Third Semester Syllabus
Third Semester Syllabus
Third Semester Syllabus
Note: Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, selecting at least two from each section.
Objectives: This course should provide the students with a fairly good concept of the fundamentals of different
types of data structures and also the ways to implement them. Algorithm for solving problems like sorting,
searching, insertion & deletion of data etc. related to data structures should also be discussed. After completion of
this subject student should be able to choose a appropriate data structure for a particular problem.
Linear Data Structures:
Sequential representations – Arrays (one, two, multi dimensional) and Records, Binary Search, Stacks, (12)
Queues and Circular queues; Link Representation - Linear linked lists, circularly linked lists. Doubly linked
lists, Garbage collection and Compaction.
Design of recursive algorithms, Tail Recursion, When not to use recursion, Removal of recursion. (03)
Sorting Algorithms:
Bubble sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap sort and Radix Sort. (07)
Non-linear Data Structure:
Trees - Binary Trees, Threaded Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, Insertion and Deletion algorithms, AVL (15)
trees, B-trees, Application of trees; Graphs - Representations, Breadth-first and Depth-first Search.
Hashing Functions, collision Resolution Techniques. (02)
File Structures:
Index Techniques: Hashed Indexing, Tree Indexing – B Trees; File Organizations: Sequential, Random, (06)
Linked Organizations, Inverted Files.
Text Books:
1. Y. Langsam, M. J. Augenstein, A. M. : Data Structures using C and C++, 2nd Edition,
Tanenbaum Pearson Education
2. R. Kruse, C. L. Tondo, B. Leung, S. Mogalla : Data Structures & Program Design in C. 2nd Edition,
Pearson Education
1. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, D. Mehta : Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++, 2nd Edition,
Universities Press
2. Donald E. Knuth : Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1:
Fundamental Algorithms, 3rd Edition, Addison-
: Wesley
Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting
and Searching, 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley
Implementation of array operations: Traversal, Insertion & Deletion at and from a given location
Stacks: Implementation of Push, Pop; Conversion of Infix expression to Postfix, Evaluation of Postfix expressions.
Linked list: inserting, deleting, implementation of stacks & queues using linked lists; Polynomial addition.
Trees: Implementation of Binary & Binary Search Trees, Recursive and Non-recursive traversal of Trees.
Implementation of Graphs
Note: Examiner will set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidates will be required to
attempt five questions, selecting at least two from each section.
Objectives: This course offers a good understanding of the various functional units of a computer system and
prepares the student to be in a position to design a basic computer system.
Register Transfer Language and Micro-Operations:
Basic Concepts, Complements, Fixed and Floating Point Representation, Register Transfer Language, Inter (06)
Register Transfer Arithmetic, Bus and Memory Transfers, Arithmetic, Logic and Shift Micro-Operations,
Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit.
Microprogrammed Control and Pipelining:
Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Microinstruction Formats, Pipelining, Arithmetic and Instruction (06)
Computer Arithmetic:
Addition and Subtraction of unsigned Binary Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division (05)
Input-Output Organization:
Input-Output Interface, Asynchronous Data Transfer, DMA, Priority Interrupt, I/O Processor, Serial (06)
Memory Organization:
Memory Hierarchy, Associative Memory, Virtual Memory, Cache Memory, Memory Management (05)
Text Book:
1. M. Morris Mano : Computer System Architecture, Third Edition, Pearson
1. J.P. Hays : Computer Architecture and Organization, Tata McGraw-
Note: Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to attempt
five questions by selecting at least two from each section.
Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide knowledge about integrated circuit memories & the functional details
of various peripheral devices.
The Memory Element:
RAM, Linear Select Memory Organization, Decoders, Dimensions of Memory access, connecting Memory chips to (12)
a computer bus, Static RAM, Dynamic RAM, ROM, Digital recording techniques.
System Resources:
Interrupt, DMA Channel, I/O Port Addresses and resolving and resolving the conflict of resources. I/O buses- ISA, (10)
PCI, SCSI, EISA, Local bus, VESA Local bus, PCI bus, PCI Express, Accelerated graphics port bus.
Video Hardware :
Introduction to Multimedia Kit, Multimedia building blocks, Video display technologies, DVI Digital signals for (12)
CRT Monitor, LCD Panels, Video adapter types, Integrated Video/ Motherboard chipset, Video RAM, Video driver
and multiple Monitor, Graphic accelerators, Advanced 3D Techniques.
Input/ Output Driver software aspects:
Role of device driver, DOS and UNIX/ LINUX device drivers. (11)
Design & Integration of Peripheral devices to a computer system as a Case Study
Text Book:
1. T.C. Bartee : Digital Computer fundamentals, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw
2. Scott Muller : Upgrading and repairing PC, 16th Edition, Que Publishing.
1. Douglas V Hall : Microprocessor & Interfacing Programming & H/W, 2nd
Edition 1992, Tata McGraw Hill International
2. Silbersehatz and Galvin : Operating System Concepts, Addison Wesley Inc.
3. P. Pal Chandhari : Computer Organization and design, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.
Ltd. 1994.
4. Del Corso, H.Kirrman, JD Nicond : Microcomputer buses & links” Academic
Press 1986.
3. Assembly of PC
Paper Code: AS301 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 100 Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Note: Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to attempt
five questions by selecting at least two from each section.
Sequences and Series:
Sequences, Limits of sequences, Infinite series, series of positive terms, Integral test, Comparison test, Ratio test, Root test. (08)
Alternating series, Absolute and Conditional Convergence, Leibnitz test. Power series: radius of convergence of power series,
Taylor's and Maclaurin’s Series, Formulae for remainder term in Taylor and Maclaurin series, Error estimates.
(Scope as in Chapter 8, Sections 8.1 – 8.10 of Reference 2).
Linear Algebra:
Concept of linear independence and dependence, Rank of a matrix: Row - Echelon form, System of linear equations: Condition (07)
for consistency of system of linear equations, Solution by Gauss elimination method. Inverse of a matrix: Gauss -Jordan
elimination method.
(Scope as in Chapter 6, Sections 6.3 - 6.5, 6.7 of Reference 1).
Eigen values, eigen vectors, Cayley- Hamilton theorem (statement only). Similarity of matrices, Basis of eigenvectors, (07)
(Scope as in Chapter 7 , Section 7.1, of reference 1)
Complex Functions:
Definition of a Complex Function, Concept of continuity and differentiability of a complex function, Cauchy-Riemann equations, (08)
necessary and sufficient conditions for differentiability (Statement only). Study of complex functions: Exponential function,
Trigonometric functions, Hyperbolic functions, real and imaginary part of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, Logarithmic
functions of a complex variable, complex exponents.
(Scope as in Chapter 12, Section 12.3 -12.4, 12.6-12.8 of Reference 1).
Laurent' Series of function of complex variable, Singularities and Zeros, Residues at simple poles and Residue at a pole of any (07)
order, Residue Theorem (Statement only) and its simple applications.
(Scope as in Chapter 15, Section 15.5, 15.3 of Reference 1)
1. E. Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 81h Edition, John Wiley.
4. R. V. Churchill, J.W. Brown : Complex Variables and Applications, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill,
Singapore, 1996.
5 Vivek Sahai , Vikas visht : Linear Algebra, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi 2002.
Paper Code: EC306 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 100 Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Note: Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to attempt
five questions by selecting at least two from each section.
Introduction :
Representation of Logic, Logic Variables, Boolean Algebra, Boolean Expressions and minimization of Boolean
expression using K-Map, Review of Logic Gates &, Flip-flops, Design &, Implementation of Adder Subtractor,
Multiplexer, DeMultiplexer, Encoder, Decoder, ROM, Digital Comparators, Code Converters
Data Converters :
Sample & Hold switch, D/A converters: Weighted type, R-2R ladder type; A/D Converters: Counter-Ramp' type,
Dual Slope Type, Successive approximation type, flash type; Specifications of ADC &, DAC.
Digital Logic Families :
Characteristics of digital circuits: Fan in, fan out, power dissipation, propagation delay, noise margin; Transistor-
transistor Logic (TTL), TIL, NAND Gate with active Pull Up, its input and output Characteristics, Types of TTL
Gates (Schottky, standard, low power, high speed). Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL), ECL gate, its transfer
characteristics, level translation in ECL &, TTL, MOS Gates, MOS Inverter, CMOS Inverter, Rise & Fait time of
MOS &, CMOS gates, Interfacing TIL &, CMOS Circuits, Comparison of Characteristics of· TTL, ECL, MOS &,
CMOS logic circuits, Tristate Logic &, its applications.
Text Books:
1. William H. Gothmann : Digital Electronics - An Introduction to Theory and Practice,
2nd Edition.
2. R.P. Jain : Modem Digital Electronics, 2'11I4 Edition, 1997, Tata
McGraw Hill
3. J. Herbert Taub & Donald Schilling : Digital Integrated Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill.