The Audubon Observer: President's Message

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The Audubon Observer

Volume XII, No. 2 November 2009—January 2010

A publication of the Duval Audubon Society Serving Clay, Duval, and Nassau Counties

President’s Message We squeezed in a session of sharing stories about how global

warming affects our lives. By 12:30pm hunger set in, and we
convened for the Chapter and Staff Awards Luncheon. Duval
Good bye summer and so long peak migration. Hello fall, win- Audubon Society received the 2009 Best Chapter Display
ter, happy holidays and Christmas Bird Counts. I have a lot to recognition for ―educating others on the importance of beach
cover so let’s step back to the September-October programs nesting birds‖. There is one person in our chapter that de-
and field trips. We had a great start to this season, two very serves recognition for leading the Bird Steward and Bird
interesting programs and several well-attended field trips. Monitoring program out at Huguenot. Join me in applauding
Lesley Royce for her efforts and dedication to our shorebirds
Lesley Royce, Jan Morgan, Carly Wainwright, and I closed out of Huguenot. When you see Lesley at a meeting or on a field
October by attending the Audubon Assembly in St. Petersburg. trip, please take time to thank her for all she does and then
It was a jam packed session starting Thursday evening October offer to volunteer to help out.
22nd with a Welcome Pizza Party. The poolside social net-
working evening offered many opportunities for open dialogue Before closing my message I want to bring your attention to a
with other chapter leaders and Audubon of few other items. Duval Audubon is sponsor-
Florida staff. Afterwards the four of us gath- ing a trip to Costa Rica, January 13 – 21,
ered to work on our display board. “Join me in applauding 2010. Opportunities like this don’t come
Lesley Royce for her around very often. You can review the itin-
Friday morning kicked off with local field erary on our website. The price is unbeat-
trips followed by the ―Dialogue on Coastal efforts and dedication to able! An incredible birding experience
Conservation and Climate Change‖ and our shorebirds of awaits you. Don’t delay, check with Carly
Learning Sessions. (I won’t go into detail for details.
here it would take too many pages. Lesley Huguenot. Please take
took some great notes, maybe we can get time to thank her for all I need some real help on the next item. It’s
them posted on our website). Eagle Watch time again. Duval has 17 his-
she does and then offer to
toric nest sites. Only two are being moni-
Friday evening we heard from Dr. Sylvia volunteer to help out.” tored. Nassau has two sites identified; one
Earle, oceanographer, explorer, author, lec- nest was determined active the other unde-
turer and Explorer-in-Residence with the termined. Clay has 22 Bald Eagle nest sites.
National Geographic Society. I will most certainly reconsider We need nest site monitors. This is a really an EASY task and
what fish I eat from now on! very, very important. You can check on-line for nest sites con-
venient for you at
Saturday started with local field trips again. The four of us
walked the boardwalk behind the hotel to enjoy the antics of If you’re not going to Costa Rica, join us at St. Marks for
Anhinga, Common Moorhen and two species of flicker. Carly some good old fashioned birding, camping, outdoor cooking
found two Northern Flickers then a sub species, the Northern and fun.
John Flicker – President of National Audubon – stopped to say
good morning. He was a surprise visitor to the Assembly. After
our walk we got to work on Conservation Priority Setting
which included six regional resolutions and three issue-area
Carole Adams
resolutions. These activities put us in a major time crunch get- Carole A. Adams,
ting the resolutions presented and voted on as quickly as possi- President
ble so we could proceed to the Oil Drilling Opposition Work-
shop. You will certainly hear more about this issue.
ALERT - Please note date change for our January meeting, it is not the 3rd Monday, it is the 4th Monday, January 25th.
Meetings are held the third Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at
Swain Memorial Methodist Church, 1620 Naldo Avenue in San Marco.

Please visit our website at for updated events,

important local conservation efforts, and articles relating to conservation and birding.
stories with friends and members of Duval Audubon. We hold
November, December, this program every December for you. Past ―Best of All of Us‖
programs have been a lot of fun and enjoyed by many. You won’t

and January Programs want to miss this program. Holiday refreshments will be served
while we continue to swap tales of birding adventures.

Pond Cemetery
Monday, November 16 2009, 7:30pm Kingfishers and Their Allies
Speaker: Dr. Rachel Wentz Monday, January 25 2010, 7:30pm
NOTE: This is the 4th Monday of the month
This presentation explores the ancient practice of burial in natural Speaker: Jeff Gordon
bodies of water among Florida's Archaic people. Five mortuary
ponds have been discovered throughout central and south Florida. Bee-eaters, rollers, mot-mots, hornbills and hoopoes! Join us for
These cemeteries have produced human remains, grave goods, and a special January program, on a special date, January 25th,
provided a glimpse into early burial practices of Florida's early "Kingfishers and their Allies", presented by guest speaker Jeff
people. Gordon. Jeff is a writer and naturalist in Delaware and is Field
Editor for Bird Watcher’s Digest. He is a frequent speaker at
Best of All of Us birding and nature festivals around the country. Don't miss this
fun, informative survey of the kingfishers and their brethren,
Monday, December 21 2009, 7:30pm
from their role in mythology to their amazing natural history, to
Speaker: Duval Audubon Members
an appreciation of their sumptuous coloration.
Here we go folks, your opportunity to share your photography and

Field Trip to Costa Rica 4th Annual Northeast Florida

January 13-21, 2010 Great Air Potato Roundup at
Come join us for a birding adventure in Costa Rica! Crosby Sanctuary
Duval Audubon has partnered with Tropical Feathers to bring you January 16th, 2010
a custom-designed tour led by bird guide extraordinaire, Noel 9 AM to 12 PM
Urena. This 9 day trip includes visits to Savegre Mountain Lodge, 427 Aquarius Concourse, Orange Park, FL
Villa Lapas and La Selva Biological Station. Cost includes ground Contact Person: Pete Johnson 536-4806
transportation from San Jose, 8 nights lodging (double occu-
pancy), entrance fees to parks, all taxes (except $26 airport depar- Come help us pick up invasive, exotic air potatoes from the
ture tax) and meals beginning with dinner first night. ground in and around the front of the Crosby Sanctuary. Think of
an Easter egg hunt, kids love it! Air potatoes are produced by an
Cost per person (DOES NOT INCLUDE AIRFARE): aggressive vine that takes over natural areas similar to the
For 5 people: $1791/person way Kudzu smothers large areas of native vegetation in the south-
For 6 people: $1693/person east. One of the keys to controlling it is to collect and properly
For 7 to 8 people: $1654/person dispose of the potatoes each year. Over time this reduces the num-
Single supplement is $175 ber of new vines. We have also been controlling the vines during
the growing season as recommended by the Florida Exotic Pest
Itinerary: Plant Council's, Air Potato Management Plan.
Jan 13 Arrive in San jose, overnight at Hotel Buena Vista
on the foothills of the Central Volcanic Range over- This year we will provide lunch (hot dogs/hamburgers) and drinks
looking the Central Valley for all participants.
Jan 14, 15th Savegre Mountain Lodge in the Talamanca
Mountains An ideal spot to explore the high eleva- Please bring gloves, wheelbarrows, long pants and wear closed
tion habitats in Costa Rica. toe shoes. Feel free to take a nature walk through the sanctuary
Jan 16, 17 Lodging at Villa Lapas, Carara National Park and afterward.
boat trip along the Tarcoles River
Jan 18,19,20 La Selva Biological Station, Braulio Carrillo
National Park
Jan 21 Transfer to airport and fly out Costa Rica Preview Party
This small group trip is limited to 8 people so reserve your spot If you're interested in going on our January trip, come to
now! A non-refundable $500 deposit is due by November 27th to our preview party Nov. 21, 2-4p.m. We'll view a short
hold a reservation. Payment in full is due by December 4th. For a movie of what you'll likely see including birds of Costa
detailed itinerary, go to Rica and be available for questions. RSVP, phone Anne
Turner at 642-6395 for directions.
Contact: Carly Wainwright at 904-783-2969,
[email protected]

The Audubon Observer, Volume XII, No. 2 2

November Field Trips off of Highway 17. If you need other directions call Jan Morgan
at 904-657-5167
Crosy Sanctuary
Saturday, Nov 14 2009, 8:00am Leader: Pete Johnson

This annual fieldtrip consists of a couple hour birding walk

January Field Trips
through the sanctuary and a couple hours of gardening in the na- Ft. Clinch Fishing Pier
tive landscape area at sanctuary entrance. We usually see an as- Saturday, Jan 9 2010, 8:00am Leader: Carol Wyatt
sortment of birds including resident Wood Ducks, wading birds,
vultures, several types of hawks, Barred Owl, various passerines, Target birds which we may see are Purple Sandpiper, Red-
and occasionally deer or otter (always fresh tracks/scat). We breasted Merganser, 2 species of Loons, Northern Gannet and
can use your help spreading mulch, weeding, picking up trash/ Bonaparte Gull. Bring binoculars, field guide, bug juice, sun-
debris, and picking up air potatoes to prevent new vines from screen, rain gear, sunglasses, and water. Also bring layers of
sprouting in the spring. Please bring binoculars, water, gloves, clothing. The weather can be brutal on the pier in winter!
trash bags and garden tools especially wheelbarrows and pitch-
forks for spreading mulch. ! Meeting Place: The entrance to the Pier.

Meeting Place: 8:00am, Crosby Sanctuary - 427 Aquarius Con- Directions from I-95: From I-95 take exit Amelia Island, Fernan-
course, Orange Park, FL dina Beach, AIA, State Road 200 East. Cross over Intracoastal
Waterway following AIA and Fort Clinch signs. After crossing
the bridge it is approximately 5 miles.
Viera Wetlands / Meritt Island
Sunday, Nov 22 2009, 8:00am Leader: Anne Turner Directions from Hecksher Drive: At the Ferry the road becomes
AIA North. Just follow AIA signs.
One of the most exciting and beautiful trips on our field trip sched-
ule this year is this month. On Sunday, the 22nd we will visit one St. Marks / Wakulla Weekend
of Florida's premier birding sites, Merritt Island NWR. Winter is Weekend of Jan 16-17 2010 Leader: Carole Adams
the best time to visit as the refuge hosts large numbers of wintering
waterfowl, shorebirds and lairds. We will also visit the spectacular Last year was so much fun that this year a group of us will again
Viera Wetlands which hosted a masked duck in 2006. Here we will be camping just outside of St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge.
look for limpkin, caracara, and bitterns. The wetlands are easy to Plans are to gather Friday evening around 6pm, at the Newport
bird and usually have a nice assortment of shorebirds and water- Park campground where Coach Dave White will have a grill set
fowl. We will start the day at Viera, spending most of the morning up. You bring your burgers or whatever for grilling and something
birding around the impoundments. Then we will travel north to to share and we will have a ―potluck grill‖. After eating our fill we
Merritt Island NWR and bird the Black Point Wildlife Drive. will sit around a campfire, tell stories and try calling in some owls.
Bring plenty of food, drinks, sunscreen, and insect repellent. If you Saturday morning we will meet at the St. Marks Lighthouse at
have a scope bring it as we will be using scopes at both places. 8am. After birding St. Marks Refuge we will re-group at the camp-
ground for a Low Country Boil prepared by Chef Steve Jump.
Meeting Place: We will meet at the McDonald's on SR46 at (Steve will bring the fixings and we will share the cost) So please
Mims, exit 223 at 8:00 a.m. The drive from Jacksonville should RSVP no later than Monday, 1/4 to Carole. This has become a
take about two hours and 15 minutes. From Mims we will drive to highlight event that shouldn’t be missed. Below are some lodging
Viera Wetlands. If you have any questions, call me at 642-6395. choices.


December Field Trips Wakulla Park Drive, Wakulla Springs, FL 32327-0390


440 Shell Island Rd., St. Marks, Fl 32335.
Fish Hatcheries Welaka
Saturday, Dec 5 2009, 7:00am Leader: Jan Morgan INN AT WILDWOOD 850-926-4455
3896 Coastal Highway 98, Crawfordville, FL 32327.
Welaka Forest offers a variety of wood warblers like yellow-
throated warblers and magnolia warbler. We hopefully will see
the local pair sandhill cranes and eastern bluebirds. Over by the NEWPORT PARK CAMP GROUND 850-925-4530.
fisheries there will probably be herons, egrets, and possibly a bald
8046 Coastal Highway, Crawfordville, FL 32327. $27 per night for
eagle. This should be an easy trip with most birding on short three way hookup. Contact Dave White 246-6201. Dave is arrang-
walks. Please bring lunch, water, bug repellant and a sense of ad- ing for our reservations.
Meeting Place: We will meet at the new Publix’s on Fleming
Carole’s cell: 403-7134
Island at the intersection of Highway 17 and Hibernia Rd. Fleming
Island Plantation and a Chevron station are at that intersection. It
is approximately 8+ miles south of 295 on Highway 17. Welaka is
approximately 50 miles south of Fleming Island on Highway 309
(continued on page 4)

The Audubon Observer, Volume XII, No. 2 3

Join us in Honoring our Presi-
February Preview dent, Recipient of the Annual
Huguenot Memorial Park Grimes Environmental Award
Saturday, Feb 6 2010, 8:30am Leader: Peggy Powell
Mark your calendar: On Friday, December 11th, Duval Audubon
and the Civic Round Table present the Annual Grimes Environ-
Huguenot Park is one of the best places in Jacksonville to see mental Award at their luncheon. This years recipient is Carole
shorebirds, and we hope to see a lot of them. There are also gulls, Adams, President of Duval Audubon Society.
terns, and perhaps ducks and gannets over the ocean. We will
meet at 8:30 AM in the parking lot before the pay station. Drive Luncheon will be at the Wyndham Riverwalk Hotel, 1515 Pru-
straight in instead of turning right into the pay lane. We will spend
dential Drive, Jacksonville, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The cost
a few minutes there and then go out to the end of the bay. Dress is $17. For reservations call Mary James at 381-3420 or send an e
warmly and bring your scope if you have one.
-mail to [email protected] by noon Decem-
ber 8th.
Directions: Huguenot Park is located on A1A north of the May-
port ferry. If you cross the Dames Point bridge going north, exit
right (east) on Hecksher Drive. Follow it past the ferry slip to the
blinking yellow light before Fort George Inlet. Turn right into the
Other Area Events
clearly marked entrance and go straight to the first parking lot. Everglades Birding Festival
January 13-18, 2010 Hollywood, FL
Jacksonville Arboretum
Saturday, Feb 13 2010 Leader: TBA Space Coast Birding and Nature Festival
January 27—Feburary 1, 2010 Titusville, FL

Kayak Amelia
Saturday, Feb 20 2010 Leader: Ray Hetchka

Jacksonville, FL 32245
P.o. Box 16304
Duval Audubon Society

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