BCA-103: Computer Basics and PC Software: Periods/week: 3L, 1T Max. Marks: 100
BCA-103: Computer Basics and PC Software: Periods/week: 3L, 1T Max. Marks: 100
BCA-103: Computer Basics and PC Software: Periods/week: 3L, 1T Max. Marks: 100
Periods/week: 3L, 1T
Max. Marks: 100
Course Contents:
Unit I
Introduction to Computers: Introduction, Characteristics of Computers, Block diagram
of computer. Types of computers and features, Mini Computers, Micro Computers,
Mainframe Computers, Super Computers. Types of Programming Languages (Machine
Languages, Assembly Languages, High Level Languages). Data Organization, Drives,
Files, Directories. Types of Memory (Primary And Secondary) RAM ROM, PROM, and
EPROM. Secondary Storage Devices (FD, CD, HD, Pen drive) I/O Devices (Scanners,
Plotters, LCD, Plasma Display) Number Systems. Introduction to Binary, Octal,
Hexadecimal system, Conversion, Simple Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication.
Unit II
Algorithm and Flowcharts: Algorithm: Definition, Characteristics, Advantages and
disadvantages, Examples. Flowchart: Definition, Define symbols of flowchart,
Advantages and disadvantages, Examples.
Unit III
Operating System and Services in Dos: History, Files and Directories, Internal and
Unit IV
Editors and Word Processors: Basic Concepts, Types of Word Processing Packages
and editors available, Examples: MS - Word, Open office Writer, Introduction to desktop
Unit V
Spreadsheets, Making Presentations and Database packages: Purpose, usage,
command, MS-Excel, Creation of files in MS-Access, Switching between applications,
MS - PowerPoint.
Books Recommended:
1. Fundamental of ComputersBy V.Rajaraman B.P.B. Publications.
2. Fundamental of Computers By P.K. Sinha.
3. MS-Office 2000(For Windows) By Steve Sagman.
4. Courter, Mastering Office 2000, BPB Publications.
5. Robbins, Mastering DOS, BPB Publications.
6. Content Development Group, Working with MS Office 2000, TMH.
7. Mansfield & Olsen, Mastering Word 2000, BPB Publications
BCA-502: Core Java
Periods/week: 3L, 1T
Max. Marks: 100
Course Objective: This course will introduce the essential topics of the Java
programming language like classes, inheritance, packages, exception handling, file
handling and applet programming. This course also includes UI components, AWT and
Course Contents:
Unit I
Introduction to Java: Features of java, JDK Environment & tools like (java, javac,
appletviewer, javadoc, jdb).
Object Oriented Programming Concept: Overview of Programming, Paradigm, Classes,
Unit II
Java Programming Fundamental: Structure of java program, Data types, Variables,
Operators, Keywords, Naming Convention, Decision Making (if, switch), Looping(for,
while), Type Casting.
Classes and Objects: Creating Classes and objects, Memory allocation for objects,
Constructor, Implementation of Inheritance Simple, Multilevel, and Hierarchical.
Implementation of Polymorphism- Method Overloading, Method Overriding. Nested and
Inner classes.
Unit III
Arrays String and Vector: Arrays, Creating an array, Types of Array- One Dimensional
arrays, Two Dimensional array. Strings. String Arrays, String Methods, String Buffer
class, Vectors. Wrapper classes.
Abstract Class, Interface and Packages: Modifiers and Access Control Default, public
private protected. Abstract classes and methods, Interfaces, Packages- Packages
Concept, Creating user defined packages, Java Built in packages. Java.lang->math,
Java.util ->Random, Date, Hash Table.
Unit IV
Exception Handling: Exception types, Using try catch and multiple catch, Nested try,
throw throws and finally, Creating User defined Exceptions.
File Handling: Byte Stream, character stream, file IO Basics, File Operations- Creating
file, Reading file(Character, byte ), Writing File (Character, byte ).
Unit V
Applet Programming: Introduction, Types applet, Applet Life cycle, Creating applet,
Applet tag.
AWT and Event Handling: Components used in AWT, AWT controls and Layout
managers, Listeners, Adapter classes.
Introduction to Swing: Component and container, Event handling in swing.
Books Recommended:
1. H.M.Deitel, P.J.Deitel, "Java: how to program", Fifth edition, Prentice Hall of
India private limited.
2. Programming in Java: E. Balagurusamy; TMH .
3. Core Java Fundamentals Volume I and II; Cay Horstmann, Gary Cornell;
Pearson Education.
4. The Complete Reference JAVA Herbert Schildt.
BCA-552: JAVA Programming Lab
Periods/week: 3P
Max. Marks: 100
The output of the programs should be neatly formatted.
The source code should be indented
The programs need to be interactive
Data validations can be done wherever applicable
Include comments to improve the readability of the program
Use meaningful variable names
1. Write a Java Program to compute & print factorial of any given number.
2. Write a Java Program to compute the sum of digits of a given integer.
3. Write a Java Program to calculate & print first n Fibonacci numbers.
4. Write a Java Program to reverse the digits of a numbers.
5. Assume that a bank maintains two kinds of account for its customers, one called
saving and other current. The saving account provides compound interest and
withdrawal facilities but not cheque book. The current account provides cheque book
but no interest. Current account holders should also maintain a min balance & if the
balance falls below, a service charge is imposed. Create a class Account that stores
customer name, account number & type of account. From this derive the classes
Curr-acc & Sav-acc to make them more specific to their requirements. Include the
necessary methods in order to achieve the following tasks:
a) Accept deposit from a customer and update the balance
b) Display the balance.
c) Compute and deposit interest
d) Permit withdrawal and update the balance.
e) Check for the minimum balance, impose penalty. If necessary, and update the
6. Write a Java Program to sort element of the array.
7. Write a Java Program to read marks out of 100 declare result as follows:
a. 60 or more 1st class
b. 50-59 2nd class
c. 40-49 pass
d. Less than 40 fail
8. Write a java program to check whether a year is a leap year or not.
9. Write a Java Program to read string from console and display the number of
occurrence of each word
10. Write a Java Program to demonstrate use of Inheritance through vehicle, two
wheeler, four wheeler and three-wheeler class.
11. Write a Java Program to demonstrate runtime polymorphism with the help of
abstract classes.
12. Write a Java Program to demonstrate runtime polymorphism with the help of
13. Write a java program to display the use of all access modifiers with the help of two
14. Write a Java Program to take a filename as command line argument and display its
15. Write a Java Program that reads a file and then displays it, with a line number
before each line.
16. Write a Java Program that displays number of characters, lines and words in a text
17. Write a Java Program that appends the contents of one file to another.
18. Write a Java Program to demonstrate how we can make sure that the main thread
gets executed after the child threads finishes.
19. Write a Java Program to show exception handling. Also demonstrate the use of
20. Write a Java program which takes as input a number and throws a user defined
exception when number is greater than 10.
21. Write a Java Program to demonstrate the use of throws. Also show what happens if
a parent exception class precedes a child exception class in the throws class.
22. Write a Java Program to demonstrate the Applet Life Cycle.
23. Develop an applet that displays the received integer in one text box and then on
pressing the compute button, displays the factorial in another text box.
24. Write a Java Program to demonstrate a working chat applet (Create both server and
25. Write a Java Program to roll a given string diagonally in an Applet. Make use of
<param> tag for setting the width and height of the applet.
26. Write a Java Program a program to show how interface can be used to support
multiple inheritances in java.
27. Create an applet that will have a text area and a Frame. When any mouse event
occurs on the frame, make an entry of that event into the text area. For example,
add Mouse Dragged when the mouse id dragged.
28. Programs to create packages in JAVA.
29. Programs to create multiple threads in JAVA.
30. Programs to write applets to draw the various shapes:
a) Cylinder b) Cube c) Square inside circle
d) Circle inside a square e) Polygons etc.
31. Create and manipulate labels, lists, text fields, text areas and panels.
32. Understand and handle mouse events and keyboard events.
33. Understand and use layout managers.
34. Create and manipulate the following: Textareas, canvases, scrollbars, frames,
menus, dialog boxes.
35. Programs which illustrates the use of files and streams.
36 Programs on linked lists stacks and queues (Creation, insertion and deletion).
37 Create an applet with Border Layout, with a button in each of the border layout
MCA 104: Database Management System
Periods/week: 3L, 1T
Max. Marks: 100
Course Objective
The basic purpose of the subject is to provide the students a deeper understanding of
the relational database model by exposing the students to a variety of important issues
of data base management, e.g., database design, physical storage, normalization, SQL,
transaction processing and concurrency control techniques.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Introduction: An overview of database management system, database system vs. file
system, database system concepts and architecture, data models schema and
instances, data independence and data base language and interfaces, data definitions
language, DML overall database structure, role of database administrator. Data
modeling using the entity relationship model: ER model concepts, notation for ER
diagram, mapping constraints, keys, concepts of super key, candidate key, primary key,
generalization, aggregation, reduction of an ER diagrams to tables, extended ER model
and relationships of higher degree.
Unit - II
Relational data Model and Language: Relational data model concepts, integrity
constraints: entity integrity, referential integrity, keys constraints, domain constraints,
relational algebra, relational calculus, tuple and domain calculus. Data base design &
normalization: Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second, third normal forms,
BCNF, inclusion dependencies, loss less join decompositions, normalization using FD,
MVD, and JDs, alternative approaches to database design.
Unit III
Introduction to SQL: Characteristics of SQL, advantages of SQL, SQL data types and
literals. Types of SQL commands, SQL operators and their procedure, Tables, views
and Indexes, queries and sub queries, aggregate functions, Insert, update and delete
operations, Joins, unions, intersection, minus.
Unit - IV
Transaction Processing Concepts: Transaction system, testing of serializability,
serializability of schedules, conflict & view serializable schedule, recoverability,
Recovery from transaction failures, log based recovery, checkpoints, deadlock handling,
and database security.
Unit - V
Concurrency Control Techniques: Concurrency control, locking techniques for
concurrency control, time stamping protocols for concurrency control, validation based
protocol, multiple granularity, multi-version schemes, recovery with concurrent
transaction. Introduction to distributed databases and object oriented databases.
Books Recommended:
1. Date C J, An Introduction To Database System, Addision Wesley
2. Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan, Database Concepts, McGraw Hill
3. Elmasri, Navathe, Fundamentals Of Database Systems, Addision Wesley
4. Paul Beynon Davies, Database Systems, Palgrave Macmillan
5. Bipin C. Desai, An introduction to Database Systems, Galgotia Publication
6. Ramakrishnan, Gehrke, Database Management System, McGraw Hill
MCA-153: RDBMS Lab
Max. Marks: 100
38. Create a view that shows all of the customers who have highest ratings.
39. Create a view which shows the detail of salesman with his salary.
(Salesmanname, salary).