Soal B Inggris Kelas Vii (2016-2017) Akhir Semester
Soal B Inggris Kelas Vii (2016-2017) Akhir Semester
Soal B Inggris Kelas Vii (2016-2017) Akhir Semester
1. The plural form of child is 13. The good student is . The exsercises now.
a. childs b. childsh a. doing b. do
c. children d. childhood c. does d. done
2. My youngest brother has a tooth, I have many.. 14. The boy . a new composition last week.
a. tooths b. teeth a. write b. writeng
c. toothpaste d. toothache c. wrote d. written
3. 98.745 in words 15. Bagas : Do you like doughnuts?
a. nine eight seven fourty five Wijaya : No, I . it.
b. ninety thousand eighty hundred a. like b. love
c. bubett eight thousands secen hundreds forty c. dislike d. fond of
d. Ninety eight thousands seven hundreds forty 16. Brahma : Do you like to see the movie?
five Doni : Yes, I it.
a. dislike b. hate
4. My family lives . Medan c. aversion d. love
a. at b. on
c. in d. for 17. My pencil case is .. my bag.
a. on b. in
5. The picture hanging .. the wall c. at d. above
a. on b. at
c. in d. for 18. I go to church. Sunday.
a. on b. in
6. There are many .. fly in the garden c. at d. after
a. butterflies b. butterfly
c. butterflys d. butterflyes 19. The past tense of speak is ..
a. speaking b. spoke
7. The bird is . the branch c. spoken d. speaks
a. in b. on
c. at d. from 20. The past tense of sing is ..
a. singer b. singing
8. Buyer : How much a kilogram of beef? c. sang d. sung
Buther : Rp. 85.000,-
The price in words is 21. The past pasticiple of study is ..
a. Eighty five thousands five hundreds fifty a. student b. studies
b. Eighteen thousands five hundred c. studied d. studying
c. Eighty five thousands five hundred
d. Eight thousand five hundred
22. The things are in the class, except ..
9. These things you can find in the grocere, a. Whiteboard b. Pencil case
except.. c. Rice cooker d. Map
a. sugar b. rice
c. vegetables d. flour 23. The things are in the dining room, except
a. plate b. dining table
10. My father is a cup of coffee now c. fork d. Whiteboard
a. drink b. drank
c. drinking d. drunk Text for No. 16
I am Laura, I live at Jl. Majapahit 14, Medan.
11. Someone who teach in the class is I was born in Semarang on April 25th 1994. I am a
a. Student b. Teacher student of SMP 3 Medan. My hobby is Philately or
c. Teaching d. Headmaster collecting stamp.
I have a new classmate. His name is Dito. He
12. My father is a cup of tea now is thirteen years old. He is a nice, smart and diligent
a. Drink b. Drinking student. Every body likes him.
c. Drank d. drunk
24. Where does Laura live? 30. The person who works in the factory is ..
a. Solo b. Medan a. Actor b. Conductor
c. Semarang d. East Java c. Labour d. Laboratory
29. The person who works in the farm is 4. Write down 3 sentences in present continuous
a. Farming b. Farmer tense!
c. Farmed d. Cowboy
5. Write down 3 Occupation!
1. Mis Rosa is a nurse in a big city! 13. These are the functions of the roots except
The opposite meaning of the underlined word a. to absorb water
is b. to absorb the soil
a. beautiful b. large c. to hold the tree
c. small d. old d. to anchor the tree in the soil
2. X : What do you think about this? 14. In the rainy season the farmers do not need to
Y : the plants
a. I think its good b. Sure thanks a. Grow b. Cut
c. Please dont bother d. Yes, Thankyou c. Spray d. Water
3. Jason : Can I have something to drink? 15. The Lion in that Circus are not dangerous, the are
Laura : (Giving)
a. Im sorry but its for him a. sparce b. tame
b. Im afraid I dont have c. extinct d. wild
c. Yes, here it is
d. No, thankyou 16. We .. protect our forest to avoid the
4. Dave : Im thirsty. What if we find some drink? a. can b. will
Brad : Good Idea. What about some. c. must d. may
Dave : thats fine
17. X : . I pick up the flowers in the
5. Jerry : Would you like a magazine to read? garden?
Elza : (Accepting) Y : Certainly.
a. No. Im not b. Yes Please a. will b. should
c. Im busy d. Dont bother me c. must d. may
9. These are parts of post card, except.. 19. Sequoias is the name of...
a. greeting b. content a. The city in the United States
c. sender d. question b. The oldest tree
c. The new living thing
10. Doctors equipment for checking temperature.. d. The country
a. Scale b. flash light
c. Tension meter d. Thermometer 20. These are the characteristics of the Sequoia,
11. This the flower lives in water: a. red b. tall
a. Jasmine b. Tulip c. old d. green
c. Orchid d. Edelweiss
Text for No. 11-13
12. The part of tree that functions to support water to Lions are carnivores. They eat meat only by
the other part of the plant is . hunting. They do the hunting individually or in
a. Leaves b. Stem groups. When the prey is small and weak they do the
c. Root d. Branch hunting individually. But when it is large and strong
they need to hunt in groups. Only female Lions do II. Essay:
the hunting while the males just take the meat from 1. Write down the word which has the same
them. meaning with:
a. Giant
21. Lions are carnivores because b. Pleasant
a. They hunt a prey c. Smart
b. They hunt in groups d. Small
c. They eat meat only
d. They hunt a small or large prey 2. Write the antonym of these works.
a. Win
22. Lions do the hunting in groups when. b. Far
a. The prey is large and strong c. Less
b. The prey is large and weak d. Large
c. The prey is small and weak
d. The pray is small and strong 3. Write these words into good Indonesian
a. Delay
23. Only female Lions do the hunting means b. Agreement
a. The male Lions do hunting for the female c. Impressive
b. The female Lions do hunting by themselves
c. The male Lions do hunting by themselves 4. Write into good Indonesian
d. The female Lions just take the meat from the a. Tidak bisa dihitung
male lions b. Menantang
c. Orang asing
24. Way Kambas is the name of national park that is d. Pahlawan wanita
special on.
a. Komodos b. Lions 5. Complete thes chart
c. Rhinoceroses d. Elephants V1 V2 V3 Meaning
25. These animals live on the two worlds, water and Swim Berenang
a. fox b. frog
c. fish d. whale