CW-191 CBX - 1
CW-191 CBX - 1
CW-191 CBX - 1
There are two deadlines each semester for the submission of all CWP Credit-by-
Exams, including the CBX for Technology Tools for the Writer.
If you have any questions about the deadlines for submission for the
semester, please contact the Chair or Assistant Chair of the CWP
The Credit-by-Exam procedure for CW-191 is composed of two different parts.
In order to pass the test-out exam for CW-191 you need to complete and pass
both parts:
1) In-class proficiency exam. This part will focus on your ability to execute a
series of sequencing and editing tasks with Logic Pro X. In addition you
need to demonstrate knowledge of MIDI and digital Audio through a
short quiz exam. The In-class proficiency is 2 hour long and it is
administrated in one of PWD Tech Labs. In order to be able to take this
part you have to sign up before the aforementioned deadlines.
2) A take home part: you need to complete ALL the following required
1) Project #1: In Logic Pro X, compose and sequence an original tune for
any MIDI ensemble that you prefer with at least 6 MIDI tracks. You
also must have one real instrument (such as vocal, or any other
instrument you would like). The piece needs to be between 1 minute
and 1 and 30.
a) Synth Bass
b) Synth Pads
c) At least 2 Drum Loops
d) Synth Lead
e) Synth Effects
f) Others if you feel like
Note that all the above projects and material MUST be delivered electronically
using Google Drive or a similar file sharing system. Only electronic submissions
will be accepted.
For each project you MUST provide the DAW session files and a stereo AIFF or
WAV mix. You have to meet ALL the above requirements in order to pass the
Please note that you are allowed to use only the plug-ins (effects and soft
synths) that come with Logic Pro X and/or the CWP Bundle.
Submit your test-out materials electronically using Google Drive or a similar file
sharing system and email it to the Chair of the Contemporary Writing and
Production Department. Only electronic submissions will be accepted.
You will be notified by email whether or not your work has earned you Credit-by-Exam
for this course. You must receive a grade of B or better to pass the CBX.
If credit-by-exam is not granted, you may not apply for Credit-by-Exam again. You
have only one opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of the material.
If you have any questions about the CBX, please call or write the Chair or
Assistant Chair of the Contemporary Writing and Production Department: