Infosheet Course Registration: (Link: Courses - Fields of Study - Choose The Study Programme - Curriculum)

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INFOSHEET COURSE REGISTRATION regarding the number of participants or regarding special admission

What is a curriculum? Note: Courses and examinations that are completed at other
recognized postsecondary educational institutions have to be
A curriculum is a decree issued for each study programme by the accredited for the relevant study programme at the Mozarteum
responsible curricula committee in charge. It forms the legal basis of (Link and further information on the homepage: Courses FAQ
your studies. Apart from the qualification profile, the conditions for During the Course Recognition of Exams).
admission and the examination regulations, it prescribes the content,
length and structure of a given study programme. Where can I find my courses?

All curricula of the University Mozarteum Salzburg can be found on the The courses offered for each term and for each curriculum can be
homepage (Link: Courses Fields of Study choose the study programme found in the online course catalogue of the University Mozarteum
Curriculum): Salzburg (Link in Mozonline: course offers/Studienangebot). Apart
from relevant information regarding title, type and content of each
The curriculum contains information on course the catalogue also includes entries on the teacher in charge,
the courses that have to be completed for each study programme (e.g. course time and location, as well as admission criteria and assessment
compulsory courses, compulsory elective courses, free elective courses) methods.
as well as the set course types, hours per week per term
(Semesterwochenstunden/SWS) and recognition credit points (European Students have to register for their courses in Mozonline on
Credit Transfer system/ECTS), their own at the beginning of each term. Registration periods,
the exams that have to be passed (e.g. course exams, board feedback deadlines and information about how to register correctly are sent to
exams, final board exams such as final bachelor, master, diploma exam,
the Mozarteum mailaddress of each student every term
doctoral viva voce),
(first name(s).family name(s)
the thesis papers that have to be written (e.g. bachelor, master,
diploma thesis, dissertation), In case of questions regarding the mailaccount please turn to the
the advised timeline or chronological sequence for each term. central information technology service ([email protected]).

Which courses are there? What does curriculum compliant registration mean?

The curriculum of each study programme prescribes compulsory Courses must be registered in accordance with the requirements
courses, compulsory elective courses and free elective courses: specified by each curriculum, which means according to the prescribed
Compulsory courses (Pflichtfcher) are compulsory prescribed course title, hours per week per term (SWS) and recognition credit
subjects which have to be completed by all students of a study points (ECTS), and in accordance with the authorized teachers
programme. specified by Mozonline.
Compulsory elective courses (Wahlfcher) are compulsory
prescribed subjects that can be chosen from a set list of subjects The curriculum compliant registration ensures that prescribed course
(e.g. list of compulsory electives in the curriculum of the requirements are fulfilled, course offers are used efficiently and
instrumental bachelor study programme). The course types and the incorrect course registrations are avoided. Only if the courses are
extent of the compulsory electives which have to be completed are registered correctly according to the curriculum, they are displayed
defined in the curriculum. correctly in Mozonline and are assigned their correct recognition credit
Free elective courses (Freie Wahlfcher) are compulsory points (ECTS).
prescribed subjects that can be chosen freely (if there are no
restrictions in the curriculum). The extent of the free electives Students themselves are responsible to register for their
which have to be completed is defined in the curriculum. Generally, courses correctly by themselves and in time, as well as to
courses from all recognized Austrian and foreign postsecondary check their registered courses at the beginning of each term
educational institutions (e.g universities, recognized conservatoires, and to check their received certificates at the end of each term!
etc.) can be chosen as free electives (unless there are restrictions How do I register correctly?
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Attention: It is not possible to visit courses and to receive course email providing your name, matriculation number, study programme,
certificates and grades without a timely registration in Mozonline course number/title/type/level, teacher in charge.
within the registration period!
To find out which secretarial office is in charge of which course, please
Note: The course registration is only possible after the University click on the course title and then on Kontakt under the key term
Mozarteum Salzburg has received the full payment of the tuition fee / Organisation.
university course fee and the student union fee. Please do not forget
to consider a couple of days for the bank transfer! If you are not able to find the courses or course levels for which
you would like to or for which you have to register, please likewise
Please inform yourself thoroughly about the courses and contact the secretarial office of the department in charge of the
prescriptions of your curriculum and register for your courses by course. There you will be told whether the course will be held, or
yourself and in time via Mozonline: whether you have to fulfil special requirements in order to be
admitted, and whether the course is valid for your study programme
NEW registration process for all students (except for the study and the teacher in charge is authorized by the Deputy Chancellor of
programmes listed below, the Pre-College Salzburg and the Theory (Vizerektorat fr Lehre) to hold the course for your study
non-degree study programme/AO): programme or not.
Log into Mozonline, click on the link Studierendenkartei underneath
the heading Studium on your business card (Visitenkarte) and then To find out to which study programme a course is assigned
click on the link e.g. 12W, 17W, etc. underneath the heading (meaning whether the course is compliant with and valid for a given
Studienplanversionen for your given study programme. curriculum), please click on the course title and then on
Now you can see your study programme in the tool curricula support.
"Pflichtfach/Wahlfach" under the key term "Stellung im
Here you have to click on the given study programme and then open its
modules and its courses.
Apart from your compulsory courses (Pflichtfcher) and compulsory
elective courses (Wahlfcher) you can also choose your free elegible FURTHER INFORMATION:
courses (Freie Wahlfcher) (NEW). Note: Please check directly with the
teacher in charge of each free elegible course whether there are Compulsory courses, compulsory elegible courses
restrictions regarding the number of participants or regarding special (="Wahlfcher") and compulsory focus subjects
admission requirements. (="Schwerpunkte") can be registered only in accordance to the
Next choose the course you would like to visit. If the course is offered by curriculum. Students can register by themselves, in case of
several teachers, choose one teacher and register for the chosen course by difficulties with the help of the secretarial office or the teacher in
yourself (LV-Anmeldung). charge of the course.
Registration process for the diploma study programmes teacher
Free elegible courses (= "Freie Wahlfcher") can be registered by the
training, the BA study programmes teacher training 13W, the
diploma study programmes conducting, stage design, drama and
students themselves via the curricula support (NEW). Additional free
production, the BA/MA study programmes music and dance elegible courses (= "Freie Wahlfcher") and authorized (!)
pedagogy and the PhD study programmes: individual focus subjects (= "Individuelle Schwerpunkte",
Log into Mozonline, click on the link Studienangebot underneath the which have to be authorized by the curricula committee in
heading Studium on your business card (Visitenkarte) and choose charge first) as well as additional subjects for PhD students can
your programme of studies (Studienrichtung). only be applied for by the students themselves via the
Now you can see the courses (Pflichtfcher, Wahlfcher) scheduled following FWF-Link
according to your curriculum and according to your semesters.
Click on the course you would like to visit in the summer term. If the (NOTE: The application period ends with the deadline for the course
course is offered by several teachers, choose one teacher and register for registration). The courses are registered after being checked by the
the chosen course by yourself (LV-Anmeldung). Teaching Management (Lehrmanagement), unless there are
restrictions regarding the number of participants or regarding
In case of problems with the self-registration in Mozonline please
special admission requirements.
turn to the secretarial office in charge of the course, ideally via
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Courses which have to be authorized (e.g. such as one-to-one is not based on the other (e.g. Musikgeschichte 1-4). A double
lessons for compulsory electives or focus electives/KE Wahlfach or registration for each level is not permitted and is counted as a
Schwerpunkt) have to be applied for by the students themselves via repetition (e.g. Lehrpraxis 1, 2, 3, 4 but not Lehrpraxis 1, 1, 2, 4).
email to the Deputy Chancellor for Theory (Vizerektorat fr Especially with regard to the major subject (ZKF/KHF) or the minor
Lehre) until 15th October (providing your name, matriculation subject (KF/Pflichtfach e.g. piano) the next level can only be registered
number, study programme, course number/title/type/level, teacher in after the completion and finished grading of the previous level.
charge, reason for the authorization). (NOTE: The authorizations are
being processed after the registration period.) Students of the Pre-College Salzburg can only be registered by the
secretarial office of the Pre-College.
Courses which are not in accordance with your curriculum can
only be used as electives (Wahlfcher/FreieWahlfcher). Students of the non-degree study programme (Auerordentliches
Studium/AO) can only be registered by the Teaching Management
The recognition of examinations according to 78 Universities Act (Lehrmanagement) after their courses have been checked and
2002 by the director of studies is not a corrective measure for wrongly authorized by the Deputy Chancellor for Theory (Vizerektorat fr
registered courses but a tool for the accreditation of previous studies Lehre). Forms for the authorization of courses can be received at the
(e.g. accreditation of courses from other universities or from a second Course and Examination Management (Studien- und Prfungs-
degree at the Mozarteum). mangement) or the Servicepoint. (NOTE: The application time for
courses ends on 15th October).
Bachelor students are not allowed to register for courses or
modules from the master programme. Bachelor and master study Students of the doctoral degree study programme (PhD) can
programmes are independent study programmes, whereby master register additional course by the FWF-Link mentioned above.
programmes are built on the basis provided by bachelor programmes
and serve to deepen and extend the education gained by them. Free elective courses (Freie Wahlfcher) can also be chosen from
Therefore, the attendance of modules/courses from the master study the course offers at the Career Centre, the cooperation focus
programme lacks the prerequisite of a valid registered continuation Science and Art (Kooperationsschwerpunkt Wissenschaft und Kunst)
period for studies according to the statute on study law. The results of or the study focus
examinations taken outside the registered continuation period for APPLICATION-ORIENTED MUSICOLOGY (ANWENDUNGSORIENTIERTE
studies, shall be null and void (74 Universities Act 2002). MUSIKWISSENSCHAFT),
In case of two degrees (e.g. if you are a student of two study MULTIMEDIA:
programmes at the same time, like the instrumental study programme
and the instrumental(voice)pedagogy programme IGP) it is vital to
choose the right study programme for each course during the online
registration process (e.g. courses for the IGP degree have to be
registered for the IGP study programme, courses for the instrumental Most of these courses can be registered via the Curricula Support
degree have to be registered for the instrumental study programme). Freie Wahlfcher Studienergnzungen & Kooperationen
(alternatively via the FWF-Link).
A double course registration for students with two degrees is not
In case of questions regarding the course offers please turn to the
possible you cannot register for the same or the simultaneous course
Teaching Management (Lehrmanagement) (Link on the Homepage).
with the same teacher in the same term and to get two course
certificates (e.g. Musikgeschichte cannot be registered and marked In case of questions regarding the recognition of courses and
twice, once for the instrumental degree and once for the IGP degree, examinations please turn to the office of the Director of Studies
neither Fachdidaktik Klavier and Didaktik des 1.KHF Klavier etc.). (Studiendirektor) (Link and further information on the homepage: Courses
FAQ During the Course Recognition of Exams).
Multi-level courses have to be registered according to the
curriculum. The chronological order may be chosen freely if one level
SD l Infosheet Course Registration l WS17/18
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