Regional Anaesthesia and Chronic Renal Disease: Marijana @ura Livija (Aki)

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VOL. 115, No 2, 271273, 2013 CODEN PDBIAD

ISSN 0031-5362

Clinical experience

Regional anaesthesia and chronic renal disease

LIVIJA [AKI] 2 Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has become increasingly prevalent in our
aging patient population, especially because glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
Department of Anaesthesiology, and renal reserve decline progressively as we grow older. The most common
Reanimatology and Intensive Medicine, causes of CKD are diabetes mellitus, hypertension and glomerulonephritis.
University Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia
The aim of this article is to present different regional techniques relevant to
Department of Anaesthesiology, patients with CRF. We also reviewed possible complications and specificities
Reanimatology and Intensive Medicine, that should be addressed when administering regional anesthesia.
University Hospital Sv Duh, Zagreb, Croatia

Marijana @ura INTRODUCTION
Department of Anaesthesiology
Reanimatology and Intensive Medicine
University Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia
E-mail: [email protected]
C hronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as the presence of kidney
damage (usually detected as urinary albumin excretion of 30 mg/day
or more, or equivalent) or decreased kidney function (defined as a
glomerular filtration rate less than 60 ml/min/1.73 m) for three or
more months. Recent professional guidelines classify the severity of
Key words: regional anaesthesia, chronic chronic kidney disease in five stages, with stage 1 being the mildest and
kidney disease usually causing few symptoms and stage 5 being a severe illness with
poor life expectancy if untreated. Stage 5 CKD is often called End Stage
Renal Disease (ESRD) and is synonymous with the now outdated
terms chronic kidney failure (CKF) or chronic renal failure (CRF).
A wide range of disorders may develop as a consequence of the loss
of renal function. These include disorders of fluid and electrolyte
balance, such as volume overload, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis,
and hyperphosphatemia, as well as abnormalities related to hormonal
or systemic dysfunction, such is anorexia, nausea, vomiting, fatigue,
hypertension, anemia, malnutrition, hyperlipidemia and bone disease.

Platelet dysfunction in chronic kidney disease

From regional anesthesia aspect special attention should be payed in
increased tendency of bleeding in acute and chronic kidney disease (1).
This appears to correlate most closely with prolongation of the bleeding
time, due primarily to impaired platelet function. Anemia, dialysis, the
accumulation of medications due to poor clearance and anticoagula-
tion used during dialysis have some role in causing impaired hemosta-
sis in ESRD. Platelet dysfunction occurs both as result of intrinsic pla-
telet abnormalities and impaired plateletvessel wall interaction (2, 3).
The normal platelet activation, recruitment, adhesion and aggregation
is defective in advanced renal failure. Dialysis may partially correct
these defects, but cannot totally eliminate them. The hemodialysis pro-
cess itself may in fact contribute to bleeding (4). Hemodialysis is also
Received May 15, 2013. associated with thrombosis as a result of chronic platelet activation due
to contact with artificial surfaces during dialysis.
Marijana @ura and Livija [aki} Regional anaesthesia and chronic renal disease

Anticoagulation and chronic renal deration when utilizing epidural or spinal anaesthesia. A
disease high level of blockade can result in a significant drop in
blood pressure and GFR. Careful preoperative fluid load-
Renal clearance is the primary mode of elimination
ing will help offset the degree of hypotension. It should be
for several anticoagulants, including LMWH (low mole-
remembered that patients with autonomic neuropathy
cular weight heparin), fondaparinux, and the new oral
will not able to adequately compensate for a fall in blood
factor Xa and IIa inhibitors. Therefore, with reduced
pressure as would a normal patient.
renal function, these drugs may accumulate and may
increase the risk of bleeding, particularly in elderly pa- As acidosis decreases the central nervous system thres-
tients and those at high risk for bleeding (5). The rela- hold to the toxic effects of local anaesthestics, the total of
tionship between renal impairment and drug accumu- anaesthetic should be decreased by approximately 25 per
lation for the various LMWHs appears to be variable and cent in the acidotic patient (10). Cardiotoxicity of local
may be related to the chain length distribution of the anesthestics has been described; more with bupivacaine
different LMWH preparations (6). Two recent studies in then with levobupivacaine so later should the used (11).
hospitalized patients, the majority of whom were criti- The use of regional anaesthesia in patients with ure-
cally ill and had creatinine clearances less than 30 mL/min, mic neuropathy is controversial. Neuropathy is a com-
have shown no bioaccumulation of dalteparin 5000 U mon complication of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD),
once daily based on serial anti-factor Xa levels (7). There- typically presenting as a distal symmetrical process with
fore, they do not reduce the prophylaxis dose of dalte- greater lower-limb than upper-limb involvement. The
parin in patients with renal insufficiency. condition is of insidious onset, progressing over months.
With enoxaparin thromboprophylaxis, we suggest that and has been estimated to be present in 60%100% of
30 mg once daily be used. We also suggest that fondapa- patients on dialysis. Neuropathy generally only develops
rinux, rivaroxaban and dabigatran be avoided unless fu- at glomerular filtration rates of less than 12 ml/min. The
ture evidence demonstrates that these agents can be used most frequent clinical features reflect large-fiber involve-
safely in patients with severe renal insufficiency. ment, with paresthesias, reduction in deep tendon re-
flexes, impaired vibration sense, muscle wasting, and
Comparison of local and regional weakness (12). Most anesthetists will agree that its use is
technique for creation AVF contraindicated, although some authors differ.
Regional anesthesia is administered to different loca- The transverse abdominal plane
tions in patients with CRF. Literature primarily cites (TAP) block
importance of regional anesthesia in creating AV fistulas,
comparing effect on fistula flow in local and regional The transverse abdominal plane (TAP) block has pro-
anesthesia techniques (8, 9). Approximately 25% of ini- ven effective in reducing opioid requirements and pain
tial arteriovenous fistula (AVF) placements will fail as a scores for some procedures involving the lower abdominal
result of thrombosis or failure to develop adequate vessel wall. In the study of Freir et al. they assessed its efficacy in
size and blood flow. Fistula maturation is impacted by patients with end-stage renal failure undergoing cadaveric
patient characteristics and surgical technique, but both renal transplantation (13). The addition of a TAP block to
increased vein diameter and high fistula blood flow rates the analgesia regimen for renal transplantation did not
are the most important predictors of successful AVFs. reduce morphine requirements. Controversial results has
Anesthetic techniques used in vascular access surgery been published in paper by Mukhtar et al, where reduce
(local anaesthesia and regional blocks) may affect these dose of opioids has been shown after TAP block.
characteristics and fistula failure. Significant vasodila-
tion after regional block administration is seen in both CAPD and regional anaesthesia
the cephalic and basilic veins. These vasodilatory proper- In our institution CAPD catheters are introduced and
ties may assist with AVF site selection. In the intraopera- removed by laparoscopic technique using spinal anesthe-
tive and postoperative periods, use of a regional block, sia. We did not have any complications, but patients has
compared with other anesthetic techniques, resulted in reported shoulder pain, headache, nausea, and discomfort
significantly increased fistula blood flow. The greater due to pneumoperitoneum during procedure. In general,
sympathetic block contributed to vessel dilation and re- patient cooperation and satisfaction are good. In paper by
duced vasospasm. Use of regional techniques in AVF con- Tzovaras et al. identical results has been shown as we had
struction yielded shorter maturation times, lower failure in our study that were comparing spinal and general
rates, and higher patency rates. anesthesia during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (15).

Spinal anaesthesia Kidney transplantation and regional

Neuroaxial block (spinal anesthesia) has it place in anesthesia
patients with CRF. It is administered whenever there is The earliest kidney transplants were all done under
an indication because it is logical choice as it avoids the ef- regional anesthesia, however the recent trend has been
fects of muscle relaxants, narcotics and potent volatile towards general anesthesia. A small (n=50), randomized,
anesthetics. Symphatetic blockade is an important consi- controlled trial comparing general to regional anesthesia

272 Period biol, Vol 115, No 2, 2013.

Regional anaesthesia and chronic renal disease Marijana @ura and Livija [aki}

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