Rig 2011-1-063dilaoramandolini
Rig 2011-1-063dilaoramandolini
Rig 2011-1-063dilaoramandolini
The design of piles under seismic loads is conventionally carried out with reference to the inertial forces arising from struc-
tural vibrations and, hence, neglecting kinematic interaction between pile and soil. Even if in the last years several research
efforts gave particular attention to kinematic effects, they focused on bending moments at the interface between two soil layers
with different stiffness, while few contributions investigated kinematic effects at pile head.
The paper presents the results (both in the frequency and time domain) of extensive parametric studies, leading to a simplified
formula for predicting kinematic bending moments at pile head. The paper gives some indications about their relative impor-
tance with respect to the inertial ones and provides simply rules to combine inertial and kinematic maximum effects taking into
account their phase lag.
The results of finite element analyses of 612 program) and, hence, the keypoint lies in evaluat-
cases in linear elasticity hypothesis showed that in ing the pile-soil curvature ratio, that clearly express
rare cases, in which the following conditions: the interaction.
shallow interface (i.e., located inside the so Using Beam on Dynamic Winkler Foundation
called active lenght of the pile) models, it is straightforward to show that, for a long
large stiffness contrast between layers (Vs2/Vs1 > fixed-head embedded in a homogeneous halfspace
3, with Vs1 and Vs2 shear wave velocity of first and the ratio of pile and soil curvature at the top is ob-
second soil layer) tained as:
large pile-to-soil stiffness ratio (Ep/E110000,
with Ep and E1 Youngs moduli of pile and first
soil layer) (1)
are contemporary present, it is opportune to
study the interaction case by case; it is possible to ne- in which accounts for pile-soil interaction. Under
glect the filtering effect (without a too large conserv- harmonic oscillations, it can be determined analyti-
atism) only for large structural periods Ts > 0.5 s. cally as [FLORO-BERRONES et al., 1982; NIKOLAOU et al.,
For the other (frequent) cases it is always possi- 1995]:
ble to refer to free-field motion with reference to
low-frequency bedrock signals. In the case of high-
frequency signals it is possible to neglect the filter-
ing effect exerted by the piles only when the struc- (2)
tural period is larger than 0.3 s. Details are available
in the mentioned reference. where Ep and Ip are the pile Young modulus and
Despite the important research effort in last cross-sectional moment of inertia, Vs the velocity of
decades, engineers agree to design piles for resist- shear waves in the soil, the cyclic vibrational fre-
ing only inertial forces. Simplified formulas are quency of the excitation and k the modulus of the
available in scientific literature, but mainly referred Winkler springs (modulus of subgrade reaction). It
to kinematic moment generating at the interface be- may be shown that is always smaller than 1 and de-
tween two layers having different stiffness. Less at- creases monotonically with increasing frequency. DI
tention has been devoted in regards of kinematic LAORA [2009] highlighted that even for large pile-
bending at the top of a pile whose head is fixed soil stiffness ratios (up to 10000) curvature ratio in
against rotation. homogeneous soils starts to decrease in correspond-
This topic is of critical importance, as pile is ence of frequencies larger than those relevant in re-
head subjected to both kinematic and inertial al earthquakes and, hence, it may be assumed in de-
forces; the latter, as well-known, vanish within a sign equal to 1.
depth of about ten diameters [RANDOLPH, 1981; MY-
MYLONAKIS [1999], by using a BDWF model, de-
LONAKIS, 1995].
rived a closed-form expression of the curvature ra-
In the ensuing it is tried to clarify some aspects
tio for a fixed-head pile of finite length in a homo-
regulating the kinematic moment at pile head, pro-
geneous layer of thickness h over a rigid base, show-
viding a simplified formula for its estimation. Some
ing that it assumes values greater than unity at low
considerations about kinematic vs. inertial relative
importance are expressed, providing also a rule to frequencies for certain slenderness ratios h/d, where
combine their maximum effects in the light of their d is the pile diameter.
phase lag. Further contributions on kinematic bending as-
sessment at pile head in layered soils are provided
by DEZI et al., 2009 and DE SANCTIS et al., 2010; de-
2. Kinematic interaction spite these efforts, the role played by certain param-
eters, such as the interplay between interface and
head bending, have not been adequately addresses.
2.1. Available methods for assessing kinematic bending at
pile head
2.2. Numerical analyses for two-layer soils
Kinematic forces acting along piles may be
viewed as the result of two counteracting phenom- In order to explore pile-soil interaction at pile
ena: (1) the deflected shape that soil tries to impose head, some numerical analyses regarding a single
on pile and (2) the resistance that pile opposes fixed-head pile embedded in a two-layers soil de-
through its flexural stiffness. posit have been carried out by FE program ANSYS
The free-field deformations can be readily cal- v. 10.0, under the assumption of linear elastic be-
culated (for instance using an established computer haviour of both soil and pile.
Similar considerations can be drawn in regards of soil layers s1 = s2 = 0.1; pile Poisson coefficient
of the influence of stiffness ratio (Fig. 3c), reversing p = 0.2; soil Poisson coefficient s1 = s2 = 0.3.
the trends. For large pile-to-soil stiffness ratios (and while its variable parameters are:
then large pile wavelengths) bending moment at Ep/E1 = 300, 1000, 10000
pile head decreases, while for moderate stiffness ra- Vs2/Vs1 = 1.5, 2, 3, 6
tios the interface increases bending; as expected, for h1/d = 2, 4, 8, 16 with h1 interface depth.
very soft piles curvature ratio at low frequencies
In the second parametric study the fixed parame-
tends to unity.
ters are the following:
Hence, while the stiffness contrast mainly rules
H = 30 m; d = 0.5 m; Ep = 30 GPa; p = 2.5 Mg/m3;
the amount of bending generated at interface, the
other two parameters rule the fraction of bending s1 = 1.6 Mg/m3; s2 = 1.8 Mg/m3; s1 = 0.1; s2 =
transmitted from interface to pile head. 0.1; p = 0.2; s1 = 0.3; s2 = 0.3.
Its variable parameters are:
Ep/E1= 150, 666, 1500
2.4. Parametric investigation for time domain response Vs2/Vs1 = 1.5, 2, 3
h1/d = 4, 8, 16
As the curvature ratio is strongly dependent on
the exitation frequency, the maximum bending mo- L/d = 24, 40, with L pile length.
ment at pile head generating during earthquakes is In the first parametric study, the density of the
affected by the distribution of relevant frequencies second layer is equal to 1.8 Mg/m3 when the stiffness
into the input motion. contrast is 1.5 or 2, 2.0 Mg/m3 when the latter is
To find a simple criterion for estimating design equal to 3 or 6.
kinematic moment at pile head, several analyses Six signals taken from the Italian Database
have been carried out by varying key parameters in- [SCASSERA et al., 2006], selected in order to cover a
fluencing the interaction phenomenon. wide range of relevant frequencies, have been
By applying dimensional analysis and selecting adopted as input motion. Their main features are
relevant non-dimensional products that may con- reported in Table I.
cern, a large number of parameters should be taken In total 612 cases have been analyzed.
as variables to explore their influence. To limit the
number of cases, two different parametric studies 2.4.1. RESULTS OF THE ANALYSES
have been performed, by varying their fixed param-
eters. As evident from the previous graphs in Figure 3,
The latters, in terms of physical quantities, for curvature ratio is sensitive to the moment generated
the first one are: at the interface. If the latter is located beyond a cer-
Total height H = 30 m; pile diameter d = 1 m; tain distance, dependent on pile-soil stiffness ratio,
its effects are negligible at pile head.
E1 = 50 MPa; pile density p = 2.5 Mg/m3; first soil
Figure 5 shows the correlation between the
layer density s1 = 1.6 Mg/m3; second soil layer den- maximum pile and soil curvatures for cases in which
sity s2 = 1.8 Mg/m3 or 2.0 Mg/m3; damping ratios interface depth is smaller (empty dots) and larger
Tab. II Presented cases. fs and Hs are the natural frequency and the height of the structure.
Tab. II Casi presentati. fs e Hs sono la frequenza naturale e laltezza della struttura.
Case E1 [MPa] f1 [Hz] fS [Hz] Hs [m]
A 30 0.71 1.45 10
B 120 1.42 1.45 10
C 120 1.42 1.02 10
D 30 0.71 3.41 5
Fig. 10 Phase angle between force and displacement in Fig. 11 Surface signal Fourier spectra and structure fre-
a SDOF system. quencies of analysed cases.
Fig. 10 Angolo di fase tra forza e spostamento in un sistema Fig. 11 Spettri di Fourier de segnali in superficie e frequenze
SDOF. della struttura dei casi analizzati.
phase lag at a given frequency can be ex- Although the kinematic vs. inertial phase lag de-
pressed as: pends only, frequency by frequency, on inertial in-
teraction through the structural period, the overall
(7) response under seismic motion is strongly depend-
where KM and IM are the kinematic and inertial ent on kinematic interaction, as the latter rules the
bending moment at pile top, the well-known relative importance of the in-phase and out-of-
phase angle: phase harmonics within the foundation input mo-
(8) Moreover, the author highlighted that for prac-
tical problems the filtering effect exerted by piles
where IF is the force acting on a SDOF system and doesnt shift the relevant frequencies.
SD its displacement. In the light of these statements, it is possible to
This phase angle, as it can be noticed in Figure predict the phase lag, first performing a seismic
10, for zero damping is 0 [or 180] for frequencies ground response analysis, then comparing the rele-
of kinematic acceleration that are lower [or larger]
vant frequencies of the surface signal with the fun-
than the structural frequency, the latter evaluated
damental frequency of the structure (evaluated tak-
considering the period elongation due to soil-struc-
ing into account SSI interaction).
ture interaction.
The reliability of this simple method was also
If the bending moments due to the rotation of
the raft prevail the phase lag between inertial and checked by FE numerical analyses; some results (re-
kinematic effects is in opposition to the previous sumed in Tab. II) are shown herein. Numerical de-
case. tails are available in the original work.
The figure also shows that the presence of Cases A-C represent cases with inertial moments
damping attenuates the sudden response shift at pile head due to the rotation of the raft prevailing
around the structural frequency; nevertheless, as- over those generated by its translation; an opposite
suming that low and high frequencies produce re- behaviour is represented in the case D.
sponses in opposition appears a reasonable approx- Some relevant results are shown below; in Fig-
imation. ure 11 frequencies of structures are depicted (verti-
Fig. 12 Time histories of total, kinematic and inertial stress at outer fiber of central pile.
Fig. 12 Storie temporali della tensione totale, cinematica e inerziale alla fifra esterna del palo centrale.
cal lines) against the frequency content of the sur- The case C TOLMEZZO represents structural
face free-field acceleration. frequencies lower than those of the surface free-
In the case A STURNO signal the structural fre- field acceleration: no phase lag is expected.
quency is larger than the relevant frequencies of sur- The difference between case A and case D is in
face acceleration. The proposed method, then, pre- the structure height so that, in the latter, bending
dicts out-of-phase kinematic vs. inertial response. moments due to the translation of the raft prevail;
In the case B TOLMEZZO the frequencies of consequently, the response should be in-phase.
acceleration and structure are very similar, so that a The results are shown in Figure 12. As it can be
phase lag of 90 is expected. Its worthy of note that noticed, the results fully confirm the predictions.
in this case there is resonance between input signal Trying to derive general conclusions, if bend-
(at foundation) and structure. ing moments due to the rotation of the raft prevail,
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