2000 GK Questions For Defence Aspirants
2000 GK Questions For Defence Aspirants
2000 GK Questions For Defence Aspirants
1. The most abundant elements is: electrons from the surface of (c) Water containing minerals of
(a) Silicon (b) Calcium metal when- heavy metal
(c) Nitrogen (d) Oxygen (a) it is used (d) Water containg heavy isotope
2. Bar is a unit of (b) it is placed in strong electric of hydrogen
(a) pressure (b) force field 16. Gamam rays are-
(c) energy (d) (c) electrons of suitable velocity (a) high energy electrons
frequency impinge on it (b) low energy electrons
3. Oxygen and ozone are (d) Light of suitable wavelength (c) high energy electromagnetic
(a) allotropes (b) isomers falls on it (d) high energy positions waves
(c) isotopes (d) isobars 10. Which electro magnetic radiation 17. Neclear fission is caused by the
4. Who among the following is emitted by radioactive impact of
proposed that atom is indivisible? substance- (a) Neutrons (b) Protons
(a) Dalton (b) (a) rays (c) Deuteron (d) Electron
Berzelius (b) Radio waves 18. Hydrogen bomb is based on the
(c) Rutherford (d) (c) Micro waves principle of
Avogadro (d) x ray (a) nuclear fission
5. Neutron was discovered by 11. Species containing same number (b) nuclear fusion
(a) J. J. Thomson (b) of electrons are called: (c) natural radioactivity
Chadwick (a) Isotopes (b) Isobars (d) artificial radioactivity
(c) Rutherford (d) Priestley (c) Isoelectronic (d) Isotones 19. In nuclear raeactors the speed of
6. The word insolation means 12. Isobars are lines displaying areas neutrons is slowed down by
(a) Matters which insulates of equal- (a) heavy water
(b) Incoming solar radiation (a) Humidity (b) ordinary water
(c) Insoluble matters (b) Temperature (c) zinc rods
(d) None of the above (c) Rainfall (d) moten caustic soda
7. Neutrino has- (d) Atmospheric pressure 20. In treatement of cancer, which of
(a) charge + 1, mass 1 13. The phenomenon of radioactivity the following is used-
(b) charge 0, mass 0 was discovered in 1898 A. D. by- (a) (b)
(c) charge 1, mass 1 (a) Henri Becquerel (c) (d)
(d) charge 0, mass 1 (b) J.J Thomson 21. What was the fissionable material
8. Indicate the correct arrangement (c)`Marie Curie used in the bombs dropped at
for electromagnetic radiation in (d) Pierre Curie Nagasaki (Japan) in the years
order of their increasing 14. The particles are- 1945?
wavelength- (a) High energy electrons (a) Sodium
(a) Visible, infrared, microwave, (b) Positively charged hydrogen (c) Potassium
X- rays ions (c) Plutonium
(b) X rays, infrared, visible, (c) High energy x ray radiations (d) Uranium
microwave (d) double positively charged
(c) Microwave, infrared, visible, 22. Yellow cake an item of
helium nuclei
X rays 15. Heavy water is used as a coolant smuggling across broder is-
(d) X- rays, visible, infrared, in nuclear reactors Heavy water (a) a crude form of heroin
microwave is (b) a crude form of cocaine
9. The photoelectric effect is (a) Water rich in minerals (c) uranium oxide
described as the ejection of (b) Ozonized water (d) unrefined gold
23. Cobalt 60 is commonly used in (b) High temperature and low 37. The gas supplied in cylinders for
radiation therapy because it pressure cooking is-
emits- (c) Low temperature (a) marsh gas
(a) rays (d) High temperature (b) LPG
(b) beta rays 31. An ideal gas is one which obeys- (c) Mixture of CH4 and C2 H6
(c) Gamma ray (a) Gas laws (d) Mixture of ethane and
(d) X rays (b) Boyles laws propane
24. H2O is liquid and H2 S is a gas (c) Charles law 38. The most electronegative element
because- (d) Avogadros law among the following is-
(a) Oxygen forms stronger 32. Alcoholic fermentation is brought (a) Chlorine
hydrogen bond than sulphur about the action of (b) Oxygen
(b) Oxygen is less electronegative (a) yeast (c) Fluorine
than sulphur (b) CO2 (d) Sodium
(c) Atomic radius of oxygen is (c) O2 39. When a gas is turned into a
less than that of sulphur (d) CO liquid, the process is called-
(d) Atomic radius of oxygen is 33. The enzymes are killed- (a) Condensation
greater than that of sulphur (a) At a very high temperature (b) Evaporation
25. The acid used in eye wash is (b) During chemical reaction (c) Deposition
(a) Oxalic acid (c) At low temperature (d) Sublimation
(b) nitric acid (d) Under atmospheric pressure 40. The boiling point of water
(c) Boric acid 34. If a refrigerators door is kept decreases at higher altitudes is
(d) None open, then- due to
26. Source of vitamin C is (a) Room will be cooled (a) Low temperature
(a) Nitric acid (b) Room will be heated (b) Low atmospheric pressure
(b) Ascorbic acid (c) May get cooled or heated (c) High temperature
(c) Oxalic acid depending upon the weather (d) High atmospheric pressure
(d) Maleic acid (d) No effect on room 41. At high altitudes the boiling point
27. Hydrochloric acid is also known 35. When a gas is subjected to of water lowers because-
as adiabatic expansion, it gets (a) Atmoshperic pressure is low
(a) Garlic acid cooled due to- (b) Atmospheric pressure is high
(b) Picric acid (a) No chage in tntropy (c) Temperature is low
(c) Muriatic acid (b) Loss in kinetic energy (d) None of these
(d) Chloric acid (c) Decreases in velocity 42. In electro refining, the pure
28. Aqua Regia contains (d) Energy spent in doing work- metal is deposited on-
(a) 3 parts of conc. HCI + 1 part 36. Coal gas is a mixure of- (a) Cathode
of con. HNO3 (a) H2 , CH4 , CO (b) Anode
(b) 3 parts of conc. HCI + 1 part (b) H2, N2, CO (c) Vessel
of con. H2 SO4 (c) H2, N2, O2 (d) Electrolyte
(c) 3 parts of conc. H2SO4 + 1 (d) H2, O2, CO2
part of con. HNO3
(d) None of these
29. Rate of diffusion of a gas is
(a) Directly proportional to its
(b) Directly proportional to its
molecular mass
(c) Directly proportional to the
square of its molecular mass
(d) Inversely propostional to the
square root of its molecular mass
30. Deviations from ideal behavior
will be more of the gas
issubjected to-
(a) Low temperature and high
43. In galvanization, iron is coated (c) Rubber Benzene account its transparency to X
with (d) All of these rays
(a) Copper (b) Zinc 51. The detergent action of soap is (b) barium is a good absorber of
(c) Tin (d) Nickel due to its- rays and this helps the stomach
44. Smoke is a colloidal dispersion of (a) Emulsifying property to appear clerly in contrast with
a (b) Alkalinity the other regions in the picture
(a) Solid in a gas (c) Solubility in water (c) barium is a good absosrber of
(b) Liquid in a gas (d) Preciptating power X rays and this helps the
(c) Gas in a solid 52. Muddy water is treated with alum stomach to appear clerly in
(d) Gas in a gas in purification process, it is contrast with the other regions in
45. When a few typical solutes are termed as. the picture
separted by aparticular selective (a) adsorption (d) barium slats are white in
membrane, such as protein (b) emulsification colour and this help the stomach
particles from blood corpuscles, (c) absorption to appear clearly in contrast with
the process is called- (d) coagulation other region in the pictures
(a) Exosmosis 53. The use of heat treatment of ore 58. The chemical name of bakin
(b) Dialysis that includes smelting and soda is
(c) Transpiration roasting is termed: (a) Sodium carbonate
(d) Endosmosis (a) electrometallurgy (b) Sodium bicarbonate
46. The bleeding of a wound is (b) Cryometallurgy (c) Sodium Chloride
stopped by the application of (c) Hydrometallurgy (d) Sodium nitrate
ferric chloride because- (d) Pyrometallurgy 59. Chemical formula of washing
(a) Blood starts flowing in the 54. Plaster of Paris is made from soda is
opposite direction (a) Marble (b) Bauxite (a) Na2 SO4 10 H2 O
(b) Ferric chloride seals the blood (c) Limestone (d) Gypsum (b) NaHCO3
vessels 55. When or is heated generally in (c) Na2 CO3 10H2 O
(c) Blood reacts and a solid is absence of air then process is (d) Ca (OH)2
formed which seals the blood called- 60. Which of the following is
vessels (a) smelting (b) roasting responsible for permanent
(d) Blood is coagulated and the (c) calcinations (d) none hardness of water?
blood vessels are sealed 56. Match List I with List II and (a) Magnesium bicarbonate
47. Cod liver is an example of select the correct answer using (b) Sodium chloride
(a) Oil emulsion the codes given below the Lists- (c) Calcium sulphate
(b) Oil in water emulsion List - I List II (d) Calcium bicarbonate
(c) Water in oil emulsion A. Blue 1. Sodium 61. Soda ash is the name for:
(d) Water in water emulsion bicarbonate (a) Sodium hydroxide
48. Milk is an example of vitriol (b) Anhydrous sodium carbo-
(a) oil in water emulsion B. Epson 2. Sodium hydroxide nate
(b) Water in oil emulsion salt (c) Sodium bicarbonate
(c) Fat in oil emulsion C. Baking 3. Magnesium (d) Hydrated sodium carbonate
(d) Fat in water emulsion sulphate 62. There are only two metals that
49. The blue colour of water in the Soda are non-silver in color, they are
sea is due to- D. Caustic 4. Copper sulphate (a) Sodium & Magnesium
(a) Refraction of the blue light by Soda (b) Copper & Gold
the impurities in sea water Codes: (c) Palladium & Platinum
(b) Scattering of blue light by A B C D (d) Nickel & Zinc
water molecules (a) 3 4 2 1 63. The process of sudden cooling
(c) Refraction of blue sky by sea (b) 4 3 2 1 is known as
water (c) 3 4 1 2 (a) annealing
(d) Absorption of other colours (d) 4 3 1 2 (b) diffusion
except the blue colour by water 57. Barium in a suitable form is (c) quenching
molecules administered to patients before an (d) sedimentation
50. Which one is an example of X ray examination of the 64. The soft silvery metallic
Miscelles System here- stomach, because- element which ionizes easily
(a) Soap Water (a) barium allows X rays to when heated or exposed to light
(b) Protein + Water pass through the stomach on
and is present in atomicclocks (b) Sodium bicarbonate and (b) Sulphates of magnesium
is. dilute H2SO4 and calcium
(a) Califonrium (b) Calcium (c) Limestone and dilute H2SO4 (c) Carbonates of sodium and
(c) Cerium (d) Cesium (d) Marble powder and dilute magnesium
65. Heavy metal got their name HCI (d) Bicarbonates of magnesium
because compared to other 73. The chemical name of plaster of and calcium
atoms they have paris is- 82. Red phosphorus is less reactive
(a) Higher atomic number (a) Calcium Chloride than yellow phosphorus
(b) Higher atomic radii (b) Calcium Nitrate because-
(c) Higher atomic masses (c) Calcium Sulphate Hydrate (a) It is red in colour
(d) Higher densities (d) None of these (b) it is highly polymerized
66. The ore of Aluminium is 74. Water attains maximum density (c) It is insoluble in C2H5OH
(a) Chalco pyrites at- (d) it is hard
(b) Hematite (a) 0 C (b) 4 F 83. In the manufacture of safety
(c) Fluorspar (c) 4 k (d) 4 C matches, we use-
(d) Bauxite 75. Which of the following could (a) White phosphorus
67. Chemically vermillion is act as properllant for rockets- (b) Black phosphoorus
(a) Calcium Carbonate (a) Liquid hydrogen + Liquid (c) Violet phosphorus
(b) Potassium Nitrate nitrogen (d) Red phosphorus
(c) Potassium Sulphide (b) Liquid nitrogern Liquid 84. Photographic plates are coated
(d) Merucry (II) Sulphide oxygen with a film of-
(e) None of the above (c) Liquid hydrogen - Liquid (a) AgCI (b) AgBr
68. Annealing process is oxygen (c) AgI (d) AgNO3
(a) heating the steel bright red (d) Liquid oxygen Liquid 85. Acid rain is due to
and then cooling slowly argon (a) Sulphur dioxide pollution
(b) heating the steel to a 76. The velocity of neutrons in (b) Carbon monoxide pollution
temperature much below nuclear reactor is slowed down (c) Pesticide pollution
redness and cooling it slowly by- (d) Dust particules in the
(c) beating rods of iron (a) Heavy water (D2O) atmosphere
embedded in charcoal powder (b) Zinc rod 86. The gas used to extinguish fire
(d) heating steel to bright red (c) Fused caustic soda is
and cooling suddenly (d) Ordinary water (H2 O) (a) Neon
69. Sodium metal should be stored 77. Which of the following gases is (b) Nitrogen
in used in cigarette lighters? (c) Carbon dioxide
(a) Alcohol (a) Butane (b) Methane (d) Carbon monoxide
(b) Kerosene oil (c) Propane (d) Radon 87. Which of the following is
(c) Water 78. The chemical used as a fixer responsible for blue baby
(d) Hydrochloric acid /developer in photography syndrome-
70. Which of the most reactive (a) Sodium sulphate (a) Fluoride (b) Nitrate
metal? (b) Sodium sulphide (c) Arsenic (d) Lead
(a) Sodium (c) Sodium thiosulphate 88. The pollutan responsible for
(b) Calcium (d) Sodium sulphite ozone holes is
(c) Iron 79. Marsh gas contains- (a) CO2 (b) SO2
(d) Potassium (a) CO2 (b) CH4 (c) CO (d) CFC
71. Which one among the (c) N2 (d) C2H6 89. Nitrogen in water is commonly
following is used in making 80. The ultraviolet rays can be found in the form of :
gunpowder? checked by (a) Nitric oxide
(a) Magnesium sulphate (a) Flint glass (b) Nitrous oxide
(b) Potassium nitrate (b) Crookes glass (c) Nitrate
(c) Sodium stearate (c) Soda glass (d) Nitrite
(d) Calcium sulphate (d) Pyrex glass 90. In the study of pollution, SPM
72. In the ordinary fire extinguis- 81. Permanent hardness of water is refers to
her, carbon dioxide is generated due to the presence of (a) Sulphur Phosphorus Matter
by the reaction of (a) Sulphates of sodium and (b) Sulphur Particlulate Matter
(a) Sodium carbonate and dilute potassium (c) Solid Particulate Matter
(d) Suspended Particulate (a) Coal 107. Ozone depletion in the
Matter (b) Petroleum stratosphere is mainly caused
91. The first organic compound (c) Cellulose by-
synthesized in the laboratory (d) Plastic (a) SO2
was 100. Lemon is sour due to- (b) NO2
(a) Urea (a) Citric acid (c) NO
(b) Uric acid (b) Tartaric acid (d) Chlorofluorocarbons
(c) Lactic acid (c) Oxalic acid 108. Global warming may result in-
(d) Glucose (d) Acetic acid (a) Flood
92. Gas used for artificial ripening 101. Which one omong the (b) cyclone
of fruits is: following fules is used in gas (c) Decrease in forest produc-
(a) Ethane welding? tivity
(b) Acetylene (a) LPG (d) all of the above
(c) Propane (b) Ethylene 109. TAj Mahal is said to be
(d) Methane (c) Methane suffering from Marble
93. Chromatography technique is (d) Acetylene Cancer. What is Marble
used for the separation of 102. Fementation of ethyl alcohol Cancer?
(a) Small sample of mixture into acetic acid is done by- (a) Smokes filling the Taj
(b) Plant pigments (a) Zymase Mahal from adjoining industries
(c) Dye stuff (b) Diastase (b) Large no. of funges is Taj
(d) All (c) Maltase Mahal marbles.
94. The gas produced in marshy (d) Bacterium mycoderma aceti (c) Acidic rain which corrodes
places due to decomposition of 103. The process by which vegetable marble
vegetation is ghee is manufactured is known (c) Yellowing of marble on a/c..
(a) Carbon monoxide as- of soot particles
(b) Carbon dioxide (a) Saponification 110. The substrate of Photores-
(c) Sulphur dioxide (b) Hydrogenation piration is.
(d) Methane (c) Esterification (a) Fuctose
95. Ethanol containing 5% water is (d) Dydrolysis (b) Pyruvic acid
known as- 104. The sweetest of all sugars- (c) Glycolate
(a) Absolute alcohol (a) Glucose only (d) Glucose
(b) Dilute alcohol (b) glucose and galactose 111. It is reported that there is an
(c) Power alcohol (c) glucose and fructose ongoing decrease in the pH
(d) Rectified spirit (d) glucose and lactose value of ocean water because of
96. Chemical name of Gammexane global warming. It happens due
is: 105. One of the best solutions to get to:
(a) Aniline rid of non biodegradable (a) larger uptake of CO2 be
(b) Toulene wastes is ocean water
(c) Benzene hexachloride (a) Recycling (b) lesser uptake of CO2 by
(c) Chloro benzene (b) Dumping ocean water
97. Power alcohol is (c) Burying (c) larger uptake of atmospheric
(a) Absolute alcohol + Methyle (d) Burning nitrogen by ocean water
alcohol 106. The term Carbon foot print (d) lesser uptake of atmospheric
(b) Absoluted alcohol + Petrol means nitrogen by ocean water.
(c) Rectified alcohol + Petrol (a) A region which is rich in 112. Acid rain is caused by the
(d) Denatured alcohol + Petrol coal mines pollution of environment by-
98. What happens when a drop of (b) The amount of reduction in (a) carbon dioxide and nitrogen
glycerol is added to crush the emission of CO2 by a (b) carbon monoxide and
KMnO4 sprcad on a paper? country carbon dioxide
(a) There is a crackling sound (c) The use of Carbon in (c) ozone and carbon dioxide
(b) There is no reaction manufacturing industries (d) Nitrous oxide and sulphur
(c) The paper ignites (d) The amount of greenhouse dioxide
(d) There is a violent explosion gases produced by our day-to- 113. Which one among the
99. Which of the following is used day activities following substances is NOT a
as raw material for the green house gas?
manufacture of rayon? (a) Water vapour
(b) Chlorofluorocarbon 115. The increasing amount of (d) The infrared part of the
(c) Methane carbon dioxide in the air is solar radiation
(d) Nitrogen slowly raising the temperature 116. The gas which is present in
114. Main pollutan present in of atmosphere, because it both the natural gas and the bio-
automobile exhaust is- absobs- gas is-
(a) CO (a) The water vapours of the air (a) Methane
(b) CO2 and retains its heat (b) Butane
(c) NO (b) The ultraviolet part of the (c) Hydrogen
(d) hydrocarbons solar radiation (d) Carbon Monoxide
(c) All the solar radiations
1 c 31 a 61 d 91 a
2 a 32 a 62 b 92 b
3 a 33 a 63 c 93 d
4 a 34 b 64 d 94 d
5 b 35 d 65 d 95 d
6 b 36 a 66 d 96 c
7 b 37 b 67 d 97 b
8 d 38 c 68 a 98 c
9 d 39 a 69 b 99 c
10 a 40 b 70 d 100 a
11 c 41 a 71 b 101 b
12 d 42 a 72 b 102 d
13 a 43 c 73 c 103 b
14 d 44 a 74 d 104 d
15 d 45 b 75 c 105 a
16 c 46 d 76 a 106 d
17 a 47 c 77 a 107 d
18 b 48 a 78 c 108 d
19 a 49 d 79 b 109 c
20 c 50 a 80 b 110 d
21 c 51 a 81 b 111 a
22 c 52 d 82 b 112 d
23 c 53 d 83 d 113 d
24 a 54 d 84 b 114 a
25 c 55 b 85 a 115 d
26 b 56 d 86 c 116 a
27 c 57 c 87 b
28 a 58 b 88 d
29 d 59 c 89 c
30 a 60 c 90 d
1. Which of the following methods 8. Endosulfan spray on cashew crop (c) Azotobacter
is/are suitable for soil conservation in resulted in the pollution to the tune of (d) Xanthomonas
hilly region? tragedy in: 15. The concentration of pollutants in
1. Terracing and contour bunding (a) Tamil Nadu atmosphere is generally expressed in:
2. Shifting cultivation (B) Keral (a) Parst per billion
3. Contour ploughing (c) Andhra Pradesh (b) Kilogram per square metre
Select the correct answer using the (d) Karnataka (c) Parts per trillion
code give below. 9. Which of the following series is true (d) Parst per million
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 only about energy flow in an ecosystem? 16. Which one among the following
(c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (a) Prodcucers Decomposeers rroups is the most abundant in terms of
2. National Biodiversity Authority is Consumers. number os species identified?
located at (b) Decomposers Consumers (a) Fundgi (b) Green plants
(a) Puducherry (b) Mangalore Producers. (c) Bacteria (d) Insects
(c) Hyderabad (d) Chennai (c) Prodcucers Consumers 17. Which of the following can be
3. The rapidly growing mass of Decomposeers. found as pollutants in the drinking
phytoplankton covering the surface (d) Consumers Prodcucers water in some parts of India?
water of lake or pond is known as: Decomposeers. 1. Arsenic 2. Sorbital
(a) Water pollution 10. Chlorofluro carbons are widely 3. Dluoride 4. Formaldehyde
(b) Water hyacinth used in: 5. Uranium
(c) Eutrophication (a) Micro overns Select the correct answer usning fthe
(d) Water bloom (b) Solar heaters codes given below.
4. Biodiversity is richer in: (c) Washing machines (a) 1 and 3 only
(a) tropical regions (d) Refrigerators (b) 2, 4 and 5 only
(b) polar regions 11. In which Eco-system Grassland is (c) 1, 3 and 5 only
(c) temperate regions included? (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
(d) oceans (a) marine (b) Fresh Water 18. Due to improper /indiscrimate
5. Which of the gas is not known as (c) Terrestrial (d) Artificial disposal of old and used computers or
greenhouse gas? 12. The main pollutant responsible for their parts, which of the following are
(a) Methene Bhopal Gas Tragedy is: released into the environment as e-
(b) Carbon dioxide (a) Methyl isocyanate waste?
(c) Nitrous oxide (b) Bromine 1. Beryllim 2. Cadmium
(d) Hydrogen (c) Chlorofluro carbon 3. Chromium 4. Heptachlor
6. Transboundary pollution (or) Acid (d) Chlorine 5. Mercury 6. Lead
rain is caused by: 13. An organism which can monitor air 7. Plutonium
(a) nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide pollution is: Select the correct answer using the
(b) Carborn monoxide (a) Alage (b) Fungi codes given below:
(c) Carbon dioxide (c) Bacteria (d) Lichen (a) 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 only
(d) Hydrocarbon 14. Which among the following is (b) 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 only
7. Acceptable Noise Pollution Level symbiosis Nitrogern fixing bacteria? (c) 2, 4, 5 and 7 only
in India range between: (a) Pseudomoria (d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6 and 7
(a) 10 15 dec (b) 16 35 dec (b) Rhizobium 19. Which one of the following terms
(c) 40 45 dec (d) 70 100 dec describes not only the physical space
occupied by an organism, but also its 26. Which one among the following is (c) Hawk (d) Bear
functional role in the community of not responsible for green house 35. The greenhouse effect refers to:
organism? effect? (a) Increasing agricultural yields
(a) Ecotone (b) Ecological niche (a) Water (b) Gradual warming of the earths
(c) Habitat (d) Home range (b) Carbon dioxide surface
20. The depletion of Ozone layer is (c) Nitrogen (c) Build-up of toxic airborne
mainly due to- (d) Chlorofluorocarbons pollutants
(a) Radioactive rays 27. Air pollution by Fly ash is (d) Reduction in the earths ozone
(b) Chloroflurocarbons caused by: layer
(c) Volcanic Eruptions (a) Hydro-electric Power Stations 36. Bacteria and fungi act as ____
(d) Aviation fuels (b) Power generation through wind within an ecosystem.
21. The chipko Movement farms (a) Primary producers
1. was an environmental movement to (c) Coal combustion in Thermal Power (b) Primary consumers
prevent cutting down of trees Plants (c) Secondary consumers
2. Raised the questions of ecological (d) Nuclear Power Plants (d) Decomposers
and economic exploitation 28. The super bug used in controlling 37. What is the term for the maximum
3. Is a movement against alcoholism as oil pollution is: number of individuals that an area can
its bradened agenda? (a) An algal starin support indefinitely?
4. Demanded that local communities (b) A fungal strain (a) Biotic potential
should have control over their natural (c) A bacterial strain (b) Carrying capacity
resources (d) A water flea (c) Niche
Select the correct answer using the 29. The natural disaster in which (d) Maximum density
code given below. carbon-di-oxide suddently erupts from 38. All of the organisms living in a
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only adeep lake water is known as particular area make up _____.
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only (a) Liminic (b) Lacaustrin (a) A food chain
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (c) Fluvial (d) Glacial (b) A population
22. Which of the following factors can 30. Which one of the following is the (c) A biological community
decrease biological oxygen demand most stable ecosystem? (d) A biosphere
(BOD) of any freshwater ecosystem? (a) Mountain (b) Ocean 39. Project Tiger, a programme to
(a) Large amount of sewage (c) Forest (d) Desert maintain a viable population of tigers
(b) Lrage biomass accumulation and 31. A population that is growing in the country and to chalk out areas
decomposition exponentially in the absence of for their habitat, was launched in the
(c) Increased organic matter pollution limiting factors can be illustrated by a year
(d) Low temperature and low plant (n).. (a) 1775 (b) 1973
biomass accumulation (a) S-shaped curve (c) 1974 (d) 1971
23. Industrial and technological (b) J- shaped curve 40. SPM stands for
advancement has brought about a rapid (c) Curve that terminated in a plateau (a) Suspended Particular Matter
exploration of forest resources. Which phase (b) Standard Particles Material
one among the following is not the (d) Tolerance curve (c) Suspended Particles Material
impact of above phenomenon? 32. A one way relationship where (d) None of the above
(a) Declining wild life one species benefits at the expense of 41. The massive hole in the ozne layer
(b) Increase in ground water level another is called _____. over the Antharctica was first
(c) Declining biodiversity (a) Commensalism discovered in
(d) Increasing surface water flow (b) Competative exclusion
24. Which one among the following is (c) Parasitism
responsible for formation of Ozone (d) An obligatory relationship
Holes in the stratosphere? 33. A symbiotic relationship in which
(a) Benzophye both species benefit is best described
(b) Hydrocarbons as _______.
(c) Chlorofluorocarbons (a) Commensalism
(d) UV radiation (b) Competative exclusion
25. What type of mixture is smoke? (c) Parasitism
(a) Solid mixed with a gas (d) An obligatory relationship
(b) Gas mixed with a gas 34. Which of the following is a
(c) Liquid mixed with a gas primary consumer?
(d) Gas mixed with a liquid and solid (a) Cow (b) Dog
(a) 1976 (b) 1985 52. Which one of the following is not a 61. Dirty cloths containing grease and
(c) 1960 (d) None of these site for in situ method of oil stains are cleaned by adding
42. India would phase out the conservation of flora? detergents to water. Stains are
production and consumption of the (a) Biosphere Reserve removed because detergent:
controlled ODS (ozone depleting (b) Botanical Garden (a) Reduced drastically the surface
substances) withing the time frame and (c) National park tension between water and oil
limits specified in the (d) Wildlife Sanctuary (b) increases the surface tension
(a) Vienna convention 53. The concept of Carban credit between water and oil
(b) Basel Convention originated from which one of the (c) increase the viscosity of water and
(c) Montreal Protocol following? oil
(d) Agenda 21 (a) Kyoto Protocol (d) d ecreases the visocity in detergent
43. This strain of rice was one of the (b) Earth Summit mixed water
first High Yielding Varieties of seeds (c) Montral Protocol 62. The distance between two crests in
developed in the world. Name it (d) G 8 Summit a wave in given by-
(a) IR-8 (b) IS- 7 54. Cadmium pollution is associated (a) wave number (b) wave velocity
(c) RS 8 (d) RV 9 with- (c) Amplitude (d) Wavelength
44. What is the primary source of food (a) Minamata disease 63. When the velocity of a body is
for marine life? (b) Black foot disease doubled
(a) Phytoplankton (c) Dyslexia (a) its P.E. is doubled
(b) Zooplankton (d) Itai-itai (b) its acceleration is doubled
(c) Sea weed 55. SI unit of luninious intensity is: (c) its K.E. is doubled
(d) Grass (a) lumen (b) lux (d) its momentum is doubled
45. Earth Summit was held in (c) candela (d) watt 64. Which of the following works on
(a) Chicago (b) Adilaide 56. Ampere is the unit of: the basis of conservation of linear
(c) Rio de Jenerio(d) London (a) current electricity momentum?
46. Which of the following is (b) magnetic field (a) Rocket (b) Helicopter
biodegradable? (c) electric charge (c) Jet (d) Aeroplane
(a) Paper (b) D.D.T. d) resistance 65. Satellite having the same orbital
(c) Aluminium (d) Plastic 57. One astronomical unit is the period as the period of rotation of the
47. The largest ecosystem of the Earth average distance between: Earth about its own axis is known as:
is- (a) Earth and the sun (a) Polar satellite
(a) Biosphere (b) Hydrosphere (b) Earth and the Moon (b) Stationary satellite
(c) Lithosphere (d) Biome (c) Jupiter and the Sun (c) Geostationary satellite
48. An artificial ecosystem is (d) Pluto and the Sun (d) INSAT
represented by- 58. The instrument used to measure 66. Planet A has doubled the radius
(a) Pisciculture tank pressue. than that of Planet B. If the ass of
(b) Agriculture land (a) Aneroid Barometer Planet A is 4 times heavier than the
(c) Aquarium (b) Anemometer mass of Planet B, which of the
(d) Zoo (c) Thermometer following statements regarding weight
49. Global warming is expected to (d) Hygrometer of an object is correct?
result in- 59. A person can jump higer on the (a) Heavier on Planet A than on Planet
(a) Increase in level of sea moons surface than on the earth B
(b) Change in crop pattern because. (b) Heavier on Planet B than on Planet
(c) Change in coastline (a) The moons surface is rough A
(d) Each of the above (b) The moon has no atmosphere (c) Same on both the Planets
50. The sun is a (c) The acceleration due to gravity in (d) Cannot be measured on Planet B
(a) Producer of water moon is smaller than that on the earth 67. A geostationary satellite should be
(b) Secondary source of energy (d) The moon is cooler than earth launched such that it moves from:
(c) Primary producer of energy 60. A passenger in moving train tosses (a) north to south in the polar plane
(d) Teritiary Producer of energy a coin upward which falls behind him. (b) South to north in the polar plane
51. Red data book gives information It implies that the motion of the train (c) East to west in the equatorial plane
about species which are- is (d) West to east in the equatorial plane
(a) Extinct (a) accelerated 68. If the earth were to spin faster,
(b) Endagnered (b) along the circular tracks acceleration due to gravity at the poles:
(c) Dangerous (c) retarded (a) increases
(d) Rare (d) uniform (b) decreases
(c) remains the same (b) speed of rockets (a) 18 F (b) 21 F
(d) None of these (c) Stellar distance (c) 10 F (d) 15 F
69. A spherical ball made of steel (d) Speed of light 84. A liquid initially contracts when
when dropped in a bucket full of 77. Which one of the following is not a cooled to 4 C but on further cooling
mercury (hg) will result of surface tension? down to 0 C, it expands. The liquid is:
(a) sink to the bottom (a) Nearly spherical drop of rain (a) Alcohol (b) Water
(b) float on the surface (b) Capillary rise (c) Moltern iron (d) Mercury
(c) will dissolve (c) Removal of dirt by soap or 85. The pressure exerted on the walls
(d) None of these detergent of the container by a gas is due to the
70. The shape of a rain drop is (d) Flow of liquid fact that the gas molecules
spherical due to- 78. Which one among the following (a) Lose their kinetic enrgy
(a) Viscosity happens when a swing rises to a (b) Stick to the walls
(b) Surface tension certain height from its rest position? (c) Are accelerated towards the walls
(c) Elasticity (a) Its P.E. decrases while kinetic (d) Change their momenta due to
(d) Gravitation energy increases collision with the walls
71. If temperature rises, the coefficient (b) Its K.E. decreases while potential 86. Pressure exerted by gas is
of viscosity of liqid: energy increases (a) independent of the density of the
(a) decreases (c) Both potential and kinetic energy gas
(b) incrases decrease (b) inversely proportional to the
(c) remains unchanged (d) Both potential and kinetic energy density of the gas
(d) none of these increase (d) directly proportional to the square
72. A small and a large rain drops are 79. A deep sea driver may hurt his ear of the density of the gas
falling through air: drum during diving because of 87. A gas behaves as an ideal gas more
(a) the large drop moves faster (a) lack of oxygen closely at
(b) The small drop moves faster (b) high atmospheric pressure (a) low pressure and high temp
(c) Both moves with same speed (c) high water pressure (b) high pressure and low temp
(d) None of the above (d) All of the above (c) lwo pressure and low temp
73. When some detergent is added to 80. The value of g on the Earths (d) high pressure and high temp
water, the surface tension: surface changes due to 88. In an isothermal expansion of a gas
(a) increases (a) Both rotation and shape of the (a) a pressure remains constan
(b) decreases Earth (b) temperature remains constant
(c) remains unaffected (b) Rotation orf the Earth only (c) density remains constant
(d) none of these (c) Shape of Earth only (d) None of these
74. In respect of the difference of the (d) None of the above 89. The heat transferred by the radiator
gravitational force from electric and 81. If the pressure in closed vessel is of arefrigerator is
magnetic forces, which of the reduced by drawing out some gas, the (a) more than that at the freezer
following statements is true? mean free path of the gas molecules (b) less than that at the freezer
(a) Gravitational force is stronger than will (c) the same as that at the freezer
the other two (a) increase (d) none of these
(b) Gravitational force is attractive (b) increase or decrease depending on 90. Melting point of rice
only, whereas the electric and the the nature of (a) increases with increase of pressure
magnetice forces are attractive as well (c) remain unchanged (b) decreases with increase of pressure
as repulsive (d) decrease (c) is independent of pressure
(c) Gravitational force has a very short 82. When an explosive sheel, (d) none of these
range travelling in a parabolic path under the 91. Two block of ice when pressed
(d) Gravitational force is along range effect of gravity explodes, the centre of together join to form one block
force, while the other two are short mass of the fragments will move because
range forces (a) Vertically downwards (a) of heat produced during pressing
75. The process of combining strings is (b) First horizontally and then along a (b) of cold produced during pressing
known as parabolic path (c) melting point of ice increase with
(a) compiling (c) Along the original parabolic path increase of pressure
(b) Combining (d) First vertically upwards and then (d) melting point of ice dcreases with
(c) Attaching vertically downwards increase of pressure
(d) Concatenation 83. A change of 10 C in Centigrade 92. In a pressure cooker the cooking is
76. Light year is a measurement of scale corresponds to what change in fast because
(a) Speed of aeroplanes Fahrenheit scale
(a) the boiling point of water is raised 99. Heat is transmitted from higher to (d) May become hotter or cooler
by the increased pressure inside the lower temperature through actual mass depending on the amount of water
cooker motion of the molecules in vapour present in the air.
(b) the B.P. of water is lowered by the (a) conduction (b) convection 107. Clothes keep us warm in winter
increased pressue (c) radiation (d) all of the above because they
(c) more steam is available to cook the 100. Woollen clothes keep the body (a) Supply heat
food at 1000 C warm because (b) do not radiat heat
(d) None of these (a) Wool incrases the temperature of (c) Prevent air from contacting the
93. It is difficult to cook at high the body body
altitudes because (b) Wool is the bad conductor of the (d) prevent the heat of the boyd from
(a) there is less oxygen in the air heat so it does not allow heat to flow excaping
(b) due to falling temperature, more out of the body 108. The bset conductor of heat among
heat has to be given (c) Wool absorbs radiant heat from the following is-
(c) due to decrease in atmospheric outer objects (a) Alcohol (b) Mercury
pressure, the boiling point of water (d) Wool rejects heat from outer (c) Ether (d) Water
decreases objects 109. Metal tea pots have wooden
(d) of high moisture content there 101. A glass container cracks when handles because
94. A large iceberg melts at the base very hot tea is poured into it. A (a) Wood is a bad conductor of heat
but not at the top becaue probable reason for this is the (b) it prevents electric shock
(a) The base of iceberg remains in (a) low thermal conductivity of glass (c) its gives beauty to the pots
warmer conditions (b) high thermal conductivity of glass (d) it is hygienic
(b) ice at the base contains impurities (c) low specific heat of glass 110. White clothes are cooler than
(c) higher pressure at the base lowers (d) none of these black ones because they
the melting point of ice. 102. Which is the fastest mode of heat (a) Absorb all the light tha reaches
(d) ice at the top is different kind loss? them
95. If the temperature inside a room is (a) Conduction (b) convection (b) reflect all the light that reaches
increased, the relative humidity will (c) radiation (d) all are equally them
(a) increase fast (c) will nt allow the light to penetrate
(b) decrease 103. The clouds float in the (d) cool the sun light completely
(c) remain unchanged atmosphere because of their low 111. An instrument used to measure
(d) none of these (a) temperature (b) velocity humidity is
96. With rise of boiling point of water (c) pressure (d) density (a) anemometer
the latent heat of steam: 104. What is the principle by which a (b) hygrometer
(a) Decreases cooling system (Radiator) in a motor (c) thermomenter
(b) Increased car works? (d) pyrheliometer
(c) Does not change (a) Conduction only 112. The temperature of water at the
(d) None of these (b) Convection bottom of a waterfall is higher than
97. When a gas expands adiabactically (c) Radiation only that at the top because
(a) no energy is required for expansion (d) Both conduction and radiation (a) Water at the bottom has greater
(b) energy is required and it comes 105. How can boiling point of a liquid potential energy
from the wall of the container of the be reduced? (b) The surface at the bottom provides
gas (a) by adding a solid of lower melting heat
(d) law of conservation of energy does point (c) Kinetic energy of falling water is
not hold (b) by dissolving a soluble solid in it converted into heat
98. The freezer in a refrigerator is (c) by increasing the pressure on the (d) falling water absorbs heat from the
located at the top section so that: liquid surroundings
(a) the entire chamber of the (d) by decreasing the pressure on the 113. The temperature of boiling water
refrigerator is cooled quickly due to liquid in a steam engine may be high
convection 106. At normal temperature, due to a because:
(b) the motor is not heated puncture, the compressed air inside the (a) there are dissolved substances in
(c) the heat gained from the tube of a car wheel suddenly starts water
environment is high coming out. Then the air inside the (b) there is low pressure inside the
(d) the heat gained from the tube boiler
environment is low (a) starts becoming hotter (c) there is high pressure inside the
(b) starts becoming cooler boiler
(c) Remains at the same temperature (d) the fire is at very high temperature
(d) Only (i) and (iv) are true
128. Beats occure because of
(a) Interference
(b) reflection
(c) refraction
(d) Doppler effect
129. With the increase in temperature,
frequency of the sound from on organ
114. A reversible and an irreversible (b) generated in a stretched wire by pipe
engine are working between the same hitting or plucking the wire (a) decreases (b) increases
limits of temperature. The efficiency (c) generated in a pipe filled with air (c) remain unchanged
of by moving the piston attached to the (d) changes erractically
(a) the reversible engine is greater that pipe up and down 130. Sound waves do not exhibit the
the irreversible engine (d) generated by the mobile phone phenomenon of
(b) each engine is 100% towers (a) interference (b) diffraction
(c) the two engine are equal 121. Sound travel fastest in (c) refraction (d) polarization
(d) the irreversible engine is greater (a) steel (b) air 131. Quality of musical note depends
than the reversible engine (c) water (d) vaccum on
115. Perspiration cools the body 122. With the rise of temperature, the (a) fundamental frequency
because speed of sound in a gas (b) harmonics present
(a) Presence of water on the skin is (a) Increases (b) decreases (c) amplitude of the wave
cooling (c) remains the same (d) velocity of sound in medium
(b) Evaporation requires latent heat (d) none of these 132. The loudness of sound depends
(c) Water has a high specific heat 123. The quality of sound produced by upon
(d) Water is poor conductor of heat an instrument depends on the (a) velocity (b) pitch
116. Burns caused by steam are much (a) frequency (c) amplitude (d) wavelength
more severe than those caused by (b) intensity 133. When light waves pass from air to
boiling water because (c) number of overtones glass, the variables affected are
(a) steam has latent heat (d) none of these (a) wavelength, frequency and velocity
(b) Steam is gas and engulfs the body 124. Instrument used to study the (b) velocity and frequency
quickly behavior of a vibrating string is: (c) wavelength and frequency
(c) Stem pierces throught the pores of (a) Hygrometer (d) wavelength and velocity
body quickly (b) Sonmeter 134. Why is sound heard with more
(d) Temperature of steam is higher (c) Barometer intensity through CO2 than through the
117. Ice is packed in saw dust because (d) Hydrometer air?
(a) sa dust does not stikc to the ice 125. The Dopplers effect is applicable (a) density of CO2 is more than that of
(b) saw dust will not get melted easily for air
(c) saw dust is poor conductor of heat (a) light wave (b) density of CO2 is less than that of
(d) saw dust is a good conductor of (b) sound wave air
heat (c) space wave (c) air is a bad conductor of heat
118. The lowest temperature is (d) both (a) and (b) (d) CO2 is a compound, but air is a
recorded by 126. When we hear a sound, we can mixture of gases.
(a) Mercurial thermometer identify its source from 135. X rays are used for the study of
(b) Minimum reading thermometer (a) wave length of sound crystal structure because
(c) Alcohol thermometer (b) the overtones present in the sound (a) X- rays are completely absorbed by
(d) Maximum reading thermometer (c) the intensity of sound the crystal
119. The length of the pendulum is (d) the amplitude of sound (b) The wavelength of X rays is of
doubled and the mass of its bob is 127. Velocity of sound in air the same order of magnitude as the
halved. Its time sperod would (i) increases with temperature interatomic spacing in crystals
(a) become double (ii) decreases with temperature (c) The wavelength of X rays is very
(b) become half (iii) increase with pressure small in comparison with the
(c) become times (iv) is independent of pressure interatomic spacing in crystals
(d) remain the same (v) is independent of temperature (d) The crystals are completely
120. Sound waves are similar to the (a) Only (i) and (ii) are true transparent to X rays
waves (b) Only (ii) and (iv) are true 136. The audible requency range of
(a) of laswer light passing through air (c) Only (i) and (iii) are true human ear is
(a) 20 hertz to 200 hertz (d) X rays and rays (a) 4 : 1 (b) 1 : 16
(b) 2 hertz to 20 hertz 146. When X rays are produced, then (c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 4
(c) 200 hertz to 2000 hertz (a) heat is produced on the target 155. Velocity of light is maximum is
(d) 20 hertz to 20000 hertz (b) heat is observed by the target (a) Diamond (b) water
137. How does time period (T) of a (c) Temperature of the target is being (c) glass (d) vaccum
seconds pendulum very with length (l) constent 156. A number of images of a candle
? (d) a lumineous light is to be seen on flame are seen in thick mirror
(a) T the target (a) the first image is the brightest
(b) T l2 147. The waves used in sonography (b) the second image is the brightest
(c) T l are - (c) the last image is the brightest
(d) T does not depend on l (a) Micro waves (d) all images are equally brightest
138. Sound moves with higher velocity (b) Infra red waves 157. The image of our face in a plane
if (c) Sound waves mirror
(a) pressure of the medium is (d) Ultrasonic waves (a) real (b) magnified
decreased 148. Cosmic rays (c) diminished (d) none of these
(b) temperature of the medium in (a) are charged particles 158. Mirage is observed in a desert due
increased (b) are uncharged particles to the phenomenon of
(c) humidity of the medium (c) can be charged as well as (a) interference (b) total reflection
(d) both (b) and (c) unchanged (c) scattering (d) double refraction
139. The ozone layer absorbs (d) None of the above 159. Crirical angle of light passing
(a) infrared radiation 149. Decibel is the unit used for from glass to water is minimum for
(b) ultraviolet radiation measuring
(a) interference (b) total reflection
(c) X rays (d) rays (a) Speed of light
(b) Intensity of heat (c) scattering (d) double refraction
140. Which are the relevant waves in
telecommunication? (c) Intensity of sound 160. To an observer on thearth the
(a) X rays (b) Violet rays (d) Radiowave frequency stars appear to twinkle. This can be
(c) microwaves (d) all of them 150. The sounds having frequency of described to
141. Which of the following 20 Hz to 20, 000 Hz are (a) the fact that starts do not emit light
electromagnetic waves has the longest (a) Ultrasound continuously own atmosphere
wavelength? (b) Infrasonic (b) frequent absorption of star light by
(a) infrared rays (b) gamma rays (c) Hydpersonic
earths atmosphere
(c) light rays (d) ultraviolet rays (d) Audible sounds
(c) frequent absorption of star light by
142. X- rays were discovered by- 151. Which of the following property
(a) Roentgen (b) Becquere their own atmosphere
of sound is affected by change in air
(c) Curie (d) Van lane (d) the refractive index fluctuations in
143. Consider the following earths atmosphere
(a) Wavelength (b) Amplitude
electromagnetic waves 161. For an astronaut in a space ship,
1. X- rays 2. Rays (c) Frequency (d) Intensity
the sky appears
3. Microwaves 4. Radio waves 152. The intensity ratio of waves is
(a) black (b) white
What is the correct sequence in the 25:9. What is the ratio of their
(c) green (d) blue
order of their increasing energy? amplitudes?
(a) 4, 3, 1 and 2 (b) 1, 3, 2 and 4 162. If there were no atmosphere, the
(a) 5 : 3 (b) 25 : 9
(c) 4, 2, 1 and 3 (d) 1, 4, 3 and 2 length of the day on the earth will
(c) 3 : 5 (d) 50 : 18
144. In which of the following (a) decrease (b) increase
153. The velocity of sound in moist is
sequences are the electromagnetic (c) remain the same
radiations in decreasing order of wave more than in dry air because the moist
(d) none of these
lengths (a) infrared, radio, X rays, air has
163. Myopia is due to
visible (a) more density than dry has
(a) shortening of eye ball
(b) radio, infrared, visible, X rays (b) less density than dry air
(c) radio, visible, infrared, X rays (b) irregular changes in the focal
(c) more pressure than dry air
(d) X rays, visible, infrared, radio length of the eye lens
(d) less pressure than dry air
145. Which one of the following pairs (c) older age
154. If density of oxygen is 16 times
of rays is electromagnetic in nature (d) elongation of eye ball
(a) rays and rays that of hydrogen, what will be their
164. Astigmatism for a human eye can
(b) cathode rays and X rays corresponding ratio of velocity of
be removed by using
(c) rays and rays sound?
(a) concave lens (b) convex lens 171. Blue colour of the sky is (c) Change in the convexity of the lens
(c) cylindrical lens consequence of throught ciliary muscles
(d) prismatic lens (a) reflection (b) refraction (d) Change in the refractive index of
165. The phenomenon which cause (c) scattering (d) dispersion the eye fluid
mirage is: 172. Colours of thin films are due to 179. Different objects at different
(a) Interfefrence (b) Diffraction (a) dispersion of light distances are seen by the eye. The
(c) Polarisaiton (b) interference of light paramenter athe remains. Constent is
(d) Total internal refelection (c) absorption of light (a) the focal length of the eye lens
166. Which one of the following (d) scattering of light (b) the object distance from the eye
phenomena is used in optical fibres? 173. When viewed in white light, soap lens
(a) Scattering bubles show colours because of (c) the radii of curvature of the eye
(b) successive reflections (a) interference (b) scattering lens
(c) Refraction (c) diffraction (d) dispersion (d) the image distance from the eye
(d) total internal reflection 174. The phenomenon of interference lens
167. Which of the following is used by is shown by 180. The mercury and sodium street
dentis to see the image of teech of a (a) Longitudinal mechanical waves lamps light up because of.
patient? only (a) Electron absorption
(a) Cancave lense (b) Convex lense (b) Transverse mechanical waves only (b) Electron emission
(c) Convex mirror (d) Plane mirror (c) Non- mechanical transverse waves (c) Atomic emission
(e) None of these only (d) Atomic absorption
168. Rainbows are produced when (d) All the above types of wave 181. Why is red light employed for
sunlight. 175. Laser light is considered to be danger signals?
(a) Incident on rain drops hanging in coherent because it consists of (a) red colour is sooting to the eye
the atmosphere is dispersed after (a) many wavelengths (b) human eye is most sensitive to red
suffering refraction and internal (b) Uncoordinated wavelengths colour
reflection (c) Coordinated waves of exactly the (c) red light is scattered least
(b) None of the given statements is same wave length (d) red light is scattered most
correct (d) Divergent beams 182. A ray of white light strikes the
(c) Incident on raindrops hanging in 176. In the human eye, the focussin is surface of an object. If all the colours
the atmosphere is dispersed after done by are reflected the surface would appear:
suffering reflection (a) to and fro movement of the eye (a) Black (b) White
(d) Incident on rain drops hanging in lens (c) Grey (d) Opaque
the atmoshpher is is dispersed after (b) to and from movement of the retine 183. In optical instrument, the lenses
suffering refraction (c) chang in the convexity of the eye are used to form image by the
169. The nature of suns spectrum is lens phenomenon of
(a) Continuous spectrum with (d) Change in the refractive index of (a) reflection (b) refraction
absorption lines the eye fluids. (c) scattering (d) diffusion
(b) Line emission 177. The image formed on the retine of 184. A water tank appears shallower
(c) The spectrum of the Helium atom a human eye is when it is viewed from top due to
(d) Continuous spectrum (a) virtual and inverted (a) Rectilinear propagation of light
170. Which of the following is not (b) virtual and erect (b) Reflection
caused by atmospheric refraction of (c) real and erect (c) Total internal reflection
light? (d) real and inverted (d) Refraction
(a) Sun appearing higher in the sky 178. In a healthy human eye, the 185. The primary colours in
than it actually is focusing is done by the phothgraphy are
(b) Sun becoming visible two or three (a) To and from movement of the eye (a) red, blue, yellow
minutes before actual sunrise lens (b) red, yellow, green
(c) Sun appearing red at sunset (b) Changing curvature of the retina (c) red, blue, green
(d) Twinkling of stars at night (d) red, green, cyan
186. The head mirror used by E.N.T. (d) Galileo (c) both the bulsbs have the same
doctors is 195. A plane glass slab is kept over resistance
(a) Cancave (b) convesx coloured letters, the letter which (d) none of these
(c) plane (d) planoconvex appears least raised is 204. The heating element of an electric
187. Radar is used to (a) Green (b) Violet heater should be made of a material
(a) locate submerged submarines (c) Red (d) Blue having
(b) receive signal from radio receivers 196. A plant with green leaves placed (a) high specific resistance and high
(c) detect and locate distant objects in red light will appear melting point
(d) locate geostationary satellites (a) Green (b) Violet (b) high specific resistance and low
188. The colours of starts depends on (c) Red (d) Blue melting point
their 197. A soap buble is given negative (c) low specific resistance and low
(a) temperature (b) distance charge then its radius melting point
(c) radius (a) decreases (d) low specific resistance and high
(d) atmospheric pressure (b) increases melting point
189. Rainbow is formed due to (c) remains unchanged 205. When a body is earth conncected,
(a) refraction and dispersin (d) none of these electrons from the earth flow into the
(b) scattering and refraction 198. The resistance of a wire is R. It is body. This means the body is
(c) diffreaction and refraction stretched uniformly so that its length is (a) charged negatively
(d) refraction and reflection doubled. The resistance now becomes (b) an insulator
190. Light from the sun reaches upon (a) 2R (b) R/2 (c) uncharged
in nearly (c) 4 R (d) R/4 (d) charged positively
(a) 8 min. (b) 2 min. 199. A galvanometer is converted into 206. Current provided by a battery is
(c) 6 min. (d) 4 min. an ammeter when we connect a maximum when
191. Total internal reflection cannot (a) high resistance in series (a) internal resistance is equal to
take place when light goes from: (b) high resistance in parallel external resistance
(a) water to glass (b) water to air (c) low resistance in series (b) internal resistance is greater than
external resistance
(c) glass to air (d) glass to water (d) low resistance in parallel
(c) internal resistance is less than
192. A ray of light when refracted 200. A galvanometer is converted into external resistance
suffers change in velocity. In theis a voltmeter when we connect a (d) none of these
context, which one among the (a) high resistance in series 207. Fuse wire should have
following statements is correct? (b) high resistance in parallel (a) low resistance, high melting point
(a) Velocity increases as the ray passes (c) low resistance in parallel (b) low resistance, low melting point
from a rarer to a denser medium (d) low resistance in series (c) high resistance, low melting point
(a) high resistance, high melting point
(b) Velocity decreases as the ray 201. The resistance of an ideal
208. If ahigh power heater is
passes from a denser to a rarer medium voltmeter is connected to electric mains, then the
(c) Velocity decreases as the ray (a) zero (b) very low bulbs in the house become dim
passes from a rarer to a denser medium (c) very high (d) infinite because there is a
(d) Change of velocity does not 202. The resistance of an ideal (a) current drop
depend on the nature of medium ammeter is (b) potential drop
193. The colour of stars depends upon (a) zero (b) very low (c) no current drop
(d) no potential drop
their (c) very high (d) infinite 209. Metals are good conductor of heat
(a) Temperature (b) Pressure 203. Two bulbs are fitted in a room in than insulator because
(c) Age the domestic electric installation. One (a) their atoms are relatively aprt
(d) Distance from Solar System of them glows brighter than the other. (b) they contain free electron
194. Which famous scientist was the Then (c) they have reflecting surface
first to look at the night sky throught a (a) the brighter bulb has smaller (d) none of these
210. Which of the following is not the
telescope? resistanc
cause of low conductivity of
(a) Comernicus (b) Newton (b) the brighter bulb has larger electrolyte
(c) Michael Faraday resistance
(a) Low drift velocity of ions (a) Electrical energy into Mechanical (3) A CFL is LESS energy efficient
(b) High resistance offered by the Energy as compared to an LED lamp.
solution of the motion of ions (b) Mechanical energy into Which of the statements given above
(c) Low number of density of charge (c) Mechanical energy into Electrical is/are correct?
carriers Energy (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3
(d) Ionization of salt (d) None of these (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
211. Good resistance coils are made of 219. A switch is always connected to 225. A permanent magnet repels
(a) Copper (b) manganin the (a) ferromagnetic substances only
(c) gold (d) silver (a) earth wire (b) neutral wire (b) diamagnetic substances only
212. The primary cell is a (c) line wire (d) None of these (c) paramagnetic susstances only
(a) secondary cell 220. A fuse wire is characterized by (d) both paramagnetic and diamagnetic
(b) primary cell (a) Low resistance and high melting substances
(c) both (a) and (b) point 226. A fuse is used in an electric
(d) None of these (b) High resistance and high melting circuit to-
213. When a charged particle entres a point (a) Break the circuit when excessive
uniform magnetic field its kinetic (c) High resistance and low melting current flows through the circuit
energy point (b) Break the circuit when power gets
(a) Remains constant (b) increased (d) Low resistance and low melting off
(c) Decreases (d) becomes point (c) Indicate if the current is flowing
214. The core of an electromagnet is 221. A carbon microphone is best used uninterrupted
made of soft iron because soft iron has in (d) Complete the circuit for flow of
(a) small susceptibility and small (a) Dynamo (b) telephone current
retentivity (c) Transformer (d) None of these 227. Electricity is produced through
(b) large susceptibility and small 222. Alternating current can be dry cell from
retentivity measured by (a) Chemical energy
(c) large density and large retentivity (a) Moving coil galvanomenter (b) Thermal energy
(d) small density and large retentivity (b) Hot wire ammeter (c) Mechanical energy
215. Vibration magnetometer works on (c) Tangent galvanometer (d) Nuclear energy
the principle of (d) None of these 228. The unit of electrical power is
(a) torque acting on the bar magnet 223. The phenomenon of electro- (a) Volt (b) Watt
(b) force acting on the bar magnet magnetic induction implies a (c) Kilowatt hour (d) Ampere
(c) both the force and the torque acting production of induced 229. When you walk on a woolen
on the bar magnet (a) resistance in a coil when the carpet bring your finger near the
(d) none of these magnetic field changes with time metallic handle of a door an electric
216. Farradays law of electromagnetic (b) current in a coil when an electric shock is produced. This is because
induction is related to the field changes with time (a) charge is transferred from your
(a) law of conservation of charge (c) current in a coil when a magnetic body to the handle
(b) law of conservation of energy field changes with time (b) the temperature of the human body
(c) third law of motion (d) voltage in a coil when a magnetic is higher than of the handle
(d) none of these field changes with time (c) A chemical reaction occurs when
217. A motor converts 224. What is the difference between a you touch the hanle
(a) mechanical energy into electrical CFL and an LED LAMP? (d) The human body and the handle
energy (1) Toproduce light, a CFL uses arrive at thermal equilibrium by the
(b) mechanical energy into sound mercury vapour and phosphor while an process
energy LED lamp uses semi- conductor 230. The product of conductivity and
(c) electrical energy into mechanical material. resistivity of a conductor
energy (2) The average life span of a CFL is (a) Depends on pressure applied
(d) None of these much longer than of and LED lamp. (b) Depends on current flowing
218. The Dynamo converts through conductor
(c) is the same for all conductors 237. The most penetrating radiation 244. U -235 belongs to which member
(d) Varies from conductor to conductor out of the following is of the series?
231. Who invented the battery? (a) X - rays (b) rays (a) Neptunium series
(a) Volta (b) Roentgen (c) - rays (d) rays (b) Thorium series
(c) Faraday (d) Maxwell 238. The method of age determination (c) Actinium series
232. The mass number of an atom is called radioactive uranium dating (d) Uranium series
determined by- cannot be used to determine the age of 245. - ray consists of:
(a) Adding the number of neutrons and (a) rocks (a) Meson particles
number of electrons (b) fossils and plant bodies (b) Neutrino particles
(b) Adding the number of protons and (c) the earth (c) Higgs boson
number of electrons (d) minerals on earth (d) Electromagnetic waves
(c) The number of protons only 239. In the nuclear reactors, modera- 246. A diode as a rectifier converts
(d) Adding the number of neutrons and tors are used to: (a) Ac to dc
number of protons (a) Slow down the neutrons (b) dc to ac
233. Particle which can be added to the (b) Generate neutrons (c) Varying dc into constant dc
nucleus of an atom without changing (c) Accelerate neutrons (d) High voltage into low voltage and
its chemical properties are (d) Absorb the neutrons vice-versa
(a) Electrons (b) protons 240. The process of emission of 247. A digital signal possesses:
(c) Neutrons (d) particles electrons from metal by UV rays is- (a) Continuously varying values
234. The least penetrating power ray is (a) Photoelectric emission (b) only two discrete values
(a) Ray (b) X Ray (b) Thermionic emission (c) Only four discrete values
(c) Ray (d) Ray (c) Secondary emission (d) None of the above
235. Heavy water is used as moderator (d) Field emission 248. A digita signal:
a nuclear reactor. The function of the 241. X- rays are . waves. (a) is less reliable than analog signal
moderator is (a) Longitudinal (b) is more reliable than analog signal
(a) to control the energy released in the (b) Transverse (c) is equally reliable as the analog
reactor (c) Electromagnetic signal
(b) to absorb neutrons and stop the (d) Elastic (d) None of the above
chain reaction 242. An intrinsic semiconductor at 249. For television broadcasting the
(c) to cool the reactor absolute zero temperature is a frequency employed is normally
(d) to slow down the neutrons to (a) Superconductor (a) 30 300 MHz
thermal energy (b) good conductor (b) 30 300 GHz
236. The main source of enrgy in Sun (c) Perfect insulator (c) 30 300 kHz
is: (d) none (d) 30 300 Hz
(a) Nuclear fusion 243. Chernobyl Nuclear Plant, now 250. Who invented the mobile phone?
(b) Nuclear fission decommissioned is in (a) Raymond Samuel Tomlinson
(c) Chemical reaction (a) Russia (b) Ukrain (b) Marlin Cooper
(d) Mechanical energy (c) Belarus (d) Georgia (c) Chuck Hull
(d) Tim Berners Lee
1).The Element of an electric heater is c) Electric charge 18) Persistence of vision is the
made of___ d) Current principle behind?
a) Nichrome 10). The ozone layer protects us from a) Camera
b) Copper a) Ultra violet rays b) Spectroscope
c) Aluminum b) Radio waves c) Cinema
d) None of these c) Visual radiation d) Periscope
2). When water is heated from 0 O d) Infrared radiation 19) Which metal is commonly used for
Celsius to 100 O Celsius, the volume of 11). Fire in the diesel engine is making an electromagnet?
water produces by which of the following? a) Copper
a) Increase gradually a) Compression b) Iron
b) Degrease gradually b) Spark plug c) Nickel
c) First increase, then decrease c) Friction d) Cobalt
d) First decrease, then increase d) Self starter 20) Light from the laser is________.
3). One mega watt hour (MWH) is 12). Which among the following is the a) Monochromatic
equal to best conductor of electricity? b) Composite
a) 3.6 10 3 joule a) Silver c) Dispersed light
b) 3.6 10 4 joule b) Copper d) Incoherent
c) 3.6 10 7 joule c) Gold 21) Choke is used to_______.
d) 3.6 10 9 joule d) Lead a) Reduce the current in AC circuit
4). At what temperature is the 13). Which among the following order b) Reduce the current in DC circuit
temperature on Celsius and Fahrenheit of decreasing wavelengths of c) Convert AC to DC
scales equal? electromagnetic waves is correct? d) Convert DC to AC
a) 273 0 Celsius I) Radio waves II) Infrared rays III) 22) In a standing wave the distance
b) - 2730 Celsius Visible Light IV) X-Rays between a node and adjacent anti node
c) 400 Celsius a) II, I, IV, III is______.
d) 40 0 Celsius b) I, III, II, IV a) 3 / 2
5). The Period of revolution round the c) I, II, III, IV b) / 2
sun is maximum by which among the d) IV, III, II, I c) / 4
following Planets? 14). Ampere-hour is the unit of which d) 3 / 4
a) Mercury among the following? 23) A telescope and microscope differ
b) Venus a) Power in that______
c) Earth b) Energy a) Both are different instruments
d) Mars c) Intensity of current b) Telescopes eyepiece with longer
6). Einstein got the Nobel Prize for? d) Amount of charge focal lengths that the objective
a) Theory of Relativity 15). Who discovered X-Rays? c) Telescope has objective of large
b) Photo-electric effect a) Madam Curie focal length and eyepiece of smaller
c) Polarizations b) Einstein focal lengths
d) Radio activity c) Roentgen d) None of these
7). Galvanometer can be converted d) J. J. Thomson 24) The weight of a body is______.
into a voltmeter by using ____ 16) Which among the following are a) The same everywhere on the surface
a) Low resistance in series primary colors? of the earth
b) High resistance in series a) Red, Green, Blue b) Maximum at the poles
c) Low resistance in parallel b) Blue, Yellow, Green c) Maximum at the equator
d) High resistance in parallel c) Red, Magenta, Yellow d) More on the hills than in the plains
8). Gas law was given by d) Yellow, Violet, Blue 25) At what temperature a body will
a) Boyle 17) At what temperature will the not radiate any heat energy?
b) Ostwald density of water be maximum? a) 0 0 C
c) Arrhenius a) 0 0 C b) 273 0 C
d) Faraday b) 32 0 C c) 100 0 C
9).Kilowatt hour is a unit of c) - 4 0 C d) -273 0 C
a) Energy d) 4 0 C 26) Electromagnetic spectrum consists
b) Power of the following radiations-
I. X-rays 34) Ball pen works on the principle of b) Aluminum
II. Gamma rays ______. c) Copper
III. Ultraviolet radiations a) Viscosity d) Steel
IV. Infrared radiations b) Boyles Law 42) The I.C Chip used in a computer is
Choose the correct order of code in the c) Gravitational force made up of_______.
increasing order of their frequency: d) Capillarity and surface tension a) Silicon
a) I, III, II, IV 35) The apparatus used in submarines b) Chromium
b) II, I, III,IV to give clear view of the objects on the c) Gold
c) IV, III, I, II surface of the ocean or ground is d) Lead
d) IV, II, III, I known as________. 43).Which planet is nearest to the
27) Only one part of moon can be seen a) Periscope earth?
from earth because____. b) Secant a) Mercury
a) Only one part reflects light c) Stereoscope b) Jupiter
b) It does not rotate d) Telescope c) Venus
c) The period of rotation and 36) Growth of the baby in the uterus is d) Mars
revolution are equal found using______. 44).Which among the following
d) None of these a) X-rays quantities is scalar?
28) Parsec is a unit of_______. b) Gamma rays a) Velocity
a) Pressure c) Ultra sound b) Acceleration
b) Astronomical distance d) Ultra Violet rays c) Work
c) Time 37) If a red-green flag is seen in green d) Force
d) Energy light it appears to be of which of the 45) Nichrome wire is used in an
29) In which among the following is following colour? electric heater because__________.
alternating current not used? a) Green a) It has high resistance
a) Refrigeration b) Black b) It has high melting point
b) Heat production c) Black - Green c) It can resist a current up to approx 5
c) Electroplating d) Red - Black amperes
d) Radio detection 38) A moving electric charge d) For all of the above reasons
30) An ice cube is floating on the produces__________. 46. For every action, there is an equal
surface of water. How will the water a) Only electric field and opposite reaction. This is?
level be affected by melting of this ice b) Only Magnetic field (a) Newtons first law of motion
cube? c) Both electric and magnetic field (b) Newtons second law of motion
a) Water level will be raised d) Either electric or a magnetic field (c) Newtons third law of motion
b) Water level will go down 39) Which among the following order (d) None of the above
c) Water level will remain the same of decreasing wavelengths of 47. The rate of change of momentum
d) Water level will first rise up then it electromagnetic waves are correct? of a body is directly proportional to the
will go down I. Radio waves force applied and takes place in the
31) What will be the effect on II. Infrared rays direction in which the force acts. This
gravitational acceleration if the earth III. Visible light is?
suddenly stops its rotation? IV. X-rays (a) Newtons first law of motion
a) It will reduce at the poles Choose the answer from the following (b) Newtons second law of motion
b) It will increase at the poles code: (c) Newtons third law of motion
c) It will decrease at the equator a) II, I, IV, III (d) None of the above
d) It will increase at the equator b) I, III, II, IV 48. Atomic energy is liberated by the?
32) Ohmic conductor among the c) I, II, III, IV (a) Disintegration of atoms
following is _____. d) IV, III, II, I (b) Disintegration of molecules
a) Transistor 40) Which among the following is the (c) Integration of atoms
b) Thermal value surface to surface missile that is made (d) Integration of molecules
c) Electrolyte in India? 49. Kinetic Energy refers to?
d) Constantan a) Dharti (a) The energy of the body because of
33) One Kilo Calorie heat will be b) Akash its position
equal to_____. c) Prithivi (b) The energy of the body because of
a) 4.2 joule d) Naag its motion
b) 4.2 x 10 2 Joule 41) Lightning conductors are made up (c) The energy of the body because of
c) 4.2 x 10 3 Joule of _________. its formation
d) 4.2 x 10 4 Joule a) Iron (d) None of the above
50. Lightning conductors are installed 58. Erg is a unit representing? (b) Kinetic energy
in tall buildings? (a) Mass (c) Thermal energy
(a) To neutralize the electrical effect of (b) Work (d) Mechanical energy
lightning (c) Force 68. Surface tension is the highest for?
(b) To counteract any lightning that (d) Weight (a) Alcohol
might strike the building 59. _______is the unit of power? (b) Soap solution
(c) To save the building from damage (a) Watt (c) Water
by earning the electrical energy (b) Ohm (d) Diethyl ether
associated with a striking lightning (c) Mass 69. Human hand is an example of?
(d) None of the above (d) Dyne (a) First kind of lever
51. Myopia is a defect of the? 60. Potential energy of a body is due to (b) Third kind of lever
(a) Heart with weak pulses its? (c) Second kind of lever
(b) Lungs with unsteady breathing (a) Motion (d) None of the above
(c) Eye with blurring vision of distant (b) Nature 70. A boat moves while rowing. This
objects (c) Position of rest is based on?
(d) Kidneys with reduced output of (d) None of the above (a) Newtons first law
urine 61. Nose bleeding is seen among (b) Newtons second law
52. Nuclear fission reactions involve? people climbing hills because? (c) Newtons third law
(a) Integration of atoms with enormous (a) Pressure outside is less than the (d) None of the above
release of energy pressure associated with blood 71. Spot the parameter that has no
(b) Disintegration of atoms with (b) Lack of oxygen in the hill unit?
enormous release of energy atmosphere (a) Density
(c) Integration of atoms with the (c) High humidity in the hill (b) Weight
formation of radioactive isotopes atmosphere (c) Force
(d) None of the above (d) None of the above (d) Strain
53. Ultrasonic sound waves represent? 62. Inertia of body is proportional to 72. The density of water is maximum
(a) Sound waves of very high its? at?
frequencies inaudible to human ear (a) Area (a) -4C
(b) Sound waves of very low (b) Volume (b) 0C
frequency inaudible to human ear (c) Mass (c) +4C
(c) Sound waves audible to human ear (d) None of the above (d) 10C
(d) None of the above 63. Newton is the unit of? 73. The base of a dam is made wider in
54. Short circuit refers to? (a) Acceleration due to gravity order to?
(a) Direct flow of current between two (b) Force (a) Increase the pressure
points of the same potential (c) Work (b) Reduce the pressure
(b) Direct flow of current between two (d) Impulse (c) Increase the weight
points of different potentials 64. Velocity of a body is? (d) Increase the potential energy of
(c) Direct flow of current for a short (a) Change in its position water
time (b) Rate of change in its position 74. A snail gets fixed on to the wall
(d) None of the above (c) Change of its position in a definite because of?
55. Which one of the following is the direction (a) Pressure
S.I Unit for mass? (d) Rate of change in position in a (b) Friction
(a) Pounds definite direction (c) Inertia
(b) Kilogram 65. A projectile in air follows? (d) Work
(c) Milligram (a) An elliptical path 75._________ is the force of attraction
(d) Quintal (b) A hyperbolic path between molecules of different
56. Is gravitational pull maximum? (c) A parabolic path compounds?
(a) Underground (d) A straight line path (a) Gravitational force
(b) Above the earth 66. While churning fat gets separated (b) Cohesive force
(c) On earths surface from milk because of? (c) Adhesive force
(d) Underwater (a) Gravitational force (d) None of the above
57. Product of ________ is impulse? (b) Centrifugal force
(a) Force x area (c) Centripetal force 76. Spot the barometer that performs
(b) Force x time (d) Cohesive force its function without using liquid?
(c) Force x acceleration 67. A wound watch spring has? (a) Simple barometer
(d) Force x velocity (a) Potential energy (b) Fortin's Barometer
(c) Aneroid Barometer (b) Joules (d) All of these
(d) None of the above (c) Erg 94. The manufacture of ammonia is
77. The second kind of lever ends up (d) Dyne by ?
with ? 86. A good calorimeter should have ? (a) Hydrogenation
(a) Mechanical loss and gain (a) Low specific heat (b) Haber process
(b) Mechanical gain (b) High specific heat (c) Chatelier process
(c) Mechanical loss (c) Changing specific heat (d) Dehydrogenation
(d) Mechanical advantage (d) None of the above 95. The reactions involved in the
78. Sliding friction is ? 87._____is the amount of heat required manufacture of ammonia is ?
(a) More than rolling friction to increase the temperature of a body (a) Reversible
(b) Less than rolling friction by 1C ? (b) Irreversible
(c) The same as rolling friction (a) Specific heat (c) None of the above
(d) None of the above (b) Thermal capacity (d) All of these
79. A trunk with loads stacked beyond (c) Latent heat 96. The rate of a chemical reaction
certain heights runs a greater risk of (d) None of the above depends on ?
skidding because ? 88. Calories is the unit of ? (a) The concentration of the products
(a) Its center of gravity is shifted (a) Thermal capacity (b) The concentration of the reactants
towards its base (b) Weight per unit area (c) The temperature
(b) Its center of gravity is shifted from (c) Temperature (d) All the above
its base (d) Quantity of heat 97. The main constituents of water
(c) There is no change of position of 89.______is the amount of heat gases are ?
its center of gravity required to convert one gram of water (a) Carbon monoxide and hydrogen
(d) Of none of the above reasons into one gram of steam at 100C ? (b) Carbon monoxide and nitrogen
80. A rocket is launched based on the (c) Carbon monoxide and oxygen
(a) Specific heat of water
principle of ? (d) None of the above
(a) Newtons first law (b) Thermal capacity of water
98. The main constituents of producer
(b) Newtons third law (c) Latent heat of steam
gas are ?
(c) Conservation of energy (d) Latent heat of water
(a) Carbon monoxide and hydrogen
(d) Conservation of momentum 90. S.I. unit for thermal capacity is ?
81. Stress is ? (a) Calories/C (b) Carbon monoxide and nitrogen
(a) Directly proportional to the area (b) Calories/gram/C (c) Carbon monoxide and oxygen
(b) Independent of the area
(c) Joules/C (d) None of the above
(c) Inversely proportional to the area
(d) None of the above (d) Joules/kilogram/C
90. A piece of diamond when dropped 99. The internal energy of a gas
82. Normal temperature of the human
body is ? into liquid oxygen ? molecule at a particular
(a) 40.1C (a) Does not react at all
(b) Burns with a glow temperature comprises ?
(b) 98.4C
(c) 98.4F (c) Breaks into pieces of carbon (a) Translational energy
(d) 28.9F dioxide
(d) Liquid oxygen evaporates very fast (b) Rotational energy
83. A circular plate having a hole in
the center is heated up. The size of the 92.Compounds with the same chemical (c) Vibrational energy
hole will ? formula but with
different atomic configurations are (d) All the above
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease known as ? 100. Avogadros number is the number
(c) Remain unchanged (a) Monomers
(b) Polymers of molecules present in ?
(d) Be none of the above
84. The absolute zero temperature is ? (c) Isomers (a) One gm of gas
(a) 0C (d) None of the above
93. The common use of electrolysis (b) One litre of gas
(b) 0F
(c) 0R is ? (c) One ml. of gas
(d) -273C (a) Refining (d) One gm molecular weight of the
85. S.I. unit for heat is ? (b) Metallurgy
(a) Calorie (c) Electroplating
1 a 26 c 51 b 76 c 101 a 126 b 151 a 176 c 201 d 226 a
2 d 27 c 52 b 77 d 102 b 127 d 152 a 177 d 202 a 227 a
3 c 28 c 53 a 78 b 103 a 128 a 153 b 178 c 203 a 228 b
4 a 29 a 54 d 79 d 104 b 129 b 154 a 179 d 204 a 229 a
5 d 30 b 55 c 80 a 105 d 130 d 155 d 180 b 205 d 230 c
6 a 31 b 56 a 81 c 106 c 131 b 156 b 181 c 206 a 231 a
7 c 32 c 57 a 82 c 107 d 132 c 157 d 182 b 207 c 232 d
8 b 33 c 58 a 83 a 108 b 133 d 158 b 183 b 208 a 233 c
9 c 34 a 59 c 84 b 109 a 134 a 159 d 184 d 209 b 234 a
10 d 35 b 60 a 85 d 110 b 135 b 160 d 185 c 210 d 235 d
11 c 36 d 61 a 86 c 111 b 136 d 161 a 186 a 211 b 236 a
12 a 37 b 62 d 87 c 112 c 137 d 162 a 187 c 212 c 237 d
13 d 38 c 63 d 88 c 113 c 138 d 163 d 188 a 213 a 238 d
14 c 39 b 64 a 89 a 114 a 139 b 164 c 189 d 214 b 239 a
15 b 40 a 65 c 90 b 115 b 140 c 165 d 190 c 215 a 240 a
16 c 41 b 66 c 91 d 116 a 141 a 166 d 191 a 216 b 241 c
17 a 42 c 67 d 92 a 117 c 142 a 167 e 192 c 217 c 242 c
18 b 43 a 68 c 93 c 118 c 143 a 168 a 193 a 218 c 243 b
19 b 44 a 69 b 94 c 119 c 144 b 169 a 194 d 219 c 244 c
20 b 45 c 70 b 95 b 120 c 145 d 170 a 195 b 220 c 245 d
21 b 46 a 71 a 96 a 121 a 146 c 171 c 196 c 221 b 246 a
22 b 47 b 72 a 97 c 122 a 147 d 172 b 197 b 222 b 247 b
23 b 48 c 73 b 98 a 123 c 148 a 173 a 198 c 223 c 248 b
24 c 49 d 74 d 99 b 124 b 149 c 174 d 199 d 224 c 249 a
25 d 50 c 75 d 100 b 125 d 150 d 175 c 200 a 225 b 250 b
1 a 11 a 21 a 31 b 41 c 51 c 61 c 71 d 81 b 91 b
2 d 12 a 22 c 32 d 42 a 52 b 62 a 72 c 82 c 92 c
3 d 13 c 23 c 33 c 43 d 53 a 63 b 73 b 83 a 93 d
4 c 14 d 24 b 34 d 44 a 54 b 64 d 74 b 84 d 94 b
5 d 15 c 25 d 35 a 45 d 55 b 65 c 75 c 85 b 95 a
6 b 16 a 26 c 36 c 46 c 56 c 66 b 76 c 86 a 96 d
7 b 17 d 27 c 37 c 47 b 57 b 67 a 77 d 87 b 97 a
8 a 18 c 28 b 38 c 48 a 58 b 68 c 78 a 88 d 98 b
9 b 19 b 29 c 39 c 49 b 59 a 69 b 79 b 89 c 99 d
10 a 20 a 30 c 40 c 50 c 60 c 70 c 80 d 90 a 100 d
1. The study of heavenly bodies is known as: 12. Match the following :
(a) Astrology (b) Astronautics A. Largest Planet 1. Pluto
(c) Astronomy (d) Astrophysics B. Brightest Planet 2. Jupiter
2. Comets revolve around: C. Densest Planet3. Earth
(a) sun (b) earth D. Smallest Planet 4. Venus
(c) venus (d) no single heavenly body A B C D
3. Which two planets of the solar system have no satellites ? (a) 2 3 4 1
(a) Mercury and Venus (b) 2 4 3 1
(b) Venus and Mars (c) 3 4 1 2
(c) Mercury and Pluto (d) 3 4 2 1
(d) Venus and Neptune 13. The exact time taken by the earth for single rotation on
4. The planet having eight moons is : its own axis is :
(a) Venus (b) Mars (a) 24 hrs (b) 24 hrs 35 sec
(c) Uranus (d) Neptune (c) 23 hrs 50 minutes 7.2 sec
5. The hottest planet is : (d) 23 hrs 56 minutes 4.09 sec
(a ) Mercury (b) Venus 14. Match the following
(c) Jupiter (d) Saturn Planet Gases in atmosphere
6. Which of the following is the brightest planet? A. Venus 1. Hydrogen and helium
(a) Mercury (b) Venus B. Mars 2. Hydrogen, helium ammonia, methane
(c) Mars (d) Jupiter C. Saturn 3. Carbon dioxide, amonia and methane
7. Which of the planets is nearest to the earth? D. Jupiter 4. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen
(a) Jupiter (b) Venus A B C D
(c) Mercury (d) Mars (a) 4 3 1 2
8. Which planet is known as the Earths Twin ? (b) 2 3 4 1
(a) Venus (b) Mars (c) 4 2 3 1
(c) Uranus (d) Neptune (d) 2 1 4 3
9. Which one of the following planets takes the same 15. A blackhole is a :
number of days for rotation and revolution ? (a) contracted star with intense gravitational pull
(a) Mars (b) Venus (b ) 6star with very low surf act temperature
(c) Mercury (d) Jupiter (c) star with no atmosphere
10. Which of the following planets is known as Morning (d) pulsating star
Star? 16. Ursa Minor is:
(a) Mercury (b) Venus (a) the name of an island
(c) Mars (d) Jupiter (b) a group of stars
11. Which planet looks reddish in the night sky ? (c) the name of a satellite
(a) Mercury (b) Mars (d) the name of a star
(c) Jupiter (d) Saturn
17. Asteroids have their orbits between the planets : (a) Parsec (b) Astronomical year
(a) Mercury and Venus (c) Cosmic year (d) Light year
(b) Earth and Mars
(c) Mars and Jupiter 28. Super Nova is :
(d) Jupiter and Saturn (a) an asteroid (b) a black hole
18. Haileys comet appears once in a period of: (c) a comet (d) a dying star
(a) 24 years (b) 32 years 29. How many years does Pluto take in revolving round the
(c) 76 years (d) 84 years Sun?
(a) 110 years (b) 246 years
19. Stars which appear single to the naked eye but are (c) 248 years (d) 250 years
double stars when observed by a telescope, are known as : 30. Twelve constellations referred to as zodiac are :
(a) cosmic stars (b) quasars (a) signs of Roman gods
(c) binaries (d) novae and supernovae (b) imaginary region that encompass the path of the planets
(c) a group of stars
(d) none of these
31. Which of the following celestial bodies bear, The Sea of
Tranquility and The Ocean of Storms ?
(a) Mars (b) Venus
(c) Moon (d) Sun
20. What are Sun spots ? 32. The time required by moonlight to reach the earth is :
(a) Regions on earth without winter climate (a) 1 sec (b) 1.3 sec
(b) Desert areas on the sun (c) 2 sec (d) 2.3 sec
33. Match the following :
(c) Dark patches on the surface of the sun which are cooler
A. Ursa Major 1. Star
areas B. Sirius 2. Constellation
(d) Dark patches on the surface of the Sun resulting from a C. Milky Way 3. Satellite
localised fall in the temperature to about 4000 K D. Titan 4. Galaxy
21. The brightest star in the sky is: 5. Planet
(a) Alfa Centauri (b) Proxima Centauri A B C D
(c) Sirius (d) Sun (a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 1 2 4 3
22. The outermost layer of Sun Is called:
(c) 2 1 4 3
(a) convection zone (b) photosphere (d) 2 4 1 3
(c) chromospheres (d) corona 34. The Solar Corona mainly consists of :
23. A star which appears blue is : (a) cosmic rays (b) molten lava
(a) cooler than the moon (c) gases (d) ice
(b) hotter than the sun 35. The temperature of the Sun s outer surface is :
(c) as hot as the sun (a) 60,00,000 C (b) 6000 C
(d) cooler than the sun (c) 60 C (d) 0C
24. Lunar Sea refers to : 36. The shape of our milky way galaxy is :
(a) a small sea on the moon (a) circular (b) elliptical
(b) a sea on earth which experiences high tides due to (c) spiral (c) none of the above
gravitational attraction of the moon 37. Among the following which planet takes maximum time
(c) a dark plain on the moon for one revolution around the Sun?
(d) a light water body illuminated by the moon-light (a) Earth (b) Jupiter
25. The sunspots cause : (c) Mars (d) Venus
(a) aurora borealis and aurora australis 38. Which of the following gases is most predominant in the
(b) magnetic storms on the surface of the sun Sun?
(c) polar auroras (a) Helium (b) Hydrogen
(d) all of these (c) Nitrogen (d) Ozone
26. The Milky way extends through a distance of : 39. Moon is called a satellite of the earth because:
(a) 1 light year (b) 8 light years (a) it is much smaller than the earth
(c) 10 5 light years(d) 10 10 light years (b) it has no light of its own
27. The period of one revolution of sun around the centre of (c) it revolves round the earth
galaxy is called : (d) it produces tides on the earth
9 b 29 c
10 b 30 c
THE UNIVERSE 11 b 31 c
12 b 32 b
1 c 21 c 13 d 33 c
2 a 22 d 14 a 34 b
3 a 23 b 15 a 35 b
4 d 24 c 16 b 36 c
5 b 25 d 17 c 37 b
6 b 26 c 18 c 38 b
7 b 27 c 19 c 39 c
8 a 28 d 20 d
1. The oldest mountains in India according to geographical 10. Which of the following is the main difference between
history are: the Western and Eastern Ghats ?
(a) Satpuras (b) Nilgiris (a) Height (b) Continuity
(c) Vindhyas (d) Aravallis (c) Proximity to the coast (d) Vegetation
2. Arakan Yoma is the extension of the Himalayas located 11. The main India-Tibet route connecting Kalimpong with
in : Lhasa passes through the:
(a) Kashmir (b) Nepal (a) Zojila (b) Shipki La
(c) Baluchistan (d) Myanmar (c) Jelep La (d) Thaga La
3. The transport route connecting the Kashmir from Leh 12. Which of the following gives the correct sequence of
crosses the high mountain ranges at the: hills in the east-west direction ?
(a) Pir Panjal pass (b) Karakoram pass (a) Naga, Mikir, Khasi, Garo
(c) Banihal pass (d) Zoji La pass (b) Garo, Khasi, Mkir, Naga
4. Which one of the following mountains is not the part of (c) Khasi, Garo, Naga, Mikir
Eastern Ghats? (d) Mikir, Naga, Khasi, Garo
(a) Sheravoy hills (b) Javadi hills 13. Gondwana Hills are located in :
(c) Nallamaia hills (d) Elamalai hills (a) Punjab (b) Jammu and Kashmir
5. Which one of the following is most prone to earthquakes? (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Nagaland
(a) Coastal plains (b) Old shields 14. What do you understand by the term Doab?
(c) Plateaus (d) Young folded mountains (a) Where the delta of river begins
6. The Himalayas are formed of parallel fold ranges of (b) Where two or more rivers meet
which the oldest range is: (c) Land between two separate river systems
(a) the Siwalik Range (d) Land between two tributaries of a river
(b) the Lesser Himalayas
(c) the Great Himalayan Range 15. The mountain pass Nathula is located in :
(d) the Dhaula Dhar Range (a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Himachal Pradesh
7. Maharashtrian Plateau is made up of (c) Sikkim (d) Jammu and Kashmir
(a) alluvial soil (b) coral reef 16. Match the following
(c) sandstone (d) lava Mountain passes in Himalayas States
8. Aravalli ranges are an example of: A. Changla 1. Arunachal Pradesh
(a) folded mountains (b) block mountains B. Shipkila 2. Himachal Pradesh
(c) residual mountains (d) volcanic mountains C. Zozila 3. Jammu and Kashmir
9. Zojila Pass connects: D. Bomdila 4. Uttrakhandh
(a) Kashmir and Tibet (b) Nepal and Tibet A B C D
(c) Leh and Kargil (d) Leh and Srinagar (a) 3 2 3 1
(b) 3 2 4 1
(c) 2 3 4 1 (c) Nepal Himalayas
(d) 3 1 4 2 (d) Punjab Himalayas
17. Siwaliks are:
(a) to the north of Himadri
(b) foothills of Himalayan ranges India: Physiology
(c) in Meghalaya
(d) the plateau between Pamirs and Myanmar 1 d 12 a
18. Palghat joins which of the following states? 2 d 13 c
(a) Sikkim and West Bengal 3 b 14 d
(b) Maharashtra and Gujarat
(c) Kerala and Tamil Nadu 4 d 15 c
(d) Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim 5 d 16 a
19. Mahadev Hills are located in : 6 c 17 b
(a) Bihar (b) Maharashtra
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Madhya Pradesh 7 d 18 c
20. Which one of the following is the juction point of the 8 c 19 d
Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats? 9 d 20 c
(a) Javadi Hills (b) Anaimalai Hills
(c) Nilgiri Hills (d) Shevaroy Hills 10 b 21 b
21. Nanda Devi peak forms a part of : 11 c
(a) Assam Himalayas
(b) Kumaon Himalayas
Chapter. 13
1 d 9 b
2 c 10 d
3 b 11 c
4 b 12 b
5 c 13 d
6 c 14 a
7 b 15 b
8 c 16 c
3. Currency/Inflation
1. The cause of inflation is : (d) rising wages and employment
(a) increase in money supply 8. A steady increase in the general level of prices as a
(b) fall in production result of excessive increase in aggregate demand as
(c) increase in money supply and fall in production compared to aggregate supply is termed as:
(d) decrease in money supply and fall in production (a) demand-pull inflation (b) cost-push inflation
(c) stagflation (d) structural inflation
2. Inflation implies : 9. A very rapid growth in prices in which money loses its
(a) rise in budget deficit value to the point where even barter may be preferable
(b) rise in money supply is known as :
(c) rise in general price index (a) inflation (b) hyper-inflation
(d) rise in prices of consumer goods (c) deflation (d) disinflation
3. The situation with increasing unemployment and 10. Inflationary Gap is a situation characterised by:
inflation is termed as : (a) excess of Aggregate Demand over Aggregate
(a) hyperinflation (b) galloping inflation Supply at the full employment level
(c) stagflation (d) reflation (b) gap between Galloping Inflation and Runaway
4. Which of the following can be used for checking Inflation
inflation temporarily? (c) Inflation coupled with recession
(a) Increase in wages (d) Inflation that usually prevails in a developing
(b) Decrease in money supply country
(c) Decrease in taxes 11. Which of the following is wrongly matched?
(d) None of these (a) Depression Insufficient demand causing large scale
5. An essential attribute of inflation is : unemployment of men and machinery over a long
(a) fall in production period of time
(b) increase in prices (b) Recession Reduction in demand and
(c) absence of black market production/investment over a short period of time
(d) presence of black market (c) Stagflation slow pace of economic activity due to
6. The period of high inflation and low economic growth falling prices
is termed as : (d) Boom Rapid and all-round spurt in economic
(a) stagnation activity
(b) take-off stage in economy 12. The inflation experienced in the country at present is :
(c) stagflation (a) galloping inflation (b) secondary inflation
(d) none of these (c) unrealistic inflation (d) cost-push inflation
7. Stagflation implies a case of : 13. Devaluation means :
(a) galloping inflation (a) converting rupee into gold
(b) recession plus inflation (b) lowering of the value of one currency in
(c) adverse balance of trade comparison of some foreign currency
(c) making rupee dearer in comparison to some (b) illegally earned money
foreign currency (c) money earned through underhand deals
(d) None of these (d) income on which payment of tax is usually evaded
14. Monetary policy is regulated by: 25. Broad money in India is :
(a) money lenders (a) M1 (b) M2
(b) central Bank (c) M3 (d) M4
(c) private entrepreneurs
26 M1 includes :
(d) Government policy
(a) currency with public
15. One-rupee currency notes bear the signature of:
(b) demand deposit with bank
(a) Prime Minister of India
(c) other deposits with RBI
(b) President of India
(d) all of the above
(c) Finance Minister of India
27. M3 includes :
(d) Finance Secretary of India
16. Ten rupee notes bear the signature of : (a) M1 +T.D
(a) President (b) M1 + post office saving deposit
(b) Finance Minister (c) M1 + post office total deposit
(c) Secretary, Ministry of Finance
(d) Governor, Reserve Bank of India (d) M1 + national saving certificate
17. When was the decimal system of currency introduced 28. Which of the following Mahatma Gandhi series of
in India? currency notes issued by the RBI has a drawing of the
(a) 1948 (b) 1950 Parliament House depicted on t ?
(c) 1954 (d) 1957 (a) Rs. 500 (b) Rs. 100
18. Which of the following prints currency notes of the (c) Rs. 50 (d) Rs. 10
denomination of Rs. 100? 29. Which of the following Mahatma Gandhi series of
(a) The Bank Note Press, Dewas currency notes issued by the RBI has ecology
(b) The Indian Security Press, Nasik Road depicted on it?
(c) The Security Printing Press, Hyderabad (a) Rs. 500/- (b) Rs. 100/-
(d) All the above (c) Rs. 50/- (d) RS. 5/-
19. The special paper required for printing of currency
notes by the Security Presses in the country is
manufactured at :
(a) Hyderabad (b) Kolkata
(c) Hoshangabad (d) Dewas 30. Match the following:
20. Which of the following mints undertakes refining of A. Partial convertibility I. Unified exchange rate,
gold for licensed gold dealers and production of applied for export and
medals for defence services ? import of goods only,
(a) The Hyderabad Mint (b) The Mumbai Mint i.e., visible transaction
(c) The Kolkata Mint (d) None of these of BoP
21. To meet the growing needs for coins in the country, B. Conver tibility II.Currency can on trade
where does the Government propose to set up another be converted account on all
mint ? accounts
(a) Nasik (b) Hoshangabad C. Conver tibility II. 60% of the on
(c) Dewas (d) Noida current
22. How many languages are used on a ten rupee note ? foreign account exchange to
(a) 2 (b) 7 be converted at market rates
(c) 10 (d) 15 andrest at official rate
23. Convertibility of the rupee implies : D. Full convertibility IV.Full convertibility in all
(a) being able to convert rupee notes into gold visible and tibilityinvisible
(b) freely permitting the conversion of rupee to other transaction of goods and
major currencies and vice versa services
(c) allowing the value of the rupee to be fixed by Codes:
market forces A B C D
(d) developing an international market for currencies (a) 1 2 3 4
in India (b) 4 2 1 3
24. Black money is : (c) 3 1 4 2
(a) counterfeit currency (d) 1 4 3 2
31. The Issue Department of the RBI maintains a against
printing of notes :
(a) Minimum Reserve System
(b) Proportional Reserve System Chapter. 3
(c) Proportional Gold Reserve System 1 c 18 a
(d) Proportional Foreign Securities Reserve System
2 c 19 d
32. Hard Currency is defined as currency: 3 c 20 b
(a) which can hardly be used for international 4 b 21 d
(b) which is used in times of war 5 b 22 d
(c) which loses its value very fast 6 c 23 b
(d) traded in foreign exchange market for which
7 b 24 d
demand is persistently relative to the supply
33. There are three major groups of commodities in the 8 a 25 c
Wholesale Price Index. These are : 9 b 26 d
1. primary articles
10 a 27 a
2. fuel, power, light and lubricants
3. manufactured products 11 c 28 c
4. food articles and industrial raw materials 12 d 29 b
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 3 13 b 30 c
34. Rupee was devalued by what percent in July 1991? 14 b 31 a
(a) 18 (b) 20 15 d 32 d
(c) 22 (d) 25
16 d 33 a
17 d 34 b
5. Fiscal System
1. A tax which is paid by the person on whom the tax is (c) Expenditure method (d) Export-import
incident is called a : method
(a) local tax (b) indirect tax 7. The national income of India is estimated mainly
(c) direct tax (d) rate through :
2. Rate of growth of an economy is measured in terms of (a) production method alone
: (b) expenditure method alone
(a) per capita income (c) production and expenditure methods
(b) industrial development (d) production and income methods
(c) number of people who have been lifted above the 8. Which of the following are referred to as the
poverty line developed economies ?
(d) national income (a) Countries earning huge industrial profits
3. Which is the best measure of economic growth of a (b) Countries proficient in trade and export
country? (c) Countries having large per capita income
(a) GNP (b) GDP (d) Countries advanced in technology
(c) Net revenue (d) None of these 9. An advalorem duty is a tax on the basis of :
4. By which bill does the government make arrangement (a) the price of a commodity
for the collection of revenues for a year? (b) the value added
(a) Supplementary Budget (b) Finance Bill (c) the advertisement expenditure
(c) Fiscal Budget (d) Economic Bill (d) the unit of the commodity
10. The budget is presented to the Parliament on :
5. On account of some national emergency or in order to (a) the last day of February
carry out some secret mission, the government (b) 15th March
sometimes requires funds but may not give the details (c) the last day of March
of the expenditure estimates. The House grants some (d) 1st February
lumpsum for this called: 11. Which of the following is not true about vote-on-
(a) emergency budget (b) vote of Credit account?
(c) contingency bill (d) supplementary (a) It is a budget presented in the Parliament to cover
budget the deficit left by the last budget
6. Which of the following is not a method of estimating (b) It does not allow the Government to set for the
national income? economic policies of the new plan which starts
(a) Income method (b) Value-added method from April 1
(c) It prevents the Government from imposing fresh Agriculture, Industry, Transport, Communication,
taxes or withdrawing old one etc.
(d) This allows the Government to withdraw an 20. Dear Money Policy implies:
amount for a period with the consent of Parliament (a) high price level
(b) large money supply
12. The system of Budget was introduced in India during (c) high production
the viceroyalty of : (d) high interest rates
(a) Canning (b) Dalhousie 21. Which of the following is wrongly matched :
(c) Ripon (d) Elgin (a) share market - stock exchange
13. Temporary tax levied to obtain additional revenue is (b) interest rate - fiscal policy
called: (c) export subsidy - fiscal policy
(a) cess (b) rate (d) general price index- inflation
(c) fee (d) surcharge 22. Railway Budget in India was separated from general
14. Which of the following is wrongly matched? budget in :
(a) Cess - a compulsory levy collected by the (a) 1924-25 (b) 1941-42
government for a particular purpose from all (c) 1947-48 (d) 1950-51
persons 23. One of the problems in calculating the national income
(b) Rate - a compulsory levy collected by the in India correctly is :
government from the beneficiaries of particular (a) under-employment
schemes (b) inflation
(c) Corporation tax - levied by corporations for civic (c) non-monetised consumption
amenities (d) low savings
(d) Proportional tax - a tax levied at the same time at 24. Among Indian Economists who had done pioneering
all levels of the base work on National Income?
15. Which among the following formulates fiscal policy? (a) P. N. Dhar
(a) RBI (b) Jagdish Bhagwati
(b) Finance Ministry (c) V. K. R. V. Rao
(c) SEBI (d) Prof. Shenoi
(d) Planning Commission 25. Who was the chairman of National Income
16. Which among the following is the regulatory authority Committee?
for giving clearance for External Commercial (a) P. C. Mahalanobis
borrowing? (b) V.K.R.V. Rao
(a) Foreign Investment Promotion Board (c) D.R. Gadgil
(b) RBI
(d) A.M. Khusro
(c) SEBI
(d) Foreign Investment Promotion Council 26 . After 1991, the Central Government implemented
17. The Zero Base Budgeting in India was first various far-reaching reforms in the area of taxation.
experimented from: This was based on the recommendations of the:
(a) April, 1987 (b) April, 2000 (a) Wanchoo Committee
(c) April, 1991 (d) None of these (b) Rajah Chelliah Committee
18. The prices at which the government purchases food (c) Raj Committee
grains for maintaining the public distribution system (d) Narsimhan Committee
and for building up buffer stocks are known as : 27. Development is :
(a) Minimum Support Prices
(a) synonymous with economic -growth
(b) Procurement Prices
(c) Issue Prices (b) narrower than economic growth
(d) Ceiling Prices (c) wider than economic growth
19. Balanced Growth means : (d) not related to economic growth
(a) growth which brings about a balance between the 28. Invisible trade is a trade :
rich and the poor (a) of government with public institutions
(b) growth which brings about a balance between the
public and private sectors (b) of the services like the bank, marine companies
(c) growth which brings about a balance between the and shipping companies
traditional and modern sector (c) of corporate and financial institutions with
(d) growth pattern on which simultaneous investments government
are made in all the sectors of the economy, viz., (d) of government with other countries
29. What is Recession? (b) Private investment
(a) Rise in the cost of production, especially because (c) Per capita income of citizens
of wage increase (d) Purchase of goods by government
(b) Increase in money supply without a matching 39. Which of the following is not shared by the Centre and
increase in production the States?
(c) Reduction in production and employment for want (a) Sales Tax
of sufficient demand for goods (b) Corporation Tax
(d) None of these (c) Income Tax
30. A Multinational is: (d) Union Excise Duties
(a) a company operating in several countries 40. Which of the following taxes is not levied by the
(b) a company having shareholders from more than Union Government?
one country (a) Wealth Tax
(c) a company which does charitable work in poor (b) Excise Duty
countries (c) Profession Tax
(d) a company that operates only in those countries (d) Income Tax
that do not have import restrictions 41. The principal source of revenue to the State
31. The Indian budget includes: Government in India is :
(a) revised estimates for the current year (a) Income Tax
(b) budget estimates for the following year (b) Sales Tax
(c) actual figures of the preceding year (c) State Excise Duties
(d) all of these (d) Land Revenue
32. Deficit financing is spending : 42. Which of the following is an indirect tax?
(a) by getting foreign aid (a) Corporation Tax
(b) less than what is needed (b) Excise Duty
(c) in excess of revenue (c) Wealth Tax
(d) by borrowing from abroad (d) Capital Gains Tax
33. National income of India is compiled by : 43. VAT is alternate of:
(a) Finance Commission (a) state tax
(b) Indian Statistical Institute (b) central tax
(c) National Development Council (c) both (a) and (b)
(d) Central Statistical Organisation (d) neither (a) nor (b)
44. In India, the service tax was first introduced in the year
34. The highest per capita income in the country goes to :
(a) Haryana (b) Delhi
(a) 1998 (b) 1996
(c) Punjab (d) Goa
(c) 1994 (d) 1992
35. The first estimate of national income in India was
45. Liquidity trap is a situation in which:
made by:
(a) Mahalanobis (b) V.K.R.V. Rao (a) people want to hold only cash because prices are
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji (d) Prof. Sheroi falling everyday
(b) people want to hold only cash because there is too
36. The per capita income is obtained by:
much of liquidity in the economy
(a) summing up the income of all the citizens of the
(c) the rate of interest is so low that no one wants to
hold interest bearing assets and people wants to
(b) dividing national income by the population
hold cash
(c) estimating the minimum income of individual
(d) there is an excess of foreign exchange reserves in
the economy leading to excess of money supply
(d) dividing the total national capital with the profit
37. Which of the following is correct regarding the Gross 46. The tax whose share in overall taxation revenue has
Domestic Saving in India? gone up rapidly during the planning period is :
(a) income tax
(a) Contribution of Household sector is the largest
(b) wealth tax
(b) Contribution of Government sector is the largest
(c) capital gains tax
(c) Contribution of Corporate sector is the largest
(d) tax on production
(d) None of these
47. CENVAT is associated with:
38. Which of the following is not required while
(a) rate of indirect tax
computing Gross National Product (GNP)?
(b) rate of income tax
(a) Net foreign investment
(c) rate of direct tax
(d) none of the above 58. Match the following:
48. Taxation and the governments expenditure policy are A. Fiscal Deficit 1. Difference between
dealt under the : Total Expenditure
(a) trade policy (b) budget and total receipts
(c) fiscal policy (d) monetary policy B. Budget Deficit 2. Difference between
49. The largest contribution in Indias National Income is Revenue Expen-
from: diture and
(a) primary sector Revenue Receipt
(b) secondary sector C. Revenue 3.Difference between
(c) tertiary sector Total Expenditure
(d) any of the above and Revenue
50. The gilt edged market deals in : Receipts plus non-
(a) worn and torn currency notes debt creating
(b) bullion capital receipts
(c) Govt, securities D. Primary 4. Difference between
(d) Corporate bonds Total Expenditure
51. Investment in public works is known as : and Revenue
(a) revenue expenditure
(b) capital expenditure Receipts plus non-
(c) current expenditure debt creating
(d) either (a) or (b) capital receipts
52. A budgetary deficit means : minus interest
(a) total expenditure is more than total revenue payments
(b) current expenditure is more than current revenue A B C D
(c) capital expenditure is more than capital revenue
(a) 3 1 2 4
(d) total expenditure is more than current revenue
53. Fiscal deficit in the budget means: (b) 4 3 2 1
(a) Revenue deficit plus the net borrowings of the (c) 1 3 2 4
government (d) 3 1 4 2
(b) Budgetary deficit plus the net borrowings of the 60. Octroi is levied and collected by :
government (a) Centre
(c) Capital deficit plus revenue deficit (b) State Government
(d) Primary deficit minus capital deficit
54. Net factor income from abroad added to GDP gives: (c) local bodies
(a) GNP (b) NNP (d) all the above
(c) NDP (d) Per Capita Income
55. Gross National Income is always more than Net
National Income because it includes:
(a) foreign income
(b) capital consumption allowance
(c) indirect taxes
(d) direct taxes
56. National income refers to:
(a) money value of goods and services produced in a
country during a year.
(b) money value of stocks and shares of a country
during a year.
(c) money value of capital goods produced by a
country during a year.
(d) money value of consumer goods produced by a
country during a year.
57. Which one of the following forms the largest share of
deficit in Govt, of India budget?
(a) Primary deficit (b) Fiscal deficit
(d) Revenue deficit (d) Budgetary deficit
Chapter. 5
1 c 21 b 41 b
2 d 22 a 42 b
3 a 23 c 43 b
4 b 24 c 44 c
5 b 25 a 45 c
6 d 26 b 46 d
7 d 27 c 47 a
8 c 28 b 48 c
9 a 29 c 49 c
10 d 30 a 50 c
11 a 31 d 51 b
12 a 32 c 52 a
13 d 33 d 53 b
14 c 34 d 54 a
15 b 35 c 55 b
16 b 36 b 56 a
17 a 37 a 57 b
18 b 38 c 58 a
19 d 39 a 59 c
20 d 40 c 60 c
6. Industries/Infrastructure/Foreign Trade
1. In India, maximum numbers of workers are employed (c) Germany (d) UAE
in: 6. Which of the following agencies has the power to
(a) textile industry declare any industrial unit as a potentially sick unit?
(b) iron and steel industry (a) BIFR (b) MRTPC
(c) petrochemical industry (c) FICCI (d) IRBI
(d) automobile industry 7. Indian Railways earn the maximum revenue from:
2. Indias oldest iron and steel plant is: (a) passenger fare (b) freight
(a) TISCO at Jamshedpur (c) traffic tax (d) passenger tax
(b) TISCO at Burnpur 8. India earns maximum foreign exchange from the
(c) Durgapur Iron and Steel Plant export of :
(d) Rourkela Iron and Steel Plant (a) garments (b) jute
3. Which of the following industries was started first in (c) tea (d) cotton
India? 9. Match the following
(a) Cotton (b) Paper A. Dutt Committee 1.Village and Small
(c) Tea (d) Jute Scale
4. In which of the following industries is the maximum Industries
number of women employed in India? B. Raj Committee 2. Direct Taxes
(a) Textile (b) Jute C. Wanchoo Committee 3. Agricultural Taxes
(c) Tea (d) Coal D. Karve Committee 4.Industrial Licensing
5. India has the maximum volume of foreign trade with : Codes
(a) USA (b) Japan A B C D
(a) 1 2 3 4 15. A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is set up at:
(b) 4 3 2 1 (a) Positra (b) Kandla
(c) 1 4 3 2 (c) Kochi (d) None of these
(d) 2 3 4 1 16. Which of the following committees was assigned to
10. The Kelkar proposals which were in the news were recommend reforms in the insurance sector?
the: (a) Rekhi Committee
(a) Recommendations for reforms in the power sector (b) Nadkami Committee
(b) Recommendations for tax reforms (c) Malhotra Committee
(c) Guidelines for the privatisation of public secter (d) Chelliah Committee
undertakings 17. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?
(d) Guidelines for reducing vehicular pollution, and Enterprise Industrial Group
the promotion of CNG use 1.VSNL : Bharati Group
11. BOP (Balance of Payment) refers to :
(a) Transactions in the flow of capital 2. Mundra Special : Adani Group
(b) Transactions relating to receipts and payment of Economic Zone Ltd.
invisibles 3. CMC Ltd. : Tata Group
(c) Transactions relating only to exports and imports 4. IPCL : Reliance Group
(d) Systematic record of all its economic transaction Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
with the rest of the world (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 3 and 4
12. Mashelkar Committee was constituted to report on: (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4
(a) economic policy
(b) constitutional changes
(c) black money
(d) auto fuel policy Chapter. 6
13. Dumping in the context of international trade refers 1 A 10 B
to :
(a) exporting goods at prices below the actual cost of 2 A 11 D
production 3 C 12 D
(b) exporting goods without paying the appropriate 4 A 13 A
taxes in the receiving country
(c) exporting goods of inferior quality 5 A 14 D
(d) exporting goods only to re-import them at cheaper 6 A 15 B
7 B 16 C
14. Core industries include :
(a) basic industries 8 C 17 D
(b) industries catering to defence requirements 9 B 18
(c) critical industries
(d) all the above
1. The headquarters of IMF and World Bank are located (d) proportion to quota alloted to countries from time
at: to time
(a) Geneva and Montreal 3. World Development Report is an annual publication
(b) Geneva and Vienna of :
(c) New York and Geneva (a) United Nations Development Programme
(d) Both Washington DC (b) International Bank of Reconstruction and
2. Voting rights in the IMF are distributed on the basis of Development
: (c) World Trade Organisation
(a) one country, one vote (d) International Monetary Fund
(b) proportion to the share of the income of the 4. Match the following:
country in the world income Publishers Publication
(c) proportion to contributions given by each country A. Ministry of Industry 1. Report on Currency and
B. Central Statistical 2. Economic Survey C. SEBI 3. International Monetary Fund
Organisation D. NEFTA 4. Reserve Bank of India
C. Reserve Bank of 3. Wholesale Price Index 5. USA and Canada
India Codes:
D. Ministry of Finance 4. National Accounts Statistics A B C D
Codes (a) 1 4 2 5
A B C D (b) 1 4 3 5
(a) 4 3 2 1 (c) 4 1 2 5
(b) 3 4 1 2 (d) 4 1 2 5
(c) 4 3 1 2 10. Special Drawing Rights (SDR) facility is available at
(d) 3 4 2 1 (a) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
5. Human Development Index comprises literacy rates, (b) World Bank (IBRD)
life expectancy at birth and: (c) International Development Association (IDA)
(a) gross domestic product per head in the US dollars (d) Organisation of Economic Cooperation and
(b) gross domestic product per head at real purchasing Development (OECD)
power 11. The headquarters of World Trade Organisation is in :
(c) gross national product in US dollars (a) Montreal (b) Seattle
(d) national income per head in US dollars (c) Geneva (d) The Hague
6. The earlier name of the WTO was : 12. The headquarters of OPEC (Organisation of Petroleum
(a) UNIDO (b) UNCTAD Countries) is at:
(c) OECD (d) GATT (a) Vienna (b) Kuwait City
7. The World Bank and IMF give respectively: (c) Algeria (d) Tehran
(a) Long term and short term credits
(b) Short term and long term credits
(c) Both long term credits
(d) Both short term credits Chapter. 7
8. ISO-9000 certificate is a stringent quality control 1 d 7 a
standard for electronic goods that are essential for any
Indian exporter to compete in International markets. It 2 d 8 d
is issued by the: 3 b 9 a
(a) Bureau of Indian Standards 4 b 10 a
(b) British Standards Institution
(c) U. N. Exports Agency 5 b 11 c
(d) International Organisation for Standardisation 6 d 12 a
9. Match the following:
List I List II
A. TRIPS 1. World Trade Organisation
B. SLR 2. Public Issues
1. Father of local self government in India is: 8. The source of maximum income to Panchayati Raj
(a) Lord Mayo (b) Acharya Vinoba institution is:
Bhave (a) local taxes (b) regional funds
(c) Lord Ripon (d) Mahatma Gandhi (c) government grants
2. Panchayati raj has received constitutional status with (d) share in Union Govt, revenue
the Amendment Act: 9. Which is at the apex of the three tier system of
(a) 72nd (b) 73rd Panchayati Raj ?
(c) 74th (d) 75th (a) Gram Sabha (b) Gram Panchayat
3. The list of items which may be entrusted to the (c) Zila Parishad (d) Panchayat Samiti
Panchayats is given in the :
(a) Eleventh Schedule (b) Twelfth Schedule 10. A person to be qualified for standing in a panchayat
(c) Seventh Schedule (d) State List election must have attained the age of:
4. In which of the following states was the Panchayati (a) 21 years (b) 18 years
Raj first introduced? (c) 25 years (d) 30 years
(a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat 11. The elections to Panchayats are to be held:
(c) U.P. (d) Bihar (a) every four years (b) every five years
5. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee suggested that the (c) when the State Government decides to do so
structure of Panchayati Raj should consist of: (d) at the Centres directive
(a) the village, the block and the district levels 12. Who is to conduct the elections to the Panchayats and
(b) the mandal and the district levels Municipalities?
(c) the village, the district and the state levels (a) State Government (b) Central Government
(d) the village, the mandal, the district and the state (c) State Election Commission
levels (d) Central Election Commission
6. Mandal Panchayats were recommended by: 13. A Municipal Corporation is set up in a city with a
(a) Balwantrai Mehta Committee population of not less than:
(b) Narasimhan Committee (c) Ashok Mehta (a) 1 lakh (b) 12 lakhs
Committee (c) 10 lakhs (d) 5 lakhs
(d) Vengal Rao Committee 14. Which of the following states has no Panchayati Raj
7. Panchayati Raj was started in the country in: institution at all?
(a) 1957 (b) 1952 (a) Assam (b) Kerala
(c) 1959 (d) 1951 (c) Tripura (d) Nagaland
15. Who is the executive head of a Municipal 22. Mayor of a Municipal Corporation holds the office for
Corporation? a period of:
(a) Mayor (b) Commissioner (a) 1 year (b) 3 years
(c) Secretary (d) Deputy Mayor (c) 5 years (d) 4 years
23. It is obligatory for all States to have:
16. Which of the following is not a source of revenue to (a) three-tier system (b) two-tier system
the village panchayats? (c) Some states are exempted from establishing three-
(a) Property Tax (b) House Tax tier system
(c) Land Tax (d) Vehicles Tax (d) it is optional for the States
24. What is the intermediate tier of the Panchayati Raj
17. Which of the following is a source of income of the System called?
Gram Panchayats? (a) Zilla Parishad (b) Taluka Panchayat
(a) Income Tax (b) Sales Tax (c) Panchayat Samiti (d) Gram Sabha
(c) Professional Tax (d) Levy duties 25. Where was the first Municipal Corporation in India set
18. The levying of which one of the following taxes is up?
outside the jurisdiction of Municipal Corporation? (a) Bombay (b) Calcutta
(a) Property Tax (b) Income Tax (c) Delhi (d) Madras
(c) Profession Tax (d) Education Tax ANSWER KEY
19. The tenure of Gram Panchayat and Nagarpalika shall
Chapter. 11
be for: 1 c 14 d
(a) three years (b) four years 2 b 15 b
(c) five years, unless dissolved earlier
3 a 16 a
(d) co-extensive with the term of Legislative
Assembly. 4 a 17 d
20. The Panchayats are authorised: 5 a 18 b
(a) to levy taxes, duties, levy and appropriate the same 6 d 19 c
(b) the Panchayats have no power to levy taxes
(c) the Panchayats are entitled to only grants from the
7 c 20 d
Government 8 c 21 d
(d) to levy, collect and appropriate such taxes, duties 9 c 22 a
tolls and fees as they are authorised by the
10 a 23 c
21. The electorate for a Panchayat is: 11 b 24 c
(a) the Taluka board 12 c 25 b
(b) all adults of 21 years of above in a village 13 c
(c) the village and selected Members of Parliament
and State Legislature
(d) the Gram Sabha
12. Amendment of the Constitution and other Facts
1. The provision of amending the constitutional provision 10. Which amendment of the Constitution gave priority to
is given in : Directive Principles over Fundamental Rights?
(a) Part XIX Article 356 (b) Part XX Article 356 (a) 24th Amendment (b) 39th Amendment
(c) Part XX Article 368 (d) Part XIX Article 368 (c) 42nd Amendment (d) 40th Amendment
2. A Constitutional amendment bill passed by both 11. A major portion of the Constitution
Houses of Parliament (a) can be amended by simple majority
(a) does not need the assent of the President (b) can be amended by two-thirds majority
(b) does need the assent of the President (c) can be amended only with State ratification
(c) does not need the assent of the President if passed (d) cannot be amended
by ratification of States 12. If India decides to have a Presidential form of
(d) none of the above government, the first and foremost amendment has to
3. Who is entitled to initiate a Bill for Constitutional be made affecting the:
amendments? (a) system of judiciary
(a) State Legislative Assemblies (b) composition of Parliament
(b) Lok Sabha only (c) executive-legislature relationship
(c) Either House of Parliament (d) provisions pertaining to Fundamental Rights
(d) Rajya Sabha only 13. Which amendment restored the power of judicial
4. Indian Constitution was amended for the first time in : review to the Supreme Court and High Courts after it
(a) 1950 (b) 1951 was curtailed by the 42 nd amendment?
(c) 1952 (d) 1953 (a) 42nd (b) 43rd
5. The Ninth Schedule of the Constitution of India was : (c) 44th (d) 56th
(a) added by the first amendment 14. The Anti Defection Law was enacted as early as 1979
(b) added by the 24th amendment in:
(c) added by the 42nd amendment (a) Kerala (b) Jammu and Kashmir
(d) a part of the original Constitution (c) West Bengal (d) Tamil Nadu
6. Of all the amendments in the Indian Constitution, the 15. Which of the following Constitutional Amendments
most comprehensive and controversial amendment banned the floor crossing in Parliament?
was: (a) 42nd (b) 44th
(a) 42nd (b) 43rd (c) 52nd (d) 53rd
(c) 44th (d) 45th 16. A per the Anti-Defection Law the final authority to
7. Which of the following provisions can be amended by decide on a members disqualification from the House
simple majority? is:
(a) Creation of new states (a) President (b) Governor
(b) Creation or abolition of upper houses in state (c) Speaker of the House (d) Council of Ministers
(c) Reconstitution of existing states 17. National Capital Territory of Delhi has been constituted
(d) All the above by:
8. The 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts: (a) 71st amendment
(a) came into force immediately on being passed by (b) 69th amendment
Parliament (c) ordinance promulgated by the President
(b) both came into force in June, 1993 (d) ordinance promulgated by the Lieutenant Governor
(c) had to be ratified by more than half the number of 18. A merger will not invite action under the Anti-
states Defection Act if ... Members of a political party decide
(d) have not been ratified by the required number of to join another political party:
states (a) one-third (b) two-thirds
9. The Constitution of India does not mention the post of: (c) half (d) one-fourth
(a) the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha 19. Which Amendment provided for an authoritative
(b) the Deputy Prime Minister version of the Constitution in Hindi?
(c) the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha (a) 56th (b) 58th
(d) the Deputy Speaker of the State Legislative (c) 60th (d) 61st
20. Match the following : 29. What is the document published by the government to
Prominent Functionaries Minimum Age for apprise the public on any issue?
Appointment (a) Gazette
A. Member of Rajya Sabha 1. No minimum age (b) Report of Public Accounts Committee
B. Member of Legislative 2. 21 years (c) White Paper (d) None of these
Assembly 30. Extradiction means:
C. High Court Jugge 3. 25 years (a) forcing a foreign national to leave the country
D. Member of Panchayat 4. 30 years (b) forcing a citizen of the country to leave the country
AB C D ABCD (c) delivering a foreign national for the trial of offences
(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 4 2 1 3 (d) blocking the trade of other countries with a
(c) 3 2 1 4 (d) 4 3 1 2 particular country
21. Match the following: 31. Next to Hindi, language spoken by the largest number
A. Biggest democracy 1. USA of people in the Indian subcontinent is:
B. Rigid Constitution 2. India (a) Bengali (b) Tamil
providing for dual (c) Telugu (d) Marathi
citizenship 32. By which Amendment Act of the Constitution of India
C. Flexible Constitution 3. UK were the Directive Principles of the State Policy given
providing for non- precedence over the Fundamental Rights wherever they
republican democracy come into conflict?
AB C ABC (a) 40th (b) 42nd
(a) 1 2 3 (b) 2 1 3 (c) 44th (d) 46th
(c) 1 3 2 (d) 3 1 2 33. Under which one of the Ministries of the Government
22. The newly set up National Security Council is headed of India does the Food and Nutrition Board work?
by the: (a) Ministry of Agriculture
(a) President (b) Prime Minister (b) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
(c) Vice President (d) Union Home Minister (c) Ministry of Women and Child Development
23. Who among the following took upon as the first (d) Ministry of Rural Development
chairperson of the National Commission for Women?
(a) Ms Suhasini Ali (b) Ms Mrinal Gore
(c) Ms Pupul Jayakar (d) Ms Jayanti Patnaik
24. The President of U.S.A. is elected after every:
Chapter. 12
(a) 3 years (b) 4 years 1 c 18 b
(c) 5 years (d) 6 years 2 b 19 b
25. Territorial waters of India extend upto how many 3 c 20 d
nautical miles? 4 b 21 b
(a) 8 (b) 12 5 a 22 b
(c) 18 (d) 22 6 a 23 d
26. Which is the highest ranking post among the
7 d 24 b
(A) Chief of the Air Staff 8 c 25 b
(b) Judge of the Supreme Court 9 b 26 d
(c) Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha 10 c 27 d
(d) Speaker of Lok Sabha 11 b 28 b
27. The state having the largest population of scheduled 12 c 29 c
castes is:
13 b 30 c
(a) Rajasthan (b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Bihar (d) Uttar Pradesh
14 c 31 a
28. Which of the following countries has the briefest 15 b 32 b
Constitution in the world? 16 c 33 c
(a) France (b) U.S.A 17 b
(c) U.K. (d) Canda
1. Which was the first metal used by man? elementary /initial stage of Vedic culture and Harappa is
(a) Copper (b) Silver believed to be the same as Harappa mentioned in the Vedas
(c) Bronze (d) Brass (c) Harappa was the first site to be excavated in the Indus
2. With which of the following periods do we associate the Valley
microlith implements? (d) the most important evidence of the achievements of this
(a) Palaeolithic (b) Mesolithic civilization have been excavated from Harappa
(c) Neolithic (d) Chalcolithic 9. The Indus Valley Civilization flourished during:
3. With which period do we associate the megaliths? (a) 5000-3500 B.C (b) 3000-1500 B.C
(a) Neolithic (b) Chalcolithic (c) 2600-1900 B.C (d) 1500-500 B.C
(c) Mesolithic (d) Pleistocene 10. Which of the following statements regarding the Indus
4. When the first metal tool came into being it was used for? Valley Civilization is not true?
(a) pot-making (b) house-building (a) The excavations at Harappa are attributed to Daya Ram
(c) clearing jungles (d) making wheels Sahni
5. The Stone Age people had the first domestic: (b) The Assembly Hall was discovered at Mohenjodaro
(a) asses (b) dogs (c) The open courtyard was the basic feature of house
(c) horses (d) sheep planning
6. Nomad man started settling in: (d) The Indus Valley people were not acquainted with the art
(a) Palaeolithic Age (b) Mesolithic Age of spinning and weaving
(c) Neolithic Age (d) None of these 11. Match the following:
7. The greatest invention of man in Palaeolithic Age was: Ancient site Archeological finding
(a) fire (b) potters wheel A. Lothal 1.Ploughed field
(c) metal implements (d) spinning of cloth B. Kalibangan 2. Dockyard
8. Indus Valley Civilization is also known as Harappan C. Dholavira 3. Terracotta replica of a plough
culture because: D. Banwali 4. An inscription comprising ten
(a) the site of Harappa is six times larger than Mohenjodaro large sized signs of the Harappan
site script
(b) the Indus Valley Civilization is considered the Codes: A B C D
(a) 1 2 3 4 (a) 1,2 and 4 (b) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(b) 2 1 4 3 (c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 1 2 4 3 18. Which of the following items and the place of their
(d) 2 1 3 4 discovery is wrongly matched?
12. Out of the following remains excavated in Indus Valley, (1) Statuette of a bearded man Mohenjodaro
which one indicates the commercial and economic (2) Rice husks Lothal
development? (3) Fire pits and altars Harappa
(a) Pottery (b) Seals (4) Bead-makers shop Chanhudaro
(c) Boats (d) Houses (5) Fossil remains of a horse Surkotda
13. The Indus Valley Civilisation was discovered in : (a) 3 (b) 2
(a) 1902 (b) 1921 (c) 1 (d) 1 and 5
(c) 1922 (d) 1932 19. Match the following:
14. Which of the following is/are Indus Valley site/s in Harappan site State
India? A. Kalibangan 1. Haryana
1. Rangpur 2. Banwali B. Mohenjodaro 2. Rajasthan
3. Sutkagendor 4. Alamgirpur C. Banawali 3. Gujarat
(a) 1 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3 D. Surkotda 4. Sind
(c) 1,2 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 Codes:
15. Match the following: A B C D
A. Practice of fire cult 1. Lothal (a) 2 1 3 4
B. Lower town fortified 2. Kalibangan (b) 2 4 1 3
C. Great Bath 3. Mohenjodaro (c) 3 4 2 1
D. Granary 4. Harappa (d) 4 2 1 3
E. Shipbuilding 5. Surkotada 20. Which one of the following archaeologists initially
Codes: discovered the Mohenjodaro site of the Indus Valley
A B C D E Civilization?
(a) 1 2 3 4 5 (a) Sir John Marshall (b) Rakhal Das Banerji
(b) 5 4 3 2 1 (c) Daya Ram Sahni (d) Sir Martimer Wheeler
(c) 2 5 3 4 1 21. The main characteristic of the Indus Valley Civilization
(d) 5 3 4 2 1 was:
16. Use of plough has been evidenced at: (a) town planning (b) drainage system
(a) Kalibangan (b) Lothal (c) well laid out roads (d) all of these
(c) Harappa (d) Banwali 22. The main occupation of the people of the Indus Valley
17. Which of the following crops were grown by the people civilization was:
of the Indus Valley Civilisation? (a) agriculture (b) cattle rearing
1. Wheat 2. Barley (c) hunting (d) trade
3. Cotton 4.Peas 23. The Indus Valley people knew the use of :
(a) gold, silver, copper, bronze but not iron (c) Rhinoceros (d) Buffalo and deer
(b) copper, iron, gold but not bronze 32. From which one of the following sites, was the famous
(c) silver, lead, iron but not gold Bull-seal of Indus Valley found ?
(d) gold, tin, bronze but not copper (a) Harappa (b) Chanhudaro
24. Knowledge about the existence of which of the following (c) Lothal (d) Mohenjodaro
animals is doubtful in the Indus Valley Civilization?
(a) Dog (b) Cat
(c) Bull (d) all of these
Chaper - 1
25. The Indus Valley people had trade relations with :
(a) Egypt (b) Greece 1 a 17 b
(c) Ceylon (d) Mesopotamia 2 b 18 a
26. At which Harappan site have traces of a horse been
3 a 19 b
4 c 20 b
(a) Kalibangan (b) Lothal
(c) Surkotda (d) Suktagendor 5 d 21 a
27. Mohenjodaro is also known as: 6 c 22 a
(a) mound of the Great (b) mound of the Survivors 7 a 23 a
(c) mound of the Living (d) mound of the Dead
8 c 24 d
28. The script of Indus Valley Civilization was/is :
(a) Persian (b) Dravidian 9 c 25 d
(c) Sanskrit (d) Undeciphered 10 d 26 c
29. The Indus Valley Civilization belongs to the: 11 b 27 d
(a) neolithic age (b) palaeolithic age
12 b 28 d
(c) chalcolithic age (d) mesolithic age
13 b 29 c
30. There are similarities between the seals found at
Mohenjodaro and : 14 c 30 c
(a) Egypt (b) China 15 c 31 b
(c) Sumeria (d) Afghanistan
16 a 32 d
31. The Harappan seals, containing the picture of Proto-
Shiva, do not depict:
(a) Elephant and tiger (b) Bull and cow
2. Vedic Age: The Aryans
1. Which one of the following contains the Gayatri Mantra? (a) Patanjali (b) Gautam
(a) Rigveda (b) Yajurveda (c) Jaimini (d) Shankaracharya
(c) Upanishad (d) Samaveda 9. Which of the following is/are correctly matched?
2. The Gayatri Mantra contained in the Rigveda is dedicated 1. Mitra Suns beneficient energy
to which deity? 2. Parjanya god of cloud and rain
(a) Agni (b) Marut 3. Maruts storm gods
(c) Surya (d) Savitri 4. Varuna sky and water
3. Match the following: (a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 1, 3 and 4
A. Rigveda 1. Musical hymns (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
B. Yajurveda 2. Hymns and rituals 10. Match the following:
C. Samaveda 3. Charms and spells Vedic literature Theme
D. Atharvaveda 4. Hymns and prayers A. Samhitas 1. Secret or esoteric doctrines
Codes: B. Brahmanas 2. Books of instruction to be
A B C D given
(a) 4 2 1 3 in the forest or writings meant
(b) 3 2 4 1 for wood-dwelling hermits
(c) 4 1 2 3 C. Aranyakas 3. Explain the origin and meaning
(d) 2 3 1 4 of the various hymns
4. The Vedic deity Indra was the god of: D. Upanishads 4. Collection of hymns, prayers,
(a) wind (b) eternity sacrificial formulae, etc.
(c) rain and thunder (d) fire Codes:
5. The God not worshipped during the time of Rigvedic A B C D
Aryans was: (a) 3 2 4 5
(a) Indra (b) Agni (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) Marut (d) Shiva (c) 5 1 3 2
6. The world is God and God is my soul is the philosophy (d) 3 2 1 4
contained in the: 11. Who among the following popularised the theory of
(a) Vedas (b) Puranas Arctic Region as the original home of Aryans?
(c) Brahamanas (d) Upanishads (a) Macdonell (b) Max Muller
7. The learned lady who is said to have debated with the (c) B.G. Tilak (d) Keith
famous law-giver Yajnavalkya was: 12. Which is the oldest Veda?
(a) Gargi (b) Maitreyi (a) Samaveda (b) Yajurveda
(c) Kamala (d) Kalindi (c) Atharvaveda (d) Rigveda
8. The expounder of yoga philosophy is : 13. The ninth mandala of the Rigveda samhita is devoted
wholly to: probably took place around:
(a) Urvashi and the Heaven (a) 100 B.C. (b) 1000 B.C.
(b) Soma and the god who is named after the drink (c) 2000 B.C. (d) 100 A.D.
(c) Indra and his elephant 24. Which of the following kingdoms is not mentioned in the
(d) Gods related to plants and drugs Ramayana and the Mahabharata?
14. The Rigveda consists of ......... hymns. (a) Panchala (b) Kashi
(a) 512 (b) 1024 (c) Kausambi (d) Magadha
(c) 1028 (d) 2000 25. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
15. The Aryans at first settled in : (a) Ayurvedamagic (b) Shilpavedasculpture
(a) Sindh (b) Gujarat (c) Gandharvavedamusic
(c) Kashmir (d) Punjab (d) Dhanuvedawarfare
16. The word Vid from which Veda has been derived 26. Upanishadas are books on :
means: (a) Religion (b) Yoga
(a) God (b) Doctrine (c) Law (d) Philosophy
(c) Knowledge (d) Holy 27. Which of the Vedas was divided into White and Black
17. The Vishnu Purana gives an account of: parts?
(a) Mauryan dynasty (b) the Satvahanas (a) Rig (b) Sama
(c) the Vardhanas (d) life in Indus Valley (c) Yajur (d) Atharva
18. Ayurveda owes its origin to : 28. Iron came to be used by the Vedic people in around:
(a) Rigveda (b) Samaveda (a) 1000 B.C. (b) 2000 B.C
(c) Yajurveda (d) Atharvaveda (c) 800 B.C. (d) 400 B.C.
19. Rigveda is divided into 10 books. Which among the 29. Mitakshara, an authoritative treatise on Hindu law, was
following book(s) is/are the oldest? written by :
(a) First (b) Second-eighth (a) Jimutavahana (b) Hemadri
(c) Third-ninth (d) Second-seventh (c) Manu (d) Vagneswara
20. Upanishads, also known as the Vedantas, are..........in 30. In the Vedic society, the term used to denote a group of
number. families was:
(a) 96 (b)105 (a) gotra (b) jana
(c) 108 (d) 112 (c) vish (d) grama
21. What was the rate of land revenue as given in the dharma 31. The term nishka, which meant an ornament in the Vedic
shastras? period, was used in later times to denote a/an :
(a) 1/3 (b) (a) coin (b) weapon
(c) 1/6 (d) 1/8 (c) script (d) agricultural implement
22. The Battle of Ten Kings was fought on the banks of : 32. Which of the following animals was known to ancient
(a) Asikini (Chenab) (b) Parushni (Ravi) Vedic people ?
(c) Vitasta (Jhelum) (d) Vipas (Beas) (a) Elephant (b) Boar
23. The battle which is the story of Mahabharata most (c) Tiger (d) Lion
33. The Puranas are ........in number. (d) Musical instruments of ancient Indians
(a) 18 (b) 25
(c) 52 (d) 108
34. The great Hindu law-giver was:
Chapter 2
(a) Kapil (b) Banabhatta
1 a 21 c
(c) Kautilya (d) Manu
35. The Painted Grey Ware (PGW) belongs to : 2 d 22 b
(a) the Harappan civilization 3 a 23 b
(b) the Vedic age
4 c 24 c
(c) the Neolithic age
5 d 25 a
(d) none of these
36. In the Vedic age : 6 d 26 d
(a) polygamy was allowed 7 a 27 c
(b) child marriage became prominent 8 a 28 a
(c) widows could remarry
9 d 29 d
(d) both (a) and (c)
37. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?
10 b 30 d
(a) Yogaksheman Rig Veda Vahamyaham 11 c 31 a
(b) Satyamevajayate Mundaka Upanishad 12 d 32 d
(c) Vasudhaiva Arthashastra Kutumbhakam
13 b 33 a
(d) Satyam Shivam Bhagavad Gita Sundaram
14 c 34 d
38. In which of the following forms of marriages, was the
bridegroom supposed to give a cow and a bull to the 15 d 35 b
guardian of the bride during ancient period? 16 c 36 b
(a) Asura (b) Paisacha
17 a 37 b
(c) Prajapatya (d) Arsha
18 d 38 d
39. Nivi, Paridhan and Adhivasa were the:
(a) Different types of garments of the Aryans 19 d 39 a
(b) Government officials of the Aryan kings 20 c
(c) Tribal people of Ancient India
3. Religious Movements: Buddhism/ Jainism
1. The meaning of Buddha is: 8. During the time of Harshavardhana, a great Buddhist
(a) anything beyond God assembly was held at:
(b) soul after death (a) Patliputra (b) Nalanda
(c) the Enlightened one (c) Prayag (d) Purushapura
(d) the ultimate Path for moksha 9. Who, according to Jains, was the founder of Jainism?
2. Match the following: (a) Rishabha (b) Mahavira
A. Fourth Buddhist Council 1. Vasumitra (c) Arishtanemi (d) Parsavanatha
B. Third Buddhist Council 2. Moggaliputa Tissa 10. With which religion is Kaivalya associated?
C. Second Buddhist Council 3. Sabakami (a) Buddhism (b) Jainism
D. First Buddhist Council 4. Mahakassapa (c) Hinduism (d) Sikhism
Codes: 11. The phrase The Light of Asia is applied to :
A B C D (a) Alexander (b) Chandragupta Maurya
(a) 1 2 3 4 (c) Mahavira (d) Buddha
(b) 2 1 4 3 12. Mark the correct sequence of places with regard to
(c) 1 2 4 3 Buddha:
(d) 3 2 4 1 (a) Sarnath, Kushinagar, Bodh Gaya, Kapilavastu
3. Buddha has been described as an ocean of wisdom and (b) Bodh Gaya, Kapilavastu, Sarnath, Kushinagar
compassion in : (c) Kapilavastu, Sarnath, Bodh Gaya, Kushinagar
(a) Jataka tales (b) Amarakosa
(c) Buddhacharita (d) The Light of Asia
4. Buddhism split up into the Hinayana and Mahayana sects
at the Buddhist Council held during the reign of:
(a) Harsha (b) Kanishka
(c) Ashoka (d) Chandragupta Maurya
5. Jainism was divided into two sects known as:
(a) Kapalika and Kalamukha
(b) Mahayana and Hinayana
(c) Ajivika and Nyaya Vaisesika
(d) Svetambara and Digambara
6. Ashoka was much influenced by a Buddhist monk called:
(a) Upagupta (b) Vasubandhu
(c) Asvaghosha (d) Ambhi
7. Who among the following rulers held a religious assembly
at Prayag every five years?
(a) Ashoka (b) Kanishka
(c) Harshavardhana (d) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
(d) Kapilavastu, Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, Kushinagar 20. Who was the first king to have the image of Lord Buddha
13. Gandhara school of art came into existence in: inscribed on his coins?
(a) Hinayana sect (b) Mahayana sect (a) Ashoka (b) Kanishka
(c) Vaishnava sect (d) Shaiva sect (c) Dharmpala (d) Harshavardhana
14. Match the following: 21. Jainism had the patronage of:
(Events related to Buddha) (Places) (a) Pushyamitra Sunga (b) Kanishka
A. Birth of Buddha 1. Bodha Gaya (c) Samudragupta (d) Kharavela
B. Enlightenment 2. Lumbini 22. The last of the 24th Jain Tirthankaras was:
C. First Sermon 3. Kusinagar (or Kasia) (a) Parsvanath (b) Mahavira
D. Death of Buddha 4. Sarnath (c) Rishabha (d) Arishtanemi
5. Rajgriha
23. The first Buddhist Council was held in the reign of:
(a) Bimbisara (b) Ajatashatru
(c) Ashoka (d) Kanishka
(a) 2 1 3 4
(b) 1 3 4 5 24. The first discourse of Buddha at Deer Park in Samath is
(c) 2 1 4 3 called:
17. Which of the following rulers did not embrace (a) Original Buddhist religious texts were compiled in Pali
Buddhism? (b) Sthaviravada is an orthdox school of Jainism
(a) Ashoka (b) Harsha (c) Jain saint mentioned in the Rigveda is Rishabhanath
(c) Kanishka (d) Samudragupta
(d) Jainism patronised Ardha-magadhi
18. Both Vardhaman Mahavira and Gautama Buddha
27. Which one of the following is not included in the eight-
preached their doctrines during the reign of:
fold path of Buddhism?
(a) Ajatashatru (b) Uday
(c) Bimbisara (d) Harshavardhana (a) Right speech (b) Right contemplation
19. The triratnas were stressed by: (c) Right desire (d) Right conduct
87. Who amongst the following is most famous for the (a) Parihara (b) Chauhana
establish-ment of an elaborate system of municipal (c) Chancel (d) Solanki
96. The Hijra era is counted from :
(a) Kanishka (b) Chandragupta Maurya
(a) 622 A.D. (b) 632 A.D
(c) Harshavardhana (d) Chandragupta Maurya
88. Who among the following was a lexicographer? (c) 1712 A.D. (d) 1526 A.D.
(a) Banabhatta (b) Dandin 97. The first major inscription in classical Sanskrit is that of
(c) Amarsimha (d) Panini (a) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
89. A Pala Ruler who was raised to the throne by different
(b) Kanishka I (c) Rudradaman
sections of people was:
(d) Samudragupta
(a) Gopala (b) Mahipala
Chapter - 7
1 c 26 c 51 a 76 b
2 b 27 b 52 c 77 d
3 c 28 d 53 d 78 a
4 b 29 b 54 c 79 d
5 b 30 a 55 a 80 a
6 d 31 b 56 d 81 a
7 b 32 d 57 a 82 b
8 a 33 b 58 d 83 b
9 c 34 a 59 d 84 b
10 b 35 d 60 b 85 d
11 d 36 d 61 c 86 a
12 d 37 c 62 c 87 d
13 b 38 d 63 c 88 c
14 b 39 d 64 b 89 c
15 b 40 d 65 a 90 d
16 a 41 d 66 b 91 b
17 d 42 b 67 c 92 c
18 b 43 c 68 c 93 a
19 b 44 d 69 d 94 d
20 c 45 c 70 a 95 c
21 a 46 b 71 c 96 a
22 d 47 a 72 b 97 c
23 c 48 d 73 d
24 c 49 a 74 a
25 b 50 b 75 c
8. The coming of Arabs & Turks/ The Delhi Sultanate/Provincial Kingdoms
1. The first Muslim invasion of India was led by (c) Razia Sultan (d) Mumtaz Mahal
(a) Mahmud of Ghazni 9. Who amongst the following Generals of Alauddin Khilji,
(b) Muhammad Ghuri was known as the Rustam of the age and the hero of the
(c) Muhammad-bin-Qasim time?
(d) Timur (a) Malik Kafur (b) Ghazi Malik
2. The Arab conquest of Sind took place in: (c) Zafar Khan (d) None of these
(a) 712 A.D (b) 1740 A.D. 10. Timur invaded India during the region of:
(c) 101 A.D. (d) 1009 A.D (a) Alauddin Khilji (b) Bahlol Lodi
3. Who among the following Sultans of Delhi has been (c) Firoz Tughlaq (d) Nasiruddin Mehmud
described by the historians as the mixture of opposites? 11. Who laid the foundation of the first independent Turkish
(a) Balban (b) Alauddin Khalji kingdom in India?
(c) Muhammad Tughluq (d) Ibrahim Lodi (a) Mohammad Qasim
4. Alauddin Khalji introduced market reforms: (b) Qutubuddin Aibak
(a) to administer his subjects well (c) Ghiasuddin Balban
(b) to easy the peasants living (d) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
(c) to maintain a large army economically
(d) to remove mediators
5. Al Berunl came to India along with:
(a) Mahmud of Ghazni
(b) Muhammad-bin-Qasim
(c) Muhammad Ghuri
(d) Timur
6. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?
(a) Zia-ud-din Barani : Tarlkh-i-Muhammadi
(b) Shams-i-Siraj Afif : Tarikh-i-Feroze Shahi
(c) Ibn Batuta : Fatwa-i-Jahandari
(d) Amir Khusro : Tabaqat-i-Navri
7. The first Muslim ruler In India was
(a) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
(b) Mahmud of Ghazni
(c) Qutbuddin Aibak
(d) Muhammad Ghori
8. Who was the first and the last woman ruler of Delhi?
(a) Chand Bibi (b) Noor Jahan
12. Who among the following first divided his empire into biggest network of canals in India was:
Iqtas during the process of civil administration? (a) Iltutmish (b) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
(a) Aibak (c) Feroze Shah Tughlaq (d) Sikandar Lodi
(b) Iltutmish 21. Who was the last ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty of the
(c) Razia Delhi Sultanate?
(d) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq (a) Firoz Shan Tughluq
13. Who amongst the following Generals of Alauddin Khilji (b) Ghiyasuddin Tughluq Shah-II
ultimately became the first Sultan of the Tughlaq dynasty? (c) Nasiruddin Mahmud
(a) Zafar Khan (b) Malik Kafur (d) Nusrat Shah
(c) Ghazi Malik (d) None of these 22. Who among the following Sultans of Delhi had accepted
14. Who among the following was not a slave before he the Suzerainty of the Timurid ruler Mirza Shah Rukh ?
became a king? (a) Firuz Tughlaq (b) Mahmud Tughlaq
(a) Alauddin Khalji (b) Balban (c) Khizr Khan Sayyid (d) Sikandar Lodi
(c) Qutubuddin Aibak (d) Iltutmish 23. Match the following:
15. Which of the following rulers died while playing A. Decorative Enameled tiles 1. Lodi dynasty
Chaugan? B. Appearance of true arch 2. Tughlaq dynasty
(a) Balban (b) Sher Shah C. Solemn and severe character 3. Khalji dynasty
(c) Jalaluddinn Khilji (d) Qutabuddin Aibak D. Decorative devices 4. Slave dynasty
16. The first Muslim conquest of the Hindu Kingdoms of ABCD ABCD
Deccan was affected by the forces of: (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 1 4 2 3
(a) Muhammad Ghori (b) Alauddin Khilji (c) 1 4 3 2 (d) 3 4 2 1
(c) Qutbuddin Aibak (d) Mahmud of Ghazni 24. Which one of the following architectural features was not
17. Which of the following was the major source of royal brought by the Turkish conquerors?
income in medieval north India? (a) The dome (b) The vault
(a) Jaziyah (b) Kharaj (c) The arch (d) Decorative figures
(c) Zakat (d) Kham 25. The part of Delhi where Aibak laid the foundation of the
18. Which of the following generals of Alauddin Khalji first so called Seven cities of medieval Delhi, was :
conquered Deccan a number of times? (a) Mehrauli (b) Shahjahanabad
(a) Ulugh Khan (b) Nusrat Khan (c) Din Panah (d) Hauz Khas
(c) Malik Kafur (d) None of these 26. Which Delhi sultan did not make any fresh conquests
19. Rana Kumbha of Mewar built the famous Kirti Stambh after assuming the reins of power?
Tower of Victory to commemorate his victory against: (a) Qutubuddin Aibak (b) Ghiasuddin Balban
(a) Gujarat (b) Marwar (c) Alauddin Khilzi (d) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
(c) Mewar (d) Malwa 27. In the Delhi Sultanate, an administrative unit called
20. The Sultan of Delhi who is reputed to have built the paragana was headed by an official known as :
(a) Shiqdar (b) Barid (d) Shamsuddin Iltutmish
(c) Ariz (d) Amil 35. The Delhi Sultanate virtually ended due to the invasion
28. Mughal dynasty was to Bahadur Shah Zafar as Lodi of:
dynasty was to: (a) Chengiz Khan (b) Babar
(a) Bahalol Lodi (b) Daulat Khan Lodi (c) Nadir Shah (d) Timur
(c) Ibrahim Lodi (d) Sikandar Lodi 36. Who amongst the following Sultans of Delhi, declared
29. Which of the following regions of northern India was not himself as a lieutenant of Caliph?
included in the empire of Alauddin Khalji? (a) Balban
(a) Kashmir (b) Sind (b) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
(c) Punjab (d) Malwa (c) Iltutmish
30. Who among the following destroyed the group of Forty (d) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
Nobles? 37. Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq transferred his capital from
(a) Bahram Shah (b) Iltutmish Delhi to Daulatabad
(c) Razia (d) Balban (a) to develop cultural and trade relations with the Deccan
31. Ashokan pillars were brought from Ambala to Delhi by : (b) to protect his country from the attack of Mongols
(a) Qutubuddin Aibak (c) to control South India better
(b) Feroz Shah Tughlaq (d) All the above
(c) Alauddin Khalji 38. Who was the first Sultan of Delhi to introduce the
(d) Muhammad-bin Tughlaq practice of Sijda?
32. Who amongs the Generals of Alauddin Khalji, was (a) Firoz Tughlaq (b) Alauddin Khilji
responsible for his masters destruction and that of the Khilji (c) Balban (d) Muhammad Tughlaq
dynasty? 39. Which Muslim emperor was attracted by the beauty of
(a) Zafar Khan (b) Malik Kafur Queen Padmini?
(c) Ghazi Malik (d) Khusrav Malik (a) Babar (b) Humayun
33. The famous poet Amir Khusrau, nicknamd the Parrot of (c) Akbar (d) Alauddin Khilji
India was the contemporary of all of the following except 40. The city of Agra was founded in 1504 by:
(a) Alauddin Khalji (a) Rana Sanga (b) Ibrahim Lodhi
(b) Ghiyasuddin Balban (c) Firuz Tughlaq (d) Sikandar Lodi
(c) Iltutmish 41. The Shahnama was written by:
(d) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq (a) Alberuni (b) Firdausi
34. Who amongst the following Sultans of the Slave Dynasty (c) Amir Khusrau (d) Abul Fazal
reign for the longest period? 42. Tahqiq-i-Hind, a famous literary work, was written by:
(a) Qutubuddin Aibak (a) Badauni (b) Nizamuddin Ahmad
(b) Ghiyasuddin Balban (c) Alberuni (d) Minhajus Siraj
(c) Nasiruddin Mahmud 43. Alberuni came to India with:
(a) Mahmud of Ghazni (b) Alexander (b) Jamait Khana MasijidBalban
(c) Babur (d) Timur (c) Qutab MinarIltutmish
44. Which of the following battles was fought in 1192 A.D.? (d) HissarFiruz Shah Tughlaq
(a) First Battle of Tarain (b) Second Battle of Tarain 53. The Sultan who called himself Naib-i-Khudai or Deputy
(c) Battle of Talikota (d) Battle of Kanwah of the God was:
45. During whose reign did the Mongols first invade India? (a) Iltutmish (b) Alauddin Khalji
(a) Alauddin Khilji (b) Ghiyasuddin Balban (c) Balban (d) Ghiasuddm Tughlaq
(c) Iltutmish (d) Jalaluddin Khilji 54. For his unbounded generosity, who amongst the
46. Who was assigned the first Iqta in India by Mohammad following Sultans was titled by ail writers of the time as
Ghori? lakh baksh or giver of lakhs?
(a) Shamsuddin Iltutmish (a) Balban (b) Nasiruddin Mahmud
(b) Qutbuddin Aibak (c) Qutubuddin Aibak (d) Balban
(c) Tajuddin Yalduz (d) Nasiruddin Qubacha 55. The structure of Qutab Minar was completed by:
47. The most important feature in the economic measures (a) Aram Shah (b) Qutbuddin Aibak
pursued by Alauddin Khalji was: (c) Iltutmssh (d) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
(a) Foreign trade (b) market control 56. Which of the following is the oldest monument?
(c) Minting of new coins (d) development of agriculture (a) Ajanta (b) Qutab Minar
48. Who among the following introduced the famous Persian (c) Taj Mahal (d) Khajuraho
festival of Nauroj in India? 57. Which Sultan added the Alai Darwaza to the Qutab
(a) Balban (b) Firoz Tughlaq Minar?
(c) Iltutmish (d) Alauddin Khalji (a) Fvroz Tughlaq (b) Mtihammad-bin-Tughlaq
49. Who amongst the following was the ruler of Chittor, (c) Iltutmish (d) Alauddin Khalji
when Alauddin Khilji attacked and conquered it in 1303 58. Arhai-Din-Ka Jhonpra built by Qutbuddin Aibak. is
A.D.? located in:
(a) Rana Sanga (b) Rana Kumbha (a) Delhi (b) Ajmer
(c) Rana Ratan Singh (d) Rana Hammir (c) Badayun (d) None of these
50. The founder of the first Afghan dynasty in India was : 59. Who wrote Tughluqnamah?
(a) Ibrahim Lodi (b) Bahlol Lodi (a) Raskhan (b) Amir Khusrau
(c) Sikandar Lodi (d) Sher Shah Suri (c) Isami (d) Malik Mohammad Jaisa
51. Which of the following was not patronised by Mahmud 60. What does the word iqta stand for?
of Ghazni? (a) Law of primogeniture
(a) Utbi (b) Hasan Dehlvi (b) Crown lands donated to army officers
(c) Al-Beruni (d) Firdausi (c) States share of one-third of the spoils of war
52. Which of the following is not correctly matched? (d) The grant of revenue from a territory in lieu of salary
(a) Alai DarwazaAlauddin Khalji 61. Which of the following is incorrect?
(a) Fatwaa legal decision according to the Islamic law 5. Bilhana
(b) Majlismeeting place or council ABCD ABCD
(c) Dar-ul-harabland of infidels (a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 4 2 5 3
(d) Madad-i-mashpension to scholars and saints by the (c) 5 3 1 2 (d) 2 4 3 5
Sultans 67. Match the following:
62. The official language of the Delhi sultanate was : A. Char Minar at Hyderabad 1. Alauddin Khalji
(a) Urdu (b) Arabic B. Moti Masjid at Agra 2.Qutub-ud-din Aibak
(c) Persian (d) Hindi C. Quwwat-ul Islam Mosque 3. Shah Jahan
63. Amir Khusraus Khazainul-Futuh gives information at Delhi
about the reign of: D. Fort of Siri 4. Adil Shah of Baijapur
(a) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq 5. Aurangzeb
(b) Alauddin Khalji ABCD ABCD
(c) Qutbuddin Mubarak Shah Khalji (a) 1 3 2 5 (b) 1 2 3 4
(d) Jalaluddin Khalji (c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 5 4 3 1
64. Match the following: 68. Match the following is correctly matched?
A. Tarikh-i-Alai 1. Gulbadan Begum Persons Event
B. Tarikh-i- Mubarakshahi 2. Nizamuddin Auliya a. Sultan Mahmud 1. Plunder of Somnath
C. Tarikh-i-Hind 3. Yahya-bin- Ahmad b. Muhammad Ghori 2. Conquest of Sind
D. Humayun nama 4. Amir Khusrau c. Alauddin Khalji 3. Revolt in Bengal
5. Al-Beruni d. Muhammad bin-Tughluq 4. Chingez Khans invasion
ABCD ABCD 69. The first dynasty of the Vijayanagar kingdom was :
(a) 4 3 5 1 (b) 5 4 3 2 (a) Hoysala (b) Sangama
(c) 4 1 5 3 (d) 3 1 2 4 (c) Saluva (d) Tuluva
65. Which of the following acquired the double dome for the 70. The Kingdom of Vijayanagar came into existence during
first time? the reign of:
(a) Tomb of Sikandar Lodi (a) Harshvardhana (b) Allauddin Khilji
(b) Tomb of Khizr Khan (c) Baiban (d) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
(c) Tomb of Ala-ud-din Khalji 71. Harihara and Bukka, the founders of the Vijayanagara
(d) Tomb of Baiban kingdom shaped the course of their conduct on the advice of:
66. Match the following : (a) Tukaram (b) Ramdas
Name of Books Authors (c) Tulsidas (d) Vidyaranya
A. Prithviraja Rasau 1. Somadeva 72. Which of the following was not written by Krishnadeva
B. Shahnama 2. A1 Beruni Raya?
C. Tahquiq-i -Hind 3. Firdausi (a) Ushaparinayam (b) Kumarasambhava
D. Kathasari tasagara 4. Chandbardai (c) Amuktamalyada (d) Jambavatikalyanam
73. Krishnadeva Raya wrote a famous work, namely 79. The Bahmani Kingdom was founded by :
Amuktamalyada, in (a) Timur (b) Zain-ui-Abidin
(a) Telugu (b) Kannada (c) Malik Kafur (d) Hasan
(c) Tamil (d) Malayalam 80. On the ruins of which Hindu kingdom was the kingdom
74. Who was known as Andhra Bhoja? of Golconda founded?
(a) Deva Raya II (b) Bukka (a) Yadavas (b) Hoysalas
(c) Krishnadeva Raya (d) Quli Qutb Shah (c) Kakatiyas (d) Kalyani
75. Hampi is situated on the northern bank of: 81. During the reign of Muhammad Shah III, a foreign
(a) Tungabhadra (b) Godavari traveller who visited the Bahmani kingdom was:
(c) Cauvery (d) Krishna (a) Marco Polo (b) Athanasius Nikitin
76. The Nayakas in the Vijayanagar Empire were: (c) Abdur Razzaq (d) Domingo Paes
(a) central ministers 82. Consider the following statements:
(b) military chiefs controlling particular territories 1. Alauddin Khalji held religious discourses with Acharya
(c) cavalry soldiers Mahasena.
(d) priests of large powerful temples 2. Alauddin Khalji and Muhammad-bin-Tughlak demanded
77. Who was the founder of Qutb Shahi dynasty? one-sixth of the agricultural produce as revenue from
(a) Adil Shah (b) Ibrahim Adil Shah II peasants.
(c) Ibrahim Qutb Shah (d) Quli Qutb Shah Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
78. The capital of Bahmani Kingdom was: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(a) Warangal (b) Devagiri (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) neither 1 nor 2
(c) Ellichpur (d) Gulbarga
Chapter - 8
1 C 26 a 51 b 76 b
2 A 27 d 52 b 77 d
3 C 28 c 53 c 78 d
4 C 29 a 54 c 79 c
5 A 30 d 55 c 80 b
6 D 31 b 56 a 81 b
7 D 32 b 57 b 82 d
8 c 33 c 58 b
9 a 34 d 59 b
10 d 35 c 60 d
11 b 36 c 61 d
12 b 37 c 62 c
13 c 38 c 63 b
14 a 39 d 64 a
15 d 40 d 65 a
16 b 41 b 66 a
17 a 42 c 67 c
18 c 43 a 68 d
19 d 44 b 69 b
20 c 45 c 70 d
21 c 46 b 71 d
22 c 47 b 72 b
23 a 48 a 73 a
24 d 49 c 74 c
25 a 50 b 75 a
9. The Bhakti Period
1. Which one of the following sequences indicates the A B CD A B CD
correct chronological order? (a) 2 4 1 5 (b) 3 4 2 5
(a) Shankaracharya-Ramanuja- Chaitanaya (c) 2 5 1 4 (d) 3 5 2 4
(b) Ramanuja-Shankaracharya - Chaitanya 6. Who among the following saints wrote Bijak?
(c) Ramanuja-Chaitanaya- Shankaracharya (a) Ramdas (b) Tulsidas
(d) Shankaracharya-Chaitanaya- Ramanuja (c) Guru Arjun (d) Kabir
2. Match the following: 7. Who among the following was not an exponent of Bhakti
A. Kabir 1. Weaver movement?
B. Ravidas 2. Barber (a) Ramananda (b) Kabir
C. Namadeva 3. Tailor (c) Shankaracharya (d) Nanak
D. Sena 4. Cobbler 8. Kabir was the disciple of:
Codes: (a) Chaitanya (b) Shankaracharya
A B C D (c) Ramananda (d) Vallabhacharya
(a) 1 2 3 4 9. In which region of India was the Firdausi order of Sufism
(c) 3 2 1 4 popular?
(c) 4 3 2 1 (a) Sind (b) In and around Delhi
(d) 4 1 3 2 (c) Deccan (d) Bihar
3. The term sufi is derived from:
(a) a type of poetry (b) a type of garment
(c) a language (d) the name of a place
4. Match the following 10. The Bhakti Movement was first organised by :
A. Pir 1. Successor of the-Sufi saint (a) Ramanuja (b) Kabir
(c) Ramananda (d) Nanak
B. Murid 2. Sufi teacher
11. The oldest compositions in Punjabi are devotional
C. Wali 3. Sufi hermitage compositions by :
(a) Guru Arjun Dev (b) Guru Nanak
D. Khanqah 4. Disciple
(c) Baba Farid (d) Vidyapati
A B CD A B CD 12. Tulsidas wrote Ramacharita-manas during the reign of :
(a) 3 1 4 2 (b) 4 2 3 1 (a) Jahangir (b) Rama Raya
(c) Akbar (d) Krishnadeva Raya
(c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 4 1 3 2
13. Which sufi saints dargah is at Ajmer?
5. Match the following: (a) Salim Chishti (b) Muinuddin Chishti
Saint-poets Language of their Compositions (c) Baba Farid (d) Hazrat Nizamuddin
14. Who said, Ram and Rahim are the two different name
A. Mirabai 1. Malayalam
of the same God?
B. Tyagaraja 2. Bengali
(a) Kabir (b) Ramdas
C. Chandidas 3. Hindi
(c) Chaitanya (d) Ramanuja
D. Purandardasa 4. Telugu
15. The pioneer in preaching Nirguna Bhakti in medieval
5. Kannada
India was:
(a) Namadeva (b) Vallabhacharya
Chapter - 9
(c) Ramananda (d) Sri Chaitanya
16. Who amongst the following was a blind poet who 1 a 11 c
worshipped Krishna and spread Krishna Bhakti cult? 2 a 12 c
(a) Kabir (b) Surdas
3 b 13 b
(c) Bihari (d) Raskhan
4 c 14 a
17. Let no man ask a mans sector caste. Whose dictum
was this? 5 d 15 c
(a) Kabir (b) Ramananda 6 d 16 b
(c) Ramanuja (d) Chaitanya 7 c 17 b
8 c
9 d
10 a
(a) priestly class (b) upper middle class 83. Match the places and leaders of the 1857 Revolt:
(c) rich peasantry (d) urban landlords Leaders Places
74. Which of the following helped to develop close ties A. Begum Hazrat Mahal 1. Lucknow
between the government and the masses? B. Kunwar Singh 2. Arrah