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TM 2010Archai
SBN 13:978-1-
New Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
New Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
New Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
ouse Guard is a remarkably complete game in one book. However, we thought wed provide
you with some new rules to enhance your game. In this chapter, we look at new weapons
for conflicts, a revised conflict matrix, three new town descriptions and rules for using
animals as mounts.
New Weapons
In the Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game rule book, fights, arguments, chases and wars have weapons
detailed for them. In this section, we provide weapons for journeys, speeches, negotiations, fights
with animals, mounts in war as well as the stats for Siennas mace!
Here are four weapons to use when youre
speaking to a crowd: elevated position, mood,
repetition and a good uniform or outfit.
Elevated Position
+1s to Attack. Make sure your entire audience
can see you.
+1s to Defend. Always play to the mood of
your audience; it bolsters your position.
Mounted Brigade
+1s to disposition. If you have a force of
mounted mice, you increase the resilience of
your force.
+1s to Attack. Mounts that are predators add
to the potency of the attack force.
+2D to any action (as sword). Flying mounts
add to the versatility of the fighting force.
Town (once a city)
Government Sandmason
The role of mayor is decided by vote of the Sandmason is a stone castle surrounded by
adult working mice. In recent years, the blame ever-shifting dunes.
for the towns problems has been placed at the
The master masons of Shorestone built the
paws of the mayor. The disgruntled populace
castle structure as an extension of their domain.
has begun calling for elections out of anger
Due to the lack of shade outside the castle, the
and frustration.
mice of Sandmason tend to sleep indoors while
Major Trades the sun is at its hottest. They venture outside
Flintrust specializes in tool making: pulleys, when the sun has set and the breeze is cool.
hammers, knives, levers, mills, etc. The towns Thus you can often find them at their chores
motto is Let the tool do the work. harvesting, travel, night. The mice of
Burl and Mapleharbor think Sandmason mice to
Import/Export be odd as they often show up in the middle of
Flintrust imports most of its daily needs, the night to trade or travel.
including food and clothing. This should
make the town a thriving center of trade, but
the poverty of its population means that few
caravans make the route.
Flintrust exports tools of all kinds, specializing
in various cutting tools made from flint and
Smith, Tools-wise
Bold, Determined
Major Trades
Harvesting, fishing (for predator bait), weaving
and pottery. Mice dont often ride. Its tough to convince
another animal to let them mount up. But some
Import/Export mice have managed to strike bargains with other
Grasslake imports metal goods and vegetables. animals or to capture and train some larger
It exports grains, clay, pottery and textiles. beasts for use as mounts.
Mounted Weapons
Most mouse weapons dont work from the back
of an animalthey dont have the reach. Only
sshields, bows, spears, slings, and hooks and
llines can be used effectively while mounted.
Everything else is either too short or too
Hitching Rides
Mice with the Loremouse skill can speak to an
animal and convince it to allow the loremouse to
temporarily mount up. Make the test versus the
animals Nature.
hree new missions are presented in this section: Mission of Mercy, Dam Beavers and Danger
on the Scent Border. Mission of Mercy recreates the events as described in the Winter 1152
comics. Kenzie, Saxon, Sadie and Lieam have each advanced one or two abilities. And
theyre joined by Celanawe on this dangerous winter trek.
Dam Beavers presents a spring mission for Dains patrol. The members of Dains patrol have all been
out on the road for a full year and have changed to reflect their experiences. This new mission sends
them off to Lonepine to deal with a pernicious beaver problem.
Danger on the Scent Border introduces Siennas veteran patrol. Theyve been dispatched to repair the
southwestern scent border, but when they arrive, they find that trouble is afoot.
Saxon is a fiery and stubborn mouse, famous
in the Guard for his skill in battle. Although he
had enough experience to be promoted to patrol
leader, Saxon passed on the opportunity to
remain in his friend Kenzies patrol.
Age: 28 Parents: Gill & Anne
Home: Flintrust Senior: Briar the Textile
Master of Lockhaven
Fur Color: Brown Mentor: Loukas (deceased)
Rank: Patrol Guard Enemy: Roarke the Smith
Cloak: Red Fr iend: Samuel the Printer
Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating
Lieam is a young guardmouse who proved
himself a determined fighter during the defense
of Ferndale in the Weasel War two years ago.
Based on his service in the brutal fighting,
Saxon and Kenzie took him under their care
as a tenderpaw. He was quickly promoted to
guardmouse and given a dusty green cloak to
represent his ever-renewing spirit.
Age: 19 Parents: Jeph & Jann *
Home: Ferndale Senior: None!
Fur Color: Red Mentors: Saxon & Kenzie
Rank: Guardmouse Enemy: Nicoll the Brewer
Cloak: Dusty Green Fr iend: Maya the Merchant
Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating
18 a team, the whole team gains this benefit for purposes of forming
a conflict goal.
Mission of Mercy
Mission of Mercy is a new Mouse Guard
adventure based on the events at the start of
winter 1152. The patrol has been ordered to
make a circuit to Sprucetuck and collect any
medicine they can. Their brother Rand is sick
and dying. He needs urgent care lest he expire.
medicine that can be ffound. Rand is very ill ffrom
Form Your Patrol his wounds. He doesnt have long. You must
Youre setting out on a dangerous winter mission. make the journey there and back in a week.
Kenzie, Saxon, Lieam, Sadie and Celanawe all
have volunteered for this mission. You can use
Write Session Goals
The Goals have been included for the patrol,
any and all of them. Thats right, you can use
but if youre using different guardmice for
five players for this mission. Its very dangerous.
this mission, be sure to adjust their Goals as
Prologue appropriate.
If your group has played together previously,
conduct a prologue as per the standard rules. If
Mission Structure
This mission uses a complex obstacle to arrive
your group is sitting down for the first time, one
quickly at Sprucetuck (Pathfinder) and get the
player should use this opportunity to recount
medicine (Persuader). The patrols return to
some of the events of Fall 1152 that lead to this
Lockhaven is handled with a journey conflict.
mission. Be sure to remind everyone that Rand
was badly wounded during the battle with GMs Turn
Midnight. When we begin, our patrol is rushing toward
Sprucetuck in a heavy snowfall. They must gain
Assign Mission
Sprucetuck and treat with the governor there.
Gwendolyn calls Kenzie and Celanawe to her
Then they must immediately set out again and
briefing room: I am looking for volunteers to
head for home. Theres no time to waste!
make a circuit to Sprucetuck, collecting any
End of Session
It is possible to end this session with Rands fate
still in doubt.
An astute reader will notice that the mission
as described in the comic goes horribly wrong.
The patrol is separated, and theyre all nearly
killed as a resultwhile Celanawe pays the
ultimate price. Therefore, dont be timid with the
compromise results. In the spirit of the comics,
introduce big twists.
Dain is the patrol leader. Together with his
lifelong friend, Quentin, he serves the Guard in
the name of reason and right action.
Age: 26 Parents: Damon & Dara
Home: Sprucetuck Senior: Darrow the Insectrist
Fur Color: Brown Mentor: Conrad (deceased)
Rank: Patrol Leader Enemy: Tuk the Bandit
Cloak: White Fr iend: Kenzie
Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating
Will 5 Circles 4
Health 5
Belief: Reason is the best guide to right action.
Goal: I will take Robin under my wing.
Instinct: Check the weather early each morning.
Skills: Loremouse 4, Fighter 4, Hunter 2, Instructor 3,
Pathfinder 3, Scout 3, Survivalist 3, Weather Watcher 3,
Persuader 5, Administrator 3, Archivist 4, Insectrist 2,
Scientist 2, Snow-wise 3, Owl-wise 3, Weasel-wise 2
24 Tr aits: Teacher (2), Stoic (1), Weather Sense (1), Leader (1)
Gear: Sword, lyre and spectacles
Quentin had a rough season. While attempting
to delve into the scientific properties of the scent
border brew, he caused an industrial accident.
Now he smells like a weasel. Nothing seems to
be able to cure his condition.
Age: 29 Parents: The Von Rods
Home: Sprucetuck Senior: Konard the Scientist
Fur Color: Amber Mentor: Julian the Scout
Rank: Patrol Guard Enemy: Firbean of Sprucetuck
Cloak: Fiery Red Fr iend: Marcus (guardmouse)
Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating
Will 4 Circles 2
Health 4
Belief: All possibilities should be explored for the well-being of
the Guard.
Goal: I will save Lonepine with science!
Instinct: Always draw maps of all the new locations through
which our patrol travels.
Skills: Fighter 4, Instructor 3, Scout 3, Survivalist 2, Weather
Watcher 2, Scientist 3, Cartographer 4, Cook 3, Deceiver 3,
Owl-wise 2, Bonehead-wise 1, Rain-wise 2, Grain-wise 2
Tr aits: Inquisitive (1), Curious (1), Brave (1), Musk (1)
Gear: Bow, pipe, paper, ink and pens
Will 3 Circles 3
Health 5
Belief: I ll build a good name for the Mouse Guard.
Goal: I must protect Dain and Robin.
Instinct: Anticipate what the patrol leader needs.
Skills: Fighter 5, Healer 3, Hunter 3, Survivalist 3, Scout 2,
Deceiver 4, Carpenter 4, Armorer 2, Stone Mason 2,
Lockhaven-wise 2, Governor-wise 2, Darkheather-wise 2
Tr aits: Compassionate (2), Watchful (1), Protective (1)
Gear: Halberd, two weasel knives, wood carving knife
Robin earned his cloak from his mentor, Quentin,
after the last years patrol. Quentin declared his
color to be orange to represent Robins warm,
generous disposition.
Age: 18 Parents: Kem & Bram
Home: Barkstone Senior: Vernon the Weaver
Fur Color: Light Brown Mentor: Quentin
Rank: Guardmouse Enemy: Thom (Patrol Leader)
Cloak: Orange Fr iend: Curran
Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating
Will 2 Circles 3
Health 6
Belief: I must embody the true ideals of the Guard.
Goal: I must personally ensure the safety of the townsfolk.
Instinct: Always create useful things in my free moments.
Skills: Fighter 4, Pathfinder 2, Scout 4, Survivalist 3,
Weather Watcher 4, Orator 2, Persuader 3, Potter 3,
Cartographer 2, Smith 2, Weaver 3, Snakes-wise 2,
Tunnels-wise 2
Tr aits: Fearless (2), Steady Paw (1), Generous (1), Idealistic (1)
Gear: Spear, knitting needles, masons tools and rope
Theres a stream to the east of Lonepine that
drains the Grasslake and runs out into the bay.
Late last year, the beavers built a damn across
it and then built a lodge in the center of the
pond they created.
Destroying the dam requires a full Scientist
conflict. Test Scientist plus Will for disposition.
Skills for actions are: Scientist for Attack
and Feint, Laborer for Defend, Carpenter for
For the dam, you can use the Beaver Nature 7
or, if the beavers have been removed, use the
season, spring 6.
The beavers will come forth and defend their
dam if it is attacked. They wont directly attack
the mice, but theyll move about patching up
the structure as the mice try to tear it down.
There are two beavers living in the lodge. They
act as a team and help one another. Thus they
Ending the Mission Given that Baron is Pauls enemy and Thom is
This mission ends when either the patrol has Robins enemy, there should be plenty of room
dismantled the dam and chased the beavers for conflict. The first obstacle in the next mission
off, or when the beavers have triumphed and should be a mouse obstacleThoms patrol!
rendered their dam impregnable to attack.
The former case is a victory for the patrol. The
latter is a disaster. Lonepine will be ruined if the
beavers triumph!
Danger on the
Scent Border
Character Templates
Siennas patrol has been formed to repour a
section of the scent border in the summer of
1152. While in the field, they encounter Elymis,
who has lost his patrol in a weasel ambush.
Age: 25 Parents: Argus & Loralyn
Home: Sprucetuck Senior: Volker the Apiarist
Fur Color: Sandy Brown Mentor: Odell
Rank: Patrol Leader Enemy: Ernst the Quartermaster
Cloak: Orange Fr iend: Kenzie
Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating
Will 5 Circles 4
Health 4
Belief: The Territories belong not to mice; we only own what
we can safely hold.
Goal: I must ensure the scent border is properly repaired.
Instinct: Always circumnavigate an obstacle before you fight it.
Skills: Scientist 4, Glazier 2, Persuader 3, Orator 2,
Apiarist 2, Fighter 4, Pathfinder 5, Scout 4, Apiary-wise 3,
Apothecary-wise 3.
Tr aits: Inquisitive (1), Clever (1), Natural Bearings (1)
Gear: Mace and a small pot of honey
Age: 39 Parents: Garey & Nancye
Home: Flintrust Senior: Maire the Baker
Fur Color: Warm gray Mentor: Fabron
Rank: Patrol Guard Enemy: Shane the Harvester
Cloak: Grey (fur) Fr iend: Rand
Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating
lying in ambush, waiting for the rescue party! Weasel Raider ChiefAlfo
This ambush is the second obstacle for this Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating
If the patrol has poured the fluid out, then the Weasel Nature
weasels will attempt to capture the patrol in Weasel Nature is quite different from Mouse
its entirety. Nature. Their Nature does not encourage
This raiding party does not have Sela, Cerise them to hide and flee. Instead, it drives them
and Annika, but they know where theyre to trick their prey, kill them, take their stuff and
being kept. gloat about it. Their Nature descriptors are:
Aggressive, Gloating, Clever and Burrow Stealer.
Weasel RaidersMim, Fank, Go
Fighting weasels is an interesting undertaking.
Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating
Theyre intelligent and they use tools. However,
Weasel Nature 4 Resources 2
they are also savage animals. Thus, use the
Will 3 Circles 2 Fight Animal conflict when confronting them.
Health 5
Skills: Fighter 4, Deceiver 3, Scout 4, Hunter 3 Players Turn
Tr aits: Cunning (1) There are a lot of options for the Players Turn.
Gear: Light armor, an axe, an empty sack The most pressing issue is recovering Elymis
missing patrol. Their rescue is not part of the
GMs Turn. It must be accomplished in the
Players Turnthe players must spend checks
to do so.
Weasel Kidnappers
Use the stats from the previous
page. There are four weasels
Mung, the chief, and three
raiders, Huiy, Kol and Ren.
Their mission is to kidnap and
interrogate guardmouse patrols.
Whereas Alfos raiders are to
follow Mung and intercept any
mice who try to mount a rescue.
Both groups are gathering intelligence for their Continuing the Adventure
Tunnel Lord, Fin the Brutal. Hes planning on This mission is rich with possibilities. The patrol
making some raids into Sprucetuck, Dorigift could be stuck in the Darkheather and have to
and Gilpledge. find their way home during the GMs Turn. And
holy cow, that gives the GM the opportunity
Ending the Mission to throw in some monstrous Animal and
Once the mice from Elymis patrol are rescued,
Wilderness obstacles. All sorts of wild beasts
the patrol can head home to report and
roam the wilderness out here!
recuperate. This requires an Ob 4 Pathfinder test
to get back to civilization. Or they can send the Theres also the matter of Fin the Brutal, the
wounded home and stay in the field to deal with weasel Tunnel Lord. The patrol can head back
the weasel problem. No test is required for the to Lockhaven and report in about him. Or they
wounded if theyre sent out on their own. Their can decide to track him down and take him out
fate is entirely up to the GM. themselves. The risk is that if they fail in their
mission and fall before the Tunnel Lord, there
Of course, this presumes that the patrol itself
will be no one to warn the Territories. But if they
didnt get lost in pursuit of the kidnappers. If they
wait, Fin might begin raiding before they can
did, then the Pathfinder test to get home is much
mount a defense.
harderOb 6 (and thats being generous).
And if any of Elymis patrol werent found,
If theyre out of checks, then the next GMs Turn
the patrol can engage in a concerted search
begins in the Darkheather.
and even gather help from nearby towns. This
Check Check mission can potentially spawn many sessions
This is at least a six-check Players Turn: of action.
find the camp, effect a rescue, tend both of
the wounded, find Annika, get home. And
thats provided everything goes smoothly and
simply. To pull that off, someone is going to
have to earn some checks in the GMs Turn.
And that count doesnt leave room for the
players to recover or reequip. Theres a lot of
pressure on the patrol for this mission.
Mouse Nature
Rating Advancement Special Abilities
Rating Advancement
Mouse Guard
Basic Dice Rules
Weve redesigned the character sheets to be square, to match
Senior: When in Lockhaven, your senior will provide P: P: When testing, roll the number of dice
Will Circles
Fur Color: Friend:
help and supplies as appropriate to his trade. F: F: listed with your ability or skill.
Versus Tests: The player must generate more
Friend: If available, a friend will help with tests in successes than his opponent.
Cloak Color: which hes skilled.
Skill Rating Advancement Skill Rating Advancement I Am Wise: The player may add +1D by
Enemy: Your enemy will hinder you at every incorporating one of their related Wises.
P: P:
Belief opportunity. Fighter F: Orator F: Teamwork: Help from another player adds +1D
Rewards Playing a
Conflict Goal Healer
P: P: Nature Rules
Belief earns Deceiver
Fate a Fate Point F:
Mouse Nature can be used for escaping,
Hunter F:
Persuader F:
climbing, hiding, and foraging.
Disposition P:
Advancement requires: Passed tests equal to the
skill rank and Failed tests equal to one less than
Starting Current P: P: the rank.
F: F:
Learning a new skill requires: tests equal to
P: P: Nature rank.
D V I V F: F:
F I V I Using Traits and Checks
Conditions Traits Earning Checks by Using Traits
rules and put them on the front left panel of the GMs Screen.
Trait Name Trait Level Used For Used Against Against Yourself
Draw your mouse. Hungry/Thirsty 1: 2: 3: 1: -1D to any test earns one check for the Players
Gear and Possessions -1 to disposition to any conflict.
1: 2: 3:
2: +2D to opponents versus test earns two
Gear is limited to what you can carry (as depicted by you on the sketch above). Successes Angry (Ob 2 Will)
Dice: checks for the Players Turn.
Possessions are kept in Lockhaven or another location. -1 to disposition for any conflict
that uses Will as its base. 1: 2: 3: 2: Breaking versus test tie in opponents favor
earns two checks for the Platers Turn.
Tired (Ob 3 Health) 1: 2: 3:
Contacts -1 to disposition to any conflict.
1: 2: 3: Spending Checks in the Players Turn
Snakes Swords Axe Injured (Ob 4 Health) 1: One test during Players Turn costs one check.
-1D to skills, Nature, Will and Trait Benefits: Level 1: +1D per session; Level 2: +1D per 2: Recovery during GMs Turn costs two checks.
Health (but not recovery).
All weapons for all conflicts are now listed on the inside left
appropriate roll; Level 3: Reroll failed dice once per session. 3: Elevate trait for remainder of session costs three.
Sick (Ob 4 Will) 2010 Luke Crane and David Petersen. All Rights Reserved.
2/4:It costs two checks to recharge a used level 1
2010 Luke Crane and David Petersen. All Rights Reserved. Sheet design by Ben Morgan. trait, four checks for level 2.
-1D to skills, Nature, Will and Sheet design by Ben Morgan.
Health (but not recovery).
New GM Sheets Axes are 6s. You can spend fate points to
explode them, just like you would for a 6 in the
We also made the GM
Mouse Guard gm sheet original game.
Player Name: Character Name: Missed Session/Prologue:
Parents: Home: Specialty:
GM Reference Screen
Parents: Home: Specialty:
Senior Artisan: Mentor: Friend: Enemy:
Player Name:
The front face is pretty much
Character Name:
Missed Session/Prologue:
Senior Artisan: Mentor: Friend: Enemy:
Player Name:
Senior Artisan:
weve changed the backCharacter Name:
Missed Session/Prologue:
Friend: Enemy:
Successes A
Attack Defend
D FFeint Maneuver
te cttiions
nnss I
Ob 0
Ob 0
nnss V V I
Ob 0
Ob 0
Ob 3
Swords are regular successes. Count them as
you would count 4s and 5s.
At the end of the round, put your cards back Recovery Order: 1
Recoov Order: 2
R ecoo
Recovery Order: 3 R ecoov
Recovery Order: 4