Aparadha Shodhana Mantras

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Apardha-shodhana mantras

(mantras for forgiveness for offences)

nama om vishnu-pdya krishna-preshthya bh-tale

shrmate bhaktivednta-swmin iti nmine |
namas te sraswate deve gaura-vn-prachrine
nirvishesha shnyavadi pshctya desha trine ||

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupda, who is very dear to Lord Krishna on this earth, having taken shelter at His
lotus feet. | Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master, servant of
Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat Gosvmi. You are kindly preaching the message of Lord
Caitanyadeva and delivering the Western countries, which are filled with
impersonalism and voidism. || "

namo mah-vadnyya krishna-prema-pradya te

krishnya krishna-caitanya-nmne gaura-tvishe namaha

"O most munificent incarnation! You are Krishna Himself appearing as Shr Krishna
Caitanya Mahprabhu. You have assumed the golden colour of Shrmat Rdhrn, and
You are widely distributing pure love of Krishna. We offer our respectful obeisances
unto You."

namo brahmanya-devya go-brhmana-hitya ca

jagad-dhitya krishnya govindya namo namaha

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Krishna, who is the worshipable Deity for
all brahmanas the well-wisher of the cows and the brahmanas and the benefactor of the
whole world. I offer my repeated obeisances to the Personality of Godhead, known as
Krishna and Govinda."
mantra-hnam kriy-hnam bhakti-hnam janrdana
yat pjitam may deva pariprnam tad astu me

O my Lord, O Janardana, whatever little pja or worship that has been performed by
me, although it is without devotion, without proper mantras, and without the proper
performance, please let that become complete.

yad-dattam bhakti-mtrena patram pushpam phalam jalam

veditam nivedyan tu tad grihnnukampay

Whatever has been offered with devotionthe leaf, the flower, the water, the fruit, the
food offeringplease accept it out of Your causeless mercy.

vidhi-hnam mantra-hnam yat kicid upapditam

kriy-mantra-vihnam v tat sarvam kshantum arhasi

Whatever has happened without the proper chanting of the mantra, or without following
the proper procedure, kindly forgive all that.

ajnd athav jnd ashubham yan may kritam

kshantum arhasi tat sarvam dsyenaiva grihna mm
sthitihi sev gatir ytr smritish cint stutir vacaha
bhyt sarvtman vishno madyam tvayi ceshtitam

Whatever inauspicious things I have done out of ignorance or unknowingly, please

forgive that, and accept me as Your insignificant servant. Let my normal condition be
service, let my movement be holy pilgrimage, let my thought be remembrance of You,
let my words be glorification of You. O Vishnu, let my activities with my whole mind,
body and soul, be engaged in You.

apardha-sahasrni kriyante har-nisham may

dso ham iti mm matv kshamasva madhusdana
Thousands of offences are performed by me day and night. But thinking of me as Your
servant, kindly forgive those, O Madhusdana.

pratij tava govinda na me bhaktaha pranashyati

iti samsmritya samsmritya prnn sandhraymy aham

O Govinda, Your promise is that Your devotee will never perish. By remembering this
over and over again, I am able to retain my life-airs.

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