Masters Olympic Lifting Program 4 Weeks 14 March 11 April

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Masters Olympic Lifting Program

This is the Masters (40 years old +) program for Hong Kong Weightlifting. This program is quite similar to the
Beginners program, except it has one day dedicated completely to strength movements. Masters need a bit
more recovery and lack the fast-paced strength gains that Beginners experience. The program is updated
every four weeks. The coaches will evaluate each lifters progress and make changes as needed before the
next four week block. If you cant attend class, please follow along.

If you dont yet have any personal best to gauge the percentages below, go by feel, you will know when you
cant successfully lift another kilogram.

If there is no percentage or prescribed weight, go by feel, but dont over do it.

3r x 5 @60% - Three repetitions for five total sets
HS - Heavy Single, not a maximum lift, but whatever number is technically heavy for that day. Stop
after you hit that number, do not go for a max, leave something in the tank.
OHS - Overhead Squat (typically snatch grip).
Power Position - See photo
Mid Thigh Position - Halfway between your knees and waist.
DS @75% - Drop Sets, complete more lifts 25 percent lower than your best successful lift of the day.
2+1 - Complete two of the first portion of the lift, immediately follow with one of the second portion of
the lift. (i.e. 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk)
3 Point - Mid-thigh, knee, floor.
2 Point - From two positions off the floor, typically where coach advises for you.
From Floor - The lift begins in start position from the floor.

Tuesday: Power Position Thursday: Mid Thigh Position Saturday: At Knee Position

Week 1 Muscle Snatch 3r x 5; Warm up for 15 Muscle Sn + OHS

- 60% last 3 sets with weights Minutes, and stretch Snatch + OHS; 2+1x7
Power Snatch + OHS Muscle Clean + Press sets
4+1 x 5 @60% 3+2 x 5; last 3 sets with C&J Heavy Single;
Back Squat 8r x 5 weights DS @75%, 1+2 x 2
@60% Good morning 8r x 3 Deadlift 3RM
Snatch Deadlift 5r x @50% bodyweight Front Squat 3RM;
5@90% of Snatch Dumbbell Stationary drop set 75% for Max
DB Clean and Press x Lunge 10 ea leg x 4 Reps
50 reps Barbell Push Press Pull Ups 25
Back Extensions - 40
Tuesday: 2 Point Snatch Thursday: Below Knee Saturday: Just off ground

Week 2 Muscle Snatch 3r x 5; Warm up for 15 Muscle Sn + OHS

- 70% last 3 sets with weights Minutes, and stretch Snatch HS
Power Snatch + OHS 3+ Power Clean + Push C&J HS
2x 5 @7% Press 3+2 @ 60% x 5 Back Squat 3RM;
Back Squat 6r x 5 Good morning 8r x 3 drop set 75% for 10r
@75% @55% bodyweight Clean grip Push
Clean grip Push Press Dumbbell Stationary Press 3r x 5
3r x 5 Lunge 10 ea leg x 4 2 Core/GP moves
Snatch Deadlift 5r x 5 (heavier weight)
@100% of Snatch Barbell Push Press
DB Bent Row x 30 reps 5RM (1kg better than
each arm last week)
Back Extensions - 50

Tuesday: Above & Below Thursday: 3 Point Saturday: Above &

knee Clean Below knee

Week 3 Muscle Snatch 3r x 5; Warm up for 15 Muscle Sn + OHS

- 75% last 3 sets with weights Minutes, and stretch Snatch HS
Power Snatch + OHS Power Clean + Power C&J HS
2+2 x 5 @75% Jerk 2+2 @ 70% x 5 Back Squat 3RM;
Back Squat 4r x 5 Good morning 8r x 3 drop set 75% for 10r
@85% @60% bodyweight Clean grip Push
Snatch Deadlift 3r x Dumbbell Stationary Press 3r x 5
5@110% of Snatch Lunge 10 ea leg x 4 2 Core/GP moves
DB Clean and Press x (heavier weight)
50 reps Barbell Push Press
5RM (1kg better than
last week)
Straight Leg Deadlift -
20r x 3 @40kg

Tuesday: From Floor Thursday: From Floor Saturday: Gym Meet

Week 4 Muscle Snatch 3r x 5; Warm up for 15 **Competition style; weigh

- 80% last 3 sets with weights Minutes, and stretch in, declare, 3 attempts at
Squat Snatch 2r x 5 Clean and Jerk, Singles each
Technique Primer
@80% @80% x 5
Back Squat 2r x 5 Dumbbell Stationary Clean & Jerk
@92% Lunge 10r ea leg x 4 Squat
DB Bent Row x 30 reps (heavier weight) GPP/Core
each arm Barbell Push Press
5RM (1kg better than
last week)
Barbell Rollouts 10r x 3

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