Nguyen ZJP11 B
Nguyen ZJP11 B
Nguyen ZJP11 B
2 2007 UICEE
Published in Australia
Australia is presently experiencing a skills shortage in the engineering profession, so much so that
this has led to the listing of the specialities of civil, chemical, mining and petroleum engineering on
the Migrant Occupations on Demand List. This raises concerns and has serious implications for
employers of engineers and engineering academics. In this article, the authors attempt to discuss
the cause behind this problem and why this is happening in Australia. Raising awareness of the
importance of engineering studies in the national education system at the primary, secondary and
tertiary levels and promoting engineering as career prospects are crucial steps to remedy the
current situation. Australia operates on a fee-based education system to remain competitive in the
global education market. However, there are problems with the fee-based system, which is
also briefly discussed. The inevitable process of internationalisation and its impact on engineering
education in Australia is also presented. A consideration concerning the introduction of a new
engineering model, leading to a Masters of Engineering in Australia, to boost the mobility of students
and offer internationally recognised qualifications is also carried out in this article. Finally, the
authors propose an alternative model, which maybe suitable for the educational market in Australia,
to be realised through the establishment of one common or the so-called global engineering curriculum,
which can also be used successfully internationally. Such a curriculum would address the issue
of offering an internationally recognised programme that is likely to eliminate the need for any
recognition and accreditation problems experienced between countries.
108 D.Q. Nguyen & Z.J. Pudlowski
economy of Australia because engineers are seen Secondly, the declining interest to study engineer-
as the creators, innovators, entrepreneurs and key ing at universities among school leavers is not helping
drivers of the economy. the current skills shortage problem. The rapid decline
In the following passage, Farrell highlights the in domestic undergraduate engineering students
important role that engineers play in boosting the began in 2001 and the situation will not improve
economy: unless significant changes are put in place.
As stated by Hartley,
Engineers turn knowledge into application.
They devise plans, they design products and If universities do not give credit or
processes and they deliver results; they are adequate weighting to engineering
the ultimate doers. Without innovation there studies at secondary level, students will not
is no wealth creation and as a consequence, be interested. If there are not enough
no economic growth [1]. HECS funded places for engineering
Australia doesnt have a hope of over-
Clearly, the preservation and expansion of this coming the skills shortage [4].
profession is vital for the future growth of this nation.
The decline is more noticeable in some engineer-
SKILLS SHORTAGE OF ENGINEERS IN ing disciplines, for example, software and tele-
AUSTRALIA communications, and increased in other areas such as
civil engineering [5].
Firstly, one has to ask a critical question: why is this When looking at this problem from an economic
happening in Australia? perspective, the current skills shortage in Australia is
Presently, in Australia, less than 5% of 24-year old mainly due to the resources boom and growth in the
males hold an engineering degree and even lower construction industry, both locally and internationally.
figures are reported for the opposite gender falling In addition to this, there is a big global demand for
within this same age group. In fact, only six in 1,000 engineers around the world, particularly in Asia, the
women in this age group have an engineering degree. UK and the USA. The shortage of engineers in the
In comparison, the figures from other developed areas of civil, chemical, mining and petroleum has
nations, such as Japan and Finland, are much higher resulted in the listing of these engineering professions
than in Australia [2]. on the Migrant Occupations on Demand List
The highest number of undergraduate engineering (MODL), which is a list that shows when there is
enrolments in Australia ever recorded was 11,500 in a national shortage of qualified people in a certain
1997 and this number has been gradually declining [3]. profession [3].
Australia does not appear to be a big player in the Johnston believes that there are a number of
mass production and creation of engineering and contributing factors that are responsible for this down-
IT graduates when compared to other populous ward trend and these include the following:
countries like China or India.
The skills shortage of engineers in Australia could Limited perceptions about likely careers in
be viewed in two ways, either from an educational or engineering;
economic perspective. Fear of mathematics;
From an educational perspective, there are a Lack of appeal of subject contents, modes of
few reasons why Australia is experiencing this skills delivery, enthusiasm and base knowledge of
shortage of engineers. Firstly, the demand and teachers [5].
interest for science and mathematics in primary and
secondary schools have declined. Without a proper Others believe that students are turning away from
exposure to mathematics and science, which are the engineering programmes because they are now
fundamentals of engineering education, elementary searching for a broader education and perhaps
level students are not expected to fully understand, more choice [6].
appreciate or even be aware of what engineering
really entails and/or what an engineer really does. CHANGES IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM
It is obvious that most students, upon the success- TO ADDRESS THE SHORTAGE CRISIS
ful completion of their secondary education, are not
likely to enrol at the university level in a discipline that To address this issue of skills shortage in engineering,
they are not familiar with. one must first examine the entire Australian educational
Issues and Challenges in Engineering... 109
system starting from the primary to the tertiary level, The other alternative in addressing the nations
and identify where the problems are in the structure shortage of engineers as expressed by Sheridan is to
and then make the necessary changes to encourage rely on qualified overseas engineers, either onshore
and attract more students to enrol in engineering through the immigration program or offshore via
courses at the tertiary level. outsourcing [3].
Firstly, the problem needs to be examined at the The challenge here, of course, is whether the over-
primary and secondary levels. It would appear that seas engineers qualifications meet Australian national
there is a lack of mathematics and science taught in standards and if the foreign qualifications are recog-
the classroom. Therefore, educators must raise the nised in Australia so that such qualifications would
level of mathematics and science subjects being taught enable overseas educated engineers to practice their
at primary and secondary schools. The exposure to profession in Australia. The other critical issue is to
such subjects, which are seen as the fundamentals of overcome the language and cultural barriers experi-
any engineering degree, is necessary if students are enced by overseas engineers in Australia.
to have any understanding of what engineering is and There has been an increase in the number of skilled
what engineering entails. immigrants obtaining visas in engineering-related fields
It is believed that the exposure to mathematics and from 1,012 in 2001-2002 to 2,636 in 2004-2005.
science subjects at an early age would arouse However, these immigrants are largely made up of
students curiosity, interest and enthusiasm for math- international students who have studied and success-
ematics and science subjects. Moreover, it should help fully completed their education (in engineering-related
students develop the appreciation, understanding, fields) in Australia and applied for a permanent
connection and affinity towards engineering for later residence status.
study, and prepare students for the transition to study Fox suggests that perhaps removing the Higher
engineering at university. It has been considered by Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) fees for
some institutions in Australia that lowering the univer- engineering degrees might be an incentive to encour-
sity entry scores of engineering programmes might age more domestic students to study engineering [7].
increase student enrolment numbers and attract a This definitely would help, but it is not likely to happen
broader selection of students to study engineering. in the near future.
The authors are not convinced that lowering the
score, and hence the standard of engineering, is the WAYS OF ADDRESSING THE SKILLS
best solution to attract students to engineering courses SHORTAGE CRISIS IN AUSTRALIA
as the highest calibre of students should be attracted
to engineering and not just the average students. A list of recommendations was formulated by delegates
At the tertiary level, a major restructuring and who attended the recent National Engineering,
revamping of engineering education, in particular the Science and Technology Skills Summit to address the
curriculum contents, is urgently needed in Australia to skills crisis in engineering. The list includes the
reflect the changes within the current global market. following suggestions:
The new curriculum should have less focus on physics
but more on biology, less on technical content and more obtaining more timely and robust data to
emphasis on humanities, arts and social sciences, and identify Australias skills capability and future
less focus on analysis and more on synthesis [6]. The skills needs;
new education should be broader in scope, and should providing greater support for the teaching
integrate knowledge from both the natural sciences of maths and science in schools and
and the social sciences and humanities [6]. universities;
Further, Boger states that: Clearly the traditional, providing primary and secondary students with
almost entirely technically based Australian engi- opportunities to interact with engineers and
neering degree must change and is changing [6]. scientists to spark their enthusiasm and to
In addition to all of these new requirements, the improve awareness of the rewarding careers
new curriculum must also be consistent, unified and available thereby increasing demand for
harmonised, and be in accordance and comparable tertiary courses;
with global standards. More importantly, it must coordinating programs of government,
be capable of obtaining international recognition. This community and professional organisations to
leads to the discussion of another important issue provide a solid, technical, experience-based
in this article, namely, the internationalisation of engi- resource for teachers and schools across
neering education. Australia;
110 D.Q. Nguyen & Z.J. Pudlowski
increasing the level of support for university courses from 48,898 in 2001 to 59,417 in 2005 (although
students to improve retention rates; domestic undergraduate enrolments decreased).
providing increased support for postgraduate It would appear that courses covered in Engineer-
courses to ensure that Australia has an ing and Related Technologies are the top choice
appropriate skills base in advanced technical among students, even though the enrolments number
areas; has slightly fluctuated from previous years, but it still
addressing workplace culture, remuneration holds the highest number of enrolments (15,439) in
and working conditions to encourage retention 2005. The next most popular choice among students
of technology professionals; recorded in 2005 is Mechanical Engineering (6,067)
developing programs to assist technical follow by Computer Engineering (5,237), Civil
professionals to upgrade their skills or transfer Engineering (5,008), Chemical Engineering (3,142),
their expertise into alternative industries; Electrical Engineering (4,034) and, finally, Process
developing programs to encourage science and Resources Engineering (not elsewhere classi-
and engineering professionals to broaden their fied) (2,045). However, the figures also show that
capabilities to facilitate engagement in the the decline is happening across some engineering
education systems; disciplines, namely Engineering and Related
supporting initiatives to retain skilled Technologies, Mechanical Engineering, Computer
professionals in the workforce [8]. Engineering and Electrical Engineering, when
compared to previous years.
The points raised in the list all share one thing in
common: they all make reference to improving and THE INTERNATIONALISATION OF
changing the current education system. This may lead ENGINEERING EDUCATION THE
to the conclusion that education appears to be the key INEVITABLE PROCESS
solution to the addressing the skills shortage problem.
Internationalisation, otherwise more commonly known
NATIONAL ENROLMENTS IN as globalisation, is forcing corporations and educational
ENGINEERING PROGRAMMES IN institutions around the world to think and act globally.
AUSTRALIA As the title of this section suggests, internationalisation is
inevitable, which means that no country can avoid or
The national enrolment of students in engineering bypass this process if they are to be a competitive
courses in Australia is presented in Figure 1, obtained player in the global market. The effect is real and is
from Monash University Planning and Statistics [9]. felt across all nations. It has already altered the way
This line graph represents student enrolment numbers that people work and conduct business globally. Also,
by the field of engineering from 2001 to 2005. This the impact of globalisation has already had a profound
figure takes into account the following: affect on the educational sector. It is putting pressure
on educational institutions to modernise, revamp and
Age groups from less than 16 to 60 years or more; transform educational materials and policies to meet
Attendance mode (internal, external and combi- international standards, offer qualifications that are
nation); internationally recognised and produce graduates with
Attendance type (full-time and part-time); global potentials. These are some of the immediate
Course type from non-awards to doctorates; challenges facing educational institutions in Australia
Course group (undergraduate, postgraduate and and overseas today.
higher education research); Why has the internationalisation of education
Field of education (engineering); become a major concern for educational institutions?
Gender (females and males); Hallak points out that due to the worldwide spread
Students origins (domestic and international); of the labour market, it has had two consequences:
All universities and colleges in Australia offering
engineering courses. Firstly, the need to compare competencies:
how can a company compare a diploma?
There are presently engineering programmes How can it be sure that certain training has
offered in over 30 different engineering disciplines by instilled a certain skill? Secondly, the race
universities and colleges across Australia. for excellence: the competition between edu-
The overall enrolment numbers show that there has cational institutions is very likely to intensify
been a steady increase in the enrolments of engineering and promote the search for the best quality [10].
Number of Enrolments
Issues and Challenges in Engineering...
Figure 1: The national enrolment numbers in engineering courses from 2001 to 2005 [9].
112 D.Q. Nguyen & Z.J. Pudlowski
Further, Hallak suggests that the traditional task It is appropriate for the worlds engineering profes-
of higher education in producing the cadres of sion to recognise this developing situation and to take
society should be revised in order to address the steps to ensure the orderly transition into the worldwide
new demands and challenges generated by practice of engineering, and the education of engineers
globalisation [10]. in particular [12]. Yeargan suggests that one method
How has this impacted on engineering education by which this can be accomplished is through the estab-
in Australia? There have been serious discussions and lishment of international accreditation of engineering
debates about the problems that arise from the vari- educational programmes, the recognition of academic
ous different standards, accreditation, recognition and equivalency between institutions, and reciprocal agree-
diversity of engineering programmes across the globe. ments between engineering licensing agencies [12].
These problems would not be an issue if all engineers
after graduation would find work and remain making ENGINEERING CURRICULA IN
a living in their home countries; but the reality of the AUSTRALIA A NEW PROGRAMME
problem is that engineering is becoming a global
profession due to the impact of globalisation. The University of Melbourne, which is considered as
Many engineers in Australia are now going off- one of the leading Group of Eight (Go8) universities in
shore to look for work. This provides a great opportunity Australia, is considering the introduction of a new engi-
for many engineers to gain first hand experience in neering curriculum leading to a Master of Engineering.
working overseas. The other obvious reason is that The proposed model is similar to that of the European
many are forced to travel abroad to seek employment model, which may be undertaken in two stages. The
due to the shortages of jobs in the local environment first stage is the undergraduate degree (baccalaureate),
or seek better salaries and job opportunities and prospects. which can be completed in three years, followed by a
In order to overcome this problem, current engineering Masters degree that requires another two years (the
education in Australia needs to address the issue of Bologna Model) so that the total programme is com-
establishing the compatibility, comparability and stand- pleted in five years. The introduction of this new pro-
ardisation of qualifications in education and training gramme came about because there was a demand
systems at the international level. The positive out- for the broadening of engineering education, the lack
come is that engineering education in Australia is already of mathematics and sciences available at high school,
on this path of establishing international accreditation the most obvious reason being to offer a qualification
through the Washington Accord and other means. that is internationally recognised, and that the extending
The impact of internationalisation has influenced the tertiary education process is necessary for Aus-
many Australian universities to tap into the global tralia to maintain its international standing [13].
market by making their programmes more aligned with The opinions expressed by Evans and Marrels, if
those universities in Europe in order to promote stu- other Australian universities were to adopt this very
dent mobility, to be seen as a competitor in the global same model of a five-year engineering programme at
market, as well as attract full fee-paying Australian their institutions, are that this would provide a base
students enrolments [11]. for further collaboration among the universities to pro-
duce an Australian-wide version of the Bologna-like
ENGINEERING BECOMING A GLOBAL model. This outcome would increase the flexibility and
PROFESSION mobility of students between all Australian universities
and perhaps even with European universities.
Increasingly, engineers conduct their work in more than The ramifications of this shift from four years to
one country and in countries other than where they five years of undergraduate study for an engineering
received their education. The mobility of students and programme are such that it will eventually replace all
engineers is very much driven by this process of inter- bachelor engineering degrees, eliminate double degree
nationalisation/globalisation. Many countries have programmes in engineering and the standard Masters
different laws, cultures, procedures and standards degree programme either by research or coursework,
concerning the education and practice of engineering. which is typically completed within two years. The
It is anticipated that the growth of major trading blocs, standard Masters programme by coursework remains
such as the European Union (EU), the Asia/Pacific a popular choice for international students and, hence,
area and the Americas, will intensify this process of a substantial source of revenue for the university.
mobility. Also, instant worldwide communication is In fact, the statistics show that the number of
a strong catalyst for the development of the global students undertaking a Masters degree by coursework
practice of engineering and engineering education. grew from 1,022 in 2001 to 2,560 in 2004 and, what is
Issues and Challenges in Engineering... 113
even more surprising, is that more than 80% of the establishment of one common or so-called global
growth was in the field of electrical and electronic engineering curriculum, which can be used world-
engineering [3]. The important question here is: does wide. Such a curriculum would address the issue of
the introduction of the five-year study programme, offering an internationally recognised programme, as
leading to a Masters degree in Australia, has a well as eliminate the need for any recognition and
negative impact on this lucrative market? The other accreditation problems between countries [15].
question is: does extending the study of engineering to
five years deter students from studying engineering CONCLUSIONS
and attract them to other disciplines?
Australia is currently facing a skills shortage of
PROBLEMS WITH A FEE-BASED domestic engineers across all disciplines. This short-
EDUCATION SYSTEM age has come about because of the rapid decline in
domestic student enrolments in engineering courses
Although there are great benefits and advantages in Australia. The number of enrolments in Australia
stemming from this new five-year study programme peaked in 1997 but has declined since. There are a
in engineering, the authors are not absolutely certain number of contributing factors why students are turn-
whether this new model proposed by the University ing away from engineering. The national curriculum
of Melbourne is suitable for the Australian education at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels is to blame
system, which is predominantly a fee-based for this national shortage and changes are urgently
education system. needed in the national curriculum to reverse this
During the most recent years, governments in rich problem. Moreover, due to the process of internation-
countries, especially in Australia, New Zealand and alisation, Australia is also trying to tap into the global
the UK, have significantly decreased education funding engineering market and offer internationally recognised
and are forcing many universities to seek private and qualifications and boost student mobility. The Univer-
fee-based funding to remain in operation. In Australia, sity of Melbourne is looking at introducing a five-year
for example, all universities are charging local students programme leading to the Masters of Engineering. The
HECS, and hefty educational student fees and charges model is similar to that of the European model.
also apply to international students to obtain a higher The alternative model, as proposed by the authors,
degree. The concept of free education was still avail- is through the establishment of one common or
able in Australia in the early 1980s, but was eventually so-called global engineering curriculum, which would
phased out in 1989 and replaced by fee-based educa- address the issue of offering an internationally recog-
tion. The main sources of funding in higher education nised programme, as well as eliminate the need for
in Australia are essentially made up of government any recognition and accreditation problems between
funding, fees and charges from local and foreign countries. The additional benefits provided by offering a
students, as well as HECS. global curriculum have been elaborated on elsewhere
Australia generates revenue of about $10 billion [16]. There appears to be general support for the
per year from its education export and attracts a large development of the global curriculum in environmental
number of full-fee-paying students, mostly from engineering education when taking into account the
countries in Asia. The increase in cuts in government data collected from an inventory of global engineering
educational funding around the world means that educators [16].
commercial and private entities will take a greater role
in educational business. Education is slowly becoming REFERENCES
a service industry similar to banking, insurance, travel,
etc [14]. This seems to be the trend witnessed in 1. Farrell, P., Engineering, innovation and entrepre-
recent years in Australia. Fortunately, the situation is neurship. ATSE Focus, 141, 14 (2006).
not as drastic in those European countries where 2. Stojanovich, D., Changes needed in education and
universities and engineering schools are still receiving workplace. Engineers Australia, 79, 4, 30-31 (2007).
large government grants [14]. In light of this situation, 3. Sheridan, J., Why arent we training more engi-
the proposed new programme, as advocated by the neers? ATSE Focus, 141, 15-16 (2006).
University of Melbourne, is, perhaps, better suited to 4. Hartley, R., Expanding the number of engineers
cater for higher learning institutions in Europe. is essential to economic growth. Engineers
The alternative model strongly advocated by the Australia, 79, 3, 3 (2007).
authors of this article, which maybe suitable for 5. Johnston, A., Generational change and its impact
the education market in Australia, is through the on engineers. ATSE Focus, 141, 4-5 (2006).
114 D.Q. Nguyen & Z.J. Pudlowski
6. Boger, D., Engineering education a personal Engineering at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
perspective. ATSE Focus, 141, 6-7 (2006). She is currently a Research Fellow and finalising her
7. Fox, J., Engineering and Australias future in the PhD in environmental engineering education.
21st Century. ATSE Focus, 141, 17-18 (2006). Her special research interests include environmental
8. Taylor. P., Addressing the skills crisis. Engineers engineering, engineering education, sustainable engineer-
Australia, 79, 7, 6 (2007). ing, global education, curriculum analysis and design,
9. Monash University Planning and Statistics statistical analysis, research methods, and women in
(2007), engineering. Also, she has external interests in Web
pivot tables/ design and programming in Java and Javascript. In her
10. Hallak, J., Globalisation and its Impact on spare time, she enjoys doing high impact aerobics,
Education. In: Mebrahtu, T., Corssley, M. and weight training, tae-box and reading. Her hobbies
Johnston, D. (Eds), Globalisation, Educational include fashion, shopping, computers, travelling,
Transformation and Societies in Transition. playing music, playing golf and watching movies.
Oxford: Symposium Books (2000). Her awards include: UICEEs Women in Engi-
11. Simmons, J., New issues of mastery and neering Education Scholarship (1997-2000); the
globalisation. ATSE Focus, 141, 11-12 (2006). UICEE Silver Badge of Honour for her contribution
12. Yeargan, J.R., International accreditation of engi- to engineering education and to the operation of the
neering and technology programs. Inter. J. of UICEE (1998); the UICEE Best Paper Diamond (First
Engng. Educ., 7, 6, 464-466 (1991). Grade) Award for a distinguished contribution in de-
13. Evans, R. and Mareels, I., Five years to complete livering an outstanding paper to the Global Congress
a basic engineering education. ATSE Focus, 141, on Engineering Education (July 1998); the UICEE
13-14 (2006). Best Paper Silver (Fourth Grade) Award at the 8th
14. Bordia, S., Problems of accreditation and quality Baltic Region Seminar on Engineering Education
assurance of engineering education in developing (September 2004); the UICEE Best Paper Diamond
countries. European. J. of Engng. Educ., 26, 2, (First Grade) Award at the 9th UICEE Annual Con-
187-193 (2001). ference on Engineering Education (February 2006);
15. Nguyen, D.Q. and Pudlowski, Z.J., The design and the UICEE Best Paper Gold (Third Grade) Award
standardisation of engineering curricula in the (first place) at the 10th UICEE Annual Conference
context of globalisation. Global J. of Engng. Educ., on Engineering Education (March 2007); and her
10, 2, 129-139 (2006). latest award, the UICEE Best Paper Diamond (First
16. Nguyen, D.Q. and Pudlowski, Z.J., A comparative Grade) Award at the 11th Baltic Region Seminar on
study on the perceived level of support by general Engineering Education (June 2007). She is also a
engineering educators versus environmental engineer- recipient of the prestigious Australian Postgraduate
ing educators for development of a global curriculum. Award (October 2000-October 2003), Monash Depart-
Proc. 4th Asia-Pacific Forum on Engng. and Tech- mental Award (October 2000-October 2003) and
nology Educ., Bangkok, Thailand, 191-194 (2005). Monash Travel Grant (October 2001).
She has also served on several national and inter-
BIOGRAPHIES national engineering education conference organising
committees. She has already published close to 50 con-
Dianne Q. Nguyen gradu- ference and journal papers.
ated with a Bachelor of Ap- Ms Nguyen is the current Treasurer of the Inter-
plied Science, majoring in national Liaison Group on Engineering Education
chemistry and environmen- (IL-GEE).
tal management, from
Deakin University, Australia, Zenon Jan Pudlowski gradu-
in 1994, and then completed ated Master of Electrical
her Honours year in 1997 and Engineering from the Acad-
Masters in Engineering Sci- emy of Mining and Metal-
ence (Research) at Monash lurgy (Krakw, Poland), and
University, Australia, in 2000. Doctor of Philosophy from
She has spent time working in research laborato- Jagiellonian University
ries before entering academia. Since December 1995, (Krakw), in 1968 and 1979,
she has been with the UNESCO International Centre respectively.
for Engineering Education (UICEE) in the Faculty of From 1969 to 1976, he
Issues and Challenges in Engineering... 115
was a lecturer in the Institute of Technology within (GJEE) and the World Transactions on Engineering
the University of Pedagogy (Krakw). Between 1976 and Technology Education (WTE&TE). He was
and 1979, he was a researcher at the Institute of on the editorial boards of the International Journal
Vocational Education (Warsaw) and from 1979 to 1981 of Electrical Engineering Education (1993-2005)
was an Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Pedogogy and the European Journal of Engineering Educa-
within Jagiellonian University. From 1981 to 1993, he tion (1993-2005). Prof. Pudlowski was the Founda-
was with the Department of Electrical Engineering at tion Secretary of the International Liaison Group for
The University of Sydney where, in recent years, he Engineering Education (ILG-EE) (1989-2006) and is
was a Senior Lecturer. currently its Chairman.
He is presently Professor and Director of the Professor Pudlowski was a member of the
UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Edu- UNESCO International Committee on Engineering
cation (UICEE) in the Faculty of Engineering at Education (ICEE) (1992-2000). He has chaired and
Monash University, Clayton, Melbourne, Australia. He organised numerous international conferences and
was Associate Dean (Engineering Education) of the meetings. He was the Academic Convener of the
Faculty of Engineering between 1994 and 1998. 2nd World Conference on Engineering Education,
In 1992, he was instrumental in establishing the the General Chairman of the East-West Congresses
International Faculty of Engineering at the Technical on Engineering Education. He was also General
University of Lodz, Poland, of which he was the Foun- Chairman of the UNESCO 1995 International
dation Dean (1992-1995) and Professor (in absentia) Congress of Engineering Deans and Industry
(1992-1999). He was also appointed Honorary Dean Leaders, and General Chairman of the Global
of the English Engineering Faculty at the Donetsk Congress on Engineering Education, to name a few.
National Technical University in the Ukraine in 1995. He received the inaugural AAEE Medal for
His research interests include circuit analysis, Distinguished Contributions to Engineering Education
electrical machines and apparatus, implementation (Australasia) in 1991 and was awarded the Order of
of computer technology in electrical engineering, the Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers for Contributions
software engineering, methodology of engineering to the Development of Engineering Education on both
education and industrial training, educational psychol- National and International Levels in 1994.
ogy and measurement, as well as human aspects of In June 1996, Prof. Pudlowski received an honor-
communication in engineering. His achievements to ary doctorate from the Donetsk National Technical
date have been published in books and manuals and in University in the Ukraine in recognition of his
over 350 scientific papers, in refereed journals and contributions to international engineering education, and
conference proceedings. in July 1998, he was awarded an honorary Doctorate
Professor Pudlowski is a Fellow of the Institution of Technology from Glasgow Caledonian University,
of Engineers, Australia, and of the World Innovation Glasgow, Scotland, UK. He was elected a member of
Foundation (WIF), UK. He is a member of the editorial the Ukrainian Academy of Engineering Sciences
advisory board of the International Journal of in 1997. In 2002, he was awarded the title of an
Engineering Education. He is the founder of the Honorary Professor of Tomsk Polytechnic University,
Australasian Association for Engineering Education Tomsk, Russia, and was an External Professor at
(AAEE) and the Australasian Journal of Engineer- Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark (2002-2007).
ing Education (AJEE), and was the 1 st Vice- He is listed in 14 Whos Who encyclopaedias,
President and Executive Director of the AAEE and including the Marquis Whos Who in the World.
the Editor-in-Chief of the AJEE since its inception in He has been recently appointed to the Register for
1989 until 1997. Currently, he is the Editor-in-Chief of External Reviewers of the Oman Accreditation Council
the Global Journal of Engineering Education (OAC).
116 D.Q. Nguyen & Z.J. Pudlowski
The yearly 11th Baltic Region Seminar on Engineering Education was organised by the UNESCO
International Centre for Engineering Education (UICEE) and held Tallinn, Estonia, between
18 and 20 June 2007. The Seminar attracted participants from 10 countries worldwide. Almost
40 papers have been published in this Volume of Proceedings, which grossly document and
present academic contributions to the Seminar. All of these published papers present a diverse
scope of important issues that currently affect on engineering and technology education locally,
regionally and internationally.
The principal objective of this Seminar was to bring together educators from the Baltic Region to
continue dialogue about common problems in engineering and technology education under the
umbrella of the UICEE. To consider and debate the impact of globalisation on engineering and
technology education within the context of the recent economic changes in the Baltic Region, as
well as in relation to the strong revival of the sea economy. Moreover, the other important
objectives were to discuss the need for innovation and entrepreneurship in engineering and
technology education, and to establish new links and foster existing contacts, collaboration and
friendships already established in the region through the leadership of the UICEE.
The papers incorporated in these Proceedings reflect on the international debate regarding the
processes and structure of current engineering education. They are grouped under the following
broad topics:
Opening address
Education and training for engineering entrepreneurship
Innovation and alternatives in engineering education
New developments and technologies in engineering education
Quality issues and improvements in engineering education
New trends and approaches to engineering education
Simulation, multimedia and the Internet in engineering education
It should be noted that all of the papers published in this volume have undergone an international
formal peer review process, as is the case with all UICEE publications. As such, it is envisaged
that these Proceedings will contribute to the international debate in engineering education and
become a valuable source of information and reference on research and development in
engineering education.
To purchase a copy of the Seminar Proceedings, a cheque for $A70 (+ $A10 for postage within
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