Answer Key Structure and Written Expression Exercises

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‘STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION 653 exencise 24 1, When does the talk probably take place? STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN Le dowe Don EXPRESSION zine Roemer DIAGNOSTIC PRE-TEST m - ~ LA 4c 7D 10.D 13.D F mats he icote e? or osce ce ee eo 9. What is true about volcanoes? SA 6A ac 2¢ 5A mene 1D deena 2. hedge Ih taste? Ae 35 Sey zee ae, oe and Eee. eee eS econ Bape, | Sh 1S nena toy ny wen ares EES es Bee ac EXERCISE 25 (Answers may vary) Be Men 8 me Talk 1: the ft dy ofl in Biology 101 20C ter 52.8 pia Bae sce vi Rem" me mae ooo as EXERCISE 26 (Answers may vary.) 2c te Talk : a EXERCISE | See ye EL minsingsabeet (ould be hewn oe 3.1 missing verb (could be is availabe ‘Talk2 1. a professor 4.1 double verb (has and provides) Eee a sen et mr Cee on 4. maybe geology (because the topic is voleanoes) Le ” - mus | compas on ne Ei oc coe 5 ones 2 misingstiee — MD spans Soaeees emule TOEFL EXERCISE 27 LC 8460 ©6760 «(Gis EXERCISE 2 te okk OEE oe oe ie oe ee ee ee ee reese cade ean oO TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skis 23-27) te FORT: REVIEW UXENCISE (sme EP iataguapecd” © Ge dete 2h sc .ac iLe a Practicing) a! ae 2 ae TL double subject (shopping and ig ‘TOEFL POSTTEST ac Diep; Gomi LD WA 2D SLB 4D 10.6 — s se took) re oS BB 22 gE ne ee ee ee 4D 4.c 4D 34.D 4.8 Le 2 oo dec ae cone ee 6D 16.B 26.C 36. 46.4 (could be Bob, « friend) tae yA ce ene ee aC 18. C 28.D 38. 48.8 (could be Mr Smith, the OB 19.B 2.D 39. B 49.D chief executive officer) oe mp BE SE ge (Could be the lc heater wall heating uni) (computes the most powerful) ANSWER KEY EXERCISE 4 ie 21 double verb, ‘omplatingand should report 3c 4.1. double verb (ar givingand atsact) 3c 6.1 double verb (was yingand was often fnterrped) 2c BC 9.1 double verb (were announcing and sccived) 10.6 EXERCISE 5 1.1 double verb (was offered and was not ‘acerpied) 2¢ 3.1. double verb (sore taught and wil be) ac 5.1. double verb (wre reached and were) 6c 71 double verb (isserved and is) 8.1 double verb (ar listed and have) ac 10.6 EXERCISE (Skills 1-5) Lc 2.1 missing subject (could be she went) 3.1 double verb (cere grown and were Harvested) 4c BC 6.1 missing verb (could be isin the shopping small) 2¢ BT missing subject {could be he tm) 9.1. double subject, (construction and if) wc TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills !-5) LB OBA 8G OLA 8D Peo Go ee ie EXERCISE 5 1 2.1 missing subject {could be no rain has fallen) 3.1 missing connector (could be and thas ben) 4.1 misplaced connector (should be The quality. 01 changed) missing subject (could be yess) misplaced connector (should be You con drive... or you cam gt) 10,1 missing connector (could be se he flew) EXERCISE 7 Le ZL missing abject (could be before they are cenog ac 4.1 missing connector (could be Afr the pround ‘ad ben prepared Bc 6.1 miasing verb (could be The bung) 7.1, missing subject (Could bei cam sen Ac ae 10.1 missing comma (counted, he outame) EXERCISE 8 Le 2.1 missing connector (could be Though te commandant 3.1 missing verb {Could be und hor she ee) (could be wher you need) (could be your application i) explained, al visitor) EXERCISE (Skills 6-8) Le 2.1 unnecessary connector (omit Or) 3.1. missing ver (could be a protien cccurred) incorrect connector (hou be as soon 23) missing connector (could be 50 the king has not returned) (could be whileit is) {Ghould be even though) ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 6-8) LD 3G) 5D 7G 8B On) ee wen ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-8) Ve re 2B 46 6D 8B IA EXERCISE 9 Le 2.1 missing verb (could be manual describes) sc 4.1 missing connector (cowl be Why he refuse) 5.1 missing subject (could be We talad) 6.1 extra subject Comic ip re 8.1 missing verb {could be when the papers tues eran) 9.1 missing connector —_(couldbe When the contract sail be awardei)y 10.6 EXERCISE 10 Le 2.1 missing verb (could be which i) 3 4.1 missing verb (signing could be mus sign) 5.1. extra subject omit he) 6c zc 8.1 missing verb (could be whateer is) 9c 10.1) missing verb {could be whore i) EXERCISE |! Le 2.1 missing ver (could be is for sal) 3.1. incorrect connector (whom could be which) 1c 5.1. extra subject (omit i Bc ne 8.1 missing verb (could be was funny) 9.1 missing subject (could be ving) 0.6 EXERCISE 12 Le 21 missing (could be which are trying) connector/subject 3.1 missing verb (could be who i) 41 incorrect (Gohich should Be we) ‘connector/subject 5.1. extra subject (omit ip 6c TA missing (could be which) connector/subject 8.1 extrasubject (omit he) 9.¢ 10.1 missing vert (could be that was on sae ‘reason sale) EXERCISE (Skills 9-12) 1.1 ising subject, (could be he was coming) ze 3.1. extra subject omit sh) 4c 5.1 missing subject (could be we wand) 6.1 incorrect connector (whom could be which) 7.1 incorrect connector (that should be what) 8.1 missing connector (could be That he was) 9.1 extra subject (omit i) 10.¢ ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 9-12) oe ee ke 2D 4D 6G 8B we ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-12) LA 3B 5B 7G) 9D 2c Px es ke inn STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION 655 EXERCISE 13 Le 21 (satshould be sting) sc 4.1 (purchasing should be purchased) (oho) (ere) (placing should be placed) (heard should be hearing) BI 61 1 Bc Or 10.1 (illogical reduction) " EXERCISE 14 (gt should be leaving) (selecting should be selected) (illogical reduction) (buy shoul be buying) aenannaaso EXERCISE (Skills 13-14) Lt (was) (needed should be needing) ano0 (extra wa) (decided should be deciding) penman ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 13-14) LA 3B 8D) 7B OB ee es ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1- LD 3D) 5D 2G cee Be ao EXERCISE 15 (should be the new directories sill 1 2 3.1. (shoul be can new student) 4 5. (should be the plane con) eee (should be ‘has it) o0- p EXERCISE 16 (should be ia Big hus) (shouldbe i he stran) (Should be the fd me {should be can farmers) (Should be are the te rei) Soe 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 8 9. 0. 10.1 (should be was a fait) ‘ANSWER KEY EXERCISE 17 1. (shovel be id the By wit) c T. (should be have gone) 1 (should be He wend) TL (shovld be has thai secretary) 1. 1 (should be did she eave) c 10.¢ EXERCISE 18 (could be you should) (should be Ife has) (should be if yu could) (Ghoul be had he no) Seana 1. (should be were) ao EXERCISE 19 ee 2.1. (shoul be were the other members) 3c (should te that the condition ofthese tress) (des he ned shovld be he neds) EXERCISE (Skills 15-19) be land developers have) (shoul be are the of (should be das i snow) Soonan=aan" (should be Should he) ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 15-19) i a6 50 fo 9G 2A 40 GB 8A 108 ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills |-19) LB 8A) 5D 7G 8D Opp ee EXERCISE 20 (have should be ha) (ieshould be ar) (have should be has) (have should be has) (areshould be is) one==007n0 EXERCISE 21 © Twas should be were) 1. Gshould be ard 1. (areshould be is) c c T (wesshould be wer) Tas not changed shold be were mot changed) nc 10.¢ Popepeen EXERCISE 22 1. 2.1 isshould be an) 3.1, Gsshould be are) (doshould be doe) (oat s0 many should be were so many) (has should be have) (have should be has) (war shouid be sere) EXERCISE 23 (adnireshould be admires) (wor should be was) (areshould be i) (lake should be takes) (have should be has) EXERCISE (Skills 20-23) (has should be have) (was should be wer) (ime shoul be has) 1 21 31 ac 5.1 (warshould be wer) 6.1. (haveshould be has) ze BLT (haveshould be has) 9.1 (dees should be do) 0. 1 (have should be has) ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 20-23) abece > > ° c c B EXERCISE 24 LL (ina restaurant shoul be a waite) 2c c (inishing should be finished) (ohat we go by train should be taking the rain) 1 © € 1 c 1 (those eters should be answered shoul be lters to answer) 10.6 EXERCISE 25 (ou can take should be take) L (orshould be nor) {should be tut aot) (jou wrote should be what yo wrote) (orshould be and) (omic the second you can graduate) omit was i) EXERCISE 26 © 1 (Woeatshould be eating) (should be what you did yesterday) (should be tie one ead afore) G 1 1 © © T. (should be music in my country) 1 (should be te one in the high schoo) 10.1 (How to buy should be Buying) EXERCISE (Skills 24-26) 1.1. (dineshould be dining) (should be what had come before) (orshould be nor) (maiicrs should be mediocre) (should be but als every afternoon) (hes you should be help) ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 24-26) Population in any other late & pesscosone ERLE H Bepuegeers ‘ STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION 657 ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills !-26) aucarasese ry 10.C thee are EXERCISE 27 1. (abundantershould be more abundant) c (importantes shox A be important 1 2 BL 4c 5.1 (more lg should be longer) 6.1. (than should be of 7¢ 8 9 0. (omit mon) © c EXERCISE 28 (should be more dificult than the second) (nore should be mest) (Whe best ofshoul be beter than the food in) (he longest ofshould be longer than) EXERCISE 29 1.1 (should be the hard) © (the worst should be the wore) (should be the es th noise comes through) (Ghould be The faster ou run) (The catiat should be The ear) . 4 5 6 7. 8 9 0. 1 (should be the beter time you have) 1 c t I c c r 10.1 EXERCISE (Skills 27-29) 1.1 (omit more) (shoulel be taller than the other te) (the closest shoule be the loser) (tiger shoul be the Biggest) c 2 3 4 5 6.1. (moat hot should be hatte) 7. 8 9. 0. oon =nan 658 ANSWER KEY ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 27-29) ‘than ‘he most moet controversial veilder The most widely pesonvoooe ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-29) 1 than fave cactus plants ‘ho ‘he largest cartier pam>rooce> EXERCISE 30 (€nank should be drank) (trate should be broken) (complete shovld be compte) (rodeshould be ridden) (Ga should be see) (respond should be responded) EXERCISE 31 (catshould be eating) LT 2c 3c ar BL 6 71 a1 8c 0.1 1 G (ook should be taken) c 1. (buildshould be building) c 1 (submit should be submit) 1 (mergeshould be merging) c 1 (duplicates should be duplicate) 1 2 8 ‘ 5. 6 4 8 9, 0. EXERCISE 32 (ited should be tke) (has should be have) EXERCISE (Skills 30-32) 1.1. (gaveshould be given) (has should be have) 9.1 (leshould be ben) 10.1. (mseshould be sen) ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 30-32) UELTELLT iW L REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-32) 6.B lowest ondeed ooe> age2 (guesshould be wen) (Grads should be read) (Goent should be gee) {sthould be sas) (quer should be wend) (intended should be intends) EXERCISE 34 cc 21 (hadshould be has) (ae should be had) (have should be had) (have arrived should be arrived) (areshould be have been) (oats should be vou) EXERCISE 36 1.1. (aillshould be would) (wiltshould be would) (oould should be wi!) EXERCISE (Skills 33-36) (reeves should be recived) 1 © 1 (wasshould be i) 1 (have lg shoul be lft) 1 (would should be wil) L. (hasshould be had) c c T. (willshould be would) ne EI ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 33-36) 1. spent 2A became © would B cerued A hae © itt € bow D became D wil potential raise Dit ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-36) ce measured Ihave been working courry isin planted asmuch as pepeacco EXERCISE 37 1.1 (beshould be been) 2 T (lending should be lend 1. (chote should be chasen) © T_ (Playing should be played) © c 3s 4 5 6 7 8 9.1. (clean should be deaned) 0. 10.¢ STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION 659. EXERCISE 38 (parked shoul be was parked) T. (done should be Been done) 1 2 3 4c 5.1 (sentshould be been sent) 6.1 (ul plan should be wil be planned) T.1. (ftshould be was if) BT (wm should be was won) 9.1 (madeshould be sere made) 0. 1 (do not drive should be are not driven) EXERCISE (Skills 37-38) (beshould be been) {truck should be war struc) (erds should be fed) (den least should be leased) {placed should be ben placed) (finishing should be finished) (pay shouild be are paid) (rodeshould be ndden) Boaeecaee ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 37-38) 1G 6D placed 20 TB added 3B B.D was lot 4D covered 9. A. have been 5G te picket 10. D had been protectad ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-38) 6.D but ako oeeo EXERCISE 39 1.1 (partshould be pars) © 1 I I I (oey should be wa) {piee should be pieces) (daysshould be day) (ayeshould be day) T (dressshould be dress) 1 (Gilleshould be bi) c EXERCISE 40 © L (emountshould be number) c c 1. (amuch should be many) c T (muck should be many) 1 Gless pages should be fewer pages) © 1 1 2 3. 4 5. 6 a 8 9, 10.1 (Use should be fee) 1 660 [ANSWER KEY EXERCISE 41 1.1. (isshould be ard) 2G 3.1 (ieshould be am) 1. (wereshould be was) (see should be ai (ith should be oth) (fg shoul be fs) roaega EXERCISE 42 (poets should be poems) LL 2c 3.1 (sculpture should be seulpor) 4.1, (engineershould be enginzcring) BC 6c 7.1. (erticr should be eriticioms) aC 9.1 (satsieshould be satistcian) 10.1 (acting should be actor) EXERCISE (Skills 39-42) 1 (examshould be exams) 1. (@nabies should be anabsis) 1. (musical should be musician) c 1. (murseshould be nursing) (producershould be production) (excursion shoul be excursions) Bopsprrere G ¢ ¢ 1 0.1 ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 39-42) 6. planet 7.C mumber BA. invenigations 9.0 isused 10. C applicant ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 142) 6A isindicated Much {omit has) Projects ‘diseaser naar (Fshould be me) (they shoul be then) (her should be she) I c c 1. (them should be the) © 1 (her shoul be she) EXERCISE 44 1.1. (bershould be hers) (ihers should be then) (ihers shout be then) (curshould be ours) =o-oanana 10.1 (jours should be your) EXERCISE 45 1.1. (iheyshould be he or she) © (dem should be i) (hem should be it (itsshould be the) 1 1 c aC 1 1. (Hem should be i) © ' 10.1 (them should be him oro) EXERCISE (Skills 43-45) 1.1 (itsshould be shen) 2.1, (hisshould be he) cc 1. (the eutshoutd be i cass) 8 4 5c 6c TL (should be ma) 8.1. (theirsshould be thet) 9c 0.1 10.1. (theirshould be his or ha) TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 43-45) 1B his 6B he 26 they 1c a BC thar B.C their AC he ac B.A thy coe 10. them ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills I-48) 1B 6. was pried 2c 2.D a hydrogen bm exes BA 8B forme 4.0 Kis (or ho) 8D ‘become 5.C number 10.A ne EXERCISE 46 11 (pean: should be pleasant 2¢ 8.1. (expensively should be expensive) ac ne 6.1 (complete shouldbe comple ZI (au should be ow) BL incret should be mare) 8.1 (complet should be comple, lerily should be terrib) 10.¢ EXERCISE 47 (angrily should be angry) (sweaty should be sweet) EXERCISE 48 (should be a fantastic sale) © c 1 (should be has carefully selected) c (should be an expensive restaurant) (should be has subsequent altered then) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ne 81 9.1 (should be the indenstoe program) 0. 1 EXERCISE (Skills 46-48) 1 (should be the dim tight) (echaustely should be exhausted) (emarkable should be remarkably) (careful should be careful) 1 1 1 © (should be had regulary attended) c € 1 I © (coruinly should be ertain) (Should be immediately pul out) ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 46-48) 1. wnusuat 6. lengthy 2B already adopted 7. G realy 3B fatal BB rapidly destroying 4D heaealy 9. D district banks 5. B industrial 10. © sucessfully ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-48) f 6.D and 7. erly ius B.D are Fewer 9A. tas given back {omit has) 10. D equally exciting should be seasonal) (lately shoul be late) led shoul be tribe) (negatively should be negative) (coltariy should be solitary) (regulary should be mpular) (unbealhty shoul be wnhealhy) STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION 661 (alive should be ive) (lone should b> alone) (afraid should be frightened) EXERCISE 51 1.1 (eomplaing should be completed) 2¢ 3.1 (stig should be satsfing) 4.1. ling should be fied) 5c BC TT (reducingshould be reduced) 8.1. (worked should be working) 9c 10.1 (unpaying should be unpaid) EXERCISE (Skills 49-51) (appreciating shouldbe appreciated) (damaging should be damaged) {aliteshoutd be ke Cintertd shoutd be itretng) 1 1 1 1 © c 1. (askep should be seeping) c c ' (Fighenel should be fighting) ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 49-51) 1.6 weeny 6B slap 2A annual 7B disputed 3G grea 8G nightly 4D lone OA BA viewed 10. D ively ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-51) LA 6B evolved 2¢ 7B lke SB 8. D correct completion aA 8. A Using 5D involved 10. © which sas held EXERCISE 52 1. (should be a mp) 662 ANSWER KEY EXERCISE 53 1. Ghould be an hour) © (should be am 3) (shoul be an unacceptable idea) (should be 2 uniform) (should be an honest mistake) 3. ac 51 6c a ac 91 10.1. (should be am account) EXERCISE 54 (pile should be pitt (members should be member) (subjects should be subject) (lesons should be lesson) (reasons should be reason) EXERCISE 55 LL. (should be the Snake River) (should be the head) (Ghoul be He best grade) anno (should be the most beoutiful gi) S 6 {should be the enter) {should be the Linc Memorial) 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 8 0. EXERCISE (Skills 52-55) 1.1 (should be took money, should be a sweaie) 2 ac 4.1 (should be the om, plant shoud be plant) 1 (should be ¢ lax) (Ghoul be the laboratory manual, should be te net cas) (mistake should be mistakes, should be an hones efor) {indications shoul be indication) 4 (shoul be @ group tour, should be a je, shouldbe the first of the month) ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 52-55) 1.D (omit) 6A Radar 2.6 aplant 7.D the federal government 3B theheart BAA ada 9.6 other 5.C the 10. D theArmy ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills |-55) LD 6.6 number 2B TA their 3A BC made 4D tragedies 9.D layer 5B wed 10, D graduates EXERCISE 56 =o | (should be rely on) (should be bring up) (Ghoul be consul wath) T. (should be approve of) 9.1. (should be result in) 10.¢ anno 1 2 3. 4 5. 6 1 8 ° EXERCISE 57 1.1. (Ghould be deat with) (should be sided with) (should be turned down) (should be depen on) (should be looked fe) (should be beware of (should be Mamet his brother fr) 56-57) EXERCISE (5! 1. 21. (should be forgive you fo) 8.1. (ghould be exals in) 4c 5.1. (should be reminds me of) 6 {shoul he inefoe with) (should be wailed fr) (should be laughs af should be loks af TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 56-57) secure of ema f ‘According to legend ” means of sings (dose to Fort Sumner ‘according 10.D with © 7c BT 9.1 0.1 eeuepaene SoeoE>oro ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 6.6 became 1. and BA. ill Antarctic ices on 9. A. the largest D Pullin 10. D effec of water EXERCISE 58 (did should be made) 57) Epo 1 © T (makes should be docs) 1. (didshould be made) © © 1 2 3 4 5. 6 2 8 9.1. (makesshould be does) 0. G 1 (doshould be make) I © EXERCISE 59 1. (lieshoule be alike) (Ale shoul be Like) (alike should be like) (ditte should be alike) EXERCISE 60 (he another should be another) (hers should be othe) aen~an5 1. (aothershould be anathe) (cartridges should be cartridge) EXERCISE (Skills 58-60) c T. (does should be make) G 1 (owes should be route) (leshould be alik) 1 2 3 4 5 6c 7G SLI. (doing should be making) 9.1 (did should be madd) 10.1 (others should be othe) ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 58-60) 1.B alike 6A Like B.A Another 7.B done 3D make B.D aliematve 4A Unlike 9.6 The 5.C other 10. A Another ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-60) LA 6.B piece 2A TA like 3.D other BB fons 4.C hnoun 9. C romance 5. taken 10D of READING COMPREHENSION READING COMPREHENSION DIAGNOSTIC PRE-TEST LB ihe) (287 LD 2A 1G BB BLA aD if Bc 3c 4B A 8B OB Sc E- SA MD 6B 16B 2B 3BA 7BOOIZD OA STB 8D Bo 8B 38D Cc CS BE GC WA BA WD 40.8 ‘TOEFL EXERCISE | es ee ee ce ee ‘TOEFL EXERCISE 2 1B 3B OBA 2D 46 6B ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills -2) ee ce ro 2B 4B GA ‘TOEFL EXERCISE 3 oe ek 2B 4D 6G BB ‘TOEFL EXERCISE 4 LA 3B OB uD a, Gk ‘TOEFL EXERCISE 5 Le) 3A BB 2A 4B 6A ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 3-5) eo ce ee ie 2D 5D BC 1LG oe | a ee ‘TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills LB 6D) OLB 16D ace Te en ee 3D 8A 15D 8G 4A OA 14D 198 AG WG A ‘TOEFL EXERCISE 6 LA 3D 5B 7A me i eo ‘TOEFL EXERCISE 7 LA 30) 3G ee 68 | WK ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 6-7) rr a 2D 5B 8G IB 8. 6B 9G IA 9D ac 2D 2B 2D 663

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