Yr 5 Whole Curriculum Map

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ST BERNARDS Catholic Primary School


Whole Curriculum Year 5 2017-2018

Term Term 1 Term 2 Term 3

Topic Ancient Innovators Extreme Earth Age of Exploration

Narrative Myths and Legends Adventure/Mystery Historical

Know a novel Know a novel Know a novel

TEXTS Unit 1 RWI (2 weeks) London Eye Mystery (2 weeks) Kasper- The Prince of Cats (2 weeks)

Odysseus Written Journey to the River Sea Written Written

outcomes outcomes outcomes
Written To write from different perspectives Write an extended story Write a biography/
linked with linked with linked with
Outcomes modules focusing on plot modules autobiography modules
already already already
covered. covered. covered.
Non Fiction Report writing Instructions Discussion/ Persuasion Recount Explanation

Written To write a non- To write and To present a point of view To write a news report of an
Outcomes chronological evaluate a range unfolding event.
report of instructions
To write an explanation of a

Poetry Compare and Perform Poets Voices Tell me a story

Written Explore narrative poems, focusing Write and perform own Explore narrative poems,
Outcomes in depth on the work of two poets. rap. focusing in depth on the
work of two poets.
Plan and write a prose story Draft and writing a
prequel for a narrative poem nonsense-writing poem Write the back story to a
and a free-verse poem. poem and compose an
autobiographical narrative
Whole Curriculum Year 5 2017-2018

Text level Key features of text types Links ideas across paragraphs using Uses devices to build cohesion within and
features Paragraphs adverbials of time place and number or across paragraphs
Connectives to link ideas within paragraphs tense choices
Can plan, draft and evaluate and edit
Shows an awareness of the audience,
purpose and form
Adjectival phrases Phrases to add detail Verb phrases to create subtle differences
Figurative language including similes and Sentence openers A range of subordinating and coordinating
Sentence metaphors Adverbs or modal verbs conjunctions.
level features Varies sentence structure Clauses to add additional information to Adverbs, adverbials and modal verbs
Nouns and pronouns used appropriately. a sentence Adapts sentence structure to text type.
Uses a full range of punctuation correctly, Uses relative clauses Complex sentences with ing ed or ly
including speech punctuation Commas clauses
Commas to mark clauses independently Further punctuation Relative pronouns to create a relative
Apostrophes to demonstrate singular and plural Parenthesis clause
possession. Commas to clarify meaning or avoid
Colons and semi-colons
Grammar YR 5 Use bullet points to list information Yr 5 (3) Indicating degrees of possibility YR 5 1B Use of commas to clarify meaning or
using adverbs (eg perhaps, surely). avoid ambiguity.
Yr 5 (2) Relative clauses beginning with who, which,
where, when, whose, that, or an omitted relative Yr 5 (4) Indicating degrees of possibility Yr 5 (1B) Use a wide range of clause structures,
pronoun. using modal verbs (for example, might, sometimes varying their position in the
should, will,must). sentence.
Yr 5 (4) Verb prefixes ( dis-, de-, mis-, over- and re-).
YR 5 1B Brackets, dashes or commas to
Yr 5 (3) Devices to build cohesion within a paragraph
indicate parenthesis.
(for example, then, after that, this, firstly).
Yr 5 (5) Linking ideas across paragraphs
Yr 5 (3) Linking ideas across paragraphs using
using adverbials of tense choices (eg, he had
adverbials of time, place and number.
seen her before). (Link with teaching of
Yr 5 (4) Converting nouns or adjectives into verbs adverbials and verbs.)
usingsuffixes (for example, -ate; -ise; -ify).
Whole Curriculum Year 5 2017-2018

Words with the letter string ough From Years 3 and 4: apostrophe for
Words from statutory and personal spelling
Words with silent letters possession
Statutory and personal spelling lists Rare GPCs (bruise, guarantee, immediately,
Words ending in -able and -ible Using etymological/ morphological strategies
vehicle, yacht)
Homophones (isle/aisle, aloud/allowed, affect/effect, for spelling
Words ending in -ably and -ibly
herd/heard, past/passed) Homophones (led/lead, steel/steal, Homophones (cereal/serial, father/farther,
From previous years: plurals (adding -s, -es and -ies alter/altar) guessed/ guest, morning/mourning,
From previous years: apostrophe for contraction and Statutory and personal spelling lists whos/whose)
possession Building words from root words Problem suffixes
Use of the hyphen ei and ie words Use of dictionary to check words
Word roots, derivations and spelling patterns
Building new words from known morphemes
Create word webs

R.E Creation, Prayers, Saints and Feasts, Advent Christmas, Revelation, Lent Easter, Pentecost and Mission, Sacraments

Written Recount Persuasion Report writing

Outcomes Instructions Explanation Recount

Ancient Innovators Extreme Earth Age of Exploration

Mystery of the Mayans River Boy King of Shadows
History/ Geog

Instructions Discussion Informal letter

Report writing Explanation Discussion
Biography Recount Short story
Whole Curriculum Year 5 2017-2018

Geog Understand about the world weather patterns around the Know location of: capital cities of countries of Identify the worlds countries within North America
objectives world and relate them to climate zones British Isles and UK, seas around UK, European human and physical characteristics, key
Identify & describe the significance of the Prime Greenwich / Union countries with high populations and large topographical features and land use patterns
meridian & time zones including day & night areas, largest cities in each continent
Know about the physical features of coasts and
Recognise the different shapes of countries Know about the wider context of places county, begin to understand erosion and deposition
region, country
Know and describe where a variety of places are in relation to Understand why people seek, manage and sustain
human and physical features Know about changes to the World environment their environment
Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography,
Understand how humans affect the environment
climate zones, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes Know how rivers erode, transport & deposit
Compare the human or physical features of a region in UK & a
region in S. America, identifying similarities and differences. Describe and understand key aspects of physical
geography, including: Biomes and vegetation
belts, rivers and the water cycle
Science Effects of air /water resistance and friction Comparative uses of everyday materials Day and night
Compare properties of materials Compare life cycles in mammals, birds , insects Moon phases
objectives Reversible changes Reproduction in plants and some animals Movement of planets in relation to sun
Dissolving and separating mixtures Mechanisms and forces
Formation of new materials through changing state Gravity
Stages of human development

Art Use line, tone and shading to represent things seen, Mix colours to express mood, divide foreground Add collage to a painted, drawn or printed
remembered or imagined in 3 dimensions. from background or demonstrate tones. background using a range of media, different
objectives techniques, colours and textures.
Develop skills in using clay including slabs, coils and slips. Experiment with using layers and overlays to
create new colours/ textures.

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