Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen!!!!!

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The Honorable person my lecturer madam Surtiati, Dip.L ED M.pd. and all of my beloved
First of all, let us thanks to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to
come here, to join in this English meeting.
Secondly, shalawat and salam also deliver to our prophet (prafit), Muhammad SAW, who has
guided us from the darkness into the brightness.
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Presentation to day is about.. ,
Now, I will read one by one the agenda to day, that are :
The 1st session is Opening
The 2nd session is Introduction
The 3th session is Presentation Time
The 4th session is Opinion,Question and Answer Session
The 5th session is Closing

Well,Ladies and gentlemen.

Before we show our presentation, let me introduce our team, Im.
................................................ as Moderator
................................................ as the First Presenter
................................................ as the Second Presenter
................................................ as the Third Presenter
................................................ as the Notulen and Operator

Ladies and Gentlemen.

And now, lets open our meeting by saying basmallah together: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim"
Thank you, the next agenda is presentation session, for the first turn
will be given by the first presenter, please welcome
Next turn is for the second speaker, the floor is yours

---------------PRESENTATION TIME----------------

Thank you for all of the presenters. Well, ladies and gentlemen. Now, we are come to the
Opinions, Questions and Answer Session. There will be two sessions and each session is for
two questions., before that please raise your hand, stand up and Dont forget to mention your
name. Any questions maybe?
next turn: *giliran berikutnya*
Sillently, please! : *harap tenang*
loudly, please!: *mohon dikeraskan*
so wait a fiew minute!: *kalau begitu, silahkan tunggu*
let take look at the answer of group two: *mari, kita simak jawaban dari kelompok dua*
please mr/miss questioner have you satisfied with the answer?: *tuan/nona penanya apakah anda sudah
puas dgn jawaban yg diberikan?*
maybe two questions is enough for us now: *mungkin cukup dengan dua pertanyaan untuk saat ini*

----------------(Q AND A SESSION)-------------------

Ladies and gentlemen! Finally, We are come to the last agenda. We would like to say thanks
again for presenter and all of the audiences for active participation. The conclusion of
presentation to day is..Hopefully the presentation will
give benefit for us. Thank you for your attention. See you later..
assalamualaikum wr wb / good (morning/afternoon)

i'am NAMAMU,i'am as moderator

our groub will presentation about prosedur text

do you know what is prosedur text?

procedure text is a text that discribes how to something is accomplished through a sequence of
actions or steps

in here, our groub will explane ''how to create a blog''

do you know what is a blog?

blog is a discussion or information site published on the world wide wipe

well, now i'am will call first speaker for the next explenation

ORANG-KE1,time is your's--generic structure until step3

thanks for ORANG1

next second speaker---

ORANG-KE2,time is your's
thanks for ORANG-KE2

next thrid speaker----

ORANG-KE3,time is yours's
thanks for ORANG-KE3

(sesi pertanyaan)
well,this is all our presentation
any questions

(setelah pertanyaan terjawab)

thanks for your atention ,
we apologize for any mistakes and our shortcomings , we conclude assalamualaikum wr wb

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