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Yes, No, Maybe So: A Sexual Inventory Stocklist: Body Boundaries Code Guide

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Yes, No, Maybe So: A Sexual Inventory Stocklist

Body Boundaries
___ Having a partner touch me affectionately without asking first Code Guide
___ Touching a partner affectionately without asking first Y = Yes
N Having a partner touch me sexually without asking first
N = No
N Touching a partner sexually without asking first
M Having a partner touch me affectionately in public M = Maybe
M Touching a partner affectionately in public
___ IDK = I don't know
N Having a partner touch me sexually in public F = Fantasy
N Touching a partner sexually in public N/A = not
M Having my shirt/top off with a partner
M Having a partner's shirt/top off
M Having my pants/bottoms off with a partner
M Having a partner's pants/bottoms off
Y Being completely naked with a partner with the lights off or low
Y Having a partner be completely naked with the lights off or low
M Being completely naked with a partner with the lights on
M Having a partner be completely naked with the lights on
Y Direct eye contact
M Being looked at directly, overall, when I am naked
Y Grooming or toileting in front of a partner
Y Having a partner groom/use the toilet in front of me
___ Having my genitals looked at directly
M Having a partner talk about my body
M Talking about a partner's body
N Having some or all of a disability, identity or difference I have be specifically made
part of sex, sexualized or objectified
N Having some or all of a disability, identity or difference a partner has be specifically
made part of sex, sexualized or objectified
N Having some or all kinds of sex during a menstrual period
N Seeing or being exposed to other kinds of body fluids (like sweat or urine)
M Shaving/trimming/removing my own pubic hair
M Shaving/trimming/removing a partner's pubic hair
___ Other:
___ Other:

Some parts of my body are just off-limits. Those are:

I am not comfortable looking at, touching or feeling some parts of another person's body.
Those are:

I am triggered by (have a post-traumatic response to) something(s) about body

boundaries. Those are/that is:

Sample discussions: What helps me feel most comfortable being naked with someone?
What ways a partner does or may talk about my body make or could make me feel
uncomfortable? What do I "count" as sexual touching and what do I consider affectionate

Words & Terms

I prefer the following gender/sexual identity or role words (like man, woman, boi, femme,
butch, top, etc.) to be used for me:
I prefer my chest or breasts be referred to as:

I prefer my genitals to be referred to as:

I prefer my sexual orientation and/or identity to be referred to as:

Some words I am not okay with to refer to me, my identity, my body or, or which I am
uncomfortable using or hearing about, with or during any kind of sex are:

I am triggered by certain words or language. Those are/that is:

Sample discussions: Are certain words okay in some settings or situations but not in
others? How flexible am I with what a partner might want to call something I like calling
something else? Why do I use the words for my parts that I do?

Relationship Models & Choices

N Having a partner talk to close friends about our sex life
M Talking to close friends about my sex life
N Having a partner talk to acquaintances, family or co-workers about our sex life
N Talking to acquaintances, family or co-workers about my sex life
Y An exclusive romantic relationship
Y An exclusive sexual relationship
___ Some kind of casual or occasional open/non-exclusive romantic relationship
___ Some kind of casual or occasional open/non-exclusive sexual relationship
___ Some kind of serious or ongoing open/non-exclusive romantic relationship
___ Some kind of serious or ongoing open/non-exclusive sexual relationship
___ Sex of some kind(s) with one partner at a time, only
___ Sex of some kind(s) with two partners at a time
___ Sex of some kind(s) with three partners at a time
___ Sex of some kind(s) with more than three partners at a time
___ Other:
___ Other:

Sample discussions: What kind of agreements do/would I want with the kinds of
relationships models I want or am interested in? What are my personal values with
relationships and simultaneous sexual partners?

Safer Sex and Overall Safety Items and Behaviors

___ Sharing my sexual history with a partner
___ A partner sharing their sexual history with me
___ Doing anything sexual which does or might pose high risks of certain or all sexually
transmitted infections (STIs)
___ Doing anything sexual which does or might pose moderate risks of certain or all
sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
___ Doing anything sexual which does or might pose low risks of certain or all sexually
transmitted infections (STIs)
___ Using a condom with a partner, always
___ Using a condom with a partner, not always
___ Putting on a condom myself
___ Putting on a condom for someone else
___ Having someone else put on a condom for me
___ Using a dental dam, with a partner, always
___ Using a dental dam, with a partner, not always
___ Putting on a dental dam for myself
___ Putting a dental dam on someone else
___ Having someone else put a dental dam on me
___ Using a latex glove with a partner, always
___ Using a latex glove with a partner, not always
___ Putting on a latex glove for myself
___ Putting on a latex glove for someone else
___ Having someone else put a latex glove on me
___ Using lubricant with a partner
___ Applying lubricant to myself
___ Applying lubricant on a partner
___ Having someone else put lubricant on me
___ Getting tested for STIs before sex with a partner
___ Getting regularly tested for STIs by myself
___ Getting tested for STIs with a partner
___ A partner getting regularly tested for STIs
___ Sharing STI test results with a partner
___ Doing things which might cause me momentary or minor discomfort or pain
___ Doing things which might cause a partner momentary or minor discomfort or pain
___ Doing things which might cause me sustained or major discomfort or pain
___ Doing things which might cause a partner sustained or major discomfort or pain
___ Being unable to communicate clearly during sex
___ Having a partner be unable to communicate clearly
___ Initiating or having sex while or after I have been drinking alcohol or other
recreational drugs
___ A partner initiating or having sex while or after drinking alcohol or other recreational
___ Other:
___ Other:

I am triggered by something(s) around sexual safety, or need additional safety

precautions because of triggers. Those are/that is:

Sample discussions: Are sexual history conversations loaded for me? Do I have any
double-standards with safer sex, testing or other safety? What makes me feel some risk is
worth it, while another isn't?

Sexual Responses
___ Experiencing or expressing unexpected or challenging emotions before, during or
after sex
___ A partner experiencing or expressing or challenging emotions before, during or after
___ Not experiencing or expressing expected emotions before, during or after sex
___ A partner not experiencing or expressing expected emotions before, during or after
___ Feeling and being aroused (sexually excited), alone
___ Feeling and being aroused, with or in front of a partner
___ Having genital sexual response, like erection or lubrication, alone
___ Having genital sexual response, like erection or lubrication, seen or felt by a partner
___ Not having or "losing" erection or lubrication, alone
___ Not having or "losing" erection or lubrication, with or in front of a partner
___ Being unable to reach orgasm, alone
___ Being unable to reach orgasm, with a partner
___ Having one orgasm, alone
___ Having one orgasm, with or in front of a partner
___ Having more than one orgasm, alone
___ Having more than one orgasm, with or in front of a partner
___ Ejaculating, alone
___ Ejaculating, with or in front of a partner
___ Having a partner ejaculate with me/while I'm present
___ Having an orgasm before or after you feel like you "should" with a partner
___ Having a partner have an orgasm before or after you feel like they "should"
___ Making noise during sex or orgasm, alone
___ Making noise during sex or orgasm, with a partner
___ Having sex interrupted by something or someone external or your own body or
___ Other:
___ Other:

I am triggered by certain sexual responses of my own or those of a partner. Those are:

I like or don't like having or giving certain kinds of sexual aftercare (like snuggling or
reaffirming emotional feelings). Those are:

Is what I/we think of as ideal in alignment with what our responses and comfort with
them really are? What parts of sexual response make me feel vulnerable or exposed? Am
I putting any pressure on myself or partners to respond a certain way?

Physical and/or Sexual Activities

___ Masturbation
___ Holding hands "Receptive" means the person
___ Hugging in a given activity who is taking
___ Kissing, cheek or face someone else into their body in
___ Kissing, closed-mouth some way, and "insertive"
___ Kissing, open-mouth means the partner who is
___ Being kissed or touched on the neck putting themselves into
___ Kissing or touching a partner's neck another person. "Giving" means
___ Giving hickeys a person doing something to
someone else, and "receiving" is
___ Getting hickeys
the person having something
___ Tickling, doing the tickling done to them. Language for
___ Tickling, being tickled these things is imperfect,
___ Wrestling or "play-fighting" though, since any time we're
___ General massage, giving actively having sex with
___ General massage, receiving someone else, everyone is the
___ Having my chest, breasts and/or nipples touched or rubbed "doer" not just one person.
___ Touching or rubbing a partner's the breasts, chest and/or
___ Frottage (dry humping/clothed body-to-body rubbing)
___ Tribadism (scissoring, rubbing naked genitals together with a partner)
___ Having a partner's mouth or tongue on my breasts or chest
___ Putting my mouth or tongue on a partner's breasts or chest
___ Masturbating in front of/with a partner
___ Having a partner masturbate in front of/with me
___ Manual sex (hands or fingers on penis or strap-on), receiving
___ Manual sex (hands or fingers to penis or strap-on), giving
___ Manual sex (hands or fingers on testes), receiving
___ Manual sex (hands or fingers on testes), giving
___ Manual sex (hands or fingers on vulva), receiving
___ Manual sex (hands or fingers on vulva), giving
___ Manual sex (hands or fingers inside vagina), receiving
___ Manual sex (hands or fingers inside vagina), giving
___ Manual sex (hands or fingers on or around anus), receiving
___ Manual sex (hands or fingers on or around anus), giving
___ Manual sex (hands or fingers inside rectum), receiving
___ Manual sex (hands or fingers inside rectum), giving
___ Ejaculating (coming) on or in a partner's body
___ Having a partner ejaculate (come) on or in my body
___ Using sex toys (like vibrators, dildos or masturbation sleeves), alone
___ Using sex toys (like vibrators, dildos or masturbation sleeves), with a partner
___ Oral sex (to vulva), receptive partner
___ Oral sex (to vulva), doing to someone else
___ Oral sex (to penis or strap-on), receptive partner
___ Oral sex (to penis or strap-on), doing to someone else
___ Oral sex (to testes), receptive partner
___ Oral sex (to testes), doing to someone else
___ Oral sex (to anus), receptive partner
___ Oral sex (to anus), doing to someone else
___ Vaginal intercourse, receptive partner
___ Vaginal intercourse, insertive partner
___ Anal intercourse, receptive partner
___ Anal intercourse, insertive partner
___ Having food items be part of sex
___ Cross-dressing during sex
___ Having a partner cross-dress during sex
___ Biting a partner
___ Being bitten by a partner
___ Scratching a partner
___ Being scratched by a partner
___ Wearing something that covers my eyes
___ Having a partner wear something that covers their eyes
___ Having my movement restricted
___ Restricting the movement of a partner
___ Being slapped or spanked by a partner in the context of sexual pleasure
___ Slapping or spanking a partner in the context of sexual pleasure
___ Pinching or having any kind of clamp used on my body during sex
___ Pinching a partner or using any kind of clamp on them during sex
___ Other:
___ Other:

I am triggered by certain sexual activities. Those are:

Sample discussions: If I said yes to something but my partner said maybe, what
conditions might make their maybe a yes? With a partner, can we each live with and
accept our no's? What ways do each of us, so far, know we like things done we've said we
would do/like to do?

Non-Physical (or not necessarily physical) Sexual Activities

___ Communicating my sexual fantasies to/with a partner
___ Receiving information about a partner's sexual fantasies
___ Role-play
___ Phone sex
___ Cybersex, in IM
___ Cybersex, in chat room
___ Cybersex, on cell phone
___ Getting sexual images of a partner in my email or on my phone
___ Giving sexual images to a partner in their email or on their phone
___ Reading pornography or erotica, alone
___ Reading pornography or erotica, with a partner
___ Viewing pornography, alone
___ Viewing pornography, with a partner
___ A partner reading or viewing pornography
___ Giving pornography/erotica to a partner
___ Getting pornography/erotica from a partner
___ Other:
___ Other:

I am triggered by certain non-physical sexual activities. Those are:

Sample discussions: How do non-physical sexual activities figure into our/my

relationship agreements? How big a role do non-physical sexual activities play in my sex
life or do I want them to play?

Birth Control/Reproductive Choices

___ Doing anything sexual which does or might pose a risk of pregnancy without using a
reliable method of birth control
___ Doing anything sexual which does or might pose a risk of pregnancy with a reliable
form of birth control
___ Using emergency contraception
___ Having a partner use emergency contraception
___ Becoming pregnant
___ Creating a pregnancy with a partner
___ Helping a partner throughout a pregnancy and delivery
___ Experiencing a loss with a pregnancy, like miscarriage or abortion
___ Supporting a partner through a loss with a pregnancy, like miscarriage or abortion
___ Parenting with a partner
___ Parenting by myself
___ Paying child support for a pregnancy I co-created
___ Terminating a pregnancy (abortion)
___ Having a partner terminate a pregnancy (abortion)
___ Choosing adoption if there was a pregnancy
___ Other:
___ Other:

Sample discussions: In what situations do I see myself making a given reproductive

choice (if applicable)? How do/might I feel about a partner having very different answers
in this section than I do, and how would that impact my choice to be with them?

Copyright 2010, Heather Corinna & CJ Turett, Scarleteen.com

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