Carib Stu IA
Carib Stu IA
Carib Stu IA
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Yugdarshani OBrien
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Problem Statement
Statement of the Problem
Aims and Objectives
Literature Review
Data collection source
Data collection instrument
Presentation of data
Discussion of Findings
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Yugdarshani OBrien
This Internal Assessment (IA) would not have been successful if it was not for the assistance
of a number of persons.
Firstly, the researcher would like to thank her Caribbean Studies teacher, Miss Anasha
Baksh for her guidance throughout this project.
Secondly, the researcher would like to extend her gratitude to her parents who
supported her financially throughout this project.
And lastly, the researcher would like to thank the residents of Windsor Forest who
supported her by completing the questionnaires etc. They were the main source of
information and without their help the completion of this project would not have been
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Problem Statement
What are the impacts of social media on the youths living in Windsor Forest?
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This research is based on the impacts of the use of social media on the lives of the youths
that are living in Windsor Forest.
The use of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Twitter etc. is
becoming increasingly popular in the world today.
This topic was chosen because the researcher has noticed that there is an increase in the
use of social media among the youths and this has influenced their lives greatly. Whether or
how these influences have a positive or negative impact on their lives will be investigated in
this research.
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To enlighten the youths of Windsor Forest about the positive and negative effects of
social media.
To assist the youths in acquiring guidance on the negative effects of the use of social
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The researcher is focused on The impacts of social media on the lives of youths living in
Windsor Forest and to objectively examine this problem statement. The decision was made
to research this topic because the researcher noticed that there is an increase in the
number of social media users.
As the impact of social media on teenagers is a prevalent issue, this research is of great
importance, as it aims to provide ways to help students understand what these impacts have
on their lives. In addition, this would raise awareness and possible solutions for
This research was done as a part of the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)
requirement and would contribute to the researchers final grades. In the process of doing
this research, the researcher aimed at improving her writing skills and to be able to gather
data efficiently.
Social media forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social
networking and micro blogging) through which users create online communities to share
information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)
Youths Youth is the age range when a human is young, or before the person reaches adulthood.
Impact A marked effect or influence. Have a strong effect on someone or something
Influence The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of
someone or something, or the effect itself.
Cyber crimes Offences that are committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a
criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental
harm, or loss, to the victim directly or indirectly, using modern telecommunication networks such
as Internet
Delinquents a young person (under 18) who fails to do that which is required by law
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Yugdarshani OBrien
Literature Review
Social media are computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing
of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual
communities and networks. Users typically access social media services via web-
based technologies on desktop computers, and laptops, or download services that offer social
media functionality to their mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and tablet computers). Some of the
most popular social media websites are Facebook, Gab, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest,
Reddit, Snapchat, Tumblr, Viber, WeChat, WhatsApp and YouTube.
As said by Marshall McLuhan, a philosopher of communication, The new electronic independence
re-creates the world in the image of a global village. This electronic independence is inherently
dependent upon the internet. It spreads knowledge internationally, thereby making us global
citizens. Online social networks created by websites such as Facebook, allows free sharing of
thoughts, thus, barriers cannot stop the flow of information and knowledge.
The lives of people, especially teenagers, are largely influenced by what is posted by other people
on their profiles. The habits that teenagers learn are decided more by what their friends do and
less by the teachings of their parents and teachers. It is no doubt that the internet and social
media are powerful instruments for mobilization of people.
With the constant use of these social technologies, less people are communicating in person.
People are becoming isolated due to the lack of face-to-face interactions. It is becoming easier to
go through life with little personal confrontations and conversations. This trend has made people
an expert at using technology and failing at human interaction. Without personal interactions, we
will lose our speaking and language skills.
Social media used to just be a playground for the young, wild, and free. Now, platforms across the
space are being colonized by older demographics. Thats largely thanks to Facebook, where 53
percent of U.S. users are now 35 or older. (On Twitter, the age split is relatively even as well:
About 45 percent of users are at least 35.)
Instagram and Snapchat, meanwhile, remain a haven for the young: 69 percent of Instagram users
are under 35, as are an incredible 82 percent of Snapchat users. Every platform is expected to get
older by 2020, Snapchat and Instagram especially.
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Yugdarshani OBrien
A famous American psychologist, Abraham Maslow, stated in his Theory of Motivation that the
social need of human beings is very important. As of 2016, Facebook (the worlds largest social
networking company) has 1.50 billion active users, and the numbers are increasing every year. As
per the survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 78% college students and 72% high school
students spend their time using social medias. These numbers indicate how much the teenager
community is involved in this virtual world of social networking.
Social networks provide teenagers with the freedom to do whatever they want, create other online
identities that the real world does not allow. Never before has it been so easy for young minds to
create a digital image of their actions through such a spontaneous medium.
According to a TrackMaven study published on the Marketing Profs site, posting on Instagram isnt
really affected by the day of the week, or the time of the day, although there was a small spike on a
Monday and a drop on Sundays which might suggest that users are more creative at the start of
the week, and happier to leave their phones and camera apps specifically alone on a lazy Sunday
before they go back to work. Social media and social content are the future, and should be
seen as such. Together, they can take you forward and help to achieve your goals so use them
wisely by monitoring what works now, not what used to work.
In conclusion, the use of social media has both positive and negative impacts. The positive impact
are helping families and friends to stay in contact with each other, encourages freedom of self-
expression and aids in developing an understanding of technology. However, there are also the
negative impacts of using social media which are there are possibilities of cyber-bullying, it can
sometimes be a waste of precious time and the information that are shared on some of the
websites have no scope of control and can affect the teenager mentally. However, the main
question is whether the advantages of using social media outweigh the disadvantages of using
social media or vice versa.
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Yugdarshani OBrien
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Yugdarshani OBrien
Dear Respondent,
My name is Yugdarshani OBrien and I am currently a sixth form student of Saraswati Vidya
Niketan. For the CAPE Caribbean Studies Internal Assessment, I am doing a research on the
impacts of social media on the youths of Windsor Forest. For the purpose of this study, the
geographical area was limited to the village of Windsor Forest.
The following questionnaire will require you to provide detailed answers in a few of the
questions and others by placing an asterisk (*) in the box provided. In order to ensure that
all the information will remain confidential, please do not include your name.
Participation is strictly voluntary and you may refuse to participate at any time. If you
choose to participate in this project, please answer all of the questions as honestly as
possible and return the completed questionnaires as soon as possible.
Thank you for taking the time to assist me in my educational endeavors.
Yours Sincerely,
Yugdarshani OBrien
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Yugdarshani OBrien
1) What is your gender?
Male Female
2) Which ethnic group do you belong to?
Chinese Europeans
East Indians Amerindians
Africans Portuguese
3) What is your age range?
10 13 18 20
14 17 21 +
4) Do you have any social media accounts?
Yes No
If yes, please specify. ________________________________________________
5) Which social media do you think is most commonly used by the youths of today?
Facebook Snapchat
Instagram Twitter
If others, please specify. ______________________________________________
6) Approximately, how much time do you spend social media on a daily basis?
1 hour 3 hours
2 hours 4+ hours
7) Why do you think that the youths engage themselves with social media?
To keep up with current issues, trends etc.
For entertainment purposes
Keep in touch with friends / relatives
Make themselves well known / popular
If others, please specify. ______________________________________________
8) What kind of overall impact do you think social media has on the behaviour of the
youths in Windsor Forest?
Negative Both positive and negative
Positive Neither
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Yugdarshani OBrien
10) Do you think that restrictions should be put in place by parents to limit the use of
social media?
Yes No
Give reason (s) for your answer.
11) What are some of the ways in which social media has influenced the lives of
youths in Windsor Forest negatively?
Decreased productivity
The disability to think independently
Little or no privacy
A false sense of connection
12) How has the use of social media interfered with the culture of the youths?
Religion Music
Dressing style Mannerisms
If others, please state. ________________________________________________
13) Based on your personal experience, how has the use of social media benefitted
you, if you are using it?
14) What do you think can be done to discourage the youths from spending most of
their time on social media?
15) Do you think that the use of social media affects the society as a whole? State
Thank you for your co-operation
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Yugdarshani OBrien
Table showing the most commonly used social media
Social Media No. (#) of Respondents % of Respondents
Facebook 5 25
Instagram 8 40
Snapchat 4 20
Twitter 3 15
Which social media do you think is most commonly used by the youths of today?
Facebook Instagram Snapchat Twitter
Figure 1.1 Column chart showing the most commonly used social media among the youths in
Windsor Forest
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Table showing why the youths use social media
Reasons # of Respondents % of Respondents
Entertainment purposes 8 40
Communication purposes 6 30
Increase popularity 2 10
Keep up with current trends etc. 4 20
Why do you think that the youths engage themselves with social media?
Entertainment Communication Increase popularity Keep up with
purposes purposes current trends etc.
Figure 1.2 Area chart showing why the youths of this generation use social media
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Table showing how social media interferes with the culture of the youths
Impact on culture # of Respondents % of Respondents
Religion 5 25
Music 3 15
Dressing Style 8 40
Mannerisms 4 20
How has the use of social media interfered with the culture of the youths that are living in
Windsor Forest?
Dressing style
Figure 1.3 Pie chart showing how the use of social media has interfered with the culture of
the youths
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Yugdarshani OBrien
Table showing how the use of social media affects the society
Effect on Society # of Respondents % of Respondents
Increase in cyber crimes 4 20
Lack of privacy 8 40
Decrease in productivity 5 25
Increase in the # of delinquents 3 15
Do you think that the use of social media affects society as a whole?
Lack of privacy
Increase in the # of
40% delinquents
Figure 1.4 Doughnut showing how the use of social media affects the society as a whole
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Table showing how much time people spend online on a daily basis
# of hours # of Respondents % of Respondents
1 hour 9 45
2 hours 5 25
3 hours 4 20
4+ hours 2 10
Approximately, how much time do you spend on social media on a daily basis?
Figure 1.5 Bar chart showing the # of hours that people spend using social media on a daily
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Windsor Forest is a village whose population consists of approximately 65% teenagers who
are users of social media. A total of twenty (20) questionnaires were distributed randomly
to persons and were collected at the end of two (2) weeks. The data was then analyzed by
the researcher and organized in a tabular format. From the tables, the researcher made
graphical representations depicting the information given.
Figure 1.1 depicts a graphical representation of the question Which social media do you think
is most commonly used by the youths of today? The majority (8 out of 20 respondents
(40%)) stated that Instagram is mostly used, 5 indicated Facebook (25%), 4 respondents
indicated Snapchat (20%) and the remaining 3 respondents indicated Twitter (15%).
Figure 1.2 depicts a graphical representation of the question Why do you think that the
youths engage themselves with social media? The majority of the respondents (40%) stated
that social media is mostly used for entertainment purposes, 6 of them stated that it is used
for communication (30%), 2 indicated that it is used to increase popularity (10%) and the
minority ( 4 persons) believed that it is used to keep up with the current trends (20%).
Figure 1.3 depicts a graphical representation of the question How has the use of social
media interfered with the culture of the youths that are living in Windsor Forest? 5 out of 20
respondents (25%) stated that religion is affected, 3 stated that music is affected (15%), 8
out of 20 respondents (40%) stated that dressing style is influenced and the remaining 4
believed that mannerisms were affected (20%).
Figure 1.4 depicts a graphical representation of the question Do you think that the use of
social media affects society as a whole? 4 out of 20 respondents (20%) stated that there is
an increase in cyber crimes, 8 respondents stated that there is a lack of privacy (40%), 5
stated that there is a decrease in productivity (25%) and the remaining 3 respondents
believed that there is an increase in the number of delinquents in the village (15%).
Figure 1.5 depicts a graphical representation of the question Approximately, how much time
do you spend on social media on a daily basis? Majority of the respondents (9 out of 20
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(45%)) stated that they spend atleast an hour on social media on a daily basis, 5 indicated
that they spend atleast 2 hours (25%), 4 stated that they spend atleast 3 hours (20%) and
the remaining 2 said that they spend 4 or more hours using social media (10%) on a daily
While analyzing the data, the researcher noticed the trend that the majority of Instagram
users are the ones who spend atleast an hour on a daily basis using social media. Also, it
was noticed that the users of Facebook are the ones who spend most of their time on social
Persons who spend 4 or more hours being active online are the ones who belong to the age
range 14 17.
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Yugdarshani OBrien
The information gathered in this project was almost the same as those that were stated in
the Literature Review. It was the intention of the researcher to find out the impacts of social
media on the lives of youths living in Windsor Forest.
Instagram was stated as the most used social media
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Even though there are many dangers that are associated with the use of social media,
teenagers will continue to use it. So, the researcher has come up with these
recommendations to limit the use of social media after considering the findings of the
The government can implement strict laws to punish persons who commit cyber-
crimes or the posting of inappropriate pictures so as to aid in dropping the suicide
rate in the country
Parents should be able to gain access to child / childrens social media accounts so
that they can limit their childrens use of social media
Parents should limit their childrens volume of access to digital media. In this way,
children will not have unnecessary access to the internet.
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Yugdarshani OBrien
After conducting the research based on the stated aims and objectives, the researched
concluded that Instagram is the most commonly used social media among the youths of
Windsor Forest. The rapid increase in the use of social media affects youths in many ways. It
makes them have a low self esteem of themselves, affects their manners, dressing style
etc. Social media also promotes communication and makes them knowledgeable about things
happening all over the world.
However, the researcher also found out that the culture of young persons can be
maintained despite the use of social media by motivating the youths to attend their religious
places of worship and to engage themselves in family activities etc.
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Mohammed, J. & Luengo, A. (2007). Caribbean Studies. Oxford: Macmillan
Reid, B, R. & Hall, B. (2002). Caribbean Studies Module I-III. Jamaica:
Caribbean Educational Publisher
Caribbean Examinations Council. (2014). Caribbean Studies for self and distance
learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Rosebury, (2014). The Effect of Social Networking upon Society. TeenInk.
Retrieved 28 September 2017 from the World Wide Web -Effects-Of-
McGillivray, N. (2015, October 12). What are the effects of social media on
Turbo Future. Retrieved 28 September 2017 from the World Wide Web.
Hess, P. (2014, September 12). The Power Social Media has over Teen Lives. The
Retrieved 28 September 2017 from the World Wide Web
Bullas, J. (2013). Why do you use social media? The New York Times.
Retrieved 28 September 2017 from the World Wide Web.
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Yugdarshani OBrien
26 | P a g e
Yugdarshani OBrien
Dear Respondent,
My name is Yugdarshani OBrien and I am currently a sixth form student of Saraswati Vidya
Niketan. For the CAPE Caribbean Studies Internal Assessment, I am doing a research on the
impacts of social media on the youths of Windsor Forest. For the purpose of this study, the
geographical area was limited to the village of Windsor Forest.
The following questionnaire will require you to provide detailed answers in a few of the
questions and others by placing an asterisk (*) in the box provided. In order to ensure that
all the information will remain confidential, please do not include your name.
Participation is strictly voluntary and you may refuse to participate at any time. If you
choose to participate in this project, please answer all of the questions as honestly as
possible and return the completed questionnaires as soon as possible.
Thank you for taking the time to assist me in my educational endeavors.
Yours Sincerely,
Yugdarshani OBrien
27 | P a g e
Yugdarshani OBrien
1) What is your gender?
Male Female
2) Which ethnic group do you belong to?
Chinese Europeans
East Indians Amerindians
Africans Portuguese
3) What is your age range?
10 13 18 20
14 17 21 +
4) Do you have any social media accounts?
Yes No
If yes, please specify. ________________________________________________
5) Which social media do you think is most commonly used by the youths of today?
Facebook Snapchat
Instagram Twitter
If others, please specify. ______________________________________________
6) Approximately, how much time do you spend social media on a daily basis?
1 hour 3 hours
2 hours 4+ hours
7) Why do you think that the youths engage themselves with social media?
To keep up with current issues, trends etc.
For entertainment purposes
Keep in touch with friends / relatives
Make themselves well known / popular
If others, please specify. ______________________________________________
8) What kind of overall impact do you think social media has on the behaviour of the
youths in Windsor Forest?
Negative Both positive and negative
Positive Neither
28 | P a g e
Yugdarshani OBrien
10) Do you think that restrictions should be put in place by parents to limit the use of
social media?
Yes No
Give reason (s) for your answer.
11) What are some of the ways in which social media has influenced the lives of
youths in Windsor Forest negatively?
Decreased productivity
The disability to think independently
Little or no privacy
A false sense of connection
12) How has the use of social media interfered with the culture of the youths?
Religion Music
Dressing style Mannerisms
If others, please state. ________________________________________________
13) Based on your personal experience, how has the use of social media benefitted
you, if you are using it?
14) What do you think can be done to discourage the youths from spending most of
their time on social media?
15) Do you think that the use of social media affects the society as a whole? State
Thank you for your co-operation
29 | P a g e
Yugdarshani OBrien
Dear Respondent,
My name is Yugdarshani OBrien and I am currently a sixth form student of Saraswati Vidya
Niketan. For the CAPE Caribbean Studies Internal Assessment, I am doing a research on the
impacts of social media on the youths of Windsor Forest. For the purpose of this study, the
geographical area was limited to the village of Windsor Forest.
The following questionnaire will require you to provide detailed answers in a few of the
questions and others by placing an asterisk (*) in the box provided. In order to ensure that
all the information will remain confidential, please do not include your name.
Participation is strictly voluntary and you may refuse to participate at any time. If you
choose to participate in this project, please answer all of the questions as honestly as
possible and return the completed questionnaires as soon as possible.
Thank you for taking the time to assist me in my educational endeavors.
Yours Sincerely,
Yugdarshani OBrien
30 | P a g e
Yugdarshani OBrien
1) What is your gender?
Male Female
2) Which ethnic group do you belong to?
Chinese Europeans
East Indians Amerindians
Africans Portuguese
3) What is your age range?
10 13 18 20
14 17 21 +
4) Do you have any social media accounts?
Yes No
If yes, please specify. ________________________________________________
5) Which social media do you think is most commonly used by the youths of today?
Facebook Snapchat
Instagram Twitter
If others, please specify. ______________________________________________
6) Approximately, how much time do you spend social media on a daily basis?
1 hour 3 hours
2 hours 4+ hours
7) Why do you think that the youths engage themselves with social media?
To keep up with current issues, trends etc.
For entertainment purposes
Keep in touch with friends / relatives
Make themselves well known / popular
If others, please specify. ______________________________________________
8) What kind of overall impact do you think social media has on the behaviour of the
youths in Windsor Forest?
Negative Both positive and negative
Positive Neither
31 | P a g e
Yugdarshani OBrien
10) Do you think that restrictions should be put in place by parents to limit the use of
social media?
Yes No
Give reason (s) for your answer.
11) What are some of the ways in which social media has influenced the lives of
youths in Windsor Forest negatively?
Decreased productivity
The disability to think independently
Little or no privacy
A false sense of connection
12) How has the use of social media interfered with the culture of the youths?
Religion Music
Dressing style Mannerisms
If others, please state. ________________________________________________
13) Based on your personal experience, how has the use of social media benefitted
you, if you are using it?
14) What do you think can be done to discourage the youths from spending most of
their time on social media?
15) Do you think that the use of social media affects the society as a whole? State
Thank you for your co-operation
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Yugdarshani OBrien
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Yugdarshani OBrien
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Yugdarshani OBrien
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