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Article history: The sintering behavior of neodymium doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) ceramics was investi-
Received 14 January 2015 gated on the basis of densication trajectory, microstructure evolution and transmittance. Nd:YAG
Received in revised form 27 April 2015 ceramics with in-line transmittance of 83.9% at 1064 nm and 82.5% at 400 nm were obtained by direct
Accepted 4 May 2015
cold isostatic pressing (CIP) at 250 MPa and solid-state reactive sintering at 1790 C for 30 h under vac-
Available online 28 May 2015
uum. Compared with the porosity and the average pore diameter of the sample from uniaxial
dry-pressing followed by CIP, those from direct CIP are much smaller. The samples pressed at 250 MPa
were sintered from 1500 C to 1750 C for 0.520 h to study their sintering behavior. At the temperature
Nd:YAG ceramics
Cold isostatic pressing
higher than 1500 C, pure YAG phase is formed, followed by the densication and grain growth process.
Shrinkage The relative density and the grain size increase with the increase of sintering time and temperature, and
Densication trajectory the sintering behavior is more sensitive to temperature than holding time. The mechanism controlling
Microstructure evolution densication and grain growth at sintering temperature of 1550 C is grain boundary diffusion.
2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction formation occurs during sintering [25]. The merits of the SSR pro-
cess is that commercially available powders can be used, and thus
Transparent yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O12) materi- it is easier to implement for materials requiring dopants [26].
als are the most widely used laser gain hosts in solid-state lasers Nevertheless, numerous parameters of the fabrication process
[14]. After being doped with different rare-earth ions (Nd3+, for transparent ceramics using the reactive sintering route must
Yb3+, Eu3+, Er3+, Tm3+), YAG based solid-state lasers occupy a be controlled. The choice and treatment of starting powders [27
prominent place among different kinds of elds, such as advanced 30], the category and the amount of sintering aids [26,31,32], the
laser weapon, manufactory industry and medical treatment [511]. ball milling process [33], the forming method [3444], the sinter-
Among these rare-earth ions, Nd3+ isthemost common optically ing trajectory [45,46], the post-treatment process [47,48], and
active element dopant [1216]. For a long time, it was considered characterizations of laser ceramics [4951] have been widely stud-
the Nd:YAG single crystal conventionally grown by the Czochralski ied. In terms of the forming technologies, uniaxial dry-pressing,
method to be excellent laser host material, although it has several uniaxial dry-pressing followed by cold isostatic pressing (CIP)
limitations [1719]. In recent years, Nd:YAG ceramics have [3438], tape casting [3942], gel casting [43], and slip casting
attracted much attention owing to their exible structural design- [44] are widely used for green body preparation. Among these
ing and excellent laser properties. Many potential advantages of methods, uniaxial dry-pressing followed by CIP is the most popular
laser ceramics compared to single crystals have been cited multiple one to fabricate Nd:YAG transparent ceramics. However, the
times in literatures [2024], earliest by Ikesue et al. [25]. heterogeneity caused by the uniaxial dry-pressing may lead to
The solid state reaction (SSR) and wet chemical process are the the uneven distribution of density for the green body, which may
most important methods for synthesizing YAG. Ikesue et al.s work even not be eliminated effectively by the post cold isostatic press-
demonstrates the SSR approach is a process in which Al2O3 and ing. In order to improve the uniformity of the density and obtain
Y2O3 powders are mixed in stoichiometric amounts and phase ceramics with homogeneous microstructure, direct CIP is worth
to be used due to its isotropic pressure. To the best of our knowl-
edge, no Nd:YAG ceramics obtained by direct CIP without uniaxial
Corresponding authors. Tel.: +86 21 52412816; fax: +86 21 52413903.
dry-pressing were reported before.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Li), [email protected] (Y. Pan).
0925-3467/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
26 L. Ge et al. / Optical Materials 50 (2015) 2531
2. Experimental
Table 1
Pore characteristic of the green bodies under different molding methods.
Fig. 6. SEM micrographs of Nd:YAG ceramics sintered at (a) 1500 C, (b) 1550 C, (c) 1600 C, (d) 1650 C, (e) 1700 C and (f) 1750 C for 2 h.
Fig. 7. Inuence of different CIP pressures on the densitygrain size trajectories. Fig. 8. Relative density and grain size of Nd:YAG ceramics versus sintering time at
1550 C.
dense samples, whose grain size increases rapidly with the
increase of temperature (Figs. 6df and 7). It indicates that the nal sintered at 1550 C for various hours were studied, as can be seen
densication stage of Nd:YAG ceramics is accompanied by signi- in Figs. 8 and 9. For the sample sintered for 0.5 h, lots of pores are
cant grain growth. In addition, at the same sintering temperature, gathered at grain boundaries. With the increase of holding time,
the relative density and grain size of the sample cold isostatically the pores are removed gradually and separated by the dense
pressed at 250 MPa are larger than that at 150 MPa or 50 MPa regions, and the densication rated decreases. However, there
(Fig. 7). are still some pores existing at grain boundaries even when
Pure Nd:YAG phase is fully formed when the temperature is the holding is as long as 20 h. It can be highlighted that the densi-
increased to 1500 C (Fig. 5). Densication behavior of the samples cation behavior seems to be more sensitive to the sintering
L. Ge et al. / Optical Materials 50 (2015) 2531 29
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