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International Journal of Thermal Sciences 100 (2016) 126e137

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Mathematical modeling and numerical results of power-law uid ow

over a nite porous medium
Renato A. Silva a, *, Marcelo Assato b, Marcelo J.S. de Lemos c
Universidade Federal do Pampa e Unipampa, 97546-550 Alegrete, RS, Brazil
b utica e Espao e IAE, Departamento de Ci^
Instituto de Aerona encia e Tecnologia Aeroespacial e DCTA, 12228-904 Sa~o Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil
Departamento de Energia e IEME, Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica e ITA, 12228-900 Sa
~o Jos
e dos Campos, SP, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents a mathematical model and corresponding numerical results for a power-law uid
Received 25 January 2015 owing in a channel partially lled with a homogeneous and isotropic porous medium. At the interface
Received in revised form between the clear uid and the porous material, a model for the stress jump condition takes into
16 September 2015
consideration the behavior of a power-law uid. This study shows that the use of a modied perme-
Accepted 19 September 2015
Available online 11 November 2015
ability, K*, satisfactorily describes the friction factor of the ow for Reh*  1 (Darcy regime). The math-
ematical modeling presented, supported by comparisons with analytical and numerical results, also
shows that the form drag must be taken into account in the momentum equation, even for a power-law
uid. The mathematical modeling presented has been used to simulate Newtonian as well as power-law
Numerical results uids owing in both porous and unobstructed media. For a channel partially lled with porous material
Porous medium and under a xed mass ow rate, results indicated that the pressure drop is a function of porosity, Darcy
Power-law uid number, shear jump coefcient, b, and ow behavior index, n.
Shear stress jump 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Hayes et al. (1996) [4], using volume averaging, obtained a similar
momentum equation. Malin (1997) [5] proposed a modication to
In recent years, the research about ow of non-Newtonian uids the damping function that showed to improve predictions for non-
has received considerable attention due to its wide application in Newtonian uids. Inoue and Nakayama (1998) [6] investigated,
industry, for example, food engineering, petroleum production using modied permeability based on the solid particle diameter of
with enhanced oil recovery, chemical process such as distillation the porous material, the viscous and inertia effects in pressure drop
towers, and plastic processing [1]. In many cases, the ow occurs in in non-Newtonian uid ow across a porous medium. The authors
ducts or channels fully or partially lled with blocks of porous obtained an expression for porous inertia that possesses the same
material, e.g., groundwater ow, ltration, ceramic processing, function as Ergun's, but the value has indicated to be only one third
compact heat exchangers and many other engineering applications of Ergun's. The works [7e10] studied the power-law uid ow in a
[2]. Thus, the correct description of the non-Newtonian uid ow in porous medium, using the modied permeability (suggested in Ref.
the channel partially lled with porous material is of the para- [3]) in the momentum equation.
mount importance for improved understanding of various phe- Ochoa-Tapia and Whitaker (1995a,b) [11,12] proposed an
nomena that occur in industrial processes. analytical expression to take into account the variation of the shear
The work of Shenoy (1994) [3] presented a broad literature re- stress jump at the interface between clear uid and porous me-
view about Non-Newtonian uid ow and heat transfer in a porous dium. This approach produces a jump in the stress and presents a
medium. He suggested, the use of the modied permeability in the parameter that should be determined experimentally. Kuznetsov
Darcy term as function of the tortuosity factor, and that (1996e99) [13e16] used the boundary condition proposed by
Forchheimer term can stay unchanged in the momentum equation. Ochoa-Tapia and Whitaker (1995a,b) [11,12] to obtain an analytical
solution for a Newtonian uid ow in a channel partially lled
with porous material. The analytical development presented in
Chandesris and Jamet (2006) [17] shows that the stress jump
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R.A. Silva), [email protected] condition is also related to the pressure gradient and, they suggest a
(M. Assato), [email protected] (M.J.S. de Lemos). methodology to derive boundary conditions between a free uid

1290-0729/ 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
R.A. Silva et al. / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 100 (2016) 126e137 127

Nomenclature uD Darcy velocity vector, uD fui [m/s]

x, y, z Cartesian coordinates
Ai Area of the interface uid/solid [m2] Y Dimensionless transverse coordinate, Y y/H
Da Darcy number, Da K/H2
fh* Friction factor for power-law uid, fh* 1=Reh* Greek symbols
g Gravity acceleration vector [m/s2] b Shear stress jump coefcient
H Distance between channel wall and symmetry line [m] h Apparent viscosity,
K Permeability [m2] rn
h i h io n1

Modied permeability, K * K 2 =f1n h m Vu VuT : Vu VuT =2 [Pa.s]
Lc Channel length [m] hD Dimensionless apparent viscosity,
2n n
m Fluid consistency coefcient, m ruD H =ReH hD j1=fdu=dYjn1
[Pa.s ] p
h* Modied apparent viscosity, h* mjuD j=f K n1
n Flow behavior index [Pa.s]
p Thermodynamic pressure [Pa] hPM Apparent viscosity in the porous medium
pi Intrinsic (uid) average of pressure p [Pa]
R Total drag force per volume unity volume [Pa/m] hPM
ReH Reynolds number based on H, ReH ruD H=m  rn

 h i h io n1
Reh* Modied Reynolds
 number based on h*, m1=f VuD VuD T : VuD VuD T =2
Reh* ruD  K =h*
S4 Source term [Pa.s]
uD Component of Darcy velocity along h (normal) m Dynamic viscosity [Pa.s]
direction [m/s] hx Generalized coordinates
u Velocity at symmetry line [m/s] r Specic mass [kg/m3]
u Dimensionless velocity, u uD =uD f Porosity
U Dimensionless velocity, U uD =u 4 General dependent variable
uD Average Darcy velocity, uD 1=H uD dy [m/s] Subscripts
ui Microscopic velocity of the interface uid/solid [m/s] CF Clear Fluid
uDP Darcy velocity component parallel to the interface [m/ PM Porous Medium
ui Dimensionless velocity at interface clear uid/porous Superscripts
medium i Intrinsic (uid) average
u Microscopic velocity [m/s] v Volume (uid solid) average
ui Intrinsic (uid) average of u [m/s]

and a porous medium. de Lemos and Silva (2006) [18] studied the partly by a clear uid, in which was employed the BeaverseJoseph
effect of shear stress jump coefcient on the turbulent uid ow in boundary condition at the bidisperse porous medium/clear uid
channel partly lled with porous material. The results indicated interface. The works of Silva and de Lemos (2011) [24] and Nimvari
that depending on the value of the stress jump parameter, sub- et al. (2012) [25] investigated the turbulent ow in channel with a
stantially dissimilar elds for the turbulence energy are obtained. centered porous material. These works showed that the increasing
Negative values for the stress jump parameter supplied results the size of the porous material pushes the ow outwards,
closer to experimental data for the turbulent kinetic energy at the increasing the levels of turbulent kinetic energy at the macroscopic
interface. Chandesris and Jamet (2009) [19] presented a two-step interface. Barletta and Nield (2011) [26] and Alves and Barletta
up-scaling approach that allows to derive the jump conditions (2013) [27] studied the onset of the convective instability
that must be imposed at the interface to account for transport throughow of a power-law uid saturated in a horizontal porous
phenomena in a uid/porous domain, where the heat ux and layer heated. The work of Cekmer et al. (2012) [28] studies the fully
temperature jump conditions are related to surface-excess quan- developed heat and uid ow in a parallel plate channel partially
tities that depend on the interface location. Valde s-Parada et al. lled with porous layer. They showed that the decrease in Darcy
(2009) [20] proposed a methodology for the determination of the number causes increase of pressure drop in the channel. Zheng
stress jump coefcient, using volume averaging in a system anal- et al. (2012) [29] investigated the Marangoni convection driven by a
ogous to the one used by Beavers and Joseph (1967) [21]. Nield and power-law temperature gradient. They showed that the tempera-
Kuznetsov (2009) [22] presented the study of the unidirectional ture and the thermal boundary layer decrease as the Marangoni
ow in a parallel-plate channel consisting of three layers, with a Number increases for Newtonian uid and non-Newtonian uid. Li
transition layer sandwiched between a porous medium and clear et al., (2012) [30] analyzed the heat transfer by forced convection in
uid. Within the transition layer, the permeability varies linearly power-law non-Newtonian uids for a circle duct and concluded
across the channel and matches with the outer layer in a contin- that the heat transfer behaviors are strongly depending on the
uous fashion. The authors showed that there is the good agreement value of the power-law index. Valde s-Parada et al. (2013) [31]
between the results using their model and the ones presented in proposed a methodology to derive the jump conditions for the
the literature. Kuznetsov and Nield (2010) [23] presented an velocity and the stress at the interface between uid and porous
analytical investigation of forced convection in parallel-plate medium. It is based on the introduction of macroscopic velocity
channel partly occupied by a bidisperse porous medium and deviations whose integral over the transition layer supplies a jump
128 R.A. Silva et al. / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 100 (2016) 126e137

condition for the velocity elds and a similar integration of the    

Du n h io vu
governing equations for the macroscopic velocity deviations gives
r rg  Vp V$ h Vu VuT r V$uu
rise to the viscous stress jump condition. Both the jump boundary Dt vt
conditions are expressed in terms of six jump coefcients in total to n h io
rg  Vp V$ h Vu Vu
be determined. However, this study considered the uid as New-
tonian and incompressible. Samanta et al., (2013) [32] studied, via a (4)
continuum approach, a gravity-driven falling lm on a saturated
porous inclined plane, where the liquid and porous layers are If the relationship (3) does not reect the behavior of certain
considered as a single composite layer. The authors noted that the uids, or say, if the shear stressedeformation rate relationship is
spatial response of a falling lm on a porous medium is not very not well represented by Eq. (3), one can use the power-law rheo-
different from that observed on an impermeable inclined wall and logical model (see W. Ostwald apud Bird, Stewart and Lightfoot
that the wavy motion of the lm triggers a signicant exchange of (2002), p. 241 [35]) to describe such behavior by modifying the
mass at the liquideporous interface. The work presented by Lin value of h, in the form,
et al. (2014) [33] examined the radiation effects on Marangoni
convection ow and heat transfer in pseudoplastic non-Newtonian uh i h
u Vu VuT : Vu VuT n1
nanouids driven by a temperature gradient. Sui et al. (2015) [34] t 
studied the mixed convection boundary layer heat transfer of po- h m 
wer law uid over a moving conveyor along an inclined plate. The
authors concluded that the heat transfer efciency is enhanced but
skin friction is diminished with the increase in velocity ratio. where m and n are two empirical curve-tting parameters that are
As seen, the published works above mentioned consider that the known as the uid consistency coefcient and the ow behavior
modied permeability depends on microscopic parameters [3,6]. index, respectively. For a shear-thinning (pseudoplastic) uid, the
Furthermore, the works about congurations partially occupied by behavior index n will be less than unity. The smaller the value of n,
a homogeneous porous structure consider Newtonian uid ow the greater the degree of shear-thinning. A uid shows Newtonian
only [11e21,24,28]. Therefore, this work aims to present a novel behavior when n 1. For a shear-thickening (dilatant) uid, the
mathematical model (based on the modied permeability as index n will be greater than unity. In the vectorial form, the mo-
mentum equation (4) would be rewritten as,

8uh i h 9
  < u Vu VuT : Vu VuT n1 h i=
vu t 
r V$uu rg  Vp mV$  
 Vu VuT (6)
vt : 2  ;

function of porous medium properties) and corresponding nu- 2.2. Macroscopic transport equations
merical results, along with appropriate treatment of a macroscopic
interface condition, for describing fully developed ow of a power- Applying the Local Volume Average Theorem (LVAT) to the local
law uid in a channel partially lled with a porous material. equations above [see Bear (1972) [36] and de Lemos (2012) [37] for
details], the volumetric average of microscopic mass conservation
2. Mathematical modeling equation for a uid with constant specic mass r [Eq. (1)] will have
the following form:
2.1. Microscopic transports equations
V,uD 0 (7)
Local instantaneous transport equations are derived elsewhere Eq. (7) represents the macroscopic mass conservation for an
and for that, they are here just repeated. The mass conservation incompressible uid permeating in a homogeneous and saturated
equation (or continuity equation), for incompressible uid ow, can porous material.
be written as follows, Applying the LVAT [Whitaker (1969) [38], Gray and Lee (1977)
[39]] in each term of Eq. (6), we obtain:
V,u 0 (1)
 v Z
The momentum equation for incompressible uid ow is given vu v 1
fui  n$ui udS (8)
by: vt vt DV
r rg  Vp V$t (2)  Z
Dt 1
V$uuv V$ fuui n$uudS (9)
For a Newtonian uid, the stress tensor can be related with Ai
shear rate as follows:
rgv frg (10)
h i
t h Vu VuT (3) Z
Vpv V fpi npdS (11)
where h is the uid viscosity. Substituting the expression (3) in the DV
momentum Eq. (2), leads to the well-known Generalized Newto-
nian Fluid (GNF) model:
R.A. Silva et al. / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 100 (2016) 126e137 129

* 80v
uh i h i1n1 9+
< u
> Vu Vu T
: Vu Vu T
h i>
V$ @ A Vu VuT
: 2 >

* 8
2 * +3 v
+ v

> >
> 6 v
i1 7 2 3>>
> 6 0uh i h 7 >
< u Vu VuT : Vu VuT Z >
1 6 6 @
7 6 T 2 7
V$ 6 7 4VuD VuD nudS5
>f n1 6 2 7 DV >
> 6 7 >
> 4 5 Ai >
> (12)
> >
: ;

uh i h i1n1 9
Z < u
> T T
h i>
1 t Vu Vu : Vu Vu
n$ @ A Vu VuT dS
DV >
: 2 >

80v1 9
The volumetric average of the term (**) in Eq. (12) can be >
> uh ih i n1 >
Z < > u Vu Vu : Vu Vu T T
written as: m Bt C h
n$ @ C : Vu Vu T
DV > 2 A >
> >
Ai : ;
*v i+

uh i h

u Vu VuT : Vu VuT DV
t Ai
2 (15)
i Eq. (15) represents total drag force per volume unit (supercial
uh i h
u Vu Vu T : Vu Vu T force weighed by volume) due to the presence of solid particles,
t D D D D
(13) composed of both the viscous and form drag (or pressure).
According to Hsu and Cheng (1990) [40], the divergence oper-
The velocity vector on solid surface, Ai, is null, thus u 0, and ator, on the left side of the Eq. (14) can be expanded as:
the porous medium is rigid, so ui 0, then the macroscopic mo-  h  i
mentum equation can be written as: V$ fuui V$ f ui ui i ui ui (16)



8u  T    T n1 9
> u
<  u Vfu i
Vfu i
: Vfu i
Vfu i    >
m  t  T
r V$ fuui frg  V fpi n1 V$  
vt f >
> 2  >
:  ;

130 R.A. Silva et al. / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 100 (2016) 126e137

Where the term V$fi ui ui represents the hydrodynamic disper- 

sion which is of higher order when compared with the term V fpi frg R (18)
V$fui ui (it represents the macroscopic convective inertial
force, Hsu and Cheng (1990) [40]) thus being neglected. In this For small gradients of f,
former case, the macroscopic momentum equation in terms of
Darcy velocity (uD fui ) was reduced to: Vpi rg R (19)

8uh i h 9
   < u Vu Vu T : Vu Vu T n1 h i=
vuD uD uD m  t D D D D 
r V$ frg  V fpi n1 V$  
 $ VuD VuD T R (17)
vt f f : 2  ;

In porous media, the transient of the Darcy velocity normally On the other hand, the DarcyeForchheimer extended model for
decays fast [Bear (1972) [36], Whitaker (1969) [38], Nield and Bejan power-law uid (Shenoy (1993) [49]) is:
(1992) [41]], hardly exceeding one second. Therefore, the term is
neglected in almost all practical cases in the macroscopic mo- m n1 cF rkuD k
Vpi rg  ku k p
uD (20)
mentum equation [Bear (1972) [36], Whitaker (1969) [38], Nield K* D K
and Bejan (1992) [41], Vafai and Tien (1981) [42], Vafai and
Comparing the Eqs. (19) and (20) the total drag force per volume
Thiyagaraja (1987) [43], Vafai and Kim (1990a) [44], Vafai and Kim
unity, R, can be expressed by:
(1990b) [45]].
The divergence operator on the left side of the Eq. (17) repre-  
mf c rfku k
sents the macroscopic inertial force that is always negligible when R  * kuD kn1 F p D uD (21)
compared to the terms on the right side of this equation [Hsu and
Cheng (1990) [40]]. This term is responsible for the increase of the where K*, is the modied permeability here proposed as:
macroscopic hydrodynamic boundary layer, that happens in length
order, of magnitude KuC/n [where uC is the non-disturbing Darcy's K
velocity; Vafai and Tien (1981) [42]], its value being small in most K* (22)
practical situations.
The third term on the right side of the Eq. (17) is responsible Differently from those presented in the literature [3,6], the
for the macroscopic boundary layers proles; however, in almost modied permeability proposed, Eq. (22), does not depend on the
all of the situations it is neglected, the exception is at the inter- tortuosity factor, Ct [3], nor on the solid particle diameter of the
face regions (porous media/impermeable wall, different porous porous material, dp [6]. Here, Eq. (22) is only a function of the
media and porous media/uid). Because the hydrodynamics porous medium properties.
boundary layer is conned in small thicknesses, the experimental Substituting the expressions (21) and (22) in Eq. (17) the
observation is very complex and it is a difcult task. For this macroscopic momentum equation becomes,

8uh i h 9 "
   < u Vu Vu T : Vu Vu T n1 h i=
vuD uD uD m  t D D D D  mf kuD k n1
r V$ frg  V fp n1 V$ 
 Vu D VuD T

vt f f : 2  ; n1
K 2 f
c frku k
F p D uD

reason, the experimental data has been limited to the bulk ef- The expression (23) can describe not only the power-law uid
fects, like pressure drop and mass ow rate, where in most of the ow behavior, but also the Newtonian uid ow behavior, as can be
cases the effect of macroscopic hydrodynamics boundary layer is seen doing the ow behavior index, n, equal to unity. Furthermore,
neglected. for low Reynolds values, and unidirectional fully developed uid
Based on the above, it follows that the momentum equation ow in steady state regime, permeating the innite porous medium
describes the classical experiments as the one conducted by Darcy it is possible to obtain a simple equation to Darcy's law from Eq.
(1856) [46], Forchheimer (1901) [47], Ward (1964) [48], so it boils (23).where the apparent viscosity of the uid in the porous medium,
down to, hPM, can be written as magnitude of the rate-of-strain tensor:
R.A. Silva et al. / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 100 (2016) 126e137 131

 uh i h
 u Vu Vu T : Vu Vu T n1
1 t D D D D 
hPM m 
f 2 

Therefore, the Eq. (23) can be written as:

vuD u u
r V$ D D frg  V fpi
vt f
n h io
V$ hPM VuD VuD T
2 3
i ii
6 z}|{ z}|{7
6mf ku k n1 c frku k 7
6 7
6 pD uD F p D uD 7 Fig. 1. Schematic of a uid ow in a two-dimensional channel partially lled with
6 K f K K 7
4 5 porous material.

(25) clear region (clear uid). The boundary conditions are: at y 0, no-
slipping condition; at y H, symmetry condition.
where the term 1 represents the shear stresses viscous effects on When the macroscopic equations seen above are rewritten
the porous media surfaces and the term 2 is the total drag force per despising the term (ii) in Eq. (25) and further applied to the ow in
unit volume (surface force weighted volume) due to the presence of Fig. 1, one has the following:
the solid particles in the porous medium. This term is composed of
the viscous drag [term (i)], and, the form drag or pressure drag duD
0 for 0yH (28)
[term (ii)] for the power-law uid ow. dx
The Eq. (25) is the novel BrinkmaneForchheimer-extended 
Darcy equation that describes the Newtonian or non-Newtonian d fpi
d du mf juD j n1 H
uid ow in the clear uid or in homogeneous and saturated  hPM D  p uD 0 for 0  y 
dx dy dy K f K 2
porous media, where the viscous drag [term (i)] depends only on
the macroscopic characteristics of the porous medium. Pure Darcy, (29)
DarcyeForchheimer, and BrinkmaneDarcy ows, i.e., all cases can
dpi d du H
be described by this expression.  h D 0 for yH (30)
dx dy dy 2
2.3. Friction factor
The friction factor, fh* , for low Reynolds values, and unidirec-    
1 duD n1 du n1
tional fully developed uid ow in steady state regime, permeating hPM m  and h m D  (31)
the innite porous medium, can be obtained from Eq. (25), as: f dy  dy

p 0 i
1 are, respectively, the apparent viscosity in a porous medium, hPM,
K @ dhp A m and the apparent viscosity in a clear uid, h. Here also K is the
fh*  2   p cF
  dx rf n1  2n n
permeability, f is the porosity, pi is the intrinsic average pressure,
ruD  u Dj K
uD is the Darcy velocity, n is the ow behavior index and m is the
h* 1 consistency index of the uid.
 p cF cF (26)
ruD  K Reh*
3.2. Boundary and interface conditions
where h* is the modied apparent viscosity, given by the
As seen, equations (28)e(30) describe fully developed uid ow
in a channel partially tted with porous material, as illustrated in
Fig. 1. Boundary and interface conditions are as follow:
ju j n1
h* m pD (27) At y 0, the no-slipping condition is applied, i.e.,
f K
uD 0 (32)
Eq. (25) and consequently the Eq. (26) were obtained using the
modied permeability, K*, here proposed by Eq. (22). The literature presents two approaches to solve the uid ow
in channel partially lled with porous material: i) One Domain
3. Application to channel ow Approach (ODA), where the uid-porous system is assumed as a
pseudo-continuum (represented in numerical simulation by
3.1. Geometry and governing equations including of thin region between a clear uid and porous mate-
rial, in which the properties of porous material (porosity and
Fig. 1 depicts a schematic diagram of a fully developed power- permeability) are continuously position-dependent [11,19]) and ii)
law uid ow in steady state in a channel partially lled with Two Domain Approach (TDA), assumes that the porous medium is
porous material. The uid with constant properties ows from left homogeneous up to porouseuid interface, this requires the
to right permeating the porous structure (porous medium) and the interface boundary conditions for the coupling of the governing
132 R.A. Silva et al. / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 100 (2016) 126e137

equations [17,19]. According to Valdes-Parada et al. (2013) [31], At y H, the symmetry condition has been applied:
the TDA is the most widely used modeling for several reasons (All 
the differential equations are written in terms of constants co- duD 
0 (36)
efcients, there is no region where the porosity and permeability dy yH
depends of position, the relevant transport phenomena that
occurring at the interface region (ODA) are incorporated for the
boundary condition by TDA). Furthermore, the authors in Ref. [31] 3.3. Analytical solution
showed that using the Two Domain Approach proposed by
Ochoa-Tapia and Whitaker (1995a) [11] the results for slip ve- For obtaining the velocity prole for the uid ow in a channel
locity is of the same order of magnitude to the ones obtained by with fully occupied by a porous material was resolved the Eq. (29)
ODA, being, therefore, a boundary condition which satisfactorily submitted the conditions presented in Pantokratoras and Magyari
reproduces the momentum exchange at the interface. This way, at (2010) [7].
y H/2, the velocity continuity condition (see Refs. [11,12]) and For case n 0.5 (pseudoplastic uid), the analytical solution can
shear stress jump condition, proposed by Ochoa-Tapia and Whi- be written:

p 8 1 " p !# p 9
Da < 1 3  1 1 5 =
1 2 U 1 5 3 2 U  7U 2U 2
Y 2 3 b ; ;  b ; ;  2 3 (37)
f 3 : 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 ;
= 3
1  3U 2U 2 3

taker (1995a) [11], here extended to power-law uid, have been For case n 2 (dilatant uid), the analytical solution can be
applied. written:
13 p 
2 1 1 2 1U 1 2
uD jPM uD jCF ; (33) Y Da b ; ;  b ; ; (38)
f 3 3 3 3 3 3

  where b*z(a,b) is the incomplete beta function (see Abramowitz and

pi  pi  (34) Stegun (1972) [52], p. 263), U(uD/u) is the dimensionless velocity
and Y(y/H) is the dimensionless transverse coordinate.
hPM duDP  duDP  b 
 h hi p uDP interface (35) 3.4. Numerical details
f dh PM dh CF K
In Silva and de Lemos (2003a) [53], the discretization method-
and hi represents the apparent viscosity of the uid at the interface, ology used for including the jump condition in the numerical so-
uDp is the Darcy velocity component parallel to the interface, K is lutions was discussed in detail. For that, only brief comments about
the permeability and b an adjustable coefcient which accounts for the numerical procedure are here made. Transport equations are
stress jump at the interface. discretized in a generalized coordinate system h  x using the
The shear stress jump condition here proposed is applied at control volume method. The faces of the volume are formed by
interface between porous medium and clear uid to have a lines of constant coordinates h  x.
matching of diffusion uxes across the interface. Or say, due to the The use of the spatially periodic boundary condition along the x
fact that a second derivate exists in expressions, (29) and (30), it is coordinate was also discussed in Silva and de Lemos (2003a,b)
possible, but not mandatory, that diffusion uxes match at the [53,54], and was applied in order to simulate fully developed ow.
interface (see Ref. [50], p. 92). The spatially periodic condition was implemented by running the
Note that by making the ow behavior index, n, equal to one and 2D solution repetitively, until outlet proles in x Lc matched those
the uid consistency index, m, equal to the dynamic viscosity, m, in at the inlet (x 0).
Eq. (31), the apparent viscosities presented in Eq. (35) resumes its For steady-state, the standard form of the discrete equations for
original form, rst proposed by Ochoa-Tapia and Whitaker a general variable 4 becomes [55],
(1995a,b) [11,12].
One should point out that the condition given in Eq. (35) Ie Iw In Is S4 (39)
was rst proposed by Lee and Howell (1987) [51] and is valid
along the macroscopic surface area separating the clear and the where Ie, Iw, In and Is are, respectively, the uxes of 4 at faces east,
porous regions. Application of the volume average operators to west, north and south of the control volume and S4 represents the
an REV (see Refs. [38,39]) gives rise to terms such as the Darcy source term. All computations were carried out until normalized
and Forchheimer ow resistances which, according to the residues of the algebraic equations were brought down to 105. As
literature [11e16], are not presented when analyzing macro- also explained in Silva and de Lemos (2003a) [53], the interface was
scopic interfacial areas as here considered. Also, the macro- positioned dividing two control volumes, one being located in the
scopic velocity at the interface and on its surroundings is porous region and the other lying in the clear uid. The computa-
assumed to be of sufcient value differently from the case tional grid based on the generalized coordinate system h  x is such
where the non-slip condition gives a null value for the velocity that the interface coincides with a line of constant h, extending itself
at the interface. along de x coordinate. In this arrangement, the interface between
R.A. Silva et al. / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 100 (2016) 126e137 133

the two neighbors volumes, each one located on each side of the power-law uid ow in a porous medium composed by an innite
interface, belongs to both faces of the two volumes. In this periodic arrangement of cylindrical rods. Here, these data were
arrangement, uDi is the Darcy velocity at the interface and uDp its used to calculate the modied friction factor, fh* [Eq. (26)], and the
parallel component. Details of the terms discretization on the left modied Reynolds number, Reh* . The table shows that an increase
and right of Eq. (35) can be found in Silva and de Lemos (2003a) [53]. in uid ow in the porous medium involves an increase in pressure
drop, regardless of the ow behavior index value, n. Moreover, it is
4. Results and discussion noted that the larger the value of n for the same mass ow rate
value, the more signicant is the pressure drop along the channel.
4.1. Results validation Fig. 4 shows the dependence of the modied friction factor, fh* ,
with the modied Reynolds number, Reh* , for three values of ow
Fig. 2 presents the effect of ow behavior index, n, on velocity behavior index, n 0.6, 1 and 1.4 with porosity, f 0.6, which are
prole in the channel fully occupied by a porous material with obtained from Table 1. In this gure it can be observed that
porosity, f 0.9, Reynolds number, ReH 500. Note that the ve- increasing the Reynolds number implies in a reduction of the
locity prole presented in this gure shows a good agreement modied friction factor regardless of the ow behavior index n. In
between the numerical results here presented and the analytical addition, for n 1 (Newtonian uid) the curve behavior describes
solution (Eqs. 37 and 38), which indicates the correctness of nu- that presented by Ward (1964) [48] and indicates even for a power-
merical implementation. law uid ow that, for Reh* > 1, the Darcy law begins to deviate
Fig. 3 shows the effect of the ow behavior index n in the ve- from experimental results (see Ward (1964) [48], Teruel and
locity prole for a shear stress jump coefcient b 0, porosity Rizwan-uddin (2009) [57]) and consequently the form drag due to
f 0.6, Darcy number Da 1  103, and constant mass ow rate porous medium, modeled in Eq. (25) by the Forchheimer term
for a channel partially lled with a porous material. Note that [term(ii)], also becomes important for power-law uid ow in a
increasing the ow behavior index n implies in a decrease in the porous medium. The gure also indicates that the coefcient of
apparent viscosity (see equations (5) and (24)) and, therefore, an Forchheimer, cF, expected in Eq. (26), seems to depend on the ow
increase in the velocity at symmetry line, u. Moreover, the graph behavior index, n. Note also that equation fh* 1=Reh* , the right
shows a good agreement between the numerical results here pre- rst term on the right hand side of Eq. (26), represents the satis-
sented and the analytical solution proposed by Kuznetsov (1996) factory behavior of the friction factor to Reh*  1 (Darcy regime),
[13] for a Newtonian uid, n 1. Therefore, results in the gure which suggests that Eq. (25), obtained through the use of modied
indicate the correctness of the numerical implementation and its permeability, K*, here proposed, describes satisfactorily the Darcy
validation when compared with previous data in the literature, ow regime.
obtained by analytical tools [13].
4.3. Effect of porosity f

4.2. Friction factor

Fig. 5 shows a small effect of porosity, f 0.60, 0.80 and 0.95 on
the velocity prole for pseudoplastic uid (shear thinning uid,
Table 1 shows the values of Darcy velocity, uD , consistency index
n 0.6), with shear stress jump coefcient, b 0, i.e., continuity of
of the uid, m and pressure gradient, dhpi =dx, for the following
the shear stress at interface between the clear uid and the porous
values of ow behavior index n 0.6, 1 and 1.4 permeability,
medium and Darcy number, Da 1  103. However, note that, for
K 4  105 m2 and porosity, f 0.6. These data were obtained by
the constant mass ow rate (ReH 100) here imposed, increasing
Silva and Barros (2011) [56] through the numerical simulation of

Fig. 3. Effect of ow behavior index, n, on velocity prole for a channel partially lled
Fig. 2. Results validation for the channel fully occupied by a porous material. with a porous material.
134 R.A. Silva et al. / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 100 (2016) 126e137

Table 1
Data to calculate the friction factor, fh* .
uD [m/s] m [Pa sn] dhp
[Pa/m] Reh* fh*

f 0.6, K n 0.6
4  105m2 7.50  107 1.34  105 7.25  106 1.17  102 8.16  101
1.50  106 1.76  105 1.45  105 2.34  102 4.08  101
5.55  106 2.93  105 5.37  105 8.81  102 1.10  101
3.00  105 5.85  105 2.95  104 4.68  101 2.07  101
1.80  104 1.20  104 2.42  103 2.81  100 4.73  101
6.75  104 2.03  104 1.53  102 1.05  101 2.12  101
1.20  103 2.56  104 3.40  102 1.85  101 1.52  101
7.50  107 1.50  103 2.76  105 3.16  103 3.10  102
1.50  106 5.52  105 6.32  103 1.55  102
5.55  106 2.04  104 2.34  102 4.19  101
3.00  105 1.10  103 1.26  101 7.77  100
1.80  104 7.00  103 7.59  101 1.37  100
6.75  104 3.91  102 2.85  100 5.43  101
1.20  103 9.16  102 5.06  100 4.03  101
1.80  103 1.66  101 7.59  100 3.24  101
2.25  103 2.29  101 9.48  100 2.86  101
n 1.4
7.50  107 1.68  101 1.07  104 8.54  104 1.21  103
1.50  106 1.28  101 2.15  104 1.71  103 6.04  102
5.55  106 7.56  102 7.94  104 6.32  103 1.63  102
3.00  105 3.85  102 4.29  103 3.42  102 3.02  101
1.80  104 1.88  102 2.59  102 2.05  101 5.06  100
6.75  104 1.11  102 1.04  101 7.69  101 1.44  100
1.20  103 8.80  103 2.11  101 1.37  100 9.26  101
1.80  103 7.48  103 3.73  101 2.05  100 7.29  101
2.25  103 6.84  103 5.21  101 2.56  100 6.51  101

the porosity value implies an decrease of the pressure drop (see seen that an increase in the Darcy number causes an increase in
Fig. 5 and Eq. (26)) and consequently a decrease in uid ow ve- mass ow rate in the permeable layer and consequently a decrease
locity within the porous material. in the clear gap, as expected. As more uid permeates the porous
structure, the interface velocity increase leading to a decrease in the
4.4. Effect of Darcy number Da mass ow rate in the unobstructed layer (mass conservation).

In Fig. 6, the inuence of Darcy number, Da K/H2, in the 4.5. Effect of shear stress jump coefcient b
behavior of pseudoplastic uid is presented. Results were obtained
for b 0, f 0.6, and constant mass ow rate (ReH 100). It can be Fig. 7 investigates the effect of the shear stress jump coefcient
b on the behavior of the pseudoplastic uid with n 0.6, f 0.6,

Fig. 5. Effect of porosity, f, on uid ow behavior for a pseudoplastic uid (shear

Fig. 4. Friction factor, fh* , for power-law uid. thinning, n 0.6).
R.A. Silva et al. / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 100 (2016) 126e137 135

Fig. 6. Effect of Darcy number, Da, on uid ow behavior for a pseudoplastic uid
(shear thinning, n 0.6). Fig. 8. Effect of shear rate on dimensionless apparent viscosity, hD.

4.6. Effect of shear rate du/dY

Da 1  103 and constant mass ow rate (ReH 100). The gure
shows that the variation of the shear stress jump coefcient in- Finally, Fig. 8 shows the effect of shear rate on apparent viscosity
uences the exchange of momentum at the interface, as expected hD j(1/f) (du/dY)jn1 for b 0, f 0.6, Da 1  103 and constant
by inspecting Eq. (35). The same qualitative effect was observed mass ow rate (ReH 100). Note that for shear thinning uid
earlier for Newtonian uids when the mass ow rate though the (n 0.6) an increase in the shear rate implies in a decrease in
channel was imposed [7]. The jump coefcient b, given by model dimensionless apparent viscosity, hD. On the other hand, for shear
represented by Eq. (35), can be physically interpreted as a way to thickening uid (n 1.4), the same increase in the shear rate leads
accommodate variations of porosity and permeability around to an increase in hD. For a Newtonian uid, hD takes the value of
macroscopic interfaces in real nite porous media [11,12,53]. unity and it is independent on the local shear rate du/dY.

5. Concluding remarks

This paper presents a mathematical model and numerical re-

sults for a power-law uid permeating through a porous structure.
Furthermore, appropriate boundary and interface conditions are
presented for momentum exchange at the macroscopic interface
between a porous medium and a clear uid. The study shows that
the use of a modied permeability K* describes satisfactorily the
uid ow behavior for Reh*  1 (Darcy regime). Mathematical
modeling, corroborated by analytical and numerical results, also
show that the form drag must be taken into account in the mo-
mentum equation even for a power-law uid ow, indicating that
the coefcient of Forchheimer, cF, depends on the ow behavior
index n.
The inuence of porosity, the Darcy number, the ow behavior
index and the shear stress jump coefcient further indicate that the
numerical results correctly reproduces the expected behavior of the
ow when those parameters are varied. The results herein also
show that, for a mass ow rate, the pressure drop is a function of
porosity, f, of Darcy number, Da, of shear jump coefcient, b, and of
ow behavior index, n.


The authors would like to thank CAPES and CNPq, Brazil, for
their invaluable nancial support during the preparation of this
Fig. 7. Effect of shear stress jump coefcient, b, on uid ow behavior. work.
136 R.A. Silva et al. / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 100 (2016) 126e137

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