Mantras Vibration Sound

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Posted on September 11, 2015 by harivsrcsharma

Mantra () means a self advise.

Mananat trayate iti mantrah is how Mantra is defined in Sanskrit.
It means that by repetition (mananat) of which, you overcome/protected
(trayate) [overcoming or protection from bondage/troubles/cycles of birth and
death] is (iti) called Mantra.
The word Mantri (advisor/minister to king) is also derived from Mantra as his
job was to advise and direct the King.
It is a sacred utterance, numinous sound, or a syllable, word, phonemes, or
group of words set in an order to produce certain vibration in atmosphere, which
gives the desired effect to the person who practices it with concentration.
There are many mantras like Narayana Ashtakshari, Siva Panchakshari, Gayatri
Mantra etc and each mantra is very profound and carries immense amount of
For example, Gayatri is defined as gayantam trayate iti gayatri, which means
the one who protects (trayate) the one who sings (gayantam) is (iti) gayatri.
Every mantra comes with the following fundamental aspects:

Rishi or Sage: Mantras are not created, rather they are revealed to the sage
during deep blissful meditation when the prana ascends towards sahasrara
chakra. That is why we touch the crown of the head while taking the rishis
name. So the rishis are called mantradrashtas (the seers who saw(drashta)
mantra; drashta comes from drishti(vision) ) rather than the mantra kartas (the
Raga/Chandas or Melody/Meter: Chanting of the mantra is the most
important of all and is about the sounds and the vibrations. So it comes with a
meter or pitch. This is just like we have talams (adi, rupaka, etc) in classical
music. The names of these meters are gayatri (its also the name of a
meter), anushtup, trishtup, brihati, pangti, etc. They come with a distinctive
time length for each cycle. For example the Bhagavad Gita is written in
Anushtup, the Rig Veda is written in Gayatri meter, etc.
Devata or Deity: There is a presiding deity for every mantra on whom the
devotee meditates on by keeping it in the heart chakra. That is why the heart
region is touched while taking the name of the devata.
For Gayatri mantra , its the sun. All this has to be done with so much love (heart
chakra = love), respect and innocence.
The way the entire agama is structured is just so beautiful. Even before this is
done, the devotee does pranayama to get his mind centered and then with a lot
of love and gratitude the mantra is taken. If there is no love and respect, the
mantra does not bear any fruit.
For example : Sri Vishnusahasra Namam has these Rishi, Chandas and Devata

asya sri vishNoH sahara-nAma-stotra-mahA-mantrasya

sri veda-vyAso bhagavAn RishiH, anushtup Chandah,
sri mahA-vishNuH paramAtmA sriman-nArAyaNo devatA
Ancient seers knew the power of words very well and they structured them so
wondefully. Each sound vibration from the mantra chanting enlivens a specific
part of the human body. The rhythm and the dynamics of these sounds in the
body are just phenomenal and very conducive for the mind to slip into
meditation and go into total rest. The mantras have many more secrets hidden,
for example, the 24 syllabus that the Gayatri is made of correspond to the 24
vertebraes of the spinal column, the namakam and chamakam carry ancient
ayurvedic medicinal recipes that are used to cure diseases.
Lord Krishna himself stated in BhagavadGita that among vedas, he is Sama
This entire Sama Veda is dedicated to music and vibrations.

An interesting modern day experiment on how our words influence our minds
and even body structure was conducted by Dr. Emoto.
Different sounds of love, friendliness, etc were played out to water crystals as
well sounds of negativity to a different set.
He found out that crystals with the positive words are so beautiful and well
organized compared to the other set. If this can happen to water molecules,
imagine how our own thoughts and the words we speak effect our bodies and



Ancient vedic scripts are full of descriptions of weapons being called by mantra.
For example, many weapons were invoked by mantra during the epic
Kuruksetra War in Mahabharata.
Nuclear weapons like Brahmastra, Guided missiles like Vayuvyastra,
Pasupatastra, Narayanastra etc were evoked and energized through mantras.

One Clinical Test of the Benefits of Mantra Chanting was performed on 3

groups of 62 subjects, males and females of average age 25.
They chanted the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra twenty-five minutes every day
under strict clinical supervision.
Results showed that regular chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra (Hare
Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare) reduces Stress and depression and helps reduce bad habits &
addictions. These results formed a PhD Thesis at Florida State University.
No wonder why Hare Krishna mantra is regarded as the best to control ill-
effects of Kali Yuga (present epoch).
In a Disco, your Mind makes you Dance, In a silent meditation, you Make
your Mind to Dance
Mantras are Frequencies that can Heal, Kill and Transcend.
Sanskrit is the oldest language that was based on sounds and vibrations.
Every alphabet and its pronounciation have specific meaning; like ku is
earth, khE is sky etc.
OM is the first and foremost of all mantras.
OM is the sound of cosmic energy and contains all the sounds in itself. The
spiritual efficacy of OM is heard, not by the ears but by the heart. It surcharges
the innermost being of man with vibrations of the highest reality.
All galaxies (including ours) are rotating and they sound they make is OM.
Frequency of OM is 7.83 Hz , which in inaudible to us as the human ear with 2
strand DNA human cannot discern sounds of frequency less than 20 hertz.
Birds, Dogs and few other animals can hear it.
OM has been adapted into other religions as AMEN, 786 ( OM symbol shown
in mirror),SHALOM, OMKAR/ONKAR etc, but they do NOT work like the
original OM.
While OM releases Nitric Oxide, Amen and Shalom only emit a sound.
Frequencies of various Beej Mantras
OM 7.83 Hz
Gam 14 Hz
Hleem 20 Hz
Hreem 26 Hz
Kleem 33 Hz
Krowm 39 Hz
Sreem 45 Hz

These cosmic sounds were heard by 12 strand DNA maharishis in their spiritual
trances which broadened their sense spectrums. However our brain can register
the vibrations.

Seven Chakras and Mantras

Muladhara ()
Base or Root Chakra: Cervix/Perineum
Sound Note: C
Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Mantra: Lam
Frequency in Hz: 261.6, 523.3, 1046.5, 2093, 4186
Keeps you Grounded. Connects your feet, to the Earth. Good if cant make

Swadhisthana ()
Sacral Chakra: last bone in spinal cord
Sound Note: D
Colour: Orange
Element: Water
Mantra: Vam
Frequency in Hz: 293.7, 587.3, 1174.7, 2349.3, 4698.7
Emotions, Passion, intuition and creativity.

Manipura ()
Solar Plexus Chakra : Navel area
Sound Note: E
Colour: Yellow
Element: Fire
Mantra: Ram
Frequency in Hz: 329.6, 659.3, 1318.5, 2637.1, 5274.1
Confidence, Assertiveness, ability to be a stand and say No.
Will Power.

Anahata ()
Heart Chakra: Heart area
Sound Note: F
Colour: Green
Element: Wind
Mantra: Yam
Frequency in Hz: 349.2, 698.5, 1396.9, 2793.9, 5587.7
Love, Kindness, Compassion, Harmonious relationships.

Visuddha ()
Throat Chakra (throat and neck area)
Sound Note: G
Colour: Blue
Element: Sky
Mantra: Ham
Frequency in Hz: 196, 392, 784, 1568, 3136
Self-Expression and Open communication.

Ajna () Brow
Third Eye Chakra (pineal gland or third eye)
Sound Note: A
Colour: Indigo
Element: Body
Mantra: OM
Frequency in Hz: 110, 220, 440, 880, 1760, 3520.

Insight and visualisation. Opens up your

perecetive physic ability.

Sahasrara ()
Crown Chakra (Top of the head; Soft spot of a
Sound Note: B
Colour: White ( combination of all the colours )
or Violet
Element: No Element
Mantra: No Sound
Frequency in Hz: 123.5, 246.9, 493.9, 987.8,
1975.5, 3951.1

Wisdom. Connecting you to your higher Self and spirituality.

Astral projection, Inter galactc travel, higher spiritual powers, timelessness,
language of light etc.

Advantages of natural production of Nitric Oxide in our body

The anuswaram (nasal sound) MMMM humming boosts the production of
Nitric oxide in the body. This was known to Indians and documented more than
7000 years ago.
Nadaswaram (Shehnai) is an ancient musical instrument which produces similar
nasal sound.
OM opens up quantum tunneling, where the wormholes do NOT have a
restriction of speed of light. The secrets of this universe are contained in energy,
frequency and vibration.
If you make the sound of OM in front of a drop of liquid, it will transform itself
into a Sri Yantra which is very specific visual form which is symmetrical and
also holographic, in that every bit of it contains all of it.
This Sri Yantra was revealed to Maharishis with 12 strand DNA and king sized
pineal glands more than 8000 BC.
Sanskrit Mantras have precise golden ratio of 1.618 sound harmonics (
Fibonacci/ Sri Yantra ) in digital mathematical and geometrical precision and
Sri Yantra is based on that ratio.
The cymatics of OM is the Sri Yantra whose angle is used to construct
the Egyptian Pyramids.
All Beej mantras end with Anuswaram MMMM , which produces Nitric oxide,
which is a molecule that our body produces to help its 50 trillion cells
communicate with each other by transmitting signals throughout the entire
body. People with diabetes usually have lower levels of Nitric oxide than those
without diabetes.

Stems and Flowers cut from their original plants can survive for longer time if
supplied with Nitric Oxide.
Opiate drug Morphine , the addictive pain killer, works by an increase in Nitric
Oxide release. Nitroglycerin and Amyl Nitrite tablets serve as vasodilators
because they are converted to Nitric Oxide in the body, to ease angina pain
(heart pain). Viagra also works due to its action on Nitric oxide.
Sufficient amounts of Nitric Oxide in blood controls Blood Pressure.
When the human body reaches the age of 27 years, the secretion of nitric oxide
is at its peak. As you get older and the production of nitric oxide in the human
body declines gradually, more from age 42 onwards.

Researchers have found that frequencies under 7 Hz create a general feeling of

relaxation and well being, known as the alpha state. The most beneficial
frequency on earth is said to be the 6.8 hertz frequency. Interestingly, the
Pyramid at Giza has a constant frequency of 6.8 Hz running through it.
Although researchers have studied it, they dont know where it comes from or
why in such an ancient structure.

Mantras Frequencies that can kill !

Some ELF broadcasts from the Russians were thought to cause depression in
humans. When the Russians first started transmitting in 1976, they emitted an
eleven hertz signal through the earth. This ELF wave was so powerful that it
upset radio communications around the world, resulting in many nations
lodging protest. The U. S. Air Force identified five different frequencies the
Russians were emitting in a wild ELF cocktail. They never broadcast anything
below eleven hertz, or anything that would be beneficial. They had more sinister
things in mind. ELF penetrates anything and everything. Nothing stops or
weakens them. At the right frequencies and durations, whole populations could
be controlled by ELF, or even killed. Once the killing range of these frequencies
is perfected, it could make nuclear bombs obsolete. It could kill almost
immediately with powerful adverse frequencies. Whole populations could be
killed indiscriminately from radio frequencies transmitted from the other side of
the globe without damaging anything else. A conquering army could simply
take over the land and buildings without a battle.

Atharva Veda describes Mantras formed by assembling beej syllables in a

certain order and they can cause mass destruction, killings, depression etc.
Most of such destructive science existed before Kurukshetra war in 3100 BC
and people who had that knowledge were killed in that war to prevent misuse of
such mantras in Kaliyug.

Not only could certain results be attained by the proper use of vibrations in
sounds, but even today the use of particular mantras are known for calming the
mind, lowering blood pressure, relieving one from unnecessary anxieties by
changing ones focus in life, and so on. It is also understood that certain mantras
and prayers, such as the chanting of the spiritual names of God, bring to one the
transcendental vibration of the spiritual world from where it comes. This means
it is like a conductor, bringing the spiritual energy and frequencies that come
from the transcendental strata. One of the classic mantras for this use is the Hare
Krishna mantra (Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare /
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare). Experiments have already
been performed that show the changes in those who regularly use this mantra.
Sages of India have used this mantra successfully for centuries in order to reach
spiritual states of being.
Chromosomes that are damaged by X-rays or exposure
to UV rays, can be repaired by simply applying vibration and language, or
sound combined with intention, or words, to DNA ! This was known to Indian
sages more than 12000 years ago.

Our DNA has remembered all the things that ever happened to human beings.
DNA is the source for all the proteins that repair cells , build new ones, replace
missing or defective pieces of the genetic code , heal cuts and bruises and so
forth. Everything you do, think, speak, run , play guitar or rule a country
depends on a capacity programmed into one original molecule.

Each cell of the body contains all of DNAs infinite possibilities all of the time,
from the moment of conception till death.
DNA can send and receive powerful data through a universal network of ether..
Mobuis supercoil DNA can generate scalar waves. Negative emotions affect
DNA signalling. The bridge connecting the galactic resonances which rain
down on our planet and brain frequencies reside in our DNA helix.

Vedic Astrology can calculate 36 points to match DNAs of a couple before their
When you meditate you tune your DNA to the subtle quantum level matrix.
Energy transfer to the molecular level powers your metabolic processes.

Brahmastra Nuclear Weapon energized by Gayatri Mantra.

Brahmastra (Sanskrit: , Brahmstra) was a weapon
created by the creator Brahma, for the purpose of upholding Dharma and Satya
When the Brahmastra was discharged, there was neither a counterattack nor a
defense that could stop it, except by Brahmadanda, a stick also created by
It could be evoked by user after severe concentration and meditating on its
creator and could be used only once in a day to destroy an enemy, who could
not be defeated by any other means.
Brahma had created a weapon even more powerful than the Brahmastra, called
the BrahmaSirnmstra, which was never used in war, as it had power
equivalent to (Brahmstra)4, representing 4 heads of Brahma and in
Mahabharata war, it was known only to Dronacharya, Aswatthama, Arjuna and
Brahmastra also causes severe environmental damage. The land at which it falls
becomes barren for many centuries and both men and women became infertile
in that region.
Greenery will vanish, rainfall would decrease and land will develop cracks as in
People in that region will be genetically effected and will give birth to defective
children for next few generations.
All these descriptions indicate that Brahmstra was indeed a nuclear weapon, as
the effects sound similar to what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan
during 2nd world war.

Brahmastra usage was mentioned multiple time in puranas and epics.

Viswamitra used it against VaSishTa, but the Brahmastra was absorbed

by Brahmadanda as VaSishTa was brahmarshi (rishi capable of alternate
creation like brahma).
In Ramayana, Rama tried to use it to make way out of sea so that the
army of Vanaras can march towards Lanka. But Samudra (lord of oceans)
appeared and told Rama, about the technical issues of using the weapon
and requested not to dry the ocean and kill all living beings in it.
So, Rama aimed it towards Dhrumatulya, which fell at the place of
modern day Rajasthan causing it to become a desert.
Later, Rama chose to built a bridge, which still exists between India Sri
Indrajit used Brahmastra to capture hanuman, who was destroying Ashok
Vatika after discovering Seetha.
Indrajit also used it against Lakshmana, but it was counter attacked.
During the confrontation of Arjuna and Aswatthama in Mahabharata, both
have evoked BrahmaSirOnAmAstra but the combined power of both
weapons would have ended all life on earth. So Veda Vyas interfered and
asked them to withdraw their weapons. Arjuna could called it back but
Aswatthama had no idea of recall, so he re-directed it to attack the unborn
grandchild of Arjuna (Parikshit) who was still in his mothers womb.
This withdrawl of weapon or calling back the weapon after its usage,
sounds similar to Boomerang
There are multiple weapons described in puranas and vedas like Agneyastra,
Brahmastra, Garudastra, Kaumodaki, Narayanastra, Pashupatastra, Shiva
Dhanush, Sudarshana Chakra, Trishul, Vaishnavastra, Varunastra, and
Vayavastra; but the trishul, Sudarshana Chakra and the Brahmastra, are the most

Brahmastra Nuclear Missile evoked and energized by Gayatri


Brahmastra is released by
Gayatri Mantra but in a different way.
Any weapon or even a grass straw can be energized by concentrating and
spelling Gayatri Mantra in exact reverse sequence of its syllables.
This method of chanting a mantra is known as viloma (normal way is anuloma).
Combined effect of anuloma-viloma chanting multiplies the power of that
mantra and sadhaka attains siddhi quicker than normal.
If it is so simple, then why cant everyone who knows Gayatri mantra release
Brahmastra ?
In mantra SAstra, a sadhaka (practitioner) gains siddhi over a mantra only after
practicing it for certain period of time for a specified number of times with
immense concentration.
So, one has to be initiated to chant Gayatri Mantra first in a proper way, then
one has to practice it for many years and gain command over it.
Then he has to practice the reverse chanting of that mantra in same speed and
frequency and again attain siddhi in it.
Only after this, a person is trained how to chant Gayatri mantra for Missile
purpose. He has to gain siddhi on it, and when he acquires it, he gets energized.
With that energy when he releases even a grass straw by chanting that mantra it
turns into Brahma Missile due to his own charged energy and the missile inturn
derives its power from the creator, Brahma.

The entire mantra SAstra is based on the concept that sounds producers
vibrations and inturn frequencies which can kill, heal or transcend.
We have seen practically how high pitch sound breaks glass and even other
objects as well.

Atharva Veda has proved that mantras can change weather, bring rainfall,
produce heat, change thoughts in human minds around us, control animals and
birds etc.

Ahirbudhnya Samhita of the Pancharatra Agama volume 1:

phantam vahnisamayuktam vyoma halasamanvitam |
mesadvayam dantayutam halahalamatah param || 34-5 ||

ghanadyam vayupurvam ca dantayuktamathantimam |

sarasam carksaparyayam bhantam bhrgumatahh param || 34-6 ||

ambaram vayusamyuktamarimardanamapyatah |
pradIptamatha vaktavyam paramam ca padam tatah || 34-7 ||

tatte pade prayoktavye gayatryaA madhyamam tatahH |

padatrayam prayoktavyametad brahmastramIritam || 34-8 ||
It contains air, fire and cosmic poison, two goat-like fangs, full of poison,
weighty, emits air, contains mercury, fiery, sparkling, sky is filled with air,
enemy killing greatly radiant and it is projected with three hymn, Gayatri at its
centre, it is known as brahmastra
When a Sadhaka meditates and raises his Kundalini (Brahmastra in this
context), it derives energy from his base chakra (Mooladhara) and propels
Then, it penetrates through 5 other chakras deriving energies from each of them
at every stage.
Finally it hits the target : Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) and explodes there with a
That explosion annihilates all Illusion(Maaya), and leaves the sadhaka with
the debris called as Aham Brahmasmi (Im Brahma) feeling.
We dont need to evoke Brahmastram today and kill people or destroy the
creation today.
Instead, we can practice Gayatri Mantra with reversed syllables and release our
inner Brahmastra to achieve our target of Nirvana or Salvation.
Reason behind Women not allowed to chant Gayatri Mantra.
Gayatri Mantra was added to Rig Veda (10:16:3) by Sage Brahmarshi
There is a controversy in hinduism that women should not recite/chant Gayatri
Neither do the Vedas nor sanatana dharma discriminated women. Infact
womanhood is held in the Highest Esteem, and the universe, including the
Trimurtis (Brahma, Vishnu, Siva) are said to be created by Goddess, who
manifested herself into different forms.
Then why is only Gayatri Mantra restricted from women ?
In olden days, women had sacred white thread across their shoulder and
participated in all vedic rituals.
They even contributed towards many slokas in vedas. But in later years, due to
their menstrual cycles and responsibilities of kids breaking their concentration
constantly, they were kept away from vedic rituals.
Slowly, the sacred thread and gayatri mantra went away from them.

Even they are not allowed to recite Sundara Kanda ofRamanayana (for
containing the gayatri mantra).
It is well known that each vedic mantra has certain frequency and acts upon
different parts of human body, glands, chakras and organs.
Gayatri Mantras 24 digits produce vibrations that work on 3 invisible spiritual
chakras (Mooladhara, Swadhishhtana, Manipura) in our body.
Pituitary(near brain) and Prostate(near reproductive organ) glands in human
These two glands release hormones that seperate male from female kids while
they attain puberty.
If a woman starts chanting these versus regularly, she is likely to lose her
female-hood character and can get manly tendencies developed in physical
appearance and behaviour.
In most of cases, it can cause hormone disturbances in the body and disturb their
menstrual cycle and even extend it beyond five days !
In rare cases, a woman who chants these versus frequently, develops masculine
character which allows growth of facial hair !
These changes are not immediate and are noticed over a period of years.
Lactating mothers who chanted gayatri mantra for 108 times per day, produced
lesser milk than normal after 10 days.

Even it effects vocal chord which differentiates voices of men and women.
For someone who wants to pickup an argument by stating that women are
suppressed, should understand that humans are divided as men and women by
nature not by humans.
By birth, our gender is decided and our bodies are assigned few duties which
cannot be altered.
A man going through menstrual cycle or getting pregnant is considered
abnormal, and so is a woman with facial hair.

Infact mantra sastra prescribes chanting of mantras related to female goddesses

by men and male gods by women for quicker and effective results, because
opposite poles attract !

Scientific Meaning & Significance of Gayatri Mantra.

bhuurbhuvaH svaH
bhargo devasya dhiimahi
dhiyo yonaH pracodayaat .
The Rig Veda (10:16:3)

Scientific Analysis of gayatri mantra :

Om bhuur bhuvah ssuvah : bhuur(earth) , bhuvah(sun), ssuvah(milkyway) are
terms used here.
When a fan rotates at 900 RPM, it generates sound through wind. Similarly
when infinite planets, solar systems, milyways rotate/revolve at speed of 20,000
times per second, they also generate a sound.
Sage Viswamitra tried to hear this sound through meditation and declared that
this sound is the divine OM.
Sages of that generation concluded that this OM is ever generating and always
existing sound in this creation and is a way GOD communicates with his
Even in the sacred Bhagavadgita, Lord Krishna declared that Om iti
ekaaksharam brahma, which means God with no shape can be worshipped
through single sound OM.
Yogis call this sound as Udgati Naadam which is recited to reach Samaadhi
during meditation.
It is added in begining of all other vedic mantras.
Tat Savitur Varenyam : tat(creator), savitur(a star named sun),
varenyam(bowing in front of him).
That means, were bowing in front of creator whose sound is OM and who looks
like light from infinite stars.
Bhargo devasya dhiimahi : bhargo(light), devasya(god), dhiimahi(worship him).
Which means we need to worship god in the form of light.
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat : dhiyo(knowledge), yo(whoever), nah(to us),
prachodayat(in proper channel/way).
Which means who gives us knowledge or shows us path to gain knowledge in
proper way, he is god.
In this way, energy emitted from infinite milyways revolutions is spread all over
this creation, which is called Pranavam.
This is similar to, K.E. = 1/2 mv2.
Many mantras in vedas have added this powerful OM ahead of them and even
many religions in world have made slight changes to this sound and adapted it
to their prayers.

Age of Universe and Brahma as calculated in Vedas.

Vedas say that before the creation of the universe Lord Vishnu was sleeping in
the ocean of all causes.
His bed is a giant serpent with thousands of cobra like hoods.
While Vishnu is asleep, a lotus sprouts of his navel (note that navel is
symbolized as the root of creation!).
Inside this lotus, Brahma is born.

By the way, in the trinity of Creator, Maintainer and Destroyer as mentioned in

the Vedas, Lord Vishnu is the maintainer.
Brahma is the creator and Shiva the destroyer.

And each Brahma has a life span of 100 years (in which each Kalpa is half a
day, i.e either day or night) and at the end of which even he ceases to exist
giving way to his successor- a new Brahma.
The present Brahma is seventh in order as six Brahmas have already passed.

The name of the first Brahma Virinchi.

The name of the second Brahma Padmabhu.
The name of the third Brahma Swayambhu.
The name of the fourth Brahma Parmeshthi.
The name of the fifth Brahma Surajyeshtha
The name of the sixth Brahma Hemagarbha.
The name of the seventh Brahma Shatanand(present brahma).
Next(eighth) Brahma (creator) will be named as Chaturmukha.
Ninth Brahma will be Hanuman.
While Vishnu is asleep, a lotus sprouts of his navel (note that navel is
symbolized as the root of creation!). Inside this lotus, Brahma is born. Brahma
creates the universe which we all live in.Brahma himself may be the universe as
well, which is why the vedic texts say Brahmanda meaning Universe. I
speculate here that so this universe created from the navel (which is a single
point) may well be referring to the universe created out of big-bang! Which is
why it is described as lotus blooms out of the navel, much like our big
bang universe.Now this universe is not a permanent universe, it is
temporary, Brahma lives for 100 years say the Vedas and then dies and then a
new universe is born. So as per Vedas our universe lives for 100 years.For
now, Brahma represents our universe which has birth and death, a big bang and
a big crunch, from a navel singularity. Vishnu represents the eternity that lies
beyond our universe which has no birth or death and that which is eternal!Vedas
say that thousands of Brahmas have passed away! In other words, this is not the
first time universe has been created.Let us come back to the time measurements
now. Brahma lives for hundred years say Vedas andwe are in the first day of
the 51st year of the Brahma
.A Year of Brahma :
Each year of Brahma has 360 days and were in the first day of the 51st year of
our current Brahma.
Vedas say that during the day Brahma is busy in creation of life and during the
night all life he created is absorbed back into him! So we will be there only for
this day of Brahma, which is the first day of his 51st year. And, what does this
day of Brahma means?
A day of Brahma: A kalpa
Each Kalpa(day) will have have 14 Manvantaras.
Creation happens only during these 14 Udaya Kalpas and he rests during
14 Kshaya Kalpas (his nights).
Right now were going through Sweta Varaha Kalpa and Vaivasvata
Earlier to that 6 Manvantaras, ruled by 6 manus have passed.
As per vedas 1 Manvantara = 71 Mahayugas.
1 Mahayuga = 1 Sat(Krita) Yuga(40%) + 1 Treta Yuga(30%) + 1 Dwapara
Yuga(20%) + 1 Kali Yuga(10%).
Now, Kali Yuga is defined to last for 432,000 solar years.
Based on that, Dwapara Yuga lasted for 864,000 years, Treta Yuga lasted for
1,296,000 years, Sat Yuga lasted for 1,728,000 years.
Total Maha Yuga span now is : 4,320,000 years.
So each Manvantara = 4,320,000 x 71 = 306,720,000 years.
6 Manvantaras have passed so far, so 6 x 306,720,000 = 1,840,320,000 years
have passed in past manvantaras.

So far 27 Mahayugas have passed in present(7th) Vaivasvata Manvantara.

27 x 4,320,000 = 116,640,000 years.
In 28th Mahayuga (running presently), 1 Krita (Sat) Yuga, 1 Treta Yuga, 1
Dwapara Yuga and Kaliyugas 5112 years have passed so far.

So add 1,840,320,000 + 116,640,000 + 1,728,000 + 1,296,000 + 864,000 +

5112 = 1,960,853,112 years.
These many years have passed in present year (51st) of Brahma.

Before that 50 years have passed for him.

That is : 50 x 360(days/kalpas) x 28 (Manvantaras) x 71 (Mahayugas) x
4,320,000 (each maha yuga span years) = 154,586,880,000,000 years.
Add 1,960,853,112 years to it and its about 155 Billion years.

Modern day Scientists have discovered that our present universe is

approximately 155 billion years !!!!!!!!!

1 human year (in Hindu calendar) = 1 Deva Ahoratra for God (1 day and 1
360 Deva Ahoratras = 1 Deva Vatsara
12,000 Deva Vatsara = 1 Chaturyuga
(12,000 Deva Vatsaras are defined as, 4,800 Deva Vatsaras of Krita yuga, 3,600
Deva Vatsaras of Treta Yuga, 2,400 Deva Vatsaras of Dvapara Yuga and 1,200
Deva Vatsaras of Kali Yuga which is 12,000 * 360 = 4,320,000 human years)
71 Chaturyugas = 1 Manvantaram (1 life span of Manu)
14 Manvantaras = 1 kalpa (1 day of Brahma, lifespan of gods like Indra etc)
2 Kalpas = 1 day + 1 Brahma Ahoratra
360 days of Brahma = 1 Brahma varsha.

Size of Soul (Spirit) mentioned in Svetasvataropanisad.

None of us have seen actual soul(spirt) that lives in our body with our naked
The Svetasvatara Upanishad (
or vetvataropaniad) explains the actual dimension or size of soul.
vetvataropaniad is associated with the Krishna Yajurveda and contains 113
mantras in 6 chapters. It is estimated to have been composed around 4th century
Most of this Upanishad is attributed to Sage Svetasvatara (Sveta-Asvatara i.e
the one owing a white mule).
Other commentators are Adi Sankaracharya, Vijnanatma, Shankarananda and
Narayana Tirtha.
vetvataropaniad is the earliest textual exposition of a systematic philosophy
of Saivism, for the first time elevating Rudra to the status of a (Lord), a god
with cosmological functions such as those later attributed to Siva.
balagra sata bhagasya
satadha kalpitasya ca
bhago jivah sa vijneyah
sa canantyaya kalpate || Svetasvatara Upanishad (5.9)

Translation : When the upper tip of a hair follicle is divided into one hundred
parts and again each of such parts is further divided into one hundred parts, each
such part is the measurement of the dimension of the spirit soul.

Similar description has been made in Chaitanya Charitamrita by Swami

jva skma-svarpo ya
sakhytto hi cit-kaa || Chaitanya Charitamrita; Madhya Lila; 19.140

That means, a hair tip has to be divided into ten thousand parts and one such
part is Cit-Kana (particle of spirit).
Which means that the individual particle of spirit soul is a spiritual atom smaller
than the material atoms, and such atoms are innumerable.
Bhagavad Gita also states that soul is imperishable and cannot be seen with
naked eye.

avinasi tu tad viddhi

yena sarvam idam tatam
vinasam avyayasyasya
na kascit kartum arhati || Bhagavad Gita 2.17

Translation : That which pervades the entire body you should know to be
indestructible. No one is able to destroy that imperishable soul.

Mundakopanishad further explains the places where soul resides in human

eso nur atma cetasa veditavyo
yasmin pranah pancadha samvivesa
pranais cittam sarvam otam prajanam
yasmin visuddhe vibhavaty esa atma || Mundaka Upanishad (3.1.9)

Translation : The soul is atomic in size and can be perceived by perfect

intelligence. This atomic soul is floating in the five kinds of air (prana, apana,
vyana, samana and udana), is situated within the heart, and spreads its influence
all over the body of the embodied living entities. When the soul is purified from
the contamination of the five kinds of material air, its spiritual influence is

Also Prana (Life) moves between Eye, Heart and Throat while we are awake,
sleeping and dreaming (3 states of mind explained as Tri-Puras).

8.4 Millions Species on Earth, according to Padma Purana.

Modern day biologists have claimed to list around 1.3 million species of life on
They agree that this is a small number and still many species are yet to be
discovered, named and listed.
Everyday, about 15000 new species are being discovered and they estimate that
earth may be habitating between 8 to 8.7 million species with life.

Padama Purana (written around 5000 years ago in Ancient India by Veda Vyas)
states that Earth has 8.4 million different species with life.
But this number could be reduced today as many species have become extinct
and population among other species (mostly humans) have increased.
Just as Bhagavadgita says (in chapter 2.22) that just as one gives up an old shirt
to put on a new one, the soul gives up an old body to acquire a new kind of a
body (vasmsi jirnni yath vihya).

All the shapes, sizes of these species (including humans) will be decided by
Manu (the one who rules creation for a certain time period). In present Sweta
Varaha Kalpa, 7th is Vaivasvat Manu, who designed our body structures. In
another manvantara, humans and animals may look different.
A soul can take birth in any form of life out of the 8.4 million and many might
have attained human form, which is stated as the ultimate one on earth.

Classification of Species on Earth

Padama Purana also mentions about different classifications among these 8.4
million species with life on earth :

jalaja nava lakshani, sthavara laksha-vimshati, krimayo rudra-sankhyakah,

pakshinam dasha-lakshanam, trinshal-lakshani pashavah, chatur lakshani
Jalaja (Water based) 0.9 million
Sthaavara (immobile, like plants & trees) 2.0 million
Krimaayo (Reptiles) 1.1 million
Pakshinaam (Birds) 1.0 million
Paashavah (terrestrial animals) 3.0 million
Maanavah (human-like animals, including human species) 0.4 million
Total number of species with life are 8.4 million.

Modern day scientists have not been able to discover even 16% of what ancient
seers knew.

Kannada dasara pada of more than 500 years old says :

12 Strand DNA Activation Mantra

Earlier humans had 12 strand DNA but after Kali Yuga started (about 5100
years ago), our DNA shrunk and now only limited to 2 strands, out of which
96% is junk !
Seers in earlier yugas had 12 strands of DNA.
They had fractal minds and superhuman powers like Ashta Siddhis etc.
However, we can activate those 10 strands and eliminate junk from our DNA
using the following mantra.


This mantra ends like Mmmmmmm

This mantra needs to be recited 108 times every day.

108 because our body has 108 nodes (naaDi) and all of them need to be
resonated with each recitation of this mantra.
Also this is about the sacred Sri Yantra divine geometry.
Triple lines of Sri Yantra intersect at 54 points of yin-yang.
54 is the number of Sanskrit alphabets and Sanksrit is a divine language from
the DNA.

Reciting 108 times sets up a resonant vibration, similar to the king mantra OM
or AUM.
The Mmmmmm humming boosts the production of Nitric Oxide in the body.

Dalai Lama endorsed this mantra and it is very popular among Tibetian
Buddhists now.
However, their pronounciation of sanskit is not accurate.

Method to chant 12 strand DNA activation Mantra

Place a Sri Yantra (2D) photo in front of you at your forehead height.
While you chant this mantra 108 times, look into the centre spot or the Bindu
(Singularity Black hole) of the Sri Yantra .
It balances the right and
left lobes of your brain.

A person who has access

to both brain lobes is
generating scalar waves
and thus is in touch with
higher dimenions of

Contradicting strengths
Tamas and Rajas are
joined through awareness
( yin-yang ).
The center prong of Sivas trident is Satwa.
It speaks the truth quantum probability vortex vibrations, between two posts, we
call the grandiose move of Siva from either side of the Quantum screen.
Together they express the colossal void at total peace with itself.
To initiate the third eye of Shiva, or to see higher measurements, the pineal
organ ( soul ) and the pituitary organs ( body ) must vibrate in reverberation to
make a field. This is spoken to by Samudra manthan in Hindu mythology,
where mount meru is utilized to agitate the seas for Amrit or Ambrosia in a back
and forth development, speaking to vibrations.

The amrit of the ambrosia or Soma is the sacred vessel. This is the thing that the
Templar knights got subsequent to exhuming King Solomons sanctuary. Soma
is a heavenly LSD- rather a million times all the more intense DMT. A 12
strand Maharishi with NIL garbage DNA can deliver it actually, by resounding
his pineal organ with his DNA, and accomplish clairvoyance and psychic
The hallucinogenic excursions are gotten to and experienced inside of the
domains of the pineal organ. The pineal organ is the Siva lingam.

Serotonin has the same compound structure as this psychedelic substance Soma.
Serotonin is changed into melatonin just in the pineal organ. Decrease in
melatonin is the trigger for the maturing procedure, for Melatonin is the super-
oxidant of nature.
The hormone Melatonin, incites rest, while Serotonin, keeps you glad and in an
adjusted mental perspective. PROZAC raises serotonin. The pineal organ
produces Pinoline, ( 6-methoxy-tetra-dydro-beta carboline, or 6-MeO-THBC ).
Pinoline likewise reverberates with the very heartbeat of life 7.83 Hertz, the beat
the DNA uses to recreate, and which has been measured to be radiated from the
brains and hands of every single fruitful healer, paying little mind to conviction
or confidence. OM mantra is 7.843 hertz. Reverberation can vibrate the pineal
organ, to discharge Nuerotransmitter seratonin, melatonin, DMT, and so forth.
On the off chance that you have an in sufficiently number feeling of awareness
you will taste an immense pituitary discharge in the back of your mouth and
sinuses and throat, it is alluded to as ambrosia ( amrit mental climax release ).
This is a consequence of DMT generation.
DMT is the soul atom that twists space-time. Pineal DMT is the compound
errand person which connections body and soul.Dimethyltryptamine, a
hallucinogenic tryptamine Pinoline empowers the edge levels of DMT to end up
dynamic in the cerebrum, yet it requires a moment bungee hop prompted
adrenaline burst. DMT with Pinoline builds cerebrum enactment multi fold. You
cant watch the quantum world without your Pineal organ the other 5 detects
have excessively contract data transfer capacities.
Quantum material science has demonstrated the antiquated Indian Yogis were
not simple visionaries of inestimable cognizance, where our bodies, our
cerebrum and its psyche, as inseparably joined with other matter and the uber
dipole of universe.
There is without a doubt an association in the middle of cognizance and tangled
state quantum phenomena Indian Vedic maharishis had the intrinsic capacity to
go on either side of the tight band of five human detects. They could transcend
the limitations of Time-Space.
They immovably trusted that the undetectable underneath the quantum screen
offers ascend to the noticeable.
At the season of death Seratonin and Melatonin in the mind separates to
Dimethyltryptamine or DMT, C12 N2 H16, soon after the oxygen quits
coursing. This is the minute for a definitive DMT trip.
You see youre entire past life as Fractal Divine Geometry.
When you expend Soma, hues , sounds and numbers all appear as fractal
What you have learnt in the past is of no utilization to you. As you take in the
oxygen enters your cerebrum and reasons a blast of fractal hues.
To the otherworldly eastern personality, the tale of SAMUDRA
MANTHAN produces stunning demonstrations of confidence like the Kumbh
Mela, which has been continuing for a long time. Tamas and Rajas are aware of
one another.
Amrit uncovers the fractal way of awareness. Amrit is NOT outer, it is delivered
inside your head.
Everything you need to know is the way to create it by your own particular
personality. 12 strand DNA which antiquated Maharishis had, has now
corrupted to 2 strand DNA. These 12 strand DNA maharishis with raised
Kundalinis, can read akashik records, change over them from fractal geometry,
for day by day life utilization. The cobra on Lord Shiva s shoulders shows
raised Kundalini and open third eye. This self acknowledgment (of opening the
third eye), is a definitive objective of awareness.

Rangoli, Visible Cymatics & Inaudible Mantras.

Rangoli, also known as Kolam or Muggu in south india, is a folk art in India in
which patterns are created on the floor in or outside houses using materials such
as rice flour, powder colors, white rock powder, flower petals, cow dung etc.
These are drawn during festivals like Diwali, Sankranti, Ugadi etc.
They are known as Rangoli in North India and Karnataka, Kolam in Tamil Nadu
and Kerala; Mandana in Rajasthan; Chaookpurna in Chhattisgarh; Alpana in
West Bengal; Aripana in Bihar; Chowk pujan in Uttar Pradhesh; Muggu in
Andhra Pradhesh.
Rangoli designs can be simple geometric shapes, deity impressions, or flower
and petal shapes (appropriate for the given celebrations), but they can also be
very elaborate designs crafted by numerous people. The base material is usually
dry or wet powdered rice or dry flour, to which sindoor (vermilion), haldi
(turmeric) and other natural colors can be added. Chemical colors are a modern
variation. Other materials include colored sand, red brick powder and even
flowers and petals, as in the case of flower rangolis.

This tradition has been passed on from mothers to daughters for multiple
Today, modern women do not know the significance of these Rangoli and they
neglect this art.

Initial pattern of Rangoli is by using 108 dots (you might be already knowing
importance of 108 number in Mantras) and rice flour.
As soon as it is drawn, small birds, ants, insects etc start feeding on the flour,
which is again part of the Rangoli.

Rangoli or Muggu designs existed since vedic age and cymatics of audible and
inaudible mantras were known to vedic rishis.
Sanskrit Mantras have precise golden ratio of 1.618 sound harmonics (
Fibonacci/ Sri Yantra ) in digital mathematical and geometrical precision. There
is a direct phonetic link between longitudinal wave sound and visual signs.
Mantras are Scalar energy based sounds which resonate in the Zero Point Field
Aakashik hyperspace. Mantras resonate your pineal gland .
Pineal glands of Vedic seers were the size of a ripe lemon. Ours in this 21st
century is the size of dried raisin.
The human DNA can produce longitudinal scalar waves, faster than light.
A mantra is a carrier wave with potent information within it and mantras
reprogramme our DNA.
Mantras increase your Auras due to the effect on symphathetic and para
sympathetic nervous systems.
If someone has a pet cat at home, they can observe how it loves to sleep in
between a Rangoli, due to its vibration.

Most of the original Muggu or Rangoli designs are yantras or shapes of dieties
formed by joining specific number of dots.
Nowadays, Rangoli has been confined to English New Year and some random
designs or faces.

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