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Vav Pid 5 C

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Air Distribution Products


COSMOSmakesingl eductairterminalsaredesignedtoregulatetheflowofconditionedairinsingle


Cosmos terminal units consist of a casing with a circular inlet spigot, a rectangular outlet connection with
integral noise reduction of opencell nitrile foam rubber, a damper blade for air volume control and a
cross-flow differential pressure sensor for measuring air volume.



COSMOS VAV's are AHRI certified. The Ratings are certified in accordance with AHRI Standard 880.












Air Distribution Products

Pressure Independent
Variable Air Volume Terminal Unit
Model: VAV - PID


Cosmos VAV terminal, features a primary inlet with an integral damper and a discharge plenum. It is lined with
insulation to provide sound absorption and thermal resistance, it is designed to meet the needs of today's VAV


The VAV - PID is the most common air terminal Precisely design flow cross sensor grid.
unit offered by COSMOS. It operates on the A wide variety of sizes (10) results in a total flow
principle that as cooling load is satisfied, the range of 45 to 7100 cfm.
primary damper modulates closed to restrict
Heavy duty 22 gauge casing construction.
airflow to the space so that a constant space
Industry standard round inlet collars sized to accept
temperature is maintained. As the space
either flexible or rigid duct.
cooling load is further satisfied, the VAV - PID
Internally lined casing utilizing opencell elastomeric
closes to a pre-set minimum flow which is
nitrile foam rubber, fiberfree, supersilent & microban
usually determined by the minimum level of
ventilation required in the space. In addition,
the VAV - PID can also be used at full shut-off for Round damper blade constructed of elastomeric

those applications where minimum ventilation gasket sandwiched between two heavy-duty 22

requirements are not necessary. Upon call for gauge galvanized steel plates, resulting in low-air

heat the damper shuts down to minimum. leakage.

Shaft with Delrin bearings. Shaft features a position
indicator for easy identification of damper angle.
25mm flange connection on the discharge plenum.


The goal in designing VAV systems is to OPTIONS

operate air terminals at low pressures and
Cosmos VAV can be furnished without controls, with
airflows, while still satisfying the design
electronic analog controls, with factory-mounted
conditions. The VAV - PID is designed for quiet
direct digital controls (Siemens / Delta or
performance at typical operating conditions.
However for those critical sound applications,
Integral discharge sound attenuator.
an integral sound attenuator is offered as an
Hanger brackets for " threaded rod support.
option (VAV- PID SL).

25 MM 25 MM










MODEL "L" "H" "W" "X" "Y" "A"
(CFM) "D"

VAV-PID-100 45 - 230 400 250 250 300 300 95 100

VAV-PID-125 70 - 360 400 250 250 300 300 95 125
VAV-PID-150 100 - 520 400 250 250 300 300 95 150
VAV-PID-175 140 - 710 400 250 300 300 350 95 175
VAV-PID-200 185 - 925 400 250 300 300 350 95 200
VAV-PID-250 290 - 1450 400 318 400 368 450 95 250
VAV-PID-300 420 - 2100 500 380 450 430 500 95 300
VAV-PID-350 580 - 2900 500 445 500 495 550 95 350
VAV-PID-400 740 - 3700 500 445 570 495 620 95 400
VAV-PID-600 1420 - 7100 700 450 900 500 950 200 400 x 600


Air Distribution Products

25 MM









(CFM) "D"

VAV-PID-SL-100 45 - 230 1150 250 250 300 300 95 100

VAV-PID-SL-125 70 - 360 1150 250 250 300 300 95 125

VAV-PID-SL-150 100 - 520 1150 250 250 300 300 95 150

VAV-PID-SL-175 140 - 710 1150 250 300 300 350 95 175
VAV-PID-SL-200 185 - 925 1150 250 300 300 350 95 200
VAV-PID-SL-250 290 - 1450 1150 318 400 368 450 95 250
VAV-PID-SL-300 420 - 2100 1150 380 450 430 500 95 300
VAV-PID-SL-350 580 - 2900 1150 445 500 495 550 95 350
VAV-PID-SL-400 740 - 3700 1150 445 570 495 620 95 400
VAV-PID-SL-600 1420 - 7100 1150 450 900 500 950 200 400 x 600


SOUND. At the zone level, the terminal unit generates (central fan system, office equipment, environment,
acoustical energy that can enter the zone along two etc).
primary paths. First, sound from the primary air valve The unit of measurement is once again decibels;
can propagate through the downstream duct and however, in this case decibels represent units of
diffusers before entering the zone (referred to as pressure (Pascals), since the human ear and
Discharge or Airborne Sound). Acoustical energy is microphones react to pressure variations.
also radiated from the terminal casing and travels
through the ceiling cavity and ceiling system before There is no direct relationship between sound power
entering the zone (referred to as Radiated Sound). levels and sound pressure levels. Therefore, we must
predict the resulting sound pressure levels (NC levels)
NOISE CRITERIA (NC). The bottom line acoustical in the zone based in part by the published sound
criteria for most projects is the NC (Noise Criteria) power levels of the terminal equipment. The NC levels
level. This NC level is derived from resulting sound are totally dependent on the project specific design,
pressure levels in the zone. These sound pressure architecturally and mechanically. For a constant
levels are the effect of acoustical energy (sound operating condition (fixed sound power levels), the
power levels) entering the zone caused by the resulting NC level in the zone will vary from one
terminal unit and other sound generating sources. project to another.


THE AHU. Sound levels in the zone are frequently paid to the proper selection of air terminal
impacted by central fan discharge noise that either equipment.
breaks out (radiates) from the ductwork or travels
Todate, the most common approach has been to
through the distribution ductwork and enters the zone
select (size) all of the terminals based on the
as airborne (discharge) sound. Achieving
worst case (highest inlet static pressure) condition.
acceptable sound levels in the zone begins with a
Typically, this results in 80% (or higher) of the terminal
properly designed central fan system which delivers
units being oversized for their application, this in turn
relatively quiet air to each zone.
results in much higher equipment costs, but more
SUPPLY DUCT PRESSURE. The primary factor importantly, drastically reduced operating efficiency
contributing to noisy systems (including single duct of each unit. This consequently decreases the ability
applications) is high static pressure in the primary air to provide comfort control in the zone.
duct. This condition causes higher sound levels from
A more prudent approach is to utilize a pressure
the central fan and also the terminal unit, as the
reducing device upstream of the terminal unit on
primary air valve closes to reduce the pressure. This
those few zones close to the central fan. This device
condition is compounded, when flexible duct is
could simply be a manual quadrant type damper, if
utilized at the terminal inlet, which allows the central
located well upstream of the terminal inlet. In tight
fan noise and air valve noise to break out into the
quarters, perforated metal can be utilized as a quiet
ceiling cavity and then enter the zone located below
means of reducing system pressure. This approach
the terminal. Ideally, the system static pressure
allows all of the terminal units to experience a similar
should be reduced to the point where the terminal
(lower) inlet pressure. They can be selected in a
unit installed on the duct run associated with the
consistent manner at lower inlet pressure conditions
highest pressure drop has the minimum required inlet
that will allow more optimally sized units.
pressure to deliver the design airflow to the zone.
Many of today's HVAC systems experience 0.5" w.g. Inlet duct that is the same size as the inlet collar & as
pressure drop or less in the main trunk. For systems straight as possible will achieve the best acoustical
that will have substantially higher pressure variances performance. For critical applications, flexible duct
from one zone to another, special attention should be should not be utilized at the terminal inlet.

Air Distribution Products


The Table E1 of Appendix E provides typical radiated sound attenuation values for three types of ceiling: Type 1 - Glass Fiber;
Type 2 - Mineral Fiber; Type 3 - Solid Gypsum Board. Since Mineral Fiber tile ceilings are the most common material used in
commercial buildings, these values have been used to tabulate Radiated NC levels.
The following table provides the calculation method for the sound total attenuation values based on ARI Standard
885 - 98

Octave Band The ceiling / space effect assumes the following conditions

2 3 4 5 6 7 1. 5/8" (16) tile, 20 Ib.ft-3 (313 kg./m3) density

2. The plenum is at least 3 feet (914) deep
Environmental Effect 2 1 0 0 0 0
3. The plenum space is either wide (over 3D fees [9 m]) or lined
Ceiling / Space Effect 16 18 20 26 31 36 with insulation
Total Attenuation 4. The ceiling has no significant penetration directly under the unit
18 19 20 26 31 36

DISCHARGE SOUND Small box Octave Band

<300 cfm 2 3 4 5 6 7
The Table E1 of Appendix E provides typical Environmental Effect 2 1 0 0 0 0
discharge sound attenuation values for three sizes 5 ft. (1.5 m) 1 (25) Duct Lining 2 6 12 25 29 18
Branch Power Division (1 outlet) 0 0 0 0 0 0
of terminal unit. 5 ft. (1.5 m) 8 in. dia (200) Flex duct 6 10 18 20 21 12
End Reflection 9 5 2 0 0 0
Space Effect 5 6 7 8 9 10
Less then 300 cfm (142 I/s) Total Attenuation Deduction 24 28 39 53 59 40
(Discharge Duct 8" x 8" [203 x 203])
Medium box Octave Band
300 - 700 cfm 2 3 4 5 6 7
300-700 cfm (142 -330 I/s) Environmental Effect 2 1 0 0 0 0
(Discharge Duct 12" x 12" [305 x 305]) 5 ft. (1.5 m) 1 (25) Duct Lining 2 4 10 20 20 14
Branch Power Division (2 outlet) 3 3 3 3 3 3
3. LARGE BOX 5 ft. (1.5 m) 8 in. dia (200) Flex duct 6 10 18 20 21 12
End Reflection 9 5 2 0 0 0
Greater than 700 cfm (330 l/s)
Space Effect 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Discharge Duct 15" x 15" [381 x 381]) Total Attenuation Deduction 27 29 40 51 53 39

These attenuation values have been used to

Large box Octave Band
tabulate Discharge NC levels applied against the
> 700 cfm 2 3 4 5 6 7
terminal airflow volume and not terminal unit size. Environmental Effect 2 1 0 0 0 0
5 ft. (1.5 m) 1 (25) Duct Lining 2 3 9 18 17 12
The following tables provide the calculation Branch Power Division (3 outlet) 5 5 5 5 5 5
method for the discharge sound total 5 ft. (1.5 m) 8 in. dia (200) Flex duct 6 10 18 20 21 12
End Reflection 9 5 2 0 0 0
attenuation values based on ARI Standard
Space Effect 5 6 7 8 9 10
885-98 Total Attenuation Deduction 29 30 41 51 52 39

1. Flexible duct is non-metallic with 1.0 (25mm) insulation

2. Space effect (room size and receiver location) 2500ft3.(69m3) and 5.0ft. (1.5mm) distance from source

Engineering Data
PID Discharge & Radiated Sound
(CFM) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Levels 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Levels
45 51 44 36 31 30 20 - 44 29 25 20 - - -
100 56 49 40 36 34 24 - 48 38 30 26 24 20 -
100 150 60 54 46 40 37 30 15 53 44 35 34 31 22 -
200 64 58 50 44 40 34 20 56 48 38 38 36 28 16
230 66 61 52 46 42 37 22 59 34 41 41 40 31 20
70 51 42 35 31 28 21 - 36 29 - - - - -
100 52 43 37 32 29 22 - 37 26 - - - - -
150 54 46 40 36 32 26 - 42 28 22 20 - - -
125 200 58 51 44 40 35 29 49 37 27 22
- 21 - -
300 60 56 50 45 41 33 15 56 49 37 31 29 23 16
360 65 60 54 49 44 38 17 62 41 44 36 34 29 23
100 53 45 34 31 29 21 - 50 41 25 - - - -
200 57 49 38 34 31 24 - 52 44 29 21 20 - -
300 61 54 44 40 34 27 16 55 50 34 25 25 - 17
150 400 65 60 49 44 38 32 58 54 39 29
17 28 25 22
500 68 64 53 48 41 35 22 59 59 43 33 34 30 28
520 69 65 55 50 42 36 23 60 60 45 35 35 32 30
140 54 43 39 34 32 25 - 47 28 27 22 - - -
200 55 45 40 36 34 26 - 48 32 29 24 21 - -
300 56 49 45 41 35 30 - 52 38 32 28 24 20 -
175 400 58 54 49 46 39 34 - 55 43 37 33 29 24 15
500 60 58 53 51 42 35 15 57 47 40 39 34 28 17
600 62 63 56 56 45 38 21 59 50 43 41 37 31 20
710 64 67 60 61 48 42 25 63 54 47 47 43 35 25
185 54 43 40 39 31 24 - 49 34 28 23 - - -
200 54 43 40 39 31 24 - 49 34 28 23 - - -
400 56 49 46 43 36 29 - 53 38 34 30 25 20 -
600 59 54 52 48 40 34 - 58 45 38 37 33 26 18
800 61 59 57 52 44 37 15 62 50 44 42 39 33 23
925 62 63 61 56 48 41 20 66 53 47 46 45 38 28
290 49 44 42 36 31 25 - 56 40 31 26 24 22 16
500 53 47 44 39 33 27 - 58 41 32 27 26 24 18
700 58 50 50 44 39 32 - 62 43 34 30 28 25 23
250 900 62 56 52 48 44 38 - 66 44 35 31 31 28 28
1100 66 60 56 52 46 41 16 68 46 37 34 33 30 31
1300 70 63 60 56 50 44 21 71 48 39 35 36 31 35
1450 74 66 62 59 53 47 26 74 50 41 37 38 34 38
420 55 49 46 40 38 32 - 50 43 36 30 27 22 -
700 57 51 48 41 39 33 - 52 44 37 31 28 23 -
1000 61 54 51 43 41 35 - 58 46 39 33 30 24 18
300 1300 64 56 54 44 43 38 - 60 49 42 36 33 26 21
1600 68 58 57 46 45 40 18 64 51 44 38 34 28 26
1900 70 60 59 48 46 41 21 68 53 47 40 36 30 31
2100 73 62 61 49 48 43 25 70 55 48 42 38 31 33
580 55 48 48 43 39 33 - 55 41 31 27 27 23 15
1000 58 49 49 44 40 34 - 57 42 32 28 28 24 17
1400 62 53 53 46 42 37 - 64 45 34 31 31 27 26
350 2000 68 57 55 49 43 41 18 72 48 38 34 36 32 36
2400 70 59 57 50 44 43 21 77 51 40 36 39 35 42
2800 73 61 60 53 46 45 25 79 53 42 39 41 36 45
2900 73 61 60 53 46 45 25 79 53 42 39 41 37 45
740 57 51 50 42 38 32 - 49 42 38 31 33 24 -
1200 58 52 51 43 39 33 - 51 43 39 33 35 26 -
1700 62 56 54 46 42 36 - 54 46 42 35 37 28 15
400 2200 64 58 56 48 44 38 - 56 48 45 38 40 33 18
2700 68 60 58 50 46 40 18 60 50 47 41 42 36 21
3200 71 62 60 52 48 42 22 63 52 49 43 44 37 25
3700 74 64 61 54 50 44 26 66 54 51 46 45 40 28
1420 68 65 63 60 56 54 22 54 49 49 43 38 35 23
2000 69 66 64 60 57 54 23 55 50 50 44 40 36 23
3000 71 68 65 61 58 55 26 57 53 52 46 42 39 26
600 4000 74 70 67 63 61 57 28 63 57 56 50 46 42 31
5000 78 72 70 65 62 59 31 67 61 58 51 49 45 33
6000 80 68 71 66 64 61 33 70 65 61 54 54 49 36
6 7100 82 76 71 67 65 62 36 72 66 63 56 56 51 38
Engineering Data
PID Discharge & Radiated Sound
(CFM) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Levels 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Levels
45 55 47 41 37 36 26 - 48 33 29 23 - - -
100 60 52 46 41 38 31 15 53 42 33 29 26 22 -
100 150 64 58 50 46 42 36 20 58 48 38 36 34 28 18
200 66 62 54 48 45 40 22 60 52 42 40 40 33 21
230 70 65 56 51 47 43 27 64 55 44 44 44 37 26
70 55 45 40 36 33 28 - 39 24 - - - - -
100 56 47 42 37 34 29 - 41 26 - - - - -
150 58 51 45 40 37 32 - 46 32 23 21 21 20 -
200 61 55 49 44 40 35 16 51 39 30 25 25 22 -
300 65 60 54 49 45 39 21 59 51 40 34 33 29 20
360 68 63 58 53 48 43 21 64 58 47 39 38 34 27
100 56 49 39 35 34 28 - 53 44 30 22 - - -
200 60 52 43 38 36 30 15 55 48 34 25 22 - 15
300 64 58 49 44 39 33 20 58 53 39 30 28 23 21
400 67 62 53 47 42 36 20 60 57 43 33 32 28 26
500 70 65 56 50 44 38 23 61 60 46 36 36 32 30
520 71 67 58 52 45 40 26 62 62 48 38 38 35 32
140 58 48 44 37 37 32 - 51 32 31 24 22 20 -
200 59 50 45 39 38 33 - 52 36 33 26 24 21 -
300 60 54 49 44 40 35 15 55 42 36 31 28 25 15
175 400 62 58 53 49 43 38 15 58 46 40 36 33 29 18
500 63 62 56 53 46 40 20 60 50 43 40 37 32 21
600 64 65 59 57 48 42 23 61 53 45 43 40 34 22
710 66 56 63 63 51 45 16 65 56 49 48 45 38 27
185 59 48 45 43 36 30 - 51 36 32 26 22 20 -
200 59 48 45 43 36 30 - 51 36 32 26 22 20 -
400 60 53 50 48 40 34 - 56 42 37 32 29 25 16
600 62 58 55 52 44 38 15 60 48 42 39 36 31 21
800 63 61 59 55 47 41 17 64 52 46 43 41 36 26
925 64 62 60 59 50 44 18 67 55 49 48 46 40 30
290 54 48 46 39 36 30 - 57 45 38 32 29 28 17
500 57 51 48 42 38 32 - 59 46 39 33 31 29 20
700 62 55 52 47 43 37 - 63 48 40 35 33 30 25
250 900 66 59 56 51 46 41 16 66 49 40 36 35 32 28
1100 70 62 60 54 50 44 21 70 50 42 38 36 34 33
1300 72 65 62 58 52 46 23 72 50 42 38 38 34 36
1450 76 68 64 61 55 50 28 74 52 44 40 40 36 38
420 58 55 51 46 44 39 - 53 47 42 35 32 28 15
700 60 56 52 47 45 40 - 55 48 43 36 33 29 16
1000 64 58 55 48 46 41 - 60 50 44 38 35 30 21
300 1300 67 60 58 49 47 42 17 63 52 46 40 36 31 25
1600 70 61 60 50 48 43 21 66 54 48 41 37 32 28
1900 72 62 62 51 50 44 23 68 55 49 42 38 33 31
2100 74 64 63 52 51 45 26 71 57 50 44 40 34 35
580 58 54 53 50 46 40 - 57 46 38 33 32 30 17
1000 61 54 54 50 46 41 - 59 47 39 34 33 31 20
1400 65 57 57 52 47 43 15 66 49 41 36 36 33 28
350 2000 70 61 59 53 48 46 21 73 52 43 39 40 36 37
2400 72 62 60 54 48 47 23 77 54 44 40 42 38 42
2800 74 63 61 55 49 48 26 80 55 45 41 43 39 46
2900 74 64 62 55 49 48 26 80 55 45 42 44 39 46
740 61 56 54 49 45 39 - 53 46 43 36 37 30 16
1200 62 57 55 50 46 40 - 54 47 44 37 38 31 17
1700 65 60 57 51 48 42 16 58 50 46 40 40 34 20
400 2200 68 62 60 53 50 44 18 60 52 48 42 43 37 22
2700 70 64 62 55 51 45 21 62 54 50 44 45 40 23
3200 73 65 63 56 52 46 25 65 55 51 46 46 41 27
3700 75 66 64 57 53 47 27 67 56 52 47 47 43 30
1420 71 69 68 65 61 58 27 58 53 53 48 42 38 27
2000 72 70 68 65 62 58 28 59 54 54 49 44 40 28
3000 74 71 69 66 63 59 30 61 57 56 51 46 42 31
600 4000 77 73 71 67 65 61 32 66 61 60 54 50 45 35
5000 80 75 73 69 66 63 35 70 64 62 56 53 48 37
6000 82 73 74 70 68 64 36 73 67 64 58 56 51 38
7100 84 78 75 71 69 65 38 75 69 66 60 58 53 41 7
Engineering Data
PID Discharge & Radiated Sound
(CFM) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Levels 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Levels
45 58 51 46 42 41 32 - 52 36 32 25 23 22 -
100 64 56 51 46 44 38 20 58 46 36 32 30 29 18
100 150 68 62 56 51 48 43 25 62 52 42 38 38 36 23
200 70 66 58 54 52 46 27 66 56 46 42 44 40 28
230 73 68 61 56 54 48 31 68 58 48 46 47 42 31
70 58 51 45 40 38 34 - 43 28 - - - - -
100 59 53 47 42 40 36 - 45 29 21 20 21 21 -
150 62 56 50 45 43 39 17 50 34 26 24 25 25 -
200 65 60 54 49 46 42 21 55 42 34 29 30 30 15
300 69 65 59 54 51 47 26 63 54 45 38 38 36 25
360 71 68 62 57 53 49 27 67 60 50 42 43 40 30
100 59 52 44 40 39 34 - 56 48 35 26 22 - 16
200 62 57 48 44 42 37 17 58 52 39 30 27 21 20
300 67 62 54 49 45 40 23 61 57 45 35 33 28 26
400 71 66 58 52 48 43 25 63 61 49 39 37 33 31
500 73 69 61 55 50 45 28 65 64 52 41 40 37 35
520 73 70 63 56 50 45 30 65 65 53 42 42 39 36
140 62 53 48 39 42 38 17 55 36 34 27 25 25 15
200 63 55 50 42 43 39 18 57 40 36 29 27 27 17
300 65 59 53 47 46 42 21 59 46 40 34 32 31 20
175 400 66 64 58 53 49 45 22 62 51 44 39 37 35 23
500 68 67 61 57 51 47 26 64 54 47 43 41 38 26
600 69 70 64 60 53 49 30 65 57 49 46 44 40 27
710 70 74 67 65 55 51 33 68 62 53 51 49 44 32
185 62 52 49 48 41 36 17 54 43 36 29 26 25 -
200 62 52 49 48 41 36 17 54 43 36 29 26 25 -
400 64 58 54 53 45 40 16 59 47 41 35 33 31 20
600 66 63 60 57 50 45 21 63 52 46 42 40 38 25
800 68 67 63 60 53 48 25 67 57 50 46 45 42 30
925 68 70 67 63 55 50 28 70 60 53 50 50 45 33
290 58 52 50 43 40 35 - 58 50 44 37 34 33 18
500 62 55 52 45 43 38 - 60 52 46 39 36 35 21
700 67 60 56 51 47 42 20 65 53 47 41 38 36 27
250 900 71 64 60 55 51 46 22 68 54 48 42 40 38 31
1100 74 66 64 58 54 50 26 71 56 49 44 42 40 35
1300 78 70 66 62 57 52 31 74 56 50 44 44 40 38
1450 80 72 67 64 59 54 33 76 57 50 45 45 41 41
420 61 60 55 53 50 45 17 56 51 46 40 37 34 20
700 63 62 57 54 51 46 20 59 53 48 41 38 35 22
1000 67 64 60 55 53 48 21 63 55 50 44 40 37 25
300 1300 71 66 62 56 54 49 23 66 57 52 46 42 38 28
1600 74 67 64 57 55 50 26 70 58 53 47 43 39 33
1900 76 68 66 58 56 52 28 72 60 54 48 44 40 36
2100 77 69 67 61 58 54 30 74 63 56 49 46 41 38
580 62 59 58 56 52 47 16 58 50 45 39 38 36 18
1000 65 60 60 57 53 49 16 61 52 46 40 39 38 22
1400 69 63 62 59 54 52 20 68 55 48 43 42 41 31
350 2000 73 67 65 60 55 54 25 75 58 51 46 46 44 40
2400 76 68 66 61 55 55 28 79 59 52 47 48 45 45
2800 78 70 67 62 56 56 31 82 60 53 48 49 46 48
2900 78 70 67 62 56 56 31 82 61 53 49 50 46 48
740 65 60 59 55 51 45 16 56 51 47 40 40 35 21
1200 66 61 60 56 52 47 17 58 52 48 42 42 37 22
1700 69 64 62 58 54 49 21 62 54 50 44 44 40 23
400 2200 72 66 64 60 56 46 23 64 57 52 47 47 43 26
2700 76 68 66 62 58 49 28 68 59 54 50 49 46 31
3200 78 70 68 63 59 53 31 69 60 56 51 50 47 32
3700 80 71 69 64 60 54 33 71 61 57 52 51 49 35
1420 74 73 71 69 66 62 32 61 56 57 52 45 41 32
2000 75 73 72 70 67 62 32 62 58 58 54 47 42 33
3000 77 74 74 71 68 63 33 65 61 61 56 50 45 36
600 4000 81 77 76 72 70 65 37 70 65 64 59 54 49 38
5000 83 78 77 74 71 67 38 73 68 67 61 57 52 42
6000 82 80 78 75 73 69 40 76 71 69 63 60 54 45
8 7100 87 81 79 76 74 70 42 79 73 71 65 62 56 47
Engineering Data
PID Discharge & Radiated Sound
Model : VAV - PlD
Model (CFM) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Levels 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Levels
45 61 53 49 45 45 36 16 56 39 34 27 25 26 16
100 66 58 54 50 48 42 22 60 48 38 33 32 32 21
100 150 70 64 58 54 52 47 27 65 54 43 40 40 38 27
200 73 68 62 58 54 50 31 68 58 46 44 46 43 31
230 75 71 64 60 56 53 33 71 44 49 47 50 47 35
70 61 54 48 43 43 39 16 45 36 21 * 21 24 -
100 62 56 50 45 44 40 17 47 34 23 21 23 26 -
150 64 59 53 48 46 44 20 52 36 29 26 28 30 -
200 68 63 57 52 49 47 25 58 44 37 32 34 34 18
300 72 68 62 57 54 50 30 65 56 47 41 42 41 27
360 74 71 66 60 57 54 31 70 47 53 45 46 45 33
100 61 55 48 43 43 38 16 59 50 38 30 25 - 20
200 64 59 52 46 46 41 20 60 54 42 34 30 24 22
300 69 64 57 52 48 44 26 63 59 47 38 36 31 28
400 72 69 61 55 51 48 28 65 63 51 41 39 36 33
500 75 72 64 58 53 49 32 66 67 54 44 44 40 38
520 75 73 66 60 54 50 33 68 68 56 46 45 42 38
140 65 56 51 41 45 42 21 58 39 37 29 28 29 18
200 66 58 52 44 47 43 22 59 43 39 31 30 30 20
300 67 62 57 48 48 47 23 62 49 42 35 34 35 23
175 400 69 66 60 54 52 50 25 65 53 46 40 39 38 27
500 70 70 64 58 54 50 30 67 57 49 45 43 41 30
600 71 74 66 62 56 52 35 68 60 51 47 46 44 31
710 73 78 70 67 59 55 38 71 63 55 53 51 48 35
185 66 56 52 51 45 40 22 57 45 38 31 28 29 17
200 66 56 52 51 45 40 22 57 45 38 31 28 29 17
200 400 67 61 57 55 49 44 20 61 49 44 37 35 35 22
600 69 66 62 60 53 48 25 65 55 48 43 42 40 27
800 70 70 66 63 55 51 28 69 59 53 48 47 46 32
925 71 73 70 66 59 54 32 72 62 56 52 52 50 36
290 61 55 52 45 43 38 16 59 54 49 42 37 37 23
500 65 59 55 48 45 40 17 62 55 51 43 39 38 25
700 70 62 60 54 51 45 23 65 57 52 45 41 40 27
250 900 74 66 62 57 54 50 26 68 58 52 46 43 42 31
1100 78 70 66 60 57 52 31 72 59 54 48 44 42 36
1300 80 73 69 64 60 54 33 74 60 54 48 46 44 38
1450 84 75 70 66 62 58 38 77 61 55 50 49 45 42
420 64 64 59 57 54 50 22 59 55 50 44 41 39 23
700 66 65 60 58 55 51 23 61 56 51 45 41 40 25
1000 70 67 63 60 56 52 25 67 58 53 48 44 41 30
300 1300 73 69 66 61 57 54 27 69 60 55 49 45 42 32
1600 75 71 68 61 58 55 30 72 62 57 51 46 43 36
1900 78 72 70 62 60 56 31 75 63 58 52 47 44 40
2100 80 74 71 64 60 58 33 77 64 59 53 49 45 42
580 64 63 62 60 57 53 21 59 54 50 43 42 41 23
1000 67 64 62 61 57 54 21 62 55 51 45 43 42 25
1400 71 67 65 63 59 56 25 69 57 53 47 46 44 32
350 2000 76 70 67 64 61 59 28 76 61 55 49 50 48 41
2400 78 72 68 65 62 59 31 81 62 56 50 52 50 47
2800 80 73 70 66 63 60 33 83 63 57 52 53 50 50
2900 80 73 70 66 63 61 33 83 64 57 52 53 50 50
740 68 63 62 59 56 50 20 59 54 50 44 43 39 23
1200 69 64 63 60 56 51 21 61 55 51 45 45 41 25
1700 72 68 64 62 58 52 26 64 58 52 47 47 43 27
400 2200 75 70 68 64 60 54 28 66 59 55 50 50 47 30
2700 78 72 70 66 62 56 31 68 61 57 52 52 50 32
3200 80 73 71 67 63 57 33 72 63 58 54 53 50 36
3700 82 74 72 68 64 58 36 74 64 59 55 54 52 38
1420 76 75 74 72 69 65 35 64 59 60 56 48 43 35
2000 77 76 74 73 70 65 36 65 60 61 57 50 44 36
3000 79 77 75 74 71 66 37 66 63 63 59 52 47 38
600 4000 82 79 79 75 73 68 38 72 67 67 62 56 50 42
5000 85 81 80 77 74 70 41 76 70 69 64 59 53 45
6000 87 83 81 78 76 71 43 79 74 71 66 63 56 47
7100 89 84 81 79 77 72 45 80 75 73 68 65 58 48 9
Engineering Data
PID Discharge & Radiated Sound
Model (CFM) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Levels 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Levels
45 65 58 54 50 52 43 21 60 43 37 29 30 33 21
100 70 63 59 55 54 48 27 65 52 42 35 37 39 27
100 150 74 68 64 60 58 53 32 70 58 47 42 45 46 33
200 76 72 66 62 62 56 35 72 62 50 46 50 50 36
230 79 75 69 65 63 59 38 75 65 53 49 54 53 40
70 65 59 53 48 49 46 21 49 39 25 24 26 32 -
100 66 61 55 50 50 48 22 51 37 27 26 29 33 -
150 68 64 59 53 53 50 25 56 40 34 30 34 37 16
200 71 68 62 56 56 53 28 61 47 41 36 39 42 22
300 76 73 67 62 61 58 35 69 59 52 45 47 48 32
360 78 76 71 65 64 61 37 74 66 58 50 52 53 38
100 64 60 53 48 49 45 20 63 54 44 35 30 24 25
200 68 64 57 52 51 48 25 64 58 48 38 34 28 27
300 73 69 63 57 55 51 31 67 63 53 44 40 36 33
400 76 73 67 60 57 56 33 69 67 57 47 44 41 38
500 79 76 70 63 59 56 37 71 70 60 50 48 45 41
520 79 77 72 65 60 57 38 71 71 62 51 49 47 42
140 70 61 56 45 51 49 27 62 44 41 31 33 35 23
200 71 63 57 47 52 50 28 63 47 43 33 35 37 25
300 72 68 61 52 54 53 30 66 53 46 38 39 41 28
175 400 73 72 65 58 58 56 32 68 58 50 43 44 44 31
500 75 76 69 62 60 58 37 70 61 53 47 48 47 33
600 76 78 71 65 62 60 38 72 64 55 50 51 50 36
710 77 83 75 71 64 62 43 75 68 59 55 56 54 40
185 70 60 56 56 50 47 27 61 50 43 34 32 35 22
200 70 60 56 56 50 47 27 61 50 43 34 32 35 22
400 72 65 62 60 55 51 26 63 54 48 40 39 41 25
600 74 71 67 65 59 55 31 68 60 53 46 46 47 31
800 75 75 71 68 62 59 35 71 64 57 51 51 52 35
925 76 78 75 71 65 61 38 77 66 60 55 56 56 42
290 66 60 53 49 48 44 22 61 59 56 49 43 43 31
500 70 63 57 51 50 46 23 63 61 58 50 45 44 33
700 75 67 62 56 55 51 30 67 62 59 52 47 46 33
250 900 79 71 56 61 59 55 32 70 64 60 53 49 48 35
1100 82 74 58 64 62 58 36 74 64 60 54 50 48 38
1300 86 77 72 68 64 60 41 76 66 61 56 52 50 41
1450 89 80 75 70 67 63 45 78 66 62 57 54 51 43
420 67 71 64 65 61 57 31 65 60 57 50 46 46 32
700 69 72 65 66 62 58 32 65 61 58 51 47 47 33
1000 73 74 68 67 63 60 33 68 63 60 54 49 48 35
300 1300 76 76 71 68 64 61 36 72 65 62 55 51 49 37
1600 79 77 72 69 65 62 37 75 66 63 57 52 50 40
1900 82 78 74 70 66 63 38 77 68 64 58 54 51 42
2100 83 80 75 70 67 64 40 83 69 65 59 54 52 50
580 68 69 67 67 64 61 28 61 60 57 50 48 48 32
1000 70 70 68 68 64 62 28 64 61 58 51 49 50 33
1400 75 73 70 70 65 64 32 71 63 60 53 52 52 35
350 2000 79 76 73 71 66 67 36 78 67 63 57 56 55 43
2400 82 78 74 72 67 67 38 82 68 63 58 58 56 48
2800 84 79 75 73 67 68 38 85 69 64 59 59 57 53
2900 84 80 75 73 67 69 40 85 70 65 59 60 58 53
740 72 69 67 66 63 59 27 64 59 54 49 47 45 28
1200 73 70 68 67 64 60 28 65 60 55 50 49 47 30
1700 76 72 69 70 66 61 31 68 62 58 53 52 50 33
400 2200 80 75 72 72 68 62 35 72 65 60 56 54 53 36
2700 82 77 74 73 69 64 37 74 67 62 58 56 56 38
3200 85 78 76 74 70 65 40 76 68 63 59 57 57 41
3700 87 79 77 75 71 66 42 78 69 64 60 58 59 43
1420 79 79 78 78 74 70 38 67 63 65 61 51 46 40
2000 80 79 79 78 75 70 38 68 64 66 62 53 48 41
3000 83 80 80 79 76 71 40 71 67 68 64 56 50 43
600 4000 86 82 82 80 78 73 42 76 71 71 67 60 54 47
5000 88 84 84 82 79 75 45 79 74 74 70 63 57 50
6000 90 86 85 83 81 76 47 82 77 76 72 66 59 52
10 7100 92 87 86 84 82 77 48 85 79 78 73 68 61 55
Engineering Data
Noise Criteria Quick Reference
Model : VAV - PlD
Airflow Pressure
Model 0.5" 1.0" 1.5" 3.0" 0.5" 1.0" 1.5" 3.0"
(CFM) (in. wc)
45 0.002 - - 16 21 - - 16 21
100 0.012 15 20 22 27 - 18 21 27
100 150 0.027 20 25 27 32 18 23 27 33
200 0.049 22 27 31 35 21 28 31 36
230 0.066 27 31 33 38 26 31 35 40
70 0.006 - - 16 21 - - - -
100 0.012 - - 17 22 - - - -
150 0.027 - 17 20 25 - - - 16
125 200 0.049 16 21 25 28 - 15 18 22
300 0.113 21 26 30 35 20 25 27 32
360 0.164 21 27 31 37 27 30 33 38
100 0.011 - - 16 20 - 16 20 25
200 0.044 15 17 20 25 15 20 22 27
300 0.101 20 23 26 31 21 26 28 33
150 400 0.18 20 25 28 33 26 31 33 38
500 0.283 23 28 32 37 30 35 38 41
520 0.306 26 30 33 38 32 36 38 42
140 0.011 - 17 21 27 - 15 18 23
200 0.023 - 18 22 28 - 17 20 25
300 0.051 15 21 23 30 15 20 23 28
175 400 0.09 15 22 25 32 18 23 27 31
500 0.141 20 26 30 37 21 26 30 33
600 0.203 23 30 35 38 22 27 31 36
710 0.283 16 33 38 43 27 32 35 40
185 0.011 - 17 22 27 - - 17 22
200 0.013 - 17 22 27 - - 17 22
400 0.051 - 16 20 26 16 20 22 25
200 600 0.115 15 21 25 31 21 25 27 31
800 0.205 17 25 28 35 26 30 32 35
925 0.275 18 28 32 38 30 33 36 42
290 0.01 - - 16 22 17 18 23 31
500 0.031 - - 17 23 20 21 25 33
700 0.061 - 20 23 30 25 27 27 33
250 900 0.101 16 22 26 32 28 31 31 35
1100 0.152 21 26 31 36 33 35 36 38
1300 0.213 23 31 33 41 36 38 38 41
1450 0.266 28 33 38 45 38 41 42 43
420 0.012 - 17 22 31 15 20 23 32
700 0.032 - 20 23 32 16 22 25 33
1000 0.066 - 21 25 33 21 25 30 35
300 1300 0.111 17 23 27 36 25 28 32 37
1600 0.169 21 26 30 37 28 33 36 40
1900 0.237 23 28 31 38 31 36 40 42
2100 0.29 26 30 33 40 35 38 42 50
580 0.012 - 16 21 28 17 18 23 32
1000 0.036 - 16 21 28 20 22 25 33
1400 0.071 15 20 25 32 28 31 32 35
2000 0.144 21 25 28 36 37 40 41 43
350 2400 0.207 23 28 31 36 42 45 47 48
2800 0.281 26 31 33 38 46 48 50 53
2900 0.301 26 31 33 40 46 48 50 53
740 0.011 - 16 20 27 16 21 23 28
1200 0.028 - 17 21 28 17 22 25 30
1700 0.057 16 21 26 31 20 23 27 33
400 2200 0.095 18 23 28 35 22 26 30 36
2700 0.144 21 28 31 37 23 31 32 38
3200 0.202 25 31 33 40 27 32 36 41
3700 0.269 27 33 36 42 30 35 38 43
1420 0.004 27 32 35 38 27 32 35 40
2000 0.009 28 32 36 38 28 33 36 41
3000 0.02 30 33 37 40 31 36 38 43
600 4000 0.035 32 37 38 42 35 38 42 47
5000 0.055 35 38 41 45 37 42 45 50
6000 0.08 36 40 43 47 38 45 47 52
7100 0.112 38 42 45 48 41 47 48 55 11
Engineering Data
With Integral Discharge Sound Attenuator DISCHARGE SOUND PRESSURE
Model: VAV - PID-SL
1" Inlet Static Pressure 1.5" Inlet Static Pressure 3" Inlet Static Pressure
Model (CFM)
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Levels 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Levels 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Levels
45 56 49 41 29 29 24 - 59 51 44 32 33 28 - 63 56 49 37 40 35 18
100 62 54 46 33 32 30 17 64 56 49 37 36 34 20 68 61 54 42 42 40 25
100 150 66 60 51 38 36 35 22 68 62 53 41 40 39 25 72 66 59 47 46 45 30
200 68 64 53 41 40 38 25 71 66 57 45 42 42 29 74 70 61 49 50 48 30
230 71 66 56 43 42 40 29 73 69 59 47 44 45 31 77 73 64 52 51 51 36
70 56 49 40 27 26 26 - 59 52 43 30 31 31 - 63 57 48 35 37 38 18
100 57 51 42 29 28 28 - 60 54 45 32 32 32 15 64 59 50 37 38 40 20
150 60 54 45 32 31 31 15 62 57 48 35 34 36 17 66 62 54 40 41 42 22
200 63 58 49 36 34 34 19 66 61 52 39 37 39 22 69 66 57 43 44 45 26
300 67 63 54 41 39 39 24 70 66 57 44 42 42 28 74 71 62 49 49 50 32
360 69 66 57 44 44 41 25 72 69 61 47 45 46 29 76 74 66 52 52 53 35
100 57 80 39 27 27 26 - 59 53 43 30 31 30 - 62 58 48 35 37 37 17
200 60 55 43 31 30 29 16 62 57 47 33 34 33 17 66 62 52 39 39 40 22
300 65 60 49 36 33 32 21 67 62 52 39 36 36 24 71 67 58 44 43 43 29
400 69 64 53 39 36 35 23 70 67 56 42 39 40 26 74 71 62 47 45 48 32
500 71 67 56 42 38 37 26 73 70 59 45 41 41 30 77 74 65 50 47 48 35
520 71 68 58 43 38 37 27 73 71 61 47 42 42 31 77 75 67 52 48 49 36
140 60 51 43 27 31 30 15 63 54 46 29 34 34 19 68 59 51 33 40 41 25
200 61 53 45 30 32 31 16 64 56 47 32 36 35 20 69 61 52 35 41 42 26
300 63 57 48 35 35 34 18 65 60 52 36 37 39 21 70 66 56 40 43 45 27
175 400 64 62 53 41 38 37 20 67 64 55 42 41 42 22 71 70 60 46 47 48 30
500 66 65 56 45 40 39 23 68 68 59 46 43 42 28 73 74 64 50 49 50 35
600 67 68 59 48 42 41 27 69 72 61 50 45 44 32 74 76 66 53 51 52 36
710 68 72 62 53 44 43 32 71 76 65 55 48 47 37 75 81 70 59 53 54 41
185 60 50 44 36 30 28 15 64 54 47 39 34 32 20 68 58 51 44 39 39 25
200 60 50 44 36 30 28 15 64 54 47 39 34 32 20 68 58 51 44 39 39 25
200 400 62 56 49 41 34 32 - 65 59 52 43 38 36 18 70 63 57 48 44 43 25
600 64 61 55 45 39 37 19 67 64 57 48 42 40 22 72 69 62 53 48 47 28
800 66 65 58 48 42 40 22 68 68 61 51 44 43 26 73 73 66 56 51 51 33
925 66 68 62 51 44 42 25 69 71 65 54 48 46 30 74 76 70 59 54 53 36
290 57 50 46 33 31 28 - 60 53 48 35 34 31 15 65 58 49 39 39 37 21
500 61 53 48 35 34 31 - 64 57 51 38 36 33 16 69 61 53 41 41 39 22
700 66 58 52 41 38 35 18 69 60 56 44 42 38 22 74 65 58 46 46 44 29
250 900 70 62 56 45 42 39 21 73 64 58 47 45 43 25 78 69 52 51 50 48 31
1100 73 64 60 48 45 43 25 77 68 62 50 48 45 30 81 72 54 54 53 51 35
1300 77 68 62 52 48 45 30 79 71 65 54 51 47 32 85 75 68 58 55 53 40
1450 79 70 63 54 50 47 32 83 73 66 56 53 51 37 88 78 71 60 58 56 43
420 60 58 51 44 43 39 15 63 62 55 48 47 44 20 66 69 60 56 54 51 28
700 62 60 53 45 44 40 17 65 63 56 49 48 45 21 68 70 61 57 55 52 30
1000 66 62 56 46 46 42 19 69 65 59 51 49 46 22 72 72 64 58 56 54 31
300 1300 70 64 58 47 47 43 21 72 67 62 52 50 48 25 75 74 67 59 57 55 33
1600 73 65 60 48 48 44 25 74 69 64 52 51 49 27 78 75 68 60 58 56 35
1900 75 66 62 49 49 46 27 77 70 66 53 53 50 30 81 76 70 61 59 57 36
2100 76 67 63 52 51 48 29 79 72 67 55 53 52 32 82 78 71 61 60 58 38
580 61 57 55 48 46 42 - 63 61 59 52 51 48 18 67 67 64 59 58 56 26
1000 64 58 57 49 47 44 - 66 62 59 53 51 49 18 69 68 65 60 58 57 26
1400 68 61 59 51 48 47 18 70 65 62 55 53 51 22 74 71 67 62 59 59 30
350 2000 72 65 62 52 49 49 23 75 68 64 56 55 54 26 78 74 70 63 60 62 34
2400 75 66 63 53 49 50 27 77 70 65 57 56 54 30 81 76 71 64 61 62 36
2800 77 68 64 54 50 51 30 79 71 67 58 57 55 32 83 77 72 65 61 63 37
2900 77 68 64 54 50 51 30 79 71 67 58 57 56 32 83 78 72 65 61 64 38
740 64 59 56 47 45 40 15 67 62 59 51 50 45 17 71 68 64 58 57 54 26
1200 65 60 57 48 46 42 16 68 63 60 52 50 46 20 72 69 65 59 58 55 27
400 1700 68 63 59 50 48 44 18 71 67 61 54 52 47 25 75 71 66 62 60 56 30
2200 71 65 61 52 50 41 22 74 69 65 56 54 49 27 79 74 69 64 62 57 33
2700 75 67 63 54 52 44 27 77 71 67 58 56 51 30 81 76 71 65 63 59 36
3200 77 69 65 55 53 48 30 79 72 68 59 57 52 32 84 77 73 66 64 60 38
3700 79 70 66 56 54 49 32 81 73 69 60 58 53 35 86 78 74 67 65 61 41
1420 73 72 68 61 60 57 31 75 74 71 64 63 60 34 78 78 75 70 68 65 37
2000 74 72 69 62 61 57 31 76 75 71 65 64 60 35 79 78 76 70 69 65 37
600 3000 76 73 71 63 62 58 32 78 76 72 66 65 61 36 82 79 77 71 70 66 39
4000 80 76 73 64 64 60 36 81 78 76 67 67 63 37 85 81 79 72 72 68 41
5000 82 77 74 66 65 62 37 84 80 77 69 68 65 40 87 83 81 74 73 70 43
6000 81 79 75 67 67 64 38 86 82 78 70 70 66 42 89 85 82 75 75 71 46
12 7100 86 81 76 68 68 65 41 88 83 81 71 71 67 44 91 87 83 76 76 72 47
VAV Single Duct Terminal Units



Minimum StandardRatingsSoundPowerLevel,dBre10 Watt
Unit Operating 1.5inchStaticPressure
Size Preesure OctaveBandCenterFrequency,Hz
(InchW.G.) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
4 230 0.06 71 44 49 47 50 47
5 360 0.16 70 47 53 45 46 45
6 520 0.30 68 68 56 45 45 42
7 710 0.28 71 63 55 53 51 48
8 925 0.27 72 62 56 52 52 50
10 1450 0.26 77 61 55 50 49 45
12 2100 0.29 77 64 59 53 49 45
14 2900 0.30 83 64 57 52 53 50
16 3700 0.26 74 64 59 55 54 52
24 X 16
24X16 7100 0
11 80 75 73 68 65 58


Minimum StandardRatingsSoundPowerLevel,dBre10 Watt
Unit Operating 1.5inchStaticPressure
Size Preesure OctaveBandCenterFrequency,Hz
(InchW.G.) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
4 230 0.06 75 71 64 60 56 53
5 360 0.16 74 71 66 60 57 54
6 520 0.30 75 73 66 60 54 50
7 710 0.28 73 78 70 67 59 55
8 925 0.27 71 73 70 66 59 54
10 1450 0.26 84 75 70 66 62 58
12 2100 0.29 80 74 71 64 60 58
14 2900 0.30 80 73 70 66 63 61
16 3700 0.26 82 74 72 68 64 58
24 X 16
24X16 7100 0 11
0.11 89 84 81 79 77 72

power levels per AHRI Standard 880

Air Distribution Products


1. A hyphen (-) indicates that the NC is lower
than 15.
RADIATED 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 2. Noise Criteria (NC) is found using
Type 1 - Glass Fiber 19 19 21 25 29 35 ARI Standard 885-98 Appendix E (2002
Type 2 - Mineral Fiber 18 19 20 26 31 36 Addendum):
Type 3 - Gypsum Board 23 26 25 27 27 28 a. Radiated NC is found using the
type 2 ceiling (mineral fiber) condition.
OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY (Hz) b. Discharge NC is found using the
DISCHARGE 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 large terminal condition due to the
Small Terminal 24 28 39 53 59 40 multitude of possible discharge duct sizes.
Medium Terminal 27 29 40 51 53 39 3. ARI Standard 885-9B Appendix E, Table
Large Terminal 29 30 41 51 52 39 E1. Typical Sound Attenuation Values, dB.


1. rPs is the static pressure drop across the terminal unit from the inlet to the discharge.

2. Minimum rPs across the unit is the pressure drop across the terminal unit from the inlet to the discharge with the
damper in full open position. The minimum rPs must be maintained in order to supply the rated air flow through the
terminal unit. Minimum rPs values are provided for the basic assembly only and the basic assembly combined with
accessories such as attenuator. The minimum rPs across the terminal unit and accessories does not include resistance of
the downstream ductwork or diffusers. To determine the minimum inlet static pressure required to achieve rated air flow
the downstream resistance must be added to the minimum rPs.

3. rPt is the total pressure drop

across the terminal unit from the
inlet to the discharge. Total
pressure includes both the static
pressure drop and velocity
pressure drop. Velocity pressure
drop is due to the reduced duct
velocity at the terminal unit
discharge. Flow

4. NC at rPs across the unit is

the NC level produced by
the terminal unit with the
listed static pressure drop
from the inlet to the discharge
(rPs). The listed rPs is the
excess static pressure removed
by the terminal unit damper.

Lined Sheet Metal Plenum
(Max Velocity 1000 fpm)

Flexible Duct to Diffuser

Quiet VAV and Plan Terminal Recommended Installation


To ensure an acceptable NC level in the occupied 5. Flex duct and fibreglass duct board allows
space, several design considerations should be taken significantly greater breakout noise than metal
into account. duct and shouId be avoided. Flex duct can also
generate sound if bending, folding or sagging
1. Select a terminal which will operate in the mid takes place.
to low area of its operating range.
6. Locate terminal units in the largest plenum
2. Design duct systems to provide adequate but volume available for increased reduction of
not excessive static pressure at the primary air radiated noise.
inlet. Excess static pressure generates noise.
7. A ceiling with high transmission loss will help
3. Locate terminals above non-critical areas like reduce radiated sound.
corridors, closets or file areas. This will isolate
critical areas from potential sources of radiated 8. Avoid locating terminals near return air openings.
noise. This allows a direct path for radiated noise to
enter the space.
4. Locate terminal to allow maximum length of
lined discharge ductwork. Consider a larger 9. The use of acoustically lined flex duct on the
number of smaller diffusers to minimize diffuser will reduce discharge sound.
discharge sound.


Air Distribution Products



Sizing Terminals
Select terminals based upon recommended air
volume ranges. The pressure independent terminals
main feature is its ability to accept factory calibrated
minimum and maximum airflow limits that correspond
to the designers space load and ventilation FLOW TOO LOW
requirements for a given zone.
A common misconception is that oversizing a terminal
will make the unit operation quieter. In reality, the
terminal damper will have to operate in a pinched-
down condition most of the time which may actually
increase noise levels to the space. Control accuracy
Severe Throttling
may suffer as the terminal is only using a fraction of its Oversized terminals will operate in a near closed
total damper travel or stroke. In addition, the low inlet position even at maximum airflow.
velocities may be insufficient to produce a readable Control accuracy may also suffer
signal for the sensor and reset controller. This means
minimum settings may not hold with a resultant loss of
control accuracy and undesirable hunting. The
recommended selection for maximizing performance
is to size the terminals maximum airflow limit for 70% -
85% of its rated capacity (approx. 2000 fpm) in
accordance with the catalog recommendations. For MAXIMUM
accurate control the minimum setting guideline is not
lower than 20% of the units rated total capacity.

Ideal Throttling
Correctly sized terminal will utilize the majority of its
damper travel and improve performance

Observe Space Restrictions

PIPE During the design phase try and ensure terminals are located
for ease of installation, optimum performance and
maintenance accessibility. Alongside figure shows all of the
worst conditions: a convoluted inlet and control connections
are restricted as the terminal is against a wall and the outlet
restricted condition reduces performance.

Restricted Installation, Poor Location

Optimize Inlet Conditions
The type of duct and its approach may have a large
and adverse impact on both pressure drop and control TERMINAL TERMINAL
accuracy. Alongside figure shows several typical poor
conditions that generate unwanted turbulence.
Although multi-point sensors can compensate to a MAIN DUCT ELBOW AT INLET
large degree, good design practice should always
prevail. "COSMOS" recommends wherever possible, a TERMINAL TERMINAL
straight duct inlet connection with a minimum length of UNIT UNIT

two duct diameters, the same size as the inlet. Terminal

collars are undersized to suit nominal ductwork SUPPLY DUCT CONVOLUTED FLEXIBLE
dimensions. The inlet duct slips over the terminal inlet
collar and is fastened and sealed in accordance with
Poor Inlet Conditions
job specifications. Never insert a duct inside the inlet
collar, control calibration will be adversely affected.
Sometimes it is not possible due to space restrictions to
provide an ideal inlet condition, in this case field
adjustment of the airflow settings on the velocity FLEX
controller may be required to compensate. The use of TERMINAL
flow straightening devices (equalizing grids) are UNIT

recommended after short radius elbows that are

3D (Min 1.5D)
immediately ahead of the terminal and where
terminals are unavoidably tapped directly off the main
Ideal Inlet Conditions
Observe Zoning Requirements
Correctly sizing terminals with regard to the physical
conditions of the occupied space is vital to ensure
acceptable performance. One large terminal serving
a space with divided work areas may result in the
single thermostat only providing acceptable
temperature control where it is located. The other TERMINAL
space(s) served may be too cold or too hot if it has UNIT

differing space load requirements. 0

90 F 0
72 F


TERMINAL Poor Zone Application


Optimize Discharge Conditions

Poor discharge duel connections may have an adverse
TERMINAL EXCESSIVELY LONG affect on pressure drop. Try and avoid installing tees,
transitions and elbows close to the inlet discharge. Avoid
long runs of flex and keep short flex runs as straight as
FLEX DUCT possible. Make curves as shallow as possible and ensure
that the entrance condition to diffuser outlet is straight.

Poor Discharge Conditions


The primary factor contributing to noisy systems is high static pressure in air
duct. This condition causes higher sound levels from the central fan and also
higher sound levels from the terminal unit, as the primary air valve closes to
reduce the pressure. This condition is compounded when flexible duct is
utilized at the terminal inlet, which allows the central fan noise and air valve
noise to break out into the ceiling cavity and then enter the zone located
below the terminal. Ideally, the system static pressure should be reduced to
the point where the terminal unit installed on the duct run associated with
the highest pressure drop has the minimum required inlet pressure to deliver
the design airflow to the zone.

To date, the most common approach has been to select (size) all of the
terminals based on the worst case (highest inlet pressure) condition.
Typically, this results in 80% of the terminal units being oversized
for their application. This leads to drastic reduction in operating
efficiency of each unit. This consequently decreases the ability
Step 1
to provide comfort control in the zone. Inlet duct that is the same
Compare Max and Min airflow to ranges found
size as the inlet collar and as straight as possible will achieve the
in the table Model 175 and 200 both fall within
best acoustical performance. For critical applications, flexible
the range.
duct should not be utilized at the terminal inlet.

Step 2
Example of how to size Cosmos VAV using the following
Check if there is sufficient static pressure. For
model 175 at 600 cfm, static pressure drop is
0.203, for model 200 at 600 cfm, the static
1. Max. primary airflow is 600 cfm.
pressure drop is 0.115. Unit static pressure is then
added to the downstream static pressure drop
2. Min. primary airflow is 150 cfm.
and compared to inlet static pressure. The sum
of pressures for both the models are less than the
3. Inlet static pressure is 1.0.
inlet static pressure available. Therefore, both
are still valid possibilities.
4. Downstream static pressure drop is 0.2.

Step 3
5. Radiated NC to be less than 30.
The acoustical requirements are checked
against radiated and discharge tables. For
6. Discharge NC to be less than 30.
model 175 the discharge NC is 30 and radiated is
27, this does not meet the requirement for the
discharge NC to be less than 30. For model 200,
the discharge NC is 21 and the radiated NC is 25.
Since model 200 meets all requirements, it would
be best choice for this example.


Air Distribution Products

The control of air temperature in a space requires that the In an air conditioning system compensating for the loads is
variable heating and/or cooling loads in the space are offset achieved by introducing air into the space at a given
by some means. Space loads vary within a building and are temperature and quantity. Since space loads are always
influenced by many factors. These may include climate, fluctuating the compensation to offset the loads must also
season, time of day arid zone position within the building i.e. change in a corresponding manner. Varying the air
interior or exterior zone and geographic orientation Other temperature or varying the air volume or a combination of
variable loads include people, mechanical equipment both in a controlled manner in response to changing load
lighting, computers etc. conditions will offset the space load as required.

The variable air volume terminal unit or VAV box allows us to

vary the air volume into a room and depending on type
VARIABLE VOLUME AIR TERMINAL UNIT selected, also lets us vary the air temperature into a room. The
VAV terminal unit may be pressure dependent or pressure
independent. This is a function of the control package.

VAV terminals are the most energy efficient means of

providing control as the central system supply may be sized
based on the simultaneous peak demand of the total zones.
ENCLOSURE The diversity factor allows a reduction in capacity as the
central unit does not have to be sized for the sum of the peak
ROOM demands of the entire building.

Typical Pressure Independent

terminal unit controls and installation


A device is said to be pressure dependent when the flow

rate passing through it varies as the system inlet pressure 6.00
fluctuates. The flow rate is dependent on both the inlet 4.00

pressure and the damper position of the terminal unit. 2.00 2b

The pressure dependent terminal unit consists of a damper 1.00 SETTING
and a damper actuator controlled directly by a room 0.80
0.60 3b
thermostat. The actuator is modulated in response to room 0.40 DAMPER
temperature only and acts as a damper positioner. (There SETTING
0.20 #2
is no flow sensor or reset controller). Since the air volume
0.10 1a DAMPER
varies with inlet pressure, the room may experience 0.08 SETTING
temperature swings until the thermostat repositions the 0.06

damper. Excessive airflow may also lead to unacceptable 0.04

noise levels in the space. The logarithmic graph shown in 0.02 OPEN
alongside figure illustrates a pressure dependent 3a 4a
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000
terminals' reaction to duel pressure changes for several
given damper positions. The line 1a - 1b represents one
Pressure Dependent terminal damper

damper setting or position . As duct pressure increases, so constant volume central fan and zone bypass dampers
does the airflow over the damper with the flow rate that respond to static pressure variations and short circuit
varying in proportion to the square root of the static excess is directly back to the air handler.
pressure drop across the terminal. This characteristic is
typical of any fixed orifice or in this case a throttling
damper. Lines 2a - 2b and 3a - 3b represent additional
random positions as the damper moves toward the full
open position, line 4a - 4b. Pressure dependent terminals
are therefore more prone to constant hunting when static
pressures fluctuates at the terminal inlet, as the thermostat
is responding to variations inflow that it didn't call for SUPPLY
control accuracy is therefore poorer, when compared to a
pressure independent terminal. The pressure dependent ACTUATOR

terminal is for applications where neither pressure

independence nor airflow limit regulation is required at the
terminal. An example is a constant volume central air
supply where the downstream static pressure is held THERMOSTAT

constant by other controls. Another example utilizes a Pressure Dependent terminal controls


A device is said to be pressure independent when the flow the vertical lines are cut off by the diagonal line 1a - 3a,
rate passing through it is maintained constant regardless of which represents the minimum operating static pressure
variation in system inlet pressure. requirement of the terminal unit for the given airflow - the
pressure drop across the terminal with the damper in the
The pressure independent control is achieved with the
fully open position.
addition of a flow sensor & flow controller to the VAV box. The
Pressure independence assures the proper distribution of air
controller maintains a preset volume by measuring the flow
to the conditioned space as required and allows the
through the inlet and modulating the damper in response to
the flow signal. The preset volume can be varied between
1b 2b 3b
calibrated minimum or the maximum limits by the 4.00


The logarithmic graph shown in figure illustrates pressure 1.00
independent terminals typical airflow settings and 0.80
The vertical lines 1a - 1b and 3a - 3b represent the calibrated
minimum & maximum airflow settings respectively, that are 3a
0.10 ER
adjusted at the flow controller. Line 2a - 2b represents any AMP
0.08 2a E ND
intermediate airflow setting maintained by the flow 0.06 OP
0.04 s. WI
controller in response to thermostat demand. The damper RP
will modulate (open and close) as required to hold the 0.02
airflow setting constant up & down. This vertical line 0.01
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000
regardless of upstream static pressure variations airflow will AIRFLOW (CFM)
only change when the thermostat signal (demand) changes
Pressure Independent terminal damper


Air Distribution Products

engineer to know that the design limits specified will be

VARIABLE VOLUME AIR TERMINAL UNIT maintained. Maximum and minimum airflow limits are
important for maintaining proper air distribution.
Maximum airflow limit prevents over-cooling and
TO OUTLET excess noise in the occupied space.
SUPPLY Minimum airflow limits assures that proper ventilation is


Pressure Independent terminal controls


The various VAV controls available may include some or all damper actuator accordingly. Digital controls utilize a
of the following common components. temperature sensor. Setpoint changes are managed by the
digital controller.
a) Flow Sensor / Pick-up
This device monitors the primary air inlet, measures air c) Flow Controller
velocity and provides a feedback signal to the controller This device is 'the brain' and receives the signals from the
which directs the operation of the damper actuator. This Flow Sensor and the Room Thermostat or Temperature
control loop is the essence of the pressure independent Sensor and processes the data to regulate the damper
operation. actuator.
b) Room Thermostat or Temperature Sensor d) Damper Actuator
A room thermostat senses the room temperature, allows set This device receives the commands from the controller and
point adjustment and also signals the controller to direct the opens or closes the damper to change or maintain the
required airflow setting.


The room thermostat has single-pole-double-throw (SPDT) contacts. A rise in temperature drives a slow cycling damper
actuator open in the cooling mode and a fall in temperature reverses the actuator in the healing mode. Thermostat response
time to room temperature change is typically less than the actuator response time. Control is sluggish and large temperature
swings may result.
State of the Art : Micro-processor based P + I thermostat provides superior control.


Electric controls operate at 24 VAC powered by a

transformer usually mounted within the control box of the THERMOSTAT
terminal. These systems have no velocity sensor & no DAMPER
controller. There is no compensation for duel pressure

Electric Control Schematic


Analog electronic controls operate at 24 VAC powered by a DAMPER

transformer usually mounted within the control box of the VELOCITY

The electronic controls feature a velocity sensor (the

pneumatic multi-point type with an electronic transducer)
and an electronic velocity controller. They provide a THERMOSTAT CONTROLLER
proportional control function. WITH ELECTRIC
The electronic thermostat is selected from one of these
types; cooling, heating, cooling with reheat or cooling-
heating. Analog electronic controls compensate for
changes in duct pressure.

Analog Electronic Control Schematic


A direct digital controller uses a digital computer to specifically designed for HVAC control. Micro-processor
implement control algorithms on one or multiple control based controllers bring cost effective, state of the art
loops. Interlace hardware allots the digital computer to computing power to the control of VAV terminal units, air
process signals from various input devices. The control handling units, packaged heating and cooling units and
software calculates the required state of the output devices entire building HVAC systems.
such as valve and damper actuators and fan starters. The
Micro-processor based controllers use direct digital control
output devices are then positioned to the calculated state
to replace conventional pneumatic or analog electronic
via interface hardware.
controls. A direct digital controller takes input signals from
The basic principles of temperature control for heating, sensors to generate numbers, processes, this information
ventilation and air conditioning systems are well digitally as directed by the programmed sequence of
established. These control strategies have been operation, and generates control action through binary
implemented using pneumatic, electric, and analog on/off output or analog output voltages.
electronic control devices. In this computer age, the micro-
processor technology is now available in application



Air Distribution Products


These micro-processor based electronic controls also DAMPER

operate at 24 VAC powered by a transformer usually VELOCITY
mounted within the control box of the terminal. The flow
signal from a pneumatic or electronic velocity sensor and
signals from the room temperature sensor are converted to DIGITAL CONTROLLER
digital impulses in the specialized micro-computer WITH VELOCITY TRANSDUCER

controller. The program usually includes a proportional, ROOM

integral and derivative (PID) control algorithm for excellent
and highly accurate operation. T
The controller not only performs the reset and volume control DAMPER
functions, but also can be programmed and adjusted either
locally or remotely. It can link lo other controller and
interface with fans, lighting and other equipment. Control
can be centralized in one computer DDC Controls
compensate for changes in duct pressure.
Digital Control Schematic

100% 100%


Direct Acting means that a room temperature increase
causes a corresponding increase in thermostat output THERMOSTAT
(pressure or voltage).

Reverse Acting means that a room temperature increase 0 ROOM TEMPERATURE INCREASE 0 ROOM TEMPERATURE INCREASE

causes a corresponding decrease in the thermostat output. Thermostat Action



The operating sequence for a cooling application is as follows

1. On a rise in space temperature the thermostat regulates 2OF(1.1OC)

the Controller / Actuator to increase the airflow. At 2F

(1.1C) above thermostat set point, the maximum airflow

is maintained at a preselected setting.

2. On a decrease in space temperature, the thermostat
regulates the Controller / Actuator to reduce airflow. At
thermostat set point the minimum airflow is maintained at MIN.CLG.

a preselected setting.
3. Airflow is held constant in accordance with thermostat
demand. Any changes in duel air velocity due to static (+1.1OC)
pressure fluctuate are sensed and compensated for, ROOM TEMPERATURE INCREASE

resulting in pressure independent control.


Air Distribution Products

A-9 Vimal Udyog Bhavan, 2nd Floor,

119, Taikalwadi, Mahim (W), Mumbai 400 016. India

[email protected]
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