Review On Gung Ho
Review On Gung Ho
Review On Gung Ho
2.There is a scene that depi Quality based strategies Strategy that focuses on qua
cts that the Japanese are sati lity is all phases of an organ
sfied to the product if its zer ization.
o defect different than the A Pursuit of such a strategy is
mericans thinking of "good rooted in a number of factor
enough." s.
-Trying to overcome a poor
quality reputation
-Desire to maintain a qualit
y image
-A part of a cost reduction s
Japanese workers are very c
oncerned with the quality of
the product by which they i
nitiate to product a zero-def
ect products.
4. The union agrees not to s Incentive plan success/Com American workers appear t
trike and works towards a J pensation heoughout the film to be m
otivated by financial incenti
apanese standard monthly o ve and individual awards.
utput of 15000 cars in order Mof the workers are motiva
to restore their wages. ted through compensation a
nd having
incentives. In the movie it s
how well the Americans are
motivated through addition
al pay off unlike for the Jap
anese worker they work for
the sake of the company an
d Kazihiro mentioned "Whe
n production is down, Japan
ese worker stays longer," th
ey work without overtime p
ay ,setting motivations extri
nsic (financially)and instrin
sic (affliation) to workers ar
e important to keep the prod
uctivity of the business. To
obtain maximum benefit for
an incentive plan , it should
Accurate, easy to apply, co
nsistent,easy to understand
and fair.
5.U.S. Automoile company Location: identifying a com The community sets it hope
in Pennyslvania experiencin munity to the Japanese to save thei
g closire at a time of econo r work through a buy out of
mic crisis. The local auto w an automobile company. O
orkers union leader Hunt St ne the important factors to b
ephenson visits Assan Moto e considered businesses dec
rs to propose a buy out. ide on its location is it to lo
ok on the quality of life of t
he community and attitude
of the workers nonetheless
come from the community.