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Impact of Rain On Insulation Performance

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WG D1.

technical brochure 634
Impact of rain on insulator performance
Laboratory and field experience toward guidelines
for the selection of insulators under rain condition,
including heavy rain

A. Pigini, Convenor (IT), D. de Mello, Secretary (BR), R. Houlgate (GB), Z. Jun (CN),
K. Kondo (JP), B. Kruska (DE), R. Matsuoka (JP), F. Perrot (GB), G. Pirovano (IT),
V. Sklenicka (CZ), J. Seifert (DE), R. Wesley (BR),
D. Wu (SE), M. Yamarkin (RU)

Introduction station insulators, with many flashovers occurring on apparatus

equipped with porcelain housing (Table 1). Rain related events
There is the concern, supported by some field experience, have been largely mitigated by the adoption of polymeric
that the standardized wet test methods may not be sufficient housings.
to cater for heavy rain conditions. Of particular concern is the
question if the presently-used test parameters and methods
for rain tests are adequate to address all types of environment,
with emphasis on the rate of precipitation, uniformity of the
precipitation especially at UHV and the resistivity of the
water used. Consequently, several organizations have either
devised non-standard wetting tests, or investigated the effect
of combined pollution and rain conditions, to either qualify
proposed insulation solutions or to investigate their performance
or to study the behaviour under these conditions.

The WG tried to give a reply to the above concerns, on the

basis of the state of the art and of new ad hoc tests performed.

Table 1- DC station insulators with porcelain housing. Flashover percentage

In-service insulator flashover under as a function of the wetting condition

atmospheric conditions
Rain characteristics under natural
The relevance of heavy rain in relation to insulation flashovers environment
was first observed from field experience. Special attention is given
in the brochure to long and large station insulators in vertical The more relevant rain parameters, as far as insulator
position, being the most critical case under rain conditions. The performance is concerned, are rain intensity in mm/minute and
particular case of wall bushings is also outlined in the Annex. rain conductivity in S/cm. Thereafter, an analysis of the main
Service experience from AC systems indicates that rain is not parameters found in nature is made in relation to the different
a particularly severe environmental stress for line insulators, parts of the world. The data analysis has confirmed that generally, a
whilst a higher severity has been reported for station insulators, rain intensity of 1.5mm/minute conservatively represents normal
with few rain-related flashovers observed for long station natural rain intensity. However in some areas, such as tropical
insulators in vertical position, with small distance between and semitropical areas, whilst a rain intensity of 1.5mm/minutes
sheds. Rain resulted in a much more severe condition for DC may still represent natural rain of high intensity with very high

No. 283 - December 2015 ELECTRA 63

WG D1.45
technical brochure 634

Fig.1 Tropical or semi-tropical environment: maximum intensity of the precipitation for different
return periods

repetition rates, rain intensities of 5mm/minute to 10mm/minute probability of heavy rain phenomena is not uncommon. The
are not uncommon for relatively short duration phenomena (see same applies for rain conductivity: due to the short duration
Fig. 1). As far as the conductivity of rain is concerned, generally of rain phenomena with high conductivity values, high
a conductivity of 100S/cm covers conservatively the observed conductivity rain can be neglected from the point of view
values in nature. However for short period of time much higher of insulator overvoltage performance, while it may have to
conductivities (up to 1000S/cm) can occur in special areas be taken into account with reference to the possible impact
characterized by high pollution (see Table 2). under permanent applied voltage, either AC or DC, in special
areas where the probability to have high conductivity rain is
The impact of high rain intensities on the electrical power not uncommon.
system performance was analyzed taking into account the
different electrical stresses involved. Simulation of artificial rain in
When the impact of rain under over-voltages conditions is laboratory
considered the probability of occurrence of high over-voltages
and high rain intensities phenomena is to be taken into As far as the simulation of natural rain in the laboratory is
account. Thus only phenomena with relatively high repetition concerned, at present only tests under standard rain conditions
rates are to be considered and the standard rain intensity of (rain intensity rate 1.5mm/minute, water conductivity 100S/
1.5mm/minute can still be deemed as adequate to represent cm) are covered under the present edition of IEC60060, while
the actual rain condition in most circumstances. High rain higher intensities were mentioned in the previous edition, even
intensity values are on the contrary to be taken into account if limited to AC tests. Non-standard rain conditions have been
with reference to the possible impact under permanent used in the laboratory for special research and type tests and are
applied voltage, either AC or DC, in special areas where the nowadays considered in some National Standards.

Table 2. Extreme water conductivity values recorded in Japan in the period 1993-1997

No. 283 - December 2015 ELECTRA 65

WG D1.45
technical brochure 634
Influence of artificial rain on the AC: AC tests under standardized rain conditions are nowadays
insulators performance foreseen only for equipment and apparatus with voltage ratings
equal or lower than 245 kV. The purpose of the very high values
The influence of standard and non-standard rain condition selected is to also verify the performance under switching
on the insulator performance was then analyzed, based on a overvoltages, foreseen only for system voltages higher than 245 kV.
review of historical test results, supplemented by specific tests
made within the frame of this present WG. When considering the need to perform AC tests for higher
system voltages, already covered by SI tests, it has to be considered
As far as Switching Impulse (SI) tests are concerned, a that, as for SI, the probability to have very severe rain conditions
limited influence of the rain intensity and conductivity was at the same time of very high temporary overvoltages is very
found. low. Thus the performance under severe rain conditions, when
applicable, is to be verified only at service voltage level.
The situation is rather different as far as the performance
under AC and DC permanent voltage is concerned. New tests For insulators to be applied in contaminated environment
performed confirmed that rain intensity and conductivity pollution tests with clean fog are generally more severe than tests
may significantly influence the insulator performance under with heavy rain. Thus standard clean fog pollution tests and SI
clean condition, as shown in the examples of Fig. 2. tests can be generally sufficient to verify the design. The situation
is more complicated for insulators to be applied in rather
For contaminated insulators standardized pollution tests clean environments. Tests under clean conditions (negligible
with clean fog was generally found more severe than tests contamination) have indicated that insulators with profiles
with humidification by rain, irrespectively from the rain rate complying with IECTS60815 and having passed standard SI
and conductivity. wet tests, will generally be able to withstand service voltages
under rain intensities up to a few mm/minute with a maximum
Artificial rain tests necessary for rain conductivity of 500S/cm. Only assuming very extreme
conditions (rain rate of 10 mm/minute and water conductivity
design verification of 1000S/cm), heavy rain tests may need to be recommended
to verify the insulator design.
SI: Taking into account the limited dependence of the
flashover voltage on rain conductivity and intensity and the It has however, to be taken into account that the performance
low probability of a very high overvoltage value combined reduction due to heavy rain is more pronounced for small
with very severe rain conditions, it may be concluded that the distances between sheds. In any case, improvement of the
present standard SI tests are adequate to verify the design of strength can be obtained by the adoption of water cut sheds or
external insulation under Switching overvoltage. booster sheds.

Fig. 2 AC one minute wet tests on clean insulators.

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WG D1.45
technical brochure 634
DC: As for AC systems, for DC systems, the performance under may reach much higher values in specific situations.
heavy rain, if necessary to represent specific environmental Due to the low probability that highest overvoltage values
constraints, is to be verified only at service voltage level and occur at the same instantaneous time of the most severe rain
heavy rain tests may be necessary only to represent very extreme conditions, the standardized rain rate may be considered
rain conditions. as adequate for Switching Impulse Voltage (SI) tests for all
As for AC strength reduction due to heavy rain is more The present Standardized rain tests, for insulators complying
pronounced for small distances between sheds. Distances with pollution requirements as specified in IECTS60815,
between sheds higher than the ones used with AC voltage are are adequate to verify the insulator design of insulators to be
generally required for heavy rain environments. applied in normal environmental conditions, with limited
probability of having severe instantaneous rain conditions.
Artificial rain tests at UHV Only the tolerances on the rain parameters foreseen in the
present standards may need to be adjusted to facilitate the
Practical experience confirms the difficulty to perform the tests on UHV insulators.
standard SI tests on UHV apparatus and fully respecting the Only for very extreme environments characterized by very
standard requirements, as reflected by a questionnaire circulated high rain rate and/or very high rain conductivity and when
amongst a number of key laboratories. there is the concern that the profile is not adequate (e.g. too
small distance between sheds) heavy rain tests to verify the
It has to be considered that SI test results usually contain a performance under permanent voltage, simulating severe
large scatter, due to the influence of the many parameters rain conditions, may be necessary.
involved. Additionally, the influence of variation of both rain As a proposal an annex could be added to the present
intensity and resistivity is relatively low with SI and in general relevant standards indicating the minimal requirements for
within the standard deviation, typical for this kind of tests. tests with higher rain intensities and lower rain resistivities
Thus a possible solution for UHV tests would be to increase than in the present standards, indicating that the values
the required tolerances. Based on the outcome of the above could be used by agreement between the purchaser and the
mentioned questionnaire, the increase of the tolerances on manufacturer to represent heavy rain conditions.
the precipitation rate from 1 mm/minuteto3mm/minute for Large distances between sheds are advisable for environments
both the average and individual measurements was proposed, with severe rain conditions.
assuming that this condition could be reached more easily by the
laboratories involved.

As far as heavy rain tests under AC and DC voltages are

concerned, there are no specific problems in the UHV range if
the tests are to be carried out at service voltages (or close to it).

Performance of DC wall bushing

under rain conditions
The aspect of DC through-wall bushing was analyzed and is
presented in the Annex. It is shown that the performance is very (en anglais seulement)
particular, due to the interaction of the outer and inner active
parts of the bushing. In this case the rain characteristics (intensity (in English only)
or conductivity) are not very important, as the performance is
related to the rain uniformity in relation to the resistivity of the
Disponible sur / Available on:
dry part of the bushing surface and to the characteristics of the
inner active part. It is also shown that the problems associated
with through-wall bushing performance were very much www.e-cigre.org
attenuated by the introduction of polymeric housings.
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135 e
Service experience indicates that the performance of
insulators under rain may be critical especially for large
Purchase (non-members)
station insulators in vertical positions.
While average rain conditions are well represented by the Free download (members)
standardized rain parameters, instantaneous rain parameters

No. 283 - December 2015 ELECTRA 69

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