Pipe Thread Size
Pipe Thread Size
Pipe Thread Size
By Paul Nelson
Am I the only person who has ever been confused by the turned into the fitting so that the fitting is tight. This can be
mysterious system of determining threaded pipe size? I ex- done by wrapping masking tape around the pipe to mark the
pect not. A few years ago, when restoring my first tractor, I correct engagement depth before inserting the pipe into the
would go to a hardware store thinking I knew what size fit- fitting and tightening it.
ting to get and, upon returning home, discovered I had
bought the wrong size. My error was in assuming that the
physical diameter of the fitting or opening was equal to pipe
thread size. Wrong!
In restoring Ferguson and other tractors one encounters
pipe thread size issues with oil line fittings, oil passage
plugs, water temperature gauge connections, radiator and
engine block drain cocks, and even auxiliary hydraulics.
I ran across some helpful information some time back that
Male Pipe Threads: Measure the outside diameter of
made a lot of sense and I have decided to pass it along to
the large portion of the thread at A and then find the fig-
others who may have experienced some of the same confu-
sion and occasional frustration that I have. ure nearest this dimension in column 1 or 2 of the chart
below. The dimension in column 3 will be your nominal
Common pipe thread sizes pipe thread size.
Two common pipe thread sizes exist: Female Pipe Threads: Measure the top diameter at B.
NPT - the tapered National Pipe Thread Find the number nearest this dimension in column 1 or 2
of the chart below. The dimension in Column 3 will be
NPSM - the straight National Standard Free-Fitting your nominal pipe thread size.
Straight Mechanical Pipe Thread
Tapered threads are for joining and sealing; straight Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
threads are only for joining.
OD Frac- Decimal Pipe Thread Normal Threads
Other pipe thread sizes include tion Engage-
(in inches) Size Per
ment for
(in inches)
NPTF - this Dry-seal thread allows for joining without (A or B) tight joint Inch
(A or B)
sealants. (C)