De Leon Insurance Pointers
De Leon Insurance Pointers
De Leon Insurance Pointers
Insurance Law
surety, any contract of suretyship as a vocation
and not as merely incidental to any other
legitimate business or activity of the surety; Insurable Interest
(3) Doing any kind of business, including Section 10.
a reinsurance business, specifically recognized as Every person has an insurable interest in the life and health:
constituting the doing of an insurance business
(a) Of himself, of his spouse and of his children;
within the meaning of this Code;
(b) Of any person on whom he depends wholly or
(4) Doing or proposing to do any
in part for education or support, or in whom he
business in substance equivalent to any of the
has a pecuniary interest;
foregoing in a manner designed to evade the
provisions of this Code. (c) Of any person under a legal obligation to him
for the payment of money, or respecting property
In the application of the provisions of this Code, the fact
or services, of which death or illness might delay
that no profit is derived from the making of insurance
or prevent the performance; and
contracts, agreements or transactions or that no separate
or direct consideration is received therefor, shall not be (d) Of any person upon whose life any estate or
deemed conclusive to show that the making thereof does interest vested in him depends.
not constitute the doing or transacting of an insurance
business. Section 12.
The interest of a beneficiary in a life insurance policy shall
(c) As used in this Code, the term Commissioner means be forfeited when the beneficiary is the principal,
the Insurance Commissioner. accomplice, or accessory in willfully bringing about the
death of the insured. In such a case, the share forfeited shall
pass on to the other beneficiaries, unless otherwise
disqualified. In the absence of other beneficiaries, the 1
proceeds shall be paid in accordance with the policy
contract. If the policy contract is silent, the proceeds shall
be paid to the estate of the insured.
Section 13. Section 31.
Every interest in property, whether real or personal, or any Materiality is to be determined not by the event, but solely
relation thereto, or liability in respect thereof, of such by the probable and reasonable influence of the facts upon
nature that a contemplated peril might directly damnify the the party to whom the communication is due, in forming his
insured, is an insurable interest. estimate of the disadvantages of the proposed contract, or
in making his inquiries.
Section 14.
An insurable interest in property may consist in:
not exist in the meantime; and interest in the life or health The Policy
of a person insured must exist when the insurance takes
Section 51.
effect, but need not exist thereafter or when the loss A policy of insurance must specify:
(a) The parties between whom the contract is
Insurance Law
loss of or damage arising out of or in connection
(g) A determination by the Commissioner that the
with the construction, repair, operation,
continuation of the policy would violate or would
maintenance or use of the subject matter of such
place the insurer in violation of this Code.
insurance (but not including life insurance or
surety bonds nor insurance against loss by reason
of bodily injury to any person arising out of
Warranties ownership, maintenance, or use of automobiles);
Part 2. Objective Questions Courts misfortune Seeks to avoid misfortune
Insurance Law
happening of designated perils Source: Insurance Law by De Leon, page 8, 2014 ed.
3. The insurer assumes that risk of loss
4. Such assumption of risk is part of a general Suggested answer: If the plaintiff's property has been
scheme to distribute actual losses among a large insured, and he has received indemnity from the insurance
group or substantial number of persons bearing a company for the injury or loss arising out of the wrong or
similar risk breach of contract complained of, the insurance company
5. As consideration for the insurer's promise, the shall be subrogated to the rights of the insured against the
insured makes a ratable contribution called wrongdoer or the person who has violated the contract. If
"premium" the amount paid by the insurance company does not fully
What are the main classifications of insurance under the cover the injury or loss, the aggrieved party shall be entitled
Code? to recover the deficiency from the person causing the loss
1. Life insurance contracts or injury. (Art. 2207 of NCC)
a. Individual life
b. Group life Suggested answer:
c. Industrial life
2. Non-life insurance contracts General Rule: Payment by the insurer to the insured for loss
a. Marine under the policy entitles the insurer to be subrogated to the
b. Fire rights of the insured against the wrongdoer. (Art. 2207)
c. Casualty
3. Contracts of suretyship or bonding Exceptions:
Source: Insurance Law by De Leon, page 43, 2014 ed. 1. Where the insured released the wrongdoer from
2. Where the insurer pays without notifying the
carrier, which in good faith had already paid the
Distinguish insurance from gambling. insured
Gambling Insurance 3. Where the insurer pays the insured for a loss
which is not included in the risks insured against 5
May result in profit Seeks to indemnify the by the policy. (Pan Malayan vs CA)
insured against losses
4. The insurer loses his rights against the wrongdoer prejudiced by such untruth or nonfulfillment, renders the
since the insurer can only be subrogated to only policy voidable by the insurer.
such rights as the insured may have.
5. For recovery of loss in excess of insurance Source: Insurance Law by De Leon, page 226, 2014 ed.
6. Life insurance
(1) to receive the cash value of the policy, Misrepresentation sets Falsity or non-fulfillment
(2) to take out loans against the cash value, aside a policy on the of a warranty operates as
(3) to assign the policy, or ground of fraud a breach
(4) to surrender it without the consent of the
beneficiary. May be made by both the Made only by the insured
insured and the insurer
Effect of death of insured: The insured's power to
extinguish the beneficiary's interest ceases at his death, and Source: Perez Quizzer, page 86
cannot be exercised by his personal representatives or
Insurance Law
When breach of warranty does not avoid policy?
Where right to change is waived: The insured has no power 1. When loss occurs before time of performance
to make such change without the consent of the 2. When performance becomes unlawful
beneficiary. 3. When performance becomes impossible
Insurance Law
certain facts relating to the risk are or shall be
Source: Perez Quizzer, page 163 true or certain acts relating to the same subjects
have been or shall be done.
2. Implied warranty which from the very nature of
What is representation? the contract or from the general tenor of the
Suggested answer: Representation is a statement made by words, although no express warranty is
the insured at the time of, or prior to, the issuance of the mentioned, is necessarily embodied in the policy
as a part thereof and which binds the insured as
policy (Sec. 37.), as to an existing or past fact or state of
though expressed in the contract
facts, or concerning a future happening, to give 3. Affirmative warranty one which asserts the
information to the insurer and otherwise induce him to existence of a fact or condition at the time it is
enter into the insurance contract. made
4. Promissory warranty one where the insured
It may also be made by the insurer but as the insured stipulates that certain facts or conditions
seldom desires to avoid the contract, the cases nearly pertaining to the risk shall exist or that certain
always involve to representations made by the insured. things with reference thereto shall be done or
Source: Insurance Law by De Leon, page 155, 2014 ed.
Source: Insurance Law by De Leon, page 226, 2014 ed.
What is a rider?
Suggested answer: A rider is a small printed or typed Distinguish warranty from representation
stipulation contained on a slip of paper attached to the Warranties Representation
policy and forming an integral part of the policy.
Part of the contract Collateral inducements to
(1) Additional binding stipulations between the parties. a contract
Riders are usually attached to the policy because they 7
constitute additional stipulations between the parties. Any
rider, etc., properly attached to a policy is a part of the
Written on the face of the May be written in a totally (b) No improper deviation from the voyage will be
policy, actually or by disconnected paper or made
reference may be oral (c) The vessel will not engage in illegal venture
(d) Where nationality or neutrality of a ship or cargo
Must be strictly complied Substantial truth only is is expressly warranted, it is implied that the ship
with required will carry the requisite documents to such
nationality or neutrality and will not carry any
Falsity or nonfulfillment Falsity renders the policy document which casts reasonable suspicion
operates as a breach of void on the ground of thereon
contract fraud
Source: Perez Quizzer, page 158
Presumed material Insurer must show the
What is seaworthiness? When is a vessel seaworthy?
materiality in order to Suggested answer: A ship is seaworthy when reasonably fit
defeat an action on the to perform the service and to encounter the ordinary perils
policy of the voyage contemplated by the parties to the policy.
Source: Insurance Law by De Leon, page 229, 2014 ed. (Sec. 114)
not exceed the insurable marine casualties and damages done to the ship or goods
interest of the insured at sea by the violent action of the winds or waves, one that
could not be foreseen and not attributable to the fault of
There are always several There may be only one
insurers insurer involved
Source: Perez Quizzer, page 147
Source: Insurance Law by De Leon, page 308, 2014 ed.