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Conditionals Practice: Advanced Program AV 04

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AV 04


NAME: _______________________________________________________________________

First Conditional Exercise Put the verb into 18. We __________________ (be) late if we
the correct first conditional form: __________________ (not / hurry).
1. If I __________________ (go) out tonight, I 19. She __________________ (take) a taxi if
__________________ (go) to the cinema. it __________________ (rain).
2. If you __________________ (get) back 20. I __________________ (not / go) if you
late, I __________________ (be) angry. __________________ (not / come) with me
3. If we __________________ (not / see)
each other tomorrow, we Second Conditional Exercise Second
__________________ (see) each other next Conditionals - put the verb into the correct
week. tense:
4. If he __________________ (come), I 1. If I _________________ (be) you, I
__________________ (be) surprised. _________________ (get) a new job.
5. If we __________________ (wait) here, we 2. If he _________________ (be) younger, he
__________________ (be) late. _________________ (travel) more.
6. If we __________________ (go) on holiday 3. If we _________________ (not / be)
this summer, we __________________ (go) friends, I _________________ (be) angry with
to Spain. you.
7. If the weather __________________ (not / 4. If I _________________ (have) enough
improve), we __________________ (not / money, I _________________ (buy) a big
have) a picnic. house.
8. If I __________________ (not / go) to bed 5. If she _________________ (not / be)
early, I __________________ (be) tired always so late, she _________________ (be)
tomorrow. promoted.
9. If we __________________ (eat) all this 6.. If we _________________ (win) the
cake, we __________________ (feel) sick. lottery, we _________________ (travel) the
10. If you __________________ (not / want) world.
to go out, I __________________ (cook) 7. If you _________________ (have) a better
dinner at home. job, we _________________ (be) able to buy
11. I __________________ (come) early if a new car
you __________________ (want). 8. If I _________________ (speak) perfect
12. They __________________ (go) to the English, I _________________ (have) a good
party if they __________________ (be) job.
invited. 9. If we _________________ (live) in Mexico,
13. She __________________ (stay) in I _________________ (speak) Spanish.
London if she __________________ (get) a 10. If she _________________ (pass) the
job. exam, she _________________ (be) able to
14. He __________________ (not / get) a enter university.
better job if he __________________ (not / 11. She _________________ (be) happier if
pass) that exam. she _________________ (have) more friends.
15. I __________________ (buy) a new dress 12. We _________________ (buy) a house if
if I __________________ (have) enough we _________________ (decide) to stay
money. here.
16. She __________________ (cook) dinner if 13. They _________________ (have) more
you __________________ (go) to the money if they _________________ (not /
supermarket. buy) so many clothes
17. They __________________ (go) on 14. We _________________ (come) to dinner
holiday if they __________________ (have) if we _________________ (have) time.
15. She _________________ (call) him if she 16. He ______________ (take) a taxi if he
_________________ (know) his number. ______________ (have) enough money.
16. They _________________ (go) to Spain 17. I ______________ (call) you if I
on holiday if they _______________ (like) hot ______________ (not / forget) my phone.
weather. 18. We ______________ (come) if we
17. She _________________ (pass) the exam ______________ (be) invited.
if she _________________ (study) more. 19. She ______________ (not / do) it if she
18. I _________________ (marry) someone ______________ (know) you were ill.
famous if I _________________ (be) a movie 20. He ______________ (be) on time if he
star. ______________ (leave) earlier.
19. We never _________________ (be) late
again if we _________________ (buy) a new Conditional exercise (first / second / third
car. conditionals)
20. You _________________ (lose) weight if 1. (First conditional) If we
you _________________ (eat) less. __________________ (not / work) harder,
we __________________ (not pass) the
Third Conditionals Put in the correct third exam.
conditional verb form: 2. (Third conditional) If the students
1. If you ______________ (not / be) late, we __________________ (not be) late for the
______________ (not / miss) the bus. exam, they __________________ (pass).
2. If she ______________ (study), she 3. (Third conditional) If the weather
______________ (pass) the exam. __________________ (not be) so cold, we
3. If we ______________ (arrive) earlier, we __________________ (go) to the beach.
______________ (see) John. 4. (Second conditional) If she
4. If they ______________ (go) to bed early, __________________ (have) her laptop with
they ______________ (not / wake) up late. her, she __________________ (email) me.
5. If he ______________ (become) a 5. (First conditional) If she
musician, he ______________ (record) a CD. __________________ (not go) to the
6. If she ______________ (go) to art school, meeting, I __________________ (not go)
she ______________ (become) a painter. either.
7. If I ______________ (be) born in a 6. (Third conditional) If the baby
different country, I ______________ (learn) __________________ (sleep) better last
to speak a different language. night, I __________________ (not be) so
8. If she ______________ (go) to university, tired.
she ______________ (study) French. 7. (First conditional) If the teacher
9. If we ______________ (not / go) to the __________________ (give) us lots of
party, we ______________ (not / meet) homework this weekend, I
them. __________________ (not be) happy.
10. If he ______________ (take) the job, he 8. (Second conditional) If Lucy
______________ (not / go) travelling. __________________ (have) enough time,
11. He ______________ (be) happier if he she __________________ (travel) more.
______________ (stay) at home. 9. (First conditional) If the children
12. She ______________ (pass) the exam if __________________ (not eat) soon, they
she ______________ (study) harder. __________________ (be) grumpy.
13. We ______________ (not / get) married if 10. (First conditional) If I
we ______________ (not / go) to the same __________________ (not go) to bed soon, I
university. __________________ (be) tired in the
14. They ______________ (be) late if they morning.
______________ (not / take) a taxi. 11. (Second conditional) If I
15. She ______________ (not / meet) him if __________________ (want) a new car, I
she ______________ (not / come) to London. __________________ (buy) one.
12. (Second conditional) If Jos 9: If you mix water and electricity
__________________ (not speak) good _____________________________________
French, he __________________ (not move) 10: If she hadnt stayed at home
to Paris. _____________________________________
13. (First conditional) If John 11: If I go out tonight___________________
__________________ (drink) too much 12: If I were on holiday today
coffee, he __________________ (get) ill. _____________________________________
14. (Third conditional) If we 13: If I had listened to my mother
__________________ (tidy) our flat, we _____________________________________
__________________ (not lose) our keys. 14: If I hadnt eaten so much
15. (Third conditional) If Luke _____________________________________
__________________ (not sent) flowers to 15: If it rains later
his mother, she __________________ (not _____________________________________
be) happy. 16: If I were British
16. (Second conditional) If the children _____________________________________
__________________ (be) in bed, I 17: If I were the opposite sex
__________________ (be able to) have a _____________________________________
bath. 18: If I have enough money
17. (Second conditional) If you _____________________________________
__________________ (not be) so stubborn, 19: If you dont wear a coat in the winter
we __________________ (not have) so many ___________________________________
arguments! 20: If I werent studying English
18. (Third conditional) If Julie _____________________________________
__________________ (not go) to Sweden,
she __________________ (go) to Germany.
19. (First conditional) If she
__________________ (go) to the library, she
__________________ (study) more.
20. (Third conditional) If we
__________________ (not have) an
argument, we __________________ (not be)

Conditionals Finish the sentences with a

clause in the correct conditional:
1: If it is sunny tomorrow
2: If you sit in the sun too long
3: If I were you
4: If I were the Prime Minister
5: If she had studied harder
6: If I won the lottery
7: If I hadnt gone to bed so late
8: If I hadnt come to London

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