
for the conservation of these remaining resources. 34 acre site is being purchased for the con- Swamp, The Least Tern, Citizen Science, and
Orange Audubon Society
P.O. Box 941142
struction of a super Walmart, at East SR 50 Coastal Resources Protection. Several reso-
Maitland, FL 32794-1142 and Avalon Park Blvd. The County Commis- lutions were revised that continue to be
sion is voting on this proposal on December worked on by AOF and chapters include;
President.................Loretta Satterthwaite ([email protected]) 9th. OAS Board voted to send a letter of Climate Change, Everglades Ecosystem, and
407-886-2925 opposition to this proposal and will speak Fire Management. Orange Audubon has
Address Change......................Mike Daley ([email protected])
against approval on December 9th. Even previously specifically worked on
Editor.................................Claire Hilliker ([email protected]) with proposed mitigation for the filling of issues involving Land Acquisition, Transpor-
407-677-5374 the 17 acres of Class 1 wetlands, this pro- tation (includes the Wekiva and toll roads
posal could set a precedent for future re- issue), Ocklawaha River Restoration, Florida
The OASis is published monthly from September through quests to fill even more valuable wetlands Water Resources, Growth Management. You
June and is sent free to all members of Orange Audubon
that we find unacceptable. If you can, please can read all the resolutions (33 total) and
let your County Commissioner know this is send anycomments to Audubon of Florida
http://www.orangeaudubonfl.org an unacceptable plan, that does not provide from their website at:
a public benefit that would justify destroy- www.audubonofflorida.org.
Christmas Bird Count
Bird OAS Board of Dir
Board ectors Changes
The National Audubon Society calls upon In October, OAS’ Board of Directors voted unanimously to welcome Mary Keim to the 3-
volunteers everywhere to join with birders year open seat on the Board, leaving us with a vacant 2-year position.
across the western hemisphere and partici- In November, OAS secretary Terry Godts tendered her resignation. Unfortunately for
pate in Audubon's longest-running winter- OAS (in one respect), the Land Acquisition Referendum in Lake County was unanimously
time tradition, the annual Christmas Bird approved by the Board of County Commissioners to be placed on the November 2004
Count (CBC). This year, nearly 2,000 indi- ballot. Terry had chaired the Lake County advisory committee on this referendum and now
vidual counts are scheduled to take place wants to devote her attention to the effort of getting this referendum passed. We thank her
throughout the Americas from December 14, for her service to OAS and wish her well in her efforts on this referendum. Any of you who
2003 to January 5, 2004. can help her toward this goal, please do so.
This year, Audubon scientists are high- However, now OAS needs a secretary whose term will expire in June 2003. The main
lighting the fact that many of the birds to be responsibility of this position is to take the minutes at our board meetings each month, type
counted are produced in the great North them up, and submit them to the board at the following meeting. Board meetings preceed
American boreal forest, which extends from our monthly programs (except for June) and begin about 5:30 p.m. If you can assist Or-
Alaska to Eastern Canada. Boreal species ange Audubon by volunteering to be secretary or for the open 2-yr. board position, please
traditionally seen on the CBC that appear to contact me (407/886-2925 or [email protected]) at your earliest convenience. Thanks in
be declining include Belted Kingfisher, advance. Loretta Satterthwaite
Northern Flicker, White-throated Sparrow,
White-crowned Sparrow, Purple Finch, Pine
Siskin, and especially Rusty Blackbird.
The data, 100% volunteer generated,
Mini Silent Auction Retur ns
Returns Tax Tip for Charitable
have become a crucial part of the U.S. for the Holidays Giving
Government's natural history monitoring Those who come to enjoy the December 18th As the end of 2003 approaches, those who
database. Articles published in the 103rd program can also enjoy a mini silent auction generously make year-end donations should
CBC issue of American Birds helped orni- – just in time for last minute shoppers. Auc- be aware of timing rules for taking charitable
thologists better understand the effects of tion items will be displayed so that bidding deductions. A donation you wish to deduct
West Nile virus on regional bird populations. can begin before, and resume after the pro- in 2003 must be made (i.e., unconditionally
For the full story, visit www.audubon.org. gram. Rules are the same - highest bidders delivered) either in cash or property to the
For local Christmas Bird Counts, see the take great auction items home for the holi- charitable organization by December 31st.
December Field Trip article on page 1 or days. Bring your friendly competitive spirit, A check that is mailed to a charity is consid-
consult the Calendar of Events on page 4. your checkbook and cash (‘cause we don’t ered made on the date you mail it. Hence
Thanks for all your help in collecting this do plastic). Proceeds will benefit the Chertok the postmark date determines the time of
invaluable data! Nature Photography Contest (CNPC) En- deductibility. Teresa Williams, Treasurer
dowment Fund. What a fun way to support
OAS by helping to build a lasting endow-
ment for CNPC. Thanks for your participa-
tion. Teresa Williams, CNPC Chair Hawk ID Field Trips
The 1st Hawk ID Field Trip was very well at-
tended, and from the e-mails I received, and
the comments of the participants, enjoyed by
all who were there. The weather was great
Miscellaneous Events Need Volunteers
Volunteers and the birds of prey plentiful for the 25
Orange Audubon Society (OAS) is asked frequently to participate in events where we could birders who took advantage of the opportu-
have a simple display (we have a small tabletop tri-fold display), talk about our organiza- nity to learn the “holistic” method of bird
tion and try to entice new members to join our ranks. Our board of directors is pretty well identification. Bob Sanders really knows hawk
stretched to the limits with the events to which we have already committed; however, we ID and is an excellent teacher. A total of nine
are losing some valuable opportunities to obtain new members. If you could help by ‘working’ (9) different species were observed.
at one of these events if it is near your neighborhood, please contact me and put your name The 2nd Hawk ID Field Trip will be held
on a volunteer list. This could enable OAS to participate in more of these events. on Saturday, January 10, 2004 at the same
As an example, we have been asked to participate in the Dr. Kelly Day at Kelly Park in location. Meet at the old Bass Sod Farm gate,
Apopka on February 21, 2004 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Likewise, we have been asked located 1.1 miles west of U.S. Hwy 441 on
to participate at the Central Florida Fair’s Horticultural display from February 26th through Jones Ave., at 9:00 AM. Bring binoculars,
March 7th. If OAS were to set up a display at this latter event, it would remain ‘unmanned’ spotting scopes, field guides, folding chairs,
much of the time, but since hours are 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. during the week, some of water, and your enthusiasm for raptors, and
you might be able to devote some time after work or work a couple of hours on the week- please be on time. Contact Dick Smith 407-
ends (10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.). Because of a need for volunteers, OAS has not yet com- 834-2197 (Home), 407-257-2197 (Cell) or
mitted to either of these opportunities. If you could help at either of them, please contact [email protected] if you have ques-
me (407/886-2925 or [email protected]). Please give freely of your time; we can always use tions.
the help. Thanks. Loretta Satterthwaite Dick Smith, Field Trip Chair
Calendar of Events
Loretta Satterthwaite ............................ 407-886-2925 December 6, 2003 - Satur day
Saturday Januar
Januaryy 10, 2004 - Satur day
VICE PRESIDENT LANSRA Bird Survey; 7:30am-Noon. Field Trip - Birds of Prey ID @ LANSRA
Leesa Sward ........................................ 407-677-5374 Pam Bowen 386-329-4870 Dick Smith 407-834-2197
VICE PRESIDENT (PROGRAMS) [email protected] [email protected]
Deborah Green .................................... 407-869-7762
December 7, 2003 - Sunday Januar
Januaryy 15, 2004 - Thursday
Available .................................................................... Give Green Gifts for the Holidays at CBOP; General Meeting, 7:00pm, Leu Gardens.OAS
10am-4pm Katie Warner 407-644-0190 Board Meeting takes place prior to the
Teresa Williams .................................. 407-644-0796
audubonofflorida.org/conservation/cbop.htm General Meeting at 5:30pm. All welcome.
Loretta Satterthwaite 407-886-2925
BOARD MEMBERS December 14, 2003 - Sunday
Susan Clary • Peggy Cox • Mike Daley • Louise Friderici • Christmas Bird Count - Wekiva River Basin Januar
Januaryy 17-19, 2004 - Sat-Mon
Milton Heiberg • Claire Hilliker • Arthur Ranson • Mary Fred Hardin 407-323-5678 (H) or Kathy Hale Everglades BirdFest - Everglades Nat’l Park
Keim • Ayme Smith • Dick Smith • Randy Snyder • Bob 407-854-3550 (W) Broward Audubon Society 954-776-5585
Stamps • Pete Vogt • John Winfree
December 18, 2003 - Thursday
OAS COMMITTEES/CHAIRS General Meeting, 7:00pm, Leu Gardens. Febr uar
uaryy 13-16, 2004 - Fri-Mon
BIRDATHON ............................................ Claire Hilliker OAS Board Meeting takes place prior to the Great Backyard Bird Count
CHERTOK NPC .................................. Teresa Williams General Meeting at 5:30pm. All welcome. http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/
CONSERVATION ........................................ Peggy Cox Loretta Satterthwaite 407-886-2925
uaryy 28, 2004 - Satur
Februar day
EDUCATION ........................................ Deborah Green December 27, 2003 - Satur day
Saturday Orlando Wetlands Park Festival; 9am-3pm.
& Leesa Sward Hal Scott Regional Preserve & Park and Long Mark Sees 407-568-1706
FIELD TRIPS ............................................... Dick Smith
Branch Park Butterfly Survey. Call Randy
FINANCE ............................................... Milton Heiberg Snyder (407-851-5416) or Lorne Malo (407- April 2-4, 2004 - Fri-Sun
HOSPITALITY .............................. Tom & Ruth Williams 349-2536) Big “O” Birding Festival; Lake Okeechobee FL
MEMBERSHIP ............................................ Mike Daley www.bigobirdingfestival.com
December 28, 2003 - Sunday
NEWSLETTER ........................................ Claire Hilliker
Christmas Bird Count - Econ River Basin.
Lorne Malo 407-349-2536 (H) or 407-659-
4853 (W) or Randy Kiefner 407-880-2424 (H)

Impor tant Audubon Election Under W

Important ay in the Southeast Election Region
Nominations are now open for the Chapter-selected candidate from the Southeast Election Region to the National Audubon Society Board
of Directors. Any Chapter in the Southeast Region may nominate one candidate for the Board this fall and winter. The election will be
held in the spring. Nominees should be willing and able to:
• Help set overall national policies.
• Articulate the issues and concerns of our region.
• Participate in fund raising, and maintain the fiscal integrity of National Audubon Society.
• Attend 3 Board meetings per year, each 3 days in length.
• Fill the position for the next three years, beginning December 2004.
Contact a Chapter officer with your suggestions.
The nominations from your Chapter should be sent to Chapter Services Office by January 31, 2004


Orlando, FL Maitland, FL 32794-1142
NON-PROFIT Orange Audubon Society

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