A Marxist-Leninist Study On Fascism
A Marxist-Leninist Study On Fascism
A Marxist-Leninist Study On Fascism
Study on Fascism
The Red Armys broom will keep the enemy out Soviet World War 2-era anti-fascist poster
GEORGI DIMITROV - The Fascist Offensive and the Tasks of the Communist
International in the Struggle of the Working Class against Fascism (1935)
This study uses large sections of these three documents. Some parts have been cut but the full texts can be read at the
links provided. In the Dimitrov reading, sections on implications for sectoral movements and for particular countries have
been removed. In the Dutt reading, sections with country-specific or sector-specific focus have also been removed. The
Togliatti reading is mostly just the first chapter on the basic features of fascist dictatorship, with the first few paragraphs
of chapter 2 on the fascist party included as well.
PAGE 3-25 Georgi Dimitrov - The Fascist Offensive and the Tasks of the Communist International in the Struggle of
the Working Class against Fascism. Main Report delivered at the Seventh World Congress of the Communist
International https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/dimitrov/works/1935/08_02.htm
1. What 7 characteristics does Dutt say are common, subject to a difference in degree, to all modern capitalism
and to Fascism?
2. Does Dutt consider fascisms class basis to be principally a petty bourgeois revolution against the big
bourgeoisie and the proletariat, or the continuation and intensification of the dictatorship of finance capital?
Why does this matter?
3. In the broad sense Dutt says it is possible to speak of the development towards Fascism of all modern capitalist
states. He says, The sum-total of the policies of modern capitalism provide already in essence and in germ the
sum-total of the policies of Fascism. But they are not yet complete Fascism. What are some implications of
this? Do you agree?
4. What contradictions is the bourgeoisie trying to resolve when it resorts to fascism? Can this succeed? Why or
why not?
5. Dutt says, Fascism, in short, is a movement of mixed elements, dominantly petit-bourgeois, but also slum-
proletarian and demoralised working class, financed and directed by finance capital, by the big industrialists,
landlords and financiers, to defeat the working-class revolution and smash the working class organisations. Do
you agree with this definition? Is it different than Dimitrovs definition in essence or in emphasis? How central is
the need to smash working class revolution & organizations to the move to fascism? Is it fascism without that?
6. Dutt says, Fascism has never conquered power in any country. In every case Fascism has been placed in power
from above by the bourgeois dictatorship. What are some implications of this? Have fascists in power acted on
their anti-capitalist rhetoric that they use before they had state power?
7. Dutt places a central emphasis on the role of reformist or social democratic working class leadership in
misleading the working class and failing to resolve the contradictions of capitalism in decay, thus paving the way
for fascism to use opportunist anti-capitalist rhetoric to gain hold among the petty bourgeoisie, middle classes,
and some workers. What do you think about this? What are implications for how to relate to reformism?
8. Dutt says there cant be a third way between fascism and communism. Who thinks there can be? Why is this
important and what are the implications?
1. What does Tagliotti say are some erroneous definitions of fascism in the communist movement? What two
elements does he say its necessary to understand the link between?
2. What does Tagliotti mean when he says fascism can take different forms in different countries?
3. What does Tagliotti say about social democratic and Trotskyist definitions of fascism?
4. What are some errors Tagliotti points out that Italian communists made in understanding fascism?
5. What does Tagliotti say about fascist ideology and about the origins of Italian fascism?
6. In regard to its class character, Tagliotti says fascism has two elements: the expression of the most reactionary
sectors of the bourgeoisie - and insisting on the second element, which consists in the petty-bourgeois mass
movement this dictatorship has been able to attract. What are the implications of this?
7. Why does Tagliotti say its important to grasp that fascism didnt go according to a pre-determined plan from
the beginning, and instead it developed step by step in the process of the actual class struggle?
GEORGI DIMITROV - The Fascist Offensive and the Tasks of the Communist International in the Struggle of the
Working Class against Fascism. Main Report delivered at the Seventh World Congress of the Communist International
Comrades, as early as the Sixth Congress [1928], the Communist International warned the world proletariat that a new
fascist offensive was under way and called for a struggle against it. The Congress pointed out that 'in a more or less
developed form, fascist tendencies and the germs of a fascist movement are to be found almost everywhere.'
With the development of the very deep economic crisis, with the general crisis of capitalism becoming sharply
accentuated and the mass of working people becoming revolutionized, fascism has embarked upon a wide offensive.
The ruling bourgeoisie more and more seeks salvation in fascism, with the object of taking exceptional predatory
measures against the working people, preparing for an imperialist war of plunder, attacking the Soviet Union, enslaving
and partitioning China, and by all these means preventing revolution.
The imperialist circles are trying to shift the whole burden of the crisis onto the shoulders of the working people. That is
why they need fascism.
They are trying to solve the problem of markets by enslaving the weak nations, by intensifying colonial oppression and
repartitioning the world anew by means of war. That is why they need fascism.
They are striving to forestall the growth of the forces of revolution by smashing the revolutionary movement of the
workers and peasants and by undertaking a military attack against the Soviet Union -- the bulwark of the world
proletariat. That is why they need fascism.
In a number of countries, Germany in particular, these imperialist circles have succeeded, before the masses had
decisively turned towards revolution, in inflicting defeat on the proletariat, and establishing a fascist dictatorship.
But it is characteristic of the victory of fascism that this victory, on the one hand, bears witness to the weakness of the
proletariat, disorganized and paralyzed by the disruptive Social-Democratic policy of class collaboration with the
bourgeoisie, and, on the other, expresses the weakness of the bourgeoisie itself, afraid of the realization of a united
struggle of the working class, afraid of revolution, and no longer in a position to maintain its dictatorship over the
masses by the old methods of bourgeois democracy and parliamentarism.
Comrades, fascism in power was correctly described by the Thirteenth Plenum of the Executive Committee of the
Communist International as the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic and most
imperialist elements of finance capital.
The most reactionary variety of fascism is the German type of fascism. It has the effrontery to call itself National
Socialism, though it has nothing in common with socialism. German fascism is not only bourgeois nationalism, it is
fiendish chauvinism. It is a government system of political gangsterism, a system of provocation and torture practiced
upon the working class and the revolutionary elements of the peasantry, the petty bourgeoisie and the intelligentsia. It
is medieval barbarity and bestiality, it is unbridled aggression in relation to other nations.
German fascism is acting as the spearhead of international counter-revolution, as the chief instigator of imperialist war,
as the initiator of a crusade against the Soviet Union, the great fatherland of the working people of the whole world.
Fascism is not a form of state power "standing above both classes -- the proletariat and the bourgeoisie," as Otto Bauer,
for instance, has asserted. It is not "the revolt of the petty bourgeoisie which has captured the machinery of the state,"
as the British Socialist Brailsford declares. No, fascism is not a power standing above class, nor government of the petty
bourgeoisie or the lumpen-proletariat over finance capital. Fascism is the power of finance capital itself. It is the
organization of terrorist vengeance against the working class and the revolutionary section of the peasantry and
intelligentsia. In foreign policy, fascism is jingoism in its most brutal form, fomenting bestial hatred of other nations.
This, the true character of fascism, must be particularly stressed because in a number of countries, under cover of social
demagogy, fascism has managed to gain the following of the mass of the petty bourgeoisie that has been dislocated by
the crisis, and even of certain sections of the most backward strata of the proletariat. These would never have
supported fascism if they had understood its real character and its true nature.
The development of fascism, and the fascist dictatorship itself, assume different forms in different countries, according
to historical, social and economic conditions and to the national peculiarities, and the international position of the given
country. In certain countries, principally those in which fascism has no broad mass basis and in which the struggle of the
various groups within the camp of the fascist bourgeoisie itself is rather acute, fascism does not immediately venture to
abolish parliament, but allows the other bourgeois parties, as well as the Social-Democratic Parties, to retain a modicum
of legality. In other countries, where the ruling bourgeoisie fears an early outbreak of revolution, fascism establishes its
unrestricted political monopoly, either immediately or by intensifying its reign of terror against and persecution of all
rival parties and groups. This does not prevent fascism, when its position becomes particularly acute, from trying to
extend its basis and, without altering its class nature, trying to combine open terrorist dictatorship with a crude sham of
The accession to power of fascism is not an ordinary succession of one bourgeois government by another, but
a substitution of one state form of class domination of the bourgeoisie -- bourgeois democracy -- by another form --
open terrorist dictatorship. It would be a serious mistake to ignore this distinction, a mistake liable to prevent the
revolutionary proletariat from mobilizing the widest strata of the working people of town and country for the struggle
against the menace of the seizure of power by the fascists, and from taking advantage of the contradictions which exist
in the camp of the bourgeoisie itself. But it is a mistake, no less serious and dangerous, to underrate the importance, for
the establishment of fascist dictatorship, of the reactionary measures of the bourgeoisie at present increasingly
developing in bourgeois-democratic countries -- measures which suppress the democratic liberties of the working
people, falsify and curtail the rights of parliament and intensify the repression of the revolutionary movement.
Comrades, the accession to power of fascism must not be conceived of in so simplified and smooth a form, as though
some committee or other of finance capital decided on a certain date to set up a fascist dictatorship. In reality, fascism
usually comes to power in the course of a mutual, and at times severe, struggle against the old bourgeois parties, or a
definite section of these parties, in the course of a struggle even within the fascist camp itself -- a struggle which at times
leads to armed clashes, as we have witnessed in the case of Germany, Austria and other countries. All this, however,
does not make less important the fact that, before the establishment of a fascist dictatorship, bourgeois governments
usually pass through a number of preliminary stages and adopt a number of reactionary measures which directly
facilitate the accession to power of fascism. Whoever does not fight the reactionary measures of the bourgeoisie and
the growth of fascism at these preparatory stages is not in a position to prevent the victory of fascism, but, on the
contrary, facilitates that victory.
The Social-Democratic leaders glossed over and concealed from the masses the true class nature of fascism, and did not
call them to the struggle against the increasingly reactionary measures of the bourgeoisie. They bear great historical
responsibility for the fact that, at the decisive moment of the fascist offensive, a large section of the working people of
Germany and of a number of other fascist countries failed to recognize in fascism the most bloodthirsty monster of
finance capital, their most vicious enemy, and that these masses were not prepared to resist it.
What is the source of the influence of fascism over the masses? Fascism is able to attract the masses because it
demagogically appeals to their most urgent needs and demands.Fascism not only inflames prejudices that are deeply
ingrained in the masses, but also plays on the better sentiments of the masses, on their sense of justice and sometimes
even on their revolutionary traditions. Why do the German fascists, those lackeys of the bourgeoisie and mortal enemies
of socialism, represent themselves to the masses as "Socialists," and depict their accession to power as a "revolution"?
Because they try to exploit the faith in revolution and the urge towards socialism that lives in the hearts of the mass of
working people in Germany.
Fascism acts in the interests of the extreme imperialists, but it presents itself to the masses in the guise of champion of
an ill-treated nation, and appeals to outraged national sentiments, as German fascism did, for instance, when it won the
support of the masses of the petty bourgeoisie by the slogan "Down with the Versailles Treaty."
Fascism aims at the most unbridled exploitation of the masses but it approaches them with the most artful anti-
capitalist demagogy, taking advantage of the deep hatred of the working people against the plundering bourgeoisie, the
banks, trusts and financial magnates, and advancing those slogans which at the given moment are most alluring to the
politically immature masses. In Germany -- "The general welfare is higher than the welfare of the individual," in Italy --
"Our state is not a capitalist, but a corporate state," in Japan -- "For Japan without exploitation," in the United States --
"Share the wealth," and so forth.
Fascism delivers up the people to be devoured by the most corrupt and venal elements, but comes before them with the
demand for "an honest and incorruptible government." Speculating on the profound disillusionment of the masses in
bourgeois-democratic governments, fascism hypocritically denounces corruption.
It is in the interests of the most reactionary circles of the bourgeoisie that fascism intercepts the disappointed masses
who desert the old bourgeois parties. But it impresses these masses by the vehemence of its attacks on the bourgeois
governments and its irreconcilable attitude to the old bourgeois parties.
Surpassing in its cynicism and hypocrisy all other varieties of bourgeois reaction, fascism adapts its demagogy to the
national peculiarities of each country, and even to the peculiarities of the various social strata in one and the same
country. And the mass of the petty bourgeoisie and even a section of the workers, reduced to despair by want,
unemployment and the insecurity of their existence, fall victim to the social and chauvinist demagogy of fascism.
Fascism comes to power as a party of attack on the revolutionary movement of the proletariat, on the mass of the
people who are in a state of unrest; yet it stages its accession to power as a "revolutionary" movement against the
bourgeoisie on behalf of "the whole nation" and for the "salvation" of the nation. One recalls Mussolini's "march" on
Rome, Pilsudski's "march" on Warsaw, Hitler's National-Socialist "revolution" in Germany, and so forth.
But whatever the masks that fascism adopts, whatever the forms in which it presents itself, whatever the ways by which
it comes to power
Fascism is a most ferocious attack by capital on the mass of the working people;
Fascism is unbridled chauvinism and predatory war;
Fascism is rabid reaction and counter-revolution;
Fascism is the most vicious enemy of the working class and of all working people.
Fascism promised the workers "a fair wage," but actually it has brought them an even lower, a pauper, standard of
living. It promised work for the unemployed, but actually it has brought them even more painful torments of starvation
and forced servile labor. In practice it converts the workers and unemployed into pariahs of capitalist society stripped of
rights; destroys their trade unions; deprives them of the right to strike and to have their working-class press, forces
them into fascist organizations, plunders their social insurance funds and transforms the mills and factories into barracks
where the unbridled arbitrary rule of the capitalist reigns.
Fascism promised the working youth a broad highway to a brilliant future. But actually it has brought wholesale
dismissals of young workers, labor camps and incessant military drilling for a war of conquest.
Fascism promised to guarantee office workers, petty officials and intellectuals security of existence, to destroy the
omnipotence of the trusts and wipe out profiteering by bank capital. But actually it has brought them an ever greater
degree of despair and uncertainty as to the morrow; it is subjecting them to a new bureaucracy made up of the most
submissive of its followers, it is setting up an intolerable dictatorship of the trusts and spreading corruption and
degeneration to an unprecedented extent.
Fascism promised the ruined and impoverished peasants to put an end to debt bondage, to abolish rent and even to
expropriate the landed estates without compensation, in the interests of the landless and ruined peasants. But actually
it is placing the laboring peasants in a state of unprecedented servitude to the trusts and the fascist state apparatus, and
pushes to the utmost limit the exploitation of the great mass of the peasantry by the big landowners, the banks and the
"Germany will be a peasant country, or will not be at all," Hitler solemnly declared. And what did the peasants of
Germany get under Hitler? The moratorium, 1) which has already been cancelled? Or the law on the inheritance of
peasant property, which leads to millions of sons and daughters of peasants being squeezed out of the villages and
reduced to paupers? Farm laborers have been transformed into semi-serfs, deprived even of the elementary right of
free movement. The working peasants have been deprived of the opportunity of selling the produce of their farms in the
And in Poland?
The Polish peasant, says the Polish newspaper Czas, employs methods and means Which were used perhaps only in the
Middle Ages; he nurses the fire in his stove and lends it to his neighbor; he splits matches into several parts; he lends
dirty soapwater to others; he boils herring barrels in order to obtain salt water. This is not a fable, but the actual state of
affairs in the countryside, of the truth of which anybody may convince himself.
And it is not Communists who write this, Comrades, but a Polish reactionary newspaper.
Every day, in the concentration camps of fascist Germany, in the cellars of the Gestapo (German secret police), in the
torture chambers of Poland, in the cells of the Bulgarian and Finnish secret police, in the Glavnyacha in Belgrade, in the
Rumanian Siguranza and on the Italian islands, the best sons of the working class, revolutionary peasants, fighters for
the splendid future of mankind, are being subjected to revolting tortures and indignities, before which pale the most
abominable acts of the tsarist Okhranka2). The blackguardly German fascists beat husbands to a bloody pulp in the
presence of their wives, and send the ashes of murdered sons by parcel post to their mothers. Sterilization has been
made a method of political warfare. In the torture chambers, imprisoned anti-fascists are given injections of poison,
their arms are broken, their eyes gouged out; they are strung up and have water pumped into them; the fascist swastika
is carved in their living flesh.
I have before me a statistical summary drawn up by the International Red Aid [international organization of that time for
aid to revolutionary fighters] regarding the number of killed, wounded, arrested, maimed and tortured to death in
Germany, Poland, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. In Germany alone, since the National-Socialists came to power,
over 4,200 anti-fascist workers, peasants, employees, intellectuals -- Communists, Social Democrats and members of
opposition Christian organizations -- have been murdered, 317,800 arrested, 218,600 injured and subjected to torture.
In Austria, since the battles of February last year the "Christian" fascist government has murdered 1,900 revolutionary
workers, maimed and injured 10,000 and arrested 40,000. And this summary, comrades is far from complete.
Words fail me in describing the indignation which seizes us at the thought of the torments which the working people are
now undergoing in a number of fascist countries. The facts and figures we quote do not reflect one hundredth part of
the true picture of the exploitation and tortures inflicted by the White terror and forming part of the daily life of the
working class in many capitalist countries. Volumes cannot give a just picture of the countless brutalities inflicted by
fascism on the working people.
With feelings of profound emotion and hatred for the fascist butchers, we dip the banners of the Communist
International before the unforgettable memory of John Scheer, Fiete Schulze and Luttgens in Germany, Koloman
Wallisch and Munichreiter in Austria, Sallai and Furst in Hungary, Kofardjiev, Lyutibrodski and Voykov in Bulgaria --
before the memory of thousands and thousands of Communists, Social-Democrats and non-party workers, peasants and
representatives of the progressive intelligentsia who have laid down their lives in the struggle against fascism.
From this platform we greet the leader of the German proletariat and the honorary chairman of our Congress --
Comrade Thaelmann. We greet Comrades Rakosi, Gramsci, Antikainen. We greet Tom Mooney, who has been
languishing in prison for eighteen years, and the thousands of other prisoners of capitalism and fascism, and we say to
them: "Brothers in the fight, brothers in arms, you are not forgotten. We are with you. We shall give every hour of our
lives, every drop of our blood, for your liberation, and for the liberation of all working people from the shameful regime
of fascism."
Comrades, it was Lenin who warned us that the bourgeoisie may succeed in overwhelming the working people by
savage terror, in checking the growing forces of revolution for brief periods of time, but that, nevertheless, this would
not save it from its doom.
Life will assert itself -- Lenin wrote -- Let the bourgeoisie rave, work itself into a frenzy, overdo things, commit
stupidities, take vengeance on the Bolsheviks in advance and endeavour to kill off (in India, Hungary, Germany, etc.)
hundreds, thousands and hundreds of thousands more of yesterday's and tomorrow's Bolsheviks. Acting thus, the
bourgeoisie acts as all classes doomed by history have acted. Communists should know that the future, at any rate,
belongs to them; therefore we can and must combine the most intense passion in the great revolutionary struggle with
the coolest and most sober evaluation of the mad ravings of the bourgeoisie. [V. I. Lenin, "Left-Wing" Communism: An
Infantile Disorder, New York (1949), pp. 81-82; Collected Works 31:101]
Ay, if we and the proletariat of the whole world firmly follow the path indicated by Lenin, the bourgeoisie will perish in
spite of everything.
Why was it that fascism could triumph, and how? Fascism is the most vicious enemy of the working class and working
people, who constitute nine-tenths of the German people, nine-tenths of the Austrian people, nine-tenths of the people
in other fascist countries. How, in what way, could this vicious enemy triumph?
Fascism was able to come to power primarily because the working class, owing to the policy of class collaboration with
the bourgeoisie pursued by the Social-Democratic leaders, proved to be split, politically and organizationally disarmed,
in face of the onslaught of the bourgeoisie. And the Communist Parties, on the other hand, apart from and in opposition
to the Social-Democrats, were not strong enough to rouse the masses and to lead them in a decisive struggle against
And, indeed, let the millions of Social-Democratic workers, who together with their Communist brothers are now
experiencing the horrors of fascist barbarism, seriously reflect on the following: If, in 1918, when revolution broke out in
Germany and Austria, the Austrian and German proletariat had not followed the Social Democratic leadership of Otto
Bauer, Friedrich Adler and Karl Renner in Austria and Ebert and Scheidemann in Germany, but had followed the road of
the Russian Bolsheviks, the road of Lenin, there would now be no fascism in Austria or Germany, in Italy or Hungary, in
Poland or in the Balkans. Not the bourgeoisie, but the working class would long ago have been the master of the
situation in Europe.
Take, for example, the Austrian Social-Democratic Party. The revolution of 1918 raised it to a tremendous height. It held
the power in its hands, it held strong j positions in the army and in the state apparatus. Relying on these positions, it
could have nipped fascism in the bud. But it surrendered one position of the working class after another without
resistance. It allowed the bourgeoisie to strengthen its power, annul the constitution, purge the state apparatus, army
and police force of Social-Democratic functionaries, and take the arsenals away from the workers. It allowed the fascist
bandits to murder Social-Democratic workers with impunity and accepted the terms of the Httenberg Pact 3), which
gave the fascist elements entry to the factories. At the same time the Social-Democratic leaders fooled the workers with
the Linz program 4), which contained the alternative possibility of using armed force against the bourgeoisie and
establishing the proletarian dictatorship, assuring them that in the event of the ruling class using force against the
working class, the Party would reply by a call for general strike and for armed struggle. As though the whole policy of
preparation for a fascist attack on the working class were not one chain of acts of violence against the working class
masked by constitutional forms. Even on the eve and in the course of the February battles the Austrian Social
Democratic leaders left the heroically fighting Schutzbund 5) isolated from the broad masses, and doomed the Austrian
proletariat to defeat.
Was the victory of fascism inevitable in Germany? No, the German working class could have prevented it.
But in order to do so, it should have achieved a united anti-fascist proletarian front, and forced the Social-Democratic
leaders to discontinue their campaign against the Communists and to accept the repeated proposals of the Communist
Party for united action against fascism.
When fascism was on the offensive and the bourgeois-democratic liberties were being progressively abolished by the
bourgeoisie, it should not have contented itself with the verbal resolutions of the Social-Democrats, but should have
replied by a genuine mass struggle, which would have made the fulfilment of the fascist plans of the German
bourgeoisie more difficult.
It should not have allowed the prohibition of the League of Red Front Fighters by the government of Braun and
Severing 6), and should have established fighting contact between the League and the Reichsbanner 7), with its nearly
one million members, and should have compelled Braun and Severing to arm both these organizations in order to resist
and smash the fascist bands.
It should have compelled the Social-Democratic leaders who headed the Prussian government to adopt measures of
defence against fascism, arrest the fascist leaders, close down their press, confiscate their material resources and the
resources of the capitalists who were financing the fascist movement, dissolve the fascist organizations, deprive them of
their weapons, and so forth.
Furthermore, it should have secured the re-establishment and extension of all forms of social assistance and the
introduction of a moratorium and crisis benefits for the peasants -- who were being ruined under the impact of crisis --
by taxing the banks and the trusts, in this way winning the support of the working peasants. It was the fault of the Social-
Democrats of Germany that this was not done, and that is why fascism was able to triumph.
Was it inevitable that the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy should have triumphed in Spain, a country where the forces of
proletarian revolt are so advantageously combined with a peasant war?
The Spanish Socialists were in the government from the first days of the revolution. Did they establish fighting contact
between the working class organizations of every political opinion, including the Communists and the Anarchists, and
did they weld the working class into a united trade union organization? Did they demand the confiscation of all lands of
the landlords, the church and the monasteries in favor of the peasants in order to win over the latter to the side of the
revolution? Did they attempt to fight for national self-determination for the Catalonians and the Basques, and for the
liberation of Morocco? Did they purge the army of monarchist and fascist elements and prepare it for passing over to
the side of the workers and peasants? Did they dissolve the Civil Guard, so detested by the people, the executioner of
every movement of the people? Did they strike at the fascist party of Gil Robles and at the might of the Catholic church?
No, they did none of these things. They rejected the frequent proposals of the Communists for united action against the
offensive of the bourgeois-landlord reaction and fascism; they passed election laws which enabled the reactionaries to
gain a majority in the Cortes (parliament), laws which penalized the popular movement, laws under which the heroic
miners of Asturias are now being tried. They had peasants who were fighting for land shot by the Civil Guard, and so on.
This is the way in which the Social-Democrats, by disorganizing and splitting the ranks of the working class, cleared the
path to power for fascism in Germany, Austria and Spain.
Comrades, fascism also attained power for the reason that the proletariat found itself isolated from its natural allies.
Fascism attained power because it was able to win over large masses of the peasantry, owing to the fact that the Social-
Democrats in the name of the working class pursued what was in fact an anti-peasant policy. The peasant saw in power
a number of Social-Democratic governments, which in his eyes were an embodiment of the power of the working class;
but not one of them put an end to peasant want, none of them gave land to the peasantry. In Germany, the Social-
Democrats did not touch the landlords; they combated the strikes of the farm laborers, with the result that long before
Hitler came to power the farm laborers of Germany were deserting the reformist trade unions and in the majority of
cases were going over to the Stahlhelm and to the National Socialists.
Fascism also attained power for the reason that it was able to penetrate into the ranks of the youth, whereas the Social-
Democrats diverted the working class youth from the class struggle, while the revolutionary proletariat did not develop
the necessary educational work among the youth and did not pay enough attention to the struggle for its specific
interests and demands. Fascism grasped the very acute need of the youth for militant activity, and enticed a
considerable section of the youth into its fighting detachments. The new generation of young men and women has not
experienced the horrors of war. They have felt the full weight of the economic crisis, unemployment and the
disintegration of bourgeois democracy. But, seeing no prospects for the future, large sections of the youth proved to be
particularly receptive to fascist demagogy, which depicted for them an alluring future should fascism succeed.
In this connection, we cannot avoid referring also to a number of mistakes made by the Communist Parties, mistakes
that hampered our struggle against fascism.
In our ranks there was an impermissible underestimation of the fascist danger, a tendency which to this day has not
everywhere been overcome. A case in point is the opinion formerly to be met with in our Parties that "Germany is not
Italy," meaning that fascism may have succeeded in Italy, but that its success in Germany was out of the question,
because the latter is an industrially and culturally highly developed country, with forty years of traditions of the working-
class movement, in which fascism was impossible. Or the kind of opinion which is to be met with nowadays, to the effect
that in countries of "classical" bourgeois democracy the soil for fascism does not exist. Such opinions have served and
may serve to relax vigilance towards the fascist danger, and to render the mobilization of the proletariat in the struggle
against fascism more difficult.
One might also cite quite a few instances where Communists were taken unawares by the fascist coup. Remember
Bulgaria, where the leadership of our Party, took up a "neutral," but in fact opportunist, position with regard to the coup
d'tat of June 9, 1923; Poland, where in May 1926 the leadership of the Communist Party, making a wrong estimate of
the motive forces of the Polish revolution, did not realize the fascist nature of Pilsudski's coup, and trailed in the rear of
events; Finland, where our Party based itself on a false conception of slow and gradual fascization and overlooked the
fascist coup which was being prepared by the leading group of the bourgeoisie and which took the Party and the
working class unawares.
When National Socialism had already become a menacing mass movement in Germany, there were comrades who
regarded the Bruening government as already a government of fascist dictatorship, and who boastfully declared: "If
Hitler's Third Reich ever comes about, it will be six feet underground, and above it will be the victorious power of the
Our comrades in Germany for a long time failed to fully reckon with the wounded national sentiments and the
indignation of the masses against the Versailles Treaty; they treated as of little account the waverings of the peasantry
and petty bourgeoisie; they were late in drawing up their program of social and national emancipation, and when they
did put it forward they were unable to adapt it to the concrete demands and to the level of the masses. They were even
unable to popularize it widely among the masses.
In a number of countries, the necessary development of a mass fight against fascism was replaced by barren debates on
the nature of fascism "in general" and by a narrow sectarian attitude in formulating and solving the immediate political
tasks of the Party.
Comrades, it is not simply because we want to dig up the past that we speak of the causes of the victory of fascism, that
we point to the historical responsibility of the Social Democrats for the defeat of the working class, and that we also
point out our own mistakes in the fight against fascism. We are not historians divorced from living reality; we, active
fighters of the working class, are obliged to answer the question that is tormenting millions of workers: Can the victory
of fascism be prevented, and how? And we reply to these millions of workers: Yes, comrades, the road to fascism can be
blocked. It is quite possible. It depends on ourselves-on the workers, the peasants and all working people.
Whether the victory of fascism can be prevented depends first and foremost on the militant activity of the working class
itself, on whether its forces are welded into a single militant army combating the offensive of capitalism and fascism. By
establishing its fighting unity, the proletariat would paralyze the influence of fascism over the peasantry, the urban petty
bourgeoisie, the youth and the intelligentsia, and would be able to neutralize one section of them and win over the
other section.
Second, it depends on the existence of a strong revolutionary party, correctly leading the struggle of the working people
against fascism. A party which systematically calls on the workers to retreat in the face of fascism and permits the fascist
bourgeoisie to strengthen its positions is doomed to lead the workers to defeat.
Third, it depends on a correct policy of the working class towards the peasantry and the petty-bourgeois masses of the
towns. These masses must be taken as they are, and not as we should like to have them. It is in the process of the
struggle that they will overcome their doubts and waverings. It is only by a patient attitude towards their inevitable
waverings, it is only by the political help of the proletariat, that they will be able to rise to a higher level of revolutionary
consciousness and activity.
Fourth, it depends on the vigilance and timely action of the revolutionary proletariat. The latter must not allow fascism
to take it unawares, it must not surrender the initiative to fascism, but must inflict decisive blows on it before it can
gather its forces, it must not allow fascism to consolidate its position, it must repel fascism wherever and whenever it
rears its head, it must not allow fascism to gain new positions. This is what the French proletariat is so successfully trying
to do.
These are the main conditions for preventing the growth of fascism and its accession to power.
The fascist dictatorship of the bourgeoisie is a ferocious power, but an unstable one.
Fascism undertakes to overcome the differences and antagonisms within the bourgeois camp, but it makes these
antagonisms even more acute.
Fascism tries to establish its political monopoly by violently destroying other political parties. But the existence of the
capitalist system, the existence of various classes and the accentuation of class contradictions inevitably tend to
undermine and explode the political monopoly of fascism. In a fascist country the party of the fascists cannot set itself
the aim of abolishing classes and class contradictions. It puts an end to the legal existence of bourgeois parties. But a
number of them continue to maintain an illegal existence, while the Communist Party even in conditions of illegality
continues to make progress, becomes steeled and tempered and leads the struggle of the proletariat against the fascist
dictatorship. Hence, under the blows of class contradictions, the political monopoly of fascism is bound to explode.
Another reason for the instability of the fascist dictatorship is that the contrast between the anti-capitalist demagogy of
fascism and its policy of enriching the monopolist bourgeoisie in the most piratical fashion makes it easier to expose the
class nature of fascism and tends to shake and narrow its mass basis.
Furthermore, the victory of fascism arouses the deep hatred and indignation of the masses, helps to revolutionize them,
and provides a powerful stimulus for a united front of the proletariat against fascism.
By conducting a policy of economic nationalism (autarchy) and by seizing the greater part of the national income for the
purpose of preparing for war, fascism undermines the whole economic life of the country and accentuates the economic
war between the capitalist states. To the conflicts that arise among the bourgeoisie it lends the character of sharp and at
times bloody collisions that undermine the stability of the fascist state power in the eyes of the people. A government
which murders its own followers, as happened in Germany on June 30 8) of last year, a fascist government against which
another section of the fascist bourgeoisie is conducting an armed fight (the National-Socialist putsch in Austria and the
violent attacks of individual fascist groups on the fascist government in Poland, Bulgaria, Finland and other countries) --
a government of this character cannot for long maintain its authority in the eyes of the broad mass of the petty
The working class must be able to take advantage of the antagonisms and conflicts within the bourgeois camp, but it
must not cherish the illusion that fascism will exhaust itself of its own accord. Fascism will not collapse automatically.
Only the revolutionary activity of the working class can help to take advantage of the conflicts which inevitably arise
within the bourgeois camp in order to undermine the fascist dictatorship and to overthrow it.
By destroying the relics of bourgeois democracy, by elevating open violence to a system of government, fascism shakes
democratic illusions and undermines the authority of the law in the eyes of the working people. This is particularly true
in countries such as Austria and Spain, where the workers have taken up arms against fascism. In Austria, the heroic
struggle of the Schutzbund and the Communists in spite of its defeat, shook the stability of the fascist dictatorship from
the very outset.
In Spain, the bourgeoisie did not succeed in putting the fascist muzzle on the working people. The armed struggles in
Austria and Spain have resulted in ever wider masses of the working class coming to realize the necessity for a
revolutionary class struggle.
Only such monstrous philistines, such lackeys of the bourgeoisie, as the superannuated theoretician of the Second
International, Karl Kautsky, are capable of casting reproaches at the workers, to the effect that they should not have
taken up arms in Austria and Spain. What would the working class movement in Austria and Spain look like today if the
working class of these countries were guided by the treacherous counsels of the Kautskys? The working class would be
experiencing profound demoralization in its ranks.
The school of civil war -- Lenin says -- does not leave the people unaffected. It is a harsh school, and its complete
curriculum inevitably includes the victories of the counterrevolution, the debaucheries of enraged reactionaries, savage
punishments meted out by the old governments to the rebels, etc. But only downright pedants and mentally decrepit
mummies can grieve over the fact that nations are entering this painful school; this school teaches the oppressed classes
how to conduct civil war; it teaches how to bring about a victorious revolution; it concentrates in the masses of present-
day slaves that hatred which is always harboured by the downtrodden, dull, ignorant slaves, and which leads those
slaves who have become conscious of the shame of their slavery to the greatest historic exploits.
[V. I. Lenin, Collected Works 15:183]
The triumph of fascism in Germany has, as we know, been followed by a new wave of the fascist offensive, which in
Austria led to the provocation by Dollfuss, in Spain to the new onslaughts of counter-revolution on the revolutionary
conquests of the masses, in Poland to the fascist reform of the constitution, while in France it spurred the armed
detachments of the fascists to attempt a coup d'tat in February 1934. But this victory, and the frenzy of the fascist
dictatorship, called forth a countermovement for a united proletarian front against fascism on an international scale.
The burning of the Reichstag, which served as a signal for the general attack of fascism on the working class, the seizure
and spoliation of the trade unions and the other working class organizations, the groans of the tortured anti-fascists
rising from the vaults of the fascist barracks and concentration camps, are making clear to the masses what has been the
outcome of the reactionary, disruptive role played by the German Social-Democratic leaders, who rejected the proposal
made by the Communists for a joint struggle against advancing fascism. These things are convincing the masses of the
necessity of uniting all forces of the working class for the overthrow of fascism.
Hitler's victory also provided a decisive stimulus for the creation of a united front of the working class against fascism in
France. Hitler's victory not only aroused in the workers a fear of the fate that befell the German workers, not only
kindled hatred for the executioners of their German class brothers, but also strengthened in them the determination
never in any circumstances to allow in their country what happened to the working class in Germany.
The powerful urge towards a united front in all the capitalist countries shows that the lessons of defeat have not been in
vain. The working class is beginning to act in a new way.The initiative shown by the Communist Parties in the
organization of a united front and the supreme self-sacrifice displayed by the Communists, by the revolutionary workers
in the struggle against fascism, have resulted in an unprecedented increase in the prestige of the Communist
International. At the same time, the Second International is undergoing a profound crisis, a crisis which is particularly
noticeable and has particularly accentuated since the bankruptcy of German Social-Democracy. With ever greater ease
the Social-Democratic workers are able to convince themselves that fascist Germany, with all its horrors and barbarities,
is in the final analysis the result of the Social-Democratic policy of class collaboration with the bourgeoisie. These masses
are coming ever more clearly to realize that the path along which the German Social-Democratic leaders led the
proletariat must not be traversed again. Never has there been such ideological dissension in the camp of the Second
International as at the present time. A process of differentiation is taking place in all Social-Democratic Parties. Within
their ranks two principal camps are forming: side by side with the existing camp of reactionary elements, who are trying
in every way to preserve the bloc between the Social-Democrats and the bourgeoisie, and who rabidly reject a united
front with the Communists, there is beginning to emerge a camp of revolutionary elements who entertain doubts as to
the correctness of the policy of class collaboration with the bourgeoisie, who are in favor of the creation of a united front
with the Communists, and who are increasingly coming to adopt the position of the revolutionary class struggle.
Thus fascism, which appeared as the result of the decline of the capitalist system, in the long run acts as a factor in
its further disintegration. Thus fascism, which has undertaken to bury Marxism, the revolutionary movement of the
working class, is, as a result of the dialectics of life and the class struggle, itself leading to the further development of the
forcesthat are bound to serve as its grave-diggers, the grave-diggers of capitalism.
Comrades, millions of workers and working people of the capitalist countries are asking the question: How can fascism
be prevented from coming to power and how can fascism be overthrown after it has attained power? To this the
Communist International replies: The first thing that must be done, the thing with which to begin, is to form a united
front, to establish unity of action of the workers in every factory, in every district, in every region, in every country, all
over the world. Unity of action of the proletariat on a national and international scale is the mighty weapon which
renders the working class capable not only of successful defense but also of successful counterattack against fascism,
against the class enemy.
Is it not clear that joint action by the supporters of the parties and organizations of the two Internationals, the
Communist and the Second International, would make it easier for the masses to repulse the fascist onslaught, and
would heighten the political importance of the working class?
Joint action by the parties of both internationals against fascism, however, would not be confined in its effects to
influencing their present adherents, the Communists and Social-Democrats; it would also exert a powerful impact on the
ranks of the Catholic, Anarchist and unorganized workers, even upon those who have temporarily become the victims of
fascist demagogy.
Moreover, a powerful united front of the proletariat would exert tremendous influence on all other strata of the
working people, on the peasantry, on the urban petty bourgeoisie, on the intelligentsia. A united front would inspire the
wavering groups with faith in the strength of the working class.
But even this is not all. The proletariat of the imperialist countries has possible allies not only in the working people of its
own countries, but also in the oppressed nations of the colonies and semi-colonies. Inasmuch as the proletariat is split
both nationally and internationally, inasmuch as one of its parts supports the policy of collaboration with the
bourgeoisie, in particular its system of oppression in the colonies and semi-colonies, a barrier is put between the
working class and the oppressed peoples of the colonies and semi-colonies, and the world anti-imperialist front is
weakened. Every step by the proletariat of the imperialist countries on the road to unity of action in the direction of
supporting the struggle for the liberation of the colonial peoples means transforming the colonies and semi-colonies into
one of the most important reserves of the world proletariat.
If, finally, we bear in mind that international unity of action by the proletariat relies on the steadily growing strength of
the proletarian state, the land of socialism, the Soviet Union, we see what broad perspectives are revealed by the
realization of proletarian unity of action on a national and international scale.
The establishment of unity of action by all sections of the working class, irrespective of the party or organization to
which they belong, is necessary even before the majority of the working class is united in the struggle for the overthrow
of capitalism and the victory of the proletarian revolution.
Is it possible to realize this unity of action of the proletariat in the individual countries and throughout the whole world?
Yes, it is. And it is possible at this very moment. The Communist International puts no conditions for unity of action
except one, and at that an elementary condition acceptable to all workers, viz., that the unity of action be directed
against fascism, against the offensive of capital, against the threat of war, against the class enemy. This is our condition.
What objections can the opponents of the united front have, and what objections do they voice?
Some say: "The Communists use the slogan of the united front merely as a maneuver." But if this is the case, we reply,
why don't you expose this "Communist maneuver" by your honest participation in the united front? We declare frankly:
We want unity of action by the working class so that the proletariat may grow strong in its struggle against the
bourgeoisie, in order that while defending today its current interests against attacking capital, against fascism, the
proletariat may reach a position tomorrow to create the preliminary conditions for its final emancipation.
"The Communists attack us," say others. But listen, we have repeatedly declared: We shall not attack anyone, whether
persons, organizations or parties, standing for the united front of the working class against the class enemy. But at the
same time it is our duty, in the interests of the proletariat and its cause, to criticize those persons, organizations and
parties that hinder unity of action by the workers.
"We cannot form a united front with the Communists, since they have a different program," says a third group. But
you yourselves say that your program differs from the program of the bourgeois parties, and yet this did not and does
not prevent you from entering into coalitions with these parties.
"The bourgeois-democratic parties are better allies against fascism that the Communists," say the opponents of the
united front and the advocates of coalition with the bourgeoisie. But what does Germany's experience teach? Did not
the Social-Democrats form a bloc with those "better" allies? And what were the results?
"If we establish a united front with the Communists, the petty bourgeoisie will take fright at the 'Red danger' and will
desert to the fascists," we hear it said quite frequently. But does the united front represent a threat to the peasants,
small traders, artisans, working intellectuals? No, the united front is a threat to the big bourgeoisie, the financial
magnates, the junkers and other exploiters, whose regime brings complete ruin to all these strata.
"Social-Democracy is for democracy, the Communists are for dictatorship; therefore we cannot form a united front
with the Communists," say some of the Social-Democratic leaders. But are we offering you now a united front for the
purpose of proclaiming the dictatorship of the proletariat? We make no such proposal now.
"Let the Communists recognize democracy, let them come out in its defense; then we shall be ready for a united
front." To this we reply: We are the adherents of Soviet democracy, the democracy of the working people, the most
consistent democracy in the world. But in the capitalist countries we defend and shall continue to defend every inch of
bourgeois-democratic liberties, which are being attacked by fascism and bourgeois reaction, because the interests of the
class struggle of the proletariat so dictate.
"But can the tiny Communist Parties contribute anything by participating in the united front brought about by the
Labour Party," say, for instance, the Labour leaders of Great Britain. Remember how the Austrian Social-Democratic
leaders said the same thing with reference to the small Austrian Communist Party. And what have events shown? It was
not the Austrian Social-Democratic Party headed by Otto Bauer and Renner that proved right, but the small Austrian
Communist Party which signalled the fascist danger in Austria at the right moment and called upon the workers to
struggle. The whole experience of the labor movement has shown that the Communists with all their relative
insignificance in numbers, are the motive power of the militant activity of the proletariat. Moreover, it must not be
forgotten that the Communist Parties of Austria or Great Britain are not only the tens of thousands of workers who are
adherents of the Party, but are parts of the world Communist movement, are Sections of the Communist International,
whose leading Party is the Party of a proletariat which has already achieved victory and rules over one-sixth of the globe.
"But the united front did not prevent fascism from being victorious in the Saar," is another objection advanced by the
opponents of the united front. Strange is the logic of these gentlemen. First they leave no stone unturned to ensure the
victory of fascism and then they rejoice with malicious glee because the united front which they entered into only at the
last moment did not lead to the victory of the workers.
"If we were to form a united front with the Communists, we should have to withdraw from the coalition, and
reactionary and fascist parties would enter the government," say the Social-Democratic leaders holding cabinet posts
in various countries. Very well. Was not the German Social-Democratic Party in a coalition government? It was. Was not
the Austrian Social-Democratic Party in office? Were not the Spanish Socialists in the same government as the
bourgeoisie? They were. Did the participation of the Social-Democratic Parties in the bourgeois coalition governments in
these countries prevent fascism from attacking the proletariat? It did not. Consequently it is as clear as daylight that
participation of Social-Democratic ministers in bourgeois governments is not a barrier to fascism.
"The Communists act like dictators, they want to prescribe and dictate everything to us." No. We prescribe nothing
and dictate nothing. We only put forward our proposals, being convinced that if realized they will meet the interests of
the working people. This is not only the right but the duty of all those acting in the name of the workers. You are afraid
of the 'dictatorship' of the Cornmunists? Let us jointly submit to the workers all proposals, both yours and ours, jointly
discuss them together with all the workers, and choose those proposals which are most useful to the cause of the
working class.
Thus all these arguments against a united front will not stand the slightest criticism. They are rather the flimsy excuses of
the reactionary leaders of Social-Democracy, who prefer their united front with the bourgeoisie to the united front of
the proletariat.
No. These excuses will not hold water. The international proletariat has experienced the suffering caused by the split in
the working class, and becomes more and more convinced that the united front, the unity of action of the proletariat on
a national and international scale, is at once necessary and perfectly possible.
What is and ought to be the basic content of the united front at the present stage? The defense of the immediate
economic and political interests of the working class, the defense of the working class against fascism, must form
the starting point and main content of the united front in all capitalist countries.
We must not confine ourselves to bare appeals to struggle for the proletarian dictatorship. We must find and advance
those slogans and forms of struggle which arise from the vital needs of the masses, from the level of their fighting
capacity at the present stage of development.
We must point out to the masses what they must do today to defend themselves against capitalist spoliation and fascist
We must strive to establish the widest united front with the aid of joint action by workers' organizations of different
trends for the defense of the vital interests of the laboring masses. This means:
First, joint struggle really to shift the burden of the consequences of the crisis onto the shoulders of the ruling
classes, the shoulders of the capitalists and landlords -- in a word, onto the shoulders of the rich.
Second, joint struggle against all forms of the fascist offensive, in defense of the gains and the rights of the
working people, against the abolition of bourgeois-democratic liberties.
Third, joint struggle against the approaching danger of an imperialist war, a struggle that will make the
preparation of such a war more difficult.
We must tirelessly prepare the working class for a rapid change in forms and methods of struggle when there is a change
in the situation. As the movement grows and the unity of the working class strengthens, we must go further, and
prepare the transition from the defensive to the offensive against capital, steering towards the organization of a mass
political strike. It must be an absolute condition of such a strike to draw into it the main trade unions of the countries
Communists, of course, cannot and must not for a moment abandon their own independent work of Communist
education, organization and mobilization of the masses. However, to ensure that the workers find the road of unity of
action, it is necessary to strive at the same time both for short-term and for long-term agreements that provide for joint
action with Social Democratic Parties, reformist trade unions and other organizations of the working people against the
class enemies of the proletariat. The chief stress in all this must be laid on developing mass action, locally, to be carried
out by the local organizations through local agreements. While loyally carrying out the conditions of all agreements
made with them, we shall mercilessly expose all sabotage of joint action on the part of persons and organizations
participating in the united front. To any attempt to wreck the agreements -- and such attempts may possibly be made --
we shall reply by appealing to the masses while continuing untiringly to struggle for restoration of the broken unity of
It goes without saying that the practical realization of a united front will take various forms in various countries,
depending upon the condition and character of the workers' organizations and their political level, upon the situation in
the particular country, upon the changes in progress in the international labor movement, etc.
These forms may include, for instance: coordinated joint action of the workers to be agreed upon from case to case on
definite occasions, on individual demands or on the basis of a common platform; coordinated actions in individual
enterprises or by whole industries; coordinated actions on a local, regional, national or international scale, coordinated
actions for the organization of the economic struggle of the workers, for carrying out mass political actions, for the
organization of joint self-defense against fascist attacks, coordinated actions in rendering aid to political prisoners and
their families, in the field of struggle against social reaction; joint actions in the defense of the interests of the youth and
women, in the field of the cooperative movement, cultural activity, sport, etc.
It would be insufficient to rest content with the conclusion of a pact providing for joint action and the formation of
contact committees from the parties and organizations participating in the united front, like those we have in France, for
instance. That is only the first step. The pact is an auxiliary means for obtaining joint action, but by itself it does not
constitute a united front. A contact commission between the leaders of the Communist and Socialist Parties is necessary
to facilitate the carrying out of joint action, but by itself it is far from adequate for a real development of the united
front, for drawing the widest masses into the struggle against fascism.
The Communists and all revolutionary workers must strive for the formation of elected (and in the countries of fascist
dictatorship -- selected from among the most authoritative participants in the united front movement) nonparty class
bodies of the united front, at the factories, among the unemployed, in the working class districts, among the small towns-
folk and in the villages. Only such bodies will be able to include also the vast masses of unorganized working people in
the united front movement, and will be able to assist in developing mass initiative in the struggle against the capitalist
offensive, against fascism and reaction, and on this basis create the necessary broad active rank-and-file of the united
front and train hundreds and thousands of non-Party Bolsheviks in the capitalist countries.
Joint action of the organized workers is the beginning, the foundation. But we must not lose sight of the fact that the
unorganized masses constitute the vast majority of workers. Thus, in France the number of organized workers --
Communists, Socialists, trade union members of various trends-is altogether about one million, while the total number
of workers is eleven million. In Great Britain there are approximately five million members of trade unions and parties of
various trends. At the same time the total number of workers is fourteen million. In the United States of
America about five million workers are organized, while altogether there are thirty-eight million workers in that country.
About the same ratio holds good for a number of other countries. In "normal" times this mass in the main does not
participate in political life. But now this gigantic mass is getting into motion more and more, is being brought into
political life, comes out onto the political arena.
The creation of nonpartisan class bodies is the best form for carrying out, extending and strengthening a united front
among the rank-and-file of the masses. These bodies will likewise be the best bulwark against any attempt of the
opponents of the united front to disrupt the growing unity of action of the working class.
In mobilizing the mass of working people for the struggle against fascism, the formation of a wide anti-fascist People's
Front on the basis of the proletarian united front is a particularly important task. The success of the whole struggle of the
proletariat is closely bound up with the establishment of a fighting alliance between the proletariat, on the one hand,
and the laboring peasantry and basic mass of the urban petty bourgeoisie who together form the majority of the
population even in industrially developed countries, on the other.
In its agitation, fascism, desirous of winning these masses to its own side, tries to set the mass of the working people in
town and countryside against the revolutionary proletariat, frightening the petty bourgeoisie with the bogey of the "Red
peril." We must turn this weapon against those who wield it and show the working peasants, artisans and intellectuals
whence the real danger threatens. We must show concretely who it is that piles the burden of taxes and imposts onto
the peasant and squeezes usurious interest out of him; who it is that, while owning the best land and every form of
wealth, drives the peasant and his family from their plot of land and dooms them to unemployment and poverty. We
must explain concretely, patiently and persistently who it is that ruins the artisans and handicraftsmen with taxes,
imposts, high rents and competition impossible for them to withstand; who it is that throws into the street and deprives
of employment the wide masses of the working intelligentsia.
The fundamental, the most decisive thing in establishing an anti-fascist People's Front is resolute action of the
revolutionary proletariat in defense of the demands of these sections of the people, particularly the working peasantry --
demands in line with the basic interests of the proletariat -- and in the process of struggle combining the demands of the
working class with these demands.
In forming an anti-fascist People's Front, a correct approach to those organizations and parties whose membership
comprises a considerable number of the working peasantry and the mass of the urban petty bourgeoisie is of great
In the capitalist countries the majority of these parties and organizations, political as well as economic, are still under
the influence of the bourgeoisie and follow it. The social composition of these parties and organizations is
heterogeneous. They include rich peasants side by side with landless peasants, big businessmen alongside petty
shopkeepers; but control is in the hands of the former, the agents of big capital. This obliges us to approach the different
organizations in different ways, remembering that often the bulk of the membership ignores the real political character
of its leadership. Under certain conditions we can and must try to draw these parties and organizations or certain
sections of them to the side of the anti-fascist People's Front, despite their bourgeois leadership. Such, for instance, is
today the situation in France with the Radical party, in the United States with various farmers' organizations, in Poland
with the "Stronnictwo Ludowe," 9) in Yugoslavia with the Croatian Peasants' Party, in Bulgaria with the Agrarian Union, in
Greece with the Agrarians, etc. But regardless of whether or not there is any chance of attracting these parties and
organizations as a whole to the People's Front, our tactics must under all circumstances be directed towards drawing the
small peasants, artisans, handicraftsmen, etc., among their members into an anti-fascist People's Front.
Hence, you see that in this field we must all along the line put an end to what has not infrequently occurred in our work-
neglect or contempt of the various organizations and parties of the peasants, artisans and the mass of petty bourgeoisie
in the towns.
One of the weakest aspects of the anti-fascist struggle of our Parties is that they react inadequately and too slowly to the
demagogy of fascism, and to this day continue to neglect the problems of the struggle against fascist ideology. Many
comrades did not believe that so reactionary a brand of bourgeois ideology as the ideology of fascism, which in its
stupidity frequently reaches the point of lunacy, would be able to gain any mass influence. This was a serious mistake.
The putrefaction of capitalism penetrates to the innermost core of its ideology and culture, while the desperate
situation of wide masses of the people renders certain sections of them susceptible to infection from the ideological
refuse of this putrefaction.
Under no circumstances must we underrate fascism's power of ideological infection. On the contrary, we for our part
must develop an extensive ideological struggle based on clear, popular arguments and a correct, well thought out
approach to the peculiarities of the national psychology of the masses of the people.
The fascists are rummaging through the entire history of every nation so as to be able to pose as the heirs and
continuators of all that was exalted and heroic in its past, while all that was degrading or offensive to the national
sentiments of the people they make use of as weapons against the enemies of fascism. Hundreds of books are being
published in Germany with only one aim -- to falsify the history of the German people and give it a fascist complexion.
The new-baked National Socialist historians try to depict the history of Germany as if for the past two thousand years, by
virtue of some historical law, a certain line of development had run through it like a red thread, leading to the
appearance on the historical scene of a national 'savior', a 'Messiah' of the German people, a certain 'Corporal' of
Austrian extraction. In these books the greatest figures of the German people of the past are represented as having
been fascists, while the great peasant movements are set down as the direct precursors of the fascist movement.
Mussolini does his utmost to make capital for himself out of the heroic figure of Garibaldi. The French fascists bring to
the fore as their heroine Joan of Arc. The American fascists appeal to the traditions of the American War of
Independence, the traditions of Washington and Lincoln. The Bulgarian fascists make use of the national-liberation
movement of the seventies and its heroes beloved by the people, Vassil Levsky, Stephan Karaj and others.
Communists who suppose that all this has nothing to do with the cause of the working class, who do nothing to
enlighten the masses on the past of their people in a historically correct fashion, in a genuinely Marxist-Leninist spirit,
who do nothing to link up the present struggle with the people's revolutionary traditions and past -- voluntarily hand
over to the fascist falsifiers all that is valuable in the historical past of the nation, so that the fascists may fool the
No, Comrades, we are concerned with every important question, not only of the present and the future, but also of the
past of our own peoples. We Communists do not pursue a narrow policy based on the craft interests of the workers. We
are not narrow-minded trade union functionaries, or leaders of medieval guilds of handicraftsmen and journeymen. We
are the representatives of the class interests of the most important, the greatest class of modern society-the working
class, to whose destiny it falls to free mankind from the sufferings of the capitalist system, the class which in one-sixth of
the world has already cast off the yoke of capitalism and constitutes the ruling class. We defend the vital interests of all
the exploited, toiling strata, that is, of the overwhelming majority in any capitalist country.
We Communists are the irreconcilable opponents, in principle, of bourgeois nationalism in all its forms. But we are not
supporters of national nihilism, and should never act as such. The task of educating the workers and all working people
in the spirit of proletarian internationalism is one of the fundamental tasks of every Communist Party. But anyone who
thinks that this permits him, or even compels him, to sneer at all the national sentiments of the broad masses of working
people is far from being a genuine Bolshevik, and has understood nothing of the teaching of Lenin on the national
Lenin, who always fought bourgeois nationalism resolutely and consistently, gave us an example of the correct approach
to the problem of national sentiments in his article "On the National Pride of the Great Russians" written in 1914. He
Are we class-conscious Great-Russian proletarians impervious to the feeling of national pride? Certainly not. We love our
language and our motherland; we, more than any other group, are working to raise its laboring masses (i.e., nine-tenths
of its population) to the level of intelligent democrats and socialists. We, more than anybody are grieved to see and feel
to what violence, oppression and mockery our beautiful motherland is being subjected by the tsarist hangmen, the
nobles and the capitalists. We are proud of the fact that those acts of violence met with resistance in our midst, in the
midst of the Great Russians; that this midst brought forth Radischev, the Decembrists, the intellectual revolutionaries of
the seventies; that in 1905 the Great-Russian working class created a powerful revolutionary party of the masses. .
We are filled with national pride because of the knowledge that the Great-Russian nation, too, has created a
revolutionary class, that it, too, has proved capable of giving humanity great examples of struggle for freedom and for
socialism; that its contribution is not confined solely to great pogroms, numerous scaffolds, torture chambers, severe
famines and abject servility before the priests, the tsars, the landowners and the capitalists.
We are filled with national pride, and therefore we particularly hate our slavish past... and our slavish present, in which
the same landowners, aided by the capitalists, lead us into war to stifle Poland and the Ukraine, to throttle the
democratic movement in Persia and in China, to strengthen the gang of Romanovs, Bobrinskis, Puriskeviches that cover
with shame our Great-Russian national dignity.
[V. I. Lenin, Collected Works 21:103-4]
I think, comrades, that when at the Reichstag Fire Trial the fascists tried to slander the Bulgarians as a barbarous people,
I was not wrong in taking up the defense of the national honor of the working masses of the Bulgarian people, who are
struggling heroically against the fascist usurpers, the real barbarians and savages, nor was I wrong in declaring that I had
no cause to be ashamed of being a Bulgarian, but that, on the contrary, I was proud of being a son of the heroic
Bulgarian working class.
Comrades, proletarian internationalism must, so to speak, "acclimatize itself" in each country in order to strike deep
roots in its native land. National forms of the proletarian class struggle and of the labor movement in the individual
countries are in no contradiction to proletarian internationalism; on the contrary, it is precisely in these forms that the
international interests of the proletariat can be successfully defended.
It goes without saying that it is necessary everywhere and on all occasions to expose before the masses and prove to
them concretely that the fascist bourgeoisie, on the pretext of defending general national interests, is conducting its
selfish policy of oppressing and exploiting its own people, as well as robbing and enslaving other nations. But we must
not confine ourselves to this. We must at the same time prove by the very struggle of the working class and the actions
of the Communist Parties that the proletariat, in rising against every manner of bondage and national oppression, is
the only true fighter for national freedom and the independence of the people.
The interests of the class struggle of the proletariat against its native exploiters and oppressors are not in contradiction
to the interests of a free and happy future of the nation. On the contrary, the socialist revolution will signify the
salvation of the nation and will open up to it the road to loftier heights. By the very fact of building at the present time
its class organizations and consolidating its positions, by the very fact of defending democratic rights and liberties
against fascism, by the very fact of fighting for the overthrow of capitalism, the working class is fighting for the future of
the nation.
The revolutionary proletariat is fighting to save the culture of the people, to liberate it from the shackles of decaying
monopoly capitalism, from barbarous fascism, which is laying violent hands on it. Only the proletarian revolution can
avert the destruction of culture and raise it to its highest flowering as a truly national culture -- national in form and
socialist in content -- which is being realized in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics before our very eyes.
Proletarian internationalism not only is not in contradiction to this struggle of the working people of the individual
countries for national, social and cultural freedom, but, thanks to international proletarian solidarity and fighting unity,
assures the support that is necessary for victory in this struggle. The working class in the capitalist countries can
triumph only in the closest alliance with the victorious proletariat of the great Soviet Union. Only by struggling hand in
hand with the proletariat of the imperialist countries can the colonial peoples and oppressed national minorities achieve
their freedom. The sole road to victory for the proletarian revolution in the imperialist countries lies through the
revolutionary alliance of the working class of the imperialist countries with the national-liberation movement in the
colonies and dependent countries, because, as Marx taught us, "no nation can be free if it oppresses other nations."
Communists belonging to an oppressed, dependent nation cannot combat chauvinism successfully among the people of
their own nation if they do not at the same time show in practice, in the mass movement, that they actually struggle for
the liberation of their nation from the alien yoke. And again, on the other hand, the Communists of an oppressing nation
cannot do what is necessary to educate the working masses of their nation in the spirit of internationalism without
waging a resolute struggle against the oppressor policy of their "own" bourgeoisie, for the right of complete self-
determination for the nations kept in bondage by it. If they do not do this, they likewise do not make it easier for the
working people of the oppressed nation to overcome their nationalist prejudices.
If we act in this spirit, if in all our mass work we prove convincingly that we are free of both national nihilism and
bourgeois nationalism, then and only then shall we be able to wage a really successful struggle against the jingo
demagogy of the fascists.
That is the reason why a correct and practical application of the Leninist national policy is of such paramount
importance. It is unquestionably an essential preliminary condition for a successful struggle against chauvinism -- this
main instrument of ideological influence of the fascists upon the masses.
Comrades, in the struggle to establish a united front the importance of the leading role of the Communist Party
increases extraordinarily. Only the Communist Party is at bottom the initiator, the organizer and the driving force of the
united front of the working class.
The Communist Parties can ensure the mobilization of the broadest masses of working people for a united struggle
against fascism and the offensive of capital only if they strengthen their own ranks in every respect, if they develop their
initiative, pursue a Marxist-Leninist policy and apply correct, flexible tactics which take into account the actual situation
and alignment of class forces.
In the period between the Sixth and Seventh Congress, our Parties in the capitalist countries have undoubtedly grown in
stature and have been considerably steeled. But it would be a most dangerous mistake to rest content with this
achievement. The more the united front of the working class extends, the more will new, complex problems arise before
us and the more will it be necessary for us to work on the political and organizational consolidation of our Parties. The
united front of the proletariat brings to the fore an army of workers who will be able to carry out their mission if this
army is headed by a leading force that will point out its aims and paths. This leading force can only be a strong
proletarian, revolutionary party.
If we Communists exert every effort to establish a united front, we do this not for the narrow purpose of recruiting new
members for the Communist Parties. But we must strengthen the Communist Parties in every way and increase their
membership for the very reason that we seriously want to strengthen the united front. The strengthening of the
Communist Parties is not a narrow Party concern but the concern of the entire working class.
The unity, revolutionary solidarity and fighting preparedness of the Communist Parties constitute a most valuable capital
which belongs not only to us but to the whole working class. We have combined and shall continue to combine our
readiness to march jointly with the Social-Democratic Parties and organizations to the struggle against fascism with an
irreconcilable struggle against Social-Democracy as the ideology and practice of compromise with the bourgeoisie, and
consequently also against any penetration of this ideology into our own ranks.
In boldly and resolutely carrying out the policy of the united front, we meet in our own ranks with obstacles which we
must remove at all costs in the shortest possible time.
After the Sixth Congress of the Communist International, a successful struggle was waged in all Communist Parties of the
capitalist countries against any tendency towards an opportunist adaptation to the conditions of capitalist stabilization
and against any infection with reformist and legalist illusions. Our Parties purged their ranks of various kinds of Right
opportunists, thus strengthening their Bolshevik unity and fighting capacity. Less successful, and frequently entirely
lacking, was the fight against sectarianism. Sectarianism no longer manifested itself in primitive, open forms, as in the
first years of the existence of the Communist International, but, under cover of a formal recognition of the Bolshevik
theses, hindered the development of a Bolshevik mass policy. In our day this is often no longer an "infantile disorder," as
Lenin wrote, but a deeply rooted vice, which must be shaken off or it will be impossible to solve the problem of
establishing the united front of the proletariat and of leading the masses from the positions of reformism to the side of
In the present situation sectarianism, self-satisfied sectarianism, as we designate it in the draft resolution, more than
anything else impedes our struggle for the realization of the united front: sectarianism, satisfied with its doctrinaire
narrowness, its divorce from the real life of the masses, satisfied with its simplified methods of solving the most complex
problems of the working class movement on the basis of stereotyped schemes; sectarianism which professes to know all
and considers it superfluous to learn from the masses, from the lessons of the labor movement; in short, sectarianism,
to which as they say, mountains are mere stepping-stones.
Self-satisfied sectarianism will not and cannot understand that the leadership of the working class by the Communist
Party does not come of itself. The leading role of the Communist Party in the struggles of the working class must be won.
For this purpose it is necessary, not to rant about the leading role of the Communists, but to earn and win the
confidence of the working masses by everyday mass work and a correct policy. This will be possible only if in our political
work we Communists seriously take into account the actual level of the class consciousness of the masses, the degree to
which they have become revolutionized, if we soberly appraise the actual situation, not on the basis of our wishes but
on the basis of the actual state of affairs. Patiently, step by step, we must make it easier for the broad masses to come
over to the Communist position. We ought never to forget the words of Lenin, who warns us as strongly as possible:
... This is the whole point -- we must not regard that which is obsolete for us, as obsolete for the class, as obsolete for
the masses.
[V. I. Lenin, "Left-Wing" Communism, an Infantile Disorder, New York (1940), pp. 42; Collected Works 31:58]
Is it not a fact, comrades, that in our ranks there are still quite a few such doctrinaire elements, who at all times and
places sense nothing but danger in the policy of the united front? For such comrades the whole united front is one
unrelieved peril. But this sectarian "sticking to principle" is nothing but political helplessness in face of the difficulties of
directly leading the struggle of the masses.
Sectarianism finds expression particularly in overestimating the revolutionization of the masses, in overestimating the
speed at which they are abandoning the positions of reformism, and in attempting to leap over difficult stages and the
complicated tasks of the movement. In practice, methods of leading the masses have frequently been replaced by the
methods of leading a narrow party group. The strength of the traditional tie-up between the masses and their
organizations and leaders was underestimated, and when the masses did not break off these connections, immediately
the attitude taken toward them was just as harsh as that adopted toward their reactionary leaders. Tactics and slogans
have tended to become stereotyped for all countries, the special features of the actual situation in each individual
country being left out of account. The necessity of stubborn struggle in the very midst of the masses themselves to win
their confidence has been ignored, the struggle for the partial demands of the workers and work in the reformist trade
unions and fascist mass organizations have been neglected. The policy of the united front has frequently been replaced
by bare appeals and abstract propaganda.
In no less a degree have sectarian views hindered the correct selection of people, the training and developing of cadres
connected with the masses, enjoying the confidence of the masses, cadres whose revolutionary mettle has been tried
and tested in class battles, cadres capable of combining the practical experience of mass work with a Bolshevik
staunchness of principle.
Thus sectarianism has to a considerable extent retarded the growth of the Communist Parties, made it difficult to carry
out a real mass policy, prevented our taking advantage of the difficulties of the class enemy to strengthen the positions
of the revolutionary movement, and hindered the winning over of the broad masses of the proletariat to the side of the
Communist Parties.
While fighting most resolutely to overcome and exterminate the last remnants of self-satisfied sectarianism, we must
increase in every way our vigilance toward Right opportunism and the struggle against it and against every one of its
concrete manifestations, bearing in mind that the danger of Right opportunism will increase in proportion as the broad
united front develops. Already there are tendencies to reduce the role of the Communist Party in the ranks of the united
front and to effect a reconciliation with Social-Democratic ideology. Nor must we lose sight of the fact that the tactics of
the united front are a method of clearly convincing the Social-Democratic workers of the correctness of the Communist
policy and the incorrectness of the reformist policy, and that they are not a reconciliation with Social-Democratic
ideology and practice. A successful struggle to establish the united front imperatively demands constant struggle in our
ranks against tendencies to depreciate the role of the Party, against legalist illusions, against reliance on spontaneity
and automatism, both in liquidating fascism and in implementing the united front against the slightest vacillation at the
moment of decisive action.
Comrades, the development of the united front of joint struggle of the Communist and Social-Democratic workers
against fascism and the offensive of capital also brings to the fore the question of political unity, of a single political mass
party of the working class. The Social Democratic workers are becoming more and more convinced by experience that
the struggle against the class enemy demands unity of political leadership, inasmuch as duality in leadership impedes
the further development and reinforcement of the joint struggle of the working class.
The interests of the class struggle of the proletariat and the success of the proletarian revolution make it imperative that
there be a single party of the proletariat in each country. Of course, it is not so easy or simple to achieve this. It requires
stubborn work and struggle and is bound to be a more or less lengthy process. The Communist Parties, basing
themselves on the growing urge of the workers for a unification of the Social-Democratic Parties or of individual
organizations with the Communist Parties, must firmly and confidently take the initiative in this unification. The cause of
amalgamating the forces of the working class in a single revolutionary proletarian party at the time when the
international labor movement is entering the period of closing the split in its ranks, is our cause.
But while it is sufficient for the establishment of the united front of the Communist and Social-Democratic Parties to
have an agreement to fight against fascism, the offensive of capital and war, the achievement of political unity is
possible only on the basis of a number of certain conditions involving principles.
First, complete independence from the bourgeoisie and dissolution of the bloc of Social-Democracy with the
Second, preliminary unity of action;
Third, recognition of the revolutionary overthrow of the rule of the bourgeoisie and the establishment of the
dictatorship of the proletariat in the form of soviets a sine qua non;
Fourth, refusal to support one's own bourgeoisie in an imperialist war;
Fifth, building up the Party on the basis of democratic centralism, which ensures unity of purpose and action,
and which has been tested by the experience of the Russian Bolsheviks.
We must explain to the Social-Democratic workers, patiently and in comradely fashion, why political unity of the
working class is impossible without these conditions. We must discuss together with them the sense and significance of
these conditions.
Why is it necessary for the realization of the political unity of the proletariat that there be complete independence from
the bourgeoisie and a rupture of the bloc of Social-Democrats with the bourgeoisie?
Because the whole experience of the labor movement, particularly the experience of the fifteen years of coalition policy
in Germany, has shown that the policy of class collaboration, the policy of dependence on the bourgeoisie, leads to the
defeat of the working class and to the victory of fascism. And the only true road to victory is the road of irreconcilable
class struggle against the bourgeoisie, the road of the Bolsheviks.
Why must unity of action be first established as a preliminary condition of political unity?
Because unity of action to repel the offensive of capital and of fascism is possible and necessary even before the
majority of the workers are united on a common political platform for the overthrow of capitalism, while the working
out of unity of views on the main lines and aims of the struggle of the proletariat, without which a unification of the
parties is impossible, requires a more or less extended period of time. And unity of views is worked out best of all in joint
struggle against the class enemy already today. To propose to unite at once instead of forming a united front means to
place the cart before the horse and to imagine that the cart will then move ahead. Precisely for the reason that for us
the question of political unity is not a maneuver, as it is for many Social-Democratic leaders, we insist on the realization
of unity of action as one of the most important stages in the struggle for political unity.
Why is it necessary to recognize the necessity of the revolutionary overthrow of the bourgeoisie and the setting up of
the dictatorship of the proletariat in the form of soviet power?
Because the experience of the victory of the great October Revolution, on the one hand and, on the other, the bitter
lessons learned in Germany, Austria and Spain during the entire postwar period have confirmed once more that the
victory of the proletariat is possible only by means of the revolutionary overthrow of the bourgeoisie, and that the
bourgeoisie would rather drown the labor movement in a sea of blood than allow the proletariat to establish socialism
by peaceful means. The experience of the October Revolution has demonstrated patently that the basic content of the
proletarian revolution is the question of the proletarian dictatorship, which is called upon to crush the resistance of the
overthrown exploiters, to arm the revolution for the struggle against imperialism and to lead the revolution to the
complete victory of socialism. To achieve the dictatorship of the proletariat as the dictatorship of the vast majority over
an insignificant minority, over the exploiters -- and only as such can it be brought about -- for this soviets are needed
embracing all sections of the working class, the basic masses of the peasantry and the rest of the working people,
without whose awakening, without whose inclusion in the front of the revolutionary struggle, the victory of the
proletariat cannot be consolidated.
Why is the refusal of support to the bourgeoisie in an imperialist war a condition of political unity?
Because the bourgeoisie wages imperialist wars for its predatory purposes, against the interests of the vast majority of
the peoples, under whatever guise this war may be waged. Because all imperialists combine their feverish preparations
for war with extremely intensified exploitation and oppression of the working people in their own country. Support of
the bourgeoisie in such a war means treason to the country and the international working class.
Why, finally, is the building of the Party on the basis of democratic centralism a condition of unity?
Because only a party built on the basis of democratic centralism can ensure unity of purpose and action, can lead the
proletariat to victory over the bourgeoisie, which has at its disposal so powerful a weapon as the centralized state
apparatus. The application of the principle of democratic centralism has stood the splendid historical test of the
experience of the Russian Bolshevik Party, the Party of Lenin.
This explains why it is necessary to strive for political unity on the basis of the conditions indicated.
We are for the political unity of the working class. Therefore, we are ready to collaborate most closely with all Social-
Democrats who are for the united front and sincerely support unity on the above-mentioned principles.
But precisely because we are for unity, we shall struggle resolutely against all "Left" demagogues who try to make use of
the disillusionment of the Social Democratic workers to create new Socialist Parties or Internationals directed against
the Communist movement, and thus keep deepening the split in the working class.
We welcome the growing efforts among Social-Democratic workers for a united front with the Communists. In this fact
we see a growth of their revolutionary consciousness and a beginning of the healing of the split in the working class.
Being of the opinion that unity of action is a pressing necessity and the truest road to the establishment of the political
unity of the proletariat as well, we declare that the Communist International and its sections are ready to enter into
negotiations with the Second International and its sections for the establishment of the unity of the working class in the
struggle against the offensive of capital, against fascism and the menace of an imperialist war.
Comrades, I am concluding my report. As you see, taking into account the change in the situation since the Sixth
Congress and the lessons of our struggle, and relying on the degree of consolidation already achieved, we are raising a
number of questions today in a new way, primarily the question of the united front and of the approach to Social-
Democracy, the reformist trade unions and other mass organizations.
There are wiseacres who will sense in all this a digression from our basic positions, some sort of turn to the Right from
the straight line of Bolshevism. Well, in my country, Bulgaria, they say that a hungry hen always dreams of millet. Let
those political chickens think so.
This interests us little. For it is important that our own Parties and the broad masses throughout the world should
correctly understand what we are striving for.
We would not be revolutionary Marxists, Leninists, worthy pupils of Marx, Engels, and Lenin, if we did not
suitably reconstruct our policies and tactics in accordance with the changing situation and the changes occurring in the
world labor movement.
We would not be real revolutionaries if we did not learn from our own experience and the experience of the masses.
We want our Parties in the capitalist countries to come out and act as real political parties of the working class, to
become in actual fact a political factor in the life of their countries, to pursue at all times an active Bolshevik mass policy
and not confine themselves to propaganda and criticism, and bare appeals to struggle for a proletarian dictatorship.
We are enemies of all cut-and-dried schemes. We want to take into account the concrete situation at each moment, in
each place, and not act according to a fixed, stereotyped form anywhere and everywhere, not to forget that
in varying circumstances the position of the Communists cannot be identical.
We want soberly to take into account all stages in the development of the class struggle and in the growth of the class
consciousness of the masses themselves, to be able to locate and solve at each stage the concrete problems of the
revolutionary movement corresponding to this stage.
We want to find a common language with the broadest masses for the purpose of struggling against the class enemy, to
find ways of finally overcoming the isolation of the revolutionary vanguard from the masses of the proletariat and all
other working people, as well as of overcoming the fatal isolation of the working class itself from its natural allies in the
struggle against the bourgeoisie, against fascism.
We want to draw increasingly wide masses into the revolutionary class struggle and lead them to the proletarian
revolution proceeding from their vital interests and needs as the starting point, and their own experience as the basis.
Following the example of our glorious Russian Bolsheviks, the example of the leading party of the Communist
International, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, we want to combine the revolutionary heroism of the German,
the Spanish, the Austrian and other Communists with genuine revolutionary realism, and put an end to the last
remnants of scholastic tinkering with serious political questions.
We want to equip our Parties from every angle for the solution of the highly complex political problems confronting
them. For this purpose we want to raise ever higher their theoretical level, to train them in the spirit of living Marxism-
Leninism and not fossilized doctrinairism.
We want to eradicate from our ranks all self-satisfied sectarianism, which above all blocks our road to the masses and
impedes the carrying out of a truly Bolshevik mass policy.
We want to intensify in every way the struggle against concrete manifestations of Right opportunism, bearing in mind
that the danger from this side will arise precisely in the course of carrying out our mass policy and struggle.
We want the Communists of every country promptly to draw and apply all the lessons that can be drawn from their own
experience as the revolutionary vanguard of the proletariat. We want them as quickly as possible to learn how to sail on
the turbulent waters of the class struggle, and not to remain on the shore as observers and registrars of the surging
waves in the expectation of fine weather.
This is what we want.
And we want all this because only in this way will the working class at the head of all the working people, welded into a
million-strong revolutionary army, led by the Communist International, be able to fulfil its historical mission with
certainty -- to sweep fascism off the face of the earth and, together with it, capitalism!
R. PALME DUTT Fascism and Social Revolution , 1934
Excerpts from FASCISM AND SOCIAL REVOLUTION - A Study of the economics and Politics of the Extreme Stages of
Capitalism in Decay by R. PALME DUTT. 1934. Proletarian Publishers Edition 1974. Here we will include all or parts of the
following chapters of the book:
1. Introduction
2. Chapter 4: What is Fascism?
3. Chapter 9: The Theory and Practice of Fascism
4. Chapter 10: The Essence of Fascism: The Organization of Social Decay
5. Chapter 12: Fascism and Social Revolution
A VERY sharp issue confronts present society. Events move with great speed. The traditional forms of thought still cling
to the remnants of past periods. The victory and advance of Fascism over an extending area has come as a brutal shock
to millions. Yet Fascism is no sudden growth. For a decade and a half the whole post-war social development has been
incubating Fascism. To all those who have hitherto accepted as unquestioned the existing social forms and their
continuity, and above all to those who have looked to the possibility of peaceful progressive advance within those
existing social forms, and who have dismissed the revolutionary outlook as the fantasy of a minority, Fascism, and more
especially the victory of Fascism in an advanced industrial country such as Germany, has come as a brutal shock. It may
yet prove a salutary shock, if it can open their eyes to the real issues of our period. With every year, and with every
month, that the long overdue social revolution in Western Europe and America, for which the world war of 1914 already
gave the signal-that is, the ending of the private ownership of the means of production which inevitably produces the
increasing contradictions, anarchy, destruction and barbarism of the present day-is delayed, denied and postponed, the
world situation grows more desperate, and the whole future of society is brought into question. The world war of 1914,
the opening of the world socialist revolution in 1917, the partial revolutions and civil struggles succeeding the war, the
post-war chaos, the world economic crisis since 1929, and now the victory and advance of Fascism and approach to a
second world war-these are the successive warnings of the real issues of the present stage. Fascism has already been
the subject of an enormous discussion and literature over twelve years, and above all over the past two years. Yet the
treatment of Fascism has hardly yet brought out its full significance.
On the one side, Fascism has been widely treated as simply the expression of brutality and violence, of militarism and
suppression, of national and racial egoism, of the revolt against culture, against the old slogans of liberty, equality and
On the other side, Fascism has been treated as the expression of national rebirth, of the emergence of youth, of the end
of decadent liberalism and intellectualism, of the advance to a balanced and organised social order.
In order to get closer to the true character of Fascism, it is necessary to go deeper, to see Fascism in relation to the
whole character of modern social development, of which Fascism is an expression and reflection, and above all to get
down to the basic movement and driving forces of economy and technique of which the social and political forms,
including Fascism, are only the reflection.
Such an examination will reveal beyond dispute that the modern development of technique and productive powers has
reached a point at which the existing capitalist forms are more and more incompatible with the further development of
production and utilisation of technique. There is war between them, increasingly violent and open since 1914, and
entering into a new and extreme stage in the world economic crisis and its outcome. One must end the other. Either the
advance of the productive forces must end capitalism. Or the maintenance of capitalism must end the advance of
production and technique and begin a reverse movement. In fact the delay of the revolution has meant that the reverse
movement has already begun throughout the world outside the Soviet Union.
Only two paths are therefore open before present society.
One is to endeavour to strangle the powers of production, to arrest development, to destroy material and human forces,
to fetter international exchange, to check science and invention, to crush the development of ideas and thought, and to
concentrate on the Organisation of limited, self-sufficient, non-progressive hierarchic societies in a state of mutual war-
in short, to force back society to a more primitive stage in order to maintain the existing class domination. This is the
path of Fascism, the path to which the bourgeoisie in all modern countries where it rules is increasingly turning, the path
of human decay.
The other alternative is to organise the new productive forces as social forces, as the common wealth of the entire
existing society for the rapid and enormous raising of the material basis of society, the destruction of poverty, ignorance
and disease and of class and national separations, the unlimited carrying forward of science and culture, and the
Organisation of the world communist society in which all human beings will for the first time be able to reach full
stature and play their part in the collective development of the future humanity. This is the path of Communism, the
path to which the working masses who are the living representatives of the productive forces and whose victory over
capitalist class domination can alone achieve the realisation of this path, are increasingly turning; the path which
modern science and productive development makes both possible and necessary, and which opens up undreamt-of
possibilities for the future development of the human race.
Which of these alternatives will conquer? This is the sharp question confronting human society today.
Revolutionary Marxism is confident that, because the productive forces are on the side of Communism, Communism will
conquer; that the victory of Communism, which is expressed in the victory of the proletariat, is ultimately inevitable as
the sole possible final outcome of the existing contradictions; that the nightmare of the other alternative, of the "Dark
Ages" whose creeping shadow begins already to haunt the imagination of current thinkers, will yet be defeated, will be
defeated by the organised forces of international Communism.
But this inevitability is not independent of the human factor. On the contrary, it can only be realised through the human
factor. Hence the urgency of the fight against Fascism, and for the victory of the proletariat, on which the whole future
of human society depends. The time grows shorter; the sands are running through the glass.
To many, the alternative of Fascism or Communism is no welcome alternative, and they would prefer to deny it and to
regard both as rival, and in their view even parallel, forms of extremism. They dream of a third alternative which shall be
neither, and shall realise a peaceful harmonious progress without class struggle, through the forms of capitalist
"democracy," "planned capitalism," etc.
This dream of a third alternative is in fact illusory. On the one side, it is the echo of the conceptions of a past period, of
the period of liberal capitalism, which was already perishing with the advent of imperialism, and which cannot be
revived when the conditions that gave rise to it have passed away, in the stage of the extreme decay of capitalism and of
the extreme intensification of the class struggle. Even the caricature of democratic forms which is still precariously
maintained in the imperialist states of Western Europe and America is increasingly supplemented and displaced by more
and more open dictatorial and repressive methods (increase of executive powers, diminution of the role of Parliament,
growth of emergency powers, extension of police action and violence, restriction of the rights of speech and meeting,
restriction of the right to strike, violent suppression of demonstrations and strikes, combined with the typical methods
of social demagogy of the millionaire Press, stampede elections, etc.). The trend of capitalism in all countries towards
fascist forms is unmistakable, and is wider than the question of a Mussolini or a Hitler.
On the other side, the dream of a "planned capitalism" is already an unconscious groping after Fascism without facing its
logical implications. For in practice the endeavour to realise the self- contradictory aim of a "planned capitalism" can
only be pursued along the path of Fascism, of repression of the productive forces and of the working class.
Thus the myth of a third alternative is in fact no alternative, but in reality a part of the advance towards Fascism.
Fascism is not inevitable. Fascism is not a necessary stage of capitalist development through which all countries must
pass. The social revolution can forestall Fascism, as it has done in Russia. But if the social revolution is delayed, then
Fascism becomes inevitable.
Fascism can be fought. Fascism can be fought and defeated. But Fascism can only be fought and defeated if it is fought
without illusions and with clear understanding of the issues. The causes of Fascism lie deep-rooted in existing society.
Capitalism in its decay breeds Fascism. Capitalist democracy in decay breeds Fascism. The only final guarantee against
Fascism, the only final wiping out of the causes of Fascism, is the victory of the proletarian dictatorship.
Fascism offers no solution of a possible stable social organization to replace the existing society in dissolution. On the
contrary, Fascism carries forward all the contradictions of existing class society, because Fascism is only a form, a means
of capitalist class rule in conditions of extreme decay. Not only that, but Fascism carries forward the contradictions of
existing class society to their most extreme point, when the contradictions are laid bare in open civil war and the
organisation of the entire capitalist state upon the basis of permanent civil war. Fascism is thus society at war within
itself. On this basis, Fascism, so far from being a solution of existing social problems, represents their extreme
intensification to the point of final disruption. The only final outcome can be the victory of Communism, because
Communism alone contains within itself the solution of the contradictions.
But in the interim period of struggle and transition, if it is prolonged, if Fascism succeeds for a period in organising its
basis of civil war and violent reactionary dictatorship, an enormous consequent destruction of material wealth, of
human lives and of culture, can take place, and increasingly threatens. Therein is the desperate urgency of the fight, not
only for the ultimately inevitable victory of Communism, but for the rapid victory of Communism.
The urgency of the present issues needs no emphasis. All sense the gathering storms. A host of issues, of war, of
armaments, of Fascism, of the economic chaos, are taken up. But none of these issues can be taken in abstraction. It is
necessary to see them in relation to the whole social development, to the basic issue underlying all these forms, the
issue of the rule of the bourgeoisie or of the proletariat, of capitalism or socialism, on which the future of the human
race depends.
Present society is ripe, is rotten-ripe for the social revolution. Delay does not mean pacific waiting on the issue. The
dialectic of reality knows no standing still. Delay means ever-extending destruction, decay, barbarism. The words of
Lenin on the eve of October apply with gathering force to the present world situation: "Delay means death."
May, 1934. R. P. D.
WHAT is Fascism?
In the first three chapters of this book attention has been deliberately concentrated on the developing tendencies of
modern capitalist society as a whole since the war, in place of limiting attention to the distinctively "Fascist" countries -
Italy, Germany, etc.
Such a survey has revealed how close is the parallel which can be traced in every field, economic, political and
ideological, between the increasingly dominant tendencies of theory and practice of all modern capitalism since the war
and the professedly peculiar theory and practice of Fascism.
Fascism, in fact, is no peculiar, independent doctrine and system arising in opposition to existing capitalist society.
Fascism, on the contrary, is the most complete and consistent working out, in certain conditions of extreme decay, of
the most typical tendencies and policies of modem capitalism.
What are these characteristics which are common, subject to a difference in degree, to all modern capitalism and to
Fascism? The most outstanding of these characteristics may be summarised as follows:
1. The basic aim of the maintenance of capitalism in the face of the revolution which the advance of productive
technique and of class antagonisms threatens.
2. The consequent intensification of the capitalist dictatorship
3. The limitation and repression of the independent working class movement, and building up of a system of
organised class co-operation.
4. The revolt against, and increasing supersession of, parliamentary democracy.
5. The extending State monopolist organisation of industry and finance.
6. The closer concentration of each imperialist bloc into a single economic-political unit.
7. The advance to war as the necessary accompaniment of the increasing imperialist antagonisms.
All these characteristics are typical, in greater or lesser degree, of all modem capitalist states, no less than of the
specifically Fascist states. In this wider sense it is possible to speak of the development towards Fascism of all modern
capitalist states. The examples of the Roosevelt and Bruning regimes offer particular illustrations of near-Fascist or pre-
Fascist stages of development towards complete Fascism within the shell of the old forms. Nor is it necessarily the case
that the development to Fascism takes the same form in detail in each country.
The sum-total of the policies of modern capitalism provide already in essence and in germ the sum-total of the policies
of Fascism. But they are not yet complete Fascism. The completed Fascist dictatorship is still only so far realised over a
limited area. What is the specific character of complete Fascism? The specific character of complete Fascism lies in the
means adopted towards the realisation of these policies, in the new social and political mechanism built tip for their
realisation. This is the specific or narrower significance of Fascism in the sense of the Fascist movements or the
completed Fascist dictatorships as realised in Italy, Germany and other countries.
Fascism in this specific or narrower sense is marked by definite familiar characteristics: in the case of the Fascist
movements, by the characteristics of terrorism, extra-legal fighting formations, anti-parliamentarism, national and social
demagogy, etc.; in the case of the completed Fascist dictatorships, by the suppression of all other parties and
organisations, and in particular the violent suppression of all independent working class organisation, the reign of terror,
the "totalitarian" state, etc. It is to this specific sense of Fascism, that is to say, to fully complete Fascism, that we now
need to come.
What, then, is Fascism in this specific or narrower sense? The definitions of Fascism abound, and are marked by the
greatest diversity and even contradictory character, despite the identity of the concrete reality which it is attempted to
describe. Fascism, in the view of the Fascists themselves, is a spiritual reality. It is described by them in terms of
ideology. It represents the principle of "duty," of "order," of "authority," of "the State," of "the nation," of "history," etc.
Mussolini finds the essence of Fascism in the conception of the "State": The foundation of Fascism is the conception of
the State, its character, its duty and its aim. Fascism conceives of the State as an absolute, in comparison with which all
individuals or groups are relative. . . . Whoever says Fascism implies the State. (Mussolini's article on "Fascism" in the
Enciclopedia Italiana, 1932, published in English under the title "The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism," 1933.)
We further learn that "Fascism believes in holiness and in heroism"; "the Fascist conceives of life as duty and struggle
and conquest, life which should be high and full, lived for oneself, but above all for others"; "Fascism combats the whole
complex system of democratic ideology"; "Fascism believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace";
"the Fascist State is an embodied will to power"; "the Fascist State is not indifferent to the fact of religion"; "for Fascism
the growth of Empire is an essential manifestation of virility"; "Fascism denies the materialist conception of happiness as
a possibility"-and similar profound, and hardly very original philosophisings in an endless string, the ordinary stock-in-
trade of all Conservatism. Luigi Villari, the semi-official exponent of Fascism in the Encyclopaedia. Britannica, writes: The
programme of the Fascists differs from that of other parties, as it represents for its members not only a rule of political
conduct, but also a moral code.
Mosley in his Greater Britain, the official handbook of British Fascism, explains: The movement is Fascist (I) because it is
based on a high conception of citizenship-ideals as lofty as those which inspired the reformers of a hundred years ago;
(2) because it recognises the necessity for an authoritative State, above party and sectional interests. The Fascist, the
organ of the Imperial Fascist League, defines Fascism (in its issue of August 1933): Fascism is defined as a patriotic revolt
against democracy, and a return to statesmanship. Fascist rule insists upon the duty of co- operation. Fascism itself is
less a policy than a state of mind. It is the national observance of duty towards others. It is manifest that all this verbiage
is very little use to bring out the real essential character of Fascism. In the first place, all these abstract general
conceptions which are paraded as the peculiar outlook of Fascism have no distinctive character whatever, but are
common to a thousand schools of bourgeois political philosophy, which are not yet Fascist, and in particular to all
national-conservative schools.
The generalisations of "duty of co-operation," "duty towards others ... .. life as duty and struggle," "a high conception of
citizenship," "the State above classes," "the common interest before self" (motto of the German National Socialist
Programme), are the dreary commonplaces of all bourgeois politicians and petty moralisers to cover the realities of class
domination and class-exploitation. The professedly distinctive philosophy of the idealisation of the State as an "absolute
end" transcending all individuals and sections is only the vulgarisation of the whole school of Hegel and his successors,
constituting the foundation of the dominant school of bourgeois political philosophy. In all these conceptions there is
not a trace of original or distinctive thought.
In the second place, it is in fact incorrect to look for an explanation of Fascism in terms of a particular theory, in
ideological terms. Fascism, as its leaders are frequently fond of insisting, developed as a movement in practice without a
theory ("In the now distant March of 1919," says Mussolini in his encyclopaedia article, "since the creation of the Fascist
Revolutionary Party, which took place in the January of 1915, I had no specific doctrinal attitude in my mind"), and only
later endeavoured to invent a theory in order to justify its existence. Fascism, in fact, developed as a movement in
practice, in the conditions of threatening proletarian revolution, as a counter-revolutionary mass movement supported
by the bourgeoisie, employing weapons of mixed social demagogy and terrorism to defeat the revolution and build up a
strengthened capitalist state dictatorship; and only later endeavoured to adorn and rationalise this process with a
It is in this actual historical process that the reality of Fascism must be found, and not in the secondary derivative
attempts post festum at adornment with a theory.
No less unsatisfactory are the attempted anti-Fascist interpretations of Fascism in terms of ideology or abstract political
conceptions. The conventional anti-Fascist ideological interpretations of Fascism see in Fascism only the principle of
"dictatorship" or "violence." This approach, which is the hallmark of the liberal and social democratic schools of thought
in relation to Fascism, sees Fascism as the parallel extreme to Communism, both being counterposed to bourgeois
"democracy." Fascism is defined as "Dictatorship from the Right" in contrast to Communism as "Dictatorship from the
Left" (this line is characteristically expressed in the Labour Party Manifesto of March 1933, on "Democracy versus
Dictatorship" in explanation of the Labour refusal of the united working class front against Fascism).
It is evident that this definition of Fascism is equally useless as an explanation of the real essential character of Fascism.
"Dictatorships from the Right" have existed and can exist in hundreds of forms without in any sense constituting
Fascism. Tsarism. was a "Dictatorship from the Right." But Tsarism was not Fascism. The White Guard dictatorships
immediately after the war for crushing the revolution were "Dictatorships from the Right." But these White Guard
dictatorships were not yet Fascism, and only subsequently began to develop Fascist characteristics as they began to try
to organise a more permanent basis (subsequent evolution in Hungary and Finland).
Fascism may be in fact a reactionary dictatorship. But not every reactionary dictatorship is Fascism. The specific
character of Fascism has still to be defined. Wherein, then, lies the specific character of Fascism? The specific character
of Fascism cannot be defined in terms of abstract ideology or political first principles.
The specific character of Fascism can only be defined by laying bare its class-basis, the system of class-relations within
which it develops and functions, and the class-role which it performs. Only so can Fascism be seen in its concrete reality,
corresponding to a given historical stage of capitalist development and decay.
As soon, however, as we endeavour to come to the class analysis of Fascism we find ourselves confronted with a
diametrical opposition of two viewpoints. In the one viewpoint Fascism is presented as an independent movement of
the middle class or petit-bourgeoisie in opposition to both the proletariat and to large-scale capital.
In the other viewpoint Fascism is presented as a weapon of finance- capital, utilising the support of the middle class, of
the slum proletariat and of demoralised working-class elements against the organised working class, but throughout
acting as the instrument and effective representative of the interests of finance-capital. Only when we have cleared this
opposition, and what lies behind it, can we finally come to the real definition of Fascism.
Fascism is commonly presented as a "middle-class" (i.e., petit- bourgeois) movement. There is an obvious measure of
truth in this in the sense that Fascism in its inception commonly originates from middle-class (petit- bourgeois)
elements, directs a great deal of its appeal to the middle class, to small business and the professional classes against the
organised working class and the trusts and big finance, draws a great part of its composition, and especially its
leadership, from the middle class, and is soaked through with the ideology of the middle class, of the petit-bourgeoisie
under conditions of crisis. So far, there is common agreement as to the obvious facts.
But Fascism is also often presented as a middle-class movement in the sense of an independent movement of the
middle class, as a "third party" independent of capital or labour, in opposition to both the organised working class and
large-scale capital. The Fascist dictatorship is accordingly presented as a "conquest of power" by the middle class in
opposition to both the organised working class and to the previous domination of finance-capital. This conception is
common in liberal and social democratic treatment of Fascism. Thus the liberal-labour New Statesman and Nation writes
(October 28, 1933): The collapse of capitalism does not at all necessarily lead to the seizure of power by the
proletarians, but more probably to the dictatorship of the middle class. This is surely the Achilles heel of Communist
theory. Brailsford, the leading theorist of English Social Democracy, writes: If the Marxist conception of history be
sound, somewhere surely on the surface of this stricken planet the increasing misery of the workers should have
produced some aggressive stirring. That is nowhere the case. There is, however, an aggressive class which has made in
one great industrial country its revolutionary stroke. The German Nazis are emphatically the party of the small middle
class. . . . This class rose and captured the machinery of the State, because it was "miserable" and desperate. It shrank in
terror from the menace of large-sc. (H. N. Brailsford, "No Hands Wanted," New Clarion, July 8, 1933.) And again: A
militant middle class, with its dare-devil younger generation to lead it, faces the organised workers. If on both sides
there has developed a distrust in parliamentary procedure, and a contempt for its dilatory and irresolute ways, the issue
between them can be decided only by force. The class which first decides to organise itself for this new phase will enter
the contest with an overwhelming advantage. (H. N. Brailsford, "Will England Go Fascist?" NewsChronicle, November
28, 1933.)
The Socialist Review in January 1929 published an article entitled "The Third Nation," arguing that "the assumption at
the root of all Communist theory" of a basic division between the capitalists and the proletariat as the decisive issue of
modern society was false: Apart from the capitalists and the proletariat-and between them - there is a third class. Here,
then, is the fundamental question for Marxists: Does this class exhibit the characteristics of a subject class, about to
make a bid for supremacy? A possible answer is that, in one country-Italy-they have already emerged as a revolutionary
class. The Fascist revolution was essentially a revolution of the third class. The American would-be "Marxist" journal, the
Modern Monthly, says in an editorial on "What is Fascism?": The first task of the Fascist dictatorship was to wrest state
power from the hands of the private bankers, industrialists and landlords who possessed it. . . . The Fascist dictatorship,
it is clear, then, became possible only because of the two factors above noted: first, the crisis in imperialism and the
consequent collapse of ruling-class power and policy, and, secondly the rise of a belligerent lower middle-class which
provided a mass basis for its assumption of power. (V. F. Calverton in the Modern Monthly, July, 1933.)
Even Scott Nearing's otherwise fruitful and valuable study of "Fascism" is marred by this same basic theory of Fascism as
a petit- bourgeois revolution: At the centre of the Fascist movement is the middle class, seeking to save itself from
decimation or annihilation by seizing power and establishing its own political and social institutions. It therefore has the
essential characteristics of a social revolutionary movement, since its success means the shift of the centre of power
from one class to another. Fascism arises out of the revolt of the middle class against the intolerable burdens of
capitalist imperialism. (Scott Nearing, "Fascism," Vanguard Press, New York,P.42.)
This separation of Fascism from the bourgeois dictatorship reaches its extreme point in the official Labour Party and
Trades Union Congress organ, the Daily Herald, which, on May 2, 1933, after the full demonstration of the real character
of Hitlerism in practice, still looked hopefully towards it to carry out some form of "socialist" programme against big
The "National-Socialists," it is essential to remember, call themselves "Socialist" as well as "National." Their "Socialism" is
not the Socialism of the Labour Party, or that of any recognised Socialist Party in other countries. But in many ways it is a
creed that is anathema to the big landlords, the big industrialists and the big financiers. And the Nazi leaders are
bound to go forward with the "Socialist" side of their programme. (Daily Herald editorial on "Hitler's May Day," May 2,
Thus Fascism in the view of the Labour Party is almost a wing of Socialism, a rather unorthodox variety of Socialism, but
"anathema to the big landlords, the big industrialists and the big financiers" (who, curiously enough, maintained it in
funds and finally placed it in power). The same day that this article appeared in the British Labour and trade union organ,
this party whose creed was "anathema to the big landlords, the big industrialists and the big financiers" seized and
closed down the workers' trade unions in Germany.
It is evident that this view of Fascism as a petit-bourgeois revolution against the big bourgeoisie is incorrect in fact, and
dangerous in the extreme to any serious understanding of the real character of Fascism and of the fight against it. That it
is incorrect in fact is manifest from the most elementary survey of the actual history, development, basis and practice of
Fascism. The open and avowed supporters of Fascism in every country are the representatives of big capital, the
Thyssens, Krupps, Monds, Deterdings and Owen Youngs. Fascism, although in the early stages making a show of vague
and patently disingenuous anti-capitalist propaganda to attract mass- support, is from the outset fostered, nourished,
maintained and subsidised by the big bourgeoisie, by the big landlords, financiers and industrialists.*
Further, Fascism is only enabled to grow, and is saved from being wiped out in the early stages by the working-class
movement, solely through the direct protection of the bourgeois dictatorship. Fascism is able to count on the assistance
of the greater part of the State forces, of the higher army staffs, of the police authorities, and of the law courts and
magistracy, who exert all their force to crush working-class opposition, while treating Fascist illegality with open
connivance (banning of the Red Front alongside permission of the Storm Troops).*
Finally, has Fascism "conquered power" from the bourgeois state dictatorship? Fascism has never "conquered power" in
any country. In every case Fascism has been placed in power from above by the bourgeois dictatorship. In Italy Fascism
was placed in power by the King, who refused to sign the decree of martial law against it, and invited Mussolini to
power; Mussolini's legendary "March on Rome" took place in a Wagon-Lit sleeping-car. In Germany Fascism was placed
in power by the President, at a time when it was heavily sinking in support in the country, as shown by the elections. The
bourgeoisie, in fact, has in practice passed power from one hand to the other, and called it a "revolution," while the only
reality has been the intensified oppression of the working class. After the establishment of the full Fascist dictatorship,
the policy has been still more openly and completely, despite a show of a few gestures of assistance to small capital, the
most unlimited and ruthless policy of monopolist capital, with the whole machinery of Fascism mercilessly turned
against those of its former supporters who have been innocent enough to expect some anti-capitalist action and called
for a "second revolution." *
Fascism, in short, is a movement of mixed elements, dominantly petit-bourgeois, but also slum-proletarian and
demoralised working class, financed and directed by finance capital, by the big industrialists, landlords and financiers, to
defeat the working-class revolution and smash the working class organisations.
* The argument sometimes put forward that the elimination of Hugenberg from the Nazi- National Government represented a
breach between the Nazis and Big Capital, and the defeat of the latter, is a childishly superficial attempt to substitute the fate of an
individual for the really decisive social forces. Hugenberg was removed from the Nazi-National Government, not because he was a big
capitalist, but because he was the leader of the National Party, and the completed Fascist system cannot tolerate the existence of
two parties. Certainly, this reflects an undoubted and sharp division within the bourgeoisie, between the alternative methods of
maintaining bourgeois rule, between the old traditional National Party mechanism and the new Nazi Party mechanism, to the
necessity of which a great part of the bourgeoisie have only reconciled themselves with many misgivings and much anxiety for the
future. But the Nazi method remains a method, although a hazardous one, of maintaining the rule of finance-capital. Finance capital
remains supreme, as was abundantly shown by the composition of the Provisional Supreme Economic Council appointed under the
aegis of the Nazi Government. Its leading members included: Herr Krupp von Bohlen, armaments king; private fortune, L6,000,000;
capital represented, L15,000,000. Herr Fritz Thyssen, steel king; private fortune L6,000,000; capital interests German Steel Trust,
1140,000,000. Herr F. C. Von Siemens, electrical king; private fortune, L6,500,000; capital represented, 112,500,000. Prof. Karl
Bosch, Dye Trust millionaire; private fortune, 12,000,000; capital represented, 155,000,000. Dr.A. Vogler, German Steel Trust; private
fortune, L6,000,000; capital represented, L40,000,000. Herr A. Diehn, director Potash Syndicate; capital represented, L10,000,000.
Herr Bochinger, director Maximilian Steel Works; capital, L15,000,000. Herr F. von Schroeder, banker. Herr A. von Finck, banker. Herr
F. Reinhart, banker. This glittering galaxy of the leaders of German finance-capital is sufficient proof of the relations of the Nazis and
finance-capital. The subsequent further reorganisation of German industry, announced in March 1934, in twelve industrial groups,
under the control of the principal large capitalists in each group, and under the general leadership, for heavy industry and also for
industry as a whole, of Herr Krupp von Bohlen, has still more conspicuously illustrated this process of systematisation of Nazi rule as
the most complete and even statutory domination of Monopoly Capital.
This question of the role of the middle class or petit bourgeoisie, in relation to the working class and to the big
bourgeoisie, is so important for the whole dynamic of present capitalist society and the social revolution, that it
deserves fuller clearing.
The controversy over the role of the middle class, or many and varied intermediate strata between the bourgeoisie and
the proletariat (small business men, small and middle peasantry, handicraftsmen, independent workers, small rentiers,
liberal professions, technical, managerial and commercial employees) is no new one. In the nineteenth century Marx
had dealt very fully with the economic and political situation and tendencies of these elements. He had shown how
these middle elements were increasingly ground between the advance of large capital and of the proletariat, with
growing numbers from their ranks falling into proletarian or semi-proletarian conditions; he had shown their vacillating
and unstable political role, now siding with the bourgeoisie and now with the proletariat, torn between their bourgeois
prejudices, traditions and aspirations, and the actual process of ruination and proletarisation at work among them; and
he had shown how the proletariat should win the alliance of the lower strata of the peasantry and urban petit-
bourgeoisie under its leadership in order to conquer power.
In the beginning of the imperialist era the question of the middle class was anew raised sharply to the forefront by
Bernstein and the Revisionists in the last years of the nineteenth century and the first years of the twentieth. The
Revisionists challenged Marx's teaching of the increasing proletarisation of the middle strata and consequent increasing
sharpness of the issue between capitalism and the proletariat. On the contrary, they argued that the middle class was
growing, and pointed to the figures of income returns, property returns and shareholding, to prove the growth of the
middle class. On this basis they denied Marx's revolutionary teaching, saw instead the increasing harmony of classes and
democratisation of capital, and looked to the gradual peaceful advance towards socialism through capitalist
reorganisation, social reform and State intervention.
What the Revisionists really represented, as is now abundantly clear, was the growth of the "new middle class" of
salaried employees of capitalism. In fact the process predicted by Marx was abundantly realised through the course of
the nineteenth century. The concentration of capital went forward at an increasing pace. Large-scale capital pressed
small-scale capital to the wall. The former small owners and independent workers became, as Marx said, "overseers and
underlings." In this way a "new middle class" came more and more to the front, based on the increasing disappearance
of the old independent small owners. This new middle class resembled the old in its two-faced position and outlook,
between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, and its dreams of occupying an "independent" position above the class
struggle; but it was already dependent for its livelihood on employment under large capital, and no longer primarily on
its own property. Thus the development of this new middle class was in fact a stage in the process of proletarisation, in
the increasing divorce of the ever-widening mass of the population from an independent property basis; and its lower -
strata began to draw closer to the proletariat and to the proletarian movement (beginnings of "middle-class" trade
unionism, recruiting to social democracy). The distinctive outlook of this new middle class was typically expressed in
England by Fabianism and the leadership of the Independent Labour Party.
Against the Revisionists, the Marxists were easily able to show, not only that the development of this new middle class
increasingly replacing the old was in reality a phase of the process of proletarisation, but that further economic
development was in turn affecting the position of this new middle class, and creating a crisis in its ranks and a new stage
of proletarisation. The overstocking of the professional market, the turning out from the universities and technical
schools of increasing numbers beyond the possibilities of employment, and the cutting down of personnel through the
further concentration of businesses, was already before the war creating a more and more sharp crisis of the new
middle class.
This crisis of the middle class (both old and new) has been carried enormously forward in the post-war period. The
operations of finance-capital-inflation, currency and exchange manipulations, share-juggling, monopoly prices and heavy
taxation-have played havoc with small savings and investments, and with the old stability of middle-class incomes. At
the same time unemployment and redundancy in all the professions has reached desperate heights.
"Throughout the Continent," wrote Keynes in his Treatise on Monetary Reform (p. 16), "pre-war savings of the middle
class, so far as they were invested in bonds, mortgages or bank deposits, have been largely or entirely wiped out." The
German property valuation returns showed that the number of those owning from thirty to fifty thousand marks worth
of property L1,500 to 2,500) fell from over 500,000 in 1913 to 216,000 in 1925; owners of from fifty to a hundred
thousand marks L2,500 to 15,000) fell from nearly 400,000 in 1913 to 136,000 in 1925. Although, despite the
disillusionment of the wiping out of their savings by inflation, the middle class began hopefully to save anew after
stabilisation, the total of savings rapidly began to fall after the economic crisis, and is now threatened anew by the new
wave of world inflation. In Britain, a marked decline in small savings is noticeable in the post-war period even before the
world economic crisis. Thus while in 1909-13 the Post Office Savings Bank accounts registered a net increase Of ;E12
million, in 1923-7 they registered a net decrease of 117 million, as well as a net decrease of government securities
standing to their holders' credit by I IS million, or a total decline of L35 million; Trustee Savings' Banks showed a net
decline of ;112 million; after allowing against this, the net increase in National Savings Certificates in the same period by
;E14 million, there is still left a total loss in these main forms of small savings between 1923-7 Of L33 million (Economist,
February 23, 1929).
If the impoverishment of the small middle class alongside the enrichment of monopoly capital is thus a characteristic
feature of the post-war period, even more so is the increasingly desperate situation of overcrowding in the professions.
The world economic crisis brought this situation to an extreme point.
In Germany, it was reported that of 8,000 graduates from the technical colleges and universities in 1931-2, Only 1,000
found employment in their professions. According to a statement issued by the Prussian Minister of Education, Of
22,000 teachers who completed their training in 193 1-2, only 990 found posts. "Engineers have become mere wage-
earners; while of the technical school engineering graduates only one in five found any job at all" (H. H. Tiltman, Slump,
1932, P. 75).
R. Schairer in Die Akademische Berufsnot, 1932, reported that 45,000 graduated students were unemployed, and that
this figure, it was estimated, would, in the absence of remedial measures, reach 105,000 by 1935. Here we can see a
large part of the social basis for the desperate armies of Fascism.
The impoverished and desperate middle class is driven from its former philistine slumbers into political activity. But this
political activity takes on a new character. Whereas the Bernsteinian dreams had seen in the middle class a stabilising
and harmonising factor in the social structure, wedded to liberalism and social reform, and smoothing over the
antagonism of classes, the new dispossessed and ruined middle-class elements break out as an extremely unstable,
violent force potentially revolutionary or, alternately, ultra-reactionary, without dear social basis or consciousness, but
recklessly seeking any line of immediate action, which may offer a hope of immediate relief (relief from debts, State aid
to small businesses, smashing the large stores, etc.) or the prospect of jobs (the new bureaucracy, mercenary fighting
forces, displacement of Jews, war).
In what direction, however, can these middle-class elements turn their political activity? They can in practice only line up
in the service of either finance-capital or of the proletariat. The myth of their "independent" role, of the "third party," is
still endeavoured to be hung before them. The Liberal Yellow Book, characteristically enough, endeavoured to make
much of "the third party in industry" as the force of the future. But these dreams are soon shattered by reality. For the
ownership of the means of production is decisive, and to this the middle class can never aspire. Either finance-capital,
owning the means of production, can seek to make the middle class its auxiliary, giving a measure of employment, if
diminishingly in production, then at any rate increasingly in the tasks of violent coercion of the working class (fascist
militia, police-officer class, fascist bureaucracy). Or the proletariat, socialising the means of production, can at last
give full scope to all the useful trained and technical abilities within the middle class in the gigantic tasks of social
reconstruction. These are the only two alternatives before the middle class. The first is the line of Fascism. The second is
the line of Communism.
The true interests of the majority of the middle class, of all the lower strata of the middle class, lie with the proletariat,
with the line of Communism. Finance-capital is the enemy and exploiter of both sections. The line of Fascism of service
with finance-capital against the working class, means in fact no solution for the economic crisis of the middle class;
alongside privileges and rewards for a handful, it means intensified servitude, oppression and spoliation of the majority
of the middle class at the hands of the great trusts and banks.
Where the working-class movement is strong, follows a revolutionary line, and is able to stand out as the political leader
of the fight of all oppressed sections against large capital, there the mass of the petit-bourgeoisie is swept in the wake of
the working class. This was the general situation in the postwar revolutionary wave of 1919-20. During this time Fascism
could win no hold.
But where the working-class movement fails to realise its revolutionary role, follows the leadership of Reformism and
thus surrenders to large capital, and even appears to enter into collaboration with it, there the discontented petit-
bourgeois elements and declassed proletarian elements begin to look elsewhere for their leadership. On this basis
Fascism is able to win its hold. In the name of demagogic slogans against large capital and exploiting their grievances,
these elements are drawn in practice into the service of large capital.
Fascism is often spoken of as a consequence of Communism. "Reaction of the 'Left,' " declared the Labour Manifesto on
"Democracy and Dictatorship" in 1933, "is displaced by triumphant reaction of the 'Right."' With strikingly similar
identity of outlook to the Labour Party, the Conservative leader, Baldwin, also declared: "Fascism is begotten of
Communism out of civil discord. Whenever you get Communism and civil discord, you get Fascism" (House of Commons,
November 23, 1933).
This picture is a fully misleading picture. Undoubtedly, the parallel advance of the forces of revolution and
counterrevolution represents in fact the two sides of the single process of the break- up of capitalism; the continuous
interaction of the opposing forces of revolution and counter-revolution was long ago described by Marx. But the
inference attempted to be drawn from this that, if the working class follows the line of Communism, then Fascism will
triumph, is the direct opposite of historical experience. The reality shows the exact contrary.
Where the majority of the working class has followed the line of Reformism (Germany, Italy, etc.), there at a certain
stage Fascism invariably grows and conquers.
What is the character of that stage? That stage arises when the breakdown of the old capitalist institutions and the
advance of working-class movement has reached a point at which the working class should advance to the seizure of
power, but when the working class is held in by reformist leadership.
In that case owing to the failure of decisive working-class leadership to rally all discontented strata, the discredited old
regime is able to draw to its support under specious quasi-revolutionary slogans all the wavering elements, petit-
bourgeoisie, backward workers, etc., and on the very basis of the crisis and discontent which should have given allies to
the revolution, build up the forces of reaction in the form of Fascism. The continued hesitation and retreat of the
reformist working-class leadership at each point (policy of the "lesser evil") encourages the growth of Fascism. On this
basis Fascism is able finally to step in and seize the reins, not through its own strength, but through the failure of
working-class leadership. The collapse of bourgeois democracy is succeeded, not by the advance to proletarian
democracy, but by the regression to fascist dictatorship.*
*Reference may be made to the present writer's suggested definition of the conditions of the advance to Fascism, written in 1025:
"Fascism arises where a powerful working-class movement reaches a stage of growth which inevitably raises revolutionary issues,
but is held in from decisive action by reformist leadership. . . . Fascism is the child of Reformism" (Labour Monthly, July 1925). The
subsequent events in Germany have abundantly Illustrated the truth of this.
We are now in a position to reach our general definition of the character of Fascism, the conditions of its development
and its class- rule. This definition has received its most complete scientific expression in the Programme of the
Communist International in 1928:
Under certain special historical conditions the progress of the bourgeois, imperialist, reactionary offensive assumes the
form of Fascism. These conditions are: instability of capitalist relationships; the existence of considerable declassed social
elements, the pauperisation of broad strata of the urban petit-bourgeoisie and of the intelligentsia; discontent among
the rural petit-bourgeoisie, and, finally, the constant menace of mass proletarian action. In order to stabilise and
perpetuate its rule the bourgeoisie is compelled to an increasing degree to abandon the parliamentary system in favour
of the fascist system, which is independent of inter-party arrangements and combinations.
The Fascist system is a system of direct dictatorship, ideologically masked by the "national idea" and representation of
the "professions" (in reality, representation of the various groups of the ruling class). It is a system that resorts to a
peculiar form of social demagogy (anti- Semitism, occasional sorties against usurer's capital and gestures of impatience
with the parliamentary "talking shop") in order to utilise the discontent of the petit- bourgeois, the intellectual and
other strata of society; and to corruption through the building up of a compact and well-paid hierarchy of Fascist units, a
party apparatus and a bureaucracy. At the same time, Fascism strives to permeate the working class by recruiting the
most backward strata of the workers to its ranks, by playing upon their discontent, by taking advantage of the inaction
of Social Democracy, etc.
The principal aim of Fascism is to destroy the revolutionary labour vanguard, i.e., the Communist sections and leading
units of the proletariat. The combination of social demagogy, corruption and active White terror, in conjunction with
extreme imperialist aggression in the sphere of foreign politics, are the characteristic features of Fascism. In periods of
acute crisis for the bourgeoisie, Fascism resorts to anti- capitalist phraseology, but, after it has established itself at the
helm of State, it casts aside its anti-capitalist rattle, and discloses itself as a terrorist dictatorship of big capital.
Alongside of this may be placed the parallel analysis of Fascism in the Resolution on the International Situation of the
same Sixth Congress of the Communist International in 1928:
The characteristic feature of Fascism is that, as a consequence of the shock suffered by the capitalist economic system
and of special objective and subjective circumstances, the bourgeoisie - in order to hinder the development of the
revolution - utilises the discontent of the petty and middle, urban and rural bourgeoisie and even of certain strata of the
declassed proletariat, for the purpose of creating a reactionary mass movement.
Fascism resorts to methods of open violence in order to break the power of the labour organisations and those of the
peasant poor, and to proceed to capture power.
After capturing power, Fascism strives to establish political and organisational unity among all the governing classes of
capitalist society (the bankers, the big industrialists and the agrarians), and to establish their undivided, open and
consistent dictatorship. It places at the disposal of the governing classes armed forces specially trained for civil war, and
establishes a new type of State, openly based on violence, coercion and corruption, not only of the petit bourgeois
strata, but even of certain elements of the working class (office employees, ex-reformist leaders who have become
government officials, trade union officials and officials of the Fascist Party, and also poor peasants and declassed
proletarians recruited into the Fascist militia).
The further characteristics of Fascism indicated in the above analysis, both in respect of its advance to power, and of its
programme and practice after power, it will now be necessary to examine.
O a superficial view the theory and practice of Fascism might appear to resemble closely Gibbon's famous definition of
the theory and practice of the mediaeval Catholic Church "defending nonsense by violence." But in fact, as there has
already been occasion to emphasise, there is a highly rational method in the nonsense, no less than in the violence.
Behind the ranting megalomaniacs, bullies, drug-fiends and broken-down bohemians who constitute the outer facade of
Fascism, the business heads of finance-capital who pay the costs and pull the strings are perfectly cool, clear and
intelligent. And it is with the real system of Fascism in this sense, rather than with the imaginary ideology created to gull
the innocent, that we are here concerned. The second, the professed fantastic ideology, is only of importance in relation
to the first, the real working system for the maintenance of capitalism in conditions of extreme crisis and weakening.
The first illusion that requires to be cleared out of the way is the illusion that there is a "theory" of Fascism, in the same
sense that there is a theory of Liberalism, Conservatism, Communism, etc. Many intellectuals, while "deploring" the
"excesses" of Fascism, allow themselves to be fascinated and drawn into elaborate speculative discussion of the
"philosophy" of Fascism-and are soon lost in the Serbonian bog of alternating "socialism," capitalism, corporatism,
strong-man worship, high moral adjurations, and platitudes, anti-alien agitation, appeals to "unity," glorifications of war,
torture-gloating, deification of primitive man, denunciations of big business, idolisation of captains of industry, kicking of
the dead corpse of the nineteenth century and "liberal-democratic humanitarian superstitions," exhumation of the
considerably more putrescent corpses of mercantilism, absolutism, inquisitorial methods and caste- conceptions, racial
theories of the inferiority of all other human beings save the speaker's own tribe, anti-Semitism, Nordicism and all the
rest of it.
The innocent may solemnly and painstakingly discuss at face value these miscellaneous "theories" provided to suit all
tastes. But in fact their importance is rather as symptoms and byproducts of the real system and basis of Fascism than as
its origin and raison d'etre. The reality of Fascism is the violent attempt of decaying capitalism to defeat the proletarian
revolution and forcibly arrest the growing contradictions of its whole development. All the rest is decoration and stage-
play, whether conscious or unconscious, to cover and make presentable or attractive this basic reactionary aim, which
cannot be openly stated without defeating its purpose.
For this reason the real scientific theory underlying Fascism can better be studied in such a document as the Deutsche
Fuhrerbrief e or confidential bulletins of the Federation of German Industries, already quoted in the previous chapter,
rather than in the propaganda statements for public consumption concerning its professed "theories" by the Fascist
leaders themselves. The confidential statement of the heads of finance-capital defines plainly and without disguise the
objective essence and purpose of Fascism as seen by its actual paymasters and controllers, and is therefore of primary
scientific and theoretical importance for the real understanding of Fascism. Such a statement makes plain that Fascism is
solely a tactical method of finance-capital - in exactly the same way as the support of democratic forms and of Social
Democratic Governments was also a tactical method, either being supported with equal readiness according to
circumstances - to defeat the proletarian revolution, to divide the exploited population, and so to maintain capitalist
rule. All the propaganda "theories," mythological trimmings, supposed "new school of political thought'' etc., only
constitute a smokescreen to cover this aim.
We have already seen, in the course of the enquiry "what is Fascism?" in the fourth chapter, how empty and
meaningless are all the infinite attempted definitions of Fascism by its leading exponents. The more these definitions are
examined and analysed, the more they resolve themselves into a string of commonplaces and platitudes by no means
peculiar to Fascism, "the common interest before self" (basis of the German National Socialist Programme); "duty,"
"heroism," "the conception of the State as an absolute" (Mussolini); "an organic and historical conception of society"
(Rocco); "a conception which leans neither to the Right nor to the Left," "the co-operation of all classes," "the co-
ordinated development of all national resources for the common good" (Villari); "a high conception of citizenship," "the
Modern Movement," "the faith of those who ever since the war have realised that the old system was dead and that a
new system must be created," "the system of the next stage of civilisation," "the creed and morality of British manhood"
(Mosley); "orderly government, national discipline," "co-ordinated progress," "a creed of justice and Solidarity ... .. Social
Christianity" (The Blackshirt); "a return to statesmanship," "the national observance of duty towards others," "less a
policy than a state of mind" (The Fascist), etc., etc.
These and the like wind-filled phrases revolve without end through all the propagandist explanations of Fascism. There
is, it is true, one professedly definite and specific content put forward, namely, the much advertised "Corporate State";
but further analysis in a subsequent section will show that this conception is actually as empty and hollow as the rest.
This vagueness and ambiguity of conventional commonplaces to describe its basic aims is not accidental in Fascism, but
inherent and inevitable. This terminology is the standard vague and deceitful terminology of all capitalist parties to cover
the realities of class-rule and class-exploitation under empty phrases of "the community," "the national welfare," "the
State above classes," etc. It is the familiar terminology of a MacDonald, a Henderson or of Fabianism in the Labour
movement to defeat the aims of Socialism and cover servitude to capitalism. It is the familiar terminology of a Baldwin
or a Lloyd George, of a Tardieu or a Herriot, of a Hindenburg or a Wels, In the use of these threadbare cliches of
capitalist politics to describe its aims Fascism differs not a whit from the other capitalist parties, from Conservatism,
Liberalism or Labourism, all of which would readily accept all the formulas quoted above.
By this identity Fascism not only reveals its theoretical poverty and emptiness, but also reveals its basic identity of aims
with the other capitalist parties. Fascism differs from the other capitalist parties only in its particular methods, in its
practice, to realise the same basic aims. There is, in short, despite all the inflated claims and attempts to the contrary, no
distinctive "theory" of Fascism in the sense of a distinctive, scientific system of doctrines and world outlook. There is
only a practice: and, to cover this practice, a medley of borrowed plumes of any and every theory, principle or institution
which may serve the purpose of the moment, often with the utmost consequent theoretical contradiction (e.g., in racial
theories) between one Fascism and another. To mistake the borrowed plumage for the bird means to fail to understand
the essence of Fascism. Or , to vary the metaphor, the warning may be addressed to those who seek in all innocence to
study the highly "ideal" and "spiritual" explanations of the "theoretical basis" of Fascism, that to mistake the sheep's
hide for the wolf means to reveal oneself in truth a sheep and fit prey for the wolf.
Fascism grew up in historical fact as a movement without a theory - that is to say, it grew up in reality as a negative
movement (employing mixed national-chauvinist and pseudo-revolutionary slogans) in opposition to the proletarian
revolution, and mainly distinguished by the use of violent and extralegal methods against the proletarian movement.
Only later, after over two years of existence, when it became clear that in order to appear fully dressed and equipped as
a party and movement, it required to have a "philosophy," in 1921 the Fascist leadership gave orders for a suitable
"philosophy" to be created. In August 1921, in preparation for the 1921 Congress Mussolini wrote: Italian Fascism now
requires, under pain of death, or worse, of suicide, to provide itself with a "body of doctrines .... . . The expression is a
rather strong one, but I would desire that within the two months between now and the National Congress the
philosophy of Fascism must be created. (Mussolini, letter to Bianchi, August 27, 1921, reprinted in Message et Proclami,
Milan, 1929, P. 39.)
"Within two months the philosophy of Fascism must be created." The new "philosophy" is ordered as simply as a
waggon-load of blacksticks. The spirit of this is no doubt magnificent in the style of a Selfridge's or Whiteley's emporium,
ready to provide anything at a moment's notice, including even a brand-new "philosophy" is desired. But it is not the
spirit of a genuine or serious movement with roots. In the same way we may note Hitler's explanation that a new
"world-theory" was necessary as the sole means to combat the world-theory of Marxism. Every attempt to combat a
world-theory by means of force comes to grief in the end, so long as the struggle fails to take the form of aggression in
favour of a new intellectual conception. It is only when two world-theories are wrestling on equal terms that brute
force, persistent and ruthless, can bring about a decision by arms in favour of the side which it supports.
It was on this side that the fight against Marxism had failed up to that time. It was the reason why Bismarck's legislation
regarding Socialism failed in the end in spite of everything, and was bound to fail. It lacked the platform of a new world-
theory to establish which the fight might have been fought; for only the proverbial wisdom of high State officials could
find it possible to imagine that the twaddle about so-called "State authority" or "order and tranquility" are a sufficient
inducement to fight to the death. In 1914 a contest against Social Democracy was in fact conceivable, but the lack of any
practical substitute made it doubtful how long such a contest could have been maintained successfully. In that respect
there was a serious blank. (Hitler, Mein Kampf, English translation, PP. 78-9.)
Hitler, or the writer of this passage, is here perfectly correct in placing his finger on the weakness of the fight against
Marxism. But his correctness is the correctness of a cunning tactician, not of a world thinker or historical leader.
Marxism is strong and invincible because of its world-theory; therefore we must also create a world-theory in order to
defeat it: such is the reasoning. Once again only the negative approach to Marxism dictates the ideology and the
demand for it; Marxism remains the sole positive, dominating force. It is obvious that no world-theory comes into
existence in this fashion, but only a substitute for one. The sensation of a "new ideology" which intoxicates the more
fanatical and emotional adherents of Fascism, giving them the illusion of a liberation from old superstitions and a new
dynamic power, represents in reality no new ideology distinct from the general ideology of capitalism, but only the
typical ideology of the most modern phase of capitalism, that is to say, the sharpened expression of all the tendencies of
imperialism or capitalism in decay, in the period of the general crisis.
The contempt for constitutional and legalist forms, the glorification of violence, the denial of all liberal, egalitarian and
humanitarian ideas, the demand for the strong and powerful state, the enthronement of war as the highest form of
human activity-all these are the typical expressions of modern monopolist capitalism. They are not peculiar to Fascism;
they are only expressed with greater brutality by Fascism.
In the poems of a Kipling, in the Boer War agitation of a Daily Mail in the war dictatorship of a Lloyd George riding
roughshod over constitutional forms and driving to the aim of a "Knock-out Blow," the spirit of Fascism is already
present in embryonic forms. And indeed Fascism grew historically out of war agitation, and under the guiding inspiration
of the Army authorities, in both Italy and Germany. There is nothing original or creative in Fascism. -Not one single
creative idea or achievement can be traced to Fascism. The critique of liberalism and of liberal capitalist democracy, with
its hollow contradiction between the formal sovereign "citizenship" and the reality of wage-slavery is borrowed from
But Marx's conclusion, which alone justifies the criticism by pointing the path forward to the stage when the abolition of
classes will make the formal citizenship real, is omitted; for in Fascism the hollow contradiction between the formal
"citizenship" and the reality of wage-slavery remains, just as in Liberalism, save with heavier coercion and subjection to
maintain it. The pseudo-revolutionary trappings, the sham staged "conquest of power," the new form of government
based on a single party running throughout the entire population, is 'twisted, with servile imitation, from a caricature of
the Russian Revolution, turned upside down. But even the caricature cannot be reproduced in the end; for, while the
idea of a single party leadership is borrowed (but of an autocratic, not a democratic party), the key of the system, the
Soviets or drawing of the masses directly into the work of government through their own elected organs from below,
cannot be copied even in caricature: on the contrary, even the previously elected municipal councils have to be
abolished and replaced by the arbitrary rule of the nominated Podesta or Prefect, or in Germany by the nominated State
Commissary imposed from above and overruling even nominal elected forms.
The theory of economic state regulation of privately owned industry and of class-collaboration in the "Corporate State,"
that is, of syndicated state-controlled capitalism with a dash of sham "labour representation," is borrowed from the
entire modern development of monopolist capitalism in all countries. In particular, these are the typical theories of
modern Liberalism and Social Democracy, with their "Organised Capitalism," "National Planning Boards," "National
Economic Councils," "Joint Industrial Councils," and all the rest of the apparatus of theories and institutions which have
developed continuously and increasingly in the imperialist era, and more especially since the war, before Fascism ever
existed. Save for the peculiar coercive methods of Fascism, all the essential formal theories of the "Corporate State" can
be found exactly paralleled in the Liberal Yellow Book. Finally, the national-chauvinist ideology, the anti-Semitism and
the racial theories are all borrowed, without a single new feature, from the stock in trade of the old Conservative and
reactionary parties, as utilised by a Bismarck or Tsar Nicholas, and made familiar in the propaganda of the Pan-Germans
or Pan-Slavists.
The whole outlook and ideology of Fascism is in short nothing but a ragbag of borrowings from every source to cover the
realities and practice of modern monopolist capitalism in the period of crisis and of extreme class-war. There is not a
single creative idea. Capitalism in its time, in its early progressive days achieved a great constructive work, and carried
enormously forward the whole of human culture in every field. The French Revolution spread a new life and a new
understanding throughout the world, the outcome of which we can today be proud to inherit, even though we are to-
day able to understand that its bourgeois basis inevitably set a limit to what it could achieve. The Russian Revolution
opened a new era on a scale exceeding every previous change in human history, the full extent of which is still only
beginning to be realised.
But Fascism has produced nothing, and can produce nothing. For Fascism is the expression only of disease and death.
2. Demagogy as a Science.
Bolshevism is knocking at our gates. We can't afford to let it in. We have got to organize ourselves against it, and put
our shoulders together and hold fast. We must keep America whole and safe and unspoiled. We must keep the worker
away from red literature and red ruses; we must see that his mind remains healthy. (Al Capone.)
The above quotation from Al Capone is a suitable introduction to the anti-Communist ideology of Fascism. The
earnestness of this appeal of a thief and gangster to maintain existing society "unspoiled" in face of the Communist
menace might appear at first blush comic; but in fact it is purely reasonable. None have more sincere concern and zeal
than thieves to maintain the institution of private property, without which their profession would come to an end, and
they would find themselves faced with the unpleasant alternative of having to work for their living. On the other hand,
they cannot publicly proclaim the principles of thievery and gangsterism as the basis of their stand; for public purposes,
they have to proclaim the most high moral principles, to maintain existing society "unspoiled" and to keep "the mind" of
the worker "healthy." This high moral tone runs through all Fascist propaganda and accompanies their gangster exploits.
Nor should this be thought a contradiction; the two characteristics invariably run together in periods of decay.
[SOME TEXT MISSING] prints on its front page under the heading "Britain for the British: The Alien Menace": "The low
type of foreign Jew, together with other aliens who are debasing the life of this nation, will be run out of the country in
double-quick time under Fascism." Anti-Semitism, the typical degrading expression of a tottering system, is developed
by Capitalism in its decaying stage in proportion as the class struggle grows acute.
As Plechanov has remarked: Marx said very truly that the greater the development of antagonism between the growing
forces of production and the extant social order, the more does the ideology of the ruling class become permeated with
hypocrisy. In addition, the more effectively life unveils the mendacious character of this ideology, the more does the
language used by the dominant class become sublime and virtuous (see Saint Max). This shrewd remark is confirmed by
what is going on today in Germany. The spread of debauchery disclosed by the Harden-Moltke trial proceeds hand in
hand with the "revival of idealism" in s(Plechanov, Fundamental Problems of Marxism, English edition, 1929, p. 82.)
The process noted by Plechanov has gone considerably further in Germany and in all capitalist society today. The fact
that many of the principal leaders of German Fascism are not only notorious drug-fiends and perverts, but express
themselves in their writings with highly jocular gusto over their exploits of tortures of women and particularly revolting
murders (see for example the Ernstes und Heiteres aus dem Putschleben of von Killinger, who was appointed by Hitler
Commissar for Saxony and Minister-President), while in their programme they demand the protection of "the morals
and sense of decency of the German race," is no contradiction, but only a further exemplification of the general rule.*
*"Von Killinger was made Commissar for Saxony and later Minister President, and he consequently was in charge of 'Gleichschaltung'
in this State. He had previously written a little book, Ernstes und Heiteres aus dem Putschleben, in which he recounts, among other
incidents, how in the campaign against the Soviet Government in Munich he had a soldier whip a young 'wench' with a horsewhip
'until there was not a white spot left on her backside.' He also recounts how, after a Communist street agitator had made an
impudent reply to a threat, he had a soldier toss a hand grenade at the man. He recounts with gusto the Iorv details of the man's
death" (Calvin B. Hoover, Germany Enters tile Third Reich, 1933, P. 113). Leaders of this type have invariably been given especially
high position in German Fascism. Many similar exploits could be recounted of the notorious "Rasses" of Mussolini in Italy, of Finnish
Fascism, of Hungarian Fascism, etc. This charateristic is a general characteristic of Fascism, and follows inevitably from the type of
work it has to do.
The mystical and openly non-rational character of Fascist ideology and propaganda is only the inevitable expression of
its class-role to maintain the domination of a doomed and decaying class. The present situation of world capitalism is in
the highest degree irrational. It is not rational that foodstuffs should be destroyed, while millions are undernourished,
that building workers should be unemployed, while housing becomes more and more overcrowded and inadequate;
that the masses should have to economise and go short, because there is too much plenty; or that learned economists
should discuss anxiously the "menace" of a good harvest or the "hopes" of a bad harvest. But all this is inherent in the
present stage of capitalism. Therefore capitalism can no longer defend itself on rational grounds, as it used to do in its
early days, when it argued that its system, though cruel, meant the maximum development of natural resources and the
maximum material well-being. To-day such arguments are dismissed as low, materialistic, utilitarian, merely rational
arguments unworthy of higher human nature, characteristic of the exploded nineteenth-century outlook and long
replaced by twentieth-century "spirituality" and the "revival of idealism."
Today capitalism defends itself on mystical grounds. "Race," "the nation," "Christianity," "spirituality," "the mystery of
patriotism," "faith" - this is the language of the modern defenders of capitalism, and, in particular, of Fascism. Thus
Mussolini, in defining Fascism, speaks with contempt of "doctrine" and exalts "faith": Doctrine, beautifully defined and
carefully elucidated, with headlines and paragraphs, might be lacking; but there was to take its place something more
decisive-faith. (Mussolini, The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism, p. 10.) Gentile, the philosopher of Fascism, defines
the Fascist State as "a wholly spiritual creation." Hitler defines the State as "nothing to do with any definite economic
conception or economic development," but the organisation of a community homogeneous in nature and feeling, for
the better furtherance and maintenance of their type and the fulfilment of the destiny marked out for them by
Providence. (Hitler, Mein Kampf, English edition, p. 69.) The British Union of Fascists, in its short definition of Fascism,
declares: We believe in the co-operation of all classes, in the solidarity of all units of a nation, and in justice. And in the
mystery of patriotism. (The Blackshirt, No. 34, 1933.)
Bottomley in his wartime speeches and articles had many similar exalted passages. This type of "ideal" "spiritual"
language is the familiar language of all scoundrels, rogues, war-profiteers, gangsters, Kreugers, Al Capones, Morgans,
MacDonalds, Mussolinis, Hiders, Romanoffs and all who live by preying on their fellow human beings and cannot face a
plain, rational, materialist examination of their role and of the Organisation of society. On this exaltation of mystical
"feeling" above reason whether national "feeling," religious "feeling," racial "feeling," etc. - as the ultimate basis, Hegel
(himself philosophically an idealist, but of a more solid type, and therefore by his system laying the groundwork for the
subsequent dialectical materialism), wrote with incisive contempt in Phenomenology of Mind: By referring to his
feelings, his inward oracle, he thinks he has a sufficient answer to those who do not agree with him; he must declare
that be has nothing more to say to those who do not share the same feelings----in other words, be tramples under foot
the roots of humanity. For the nature of this is to seek agreement with others, and it exists only in the community of
consciousness that has been brought about. The inhuman, the brute consists in being guided only by feeling and being
able to communicate only through feelings. "He tramples underfoot the roots of humanity" - this pregnant saying
applies to all the racial, mystical, non-rational, anti-humanitarian, anti- international ideologies of Fascism. And the
result in every case is the same - to lead only to "the inhuman, the brute."
The truth is, the propaganda of Fascism is essentially demagogy carried to its most extreme point of development. It
might indeed be said that, if Marxism represented the development of Socialism from Utopia to science, Fascism
represents the development of capitalist demagogy from amateurdom to science. Already before Fascism the precursors
of the modern age, Northcliffe, Lloyd George, Bottomley, Hearst and others had done much to point the way and lay
down the general lines and methods; but these were still erratic and individualist in character, and never solved
completely the complicated and contradictory problem of building up a reactionary mass movement, at once "popular"
in form and anti-popular in content. Hitler expresses generously his gratitude to his predecessors, especially Northcliffe,
Lloyd George and British wartime propaganda, which he acknowledges as his model that he learnt from, admiring its
"psychological superiority"; he admires particularly the idea of pretending to fight for "the freedom of little nations" as a
far superior motive to "lead men to their death" rather than telling them the real aims of the war; he praises Lloyd
George highly as a "great demagogue," whose "primitiveness" is "proof of towering political capacity."
But in fact Fascism was to leave these models far behind in its systematisation of playing on every backward feeling,
instinct and ignorance in the population, in the unscrupulousness of its programmes thrown out to appeal to any and
every section without pretense of regard for consistency, and in the brazenness of its sudden changes of front and
repudiation of its own programmes.
What is demagogy? The ruling classes will apply the epithet "demagogue" to every revolutionary leader of the masses
who awakens them to the struggle to overthrow their oppressors, as realised at its highest in a Lenin or a Liebknecht.
Such appellation is a glaring misuse of language; for the relation of the revolutionary leader to the masses is based on
the strictest regard for objective truth, whether popular or unpopular, and the most consistent and unwavering
prosecution of the interests of the mass struggle for liberation against all opposition, however powerful. Demagogy, on
the other hand, is the art of playing on the hopes and the fears, the emotions and the ignorance of the poor and the
suffering for the benefit of the rich and the powerful. It is the meanest of the arts. This is the art of Fascism.
An examination of the programmes of Italian and of German Fascism will show the systematisation of this method,
which is being painstakingly copied today by British Fascism. It is unnecessary to go into the earlier record of Mussolini
himself, as when in 1910 be declared that "the proletariat has no fatherland, nor in truth has the bourgeoisie; in case of
war we Socialists will not go to the front - we will raise insurrection within our own borders," or when in 1912 he
denounced Bissolati for treason in having acclaimed the King whose servitor he was himself to become. This is only the
common record of all the Corrupt Western European Social Democratic politicians, of the Millerands and Briands, of the
MacDonalds and Snowdens.
It is more important to begin with the early programme of Italian Fascism in 1019-22 before power. The early
programme of Italian Fascism was, in the words of an official spokesman of Fascism, Professor G. Volpe (Professor of
Modern History in the University of Milan), in the Yearbook of the International Centre of Fascist Studies for 1928, "a
nebulous programme at first . . . somewhat demagogic and revolutionary." It contained items of the following type:
Abolition of the Monarchy, Senate and Nobility. Republic, and Universal Suffrage to elect a Constituent Assembly as
Italian Section of the International Constituent Assembly of the Peoples. International Disarmament and Abolition of
Compulsory Military Service, Confiscation of Church property. Confiscation of war super-profits, and capital levy;
abolition of the Stock Exchange and dissolution of limited liability Companies and banks; Land for the peasants.
Transference of control of industry to syndicates of technicians and workers.
Italian Fascism systematically applauded the occupation of factories by workers, food-riots, strikes, peasant land-
seizures, etc. and called for the hanging of speculators from lamp-posts and similar measures. It is only necessary to
examine this programme of Fascism in comparison with its record in power to understand the meaning of demagogy. In
comparison with Fascism, the average "old gang politician's'' record of election promises and subsequent violation is
innocent child's play and almost honest by contrast. Political history in all its range from a Machiavelli to a Tammany Hall
knows no parallel of brazen dishonesty to equal Fascism.*
*The examples of this record in every field are too abundant and commonplace to be worth detailed review. Thus on the question of
Republicanism Mussolini wrote in the Popolo d'Italia on May 2 4, 1921: "I shall not allow Fascism to be altered and made
unrecognizable by changing from republican in tendency, as I founded it, and as it ought to remain, to a monarchical, nay more, a
dynastic movement. Our symbol is not the scutcheon of the House of Savoy.... It is not permissible to preach one thing and practise
another." On the very next day, when the controlling capitalist and landed elements in
The programme of German National Socialism surpassed that of Italian Fascism in unblushing demagogy. Here, in the
more advanced stage of development of Germany, it was necessary for Fascism to proclaim the aim of "Socialism." The
Krupps and the Thyssens, the Deterdings and the Hohenzollerns paid out their money to spread the propaganda of
"Socialism." The Twenty-Five Points Programme, adopted in 1920, and proclaimed by the 1926 Congress to be
"unalterable," set out the following aims among its miscellaneous medley of items: Abolition of Unearned Income (11).
Breaking of Interest-Slavery (11). Confiscation of all war profits (12). Nationalisation of all trusts (13). Profit-sharing in
large concerns (14). Confiscation without compensation of land for communal purposes (17). Death penalty for usurers
and profiteers (17).
The meaning of these high-sounding "revolutionary" and "socialistic" aims was left deliberately obscure. It is reported
that two earnest students and devotees of National Socialism having approached Goebbels for an explanation how the
famous Eleventh Point on the "Breaking of Interest-Slavery" would be accomplished received the reply that the only
"breaking" likely to take place would be of the heads of those who tried to understand it.
Interpretation" was, however, at a later stage brought into play in reference to one point, the Seventeenth Point on the
confiscation of land without compensation. This demand had Fascism insisted on the withdrawal of this republican
declaration, Mussolini at once obediently wrote (Popolo d'Italia, May 2 1, 1921): "Fascism is superior to monarchy and
republic.... The future is uncertain, and the absolute does not exist. . . . Those who would draw the conclusion that
Fascism espouses the republican cause, and regards the setting up of the republic as a prime necessity, reveal a
lamentable want of understanding."
On the question of religion Mussolini wrote on April 3, 1921: "Fascism is the strongest of all heresies that strikes at the
doors of the churches. Away with these temples that are doomed to destruction; for our triumphant heresy is destined
to illumine all hearts and brains." in his Encyclopedia article on Fascism in 1932 he wrote: "In the Fascist State religion is
considered as one of the deepest manifestations of the spirit of man, thus it is not only respected, but defended and
protected." These examples could be continued indefinitely, and are only of importance as the demonstration that
Fascism cannot be interpreted in terms of its own alleged political "theories," but only in terms of its service to finance-
[TEXT MISSING?] evidently caused alarm to the more stupid large landlords, who required an assurance in writing, while
the more wily heads of big business and finance remained wholly unperturbed at the terrible Sword of Damocles
hanging over their heads in the shape of the "Nationalisation of All Trusts," "Abolition of Unearned Income" and the
"Death Penalty for Profiteers." Accordingly, the following explanatory addition was officially inserted in the
"unalterable" programme in 1928: It is necessary to reply to the false interpretation on the part of our opponents on
Point 17 of the programme. Since the National Socialist German Workers' Party admits the principle of private property,
it is obvious that the expression "confiscation without compensation" merely refers to possible legal powers to
confiscate, if necessary, land illegally acquired or not administered in accordance with national welfare. It is directed in
the first instance at the Jewish companies which speculate in land. This specimen exercise in official "interpretation"
speaks volumes for the real character of the whole programme. At the same time, occasional assurances bad in fact also
to be given to some of the more hesitating capitalists. An official letter of this type from the district party leadership in
Dresden to a Weimar capitalist, who had hesitated to give financial support owing to the "anti-capitalist" propaganda
conducted, and to whom it was officially explained that he should not be alarmed at the anti-capitalist "catchwords,"
since these were only adopted "for reasons of diplomacy," fell into the bands of the opponents of the Nazis in 1930 and
was published. The text of this indiscreet letter ran: Do not let yourself be continually confused by the text of our
posters. Of course there are catchwords like "Down with Capitalism!" etc.; but these are unquestionably necessary, for
under the flag of "German national," or "national" alone, you must know, we should never reach our goal, we should
have no future. We must talk the language of the embittered socialist workmen . . . or else they wouldn't feel at home
with us. We don't come out with a direct programme for reasons of diplomacy. (Letter of Dresden party leader to the
industrialist, Fritsche, in Weimar: reprinted in Mowrer, Germany Puts the Clock Back, p. 150.) This illuminating letter
makes further comment on the real meaning of Fascist "demagogy" and its purpose superfluous.
FASCISM, developing since little over a decade, has no long past behind it, and in all probability - from the very nature of
its reactionary role, from its violent inner contradictions, and from the whole character of its desperate attempt to
throw up a dam against the advancing social revolution - is likely to have no long future before it. Fascism is likely to be
remembered only as an episode in the long-drawn class-war advancing to the final victory of the socialist revolution. But
if Fascism were able to have the opportunity to continue over a longer period, were able to maintain its power and to
dominate, as it dreams, a whole epoch of social history, then it is evident from the whole foregoing analysis what its
historical role would be, and what kind of society it would produce. The society of a "stabilised Fascism" - if such a
contradiction in terms can be imagined, if, that is, for the sake of analysis we try to imagine the possibility of such a
society and ignore for the moment the inner dialectics of break-up and revolutionary upsurge which would make such a
stabilisation impossible - would be a society of organised decay.
The essence of Fascism is the endeavour violently to suppress and overcome the ever-growing contradictions of
capitalist society. As Goering stated in a speech to the Pomeranian Landbund on March 17, 1933: The regime of
national concentration will with iron fist bring the opposing interests of the different strata of society into that harmony
which is so essential to the prosperity of the German people. Forcible ("iron fist") suppression of the "opposing
interests of the different strata of society" into "harmony," that is to say, in short, "iron-fist harmony" - that is the
essence of Fascism. But what does this involve?
For in fact just the contradictions and consequent conflicts are the mainspring and driving force of social development in
class-society, that is to say, until society becomes a true collective by the liquidation of classes. Until then, the path of
class-conflict is the path of social development. To attempt on the one band to maintain the contradictions - unresolved,
and on the other to suppress forcibly their expression, would mean, if successful, that society would cease to develop
and would pass, on the most favourable hypothesis, to a Byzantine or Old-Chinese hieratic ossification.
But such a society requires in fact an entirely different economy from modern capitalism. And to this outcome the
deepest inner tendencies of Fascism -- despite the fact that it is today used in practice as the instrument of finance-
capital - would, if given free play, increasingly develop. Just by its attempt to suppress forcibly, in place of resolving, the
contradictions of modern society, Fascism reveals most profoundly its reactionary role. For by this it strangles social
First, Fascism seeks to suppress the class struggle, not by the abolition of classes, but by the violent permanent
subjection of the exploited class to the exploiters and crushing of all resistance. This means, even if it could be
successful, a condition of permanent inner war within society, with consequent extreme waste of social forces and
increasing destruction of all possibility of collective achievement. Its stabilisation would mean the replacement of liberal
capitalism by a caste or statutory servile system.
As the nineteenth-century liberal capitalist system of formal "free contract" increasingly disappears under modern
conditions of large-scale industry, its breakdown raises ever more sharply the two alternatives: either Socialism, or the
common ownership of the means of production and common obligation of all citizens to labour and sharing of the fruits;
or the Servile State (State Capitalism), that is, the statutory compulsion and regulation of the labour of the wage-earning
class for the profit of the property-owning class under a general framework of State control, with the abolition of the
right to strike. The Fascist State represents the second alternative, that is, the Servile State.
Second, Fascism seeks to suppress the contradictions and conflicts of capitalist economy brought about by the advance
of technique and the development of mass-production and productive power. As before, it seeks, not to resolve the
contradictions in the higher form of socialisation of the already social forms of production, but to suppress them by
artificially restricting the productive forces, throttling down production to fixed limits suitable to monopolist capital,
preventing new development, clamping on state bureaucratic control, and even, in extreme cases, artificially
maintaining obsolete small production forms, restricting machine-production and encouraging hand-labour (see Chapter
111, sections 1 and 2 for examples of this process). The reactionary, stagnating tendencies of monopoly capitalism
receive their extreme expression in Fascism.
Third, Fascism seeks to suppress the contradictions of international capitalist development, that is, the contradictions
between the single unified world market and international specialisation of production, on the one hand, and the
competing monopolist groups and state complexes, on the other, by forcibly shattering the basis of international
economy and organising the retreat towards the limited closed-in isolationist economic basis-the line of so-called
"national self-sufficiency" or "autarchy." This openly retrograde line means the cutting down of international trade and
communications, the raising of the costs of production, the lowering of the standard of living, and the increasing
"Balkanisation" of the capitalist world. Where would this whole line - if we continue for the purpose of our analysis to
ignore the dialectics of struggle and development which would make its realisation impossible, and imagine a successful
and increasing straight-line realisation of the tendencies of Fascism - lead the modern capitalist world in the twentieth
It is evident that this line would be a line of increasing stagnation and decay leading more and more away from the
complex inter-dependent modern forms towards more primitive forms, and finally to barbarism. The first stage of this
process of the working out of Fascism would be the stage of an elaborately bureaucratic and nonprogressive state
capitalism - the bureaucratic regulation and restriction of the entire economy, while still maintaining capitalist forms.
But while the capitalist forms would still be maintained, and surplus-value would continue to be extracted, the old free
play of capitalist production and circulation could no longer be permitted. Accumulation and expansion would have to
be strictly controlled, since the normal working of the capitalist process would otherwise rapidly burst the bonds of the
attempted regulation and harmony.
The capitalist class would tend to become a permanently fixed class or caste, with no room for new accessions to its
ranks. The attempt would develop, by means of control of investments and similar measures, to stabilise on a basis
approximating to simple reproduction of capital, and to avoid or minimise the inherent disturbances of expanded
reproduction. This would mean a static non-progressive tendency, with regulated quotas of production, prices, levels of
wages and profits. New inventions would be strictly regulated and checked, as is today widely recommended. Science
and education would be discouraged, save so far as is indispensable for military purposes.
This stagnating, non-progressive parasitic character of monopoly capitalism has already been observed since the
beginning of the imperialist era. Lenin, in his analysis of imperialism as the "Decay of Capitalism," sharply brings out this
tendency: Like all monopoly, this capitalist monopoly infallibly gives rise to a tendency to stagnation and decay. In
proportion as the monopoly prices become fixed, even though it be temporarily, so the stimulus to all progress tends to
disappear; and so also arises the economic possibility of slowing down technical progress. (Lenin, Imperialism, Ch. 8.)
The post-war development of capitalism in the two decades since this was written, and especially the development of
state capitalism and of Fascism, has enormously carried forward this process. The "petrifaction" of modern capitalist
industry under an "anonymous industrial bureaucracy" has been noted as an increasing tendency by the German
economic historian, Schmalenbach: There is no longer a certain assurance that capable, competent men will make
good. I am certainly not so sentimental as to believe that in the old private industry a capable man was assured of
advancement under all circumstances. Nevertheless, it is quite clear that in the new type of fettered industry the
assurance is considerably less. In these vast monopoly concerns the successful man is much more firmly seated in the
saddle than he ever could formerly be under the system of private industry. Under free competition he had to earn his
position continually...
The chiefs of industry, at one time very vigorous leaders in the period of struggle and growth, are petrifying to Heads of
Departments, to Chiefs of Industrial Boards, and, as industry turns from the vertical to the horizontal, they change from
creative minds to managers of capital and price officials. But this is only the beginning of the process. This tendency to
petrifaction, to a static non-progressive condition, which is the underlying tendency of all the dreams of "Planned
Capitalism," is only the first stage. For in fact the nonprogressive tendency inevitably works itself out in a tendency to a
decline, to a descent towards a lower technical and economic level.
The next stage, the first signs of which can already be discerned, becomes the gradual break-up of the large
combinations, the break-up of large-scale organisation, the reversion to more limited economic units. In place of the
internationalisation. of economy develops the localised "selfsufficient economic unit." In place of the international
specialisation of production develops scattered production on a smaller scale for each unit, and the consequent decline
of massproduction. The most advanced large-production plants, with their heavy overhead running costs and needs of
an enormous worldwide market, begin to be found "uneconomic" in contrast to relatively more backward smaller
So begins the downward movement (if the proletariat does not conquer, if the advance to the necessary next stage of
the world socialist order is not achieved), from the high-water mark of capitalist technique in the first quarter of the
twentieth century to lower and more primitive forms. Such is the economic basis of the "decline to the Dark Ages,"
which all can see ideologically expressed in Fascism.
Scott Nearing in his pamphlet on "Fascism" has given a vivid imaginative picture of this process. He writes: The search
for a self-sufficient economic unit will lead the Fascists, as it led those of their predecessors who helped to liquidate the
Roman Empire, to a splitting up of economy units until they reach the village, the manor and the local market town.
Village economy is almost self-sufficient. . . . Short of this level, however, there is no unit which can pretend to economic
self-sufficiency. The search for an area in which economic self-sufficiency is workable leads straight back to such forms
of village economy as can be found today in portions of Central Europe, India and China. Autarchy implies the
abandonment of national specialisation in production. . . . Mass-production will be drastically restricted. The
abandonment of national specialisation will go hand in hand with the decline of international trade. In proportion as
each community becomes self-sufficient, it will cease to trade with its neighbours. Nation will cease to trade with nation;
district with district; village with village, until a stage is reached like that of the Middle Ages, at which the trade of the
world can be carried on the backs of camels, pack-horses and human beings, or in a few small merchant vessels. Each
village, manor, market town, trader and merchant will be compelled to provide for his own self-defence and protect his
own property. Localism and individualism will have once again replaced the efforts at social co-ordination. . . . Automatic
machinery will be abandoned with the abandonment of mass-production. The village will rely on hand-agriculture and
hand-crafts. Railroads will disappear. Roads will be tracks through the mud. Automobiles will vanish. Bridges will be
destroyed in the course of the constantly recurring wars and military expeditions and forays. Pack animals defended by
private guards will ford the streams and make their way single-file over narrow winding tracks. If this picture seems
fantastic to a modern American or European, let him compare Roman imperial economy in 50 A.D. with the economy of
the same territory in 650 A.D. Mass wage-labour will disappear with the disappearance of specialised mass-production.
The modern proletariat will be eliminated by war, disease, famine and the flight back to the land, quite as effectively as
the proletariat and the slave masses of Imperial Rome were eliminated by the same means. . . . The standard of living
will be reduced to that of the villagers in present-day Mexico, China, Austria or Rumania, except that the villagers will no
longer be able to secure the many trinkets, tools and utensils that now come to them from the centres of specialised
industrial production. Each year they will sow their crops; will wait for the rain, and when the rain fails them, will die like
flies of the resultant famine. Each year they will reap their harvests; hide them away from roaming bands of brigands
and unemployed soldiers; huddle about their meagre fires, and use their spare time in making and repairing household
tools and utensils. (Scott Nearing, Fascism, PP. 48-51)
This picture is an imaginative picture of a hypothetical process - deliberately leaving out of account the dialectics of the
proletarian class struggle which will defeat its realisation. But - it is essentially a correct picture of what would happen if
the innermost tendencies of Fascist economics and politics were worked out to their final conclusion. It is essentially a
correct picture of the only final alternative to the socialist revolution.
Those who hesitate at the issue of the socialist revolution will do well to ponder closely this inevitable final alternative
which they are thereby choosing. The sense of the decline of civilisation, the overpowering atmosphere of pessimism,
even though accompanied by formal expressions of hope of revival through Fascism, overwhelmingly dominates all
Fascist expression, and betrays its innermost essence. We have no belief in programmes or plans, in saints or apostles.
Above all, we have no belief in happiness, in salvation or in the promised land.- (Mussolini, Popolo d'Italia, January 1,
1922.) Fascism denies the materialist conception of happiness as a possibility.- (Mussolini, The Political and Social
Doctrine of Fascism.) In the gloom of today and the darkness of tomorrow the only faith that remains to us individualists
destined to die is the at present absurd but ever-consoling religion of anarchy. (Popolo d'Italia, April 6, 1920.)
Hopeless we may be, yet we have the hope of doomed men. (Blackshirt, September 16-22, 1933.)
Fully aware of the decline of cultures and civilisations before us, we still demand the right of every proud warrior-to fight
for a cause though that cause seem lost. (Fascist Week, January .12-18, 1934.)
"But it is not a lost cause." Such is the hasty addition appended, without attempt at grounds other than a mystic faith, to
the last quotation, to save appearances and justify the Fascist fight. But the addition rather confirms than changes the
basic outlook revealed. The basic tone and outlook remains that of a dying civilisation fighting against odds to continue
defiantly in the face of all the evidence of the doom of history proclaimed against it. Characteristic of this whole outlook
is the dominating influence of Spengler on Fascism. The favourite, the most quoted and the dominating philosopher and
teacher of the Fascist "theorists" remains Spengler, the shallow journalistic-smatterer philosopher of the inevitability of
decline and of the collapse of civilisation, even though his conclusions are so downright black and hopeless in their
pessimism that they are compelled formally to deny them, while accepting his premises. The recent official book of
British Fascism (Drennan, B.U.F.: Sir Oswald Mosley and British Fascism) fills its pages with endless excerpts from
Spengler, declaring: Spengler's interpretation of world history is a colossal monument to the European mind. . . . His
interpretation of past history remains valid, and constitutes a base from which modern man may begin to interpret his
own present and to modify his own future. What is the teaching of this "colossal" prophet? He writes: Only dreamers
believe that there is a way out. Optimism is cowardice. We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to
the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on the last position, without hope, without rescue. . . . The
honourable end is the one thing that cannot be taken from a man.
What is the comment of The Fascist Week on this commonplace maudlin posturing of all dying civilisations?
His words are a magnificent example of dauntless nobility in the face of inevitable annihilation.- (Fascist Week, January
The Fascist organ thereafter endeavours to plead that perhaps man may be "in some ways free of natural laws" and thus
escape the doom. But even the final conclusion of the Fascist organ runs:
For those who make the choice, the very least of their destinies will be an honourable end.
In the same way the official book on Mosley and British Fascism, already quoted, glories in the breakdown of civilisation
and the return to the primitive:
The powers of the blood, unbroken bodily forces, resume their ancient lordship (p. 198).
Out of the night of history, old shadows are appearing which menace their complacency. . . . Sir Herbert Samuel, a
Liberal of singular perspicacity, believes that Europe is returning to the conditions of the twelfth century. Professor Laski
wails against these new men who have "no inhibitions ... . . .
The figure of the leader . . . comes out into the stark day in the grim serenity of Mussolini, in the harsh force of Hitler.
And behind them stride the eternal condottieri - the gallant, vivid Balbo, the ruthless Goering (PP. 42-3).
With this typical glorification of the "condottieri," of the return of the brigand Balbo and the gorilla Goering, of the law
of the jungle, we may leave the Fascists to their Neronian pleasures, until such time as the strong hand of the
proletarian dictatorship shall end their blood-orgies and establish civilised order and progress throughout the world.
What speaks here through the mouth of the Fascists is nothing but the typical decadent parasitic glorification of blood
and the cave-man (already visible in its first signs in the invalids Nietzsche, Carlyle and other sick types, or later
represented in the Ethel M. Dells and Hemingways of literature).
Fascism in its ideology is nothing but the continuation of fin-de-siecle decadence into its necessary outcome in blood-
lust and barbarism. All this is only the death-rattle of the dying bourgeois civilisation. Against all this pessimism, decline,
decay and filth, tragic destinies, self -heroisings, idolisation of death, returns to the primitive, mysticism, spiritualism and
corruption, the revolutionary proletarian movement of Communism, of Marxism, the heir of the future, proclaims its
unshakable certainty and confidence in life, in science, in the power of science, in the possibility of happiness, proclaims
its unconquerable optimism for the whole future of humanity, and in this sign, armed with the weapons of scientific
understanding, of dialectical materialism, of Marxism, will conquer and sweep from the earth the dregs of disease and
decay which find their expression in Fascism.
WHAT is the future of Fascism? What is the future of the fight against Fascism? Fascism is a historical phenomenon,
arising in a concrete historical situation. It is useless to discuss abstractly as in a schoolroom alternative social forms of
"Fascism," "Democracy," "Dictatorship," etc., without regard to the actual situation and general line of capitalism in the
present period.
Fascism is the outcome of modern capitalism in crisis, of capitalism passing into the period of the proletarian revolution,
when it can no longer maintain its power by the old means, but is compelled to resort to ever more violent methods for
the suppression of all working-class organisation, and also for the attempted authoritarian economic unification and
organisation of its own anarchy, in a last desperate effort to maintain its existence and master the contradictions that
are rending it.
More specifically, Fascism is the consequence of the delay of the proletarian revolution in Western and Central Europe
in the post-war period, when the whole objective situation calls for the proletarian revolution as the only final solution
and ever more visibly raises the issue of the struggle for power, but when the working-class movement is not yet strong
enough and ready owing to being disorganised and paralysed by reformism, and thus lets the initiative pass to
capitalism. "Fascism," as Clara Zetkin declared in 1923, "is the punishment of the proletariat for failing to carry on the
revolution begun in Russia."
Fascism is the abortion consequent on a miscarriage of the proletarian revolution. But Fascism cannot solve the
contradictions or prevent the collapse of capitalism. On the contrary, Fascism carries the contradictions, both within the
capitalist world, and between the two worlds since 1917, the capitalist world and the socialist world, to the highest
point; Fascism brings an extreme intensification of the class struggle and of the process of revolutionisation.
Fascist tendencies are not peculiar to the countries of completed Fascist dictatorship, to Germany, Austria and Italy, or
to Poland, Hungary, etc. Fascist tendencies are common in greater or less degree to all modern capitalism, including
Western Europe and America, wherever the process of decay and the advance of the class struggle have reached a
certain point, and advance in proportion as working-class resistance is paralysed or weakened by reformism.
The victory of Fascism in Central Europe, and the advance of Fascist tendencies in Western Europe and America, in 1933-
4, represents the highest point yet reached by the Counter-Revolution since the war. But this victory of the Counter-
Revolution does not represent the growing strength of capitalism. On the contrary, it is the direct result of the extreme
aggravation of the world crisis and of the instability of capitalism, of the shattering of Versailles and all the peace
settlements, of the growth of social contradictions and mass discontent, bursting all peaceful and legal forms: that is to
say, of the very advance of all the forces which finally make for the victory of the proletarian revolution, since the
proletarian revolution alone can solve these contradictions, which Fascism can only intensify.
Capitalism can no longer maintain its power by the old means. The crisis is driving the whole political situation at an
accelerating pace. All social and international contradictions are brought to a new and greater sharpness by the
successive developments of the crisis of capitalism. All strata of the population are affected by the crisis. The bourgeois
regime is driven to ever more desperate expedients to prolong for a while longer its lease of life. For the decade and a
half since the war the bourgeoisie has maintained its power mainly on the basis of Social Democracy as the governing
instrument to hold in the workers and prevent the working-class revolution. In return for disciplining the workers and
preaching myths about "democracy" and the "peaceful path to Socialism," Social Democracy has been given ministerial
posts, patronage and pickings. This process of being drawn into the capitalist machine has been held up to the workers
as evidence of the gradual, peaceful conquest of "power" by the working class. How much this "power" was worth,
when it came to the test, or rather, where the real power lay, has been abundantly shown by the event in Germany,
Austria and elsewhere.
But this system, or particular mechanism of capitalist rule in the post-war crisis, is not eternal-as the Labour leaders, on
the flood-tide of Mondism and successive Labour Governments, have fondly hoped. The crisis drives to sharper political
issues, to intensified class struggle, to the need of new forms of capitalist rule, to rapid and desperate emergency
The basis of widening social reforms and concessions, hastily granted in the post-war period to stave off revolution, and
constituting the mechanism of Social Democratic influence and ascendancy in the working class in the Western
Imperialist countries, breaks down under the strain of the economic crisis, and gives place to the withdrawal and cutting
down of social reforms and increasing attacks upon the workers. With this process a new alignment of political forces
On the one hand, the hold of Social Democracy upon the workers begins to weaken, as shown in its declining numbers,
its increasing use of Social Fascist disciplinary measures and violence, and in the growth of Communist influence. In the
face of this growing revolutionisation of the workers, the bourgeoisie hastens to act, while there is yet time, before
Communism has yet won its visibly approaching majority position in the working class, while the disorganisation of the
workers by Social Democracy can still prevent successful resistance, and brings into play the dangerous hazard of
Fascism to smash the advance of the working class.
On the other hand, the working class, tied to capitalism by the reformist leadership inherited from the preceding period,
is paralysed from being able to play its decisive role as political leader in the developing crisis and draw all the
discontented strata of the population under its leadership for the overthrow of capitalism. On the contrary, since there
is no standing still, the exact reverse process takes place in the early stages. As the crisis develops, the working class
under reformist leadership appears to grow, not stronger, but weaker.
The policy of coalition with capitalism has steadily demoralised and sapped the strength of the old working-class
organisations, brought membership lower and lower every year to the lowest point since the war, and destroyed the
confidence of the workers in their organisation and leadership. The class struggle goes forward, but in disorganised
forms, since the new fighting leadership has not yet won the majority of the working class, and has to fight
simultaneously the forces of capitalism and the throttling stranglehold of the reformist machine.
In consequence, the working-class forces are weakened and divided at the very moment of the heaviest capitalist attack,
not because of the militant workers who remain true to the class struggle, but because of the alliance of the reformist
machine with capitalism. This weakening of the workers' forces in the face of the Fascist attack is the price of the path of
bourgeois "democracy," of Social Democracy.
At the same time as the organised working-class forces are thus temporarily weakened, the way is opened for
alternative forces, which could otherwise play only a subordinate part, to come to the front. The mixed intermediate
strata or so-called middle classes, who can play no independent political role, but can only act in practice as the ally of
either the working class or capital, come to the front, in proportion as the active role of the working class is weakened.
They are sharply affected by the crisis and by all the operations of finance-capital. Their lower strata are the natural ally
of the working class in the war on finance-capital. But they see from their point of view the modern parliamentary state
as a coalition of Big Capital ("international financiers") and Labour bosses, with themselves left out, and feel themselves
squeezed by ever-increasing taxation for the benefit of big business and the system of social services to the workers,
that is, the system of social reformism.
Nor can the reformist Labour propaganda, which dare not touch the roots of finance-capital, expose to them the real
reasons of their plight, or give them the revolutionary lead for which they are groping, to mobilise them against their
real enemy. Thus they become easy prey for the demagogic propaganda of finance-capital to give them a sham
"revolutionary" lead, exploiting to the full the weaknesses and corruption of Labourism or Social Democracy, and
organise them as a counter-force against the working class, in contradiction to their own interests.
Capital is able for the first time to organise, no longer a mere mercenary army for its support, but a mass movement,
built on disgust with Reformism, built out of those intermediate strata and unstable, discontented, disillusioned,
working-class elements, against the organised working class. From the ruins and discredit of Reformism Fascism springs.
The old liberal parliamentary-democratic method of maintaining bourgeois rule on a basis of social reforms increasingly
breaks down before the realities of the crisis and the sharpening of the class struggle. On all sides the bankruptcy of the
old social, economic and political system becomes recognised, and the demand for a complete change of the social
system replaces the old cry for reforms. Capitalism has to meet this new situation in which its whole regime begins to be
questioned and denounced, no longer only by the few, but by the overwhelming majority of the population, and the call
for "socialism" and "revolution" sounds on all sides.
An extreme example of this process is revealed in Germany on the eve of Fascism, where in the elections of the summer
of 1932 no less than 74 percent of the voters gave their votes for parties proclaiming the aim of "socialism," and all the
parties which declared their support of capitalism could not win more than a quarter of the electors. In this situation
capitalism is only able to save its power for one further lease by the final desperate expedient of staging a sham
"revolution" with the nominal aim of "socialism," but in fact designed to maintain its power - the "National Socialist
Revolution" or Fascism. The poison, from the point of view of capitalism, of the "revolutionary" and "socialist"
propaganda which can today alone win a mass hearing, is skillfully rendered harmless by the antidote of the "national"
Thus the final mask of this ultimate masquerade of capitalism staging a "socialist" "revolution" to maintain its power
becomes the old "national" label. What is the significance of this? Does it mean that the "national" appeal is in fact
stronger to the masses than the socialist? Not at all. The Nationalist Party in Germany, on the basis of the pure
"national" appeal, could only win two million votes, where, by the skillful addition of "socialism," the "National Socialist"
Party could win thirteen millions. But the "national" label becomes the final device for distorting and defeating the
meaning of socialism, when the defence of capitalism can no longer be openly proclaimed.
The whole drive of the present situation, as all are increasingly compelled to recognise, is towards the necessity and
inevitability of collective social organisation, that is, towards socialism. The "national" principle, on the other hand,
represents in reality the rule of a given capitalist grouping, in opposition to other capitalist groupings. But the "national"
principle is falsely presented to appear as the expression of the collective, social principle against private egoism,
individualism, capitalism. In this way the historical movement towards collective social organisation, when it becomes
too strong to be any longer directly resisted, is attempted to be distorted from its common, human basis into an
exclusive group-assertive basis, which becomes in fact the cover for the maintenance of the rule of the capital class.
This is the significance of "National Socialism" or Fascism. But what is the historical outcome of this process? The
advance to Fascism as the final defence means the destruction of legality, not by the revolutionaries, but by the
bourgeoisie, and the laying bare to all of the class struggle as a direct conflict of force. In order to hold off the revolution,
the bourgeoisie is compelled to play at revolution, and to seek to "outbid the revolution." They are compelled to preach
to the masses contempt for peace and legality, which were formerly their best protection. To prevent the working-class
revolution, they are compelled to stage their masquerade revolution, and even to dub it a "socialist revolution."
The junkers, barons and industrial magnates, in order to maintain their power, are compelled to place themselves at the
head of bandit hordes with cries of "Down with Interest-Capital!" "Down with Unearned Income!" "Nationalisation of
the Trusts!" "Nationalisation of the Banks!" "Socialisation of all enterprises ripe for socialisation!" etc. The modern Black
Hundreds have to proclaim themselves "socialists" and enemies of "capitalism" in order to win a hearing and save
capitalism. Such is the measure of the strength of capitalism revealed in the temporary victory of the Fascist Counter-
Revolution. It is manifest that we have here not a strengthening, but in reality and in the final outcome, an extreme
weakening of capitalism. The further examination of the development of the fight against Fascism will reveal the
inevitable final working out of the dialectics of this process.
2. The Fight Against Fascism.
What, then, of the future of the fight against Fascism? Fascism, it is evident from the above analysis, develops out of the
decay of bourgeois democracy and reformism in the conditions of the capitalist crisis. Indeed, Fascism develops in the
first place in and through the forms of bourgeois democracy, step by step strengthening the state coercive apparatus
and emergency powers and restricting the rights of the workers, in proportion as the workers' resistance is paralysed by
reformism and trust in constitutionalism; and only when the ground has been thus fully prepared within the shell of
"democracy," and the workers' forces disorganised to the maximum, only then the final blow is struck and the complete
and open Fascist dictatorship is established.
Germany and Austria are the outstanding examples of this process, where all the preliminary stages for the victory of
Fascism were carried through by a Bruning or a Dollfuss in the name of the defence of "the constitution" and with the
support of the Social Democratic leadership on this basis. In consequence, the fight against Fascism cannot be
conducted on the basis of trusting to bourgeois "democracy" as the defence against Fascism. To do this means to invite
and to guarantee the victory of Fascism.
The fight against Fascism can only be conducted on the basis of the united class fight of the workers (leading all the
exploited strata) against all the attacks of finance-capital, whether these attacks are conducted through nominal
"democratic" forms or through open Fascist forms. The stronger the fight of the workers in the early stages, within the
still nominally maintained "democratic" forms, the less easy becomes the advance of the bourgeoisie to the further
stages, to the open Fascist forms. Hence the importance of the united working-class front.
The strength of the working-class fight is also decisive for winning the wavering petit-bourgeois sections. The bourgeois
democrats and reformists argue that Fascism is the consequence of Communism. "The fear of the dictatorship of the
working class has evoked the iron dictatorship of Capitalism and Nationalism. Reaction on the 'Right' has bred reaction
on the 'Left.' Reaction of the 'Left' is displaced by triumphant reaction of the 'Right' " (Labour Manifesto on "Democracy
versus Dictatorship," March 1933). From this they draw the conclusion, expressed in many Labour speeches: "To defeat
Fascism, root out Communism."
This line is expressed in the abstract slogan "Democracy versus Dictatorship," presented without reference to class-
relations: that is, in practice, defence of the existing capitalist state (with its increasing Fascist tendencies) against the
working-class revolution, under cover of the plea of defence against the Fascist danger. This line of the Labour Party is
also the line of the big bourgeoisie in its present propaganda. Thus the Conservative leader, Baldwin, declared in a
speech at Glasgow on June 24, 1932. In Europe you find these Communistic methods were tried in Italy. What was the
result? Something very near civil war, when the Right beat the Left, and you got a dictatorship, not of the Left, but of the
Right. . . . I say that a dictatorship of no kind will we have in this country, either of the Right or of the Left, at any time.
What is important here is not the glaring travesty of the actual facts: namely, that in Italy the Communists were in a
minority, that the Reformist Socialists in Italy were defeated, not because they adopted Communist methods, but
because they specifically refused to adopt Communist methods, because they refused to seize power in 1920 when by
the admission of all it was theirs for the taking, because they clung to passive parliamentary and industrial strike tactics,
and therefore Fascism conquered; and that, finally, the only country where the working class has adopted Communist
methods, the Soviet Union, is the only country where Fascism has not been able to show its face.
All this has been long demonstrated by history; and the Conservative-plus-Labour propagandists are only hoping to play
on the ignorance of their hearers when they thus endeavour to conceal the real facts. But what is here important is the
exact unity, even to a literal identity of phrasing, revealed between the line of the Labour Party and the line of the
Conservative Party, that is, of the ruling party of the bourgeoisie. This identity should already awaken the alertness of
any working class supporter of the Labour Party to the fact that the line here expressed represents no defence of
working-class interests or real fight against Fascism. The whole dialectics of revolution and counter-revolution, of vital
importance for the understanding of the present period, lies concealed and distorted behind this treatment.
The conception of Communism as the cause of Fascism is as shallow in understanding of the real working of social forces
as it is illusory in fact. The growth of the working-class revolution (Communism), and the growth of violent capitalist
repression, are in reality both equally the consequence and outcome and expression of the growing crisis and break-up
of capitalism. They develop as parallel parts of the single process of the gathering revolutionary crisis. To find in one
symptom the cause of the other symptom is worthy of the shallowest quack.
In fact the example of Austria, where the Communist Party was still very weak and where Social Democracy boasted of
the completeness of its control of the working class, has shown how little the bourgeoisie has need of the pretext of
Communism to advance to the Fascist dictatorship. "Before the war," declared Lenin (speech to the All-Russian
Conference of the Bolshevik Party in May 19 17), "England was the freest country in the world. There was freedom in
England because there was no revolutionary movement there."
Does this mean that the masses in pre-war England were fortunate because they bad no revolutionary movement? On
the contrary. The formal "freedom" was only the mirror, the counterpart, of the real subjection. The "freedom" was
conditional on the masses accepting passively their servitude and looking only for the crumbs of reforms. But so soon as
the workers begin to stir against their servitude and to fight consciously for their liberation, the "freedom" rapidly
disappears and gives place to the whip. And that is the meaning of Fascism.
Fascism marks the extreme intensification of the capitalist dictatorship and offensive against the working class; but it
marks thereby at the same time the growth of capitalist contradictions and the growth of the revolutionary awakening
of the working class. If today in England and the other Western countries the traditional "freedoms" are being steadily
eaten into and cut down, if police expenditure is trebled since the war and the police are being centralised and
militarised, if freedom of agitation and assembly and demonstration is being more and more cut away, if the trade union
machine on top is absorbed into unity with capitalism and the State, and the price of criticism of Labour leaders is
assessed at seven thousand pounds by the capitalist courts, all this is only a measure of the awakening of the working
The awakening of the working class pricks the myth of "freedom" and lays bare the lash of the despot. The degree of
violence, the degree of coercion and restriction of rights, the variation of methods between open complete Fascism and
partial developing forms of Fascism beneath a decaying "democratic" cover, corresponds to the degree of development
of the working class and of the relations of the class struggle. When the British and French labour leaders boast of the
supposed immunity of their countries from Fascism (actually, slower development of Fascism), they are only paying
tribute to the backwardness of their own movements.
But this backwardness is rapidly disappearing. Does this mean that, so long as the forms of bourgeois democracy remain,
bourgeois democracy provides the best defence of the workers against Fascism? On the contrary. The workers fight, and
need to fight, tenaciously for every democratic right of organisation and of agitation within the existing regime; but they
cannot afford for one moment to be blind to the fact that bourgeois democracy is only a cover for the capitalist
dictatorship, and that within its forms the advance to Fascism is steadily pushed forward.
Bourgeois democracy breeds Fascism. Fascism grows organically out of bourgeois democracy. At what point did Dollfuss,
"champion of democracy in Europe," become Dollfuss, champion of Fascism? The process developed through such a
series of stages that up to the very last Social Democracy was offering alliance to Dollfuss to "save the constitution," at
the same time as Dollfuss was proclaiming the complete principles of Fascism and preparing to turn his guns upon the
The more the workers place their trust in legalism, in constitutionalism, in bourgeois democracy, the more they make
sacrifices to save the existing regime as the "lesser evil" against the menace of Fascism, the heavier become the
capitalist attacks and the more rapid the advance to Fascism. To preach confidence in legalism, in constitutionalism, in
bourgeois democracy, that is, in the capitalist state, means to invite and to guarantee the victory of Fascism. That is the
lesson of Germany and of Austria.
And this is the reality which blows to smithereens the deceitful and disastrous slogan of "Democracy versus
Dictatorship." Yet in face of the deadly lessons of Germany and of Austria the British Labour Party leadership and Social
Democracy in Western Europe are today repeating to the last detail the fatal line of German Social Democracy. All that
German Social Democracy and the German trade unions preached and practised, the British Labour Party and the British
trade unions are preaching and practising today. How then can they expect the same policy to lead to a different
They preach up and down the country in favour of democracy and constitutionalism and legality. So did German Social
Democracy. They denounce Communism; they refuse the united front; they expel all militant workers; they set up a
network of discipline to maintain the safety of their organisations for capitalism. So did German Social Democracy. They
are faithful pillars of capitalism and of imperialism. So was German Social Democracy. They are treading the same road.
Only the action of the workers, learning the lessons in time, refusing to follow their teaching, breaking their bans and
building up the common front against capitalism, can change the outcome. What have they to offer the workers if their
policy leads to the same outcome as confronted German Social Democracy? Nothing. What is their answer? They have
no answer. Citrine, leader of British trade unionism, speaking of the Trades Union Congress in September 1933, on the
situation that confronted German Social Democracy, could only say: "I hope to God we are never put into a similar
position. I hope we never have to face that position."
And again, with regard to the growth of mass unemployment as the visible "common factor" both in Britain and in
Germany. If that gets worse, I cannot answer for the consequences. "Hope to God." "Cannot answer." Such is the final
lead of British Labourism in the face of Fascism. Of one thing only Citrine is sure. It is impossible to fight. If it comes to a
fight, the workers will be beaten. If we go in for the method of force, we shall be badly beaten. And again: If we try to
organise by force of arms, we shall be beaten. "We shall be beaten." "We shall be badly beaten."
Such is the litany of defeat before the battle, by which the reformist leaders seek to drill into the workers the sense of
their own impotence. This is the open invitation to capitalism to launch the attack on the workers' organisations; the
workers are defenceless and cannot resist; Social Democracy, as the Chairman of the Trades Union Congress declared on
the same occasion, is "peaceful, law-abiding, and shrinks from fratricidal conflict," and therefore is inevitably, as he
finds, at the mercy of its bloodthirsty enemies: One of the tragic lessons of events in Germany was that the enemies of
democracy were willing to shed blood to destroy liberty, and did not shrink from murder, arson and lawless action; but
Social Democracy was peaceful, law-abiding, and shrank from fratricidal strife.
The very heart of reformism is here laid bare. Capitalism is all- powerful. The workers are powerless against it. The
workers must only hope to get what capitalism permits them through the legal forms capitalism permits. Let us cling to
what capitalism may grant us through the forms of "democracy" (which were in fact only won by violent struggle) and
"hope to God" that, if we are docile, capitalism may not strike us further. Such is the voice of the beaten, trembling
slave, which expresses itself as the philosophy of reformism.
Does, then, the advance of Fascism mean the end of all things, that there is no hope for the working-class movement,
that there is no hope for the victory of socialism? On the contrary. The poet, William Morris, in his imaginative picture
already quoted of the path of the socialist revolution in England (in the chapter "How the Change Came," of News from
Nowhere), describes how the Government proclaimed martial law and appointed a well-known general who with
modern artillery carried through a terrible massacre of thousands of unarmed workers. The following dialogue then
ensues between the narrator and his informant, old Hammond: I wondered that he should have got so elated about a
mere massacre, and I said: "How fearful! And I suppose that this massacre put an end to the whole revolution for that
time?" "No, no," cried old Hammond, "it began it.... That massacre began the civil war." "It began the civil war."
It destroyed the myths and illusions of legality and passive slavery, and laid bare the civil war which, once began, could
only finally end with the victory of the masses. And that above all is the significance of Fascism. The old poet is a
hundred times right against the trembling modern reformists, who solemnly declare that modern artillery and technique
have made revolution impossible.
Once the myths and illusions of legality and pacifism have fallen, once the united mass of the workers enter into the
struggle, with the scales fallen from their eyes, there is no question of the ultimate outcome. The exploiters know this
well; hence their anxiety to build up the final rampart of a national-fascist ideology of deception in the masses, alongside
the direct violence and coercion; and hence also the importance, on the workers' side, of carrying through the
ideological-political fight of exposure against Fascism alongside the direct preparation of the mass struggle and final
armed struggle.
The example of Austria has shown how much even a courageous minority of the workers, shackled and held back at
every point by their reformist leaders, when all the previous favourable opportunities had been squandered and the
enemy had been allowed to entrench himself over the whole field before the struggle began, when the great part of the
mass organisations of the workers were directly held back from the struggle by their chiefs, could nevertheless
accomplish to shake and bring to a critical position the whole Fascist regime and awaken an answering spirit of struggle
throughout the whole world. The bands of hundreds of Schutzbundler who fought their way to freedom across the
frontier, are reported to have cried out as they reached the other side: "Long live the Soviet Union!" and some "Long live
the Communist International!" Their lesson was learned.
How much more will the final outcome of the struggle be certain, when the whole working class will fight as a united
force under revolutionary leadership, when Fascism will be weakened and disorganised by its own internal
contradictions and by the fiasco of its regime and of its promises, and when disillusionment and discontent and rising
sympathy with their fighting working-class brothers will spread through the lower Fascist ranks.
Tsarism also fell despite all its machinery of repression. Far more certainly and rapidly will the card-castles of the
modern Fascist dictatorships fall, when the time comes. The laying bare of the civil war at the root of class-society, the
explosion of all the illusions of peace and legality - that is, above all, the historical role of Fascism.
Fascism attempts to organise society on the basis of permanent civil war, no longer merely with the old state forces,
police and military, of repression, but with permanent special armed legions of class-war to hold down the workers. That
fact is the most complete expression of the final bankruptcy of capitalism and of the certainty of its collapse. The eyes of
all are being opened to the realities of class society and to the real character of the war confronting the working class.
The necessity of the workers' dictatorship as the sole means to crush the counter-revolution is becoming understood.
The crisis within the post-war Second International since Fascism in Germany is only the expression of this process.
As we enter more and more directly into a period of revolutionary conditions, when the working-class movement can
only be carried forward by revolutionary methods and under illegal conditions or go under, the will-o'-the-wisp lights of
so-called "democratic socialism," that is, of "socialism by permission of the bourgeoisie," inevitably go into eclipse and
leave the workers in the bog; only the clear light of revolutionary socialism burns stronger than ever and shows the path
The issue becomes more and more clearly no longer even in appearance a question of two tendencies, of two paths for
the working-class struggle; in the sight of all, the Communist International alone leads the working-class struggle. In this
situation even the Second International is compelled hypocritically to recognise the necessity of "revolutionary"
methods and the "error" of its past policies. German Social Democracy in its latest Executive Manifesto of January 1934,
proclaims the "error" of its path in 1918: The political transformation of 1918 ended up in a counter-revolutionary
development. . . . The Social Democratic Party . . . took over control of the State without opposition, sharing it as a
matter of course with the bourgeois parties, the old bureaucracy and even with the reorganised military forces. That it
should have taken over the old machinery of government virtually unchanged was the great historical error committed
by a German Labour Movement which had lost its sense of direction during the war. ("The Battle of Revolutionary
Socialism and its Objective": Manifesto of the Executive of the German Social Democratic Party, published in the
Karlsbad Neuer Vorwarts, January 28, 1934.)
"The great historical error." Fifteen years ago the centre of controversy of the Second and Third Internationals,
expressed in the controversy of Kautsky and Lenin, turned precisely on this point, when Lenin, with Marx, declared that
it was necessary for the workers' revolution, not to take over, but to smash the existing capitalist state machine and
establish its own dictatorship instead, and the Second International denied this. Now fifteen years too late, after the
harm is done, after the German working class is reduced to the uttermost limit of subjection by their methods, the
Second International blandly proclaims that its policy was an "error" - and then proceeds again in fact to recommend the
path of bourgeois democracy, "the new organisation of the State on the basis of freedom by the convening of a National
Assembly elected by universal, equal, direct and secret suffrage."
Once again, despite all the attempts to make a show of a great "change of heart," this is in reality the old Weimar path.
But the German workers have had their experience of the Weimar path and its outcome and have no intention to repeat
it. Similarly, the Second International in its Paris Resolution of August 1933, on "The Strategy and Tactics of the
International Labour Movement during the Period of Fascist Reaction," admits the necessity of "revolutionary struggle"
after Fascism: Where the bourgeoisie has renounced democracy in order to throw itself into the arms of Fascism and has
deprived the working class of the democratic means of struggle, the only means of emancipation left is that of the
revolutionary struggle. . . . In the countries in which Fascism has prevailed, the dictatorship can only be overthrown by a
revolution of the people. When they have gained their victory over Fascism, the revolutionary forces will not confine
themselves to breaking its power; they will destroy the great capitalist and landowning forces which are its economic
By this declaration the whole line of the 1918 Revolution, of Weimar democracy, is implicitly condemned. In the
controversy of those days between Kautsky and Lenin, between the line that the revolutionary working class in the
moment of victorious overthrow of the old regime must confine itself to setting up "pure" democracy and then await a
majority in the Constituent Assembly or Parliament before proceeding further, and the line that the revolutionary
working class in the moment of victory must at once use its power, without waiting for parliamentary majorities, to
overthrow capitalism, the Second International is now compelled, fifteen years late, in a half -hidden unclear fashion, to
admit that Lenin was right.
The revolutionary working class, it is now declared, in the moment of overthrow of the old regime must at once, without
waiting for Constituent Assemblies or parliamentary majorities, proceed to "destroy the great capitalist and landowning
forces." Excellent. If this were seriously meant, it would mean the workers' dictatorship. But in fact this phrase thrown in
as a sop because in relation to Germany today it would be impossible openly to advocate the return to the completely
exposed Weimar democracy - is used as a fine-sounding phrase without any attempt to face what it practically involves,
and is made completely meaningless by the rest of the resolution.
Further-notable precaution - it is to be applied only to countries where Fascism has already conquered. What, therefore,
does this line mean in practice? First, the working class must let itself be bull-dozed by Democracy, paralysed and
divided by reformism, smashed and butchered by Fascism. Then, when their forces have been thus heavily broken up
and weakened, when Fascism has completely organised and established without resistance its apparatus of armed
pretorian guards over the disarmed workers, then the workers are graciously permitted by the Second International to
carry through the socialist revolution (though if there were the slightest signs appearing of their succeeding in this, these
gentlemen, as the Karlsbad Manifesto of German Social Democracy has made clear, would be the first to hurry forward
to wave again the banner of "pure democracy" and thus endeavour again to save the bourgeoisie as in 1918).
But where "democracy" still exists, the workers must still tread the fatal path of "pure democracy," abstaining from any
revolutionary initiative, until Fascism has conquered them. Such are the final confusions and contortions of the
leadership of the Second International in the present epoch. It is abundantly clear that Social Democracy by this line is in
fact only disorganising the working-class fight against Fascism, and thus in practice still fulfils its role, also in the
countries of open Fascist dictatorship, of the support of the bourgeoisie in the working class.
Against this line the revolutionary working class line of communism declares: The workers' dictatorship is the only
alternative to the capitalist dictatorship, which at present is increasingly passing from the older "democratic" to Fascist
forms. The workers' dictatorship is the only guarantee against the victory of Fascism, against the victory of the capitalist
counter-revolution and the unlimited subjection of the working class. The path of bourgeois democracy ends in Fascism.
The battle for the workers' dictatorship must be fought, not merely after Fascism, but before Fascism, as the sole means
to prevent Fascism. Social Democracy says: First Fascism, then Revolution. But Communism says: Revolution before
Fascism, and preventing Fascism. Fascism is not inevitable. Fascism only becomes inevitable if the working class follows
the line of reformism, of trust in the capitalist state, of refusal of the united front, and thus lets itself be struck down by
the class enemy. But if the working class follows the line of the united front, of the rising mass struggle, of the building
of its Communist Party and fighting mass organisation to the final victory of the revolution and establishment of the
workers' dictatorship, then the working class can defeat and crush Fascism and pass straight to the socialist order with
no costly and shameful Fascist interlude. This is the path to defeat Fascism.
Equally in those countries where the Fascist dictatorship has won the temporary upper hand, the only path forward and
object of the workers' struggle requires to be, no longer the restoration of the old illusory "democracy" which only
prepared the way for Fascism, but the workers' dictatorship and the establishment of the Soviet regime. The German
working class revolution is not defeated, despite the temporary retreat of 1933 made inevitable by the whole role of
Social Democracy.
On the contrary, Germany is nearer to the final victory of the proletarian revolution than any country in the capitalist
world. The fact that the German workers are going through the extremest hell of Fascism is the reflection of the fact, not
that their movement is more backward, but that it is relatively more advanced and closer to the revolution. The liberals
and reformists see only the surface completeness of the Fascist victory.
They can never understand the dialectical process. They see the immediate victory of Fascism. But they do not see the
negative side. They do not see the disintegration of all capitalist stability that that represents. They do not see that the
very ferocity of the capitalist attack is the measure of the growing revolutionary advance. They do not see the
significance of the crushing exposure of the line of reformism and laying bare of the real battle. They do not see that the
Communist Party of Germany-with unbroken ranks and organisation, and over one hundred thousand members active
under the most extreme terror, a record without parallel in working-class history -is in reality stronger than it has ever
been, closer to the winning of the unquestioned leadership of the majority of the working class, closer to the victory of
the proletarian revolution.
The mournful pessimists and faint-hearts who see a long period of Fascist dictatorship and unshaken reaction in front do
not understand the whole character of the present period of the destruction of capitalist stability, a period in which
rapid changes throughout the world and gigantic revolutionary struggles are before us. The bourgeoisie dream through
Fascism to exterminate Marxism, that is, to exterminate the independent working class movement and the fight for
Socialism. The attempt is not a new one.
A hundred years ago "all the Powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise the spectre of
Communism: Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies." The collapse of 1848
was heralded as the collapse of Socialism. In the decade after the Commune, on the basis of thirty thousand corpses,
Thiers boasted that "we have heard the last of Socialism." In the following decade Bismarck set himself to stamp out
Marxism in Germany with all the power of the most highly organised Prussian police and bureaucratic system, and after
twelve years had to recognise that he had met his master.
Down the long gallery of the years the ghosts of the past, Cavaignac and Gallifet, Thiers and Bismarck, Pobiedonostsev
and Stolypin, Kornilov and Kolchak, the hangmen and butchers and jailers of bourgeois rule, may welcome with a
spectral sneer the new accessions to their ranks, Hitler and Goering and Goebbels, taking their place alongside Horthy
and Tsankov and Dyer and Chiang Kai-shek. But the older attempts were against a still early and newly rising movement.
Today the attempt is against a powerful and developed movement on the eve of power. That it will fail like every
previous attempt and end in ignominious collapse requires no demonstration whatever, in whatever shape, and under
whatever conditions the class struggle obtains any consistency, it is but natural that members of our Association should
stand in the foreground. The soil out of which it grows is modern society itself. It cannot be stamped out by any amount
of carnage. To stamp it out, the Government would have to stamp out the despotism of capital over labour - the
condition of their own parasitical existence. (Marx, Civil War in France.)
What is in question now is not the inevitable future collapse of Fascism. What matters now is the speed with which the
international working class can gather its forces and drive back this offensive, before it has developed further, before it
has developed to the point of world war and the direct attack on the Soviet Union, can prevent the enormous losses and
sacrifices which a prolongation of this struggle will mean, and can rapidly transform the present situation into the
revolutionary offensive.
The issues which are confronting the world at the present moment are heavy issues. Fascism in Germany lays bare to all
where capitalist civilisation is inevitably developing, if the workers' revolution is delayed. Germany is not a backward
country. Germany is the most advanced, highly organised capitalist country in the world, the last word, which shows to
other countries the picture of their future development.
What is that picture of the future of capitalism thus revealed? Barbarism and the return of the Dark Ages; the systematic
destruction of all science and culture; the enthronement of Catholic Christian, and even pre-Christian, obscurantism,
racial persecution and torture systems; the return to a system of isolated, self-sufficient warring communities. This is the
final working out of the most advanced capitalism, with the Pope conferring his blessing upon it and decorating the
murderer Goering with his Gold Medal of the Holy Year.
Marx and Engels long ago pointed out the inevitable working out of capitalism in barbarism and decay, if the working-
class revolution should fail to conquer in time. Stage by stage, through imperialism and its world orgies of brutality and
destruction, through the slaughter of the world war, and to-day through Fascism, we are tasting the first beginnings of
this alternative.
It is time to end this chapter of human history, before we have to tread this path still further, and to open the new one
throughout the world which has already begun over one-sixth of the world. Only the working-class revolution can save
humanity, can carry humanity forward, can organise the enormous powers of production that lie ready to hand. The
working-class movement in the first period after the war was not yet ready outside Russia for its world historic task. The
organised working-class movement was still soaked with reformist and pacifist illusions, with opportunism and
corruption in its upper strata.
Fascism is not only the punishment of history for this weakness; Fascism is the weapon of history for purging and
burning out this weakness. In the fires of Fascist !error and of the fight against Fascism the revolutionary working class is
drawing close its ranks, steeled and hardened and clear-seeing, for the final struggle; and the revolutionary working
class, thus steeled and strengthened, will rise to the height of its task, and win and save the world. Whatever the black
hells of suffering and destruction that have still to be passed through, we face the future with the certainty and
confidence of approaching power, with contempt for the barbarous antics of the doomed and decaying parasite class
enemy and its final misshapen progeny of Fascism, with singing hearts and glowing confidence in the future. "The last
fight let us face. The Internationale unites the human race."
PALMIRON TOGLIATTI Lectures on Fascism (1935)
BEFORE beginning our course, I want to say a few words on the term "adversaries" to keep some of you from making a
false interpretation of this term, a false interpretation that could lead to political errors. When we speak of "adversaries"
we do not have in mind the masses enrolled in the fascist, social-democratic and Catholic organizations. Our adversaries
are the fascist, social-democratic and Catholic organizations. But the masses belonging to them are not our adversaries;
they are masses of workers whom we must make every effort to win over.
Let's get on with our subject: fascism. What is fascism? What is the most complete definition that has been given of it?
The most complete definition of fascism was given by the 13th meeting of the Enlarged Executive of the Communist
International and is as follows: "Fascism is the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic,
most imperialist elements of finance capital."
Fascism has not always been defined this way. Diverse, often erroneous definitions have been given of fascism at diverse
stages and at different times. It would be interesting (and it's a job I advise you to undertake) to study the diverse
definitions we have given of fascism at various stages. At the Fourth World Congress, for example, Clara Zetkin delivered
a speech on fascism that was almost entirely dedicated to pointing out its petty-bourgeois character. Bordiga, instead,
insisted on seeing no difference whatever between bourgeois democracy and fascist dictatorship, making them appear
almost like the same thing, saying that between these two forms of bourgeois government there is a kind of rotation, of
alternation. These speeches lacked an effort to unite, to connect two elements: the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and
the movement of the petty-bourgeois masses.
From the theoretical point of view, what is hard is to fully grasp the link between these two elements. Yet this link must
be understood. If one stops at the first element, one does not see, one loses sight of the main line of fascism's historical
development and its class content; if one stops at the second element, one loses sight of the prospects.
This is an error social democracy committed. Until a short time ago, social democracy denied everything we said about
fascism, regarding it as a return to medieval forms, as a degeneration of bourgeois society. Social democracy based
these definitions exclusively on the petty-bourgeois mass character that fascism had actually assumed.
But the movement of the masses isn't the same in every country. Not even the dictatorship is the same in every country.
This is why I must forewarn you of an error that is easily made. Do not think that what is true for Italy must also be true,
must hold, for every other country. Fascism can take different forms in different countries. The masses of different
countries have different forms of organization too. And we must also bear in mind the period of which we are speaking.
Fascism assumes different aspects at different times in the same country. Hence, we must consider two elements. We
have already seen the most complete definition of fascism: "Fascism is the open terrorist dictatorship of the most
reactionary, most chauvinistic, most imperialist elements of finance capital."
What does this mean? And why, at this precise moment, at this stage of historical development, are we confronted with
this form, that is to say with the open, undisguised dictatorship of the most reactionary and most chauvinistic strata of
the bourgeoisie?
It is necessary to speak of this because not everyone is clear on this problem. I encountered a comrade whose head was
so filled with this definition that he was astonished to learn that one of Gramsci's articles said that every state is a
Clearly, bourgeois democracy and dictatorship cannot be set in contraposition. Every democracy is a dictatorship.
Let us see what position the German Social Democrats took in defining fascism. They said fascism wrests power from the
big bourgeoisie and passes it to the petty bourgeoisie, which then uses it against the former. You can also find this
position in all the Italian Social Democratic writers: Turati, Treves, etc. 2 From this position they derived their strategy,
according to which the struggle against fascism will be waged by all the social strata, etc. This is how they evaded the
problem of the proletariat's function in the struggle against fascism.
But let's come up in time. In 1932 in Germany, a number of opposition currents, including fringe groups in the
Communist Party, asserted that fascism installs the dictatorship of the petty bourgeoisie on the big bourgeoisie. This was
an incorrect assumption from which an incorrect political orientation inevitably was derived. It can be found in all the
writings of the "Right-wingers." In this connection, I also want to put you on guard against another definition. Watch out
when you hear fascism spoken of as "Bonapartism." This proposition, which is Trotskyism's warhorse, is drawn from
some statements by Marx (in The 18th Brumaire, etc.) and Engels; but Marx and Engels' analyses, valid at the time for
that era of capitalism's development, become incorrect when mechanically applied today, in the age of imperialism.
What follows from this definition of fascism as "Bonapartism"? What stems from it is the conclusion that it isn't the
bourgeoisie that is in command, but Mussolini and the generals, who wrested power from the bourgeoisie too.
Remember the way Trotsky defined the Bruning government: "a Bonapartist government."3 The Trotskyites have always
had this conception of fascism. What is its root? Its root is the disavowal of the definition of fascism as the dictatorship
of the bourgeoisie.
Why has fascism, the open dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, arisen today, precisely in this period? You can find the
answer in Lenin himself; you should look for it in his works on imperialism. You can't know what fascism is if you don't
know imperialism.
You know the economic features of imperialism. You know the definition Lenin gives. Imperialism is characterized by: 1)
the concentration of production and capital, the formation of monopolies which play a decisive role in economic life; 2)
the merging of bank capital with industrial capital, and the creation, on the basis of finance capital, of a financial
oligarchy; 3) the great importance acquired by the export of capital; 4) the rise of international capitalist monopolies,
and, lastly, the repartitioning of the world among the great capitalist powers, which can now be viewed as complete.
These are the features of imperialism. Based on them, there is a tendency of all the bourgeoisie's political institutions to
undergo a reactionary transformation. This, too, you will find in Lenin. There is a tendency to make these institutions
reactionary, and this tendency appears in its most coherent forms with fascism.
Why? Because, given the class relations and the capitalists' need to safeguard their profits, the bourgeoisie must find
forms with which to exert heavy pressure on the workers. Furthermore, the monopolies, that is to say the bourgeoisies
leading forces, reach their highest degree of concentration, and the old forms of rule become impediments to their
expansion. The bourgeoisie must turn against what it itself created, because what once was a factor of its development
today has become an obstacle to the preservation of capitalist society.
This is why the bourgeoisie must turn reactionary and resort to fascism.
At this point I must caution you against another error: schematism. You must be careful not to consider the transition
from bourgeois democracy to fascism fatal and inevitable. Why? Because imperialism does not necessarily have to give
birth to the fascist dictatorship. Let's look at some practical examples. England, for instance, is a great imperialist state in
which there is a democratic parliamentary regime (although here, too, it cannot be said that reactionary features are not
present). Take France, the United States, etc. In these countries you will find tendencies toward the fascist form of
society, but the parliamentary forms still exist. This tendency toward the fascist form of government is present
everywhere, but this still does not mean fascism must perforce be arrived at everywhere.
If we were to argue a similar proposition, we would be making a schematic error, affirming as true that which does not
exist in reality; and at the same time we would be making a gross political error inasmuch as we would fail to see that
the probabilities of establishing a fascist dictatorship depend on the degree of the fighting spirit of the working class and
its ability to defend the democratic institutions. When the proletariat is opposed, it's hard to overthrow these
institutions. This struggle to defend the democratic institutions broadens and becomes the struggle for power.
This is the first element to spell out in defining fascism.
The second element consists in the nature of fascism's mass organizations. The term fascism is often used imprecisely as
a synonym for reaction, terror, etc. This is incorrect. Fascism does not denote only the struggle against bourgeois
democracy; we cannot use this expression when we are confronted with that struggle alone. We must use it only when
the fight against the working class develops on a new mass base with a pettybourgeois character, as we can see in
Germany, Italy, France, England - anywhere a typical fascism exists.
Hence, the fascist dictatorship endeavors to possess a mass movement by organizing the bourgeoisie and petty
It is very difficult to connect these two movements. It is very difficult not to stress one to the detriment of the other. For
example, when Italian fascism was developing, before the March on Rome, the Party ignored this important problem: to
keep the big bourgeoisie from winning over the discontented petty-bourgeois masses. At the time, these masses were
made up of ex-servicemen, of several strata of poor peasants on the way to becoming wealthy, and of a whole mass of
misfits created by the war.
We didn't understand that there was an Italian social phenomenon underlying all this; we didn't see the deep-going
social cause determining it; we didn't understand that the ex-servicemen, the misfits, were not isolated individuals but a
mass, and represented a phenomenon having class aspects; we didn't understand that we could not simply tell them to
go to the devil! Thus, for example, having returned home, the misfits, who had exercised command during the war,
wanted to continue to give orders, criticized the existing order and raised a whole series of problems that we should
have taken into consideration.
Our job was to win over a part of this mass and neutralize the other, thereby preventing it from becoming a mass
maneuvered by the bourgeoisie. We neglected these tasks.
This was one of our errors, an error that has been repeated elsewhere as well: to overlook the shift of the intermediate
strata and the creation of trends in the petty bourgeoisie that the bourgeoisie can use against the working class.
Another error of ours was not to always stress sufficiently the fascist dictatorship's class character. We pointed to
capitalism's weakness as the reason for the fascist dictatorship. A speech by Bordiga strongly emphasized the role of the
weakest elements of capitalism - the rural bourgeoisie - in creating fascism. From this premise we deduced that fascism
is a regime characteristic of countries with a weak capitalist economy. This error is explained in part by the fact that we
were the first to have to cope with fascism. Later, we saw how fascism developed in Germany, etc.
But at the same time we committed another error. In defining the nature of the Italian economy, we limited ourselves to
seeing how much was produced in the countryside and how much was produced in the cities.
We did not allow for the fact that Italy is one of the countries where industry and finance are most highly concentrated;
we did not allow for the fact that it wasn't enough to consider agriculture's role, but that, instead, we should have seen
the very advanced organic composition of Italian capital. It should have been sufficient to see the concentration, the
monopolies, etc., in order to draw the conclusion that Italian capitalism was not a weak capitalism after all.
We were not the only ones to commit this error. This error might be termed general.
For example, a similar error was made in Germany in judging the fascist movement's development in 1931. Some
comrades asserted that fascism had been beaten back; that there was a threat of fascist dictatorship because such a
danger did not exist in a country as developed as Germany, where the working-class forces were so well developed. We
have barred the road to fascism, they said. Allusions to this also can be found in several speeches at the 11th meeting of
the Enlarged Executive. This is the same error we made: to underestimate the fascist mass movement's growth
potential. In 1932 the same comrades felt that the fascist dictatorship had already been established under the Bruning
government, and that, therefore, there was no further need to fight the fascist movement.
This, too, was an error. They viewed fascism only as the reactionary transformation of the bourgeois institutions. But the
Bruning government was not yet a fascist dictatorship. It lacked one of the ingredients: a reactionary mass base enabling
it to successfully fight to the finish against the working class and thus clear the ground for the open fascist dictatorship.
You see, when the analysis is wrong, the political orientation will be wrong too. Another problem arises in this regard:
does the establishment of a fascist dictatorship represent a strengthening or weakening of the bourgeoisie?
This was much discussed, especially in Germany. Some comrades mistakenly contended that the fascist dictatorship is
only a sign of the weakening of the bourgeoisie. They said: the bourgeoisie resorts to fascism because it cannot govern
with the old systems, and this is a sign of weakness.
It's true fascism does develop because the internal contradictions have reached such a point that the bourgeoisie is
compelled to liquidate the democratic forms. From this point of view, it means that we are confronted with a profound
crisis, that a revolutionary crisis is brewing which the bourgeoisie wants to meet. But to see only this side leads us to
mistakenly draw this conclusion: that the more the fascist movement grows, the more acute the revolutionary crisis
The comrades who reasoned this way did not see the second element, the mobilization of the petty bourgeoisie. And
they did not see that this mobilization, this element, contained factors strengthening the bourgeoisie inasmuch as it
permitted it to govern with methods different from the democratic ones.
Another mistake was to lapse into fatalism. This concept was expressed by Radek, who said these comrades think Marx's
affirmation that between capitalism and socialism there is a period of transition, represented by the dictatorship of the
proletariat, should be superseded by the affirmation that between capitalism and socialism there must be a period of
fascist dictatorship.
This mistake results in the loss of perspective and the belief that everything is over once fascism has seized power. Look,
instead, at what has happened in France. The gathering of the bourgeoisie's forces has been answered by the
concentration of the proletariat's forces. The Communist Party has expertly raised a roadblock to the advent of fascism.
Today, in France, the problem of fascism no longer is the same as it was on February 6;4 the balance of forces has
changed. The threat of fascism hasn't passed, but it has been fought, which in itself has aggravated the bourgeoisie's
crisis. Fascism is getting ready to counterattack, to launch a new offensive; we must organize our forces to repel it. And
we cannot comprehend the problem if we do not see it this way: as class struggle; as the struggle between the
bourgeoisie and the proletariat in which the bourgeoisie has at stake the establishment of its dictatorship, in its most
open form, and the proletariat has at stake the establishment of its own dictatorship, which it arrives at by fighting in
the defense of all its democratic rights.
This is why Bordiga was wrong when he scornfully asked: why should we fight for democratic rights? After all, these
things can go to the devil in the current period. . . . Lenin, in polemics with Bukharin and Pyatakov over the Party
program, had already provided an answer to his question in 1919. Bukharin and Pyatakov maintained that, since the
phase of imperialism had been reached, it was no longer necessary for the program to take the earlier stages into
account. But Lenin re plied: no, we have passed these stages, but that does not mean the gains the working class made
during them are without value. The proletariat must fight to defend these gains. The battle front for the proletariat's
victory is welded in this struggle. Let's look now at another question, the question of fascist ideology. What does it
represent in this struggle?
It is an eclectic ideology. An element common to all fascist movements everywhere is a vehement nationalist ideology.
It's not necessary to speak at length with regard to Italy. This element is even stronger in Germany because Germany is a
nation which was defeated in the war, and the nationalist element lent itself even more readily to rallying the masses.
Besides this element there are numerous fragments derived from other sources; for example, from social democracy.
The corporative ideology, for instance, whose underlying principle is class collaboration, isn't an invention of fascism but
of social democracy. But there are still other elements which do not come from social democracy either; for example,
the conception of capitalism (not common to all fascisms, but one you will find in the Italian, German and French
versions) according to which imperialism is a degeneration that must be eliminated, while the true capitalist economy is
that of the original period, and so there must be a return to the origins. You will find this conception in a number of
democratic currents, for instance in Giustizia e Liberta.5 This is not a social-democratic, but a romantic ideology revealing
the petty bourgeoisie's effort to make the world, which is moving forward toward socialism, turn back.
New concepts are arising in fascist ideology in Italy and Germany. In Italy, there is talk of going beyond capitalism by
giving it elements of organization. Here, the social-democratic element turns up again, but they also rob from
Communism (planning, etc.).
Fascist ideology contains a series of heterogeneous ingredients. We must bear this in mind because this trait enables us
to understand the purpose this ideology serves. It serves to solder together various factions in the struggle for
dictatorship over the working masses and to create a vast movement for this scope. Fascist ideology is an instrument
created to bind these elements together.
A part of the ideology - the nationalist part - directly serves the bourgeoisie; the other acts as a bond.
I warn you against the tendency to regard fascist ideology as something that is solidly formed, complete, homogeneous.
Nothing more closely resembles a chameleon than fascist ideology. Don't look at fascist ideology without considering
the objectives which fascism proposes to reach at a given moment with a given ideology.
Its fundamental line remains vehement nationalism and the analogy with social democracy. Why this analogy? Because
social-democratic ideology is also a petty-bourgeois ideology, that is to say the petty-bourgeois content is common to
both ideologies; but this analogy expresses itself in different forms at different times in different countries.
Let's rapidly lay the groundwork for the next lesson. How, in Italy, at a specific moment, was the problem of organizing
the fascist dictatorship posed, and how was the reactionary movement organized? This is the subject.
Let's go back to the origins. On the one hand there is the revolutionary crisis. The bourgeoisie is unable to rule with the
old systems. There is general discontent, a working-class offensive, political strikes, general strikes, etc. In short, we are
in the postwar period-the deep revolutionary crisis.
One factor especially stands out: the impossibility for the Italian ruling class to apply the old policy, the policy applied up
to 1912, Giolitti's "reformist'' policy; 6 not reformist because the reformists were in power, but because it was a policy of
concessions to certain groups, aimed at keeping the bourgeois dictatorship alive in its parliamentary guise.
This policy no longer stands up in the postwar period because the masses of workers and peasants rebel against it.
Two major developments can be noted in the postwar period: the great growth of the Italian Socialist Party, which
counts hundreds of thousands of members and millions of voters; and the reawakening of the peasant classes, divided
among many parties because the peasants are fragmented. The Popular Party 7 is a peasant party. At the same time we
see peasant movements, land takeovers in the South, etc.
The workers and peasants move to the attack and their bloc begins to form. This confluence of the working-class and
peasant attacks can be found in its most advanced forms in postwar Italy. It signals the end of the parliamentary forms.
The bourgeoisie must liquidate parliamentarianism. Discontent is spread not only to the workers, but also encompasses
the petty bourgeoisie. Petty-bourgeois, ex-servicemen's and other movements spring up. The bourgeoisie and petty
bourgeoisie no longer can tolerate the existing regime; they want to change it.
When is this movement among the petty bourgeoisie transformed into a unified movement? Not at the beginning, but
at the end of 1920. It is transformed when a new factor intervenes; when the most reactionary forces of the bourgeoisie
intervene as an organizing factor. Fascism had been growing before, but had not yet become the fundamental element.
The fascist movement arises during the war. Later, it continues in the fasci di combattimento. 8 Some individuals,
however, would not follow it to the very end. For example, in polemics with Nenni, we call him a Fascist, but at a certain
point he left the movement.9 At the outset, fascism was made up of various unhomogeneous groups which would not
march together to the finish. Observe the fascist movement's chapters in the cities. In 1919-20 you will find petty-
bourgeois elements, members of various parties, discussing general political problems, raising a series of questions,
putting forth demands. This is the context in which fascism's first program is born. The Piazza San Sepolcro program10 is
predominantly petty-bourgeois, reflecting the orientation of the urban fasci. Take fascism in the countryside, in Emilia,
etc., instead. It is different; it appears later on, in 1920, taking the form of squads armed for the fight against the
working class. It arises as squadrismo. 11 Misfits, petty bourgeois, intermediate social strata adhere to it. But it is
immediately an organ of struggle against the working class: no discussions are carried on in its headquarters. Why this
difference? Because here the rural bourgeoisie intervened at once as an organizing factor.
Starting in mid-1921 squads are also formed in the cities; first in Trieste, where the nationalist problem is sharpest, then
in the other cities where the forces are most tense. The squads are forged on the rural model. They are formed in Turin
after the occupation of the factories,12 while in Emilia, instead, fascism already has a strong organization by this time.
Toward the end of 1920 the bourgeoisie also intervenes in the cities as an organizing factor and the fascist squads
appear. A series of crises opens within the fascist movement, the crisis of the first two years.
It is debated: are we a party? This is the problem of the Rome Congress, the Congress at the Augusteo.13 The Congress
says: we must become a party. Mussolini answers: let's still remain a movement. Mussolini tried to hold together the
broadest possible masses, which is why he always enjoyed greater favor. The fight was between those who openly
wanted to demolish the organizations of the working class and those in whom there still were large vestiges of the old
Mussolini betrays the D'Annunzio movement, which could have been dangerous. 14 In 1920 he takes a sympathetic
attitude to the occupation of the factories, but then changes completely. The first open contacts are made between the
fascist movement and the industrialists' organizations. The offensive begins. It will last two years, until the March on
The factor of organization had intervened. The rural bourgeoisie had supplied the squadrista form of organization and
the industrialists had then applied it in the cities.
The correctness of what we have maintained concerning the two elements - the petty-bourgeois forces and the
organizational factor constituted by the big bourgeoisie - can be deduced from this analysis.
IN THE first part of our lesson, as you will recall, we attempted to correctly define fascism, basing ourselves on
documents of the International and on the Italian experience. We attempted to throw an exact light on the fundamental
elements of the fascist dictatorship, emphasizing its class character - the fact that it is the expression of the most
reactionary sectors of the bourgeoisie - and insisting on the second element, which consists in the petty-bourgeois mass
movement this dictatorship has been able to attract.
The whole lesson was dedicated to combating errors which are made with reference to fascism; errors by which fascism
is not viewed in its development since its various elements and their interrelationships are not seen.
Part of the lesson was devoted to the function of fascist Ideology, which we depicted as a confused, eclectic ideology
which serves to hold together the petty-bourgeois strata belonging to the fascist movement.
We warned against errors of schematism. Today, I want to begin by again warning you against errors of schematism
connection with one of the problems of the history of fascism in Italy.
It is a grave error to believe that fascism started out in 1920, or from the March on Rome, with a pre-established,
predetermined plan for the dictatorial regime, as this regime has been organized in the course often years, and as we
see it today. This would be a grave error.
All the historical facts of fascism's development contradict such a conception. What's more, if one embraces this
conception, one inevitably falls into fascist ideology; it means that in one way or another one is already under the direct
or indirect influence of fascism. It is the Fascists, in fact, who try to show that everything they have done has been based
on preestablished plans.
As we have said, this is not true. However, it is important to dwell on this so as to learn to combat this error, since in
combating it we are combating possible deviations in the political sphere.
We must oppose the true, the correct conception of the fascist dictatorship to this mistaken conception. The fascist
dictatorship has been driven to assume its current forms by objective factors, by real factors - by the economic situation
and the mass movements this situation has brought into being. With this, we don't mean to say that the factor of
organization does not intervene; but woe if we confine ourselves to seeing this factor and do not refer to the objective
situation, to the real situation created at any given moment. The bourgeoisie has always intervened as a factor of
If we do not do so, we cannot determine what the political possibilities are with any exactness and set the line of action
we want to pursue, the line which must govern the Party's action. You can understand the importance of this: if, at a
given time, a mass movement had been able to intervene one way rather than another, the dictatorship would have
assumed different forms.