A-449 - 00
A-449 - 00
A-449 - 00
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
A 449
process required, that is, hot dip, mechanically deposited, or no 6. Chemical Composition
preference (see 5.1). 6.1 The bolts and studs shall conform to the chemical
3.1.8 Other CoatingsSpecify other protective coating if composition specified in Table 1 for the type specified.
required (see 5.2). 6.2 Product analyses may be made by the purchaser from
3.1.9 Specify if inspection at point of manufacture is re- finished material representing each lot. The chemical compo-
quired. sition thus determined shall conform to the requirements
3.1.10 Specify if certified test reports are required (see prescribed for product analysis in Table 1.
10.2). 6.3 Application of heats of steel to which bismuth, sele-
3.1.11 Specify additional testing (see 10.3) or special re- nium, tellurium, or lead has been intentionally added shall not
quirements. be permitted.
3.1.12 Any special requirements. 6.4 Chemical analyses shall be performed in accordance
3.1.13 For establishment of a part identifying system, see with Test Methods A 751.
ASME B18.24.1.
7. Mechanical Properties
4. Materials and Manufacture
7.1 Bolts and studs shall not exceed the maximum hardness
4.1 Steel for bolts and studs shall be made by the open- specified in Table 2.
hearth, basic-oxygen, or electric-furnace process. 7.2 Bolts less than three diameter in length and studs less
4.2 Type 2 bolts and studs shall be made from fully killed than four diameter in length shall have hardness values not less
fine-grain steel. than the minimum nor more than the maximum limits required
4.3 The bolts and studs shall be heat treated by quenching in by Table 2. This hardness testing is the only mechanical testing
a liquid medium from above the transformation temperature requirement for these bolts or studs.
and then tempering by reheating to a temperature of not less 7.3 Bolts and studs other than those excepted in 7.2 shall be
than 800F (425C). subjected to tension tests as specified in 7.4 and 7.5.
4.4 Threads of bolts and studs shall be rolled, cut, or ground. 7.4 Bolts and studs 112 in. in diameter or less, other than
5. Protective Coatings those excepted in 7.2, shall be tested full size and shall conform
to the tensile strength and either the proof load or yield strength
5.1 Zinc, Hot Dip and Mechanically Deposited Requiring
requirements specified in Tables 3 and 4.
Overtapped Nuts:
7.5 Bolts and studs larger than 112 in. in diameter, other than
5.1.1 When zinc-coated fasteners are required, the pur-
those excepted in 7.2, shall preferably be tested full size and
chaser shall specify the zinc-coating process, such as, hot dip,
when so tested, shall conform to the tensile strength and either
mechanically deposited, or no preference.
the proof load or yield strength requirements specified in
5.1.2 When hot dip is specified the fasteners shall be zinc
Tables 3 and 4, respectively. When equipment of sufficient
coated by the hot-dip process in accordance with the require-
capacity for full-size testing is not available, or when the length
ments of Class C of Specification A 153.
of the bolt or stud makes full-size testing impractical, ma-
5.1.3 When mechanically deposited is specified the fasten-
chined specimens shall be tested and shall conform to the
ers shall be zinc coated by the mechanical-deposition process
requirements of Table 5. In the event that bolts are tested by
in accordance with the requirements of Class 50 of Specifica-
both full size and by the machined test specimen methods, the
tion B 695.
full-size test shall govern if a controversy between the two
5.1.4 When no preference is specified, the supplier may
methods exists.
furnish either a hot-dip zinc coating in accordance with
7.6 For bolts and studs on which both hardness and tension
Specification A 153, Class C, or a mechanically deposited zinc
coating in accordance with Specification B 695, Class 50. TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements for Type 1 and Type 2 Bolts
Threaded components (bolts and nuts) shall be coated by the and Studs
same zinc-coating process, and the suppliers option shall be
limited to one process per item with no mixed processes in a Element Composition, %
lot. Type 1 Type 2
5.1.5 Type 2 bolts and studs shall be zinc coated by the
mechanical-deposition process only. Carbon:
Heat analysis 0.280.55 0.150.38
NOTE 1When the intended application requires that assembled ten- Product analysis 0.250.58 0.130.41
sion exceeds 50 % of minimum bolt or stud proof load, an anti-galling Manganese, min:
lubricant may be needed. Application of such a lubricant to nuts and a test Heat analysis 0.60 0.70
of the lubricant efficiency are provided in Supplementary Requirement S1 Product analysis 0.57 0.67
Phosphorus, max:
of Specification A 563 and should be specified when required. Heat analysis 0.040 0.040
5.2 Other Coatings: Product analysis 0.048 0.048
Sulfur, max:
5.2.1 Coatings other than specified in 5.1 shall be as Heat analysis 0.050 0.050
specified by the purchaser on the purchase order. Product analysis 0.058 0.058
5.2.2 When other coatings are specified, the complete speci- Boron, min:
Heat analysis ... 0.0005
fication for the coating shall be included as part of the purchase Product analysis ... 0.0005
A 449
TABLE 2 Hardness Requirements 9.2 Surface discontinuity limits shall be in accordance with
Specification F 788/F 788M.
Bolt or Stud Diameter, in. Hardness
Brinell Hardness Rockwell C 10. Number of Tests and Retests
Number 10.1 The requirements of this specification shall be met in
continuous mass production for stock, and the manufacturer
14 to 1, incl 255 to 321 25 to 34
Over 1 to 112, incl 223 to 285 19 to 30
shall make sample inspections to ensure that the product
Over 112to 3, incl 183 to 235 ... conforms to the specified requirements. Additional tests of
individual shipments of material are not ordinarily contem-
plated. Individual heats of steel are not identified in the finished
tests are performed, acceptance based on tensile requirements product.
shall take precedence over low readings of hardness tests. 10.2 When specified in the order, the manufacturer shall
furnish a test report certified to be the last completed set of
8. Dimensions mechanical tests for each stock size in each shipment.
8.1 Unless otherwise specified, the bolts shall be Hex Cap 10.3 When testing on a lot basis is specified on the purchase
Screw (Finished Hexagon Head) with dimensions conforming order, a lot, for purposes of selecting test samples, shall consist
to the latest issue of ANSI B18.2.1. of all material of one type, that is, bolts or studs having the
8.2 Studs shall have dimensions conforming to those speci- same nominal diameter and length offered for inspection at one
fied by the purchaser. time. From each lot, the number of tests for each specified
8.3 Unless otherwise specified, uncoated threads shall be property shall be as follows:
Coarse Thread Series as specified in the latest issue of ANSI Number of Pieces in Lot Number of Samples
B1.1, and shall have Class 2A tolerances. 800 and less 1
Over 800 to 8 000, incl 2
8.4 Bolts and studs hot dip or mechanically zinc coated (see Over 8 000 to 22 000, incl 3
5.1). Over 22 000 5
8.4.1 Unless otherwise specified, bolts to be used with nuts 10.4 Should any sample fail to meet the requirements of a
or tapped holes that have been tapped oversize, in accordance specified test, double the original number of samples from the
with Specification A 563, shall have Class 2A threads before same lot shall be retested for the requirement(s) in which it
hot-dip or mechanically deposited zinc coating. After zinc failed. All the additional samples shall conform to the specifi-
coating, the maximum limit of pitch and major diameter may cation or the lot shall be rejected.
exceed the Class 2A limit by the following amount: 10.5 If any test specimen shows defective machining, it may
Diameter, in. Oversize Limit, in. (mm)A be discarded and another specimen substituted.
14 0.016
516, 38 0.017
716, 12 0.018
11. Test Methods
916 to 34, incl 0.020 11.1 Tests shall be conducted in accordance with Test
78 0.022
1.0 to 114, incl 0.024
Methods F 606.
138, 112 0.027 11.2 The wedge test shall be applicable only to square and
134 to 3.0, incl 0.050 hexagon head bolts.
These values are the same as the overtapping required for zinc-coated nuts in 11.3 Studs shall be tested by the Axial Tension Method as
Specification A 563. described in the second paragraph of Axial Tension Testing of
8.4.2 The gaging limit for bolts shall be verified during Full-Size Products, Test Methods section of Test Methods
manufacture or use by assembly of a nut tapped as nearly as F 606.
practical to the amount oversize shown above. In case of
dispute, a calibrated thread ring gage of that same size (Class 12. Inspection
X tolerance, gage tolerance plus) is to be used. Assembly of the 12.1 If the inspection described in 12.2 is required by the
gage, or the nut described above, must be possible with hand purchaser, it shall be specified in the inquiry and contract or
effort following application of light machine oil to prevent order.
galling and damage to the gage. These inspections, when 12.2 The inspector representing the purchaser shall have
performed to resolve disputes, are to be performed at the free entry to all parts of the manufacturers works that concern
frequency and quality described in Table 6. the manufacture of the material ordered. The manufacturer
8.5 Electroplated Bolts and StudsUnless otherwise shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilities to satisfy him
specified, threads prior to plating shall conform to ANSI/ that the material is being furnished in accordance with this
ASME B1.1 Class 2A and after plating shall not exceed the specification. All tests and inspections required by the specifi-
Class 3A maximum limits, that is, Class 2A plus the allowance. cation that are requested by the purchasers representative shall
be made before shipment, and shall be conducted as not to
9. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works.
9.1 The bolts and studs shall be commercially smooth and
free of burrs, laps, seams, cracks, and other injurious material 13. Responsibility
or manufacturing defects which would make them unsuitable 13.1 The party responsible for the fastener shall be the
for the intended application. organization that supplies the fastener to the purchaser and
A 449
TABLE 3 Tensile Requirements for Coarse-Thread Full-Size Bolts and Studs
7 16 14 0.1063 12 750 9 050 9 800
12 13 0.1419 17 050 12 050 13 050
916 12 0.182 21 850 15 450 16 750
58 11 0.226 27 100 19 200 20 800
34 10 0.334 40 100 28 400 30 700
78 9 0.462 55 450 39 250 42 500
Bolt Size, in. Column 4, psi (MPa) Column 5, psi (MPa) Column 6, psi (MPa)
to 1, incl
14 120 000 (825) 85 000 (585) 92 000 (635)
118 to 112, incl 105 000 (725) 74 000 (510) 81 000 (560)
134 to 3, incl 90 000 (620) 55 000 (380) 58 000 (400)
certifies that the fastener was manufactured, sampled, tested Type Marking
and inspected in accordance with this specification and meets 1 3 radial lines 120 apart
2 3 radial lines 60 apart
all of its requirements.
15.3 Marking Method and LocationAll markings shall be
14. Rejection and Rehearing located on the top of the bolt head or stud end and may be
14.1 Material that fails to conform to the requirements of either raised or depressed, at the option of the manufacturer.
this specification may be rejected. Rejection should be reported 15.4 Type and manufacturers or private label distributors
to the producer or supplier promptly and in writing. In case of identification shall be separate and distinct. The two identifi-
dissatisfaction with the results of the test, the producer or cations shall preferably be in different locations and, when on
supplier may make claim for a rehearing. the same level, shall be separated by at least two spaces.
A 449
TABLE 4 Tensile Requirements for Fine-Thread Full-Size Bolts and Studs
7 16 20 0.1187 14 500 10 100 10 900
12 20 0.1599 19 200 13 600 14 700
9 16 18 0.203 24 350 17 250 18 700
58 18 0.256 30 700 21 750 23 500
34 16 0.373 44 750 31 700 34 300
78 14 0.509 61 100 43 250 46 800
TABLE 5 Tensile Requirements for Specimens Machined from TABLE 6 Sample Sizes and Acceptance Numbers for Inspection
Bolts and Studs of Hot-Dip or Mechanically Deposited Zinc-Coated Threads
Bolt or Tensile Yield Elongation Reduction Lot Size Sample SizeA,B Acceptance NumberA
Stud Diameter, Strength, Strength, in 4 D, of Area,
2 to 90 13 1
in. min, psi min, psi min, % min, %
91 to 150 20 2
(MPa) (MPa)
151 to 280 32 3
14 to 1, incl 120 000 (825) 92 000 (635) 14 35 281 to 500 50 5
Over 1 to 112, incl 105 000 (725) 81 000 (560) 14 35 501 to 1 200 80 7
Over 112to 3, incl 90 000 (620) 58 000 (400) 14 35 1 201 to 3 200 125 10
3 201 to 10 000 200 14
10 001 and over 315 21
Sample sizes of acceptance numbers are extracted from Single Sampling
Plan for Normal Inspection, Table IIA, MIL-STD-105.
16.2 Package Marking: B
Inspect all bolts in the lot if the lot size is less than the sample size.
16.2.1 Each shipping unit shall include or be plainly marked
with the following information: ASTM designation and type, Size, Name and brand or trademark of the manufacturer, Number of pieces, Purchase order number, and Country of origin.
17. Keywords
17.1 bolts; carbon steel; steel; studs
A 449
S1. Marking S1.2 Marking small sizes (customarily less than 0.375 in.
S1.1 Studs that are continuously threaded with the same (9.525 mm)) may not be practical. Consult the producer for the
class of thread shall be marked on each end with the marking minimum size that can be marked.
required by Section 15.
This section identifies the location of selected changes to this standard that have been incorporated since the
93 issue. For the convenience of the user, Committee F16 has highlighted those changes that impact the use of
this standard. This section may also include descriptions of the changes or reasons for the changes, or both.
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org).