2017 Matrix

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How Can I I Understand

What I What I Can What I Know
What I Know Show What I the Bigger
Understand Create Now
A Know? Picture
Complete a written poetry Cave
I like to talk anthology AND submit it on Cave Write a poem about Watering Hole
Write a story bird about
your own website. Present Write a summary about mould/ Organise and perform a
and write one poem of your choice to yeast. See task sheet B. micro-organisms. poetry slam.
the life of a micro-
1 the class. See task sheet 1 point 2 points 3 points
3 points
3 points

Use voice recorder pro
I like facts Campfire Cave to make a podcast
Look at the micro-organism Read the factual about something you
and Cave
PPT on the class website account about penicillin have learned in
How do microorganisms
and complete the provided on the Science website Christian Studies this
information activity sheet. and summarise. term. It should be two
affect medicine world?
2 points
2 2 points 1 point minutes and include a
theme song.
2 points

Cave/Campfire/ Watering hole
Cave Watering hole Create a
I like to Create a Kahoot Quiz based
Create an Aboriginal Make a replica of a diorama depicting an
Dot painting telling the microscope. Try to Aboriginal camp-site
make things on what you have learnt
story using traditional make it as authentic as as it would have been
about micro-organisms.
3 1 point
symbols. a real microscope. See prior
2 points task sheet E3. to European
3 points settlement. See task
card F3. 3 points
How Can I I Understand
What I What I Can What I Know
What I Know Show What I the Bigger
Understand Create Now
A Know? Picture
Watering Hole Campfire/Watering Cave
Complete the Yeast Hole Design a piece of
Feast experiment. See Research Aboriginal Aboriginal art based
Yeast Feast PDF Dreamtime stories upon an aspect of
I like to do uploaded on Science and write a brief nature. Research some
summary about it. You of the techniques
things Website.
should write in full before you begin!
3 points
4 sentences and
paragraph your work
Include an explanation
on the story behind
correctly. Then re- your piece.
enact the dreamtime
1 points.
story.. 2 points

Cave Cave/Campfire/
Re-write the Australian Watering Hole
I like to National Anthem to be Write lyrics for a song
make and Turn one of your poems
more inclusive of the about being the person
indigenous culture. that Christ created you
listen to into a song/rap and record
Record it in garage to be instead of
music 1 point
band. conforming to the what
2 points the world says. Record
5 it using garage band.
2 points

Campfire Campfire/Watering Cave Campfire/ Watering

Conduct an Hole Create a self-portrait Hole
investigation into the Create a role play that conveying the Plan, design and
I like Cave/Campfire
factors that determine shows a teen struggling different messages create an educational
Complete the Nightmare
working in Your Lunchbox mould growth on food. with identity. See task from society vs. God board game about
See task sheet C6. sheet D6. about identity. See mould/micro-
activity. See task sheet
with others B6. 3 points 3 points task sheet E6. organisms. You must
include game cards.
6 3 points 3 points
Have a group of
friends play it.
2 points
How Can I I Understand
What I What I Can What I Know
What I Know Show What I the Bigger
Understand Create Now
A Know? Picture

Cave Cave
I like Write an essay about Use images to compare
one of key events in the
working by and contrast natural
development of
beauty/identity vs.
Indigenous citizenship
myself rights from 1945 until societal/media portrayal
of beauty.
7 today. See task sheet A7.
1 point
3 points

Design your own
I like caring activity relating to
something we have
for others learnt this term. Note:
8 it must be related to
showing care for others.
2 points

I enjoy Write a personal reflection
Create a thinking bubble
on what you have learnt
connecting picture that shows who
about yourself this term.
you are and who God is
See provided reflection
with my God questions on task sheet
to you. See Miss Canas
for template.
9 A9.
2 points
1 point

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